St. Lawrence Parish

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St. Lawrence Parish MASS SCHEDULE

1520 East Delavan Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14215 Watch on our YouTube channel StLawrenceBuffalo
[email protected] Saturday: 4:30
Fr. Robert Gebhard………………………….Pastoral Administrator Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
Dcn. Paul Weisenburger……………………….Permanent Deacon PHONES
Luke Dyer…………………………………....Food Pantry Coordinator Rectory………………………………………716-892-2471
Joe Strusienski...………..……………………………...….Maintenance Fax………………..……………………………716-892-1315
Debbie Obstarczyk…………...………………….....Parish Secretary Faith Formation…….……………………716-892-2471
LITURGY AT ST. LAWRENCE Parish Hall………………………………….716-896-9796
Saturday, January 13—Vigil: The Second Sunday in Ordi- Franciscan Guest House (FGH)……716-893-8853
nary Time Food Pantry………….……………………716-896-0047
4:30 p.m. In memory of Chris Bialoblocki—Daughter, Sandy RECTORY OFFICE HOURS
Sunday, January 14—The Second Sunday in Ordinary Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Noon Chuck Wright—Eleonore & Betty
Wednesday, January 17
Saturday 1/6 4:30 p.m.—33
3:30 p.m. Special intentions from our Mother’s Day Spiritual
Sunday 1/7 Noon—23
Saturday, January 20—Vigil: The Third Sunday in Ordi-
nary Time
Regular Sunday Collection.........................................$1,155.50
4:30 p.m. All Souls of St. Lawrence
Sunday, January 21—The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Noon Deceased Members of the Belle Family
Holy Day………………………………………………..$70.00
LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER Faith Formation…………………………………………$20.00
Please pray for Bruce Austin, Roseann Barthelemy, Larry Bar- Religious Retirement ……………………...…………...$50.00
tos, Twila Berst, Eleonore Clark, Bob DeRoss, Mike Ellis, Ma- Catholic Relief………………………………….………$10.00
ria Feliciano, Pat Farrell, Joe Giancarlo, Linda Hammer, Ce- Total month to date...……………..……..…..……..$1,653.50
leste Hartman, Mike Hartman, Carol LaBelle, Judy Maurino, We are grateful for the prayers and financial support of our
Nick Parini, Christina Reyes, Aida Rivera, Maggie Stevenson, parishioners and friends of St. Lawrence Church.
Jessica Strusienski and babies, Tiana Valentin, Nancy Vogt,
and all of our parishioners and their families. Please contact REMEMBRANCE ORNAMENTS
the rectory, 892-2471, to have a person placed on the List. If you purchased a BELIEVE ornament, they are located on
the tables located in the back of the church. May peace and
SCHEDULING MASSES FOR 2024 joy fill your hearts. Thank you!
The Mass Book is available for those who wish to reserve Mass
intentions for 2024 for the deceased or other special intentions. IN IT TO WIN IT
Please contact the rectory, 892-2471 to schedule dates such as IN IT TO WIN IT tickets are available for
death anniversary and/or birthday. Mass stipends are $15.00. the month of January! Request your tick-
ets! All IN IT TO WIN IT tickets, SOLD
READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 14, 2024 and UNSOLD must be returned by
Wednesday, January 24th. The drawing
Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13-15, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42
will take place at one of the masses the weekend of January
Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Mk 2:18-22
27th. GOOD LUCK to ALL!
Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Mk 2:23-28
Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Mk 3:1-6
Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Mk 3:7-12 St. Lawrence Pray
Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Mk 3:13-19 for Us
Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27/Mk 3:20-21
FAMILY OF PARISHES The Vineyard Ministries work day is scheduled for
Monday 1/15: 10-11:30AM Food Pantry 9 am until noon Saturday January 20th. Help is
needed to sort, stock, pack and deliver food. Ques-
Tuesday 1/16:4:00 PM Bible Study Gospel
of Mark BT Family Calendar Links tions? Please call 716-896-0047.
Wednesday 1/17: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM Food Pantry BT
Thursday 1/18:10 AM-Noon Food Pantry STL Our next Family 21 Baptism class for parents of
8:00 PM BT Bingo Doors open at 6:30 PM
Friday 1/19: 11:30 Rosary Group BT in person - chapel children under age 7 will be held on February 7 at
Saturday 1/20:10 AM Pantry work day STL 6 PM. This session will be held at St. Martin de
Sunday 1/21: 10AM MLK Mass—CB Other Masses in Porres but is for parents from all of Family 21.
Family 21 10 AM BT Noon STL Please register with the secretary at your parish.
3:00PM Agape Feast of Christian Unity sponsored by the
Discipleship Committee—BT LIFE IN THE EUCHARIST
Our regular weekday Mass schedule: Life in the Eucharist is coming to Family 21 beginning February
BT Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11 AM 15, 2024. This five-week Lenten Retreat will take place at Ss.
STL Wednesday 3:30 PM Columba-Brigid. Take some time during Lent to reflect on the
Our weekend Mass schedule: gift of God himself in the Eucharist. Presentations and witness
BT Saturdays 4:30PM & Sundays 10AM talks will be given by current and former members of Family
CB Saturdays 4PM and Sundays 9AM (Spanish) &11AM 21. There will be plenty of time for table conversation and shar-
Last Sunday of the month: Bi-Lingual 10AM ing. A simple meal is served every week. To make it easier for
SMdP Sundays 8AM and 9:30AM parents, our children’s Faith Formation and Sacramental Pro-
STL Saturdays 4:30PM and Sundays Noon grams were moved to Ss. Columba-Brigid and they will be held
Confessions By appointment or prior to the Saturday during the same time frame.
Vigil Masses

BT—Blessed Trinity, CB—Columba Brigid, SMdP—St. COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION CLASSES

Martin de Porres, STL—St. Lawrence SLVMI -St. Law- First Communion (Parts One and Two,) and Confirmation (Part
rence Vineyard Ministries Inc FP – Family Promise One) registration is now open. Classes for First Communion
begin February 1, 2024. Classes for Confirmation begin March
Save the Dates 14.
Subs & Suds Lecture: History of the Catholic Church in
Western New York Dennis Castillo, PhD BT 1/22, 6:30 PM SUBS ‘N SUDS
Our adult formation team is planning a history lesson! Join us
and Dr. Dennis Castillo, Professor of Church History at St.
MISSION TRIP Mary’s Seminary and University as we explore the history of the
A Mission Trip to the St. Francis Inn, Philadelphia, PA is Diocese of Buffalo and Family 21 parishes on Monday, January
planned for August 18 - 24, 2024. Applications are now being 22nd. Gather in Blessed Trinity’s St. Charles Hall (school build-
accepted from youth who will be at least 14 years old through ing) at 5:30 PM for subs, beer (soft drinks for those under 21,)
the twelfth grade, including those graduating in 2024. You’ve and a little “Family Jeopardy.” Dr. Castillo’s presentation will
heard Fr. Aaron talk about it, now you can experience working begin via Zoom at 6:30 PM. If you cannot join us in person, buy
there for a week. We will travel by train to our destination and your own subs and follow the Zoom link on Blessed Trinity’s
have plenty of time for reflection and conversation as well as website.
exploring Philadelphia before we return home. These hours
can be used toward volunteer hours required for school. Space
is limited, preference will be given to students enrolled and MSGR. RAY EAST SPEAKING
participating in the 2024 Confirmation Class. A completed ON URBAN MINISTRY
application and a $50 deposit are required to hold your spot. On Tuesday, Jan. 23 there will be a City Ministry Conference at
you. We will have fundraisers for the balance of the expens- St. Stanislaus Parish Hall (123 Townsend St. Buffalo) from 10:00
es. (Please use the form on the back of the Faith Formation a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The keynote speaker is Msgr. Ray East. His
newsletter to indicate your interest.) There will be an infor- topic will be: Doing More With Less – The Reality of Urban Min-
mation session for teens who are interested following at 11:15 istry. East is an African-American priest from the Archdiocese of
AM at St. Martin de Porres on Sunday, February 4. Pizza will Washington. He has been ministering in the inner city of Wash-
be served. Interested teens must be between 14 and 18 years ington for 43 years. As a national speaker, he brings the passion
old, from one of the Family 21 parishes, and at least one parent of his ministry to life. He continues to be on fire with the Holy
must attend the meeting. All information will be available at Spirit. In one article Msgr. East said: “I try to encounter Jesus
this meeting. Please use the sign up sheets to indicate your every day and share Jesus with others.”

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