Defe Preliminary Design Reportfinal
Defe Preliminary Design Reportfinal
Defe Preliminary Design Reportfinal
1.0 Introduction
The dam location is on Grid PL 555387 Map No. 1728 C3 of the 1:50 000 series in Gokwe
District of Midlands Province. The dam site is on Gadzi River, which is a tributary to a major
River (Sesame River). The district lies below in a low rainfall area in which the area receives
only 684 mm of rain on average year.
The proposed Defe Dam can be accessed from Gokwe Centre over 65 km of the Gokwe-
Chitekete road. On the 65km peg, turn left and travel for 15km on gravel road to Defe ZCC
shrine, and a further 10km north-east on narrow road to site.
5.0 Hydrology
Hydrological Zones AZ4
Zonal Catchment Areas 204 km2
Mean Annual Evaporation 2240mm
6.0 Design
The site will be developed to the full topographical potential with the crest level fixed at RL
6.1 Capacity and Yield
The following entails design capacity and derived yield data:-
Full Supply Level (FSL) - 741,00m
Gross Capacity - 19.2 x 106m3
Storage Ratio -2
Dead Storage Below R.L - 1.92 x 106 m3
Live Capacity - 17.30 x 106 m3
4% Yield - 7 x 106 m3
10% Yield - 6.4 x 106 m3
Reservoir Area at FSL -277.3 ha
6.2 Spillway
6.3 Embankment
The embankment design is a conventional zoned earth fill with a central impervious core of side
slopes 0.5:1 with the pervious out-shells having an upstream slope of 1:2, 5 and downstream
slope of 1:2 respectively. Chimney and blanket drains including a coarse filter toe have been
provided for drainage purposes.
Rip rap is placed on upstream slope, and grassing on the downstream slope.
Two berms are provided on the downstream slope.
The overall embankment length will be 1200 metres excluding the spillway and training wall.
6.5 Outlets
The outlet system will consist of a gate tower located on the left bank, of the river bed just
upstream of the embankment crest. The gate tower will have a 600 mm permanent wet access
single steel inlet with sliding service gates and a trash screen at the upstream inlet. Two 600mm
steel outlet pipes will be provided for use alternatively and will be controlled by a set of butterfly
valves per pipe in the valve house at the downstream of the earth embankment.
The outlet design provision is based on the department’s policy for twin outlet pipes, each
capable of delivering double the 10% yield (assuring a storage of 2 x MAR) when the water level
in the reservoir gives a capacity of 10% of the full supply capacity.
The design flow provision of one pipe is based on the following:-
Gross MAR - 8, 0 x 106 m3
Storage at 2 x MAR - 16 x 106 m3
10% Yield at 2 x MAR - 32 x 106 m3
Peak Demand - 2 x Potential Yield
= 64 x 106 m3
7.0 Materials
The embankment will consist of a total volume of 1 733 426 m3 comprising of:-
Fill - 990 000 m3
Core - 495 000 m3
Rip-rap (u/s and d/s) - 38 108 m3
Sand - 17 409 m3
Rock Toe - 16,341.24 m3
Initially materials investigations conducted on site reflected that both core and fill materials can
be found on both the left and right bank. Further investigations need to be carried out to identify
borrow areas.
It is anticipated a fair amount of solid rock will be found near the site necessitating blasting to
produce the bulk of rip-rap to top up on stone recovered on cut off and dam foundation blasting
including outlet works foundations.
In order to produce required water clearance gradients on the return channel it may also be
necessary to establish a quarry for concrete aggregate in the exposed spillway area including also
for all masonry work.
The fill material is also suitable for use as 80 mm coarse filter if provision as made to wash out
the unnecessary fines.
Sand for bulk use in fine filters and concrete will need to be investigated on the same Gadzi
River, or other rivers nearby.
8.0 Irrigation
8.1 Land
The project will initially facilitate the development of 800 hectares on lands located further
downstream, and also on community areas near the dam.
9.0 Roads
It is also necessary to provide good gravel roads to facilitate easy movement within the project
area for the successful operation and maintenance of the project including produce movement.
Details of the schedule of quantities and cost estimate are attached in item 18.
The summary of costs is as follows:-
17.0 Conclusion
The total project cost of US$87,267,227.88 will ensure full project development and provide
instant jobs during and after implementation of the project thereby substantially improving the
quality of life of people in Gokwe district in general.
Concrete placed in
4.10 Outlet Works
(a) Intake Structure 1,060.00 m3
Class 360/20 291.46 308,947.60
(b) 1.1m Diameter 1,000.00 m3
Conduit Class 360/20 291.46 291,460.00
(c) Valve House 40.00 m3
282.57 11,302.80
(d) Concrete blinding 86.40 m3
210.00 18,144.00
Concrete placed in
4.20 Spillway -
(a) Ogee Section Class 2,000.00 m3
295/40 138.17 276,340.00
(b) Return channel 3,500.00 m3
138.17 483,595.00
Concrete blinding for
4.30 structural slabs, etc. as -
ordered by Engineer's
Representative -
Class 250/20 300.00
123.01 36,903.00
4.40 structures -
(a) Concrete class 100.00 m3
330/20 282.57 28,257.00
(b) Concrete class 100.00 m3
295/40 138.17 13,817.00
(c) Masonry 100.00 m3
210.00 21,000.00
Supply, fix join and
4.50 build in PVC hydrofoil -
stop (width 190 mm) 1,655.00 m
22.80 37,734.00
Form voids for inserts 20.00 No.
4.60 12.87 257.40
Form drip groove where - No.
4.70 required 12.87 -
Formwork in Spillway
4.80 -
(a) Plane vertical F2 160.00
88.36 14,137.60
(b) Plane inclined F2 2,496.00
88.36 220,546.56
Formwork in Outlet
4.90 Works -
(a) Single Curvature: 2,112.00 m2
conduit soffit F2 185.65 392,092.80
(b) Plane Vertical
(i) Intake Structure F2 2,184.00 m2
88.36 192,978.24
(ii) Shaft F2 264.00 m2
88.36 23,327.04
(iii) Gate House F2 1,920.00 m2
88.36 169,651.20
(iv) Valve House F2 136.00 m2
88.36 12,016.96
(v) Conduit and End 1,112.00 m2
Block F2 88.36 98,256.32
(vi) Conduit and End 2,176.00 m2
Block F1 88.36 192,271.36
Screed unformed plane
4.10 surfaces -
(i) U1
(a) Conduit top 448.00 m2
152.74 68,427.52
(ii) U2
(a) Return Channel 3,000.00 m2
152.74 458,220.00
(b) Conduit floor 1,700.00 m2
152.74 259,658.00
(c) Valve house 40.00 m2
152.74 6,109.60
(iii) U3
(a) Ogee Face 1,500.00 m2
152.74 229,110.00
Addition to or
4.11 deduction from all -
concrete rates
for increase or decrease
in cement content, per -
cubic metre - 10kg/m3
10.11 -
Supply, cut, bend and
4.12 place reinforcement bars -
for concrete
(a) bars larger than 100.00 tonne
16mm 3,892.41 389,241.00
(b) bars 16mm or less 30.00 tonne
3,789.40 113,682.00
(c) standard mesh 1.00 tonne
1,988.21 1,988.21
TO SUMMARY 4,369,472.21
Redrilling through set in grout in m
5.50 holes where the grout has been 400.00 240.00 96,000.00
allowed to set according to
Engineer's Rep. Instructions -
Water test, under pressure, of no
5.60 grout holes as specified, including 760.00 410.00 311,600.00
all pipe connections
Flush out grouting holes, one no
5.70 payment per stage 760.00 810.00 615,600.00
Grout injection with cement grout, hr
5.80 rate per hour of pumping 1,000.00 150.00 150,000.00
Cement used in grout mix. 50kgsk
5.90 Payment per 50 kg sack 7,000.00 37.00 259,000.00
Bentonite used in grout mix 5 50kgsk
5.10 0.00 34.19 1,709.50
Sand used for grouting m3
5.11 5.00 23.75 118.75
Drill 50mm Diametre (minimum)
5.12 vertical or -
inclined drainor holes above
ground or in open -
cut through any material using
percussion drills -
(a) Rate per hole no
800.00 42.66 34,128.00
(b) Rate per metre of drilling m
2,400.00 17.06 40,944.00
Supply, transport, cut, bend and
5.13 grout in rock or -
concrete deformed 25 mm anchor
bars -
(a) Rate per bar no
260.00 18.43 4,791.80
(Rate per weight tonnes
4.00 1,912.69 7,650.76
SUMMARY 1,724,599.31
Provide for gross remuneration of all PROVISIONAL
8.10 labour authority by the Engineer to be SUM 400,000.00
employed on Dayworks
Provide for the contractor's allowance % 15%
over and above item 8.1 to cover all costs 60,000.00
incurred by him in providing labour on
Dayworks (contractor to give percentage
and amount).
Provide for the cost of the contractor's PROVISIONAL
plant authorised by the Engineer to be SUM 800,000.00
employed on Dayworks. Such costs to
8.30 be placed at hire rates quoted in
Appendix 1A of the Bill of Quantities.
Provide for payment at rates quoted in PROVISIONAL
Appendix 1B of this Bill of SUM 1,500,000.00
Quantities (or for materials not
mentioned therein at net invoiced
amounts, approved by the Engineer) for
supplying on site materials authorised by
the Engineer to be used on Dayworks.
Provide for payment over and above % 15%
item 8.4 to cover all charges including 225,000.00
transport, overheads and profit.
(Contractor to give percentage and
SUMMARY 8,737,815.36