PP.2019 - VLE of TBP-NDD

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Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

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Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium for binary system related to the T

organophosphoric extractant of D2EHPA + n-dodecane and TBP + n-
dodecane at 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa
Wanchalerm Srirachata, Kreangkrai Maneeintrb, Ura Pancharoena,∗, Soorathep Kheawhoma,∗∗
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Patumwan, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization Research Group, Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Patumwan,
Bangkok, 10330, Thailand


Keywords: Vacuum distillation is selected as a technique for recycling in order to separate the mixture of a hydro-
D2EHPA metallurgical organophosphoric extractant from an organic diluent because of their low volatility and high
TBP selectivity. The experimental isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the binary systems of di-(2-
n-Dodecane ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) + n-dodecane and tri-butyl phosphate (TBP) + n-dodecane were
Vapor-liquid equilibrium
measured at pressures of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa, using a glass vapor-liquid equilibrium ebulliometer. VLE data
Vacuum distillation
were generated in the form of T x y diagrams and checked for thermodynamic consistency via Herington
area test and Van Ness point test. Data for all mixtures met the criteria of thermodynamic consistency and were
found suitable for process modeling. At each pressure point, no azeotropic phenomenon was observed.
Reduction in pressure of the system can significantly enhance the relative volatility and separation efficiency of
both mixtures. At all pressure points, D2EHPA was noted to be more separable than TBP. Additionally, the
experimental VLE results for all systems were found to have a good correlation with Raoult's law, Wilson and
nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) models. The corresponding binary interaction parameters were obtained by
minimizing the deviation between the experimental and the calculated vapor phase composition and total

1. Introduction C16) which can cause adverse health and environmental effects. In this
study, n-dodecane (C12), a diluent for TBP in reprocessing plants, was
At present, di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and tributyl selected as a representative for kerosene. According to ecological con-
phosphate (TBP) are important chemicals usually used as extractants in siderations, disposal of such hazardous waste should be prevented from
the reactive separation process of metal ions [1,2]. One of the most entering drains, sewers, streams etc. Thus, one of the remedies for
popular diluents is kerosene. After completion of the reactive separa- managing waste is via a recovery or recycling process.
tion process, organic waste is generated. This waste, containing high Due to the large difference in boiling temperatures between these
boiling point compounds such as D2EHPA or TBP as well as kerosene, is extractants and organic solvents, separation as carried out by distilla-
hazardous and difficult to treat before being discharged to the en- tion was found to be the most suitable method e.g. as in the industrial
vironment. Therefore, more research needs to be done to find a better treatment of harmful noble lead [3,4] and bismuth (Bi) from crude tin
method to treat the waste. (Sn) [5]. Under atmospheric pressure, the boiling points of D2EHPA,
Both D2EHPA and TBP are organophosphoric extractants which TBP and n-dodecane reached 654 K, 569 K, and 489 K respectively.
belong to a high polar reactive phosphate group and a large non-polar However, at such high temperatures, these compounds will decompose.
hydrocarbon chain. These extractants have low volatility and a rating of Thus, they must be carefully distilled under reduced pressure. Re-
3 out of a maximum 4 (health hazard) in accordance with the garding the optimum design of distillation equipment, the vapor pres-
Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS). In the case of ker- sures of pure compounds and VLE data need to be taken into account. A
osene, it is composed of a mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons (C9 to literature survey on thermophysical properties, especially vapor-liquid

Corresponding author.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (U. Pancharoen), [email protected] (S. Kheawhom).

Received 18 August 2018; Received in revised form 6 November 2018; Accepted 7 November 2018
Available online 13 November 2018
0042-207X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Table 1
Chemicals used in this study.
Chemicals CAS No. Formula Molar Mass Mass fraction Mass Fraction Analysis Method Source Water Content/Mass Fractionc
/g mol 1 Puritya Purityb

D2EHPA 298-07-7 C16H35O4P 322.42 > 0.97 0.995 ± 0.002 GC Merck 0.000060
TBP 126-73-8 C12H27O4P 266.31 > 0.99 0.996 ± 0.001 GC Merck 0.000040
n-Dodecane 112-40-3 C12H26 170.33 > 0.99 0.998 ± 0.001 GC Sigma Aldrich 0.000004
n-Hexadecane 544-76-3 C16H34 226.41 > 0.990 0.995 ± 0.001 GC Merck 0.000003

Mass-fraction purity data were in certificate of analysis (COA) from manufacturer.
Mass-fraction purity data were measured in this work by gas chromatography (GC) method.
Water content data were measured in this work by coulometric Karl Fischer method.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental glass

vapor-liquid equilibrium ebulliometer apparatus: 1
Heating bulb (inside immersion heater and outside
flow heater) 2 Cottrell pump 3 Separation Chamber 4
Condenser 5 Mixing chamber 6 Vapor-phase tem-
perature sensor (Pt-100) 7 Liquid-phase sampling
point 8 Vapor-phase sampling point 9 Liquid-phase
sampling vessel 10 Vapor-phase sampling vessel

Table 2 Table 3
Verification results for distillation temperatures T of n-dodecane and n-heax- Antoine equation parameters of pure components, namely D2EHPA, TBP and n-
adecane at system pressure range of p = (0.13–6.7) kPa. dodecane.

p / kPa n-Dodecane n-Hexadecane Compound Antoine parameters Temperature

T /K T /K A B C Tmin/K Tmax /K

Literature [14] This % Dev. Literature [15] This % Dev. D2EHPA [30] 22.197 5673.9 −122.57 450.5 546.2
work a
work a
TBP [30] 21.669 4749.6 −100.69 383.8 469.9
n-Dodecane [15] 20.966 3743.9 −92.839 325.8 490.5
0.13 325.4 326.1 0.34 378.5 379.8 0.34
0.67 351.8 352.2 −0.10 407.8 407.4 −0.10
1.3 364.2 364.5 0.17 421.7 422.4 0.17
In this study, the new experimental isobaric VLE data for the binary
2.7 379.4 379.0 0.07 438.5 438.8 0.07
5.3 395.0 396.3 0.22 455.8 456.8 0.22 systems of D2EHPA + n-dodecane and TBP + n-dodecane were de-
6.7 400.8 401.5 0.13 462.2 461.6 0.13 termined at pressures of 0.13, 2.40, and 6.67 kPa by a vapor liquid
equilibrium apparatus. Besides, the VLE data was verified for thermo-
Standard uncertainty (u ): u (T )/ K= 0.1 and u (p)/kPa = 0.01 + 0.03p . dynamic consistency by means of the Herington area test and Van Ness
point test. Furthermore, the experimental data was correlated by
equilibrium, showed that previously published studies concerning VLE Raoult's law, NTRL and Wilson activity coefficient models. For theo-
data for the binary systems of D2EHPA + n-dodecane and TBP + n- retical research and industrial applications, the obtained VLE data can
dodecane are still greatly lacking [6–8]. So, for a more comprehensive provide a very important reference for the recycling of reactive ex-
study of these organophosphoric extractants, it becomes a necessity to tractants and its diluents via the distillation process.
study the VLE of these binary systems.

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Fig. 2. Comparison of saturated vapor pressure of pure D2EHPA. , this work; [21]; , [16].

Fig. 3. Comparison of saturated vapor pressure of pure TBP. , this work; , [21]; , [22]; , [23]; , [24]; , [25]; , [19].

Fig. 4. Comparison of saturated vapor pressure of pure n-dodecane. , this work; , [26]; , [27]; , [28].

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Fig. 5. Comparison of saturated vapor pressure of pure n-hexadecane. , this work; , [29]; , [26]; , [15].

Table 4
Isobaric experimental VLE data of liquid phase ( x1 ) and vapor phase ( y1) mole fractions, activity coefficient ( 1 and 2) of the system D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2) at
pressures of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa.a

p = 0.13 kPa p = 2.40 kPa p = 6.67 kPa

T/K x1 y1 1 2 21 T/K x1 y1 1 2 21 T/K x1 y1 1 2 21

325.2 0.0000 0.0000 1.049 1.000 376.5 0.0000 0.0000 1.040 1.000 400.4 0.0000 0.0000 1.036 1.000
326.4 0.0793 0.0000 1.042 1.000 380.7 0.1729 0.0001 1.029 1.001 2.27 × 103 403.0 0.0991 0.0001 1.031 1.000 1.01 × 103
327.1 0.1211 0.0000 1.039 1.001 379.2 0.1147 0.0001 1.032 1.000 2.41 × 103 404.7 0.1558 0.0002 1.028 1.001 9.55 × 10 2
328.2 0.1895 0.0000 1.034 1.001 381.4 0.1989 0.0001 1.027 1.001 2.22 × 103 406.2 0.2039 0.0003 1.025 1.001 9.12 × 10 2
328.9 0.2222 0.0000 1.032 1.002 383.1 0.2586 0.0002 1.024 1.002 2.08 × 103 408.5 0.2712 0.0004 1.021 1.002 8.51 × 10 2
331.0 0.3259 0.0000 1.025 1.004 2.87 × 10 4 385.4 0.3311 0.0003 1.020 1.004 1.91 × 103 410.7 0.3295 0.0006 1.019 1.003 7.97 × 10 2
332.5 0.3931 0.0000 1.021 1.007 2.62 × 10 4 388.0 0.4033 0.0004 1.017 1.006 1.74 × 103 413.5 0.3977 0.0009 1.015 1.005 7.34 × 10 2
333.7 0.4374 0.0000 1.018 1.008 2.44 × 10 4 389.4 0.4392 0.0005 1.015 1.007 1.66 × 103 415.6 0.4410 0.0011 1.013 1.006 6.91 × 10 2
335.1 0.4862 0.0000 1.016 1.011 2.25 × 10 4 391.9 0.4964 0.0006 1.012 1.009 1.52 × 103 418.7 0.5013 0.0016 1.011 1.008 6.33 × 10 2
339.6 0.6153 0.0001 1.009 1.018 1.74 × 10 4 394.3 0.5459 0.0009 1.010 1.011 1.40 × 103 420.7 0.5350 0.0019 1.010 1.010 5.99 × 10 2
341.4 0.6577 0.0001 1.007 1.021 1.57 × 10 4 397.8 0.6085 0.0012 1.008 1.014 1.25 × 103 425.8 0.6119 0.0030 1.007 1.013 5.21 × 10 2
344.9 0.7229 0.0002 1.005 1.026 1.30 × 10 4 405.5 0.7127 0.0025 1.004 1.020 9.70 × 10 2 435.7 0.7222 0.0064 1.004 1.019 4.02 × 102
352.8 0.8251 0.0005 1.002 1.035 8.58 × 103 420.6 0.8361 0.0082 1.001 1.028 6.17 × 10 2 448.9 0.8173 0.0151 1.002 1.024 2.92 × 10 2
369.0 0.9262 0.0031 1.000 1.044 4.00 × 103 434.6 0.8998 0.0207 1.001 1.033 4.21 × 102 465.6 0.8896 0.0382 1.001 1.029 2.02 × 10 2
380.9 0.9587 0.0093 1.000 1.046 2.43 × 103 449.4 0.9382 0.0493 1.000 1.035 2.92 × 10 2 480.6 0.9281 0.0796 1.000 1.030 1.49 × 10 2
390.8 0.9731 0.0212 1.000 1.047 1.66 × 103 458.0 0.9531 0.0780 1.000 1.035 2.40 × 10 2 493.6 0.9515 0.1422 1.000 1.031 1.17 × 10 2
406.0 0.9869 0.0669 1.000 1.046 9.83 × 10 2 478.8 0.9779 0.2150 1.000 1.035 1.55 × 10 2 514.6 0.9768 0.3309 1.000 1.031 8.22 × 10
444.7 0.9990 0.7522 1.000 1.042 3.29 × 10 2 506.0 0.9955 0.6773 1.000 1.034 9.48 × 10 532.8 0.9916 0.6381 1.000 1.031 6.24 × 10
450.0 1.0000 1.0000 1.000 1.041 516.2 1.0000 1.0000 1.000 1.033 546.3 1.0000 1.0000 1.000 1.031

Standard uncertainty (u ): u (x i ) = u (yi ) = 0.0009 , u (T ) = 0.1 K and u (p) = 0.01 + 0.03p kPa .

2. Experimental (Shimadzu, GC-2010 Plus). The obtained mass fraction purity was ap-
plied in stoichiometric calculation. A summary of all chemicals is seen
2.1. Chemical in Table 1.

The organophosphoric extractants, namely D2EHPA and TBP are 2.2. Apparatus and procedure
commercially available from Merck Co. Anhydrous n-dodecane was
acquired from Sigma Aldrich Co. D2EHPA was further purified by ex- The experimental isobaric VLE data were determined by a glass
tracting Cu(OH)2 into a solution of D2EHPA and the resulting salt was vapor-liquid equilibrium ebulliometer (Fischer Engineering, Labodest®
precipitated with acetone. Then, diluted HCl converts the Cu VLE 602). Details of the VLE apparatus used in this study are described
(D2EHPA)2 salt back to D2EHPA and aqueous Cu(II) [9]. To protect in Fig. 1. Briefly, it is composed of a heating cell, an equilibrium cell
contamination from water, both extractants were kept in a round- and two water-cooled condensers/coolers. Initial samples, approxi-
bottom flask containing dried molecular sieves and were tightly sealed mately 30.0 g, of the binary mixture of extractant + n-dodecane were
under inert atmosphere of argon gas. Before being used, the water prepared by mass fraction ranging from 0.01 to 0.90 using an electronic
content of all chemicals was examined by the coulometric Karl Fischer balance (Sartorius, model 11222-546) with a precision of ± 0.0001 g.
titration method (Mettler Toledo, C30S). Results showed that the water Then, the obtained samples were loaded into a mixing chamber and
contents were lower than 100 ppm (0.01 % wt.) which were acceptable. vaporized by an electrical immersion heater arranged concentrically in
The purity of these chemicals was analyzed by gas chromatography a flow heater. Consequently, the vapor-liquid mixture passes upwards

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Table 5
Isobaric experimental VLE data of liquid phase (x1 ) and vapor phase ( y1) mole fractions, activity coefficient ( 1 and 2) of the system TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) at
pressures of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa.a

p = 0.13 kPa p = 2.40 kPa p = 6.67 kPa

T/K x1 y1 1 2 21 T/K x1 y1 1 2 21 T/K x1 y1 1 2 21

325.2 0.0000 0.0000 1.000 376.5 0.0000 0.000 1.000 400.4 0.0000 0.0000 1.000
325.9 0.0475 0.0008 1.308 1.000 58.44 377.9 0.0623 0.0029 1.208 1.000 22.68 402.3 0.0771 0.0051 1.186 1.001 16.28
326.6 0.0921 0.0017 1.290 1.001 58.30 378.9 0.1095 0.0054 1.196 1.001 22.58 404.3 0.1531 0.0111 1.167 1.003 16.14
327.4 0.1484 0.0030 1.267 1.004 58.31 380.5 0.1754 0.0094 1.178 1.004 22.42 405.6 0.2017 0.0154 1.155 1.005 16.07
328.1 0.1898 0.0040 1.251 1.006 58.24 382.1 0.2401 0.0140 1.160 1.007 22.30 406.8 0.2426 0.0196 1.145 1.007 16.01
329.4 0.2630 0.0061 1.221 1.013 58.20 384.4 0.3241 0.0212 1.137 1.015 22.13 410.0 0.3404 0.0315 1.121 1.015 15.84
330.2 0.3067 0.0075 1.204 1.018 58.23 386.4 0.3902 0.0282 1.119 1.023 22.01 412.7 0.4165 0.0433 1.102 1.025 15.73
333.3 0.4541 0.0140 1.146 1.048 58.60 389.3 0.4769 0.0399 1.096 1.039 21.86 415.0 0.4743 0.0544 1.088 1.035 15.65
335.8 0.5532 0.0205 1.108 1.082 59.08 390.4 0.5067 0.0448 1.088 1.045 21.82 416.7 0.5150 0.0637 1.078 1.043 15.60
338.2 0.6308 0.0279 1.081 1.120 59.43 393.1 0.5719 0.0578 1.071 1.063 21.69 418.4 0.5501 0.0729 1.070 1.052 15.53
340.2 0.6856 0.0352 1.063 1.155 59.69 395.6 0.6278 0.0722 1.057 1.082 21.61 422.2 0.6259 0.0975 1.053 1.074 15.43
341.8 0.7237 0.0418 1.051 1.185 59.81 402.0 0.7376 0.1164 1.033 1.134 21.28 427.4 0.7092 0.1376 1.035 1.108 15.26
345.9 0.8014 0.0632 1.029 1.261 59.67 407.1 0.8030 0.1629 1.020 1.178 20.94 434.0 0.7928 0.2023 1.020 1.154 15.02
348.9 0.8433 0.0834 1.019 1.313 59.04 416.6 0.8884 0.2833 1.007 1.252 20.05 440.6 0.8544 0.2847 1.011 1.198 14.70
354.4 0.8979 0.1328 1.009 1.393 56.85 421.1 0.9173 0.3611 1.004 1.282 19.55 451.6 0.9271 0.4752 1.003 1.264 14.03
360.6 0.9360 0.2150 1.004 1.461 53.38 429.9 0.9595 0.5592 1.001 1.330 18.44 460.1 0.9668 0.6792 1.001 1.305 13.42
364.6 0.9540 0.2894 1.002 1.493 50.91 432.3 0.9685 0.6254 1.001 1.341 18.12 462.4 0.9756 0.7464 1.000 1.315 13.25
377.1 0.9892 0.6761 1.000 1.553 43.07 437.4 0.9858 0.7901 1.000 1.362 17.45 467.3 0.9924 0.9058 1.000 1.335 12.89
383.4 1.0000 1.0000 1.000 442.7 1.0000 1.0000 1.000 469.9 1.0000 1.0000 1.000

Standard uncertainty (u ): u (x i ) = u (yi ) = 0.0009 , u (T ) = 0.1 K and u (p) = 0.01 + 0.03p kPa .

Table 6 S1–S3 of the supplementary material, respectively. In comparison with

Experimental and calculated infinite dilution activity coefficient 1
and 2
for the FTIR spectrum of n-dodecane, it can be seen that the characteristic
all systems. peak of the organophosphoric compounds, D2EHPA and TBP, was the
, exptl , exptl , a , a , b , b P=O vibration band at wave numbers 1229 [10] and 1235 cm−1 [11],
respectively. These P=O bands were found to be suitable for quanti-
1 2 1 2 1 2

fying the concentrations (mass fraction) of both D2EHPA and TBP

D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane 1.050 1.050 1.049 1.072 1.068 1.044 mixed with n-dodecane. The calibration curves for calculating the
concentrations of the binary mixtures of D2EHPA + n-dodecane and
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) 1.336 1.530 1.308 2.212 1.368 1.548
TBP + n-dodecane were plotted between the mass fraction on the x-
D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane 1.041 1.039 1.040 1.057 1.059 1.028 axis and the peak areas on the y-axis. Then, the obtained mass fractions
(2) were used to calculate the mole fractions for each component as in Eqs.
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) 1.233 1.361 1.226 1.675 1.281 1.347 (1) and (2):
D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane 1.038 1.035 1.037 1.051 1.057 1.021
mi / Mi
(2) xi =
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) 1.214 1.926 1.208 1.603 1.263 1.308 mi / Mi + mj / Mj (1)
Wilson. mi /Mi
yi =
mi / Mi + mj / Mj (2)
through a lengthened contact path (Cottrell pump) which ensures that
the liquid and vapor phases are in intimate contact during boiling. In where x i , yi , mi and Mi are the mole fraction in liquid phase, mole
the separation chamber, the pressure system was fixed at constant. fraction in vapor phase, mass and molar mass of component i , respec-
However, temperatures varied. After entering the chamber, the mixture tively, and i , j are the indices for all components.
separated into liquid and vapor phase. The temperature was determined The experimental data were repeatedly tested three times with a re-
by a Pt-100 resistance sensor with an accuracy of ± 0.1 K. The desired set up of chemicals and equipment. The results were reported as
pressures of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa were obtained by a pressure average values with standard uncertainties of u (xi ) and u (yi ) equal to
controller and measured with an accuracy of ± 0.01 kPa. To safely 0.0009. The standard uncertainty of the experimental values of x i and yi
prevent the carrying over of liquid into the vapor phase and in order to as expressed in the respective footnote tables was calculated based on
ensure a quick equilibrium adjustment, both vapor and liquid streams Eq. (3) as follows [12]:
flowed once again into a mixing chamber. Then, the heating power of
the immersion heater was adjusted to an appropriate level to reach a 1
u (x i ) = Xi, k Xi, k
sufficient reflux rate of the condensed vapor of 1 or 2 drops per second. n (n 1) n
k=1 k=1 (3)
Once equilibrium was achieved, the temperatures of the vapor and li-
quid did not vary over 0.1 K for a period of 30 min. After that, the two
where n is the number of independent observation, Xi, k is the input
samples i.e. the liquid and condensed vapor were taken off from the
quantity as obtained under the same conditions of measurement and k
sampling vessel.
= 1, 2, …, n.
To quantify the compositions of D2EHPA, TBP and n-dodecane in
The test method was validated using pure n-dodecane and n-hex-
the liquid ( x i ) phase and condensed vapor ( yi ) phase, the Fourier
adecane as reference chemicals. Details of the verification results of
Transform Infrared (FTIR) technique was applied via the spectrometer:
both pure n-dodecane and n-hexadecane compared with the literature
Spectrum One model of PerkinElmer Co. The fingerprint regions of the
data are described in Table 2.
FTIR spectrum for D2EHPA, TBP and n-dodecane are presented in Figs.

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Fig. 6. VLE phase diagrams for D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2). , , : experimental data for T x plot at 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa, respectively; , , :
experimental data for T y plot at 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa, respectively; : Raoult's law, : NRTL, : Wilson activity coefficient model for T x y

Fig. 7. VLE phase diagrams for TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2). , , : experimental data for T x plot at 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa, respectively; , , : experimental
data for T y plot at 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa, respectively; : Raoult's law, : NRTL, : Wilson activity coefficient model for T x y plots.

3. Results and discussion (Tb ) of D2EHPA and TBP were calculated by extrapolating to psat at
101.3 kPa, using Antoine equation, according to Eq. (A1). The calcu-
3.1. Experimental results lated Tb of DEHPA was found to be 654.4 K and the Tb of TBP was
569.1 K. In previous work [16], the Tb of D2EHPA was obtained by the
The psat values of the pure components of D2EHPA, TBP and n-do- atmospheric distillation method under the pressure of 101.3 kPa and
decane were calculated according to Antoine equation: the constants A, reported as 533 K. Because of high Tb , atmospheric distillation can lead
B and C are listed in Table 3. Further, the normal boiling temperatures to the decomposition of the D2EHPA molecule. Thus, the measured Tb

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Fig. 8. Comparison of VLE phase diagrams between D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2) and TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) at pressure of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa. , :
T x y plots of D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2); , : T x y plots of TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2); : Raoult's law, : NRTL, : Wilson activity
coefficient model for T x y plots.

Fig. 9. Diagrams of ln( 1/ 2) to x1 for the binary system of D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2).

will be lower. Kumar et al. [17] observed that the Tb of D2EHPA was as those stated by Kumar et al. [18] which measured 562.15 K, Pan-
625.15 K. This differed from the Tb found in this study by 29.25 K or neerselvam et al. [19] 561.34 K and Edmundson [20] 562 K with a
4.68%. However, in this study, the of TBP was observed to be 569.1 K. deviation of 1.25%.
This was found to be close to values as reported in previous works such Comparisons of psat and Tb of pure compounds used in this work

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Fig. 10. Diagrams of ln( 1/ 2) to x1 for the binary system of TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2).

Table 7 consistent. Again, the very low values of A indicated that the in-
Thermodynamic consistency test of VLE data by Herington area test. vestigated binary mixtures were almost ideal although the values of
p/kPa Tmax /K Tmin/K S+ S D J A
D J were > 10. This was because of the large values of J or a large
difference in the boiling points between the extractants (D2EHPA, TBP)
D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2) and n-dodecane.
0.13 325.2 450.0 0.01341 0.01169 6.8 57.6 0.00171 As regards the Van Ness point test, Gmehling [33] and Onken sug-
2.40 376.5 516.2 0.01093 0.00915 8.8 55.7 0.00177
gested that isobaric VLE data are thermodynamically consistent when
6.67 400.4 546.3 0.01004 0.00826 9.7 54.7 0.00178
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) the average absolute deviation between calculated and measured vapor
0.13 325.2 383.4 0.09416 0.08593 4.6 26.8 0.00823 phase mole fraction ( y ) is < 0.01. According to the results in Table 7,
2.40 376.5 442.7 0.06815 0.06041 6.0 26.4 0.00774 all y values obtained by Raoult's law, NRTL and Wilson activity
6.67 400.4 469.9 0.06248 0.05502 6.3 26.0 0.00746 coefficient model for the binary systems of D2EHPA + n-dodecane and
TBP + n-dodecane at pressures of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa were found
to be < 0.01 which indicated that the experimental data were ther-
(D2EHPA, TBP, n-dodecane and n-hexadecane) with the literature data
modynamically consistent.
are provided graphically in Figs. 2–5.
The results of the isobaric VLE data for the binary systems of
D2EHPA + n-dodecane and TBP + n-dodecane are listed in Tables 4 3.3. Data correlation
and 5 respectively, at pressures of 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa. The corre-
sponding T x y phase diagrams are shown in Figs. 6–8. In both In order to improve results, the NRTL and Wilson activity coefficient
systems, no azeotropic phenomenon was found. Further, the relative models were used to calculate i for each component. In the case of
volatilities ( 21) for both systems were all > 3 which means that n- Raoult's law, i is equal to 1. Then, the i value was used to calculate
dodecane could be separated practically from both D2EHPA and TBP by vapor yi under corresponding T and x i . The correlation parameters of
vacuum distillation (see Table 6). NRTL and Wilson models along with the root-mean-square deviation
(RMSD) in the vapor-phase mole fraction composition, RMSD(y1) and in
3.2. Thermodynamic consistency verification temperature, RMSD(T ) at three different pressures are listed in Table 8.
For the D2EHPA + n-dodecane system, it can be seen that the
All experimental data were verified using the homolographic maximum values for RMSD(y1) were 0.0008 according to Raoult's law,
method of Herington to see whether the data were consistent. 0.0004 for the NRTL and 0.0006 for the Wilson models. For the
Calculation results are shown in Figs. 9 and 10 together with Table 7. TBP + n-dodecane system, the maximum RMSD(y1) values of Raoult's
According to the Herington area test, when the value of A < 3, the law, NRTL and Wilson models were 0.0095, 0.0080 and 0.0003, re-
isobaric VLE data are considered to be thermodynamically consistent spectively. Thus, differences between the experimental and calculated
i.e. the test is passed [31,32]. Again, if D J < 10, the test is passed. VLE data were found to be small. Results of the Raoult's law, NRTL and
After calculation, the results in Table 7 of A for the binary system of Wilson activity coefficient model are shown in Figs. 6–8.
D2EHPA + n-dodecane and TBP + n-dodecane at pressures of 0.13, At the lowest pressure of 0.13 kPa, the RMSD(y1) values, by Raoult's
0.67 and 6.67 kPa were < 3. Furthermore, all values of D were < J . law, of D2EHPA + n-dodecane showed a minimum of 0.0000. This
This indicated that all the experimental data were thermodynamically indicated ideal behavior of VLE. In contrast, the mixture of TBP + n-

W. Srirachat et al. Vacuum 160 (2019) 60–69

Table 8
Parameters for the NRTL and Wilson models for D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2) and TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2) at p = 0.13, 2.40 and 6.67 kPa.

g12 g22 /J mol 1 g21 g11/J mol 1 RMSD(y1) RMSD(T )/K

NRTL Model p/kPa D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2)

0.13 961.03 −650.82 0.0003 0.05
2.40 1015 −716.77 0.0004 0.05
6.67 1035.9 −743.65 0.0004 0.05
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2)
0.13 3814.6 −949.37 0.0080 0.58
2.40 3361.8 −1166.7 0.0057 0.37
6.67 3427.1 −1267.2 0.0047 0.34
g12 g11/J mol 1 g21 g22 /J mol 1 RMSD(y1) RMSD(T )/K

Wilson Model p/kPa D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2)

0.13 1429.9 −1204.2 0.0003 0.02
2.40 1780.3 −1561.9 0.0005 0.12
6.67 1969.5 −1754.1 0.0006 0.05
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2)
0.13 1657.4 132.2 0.0002 0.02
2.40 2054.6 −591.2 0.0003 0.03
6.67 2215.5 −769.9 0.0003 0.03


Raoult's Law Model p/kPa D2EHPA (1) + n-dodecane (2)

0.13 0.0000 0.11
2.40 0.0007 0.12
6.67 0.0008 0.12
TBP (1) + n-dodecane (2)
0.13 0.0095 0.5953
2.40 0.0078 0.4633
6.67 0.0062 0.4221

dodecane affirmed negative deviations with 0.0095 of RMSD(y1) . University.

Moreover, when pressure increased, both mixtures tended to deviate
from ideality as a result of intramolecular interactions between dif- Appendix A. Supplementary data
ferent molecules.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
4. Conclusions doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2018.11.011.

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