Chapter 1 - Introduction To Numerology - AstroBasic

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Numerology

Jayant Kumar Vatssa

23 March, 2020

Numerology Learning Course > Chapter 1: Introduction to Numerology

Numerology Core Number

What is numerology?
As per the Oxford dictionary, Numerology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers.

In numerology, Astrologer relates each number and alphabetical characters to a particular number and believes that the particular number has so
sort of cosmic vibration. As per Hindu astrology, Astrologer builds a relation between numbers and alphabetical characters to a particular Numb
from 1 to 9 and each number from 1 to 9 is represented by Planets. For example Number 1 represented by Planet Sun, Number 2 represented by
Planet Moon, etc. These planets (1-9 numbers) are influencing individual’s characteristics.

Chaldean and Pythagorean System

No one exactly knows the origin of Numerology and when it started. The Pythagorean and Chaldean schools of numbers are the most commonly
The Pythagorean system is more popular especially in West but Chaldean Numerology is older. In this website, Chaldean Numerology has been u
to determine Alphabetical numbers.

Pythagoras was a master mathematician born in Greece in the 6th century B.C; we all are familiar with his geometry theorems. However, He is al
considered as a Father of Modern Numerology. He spent many years of study in Egypt and other parts of the world and explore the ancient scien
numbers. After that, he brought his knowledge and experience to Greece and taught nearly forty years and established a college and philosophy

There was a time when Astrology, Numerology and other occult studies were considered a religion not in the way we would know it today. Aroun
B.C; In the time of Alexander the Great, the Chaldeans believed that their knowledge of Numerology and Astrology went back at least 473,000 y
The Chaldean system of numbers is still in use today. The Chaldean system of numbers is also known as Mystic Numerology.

What are the number’s in Numerology:

Single-digit Number:
Number from 1 to 9 is called a single-digit number and each number signifies particular properties.

Two-Digit Number:

Master number
Number 11, 22 and 33 are Master Number, these numbers are very spiritual in nature and it has its unique characteristics.

Karmic Debt Number Number

13, 14, 16 and 19 are Karmic Debt Number.

In numerology there is 5 main number which is considered as a CORE NUMBER, it is like building blocks for you. The two numbers get calculated
your date of birth and three numbers get calculated from your Name number. The two numbers which come from your date of birth are

1 Life path number

2 Birthday number

The remaining three numbers are calculated based on your Name. the three numbers come from your name are

1 Expression Number

2 Personality Number

3 Heart’s Desire Number

1. Life Path Number:

One of the most important numbers from the perspective of numerology is the Life Path number. With the help of Life Path Number, one can
understand their personalities, Challenges, and Opportunities one will encounter during this lifetime. Since this is related to your date of birth, th
number helps you to identify the momentum and direction of your life.

2. Birthday Number:
This is another number that deals with your personality and ability to deals with a particular area. Life Path Number definitely influences your
personality but I have seen Birthday number is influencing your personality more at a conscious level.

The Birthday number gets calculated on the day you born. This is one of the numbers among Core Number. Birthday number possess some specia
talent you have. It is a gift to you that will help you along your life’s path.
A birthday number reveals a specific ability that you possess.

Calculating BirthDay number is easy just add your BirthDay to a single digit.
For example:
If someone born on 23rd then his/her birthday number will be 2+3 =5
If someone born on 29th then his/her birthday number will be 2+9=11 (Master Number)

However, it has been observed that someone who was born on two different dates for example 14 (1+4 =5) and 23 (2+3=5) both have little differ
characteristics even the single digit number is 5; because the two number which occurred in their birth date also impacts the result.

3. Expression Number:
The Expression number helps individual to know about their strength and weaknesses. The Life Path number tell’s your life’s lesson and how you
handle them while Expression number tells you about your area of natural strength and weaknesses. This number is very important and it should
compatible with your Life Path number. If your life path number tells you goal, this number tells you the ability to achieve that.

The Expression number can be calculated on the basis of alphabetical character present in your full name and it tells you the talent and ability you
from your birth.

4. Personality Number
The personality number is the first impression you make on other people. This number telling about the area of yourself which you are usually rea
and willing to reveal to the world. This number also helps you to determine how much you should reveal and to whom. This number acts as a buffe
screening out some people and situations you don’t want to deal with while welcoming the things in life that relate to your inner nature.

To calculate Your Personality number add all the consonants in your name.

5. Heart Desire Number:

The Heart desire number is what you really want in your life and in your love life as well. This number tells you the reason behind the choice you m
in all aspects of your life it is either your career or your relationship this is all about your burning fire within.

To calculate heart desire number you just have to add all the vowel in your name. By knowing Heart desire number you will come to know what y
really desire at a subconscious level.

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