Cardiac Exam Skill Sheet

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Skill Performance Evaluation: Cardiac Examination

Directions: You will have 10 minutes to complete the skill. All critical (C) steps and 80% of the noncritical steps
must be performed or verbalized. Special tests (S) will be performed if requested by the examiner.
Start: End:
Performed Verbalized
Washes hands and dons appropriate personal protective equipment. C
Introduces self to patient using first and last name. Y/N
Notes general appearance and vital signs. Y/N
Patient supine 30º elevation of head unless otherwise stated. C
1. Inspect for jugular venous pressure (JVP) and carotid pulsations Y/N Y/N
2. Note point of maximal impulse (PMI) using tangential lighting, and inspect for abnormal
1. Measure JVP S Y/N
2. Assess amplitude of carotid pulse, and feel for thrills Y/N Y/N
3. Palpate the PMI and note its location, amplitude and duration Y/N Y/N
4. Palpate at left sternal border in 3rd–5th interspaces to assess systolic impulse of right
5. Palpate the pulmonic area/left 2nd interspace to assess pulmonic artery impulse Y/N Y/N
6. Palpate the aortic area/right 2nd interspace to assess the aortic arch for pulsations Y/N Y/N
1. Percuss to determine the left border of cardiac dullness if PMI is not palpable S Y/N
1. Listen for carotid bruits if indicated S Y/N
2. Auscultate with the diaphragm in the aortic and pulmonic areas (2nd interspace), then
along the left sternal border (3rd–5th interspaces) and at the apex
3. Auscultate with bell at apex and along left sternal border at the 4th and 5th interspaces Y/N Y/N
For new patients and patients needing a complete cardiac exam:
1. Auscultate with bell at apex in left lateral decubitus position to listen for S3, S4, and the Y/N Y/N
murmur of mitral stenosis
2. Auscultate with the diaphragm along the left sternal border and the apex with patient
leaning forward/exhaling, listening for aortic murmurs
3. Note rate, rhythm, and any extra sounds (S3, S4, systolic or diastolic sounds, or murmurs) Y/N
4. Note timing, intensity, and any splitting of S1 or S2 Y/N
5. If a murmur is detected, describe completely S Y/N
Adequate exposure was maintained for all inspection steps. C
Adequate draping was maintained for all steps. C
Evaluation: #Y= #C=
min. = 24/30 min. = 4
Comments on quality of performance:
Needs remediation?


Student: Evaluator: Date:

Developed by Albany Medical College, Center for Physician Assistant Studies | Bickley: Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination
and History Taking, Twelfth Edition. Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health

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