Qualitative Research Group 4 Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte

The Issue of Vaping among LNHS students: A phenomenological study on their

actual vaping experiences.

A Research Proposal

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

in Practical Research I



Research Teacher



June 2023

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the following who gave their contribution to:

To Our Almighty God that give us knowledge, wisdom, patience, and strength, who also

guided the researchers until the end of the study. We give honor and a heart full of


Parents of the researchers who supported them, and also showed trust, love,

encouragement, and understanding to the researchers.

To Mr. Jerome M. Boado, School Principal II, for allowing us to conduct this type of


To our beloved research adviser, Ms. Dianne Kris Baniaga, for her unending support for

our research, for her patience, motivation, and immense knowledge.

Students of LNHS, who provided support to the researchers.

Classmates and friends, who helped, shared their knowledege, and support to the


Nowadays most students focused themselves on using e-cigarettes, which is known to be

harmless with them. People would like to believe that this “Vaping” trend is a sign that cigarettes

are about to become outdated, and that people are switching to a more healthy lifestyle.

This research study aims to determine the level of interest and the impact of e-cigarettes

to the students of LNHS. Research suggests flavoured e-cigarettes appeal to youth, but little is

known about perceptions of and reasons for attraction to specific flavours. E-cigarettes are

surging in popularity among youth (including children and teenagers). So the impact of

electronic nicotine delivery systems (“e-cigarettes”) on population health continues to be

controversial. The study investigates the issue of vaping among the students of LNHS, survey-

questionnaire were conducted with 15 participants. Effects of using e-cigarettes were examine.

Factors that contribute to those experiences were also identified. The findings of this research

revealed the e-cigarette cessation for youths. This study determine the deeper explanation about

the involvement of youths or students about e-cigarette. The findings can be used by the future

researchers to understand students’ perceptions regarding vape.

Keywords: Effects, factors, level of interest,e-cigarette, nicotine, cessation.


Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vi
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Delimitations 5
Locale of the Study 6
Definition of Terms 6
Conceptual Framework
Research Design 12
Sampling Design 12
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure

APPENDIX A Research Instrument
A. Background of the study

Vaping is when you use a handled electronic device to breathe a mist (vapour) into your
lungs. An e-cigarette, vape pen or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS), heats a liquid of
nicotine, flavouring, propylene glycol and other additives into an aerosol that you inhale through
a mouthpiece. Vaping can cause breathing problems, organ damage, addiction and other

The study is concerned to dive deeper with the investigation, regarding the interest in
using e-cigarette or vape among the students of Lanao National High School. This in-depth
investigation has not received enough attention, so the absence of the research study has
prompted by the researcher to conduct an interrogation.

This report focuses on research conducted among youth because of the implications of e-
cigarette use in this population ,particularly the potential for future public health
problems.Understanding e-cigarette use among young persons is critical because previous
research suggests that about 9 in 10 adult smokers first try conventional cigarettes during
adolescence (USDHHS 2012).

We've noticed that the number of students that uses vape is rapidly increasing and
unfortunately not aware that vaping can actually cause throat/mouth irritation, cough and nausea
which tended to dissipate with continued use.

There is an urgent need to pursue this research because vaping is affecting many
students’ health risk.

It is important to the youth to know that vaping can actually affect their healths. Through
this study, it aims to bring understanding on the negative effects of vaping and so this will use to
aid young people to cease from vaping.
B. Statement of the Problem
The study aims to track the interest of students at LNHS in using vapes or electronic

cigarettes for the school year 2022-2023. The result of the study will serve as a basis for

implementing useful resources to aid young people to cease vaping. It will help us to know the

response of smokers, that make them trying smoking habit that eventually became part of them.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the level of interest of LNHS students to vape or e-cigarettes?

2. What are the factors that influenced students to use vape or e-cigarette?

3. What are the benefits and consequences of using vapes or e-cigarettes?

4. What are the difference/s between vapes and traditional cigarettes?

5. What alternatives are there to stop using e-cigarettes?

C. Significance of the Study

The result of the study will benefit the following :

Students. This study wil help the students to steer clear and guide the students in different facts
about e-cigarette smoking that will help them to have better understanding about the risk of

Teachers. The result of the study will help the teachers implement rules and regulations in
accordance to the issue, and it will allow them to focus more on their students’ disciplines.

Parents/Guardians. Parents and Guardians will have the ability to give advices and encourage
their children to avoid using e-cigarette and guide them.

Future Researchers. The conducted studies will further explain, enlighten and open the doors
for the future researchers, and will serve as a reference material to expand the study, and to give
more ideas and information in relation to the use of e-cigarette.
D. Scope and Delimination

This qualitative research aims to analyze and understand the lived-experiences of the

students in the area of Lanao National High School about e-cigarette. The present study used a

phenomenological study to determine the coping strategy of the students on their distinct

experience about e-cigarette. The data collection will be conducted to 15 randomly selected

students, and it focuses on the present school year 2022-2023.

In this qualitative research, the researcher will serve as the main instrument of the study.

Survey is an additional tool. This survey is a researcher-made instrument based on the

objectives of the study. It is composed of five (5) questions. Interview questions are created

objectively to collect necessary information from the respondents’ actual experiences as well as

their coping technique. It is validated by group of experts using validation matrix to identify its

appropriateness of the questions and suitability to the research partcipants.

In gathering data, interviews and surveys are used as a method of obtaining data from the

target respondents. Anonymity of participants is secured depending on their preference. Data are

analyzed based on discussions and reflections, and it uses the Interpretative phenomenological

analysis (IPA) to provide detailed examinations of their personal lived experiences. Survey

questionnaire will be conducted through distributed list of questions in person , and respondents

fill it out themselves. The respondents who have experience e-cigarettes will receive

questionnaires since they will have varied opinions based on their personal opinions. This is

facilitated by the researchers as the primary source of the data.

E. Locale of the study

This study will be conducted at Lanao National High School, a DepED managed

secondary public school located in Lanao, Bangui, Ilocos Norte. This place was selected for

knowing the issue of using e-cigarettes, and it will give the researchers the needed information

for people using vape. The study will be conducted in the second semester of the academic year

F. Definition of Terms

Adolescence - a transitional stage of physical and pyschological development that generally

occurs during the period from puberty to adulthood.

Alternatives - (of one or more things) available as another possibility.

Anonimity - the quality or state of being unknown to most people : the condition of being


Cease - bring or come to an end.

Dissipate - disappear or cause to disappear.

Dive deeper - to examine a subject in a lot of detail.

Effect - it is a changed state occuring as a direct result of action by somebody or something else.

Electronic Cigarette - It is a battery-operated device that is typically designed to resemble a

traditional cigarette and is used to inhale a usually nicotine containing vapor.

Interest - the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

Nicotine - it is a toxic alkaloid found in tobacco and used in liquid form as an insecticide. This

chemical is highly addictive.


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough in-depth search

done by the researchers. This will also present the conceptual framework to fully understand the

research to be done. This gives additional background information to strongly support the current


Local literature
The World Health Organization Tobacco Free Initiative (WHO-TFI) defines EC as

“devices that do not burn or use tobacco leaves but instead a solution that the user then inhales.”

”EC” is the generic term used to include both ENDS and ENNDS. All ENDS/ENNDS heat a

solution to create an aerosol which frequently contains flavorants, propylene glycol, or/and

glycerin. All ENDS contain nicotine but ENNDS do not. Consumer satisfaction of

ENDS/ENNDS are said to be derived from its efficiency in mimicking the sensory feel of

conventional smoking. This is directly affected by the choice of vapor liquid, puffing style, and

the device’s capacity to aerosolize the liquid.

Second-hand Smoke

In a recent systematic review, it was found that the second-hand aerosol (SHA) from

ENDS/ENNDS has the potential to lead to adverse health effects. SHA from ENDS aerosol

contain lower levels of nicotine and toxicants, except for metals such as nickel and chromium,

compared to secondhand smoke (SHS) from conventional burning cigarettes. However,

compared to background air level, nicotine in SHA is found to be 10 to 115 times higher,

acetaldehyde between two to eight times higher, and formaldehyde about 20% higher. The
WHO-FCTC report in 2016 stated that “while some argue that exposure to SHA is unlikely to

cause significant health risks, they concede that SHA can be deleterious to bystanders with some

respiratory pre-conditions”. The substances from the emission also accumulate in indoor air and

may lead to harmful second-hand exposure.

Efficacy on Smoking Cessation

There is some evidence (low in GRADE System) that EC may help smokers to quit

smoking in the long term compared to placebo EC. Electronic cigarettes address the behavioral

aspects of smoking (holding cigarette, enjoyment of smoking, and puffing) more than nicotine

patches and

other behavioral support, hence, more effective in smoking cessation. However, a recent cross-

sectional study shows that on a population level, EC were not effective in helping smokers quit

smoking conventional cigarettes in EU (and Great Britain) as smokers are more likely to

completely switch to ENDS rather than fully quit smoking, therefore, leading to dual use of

ENDS and conventional cigarettes. The “harm reduction” strategy of using EC might be

beneficial only to smokers who are reluctant to quit, but not for the ex- and non-smokers.

Levy and colleagues (2016) suggest discouraging cigarette use but providing means for

smokers to quit by creating policies that aim to discourage use of vaporized nicotine products

(VNP) by never smokers, while encouraging innovations in VNP products that are proven to

support smoking cessation as there is a “strong potential for VNP use to improve population

health by reducing or displacing cigarette use in countries where cigarette use is high and

smokers are interested in quitting.”

Vaping and Nicotine

“Nicotine is a highly addictive substance and, in excess amounts, can be lethal. A single

Juul pod can have as much nicotine as twenty cigarettes. Nicotine can adversely affect

adolescent brain development, which continues until young adults are in their mid-twenties,”

reports Sucharita Kher, assistant professor at the School of Medicine and director of the Tufts

Medical Center Outpatient Pulmonary Clinic.


New findings on the detrimental health effects of electronic nicotine delivery system

(ENDS)/ electronic non-nicotine delivery system (ENNDS) confounds the “harm reduction”

perspective of using it as an alternative to conventional cigarettes. In the Philippines, the pressing

debate on its safety and efficacy had initiated actions from policy makers on legislative issues

such as draft DOH Administrative Order, House Bill 4325 and House Bill 532.

The study aimed to craft an evidence-based policy position on the regulation of


Review of literature was conducted, and the proposed scope and measures on electronic

cigarette regulation were compared with WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

(WHO-FCTC) and existing policies of US FDA regulations on ENDS. Further, UP Manila

convened experts of various related fields for evidence-based review and discussion of policy

issues to arrive at a consensus policy statement and recommendations.

Findings showed that ENDS/ENNDS still need further research to have conclusive

results on long term safety and efficacy as smoking cessation methods.

Regulations for tobacco control should be clear and supported with strict guidelines in

manufacturing, distribution, advertisement, selling, and usage restrictions in public. With the

current review, it is recommended that ENDS/ENNDS regulation be under the mandate of the

FDA in alignment to WHO-FCTC and to engage different stakeholders from policy makers,

implementers, and other involved organizations.

Teenage vaping is a major public health issue that is emerging globally. This review

article examines what influences teens to use electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and vapes,

including families, communities, social media, and brand marketing. Nicotine, a common

component of e-cigarettes and vapes, is addictive, and teens who are using these products are

starting to report negative health outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

The input of the study is based on the variables, factors that influenced students, benefits,

and consequences. Since the researchers are accumulating data that refers to the perception of the

respondents, it is needed that the health belief model is located in the input of the study. The

output of the study which is the smoking cessation will help the respondents give their thoughts

and ideas about their interest to vape.


This research covers an overview of the methodology used in the study. The discussions

in this chapter are specifically contains the Research Design, Sampling Design, Research

Instrument and Data Gathering Procedure.

In this study, the researcher employed phenomenological methodology. Phenomenology

is a science whose purpose is to describe particular phenomena, or the appearance of things, as

lived experiences. However, phenomenological research methodology is difficult to explain

because it has no clearly define steps. Phenomenologist’s opinion is that the clear definition of

methodology tends to limit researcher’s creativity (Burns & Grove, 2003)

Research Design

This study utilized qualitative research methodology and was exploratory. However, we

chose phenomenology as our research desifn because this study aims to bring understanding on

the negative effects of vaping and so this will serve to aid young people to cease from vaping.

We also choose phenomenology as our research design because this study attempts to identify

the live experiences of the students concerning about the issue of vaping.

"Phenomenology is a research strategy in which the researcher explains the structures of

experience", focuses absolutely on how things flow and reflect on the lived experiences of

Hence,as the researchers of this study, we aimed to bring understanding on the

phenomenon, relying on facts from the experience of a phenomena indicating the need to

understand the meaning of people's lived experience.

Furthermore, this study was also managed as qualitative phenomenology design. It is the

purpose of qualitative research to interpret a gap or issue and provide reports that reflects the

researchers' capability to document the outcome phenomenon.

As the researchers following the qualitative phenomenology method, we observed that in

the context sited activity that occurs in the stusy conducted. It consists of a material practices

thar makes the world in sight. It turns the world into progression of conversations,

communications, mind briefring, etc.

Since qualitative research is a broad field of inquiry that uses unstructed data collection

methods, such as observations and documents to find meaning to inform our understand of the

world. It tends to try to uncover grounds for behaviors and attitudes, instead of just the details of

what, why and how. In general, phenomenological research is convenient for studying human

experiences (Creswell, 2009).

Sampling Design

We will be using non-probability sampling, specifically the Purposive Sampling, as the

researchers for this study. In this way, we as the researchers would choose volunteers on purpose

who have the qualities we require in our sample.

Purposive or Purposeful Sampling, it refers to selecting participants who will most

benefit the study. It also involves inviting participants who can give the most information on the

experience that is studied. A wide array of purposive sampling methods are described by Patton

(2001) and Patton (2002).

To recruit participants who can provide in-depth and detailed information about the

phenomenon under investigation. As a result, answering the questions is entirely up to the

individual and will not be coerced.

The main goal of qualitative research is to understand a phenomenon, not to represent a

population or make generalizations from study samples to population. The participants are

selected using non- probability sampling techniques which will allow the researchers to select

people who will give a wealth of information (Polit & Beck, 2014).

Research Instrument

The survey-questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering instrument. The

instrument to be prepared focused on answering the statement of the problem. The questionnaire

will consist of open-ended questions to determine the observable impact of Vape to its users and

to encourage full answer rather than the simple “yes” or “no” response. In this way, the

instrument is authorized to obtain valid responses of the students.

The questionnaire was develop according to the researchers observation and related about

the issue of vaping among the LNHS students. The questionnaire was pilot tested to 10 students

of Lanao National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Data for this research were collected using a Surey Questionnaire. The question in

the instrument were based on the research topic and the statement of the problem. The researcher

printed out the questions that will used, then distribute it to the students of LNHS. The research

aims to use the correspondents’ answers to make sure that the research would be more accurate

and efficient. All of the questions that are made for this questionnaire are well prepared. The

researcher clarifies some terms to the respondents so that the respondents can answer the

questionnaire with full knowledge of their responsibility as the subject of the study. The data

collection will be done under a week including the collection process itself and the distribution

of the data.

The data collection process will be done in such manner that the researchers will not

interrupt classes. After the respondents answered the questionnaire, the researcher collected the

data for interpretation. Based on the data the researcher comes up with conclusion and

recommendations for this study.

Essentially a survey is the process of collecting, analysing and interpreting data from

many individuals in order to obtain their feedback about something. In contrast a questionnaire is

a set of questions that are given to the individual participants and it helps bring greater structure

to any research, which can help maximise the success of whatever you are trying to investigate

and answer. The questionnair only forms one part of a survey (Philip, 2023)

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Paul, A. (1983). Phenomenoloy of Henry James.University of South California.

Biographical Sketch

Scarlet D. Balalio was born on November 13, 2005 at brgy. San

Isidro Dumalneg Ilocos Norte. She is the eldest among the three

children of Mr. And Mrs. Jumar & Janice Balalio. She spent her

kindergarten and elementary years in San Isidro Elementary School.

She is currently studying at Lanao National High School as a Grade

11 Humss student. The researcher is very eager to finish her studies. She is endeavoring to be a

professional doctor in the future because she wanted to fulfill the dream of her family especially

her grandfather who passed away last January 30, 2022. She has her motto in life, “Don’t missed

one step to success”. She believes that every step will give us a lesson that will guide us and

bring us to a better future.

Janine Yuki D. Duyong was born on the 27th day of

November year 2005. She is the youngest among the four

children of Mr. Pedro Duyong.She graduated at Dumalneg

Elementary School in the level of kindergarten as well as in

her elementary years. The researcher is now studying at

Lanao National High School, where she met kind friends

and supportive teachers.

In the present, the researcher was planning to take up criminology, she was looking forward for

achieving her dreams and aspirations in life with the help of Almighty God. She loves to play

volleyball and table tennis.

Leandro C. Nieto, known to his hometown as Lan-lan, was

born on October 17, 2006. He is the first son of Elizer S. Nieto.

He graduated his junior high school in Lanao National High

School , currently studying at the said school as a Grade 11

Humss student. He had a dream of becoming a police to save

and protect his own hometown at all cost. He believed in the

saying “everybody has talent, but ability takes hardwork”. He want to pursue his dream to be a

Philippine Basketball Player(PBA) and by the grace of God he believes in the power of little-by-

little about reaching his goal.

Ronalyn Nieto, was born on the 25th day of August year

2005. She is an only child, and currently living at brgy. San
Isidro Dumalneg Ilocos Norte. She finished her elementary
years at San Isidro Elementary School, and she then took
her Junior High years at Lanao National High School. She
is now pursuing her Senior High School years as Humss

Jazhelle Pancho, was born on October 11, 2004 at Brgy.

Quibel, Dumalneg, Ilocos Norte. She decided to chose Lanao
National High School to continue her studies. She is now a
grade 11 Humss student. She was also looking forward for
achieving her dreams and aspirations in life with the help of
Almighty God, for her own family.

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