Ti 3 Faq
Ti 3 Faq
Ti 3 Faq
5 Updated 3/27/2012
This document contains frequently asked questions, clarifications, and errata for the Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition board game. Errata and FAQs for the SHATTERED EMPIRE expansion can be found on pages 811 of this document. Errata and FAQs for the SHARDS OF THE THRONE expansion can be found on pages 1115 of this document. Material that is new to version 2.4 of the FAQ is highlighted in red. Technology Card: Advanced Fighters The following text should be added to this card: Any fighters in excess of a systems fighter capacity will count towards your Fleet Supply limit. Example 1: If you have the Advanced Fighter technology, and you have a system with a single Carrier and seven Fighters, that System requires a Fleet supply of 2 or higher (the Carrier supports the normal 6 Fighters, but the extra Fighter counts towards the Supply Limit). Example 2: If you have the Advanced Fighter technology, and you have a lone system with 4 Fighter units (i.e., a system with no Fighter capacity) that system requires a Fleet Supply of 4 or higher (since every Fighter now counts as one ship). Technology Card: Microtechnology This card should read When you receive Trade Goods from your trade agreements, you now receive one additional Trade Good for each of your active trade agreements.
Action Card: Direct Hit The card should have the following text added: Play: Immediately after the ship has been damaged in a Space Battle in which you participate. Political Card: Ancient Artifact The use of planetary unit should be replaced with the words planetary force. A planetary force is defined as the combined number of Ground Force units on the planet in question. In this way, the Ground Forces on an affected planet receive a combined roll of three dice, whereas the old wording would indicate that every Ground Force unit would receive three rolls against it. PDS and Space Docks are not affected by these rolls. Also, on this card, when players roll a result of 6-10, the two Tech cards that are awarded to each player are taken one after the other, so that the first tech may be a prerequisite for the second. If playing with the Leaders option, Leaders are destroyed on a result of 1-5 and are included in the definition of planetary force. Political Card: Open the Trade Routes The against outcome should read: This round, each player must give all of the Trade Goods he receives to the player on his left.
Race Sheets
PDS Cost The accurate cost of acquiring a PDS unit is 2 (as written in the rules, but incorrectly stated on the player sheets). The Xxcha Ability The correct wording of the first Xxcha Kingdom special ability is: When executing the Secondary Ability of the Diplomacy Strategy, you may execute the Primary Ability instead.
The 4-Player Game The Action Cards Strategic Flexibility and Strategic Shift should be removed before starting a 4-player game. The Age of Empire Option When playing with the Age of Empire game option, players may not qualify for Stage II objectives during the first three rounds of play. Combat Rolls The term combat roll is inclusive. It covers any instance in which you roll a die and compare the result to a units combat value to determine whether or not an enemy casualty has been inflicted. This includes PDS fire and all pre-combat abilities that are compared to a units combat value.
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The Sardakk NOrr special ability text should read: You receive +1 on your combat rolls. The Jol-Nar special ability text should read: You receive -1 on your combat rolls. Effects that add to or modify results during Space Combat should be interpreted as during Space Battles. Effects that take place during Space Battles or Invasion Combat specifically make reference only to variables within the Space Battle Sequence and the Invasion Combat Sequence. Thus, if an ability grants you +1 to your dice during Space battles, this bonus is only applied during step 2 of the Space Battles Sequence (roll combat dice), and does not affect any other rolls, including pre-combat effects, PDS, bombardment, etc. Elimination A player who controls no planets and has no units on the board is eliminated from the game. He cannot play Action Cards or choose Strategy Cards. After a player has been eliminated, the other players continue the game normally, with no changes to the number of Strategy Cards taken, etc. When a player is eliminated, all his Action Cards are discarded and all of his race's Trade Agreements are removed from the game. Retreats When retreating, the retreating player must retreat into a previously activated system that contains no enemy ships (but it can contain enemy planets with Ground Forces, PDS, and Space Docks). Scuttling Units Players may not scuttle units until step 1 of the Status Sequence (Qualify for Public/Secret Objectives) is complete. Turn Order in 3- and 4-Player Games To determine order of play in a three- or four-player game (in which players have 2 Strategy Cards) use only the best (lowest) initiative value of the two cards to determine order of play.
Q: Is landing on a neutral planet considered an invasion for the purposes of the Rare Mineral Action Card? A: Yes. Planetary landings on neutral planets are considered invasions for the purposes of Action and Political Cards. Q: Does Focused Research allow you to ignore one tech prerequisite on the card or on the tech tree? For example, can you use it to purchase Advanced Fighters as your very first technology? A: Focused Research allows you to ignore one prerequisite on the tech tree. Thus, you could not use this card to purchase Advanced Fighters as your first technology. Q: After using Focused Research to skip a technology, am I required to go back and attain the technology skipped before progressing down the tech tree? A: The only prerequisites for a technology are the ones written on its Tech card. For instance, if you had Enviro Compensator and skipped Sarween Tools to get Microtechnology, you would only be required to get Sarween Tools if you wanted the War Sun tech (a tech that specifically requires Sarween Tools). Q: When playing Experimental Battlestation, does my Space Dock gain all the appropriate tech upgrades and other modifiers just like a normal PDS? A: Yes. The Space Dock is treated in all relevant respects as if it were one of your PDS units. Q: If I lose all my Ground Forces in an Invasion Combat, is it still considered successful for the purposes of the Rare Mineral card? A: No. As noted in the rules on page 18, at least one attacking Ground Force must survive for an invasion to be successful. Q: Can I play Rally of the People if my enemy has ships in my home system but I still hold one or more of the planets therein? If I do, do we immediately begin combat? A: You cannot play Rally of the People if your Home System is blockaded. Q: If I play Thugs on a player who has used the Council Elder political card, what happens? A: No votes are cast, and therefore the Speaker decides the outcome of the agenda. Q: When playing Corporate Sponsorship, the words before purchasing a new technology seem to imply that I can use this card to buy a green Technology for 4 fewer resources, and then go ahead with the normal action and buy/receive a second technology. Can I do this? A: No. Corporate Sponsorship grants a discount on a green technology that you purchase normally after playing the card. It does not also allow you to purchase an additional technology. Q: When playing Minelayers, when exactly are the hits taken (in relation to other pre-combat abilities and cards), and are the hits taken as casualties immediately? A: The hits are accumulated as soon as the Action Card is played, i.e., immediately after the movement of the enemy fleet. The hits are taken as casualties during the first remove casualties step of the following Space Battle. These hits are not incurred by the moving fleet if, for some reason, no Space Battle takes place after the movement (due to the playing of Action Cards, or other circumstances).
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Q: When playing Political Stability in a 3- or 4-player game, can a player that has either the Imperial or Initiative Strategy as one of his two Strategy Cards use this Action Card? A: Yes, but it may only be used to keep the Strategy Card held by that player that is neither the Imperial nor the Initiative Strategy. If a player holds both the Imperial and the Initiative Strategy, then he may not use Political Stability. Q: Do play as an action cards replace my action for that turn? A: Yes, you receive one action per turn, always. Thus, playing such a card counts as your action for that turn. Q: If a player holding the Technology Strategy has been the target of Scientist Assassination, must that player still take a Strategic Action this round? A: Yes. Q: When using the Tech Bubble Action Card in a 3- or 4-player game, if I have both the Initiative Strategy Card and the Technology Strategy Card, do I have to pay a Command Counter to execute the secondary ability of the Technology Strategy? A: Yes. The cost comes from playing the card, not from normal use of the secondary ability. Q: Can a player use an Action Card that states use as an action to simply skip an action without resolving the effects of the Action Card? A: No. When played, the text effects of an Action Card must always be resolved. Q: Is the Skilled Retreat card considered a retreat as per the normal retreat rules, and do restrictions on retreating (such as the Admiral leaders ability) apply to the effects of this card? A: No. Q: When playing the card Lucky Shot, does the player of the card decide which exact ship is being destroyed? A: Yes. Q: When playing Voluntary Annexation, does the planet come to its new owner exhausted? A: Yes. Q: When playing Strategic Flexibility, do I keep any bonus tokens from the first Strategy Card I chose? A: No. Any bonus tokens remain with that Strategy Card for a future player to harvest. Q: If a player has Type IV Drive (or plays Flank Speed), which thereby allows them to move 3 systems, may that fleet pass through 2 occupied systems in 1 turn using In the Silence of Space? A: No. In the Silence of Space only allows a player to move through a single system containing enemy ships. Q: Are Fighters considered ships for the purposes of determining legal destination systems for In the Silence of Space? A: Yes. A fleet using In the Silence of Space may not end its movement in a system containing any enemy ships (including Fighters).
Q: Can Shields Holding be played as a pre-combat effect? A: No. Shields Holding specifically says during one round of a Space Battle. Q: If a planet contains one Ground Force, one Space Dock, and one PDS, and Local Unrest is played on that planet, are the Space Dock and PDS destroyed? A: Yes. The Space Dock and PDS would be destroyed due to the planet changing ownership (becoming neutral). Q: Does the Target Their Capital Ship mean that a War Sun cant fire, even if it isnt destroyed? A: No. Cards that specify that the ship does not return fire do not prevent ships from attacking normally during the battle sequence. Q: Can you use the Multiculturalism Action card on a player that has previously been targeted by the Cultural Crisis Action card? A: No.
Q: What is the precise order of pre-combat activities? A: The following is a list of possible pre-combat effects: Action Cards that state Immediately before a space battle Anti-Fighter Barrage Assault Cannons Mentak ability Minister of War Sabotage Run When a combat begins, first determine which (if any) of these pre-combat effects and abilities may apply. Then, the defender chooses the order in which they are resolved. However, the defender should remember that, as stated in the rules, AntiFighter Barrages must be resolved before Sabotage Runs. Q: If a Dreadnought is damaged by a pre-combat ability, can it be destroyed by a Direct Hit card? A: Yes, because pre-combat abilities happen during the Space Battle step of an activation. Ships that are damaged by PDS fire (or by space mines in SHATTERED EMPIRE) may not be targeted by Direct Hit, since PDS fire does not occur in the Space Battle step. Q: If both attackers and defenders are destroyed during the same round of Invasion Combat and the control marker does not change, what happens to Space Docks and PDS units on the planet? A: Since control of the planet did not change, Space Docks and PDS units are unaffected. Q: Can I declare a retreat or withdrawal and then change my mind later? A: No. If you announce a retreat or withdrawal, that retreat or withdrawal must be executed during the final step of the Space Battle sequence. Q: If a planet loses its last remaining Ground Force unit due to enemy bombardment, does the planet revert to Neutral Status? A: No.
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Q: Can I choose to bombard one of my own planets? A: No. Q: If the last Ground Force unit is destroyed by bombardment, are all PDS destroyed as well? A: No. PDSs may exist on a friendly planet without Ground Forces. Q: Can you voluntarily reduce number of rolled dice in space battle, invasion combat, bombardment, or PDS fire? A: No. You must roll all of the dice. Keep in mind that PDS fire is optional.
Q: If an attacker has built all of his PDSs or Space Docks, and then wins an Invasion Combat, may he use the Agents ability to replace an enemy PDS/Space Dock with one of his own? A: No. The units are destroyed, but not replaced. Q: If I receive a Space Dock from the Industrial Society domain token or with an Agent, can I build at the Space Dock this round? A: No. Whenever you place a new Space Dock on the board, it is treated as if it were built this game round. Q: If a Diplomat cancels the attack of enemy Ground Forces on one planet in a system, can those forces attack the other planet instead? A: No. The Ground Forces return to their Carrier. Q: If a Diplomat stops an invasion, can the planet be invaded later on the same turn? A: The Diplomats ability only cancels a single invasion. Another player can still invade the planet during the same round. The same player could even attempt another invasion if he somehow removes his activation counter from the system. Q: If two Generals participate in an Invasion Combat, can they reroll four dice, or only two dice? Can they reroll the same die more than once? A: The player may reroll two dice for each General he has present. However, he may not reroll the same die more than once. Q: When using a General during invasion combat, can you reroll an opponents die? A: No. You may only reroll your own dice using a General. Q: Can the Scientists ability stop a Dreadnoughts bombardment with the Graviton Negator technology? A: Yes. The ability provided by Graviton Negator should be treated the same as the War Sun's bombardment ability. Q: If a Diplomat is used to stop an invasion, can a War Sun still bombard the planet? A: Yes. This is due to the fact that War Suns may bombard a planet even if no friendly ground forces have landed on it. Q: Do leader abilities stack (for example do two Admirals provide +2 movement)? A: No. For example, if two Admirals are on a ship, it does not gain +2 movement. The only ability that does stack is the Generals ability (see question above).
Fleet Supply
Q: Can you violate your supply limits at the start of combat, knowing that you will lose units and probably wind up under your supply limit by the end of the fight? A: No. If a fleet ever exceeds its supply limit, the player must immediately remove ships from the fleet until the supply limit is met. Q: Can you move ships through a hex if doing so would (briefly) violate your supply limits? For example, if I have a supply limit of four, can I not move ships through a hex with four ships already in it? A: Yes. Moving through a system with other units does not count violate your supply limit.
Q: When using an Admiral, does his ability apply to the Mentak pre-combat Cruiser and Destroyer strikes? A: No. The Admirals ability only applies to the normal Space Battle rolls (step 2 of the Space Battle Sequence), not any precombat rolls. Q: Does the Admiral ability also applies to the Naalu retreat race ability? A: No. The Naalu retreat ability is special and is not prevented by an Admiral.
Q: When I activate a system (with a Tactical Action), can I move units out of that system and then back in, assuming they have enough movement? For example, can I move a carrier out one hex, pick up some Ground Forces, and move back into the system Ive just activated? A: Yes. The rules state that a ship may move out of a system as long as it does not contain a friendly Command Counter placed prior to the current activation (page 11).
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Q: Does a ship have to take the most direct route possible to its destination system, or can it take a longer route in order to pick up Fighters/Ground Forces on the way? A: As long as a ship has sufficient movement to reach the activated system, it may take any legal route during its movement. Q: Do enemy Space Docks or Ground Forces block movement like enemy ships do? A: No. Only spaceships (i.e., non-Fighter ships) block enemy ship movement. Q: Can a Carrier pick up units from another Carrier when moving? A: A Carrier that is transporting Ground Forces or PDSs must be active in order to unload them (TI rules p. 28), so one Carrier cannot pick them up from another Carrier. However, a moving Carrier may pick up Fighters from another Carrier. Q: While moving Carriers between the two systems with a Transfer Action, can Fighters be temporarily without support? A: All Fighters and Ground Forces must always be supported during a Transfer Action. This also means that you may not move Fighters or Ground Forces during a Transfer Action unless a unit with sufficient capacity is also moving with them. Q: During a Transfer action, do I still need to heed the movement allowance of my ships? A: Yes. You may not move back and forth between the two systems in a way that would cause any of your ships to exceed their movement allowance. Q: If two or more of my Cruisers in a fleet are transporting Ground Forces, must there be at least one plastic Ground Force with each Cruiser, or can I use one plastic Ground Force and have the rest be supplemental counters? A: There must be at least one plastic Ground Force figure present at all times for each fleet that is transporting Ground Forces (and/or Shock Troops in SHATTERED EMPIRE).
Q: If the Checks and Balances law is voted against, do inactive (already resolved) Strategy Cards remain inactive with their new owner, allowing this owner to possibly pass without taking a strategic action that Action Phase? Also, in a 3-4 player game, are both Strategy Cards passed to the left in this case? A: Yes to all the above. Note that the order of play will now shift, but that the Speaker token remains with the player who received it at the beginning of the phase. Q: Is landing on a neutral planet considered an invasion for the purposes of Imperial Peace? A: Yes. Planetary landings on neutral planets are considered invasions for the purposes of Action and Political Cards. Q: For elect two planets cards, does each player elect two planets, or does each player vote for one planet and the planets with the highest and second-highest number of votes are chosen? A: Each player gets one vote for a group of two planets. The group of two planets that gets the most votes wins.
Q: For production limits, do two Fighters count as one unit, since I buy them in twos? A: No, each Fighter and Ground Force counts as one unit for the purposes of production limits. Q: When taking a Transfer Action, can I build a new Space Dock in one or both of the activated systems, and if so, may I also still build units with preexisting Space Docks in those systems? A: During a Transfer Action you may produce in only one of the two activated systems. All production must be in the same system and you may never produce units in one system and a Space Dock (or space mines in SHATTERED EMPIRE) in the other.
Political Cards
Q: Does the Code of Honor political card prevent the Naalu from retreating from battle? A: No. The Naalu retreat ability is special and is not prevented by Code of Honor. Q: When Free Trade is active and I am about to collect trade income, do I receive one additional trade income per trade agreement, or just one extra Trade Good in total? A: You only receive one extra Trade Good in total. If you dont receive any trade income, then you receive nothing from this law. Q: After the Fleet Regulations law has been passed, what happens to any Command Counters that players currently have on their Fleet Supply in excess of the new limit of 5? A: They are immediately removed and placed with the players reinforcements.
Special Abilities
Q: How many dice may be re-rolled with the Jol-Nar special ability? Just one per Command Counter, or one entire throw of the dice? Can I use this ability repeatedly on a single roll? A: The Jol-Nar player may re-roll one die per Command Counter spent. Q: When the Jol-Nar player activates both the primary and secondary abilities of the Technology Strategy, may he use one of the technologies he receives as a prerequisite for the other, or does he receive both technologies simultaneously? A: One of the technologies he receives may be a prerequisite for the other. Q: When the Mentak player uses his ability to allow two Cruisers or Destroyers to fire before combat, do those Cruisers or Destroyers also fire during regular combat? A: Yes.
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Q: What is the distinction between using the Yssaril Tribes ability to skip an Action Phase and passing your turn? A: When a player uses the Yssaril ability, he may still take actions later in the Action Phase, after the turn he has skipped. When a player passes, he can take no other actions in the phase (remember, though, that such a player may still execute the secondary ability of other players Strategy Cards). Q: Are the Yssaril immune to effects that would cause them to discard cards? A: No. They are only immune to effects that would limit their hand size. Q: How long does the bonus the Letnev receive from spending trade goods before combat last? Also, can they spend more to get a larger bonus (4 for +2, etc.)? A: The bonus lasts for one combat round. The Letnev player cannot spend additional Trade Goods to increase this bonus. However, the player may spend Trade Goods to receive the bonus at the beginning of each combat round. Q: When collecting trade income, do the Hacan draw an extra Trade Good for each trade agreement, or just one? A: The Hacan player collects an extra Trade Good for each of his trade agreements. Q: The Hacan special ability states that no player may break a trade agreement with the Hacan. Does this include the playing of relevant Action Cards and option b of the Trade Strategy as well? A: The Hacans special ability refers only to the point during the Status Phase where a trading partner is normally allowed to break a trade agreement for any reason with another player (TI3 rules pg. 25). Trade agreements with the Hacan cannot be broken in this fashion, but can be broken by any other means, such as the playing of certain Action Cards, Political Cards, option b of the Trade Strategy, etc. Q: Could you explain how the Jol-Nar and the Xxcha abilities work as they relate to the primary and secondary abilities of the Strategy Card? A: When the Jol-Nar player resolves the secondary ability of the Technology Card, he may also (in addition) execute the primary ability. This allows the Jol-Nar to both receive a free Technology (for the primary ability), as well as purchase a Technology if desired (for the secondary ability). The Jol-Nar player may choose to receive only the free technology for the primary ability, and choose not to pay 8 resources for a second Technology (but the Jol-Nar must still pay a Command Counter to resolve the secondary ability, unless they chose the Initiative Strategy). All other players simply resolve the secondary ability as usual. The Jol-Nar ability does not trigger a second round of secondary ability resolution. When the Xxcha player executes the secondary ability of the Diplomacy card, he may choose to execute the primary ability instead (but the Xxcha must still pay a Command Counter to do this). All other players simply resolve the secondary ability as normal. The Xxcha ability does not trigger a second round of secondary ability resolution.
Q: If someone copies the Special Ability of the Naalu relating to initiative 0, who goes first in the order of play? A: In the case of a tied initiative, the Speaker determines the order of play between the tying parties at the first point the tie occurs. Q: While trading Action Cards, can the Hacan player temporarily have more than 7 Action Cards in his hand? A: No. With the exception of the Yssaril special ability, a player may never have more than 7 action cards in his hand.
Strategy Cards
Q: Can I buy two technology advances with the Technology Strategys secondary ability, or am I limited to just one? A: You are limited to one. Q: Can I fire with my PDS units against a player who I have named with the Diplomacy Strategy, or who has used that Strategy against me? How about taking his systems if all they have are domain markers, not units? A: The card is very explicit. You cannot activate a system containing the named enemys units, and vice versa. The cards effects impose no other restrictions on either party. Q: Can I use the Imperial Strategys secondary ability to build a Space Dock in a system that already contains a Space Dock? A: No, you may only use the secondary ability of the Imperial Strategy Card to build units at Space Docks in one of your systems (following normal Space Dock building restrictions).
Technology Cards
Q: If a player with the Gen Synthesis technology is attacked on his only Home System planet, do his troops regenerate on that planet during combat? Can they fight in that combat? A: Yes. If the player rolls 5+ for a destroyed Ground Force unit, that unit would remain on the Home System planet and continue to participate in the combat. Q: Light Wave Deflector (your ships may now move through systems containing enemy ships) and Advanced Fighters (enemy ships may not move through a system your Fighters occupy) seem to contradict one another. Does Advanced Fighters block Light/Wave Deflector-enabled movement? A: Advanced Fighters merely allows Fighter units to block an opponents movement as if they were normal spaceships. Thus, Light/Wave Deflectors do work against Fighters enhanced by the Advanced Fighters tech. Q: Does Sarween Tools give one free resource to each of a players Space Docks, or only to a single friendly Space Dock? A: Sarween Tools gives one free resource to every friendly Space Dock in play by the owner of that technology. Q: If I have Sarween Tools, can I build units at my Space Docks using only the 1 free resource provided by the Sarween Tools? A: Yes.
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Q: Can the extra resource from multiple Space Docks provided by Sarween Tools be combined to purchase one unit (e.g., two Space Docks building one Cruiser)? A: No. An extra resource from Sarween Tools must be used to build at the given Space Dock. A ships production may not be split between multiple Space Docks. Q: Can a Dreadnought, without the Graviton Negator technology, use the X-89 Bacterial Weapon technology against a planet that contains a PDS? A: Yes, using the X-89 technology is not considered a bombardment. Q: What happens if I have Gen Synthesis and one of my Ground Forces is destroyed, but I do not control any planets in my home system? A: In this case, you may not use the second part of the Gen Synthesis technology. Q: With the Graviton Negator technology, can Fighters invade without Ground Forces (even though they cant capture the planet)? A: No. An invasion can only be initiated by Ground Forces attempting to land on a planet. Q: If I have XRD Transporters and the Light/Wave Deflector technology, can my Carriers stop in a system containing an enemy ship, pick up units, and then move on to the destination system? A: No. The Light/Wave Deflectors tech allows you to move through systems containing enemy ships, but does not allow you to pick up units in systems containing enemy ships. Q: What happens if I attack the home system of someone with Gen Synthesis and I use the X-89 Bacterial Weapon technology? A: All Ground Forces are destroyed. You would then roll for each GF to see if it comes back at your home planet. Q: Do Ground Forces that are returned to a Home System as a result of Gen Synthesis count as killed for the purpose of Dacxive Animators? A: No. Q: Does the Stasis Capsules technology allow a player to load or land a Ground Force as part of the Warfare Strategys secondary ability? A: No. Q: Is it possible to move Ground Forces from an activated system to an unactivated system using Transit Diodes? A: Yes. You may move the Ground Force to and from any planets that you control. Q: Can units built with the Integrated Economy technology be placed on ships in adjacent system? A: No. The technology should read: You may only place PDS and Ground Force units on any friendly planet within this range. Q: Can you use X-89 Bacterial Weapon technology if you do not have any Action cards in your hand? A: Yes.
Q: Can fighters with the Graviton Negator technology invade a planet if no friendly ground forces are present? A: No. At least 1 ground force is required to start invasion combat. Q: Does the Dacxive Animator technology work for Ground Forces killed by pre combat abilities such as PDS Fire, Bombardment, or X89 Bacterial Weapon? A: Yes.
Q: What counts as a unit? A: Any plastic piece on the game board, as well as the Ground Force and Fighter unit supplement tokens. Q: Do War Suns have all the same restrictions as Carriers? A: War Suns (and any other unit with a capacity for Ground Forces) have all of the same restrictions as Carriers on picking up, carrying, and dropping off Ground Forces. Q: Can I activate an enemy system and fire at it with my PDS, even if my PDS units are in an activated system? A: Yes. Q: If an enemy has activated my system to fire his PDS at me, can my PDS units return fire at his fleet, even if it doesnt move? A: When a player activates a system in range of your PDS units, you may, after the movement step of the activation sequence, fire once per PDS at any enemy units in the activated system owned by the activating player. Q: Can PDS units with Deep Space Cannon fire once when an enemy fleet moves into an adjacent hex and then again when the PDS owner activates the system? A: Yes. Q: Can I activate a system solely for the purposes of firing my PDS at a fleet there? A: Yes. Q: Can I have limitless Ground Forces and Fighter units, or once we run out of cardboard tokens am I stuck with what I have? Can I use pennies, post-it notes, and dust bunnies to bulk out my forces if I can pay for them in-game? A: You can use replacement counters if you run out of the Ground Force and Fighter supplement tokens provided with the game. Q: Can I build units with a Space Dock just built this round, if the Activation Counter in its system is removed for some reason? A: No, you can never build new units from a Space Dock created during the same round. Q: Can my Carrier unit pick up Ground Force or PDS units when retreating? A: No. A Carrier unit may only pick up units during the Movement step of a Tactical or Transfer action.
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Victory Conditions
Q: Can two or more players score the same Public Objective? A: Yes. Q: Can I declare victory immediately upon reaching 10 VPs, or do I have to wait until the Status Phase? A: If you gain 10 VPs by executing the Primary Ability of the Imperial Strategy, you immediately win the game. Q: There is a Public Objective which states that a player must control, with a unit, Mecatol Rex and each territory adjacent to it. If an asteroid or supernova is adjacent to Mecatol Rex, is this condition achievable? A: The objective only requires control of adjacent systems that can be controlled. Q: How is the 3-point objective that gives points if you have more influence than both of your neighbors combined affected by the elimination of one player? A: The eliminated player is still considered your neighbor and has 0 influence. Q: For objectives that state I control Mecatol Rex, does this refer to the planet or the system? A: The planet.
Q: When an effect states up to, as in up to three systems, or up to two Ground Forces, etc., are you allowed to have this number be zero? A: Yes. Q: Are all steps of the Status Phase resolved in the order of play? A: Yes. Q: Can you voluntarily revert one of your planets to Neutral? A: No. Q: Is it possible to control a system that has no planets? A: Yes, you simply need at least one non-Fighter ship in the system (and no enemy units). Q: When are systems containing matching Wormholes considered adjacent? A: These systems are considered adjacent for movement purposes only (including Transfer Actions). This means that you cannot fire PDS cannons through, annex planets through, or use the Integrated Economy technology through.
Q: If I run out of bonus tokens in the game, do I stop placing new ones? A: In the unlikely event that you run out of bonus tokens, you should use replacement counters agreed upon by the players (beads, pennies, etc.). Q: If I run out of Command Counters, what happens? A: You are limited to the actual Command Counters provided in the game. You cannot use replacement counters. Q: If I run out of control markers, can I use replacement tokens to represent them? A: Yes. Q: If a player has all 16 Command Counters in use on the board or on his Race Sheet, can any effects or actions that require additional Command Counters for that player take place or be resolved? A: No. Q: Many different Political, Action, and Technology cards modify, set, or limit the same numerical variables in the game. For example, the political card Humane Labor lowers the Production limit of Space Docks, while the Tech Card Enviro Compensator increases it. In what order are multiple effects resolved that affect the same variable? A: First, all Political Cards, in the order that they entered the game, affect variables. Then your Technology cards affect the same variables (with multiple relevant Tech cards being resolved in an order of the owners choice), and at last, the Action Cards affect the variables, in the order that such Action Cards were resolved. In this way, Humane Labor lowers the production limit of Space Docks to 2, but the Tech Enviro Compensator, for example, would add one additional capacity for its owner (raising his limit to 3).
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Tactical Retreats The rules for Tactical Retreats on page 11 permit a player to retreat to an adjacent, unactivated system that he controls (or that is empty). This should state an adjacent, unactivated system that does not contain enemy units. Simulated Early Turns During the simulated early turns procedure, players may not use special abilities or technologies. However, they may use refresh abilities during Step 6 (the Abbreviated First Status Phase), and they may discard Political Cards instead of spending Trade Goods. Turn vs. Game Round The race-specific technologies Production Centers, Diplomats, and Spatial Conduit Network, as well as the Yin Brotherhoods reversal special ability, state that they may be used once per turn. This should be once per game round. Objective cards that refer to criteria that must have been fulfilled this turn should be read as this game round. Sharing of Technology Political Card The Sharing of Technology Political Agenda should not have the keyword Law on it. It is therefore discarded after it is resolved. Winnu Racial Technology The ability on this card may only be used once per game round. Space Mines Space Mines are triggered anytime an enemy ship enters or is built in the system. This includes the Warfare secondary ability, transfer actions, retreats, and when building new units. This does not include moving through a system (unless picking up units from the system).
Q: Can you use the Diplomacy II ability to annex Mallice in the Wormhole Nexus through one of the wormholes? A: No. Wormhole systems are only considered adjacent only for the purposes of ship movement. Q: When using the secondary ability of the Warfare II Strategy, do Fighters that are being transported by Carrier count against the ship limit? A: No. Q: With the Warfare II High alert token, do ships which start in the system of the token, but do not move with the token, get the +1 movement bonus? A: Yes. At the start of an activation, all ships in a system with the high alert token gain +1 movement for that activation. This bonus is regardless of whether or not you decide to move the token with the ships. Q: Can I use the secondary ability of Production to build at two Space Docks in the same system? Can I get the benefit of Sarween Tools at both? A: Yes. You can build at all Space Docks in the system and utilize any applicable technologies. Q: Can a player retreat into a system which was targeted by the Diplomacy II Strategy card? A: Yes.
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Q: What are the restrictions for building a Saar Space Dock? A: The player must control 1 planet in the system per space dock he wishes to build. Trade stations do not count towards this restriction. Q: Can Saar spacedocks may move through Nebula or Ion Storm systems? Can they retreat? A: Although they may enter these systems, they may not normally move through them. However, Saar spacedocks may take advantage of the Maneuvering Jets and Antimass Deflector technology cards. Saar spacedocks may never retreat (even with action cards).
Race-Specific Technology
Q: If the Sharing of Technology Political Agenda passes, can a player acquire the race-specific technology of his trading partner? A: No. A player may not acquire the race-specific technology of another race. Q: How does the Subsidized Studies Political card interact with Racial Technology cards and the Technology strategy card? A: Subsidized Studies does not affect Racial technologies, or anytime a technology is gained for free (for example the primary ability of the Technology strategy card). Q: Can a player receive another players race specific technology (for example with the Technological Society domain counter)? A: No, a player may never gain a race specific technology that does not belong to his race.
Shock Troops
Q: If a Ground Force rolls a 10 in battle, it becomes a Shock Troop. Does this roll include modifiers, or must it be a natural 10? A: It must be a natural 10. Q: If an attacker has built all of his Space Docks, and then wins an Invasion Combat, may he use a Shock Troops ability to capture an enemy Space Dock? A: No. The units are destroyed, but not replaced. Q: If I take over an opponents Space Dock with a Shock Troop, can I build at the Space Dock this round? A: No. Whenever you place a new Space Dock piece on the board, it is treated as if it were built this game round. Q: How does the Plague Action card interact with Shock Troops? A: Roll individually for each shock troop and ground force. If you roll even, that unit is destroyed. Then roll for the next unit. If a ground force is destroyed because of this, a shock troop is not destroyed instead. Only the unit that is rolled for is killed.
Q: Can facilities be built during a Transfer Action? A: No. Q: Do Action Cards that refer to voting apply when voting on who becomes Voice of the Council? A: The vote for Voice of the Council is treated as a vote for an agenda, so cards that would apply to an agenda vote apply to the Voice of the Council vote. Q: What is the exact definition of a won a space battle for the purpose of the new objective cards? A: A player has won a battle if he is the only player with ships remaining in the system at the end of the battle. Q: Can Salvage Operations, the Mentaks race-specific technology, be used to rebuild a destroyed War Sun if the Mentak do not have the War Sun technology? A: No. You may only build a War Sun if you have the War Sun technology. Q: If the Naalu have Telepathic Mind Weapon (their racespecific technology) and then use the Diplomacy II primary ability a, does that cause all the other players to lose one Command Counter from ship supply? A: The Naalu special ability only works when a player activates a system. It does not work when a card (or ability) allows another player to place one of their activation tokens in a system. Q: Can the Yin Brotherhood use their convert special ability on the Hostile Locals Distant Suns counter? A: No. The Yin Brotherhood may only use their ability on Ground Forces belonging to another player. Q. If the Yin Brotherhood reverses a planets values, and another player takes that planet from them, do the planets values remain reversed until the end of the round? A. No. When the planet card is taken by another player, the Yin players token is removed from the card and the planets values return to normal.
Space Mines
Q: Are space mines considered units (for example, for purposes of the Diplomacy II Strategy or for Tactical Retreats)? A: No. Space mines are not considered units. Q: During the Production step, can you build a Cruiser and then immediately use that Cruiser to deploy a space mine in that system? A: No. When producing units and mines during the Production step, all of a players units and mines are produced simultaneously. You determine what you wish to produce, pay the resources, and build them all at once. You therefore cannot build a Cruiser and then deploy a space mine with that Cruiser during the same Production step. Q: Can Space Mines be scuttled? A: No. Space mines are not units, and cannot be scuttled.
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Q: If the Ancient Artifact Political Card explodes, are the Custodians of Mecatol Rex affected? A: Yes, the Custodians of Mecatol Rex are also discarded. Q: What happens if I use the Voluntary Annexation Action Card to annex Mecatol Rex when playing with the Custodians of Mecatol Rex option? A: The Custodian tokens are immediately removed. Q: Do the Custodians of Mecatol Rex count as opponents for purposes of Objectives (such as the one that states I successfully invaded one planet containing at least 1 opposing Ground Force this turn)? A: No. Opposing forces are defined as forces controlled by another player. These objectives cannot be fulfilled by overcoming the Custodians of Mecatol Rex or a similar Distant Suns counter. Q: Regarding the setup of 4-ring maps with 5 or 6 players, in which ring does one place the Home Systems? A: The 3rd ring. Q: With the Leaders option, do Scientists provide a discount on a Space Dock produced in a Home System during the simulated early turns procedure? A: During simulated early turns, units are not produced at any specific Space Dock. Therefore, any ability that provides a discount to building at a Space Dock cannot be used during simulated early turns. Q: How does the Simulated Early Turns option work with the Distant Suns option? A: The Distant Suns counters should be set up after the simulated early turns procedure, on all planets not under a players control. Q: Can a player have less than zero VPs? A: No. Also, if playing with the Artifacts option, a player may never have a number of VPs that is less than the number of artifact planets he controls. Q: Can the Mirage planets refresh Fighters that are under blockade (with a Space Dock or Advanced Fighters)? If so, what happens? A: No. You may not gain ships in a system that contains enemy ships. Q: Does the planet Mirage have any fighter capacity? A: No. Q: Can the Naalu racial ability be used with a Tactical Retreat? A: Yes. Q: Can a player take over an enemy controlled Trade Station when making a transfer action or retreating into the system? A: Yes. Whenever a player has ships in the system and no enemy ships are present, he immediately gains control of the station. Q: Can leaders be moved to Trade Stations? A: No.
Q: Do the rolls from the Courageous to the End, and Target Their Flagship Action Cards count as combat rolls? A: Yes. They may therefore be affected by other abilities that affect combat rolls (including the Experimental Weaponry action card). Q: If a Fighter Ambush domain counter eliminates a ship with a Leader, what happens to the leader? A: Since this is technically a space battle, you would roll a die. If the leader would be captured, he is instead killed (since domain counters cannot take prisoners). Q: Can you acquire the objective: I destroyed x ships in a Space Battle by shooting them with a PDS? What about precombat abilities? A: No, PDS fire happens before the Combat step. All precombat abilities happen during the Space Battle step, and therefore count toward the objective. Q: Can you acquire the Objective: I destroyed X Ground Forces by bombarding them or using an Action card such as Chemical Warfare? A: Yes.
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Technology Card: Transfabrication The use of Build Units should be replaced with the words Produce Units. Units scuttled by Transfabrication may not be reproduced during the same game turn. Arborec Race Sheet The special ability should read: Your Ground Forces have a production capacity of 1. You may not produce units with Ground Forces that have moved during the same activation. Berserker Genome Replacement Card This card has been renamed Valkyrie Armor. Stalemates If a situation ever arises during a Space Battle or Invasion Combat where all ships cannot be destroyed, such as 2 Dreadnoughts with Duranium Armor or 2 Fighters in an Ion Storm with Advanced Fighters technology, the attacker must perform a tactical retreat. If the attacker cannot retreat, that players ships are destroyed. Assembly II Page 20 of the rulebook should read The player executing the primary ability of this Strategy Card draws two Political Cards and chooses a player Game Setup with New Systems On page 9 of the rulebook, the setup for 7 and 8 players in incorrect. The number of systems to randomly remove should be 2 for a 7-player game and 3 for an 8-player game.
Q: Can Arborec Ground Forces produce while in a fleet, i.e. being carried by a ship? A: Yes. Any units produced may be placed on ships with capacity or a planet controlled by that player in that system.
The Arborec
Q: Can 2 Arborec Ground Forces produce 2 Ground Forces for the cost of 1, thereby pooling their production capacity? A: No, their production capacity may not be pooled. Q: Can Arborec Ground Forces build ships? A: Yes. Q: Can Arborec Ground Forces be used with the Production Strategy Card? A: Yes. However, the Ground Forces must be in a system containing one or more friendly Space Docks.
Q: Can the Arborecs Duha Menaimon produce Ground Forces? Can it be used with the Production Strategy Card? A: Ground Forces may be produced by Duha Menaimon. If using the Production Strategy Card, the Duha Menaimon may only produce units if in the same system as one or more friendly Space Docks.
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Q: How, exactly, does the Ghosts of Creuss Hil Colish work? A: A system containing Hil Colish is considered to have a D Wormhole. While moving, only the destination system (the system activated), not the Flagships current system, is considered to have the D Wormhole. This system may only be considered a destination system if the Hil Colish will end its movement in the activated system. The Hil Colish cannot use the D Wormhole it generates. Q: Does the Xxchas Loncara Ssodu gain the benefits of PDS technologies? A: No. Only the Deep Space Cannon Technology advance applies (even if the player has not researched it). Q: Can the Loncara Ssodu be used during Invasion Combat? A: No. Q: Are Ground Forces in the same system as the Yin Van Hauge affected by abilities and cards that normally affect Fighters, such as PDS fire, Anti-Fighter Barrage, and Friendly Fire AC? A: Yes. Each Ground Force that participates in a Space Battle as a Fighter follows all rules pertaining to Fighters. Q: Are there any circumstances when a player can build his flagship outside of his home system? A: No. Q: Do Nano Technology and Type IV Drive affect Flagships? A: No.
Q: If a Mercenary is part of a defending force on a planet and the Ground Forces belonging to units on both sides are destroyed, leaving only the Mercenary, does that players planet now revert to neutral? A: Yes. Anytime a mercenary is alone on a planet without another unit, that planet reverts to neutral. Q: Are Mercenaries considered units? A: Yes. Q: Are Mercenaries affected by the Domain Counters Biohazard and Radiation? A: No. Q: How does a Mercenarys Evasion ability work outside of normal Space Battle combat rounds, such as the PDS fire step, pre-combat activities like Mentaks, or Bombardment? A: Any time a Mercenary is assigned a hit, that Mercenary may roll for Evasion. Q: May a Mercenary participate in a Space Battle and an Invasion Combat in the same Tactical Action? A: Yes. Q: If you use the Mercenary Daffrens ability to trade him for a Strategy Card belonging to another player, does the player with whom you are trading need to agree to this exchange? A: No. Q: Is the Mercenary Rhelat treated as a PDS while on a planet in addition to a Ground Force? When using him as a PDS, does he gain the benefits of technologies, and can he be targeted by the Equipment Sabotage Action card? A: This ability is in addition to being used as a Ground Force. Rhelat is not affected by Equipment Sabotage. However, Rhelat does benefit from PDS technologies and may be used as a PDS even if there are already 2 PDS on the planet. Q: Are Mercenaries affected by the X-89 Bacterial Weapon Technology? A: No. Q: Do Mercenaries benefit from the abilities provided by Generals, i.e. do they receive +1 when defending, and may their combat dice be re-rolled? A: No. Q: Do Mercenaries receive the combat bonus and penalty (respectively) of Norr and Jol Nar? A: Yes, these abilities affect all of the players combat rolls. Q: Can the Mercenary 52N6 use his ability to prevent a player from using a Race-Specific Technologies or Stasis Capsules? A: No. Q: When is the Mercenary 52N6s ability used? A: This is used during the same pre-combat step as Action cards. Q: Are Mercenaries in space considered ships for the purposes of Action Cards such as Flank Speed and for use with the High Alert Token provided by the Warfare II Strategy Card? A: Yes.
Mechanized Units
Q: How do Mechanized Units work in regards to cards and abilities referring to Ground Forces? A: Mechanized Units are treated as Ground Forces in regards to invading and controlling planets only, this includes cards and effects which would revert a planet to neutral if no Ground Forces are present. They participate in invasion combat but are immune to all abilities that refer to Ground Forces, such as Action Cards, technologies, Domain Counters, bombardments, PDS fire, and Leaders. Q: Are Mechanized Units repaired during the status phase? A: Yes. They follow all rules for ships sustaining damage.
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Q: If a Mercenary is moving into another system, does it make a difference if he is space or on the planet? A: No.
Q: If the Ghosts of Creuss is in the game and another player has Keeper of Gates Secret Objective, does he need to occupy both portions of the Creuss Home System in order to claim it? A: No. The D Wormholes need not be controlled to fulfill the Keeper of Gates Secret Objective. Q: If you have 2 Secret Objective Cards, can you claim both in the same Status Phase? A: No. You may only claim 1. Q: If an ability affects one of a players Secret Objective Cards, does this ability target cards that have already been fulfilled and scored, causing the player to lose those points? A: No. Q: May a player upon completing his Preliminary Objective and drawing a Secret Objective immediately claim that Secret Objective in the same Status Phase? A: No.
Q: How does the Voting Concession Promissory Note Card interact with other Promissory Note Cards? What happens if two effects both require a player to vote different ways? A: The first player to lock another player into a vote takes precedence over any other cards or abilities. If multiple players wish to use such an ability at the same time, ties are broken in initiative order. Q: If a player does not have a Representative (and therefore may not vote) may that player still offer another player a Promissory Note? A: Yes.
Race-Specific Technologies
Q: When using Creuss Slave Wormhole Generator, what qualifies as a friendly system? A: A friendly system is a system containing any number of that players units or Control Markers. Q: What happens if the Letnev player decides to deal only 1 hit to a Dreadnought that has Noneuclidean Shielding? A: That ship is damaged (even though it was only dealt 1 damage). Q: If Letnev has researched Noneuclidean Shielding and takes 1 hit to a Dreadnought, will Direct Hit Action Card destroy that ship or simply cause 1 more hit to be assigned? A: The Direct Hit Action Card will destroy that ship. Q: When Muaat activates Nova Seed, what happens to ships belonging to Muaat that were in the system? A: Any ships in that system are unaffected and may freely move out of that system during a later turn. However, once these ships move out of the system, they may not move back in. Q: Which racial Technologies cannot be copied with Nekros Valefar Assimilator? A: Valefar Assimilator may technically be used to copy any racial Technology. However, any technology referring to another races special ability may not be used by the Nekro Virus. This includes Race-Specific Technologies that modify a races ability, such as Floating Factory and Spore Acceleration. Q: If Winnu use Lazax Gate Folding to place 1 Ground Force on Mecatol Rex when it is uncontrolled, does the player gain control of the planet? What happens to the Custodians? A: Yes. In addition, Custodians are discarded. Q: Can Xxcha use Instinct Training to cancel a Sabotage Action Card? A: Yes. Q: If Nekro uses Valefar Assimilator to copy Creuss Slave Wormhole Generator, do they use Creuss wormhole tokens as if a common supply? A: The Nekro Virus player may use any Creuss Wormhole token as a common supply. However, the same token may not be placed (or moved) more than once per game round. Q: Can the Creuss use Dimensional Splicer to deal multiple hits if multiple wormholes are present in the system? A: No.
Political Cards
Q: Corrupt Empire states that a player gains a Victory Point when he attacks the elected player. What constitutes an attack? Is PDS fire considered an attack? A: By initiating a Space Battle or Invasion Combat. Q: What happens when the Necessary Bureaucracy card is voted for? A: Players immediately draw the top card of the Political deck and then vote on that card. Q: Does the Sanctuary Shield allow players to move through enemy ships in a special system? A: No.
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Q: Is there a difference between assassinate and kill? A: Yes. Bodyguards are only immune to the assassinate ability; they can still be killed in other ways. Q: Arborecs Dirzuga Mantasas ability is, Other Councilors do not receive bonus votes during this voting. Does this apply only to the number in the upper left hand corner? A: It applies to the number in the upper left hand corner as well as all votes gained from Representative abilities. Q: How does the Letnevs Captain Lassirs ability work? A: After using this ability, you may not choose Representatives for the remainder of the game. Q: Where does the Command Counter come from when using the Norr Angrags ability? A: This token comes from the players reinforcements. Q: Are the Jol Nar players starting technologies counted for the purposes of Ta Zern? A: No. Only Technology Cards he has acquired during the course of the game may be counted.
Q: If a Scientist is on a planet that has two technology specialties, how much of a discount does the Scientist provide? A: The Scientist provides 1 additional discount on top of the 2 already provided by the planet. Q: In assembling the tile deck before a game, are Everra and Cormund counted as planet tiles or a special system tiles? A: Everra and Cormund are counted as Special Systems. Q: May other races travel through the D Wormhole generated by Creuss Hil Colish? A: No. Not even with the Light/Wave Deflectors technology.
Strategy Cards
Q: If a player is already the Speaker and selects Assembly II, may he retain the Speaker token and select another player to choose an agenda? A: Yes.
Technology Cards
Q: Does a ship in a Wormhole system or the Gravity Rift receive the +1 movement bonus from Gravity Drive? A: A ship in a Wormhole system receives the bonus if there is another Wormhole connecting to it. A ship in a Gravity Rift does not receive the bonus unless that system is adjacent to a system containing another Gravity Rift or a Wormhole. Q: How does Neural Computing work with the Nekro Virus? A: When receiving 3 Command Counters instead of a Technology Card, Neural Computing reduces the cost by 2. Q: Can Transfabrication be used to scuttle any units or only those present in the activated system at the time of the Production step? A: It may be used to scuttle any units following normal scuttle rules.
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