2020 Site Brochure Ludwigshafen en

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Site Communications Ludwigshafen, ESM/K

Carl-Bosch-Straße 38
67056 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany


Publication number: ESM/KE 2003 E

Year of publication: 2020
Ludwigshafen Site
Strong in the Verbund
Site | Customer | Employees
Production | Verbund | Logistics
Research & Development | Innovation
Digitalization | Sustainability
Safety | Neighborhood | Dialog
Social Engagement

We create chemistry
for a sustainable future
app.10 km2 site area app. 39,000 employees

around 2,000 buildings around 2,850 km

of pipelines

app. 230 km of rails more than 100 km of roads

around 200 plants 1865 year of foundation

6 | Our standard: To be the number one

Our standard:
To be the number one

An overview of the most

Within the BASF Group and important data and facts can
be found on the website
throughout the chemical “The site in facts and figures”

The Ludwigshafen site is the cradle of the If there is something we cannot do, it is
Verbund concept. That means that second- stand still. Constantly developing and
ary products from one factory serve as valu- improving new processes and products is
able feedstocks elsewhere, allowing chemical in our DNA. That is how we help to solve
processes to be run in a resource-efficient the challenges society faces. As the largest
way with a low energy input and high yields. employer in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan
region, we are committed to our surround-
Over a third of all BASF employees world- ings in a host of ways and are determined to
wide work here, around 200 plants produce maintain open dialog with our neighbors.
thousands of products for customers from
virtually every industry. The portfolio extends Ludwigshafen should set an example – in
from basic chemicals, intermediates and efficiency, safety, quality, and good coexis-
plastics to refining and crop protection tence between industry and the neighbor-
products. hood.

Find out more at

7 | From Ludwigshafen to the world: Production in the Verbund

From Ludwigshafen to
the world: Production
in the Verbund
The Verbund idea was born in Ludwigshafen, from where it
has been continuously developed and exported to the world.
In the Verbund, production plants, logistics and infrastructure
are intelligently connected to one another. The best thing?
Nothing is wasted. Secondary products from one place serve
as feedstocks in another. This allows us to protect resourc-
es, succeed in competition, and build our own foundation for

Find out more at ludwigshafen.basf.de/en/verbund


The larger of the two steam crackers alone takes up an area
the size of 13 soccer pitches. The steam crackers are among
the largest production plants in Ludwigshafen and form the
heart of the site. Numerous supply chains originate in the
crackers, which use steam to crack naphtha. This produces
shorter molecules – the basic building blocks for further

Find out more at ludwigshafen.basf.de/en/steamcracker

9 | From Ludwigshafen to the world: Production in the Verbund


Production would be impossible without energy. In the Our logistics Verbund is a clear advantage of the site.
chemical industry, we need both, power and steam. Raw materials and feedstocks are delivered by
They are generated in our gas-steam power plants and pipeline or ship, arriving at the plants via three ports,
– as a consequence of our energy Verbund – additional two tank farms and an extensive piping network. As
steam comes from production plants which convert an environmentally friendly means of transport, the
their waste heat into steam. Intelligent control ensures railway also plays a major role. When it comes to
that energy is fed efficiently into the Verbund site. We internal transportation by truck or rail, keeping journeys
therefore succeed in supplying the Ludwigshafen site short is key. Its intermodal transport terminal makes
with energy in the best possible way, while also pro- Ludwigshafen an important European hub for rail and
tecting the environment. truck transportation.

Find out more at Find out more at

ludwigshafen.basf.de/energy ludwigshafen.basf.de/logistics
10 | From Ludwigshafen to the world: Production in the Verbund

Although tank cars remain important, the future be-
longs to our self-driving electric vehicles that transport Fascinated by the topic?
Here is a video about AGVs
large innovative tank containers. These automated
guided vehicles (AGVs) are equipped with electron-
ic systems that allow them to find their way with
centimeter accuracy without a driver. The idea is for
transport on the site premises to be fully automated in
future. We are currently trialling this innovative mobile
tank concept in a pilot project at the Ludwigshafen

Find out more at

12 | Designing the future: Research and Development

Designing the future:

Research and Development
Increasing demand for food, energy and Our innovative strength is based on efficient
clean water for a rapidly growing global research and development. We build on the
population, limited resources and the need to enormous creativity, specific skills and broad
protect the climate – reconciling all of this is expertise of our employees and our net-
the greatest challenge of our time. Innova- works. Ludwigshafen is the largest research
tions in chemistry will play a key role here. site in our global R&D Verbund. Our research
We are working on innovative processes, focuses range from battery materials and
technologies and products and driving digita- biodegradable plastics to low-emission
lization in research forward worldwide. With processes for central intermediates in the
chemistry-based solutions for our customers chemical industry.
in almost every industrial sector, we are se-
Find out more at
curing our business success for the long term.

We cannot imagine life without them: Our vitamins: We all consume them every single
day in dietary supplements, clinical and medical
products “made in LU”
nutritional products, food and beverages.
BASF is found in an incredible range of areas.
Products from Ludwigshafen have proven them- A shoe that weighs less, returns energy, or is non-
selves in myriad fields. slip. That is just as good for a marathon as for a walk
in the park. Our innovative plastics are found in
Toothpaste, chewing gum, cooling creams for numerous safety, running and leisure shoes.
sports injuries – they all taste or smell like the world’s
biggest-selling and most popular aroma chemical:
13 | Virtual experiments made easy: All thanks to the supercomputer!

Virtual experiments made easy:

All thanks to the supercomputer!
We are driving the digitalization of research forward. The supercomputer can complete around 1.75 qua-
Calculating the most promising polymer structure from drillion calculations per second. This corresponds to
thousands of options takes a high-performance com- the processing power of around 50,000 notebooks
puter. We have one. Its name: QURIOSITY. The super- – performance that certainly heats up the hardware.
computer allows our researchers to process complex The waste heat from just one of the 18 cabinets in the
questions highly efficiently and much faster than before. server room, each taller than a man, could heat two
Even better, new chemical compounds and products houses. QURIOSITY is saved from overheating by our
that would otherwise have remained undiscovered can ingenious air-water cooling system, which cools the su-
now be found. QURIOSITY is one of the world’s highest percomputer with up to 60,000 liters of water per hour.
performing computers in the chemical sector.
Find out more at www.basf.com/supercomputer

QURIOSITY’s role includes calculating complex environmental simulations for the registration of crop protec-
tion agents. The models cover the behavior and retention of the products, as well as potential decomposi-
tion products in the environment. Another example of the supercomputer’s uses is molecular simulations of
detergent formulations, which are used to explain at a molecular level how existing and potential new BASF
products work. Our supercomputer also helps to speed up research looking for innovative cathode materials
for high-performance lithium-ion batteries.
Our video says:
Open doors for the
16 | Our path is digital: Ludwigshafen 4.0

Interested in digital tech-

nologies? Our film about
smart manufacturing
is available here

Our path is digital:

Ludwigshafen 4.0
Digitalization presents big opportunities for Tablets and smartphones have become
us. It allows us to distinguish ourselves from an integral part of the working day in many
the competition and strengthen BASF’s fields. Mobile applications provide support in
position as a leading chemical company. plant control, monitoring and maintenance.
It helps us to create exciting new custom- They help to make data available quickly
er experiences. We link the data together on site and to transfer it into systems more
in such a way as to make our processes rapidly. Intelligent data analyses enable
safer and more efficient and to optimize our better forecasts and predictive maintenance,
procedures even further – from research to so that our plants do not suffer unplanned
production to logistics. downtimes. This will allow us to make deci-
sions even faster and better in future. New
Find out more at
structures help us to establish digitalization
expertise and to learn from and with one
another. After all, we walk the path to digitali-
zation together.

Find out more at

17 | Growth driver number 1: Sustainability

Growth driver number 1:

We want to contribute to a world that provides a viable future with
enhanced quality of life for everyone. That is why we support our cus-
tomers and society in using the available resources in the best possible
way. Sustainability is at the core of what we do, a driver for growth as
well as an element of our risk management. Here in Ludwigshafen in
particular, we take new approaches and develop sustainable
products and processes.

We have set ourselves the goal of driving circular economy forward
and advancing climate-friendly chemical production. Our researchers
are working on fundamentally new, low-CO2 production processes.
Until these are fully developed, we will reduce our emissions by
enhancing the efficiency of our production and increasing our use
of regenerative sources when purchasing electricity. When it comes
to plastic waste, less is also more. Chemical recycling can help to
reduce the quantity of plastic waste disposed of in a landfill or thermically
recycled. The material gained can be fed into the Verbund, where it
serves as a valuable raw material.

Find out more at www.basf.com/sustainability

Plastic waste as a raw material:
Find out more about the
Chemcycling project
in our video
Day and night:
Truly eye-catching
The site never sleeps. Our 39,000 employees ensure that
our plants operate around the clock. The site is a city within the city
and, spreading across an area of ten square kilometers, is the world’s
largest integrated chemical complex owned by a single company.
21 | The key to success: Our employees

The key to Building a career


Vocational training is very important to us – and the
starting opportunities we offer are as diverse as our
employees. Here at the site, new job starters can

Our employees choose between 30 apprenticeship professions, dual

degree programs, and the Start-Program “Start in den
Beruf”. All jobs have one thing in common: the high
quality of the vocational training we offer.

Find out more at

www.basf.de/ausbildung (only available in German)
22 | The key to success: Our employees

We are convinced that the people in our company
are the key to our success. That is why we give our
employees the support they need to achieve their Interested?
Access the BASF’s job world
personal and professional goals. At the same time, this
gives us the opportunity to be and remain the leading
chemical company. The world needs solutions. To
provide them, we need the best team.

Find out more at

23 | The key to success: Our employees

Life in balance
We offer numerous services, from childcare to caring By building LuMit, we have made a visible statement of
for relatives, to help our employees to better balance how seriously we take the balance between work and
their private and professional lives. As a responsible private life. Measuring around 10,000 square meters,
company, we support flexible working time models the building complex brings together a wide range of
that help our employees to adapt their working hours services, tailored to difference periods of life, in one
and location to their personal needs and circumstances. central location – from the daycare facility, to the gym
and health studio, to the Employee Assistance Pro-
Find out more at
gram by BASF Stiftung (BASF foundation).
Find out more at

A success story:
Our LuMit – the employee center
for Work-Life-Management
(only available in German)
24 | The key to success: Our employees

The Ludwigshafen site has a long tradition of Our video on
offering apartments for employees. We have been employee apartments at BASF shows
what BASF Wohnen + Bauen GmbH
building residential properties in Ludwigshafen and has to offer (only available in German)
the surrounding areas for more than 100 years and
are constantly developing the areas to adapt them
to modern requirements. This is our contribution to
urban development, helping a lot of people to find
their perfect home with us – from shared apart-
ments for apprentices to detached houses and
homes suitable for older people.
A future built on the past:
A step ahead for more than
150 years
From humble beginnings as a synthetic dyes factory, as can be seen from this 1873
painting, BASF has developed into one of the world’s leading chemical companies.
Our pioneering spirit has driven us ever since. Countless discoveries and inventions
that have changed the world and shaped how we live today have their roots in Lud-
wigshafen. We have always been a step ahead – for example in the production of
synthetic dyes in the 19th century, with the Haber-Bosch process for producing
ammonia, in the development of high-pressure syntheses in the first half of the 20th
century, and in the versatile high-performance plastics of today.

Find out more at www.basf.com/history

From 1865 to today.
Do you have any questions?
BASF Corporate History will be
happy to help: [email protected]
28 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors

Good neighbors

Buzzing with activity

On the field, not on the sidelines: Be it a city event, a film or wine festival – as a good neigh-
bor we are to be found in the front row at a lot of events. There is a lot going on around the
Ludwigshafen site. To make sure our neighbors know what is happening even earlier, we
keep them updated on various channels.

Your neighbor online Our social media channels

[email protected]

Public hotline: 0800 50 50 500 Environmental Monitoring Center:

Our hotline for neighbors 0621 60 40 40
in case of an incident Your contact for environmental
questions – around the clock
29 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors

Prevention is our top priority. Numerous experts
pursue the shared goal of preventative emergency

with safety response and environmental protection at the site.

This also includes trust-based collaboration with the
authorities and close dialog with the neighborhood.
Our motto is “safety first.” When malfunctions occur,
we provide open and comprehensive information
Find out more at
30 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors


The Environmental Monitoring Center brings together One thing that our neighbors can’t help but notice is our
the most important measured values from air, water and flares. They are as integral a part of the Ludwigshafen
sound monitoring. It is the point of contact for environ- site as the columns and pipe racks. Many of them are
mental questions from both employees and local almost invisible, while others are clear to see and hear.
residents – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When Flares are a compulsory safety device. If gases cannot
an incident occurs, environmental monitoring vehicles are be used, they must be burned. The flares are therefore
called into action along with the fire brigade. This enables a visible and audible sign that our safety systems are
us to determine any environmental impact as quickly as reacting and working as required.
possible and take countermeasures where necessary.
Find out more at
Find out more at www.ludwigshafen.basf.de/flares

Just a drill!
Our “BASF inside” video on
the major incident drill
shows how we practice for
an emergency
31 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors

A direct link to our surroundings

The size of the site, its proximity to nearby residential
areas and its location in the heart of the Rhine-Neckar
metropolitan region mean we are obliged to be top
class. This is the standard we set ourselves – including
as a neighbor. That is why we insist on openness and
dialog. In doing so, we see communication not as a
one-way street, but instead as a trust-based, con-
structive way of living together on an equal footing.

As a company, we are committed to showing a pres-
ence and taking a stand. In order to better understand
the needs of our neighbors, we have established a
series of different dialog events and communication
activities. These are held at various levels – from dialog
events for citizens to digital services. Be it the Lud-
wigshafen Community Advisory Panel, open day or
activities on our social media channels, all the formats
aim to provide first-hand information about the site and
to maintain a constant dialog.

Find out more at

33 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors

Guaranteed to amaze


Informative. Fascinating. Eventful. We are showing a
new side to chemistry. It doesn’t matter whether our
visitors already have some knowledge or are only just
discovering chemistry – our exhibition extends over five
floors and 2,000 square meters, offering an exciting
time and plenty of “wow” moments to young and old.

How does the freshness get into the toothpaste tube?
And what makes sofas so soft? In the Visitor Center,
our guests can immerse themselves in the world of
BASF and learn how chemistry enriches our every-
day lives. At the monthly open-house Saturdays, we
offer young and old visitors an eventful program for an
unforgettable day. The real highlight: A bus tour right
across the ten square kilometer chemistry facility –
past the steam cracker, the intermodal transport termi-
nal, our three power plants and many other highlights

Find out more at

Experience BASF
right now with our video
on the Visitor Center
35 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors

A treat for all the senses RELAX AND UNWIND

Enjoy outstanding cuisine, sophisticated wines and a
stylish atmosphere for celebrations and overnight stays
– BASF’s catering service ensures that our guests feel
totally at home. Our service is available to employees,
companies, neighbors and curious outsiders. The top
priority: Everyone who comes to us should be able to
concentrate on two things – relaxation and enjoyment.
In our Culinary Calendar,
To make these happen, our creative team is constantly
you will find numerous
opportunities to visit our composing surprising new taste symphonies.
venues and experience
special events Find out more at
36 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors


Wine should not be complicated – just good. We store Service is perfect if our guests from all over the world
more than 2,000 different wines from all over the world do not notice it, because they want for nothing. Our
at just the right temperature – from rustic wines to Hotel René Bohn has 80 rooms and 11 apartments.
rare treasures. Be it for a spontaneous barbecue or a More than 90 venues in the various buildings man-
long-planned celebration, we have (almost) everything. aged by the BASF catering service provide the ideal
Our experts have been selecting the best wines since backdrop for any occasion, be it a business or private
1901, and our guests truly value their experience. event. Our event management team will be happy to
From connoisseurs to those just discovering wine, advise and offers all services individually tailored from a
everyone will find something to their taste here – either single source.
in the Wine Store or online at any time.
Find out more at
Find out more at www.ludwigshafen.basf.de/en/hotel-rene-bohn

Find our culinary expertise on social media:

@basfgastronomie @basfweinkeller
Aniliners help out – our
“BASF inside” video shows
how we get involved
(only available in German)
38 | Leaving a trace: Committed in the region

Leaving a trace:
in the region
Get tickets for the
BASF cultural program
(only available in German)


We want to help shape our immediate sur- Arts and culture give people important inspi-
roundings through our social commitment. ration to develop and grow. Promoting them
To do so, we work together with numerous is therefore a key pillar of our social com-
partners in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan mitment. We have also been a successful
region. We want to unlock opportunities by concert organizer for more than 100 years.
improving people’s participation and integra- With more than 60 events every year, we of-
tion, while also boosting the spirit of research fer one of the most varied cultural programs
and discovery. in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region.

Find out more at Find out more at

www.ludwigshafen.basf.de/commitment www.ludwigshafen.basf.de/culture
39 | Leaving a trace: Committed in the region

Our surroundings are diverse, colorful and internation-
al. We champion the participation of socially disadvan-
taged people and support stakeholders in migration
and integration. Sport is a key instrument of change
here. Health promotion, movement and joining clubs
are all ways to experience community, enable partici-
pation and develop one’s individual personality.

Find out more at



We are convinced that learning through research is
becoming ever more important in a fast-changing
world. The key is to find answers to key questions of
the future and to meet challenges with curiosity and
the spirit of exploration. From kindergarten to universi-
ty, we are committed to arousing curiosity and interest
in sciences. Education is also vital for integration and

Find out more at


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