Extrusion Method of Tube With Spiral Inner

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CIRP-1756; No. of Pages 4

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

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An extrusion method of tube with spiral inner fins by utilizing

generation of spiral outer fins/grooves
Takashi Kuboki (2)*, Michiaki Ishikawa, Shohei Kajikawa, Makoto Murata
The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofu Gaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan


Keywords: This paper presents a new extrusion method for fabrication of a tube with spiral inner fins. The spiral fins
Metal forming
are formed by utilizing the generation of spiral outer fins or grooves, which drive the metal to
circumferentially move with twist deformation. The effect of the outer fins/grooves is examined for
realizing the circumferential metal flow. The position of the mandrel has an ability to flexibly control the
spiral angle. This method would drastically enhance the productivity and reduce the manufacturing cost,
as the tube would be manufactured directly from a billet through only one process.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of CIRP.

1. Introduction proposed an extrusion method for spiral fin tubes with a complicated

mechanism using a clay billet [8]. However, the method is too
Tubes with spiral inner fins, which are concisely called “spiral complex to realise for metal billets. Khalifa et al. developed a new
fin tubes” here, are one of the important and useful components in process called helical profile extrusion (HPE), which could fabricate a
industry. The spiral fin tubes are used in chemical plants, electric solid bar with three large protrusions [9].
devices and so on. The representative tubes are shown in Fig. 1(a) This paper presents a new extrusion method for fabrication of
and (b). The tubes with large inner fins accelerate chemical spiral fin tubes. The method utilizes the generation of spiral outer fins
reactions in the chemical industry, as the area of the tube inner or grooves, which drive the metal to circumferentially move.
surface is large. They are used in petroleum refineries, for example. Schematic illustrations of the tubes are shown in Fig. 1(c) and (d).
The tubes with small inner fins enhance the heat change efficiency The tube with outer fins would be used in commercial refrigeration
when they are mounted in air conditioners and refrigerators. The and air conditioning equipment that need high heat change
small fins enlarge the contact area between the tube material and efficiency. The tubes with outer grooves would be used in air
the fluid inside, and affect the fluid flow for higher heat transfer [1]. conditioners, where the tubes are connected with flat sheet metals
The spiral fin tubes are conventionally manufactured by many and outer fins should not exist. Moreover, the possibility of flexible
forming processes. In the case of copper tubes, the tubes are control of the spiral angle is also examined as shown in Fig. 1(e). The
manufactured by extrusion, pilger rolling, drawing and ball spin proposed extrusion method would drastically enhance the produc-
forming with a spiral plug inside the tube [2]. Some engineers tivity and reduce the manufacturing cost, as the spiral fin tube would
proposed a new method that twists a tube, which is formed in ball be manufactured directly from a billet through only one process.
spin forming with a straight plug inside [3]. In any case, a number
of processes are needed, and it leads to the problem of low
productivity and high manufacturing cost. In the case of cold
forging, new processes have been developed for manufacturing
helical solid parts with large teeth for gears [4].
The development trend of new extrusion processes could solve
the problem. Conventional processes have the limit that the cross-
section of the extruded tubes are completely uniform. New processes
have started to break through the limit. A new extrusion method with
a tapered mandrel can flexibly change the thickness in the
longitudinal direction [5]. Another process is proposed for extending
the flexibility over the length in the composite extrusion [6]. A new
method by Takatsuji et al. succeeded in fabricating a spiral angle up to
7.5 using a rotatable plug in the extrusion [7]. Shiraishi et al.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Kuboki). Fig. 1. Tubes with inner fins.

0007-8506/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of CIRP.

Please cite this article in press as: Kuboki T, et al. An extrusion method of tube with spiral inner fins by utilizing generation of spiral outer
fins/grooves. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2018.04.023
G Model
CIRP-1756; No. of Pages 4

2 T. Kuboki et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

2. New extrusion method and fundamental mechanism help of the spiral grooves/fins on the die. This phenomenon
without the die grooves/fins is confirmed by the authors’ previous
2.1. Extrusion method using a die with grooves/fins research [10]. However, the fabrication of small fins is also needed
in industry, and then a more effective extrusion method is
Fig. 2 shows schematic illustrations for extrusion set-up and demanded. In order to meet the demand, this paper proposes a
tools, and Fig. 3 shows the tool geometries. The unique point of the new method which adds the die grooves/fins for twisting the tube
proposed method is that the die has spiral grooves/fins for by generating outer fins/grooves.
Table 1 shows the standard extrusion condition in this paper. Lead
billets were used, as lead is a representative material for simulating
hot extrusion or other hot forming of metals. The mandrel position
Hm was set to be equal to the die bearing length Ld.
The shapes of die grooves/fins are shown in Fig. 4. Three types of
die grooves or fins were prepared. A trapezoid was used for
examination of the mechanism of twisting metal flow.

Fig. 2. Composition of experimental set-up and tools.

Fig. 4. Shapes of die fins and grooves.

2.2. Preliminary examination using the finite element method

The finite element method (FEM) was carried out for

examination of the effect of the die groove for driving metal to
flow in the circumferential way. Elastic–plastic analysis was
carried out using the commercial code ELFEN, which was
developed by Rockfield Software Limited, Swansea. A von Mises’
yield criterion was adopted, and the normality principle was
applied to the flow rule. Constraints were dealt with by the penalty
function method. A dynamic explicit scheme and adaptive mesh
Fig. 3. Tool geometries.
were applied. 3-node triangle elements were employed.
The analysis was conducted in plane strain, which assumed
Table 1
longitudinal strain is zero. The inside surface of the material was
Standard extrusion condition.
constrained and the rotational displacement was given to the die as
Items Parameters Values and details shown in Fig. 5. The model roughly estimates torque, which can be
Billet Material Special pure lead generated by different fin or groove geometries. In the actual
(Pb > 99.99 mass%) extrusion, on the other hand, the tube is extruded between the
Outer diameter Dbx/mm 35 constrained die and mandrel in 3-dimensional manner. However,
Inner diameter Dbi/mm 20
Initial length Lb/mm 55
the analysis qualitatively and relatively shows the roles of the die
grooves and fins. The die groove/fin shapes are the same to those in
Die Number of grooves Nd 10
Table 1. The material is assumed lead.
Spiral angle ad/ 30
Diameter Dref/mm 11
Groove/fin shape Triangle
Groove/fin width wd/mm 0.58–1.15
Groove/fin height hd/mm 0.25–1.0
Bearing length Ld/mm 8

Mandrel Number of grooves Nm 30

Diameter Dm/mm 8.8
Spiral angle am/ 30
Groove shape Semicircle
wm  hm/mm 0.25  0.1
Mandrel-tip position Hm/mm Equal to Ld (=8 mm) Fig. 5. Dimension in FEM model for evaluating die groove/fin effect.

Others Ram velocity vr/mm s 0.1
Extrusion ratio Rex 9.8–18.6 (depending Fig. 6 shows the relationship between rotation angle and
on fin/groove size) torque, and the effect of die groove/fin shape on the relationship.
Fig. 7 shows the magnified view of deformation under the
conditions which are denoted by “a1” . . . “c4” in Fig. 6. The torque
generation of fins/grooves on the outer surface of the tube just as increases with increase of rotation angle. Torque increases with
the mandrel has spiral grooves for fabrication of spiral fins on the increase of die groove width wd and height hd for the triangle die
tube inner surface. If the mandrel grooves were large enough, the groove as shown in Fig. 6(a). This would be attributed to increase of
mandrel grooves would twist the tube to some extent without the equivalent strain by shear deformation, which is observed at the

Please cite this article in press as: Kuboki T, et al. An extrusion method of tube with spiral inner fins by utilizing generation of spiral outer
fins/grooves. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2018.04.023
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