Procedure Checklist Chapter 19: Assessing The Heart and Vascular System

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Chapter 19: Assessing the Heart and Vascular System

Check (9) Yes or No


1. Inspects the neck and chest.
a. Positions patient supine.
b. Observes carotid arteries.
2. Assesses jugular flow by compressing jugular vein
below the jaw and observing jugular wave.
3. Assesses jugular filling by compressing jugular vein
above the clavicle and observing for disappearance of
jugular wave.
4. Measures jugular venous pressure (JVP).
a. Elevates the head of the bed to a 45º angle.
b. Identifies the highest point of visible internal jugular
c. Places a ruler vertically at the sternal angle (where the
clavicles meet).
d. Places another ruler horizontally at the highest point of
the venous wave.
e. Measures the distance in centimeters vertically from
the chest wall.
5. Places patient supine with tangential lighting to inspect
precordium for pulsations.
6. Palpates the carotid arteries.
a. Palpates each side separately.
b. Avoids massaging the artery.
c. Notes rate, rhythm, amplitude, and symmetry of pulse.
d. Notes contour, symmetry, and elasticity of the arteries;
notes any thrills.
7. Palpates the precordium.
a. Has patient sit up and lean forward; if lying down,
turns patient to the left side.
b. Palpates: apex, left lateral sternal border, epigastric
area, base left, and base right.
8. Works from patient’s right side to auscultate, if possible.
9. Auscultates the carotids: uses bell of stethoscope, has
patient hold his breath while listening.
10. Auscultates jugular veins: uses bell of stethoscope, has
patient hold his breath while listening.
11. Auscultates the precordium:
a. Identifies S1, S2, S3, and S4 sounds.
b. Listens for murmurs.
c. Listens with both bell and diaphragm at all four

Copyright © 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing
d. Listens at: base right (aortic valve), base left
(pulmonic valve), apex (mitral valve), and left lateral
sternal border (tricuspid valve).
12. If murmur is heard, identifies variables affecting (e.g.,
location, quality, pitch, intensity, timing, duration,
configuration, radiation, and respiratory variation) and
compares with previous findings. Refers to primary care if
murmur is a new finding.
13. Inspects the periphery for color, temperature, and
14. Palpates the peripheral pulses: radial, brachial, femoral,
popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial.
a. Uses distal pads of 2nd and 3rd fingers to firmly palpate
b. Palpates firmly but does not occlude artery.
c. Assesses pulses for rate, rhythm, equality, amplitude,
and elasticity.
d. Describes pulse amplitude on a scale of 0 to 4:
0 = absent, not palpable
1 = diminished, barely palpable
2 = normal, expected
3 = full, increased
4 = bounding

15. Inspects the venous system. If a client has varicosities,

assess for valve competence with the manual compression

Recommendation: Pass _____ Needs more practice _____

Student: Date:

Instructor: Date:

Copyright © 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing

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