Additive Manufacturing

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Materials and Manufacturing National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Additive Manufacturing
Pioneering Affordable Aerospace Manufacturing

Rapidly evolving digital tools, such as additive systems design and other aerospace materials
manufacturing, are the leading edge of a revo- to meet NASA mission and industry needs. At-A-Glance
lution in the design and manufacture of space Marshall is helping establish the standards Propulsion system development requires
systems that enables rapid prototyping and and qualifications from art to part for the new, more affordable manufacturing tech-
reduces production times. Marshall has unique use of these advanced techniques and the niques and technologies in a constrained
expertise in leveraging new digital tools, 3D parts produced using them in aerospace or budget environment, while future in-space
printing, and other advanced manufacturing elsewhere in the U.S. industrial base. applications will require in-space manu-
technologies and applying them to propulsion facturing and assembly of parts and
systems. Marshall is advancing cutting-
edge commercial capabilities in additive
and digital manufacturing and applying
them to aerospace challenges. The Center
is developing the standards by which new
manufacturing processes and parts will be
tested and qualified.

Selective laser melting

enables faster and cheaper
component development.

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center | Core Capabilities and Services

Accelerating Design and Development Additive Manufacturing technology for plastics includes:

for Plastics and Metals Stereo-lithography: often used for flow cell models and cold flow
testing, as the parts are water resistant and can be made see-through
As designers harness the capabilities of Additive Manufacturing, the way to channels inside:
they think is changing. The ability to rapidly create and test prototypes
Fused Deposition Modeling: an extrusion-based technology that is
saves significant time, as design concepts can quickly advance from
gravity-independent and holds potential for development of in-space
drawings to test articles. A propulsion system sub-assembly that previ-
ously required multiple welds might now be 3D printed as one piece and
test-fired in less time and at much less cost than traditional manufac-
Additive Manufacturing technology for metals includes:
turing. A combination of experienced engineers and in-house resources
enables Marshall to take a project from conception through manufac- Selective Laser Melting (Direct Metal Laser Sintering)
turing, finishing, and testing, resulting in flight-ready hardware and/or Electron Beam Melting
proven processes for use by partners during full-scale production.
Marshalls capabilities for 3D printing metals includes titanium,
As Additive Manufacturing first emerged in 1990, Marshall used one of the aluminum, Inconel and other nickel alloys widely used in aerospace
first printers for rapid prototyping. Today, the Center is using state-of-the-art manufacturing.
3D printers that work with a variety of plastics and metals.
Additive Manufacturing For Space
Additive Manufacturing is a key technology for enhancing space vehicle
designs and enabling affordable missions. The additively manufactured
components ability to withstand extreme temperatures and highly pres-
surized environments could bring significant time and cost savings for
propulsion systems. Marshalls current focus is on the future affordability
of SLS engines, and on evaluating additively manufactured components
for use in potential methane-based human in space and lander propul-
sion systems

Marshall teams are testing the characteristics of additively manufactured

turbopumps, injectors and other engine components. Tests have eval-
uated 3D printed parts with engine thrust class and propellants within
performance parameters applicable to configurations of the SLS to the
in-space propulsion requirements of landers. These efforts are paving the
way for advancement of 3D printing of complex rocket engines and more
efficient production of future spacecraft.

This rocket engine fuel pump has hundreds of parts including

a turbine that spins at over 90,000 rpm. This turbopump was
made with additive manufacturing and had 45 per cent fewer
parts than pumps made with traditional manufacturing.
Additive Manufacturing In Space Digital Scanning for Manufacturing
While new spacecraft and propulsion technologies promise higher Marshall houses a complete suite of digital manufacturing and support
payload capacities and fuel efficiencies, in-space manufacturing can capabilities, including Structured Light Scanning, Non-Destructive
reduce the energy required to move a large amount of mass into space. Evaluation, Manufacturing Simulation, Manufacturing Planning and
Marshall is leading efforts to demonstrate 3D printing technology in orbit Execution, and inspection and machining technologies.
the first step toward harnessing resources at an exploration site, also
known as in-situ resource utilization. Structured Light Scanning is used to evaluate parts produced by 3D
printers or other methods. With this technology, additively manufacture
In-situ resource utilization, whether on orbit or at exploration destinations, hardware can be accurately measured and compared to the original
is a critical need for future long-duration and deep-space missions. It can computer design. Marshall teams working on two Orion Multipurpose
take months or even years, depending on the launch resupply schedule, Crew Vehicle Stage Adapters used it to determine the precise cuts of
to get equipment to space, and for exploration missions, resupply from large panels to shape the 18-foot-diameter cone. These technologies
Earth may be impossible. saved millions of dollars on custom tooling.

The International Space Stations 3D printer, receiving commands from Structured Light Scanning technology includes:
the Payload Operations Integration Center, has manufactured the first One Blue Light Triple Scan and other Blue Light 3D Scanners
3D printed object in space, paving the way to future long-term space
White Light 3D Scanners

The capability allows for scanning almost anything, from items smaller
Regolith, the fine dust covering the moon, Mars, or other destination, can
than a dime to the size of a Boeing 747. It has been used to scan
be a material source for 3D printing. Marshall scientists and engineers
are studying the processes for and properties of construction material 40-foot-diameter barrel sections of a space shuttle external tank and
made from in-situ resources. Space Launch System tank sections. The technique was also used to
scan heritage F-1 engines, and the scans were then used to fabricate
needed tooling to disassemble the engine for testing.

Scanning works in concert with other digital manufacturing techniques

such as manufacturing simulation to identify and address potential
problems early in the design and production process, saving time
and costly re-tooling or repair. The expertise and software
available at Marshall can provide virtual fit checks, predict
the buildup of material on a surface, reverse engineering,
kinematic analysis, and much more.

Structured Light Scanning of

Orion panels allows extremely
precise fits, saving millions
of dollars on custom tooling.

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center | Core Capabilities and Services

Making Things In Space Will Reduce Future Payload Costs
Spaceflight crews have always had to carry everything they might tool built in space. These parts were returned to Earth in February
need with them or wait weeks or months for a cargo resupply 2015 where they are being studied in comparison to a control group of
mission to bring a replacement for a broken or lost part or tool. As identical parts made on the same printer before it was delivered to the
humans begin to explore the solar system, we must move beyond ISS. The goal of this analysis is to verify that the 3D printing process
dependency on Earth, minimizing logistical requirements to operate works the same in microgravity as it does on Earth.
independently from Earth for extended missions into deep space.
Future plans for Made In Space include exploring the possibilities of
Now, thanks to the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) creating objects, such as nanosatellites, in space and then launching
program, Made In Space and Marshall have begun to bridge the them into low orbit directly from the ISS. Nanosatellites are small
gap in the supply chain between Earth and the International Space shells that can carry any number of technologies or experiments.
Station with a customized 3D printer that can perform in-space Printing these at the ISS could drastically alter the entire realm
manufacturing of tools or parts. The printer uses a process known as of nanosatellites. No longer having to wait for a scheduled launch
additive manufacturing to heat a plastic filament and build it layer by from Earth, and securing the space on that launch to transport the
layer to create the 3 dimensional object specified in the design file. secondary payload with save immensely in both time and resources.
Files can be loaded onto the machine prior to launch or they can be
uploaded to the printer from Earth while it is in orbit. In-space manufacturing is vital for long-duration missions and sustain-
ing human exploration of other planets where there is extremely limited
The Made In Space printer was installed in November 2014 and has ability to resupply Earth-based products.
printed more than 20 items including a wrench, which was the first

Printing needed tools in space can reduce

reliance on resupply missions from Earth.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Learn more about how you can access these capabilities
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center and more provided by Marshall Space Flight Center:
Huntsville, AL 35812
Launching the Future of Science and Exploration


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