Eight Is Enough 061407

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Individual Turns -- Rules and Turn Order

Turn order

1. Strategy phase
1. Strategy Selection - Select Strategy cards as normal
2. Strategy Orders - Players simultaneously submit their Strategy "orders" to the GM by private message, declaring exa
Secondary strategies they activate, and exactly what actions are taken.
3. Strategy Resolution - GM resolves the Strategy actions, in order. Apply the Primary strategy, then apply the Second
I.e. leadership primary, then secondard, diplomacy primary, then secondary. So planets spent for Leadership and di
influence available for assembly voting, but planets being spent for production and technology will.
2. Tactical/Action phase - Each person does all of their actions in order of their strategy cards
1. Movement/Building - As normal. Each movement is considerd an "action" and should be listed in order because that
cards to be played. PLEASE list your CCs, TG PC and Acs after each action for ease of record keeping i.e. 3/5/3 2 AC,
movement/building when exhausting planets and building put in parensesis the values of the planets exhausting and the
2. Response - After the movement is posted, any players may respond with action cards and any players engaged in co
3. Resolve Combats - Resolve Space Combats (GM) and then Invasion Combats (GM)
4. Update map and statistics (GM)
3. Status phase
Examples of a strategy turn orders and the tactical/action turn orders are below on lines 82. An example PBEM is Winter Solst


- Special house rule "Individual Turns. See below or http://www.ti3wiki.org/index.php?title=IndividualTurns for more d
- Game in 9 VP
- Option Long War : NO
- Option Age of Empire : NO
- Option Distant Suns : NO
- Option Leaders : NO
- Option Sabotage Runs : No
- Option Homeworld : YES
- Option Star in the Crown : NO
- Option Ancient Throne : NO
- Variant Imperial Strategy Card : NO
- Variant Strategy Cards : YES
- Variant Objectives : YES
- Variant Race-Specific Technologies : YES
- Variant Artifacts : No
- Variant Shock Troops : No - note that Hope's End gives you 2 regular Ground Forces
- Variant Space Mines : No
- Variant Wormhole Nexus : YES
- Variant Facilities : YES
- Variant Tactical Retreats : YES
- Variant New Distant Suns Domain Counters : NO
- Variant Territorial Distant Suns : NO
- Variant Voice of the Council : No
- Variant Simulated Early Turns : No
- Basic rules of Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition, Twilight Imperium Expansion and Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition FAQ (
otherwise (see House Rules below).
- The Game Master (GM) maintains the official count of all game variables, including, but not limited to, the game board, u
Counters), Command Counters, Planet Cards, Trade Cards, Trade Goods, Technology Advances, Action Cards, Political C
and Secret Objectives. The GM also keeps track of all deadlines.
- All players are encouraged to regularly check all publicly accessible information pertaining to the game. In case of discrepa
and ask to correct the mistake. Any problems arising from a player's failure to notice such discrepancies will not be considere
case of irreversible negative consequences for the player(s) involved.
- The GM has final say on all issues.
- Keep in mind the new FAQ 2.0 rules that are changes from previous, to control a system is a ship and GT, can only
action, etc.


-Naalu loses its going first ability and Ysarril loses its skip ability because of the turn order changes. The races instea
-Beaurocracy and Warfare start with a bonus counter on them (first round only). An additional PO will not be flipped f
- The GM will hand out your secret objectives before you select races.
-Determining order of play-I will randomly assign a number 1-8 to the 8 players, that is the order you select your race i
your number, 2 political cards, and your secret objective at the same time. Select a race then it goes to the second pe
players will select their starting homeworld, and the homeworlds have the number of 1-8, which is the order you will s
round. So when you pick your homeworld you're also selecting what order you pick strategy cards the first round.
- Emergency Repairs takes precedence over Direct Hit! If both are played at effectively the same time, then Emergency Repair
Direct Hit! re-damages it, but does not kill it.
- When purchasing a Technology Advance, you can apply the Technology Specialty discount from a planet even if that planet i
Technology Advance purchase.
- The special re-roll ability of Universities of Jol-Nar and the Recheck Action Card can be played on any die roll after all rolls ha
or defender) during a single round of combat.
- The Diplomatic Immunity Action Card should read "round" instead of "turn".


- During voting, if it is apparent to the GM that the outcome is certain, minority voters may be marginalized (forced to abstain) to
- Any action card that could normally be played as a response to a previous action card, can be played after the previous action
* No more than 24 hours have passed since the previously played action card ;
* The player playing the delayed response action card has not yet posted in the message board for any reason.
If the GM does not feel the player is abusing this rule, the GM will rewind the game to the previously played action card and the
resolved and play will continue again from that point.
- After any action card causing major changes, the GM may "pause" the game for responses to the action card played from all
action cards are allowed against the action card after all players have passed or played responses.
- For quick resolution, secondary activations should be PM'd to the GM. If you wish to decide whether to participate or what to d
secondary activation is, this is still possible. If you are after that player in the turn order, submit your conditional activation in the
order. After resolving them, the GM will post secondary activation results to all players. Note that this does not apply to the sec
will be resolved in the normal manner.

- The Hacan player can make trade agreements without the permission of the player activating Trade A, but must still have the
he wants to make a trade agreement.
- If a player plays the Strategic Shift action card, no one can later take the excluded strategy card using the Strategic Flexibity a
- Q: Can the extra resource from multiple spacedocks with Sarween Tools be combined to purchase one unit (eg two spacedoc
- Q: Are fighters considered "ships" for the purposes of determining legal destination systems for In the Silence of Space? No
- Q: For elect two planet cards, does each player elect two planets or does each player vote for one planet and the highest and
Elect two planets, two highest voted planets are elected
- Q: For elect two planet cards, is the voting conducted simultaneously for both or are there two 'rounds' of voting, with the resu
before the votes for planet #2 are cast? 1 round of voting, elect two planets at once
- Q: When does the effect of Skilled Retreat happen in relation to other pre-combat effects? Handled same as Naalu retreat ab
- Q: While moving carriers between the two systems with a Transfer Action, can fighters be temporarily without support? No
- Q: If both sides have the same combat pre-fire (eg Assault Cannon) who takes casualties first? Simultaneous casualties
- Q: Can Jol-Nar reroll Ancient Artifact if they activated Political? No
- Q: Can Experimental Battlestation be played on another player's spacedock? No
- Q: How long does the effect of Diplomatic Immunity last? Until the end of round
- Q: In a fleet of carriers (or Warsuns or Cruiser/Dreadnaughts with Stasis Capsules) should each carrier's individual load be tra

GM will accept majority opinion of FFG TI3 main forum [4], if player wishes to post a rules question not specifically covered her
In all other cases, GM will use TI3 Fan FAQ as basis for rulings not covered by standard rules and errata.

Strategy Orders Example

2/4/2 1 tg 2 ac

Leadership secondary, exhaust mirage and loki for 2 CC

2/5/3 1 tg 2 ac
Diplomacy Primary
Take over Saudor, gain 1 TG
2/5/3 2 tg 2 ac
assembly secondary later
1/5/3 2 tg 2 ac
technology secondary
Deep Space Cannons -1 red tech planet, Capha (3) and Abadoon (2)
0/5/3 2 tg 2 ac
Mentak is Next

Tactical/Action Turns Example

Start: CC <0/5/2> TG <0> AC <6> PC <0>

1) Racial Ability
Bioptic Recyclers Discard AC for 2 TG's
AC <6> -> <5>

2) Racial Ability
Bioptic Recyclers Discard AC for CC
AC <5> -> <4> :: <0/5/2> -> <0/6/2>

3) Racial Ability
Bioptic Recyclers Discard AC for CC
AC <4> -> <3> :: <0/6/2> -> <0/7/2>
4) Tactical Action <0/7/2> -> <0/7/1>
Activate :: New_Albion/Starpoint
Move :: CA PDSx1 & GFx4 from Lodor (FTR Dies) & PDSx1 (pickup) from Starpoint
Landings :: PDSx2 & GFx4 on New_Albion.
Production :: PDSx1, DRx1, DDx1 GFx2
:: Exhaust Starpoint(4/1) & Lodor(3/1)
:: TG <2> -> <0>

Finish: CC <0/7/1> TG <0> AC <3> PC <0>

Hacan is next
All cards resolved in Can the Primary Can the
numerical order in the Be Done During Secondary Be
strategy card phase PRIMARY SECONDARY Your Action Done During
(first primary then phase? Your Action
secondary) Phase?

- Receive 1 CC for every 2 influences spent (up to 3 CC

1. - Receive 3 CC.
maximum). NO NO
LEADERSHIP - You may execute immediately this card's secondary ability.
Cost = Tap planets.

A) Choose one system containing a planet you control. Each opponent

- Claim an empty planet adjacent to a system you
2. must place a CC from his reinforcements.
control. NO NO
DIPLOMACY II B) Execute this card's secondary ability without paying a CC or any
Cost = 1 CC & 3 influences.

- Draw 1 political card and 2 action cards.

A) If you are not the Speaker, claim the Speaker token. Choose one - Refresh any number of your planet cards with total
other player to play a political card and resolve its agenda. combined resource and influence of 6 or less. NO YES
B) Choose one other player to claim the Speaker token. Play a political Cost = 1 CC.
card from your hand and resolve its agenda.

- Build up to 3 units in one of your system (even

- Build in one of your system (even activated) containing a SD with a
4. activated) containing a SD.
bonus of 2 resources. YES YES
PRODUCTION - Building doesn't activate the system.
- Building doesn't activate the system.
Cost = 1 CC.

- Receive 3 Trade Goods OR Cancel up to 2 trade agreements (except Hacan's trade agreements).
- All players receive Trade Goods from their active trade agreements minus 1 (except active player). NO NO
- Open trade negotiations. Active player must approve all new Trade Agreements.

- Choose a system to place the High Alert token. Your ships in this - Move up to 2 of your ships from unactivated systems
6. system gain +1 movement and +1 on space combat rolls. into any adjacent system you control.
WARFARE II - You may move the High Alert token with any ships that move out of - This does not activate the destination system(s).
the system. The token is removed at the start of the Status Phase. Cost = 1 CC.

7. - Receive 1 technology advance. - Receive 1 Technology advance.

TECHNO II - You may buy a second technology advance at the cost of 8 resources. Cost = 1 CC & 6 resources.

After selecting this card, reveal cards from the objective deck equal to
8. the number of bonus counters on this card. - Draw 1 political card and 1 action card.
BUREAUCRACY - Receive 1 CC. Take the top 2 Public Objectives, pick one to play, can Cost = 1 CC.
immediately qualify for a Public Objective.
Eight is Enough?
To turn off gridlines use: Tools, Options, View, Window options, uncheck Gridlines
"SD" indicates 1 space dock is on a planet.
Saar have a floating space dock that looks like a short fleet.
0 Malice 3 1 Thibah 1
1 1 SD 1

Diplomacy Primary ###
1 1

β Yin HW

2 Darien 4
2 SD 7 GF 2 Primor 1

2 Arnor 1 1 2
SD 2 1 1 Sol HW
7 1
2 4 Jord 2
High Alert R 1 Lor 2 SD 2
SD 1
R 1 Coorneq 2
2 Dam G 1 New Albion 1
2 TG 2 Sumarian 2 3
Trade Station
2 Resclon 0
3 Starpoint 1
1 Arcturus 2 SD 4
2 2
L1Z1X HW 2 1 Quecenn 3 1 Tarmann 1
1 1 Mehar Xull 3
β 2 1 2
damaged dread B

5 0,0,0 0 ### 3
SD 2 3
G 0 Rarron 3
2 1 1

4 Capha 0 R 3 Tequeron 0
1 Lazar 0 1 SD 3 1 SD 2

1 1 B 0 Torkan 4
2 Sakulag 1 1 1 2 SD 2
1 damaged warsun 4 3
1 ###### Ysarril HW
### 2 Retillion 3
1 SD 1
BLANK1 1 shalloq 2
R 0 Dal Bootha 2 G 0 Rigel I 2 1
1 Vega Major 2 3 1 1


G 1 Xxehan 1
BLANK9 1 1 2 Rigel II 2
2 Lisis 2 1 2
2 3 1 2
2 Vega Minor 1 7 B 2 Rigel III 1
1 damaged warsun 1 1 2
R 2 Velnor 0
SD 5 BLANK8 1 Mecatol Rex 6
2 SD 13

TG 2 TSION 2 3 B 2 Elnoth 0
Embers HW Trade Station 0 Mellon 2 2
4 Muatt 1
1 SD R 0 Bellatrix 1
1 4 4 BLANK10
1 3 Ashtroth 0
1 Centauri 3 1 2
1 B 3 Zohbat 1

B 1 Gral 1 1 Loki 3
2 1
G 2 Lesab 1 2 Perimeter 2 HACAN HW
1 Wellon 3 1 2 GF 3 Hopes End 0 2 Arretze 0
2 6 R 2 Abadoon 0 SD 2
1 1 Hercant 1
1 SD 1
FI 1 Mirage 3 G 4 Lodor 1 2 0 Kamdorn 1
2 Saudor 2 8 2 SD 3 G 3 Quann 1 SD 1
1 9

1 2
1 α G 2 Garbozia 1

Winnu HW 2 2

Y 3 Winnu 4
2 1 SD 6 BLANK6 1
1 1

Jol Nar HW

1 Jol 2
BLANK7 2 2 SD 2
2 Nar 3
1 SD 2
B 1 Arinam 2 Can build 3 extra things at nar round 6

0 Meer 4

Round6 Speaker

Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onward krootish86

Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers L1Z1X

Strat 2. Diplomacy II 4. Production 6. Warfare II 5. Trade II 8. Bureaucracy 3. Assembly 7. Techno. II 1. Leadership

Total 3 5 Total 15 8 Total 15 24 Total 20 9 Total 14 15 Total 9 16 Total 11 11 Total 20 15

Darien 2 4 Jord 4 2 Retillion 2 3 Arretze 2 0 Jol 1 2 Winnu 3 4 Y x Muaat 4 1 x [0,0,0] 5 0 x 1. Leadership
Capha 4 0 x Shalloq 1 2 Hercant 1 1 x Nar 2 3 Wellon 1 3 x 2. Diplomacy II
Starpoint 3 1 Tequ'ran 3 0 R x Kamdorn 0 1 x Perimeter 2 2 x Rescion 2 0 x 3. Assembly
Thibah 1 1 New Albion 1 1 G x Torkan 0 4 B x Ashtroth 3 0 Lodor 4 1 G Lesab 2 1 G x Velnor 2 0 R Lazar 1 0 x 4. Production
Primor 2 1 GF x Rigel I 0 2 G x Loki 1 3 x Arinam 1 2 B x Mirage 1 3 FI x Centauri 1 3 x Sakulag 2 1 x 5. Trade II
Mehar Zull 1 3 B x Rigel II 2 2 Abadoon 2 0 R Meer 0 4 Gral 1 1 B x Qucen'n 1 3 6. Warfare II


Rigel III 2 1 B Quann 3 1 G Garbozia 2 1 G Saudor 2 2 x Tsion (TS) 2 2 TG Rarron 0 G 7. Techno. II

Tar'mann 1 1 Mellon 0 2 x Mecatol Rex 1 6 x Bellatrix 0 1 R Arnor 2 1 x 8. Bureaucracy
Dal Bootha 0 2 R El'nath 2 0 B x Veput 2 0 R x Lor 1 2 R
Xxehan 1 1 G Hope's End 3 0 ST Arcturus 1 2 x
Malice 0 3 Zohbat 3 1 B x Sumarian (TS) 2 2 TG x
Vega Major 2 1 Coorneo 1 2 R x
Vega Minor 1 2 B Lisis 2 2 x

= Colony or Refinery


One time


### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:502 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:502 ### ### ### ### ### ###

Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade

Agreements Agreements Agreements Agreements Agreements Agreements Agreements Agreements
Winnu Embers Ysarril Embers Sol L1Z1X Ysarril Winnu L1Z1X Jol Nar Yin Sol Yin Hacan Jol Nar

TOTAL = Err:502
Hacan 3

1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 1

Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502

Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods

+2 Acs +1 Acs +1 trade agreements +1 trade agreements

Y Hylar V Assault Laser Antimass Deflectors Antimass Deflectors Enviro Compensator Antimass Deflectors Antimass Deflectors Enviro Compensator Enviro Compensator
Ysarril is
R Automated Def Turrets Cybernetics XRD Transporters Sarween Tools Enviro Compensator Enviro Compensator Sarween Tools Stasis Capsules
B Enviro Compensator XRD Transporters Enviro Compensator Hylar V Assault Laser Sarween Tools Stasis Capsules War Sun Cybernetics


G Stasis Capsules Enviro Compensator Manuvering Jets Deep Space Cannons Hylar V Assault Laser Hylar V Assault Laser Microtechnology Hylar V Assault Laser
Hylar V Assault Laser Sarween Tools War Sun Stasis Capsules Sarween Tools Hylar V Assault Laser Auto Defense Turrets
Mark II Advanced Carriers (race tech) Stasis Capsules Stasis Capsules Deep Space Cannons Microtechnology Deep Space Cannons Deep Space Cannons
Neural Motivator Antimass Deflectors War Sun XRD Transporters Magmus Reactors (race tech) Sarween Tools
Hylar V Assault Laser Neural Motivator Neural Motivator Cybernetics War Sun
Type 4 Drive Automated Def Turrets Antimass Deflectors
Deep Space Cannons Daxive Animator XRD Transporters
Magen Defense Grid
Graviton Negator


Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502




Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502

Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onward krootish86

Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers L1Z1X

0 2 4 4 6 6 4 4

1 1 1 I have tech advances in all 4 colo

1 1 1 1 1 1 I spend 10 production or 10 influe

1 1 1 1 1 1 I have at least 3 technologies in t


1 1 1 1 I control planets with a total influe

1 1 1 1 1 I have all three of my spacedocks

2 2 I won two space battles this run,

2 vp I control Mexatol Rex and at




Planets for pull-down menus

<------ the first one is not empty, it's a SPACE character. This keeps the formulas from resulting in "#####" in the rest of the Planets table.
Archon Ren
Archon Tau
Dal Bootha
Hope's End
Lisis II
Litra IV
Mecatol Rex
Mehar Zull
Mol Primus
New Albion
Rigel I
Rigel II
Rigel III
Sumarian (TS)
Tsion (TS)
Vega Major
Vega Minor
Antimass Deflectors
XRD Transporters

Total 3 1
Lisis II 1 0
Ragh 2 1

acy II
e II
o. II

t law, one time, unconventional weapons
One time, mass mobilization


Ysarril is the minister of trade

Humane Labor
s in all 4 colors

n or 10 influence

hnologies in the same color

a total influence greater than the player to my immediate right and left

y spacedocks on the board

les this run, each in different systems and against at least 3 opposing ships

ol Rex and at least 3 adjacent systems to it (use control rules of FAQ 2.0)
De Cr Dr Ws Ca Fi GF ST Mine SD PDS Ref. Col. # # TG PC AC C
Round 0 Planet Tech
x8 x8 x5 x2 x4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 x3 x6 x8 x8 x 40 <5 <7 SA

Yin 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 0 2 0 2

Sol 1 2 5 1 1 2 0 2 0 2

Ysarril 1 2 2 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 2

Hacan 1 2 2 4 1 3 2 0 2 0 2

Jol-Nar 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 0 2 0 2

Winnu 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 0 2 0 2

Embers 1 2 4 1 1 3 0 2 0 2

L1Z1X 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 4 0 2 0 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers

Round 1 Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onwa
Assembly Trade Technolofy Leadership Bureaucracy Warfare Diplomac
Assembly: speaker Trade a) +3TG Enviro Compensators Leadership Recieve Bureaucracy ->bonus on High alert on Home Diplomacy Anne
Primary token, Sol to provide PC, 3CC + (Kamdorn+1PC SA & 1CC CP Qualifies System, bonus on CP Wellon
Strategy Collect 2ac, 1pc (minister for a tech in 4 colors, 1
of policy) CC@5/3/4 VP

Production Tech: Jord (4) +2TG for Leadership Production Leadership JOL for 1 Production Production
XRD Transports Retillion(2/3) and 1 TG Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly
Secondary Bureaucracy for 2 CC. Prod
Strategies Assembly (Retillion) Tech (Stasis Capsules)
Winnu 1 -1 Yssaril 1 - 2 Sol 2-1 Yssaril 2-3 Winnu 3-3 Jol-Nar 3-3 Sol 2-2
Trade II results Embers 2-1 Embers 2-2 Hacan 3-2 L1Z1X 1-3 L1Z1X 1-1 Yin 1-1 Yin 1-2

Must exhaust NAR Must exhaust Mu


Action 2/3/3 0/3/3 1/4/3 5/3/4 3/3/4 2/3/4 2/3/3

Action 1. Activate * Move 1 carrier + -Prod 1. Activate system 1. Activate Lodor 1. Activate Mirage 1 CC Activa
Sumarian/Arcturas 2GF from Jord secondaryPDS and containing Ashtroth, System Move # Move 1 Carrier Lisis/Velnor.
Move * Invade Capha 2 GF Loki, Abadoon Dreadnought w (with 1 GF, 1 warsun + 2 G
Action CV(2GF/2F),
2. AC: GhostDD Ship with 2GF (take
* Move 1 carrier + -Activate rigel, ca, 4 Move in 1
2. Use Production 1GF there 2ndry
2. Assembly Fighter)
# from Lesab
2. Activate Winnu Lisis/Velnor.
1 SA Assem
from Darien
Place DD at planet)
3GF + 1 destroyer gf, 1 pds, a ft carrier, 3 ground
Secondary 3/3/3 TG:0,
Refresh PC:2,
Lodor Land 11 GF,
# Move Cruiser GF- on each.L
alpha 2GF on
wormhole * 0/3/2
from JordCC, 1AC, forces fromProduceHacan AC0 2/3/3 TG:0,
system claiming
(with 1 GF)planet
from (2/2) and Ve
Action Arcturas
(blank2) (1/1) to
3. Activate 1TG, 2PC New
* Discard 1PC -Activate Homeworld
3. ground
Activate forces
system PC:2, AC0 Arinam -
4. Activate <2/3/3>,
# 3. 0 TG, 0
Use Assembly (2/0)
1 SA Produc
claiming it
Arnor/Lor Albion with 1GF
(Technology Tariffs) tequeron/torkan ca, containing Land
(sarween tools),
Quann one
1 Meer system and AC,
# 2 PC
Secondary1 GF, - Build 1 C
Fleet Claims
Move 0tg 1ac (take
for 1TGplanet)
+ spend 1 3 gf, 1 pds, 1 ft ground force
destroyer ontoin 1
Move 3 Production
move 2ndry
1 Carrier claiming
# Refreshplanet
Lesab De (2) = cos
Action Sumarian
4. Racial Station
CV(2GF/1F) from
Ability: TG* to...
Invade Starpoint activate home each
4. Useof 3Assembly
carrier, the three
ground Produce
loaded wCruiser,
2GF there
5. Activate fig <2/3/2>,
# 4. 0 TG, 0
Use Mirage - Exhaust
1 CC Activa
(2/2/tg)Darien (2/4) to
Swap with 2 GF (take
* Produce 2 system, 2 gf, 2 ft planets,
in Hacan each
Destroyer, and 2GF,
Invade discard
Perimeter: planets
Move in AC, 2 PC
Secondary and Velnor (
(4/2) DD 0tg 2ac
from planet) + 2 GF on
fighters buildt, discarded planet
1 Cruiser from Refresh 2PC+Sarween
with 1GF 1/3/2
Cruiser loaded <1/3/2>,
# Build 0 TG, 0
2 Cruisers +1 -from
Move Sarw
Action 3pc
6. wormhole
Activate 0tg 1ac
Thibah * 0/3/1 CC, 1AC,
Jord regressuve reteric Comand
5. ActivateCounters
Hacan (Technology
6. GF PC:0, AC0
and invade
Activate AC,
# 2 PC1GF (1), for
5. and
Activate GF
1 CC to Activa
Land GF on
3pcMove 1TG, 2PCCC, 1AC,
* 0/3/0 PC 5/3/3
4/3/3 Trade
Homeworld (1-0),goods
and Investigation
planet with 1GF
Homeworld and a total of 5 resc
Mellon/Zohbat Land 1 GF
Arnor (2/1) claiming
CV(1GF/1F) from 0TG, 1PC 0 Action
Quann (2-1)cards
Produce 20 Committee
1/3/1 2GF,
build and
PC:0, Exhaust
# Move Lesab (2)
2 Cruisers - Move 1 D
Status Phase it Production
CC 1/3/0 0tg 1ac CC 0/3/0 CC, 1AC, Polictical
CC docks
3/3/1, cards (813
TG:0, Regulated
AC0 TG:0,
1/3/0 cost 4
PC:0, and Winnu
(with 1 GF
<0/3/0>, (3) 0 AC,
0 TG, claim
End at trade
3pc Land GF on Lor
Secondary: 0TG, 1PC groundPC0
AC0, forces,
Trade 1 goods Conscription)
AC0 1/3/3 # PC
0 <0/3/2>,
from Winnu0 TG, 0 0 AC, 1 PC
Thibah claiming
at Darien:it taking
0 Action
sarween planet
cards 20
tools, TG:0, PC:0,
Lodor+Sarween AC0 AC,
# 2 PC
Land 1 GF, on
CV (3),/ 2GF
T : Tactical
Rit: Race
(1) / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Action card Command
Arretze, Counters
Ashtroth, 1/3/0 TG:0, PC:0, each planet,
3pc<1/3/0> 0tg
exhausting Darien
1ac 4/3/2 2 Trade
Quann, goods
1 AC0 claiming both of
3pc Abadoon), and 20
0 Action cards them
<1/3/1> 0tg 1ac Polictical cards
ground forces ( 1 # <0/3/1>, 0 TG, 0
3pcDe Cr Dr Ws Ca Fi GF ST Mine SD card
political PDS Ref. Col. # # AC,TG2 PC PC AC C
Round 1 Planet Tech # x6.40
x8 x8 x5 x2 x4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 changed
x3 toxtrade
6 x8 x8 Activate
< 5Winnu < 7 SA
good and # Build 1 Cruiser (2)
Yin 2 3 4 6 spent)
1 6 2 and02 GF (1)3 on 2 1
Ground Winnu Space Dock
forces are on # Exhaust Mirage
Sol 1 2 2 7 1 4 3 0 1 2 2
Arretze (1) and discard
political cards
Ysarril 1 2 4 9 1 Command 2 7 3 1
"Conventions 2 of 3 1
Counters 3/3/1 War" and "Imperial
Hacan 1 1 2 2 8 Trade
3 goods 0 7 2 Mandate"
0 for0 2 TG 1 2
Action cards 0 (Sorry guys, if some
Jol-Nar 2 1 2 3 6 Polictical
1 cards
2 0 6 5 of you
0 wanted 0 any of1 2
those laws played)
# <0/3/0>, 0 TG, 0
Winnu 4 1 2 6 1 1 5 3 AC,00 PC 0 1 1

Embers 2 1 1 2 4 1 7 3 0 2 1 0

L1Z1X 2 1 2 5 7 1 1 7 4 0 1 1 1
Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers
Round 2 Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onwa

leadership exhaust leadership, new albion, leadership sec, exh Leadership pri, exh loki, leadership sec meer and leadership, mellon and leadership exh c
Primary darrien, for 2 cc, 2/3/3, PC free trade for 1 cc, torkan, rigel 1 and 2, kamdorn, hercant for 6 arinam 3 cc 2/3/4, tech mirage for 2, diplo prim gral and wellon,
Strategy assem sec refresh 2/3/2, assem, prod prim assembly prim, get 3/5/6, assembly and sec free, deep space veput II, tech sec, Hylar 3/3/2, play minis
darrien, tech enviro later, tech capha, speaker, 1 pc, 2 ac, prod sec during turn, cannons 5 exh winnu zorput 1/3/3 commerce, prod
comp free, statis capsuls starpoint for enviro muatt play card, tech sec tech, hylar 5, ashtroth, now, exh muatt a
4 tg, arnor and thibah
production compensator
assembly, tech manuvering
technology jets, abadoon, quann
assemb, prod, 2/5/6
tech assembly and tech assembly, tech sawreen, sec tec
tech, warfare
and arcturus retellion, tequon, pc microtechnology
Secondary colonial distribution 0/4/4 velnor, lisis, warf
Strategies move cruiser and

Trade II results

played AC on winnu

Action switch darien to 4/2 act primer, move act dal act hopes end, act garbozia, move act saudor, move cr act bellatrix,
carrier from new bootha/xxechan, ca move in 2 gt I ca in cr and gf from and gf from winnu gf from gral,
albion, pick up 2 gf and 2 gf from rigel 1, from quann home bellatrix
Action prod sec, 2 cr, ds , and 2 ftsec
assem from jord
refresh act tarmann, through prod sec, 3 ds on act lodor, move car, ass sec zohbat act wellon, d
exh darien and pc primor and new hw pick up 2 fts, 2 home world with 3 ft, 2 pds, 1 gf from veput hs to wellon,
subsadized industry albion gfs sawreen tools hw, build sd, ex colony, spen
Action transfer action prod primar, build ac good year, 8 tgs, act elnoth, move 1 lodor
act and w,
home tg move act winnu build 4 gf, core stability
transfer actio
darien and carrier, 4 ft, 1 ds, ca, 3 gf, 2 ds, 1 cr, ca from arinaem, 2 ds spend zohbat centauri and
sumarian. Move cr exhaust primor, 2 build sd, exh and 1 tg move ds to c
Action and ds to sumarian, bonus,
act 2 tgbuild
capha, act rigel., colony ass sec, refresh perimeter
unassemble andmeer
2 tg, act mellon build at mua
bring back ca, 2 ft, 1 space d and refinery rigel 1, refinery on hopes end, build 2 ft, 1 pds, 2 zohbatcolony on sw tools and
gf, build ds and 2 ft, for new albion and abadoon, astroth, 2 elnoth,abadoon gfm 3 tg and mellon, refinerya nd
Action spend pcs research jord tgs teq/torcan
act and rigel 3 cr act triple planets, sawreen space dock zorbat,
grant and repeal from hw, space dock move in dest, refin move cr and gf from
and refinery on teq, on ashtroth lesab on zorbat,
Action exh
1 tg shallok andand
to embers 4 abadoon,
act quann,colony on
refinery move gf from mellon
yin loki to zorbat

Status Phase act homeworld, 6 gf, spend jol, nar, meer,

4 ft, 1 ca, 1 ds and 1 tg for vp

T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Action card

De Cr Dr Ws Ca Fi GF ST Mine SD PDS Ref. Col. # # TG PC AC C

Round 2 Planet Tech
x8 x8 x5 x2 x4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 x3 x6 x8 x8 x 40 <5 <7 SA

Yin 3 2 2 5 4 1 4 4 2 0 3 1

Sol 1 2 2 7 2 1 5 4 0 0 3 1

Ysarril 1 1 3 8 9 2 2 3 2 10 4 6 2 5 0

Hacan 5 1 3 6 14 3 3 1 9 3 0 0 2 2

Jol-Nar 2 1 2 5 8 2 3 7 6 1 0 2 2

Winnu 2 4 1 2 10 2 1 1 1 7 4 0 0 2 1

Embers 3 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 8 4 0 0 2 1

L1Z1X 2 4 2 5 7 2 1 2 9 4 1 0 2 1

Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers

Round 3 Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onwa

bur, 1 cc to strat, po is tech leader-exhaust kamdorn, Primary on veput 2

Primary more influence then hercant, loki,1 tg for
Strategy players on my right and 4/6/4
left (control planets with
more then), qualify for 4
prod sec, 2 pds on technew
exh in each color
albion and leader tokan and dal Prod, assem later, tech, exh arinam/meer for 3 exh mellon, lasab, and exh tsion for 1 cc
darien and a DS, exh primor for 1 cc, ass and bothas for 3 ass later, long range cannons (exh cc, assem sec later, prod mirage for 3 CC, warfare assem prim, 1 pc
Secondary thibah and arxcturus and prod sec during tactical, tech primary, sawreen ashtroth, elnoth, red tech prim later, 3 tgs, tech 1 cr to zorbat II, carrier and pc from top from
Strategies 3 tg, 2 tg from trade, trade 2 tgs, tech sec, tools, statis capsules for from abadoon) 4 tg, no cc for war sun and ft to lesab, winnu saudor without one, trad
high alert on darien jord and 2 tgs for Hylar 2 gr tech, 1 tgs, rigel 3, other sec neural motivator 2 gre and yellow from hw for tech sec, hylar 5
5, and tequeron, trade 4, tech pl lodor and jol sawreen tools and 2 red planet
2/2 from ts 2 4
give hacan 1, beur, get 4 3 3, giving 2 to Jol nar 4
sec 0/3/1
Trade II results one pc and 1 ac

privateers on Ysarril, 3 tg
Assembly to jol nar, ysarril loses 7

Action AC signal jam on Action 3.8.1. 1 tg to yin and Production JOL-NAR Tactical . Activate Mirage 0/3/1 Transf
Arnor/lor Activate Mehar Xull hacan Secondary At Hacan 1/5/2 2AC, 0PC, HS and
Homeworld produce 6TGs Build 1 Colony, Pay Centauri/Gra
Action Activate Thibah Move carrier
Action 3.8.2. from 1. Activate Malice. Activate Astroth Star 2. Production 1TG
Activate Mecatol WS +22GF
Land Fi +a
Capha +Assembly
1 GF. 1 carrier (3), 2 1. Play Privateers PDS from
(1/1) Activate Move 1 Cruiser System Primary at home Rex on Gral, 1 ho
Move 2DD, 1CR Strategy Card w/1GF dreadnaught
Move in(10),
1 Action Card on
system: <1/3/2>, 0 TG, 2 AC, system to Bu
from Darien(HW) to Invade Mehar
secondary Xull,
ability. Move Cruiser and Total
carrier fromof 13.
Hope's Yssaril
1 War Sun @12 0 PC in 2 Cruisers
Move Centauri/Gra
Muaat 1 PDS
Thibah take planet 1GF from Tequeron. Sarween
end withtools (3),
2 ground (steal
2 7 TGs
Ground and
Forces with GFs from Cruisers (4)
Build SD (4), Spend 1CC from Land on Malice Exhaust
forces,Hope's End
land forces cash 3TGs for
@1 Mellon/Zohbat with 2 Exhaust
Action 2. Racial Ability: Action 3.8.3. 2. Activate Assembly secondary 2 Activate Hope's Activate End at 0/3/1
Convert Darien (2/4) Activate Production Tequeron/Torkan End Mellon/Zohbat 2 PC,1 TG
-> Darien (4/2) Strategy Card Build Space Dock Refresh Move Carrier loaded
Action <0/4/1>
Activate 1tg 2ac
Darien (4/2) primary3.8.4.
Action ability. onActivate
3. Torkan(4)HW =4 Hope's End
Transfer (3-0),
action with
3 2GF and PDS
Unassemble Build 1 Dreadnought
0pcBuild 2CR (4), Activate New 2F(1) + +
Build 2DD(2) 1 and Astroth
between (3-0)
Homeworld from Lodor System
Garbozia(2/1) and (5), and 2 GF (1)
1DD (1) = 5, Spend 1CC from
Albion/Starpoint CR(2) ==34
1CR(1) and Quann Move also
Hope's End (3/0)
Action exhaust Darien (4/2) Strategy Exhaust
Activate of 1/6/3Move4 Trade
from 1Destroyer
4 from HS
1AC, Action
Transfer 0PC, 0 or Exhaust Veput (2)
+ 1tg (changed to 2 move in Destroyer Retellion(2) + Rigel+
war" + Sarween(1)
Assembly goods
Homeworld 2 Action
to to there and
between Home invade
and and Zohbat (4) *Yes,
ds and 1 cr, exhaust Capha
from homeworld (3) + II(2) + Tar'Mann(1)
Refresh Torkanof ++ cards 0 Political
Quann: 1 carrier planet
Lodor with PDS and I know that I have
Action exhausted thibah in Primor (2) = 5 Xxehan(1)
Dal Bootha+
Thalnos" cards2 fighters, 4
with ground
With forces
less Sun,
I will Sarween Tools, but I
strategy and action, resources
exhaust Starpoint Sarween(1) = 7 ground 1/5/1 1AC,
2GF, 1PDS,
make 0PC,
it: garbozia, 0 or have no other
so 1 tg short) (3) + New Albion (1) Move1SA
Spent CA and
from3CP forces, and 1 5TGs
and 2 Destroyers
hopes end and 2 to choice...
Status Phase <0/4/0> 0tg 2ac build
= 2 cruisers (2) +
4 resources Tarmann with 3Fand
1 tg from hacan dreadnaught Lodor
1 vp, 3 techts for 7and exh summarian for 2 exh 4 planet
0pc 1 destroyer (1) = (3 Ending
embers with 1/4/0
for minister Build
1 tg at home <2/3/0>,
tg 0 TG, 2 AC, for vp
build SpacecapDock/ 5 on of trade, exh 4 Build on System
2 GF 1 0 PC
resources) at Space
Starpoint Homeworld 2 PDS (2GF and 1
T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Actionplanets
card for vp, 10 inf
Dock on Capha 6 PDS on both home
De Cr Dr 0/3/0
Ws CC, 3AC,
Ca 0TG,Fi GF ST Mine fighters
SD (3), and 3 Ref.
PDS Col. 4 #
worlds) # TG PC AC C
Round 3 0/3/2 1VP
0PC, CC, 3AC, 0TG, cruisers (6) Total (9) 1 Cruiser Planet
2 Tech
x8 x8 x 5 0PC, x 2 1VP x 4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 x3
Exhaust x6
Hope's x8 x8
1 Destroyer 1 x 40 <5 <7 SA
End (3), (+2 TGs to Hacan)
Yin 4 2 2 5 3 2 2Ashtroth 2 4 0 0 3 1
(3), Sarween tools
Sol 2 2 2 2 7 (3) 3 1 6 5 0 0 4 1
1/6/2 4 Trade
Ysarril 3 3 3 10 9 3
goods 2
2 Action 3 2 11 5 3 1 8 2
cards 0 Political
Hacan 5 4 2 4 12 14 cards
3 3 1 9 6 5 0 3 2

Jol-Nar 4 3 1 1 2 5 12 3 5 7 8 0 0 4 1

Winnu 2 4 1 1 2 12 2 1 1 2 8 5 0 0 3 2

Embers 3 2 1 1 2 8 1 2 1 8 5 0 2 6 0

L1Z1X 3 2 5 2 5 9 2 1 2 11 5 2 0 3 1

Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers

Round 4 Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onwa

diplo leadership assembly scientist production, synchonicy tech

Primary assasination on jol nar-
Strategy assembly acs pc sent

Start: <1/4/1> 0tg 3ac Leadership (Primary): Yssaril. 2/4/1 3TG 9AC 2 Start Start: CC1/5/1, 0TGs, Winnu Start at 0/3/2, 6 A
0pc PC 0PCs, 3ACs( PC, 0 TG
Secondary receive +3CC; 2 2/6/3 6 Trade goods 1) Leadership: Exhaust >Started with 2/3/2 3AC 1. Leadership 2n
Strategies 1. Leadership Strategy, 1 Command 1. Leadership 3 Action cards 0 Arinam-Meer for 6 0PC 0TG Exhaust Wellon
Secondary Secondary. Political cards influence/3CC -> 2/5/3 Centauri (3) for 3
Exhaust Darien (2/4) 3/3/3 CC, 4AC, 0TG, +3 CC's 3) Assembly 9 votes, Leadership - Secondary and place as 3/3
for +2cc 0PC Exhaust Torkan(4) + 1. Play Action card Secondary saved for >Purchase 3CCs 2. Assembly 2nd
Trade II results <2/4/2> 0tg 3ac 0pc Dal Bootha(2) Strategic Planning later >Place 1 CC in for tactical.
2/4/4 4) Production secondary Command Pool, 1 CC in Voting influen
2. Diplomacy Primary Diplomacy: decline 2/6/3 6 Trade goods saved for later Fleet Supply, and 1 CC Will play a PC
a) Darien becomes 2. Diplomacy decline 2 Action cards 0 5) Trade a) +7TGs give in Strategy Allocation assembly.
Demilitarized Zone Assembly (Secondary): Political cards 2TG to Hacan >Exhaust Mellon (2+1) 3. Production 2n
8 influence available for 3. Primary Assembly 7) tech: Cry a river and Mirage (2+1) saved for tactica
Action 3. Assembly Secondary
Start: <1/4/2> 2tg Assembly
Starting: 1/3/3 CC, Claim 1. Speaker
Activate token 2. Leadership
Hacan Tatical Phase Start: 2/5/3 5TG Start at <1/4/3>, 3 4. Trade
Start+1 Yin +
at 2/3/2
3ac 0pc Darien (2/4) 4AC, 1TG, 0PC, Receive
secondary 1PC + 2AC Secondary
turn #4 3AC 0PC Do not use Diplomacy
TG, 3 AC, 1 PC + 2 microtech
1 PC, 6 TG -1
Yin has 5 votes Production
1VP (Secondary): Choose
productionembers to Exhaust Loki (3), Give 2TGs to secondary 5. Techno prima
<1/4/2> 0tg 3ac 0pc delay until tactical
1. Production play political
Build 1card
DN 2F on Kamdorn
Start (1), and Embers of Muaat Magmus
Secondary at Thibah Action 4.1.1. 2/4/4torkan
3TG611AC 3PC Hercant (1), and 1 trade
Resources Use 1.Assembly
Activate Mecatol (tech. primary +
4. Production
Build 2F (1), PDS Trade (Secondary):
Activate Production exhaust good(1)
4/7/3 12 for Trade
3 goods 1. Production secondary
Rex during Deep Space Can
- Play Fla
(2) at Thibah +2TG Strategy Card 4. Production
Tequ'ran(3) decline. 3 command
Action cards counters
1 Secondary: Tactical Phase (8) speed AC (#
In Tactical
Exhaust Phase
Thibah primary ability. Retellion(2) + 4/7/3 card
Political 5 Trade goods Produce a Warsun Build Space Dock Exhaust- Move Muaa1W
(1/1) +2tg 3/3/3 CC, 4AC, 2TG, 5. Trade +4 TG = 6
sarween(1) 2 Action cards 0 and 2GF at Lodor Production - Secondary GralFi (1)+ =1 5GF +1
5. Trade<0/4/2> 0tg 3ac 0PC Spend 1CC from Give 1 TG to
0/4/4 8ac-5tg-2pcHacan Political cards Exhaust: All planets >Build 2 GF (1)
Pay 3 TGs + 1 PC and 1 Exhaust
from home sLisis
Action +2tg
0pc(Winnu = 1, Strategy and 1 TG to embers. 1. Assembly Secondary except JOL = Cruiser (2) at Zohbat Velnor -(2), Tsion
Embers = 2, -1 non- 2/4/4 5TG 11AC
2. Activate Ion 3PC 3. Assembly secondary
Refresh 12+Sarween >Exhaust Lesab
<1/4/2>, 0 TG, 3 AC, (2) + red tech discoun
2. Activate Warfare (Secondary):
exhaust Starpoint 6. Decline
Storm Warfare
1 wait
Elnothtill (2)
tactical phase
and Astroth 1/5/3 3TG 3AC 0PC Use 0Sarween PC Tools (1) 6. Play spaceAC comb
Action <1/4/2> 2tg 3ac 0pc Jamming
Sumarian Station (3) + New Albion (1) Move 1DD 1CR (3) 2/3/1,on L1Z
4 AC,
Move CR, CV(4F) Spend = 41CC from
resources 7. Technology
from HW 4. Production primary 2. Activate Mellon- Trade 2. IIUse
- Secondary
Assembly Arnor/Lor
6. Warfare Secondary Strategy
from Darien Choose
Pick Neural
up one GF wait till tactical
4/7/3 12 Trade phasegoods Zohbat (Breaks >Receive
Secondary1 TG from Yin End at 3/3/2, 5 A
Action noneMove CR, DD ac local unrest on
build 2 cruisers (2) = Motivator 6 resources
from Rigel 2 3 Action cards 1 trade w. Winnu) Trade agreement
PC, Assembly
4 TG 2n
from Thibah Move (31production
cruiser + 1cap / 4 Play AC8ac-5tg-2pc
0/4/3 "Corporate 5. Tradecard
Political secondary Move from Lodor a >Receive 3 TG from
Unassemble Jol-
Mirage Refresh Mua
7. Tech Secondary
Battle (will pm destroyer from Capha
resources) at Spaceto Sponsorship" receive 4 trade goods Warsun (2figs+4GF) Nar Trade agreement Edit:1/3/1,
Added 4 use
Status Phase 0/4/2> 0tg 2ac 0pc Mehar
none Receive 1AC + 3
Xull system But 1 CCNeural
Purchase in FS and 4/7/0 0 Trade I will put my CC >PayI now
1 TGexhaust
for aTG, 10 of warfare
total Embers will
battle orders) Dock
CC on Capha 3.
1 CCTransfer
in SA action 2. Activate
goods9 Verfut 3 ActionII 1/5/1 unless some 3 TG<0/4/2>,(actually 011) 3 AC, TG
* I control pla
<0/4/1> 0tg 3ac Motivator
Rigel for
<-> no cost
Torkan 4/7/3 Move Trade
from goods Move from Lodor 2 0 PC 7. Warfare secon
8. Bureaucracy
0pc 2/3/3Add
CC to2TG,
4AC, 4AC, 1TG, +4(Corporate
move 1DN w/GF
cards cards
2 Action
Elnoth 1
0 Political
carrier 0
really juicy AC
influence -> Mecatol Move with
WSa +total
Production 2 Fiin
Secondary 0PCStrategy, Add 2 CC Claim
card I have
Sponsorship) 2 more cardcards comes up... Rex II(6), Saudor (2), Home greater than2
T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic
0PC,/ X : Transfert
to Command
/ A : Action
1CA w/6F+my
tech than 1CR green Political
ground forces... land Move from Warfare
3. - Primary
Mirage (3) =Winnu
- Build
player wa
3. De
Racial Ability: techs. >Place High Alert at Carrier from
Cr Dr Ws2/3/2 CC,
Sol: Ca 4AC, Fi1/4/4w/GF GF
to rigel
10AC STsystem
6. SD planet),
PDS I Ref. Perimeter
Warfare secondary Col.
And 1Cruiser
I will Exhaust
# # TG
Mecatol Rex PC
Planets AC (10) and 2 C
Round Ending:
4 Darien (2/4) -> (4/2)
<1/4/2> 2tg 3ac
0TG, 0PC,
1VP 3 VPs total have 2 all
three of my (1GF)
Hope's End Planet Tech
>Exhaust 1 Cruiser
Miragefrom for End leftat
- Spend M
2/3/2, 5 A
x8 x8 x 5 Activate
0pc 4. Transfer Action (Secondary):
x 2 Blank x4 4 ∞ ∞
8. Bureaucracy
2DN x 12
+ 4GF x= 12
and space x3
1 dreadnaught
stations on in
x 8 Kill! x 8Kill! Kill!
immediately to gain Technology
x 40
2 fighters II -
<5 < 7 (4),SA
PC, (1),
4 TG
6 TG, Sa
Sorry again folks, I 12 resources
1/5/1 8AC-1TG-2PC Ashroth, the board from
Yeah.... No Action
ground Cards
forces >Receive 1 AC and
Yin 3 (HW)2and
Darien 1 3 3
exhaust Shalloq(1) Astroth, 2 Loki,Abadoon,
Loki, Abadoon
3 Casuality 2
order: 4Secondary
Build 0 2 GF 0
using 3 0/3/1,0 4 AC,
Spendwas away
1CC for the (Before
1/4/4the 3 I10AC
get ) to Elnoth,
first Move there... 2 CCs"Micro
Thibah Move
weekend. 2 from
cruisers ending
+ Sarween(2) 5TG + 3 destroyers victory Fighters,
3 space docks on
>Rearrange Tools to 1/4/1 TG
We'll set poo
Move CV(3F) Strategy
from Capha system. 3PC Rigel destroyer from Technology"
Sol 3 5 1 2 6 No 7AC2(2) + Rigel
cards to play. point
Quann 3 1
the board for6Cruiser,
1 vp 6>Exhaust 1 Winnu0(3) and 4 0/3/2 2
from Thibah to 3(2) 4/7/2 to12 Ashroth,
Trade Warsun <0/4/1>, 0 TG, 3 AC, Activate
Darien Exhaust Jord (4) +
Invade Mehar Xull, + Tar'mann(1) + Loki,
goods Abadoon.
3 Action cards Invade Mellon with Veput0 (2) for a total of 5
PC Quecenn/Ra
2. receive 1 action
Ysarril 3 DD 3from 3Mehar Xull (1) + 2Capha 8 15 1 TG +from 6resc + use 2 Yellow 2 tech 11
card3 and card2 2
Move take planet Xxehan(1) 3TG = 1 Political 3 1GF2 and Zohbat13 - 1Flank sp
(4) + 1TG = 10 Take 4/7/3 9 Trade goods discount (1)
Darien to Thibah 12
L1Z1x as he has command counters, with 42GF 4. Activate Mirage (#2)
Build CRx2 (4) at resources
0/3/2 CC, 4AC, 1TG, 2GF onthat Tequeron 2 Action cards 0 >Winnu racial ability -
five.(Not I have 3. Production
and cards
redistruibute War Sun bombards
Do not pay1CC to get
- Move 1 W
Darien 0PC, 1VP 2GF
a or Torkan
choice) command Produce in Zohbat Move Carrier from GF
Exhaust Darien develop Mark II 0/4/3 8ac-2tg-2pc Hacan Homeworld 1/5/2 3TG 3AC 0PC TechLesab - Bombard
Advanced counters
(4/2) Action Carriers
4.1.3. 7. Technology
2/7/41 Warsun
0 Trade invasion ord
secondary Beurocracy - Secondary
Hacan 8 8 3 1 4 14 28 3 3 1 9 5 0 0 4 2

Jol-Nar 6 5 1 2 2 5 17 3 6 1 9 8 0 0 5 1

Winnu 2 5 1 1 4 12 2 1 1 5 6 0 0 3 1

Embers 3 2 2 1 2 9 1 2 1 10 7 0 1 3 0

L1Z1X 2 3 5 1 4 6 1 2 9 6 4 0 3 1

Yin Sol Ysarril Hacan Jol-Nar Winnu Embers

Round 5 Maus Turin bnorton916 DavePaint Aroine IqAndreas Ever Onwa

tech bur assem diplo lead


leadership secondary Leadership (Secondary): 1/5/1 11AC-2TG-2PC Hacan Strategy Phase Still I will play (or did I 1/4/1, 3 AC, 0 PC, 0 TG 0/3/2, 3 AC, 1 PC
exhaust Darien for 2 CC Exhaust Mehar Xull for 3 Turn #5 already play?)
Secondary 1/5/2 influence. Leadership Secondary Command summit for Strategy Phase Strategy Phase
Strategies assembly secondary +1 CC to Command - Exhaust Torkan(4) + Start 2CC 1/5/3 1. Leadership - 3 1. Leadership (P
unexhaust Darien 0/5/2 2/3/3 CC, 4AC, 0TG, Rigel I(2) I will also play Grand command counters +3 command cou
trade primary receive 6 0PC 1/6/3 2/7/4 0 Trade goods Armana to my home Exhaust Mecatol Rex Exhaust Wello
2 tgs to L1Z1X
TGs 1 tg to embers 4 Action cards 0 system (Unlimited fleet (6) and Centauri (1/
Trade II results Diplomacy decline Political card supply) 2/4/3 3 counters
Diplomacy: decline 2. Diplomacy Primary - 4/4/3
Production decline 1. Leadership secondary then Mecatol Rex 2. Diplomacy - d
Leadership Exhaust 3. Assembly - saved for 3. Assembly - de
Assembly (Secondary): Assembly Exhaust Loki (3) and Meer + JOL for 3CC -> tactical 4. Production - s
8 influence available for 18 votes available Kamdorn (1) to gain 2 2/6/4 4. Production - Build 2 tactical
Action 1. switch resource Assembly Starting: 2/3/4 CC, Move from Ion command
0/7/6 5 Tradecounters
goods 4 Assembly command aftersummit
much GF (1) and
Start 1 PDS
with (2)3
2/4/3, 5. Receive
Start attrade
and influence on 4AC, 2TG, 0PC, Trade 5TG1agreements
Storm All ships Action cards 0 Political thought for 2we ccwill
andgive floor
grand Use
0 PC, 0tools
TG (1) income, 1 PC, 4 TG
1 TG
Darien. 1VP 4TG receive and give
including 1DD 1CR card 1 3/7/5 0 Trade goods to Yssaril and
armada on home take and exhaust lesab (2) (remember micro
Action 0/5/2 0PC 4TG 3AC Production (Secondary): TG to Hacan
w/1gf 4 Action cards 0
build for 3 sawreen
token for
Activate Quann
5. Receive
1. Use 1Assembly
TGs 6. Warfare
shows -me deca
until tactical
5.6.1. Move from Rigel Political card ourselves. 10 votes 6. Warfare
Secondary- decline 7. Technology
but I used 1 -
tools and 5 tgs, 1 ca and move from the
2. activate Darien: Activate Thibah. 1/6/3 11AC-5TG-2PC
system All ships 1. Activate Production @ home: 7. Technology - XRD Cybernetics (6)
and 10 Verput
fts II home system Techno seco
Build a including 2. Diplomacy Decline Carrier, Dreadnought transporters
Unassemble Saudor -1 SA, expend
Action 3 Destroyers
Dreadnought, 4 Trade (Secondary):
Move Dreadnaught Warfare decline
1DN 1CR Move in from Elnoth 1 and destoyer = 9 -2S = 7 Spend no strategy Gral (1/1), +1Bla
Activate Gr
3 Cruisers
Dreadnought = 5p
fighters +2TG + Carrier (with 4 1CA w/6F 3. Assembly
Warsun Decline 1 (Lodor and Zohbat)
(w/6 fighters), Exhaust
1/4/3, 3Winnu
AC, 0 (3)
PC, 0 discount Alpha, move
2 Cruisers =barrage:
exhaust Darien and 2/3/3fightersCC, 4AC, 2TG,from TechMove
+ 2GF) Primary
CA w/1F from carrier (empty) and 1 Trade will net 0.
1 Destroyer
2 PDS and 9=Anti-
TG (2) and 1 TG 8. Bureaucracy
1 GF + 2 Fi-
Thibah, use 2 TG 0PCJord, picking up Choose
Vega Type IV Drive
system 4. Production
cruiser Technology: both 2p 8. Bureaucracy - decline Corneeq.
fighter shots
Exhaust: Lodor 4,
0/5/1 0PC 3TG 3AC 2GF from Primor on free 1/6/2 5TG-11AC- Secondary
Kill air, then bombard primary and secondary:
Hope’s End 3, Nar2 2. Activate Mecatol End And at 3/4/3, 3A
1 cruise
the way For secondary
1PC choose planet Build at Hacan Autodefence turrets and End at
Rex 2/4/3, 3 AC, 0 PC, 1 TG
Action 2)Sarween
+ Activate Veput
2 = 11p 2
Warfare (Primary): Assault Laser- 8 Homeworld Daxive Animators (1CC+ PC, 1 TG And 1 destro
Place High1Alert
Move token
Cruiser from resources
HW 0/7/5 5 Trade goods 1 Perimeter, (edit: Build 2GF (1), and 1 from Bellatri
Move from Mellon-
on Jord
Mehar Xull Dal Bootha(R)
Build 3CR(6) + warsun 12
4 Action cards 0 +Garbozia) + 2 green PDS (2) 3/4/2
Action Zohbat =1p
2/3/3 CC, 4AC, 2TG, Teq'ran(R+3)
Sarween(1) ++ Vegas Political card 2 discount)
2 fighters(w=1p 2figs and
0PCCommence space Major(2) + Xxehan(1)
Retellion(2) + = 8 fighters 1 Exhaust Saudor (2)
Exhaust: Arinam 1
battle (invasion Shalloq(1) total
Status Phase 1/6/3ysarril got 5+tgs
from 2.13 Activate Mellon and 3 Destroyers
+Sarween 1 = 2p and use Sarween Activate
orders to follow) II(2) =
minister 6 of trade Zobat 1 Cruiser 1 (w 1GF) Tools (1) Lisis/Velnor,
Technology: decline Exhaust Verput II WS + 2 GF,
and Warsun from
2/3/3 CC, 4AC, 2TG, Bure decline
Activate (2), Elnoth (2),
Move in from Elnoth 4 1/4/2, 3 AC, 0 PC, 0 from home s
Lodor (w. 3 figs and
T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Action card
0PC, 1VP Tequeron/Torkan Astroth(3), Abadoon
cruisers each with (2), TG Land 2 GF o
Bureaucracy 1/6/31DN(5)
11AC-5TG-2PC Hercant (1),
De Cr Dr(Secondary):
Ws Ca Fi GF + 1CA(3) ST +Mine
groundSD force, land
Sarween PDS
one Ref.
(3) Col. # # TG PC AC Velnor. C
Round 5 spend
Action 5.6.2. 2F(1) + 1DD(1) = 11 on Mellon and 3 on Invade planet with 6 3. Transfer Action Build 2 spac
x8 x8 x5 x1CC
2 for
Activate 1PC
x4 + ∞
Production ∞
Sarween(2) x 12 Total
Zobat 13
+ Rigelx 12 x3 x6 x 8 GFx remaining
8 Planet Tech Winnu/Mirage
x 40 <5 < 7 (8).SAExhaus
1ACSecondary: Capha. II(2) + Tarmann(1) + (4), Lisis (2),
WarSuns will scorch
Yin 3 2 11/3/3 CC, 5AC, 2TG, 1 7 Vega9 Minor(1) + 2/7/5
0/7/4 20 5 Trade
Trade 3goods
goods the planet 2 4 Move 6 1 0 3 (2).0
1PCExhaust Starpoint + 5TG = 11 4 Action cards
4 Action cards 0 0 Dreadnought from 3/4/1
Reminder: if I win I
New Albion 2for 4 Political card
Political3card Mirage
Sol 2 4 1 3 13 1 1 will use Daxive 6 6 1 to Winnu 0 4 2
resources 1/6/0 0TG-11AC- animators to 6+ Production 2
1PC 5.
3. Trade
Hope's end 4 Move 1 Carrier Muaat, build
reanimate dead GF
Ysarril 4 6 4 Build Cruiser3 (2) + 10 23 trade goods3 2 3 2 both sides.
13 J 9 4
through Winnu1 and 11 1 PDS 1 (2) an
1PDS (2) at Capha Move in from Loki + 1 pick up 3GF and Cruiser (4) =
for 4 2/7/5 4 Trade goods
Hacan 8 8 2 2 resources
4 + 2 13 35 warsun 3(w/6 fighters), 1 3
4 Action cards6 ground0
3) Play
1 Master 9 of 6 land0 all on Mirage
1 4 Exhaust
0 Cor
production carrier (w/the Trade to refresh (1), Tsion (2
Political card
forces already on it) Move 1 sarween (1)
Hope’s End and
Jol-Nar 3 4 3 1/3/3 CC, 4AC, 3 2TG,2 23 3
Kill, bombard, 5invade 1 Lodor 9 10 Cruiser(1GF)
0 1 and 4 PC 1"planeta
0PC, 1VP 6. Warfare
with all forces secondary land GF on Mirage security"
Move from Hacan 2/4/1
Winnu 2 5 1 1 4 26 2 3 4) Transfer
1 Action
5 7 0 0 3 1
Action 5.6.3. Homeworld,
0/7/3 5 Trade 1 warsun
goodsw/ Build 2GF (1) at
between Jol-Nar and
Activate Sol Racial 6 fighters and
4 Action cards 0 1 carrier Winnu using Activate
Embers 3 4 2
Ability 1 6 17 w/6
Political3card 3 1 from Home 9 8 2
Sarween 0 (1) 3
Tools 0
ground forces to Centauri/Gra
Bow-chicka-bow- Loki, Abadoon,
4. Activate Quann and 1/4/1,
L1Z1X 2 6 5 1 4 14 Astroth.3 2 Carrier
2 (w. 210PDS: 1 7 2 3 AC,00 PC, 0 3 transfer
wow! from JOL and 1 from TG Move 1 Des
Move in 1 cruiser NAR) land them to Carrier +1 P
Place 2GF on Jord 1/7/5
form Loki,4 Trade
1 goods GF (from Ce
4 Action cards(w/1ground
dreadnaught 0 to Bellatrix
Build 6 units at
0/3/3 CC, 4AC, 2TG, Political card
force from Loki) 2 Land PDS a
Yin 0PC, 1VP Sol Ysarril cruisers (each
Hacanwith Jol-Nar Winnu on Ballatrix.
7. Technology
ground DavePaint
force - 1 from 2/4/0
Maus Turin bnorton916 5) Transfer
Aroine action IqAndreas Ever Onwa
Round 6 Action 5.6.4 Activate secondary
kamdorn, and 1 from between Lodor and
Yin Homeworlds Purchase
Hercant-) from Stasis Generate 2
Hope’s end
capsules (6)
Homeworld, and 3 War Sun in
no moves (or if I
Yin Round 6 Strategy Leadership (Secondary):
Move 2 cruisers 1/6/2 9TG 2/5/3 Green
destroyers from0 Tech
trade Quann
goods I will play Cultural Crisis 1/5/2, 4 AC, 0 PC, 0 TG Strategy Actions
must move I will
Primary start 1/5/2, 3-TG, 3-AC, Exhaust Mehar
from Blank 4 Xull (3 Yssaril's order (1),
4 Quann
homeworld (3),
cards Arretze
0 on Hacan to remove Start at 1/4/1, 4 A
swap places of 2
Strategy 0-PC influence)
system, + New
1 (2) landcards
Kill, ground forces theirdestroyers) special abilities this Strategy Phase PC, 2 TG
(1 influence)
destroyer=from4 1. Leadership on planet turn (no extra TGs) 1. Leadership - 3 Generate 1
Build 3 units at
1. Leadership influence
2 CC Secondary 0/7/5
(lose 4 Trade goods
2 destroyers in Then I will play command counters 1. Leadership
War Sun in 2nB
Secondary: 2 CC 1 CC to Strategy, 1 CC -Gain 3 CC's place 4 Action
0/7/2 fromcards
5 Trade 0
of fleet Productivity Spike on Exhaust Mecatol Rex expend AlphaWellon (
(exhaust Darien) to Command
Commence space 3/6/3 Political
supply) card
4 Action cards 0 Nar (can build extra 3 (6) Centauri
1/4/0 (1/3). 2
My builds are
2/5/3, 3-TG, 3-AC, 0-PC 2/4/4battle CC, 4AC, 0TG, -Exhaust Rigel I(2) + Political card unitsheavily
this turn) 2/6/3 2. Diplomacy II,
0PC, 2VP Torkan(4) 8. Leadership
1. Bureaucracy Primary
by what units I have 2. Diplomacy Secondary 3. Assembly Generate2nd 2
2. Diplomacy Primary: 0/3/2 CC, 4AC, 2TG, (to be announced
5. Activate homeworld later) Secondaries: - decline for tactical
War Sun phase
in B
available after
Place everyone's CC's 0PC, 1VP 2. Diplomacy Secondary Receive
Exhaust 1 Leadership - can't use 3. Assembly Primary 4. Production
Alpha 2n
combats (I want all
1 tg from ysarril

Trade II results








Status Phase

T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Action card

De Cr Dr Ws Ca Fi GF ST Mine SD PDS Ref. Col. # # TG PC AC C

Round 6 Planet Tech
x8 x8 x5 x2 x4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 x3 x6 x8 x8 x 40 <5 <7 SA

Yin 3 2 1 1 7 9 2 3 2 4 6 0 4 1

Sol 2 4 2 2 5 15 3 1 1 6 6 1 0 5 1

Ysarril 4 6 4 3 10 23 3 2 3 2 13 10 11 0 14 1

Hacan 1 8 2 2 4 13 35 3 3 1 9 7 6 0 4 1

Jol-Nar 3 4 3 3 2 23 3 5 1 9 10 3 0 4 0

Winnu 2 6 1 1 6 29 2 3 1 5 8 5 0 4 1

Embers 2 1 1 1 13 2 3 1 7 10 4 0 4 2

L1Z1X 1 5 4 1 14 3 2 2 12 8 0 0 5 2
CC Unit
SA FS CP Strgth.

2 3 3 0 15

2 3 3 0 13.5

2 3 3 0 17.5

2 3 3 0 15

2 3 3 0 20.5

2 3 3 0 13.5

2 3 3 0 19

3 3 3 0 18

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 <-- Column #

Embers L1Z1X
Ever Onward krootish86
Diplomacy Production
omacy Annex 2. Use Production Primary
lon during Tactical

duction Tech cancelled


2-2 Jol-Nar 1-1

1-2 Hacan 3-1

t exhaust Muaat Exhausted 0,0,0 All players must exhaust 1 planet for each
dreadnough/War sun they have in play if
2/3/3 3/3/3

1 CC Activate 1.Activate
Lisis/Velnor. Move Corneo/Resclon
warsun + 2 GF to Move
1 SA Assembly Land
2nd1 DR(1GF),CV(2GF,3FR
2.Assembly Secondary
GF- on each.Lisis
refresh ) from Home
Refresh 0.0.0System
(2/2) and Velnor Land 0TG
2/3/2 1 GF2PCon
1 SA Production 2nd Coorneo(1/2)Primary
- Build 1 Ca (3), 2 Land
In 2 GF
Home on
De (2) = cost 5 Resclon(2/0)
- Exhaust
1 CC Lisis (2)
Activate 3/3/2 0TG
2CR, 1CV,2PC
4.Activate 2FR, 2GF
and Velnor (2) and
Centauri/Gral Cost 9,
+1 -from
Move Sarween
1 Ca + 2 (production(+3),
Move 1CV(2GF,2FR)
1 CC to Activate
Centauri/Gral. 0.0.0(5),
from Home
Land 1 GF on each.
Tsion/Bellatrix force 1GF
Land politics
- Move 1 De and 2/3/2 0TG
Move 1PC each)
End at trade station
0/3/0, 0 TG, Land
from 1GF
0TG on
2/3/0 Home System
0 AC, 1 PC Sakulaf(2/1)
Land 1 GF on
2/3/1 0TG 1PC
Land 1 GF on
2/3/0 0TG 1PC
CC Unit added ac cards and 2 command counters (3 for sol) 3/8
SA FS CP Strgth.

1 3 2 0 20

2 3 1 0 15.5

1 4 1 0 22.5

2 3 4 0 26

2 3 1 1 27.5

1 3 1 0 21

0 3 2 0 24

1 4 2 0 27
Embers L1Z1X
Ever Onward krootish86

ership exh centauri, leadership sec 3cc querron

and wellon, 3 cc, rarron pc aggressive
2, play minister of strategy, warfar prim in
merce, prod sec home system, prod and
, exh muatt and assebly sec later
reen, sec tech,
, warfare assembly and prod
otechnology, 2 tgs,
or, lisis, warfare
e cruiser and war

Ysarril is minister of trade law

act bellatrix, ca and prod sec, build 3 DN in

gf from gral, inv home, 12, exh 000,
bellatrix coorneo, resculon,
act wellon, ds from lazar,
act sakulag,
arnor/lor, 1 tgpick
3 dn,
hs to wellon, build up 3 gf from coorneo,
colony, spend pc 2 cr and gr from
core stability
transfer action, querronsec, refresh
centauri and hw, 000, and lazar
move ds to centauri,
build at muatt 4 gf, act queron/rar, move
sw tools and a tg dn, ca, 3 ft from
coorneo, , ca, 2ft, 2 gf
,from lazar,000
exhaust , 2gf
queron, sd on queron,
colony on each

CC Unit
SA FS Strgth.

1 4 2 0 21.5

1 3 2 0 20.5

0 4 0 0 37.5

2 4 2 0 42

2 3 1 2 35.5

1 3 1 1 31

1 3 1 1 30

1 5 2 0 48

Embers L1Z1X
Ever Onward krootish86

tsion for 1 cc 2/3/1, leader sec quecenn and

em prim, 1 pc 2 ac, rarron for 3 cc, assem and
rom top from player prod sec in action phase,
out one, trade 2 tgs, trade opt a 7, give one to
sec, hylar 5, muatt Ysarril, tech sec, 2 red tch
2 red planets, beur bonus, arnor and resculon
0/3/1 7

humane labor-Passed, no space dock

may produce more then 2 units at a time
(3 with sawreen)
0/3/1 Transfer action 1.Activate Alpha
HS and Wormhole
Centauri/Gral Move Move in 1 Carrier with
WS + 22 GF
Land Fi +and
3 GF +
PDS 5 fighters from
on from1 home
Gral, GF on Quecenn/Rarron
system to Build at
Centauri 2/5/2CC
Build at 7TG 0PC
Muaat 1 PDS (2), 2 2AC
Cruisers (4) = 6 cost 1 Dreadnought(4), 2
Exhaust Destroyers(2)
End at 0/3/1, 5 AC, 3.Assembly Secondary
2 PC,1 TG Refresh 0.0.0(5) and
0/5/2CC 7TG 0PC
Move in 2
Dreadnoughts carrying
1 GF each from
Build spacedock(4) on
2 Destroyers,
6.Send andgood
last trade 1
to 1 Destroyer(1)
and 2GF
on will
0TG 0PC follow
exh 4 planets and tg in
5 planets for vp
for vp 0/5/1CC6TG
Expend 7TG 0PC
0/5/0CC 1TG 0PC
2AC ac cards sent
CC Unit
SA FS CP Strgth.

1 4 1 0 30 strat done action done status done

1 3 2 1 29.5 strat done action done status done

2 4 1 2 48.5 strat done action done status done

2 6 3 0 64 strat done action done status done

1 5 1 3 63.5 strat done action done status done

2 3 2 2 38 strat done action done status done

0 3 2 2 36 strat done action done status done

1 5 1 1 57 strat done action done status done

Embers L1Z1X
Ever Onward krootish86


t at 0/3/2, 6 AC, 2 L1Z1X Round 4 Strategy

0 TG Orders
eadership 2nd - Start at 1/5/1CC 2TG 0PC
aust Wellon (3) and 3AC
tauri (3) for 3 CC
place as 3/3/2 1.Leadership Secondary
ssembly 2nd - saved purchase 3CC, exhaust
actical. Quecenn(3), Rarron(4)
oting influence is 7. 3/5/2CC 2TG 0PC 3AC
Will play a PC for the
embly. imperial containment
2.Assembly, 7 votes for
Imperial containment=For L1Z must lose
roduction 2nd - primary, save secondary
a cc for every command cc they spend
ed for tactical for tactical phase
Start+1 Yin + 25 Sol
at 2/3/2, AC, 3/5/2CC
Tactical Orders
1 PC, 6 TG -1 = 4 TG Round 4
echno primary - 3.Production
Start 1/5/3 Secondary
ActivateReactors In home
0PC system produce
waiting to confirm only
h. primary + 5) and
Corneeq/Resculon 1PDS(2), 1 Destroyer(1), 1
p Space
- Play Cannons
Flank Crusier(2)
1. Activate
speed AC (#1) exhaust 0.0.0(5)
xhaust Muaat
- Move 1 WS + 2 (4), 2/5/2CC
Move2TG in 10PC 3AC
(1)+ =1 5GF +1 PDS
Fi 2DN from
from home Lisissystem
(2), 4.Trade, expect to receive
nor -(2), Tsion orders
Invasion (2) + 2 3TG(each DN has 1GF)
tech discounts
determined =8
after 2/5/2CC 5TG 0PC
The carrier with3AC5
spaceAC combat
Signal fighters from the alpha
ming on L1Z1X
2/3/1, 4 AC, 1 PC, 6 in 5.Technology
wormhole. Secondary
TG Purchase
Battle Deep
in PM.
at 3/3/2, 5 AC, 1 Cannons
4 TG
Assembly 2nd. exhaust Arcturus(1),
End 1/5/1 5TG 2AC
Refresh Muaat (4/1) Lazar(1), 0PC Sakulag(2), two
Added 4 use 1ofPC, 6 red tech planets
are 2ndary:will claim Start5TG
1/5/2CC 0/5/1CC
* I control planets 2AC 0PC
Warfare secondary.
e WS a +total
2 Fiinfluence
to 6.Bureaucracy primary
greater than2ndthe Claim the objective "I
me system.
- Build warMove
sun Place CC in command
rier from toBellatrix
my to pool.have 3 techs of the
(10) and
immediate CC 2 GF (1)
right and Qualifysame
- Spend Muaat for color",
"I have lose
Unit 1 TG
left VP
at SA
(4), 2/3/2,
6 TG,5Sarween
FS 1 CP with to Yssaril,
greater gain
4 TG
(1), thenand 1 AC.
either of my
End 1/5/2CC 4TG 3AC
0 4 AC,41 PC, 0 2neighbors"
0/3/1, 0 27 ac cards added
TG New0PCObjective is "I have all
We'll set pools to three of my space docks on
0/3/22 3 3the board"
1 43.5 status done
Quecenn/Rarron 1/5/3CC 5TG 0PC 3AC
- 1Flank speed
5 AC 1 3 62.5
(#2) 7.Play signal jamming on
- Move 1 WS + 2 Muatt in Lisis/Velnor
GF System
- Bombard & 1/5/3CC 5TG 0PC 2AC
invasion orders
2 7 4 1 100

1 5 1 4 87

1 4 1 3 39

0 3 2 3 48.5

1 5 2 3 49

Embers L1Z1X
Ever Onward krootish86

2, 3 AC, 1 PC, 1 TG L1Z1X Strategy Orders

Round 5
tegy Phase Start 1/5/2CC 3AC 4TG
eadership (Primary) 0PC
command counters
xhaust Wellon (1/3) Leadership Secondary
Centauri (1/3) for + Purchase 3CC, exhaust
unters Quecenn(2), Lor(2),
/4/3 discard 2 TG
iplomacy - decline 2/5/4CC 3AC 2TG 0PC
ssembly - decline
roduction - saved for Assembly, 5 votes for Mass mobilization, all races got 8 gts
cal primary, save secondary
Start attrade
3 AC, for tactical phase.5 Tactical
L1Z1 Round
1 PC,4 TG
1 TG Start 1/5/4CC 0PC
member microtech)
(spreadsheet Production
5TG 3AC Primary
shows -me decline
at 4/4/3, Build 3 Cruisers in Home
but I used -1 SA for System (6)
1. Activate
ernetics (6)
Techno secondary) 2 from Primary, exhaust
1 SA, expend 4 TG, Sumerian(2),Move in 2Sakulag(2)
(1/1), +1Blank2-
Activate Green 1,Destroyer from
Alpha, move 1 WS + Trade Secondary
1 GF + 2 Fi- from
decline Expect to receive
(carrying 3TG
Corneeq. 2/5/4CC
Move3AC in 25TG 0PC
at 3/4/3,
And 3 AC,from
1 cruiser 1 from Arnor/Lor (each
1 TG
Lisis/Velnor Technology Secondary
crusier carrying a GF
And 1 destroyer Purchase Sarween Tools
from Arnor)
from Bellatrix. Exhaust 0.0.0(5),
Land the 2 GF on
3/4/2 Arcturus(1)
Build3AC 5TG 0PC
a Colony on
Arcturus (exhaust
Activate Lazar)
l1z gave 3 tgs to
Lisis/Velnor, move 1 1/5/3CC
embers 0PC 5TG
WS + 2 GF, 2 Cr 3AC
from home system.
Land 2 GF on 2. Assembly
Velnor. CC Secondary
Build 2 space docks Unexhaust Unit
(8).SAExhaustFSMuaatCP Strgth.
and Lazar(1)
(4), Lisis (2), Velnor 0/5/3CC 0PC 5TG
(2).0 5 1 3AC0 37
3. Activate
2 3 4 1 44
Production 2ndary at Quecenn/Rarron
Muaat, build Carrier loads GF from
1 (2) and
1 PDS 6 2 0 3
Quecenn 82.5
Cruiser (4) = 6 Move in 1 Dread from
0 Corneeq
7 1 Arnor/Lor
2 (carrying
110 GF
(1), Tsion (2), from Arnor)
sarween (1), 1 TG, 1 Land both GF on
PC 1"planetary
6 1 6 with bombard
Rarron 70.5
security" from Dreadnaught
1 4 1 Build
3 a Colony50 on
Quecenn (exhaust
Activate Lazar)
Bellatix/Tsion4 and 0 3
0/5/2CC 0PC 68.5
Centauri/Gral for 3AC
0 5 1 3 69
Move 1 Destroyer, 1 4.Activate Arnor/Lor
Carrier +1 PDS + 2 Move in 1 Destroyer, 2
GF (from Centauri) Crusiers from Home
to Bellatrix System (each Crusier
Land PDS and 2 GF carrying a GF)
on Ballatrix.
Embers Land both
L1Z1XGF on Arnor
Ever Onward Buildkrootish86
Space docks on
Arnor and Lor
Generate 2 Fi at -exhaust (0.0.0(5),
War Sun in Arnor(2), Resclon(2)
tegy Actions
Lisis/Velnor L1Z1X Round0PC
0/5/1CC 6 Strategy
at 1/4/1, 4 AC, 0 Start3AC
1/5/2CC 1TG 4AC
2 TG 0PC
Generate 1 De at 5.Give 3TG to Muaat
War Sun in 2nd,
Blank2- 1.Leadership 3CC2TG
0/5/1CC 0PC from
end Wellon (1/3) and
Alpha primary
3AC+ 3CC from
1/4/0(1/3). 2/4/3 Secondary (exhaust
iplomacy II, decline Quecenn(3) and Rarron(3))
2 Fisaved
at 4/6/4CC 1TG 4AC 0PC
War Sunphase.
in Blank2-
Alpha 2nd, saved 2.Assembly Secondary
from ysarril

Trade war, against, all players lost 1 TG if

they had it

Start 2/6/4CC 3TG


Move in 1
Dreadnought from
Arnor/Lor (carrying 1
GF from Lor)
Move in 2 Crusiers
(each carrying a GF
from Arcturus)
2/6/3CC 0TG 5AC

In Home System Build
1 Warsun(12), 1
Destroyer(1), 1
CC Exhaust: Sarween
Tools(1), Unit
3TG and PC
SA FS CP Strgth.
Trade Embargo(4),
Resclon(2), Lazar(1),
1 5 3 0
Sakulag(2), 37
Arnor(2), strat done
1 4 3 2 51 strat done
1/6/3CC 0TG 5AC
1 6 3 4 82.5 strat done
2.Activate Lisis/Velnor
1 6 4 Move4 from Home103 strat done
Warsun (carrying 4GF,
0 6 2 6 1 Destroyer,
2PDS), 70.5 3 strat done
1 6 3 1/6/2CC
6 0TG 54.5
5AC strat done

2 4 3 4
3.Activate 40.5
Alpha strat done
2 6 4 Move
4 in Dreadnought
68 strat done
and Carrier (with 4
Fighters) from
Move in Destroyer
Move in 2 Crusiers
(empty), and 1
Destroyer from
1/6/1CC 0TG 5AC
1) Battle # one Opposing Forces Losses
ARNOR LOR attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 3 dn, 2 cr 1 ds 1 ca 1 ft 1
Rolls (raw) 10/7/7/2/3 9/9/2001 2 dm dread ds, ca, ft
Results h/h/h/m/m h/h/m all destroyed
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Bombard. arnor- 1 lor -2 8/9/3
Results h/h/m 2 gf, all destroyed
Invasion Combat
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Round 1
Rolls (raw)
Units remaining: all with 2 dam dread 0

1) Battle # two Opposing Forces Losses

Sumarian Acturus attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 2 dn/2 ds/1 ca 1 cr/2 ds
Rolls (raw) 2/7/5/8/9 5/9/1 1 cr 2 ds
Results m/h/m/h/h m/h/m 1 dm dread all
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Bombard. acturus, 2 dn 1 gf
Results 3/9 all
Invasion Combat
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Round 1
Rolls (raw)
Units remaining: all but dam dread none

1) Battle #3 Opposing Forces Losses

Sumarian again attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
The recehck
hit with an 8,
Destroyer preshots with so L1Z1X
antifighter barrage (6 at has to take
7s or higher)2,3,4,6,7,10-
2 hits 2 hits, then
2 dreads at 4s 3,10, 1 hit Yins ability if
1 miss
2 destroyers at 8s 5,5 2
they want
misses and round 2.
1 carrier at 9 - 9 1 hit

So end of round 1, 4 fts

destroyed, remains 2 cr, 1
ds, 1 ca for yin
Yin attack
2 cr at 6 8,5 1 hit 1 miss
1 ds at 8 1 miss
1 ca at 9 8 miss
2 fts at 9s, 7 and 8 2
1 hit total
Round 1
Rolls (raw)
The clone wars continue
on (we're going to need
more clones)...
Round Two
DN 4 - 7 hit
DN 4 - 10 hit
DS 8 - 1 miss
2 hits
CR 6 - 5 Miss
CR 6 - 3 Miss
DS 8 - 5 Miss
CA 9 - 8 Miss
0 hits

Yin loses Destroyer and


round 3
DN 4 - 5 hit
DN 4 - 5 hit
DS 8 - 5 miss
2 hits
CR 6 - 4 miss
CR 6 - 4 miss
0 hits
Yes it was a full house in

Yin loses last two

cruisers, L1z1x has 2
dreadnaughts and a
destroyer remaining. File
will be updated tonight.
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Invasion Combat
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Round 1
Rolls (raw)
Units remaining: none 2 dn 1 ds

) Battle #4 mellon Opposing Forces Losses

zohbat attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 1 ws,2 ds,cr,2 ft 1 DN 1 cr ac strategic retreat to peremeter
Rolls (raw) 2,3,4/9,2/7/10,2 7,3 dn and cr
Results m,m,h,h,m,h,h,m h,m 1 ft all
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Invasion Combat
PDS fire ws bombard-3,7,6 m/h/h
Rolls (raw) 2 hits
Results zohbat
Round 1 4 gf 2 gts
r1 7,7,3,5 7,2
r2 1,7,3,5 10,2-1 hit
r3 3,8,6 4,9 1-hit
r4 7,9 1-hit 1,2
r5 8,9 1-hit 3
Units remaining: 2 0

) Battle #5 corneq Opposing Forces Losses

resculon attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 2
Rolls (raw) 5,0
Results hit/miss

) Battle #6 quecenn Opposing Forces Losses

rarron attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 ws ds
Rolls (raw) 8,4,8 9
Results h/h/h h
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Results ws damaged all
ws bombarded queronn, rolled 7, 10, 7, 3 hits, 2 gf destroyed
all gfs

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #8 Quann
Jol Nar and hacan
) Battle #8 Quann
Jol Nar and hacan

attacker defender attacker defender

PDS fire 1
Rolls (raw) 3
Results miss
Anti-Fighter 9 at 7
Rolls (raw) 4,7,10,7,9,4,1,7,6
Results 5 hits 2 fts
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 3 ds at 9 3 cr at 7 DN at 5, ca at 9
Rolls (raw) 0,8,4,9,4,7 9,6 ALL
Results 3 hits 1 hit 1 ds DN and CA
All destroyed
Attacker takes the sky, no invasion

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #8 veput II
jol nar and hacan
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Anti-Fighter 10 at 8
Rolls (raw) 4,6,4,1,9,6,4,6,8,0
Results 3 hits 3 fts
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
2 ws (6 at 4), 2 ds at 9, cr
Round 1 at 7, 2 ft at 9 5 ds at 8, dn at 5, ca at 9
Rolls (raw) 8,3,1,6,8,9,1,3,1,6,5 6,2,3,8,1,8,5
Results 4 hits 2 hits lose 2 fts dam dn, 1 ca
2 ws (6 at 4), 2 ds at 9, cr
Round 2 at 7 5 ds at 8, dn at 5
Rolls (raw) 3,4,0,9,9,9,4,1,4 2,7,3,0,2,8
Results 5 hits 2 hits lose 2 ds lose 5 ds
Round 3 2 ws (6 at 4), cr at 7 dn at 5
Rolls (raw) 6,5,0,5,9,9,9 3 all destroyed
Results 7 hits miss loss DN
Invasion Combat
ws bombard 6 at 4 6 gf 7gf
Rolls (raw) 3,9,4,7,2,7
Results 4 hts 4 gf lost
Round 1 6 gf at 9 3 gf at 8
r1 3,0,5,4,6,0 - 1 hit 4,0,6 -1 hit
r2 6,5,2,2,9-1 hits 8,1 - 1 hit
r3 2,7,4,5 1
r4 4641 2
r5 1718 3
Units remaining: 8793-1 hit 5 7 gf lost
rolls for tech reanimators-2,9,8,8,4,2,7,7,10, 6 or higher get a gf (dead from both sides, Jol Nar gets 6 gf
Opposing Forces Losses
) Battle #9 quecenn

attacker defender attacker defender

bombard DN
Rolls (raw) 6
Results hit 1 gf
2 gf land

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #10 Thibah
sol vs yin
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 1 at 6
Rolls (raw) 7
Results hit 1 ft
Anti-Fighter 2 ds with autocannon tech 6 at 6
Rolls (raw) 4,9,8,9,10,6
Results 5 hits 3 ft
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
dn at 5, ca at 9, cr at 6
Round 1 (+1 to all from high alert) 2 ds at 8
Rolls (raw) 2,6,4 3,5
Results 3 misses 2 misses
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Rolls (raw)

Invasion Combat
ws bombard see to the right
Rolls (raw)

Round 1
Units remaining: 1 gf

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #11 Yin HW
sol vs yin
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 2 at 6
Rolls (raw) 7,2
Results hit/miss 1 ds
Anti-Fighter 2 at 8
Rolls (raw) 2,2
Results miss miss
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
7 ft at 9, ca at 9,2 cr at 6,
Round 1 2 cr at 6 1 ds at 8, dn at 5
Rolls (raw) 9,4 6,7,7,5,5,7,6 ,4 ,4,7, 5 0
Results hit,miss mmmmmmmmmhmh 2 cr all dead dn dam
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3

Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat
ws bombard
Rolls (raw)
Round 1
Units remaining:

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #12 Verput
2 hacan vs jol nar
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 1 ws 1 cr 1 ca 6 ft 2 ws 1 cr
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 1 ws 1 cr 1 ca 6 ft 2 ws 1 cr
Rolls (raw) 10,9,9,6,10,5,3,6,8,9,2 6,3,1,1,7,1,9
Results h,h,h,h,h,m,m,m,m,h,m h,m,m,m,h,m,h 3 ft 2 ws, 1 cr
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat
ws bombard 3,3,3
Rolls (raw) 4,6,1
Results h,h,m 2 gf
Round 1
Units remaining:

) Battle #13 hopes Opposing Forces Losses

end hacan vs jol
nar attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 5 at 7
Rolls (raw) 5,2,4,8,0
Results m,m,m,h,h 2 ft
Anti-Fighter 3 at 7
Rolls (raw) 1,9,9
Results m,h,h 2 ft
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 ws, ca, 2ft 1 ds
Rolls (raw) 6,3,8,6,1,6 6
Results h,h,h,m,m,m m ds
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat
ws bombard 1 ws
Rolls (raw) 8,1,9
Results h,m,h
Round 1 pds
r1 2
r2 miss
Units remaining:

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #13 zohbat
hacan vs jol nar
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1
Rolls (raw)
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat
ws bombard
Rolls (raw)
Round 1 3 gf 2 gf
r1 5,2,3 6,8 0 hit 0 hit
r2 8,2,1 7,3 1 hit 0 hit
r3 3,1,3 7 0 hit 0 hit
r4 3,8,9 0 2 hit 1 hit
Units remaining: 0 gf 2 gf

) Battle #15 quann Opposing Forces Losses defender declares retreat to garbozia
hacan vs jol nar attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 2 at 7
Rolls (raw) 1,6
Results 2 misses
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 3 ds, 3 cr, 1 dn 2 ds, 3 cr
Rolls (raw) 10,10,4,3,8,6,8 10,5,1,1,6
Results h,h,m,m,h,h,h h,m,m,m,m dn dam 2 ds, 3 cr
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat
ws bombard
Rolls (raw)
Round 1
Units remaining:

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #15
corneeg resculon
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 1
Rolls (raw) 9
Results hit damaged DN
Rolls (raw)
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1
Rolls (raw)
Round 2
Rolls (raw)
Round 3
Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat
ws bombard 1 pds
Rolls (raw) 7
Results hit
Round 1 2 1
r1 6,10 3
r2 m,h miss 2 gf all dead
Units remaining:

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #16 lisis
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 1
Rolls (raw) 10
Results hit dam warsun
Anti-Fighter 1 ds
Rolls (raw) 8,6
Results h,m 1 ft
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 war sun dam,1 ds, 3 cr 1 war sun, 3 cr, 1 fts attacker plays morale boost
Rolls (raw) 5,10,5,6,9,5,7 1,9,8,4,3,8,7 2 hits 4 hits defender plays shields holding, cancels 2 hits
Results h,h,h,m,h,h,h m,h,h,m,m,h,m ds, cr ws dam, ft, cr, cr
Round 2 war sun dam, 2 cr war sun dam, cr
Rolls (raw) 5,8,1,8,8 4,2,1,6 2 4 hits
Results h,m,h,h,h h,m,m,h 2 cr all
Round 3
Rolls (raw)
Invasion Combat lisis only
ws bombard ac dug in stops lisis invasion
Rolls (raw)
Round 1 4 3
r1 6,5,1,10 1,3,9
m,m,m,h m,m,h 1 1
r2 1,6,10 5,1 0 1
r3 3,9,5 6 0 1

Units remaining: 3 gf 0

Opposing Forces Losses

) Battle #17 alpha
attacker defender attacker defender
PDS fire 2 ds,2cr, 1 dn, 1 ca, 4 ft 1 ws, 1 cr, 1 ds, 4 ft
Rolls (raw)
Anti-Fighter 2 ds 1 ds
Rolls (raw) 2,2,10,2 8,5
Results m,m,h,m h,m 1 ft 1 ft
Rolls (raw)
Space Combat
Round 1 2 ds,2cr, 1 dn, 1 ca, 3 ft 1 ws, 1 cr, 1 ds, 3 ft
Rolls (raw) 2,1,2,,6,6,7,2 6,3,5,2,10,6,10,8 6 hits 2 hits
Results m,m,m,h,h,m,m h,h,h,mh,m,h,h dam dn,3 ft,1 ca, 1 ds war sun dam, ft
Round 2 dam dn, 2 cr, ds dam ws, cr, ds, 2 ft
Rolls (raw) 5,7,1,2 9,2,1,8,8,1,6 3 hits 2 hits
Results h,h,m,m h,m,m,h,h,m,m 2 cr, ds 2 ft
Round 3 dam dn dam ws, cr, ds
Rolls (raw) 9 1,4,9,8,8 1h
Results h m,m,h,h,h all ds
Invasion Combat
ws bombard
Rolls (raw)
Round 1


Units remaining:
gic retreat to peremeter
(i'll add all
these to
et when I
can post)
PDS-6 hit
3 gf sol
boost first
round +1)
vs 3 gf Yin
8 to hit, 7
for sol first

round 1 Â

0 hit

1 hit

round 2
1 hit
1 hit
round 3
1 hit
2 hits
remains in
control of
the planet
with 1 GF

nder declares retreat to garbozia
plays morale boost
plays shields holding, cancels 2 hits, attacker plays recheck on cruiser hit, 8 rerolls a 2

stops lisis invasion


Jol-Nar - Spatial Conduit Network (6 resources):

Once per turn when moving, you may move ships from one system you control to another you control as if both were adjacent. Ships using this movement must end their
movement in a system you control.
Yssaril - Shuttle Logistics (3 resources):
At start of status phase, choose a system not containing enemy ships. Your GF in this system may move to any friendly planet in same or adjacent system (that does not
contain enemy ships).
Sardakk N'orr - Berserker Genome (5 resources):
Roll a die for each unit you lost at end of space combat round 1. If you roll at least one '10', your opponent must take 2 additional casualties.
L1z1x - Dreadnought Invasion Pod (2 resources):
Dreadnoughts may carry one additional GF.
Mentak - Salvage Operations (4 resources):
Gain 2 TG at end of each space combat you participated in. If you won, you may build a ship in this system that was destroyed in combat (you must pay for it) .
Hacan - Production Centers (3 resources):
As an action, spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to gain 6 TG. You must then give 2 TG to any other player. You may only do this once per turn, and only if you have
fewer than 6 TG.
Xxcha - Diplomats (5 resources):
Once per turn when an enemy activates a system you control, you may spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to force him to instead place the CC into his
reinforcements and immediately end his action.
Naalu - Telepathic Mind Weapon (5 resources):
When an opponent activates a system you control, he immediately loses one CC from ship supply.
Letnev - L4 Disruptors (6 resources):
You may use your race's special ability during Invasion Combat without paying any TG.
Sol - Mark II Advanced Carriers (4 resources):
Your Carriers now have a capacity of 8 and gain the "sustain damage" ability.
Saar - Foating Factory (3 resources):
Your Space Docks now have a production capacity of 5, movement of 2 and can support 5 fighters.
Yin - Fanaticism (4 resources):
You may use your race special ability twice at the start of each invasion combat.
Winnu - Bioptic Recyclers (3 resources):
As an action, discard an action card from your hand and receive 2 TG or one CC.
Muaat - Magmus Reactor (5 resources):
Your War Suns get +1 movement and cost 10 ressources.
Dacxive-if you win a ground combat, for every gf killed on both sides roll 6+ place a gf there
Unit Cost Mov Hit Max Special

Carrier 3 1 9+ x4 Carry up to 6 units (Fighters, GF or PDS)

Fighter ½ - 9+ ∞
Destroyer 1 2 9+ x8 Anti-fighter beam (2D10)

Cruiser 2 2 7+ x8 Lay mines

Dreadnought 5 1 5+ x5 Sustain damage / Bombardment if invasion and no PDS

War Sun 12 2 3+ (x3) x2 Sustain damage / Bombardment (3D10) / Carry up to 6 units

Ground Force ½ - 8+ ∞
Shock Troop - - 5+ x 12 Capture Facility, SD & PDS / Die first during invasion / Should be with at least 1 GF

Space Mine 2 - 9+ x 12 Can damage each non-fighter ship ending their move in the space mine system

PDS 2 - 6+ x6 Planetary shield / Space Cannon

Space Dock 4 x3 Production (Resource + 2) / 3 Fighters capacity

Refinery 1 x8 Production +1 / Planet is exhausted when refinery is built / Not considered as an unit

Colony 1 x8 Influence +1 / Planet is exhausted when colony is built / Not considered as an unit

race1 race2 race3 race4 race5 race6

- Technology discount of 2 credits rather than 1 on technological planets

- Cost of SD = 2 resources
SCIENTIST (S) - PDS +1 on any rolls
- Planets with PDS and Scientist can't be bombarded by WS

- Delay invasion for 1 round

DIPLOMAT (D) - Can move through opponent's fleet (with opponent's permission)

- Reroll up to 2D10 per round (invasion)

GENERAL (G) - Bombardement -4 for Dreadnaught and WS (defense)
- GF +1 combat (defense)

- Combat +1 additional D10

ADMIRAL (A) - Movement Dreadnaught +1
- Opponent can't retreat (except if an another Admiral is present)
- No ennemy PDS fire during invasion
AGENT (E) - If invasion is succesful, ennemy Facility, PDS and SD can be captured
- Sacrifice to Sabotage an Action Card
Home World(s) – Arretze (2r/0i), Hercant (1r/1i) and Kamdorn (0r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
Leaders: 1 General, 1 Diplomat, 1 Scientist
Trade Agreements: 3, 3
Special Abilities :
The Emirates of Hacan
- Your trades do not require approval during Trade Negotiations.
- You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the secondary action of the
Trade Strategy.
- When you receive Trade Goods from a Trade Contract you receive one additional Trade
- No player may ever (except for war) break a Trade Contract with you.
- During the Status Phase you may trade Action Cards with other players.
Home World(s) – Archon Ren (2r/3i) and Archon Tau (1r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 3 fighters, 1PDS, 1 carrier, 2 ground forces, 2 cruisers
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 2 Diplomats
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
Special Abilities :
The Xxcha Kingdom
- When executing the secondary action of the Diplomacy Strategy you may execute the
primary action instead.
- Immediately after a political card has been drawn and read you may spend one Command
Counter from your Strategic Allocation pool to cancel the card and force another political
card to be drawn.
- Your opponent receives –1 on all combat rolls against you during the first combat round of
all Space Battles and Invasion Combats.
Home World(s) – Druaa (3r/1i) and Maaluuk (0r/2i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 4 ground forces, 1 PDS, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Admiral, 1 Agent
The Naalu CollectiveTrade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
- The initiative number on your chosen Strategy card is always considered to be zero (this
means you’re always first in the order of play).
- If attacked a Naalu fleet may retreat before the beginning of the Space Battle.
- Your Fighters receive +1 on all combat rolls in Space Battles.
Home World(s) – Jord (4r/2i)
Starting Units – 5 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 destroyer, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Cybernetics
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent
The Federation of Sol
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
Special Abilities :
- As an action, you may spend one Command Counter from your Strategic Allocation pool to
place two free ground forces on any one planet that you control.
- During the Status Phase you receive one extra Command Counter.
Home World(s) – [0,0,0] (5r/0i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 1 carrier, 5 ground forces, 1 dreadnought, 3 fighters, 1 PDS
Starting Tech –Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules, Cybernetics, Hylar V Assault Laser
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Scientist, 1 Agent
The L1Z1X Mindnet Trade Agreements: 1, 1
Special Abilities :
- The base cost of your Dreadnoughts is 4.
- Your Dreadnoughts receive +1 during Space Battles and your ground forces receive +1
when attacking during Invasion Combat.
- You start with one extra Command Counter in your Strategic Allocation pool.
Home World(s) – Quinarra (3r/1i) and Tren’Lak (1r/0i)
Starting Units – 5 ground forces, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 PDS, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Deep Space Cannon
The Sardakk N’orr Leaders: 2 Generals, 1 Admiral
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
- You receive +1 to your combat rolls.
Home World(s) – Retillion (2r/3i) and Shalloq (1r/2i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 5 ground forces, 1 PDS, 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 2 Agents
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
The Yssaril Tribes
Special Abilities :
- You are allowed to skip your action turn during the Action Phase (you may not skip two
such action turns in a row).
- You draw one additional Action Card during Status Phase.
- You are never limited to a hand size of Action Cards (ever).
- Once during the Strategy Phase you may look at one other player’s hand of Action Cards.
Home World(s) – Arc Prime (4r/0i) and Wren Terra (2r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 1 dreadnought, 1 destroyer, 1 carrier 3 ground forces
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Antmass Deflectors
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Admiral, 1 General
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
The Barony of Letnev
Special Abilities :
- Before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round, you may spend 1 Trade Goods to give
all your spaceships +1 or all of your ground forces +2 on their combat rolls (for that combat
round only).
- Your fleets may always contain one more ship than the number of Command Counters in
your Fleet Supply pool.
Home World(s) – Jol (1r/2i) and Nar (2r/3i)
Starting Units – 2 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 fighter, 2 PDS, 1 dreadnought, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
Leaders: 2 Scientists, 1 Admiral
Trade Agreements: 3, 1
The Universities of Jol-Nar
Special Abilities :
- You receive -1 to all your combat rolls.
- When executing the secondary action of the Technology Strategy, you may execute both
its primary and secondary action.
- You may spend a Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation pool to immediately re-
roll any of your die rolls.
Home World(s) – Moll Primus(4r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 carrier, 3 cruisers, 1 PDS, 4 ground forces, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Agent, 1 Admiral, 1 Diplomat
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
The Mentak CoalitionSpecial Abilities :
- You start the game with one additional Command Counter in your Fleet Supply pool.
- Before a space battle begins (in which you are a participant) you may fire up to two
Cruisers/Destroyers (or a mix thereof). The enemy takes casualties immediately with no
return fire allowed.
- During the Strategy Phase, you may take one Trade Good from up to two different players
(who have at least three Trade Goods).
Home World(s) – Lisis II (1r/0i) and Ragh (2r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 2 fighters, 1 cruiser, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
Leaders: 1 Agent, 1 Admiral, 1 General
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
The Clan of Saar Special Abilities :
- Gain 1 Trade Good every time you acquire a new planet.
- Your Space Docks have a movement of 1 but cannot move & build in the same activation.
Your Space Docks are never on planets and have a production capacity of 4. If your Space
Dock is present in a system with enemy but no friendly ships, it is destroyed.
- You may fulfill objectives even if you don't control your Home System.
Home World(s) – Darien (2r/4i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Automated Defense Turrets
Leaders: 1 General, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 1, 1

The Yin BrotherhoodSpecial Abilities :

- Before an Invasion Combat in which you are the attacker begins, you may roll 1 die. On a
5+ your opponent looses 1 Ground Force and you gain 1 Ground Force.
- Immediately before the second round of a Space Battle, you may discard one of your
participating Destroyers or Cruisers to choose one opposing ship present and immediately
inflict one hit on it.
- Once per turn, as an Action, you may place your control marker on an unexhausted Planet
Card you control. Until the end of the round, its Influence and Resource values are reversed.
Home World(s) – Winnu (3r/4i) Yellow tech discount
Starting Units – 3 ground forces, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters, 1PDS, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules
Leaders: 1 Scientist, 1 Admiral, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 3, 1
The Winnu Special Abilities :
- You may always add Influence value of your Home System planet to your votes, even if is
- Your planets that contain at least 1 Ground Force are immune to the Local Unrest Action
- You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute secondary ability of the
Technology Strategy.
Home World(s) – Muaat (4r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 1 war sun, 2 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools, War Sun
Leaders: 1 Scientist, 1 General, 1 Diplomat
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
The Embers of MuaatSpecial Abilities :
- Your War Suns have a base movement of 1. This improves to 2 when you acquire the Deep
Space Cannon technology.
- As an action, you may spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation Area to
place 2 free fighters or 1 free destroyer in any one system containing one of your War Suns
or your Space Docks.
- Your ship may move through but may not end their movement in Supernova systems.
en Tools
Planet List
T R Name I Notes on using this list:
These *must* be in alphabetical order for the Lookup feature to work properly.
5 [0,0,0] 0 The top row is empty on purpose, so that the drop-down selection has a blank at the beginning o
R 1 Abadoon 0 The Data, Validation, List feature is used on the 'Main' tab in the planets list to make it very easy
3 Abyz 0 Unfortunately the Validation feature needs to have the list on the same tab as its used. Therefo
2 Archon Ren 3 a reference to this exact same list of planets located here. If you add a planet, just make sure
1 Archon Tau 1 the 'Main' tab.
1 Arcturus 1
B 1 Arinam 2
2 Arnor 1
2 Arretze 0
2 Ashtroth 0
R 0 Bellatrix 1
R 3 Bereg 1
3 Capha 0
1 Centauri 3
R 1 Coorneo 2
R 0 Dal Bootha 2
2 Darien 4
3 Druaa 1
B 2 El'nath 0
B 2 Fria 0
G 2 Garbozia 1
B 1 Gral 1
1 Hercant 1
ST 3 Hope's End 0
1 Jol 2
4 Jord 2
0 Kamdorn 1
1 Lazar 0
G 2 Lesab 1
2 Lisis 2
1 Lisis II 0
G 2 Litra IV 3
G 3 Lodor 1
1 Loki 2
R 1 Lor 2
0 Maaluuk 2
0 Malice 3
0 Mallice 3
1 Mecatol Rex 6
0 Meer 4
B 1 Mehar Zull 3
0 Mellon 2
FI 1 Mirage 2
4 Mol Primus 1
4 Muaat 1
2 Nar 3
G 1 New Albion 1
2 Perimeter 2
GF 2 Primor 1
G 2 Quann 1
1 Qucen'n 2
3 Quinarra 1
2 Ragh 1
G 0 Rarron 3
2 Rescion 0
2 retillion 3 Homeworlds
G 0 Rigel I 1
1 Rigel II 2
B 1 Rigel III 1
2 Sakulag 1
2 Saudor 2
1 shalloq 2
3 Starpoint 1
TG 2 Sumarian (TS) 2
1 Tar'mann 1
R 2 Tequ'ran 0
1 Thibah 1
B 0 Torkan 3
1 Tren'lak 0
TG 2 Tsion (TS) 2
2 Vega Major 1
B 1 Vega Minor 2
R 2 Velnor 0
R 2 Veput 0
1 Wellon 2
Y 3 Winnu 4
G 1 Xxehan 1
B 3 Zohbat 1
a blank at the beginning of it.
ts list to make it very easy to enter planets.
e tab as its used. Therefore, the Main worksheet tab has
d a planet, just make sure it also shows up on the list on
Removed, not really for expansion
Player # Race Username First Name Email

1 Yin Maus ? ?

2 Sol Turin ? ?

3 Ysarril bnorton916 Bill ?

4 Hacan DavePaint David [email protected]

5 Jol-Nar Aroine Atte [email protected]

6 Winnu IqAndreas Andreas(?) ?

7 Embers Ever Onward Mike ?

8 L1Z1X krootish86 ? ?

GM GM kruhland Kevin [email protected]

Player Colors: If you want to change the players color:

Select cell and then select color palete tool. Remember which item it is on the color palete.
Choose Tools, Options, Color. Then select the color on the color palete and edit it. Color changes everywhere
Time Zone










on the color palete.

and edit it. Color changes everywhere :)
1 Notes added to Sakulag - Lazar system
2 Spelling of Astroid field to Asteroid fields
3 Fixed Muaat and L1Z1X Command pool formulas
4 Edited colors in Technology

5 Spelling in Technology
6 Added Antimass Deflectors to Mindnet
7 Fixed broken Ac and PC formulas
8 Changed Round to 1
9 Formatted VP track
10 Fixed everything on Details tab (Round0, Summary, Round1 formulas and formating
11 in units leaders grid renamed races to genereric to avoid confusion
12 Added couplw of War Suns to Jol-Nar system
13 Fixed some layouts and wordings on Strategies page to show them on 1024X768 resolution
α β

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