Australian Standard: Metal Finishing - Preparation and Pretreatment of Surfaces Part 0: Method Selection Guide
Australian Standard: Metal Finishing - Preparation and Pretreatment of Surfaces Part 0: Method Selection Guide
Australian Standard: Metal Finishing - Preparation and Pretreatment of Surfaces Part 0: Method Selection Guide
0 1997
Australian Standard
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Australian Standard
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee MT/9, Metal Finishing, to supersede AS 1627.0 1977, Metal finishing
Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces, Method 0: Method selection guide for
preparation and pretreatment of steel surfaces.
This Standard is the result of a consensus among Australian and New Zealand
representatives on the Joint Committee to produce it as an Australian Standard.
This Standard is the first part of a series of Standards titled Metal finishing Preparation
and pretreatment of surfaces, and the objective of this revision is to upgrade the guidance
given on the selection and application of the appropriate methods of surface preparation
of metallic materials prior to the application of a protective coating. Other parts in the
series are as follows:
1627.1 Part 1:Cleaning using liquid solvents and alkaline solutions
1627.2 Part 2:Power tool cleaning
1627.3 Part 3:Flame descaling
1627.4 Part 4:Abrasive blast cleaning
1627.5 Part 5:Pickling, descaling and oxide removal
1627.6 Part 6:Chemical conversion treatment of metals
1627.7 Part 7:Hand tool cleaning of metal surfaces
1627.9 Part 9:Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces
(ISO 8501-1:1988)
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1627.10 Part 10: Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces using acid solutions (non-
The Standard covering wash primer pretreatment of metal surfaces (formerly AS 1627.8
which has been withdrawn) is AS 3884 1991, Etch primers (single pack and two-pack)
for pretreating metal surfaces.
In this edition, the appendix which gave examples of surface preparation specifications
has been deleted. Advice on the preparation of coating specifications is given in
AS/NZS 23121994, Guide to the protection of iron and steel against exterior
atmospheric corrosion.
1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 THE PURPOSE OF SURFACE PREPARATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 SCOPE OF STANDARDS IN THE AS 1627 SERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 SPECIFYING SURFACE PREPARATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
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AS 1627.0 1997 4
Australian Standard
Metal finishingPreparation and pretreatment of surfaces
1 SCOPE This Standard gives guidance on the selection of the appropriate methods for
the preparation and pretreatment of metal surfaces prior to the application of a protective
coating. The methods and the related Australian Standards are as follows:
(a) Solvent and alkaline cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.1
(b) Power tool cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.2
(c) Flame descaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.3
(d) Abrasive blast cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.4
(e) Pickling and descaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.5
(f) Chemical conversion treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.6
(g) Hand tool cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.7
(h) Treatment with acid solutions (non-immersion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1627.10
The Standard also makes reference to AS 1627.9, which gives pictorial guidance on
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5 AS 1627.0 1997
2312 Guide to the protection of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric corrosion
B 183 Practice for preparation of low-carbon steel for electroplating
B 242 Practice for preparation of high-carbon steel for electroplating
B 252 Guide for preparation of zinc alloy die castings for electroplating and
conversion coatings
B 253 Guide for preparation of aluminium alloys for electroplating
B 254 Practice for preparation of and electroplating on stainless steel
D 610 Test method for evaluating degree of rusting on painted steel surfaces
8501 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness
8501-1 Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of
steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
Supplement to Part 1: Representative photographic examples of the change of
appearance imparted to steel when blast-cleaned with different abrasives
8501-2 Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized
removal of previous coatings.
SSPC-VIS 1-89 Visual standard for abrasive blast cleaned steel
SSPC-VIS 3 Visual standard for power- and hand-tool cleaned steel
3.1 General The life of a coating is dependent to a considerable extent on the surface
preparation of the substrate metal. The primary purpose of any method of surface
preparation is to produce a surface that is clean and free of any material which may cause
premature failure of the coating. Oil and grease are detrimental to the adhesion of all
coatings and should be removed as completely as is practicable.
The surface preparation for painting should satisfactorily remove any deleterious matter to
enable the priming paint to wet the surface sufficiently to develop adequate adhesion.
Contaminants that promote corrosion, such as chloride salts, sulfate salts, certain metallic
ions, perspiration and moisture, should be completely removed.
Whilst rust and rust scale are particularly detrimental to the performance of any coating,
mill scale is erratic in its effect on the performance of paints. Tightly adhered or intact
mill scale can often be tolerated under paint for mild atmospheric exposure; however, mill
scale should always be removed prior to painting for exposure in severe industrial, marine
or immersion environments, or where primers of low wetting properties are to be used.
3.2 Initial surface condition The amount of work, time and money required to achieve
any degree of surface preparation will depend upon the initial condition of the surface to
be cleaned.
Before commencing any surface finishing process, all gross surface defects including
laminations, deep pitting, saw and guillotine cuts, burrs present on both sides of drilled
holes or cut shapes, sharp edges, undercut areas and gouge marks should be ground flush
or radiused. All welds should have spatter, slag and remnants of welding wire removed
and should be ground to a smooth radius, with no porosity, holes, dags, hooks or
protrusions visible. Oxycut surfaces should be adequately dressed.
If such defects are not removed or ground smooth, it cannot be expected that surface
preparation treatments such as pickling or abrasive blast cleaning will rectify the surface,
as in many cases these treatments will only brighten the surface of the defects, leaving
them more visible. If a prepared surface is to be painted and the paint film is required to
AS 1627.0 1997 6
be tested for pinholes, holidays, cracks and other discontinuities by the high voltage
(brush) method, the presence of any defects referred to in this Clause will interfere with
the test (see AS 3894.1).
In many cases, it is necessary to take into consideration the amount of rust, old coatings,
contamination and pitting present on the surface. Although there are a large number of
initial conditions, they can be divided, for convenience, into eight main surface condition
grades, and arranged in two groups as follows:
(a) New constructions :
(i) Grade A Steel surface covered completely with adherent mill scale with
little, if any, rust.
(ii) Grade B Steel surface which has begun to rust, and from which the mill
scale has begun to flake.
(iii) Grade C Steel surface from which most of the mill scale has rusted away or
from which it can be scraped, but with little pitting visible to the naked eye.
(iv) Grade D Steel surface where the mill scale has rusted away and where
pitting is visible to the naked eye.
NOTE: These descriptions are those given in AS 1627.9 (see Clause 4.9).
(b) Painted constructions :
(i) Grade E Paint top-coat almost intact; some primer may show; rust covers
less than 0.1% of the surface.
(ii) Grade F Paint top-coat somewhat weathered; the primer may be visible and
slight staining or blistering may be present. After stains are wiped off, less
than 1% of area shows rust, blistering, loose mill scale, or loose paint film.
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7 AS 1627.0 1997
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Higher standards of surface preparation generally lead to a longer life for any given
protective system in any given environment. However, the benefits, if any, of longer life
should always be evaluated against the additional cost of the surface preparation, which
can be high. As an example, a coating over a wire-brushed surface containing mill scale
and rust would fail prematurely if subjected to the severe exposure conditions that would
occur at a jetty structure. The additional cost of blast cleaning would be recovered in a
short time because of the resultant increased service life. However, if the steel is to be
used in an enclosed, ventilated building, the additional life to be gained from better
surface preparation may well be beyond the estimated life of the building, and no value
would be obtained from the additional cost of a high standard of surface preparation.
Table 1 gives examples of suitable preparation methods and compatible priming coats for
steel surfaces subject to a range of industrial and atmospheric environments.
NOTE: Recommendations for surface preparation treatments for a wide range of paint and metal
coating systems, and recommendations for the preparation of paint coating specifications, are
given in AS/NZS 2312.
AS 1627.0 1997 8
Compatible priming coats (see Notes 1 and 2)
Typical exposure environment Surface preparation method Inorganic Organic Epoxy High-build Epoxy mastic Chlorinated Alkyd
zinc zinc primer epoxy (see Note 3) rubber primer
Chemical fumes and splash Abrasive blast AS 1627.4 Class 21/ 2 or 3 S S S S S S NR
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9 AS 1627.0 1997
AS 1627.0 1997 10
Care is necessary when using power tools. Excessive roughening of the surface should be
avoided, because ridges and burrs with sharp edges may not be protected by a proper
thickness of paint film. Excessive wire brushing may create a smooth burnished surface to
which paint will not adhere. Excessive use of needle guns may burr over the edges of
corrosion pits, entrapping the corrosion products; subsequently, early failure of the paint
system is most likely.
Power-tool cleaning is more effective than hand tool cleaning and provides a better
foundation for paint.
4.4 Part 3: Flame descaling This Standard sets out procedures for flame cleaning and
descaling of steel surfaces to remove loose rust and paint. It includes flame cleaning
methods for new, unpainted and previously painted steel surfaces.
Descriptions are given of the cleaning head and gases as well as the method of use. Flame
cleaning is a method of surface preparation that is suitable for use in shops or locations
where it is impossible to blast clean, but where a method of surface preparation
marginally better than hand or power-tool cleaning is desired.
At best, flame cleaning of steel produces results somewhere between that of power wire
brushing and Class 2 blast cleaning. Flame cleaning removes only part of the mill scale.
To be fully effective, the flame traverse should be followed by very thorough wire
brushing, removal of loose debris, and priming while the steel is still warm. Tests on
flame-cleaned steel, which has been allowed to cool and stand prior to priming, have
shown it to give results little or no better than power wire-brushed steel.
Very thin steel sections should not be flame cleaned because they may buckle with the
4.5 Part 4: Abrasive blast cleaning This Standard sets out methods and procedures
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for the abrasive blast cleaning of metal surfaces and defines the various levels of
preparation of such surfaces.
Abrasive blast cleaning is the most effective process for preparing a surface prior to
painting and is usually used where long-term protection is required. Anchor patterns are
produced by abrasive particles propelled with high force onto the steel surface in either
the wet or dry condition. Such processes use a wide variety of blasting media, either
applied by a closed recirculating system or by open blasting.
All surfaces should be cleaned free of oil and grease before abrasive blast cleaning.
The choice of the blasting medium is important and needs to be considered in conjunction
with the protective system. The Standard gives examples of metallic and non-metallic
blast-cleaning abrasives.
Angular abrasives predominantly cut the surface, whereas rounded abrasives shot-peen the
surface. The use of rounded abrasives for some coating systems may not be satisfactory
because they result in a lesser degree of keying for the coating.
Relatively soft abrasives are preferred for the abrasive blast cleaning of zinc or aluminium
A pictorial representation of four different rust grades on steel is given in AS 1627.9. The
nature of these rust grades is as follows:
(a) Grade A A grade A steel surface is covered completely with adherent mill scale
and little, if any, rust.
(b) Grade B A grade B steel surface has begun to rust and the mill scale has begun to
(c) Grade C A grade C steel surface has the mill scale either rusted away or is
removable by scraping; little pitting is visible to the naked eye.
(d) Grade D A grade D steel surface has the mill scale rusted away and has
considerable pitting visible to the naked eye.
11 AS 1627.0 1997
These four grades may be blast cleaned to any one of the following four classes, as
(i) Class 1 Class 1 is light blast cleaning, which removes loose mill scale, rust and
foreign matter.
(ii) Class 2 Class 2 is medium blast cleaning (sometimes called commercial or
thorough blast cleaning), which substantially removes mill scale, rust and foreign
matter particles such that grey metal is visible.
(iii) Class 21/2 Class 21/2 is near white blast cleaning, which removes mill scale, rust
and foreign particles to the extent that only traces remain in the form of spots or
stripes, and the cleaned surface shows varying shades of grey.
(iv) Class 3 Class 3 is white metal blast cleaning, by which visible mill scale, rust
and foreign particles are entirely removed and the cleaned surface has a uniform
metallic colour, but may show varying shades of grey when viewed from different
It is important to ensure that the profile height of the blasted surface is within the range
to suit the protective system to be applied, as it significantly affects both the adhesive
characteristics of the painting system and the dry film thickness required.
Wet abrasive blast cleaning is recommended for the effective removal of soluble salts, as
traces of these salts may remain on the surface even after dry blast cleaning to Class 3
Blast cleaning is essential as a pretreatment for sprayed metal coatings.
Caution must be exercised when blast cleaning thin sections, since damage by warping or
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AS 1627.0 1997 12
The two most common acids used for pickling are sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid.
With increasing enforcement of anti-pollution regulations, the popularity of the cheaper
sulfuric acid is declining, as hydrochloric acid is more easily recovered in acid
regeneration plants and hence is favoured for continuous pickling installations.
Hydrochloric acid is also more practicable for batch pickling, because the high heat of
reaction reduces the amount of external heating necessary. It also dissolves scale faster
than sulfuric acid. Acid fuming, often cited as a major deterrent to hydrochloric acid
pickling, can be effectively controlled by adhering to correct operating procedures. Other
acids, such as phosphoric, nitric, hydrofluoric, citric and sulfamic, are used for special
purposes. An inhibitor should always be used with any acid to prevent excessive attack on
the base metal during pickling. Special finishing precautions, including fresh water
rinsing, are necessary to remove residues of unreacted acid. Final rinses containing dilute
phosphoric or chromic acid are often used to temporarily passivate the pickled surface.
Pickled steel, like blast-cleaned steel, should be painted as soon as possible after cleaning
and drying.
In the design of fabricated steel, special consideration should be given to the elimination
of pockets or crevices, which can trap acid during pickling. Attention is drawn to an
appendix in which the dangers of pickling high tensile steels are pointed out.
Where production is sufficiently high to keep the equipment in use, pickling results in
low-cost shop preparation. Pickling is impractical for field use.
Pickling of large fabricated members or large structural beams is limited by the size of
tanks available.
4.7 Part 6: Chemical conversion treatment of metals This Standard specifies
requirements and procedures for the chemical conversion treatment of metals prior to the
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application of a suitable organic protective coating and includes the following processes:
(a) Phosphate conversion of ferrous and non-ferrous metals Phosphate conversion
coatings are produced by treatment with solutions containing the appropriate
dihydrogen orthophosphates. These coatings are applied principally to ferrous
materials, aluminium, zinc and cadmium. The coating mass per unit area and the
apparent density are dependent on
(i) the base material and its surface condition;
(ii) the previous mechanical and chemical treatment of the base material; and
(iii) the processing conditions for phosphating.
All phosphate conversion coatings are porous to some degree, but can be
substantially sealed by appropriate after-treatment. They consist essentially of metal
phosphates with fine to large interlocking crystals chemically bonded to the steel
surface. This interlocking crystal arrangement provides the key for good paint
adhesion. The Standard specifies five classes of phosphate coating for ferrous
metals, as follows:
(A) Class A1 Heavyweight.
(B) Class A2 Heavyweight (rapid processing).
(C) Class B Mediumweight.
(D) Class C Lightweight.
(E) Class D Extra lightweight.
The process can only be carried out in the manufacturers plant and is usually used
on items supplied in a fully finished condition. Phosphate-coated work should be
inhibited and painted within 24 h of treatment.
13 AS 1627.0 1997
Phosphate conversion coatings are not suitable for use under every type of paint.
The paint manufacturer should be consulted to ensure that treated surfaces are
compatible with the proposed protective system.
(b) Chromate conversion of aluminium and aluminium alloys Chromate conversion
coatings are applied to aluminium and aluminium alloys to retard corrosion, as a
base for organic films including paints, plastics and adhesives, and as a protective
coating having a low electrical contact impedance.
4.8 Part 7: Hand tool cleaning of metal surfaces This Standard describes procedures
and equipment for the preparation of metal surfaces by the use of hand tools. Preparation
is carried out in three stages, as follows:
(a) Preliminary cleaning and descaling including chipping and scraping.
(b) Hand-tool cleaning.
(c) Final cleaning for the removal of loose material and dust.
Hand-tool cleaning involves the use of wire brushes, hand sanding, hand scraping,
chipping or hammering, either singly or in combination. This type of cleaning is suitable
for the removal of loosely adherent rust, mill scale and degraded paint coatings.
Hand-tool cleaning can be an acceptable method of surface preparation for mild interior
and exterior atmospheric exposures, and for many maintenance situations where paints
with good wetting properties are used. Hand-tool cleaning is the least effective method of
surface preparation for durability of paint coatings and should only be considered where
the more effective methods are not warranted or cannot be used. It is a labour intensive
method, which is slow and physically arduous.
It will not remove all residues of rust or other corrosion products, nor will it remove
firmly adherent mill scale. Oil, grease and similar foreign matter, and soluble fluxes and
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fume deposits from welding should be removed before hand-tool cleaning is carried out.
All hand tools should be used in such a way as to prevent sharp cuts, burrs or sharp edges
forming on the surface. If such defects occur, they will need to be removed by hand
sanding or with tungsten carbide-tipped scrapers. Excessive wire brushing should be
avoided as it may burnish a steel surface to an extent that it prevents good paint adhesion.
4.9 Part 9: Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces
(ISO 8501-1) This ISO Standard has been endorsed without amendment. Using colour
photographs, the Standard describes four grades of rust for steel surfaces, and a number of
preparation grades achievable when preparing a surface by either blast cleaning, hand and
power-tool cleaning, or flame cleaning methods.
The Standard also sets out a procedure for carrying out a visual assessment of steel
The standard colour photographs are pictorial representations of the cleanliness of four
rust grades of hot-rolled structural steel surfaces (A, B, C and D).
The photographs include two degrees of thoroughness of hand and power tool-cleaning for
three rust grades, four degrees of blast cleaning and one degree of flame cleaning for each
of the four rust grades.
These visual standards are used to specify the required degree of surface pretreatment.
The user is cautioned, however, that these or any other visual standards should be
considered a supplement to, and not a substitute for, surface preparation specifications.
NOTE: Other Standards with pictorial representations include the Supplement to ISO 8501-1,
and ISO 8501-2.
In addition, the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) has published the following two
related Standards:
(a) SSPC-VIS 1-89, Visual standard for abrasive blast cleaned steel.
(b) SSPC-VIS 3, Visual standard for power- and hand-tool cleaned steel.
These Standards are available from KTA-Tator Australia, 136 Lord Street, Richmond,
Vic. 3121.
AS 1627.0 1997 14
4.10 Part 10: Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces using acid solutions (non-
immersion) This Standard sets out methods for the removal of light oxides and soil
from metal surfaces by brushing or swabbing with acid solutions, prior to chemical
conversion or the application of paint. The methods apply where immersion and abrasion
methods are impracticable.
They apply particularly to aluminium and zinc and their alloys, but may also find
application with copper, iron and steel. The Standard gives specific procedures for the
cleaning and oxide removal from:
(a) Aluminium and aluminium alloys.
(b) Zinc and zinc alloys.
(c) Copper.
(d) Iron and steel.
These procedures are not suitable for direct application to heavy oxide and soil deposits,
the removal of which may require prior degreasing using solvent or alkaline solutions or
mechanical cleaning.
All solutions should be applied and removed as directed by the manufacturer, under
favourable atmospheric conditions.
The quality of wash water requires monitoring to ensure that cleaned surfaces are not left
contaminated after washing to remove acid residues.
A check to ensure that no smut (see AS 1627.5) is present after acid treatment is an
important part of the cleaning process. The presence of any smut will cause problems with
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