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Technology Form Four

Questions and Answers

Chapter One
1. What is a system?
 a system is an interconnected set of business procedures used with one business
unit working together for a purpose.
2. What is the meaning of Systema?
 Systema is the Greek word which indicates a structured relationship among
functioning units or components.
3. List characteristics of a system.
 Characteristics of system are the following:
1. interrelated components
2. environment
3. Interfaces
4. Input
5. Out Put
4. What are interrelated components?
 Works together with information system to collect process, store and disseminate
information to support decision making.
5. What is environment?
 Environment refers to the state of computer determined by which programs are
running on basic hardware and software characteristics.
6. What are Interfaces?
 It is a device or a program that allows users to communicate with a computer.
7. What is Input?
 Means to provide or give something to the computer or any other electronic
8. What is Out Put?
 Any information that is proposed by and send out from a computer pr any other
electronic device.
9. What is information System?
 Information systems are combined network of hardware, software, and
telecommunication networks that users to collect, create and distribute useful
data, from organizational sitting.
10. List some examples of information system.
 Examples of information system include the following:
1. Marketing information system
2. Payroll system
3. Human resource management system

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Technology Form Four
4. Library management system, school management system
5. University management system
6. Restaurant management system
7. Accounting management system
11. List the components of information system.
 Components of information system are the following:
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data
4. People
5. Process
12. What is hardware?
 Hardware contains everything in the physical layer of the information system.
13. What is software?
 Software refers to the programs that manage the hardware and produce the
favored information or result.
14. List two main categories of software.
 Software can be broken down into two main categories:
1. system software
2. application software
15. What is system software?
 Is the core piece System software is the operating system such as window or other
operating systems which manages the hardware’s operation
16. What is application software?
 Application software is intended for specific tasks, such handling spreadsheet,
creating a document, or designed a web page.
17. What is data?
 The third component is data it is raw material that an information system transfer
useful information into.
18. What are people?
 People who have interest in an information system are stakeholders.
19. What are the stakeholders include?
 Stake holders include top management, middle management groups who are
responsible for the system.
20. What is process?
 A process is the set of action taken to attain a desire result or objective.
21. What are purposes of information system?
 The following are some of the purpose of information system:

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1. Provide information that assists with strategic planning. The processed
information usually helps in making long term plans for organization.
2. Better performance and increase productivity.
3. Support the distribution of information to different departments of
organization for operation purpose.

22. What is system analyst?

 System analyst is a title given to a person who studies the problems and needs of
an organization looking for improvement opportunities for improving quality of
service or product, reducing cost and increasing the income or profit.
23. List the skills of system analyst.
 Normally system analyst should have the following skills:
1. Working knowledge of information technology.
2. Computer programming experience and expertise.
3. General business knowledge.
4. General solving problem skills.
5. Good interpersonal communication skills.
6. Good interpersonal relations skills.
7. Flexibility and adaptability.
8. Character and ethics.
24. What is system development life cycle (SDLC)?
 System development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model that incorporates
policies and procedures to build alter system during their life cycle.
25. List stages system development life cycle.
 system development life cycle consists of details stage are the following:
1. plan
2. analysis
3. design
4. develop
5. testing
6. deployment
7. maintenance
26. What is planning?
 System planning phase is the first phase in the systems development life cycle. It
determines whether or not there is the need for a new system to achieve the
strategic goals of a company
27. List types of feasibility studies.
 The types of feasibility studies carried out are:
1. operational feasibility

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2. technical feasibility
3. economic feasibility
4. schedule feasibility
28. What is operational feasibility?
 This is done to determine if the proposed solution is able to be used and will be in
proper working condition.
29. What is technical feasibility?
 This is done to determine if the proposed solution can be supported by the
available technology.

30. What is economic feasibility?

 This is done to determine if the proposed solution is financially affordable and is
31. What is schedule feasibility?
 This is done to determine if the proposed solution can be developed and made
operational with the required time.
32. What is analysis?
 The analysis stage starts with identification of the problem and analyzing the
needs of the end users in order to ensure the new proposed system can meet the
requirements and expectations.
33. What are the fact finding techniques?
 The four common methods used in fact finding include:
1. Observation
2. Interview
3. Questionnaire
4. Document review
34. What is observation?
 In this technique the analyst visit the company himself and observes and
understand the current state of the documents, working of the existing system, the
users of the system.
35. What is interview?
 This method involves a one to one question and answer session between the
employee or the customer.
36. What is questionnaire?
 This approach include the distribution of questionnaires to the workforce,
customers or system users to find out their view on the existing system and find
out how some of the key tasks are carried out.

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Technology Form Four
37. What is document review?
 This method is extremely important because it involves investigating the current
system documentation.
38. List requirement specification.
 Requirement specifications should include the following:
1. Inputs
2. Outputs
3. Control
4. Data storage
5. Processing requirement
39. What is design?
 The goal of the system design stage is to build a physical model that will fulfill all
documented requirements for the system.
40. What is application design?
 Application design which is used by programmers to turn the conceptual design
into programs units and code.
41. What is the main result of the design stage?
 The main result of this stage is system design specification which is submitted for
review and approval to management and users.
42. What is user interface design?
 A user interface defines how users communicate with computer system.
43. What is the main goal of user interface design?
 The main goal of this aspect is to make the user’s interaction as easy as possible
in terms of achieving user goals in the system
44. List characteristics of good user interface.
 Characteristics of good user interface are the following:
1. Consistent layout
2. User friendly
3. Build user interface which is simple and easy to use
4. Make the user interface easy for users to seek support or fix errors.
45. What is output design?
 This concept will be used to produce processed information from the system
based on output specification.
46. What is input design?
 This is the design of interface to be used for data entry into the system based on
input specifications.
47. What is data storage design?
 This process involves creating structure files and storages that will accommodate
input data and results of processing.

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Technology Form Four
48. What is process design?
 This process includes creating procedures that will be used in processing data
based on the specified processing requirements.
49. What is control design?
 This involves coming up with policies that guide data processing and interaction
with the system.
50. What is system design?
 System design is the process of the defining the architecture, components,
modules, interface and data for a system to satisfy specified requirement of the
51. List types of system design.
 Types of the system design are the following:
1. Logical design
2. Physical design
52. What is logical design?
 Logical design relates to abstract representations of the input and data follow of
the system.
53. What is physical design?
 Physical design is relate actual input and output processes of the system.

54. What is the main goal of system construction?

 The main goal of this phase is coding of the proposed system by using an
appropriate computer language.
55. What is the main goal system testing?
 The main goal of this process is to fix errors. Error in cording, planning and
requirements are corrected.
56. List the ways of system testing.
 There are many ways of system testing, some of them are the following:
1. unit testing
2. Integration testing
3. System testing
4. Acceptance testing
57. What is unit testing?
 Each unit in the system is tested. Outputs are tested against the given output.
58. What is Integration testing?
 Units already tested and debugged are integrated to form the complete system and
the integrated system is tasted at this stage.
59. What is System testing?
 This is the complete system is tested for its out puts for the giving inputs.

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Technology Form Four
60. What is Acceptance testing?
 Acceptance or user acceptance testing is carried out at the late stages of the testing
61. What are deployments of the system?
 There are different deployment approaches to deploy a system and are the
1. direct deployment
2. parallel deployment
3. pilot deployment
4. phased deployment
62. What is direct deployment?
 This method involves the old system being completely dropped and new system
being completely implemented at the same time.
63. What is parallel deployment?
 This method involves both the old system and its potential replacement are run
together for a time until everyone is assured that the new one functions correctly.
64. What is pilot deployment?
 With the pilot method of implementation or conversion the new system in
installed from small number of the users.
65. What is phased deployment?
 The phased method of implementation or converting from the old system to new
system involves a gradual introduction of new system whilst the old system is
progressively discarded.

66. What is maintenance?

 This continuous process of the system modifications is known as maintenance and
will occur throughout the operational life cycle of the system.
67. What are three activities occur in the maintenance?
 The following three activities occur in the life cycle of the system:
1. Bug
2. Upgrade
3. Enhancement
68. What is bug?
 Bug (error) fixing- bugs are reported because of situations that are being checked
at all.
69. What is upgrade?
 Upgrading the application to the latest software versions.
70. What is enhancement?
 Adding some new functionality to the current software.

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Technology Form Four
71. What is waterfall model?
 The waterfall model was the first methodology to be introduced. It also consist of
several stages of linear development.
72. What is the waterfall model concentration?
 You need the following consideration in waterfall method:
1. First identify requirements.
2. Complete one stage before going to the next phase.
3. The result of the developed system is found at the final stage.
73. What is agile method?
 Agile is a mechanism in which a team can manage a project by breaking it up into
many stages and requiring continuous collaboration with stakeholders and
continual development and iteration at each stage.
74. What are the most common examples of agile methodology?
 The most common examples are the following:
1. Scrum
2. Extreme programming (XP)
3. Feature drive development (FDD)
4. Dynamic system development method (DSDM)
5. Adaptive software development (ASD)
6. Crystal
7. Lean software development (LSD)
75. What is rapid application development (RAD)?
 It is a team based method which accelerates the development of information
system and produce functioning information system.
76. List five steps or phases in RAD?
 The five steps or phases in RAD are the following:
1. Define and finalize project requirement
2. begin build prototypes
3. gather user feedback
4. test
5. present your system
77. Define and finalize project requirement?
 During this step, stakeholders sit together to define and finalize project
requirement such as project goals, expectations, timelines and budget.
78. What is begin build prototypes?
 As soon as you finish scoping the project, you can begin development. designers
and developers will work closely with clients to create and improve upon working
prototypes until the final product is ready.

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Technology Form Four
79. What is gather user feedback?
 In this step, prototypes and beta system are converted into working models.
Developers then use feedback from users to tweak and improve prototypes and
create the best possible product.
80. What is test?
 This step requires you to test your software product and ensure that all its moving
parts work together as per client expectation.
81. What is present your system?
 This is the final step before the finished products goes the lunch. It involves data
conversation and user training.

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