BASF at A Glance 2021
BASF at A Glance 2021
BASF at A Glance 2021
At a Glance
Shaping the future of e-mobility Dear reader,
BASF is one of the leading manufacturers of battery materials for electric vehicles and continues 2021 was a very successful business year for BASF. Despite the
to invest in this important growth market. For example, we are building a new production plant ongoing coronavirus pandemic, widespread supply bottlenecks,
for cathode active materials in Schwarzheide, Germany, which will start operation in 2022. and increasingly higher energy and raw materials prices, we
The photos on the cover and on this page show Ina Homann. As an assistant process manager, achieved record levels of sales and earnings. Our economic devel-
her responsibilities include monitoring the progress of construction at her future workplace. opment confirms that we are on the right path with our strategic
For more information on battery materials and electromobility, see and direction, our adapted organizational structure and our ongoing
cost discipline.
2 3
Key Figures at a Glance The BASF Group
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine We steer our six segments along our value chains to address the
economic success with environmental protection and social needs of our customers with differentiated solutions and business
responsibility. Over 111,000 employees contribute worldwide to the strategies.
Sales EBIT before special items ROCE success of our around 90,000 customers in nearly all sectors. Our
customer portfolio ranges from major global customers and small – Chemicals: The segment supplies BASF’s other segments and
€78.6 billion €7.8 billion 13.5% and medium-sized enterprises to end consumers. third-party customers with basic chemicals and intermediates.
(2020: €59.1 billion) (2020: €3.6 billion) (2020: 1.7%) – Materials: The segment offers advanced materials and their
As the world’s largest chemical company and industry leader, BASF precursors for the plastics and plastics processing industries.
has companies in 90 countries. We operate around 240 production
– Industrial Solutions: The segment develops and markets
sites worldwide – including Ludwigshafen, the world’s largest inte-
ingredients and additives for industrial applications.
grated chemical complex owned by a single company. It was there,
Greenhouse gas Employees Personnel in 1865, that the foundation stone was laid for the Verbund concept, – Surface Technologies: The segment offers chemical solutions
emissions Accelerator sales at year-end expenses which remains a key strength of BASF today: Intelligently linking and for surfaces such as battery materials and automotive coatings.
steering our plants in a Verbund structure creates efficient value – Nutrition & Care: The segment produces ingredients and
20.2 million metric tons €24.1 billion 111,047 €11.1 billion chains – from basic chemicals to highly refined products such as solutions for consumer applications, for example, nutrition and
(2020: 20.8 million metric tons) (2020: €16.7 billion) (2020: 110,302) (2020: €10.6 billion) coatings or crop protection. In the Verbund, we can manage our personal care.
production in a resource-efficient, CO2-optimized and reliable way. – Agricultural Solutions: The segment is an integrated provider
For example, by using by-products from one factory as feedstocks of seeds, crop protection and digital technologies and solutions.
elsewhere. This enables us to save raw materials and energy, avoid
emissions, reduce logistics costs and exploit synergies.
New patents Research and development Employees in
filed expenses research and development In addition to Ludwigshafen, BASF operates Verbund sites in Ant- Good to know
werp, Belgium; Freeport, Texas and Geismar, Louisiana; Kuantan,
~820 €2.2 billion ~10,000 Malaysia; and Nanjing, China. Another is currently being built in In the BASF Report 2021, we present how we create value for our stakeholders.
(2020: ~ 950) (2020: €2.1 billion) (2020: ~10,000) Zhanjiang in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The overview is based on the framework of the International Integrated
Reporting Council (IIRC).
Discover the interactive value creation graphic at
4 5
BASF sites 1
We have organized our six segments into
eleven divisions. They manage the 50
global and regional business units and
develop strategies for 75 strategic
business units. Florham Park
Chemicals Materials
For more information on the Verbund concept, see Petrochemicals | Intermediates Performance Materials | Monomers Geismar Zhanjiang
Share of total sales in 2021 17% Share of total sales in 2021 19% Hong Kong
Verbund sites
Planned Verbund site
Research and development sites
Production sites
Regional centers São Paulo
Share of total sales in 2021 11% Share of total sales in 2021 29%
BASF sales by industry 2021 Antwerp
Direct customers
Chemicals and plastics
Transportation AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST
10%– 20%
Consumer goods 21.9 4.4 31.6 20.6
Sales (billion €) Sales (billion €) Sales (billion €) Sales (billion €)
Nutrition & Care Agricultural Solutions
< 10%
Energy and resources
Care Chemicals | Nutrition & Health
16,753 6,786 67,532 19,976
Health and nutrition Share of total sales in 2021 8% Share of total sales in 2021 11% Employees Employees Employees Employees 1 The map shows sites of the BASF Group according to the scope of consolidation
for the BASF Report 2021.
6 7
Our Strategy
Chemistry is our passion. As an industry leader, we want to be the most attractive Innovation is the bedrock of our success. BASF is a leader in the Investments, acquisitions and divestitures play a key role in strength-
partner for challenges that can be solved with chemistry. That is why our customers chemical industry with around 10,000 employees in research and ening our portfolio. We are focusing on innovation-driven growth
are at the center of everything we do. We help to change the world for the better development and R&D spending of around €2.2 billion. We are areas and sustainable technologies. To further strengthen our
with our expertise, our innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, and the power of our expanding this position by strengthening our research activities, position in the dynamic growth market of Asia, we are building a
Verbund integration. This is our goal, embedded in our corporate purpose: bringing research and development even closer together, and new Verbund site in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong.
We create chemistry for a sustainable future. fostering cooperation.
Our employees are key to BASF’s success. That is why we believe
The world is changing at a rapid pace – more and more urgently We also see these disruptive changes as an opportunity. As the We pledged our commitment to sustainability in 1994 and since that it is important to have an inspiring working environment that
than ever, solutions are needed for a more sustainable future. world’s largest chemical company, we want to lead the way and then, have systematically aligned our activities with the principles of fosters and develops employees’ individual talents and enables
Chemistry plays a key role here. In almost all areas of life, it can help actively and responsibly shape the change. That is why we are sustainability. We see sustainability as an integral part of our them and their teams to perform at their best. We are pursuing three
overcome pressing global challenges with innovative products and gradually switching our energy and raw material supplies to renew- strategy as well as our targets, steering processes and business action areas to make our high-performance organization even more
technologies – from climate change and using resources more able sources. We are strengthening our Verbund structure as the models. Our approach covers the entire value chain – from respon- so: empowerment, differentiation and simplification.
sparingly to feeding the world’s population. This belief is expressed basis for resource-efficient, safe and reliable production. We are sible procurement and safety and resource efficiency in production
in our corporate purpose and is what motivates us day in and day developing pioneering low-carbon production processes for our to sustainable solutions for our customers.
out: We create chemistry for a sustainable future. products. We are accelerating our innovation processes and deep-
ening cooperation with partners to develop high-performance Our core business is the production and processing of chemicals.
Our mission and motivation is to grow profitably and make a positive products that also require fewer resources and have a lower carbon Our strength here lies – both now and in the future – in the Verbund
contribution to society and the environment. For example, BASF’s footprint. We are harnessing the many opportunities of digitaliza- and its integrated value chains. The Verbund offers us many tech-
solutions contribute to climate protection and help to prevent or tion. We are systematically aligning our portfolio with growth areas nological, market, production-related and digital advantages. That
is why we will continue to invest in the creation and optimization of
Good to know
recycle waste, produce healthy and affordable food, and enable and future technologies, and are integrating sustainability into our
climate-smart mobility. value chains even more strongly. We create a working environment Verbund structures and drive forward the consolidation of produc- How we act is critical to the successful implementation of our strategy and
in which our employees can thrive and contribute to BASF’s long- tion at highly efficient sites. how our stakeholders perceive us. This is what our four corporate values
At the same time, as an energy and resource-intensive company, we term success. This is how we live our corporate purpose. represent. They provide the framework for responsible conduct and define
are facing the biggest transformation in our over 150-year history: We want to leverage the diverse growth potential of digitalization how we want to work together as a team and with our stakeholders:
The shift toward a carbon-neutral and circular economy and the The following six strategic focus areas enable us to focus on our and seize the associated opportunities to the benefit of our custom-
associated landmarks such as the European Green Deal demand customers while strengthening our leading position in an increas ers. To achieve this, we promote digital skills among our employees, Creative Responsible
from us new concepts and approaches – for the way we produce, ingly volatile and competitive environment. cooperate with partners and make digital technologies and ways of Open Entrepreneurial
for our raw material base and for our energy supply. working an integral part of our business.
8 9
Achieve a return on capital Grow sales volumes Increase EBITDA Increase the dividend
employed (ROCE) considerably above the faster than global chemical Limitedbefore
Limited assurancespecial
assurance items per
Limited share
every year based
cost of capital percentage every year production every year by 3%–5% per year on a strong free cash flow
Reduce worldwide process safety Reduce the worldwide lost-time
Our Targets
incidents per 200,000 working injury rate per 200,000 working
hours to ≤0.1 by 2025 hours to ≤0.1 by 2025
growth Profitable growth Effective climate protection Sustainable product
Responsible portfolio 2
procurement Employee engagement and diversity
2021 2021
2021 2021
2021 2021
2021 202120212021 2025 2021 2021 2030 2021 2021
status status
status status
status status
status 2025
statusstatus 2025
status 2021target target status
2030 targettarget
target target
13.5% 10.6%
13.5% 53%
20.2 53%
€3.40 Responsible
1 1
€3.40 85%>€3.30 procurement 1 2021
€3.40 status target 11
2021 2021 10.6% target >€3.3090%
€22.0 SDG >€3.30 30%
status 82% >80%
target 2021
target million 2021 billion 2021 2025 80%
16.4 billion target 74%
25.6% 2025
>9% target
>9% metric target
million status 2021 target
SDG >6.1%
>6.1% SDG
SDG tons >6.1% SDG SDG
SDG 85% 90% SDG
2021 2021 80%
target target 74%
3%– –5%5% 3% – 5%
indicator Most important key performance indicator Most important key performance indicator Most important keyassurance
Limited performance indicator Limited
Limited assurance
assurance Limited
Limited assurance
capital Grow
AchieveGrowa sales
return volumes
on capital Increase
Reduce ourEBITDA
sales EBITDA
absolute Increase
Achieve the
90% of in
billion our relevant Increase
Have proportion
80%dividend of women in
of our suppliers More than 80% of our employees
the faster
employed faster
(ROCE) globalchemical
considerably above the before
COfaster thanspecial
emissions² special
global items
by 25% by 2030 per
per share
Limited every
assurance sales year
by based
2025 leadership
Limited share
assurance positions
every year
their with disciplinary
sustainability feel that at BASF, they can thrive
year production
cost of capital every
percentage year
every year byby3%–5%
production per
every year
year on
evaluations flow
by 2025 a responsibility
on performance to 30%
strong free cash
uponflow by 2030
re-evaluation and perform at their best
Cover 90% of our relevant Have 80% of our suppliers
spend with sustainability improve their sustainability
evaluations by 2025 performance upon re-evaluation
Resource efficiency and safe production
2021 2021 2030
status status target
protection Sustainable
Effective product
climate portfolio
protection Sustainable product portfolio Resource efficiency and safe production
0.3 0.3 100%
2021 2021
2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2030
status status
status 2025
2025 status 2025 2021
2030 status target
2030 status status status target
target target 2025
53% target
target €24.1
target €24.1 0.3 2025 0.3 100%
€22.0 SDG
SDG €22.0 SDG target SDG target SDG 53.5% SDG
million 16.4
16.4 billion
million 16.4 billion 2021
billion billion <0.1 <0.1
metric million
million metric million status
2025 2025
tons metric
metric SDG SDG
SDG tons metric SDG SDG target SDG target SDG 53.5% SDG
target tons Limited assurance <0.1 Limited assurance <0.1
3% – 5%
Reduce worldwide process safety Reduce the worldwide lost-time Introduce sustainable water management
indicator Most
Most important
important key
key performance
key performance
performance indicator
indicator Most important key performance indicator incidents
Limited assurance per 200,000 working injuryrate per 200,000 working
Limited assurance at our production sites in water stress areas
hours to ≤0.1 by 2025 hours to ≤0.1 by 2025 and at our Verbund sites by 2030
Reduce our
EBITDA Achieve
Reduce €22
€22 billion
dividend Achieve €22 billion in Reduce worldwide process safety Reduce the worldwide lost-time Introduce sustainable water management
3 3 3
CO emissions²
CO emissions²
before byby25%
special 25%by
2030 COAccelerator
per sales
share every
emissions² by by
25% byby
2030 Accelerator sales by 2025 incidents per 200,000 working injury rate per 200,000 working at our production sites in water stress areas
²² ²
by 3%–5% per year on a strong free cash flow hours to ≤0.1 by 2025 hours to ≤0.1 by 2025 and at our Verbund sites by 2030
Employee engagement and diversity
2030 2021 2021
target status target
1 Dividend proposed by the Board of Executive Directors Employee
2021 engagement
and diversity 82%
12 13
Sustainability in Focus: Our Journey to Climate Neutrality
Climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. Swift We want to play an active and responsible role in shaping the tran-
and resolute action is needed to ensure that the targets agreed in sition toward a climate-neutral society. This calls for new ways of
the Paris Climate Agreement can be achieved. We stand by this thinking and working together. And it needs a political and regulatory
responsibility. environment that promotes innovation in climate protection, makes it
possible to develop new, climate-smart processes that are competi
Our target: net zero emissions by 2050. We have set ourselves an tive internationally and, above all, resolutely drives forward the
ambitious milestone on this path. By 2030, we want to reduce expansion of renewable energies.
the greenhouse gas emissions from our production sites and our
energy purchases by 25% compared with 2018 – while growing One thing is clear: The transformation will require significantly more
production volumes. This corresponds to a decrease of around energy from renewable sources. Initial estimates suggest that at the
60% compared with 1990. Ludwigshafen site in Germany alone, we would need to roughly
triple or quadruple our current electricity use (2021: 6.0 TWh) to
We are intensely pursuing our climate protection targets with invest- fully implement new, low-carbon electricity-based production
ments of up to €4 billion by 2030. The focus of our carbon manage- processes. Consequently, there is an urgent need to expand supply,
ment is on five strategic levers: to reduce the levies and fees on electricity prices, and introduce
globally comparable carbon pricing.
Rethinking our energy supply – Gray-to-green: We are increasingly meeting our energy needs
from renewable sources. For more information on carbon management, see
Renewable energy is a central building block on BASF’s journey to
climate neutrality. To enable us to meet our growing demand in – Power-to-steam: We are increasingly relying on energy recovery
the future, we are gradually switching our supply agreements to to produce steam.
green power and investing in our own plants. One example is our – Continuous opex: We are working to further improve the energy Our global climate protection targets
share in Vattenfall’s Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) offshore wind farm. and process efficiency of our plants.
Once fully operational, expected in 2023, HKZ will be the largest – Bio-based feedstocks: We are increasingly replacing fossil
offshore wind farm in the world with 140 wind turbines and a total resources with bio-based raw materials.
–25% Net zero
installed capacity of 1.5 gigawatts. Reduction in our greenhouse Greenhouse gas emissions
– New technologies: And together with partners, we are pioneer-
gas emissions by 2030 compared by 2050 (Scope 1 and 2)
Find out more about how we are driving forward the transformation of our energy supply at ing nearly carbon-free production processes, especially for with 2018 (Scope 1 and 2)
emission-intensive basic chemicals.
14 15
Sustainability in Focus: Thinking and Acting Circular New products from waste
As the world’s population grows, so does demand for limited natural This is the case, for example, in the chemical recycling of used tires Together with partners, BASF is developing innovative products and technologies
resources. At the same time, many recyclable materials end up in and different types of plastics,where we can feed recovered raw to improve recyclability and enable resources to be fed back into the system in
landfill or in waste incineration. New concepts are needed to decou- materials such as pyrolysis oil or monomers back into our Verbund the future. One example is chemical recycling of used tires (photo) and mixed
ple growth from resource consumption. Reduce, reuse and recycle structure at different points. Another example is the recovery of plastic waste in our ChemCyclingTM project.
are the keywords of this transition to a system of more sustainable valuable metals from spent batteries and catalytic converters. Find out more about how used tires and mixed plastic waste are converted into new raw materials at
product cycles with less resource consumption and lower carbon
emissions. In addition, we are developing innovative products and technologies
in many areas that will increase the service life of materials or their
For BASF, the concept of a circular economy is not new. As early as recyclability and compostability. One example is additives for the
1865, it underpinned the foundation of our company: At that time, mechanical recycling of plastics. A Group-wide co-funding program
Friedrich Engelhorn pursued the idea of producing synthetic dyes supports our employees in developing new business models for the
from coal tar – a waste product – and organizing production effi- circular economy – from the initial idea to market launch. Our target:
ciently in an integrated Verbund structure. We are still committed to By 2030, we want to double our sales of solutions for the circular
this tradition today and are aligning our actions more strongly than economy to €17 billion.
ever with circularity.
For more information on circular economy, see
For example, we already use bio-based and renewable raw mate
rials in our production. To further reduce the resource and carbon
footprints of our products and solutions, we will align our raw mate-
rial base even more strongly toward recycled and renewable raw
materials. For instance, we aim to process 250,000 metric tons of
Our circular economy targets
recycled and waste-based raw materials in our production plants
annually from 2025. Together with partners, we are analyzing waste
streams and raw material sources to find the best solution and 250,000 metric tons €17 billion
develop suitable, innovative processes. Recycled and waste-based Sales of solutions for
raw materials processed the circular economy
every year from 2025 by 2030
16 17
Sustainability in Focus: Steering Our Product Portfolio
We want to further increase our products’ contribution to sustain- Our Accelerator products make a substantial sustainability contribu-
ability. A significant steering tool for the product portfolio, based on tion in the value chain. These include catalysts that reduce emis-
the sustainability performance of our products, is the Sustainable sions, biodegradable mulch films for agricultural applications, and
Solution Steering method. It considers our products’ applications in high-performance insulation materials for higher energy savings and
various markets and customer industries. Transparently classifying reduced material use in building construction.
our products on the basis of their contribution to sustainability
enables us to systematically improve them. For more information on Sustainable Solution Steering, see
18 19
Low-carbon production processes Innovation
Hydrogen is a key element on the journey to climate neutrality. Innovation has always been the key to BASF’s success. The knowl- The number and quality of our patents also attest to our power of
BASF is developing a process – methane pyrolysis – that signifi- edge and skills of our highly qualified employees is our most innovation and long-term competitiveness. In 2021, we filed around
cantly reduces carbon emissions in the production of hydrogen. valuable resource here and the source of our innovative strength. 820 new patents worldwide. The Patent Asset Index, a method that
Find out more about BASF’s innovative low-carbon production processes We had approximately 10,000 employees involved in research and compares patent portfolios, once again ranked us among the lead-
development worldwide in 2021. ing companies in the chemical industry in 2021.
Our research and development expenses amounted to €2,216 mil- In addition to effectiveness, the global presence of our research and
lion in 2021 (2020: €2,086 million). Research and development development and a close global network with top universities,
activities in our operating divisions, which is mainly application and research institutes and companies are vital to our long-term
customer-related, accounted for 83% of this figure. Corporate success. Both enable us to respond to the needs and requirements
research, in which we bundle cross-divisional and long-term topics, of the regional markets in a differentiated way and leverage growth
was responsible for 17% of these expenses. potential.
Our innovation focus is on developing sustainable solutions for our For more information on innovation, see
20 21
Natural active ingredients Responsible Procurement
Our bioactives for cosmetics are based on plants. Our partnerships with suppliers are based on mutual value creation, In addition, we develop and test approaches to make the supply of
Through sustainable sourcing practices, we aim as well as a reliable supply of raw materials, precursors, technical raw materials more sustainable in joint initiatives with suppliers and
to preserve ecosystems and enable sustainable goods and services at competitive prices. In doing so, we want to other partners. Examples include our joint activities on certified
management for those who depend on them. generate long-term benefits for both sides. sustainable supply chains for renewable raw materials such as
To this end, we have set up various programs palm, palm kernel and castor oil. To promote the responsible
that unite economic, ecological and social aspects Together with our suppliers, we want to improve sustainability in the sourcing of min eral raw materials, for example, we have been
in holistic approaches. One example is the supply chain. Consequently, we expect our suppliers to comply involved in the cross- industry Cobalt for Development initiative
rambutan program we are implementing in with the applicable laws in full and to adhere to internationally since 2018. It aims to improve working and living conditions for
Dong Nai province in southeastern Vietnam with recognized environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) artisanal miners in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
a network of local smallholders. standards. We also expect our suppliers to make an effort to
For more information on our rambutan program, see enforce these standards at their suppliers. For more information on responsible procurement, see
We take a closer look at suppliers in critical supply chains, for 90% 80%
example mineral raw materials, renewable resources, a number of Share of relevant spend Percentage of suppliers
pigments and highly toxic substances. Upstream stages of the covered by with improved
value chain are assessed for serious sustainability risks and, if nec- sustainability evaluations sustainability performance
essary, suitable remedial measures are identified and implemented. upon re-evaluation
22 23
Societal Engagement
Through our societal engagement, we want to help disadvantaged example, BASF doubled the donations made by employees of par-
groups tackle their specific challenges – whether through initiatives ticipating German Group companies to a total of around €600,000
in our immediate communities or around the world in cooperation for the benefit of the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF.
with global organizations. We support projects that aim to have a
lasting impact on specific target groups and offer learning opportu- Another focus in 2021 was on aid for those affected by natural
nities for participating cooperation partners and for BASF. The focus disasters. In July, for example, BASF donated €1 million in Germany
is on health, skills and resources. In this way, societal engagement to help cope with the flood disaster, which hit the states of North
is an important part of our corporate social responsibility. Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate particularly hard. In the
United States, BASF donated $500,000 in September for emer
We work with partners worldwide to promote public health, for gency relief after Hurricane Ida and for long-term recovery efforts in
example, to combat malaria. Through our New Nets project in Louisiana.
cooperation with The Global Fund, Unitaid and other financial part-
ners, approximately 25 million of our Interceptor® G2 mosquito For more information on our engagement in the Rhine-Neckar region, see
For more information on our social engagement around the world, see
nets had been distributed in African countries as of December
2021. These were specially developed to counter insecticide resis-
tance in the fight against malaria. The project goal is to distribute a
Aid in the coronavirus pandemic total of around 35 million nets by the end of 2022.
In April 2021, BASF opened the first accredited corporate coronavirus
vaccination center in Germany at its Ludwigshafen site. More than At the U.N. Food Systems Summit 2021, BASF signed the Zero
22,000 primary vaccinations and more than 21,000 secondary Hunger Private Sector Pledge and announced that it would invest
vaccinations were administered there from April to August and $11 million in initiatives in Africa, Asia, Central and South America,
more than 10,000 booster vaccinations were administered there such as for seed production, malaria prevention and food fortifi Good to know
in December to BASF employees, contractors and site partners. cation as well as smallholder projects.
As part of BASF’s interdisciplinary team at the coronavirus vaccination ~€30 million
center, Dr. Sung Min Pyo, a pharmacist in the Nutrition & Health In the area of international development cooperation, we also sup-
BASF Group expenses for societal engagement activities
division, ensured that the vaccines were used as required. port the independent charitable BASF Stiftung with donations for its
For more information on the Helping Hands aid campaign, see project work in cooperation with various organizations. In 2021, for
24 25
BASF – An Attractive Investment Ready for the future
With more than 800,000 shareholders, BASF is one of the largest products. For example, in the latest assessments by the nonprofit Covering an area of around 10 square kilometers, our Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany,
publicly owned companies with a high free float. An analysis of the organization CDP, BASF was ranked A– in all three categories is the world’s largest integrated chemical complex owned by a single company. It was here
shareholder structure carried out at the end of 2021 showed that, at “Climate Change,” “Forests” and “Water” and thus once again that back in 1865, Friedrich Engelhorn laid the foundation for a unique success story.
around 19% of share capital, the United States and Canada made achieved Leadership status. Today, BASF is the world’s largest chemical company. And our corporate purpose guides
up the largest regional group of institutional investors. Institutional the way into the coming decades: We create chemistry for a sustainable future.
investors from Germany accounted for around 9%. Institutional For more information about BASF stock, see
For more information on key sustainability indexes, see
investors from the United Kingdom and Ireland hold 6% of BASF
For more information on the latest analyst recommendations, see
shares, while investors from the rest of Europe hold a further 13% of
capital. Approximately 39% of the company’s share capital is held
by private investors, nearly all of whom reside in Germany. BASF is
therefore one of the DAX companies with the largest percentage of
private shareholders.
26 27
The BASF Group in Figures
Million € 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Million € 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
a Figures for 2018 were restated with the presentation of the construction chemicals activities as discontinued operations. a Figures for 2018 were restated with the presentation of the construction chemicals activities as discontinued operations.
b Figures for 2017 were restated with the presentation of the oil and gas activities as discontinued operations. b Figures for 2017 were restated with the presentation of the oil and gas activities as discontinued operations.
c Based on year-end share price
28 29
Continued from page 29
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Employees at year-end 111,047 110,302 117,628 122,404 115,490 Water
of which women % 26.1 25.5 25.1 25.1 24.6 Emissions to water: organic substances metric tons 12,500 11,500 12,100 12,600 13,200
of which men % 73.9 74.5 74.9 74.9 75.4 Emissions to water: nitrogen metric tons 3,000 2,900 3,000 3,100 2,800
of which up to and including 25 years 8,207 7,635 8,227 8,584 8,151 Emissions to water: heavy metals metric tons 17 22 25 23 25
of which 26–39 years 38,798 37,715 40,614 41,910 38,412 Emissions to water: phosphorus metric tons 340 270 260 220 420
of which 40–54 years 42,531 43,322 46,509 48,826 47,478 Water supply million cubic meters 1,695 1,728 1,717 1,743 1,816
of which 55 years and up 21,511 21,630 22,278 23,084 21,449 Water used for production % 13 13 14 13 13
Water used for cooling % 87 87 86 87 87
Personnel expenses (million €) 11,097 10,576 10,924 10,659 10,610
Waste (million metric tons)
Occupational and process safety Total waste generation 2.47 2.21 2.34 2.19 2.12
Lost-time injury rate per 200,000 working hours 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Waste recovered (recycled or thermally recovered) 1.16 0.96 0.99 0.80 0.79
Process safety incidents per 200,000 working hours 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 Waste disposed of 1.31 1.25 1.35 1.39 1.34
Energy supply and emissions to air For more facts and figures on the BASF Group and an interactive key figures comparison, see
30 31
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social respon
sibility. Around 111,000 employees in the BASF Group contribute to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every
country in the world. Our portfolio comprises six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care
and Agricultural Solutions. BASF generated sales of €78.6 billion in 2021.
General inquiries
Phone: +49 621 60-0, email: [email protected]
Media Relations
Jens Fey, phone: +49 621 60-99123
Sustainability Relations
Thorsten Pinkepank, phone: +49 621 60-41976
COMS 2203 E
Investor Relations Further information at and in the
Dr. Stefanie Wettberg, phone: +49 621 60-48002 BASF Report 2021 at