2010-r - SoftSkills (Print Version)

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Random Thoughts . . .


Richard M. Felder grade is determined as a weighted sum of the points given
North Carolina State University for each criterion, with each weight representing the relative
importance of that criterion to the instructor. Table 2 shows
Rebecca Brent

an illustrative excerpt from a rubric used for rating individual
Education Designs, Inc. team member performance in group projects.[2] Another good
o, you’ve been told that as part of your department’s plan example is a rubric designed to evaluate both individual and
for addressing the ABET (or Bologna or Washington team performance on an oral project report in an engineering
Accord) accreditation criteria, you’ve got to teach your design course.[3] Creating rubrics is made easy by a free online
students how to communicate effectively and/or discuss engi- tool called Rubistar® (<http://rubistar.4teachers.org>).
neering solutions to social problems and/or analyze and resolve
Once you have a checklist or rubric, grading student work
ethical dilemmas. You just have two small problems to solve.
becomes much more efficient than the usual procedure in
First, how do you teach those skills when (if you’re like most
which detailed feedback is provided on each student product,
of us) no one ever taught them to you? Second, how do you
and more reliable because the breakdown of points by criteria
assess how well your students have mastered the skills?
makes it more likely that products of the same quality will
Let’s look at the assessment question first. In most engineer- get the same grade. The students can quickly see why they
ing and science courses, the things we grade are mainly solu- got the grades they did and where their work fell short of
tions to quantitative problems, short answers to closed-ended your expectations, and they should emerge with a clear idea
questions, and multiple-choice test items. You can grade those of what they need to do to raise their grades on subsequent
things objectively without much difficulty as long as the ques- assignments. The system is even more effective if you use two
tions are clear, the correct answers are not a matter of opinion, raters (e.g., you and a trained teaching assistant, or two teach-
and the grader awards points consistently. It’s a different story ing assistants) to grade all student products. If the raters fill
when it comes to grading essays and written and oral project out their forms independently and then reconcile their ratings,
reports. Since there are no unique “correct answers,” subjective the grading will be at least as objective and reliable as what
and inconsistent judgment calls often contaminate the grading. we normally do for quantitative problem-solving tests.
When that happens, student resentment and complaints can
Checklists and rubrics are also excellent tools for teach-
quickly get out of hand, and many students never learn the skills
ing students the procedures and skills required to meet the
you are trying to teach because they don’t really understand
instructor’s expectations. For example, suppose you plan to
the criteria they are being graded by.
give several writing assignments in your class. Before the
The challenge in evaluating “soft” student products is to find students begin work on the first one, give them two sample
a grading process that is reliable (a given product would get completed assignments—one that makes most of the mistakes
almost identical marks from two or more expert graders and you anticipate your students will make in their initial efforts
from the same grader at different times), and fair (the students (inadequate background discussion, unsupported conclusions,
know the grading criteria—what counts, and by how much; the bad grammar, sloppy graphics, etc.), and one much better. In
grading is based entirely on the criteria; and the students have or out of class, have them individually use your checklist or
been adequately instructed in the methods and skills required rubric to grade the first sample assignment, and then in class
to meet the criteria). Two types of instruments—checklists and have them work in pairs to reconcile their ratings. If they can’t
rubrics—can provide both reliability and fairness. agree on a rating, have them average their individual scores.
A grading checklist is a form that lists the instructor’s Poll them to get their reconciled ratings for each criterion,
grading criteria and the maximum points allocated to each and then tell them the ratings you would have given and why.
criterion. The instructor assigns up to the maximum points Repeat the exercise with the second assignment. At that point
for each criterion and totals the points to determine the final the students will have a clear idea of what you are looking
assignment grade. Table 1 shows an illustrative checklist for, and their products will on average be far better than those
for written reports.[1] A grading rubric also lists the grading you are used to seeing.
criteria, but now the instructor scores each one on a discrete Similarly, before your students give oral reports, give a short
scale (e.g., 5-4-3-2-1 or 4-3-2-1) and gives brief descriptions illustrative talk yourself and deliberately make the common
of what each numerical rating represents. The overall product © Copyright ChE Division of ASEE 2010

Chemical Engineering Education, 44(1), 63-64 (2010)

mistakes you know many of them will make (read directly References
from a manuscript, lecture to the board and mumble, rapidly 1. Checklist designed by Professor Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State
show lots of PowerPoint slides with garish backgrounds and University, and reproduced with permission.
cluttered text, and so on). The students will quickly see what 2. CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness)
Web site, <www.catme.org>
you’re doing and start laughing and maybe throwing things at
3. Welch, H., D. Suri, and E. Durant, “Rubrics for Assessing Oral Commu-
you. Stop after a couple of minutes and have them individually nication in the Capstone Design Experience: Development, Application,
rate your talk using your checklist or rubric and then reconcile Analysis, and Refinement,” Intl. J. Engr. Ed., 25(5), 952 (2009)
their ratings in pairs. After you discuss the ratings and give 4. For additional tips on teaching and assessment strategies that address
yours, give a better talk that still has mistakes, and repeat the each of ABET Outcomes 3a–3k, see Felder, R.M., and R. Brent,
“Designing and Teaching Courses to Satisfy the ABET Engineering
exercise. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised at the quality of Criteria,” J. Engr. Education, 92(1), 7 (2003) <http://www.ncsu.edu/
the oral reports most of them subsequently give.[4] felder-public/Papers/ABET_Paper_(JEE).pdf> p

Table 1
Grading Checklist for Written Reports[1]
Student: _____________________________ Project Phase: _____________________
Date: ___________________ Evaluator: ________________________
Max. Score Comments
Technical Content (60%)
Abstract clearly identifies purpose and summarizes principal content 10
Introduction demonstrates thorough knowledge of relevant background and prior work 15
Analysis and discussion demonstrate good subject mastery 30
Summary and conclusions appropriate and complete 5
Organization (10%)
Distinct introduction, body, conclusions 5
Content clearly and logically organized, good transitions 5
Presentation (20%)
Correct spelling, grammar, and syntax 10
Clear and easy to read 10
Quality of Layout and Graphics (10%) 10
Total Score 100

Table 2
Excerpt from a Peer Rating Rubric for Team Projects[2]
← Write the names of the people on your team.
Contributing to the Team’s Work
• Does more or higher-quality work than expected.
5 5 5 5 5
• Makes important contributions that improve the team’s work.
• Helps teammates who are having difficulty completing their work.
4 4 4 4 4 Demonstrates behaviors described in both 3 and 5.
• Completes a fair share of the team’s work with acceptable quality.
3 3 3 3 3
• Keeps commitments and completes assignments on time.
• Helps teammates who are having difficulty when it is easy or important.
2 2 2 2 2 Demonstrates behaviors described in both 1 and 3.
• Does not do a fair share of the team’s work. Delivers sloppy or incomplete work.
1 1 1 1 1
• Misses deadlines. Is late, unprepared, or absent for team meetings.
• Does not assist teammates. Quits if the work becomes difficult.
Interacting with Teammates
5 5 5 5 5 • …

64 Chemical Engineering Education

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