Falke 1284 English Translation
Falke 1284 English Translation
Falke 1284 English Translation
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
This book explains the values of consonants and vowels in order to facilitate
understanding for those seeking knowledge [of numerology], particularly women and
This book was reproduced with the permission of the one who assembled it,
Muʿallam Uba na Kachalla, Unguwar Juma, Kano, Nigeria
May Allah Protect all Muslims from every tribulation.
May He save us and them from illnesses of the heart,
corruption and deadly envy.
May You grant more among Your Muslim servants
every goodness.
Publisher: Al-ḥājj ʿAbdullāhi al-Yassāri. May Allāh protect him.
May He guide him in secret and in the open. Author’s name: Sharīf Bala Zaytāwā
P.O. Box 46
1 While the word al-ḥisābi in Arabic refers to arithmetic and the science of mathematics, in Hausa it has
taken on a broader meaning that includes the use of the alphanumeric system in astronomy and astrology,
for determining auspicious times for planting, romance and other human activities, and for reckoning dates
and times.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
Table of Contents
Below is the table of contents for this manuscript. Although it appears at the end of the
manuscript (page 51), we place it here, following English language conventions.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
Many people would like to seek knowledge about the alphanumeric system used in
numerology, astrology, and writing dates but are convinced that it is an extremely
difficult and esoteric discipline. However, those knowledgeable in numerology are not
special people. With hard work and determination and Allah’s help, one can excel and be
liberated from the darkness of ignorance. Unfortunately, many overlook this blessing.
People should seek knowledge of numerology because it is an important field of
inquiry. God has made the sun a luminous object and the moon a luminous light and
determined its phases so that they can be used for counting years, among other things.2
Scholars have been working to compile the 28 letters of the alphabet with which the
Holy Quran was written.
In numerology, each letter has a numerical value ascribed to it. For instance, Alif,
Baa, Jiim, and Daal stand for 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. As will be shown later in more
detail, each letter has a name in Hausa so that it can be easily recognized. In this book,
we show the numerical value of each letter.
In each chapter, you will see examples. You will see the names of months in
Arabic and in Hausa, then you will see their names in Ajami and the number of days in
their cycles. Then you’ll see the names of each of the seven days. Then the names of the
stars/planets governing the hot season (bazara), the rainy season (damina), the harvest
season (kaka), and the cold season (ɗari), as well as their cycles (i.e., the days they are
visible). You will also see names of auspicious days and times for particular activities.
You will see hatimi3 for use in determining these auspicious times and days. I ask that
Allah grant us insight; I hope that this book will show how to use this knowledge wisely
as Allah has forbidden its use for envious or evil ends.
May Allah guide us in understanding and grant us knowledge useful in this world
and the next. So, my friend, I’m showing you the path to learning about numerology. If
you work at it, you will know the rules. Knowledge of numerology will be easy for you,
God willing, because the route to knowledge is open to those committed to learning.
In this section, the author presents each Arabic letter and the number to which it
corresponds. For instance, the letter Alif corresponds to the number 1; Baa corresponds
to the number 2; Jiim corresponds to the number 3; Siin corresponds to 300; Ghayn
corresponds to 900; and Shiin corresponds to 1,000. This is called the Abajada, or
alphabetical, number system, as illustrated in the table below:
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
Below is another table illustrating the numerical value of letters. Along with each number
presented, the name of the corresponding letter is written in Hausa Ajami. So for
example, we see the number 1 in the upper right of the table, with Alif written alongside
in Hausa Ajami.
A table on page 6 illustrates the numbers and the names of their corresponding letters.
Using this system, one can write a text using numbers to represent letters. Likewise,
letters may be used to represent numbers, as in dates (chronograms). For example, the
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
year 2022 can be written as follows: ( ششكبShiin Shiin Kaaf Baa), since Shiin corresponds
to 1000, a double Shiin corresponds to 2000; Kaaf corresponds to 20; and Baa to 2.
The author goes on to note the importance of being able to differentiate between letters
that are distinguished only by the presence or absence of a dot or dots (ɗigo), as these
distinctions are of critical importance, as indicated in the table below.
A list of letters that resemble one another but are distinguished by the dots [ɗigo],
appearing above or below; distinctions that signal different numerical values
For instance, letter Taa is written the same as the letter Thaa, except that there are two
dots for Taa, and three dots for Thaa. This distinction is important, as the value for letter
Taa (with two dots) is 400, while the value for letter Thaa (with three dots) is only 200.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The author draws the reader’s attention to these differences so that they can avoid
confusing them.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
This section of the manuscript provides detailed computations for each of the numbers 2
through 9. These computations are followed by three tables on pages 24, 25, and 26,
summarizing the letters and numbers.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The table on page 24 shows the basic elements of the Abajada counting system. It lists
each letter with its corresponding numerical value written out in Hausa Ajami (as linear
commentaries below the letter). It begins with Alif (1), Baa (2) and continues through
Shiin (1000). These form the basis for computation and predictions in numerology.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The table on page 25 lists numbers with names of corresponding letters spelled out in
linear fashion beneath.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The table on page 26 provides a summary listing of letters with their corresponding
numbers beneath.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
On page 27, another table alerts the reader to differences between the alphanumeric
system used in the Western part of the Muslim world (including most of West Africa)
and that used in the Eastern part of the Muslim world (the Arab world and beyond).
Specifically, the six letters in the middle row have different numerical values depending
on whether one is in the Western region (corresponding numerical values shown in top
row), or Eastern region (corresponding numerical values shown in bottom row).
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
This section provides examples of the application of the alphanumeric system. It includes
complex computations for each of nine letters, outlining the sum total of values that can
be derived for each letter. For instance, the letter Alif that has a value of one (1) can
produce 1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111, 111111, and so on. In the table below, from page 29, we
see the computations for the letter Baa which has a value of two (2) and can produce 2,
22, 222, 2222, 22222, and 222222. These computational results are used in astrology and
in determining propitious times for activities.
Computations using the letter Baa, the numerical value of which is two (2).
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
This section presents the Arabic names of each of the twelve months in the Islamic
[lunar] calendar. In the presentation below, there are four rows with three months in
each row; the names of the months are written in bold. The commentaries for each of
the months are shown in Hausa Ajami below the names of the months. Muḥarram, for
example, is the first month in the Islamic year; the Hausa commentary indicates that it is
called Watan Cika-ciki [month of the full belly/harvest], and that shi ne watan ɗaya [this is
the first month]. In this way the author presents each of the twelve months in the Islamic
Page 37 lists the twelve months in the Islamic calendar (Muḥarram, Ṣafar, Rabīʿ al-awwal,
Dhū al-Qaʿdah, and Dhū al-Hijjah) with an explanation of each in Hausa. The line at the
end of the page is a Quranic verse attesting that there are twelve months in a year.4
This section also includes a table showing the Hausa names of each of the months.
Page 39 shows the names of the twelve months of the Gregorian calendar in Hausa
Ajami (Note that the names of these months are borrowings from English).
4 The number of months in the sight of God is twelve (in a year) - so ordained by Him the day He created
the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred: this is the ever-true law [of God] -- (Quran 7:54).
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
In this section, the author presents the seven stars associated with each of the four
seasons: bazara, or the hot season; ɗamina, or the rainy season; kaka, or harvest season;
and ɗari, or the cold season. The author also indicates the number of days each star is
visible. This section also describes the signs that each star possesses, as well as the
functions that each star performs. Below is an example:
Page 40 features a table of the stars governing bazara, or the hot/dry season, with a
glossary in Hausa Ajami that reads “this star spends [is visible] for thirteen days.” This
same explanation appears under each star, which means that each of the seven stars is
visible for thirteen days, the season of bazara thus lasting for 91 days.
Similar tables are provided for each of the four seasons, indicating the governing stars
and the number of days that each is visible.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
This section presents detailed information about the moon including the names assigned
to the moon, as well as planets and their positions.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The hatimi, on page 45 is described as a formula for identifying propitious times and
calculating the moon's position. The top-most row contains elements of the Abajada
numbering system, while the left-most column is a listing of the twelve months of the
Gregorian calendar written in Hausa Ajami. The remaining cells indicate signs of the
The top left cell of the hatimi contains the Arabic word al-ayyam (Arabic for ‘the days’);
this introduces the top row, a listing of letters, each referencing a day of the month. By
noting their numerical values, one comes up with all the possible days of the month. For
example, the first cell contains Alif, Baa, and Jiim, which would be the 1st, 2nd or 3rd day of
the month.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The author then instructs the reader in the use of this hatimi. By placing the right
index finger in the row indicating the days in Arabic, then placing a finger on the Ajami-
written months in the left-most column, and moving the two fingers until they meet, at
the point of their convergence, there will be a star/sign of the zodiac. Whatever the sign,
the moon will surely pass through. The author notes that while this is authentic, it would
be wise to consult learned scholars for more precise and in-depth details about this.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
The far right-hand column in this hatimi lists hours 1 to 12. The top-most row lists days
and nights (Saturday, night of Wednesday; Sunday, night of Thursday; Monday, night of
Friday; Tuesday, night of Saturday; Wednesday, night of Sunday; Thursday, night of
Monday; and Friday, night of Tuesday). The body of the hatimi indicates the various stars
and planets associated with each day and time of day. Using this hatimi, the numerologist
can determine whether embarking on a journey on a particular day and time, for
example, is advisable or not.
5Scholars have noted that hours of the day and those of the night are governed by seven planets, each hour
being ascribed to a particular planet.
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-
for the remaining days for those who want their invocation accepted. For everything one
intends to do, there is a suitable planet.
In what follows, the author explains how to get blind love from those in power
or excessive control over them; how to choose the best business partner or a fertile farm;
and how to reverse a curse or counteract sorcery. The period of the moon is best for
these purposes. For unearthing a spell (where an object is buried for the purpose of
carrying out a magic spell); or for getting slavish love from a boyfriend/girlfriend or total
submission from someone, the period of Mercury is best. If seeking happiness or dating
The period of the Sun is most propitious for victory, charisma and power,
consolidating fame and power. To ruin the relationship between lovers (where the love is
not for God’s sake) or to make them hate each other; destroying unbelievers’ towns or
causing enmity among them; causing enemies fall sick or killing them, the propitious time
For improving one’s life, achieving fame, or protection from an enemy, the
propitious time is during Jupiter. To keep apart those who come together to hatch evil
schemes or cause enmity among them, or to control desire and sleep, the time is during
Saturn. We are advised to check to determine whether this is during the day or night in
Citation: Fallou Ngom (PI), Jennifer Yanco, Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, Garba Zakari, Babacar Dieng, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and
Rebecca Shereikis. 2022. “Numerology Made Simple.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/hausa/hausa-