Anleitung FreshCon V4 - 0
Anleitung FreshCon V4 - 0
Anleitung FreshCon V4 - 0
User Manual
Rev. 4.00, September 2012
an der Universität Stuttgart
The duplication of this software, including copies offered through sale, loan, rental, or gift is a
violation of international copyright laws.
The software and accompanying documentation are provided “as is” without warranty of any
kind. Further, we do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding use or re-
sults of use of the software or documentation in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, cur-
rentness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is as-
sumed by you.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission by the
Authors: Gerhard Bahr, Markus Krüger
Developers Address:
Table of contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
2 High-voltage precautions ............................................................................................ 5
3 Regularity Notes .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Declaration of Conformity .............................................................................................. 6
4 Software installation .................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 LabVIEW 2011 runtime engine installation ................................................................ 8
4.1.2 USB-Picoscope software installation ......................................................................... 8
4.1.3 USB driver installation for the SmartPULSE device ....................................................... 8
4.1.4 National Instruments 9211A USB temperature device driver installation................... 9
4.1.5 Installation of the FreshCon Software ........................................................................ 9
4.2 FreshCon license ........................................................................................................... 9
4.2.1 FreshCon Software key dialogue ............................................................................... 9
5 System assembly ....................................................................................................... 10
6 Software setup ........................................................................................................... 12
6.1 The main window ......................................................................................................... 12
6.2 The menu bar............................................................................................................... 12
6.3 The Project… item ....................................................................................................... 13
6.3.1 The Open project dialogue ....................................................................................... 13
6.3.2 The New project dialogue ........................................................................................ 14
6.3.3 The Delete project dialogue ..................................................................................... 14
6.4 The Experimental setup… item.................................................................................... 15
6.4.1 The New experimental setup dialogue ..................................................................... 15
6.4.2 The Experimental setup dialogue ............................................................................ 16
6.4.3 The New container dialogue .................................................................................... 17
6.4.4 The New sensor dialogue ........................................................................................ 17
6.4.5 The Delete sensor dialogue ..................................................................................... 17
6.5 The Timing… item........................................................................................................ 18
6.5.1 The Timing setting and dialogue .............................................................................. 18
6.5.2 The New timing setting dialogue .............................................................................. 19
6.6 The DAQ… item........................................................................................................... 20
6.6.1 The DAQ settings dialogue ...................................................................................... 20
6.6.2 The New DAQ settings dialogue .............................................................................. 21
6.7 Pulser… item ............................................................................................................... 22
6.7.1 The Pulser settings dialogue .................................................................................... 22
6.7.2 The New Pulser dialogue ......................................................................................... 22
6.8 The Temperature… item .............................................................................................. 23
6.8.1 The Temperature settings dialogue ......................................................................... 23
6.8.2 The New temperature settings dialogue .................................................................. 23
6.9 Starting a measurement............................................................................................... 24
1 Introduction
The FreshCon 4.00 system was developed by the University of Stuttgart and TTI GmbH – TGU
Smartmote to analyse the setting and hardening of any kind of materials (especially fresh ce-
ment concrete and fresh mortar) by using the ultrasound-analysis. Currently it consists of the
following components:
• Industrial personal computer
• USB data acquisition device (USB-Multifunction-Oscilloscope 4262 with Arbitrary Wave-
form Generator)
• Pulse generator (PIEZOMECHANIK HVP 1000)
• USB pulse trigger module (SmartPULSE)
• At least two ultrasonic broadband piezoelectric sensors (Panametrics V 601 or compa-
• Different cables for connecting the devices
• An optional temperature device (National Instruments 9211 with USB-9162 carrier)
The software for this system was developed with the program LabVIEW 2011 (programming
language G). The FreshCon 4.00 system allows simultaneous data acquisition and online-
analysis. For enhanced analysis functions with already recorded data there is an offline version
SmartPick 1.70 available.
2 High-voltage precautions
The high voltage pulser provides output voltages as high as 1000 Volts under normal operating
conditions, so extreme caution must be employed when using the FreshCon system. The
FreshCon system should only be used by individuals who are thoroughly skilled in high voltage
laboratory techniques. The following precautions should always be observed:
1. Keep exposed high-voltage wiring to an absolute minimum.
2. Wherever possible, use shielded connectors and cabling.
3. Connect and disconnect loads and cables only when the high voltage pulser is turned
4. Keep in mind that all cables, connectors, oscilloscope probes, and loads must have an
appropriate voltage rating.
Do not attempt any repairs on the system components, beyond the fuse replacement proce-
dures described in this manual. Contact Smartmote’s technical support if some of the system
components require servicing.
3 Regularity Notes
The FreshCon system and its components are developed mainly for using it for scientific re-
search in laboratory environments.
The components of the FreshCon system are enclosed in robust chassis and use a filtered
power entry module (where applicable). The main output signal is provided on a shielded con-
nector that is intended to be used with shielded coaxial cabling and a shielded load. Under
these conditions, the interference potential of this instrument is low.
If interference is observed, check that appropriate well-shielded cabling is used on the output
connectors. Contact Smartmote for advice if you are unsure of the most appropriate cabling.
Also, check that the sensors used are adequately shielded. It is necessary to use components,
which are shipped with the FreshCon system only.
If any of the connectors on the high voltage pulser are unused, they should be covered with
shielded metal “dust caps” to reduce the interference potential and to reduce risk of injuries.
This instrument does not normally require regular maintenance to minimize interference poten-
tial. However, if loose hardware or connectors are noted, they should be tightened.
Contact Smartmote if you require assistance.
The National Instruments Germany GmbH, Ganghofer Str. 70b, D-80339 München/Munich,
declare under their sole responsibility that the products
NI 9211 and
NI USB-9162
to which their declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards:
EN61326-2-1 Class A emissions; industrial immunity.
EN55011 Group 1 Class A emissions.
AS/NZS CISPR 11 Group 1 Class A emissions.
FCC 47 CFR Part 15B Class A emissions.
ICES-001 Class A emissions.
4 Software installation
For the installation of the software several programs and drivers from different manufacturers
are necessary.
FreshCon 4.00.exe needs a LabVIEW 2011 runtime engine, if this runtime engine is not in-
stalled on the computer an error will occur.
5 System assembly
Each measurement is controlled by the software FreshCon 4.00, which operates the DAQ-
device (DataAcQuisition device) and the SmartPULSE connected by USB to the PC. The DAQ-
device (USB-Multifunction-Oscilloscope 4262) is used for logging data of two input channels
simultaneously. The data acquisition is triggered by the SmartPULSE device.
With version 4.00 of the FreshCon system we have introduced a system setup that only re-
quires a PC with MS Windows XP (or MS Windows 7) and two USB ports. One USB port is
used for the SmartPULSE device, the other one for the USB-Multifunction-Oscilloscope 4262.
Due to the fact that the new DAQ device now has 16 bit amplitude resolution and an enhanced
range of preamplification settings the preamplifier used in the former versions of the FreshCon
system is no longer required. If the optional temperature device is used another USB port is
The SmartPULSE device is designed to simultaneously trigger the data acquisition of the USB-
Multifunction-Oscilloscope 4262 and the high voltage pulser HVP 1000. The pulse duration is
selectable by the FreshCon software. Therefore, please connect the “Trigger Out DAQ” BNC
output connector to the “EXT” input connector of the USB-Multifunction-Oscilloscope 4262 as
well as the “Trigger Out Pulser” BNC output connector to the “MOD.IN” input connector of the
HVP Pulser.
The USB-Multifunction-Oscilloscope 4262 has got two input connectors (A and B) for directly
connecting two transducers. The sockets and the experimental setup will be explained in the
following. Up to now it is recommended to follow these instructions accurately. Otherwise mis-
cellaneous results can occur.
To the PIEZO sockets of the high voltage pulser one of the transducers for each container has
to be connected. If two measurement containers are to be connected and your system is not
equipped by factory with two PIEZO sockets you additionally have to use the T-type BNC con-
nector provided with the system.
Note: The transducers provided with the FreshCon system are designed to operate with
input signals in a range of at most 900 Volts! So never use voltages greater than 850
volts to prevent damage of the transducer!
Fig. 1: System components (components might look different due to user specific cus-
6 Software setup
Fig. 2: The main window of the graphical user interface (FreshCon software)
• DAQ...,
• Pulser…
• Temperature….
The Measure menu contains the items
• Start
• Stop.
The Windows menu contains the items
• Time channel 1
• Velocity channel 1
• Time channel 2
• Velocity channel 2
• Temperature.
The Help menu contains the item
• FreshCon license...
The most important items of the menu bar are also available via controls in the upper part of
the main window and can be used alternatively to the menu items.
There is an optional calibrated isolation container for the FreshCon system available, in which
the predefined amount of 1575 g concrete or mortar mixture can be filled. The container is
made for measuring the temperature without any external influences like the changing of the
ambient temperature. For example, one can measure with one channel the temperature of the
environment, with another channel the temperature of the mixture in the PMMA FreshCon con-
tainer and last the temperature in the isolated container and compare them.
The temperature is written in an ASCII file in the result directory with the file extension .tem.
Note: After starting the first measurement it is not any longer possible to change or
modify the settings of the running experiment.
If the measurement is running it can be aborted with the push button
• Stop
on the Main window or with the item Stop from the Measure menu. If the measurement is not
aborted a dialog window indicating the End of measurement will appear after the last meas-
urement was done.
AKAIKE, H.: A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE transactions on automatic control,
vol. AC-19, no. 6, 1974.
KURZ, J.H.; GROßE, C.U.; REINHARDT, H.W.: Strategies for reliable automatic onset time picking of
acoustic emissions and of ultrasound signals in concrete. Ultrasonics, vol. 43, pp. 538 - 546, 2005.
1 ( )
( )= ⋅
( )= ( ) + ( )
( )= ⋅ log ( , 1) +( − − 1) ⋅ log (1 + , )
In FreshCon V4.00 the p-wave onset picker is located in the lower part of the Time signal
channel 1 window, it shows the envelope time function (white) and its corresponding AIC func-
tion (red). The yellow cursor indicates the point where the specified threshold level is exceed-
ed. The two gray cursors are related to the preceding and succeeding samples. To change the
AIC parameters, either the values in the input boxes can be changed, or the cursors in the AIC
graph can simply be shifted to the desired values.
To the right of the graph, cursor controls like described for the time signal can be found.
and is displayed in the graph versus the time set in the timing dialogue. Distance, onsettime,
delaytime and the p-wave velocity of the actual measurement are additionally displayed in the
indicator boxes at the left side of the graph.
To the right of the graph, cursor controls like described for the time signal can be found. Addi-
tionally there is a legend control where the color and the style of the curve can be changed by
clicking on this control.
Fig. 11: Placing the Polyimide foil (4), avoid air bubbles.
9 Appendix