2020 Site Brochure Ludwigshafen en
2020 Site Brochure Ludwigshafen en
2020 Site Brochure Ludwigshafen en
We create chemistry
for a sustainable future
app.10 km2 site area app. 39,000 employees
Our standard:
To be the number one
The Ludwigshafen site is the cradle of the If there is something we cannot do, it is
Verbund concept. That means that second- stand still. Constantly developing and
ary products from one factory serve as valu- improving new processes and products is
able feedstocks elsewhere, allowing chemical in our DNA. That is how we help to solve
processes to be run in a resource-efficient the challenges society faces. As the largest
way with a low energy input and high yields. employer in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan
region, we are committed to our surround-
Over a third of all BASF employees world- ings in a host of ways and are determined to
wide work here, around 200 plants produce maintain open dialog with our neighbors.
thousands of products for customers from
virtually every industry. The portfolio extends Ludwigshafen should set an example – in
from basic chemicals, intermediates and efficiency, safety, quality, and good coexis-
plastics to refining and crop protection tence between industry and the neighbor-
products. hood.
From Ludwigshafen to
the world: Production
in the Verbund
The Verbund idea was born in Ludwigshafen, from where it
has been continuously developed and exported to the world.
In the Verbund, production plants, logistics and infrastructure
are intelligently connected to one another. The best thing?
Nothing is wasted. Secondary products from one place serve
as feedstocks in another. This allows us to protect resourc-
es, succeed in competition, and build our own foundation for
Although tank cars remain important, the future be-
longs to our self-driving electric vehicles that transport Fascinated by the topic?
Here is a video about AGVs
large innovative tank containers. These automated
guided vehicles (AGVs) are equipped with electron-
ic systems that allow them to find their way with
centimeter accuracy without a driver. The idea is for
transport on the site premises to be fully automated in
future. We are currently trialling this innovative mobile
tank concept in a pilot project at the Ludwigshafen
We cannot imagine life without them: Our vitamins: We all consume them every single
day in dietary supplements, clinical and medical
products “made in LU”
nutritional products, food and beverages.
BASF is found in an incredible range of areas.
Products from Ludwigshafen have proven them- A shoe that weighs less, returns energy, or is non-
selves in myriad fields. slip. That is just as good for a marathon as for a walk
in the park. Our innovative plastics are found in
Toothpaste, chewing gum, cooling creams for numerous safety, running and leisure shoes.
sports injuries – they all taste or smell like the world’s
biggest-selling and most popular aroma chemical:
13 | Virtual experiments made easy: All thanks to the supercomputer!
QURIOSITY’s role includes calculating complex environmental simulations for the registration of crop protec-
tion agents. The models cover the behavior and retention of the products, as well as potential decomposi-
tion products in the environment. Another example of the supercomputer’s uses is molecular simulations of
detergent formulations, which are used to explain at a molecular level how existing and potential new BASF
products work. Our supercomputer also helps to speed up research looking for innovative cathode materials
for high-performance lithium-ion batteries.
Our video says:
Open doors for the
16 | Our path is digital: Ludwigshafen 4.0
We have set ourselves the goal of driving circular economy forward
and advancing climate-friendly chemical production. Our researchers
are working on fundamentally new, low-CO2 production processes.
Until these are fully developed, we will reduce our emissions by
enhancing the efficiency of our production and increasing our use
of regenerative sources when purchasing electricity. When it comes
to plastic waste, less is also more. Chemical recycling can help to
reduce the quantity of plastic waste disposed of in a landfill or thermically
recycled. The material gained can be fed into the Verbund, where it
serves as a valuable raw material.
Vocational training is very important to us – and the
starting opportunities we offer are as diverse as our
employees. Here at the site, new job starters can
We are convinced that the people in our company
are the key to our success. That is why we give our
employees the support they need to achieve their Interested?
Access the BASF’s job world
personal and professional goals. At the same time, this
gives us the opportunity to be and remain the leading
chemical company. The world needs solutions. To
provide them, we need the best team.
Life in balance
We offer numerous services, from childcare to caring By building LuMit, we have made a visible statement of
for relatives, to help our employees to better balance how seriously we take the balance between work and
their private and professional lives. As a responsible private life. Measuring around 10,000 square meters,
company, we support flexible working time models the building complex brings together a wide range of
that help our employees to adapt their working hours services, tailored to difference periods of life, in one
and location to their personal needs and circumstances. central location – from the daycare facility, to the gym
and health studio, to the Employee Assistance Pro-
Find out more at
gram by BASF Stiftung (BASF foundation).
Find out more at
A success story:
Our LuMit – the employee center
for Work-Life-Management
(only available in German)
24 | The key to success: Our employees
The Ludwigshafen site has a long tradition of Our video on
offering apartments for employees. We have been employee apartments at BASF shows
what BASF Wohnen + Bauen GmbH
building residential properties in Ludwigshafen and has to offer (only available in German)
the surrounding areas for more than 100 years and
are constantly developing the areas to adapt them
to modern requirements. This is our contribution to
urban development, helping a lot of people to find
their perfect home with us – from shared apart-
ments for apprentices to detached houses and
homes suitable for older people.
A future built on the past:
A step ahead for more than
150 years
From humble beginnings as a synthetic dyes factory, as can be seen from this 1873
painting, BASF has developed into one of the world’s leading chemical companies.
Our pioneering spirit has driven us ever since. Countless discoveries and inventions
that have changed the world and shaped how we live today have their roots in Lud-
wigshafen. We have always been a step ahead – for example in the production of
synthetic dyes in the 19th century, with the Haber-Bosch process for producing
ammonia, in the development of high-pressure syntheses in the first half of the 20th
century, and in the versatile high-performance plastics of today.
Good neighbors
Prevention is our top priority. Numerous experts
pursue the shared goal of preventative emergency
Just a drill!
Our “BASF inside” video on
the major incident drill
shows how we practice for
an emergency
31 | Trustful relationships: Good neighbors
As a company, we are committed to showing a pres-
ence and taking a stand. In order to better understand
the needs of our neighbors, we have established a
series of different dialog events and communication
activities. These are held at various levels – from dialog
events for citizens to digital services. Be it the Lud-
wigshafen Community Advisory Panel, open day or
activities on our social media channels, all the formats
aim to provide first-hand information about the site and
to maintain a constant dialog.
Guaranteed to amaze
How does the freshness get into the toothpaste tube?
And what makes sofas so soft? In the Visitor Center,
our guests can immerse themselves in the world of
BASF and learn how chemistry enriches our every-
day lives. At the monthly open-house Saturdays, we
offer young and old visitors an eventful program for an
unforgettable day. The real highlight: A bus tour right
across the ten square kilometer chemistry facility –
past the steam cracker, the intermodal transport termi-
nal, our three power plants and many other highlights
@basfgastronomie @basfweinkeller
Aniliners help out – our
“BASF inside” video shows
how we get involved
(only available in German)
38 | Leaving a trace: Committed in the region
Leaving a trace:
in the region
Get tickets for the
BASF cultural program
(only available in German)
Our surroundings are diverse, colorful and internation-
al. We champion the participation of socially disadvan-
taged people and support stakeholders in migration
and integration. Sport is a key instrument of change
here. Health promotion, movement and joining clubs
are all ways to experience community, enable partici-
pation and develop one’s individual personality.