1 s2.0 S001021801500111X Main
1 s2.0 S001021801500111X Main
1 s2.0 S001021801500111X Main
New HAN-based mixtures for reaction control system and low toxic
spacecraft propulsion subsystem: Thermal decomposition and possible
thruster applications
Rachid Amrousse a,b,⇑, Toshiyuki Katsumi c, Noboru Itouyama a, Nobuyuki Azuma b, Hideshi Kagawa b,
Keigo Hatai b, Hirohide Ikeda b, Keiichi Hori a
ISAS/JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, 252-5210 Kanagawa, Japan
TKSC/JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, 305-8505 Ibaraki, Japan
Nagaoka University of Technology, 1603-1, Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, 940-2188 Niigata, Japan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: HAN-based liquid monopropellant has been studied for its possible substitution of hydrazine toxic com-
Received 27 February 2015 ponent. The onset temperature of decomposition was provided by DTA-TG thermal analysis. Moreover,
Received in revised form 31 March 2015 the effect of 5 M HNO3 and 5 M NH2OH addition on catalytic decomposition was also examined. The
Accepted 31 March 2015
major products measured by mass spectrometer were N2, NO, N2O, NO2, H2O and NH3. Otherwise, the
Available online 17 April 2015
burning rates of HAN-based monopropellants were measured from the strand burner videos taken by
high speed camera. The effect of methanol addition; as fuel; on the burning rates was demonstrated.
On the other hand, HAN-based liquid monopropellant was tested and decomposed in 20 N thruster
High speed camera
and different catalysts were compared. Honeycomb catalysts were tested instead Shell 405 catalysts,
Combustion flame the obtained data demonstrate the improvement of burning reactions and pressure slopes after
Decomposition HAN-based decomposition.
Ó 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0010-2180/Ó 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Amrousse et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 2686–2692 2687
ethanol [33], HAN in the presence of TEAN (triethanol ammonium the methanol was used to control the burning rate of the
nitrate) [34], HAN with hydrazinium nitrate (HN) [35] for reaction monopropellant.
control systems and green propellant for low toxic spacecraft
propulsion subsystem. Moreover, the army has developed XM45 2.2. Thermal analysis
(LGP1845) and XM46 (LGP1846) for gun applications, which are
homogeneous mixtures of HAN, TEAN and water [36]. HAN decomposition was followed by differential thermal analy-
In an attempt to develop a new rocket propellant, many sis-thermal gravimetric (DTA-TG) apparatus (Riken) coupled to
formulations have been considered. The most recent application mass spectrometer (MS) at 1 atm (±1–2 °C as uncertainty analysis).
of green propellant was developed by Ball Aerospace and Known masses of catalyst (±0.2 mg as uncertainty mass measure-
Technology corporation which it used AF-M315E, it demonstrates ment) were put into aluminum cell holder followed by spray
stable performance of a flightweight attitude control thruster for injection of known volumes of liquid monopropellant. The mass
at least 10,000 total pulses [37–39]. The most recent formulation and temperature were recorded versus time, under helium flow
in Japan consists of HAN 73.6%, water, methanol as fuel and ammo- (50 ml min1) and heating rates were fixed at 5 °C min1 for ther-
nium nitrate (AN) as additive to stabilize the mixture for long-term mal decomposition and 1 °C min1 for catalytic decomposition.
storage [40]. Our previous research data showed that Shell 405 The analyses by DTA-TG enable to obtain the following informa-
catalyst was very active of HAN decomposition. However, this cata- tion: (i) evaporation of different solvents (endothermic peak); (ii)
lyst deactivate after several firing tests due to high exhaust gas onset temperature of decomposition given by the inflexion point
temperatures and oxidation medium [41]. Then, the use of struc- of the temperature curve; (iii) concentration of the HAN mixtures
tured catalysts as those supported on honeycomb monoliths has at decomposition; (iv) efficiency of the catalyst (exothermic peak)
been long considered in chemical industry and it has increased and (v) detection of emitted products by MS.
with the significance of environmental catalysis in pollution abate-
ment applications [42]. For reaction control systems (RCS), cata- 2.3. Strand burner
lysts with high attrition resistance and a low pressure drop are
required. In addition, the thin catalytic coating allows high effi- The combustion data of HAN-based liquid monopropellant at
ciency and selectivity [42–44]. The honeycomb monoliths can be elevated pressures were obtained from strand burner experiments
made of ceramic or metallic materials. More extensive studies on in a pressure vessel. The open-button strand burner was located in
ceramic monoliths were performed due to their wide use in the center of pressure vessel, into which the glass tube equipped
three-way automobile catalysts, mainly cordierite, commonly with wire and prefilled with HAN propellant as illustrated in Fig. 1.
used, among others, owing to its large-scale production based on The gas products vented out and the vessel was equipped with
extrusion which is quite cheap. Cordierite offers high mechanical an electrical feedthrough as resource to provide the required
strength, high resistance to elevated temperatures and tempera- energy for ignition of the propellant. A pressure regulator was used
ture shocks due to its low thermal expansion coefficient. for monitoring the static pressure into the vessel and windows for
Moreover, it presents great adhesion stability, which is a very light access. High-speed graph motion pictures were recorded with
important property for monolithic catalysts [43,45]. The most a high-speed camera (Roper Scientific, CR Imager, Model 2000);
usual way to coat structured supports such as honeycomb mono- with 250 fps as framing rate; equipped with Nikon lens at maxi-
liths is the well known washcoating procedure. The monolith is mum of 2200 frames per second. In a typical experiment, the
dipped in the slurry prepared with the catalytic material and after strand burner was equipped with prefilled glass tube with HAN
a certain time withdrawn carefully. The characteristic of the final propellant and placed into pressure vessel. The vessel was then
coating are a complex function of monolith properties, slurry prop- pressurized with nitrogen. Ignition of the propellant was accom-
erties and preparation conditions [43]. To ensure good perfor- plished by an electrical discharge. After test, the vessel was safely
mances of propellant-catalyst systems, highly active catalysts depressurized, opened, cleaned and moved to another test. In order
were prepared and tested for HAN decomposition at low tempera- to measure the burning rate, short intervals of images were
tures [40,41,46–48]. The main purposes of this paper are: (i) to obtained from video files. Then, Image J program was used to
determine the temperature onset and gas phase temperatures of measure the surface of liquid varied versus time.
HAN-based monopropellant by DTA-TG analysis; (ii) the analysis
of outlet gas products was performed by online mass spectrometer
(MS); (iii) the burning rates and combustion temperatures were
measured at constant pressures, the effect of methanol addition Wire
on the burning rates was carefully examined; because it is quasi-
impossible to apply HAN–H2O binary solution into reaction control
systems (RCS) due to its high adiabatic temperature and instable
combustion characteristics. On the other hand, HAN-based mono-
propellant solution contains methanol as fuel and AN as stabilizer
Glass tube
was decomposed by injection of known mass flows controlled by
electrovalve into preheated catalytic bed in vacuum chamber.
2. Experimental
Weight (%)
HAN-based propellant tank was filled with N2 gas from a gas cylin-
der. The N2 pressure in the tank was fixed for HAN catalytic 50
decomposition reaction in order to give an almost constant feeding
rate of HAN. The monolithic catalyst was charged into the thruster.
- 10
Then, the catalyst bed was preheated before test at 210–300 °C.
The preheating of catalyst was performed by flexible sheath heater 25 154 °C
manufactured by SAKAGUCHI E.H VOC CORP with 88 W as power
and 35 VDC as power-supply voltage.
When the electromagnetic valve was opened, HAN-based 0 - 15
monopropellant was pressed by the N2 gas into the thruster. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ignition delay, catalyst bed temperatures, chamber pressures and Time (min)
feeding rate of HAN were recorded by Lab-view software (NI
USB-6229) with the sampling rate of 1000 Hz. The accuracy of Fig. 2. Thermal decomposition of 95/5/8/21 HAN-based mixture.
Weight (wt.%)
ΔΤ (°C mg )
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Thermal analysis has been observed in the case of HAN–water [33], however, this
phenomenon was absent by methanol addition that can accelerate
Thermal and catalytic decomposition processes of HAN-based the evaporation process. Based on experimental results, methanol
liquid monopropellant with additives; followed by online appears to play a very major role in the decomposition of HAN-
exhausted gas analysis; were carried out by DTA-TG/MS. The evo- based.
lutions of temperature and weight loss as a function of time during Therefore, in both cases, the decomposition starts only when
the thermal decomposition process are represented in Fig. 2. The the solvents have been quantitatively removed leading to almost
thermal decomposition of HAN-based has been started around pure liquid HAN (melting point 48 °C). From these results, we
154 °C after a large endothermic reaction which demonstrated by can conclude that solvents exhibit, as expected, a stabilizing effect
total evaporation of methanol and water as additives. The thermal on HAN, which is the consequence of dispersed ions (NH3OH+ and
decomposition occurs in two short steps: (i) highly exothermic NO3 ) in solutions. The ionic reagents must therefore be in contact
reaction with a maximum at 191 °C, which correspond to the high with each other for decomposition to engender.
loss of HAN weight, while (ii) the second step was less exothermic The decomposition rates of HAN–H2O solution were signifi-
and reach maximum at 201 °C. cantly influenced by the amount of methanol. Indeed, the metha-
During the thermal decomposition process, an endothermic nol was added to HAN/H2O solution in order to decrease its
peak corresponding to the evaporation of methanol and water burning rate, obtain higher Isp than hydrazine even in no-
has been observed and resulted in concentration of solution. detonation region. Moreover, the methanol addition makes HAN
Then a second, rapid weight loss happens, correspond to exother- solution in category 4 (harmful and swallowed) of GHS (Globally
mic decomposition of HAN/AN. Harmonized System) of classification and labeling of chemicals;
Figure 3 shows obtained temperature and weight loss profile which is defined by LD50rat (Lethal Dose). LD50 of HAN solution
versus time in the presence of catalyst. The temperature profile estimated to 300–2000 mg kg1, which is much lower in the case
was changed in the case of catalytic decomposition process to a of hydrazine (60 mg kg1).
violent exothermic reaction of HAN-based in one step at low tem- It should be noted that the catalytic performance varied from
perature onset. Moreover, the preliminary low exothermic process catalyst to other due to nature of noble metal, preparation, metal
R. Amrousse et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 2686–2692 2689
2,5 10
4 Table 2
m/z = 17 Synthesized HAN-based mixtures with 5 M NH2OH addition.
m/z = 18
m/z = 28 Mixtures Final Ratio HAN- NH2OH HAN-based
2 10
4 m/z = 30 volume based:NH2OH volume volume (ml)
m/z = 44 (ml) (ml)
m/z = 46
Absolute intensity (a.u.)
HNO3 (5M)
0 HNO3 addition
NH2OH (5M)
0 5 10 15 20 25 120
Time (min)
HAN-based + 1:10
HAN-based + 2:10
HAN-based + 3:10
HAN-based + 4:10
HAN-based + 5:10
P = 8 MPa).
On the other hand, Fig. 7 shows the measured burning rates of
HAN solutions with different mass percents of methanol. 1.0e+02
: 95/5/8/21
According to those data, the burning rates of 95/5/8/0, 95/5/8/29
: 95/5/8/21 + Ir
and 95/5/8/50 mixtures jumped from the moderate rates to extre-
0.5 0.4
Pressure (MPa)
Pressure (MPa)
- S405 (Shell catalyst)
- Ir-CuO/honeycomb 600 cpsi
0.2 - Ir/honeycomb 400 cpsi
- S405 (Shell catalyst)
- Ir/honeycomb 600 cpsi 0.1
- Ir/honeycomb 400 cpsi
Pressure (MPa)
Pressure (MPa)
0.3 0.2
0.2 0.1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Time (s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (b)
Time (s)
Fig. 10. (a) Burning reaction tests of 95/5/8/21 HAN-based mixture over 3 different
(b) catalysts with different active phases on 20 N thruster and (b) zoom of reaction
Fig. 9. (a) Burning reaction tests of 95/5/8/21 HAN-based mixture over 3 different
Ir-based catalysts on 20 N thruster and (b) zoom of reaction timing.
to second reactions of gas phase products over catalysts. The sec- slope was accelerated and it was faster. Moreover, it is well known
ond pressure slope has been started earlier (after 1 s of monopro- that the decomposition of HNO3 is very slow and requires high
pellant injection) in the case of Ir honeycomb catalyst 600 cpsi. activation energy; for this, the temperature of preheated catalytic
Contrariwise, slopes were delayed in the case of commercial cata- bed reactor was varied between 210 and 350 °C. On the other hand,
lyst and honeycomb 400 cpsi. The difference could be demon- Kajiyama et al. studied the effect of CuO on the thermal
strated by the size of channels of catalyst surfaces; honeycomb decomposition of AN [54]. In fact, during the thermal process, they
600 cpsi has small size channels compared to honeycomb 400 cpsi. assumed that CuO allows the formation of copper complexes such
Indeed, the generated gas products have more contact or longer as [Cu(NH3)2](NO3)2, which increases the reaction rate of AN pre-
residence time within 600 cpsi catalyst surface; that mean gaseous sent in HAN-based monopropellant as stabilizer with the intention
phase undergoes fast reaction with solid catalyst surface in this to decease its freezing point.
We can conclude that HAN-based monopropellant mixture can 4. Conclusion
be applied as candidate of hydrazine replacement due to high and
sudden pressure slopes. In fact, the obtained results can be According to the synthesized HAN-based solution properties
improved by modifying some parameters such length of catalytic that present several advantages such as high density and high
bed, injection system and heater performance. specific pulse, this monopropellant can be applied for reaction con-
In order to improve the delay of second pressure slopes, new trol system instead toxic hydrazine:
honeycomb catalyst 600 cpsi based on Ir and CuO active phases.
Obviously, the honeycomb catalyst was successively impregnated – The present (20%) Ir catalyst showed high performance on the
by Ir- and then Cu-precursors in order to file 20 wt.% and 10 wt.% HAN-based decomposition and it can substitute Shell 405 cata-
of both active phases; respectively. From the firing test results pre- lyst. However, Ir active phase was selective to decompose
sented in Fig. 10a and b (zoom) in which the pressure was pre- totally NH2OH and same catalyst suffered against HNO3 gas.
dicted as a function of time, Ir–CuO biphasic catalyst has two – The burning rates measured from strand burner tests were
advantages compared to Ir monophasic catalysts: (i) same value involved by addition of methanol on HAN/AN mixtures. 95/5/
of pressure slope than other Ir honeycomb catalysts but economi- 8/21 mixture presents most acceptable burning rates.
cally more cheaper, and (ii) accelerates the second pressure slope However, the burning rates of other mixtures have been jumped
for about 1–1.5 s. Thus, the maximum pressure value (0.4 MPa) after attend 4 MPa as pressure. The burning rates have been
has been reached in a short time. This catalyst may be active for increased after mixing HAN-based propellant with supported
HNO3 decomposition in the gas phase state that is why the second Ir-particles.
2692 R. Amrousse et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 2686–2692
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