RES Merged Slides 1-6 - Compressed
RES Merged Slides 1-6 - Compressed
RES Merged Slides 1-6 - Compressed
RES Monsoon 23
Session – I : Introduction
• Buildings Industry
• Agricultural
• Power Agriculture, etc.
• Industrial 42%
• Transport 21%
• Total energy consumption per capita remains around 0.7 toe (2021),
half the Asian average. Electricity consumption per capita reached
920 kWh in 2021, about a third of the Asian average.
• India’s RE capacity reaches 168.96GW till Feb 2023: Minister R K
1. Over 80%of India’s energy needs are met by three fuels: coal
(44%), oil (24%)and solid biomass (21%). (NG(6%), Nuclear (1%)
Hydro(2%), Other RE (1%) )
2. Coal has underpinned the expansion of electricity generation and
industry, and remains the largest single fuel in the energy mix.
3. Oil consumption and imports have grown rapidly on account of
rising vehicle ownership and road transport use.
4. Biomass, primarily fuelwood, makes up a declining share of the
energy mix, but is still widely used as a cooking fuel.
5. Despite recent success in expanding coverage of LPG in rural
areas, 660 million Indians have not fully switched to modern, clean
cooking fuels or technologies.
India Electricity
1. Population – 1397 million which is 18% of the of World
2. Energy Resources – less than 1% of the total resources of the World
3. Total generation – 1491 BU in 2021-22
4. Total Generation – 1624 BU in 2022-23
5. PCE India – 1208 kWh/person/annum
1. World Average – 2674
2. China – 6,000
Norway PCE is
3. United States – 13,000
4. Russia – 8,000
29,000 kWh
5. Japan – 8,183
6. Germany – 7,000
India is set to experience the largest increase in energy demand
of any country worldwide over the next 20 years as its economy
continues to develop and bring greater prosperity to its citizens.
The combination of a growing and industrialising economy and
an expanding and increasingly urban population will drive
energy use higher, raising the question of how best to meet that
swelling demand without exacerbating issues like costly energy
imports, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
- India Energy Outlook 2021 by IEA
TPES of India – 1,209 Mil.TOE*
1. Coal – 44.3 %
2. Oil – 25.3 %
3. Biomass & Wastage – 21.2 %
4. Natural Gas – 5.8 %
5. Hydro – 1.4 %
6. Nuclear – 1.1 %
7. Renewable – 0.8 %
8. TPES PER CAPITA – 0.7 TOE (2021)
India has proven NG reserves equivalent to 22.1 times its annual consumption.
India Energy Production & Imports
• Production (TPES)
– Coal – 777.31 million tonnes during 2021-22
– Natural Gas – 20.90 Bil.SCM (2021-22)
– Crude Oil – 1.16 Mil.barrels per day
• Imports (2021-22)
– Crude Oil – 4.8 Mil.barrels per day(85% of Demand)
– Coal – 125 Mil.Ton (20% of Demand)
– LNG – 32 Bil.SCM (45% of Demand)
1. India has the third-largest crude oil imports in the world….which is about 10% of
world total and
2. 2nd largest coal producer even then its imports 20% coal annually.
3. 4th largest LNG importer after Japan, Korea and China
per CO2 Per
Population TPES capita Footprint Capita
Country (million) (Mtoe) kWh (Bn Ton) CO2 (t)
China 1440 3063 4475 9.8 6.59
USA 331 2228 12071 5.7 15.53
India 1380 882 1181 2.5 1.58
Russia 1459 - 7481 1.7 10.19
Japan 1265 427 7371 1.2 8.99
Source:IEA 2020 - Data 2018
Power Scenario: India Installed Capacity by Fuel in India
Agriculture 43%
Renewable Energy
(World’s second largest market)
Energy Demand in Building Sector
1. Increased energy use,
2. Accelerating the switch to modern fuels,
3. Rise in appliances and vehicle ownerships and
4. Increased demand for construction materials
India’s need for new infrastructure underlies
strong demand for energy-intensive goods,
while the rising level of vehicle ownership
keeps transport demand on an even steeper
upward curve.
Energy use in industry is the largest among
the end-use sectors, its share in final
consumption rising above 50% by 2040.
India’s Power Sector
1. India’s power system needs to almost quadruple in size by
2040 to catch up and keep pace with electricity demand that
is boosted by rising incomes and new connections to the grid –
increases at almost 5% per year.
2. To keep the pace with increasing electricity demand additional
capacity of 9,00,000 MW will be required by 2040
Over 50% of new power generation
capacity by 2040 will come from
renewables and nuclear, while new coal-
fired plants in India will represent nearly
half of the net coal capacity added
India is already the largest producer, consumer and
importer of coal in the World.
Renewables 32%
Nuclear 8%
CCS 8%
1. To keep global warming below 1.5°C this century, the
aspirational goal of the Paris Agreement, the world needs to
halve annual GHG emissions in the next eight years. If
implemented effectively, net-zero emissions pledges could
limit warming to 2.2°C, closer to the well-below 2°C goal of
Earth's Paris Agreement.
has risenUNEP Emission
by an Gap Report
average 202126-Oct-2021
of 0.08° C per decade
since Worldwide
or aboutClimate & Energy
2° F in total. programs
The rate aim since
of warming to de-1981
carbonize the global economy, boost energy efficiency, spur
innovation and than
is more job creation, address
twice as fast: 0.18°resource scarcity, and
C per decade.
reduce local environmental pollution. 18-Jan-2023
3. Improved technology,
The 10 warmest high record
years in the historical energy
have allprices, and
occurred since concerns
about climate change are creating favorable markets for
transforming energy systems around the world.
Implications of Global Warming
• Global Warming can result in many serious alterations to the
environment, eventually impacting human health.
• It can also cause
1. rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land,
2. a change in precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts and
floods, and threats to biodiversity.
3. This affects the availability of fresh water
4. Warming up of oceans a direct effect on oceanic lives.
Available Options to Mitigate Climate Change
1. Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors,
limiting global warming to 1.5°C is beyond reach. Sixth IPCC Report
April 2022
2. Options to Halve Emissions by 2030
Limiting global warming will require major transitions in the energy
sector. This will involve a substantial reduction in fossil fuel use,
widespread electrification, improved energy efficiency, and use of
alternative fuels (such as hydrogen).Sixth IPCC Report April 2022
3. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose by 6% in
2021 to 36.3 billion tonnes, their highest ever level. IEA Analysis
March 2022
The Earth recorded the highest daily average
concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide
(CO2) — 421.37 parts per million (ppm) — in
the second week of May 2022,
Source: The Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of
In May 2023, carbon dioxide hit 424 ppm*—a new record. NOAA
image, based on monthly mean data from NOAA Global Monitoring Lab. Carbon
dioxide concentrations are rising mostly because of the fossil fuels that people
are burning for energy.
*Month of May is usually the month with highest carbon dioxide levels.
and PPM is a unit of measurement of atmospheric pollution.
National Action Plan on Climate Change(NAPCC)
1. National Action Plan on Climate Change
1. Eight Missions
2. Energy Conservation Act
2. Standards & Labeling Program (BEE Star Labeling)
3. PAT Scheme – for energy intensive industries
4. ECBC & ENS for Construction of EE Comm.& Residential Buildings
5. DSM in Municipal Bodies, Agriculture, SMEs, etc.
3. INDC – Intended National Determined Contribution
Important Source of Energy Information
1. India Energy Portal
2. Power at a Glance – Ministry of Power , GOI
4. International Energy Agency – India Energy Outlook
5. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE, Ministry of Power, GOI)
6. Our World in Data
7. Enerdata
Assignment – 1
• Read about…and make slide/s on each….
1. Solar Mission (2 slides)
2. Energy Conservation Act 2001(2 slides)
3. India’s Clean Energy Options (1 slide)
4. Impacts of Climate Change on Sustainable Development (1 slide)
RES Monsoon 23
Session – II : Renewable Energy Sources & its Potential In India
1. Rise in the average temperature of Earth
2. Melting of glaciers – rise in the sea level – submergence of low-lying regions – depletion of fresh water source
3. Loss of biodiversity – scarcity of food – survival of species on land & ocean
4. Changes in seasons – more droughts, floods, storms,
5. Acidification of ocean (due to absorption of excess CO2)
6. Overall result on well-being of Human Being - Health, Poverty and Hunger
1. The World needs clean and pollution free Energy to meet its increasing
energy demand and to mitigate Climate Change, for which Energy
Consumption is a major cause. 70%.... Global warming & its implications.
2. Restricting utilization of Hydro-carbon fossil fuels – coal, petrol, diesel,
natural gas, etc., has been identified as major action for controlling
environmental degradation which caused by CO2 and GHG emitted in the
3. The last decade has seen the highest rate of RES development and
deployment across the globe.
4. Paris Agreement (UNCC Conference-COP21, Dec 2015) called for reducing
carbon/GHG emissions by 45% by year 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
Countries worldwide have pledged to contribute to the cause and have set
targets for phasing out HC fuels, through deployment of EE & RES.
5. Renewable Energy Sources is immerging as eco-friendly energy sources of the
future to evade potential Energy and Environment crisis.
6. The trending objective and the World Order is Zero Emissions in
coming days to avoid, what seems to be inevitable – an
environment crisis – climate change, global warming and its severe
impacts on the planet Earth.
7. India is the 3rd largest consumer of energy in the world. It imports
about 85% of its crude oil, 53% natural gas and 15% of total coal
8. The power sector of India is set to grow four times its current
capacity to meet the increasing electricity demand. The current
installed capacity of power plant, in India, is 417,000 MW and per
capita electricity is 1255 kWh/person/annum.
Implications of Global Warming
• Global Warming can result in many serious alterations to
the environment, eventually impacting human health.
• It can also cause
1. rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land,
2. a change in precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts
and floods, and threats to biodiversity.
3. This affects the availability of fresh water
4. Warming up of oceans a direct effect on oceanic lives.
Available Options to Mitigate Climate Change
1. Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all
sectors, limiting global warming to 1.5°C is beyond reach. Sixth IPCC
Report April 2022
2. Options to Halve Emissions by 2030
Limiting global warming will require major transitions in the
energy sector. This will involve a substantial reduction in fossil fuel
use, widespread electrification, improved energy efficiency, and
use of alternative fuels (such as hydrogen).Sixth IPCC Report April 2022
3. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose by 6% in
2021 to 36.3 billion tonnes, their highest ever level. IEA Analysis
March 2022
adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit
INDIA’s Action Plan for
Energy & Environment Conservation
1. National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
2. Energy Conservation Act
3. Energy Efficiency Improvement in all sector, viz. Industrial, Commercial, ,
Agricultural, Power, Public Utilities, (lighting & pumping), Transport, and so on.
– PAT Scheme
– Star Labeling of appliances
– ECBC & Eco Niwas Samita
4. Deployment of Renewable Energy on large scale for power generation
5. Increasing Forest Cover – planting trees! Increasing Carbon sinks!
Promoting Energy Efficiency in the
Residential and Commercial Sector
• ECBC addresses the design of new and
large commercial buildings to optimize
their energy demand,
National • Green Buildings & Smart Cities
Management of Muni.Solid / Sewerage
Mission on Waste
Sustainable Storm Water Management
Promotion of Urban Public Transport
Solar Energy – 750 GW
67,078 MW
(as on 28-June-2023)
500 GW
By year 2030
Solar Technologies
• Solar Thermal Systems
– Solar Cookers
– Solar Water / Air Heaters
– Solar Dryers
– Solar Steam Systems
– Solar AC
• Solar Electrical Systems
– Solar Lights
– Solar Power Packs
– Solar Power Plants
– Solar Rooftop / Canaltop Power Plants
• Solar Passive
• Solar Hybrid Systems
Active & Passive Solar Energies
Solar technologies are characterized as either passive or active
depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute
1. Active Solar Techniques use photo-voltaics, concentrated solar
power, solar thermal collectors, pumps and fans to convert
sunlight into useful outputs.
2. Passive Solar Techniques include selecting materials with
favorable thermal properties, designing spaces that naturally
circulate air, and referencing the position of a building to the
Active Solar Technologies increase the
supply of energy and are considered Supply
Side technologies,
Top 10 14000
States in 10000
Solar 8000
Installations 4000
2000 Source :
Source: Jan.2022,
Solar Energy :Topics For Study
1. Basic of Solar Energy – Solar Science
2. Solar Thermal Technologies & Applications
1. Construction and Working Principles of Solar Water & Space
Heating Systems.
2. System Designing & Sizing.
3. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technologies & Applications
1. Construction & Working Principles of Solar PV Power
2. System Designing & Sizing
4. Solar Concentrators, Desalination, Dryers
2. Energy from Wind
1. The development of wind power in India began in the 1990s.
2. Domestic policy support for wind power has led India to become the
country with the fourth largest installed wind power capacity in the
world with 42.86 GW capacity. (906 GW total global)
3. Wind power accounts for 10% of India's total installed power capacity.
4. India has set an ambitious target to generate 67,000 MW of electricity
from wind power capacity by 2030 (Potential of 300,000 MW)
5. India manufactures 80-85% of machines requirement.
6. The mainland coastline of India measures 6100 km which has good
onshore and offshore wind energy potential.
Wind Map of India
Potential : 302,251 MW (@100m)
In 10 states at 50 m above ground level
Potential : 695,500 MW (@120m)
Wind Energy Potential
5.6 to 11 mtr/sec
Installed Capacity of WTG
42,868 MW
(as on 28-Jun-2023)
67,000 MW
By year 2030
Top 5 States in Wind Installed Capacity 2022
Tamil Nadu Gujarat Maharastra Karnataka Rajasthan
Wind Energy: Topics For Study
1. Basic of Wind Energy
2. Different Types & Applications of Wind Machines/Turbines
3. Construction & Working of WTG
4. WTG Specifications
5. Wind Mapping & Monitoring – Assessment of Wind Potential
6. Designing Windfarm and Micro-siting of WTG
7. Off-shore Windfarms
3. Bioenergy Sources
Potential : 25,000 MW* ; Status: 10,339 MW
• Bioenergy is renewable energy made available from materials
derived from biological sources.
• Biomass is any organic material which has stored sunlight in the
form of chemical energy. As a fuel it may include wood, wood waste,
straw, manure, sugarcane, and many other by products from a
variety of agricultural processes including human & animal waste.
• Routes of conversion bioenergy are combustion, partial combustion
and bio-methanation .
• Bioenergy is the single largest RE source which contributes about
10% of the world primary energy supply (TPES) – about 25% of total
energy consumption in India.
* - including bagasse-based COGEN & Waste to Energy Projects
Biomass still contributes about 30% of the total
primary energy used in the country….and more
than 70% of the country's population still
depends upon Biomass – derived from forest
and agro-waste, for meeting its energy needs.
- MNRE Report
India has high potential of biomass about 750 metric tons per
year availability. As per MNRE around 18,000 MW power can be
generated by this available biomass and additional power about 7000-
8000 MW can be produce from bagasse cogeneration in Sugar Mills
Future Potential of Bioenergy
• The split of non-fodder agri-residue for household cooking
decreases from 46% to 25% by 2027 and to 3% by 2047.
• The agro-residue split for power generation is increased from
the present 5% to 16%.
• This relates to power generation increasing from the present
25 GW to 78 GW by 2047.
• Liquid transportation fuel from agro-residue begins to be
produced commercially from 2027 and the split reaches 6%
by 2047..
Chart Title
States in
Bio Power 2000
Installations 1500
Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Karnataka Tamil Nadu Andhra
10 GW 1 2 3 4
Bio Energy: Topics For Study
1. Biogas Plants
– Individual
– Community / Institutional & Industrial
2. Biomass Gasification Systems
– Mechanical Application
– Electrical Application
– Thermal Application
– And types – up, down and cross draft, FBC
4. Small Hydro Power Projects
Potential: 21134 MW; Status: 4793 MW (Inst.Capacity)
• Energy from flowing water – rivers, canals, waterfalls
in hilly regions and water streams.
• hydro power plants of 25MW or below capacity are
classified as small hydro, which have further been
classified into micro (100kW or below), mini
(101kW-2MW) and small hydro (2-25MW) segments.
• Top 5 states, with maximum potential, include
Karnataka, Himanchal Pradesh, Maharashtra, J&K
and Punjab.
Renewable Energy will account for 55% of the
total installed power capacity by 2030. As per
the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) estimates,
by 2029-30, the share of renewable energy
generation would increase from 18% to 44%,
while that of thermal is expected to reduce from
78% to 52%. - 28-Jul-2021
• Ministry of New & Renewable Energy,
Institutional GOI - MNRE
Setup for Guiding • Bureau of Energy Efficiency MOP, GOI -
Sustainable • Indian Renewable Energy Development
Energy Association – IREDA
• Energy Efficiency Services Limited -
Development EESL
Renewable Energy Development Structure
Govt. of India
Industries ( all categories), Agriculture, Residential,
Commerce, Building Industry, Municipal Services, Power
Utilities, Transportation and Education & Awareness,
Section 15(d) of the EC Act
State Designated Agencies were
established in 29 states and 7 union
territories. The profile of these agencies
differ from state to state
H = 1000 W/m2 X 6 hrs
H = 6000 Wh/m2 or 6.0 kWh/m2
Power & Energy Units
• Watt
• Kilowatt (kW) = 1000 watts (W) - power
• Megawatt (MW) = 1000 kW
• Gigawatt(GW) = 1000 MW
• Terawatt (TW) = 1000 GW (1000,000 MW)
• (Wh) = wattage X time of use in hrs - energy
• 1000 Wh =1 kWh = 1 unit of electricity; e.g.
e.g. A 100 W bulb running for 10 hrs will consume100W X 10 hr
which is 1 kWh or = 1 unit of electricity
10 bulbs of 100 watts each running for 1 hour consumes
10 x 100watt x 1hr = 1000 watt-hr which is
1 kWh same as 1 unit of electricity
Sample Calculation
1. 1.5 T Air-conditioner is rated 1500 watts
– 1no. x 1500 watts x 6 hours = 9000 watt-hours = 9 kWh
2. 3 liters Instant Geyser rating is 3000 watts
– 2 nos. x 3000 x 1 hr = 6000 watt-hr = 6 kWh
3. 450 liters Refrigerator watt rating is 600 watts
– 1no. x 500 x 10 hours = 5000 watts-hrs = 5 kWh
4. 5 star rated 1200 mm Ceiling Fans is rated as 30 W
– 4 nos x 30 x 4 hrs = 480 watt-hours = 0.48 kWh
5. 20W LED TLs – 10 nos. / 8 hours
Calculating (input) Power
A. Power = V x I x cosØ (for single phase supply)
– Where V = supply Voltage in volts
– I is current drawn in amperes
– cosØ is power factor of appliance
– Used for single phase appliances like lamps, refrigerators, fans, AC,
TV, geysers, microwave ovens, etc.
B. Power = √3 x V x I x cosØ(for 3 phase supply)
– Used for 3 phase appliances like motors, industries, buildings – like
power –hungry machinery. 3-phase power can deliver more
power with greater efficiency.
Assignment – 2 : Study Your Electricity Bills
Note – Total Consumption ; Bill Amount ; No. of days billed for (for one bill only)
1. What is the sanctioned electrical load of your house?
2. What is the actual connected load of your house? In Just four
3. What is average daily electricity consumption of your home? slides or less!!!
4. What is the cost of unit electricity paid by you?
5. What is your per cost for electricity consumed?
6. What is your annual electricity consumption and annual electricity cost?
7. What is you and your family’s per capita electricity consumption?
8. Tabulate Month-wise / Bill-wise consumption for 12 months and present it
9. Now, theoretically estimate the daily electricity consumption of your home based
on the home appliances usage. Write your observations about how it compares
Session III (11th August 2023)
• Introduction to Solar Thermal Applications
– Solar Cooking Systems
– Solar Water Heating
– Solar Air-Heating & Drying Systems
– Solar Concentrators
• Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics (if time permits)
End of Session 2
Renewable Energy Systems
Connected Load
12.75 kW
Sanctioned Load
Power & Energy Units (kW & kWh)
• Power (P) is the rate at which work is done (W/t) – work per time) or
rate at which energy is transferred (E/t) – energy per time.
• P= (W/t)
Take an example of power stored in a battery (V, Ah)
• A car battery can provide 500 amps at 12 Volts
1. Power (P) = 500 amps x 12 volts = 6000 watts (unit of power is watt)
2. Energy stored inside the battery is, if the battery runs on full load
(i.e. 500 amps) for one hour, 6000 watt-hour.
• Watt(W)= Voltage (V volts) x Current (I amperes)
• Unit of Power (watt) = joules /second
• Unit of Energy (joules) = watt-second
Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred (J/sec)
Energy is Power integrated over time (joules-sec).
Dealing with Solar Power - Intensity of the Solar Radiations is Solar Power,
measured on defined area is expressed in J/sec per sq.meter – which is
same as watts per sq.meter.
When extended over time period and defined area of collection it becomes
Solar Energy which is expressed in watt-hour or kWh.
For Example
600 watt/sq.m for 6 hours on 10 sq.m solar collector
Energy = 600 w/sq.m x 6 h x 10 sq.m
= 36000 watts-hours or 36 kWh
Calculating (input) Power
• Single Phase Power = V x I x cosØ
– Where V = supply Voltage in volts – “pressure”; I is current drawn
in amperes – “flow”; cosØ is power factor of appliance used for
single phase appliances – lights, refrigerator, fans, AC, TV, etc
• 3 Phase Power = √3 V x I x cosØ
– Used for 3 phase appliances like motors, etc.
• In India supply voltage (V) = 230 V, Frequency of supply is 50 (Hz)
– I is current depending on the type of equipment load. (5 amp)….
a. Single Phase (Ø) –
Power (P) = VI cosØ = 230 (V) X 5 (I) A- amperes X 0.9
= 1035 watt = 1.035 kW
b. Three Phase (3Ø) Power = √3 V x I x cosØ
= 1.732 x 230V x 5 A x 0.9
= 1792.62 watts = 1.793 kW
Nearly 30% of the Sun's incoming energy is reflected by
the atmosphere and the surface. Another 19% is
absorbed by the atmosphere. Hence only about 51%
reaches Earth's surface and is absorbed by it.
How is value of Solar Constant derived?
Solar Constant
I ∝ (1/d2)
Energy from the Sun
• Solar Energy can be converted to usable energy via two
different routes or ways :
• Thermal Energy:
Conversion of Solar Energy Heat.
• Electric Energy:
Conversion of Solar Energy Electricity.
Water Flow
A selective surface coating is a material with high absorptance
and low emittance properties applied to or on the surface of solar
Insulation of
absorbers. The usual coatings provide a degree of absorption
over 90%. Metal Absorber
Modes of Heat Transfer in a FPC
Standard FPC (IS-12933)
1. Size of standard FPC as per INDIAN STANDARDS (IS) is about 2 sq.m.
2. With Cu or Al sheet absorbers with Cu riser pipes – coated with selective
or non-selective material.
3. 3 mm thick toughened glass cover – with low iron content
4. 50 mm insulation material of specified K-Value
5. 100 mm deep absorber housing made from galvanized / aluminum sheet.
6. 100 litres insulated (100 mm) hot water storage tank cladded by
aluminum with inlet, outlet & air vent pipes.
7. Can give 100-150 litre of hot water at 60deg.C per day on yearly average.
Parameters for Material of Construction (MOC)
1. Absorber Plate & Pipes 2. Glass Cover
1. Good Conductivity – Al & Cu 1. Minimum Reflectivity
2. Good Absorptivity 2. Maximum Transmittance
3. Minimum Absorptivity
3. Selective Coating
4. Toughened
Types of Solar Water Heating Systems
1. Thermosiphon System
2. Forced-flow Open Loop System
3. Forced-flow Closed Loop System
1. Thermosiphon Solar Hot Water System
Where the water flows in the system by the virtue of the density
difference created by differential temperatures.
Thermosiphon is a natural circulation. As the name implies, natural
circulation relies on changing fluid densities during heat addition and
changes in elevation to circulate the working fluid around a system
How a thermo-syphon SWHS Works…
1. The cold water enters the solar collector at the bottom of
the collector into the “header pipe” and gets distributed in
riser tubes and the hot water leaves the collector at the
upper part into the storage tank.
2. This cycle is then repeated , till a stagnant temperature is
reached across the entire system. This way it is continuously
circulated in the so-called primary circuit.
3. The hot water, when tapped, flow from top of the storage
tank and is replaced by cold water at the bottom of the
storage tank.
Thermosiphon System
1. No external pumping is required and the water flow by
the virtue temperature difference.
2. The cold-water supply tank is kept at a higher level than
the hot water storage tank for the system to work.
3. Thermosiphon systems work for small systems of, say, 100
to 500 LPD capacities.
4. Reason…???
What type is
this Solar
BEE Star Labeling Scheme for
Solar Water Heaters
• Must meet all test requirement as
per IS 16368:2015 and MNRE’s
Minimum Technical requirements.
• In a FPC based SWH, the collector
must meet all the requirements as
per ‘IS 12933 part-1:2003, Solar
Flat Plate Collector- specifications.
Similarly, for ETC based SWH, the
system must meet all the
requirements as per ‘IS 16544:
2015 All Glass Evacuated Solar
Water Heating system’.
2. Solar Evacuated Tube Collectors
Evacuated tube
solar hot water
collectors are more
efficient than flat
plate solar
especially in colder
Evacuated Tube Collector
• Vacuum or Evacuated Tubes are made from glass - typically ultra-
strong and heat resistant Pyrex with a double wall construction.
• The glass on the inner tube is coated on its outer surface with an
absorbent coating, and on its inner surface with a reflective
• Inside each tube all air is removed making a vacuum and a copper
heat pipe is run through the centre of the tubes.
• Most of the infra-red radiation (i.e heat) from the sun is absorbed
by this sealed heat pipe which contains an anti-freeze type liquid.
ETC : Evacuated Tube Collectors
Types of Evacuated Tubes
Evacuated Tube with Heat Pipe
• Construction
• The ETC solar collector is comprised of four main
• Evacuated Tube (ET)
• Absorbs solar energy and converts it to usable
heat. A vacuum between the two glass layers
insulates against heat loss.
• The Heat Transfer Fin helps to transfer heat to the
Heat Pipe.
• Heat Pipe (HP)
• Copper vacuum pipe that transfers the heat from
within the ET up to the manifold.
• Manifold
• Insulated box containing the copper header pipe.
The header is a pair of contoured copper pipes
with dry connect sockets that the heat pipes plug
• Mounting Frame
• Strong and easy to install with a range of
attachment options.
How an ETC works….
1. An ETC is made up of an array of co-centric glass tube or a double
glass walled tube with vacuum in between (no air). The ‘absorber
pipe or the heat pipe’, which is made up of selectively coated
finned copper tube filled with anti-freeze HT fluid, is sealed and
housed in the inner glass tube.
2. As the sun heats the HT fluid inside the evacuated tubes, hot
vapours form and rise up inside the metallic (Cu) chamber. The
heat is transferred from the chamber to the surrounding cold
water which is required to be heated. Cooled vapours return to
the bottom of the heat pipe to be reheated again. This cycle
continues till the water is sufficiently heated.
How an ETC works….
3. The evacuated tubes absorb about
90-95 % of solar energy falling on it
and is used to heat water; the
remaining 7% is reflected.
4. The copper at the tip of the heat
tube can reach well over 200
degrees easily heating water to 90
°C on hot days and to 60 °C even in
the winter. This simple system is
completely sealed and needs
minimal maintenance over its 20+
years life.
ETC are popular because – they are economical – higher performance and
reliability in cold climates and commercial applications and attractive
1. Evacuated tubes contain practically no water and so they can
resist freezing conditions
2. The curved shape of the tubes allows thermal absorption from a
greater range of sun angles, and therefore for a greater portion of
the day
3. Tubes permit high heat retention and so much of the heat
collected during the day can be retained during overcast days and
through the night
4. Tubes fit independently in the header pipe and can be individually
removed and replaced without having to decommission the entire
ETC: Advantages
1. Tubes provide lower aerodynamic
drag due to air being able to run
around them, proving less wind-drag
in some high wind locations
“Ideally, a fixed, roof-mounted solar energy system should be at an angle that is equal to the latitude of
the location where it is installed. However, pitch angles between 30 and 45 degrees will work well in
most situations.”
Solar Panel
Tilt Angle is
My Latitude
+ 15°
N-Hemisphere At S-Hemisphere
The above equation describes the thermal performance of a
collector operating under steady conditions, can be rewritten ;
Useful Heat or Energy Gain Equation.
is a transmittance-absorptance product that is weighted
according to the proportions of beam, diffuse, and ground reflected
radiation on the collector .
• GT – Solar Irradiance w/m2 (same as S)
• UL – Heat Transfer Loss Coefficient
Heat Removal Factor (FR) depends
1. Inlet and outlet Water Temperature
2. Ambient Temperature
3. Area of the Collector
Thermal Efficiency of a Collector
One method is useful heat gain (Qu) divided by input solar
radiation and in the other method thermal efficiency of a
collector is calculated by using the formula bellow:
• P= [(Ti – Ta) / I]
– P= Inlet Fluid Parameter
– Ti=Inlet fluid temperature to the collector (ºF)
– Ta=Ambient air temperature surrounding the collector (ºF)
– I = solar radiation intensity striking the collector (Btu/hr/ft2).
Collector Efficiency (Ƞ)
• For example, a flat collector receives water that has temperature
of 55°F and the ambient temperature is 75°C with a radiation
intensity of 110 Btu/Hr/sqft would compute as follow:
• P=[(75-55)/110] = 0.18
• P – inlet fluid parameter
Porous Type
It has porous
absorber which may
include slit and
expanded metal,
overlapped glass plate
Roughness & Resistance
• Rough absorber surface or any resistance to the flow would
result in increased friction losses and hence greater power
requirements for pumping air through the duct. In order to
keep the friction losses at a low level, the turbulence must be
created only in the region very close to the duct surface, i.e.
in laminar sub layer.
• The application of artificial roughness, by using different
shapes has been recommended to enhance the heat transfer
coefficient by several investigators.
The performance characteristics of a solar heater and heat exchangers
can be effectively improved by using artificial roughness in different
forms, shapes and sizes. Artificial roughness is provided in the form of
different geometries such as ribs, dimple shape roughness, wire mesh,
baffles, delta winglets etc.
Flat Plate Solar Air Heater artificially Roughened
Packed Bed Solar Air Heater
Solar Air Heating System with packed bed Heat Storage
Hot Air Chamber / Dryer
Green House
Heating Space
Greenhouse Solar Dryers
Force Draft Solar Air Heater
How will you “size” or decide the capacity of your Solar Dryer??
• Absorber Area
• Size of Blower
What are the parameter required for designing a solar dryer?
Parameters for Air Heating
1. Volume of Heating Space (quantum of air)
2. Ambient Air Temperature
3. Hot Air Temperature
4. Flow Rate (volume/unit time)
5. Size of Blower (Air Handling Unit)
6. Heat Required for heating ambient air to required
Parameters for Drying
Example 1. Heat Energy In Air Drying
Ques. A food containing 80% water is to be dried at 100oC down to
moisture content of 10%. If the initial temperature of the food is 21oC,
calculate the quantity of heat energy required per unit weight of the
original material, for drying under atmospheric pressure. The latent
heat of vaporization of water at 100oC and at standard atmospheric
pressure is 2257kJ/kg . The specific heat capacity of the food is 3.8
kJ/kgoC (0.9 kcal/kgoC and of water is 4.186 kJ/kgoC .
Calculate the efficiency of the dryer. The specific heat of potato is 3.43kJ/kgoC .
Assume potato enters at 24oC, which is also the ambient air temperature, and leaves
at the same temperature as the exit air.
- In 100kg of raw material there is 80% moisture, that is 80kg water and 20kg dry
- In 10 %, 10 kg moisture is associated with 90 kg dry matter, (in 100 kg of dry matter)
1. Total weight of moisture in dry product (@10%) = 20 x (10/90) = 2.22 kg
2. Weight of water = 2.22 kg (remaining in dried potatoes)
3. Total (moisture) Water to be removed = (80 – 2.22) = 77.78 kg.
Calculation SAH Performance
Solar Space Heater
Solar Concentrators
Concentrating Solar Collectors (CSC)
Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST)
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Solar Concentrating Collectors
1. They are always pointing to the sun hence they are the most
efficient of all collector systems.
2. They typically have a concentration ratio in the range
of 600–2000.
3. The operating temperature of the systems is over 1800K.
4. Thus are highly efficient a thermal-energy absorption and
power conversion systems.
Solar Steam Cooking System
Solar Concentration Ratio largely depends on the geometry and the optics
Parabolic Dish Concentrator Power System
• Comprises of a parabolic dish concentrator couple to a ‘Stirling
engine Genset’.
• The capacity can range from 5 to 25 or 50kW.
• Larger capacity is possible by connecting a number of dishes
together. These systems can be combined with natural gas, and the
resulting hybrid provides continuous power generation.
2. Parabolic Trough System
• Parabolic troughs are devices that are shaped like letter “u”.
• The troughs concentrate sunlight onto a receiver tube that is positioned along the
focal line of the trough.
• A transparent glass tube envelops the receiver tube to prevent heat loss due to
• The operating temperature of the system is in the range of 500–700K and the
geometric concentration ratio PT system is 30–100 .
Crossection of Parabolic Parabolic Trough sytem
Orientation of a Parabolic Trough
Parabolic Troughs with Single-axis or Dual-axis tracking.
RES Monsoon 23
Assignment Session – 4
1. Your version of the term ‘roughness & resistance’ in solar air
2. Define Concentration Ratio (of Solar Concentrator). Give an
example of a Solar Concentrator.
3. List parameters that effect Solar Concentration.
4. What is a ‘heliostat’? Brief explanation of it’s working.
5. Compare a Mirror Concentrators and Fresnel Lens
Concentrators on 5 counts, 1. Performance, 2. Service Life,
3. Cost, 4. Application and 5. Overall Field Results.
Concentration Ratio/Factor
• It can be simply defined as multiple reflection of a single light
source (the Sun) on to a confined region or area. Or
• The concentration factor is the ratio between the area of
sunlight collected and area of the solar receiver onto which it is
• Key Parameters affecting Solar Concentration
– Area of solar energy concentrator
– Quality of Reflector (optics) and geometry
– Quality of Receiver – minimum convection losses
– Accuracy of tracking mechanism
What is the CR of a Flat Plate Collector ? 3
What is a Heliostat?
1. It is a stationary arrangement of multiple mirrors used for
concentration of solar energy (sunlight), during its movement
from east to west throughout the day, on to a stationary
receiving object.
2. The arrangement of mirrors is such that the position of focus
is unchanged despite constant movement of the sun in the
sky – without the use of any tracking mechanism.
Solar Mirror
Parameter Concentrators
Fresnel Lenses
More than 90% of solar light falls in visible and IR region and both are
getting almost equal proportion of light. Visible Light portion is more
useful for Solar PV. Why ?
Solar Energy Source
1. With about 300 clear, sunny days in a year, theoretically
calculated solar energy falling on Indian soil area alone is about
5000, 000 billion kWh (BU) per year .
2. The daily average solar energy incident over India varies from 4
to 7 kWh/m2 with about 2,300 to 3,200 sunshine hours per year –
depending on the location.
3. India’s Annual Electricity Consumption is around 1500 BU
4. What span of land will be required for generating enough
electricity for meeting our total electricity demand assuming 10%
SPV 5.0
plant efficiency????
kwh/sq.m X 0.10 x 2500 hours x land reqd (A) = 1500 BU 10
Key Performance Parameters of SPV Power System
What is Photovoltaics?
1. The term photovoltaic (PV) refers to the phenomenon
involving the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy via
a solar cell.
2. The most important parameters of the solar cell that
describe the operating conditions are - irradiance and the
3. In Photovoltaic power generation there are two following
1. Lower Conversion Efficiency of PV modules &
2. Weather Conditions. (mainly ambient temperature) 12
4. There is single point on I-V or P-V characteristics curve knows as
Maximum Power Point where PV system gives highest efficiency and
produces highest output power. The main source of the power loss is
the failure to track MPP. So, Maximum Power Point Tracking is essential
to operate PV system at MPP.
5. Efficiency of solar cell is assessed and evaluated and specified under
Standard Test Conditions, which is
a. Radiation =1000 W/m2,
b. Temperature =25°C and
c. Air Mass 1.5 of reference spectrum.
6. However, these conditions practically never occur during normal
outdoor operation and therefore solar panels rarely operate at the
rated capacities.
Solar Cell • Sun light of certain wavelength is
able to ionize the atoms in the silicon
• The internal field produced by the
junction separates some of the
positive charges ("holes") from the
negative charges (electrons).
• If a circuit is made, power can be
produced from the cells under
illumination, since the free electrons
have to pass through the junction to
recombine with the positive holes.
Solar PV Cell
1. The photovoltaic cell is the basic building block of a PV
system. Individual cells can vary in sizes from about
1cm to about 10 cm across.
2. Most cells are made with silicon today. (Purification
of silicon is one of the biggest expenses in the
production of solar cells.)
3. A slab (or wafer) of pure silicon is used to make a PV
4. The top of the slab is very thinly diffused with an “n”
dopant, which is phosphorous.
5. On the base of the slab, a small amount of a “p” Dopant is a substance used to produce a
dopant, typically boron, is diffused. desired electrical characteristic in a
semiconductor. 16
N – Type Silicon
1. The phosphorous gives the wafer of silicon an excess of free
electrons; it has a negative character.
2. This is called the n-type silicon (n = negative). The n-type
silicon is not charged—it has an equal number of protons and
electrons—but some of the electrons are not held tightly to
the atoms. They are free to move to different locations within
the layer.
P – Type Silicon
1. The BORON gives the wafer of the silicon a positive character,
which will cause electrons to flow toward it.
2. The base of the silicon is called p-type silicon (p = positive).
The p-type silicon has an equal number of protons and
electrons; it has a positive character, but not a positive charge.
Process of Electricity Generation in PV Cells
1. The phosphorous has one more electron in its outer shell
than silicon, and the boron has one less. These dopants
help create the electric field that motivates the energetic
electrons out of the cell created, when light strikes the PV
Parallel Vs. Series Circuits
Parallel Circuits Series Circuits
• Maintain constant Voltage • Maintain constant Current
• Current is divided among • Voltage is divided among
components components
• If one light goes out, the others • Easy to open circuit quickly
stay lit
Direct (DC) Vs. Alternating (AC) Current
Direct Current Alternating Current
1. Power in batteries 1. Power by Power Plants / in Grid
2. Electronics use 2. Can be transformed in “Voltage”
3. Requires prohibitively high voltage to 3. Can be limited while keeping voltage high
transmit over long distance 4. Can be transmitted over long distance
without super-high voltage
From PV Cell to PV System Solar PV Array
Solar PV Cell
Solar Module
Solar PV
Series and Parallel Arrangement of Solar Panels
V = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4
Components of a SPV Power System
• PV Array – no. of PV modules connected in series & parallel
depending on requirement of system voltage or current.
• Inverter – is a device that converts DC power into AC power.
• Charge Controller – a device that regulates battery charge
during charging and discharging cycle. It prevent the battery
from overcharge or over discharge.
• Battery Bank – Storage of power
Solar Photovoltaic System
Configuration of PVS Components
1. PV Array – voltage (V), ampere (A) & watts (Wp)
1. The voltage of PV modules varies somewhat with temperature, and the current
varies proportionately with solar irradiance, so the power output PV module is
rarely constant.
2. Inverter – power source (AC/DC), power rating (kVA), I/O V (12V – 220V), waveform
(sine), power quality & conversion efficiency. (Type Pulse Width Modulation – PWM)
3. Charge Controller – maximum & minimum power density. (rectifiers, Chargers, DC-
DC Converters, MPPT)
4. Battery – chemistry, nominal Voltage, ampere-hours
1. Batteries convert electrical energy to chemical energy while charging and vice
versa (eg. Pb acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel metal hydride, Li-ion)
5. Power Conditioning Unit – Solar PCU
Solar PV Panel Specifications
1. Power Rating (Pmax) of a solar panel is given peak watts (WP)
which is the output measured under STC, i.e.
– Solar Irradiance of 1000 W/m2
– Cell Temperature of 25⁰C (NOCT)
– Spectrum AM 1.5
2. Amongst other panel specifications are
– Rated Voltage (Vmp)
– Rated Current (Imp)
– Open circuit Voltage(VOC)
– Short Circuit Current (ISC)
Sample Calculations
• With the average American’s energy consumption of 867
kWh per month, it takes 6.5 kW of solar array to completely
offset the usage. In other words, it takes between 20 to 25
solar panels to completely cover the average American’s
electrical usage.
• Monthly 867 kWh; Daily = 867/30 = 29 kWh/day - A
• Daily output from 1 kW SPV system = 4.5 kWh - B
• System Capacity = A/B = 29/4.5 = 6.44 kW = 6500 watt
• No.of 250 W panels = 6500/250 = 26 nos.
• No.of 300 W panels = 6500/300 = 22 nos.
Solar Panel Specifications @STC:
1. Maximum efficiency:
2. Maximum power (Pmax):
3. Maximum power voltage (Vmp):
4. Maximum power current (Imp):
5. Open circuit voltage (Voc):
6. Short circuit current (Isc):
7. Maximum system voltage:
8. Maximum series fuse rating:
180W/ 12V - 36 cells Solar Panel
A typical silicon solar cell generates between 0.5 and 0.6 volts. The output current
varies depending on the size of the cell. In general, a typical commercially-available
silicon cell produces current between 28 and 35 milliamps per square centimeter.
A typical 12 volt photovoltaic solar panel gives about 18.5 to 20.8 volts peak output (assuming
0.58V cell voltage) by using 32 or 36 individual cells respectively connected together in a series
arrangement which is more than enough to charge a standard 12 volt battery.
300 W/ 24V - 72 Cells Solar Panel
1. Poly crystalline Cells type Panel
2. Capacity - 330 W, 24V
3. Voltage: Voltage at Max Power (Vmax) - 38.03V, Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) -
4. Current: Current at Max Power (Imax) - 8.68A, Short Circuit Current (Isc) -
5. 25 years performance warranty.
6. Compliance to IEC standards; Best in Class conversion efficiency
7. Anti-reflective coating and back surface (BSF) for more light absorption
8. Advanced EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) encapsulation to give better protection to
9. High strength light-weight aluminium frame design for high torsion
resistance against winds and snow loads
10. PID resistance Technology (Potential-Induced Degradation) for safety against
substantial power loss due to stray currents triggered by certain climate
Specification of a 230W Solar Panel
Size & Weight of Solar Panel
Size And Weight Of 72 Cell 300 Watt Solar Panel: 60 cell 250 Watt Solar Panel
300W Solar Panel Area 250W Solar Panel Area
Sl.No. Brand Size Weight sq.m. Size Weight Sq.m
Canadian solar Dymond
1 Series 1968 X 992 X 58 mm 27.5 1.95 1650 X 992 X 40 mm 18.2 kg 1.64
Vikram Solar Eldora Grand
2 Series 1955 X 991 X 40 mm 22 1.94 1640 X 992 X 40 mm 18.5 kg 1.63
3 Waaree Solar Aditya Series 1960 X 990 X 40 mm 22.5 1.94 1640 X 990 X 40 mm 22.5 kg 1.62
4 Trina Tall Max Series 1956 X 992 X 40 mm 22.5 1.94 1650 X 992 X 35 mm 18.5 kg 1.64
5 Jinko Solar Panels 1956 X 992 X 40 mm 26.5 1.94 1650 X 992 X 40 mm 19 kg 1.64
Solar Inverter
• Also known as a PV Inverter , convert the DC output of a PV Solar
Panel in to ‘utility frequency’ AC output that can be fed into
commercial electrical grid or even be used by an offline electrical
network. A device to convert DC power to AC power! While
matching frequency of grid AC supply.
• They are also used for utilizing the DC power stored in batteries for
running AC gadgets.
• They are basically three types – Stand-alone; Grid-tied and Battery
• They are highly efficient – 95-98% efficiency and have a service life
of 10-15 years.
• Basically there are two types of Invertors – PWM and MPPT
Solar Power Inverter
1. Is a device that converts DC power into AC power. i.e. X VDC
to 220 VAC , 50 Hz
2. Is a device which helps establish integration between solar
system and the grid.
3. Is a device ‘in-built with smartness’ to prioritize usage of solar
generated power and evacuate excess power to the grid.
4. Is a device that allows withdrawal of power from grid, in case
of in-sufficient solar generation.
Grid-tied String Inverter
Grid-tied string inverters are the most popular type of inverter. They are
designed to deliver clean AC power from a string of solar panels to the electricity
grid. They also allow self-consumption of your solar electricity during the day. 52
Steps in Inverter Sizing
1. To determine the inverter size, we must find the peak load or
maximum wattage of your home.
2. This is found by adding up the wattage of the appliances and
devices that could be run at the same time. (Include everything
from microwaves and lights to computers and clocks.)
3. The sum will tell you which inverter size you need.
For example:
1. A room has two 60 watt light bulb and a 300 watt desktop computer.
2. The inverter size is 60 x 2 + 300 = 420 watts
Matching Inverter with –
1. Solar Panel /system and
2. Battery have different considerations.
In both the cases it is the “load” which decides ideal Inverter
Rating (VA or kVA)
Charge Controller
Solar PV Array Controller Inverter
Battery Bank
Solar Lantern (Stand Alone )
Solar Home Lighting System (Stand Alone)
Solar Home Lighting Kit
Grid Connected PV System 1. Net Metering – single meter
2. Dual Metering – meter each
Solar PV Plant Inverter for import & export of power
Charge Battery
What is a Hybrid Power System??
Solar Power Plant
Transmission Voltage –
11/ 66 kVA
Canaltop Solar Power Plants in Gujarat
Grid-connected System
1 MW Chandrasan, Sanand
• Capacity – 10 MW
• Owned by : SSNNL
• Vadodara, Sama
India has an
potential of
building 300
GW of Floating
Solar System
Dhanas Lake, Chandigarh,
100 MW NTPC owned plant executed @Rs 423 crores by BHEL on 450
acres of the Balancing reservoir of NTPC Ramagundam Power Station•
4 units of 25 MW, buildup with 4.5 lakh solar PV modules. Power
evacuation of the project is at 33 kV . The anchoring of the project is
done through bottom anchoring by using pre-cast concrete blocks of 9
Ton weights.
Building Integrated
- Building Applied
Other Solar PV Systems
1. Solar Flashers
2. Solar Traffic Signals
3. Solar Detour Signs / Sign Boards
4. Solar Road Studs
5. Solar Microwave Towers
6. Solar Battery Chargers
7. Solar Power Packs
8. Solar-Wind Generators
9. Solar Garden Lights
Assignment – 5
1. Steps of designing an off-grid Solar PV System.
2. Steps for designing a grid-connected Solar PV System - as you have understood.
3. Describe how inverters work in stand-alone SPV Systems and in grid interactive
4. What is ‘battery voltage’ and what is ‘system voltage’?
5. What is WP , VMAX , VOC , IMAX and ISC in solar panel
6. What is the relevance of
– Physical Size Solar Panel
– Weight of panels
– Type of Installation Frame
7. Which are the two most popular types of solar batteries? Give
comparison – cost, performance, maintenance & life AND your
Renewable Energy Systems
RES Monsoon 23
Session – VI: (1st September 2023)
In accordance with the Electricity Act, 2003, every state in India has come
up with a net metering policy or a rooftop solar policy which dictates the
modalities of installing a grid-connected rooftop solar (RTS) or a small solar
power plant in the given state.
The Objective of Policies
1. To promote a new initiative or a technology in the larger
interest of the Nation and its citizen.
2. To provide fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to promote
adoption by different category of users.
3. To provide capital subsidy or rebates to make the technology
affordable and economically feasible.
4. To promote and market new technologies through mass
awareness programs and marketing.
Policy for Renewable Energy
1. Provide financial assistance – according to the category of
users – residential, industrial & commercial and agricultural.
2. Provide tax exemptions and rebates – to users, promoters
and service providers.
3. Support manufacturing and businesses – tax holiday for a
fixed duration, exemption of import duty, etc.
4. Provide technical backup and support for users and
entrepreneurs – awareness and training.
The Solar Policy introduced as the Jawaharlal Nehru
National Solar Mission by former Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh on 11 January 2010 with a target of
20 GW by 2022.
Different Stages Solar Policy Development
1. First came the ‘stand-alone’ battery-backed systems for rural
application for street and household lighting.
2. Then village/community size centralized Solar Power Systems – Urja
/ Solar Villages.
3. Next was ‘Grid Tied MW capacity Solar Power Systems’. Concept of
Solar Parks.
4. Solar Rooftop/ground mounted Power Systems with grid integrated
for captive utilization for industries (under RPPO) and residential
consumers and farmers.
5. Large MW plus capacity systems for meeting RPO and power
trading(purchase & sale) with public and private entities.
6. System Solar Canaltop and Floating Solar Systems followed under
the prevailing Policy provisions.
General State Policy
1. Subsidies or financial assistance, for different user categories, for
installation of stand-alone Solar PV System.
2. Under “Renewable Power Obligation’ for large electricity
consumers (industries) minimum target for either in-house RE
based power production or purchase of equivalent power from
generated from Renewable Sources from other generators.
3. Subsidies and power purchase assurances for installation of rid
connected Solar Rooftop or Ground mounted Systems for
industrial, commercial, individual residential or group housing
Gujarat Solar Power Policy
1. Initiated in year 2009 for an operative period of 5 years (upto 31-
March, 2014)
2. Objective of reducing carbon emissions, promoting local industries,
generating employment, etc.
3. Minimum Project Size : 5 MW
4. Exemption of Electricity Duty and Demand Cut
5. Sale of Electricity : Rs. 13 per kWh – for first 12 years and Rs. 3 per
kWh for balance years
6. Transmission and Wheeling Charges & Losses : As per OA charges.
7. Solar Rooftop Policy came in 2015, for 5 year’s period i.e. upto March,
2020. It is now extended upto 31st December 2020.
RE Policy in Gujarat
❑ Gujarat Solar Power Policy 2015 (initiated in 2009)
❑ State Subsidy for Residential Solar Rooftop – 2016
❑ Policy for Development of Small Scale Solar Projects – 2019 (6th
March, 2019)
GERC – Gujarat Energy Regulatory Commission
CERC – Central Energy Regulatory Commission
REC – Renewable Energy Certificate
RPPO – Renewable Power Purchase Obligation
OA – Open Access
ABT – Availability Based Tariff
APCC – Average Pool Purchase Cost
DISCOM – Distribution Companies
STU – State Utility
Under this scheme, government has fixed aim of attaining
100 GW of solar energy by the year of 2022, among those
40 GW were to be gained under the shelf of RT Solar
Power Plants.
Gujarat Solar Rooftop Policy-2015
SURYA Gujarat
Surya Urja Rooftop Yojana, Gujarat
• Dated – 5th August, 2019
• Target – 2 lac consumers during 2019-20 and 8 lac consumers by
the end of 2021-22. (600 MW)
• Operative Period – upto financial year 2021-22.
• Subsidy – 40% upto 3kW and 20% for capacity above 3 kW to 10
• All consumers who have installed & commissioned SRT under
previous scheme shall be eligible for subsidy for extension
– The system capacity is upto 10 kW
– Subsidy will be eligible for the incremental capacity, i.e. 40% upto 3 kW
and 20% above 3 kW upto 10 kW
Solar Rooftop Policy for
Industrial and Commercial Consumers
• Allowed Solar Capacity: 500 kW
• Plant Site: Same premises of the Consumption
• Meter: Bi directional meter of same accuracy to that of the existing meter.
• Type 1:(Non REC) Net Metering on Billing cycle basis- RPO to DISCOM, Surplus @
• 2.a. Metering on 15 minute basis: RPO to Consumer, Surplus @ APPC, Surplus RPO
• 2.b. Metering on 15 minute basis: REC to Consumer, Surplus @ 85 % of APPC
,Surplus RPO to DISCOM
• Wheeling / Transmission charges: No Charges
• Demand Cut: 50 % of Installed capacity
RTS Status : India / Gujarat
• Total sanctioned RTS capacity as on 4-March, 2019 is 5000
MW approx. Gujarat is 282 MW.
• Total Installed capacity as on 4-March, 2019 is 1337 MW
approx. Gujarat is 178 MW.
– About 108 MW with sub/incentive
– About 70 MW without subsidy/incentive
• Gujarat Installed Capacity as on 31 July, 2019
– Grid Connected Ground-mounted – 2257 MW
– Grid Connected RTS – 390 MW
Cost & Subsidy
• The cost of a Solar Rooftop Power System complete with Inverter,
basic frame and installation / commissioning charges, ranges
between Rs. 40 to Rs. 45 per W for 1to 10 kW system capacity.
• The cost further reduces with increased capacity upto 100 kW (Rs.
35 per W).
• Subsidy – 40% on total cost upto 3 kW and @20% for upto 10 kW.
• Subsidy is @20% is given to Group Housing (GHS)& Residential
Welfare Association (RWA) for system capacity upto 500 kW. For
common amenities.
Payback & Economics
• A one kW RTS will give a ‘simple payback period’ of 4 ½ to 5
years, from the solar generation which will offset the
electricity consumption from the power company.
1. On an average a 1 kW will generate 120 kWh per month,
which @Rs. 6.50 will be Rs. 780 per month – saved.
2. Annual Saving will be about Rs. 9000 which works out the
simple payback period of
– 43000/9000 = 4.6 years say 5 years !!!!!
RTS Benchmark Cost & CFA
Solar Projects for Captive Use
• Allowed Solar Capacity: Upto 50 % of the Contract Demand
• Meter: ABT compliant meter at the receiving end of the DISCOM/ STU
• Net Metering
– Case 1 (Non REC): Billing cycle basis, RPO to DISCOM-Surplus @ APPC-
– Case 2 a. Metering on 15 minute basis: RPO to the Consumer, Surplus @
– Case 2 b. (REC) Metering on 15 min. : REC to the Consumer, Surplus @
85 % of APPC, Surplus RPO to DISCOM
• Wheeling Charges & Losses:
– Non REC - 50 % of OA Charges
– REC Projects : As per Normal OA charges
• Demand Cut: Upto 50 % of the installed capacity.
Solar Projects for Sale of Power to DISCOMS
RPO Regulation
GERC has approved the following trajectory for the RPO.
Sale of Power to Third Party under Open Access
Policy for
Development of Small Scale Solar Projects
(6th March, 2019)
• Operative Period: Five Years
• Solar Power Capacity : 0.5 to 4 MW
• Sale of Electricity : APPC @ Rate finalized during previous year
through tendering procedure
• Incentive : Additional Rs. 0.20 for plant on private land.
Assignment – 6-II (1st September 2023)
1. Read about
a. RPO / RPPO – Renewable Power Obligation
b. OA – Open Access
c. ABT – Availability Based Tariff
d. REC – Renewable Energy Certificate
e. APPC – Average Power Purchase Cost
f. Contract Demand & Demand Cut
End of Session 6 25
Renewable Energy Systems
RES Monsoon 23
Session – VI: (1st September 2023)
+ - + - + -
Pmax = 300W
A=18.75A V= V1+V2+V3=48V
Solar panels don't convert sunlight into electricity with perfect
efficiency because they can't absorb energy from the entire solar
There are certain wavelengths of light that solar panels can't
process, so they're reflected off the solar panels or lost altogether.
Cell material and design must be modified such that it can utilize
greater part of the solar spectrum – say the IR region. Wavelength
of visible light is 380-700 nm and SPV are said to generate power
between 300 to 1200 nm. There are claims of solar cells 90%
efficiency – theoretically!!
Different types of losses in SPV Systems :
1. Incident Angle Modifier(IAM) loss – orientation & tilt angle
2. Soiling Loss – accumulation of dust & dirt on panels
3. Light-Induced Degradation(LID) Loss
4. Module Quality Loss – due operating under conditions other than STC
5. Mismatch Loss – due to minor difference in quality of panels
6. Module degradation Loss – wear & tear due to atmos.temperature
7. Ohmic Wiring Loss – cable losses
8. Connection Loss – faulty or improper connections
9. System availability Loss – no generation whenever grid is down.
10. Potential Induced Degradation(PID) Loss – due to cell damages
11. Inverter Loss – DC to AC conversion losses
12. Inverter Clipping Loss – when solar output is more than inverter rating
Solar PV Thermal Hybrid Collectors
Also known as Photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) hybrid solar systems increase electricity production
by cooling the PV panel and using the removed thermal energy to heat water. They use the
same footprint as a standard PV system. It has been claimed that hybrid panels can have
efficiency as high as 85 percent and can generate four times the energy produced from the
same surface area for only 25 percent increase in cost. 8
The experimental results have shown that the
maximum overall efficiency of the hybrid PV/T
system was 38.6%. The electrical and thermal
performances of photovoltaic thermal (PVT)
water collectors were investigated under 500–
800 W/m2 solar radiation levels.
Any type of working fluids could be used – water, glycol or mineral oils. Air
cooled PVT systems are also deployed.
Spacing Between Rows
Type of PV Systems
1. Stand Alone System (AC/DC)
I. Solar Panel (Wpeak)
II. Charge Controller (maxi.Voltage, maxi.Current, op.voltage, MPPT/PWM)
III. Battery Bank (capacity – volt & amp-hr and nos.)
IV. Distribution Panel
V. Inverter (optional) and AC/DC load (Light or Fan)
2. Grid-connected System (AC)
I. Solar panels (size and nos.)
II. Inverter (kVA, input & output Voltge, MPPT or PWM)
III. Grid Connection (1or 3 phase,220/415V)
3. Bi-modal Systems (AC and DC)
I. Solar Panels (size and nos.)
II. Inverter (kVA)
III. Grid connection
Grid-connected Solar System
Interconnection Voltages
Power Capacity (C) Interconnection Specifications
1 kW < C < 6 kW 230 V, 1ɸ, 50 Hz
6 kW < C < 100 kW 415 V, 3ɸ, 50 Hz
As per Guj.Solar
100 kW < C < 4 MW 11 KV, 3ɸ, 50 Hz
Power Policy - 2021
C < 4 MW 33/66/132/220/400 k V, 3ɸ, 50 Hz
Stand-alone PV System Design
1. Solar Panels
2. Balance of System –
a) Battery,
b) Charge Controller,
c) Power Inverter and
d) distribution panel
3. AC/DC Load
300 Wh DC
300 Wh AC
• Charge Controller
– Efficiency – 85%
– Maxi.Voltage - ?
– Maxi.Current - ?
– System Voltage (output) – 24V
• Inverter
– Efficiency – 90%
– Input - 24V
– Output – 220 VAC
1. AC load - 300 Wh + DC Load – 300 Wh
2. Efficiency of cable, Charge Controller and Battery – 85%
3. Efficiency of Inverter – 90%
Hence, Total Energy = (300/0.9+300)/ 0.85)
= 745 Wh/day
𝑊ℎ/𝑑𝑎𝑦 745𝑊ℎ/𝑑𝑎𝑦
4. Minimum Panel Rating (Wp) = =
𝑆𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 4.5 ℎ𝑟
• Wp = 165.55 Watts
Say Equi.Sun-hours = 4.5 hrs
PV Array Design
Total W = 100 Wp X 2 panels = 200 Wp
Open Circuit Voltage = 20 V
Short Circuit Current = 7 A
Model MG-PV-035M2 MG-PV-075M2 MG-PV-100M2
Cell Type Mono Mono Mono
Maximum Power (Pmax) 35 W 75 W 100 W
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 21.6 V 21.6 V 21.3 V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 2.80 A 4.62 A 6.07 A
Rated Voltage (Vmp) 17.5 V 17.5 V 17.8 V
Rated Current (Imp) 2.00 A 4.28 A 5.62 A
Maximum System Voltae DC 600 V DC 600 V DC 1000 V
Voltage Temperature Efficiency -0.33%/oC -0.33%/oC -0.33%/oC
Current Temperature Efficiency +0.05%/oC +0.05%/oC +0.05%/oC
Power Temperature Efficiency -0.23%/oC -0.23%/oC -0.23%/oC
Series Fuse 15 A 15 A 15 A
Fire Rating Class C Class C Class C
Max Load 45 lb/ft2 45 lb/ft2 45 lb/ft2
Operating Termperature -40 to +85oC -40 to +85oC -40 to +85oC
Dimension (mm) 720x345x25 765 x 666 x 35 1150x535x35
Weight (kg) 3.5 6.5 7.2
Connector MC4 MC4 MC4
- Free from defects in materials and workmanship for 5 years
- 90% power output over 10 years, 80% power output over 25 years
100W 100W
Design Steps: Charge Controller
1. A solar array is producing 200W and charging a battery bank
of 24V.
2. The controller size is then = 200/24 = 8.33 amps.
3. Considering a safety factor multiply this value by 1.25 (to account for
variable power outputs) the controller size will - 8.33 x 1.25 = 10.50
4. i.e. 10.5 amps MPPT Charge Controller
Battery Design
Design Example : Battery
Battery Specifications
Remember ..
One is ‘system’ voltage &
The other is ‘battery’ voltage.
Ampere-hours (Ah) of a Battery
• Remember ? Volt x Ampere = Watt;
– (V x A = W);
• V x A x h = Wh (watt-hour)
• So A x h = Wh/V where
– W is panel capacity in watt-peak (estimated)
1. V is battery voltage – Vb (specified)
2. Ah is calculated or derived
3. DoD depends on type of battery selected
Design Example : Battery
Minimum Battery Capacity (in Ah), with 2 days’
autonomy, is calculated using following eqtn:
745 𝑊ℎ
Minimum 𝐶𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡 = 𝑥 2𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 = 103.5 𝐴ℎ
0.6 𝑥 24𝑉 24V, 21Ah
24V, 21Ah
24V, 21Ah
24 𝑉
1. No.of batteries in series = =2
12𝑉 24V, 21Ah
103.5 𝐴ℎ
2. No.of batteries in parallel= = 4.93 = 5
21𝐴ℎ 24V, 105 Ah
Sizing of Inverter
As a general rule of thumb, the
size of your inverter should be similar
to the DC rating of your solar panel
system; Or a bit smaller but then it would
also depend on the average load.!!!
Indian Standards for Solar PV panels
The PV modules used must qualify to the latest edition of IEC standards
or equivalent BIS standards, i.e. IEC 61215/IS14286, IEC 61853-Part
I/IS 16170-Part I, IEC 61730 Part-1 & Part 2 and IEC 62804 (PID).
Important Observations
1. There is no standard method of sizing of SPV Power Systems as there are
many varying factors that effect performance of Solar Systems.
2. Secondly there are many types of Systems – by application and
preference – stand alone, grid connected captive use or for power
supply, etc.
3. All the system components are separately sourced like – solar panels,
batteries, inverters, battery chargers, charge controllers, etc. The final
configuration of the solar system will depend on the availability of these
components in the market.
4. Under the prevailing circumstances would you prefer ‘oversizing’ or
What to lookout for in SPV Panels?
1. Select reputed brands – those who have been in business for
minimum 5 years.
2. Module efficiency of around 15-16% is acceptable. Go for
higher efficiency modules only if you have space constraint.
3. Go for panels with warranty of minimum 10 years.
4. Under performance warranty, assure the minimum generation
of 90% for first 10 years and 80% for the subsequent years.
5. Insist for IEC/IS certification for PV modules.
Relevance of Size & Weight of Panels
1. Physical Size of Solar Panel
i. It decides the area required per kW of installed capacity.
2. Weight of Solar Panels
i. It is relevant for estimating the additional load that the roof has to
3. Type of installation frame / foundation
i. It will depend on the size and weight of the solar panels besides the
local wind condition.
Types of foundations for
Solar PV Structure
Practice Examples
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design Exercise
A family has a small house in a certain area which is not connected to the
grid. The place has a 5 equivalent sun hours. Therefore, they have decided to
install an off-grid PV system in the house to supply their electricity. They will
be using PV modules with the following specifications: Pnom = 100 Wp, VMPP =
16 V, IMPP = 6.25 A, VOC = 18 V, ISC = 7 A. and Li-ion 100 Ah, 12V batteries
with DoD of 80% to store the required power.
Assume that the combined efficiency of the cables and the charge controller
is 90% and efficiency of the battery is 90% and efficiency of the inverter is
96%. As the house is only used at the weekend, only two days of autonomy
will be needed.
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
The daily house electricity requirements are summarized in below given table.
Light bulb 10 20 2 DC
TV 1 100 2 AC
DVD 1 40 2 AC
Laptop 1 100 2 AC
We have ….
1. Battery Efficiency - 90%
2. Inverter Efficiency – 96%
3. Battery – 12V, 100 Ah Li-ion with 80% DoD
4. Assume 24V as System Voltage 54
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
What is required…….
A. Calculate the total daily electricity demand in Wh.
B. What is the total power demanded by the DC loads?
C. What is the total power demanded by the AC loads? How much
energy in Wh must the panels generate in one day to cover the
daily electricity demand of the family?
D. Assume the panels work under MPP conditions. How many panels
will be needed to produce that energy?
E. The system operating voltage is 24 V. What will be the minimum
battery capacity required in Ah?
F. How many batteries of the specified rating will be needed?
Design Solution Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
Battery Capacity
With DOD of 80% and 2 days
autonomy the battery must store
energy = 𝑋 2= 2500 Wh
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
PV Array Arrangement
Panel Specifications 100 Wp 250 Wp
100 Wp
Open Circuit Voltage panel
18 V 38 V
Short Circuit Current
7A 9A
Q1. Stand-alone PV System Design
Charge Controller
1. Solar Panel 200W and system voltage of 24V
2. The controller size will = 200/24 = 8.33 amps.
3. With a safety factor of 1.25 the controller size will - 8.33 x
1.25 = 10.4 amps
1. Wh needed – 1000 wh per day
2. Total Stored Power – 2500 Wh
3. Battery Capacity – 104 Ah , 24V
4. No.of Batteries – 2 no.of 100Ah, 12V
5. Solar Panels – 2nos. Of 100 Wp
6. Inverter – 200 – 222 W
7. Charge Controller – 10 amps
Q2. Designing Exercise1
Design Exercise 1 : Solution
• Daily generation (@5 kWh/kW per day) is 25 kWh/day from 5 kWp
SPV System
• Battery Capacity: Cbattery
– 0.9% CC & Battery Efficiency & System Voltage = 48V, will be
25000 𝑊ℎ 𝑥 0.9
– 𝐶𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡 = = 468 Ah
• Select 24V, 100 Ah Li-ion Batteries
– No. of Batt. In series = 48V/24V = 2 nos.
– No. of Batt in parallel = 468/100 = 5 nos.
• 10 nos. of 24V, 100Ah can hold – 10 x 100 Ah X 24V = 24000 Wh
• Usable Power in Batteries is DoD x 24000 = 0.8 x 24000 = 19,200 Wh
Designing Exercise1
Battery Specifications
Q3. Design Exercise 2
• Monthly average electricity consumption of a household is 1000
– Estimate the capacity of solar RT PV system required to offset the
electricity consumption by 75%.
– With an available roof area of 60 square meters, find out whether
the available area is sufficient for installing required capacity SPV
– Assume generation = 4.5 kWh/kW per day and overall system
efficiency as 100%
Exercise 2
Solution Exercise.2
1. Daily Consumption = Monthly/30 days
i. = (1000units/30 days)= 33.33 kWh/day
ii. From SPV = 33.33 x 0.75= 24.99=25 kWh
2. Solar Panel Capacity (@5 kWh/kW)
i. kWp = Daily Consumption / Daily kWh per kW
ii. kWp = 25 kWh/5 kWh/kW = 5.0 kW
3. Space Required (A)
i. = 5 x 8 sq.m per kW = 40 sq.m against available 60 sq.m .
Q4. Design Exercise 3 : Battery Sizing & Solution
1. You want the battery bank to last 3 days without recharging for daily use
of 5 kWh (units). Take DoD of battery as 80% and System Voltage of 48V.
2. Solution: Energy required from batteries will be
I. 5 kWh x 3 days = 15 kWh = 15000 Wh (and 80%DoD)
II. Actual battery capacity = 15,000/0.8 = 15,750 Wh
III. Divide Wh by System Voltage – 48V will give the AH capacity –
• 15750 Wh/48V = 328 AH.
IV. What will be the no.of batteries if the system voltage is 24V.?
I. In series 48/24V = 2 nos.
II. In parallel – 328/100 = 3.28, say 3 nos.
III. That is 2 x 3 = 6 nos of 24V, 100 Ah batteries
3. What is the Total power in batteries? Total usable power in batteries? What
is the rate of discharge of the batteries ?
Q5. SPV Stand-alone for Residential Lighting Application
Q5. SPV Stand-alone for Residential Lighting Application
Q5. Solution
• Total electricity required – 4550 Wh= 4.5 units / day
1. Solar panel capacity = 4550/5 sun-hour = 910Wp;
1. i.e. 1000 Wp = 4X 250W panels or 3 X 330Wp panels
2. Battery with @80% DoD & 95% Efficiency and 2 days of
– Battery must store = 4550/(0.8*0.95) X 2 =12000 Wh approx
– Total Ah capacity = Wh/V =12000Wh/12 V = 1000 Ah
– So it can be 10 nos. of 100Ah, 12V Or 5 nos. of 200 Ah, 12V batteries
Q5. SPV Stand-alone for Residential Lighting Application
Q3. Selection of Batteries
Q6. Selection of Batteries
Q6. Solution
• No.of 150Ah, 12 V – batteries required for
1. 700W load for 4-6 hrs, say 5 hours
– Required Load = 700Ah x 5hrs = 3500 Wh
System output?
– Total Ah required = 3500 Wh/12V = 292 Ah, say 300 Ah
– No.of batteries = 300Ah/150 Ah = 2 nos.
12V 12V
24V, 150Ah
2. 1400W for 4-6 hrs 150 150
Session VII: (8th September 2023)