1ST Devpsy

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CHAPTER 1 Sociocultural Forces – incorporate relational, cultural,

THINKING ABOUT HUMAN DEVELOPMENT social, and ethnic factors that influence improvement

Human Development – how individuals change and continue as Life-cycle Forces – -cycle factors give a setting to seeing
before how individuals see their present circumstances and their
impact on them
Human turn of events:
Neuroscience – the investigation of the cerebrum and the sensory
1. mirrors the intricacy and uniqueness of every system, particularly as far as mind conduct connections
individual and their encounters
2. tries to get shared characteristics and examples DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES
across individuals Theory - ideas designed to explain development, testable
3. is immovably grounded in principle clarification of social practices and how they change after some time
4. looks to comprehend human conduct Psychodynamic Theories – improvement is generally controlled by
Issues in Human Development: how well individuals settle the contentions they face at various ages
Nature vs Nurture – how much hereditary impacts (nature) Stages of Psychosocial Development by Erick Erickson:
or experiential/ecological impacts (nurture) decide the sort of Basic trust vs Mistrust – birth to 1 year, hope
individual you are
Autonomy vs Shame – 1 to 3 years, Will
Continuity vs Discontinuity – formative marvel speaks to a
smooth movement for the duration of the life expectancy Initiative vs Guilt – 3 to 6 years, Purpose
(progression) or a progression of unexpected movements Industry vs Inferiority – 6 to adolescence, Competence
Identity vs Identity Confusion – adolescence, Fidelity
Universal vs Context-specific Development – does
Intimate vs Isolation – young adulthood, Love
advancement follow a similarly general way in all individuals,
or is it on a fundamental level unique, contingent upon the Generativity vs Stagnation – middle adulthood, Care
sociocultural setting? Integrity vs Despair – late life, Wisdom
Basic Forces in Human Development: Learning Theory – focuses on how learning influences a person's
Biological Forces – incorporate hereditary and wellbeing behavior
related variables that influence advancement (e.g., Behaviorism
• John B. Watson - children were brought into the
Psychological Forces – incorporate all inside perceptual, world a "clear record"
intellectual, passionate, and character factors that influence • B.F Skinner – operant conditioning

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

Social Learning Theory – individuals learn through copying • Microsystem – people and objects in the immediate
the behaviors of other people or by observing them environment
• Albert Bandura – self-efficacy decides when • Mesosystem – influences of microsystems on each
individuals will mirror others other
• Exosystem – social, environmental, governmental
Cognitive-development Theory – perspectives and the forces
development of information • Macrosystem – subcultures and cultures in which the
Piaget’s Theory - child constructs knowledge in a new way other three systems combined
in each stage Competence Environmental Press Theory – individuals
• Sensorimotor – birth to 2 years, knowledge of the adjust most viably when there is a decent match between
world is based on senses and motor skills their fitness or capacities, and the ecological press, or the
• Preoperational thought – 2 to 6 years, to use requests put on them by nature
symbols such as words and numbers to represent Life span, selective optimization with compensation, and life-
aspects course perspective:
• Concrete operational thought – 7 to early
adolescence, understands and applies logical The life-span perspective – human improvement is
operations to experiences determined and challenging to comprehend inside the extent
of a single system
• Formal Operational thought – adolescence and
beyond, deals with hypothetical situations, and • Multidirectionality – development involves both
speculates about what may be possible growth and decline
Informational Processing Theory – human perception • Plasticity – one’s capacity is not predetermined or
comprises of mental equipment and programming carved in stone
• Historical Context – development occurs within a
• Sensory memory > short-term memory > long-term particular set of circumstances determined by the
memory historical time period and the culture in which we grew
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory - manners in which that up
adults pass on to kids, kids' reasoning influences by the • Multiple Causation - develop results from biological,
sociocultural setting in which they grow up psychological, sociocultural, and life-cycle forces
Ecological and Systems Approach – human improvement is Selective Optimization with Compensation (SOC) Model
indivisible from the natural settings • Elective selection – reducing one goal to focus
Urie Bronfenbrenner – improvement happens with regards • Loss-based selection – reducing involvement
to a progression of complex interconnected frameworks because of lack of resources or abilities

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

• Compensation – happens when an individual's • Independent Variable – the controlled variable
abilities have diminished (cause)
• Optimization – limiting misfortunes and augmenting • Dependent Variable – observed variable (impact or
gains result)
Life-course Perspective – the dynamic exchange between Qualitative Research Method – picking up top to bottom
the individual and society, which are the particular timing of comprehension of behavior and what administers it by
events, the synchronization of individual changes, and the endeavoring to reveal reasons for different essential parts
effect of antecedent life events. Designs for Studying Development
DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH Longitudinal Studies – watch or test similar people (a
Measurement in Human Development solitary associate) over and again at various points in their
Systematic Observation – observing individuals, recording lives
what they do Cross-sectional Designs – gatherings of individuals
Sampling Behavior with Tasks – an errand made to test the differing in age at one point in time. These investigations just
behavior of interest (e.g., showing photographs to gauge reveal age contrasts and are dependent upon the partner's
feeling) impact (cohort effect)

Self-reports – are an individuals' response to inquiries Cohort Effects – issues with cross-sectional structures in
regarding their interests which contrasts between age groups may result as effectively
from ecological occasions as from formative procedures
Physiological Measures – estimating individuals'
physiological reactions (i.e., pulse and cortisol levels) Sequential Designs – multiple cross-sectional or longitudinal
Reliability and Validity – allude to the degree to which a
measurement gives a predictable index of characteristics Meta-analysis – an apparatus that permits specialists to
(dependability) and whether it genuinely gauges what we incorporate the consequences of numerous investigations to
think it measures (legitimacy) evaluate relations between variables

Representative Sampling – test allude to a Sample of Conducting Research Ethically

individuals picked to represent the populace (example: 1. Minimize risks to research participants
randomly choosing 100 secondary school understudies 2. Describe the research to potential participants
General Designs for Research 3. Avoid deception
4. Make results anonymous or confidential
Correlational Studies – permit the scientist to research
connections between factors
Experimental Studies – systematically manipulating key

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

Communicating Research Results 4. Phenotype – physical, behavioral, and psychological
When a researcher completes a study, a report will portray it. features produced in an individual
This report will publish in one of several scientific journals that 5. Alleles – similar genes carrying instruction for a specific
specialize in human development research trait
Applying Research Results • Homozygous – similar allele on a pir of
1. Research on human development has an influence on chromosomes
social policy. • Heterozygous – various alleles on a pair of
2. These connections are broad-ranging and include areas chromosomes
that many of us may take for granted. For instance, a few 6. Incomplete Dominance - phenotype that falls in between
states in the United States are changing the way older the phenotype associated with either the dominant or the
drivers are check when they renew their driving license. recessive allele
Research on human development played a role in
Genetic Disorders
establishing these laws and regulations.
3. Research on human development provides many insights Huntington’s Disease – brought about by a dominant allele
into what makes people do the things they do and found on chromosome 4
provides ways to improve quality of life. Down disorder – extra 21st chromosome, particular
4. Stem cell research is a very physical appearance, falls behind that of the average child
CHAPTER 2 Abnormal sex chromosomes:
IN THE BEGINNING: 23 PAIRS OF CHROMOSOMES • Klinefelter’s syndrome
Mechanism of Heredity • XYY syndrome
1. Humans have 23 chromosomes – 22 pairs of autosomes • Turner’s syndrome
plus the sex chromosomes (XR for boy, XX for girl) • XXX syndrome
2. Every chromosome comprises one particle of DNA Heredity, Environment, and Development
(deoxyribonucleic acid), which consists of four nucleotide
1. Behavioral Genetics - studies the behaviors and mental
bases that are the biochemical premise of heredity
• Gene – each group of compounds that provide a
specific set of biochemical instructions • Polygenic Inheritance - tallness, skin shading,
• DNA – instructional code is a double string of eye shading, and weight
chemical compounds: (A – Adenine, T – Thymine, G 2. Twins and Adopted kids
– Guanine, and C – Cytosine)
• Monozygotic – identical kids, originate from a
3. Genotype – genuine arrangement of genes an individual single fertilized egg that parts in two

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

• Dizygotic – twins originate from two separate • Umbilical string – connects embryo to the mother
eggs fertilized by two separate sperm • Placenta – where veins from the umbilical line run
3. Heritability coefficient – gauges the degree to which near the mother’s vein
contrasts between individuals reflect heredity • Cephalocaudal principle – head develops
before the rest of the body
4. Niche-picking – individuals look for situations that fit their • Proximodistal principle – development of parts
genotype close to the focal point of the body happens before
5. Environmental Impacts – environmental impacts those are more distance
typically make children inside a family Period of Fetus (weeks 9 to 38) – last and most prolonged
unique in both psychological and social development period of pre-birth development. The baby turns out to be a lot bigger,
CONCEPTION TO BIRTH and numerous substantial systems start to work
Prenatal Development (38 weeks) – when a sperm • All regions of the mind develop – baby reacts to
effectively fertilizes an egg and portrays the numerous progressions sound (29 weeks), recognize distinctive discourse
that change that fertilized egg into a newborn human sounds (34 weeks)
• Time (age) of viability (22 to 28 weeks) – most
Period of Zygote (weeks 1 and 2) – fertilization of the egg by systems work enough that a fetus conceived right
sperm; finishes when the zygote gets embedded in the wall of the now, it gets an opportunity to endure
uterus at around fourteen days after conception
• Sex – natural method
• In Vitro Fertilization – artificial method, raise Factors Affecting Prenatal Development - a pregnant
issues including selective breeding, accessibility, woman’s age, her nutrition, her stress level, disease, drugs, and
and affordability environmental hazards
• Embryo – when zygote is embedded in the General Risk Factors
uterine wall 1. Nutrition – pregnant woman should increment both her
• Germ Disc – little clusters of cells close to the caloric and nutrient consumption, without sufficient nourishment, the
focal point which form into a baby newborn child is probably going to conceived prematurely and
Period of Embryo (weeks 3 to 8) – time of quick underweight
development during which the greater part of the significant body 2. Stress – causes harm when experienced, increased worry
structures made and can lessen progression of oxygen to the baby, can debilitate
• Three layers in embryo – ectoderm, mesoderm, immune system, bound to smoke or drink liquor and less inclined to
and endoderm rest
• Amnion – sac where embryo rest to progress,
loaded with amniotic liquid

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

3. Age The Real World of Prenatal Risks
• pre-birth development is most likely to continue in An excellent strategy for pregnant women is to keep away
the range of 20 to 35 years old from diseases, drugs, and environmental hazards
• compared to women in their 20s, high school Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment
young ladies are bound to have issues during
pregnancy 1. Genetic counseling can help a couple decide whether the
• women in their 20s are twice as fruitful as those in couple is in danger of passing the couple's offspring's turmoil
their 30s 2. The prenatal diagnosis is an instrument to decide whether
• ladies 35 years old and more established the the pre-birth improvement is progressing typically
dangers of premature labor and stillbirth increase 3. Fetal therapy is concerned about treating pre-birth issues
quickly before birth
• among 40-to 45-year-olds, almost 50% of
pregnancies bring about premature labor LABOR AND DELIVERY
• women in their 40s who are vulnerable to giving Stages of Labor
birth to Down syndrome Labor the most extreme, delayed physical exertion related to
Teratogens: Drugs, Diseases, and Environmental Hazards labor
1. Teratogens – an agent that causes irregular pre-birth Three Phases:
development 1. Cervix Amplifies – compressions start
• Drugs – alcohol, aspirin, caffeine, and nicotine 2. Crowning Stage – the baby goes through
• Diseases – AIDS, genital herpes, the cervix and enters the vagina
cytomegalovirus, rubella, and syphilis 3. Mother ousts the Placenta – final phase,
• Environmental Hazards – (contaminated water, baby is officially out
cell phone radiation, driving accident) Breech Births – happens at the point when a child is brought
2. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – babies into the world bottom first rather than the head
through pregnant women who devour enormous amounts of liquor Complete Breech – the buttocks are pointing
regularly downward with the legs folded at the knees and feet
3. Environmental Teratogens - the most harmful because neat the buttocks
individuals are unaware of their quality in the environment Frank Breech – buttocks are aimed at the birth canal
How Teratogens Influence Prenatal Development with its legs sticking straight up in front of his/her body
and the feet neat the head
Various teratogens influence distinctive explicit parts of pre-
birth development. Its impact is subject to the portion, and its effect Footling Breech – one or both of the baby’s feet point
may not be evident until some other time throughout everyday downward and will deliver before the rest of the body

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

Birth Complication
Prolapsed umbilical cord - a complication that can upset
the progression of blood through the umbilical cord, causing
hypoxia, which can prompt intellectual disabilities or death
Cesarean section (C-section)
Premature or low birth weight – infants who experience
them are in danger of getting aggressive or violent and for
developing schizophrenia, premature babies linger behind
full-term babies during the first year yet soon catch up, low
birth weights can grow when they have excellent medical
care and a supportive environment
Infant Mortality – the level of newborn children who die before their
first birthday
Approached to Childbirth
Natural Approach - sees work and delivery as a
commended life occasion instead of as a medical procedure
to endured
Four essential beliefs:
1. Going to classes to find out about the
pregnancy and labor
2. Utilizing natural methods as opposed to
3. Conceiving an offspring in places other than
an emergency clinic
Prepared social insurance - crucial factor for a more
secure birth, roughly 99% of infants conceived in emergency
clinics, and just 1% conceived at home
Adjusting to Parenthood
Woman encounters various physical changes after birth and
few experience postpartum depression (severe condition that can
hurt both the mother and the Infant). Parents need not only adjust to
physical exhaustion, yet mentally also.

By: Keith Morgan D. Olazo | DPT H1M

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