Est MCQ Imp

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1 Which of these causes the sea level change over flooding due to process of
melting of snow?
(i) Global warming
(ii) Ozone layer damaging
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) None of these.
Ans.: (iii)

Q.2 Which of them can be recycled?

(i) Paper
(ii) Plastic
(iii) Metal
(iv) All of these
Ans.: (iv)

Q.3 Recycle of plastic can also minimize air pollution.

(i) Yes
(ii) No
(iii) Neither yes nor false
(iv) None
Ans. (i)

Q. 4 Recycling is best process to control pollution.

(i) True
(ii) False
(iii) Neither true nor false
(iv) None
Ans.: (i)

Q.5 O3 is known as
(i) Atmosphere
(ii) Ozone
(iii) Oxygen
(iv) All of these
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 6 Ozone get rupture by reaction of NOx with

(i) Sunlight
(ii) Water
(iii) Volatile organic compounds
(iv) None
Ans. (iii)

Q.7 Third world war have impact.

(i) Lithosphere
(ii) Hydrosphere
(iii) Bio-sphere
(iv) All the above
Ans. (iv)

Q.8 Environment consist of

(i) Lithosphere
(ii) Hydrosphere
(iii) Bio-sphere
(iv) All the above
Ans.: (iv)

Q.9 Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Bio-sphere and atmosphere form

(i) Environment
(ii) Pollution
(iii) Pollutant
(iv) None
Ans.: (i)

Q.10 Which gas gets deposited in lower layer of atmosphere due to decomposition of
organic matter?
(i) Methane
(ii) Ethane
(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.11 The refrigeration industries contribute one of following gas which adds to
green house effect
(i) Chloro fluoro carbon [CFC]
(ii) Chloro fluoro chloride [CFCI]
(iii) Chloro fluoro carbonate (CFC)
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (i)

Q. 12 CFC, if added at a particular level of atmosphere affects ozone layer. Name

the level
(i) Higher level
(ii) Middle level
(iii) Lower level
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.13 Which of the following term describes rise in temperature of atmosphere due to
green house gases?
(i) Paradoxical warming
(ii) Global warming
(iii) Sun stroke
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.14 Due to global warming, there is melting of snow in Artic Region. During 100
years i.e. 1901 to 2001, how much is approximate average rise in sea level?
(i) 2 cms
(ii) 10 cms
(iii) 20 cms
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.15 When SO2, HNO3 and HCI are released from chemical Industries, if these mix
with Rainfall/ moisture in atmosphere which of following effect occurs ?
(i) Acid Rain
(ii) Green House effect
(iii) Global warming
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.16 Due to acid rain, how pH of soil gets affected?

(i) pH decreases
(ii) pH increases
(iii) pH is unaffected
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (i)
Q. 17 Due to acid rain, how fertility of soil gets affected?
(i) Soil gets more fertile
(ii) Soil remains unaffected
(iii) Fertility of soil reduces
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (iii)

Q. 18 Ozonosphere is a separate layer in stratosphere, at a height of______

(i) 10-20 kms from sea level
(ii) 15-30 kms from sea level
(iii) 30-40 kms from sea level
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (ii)

Q. 19 Which of the following radiations from sun are absorbed by ozone gas?
(i) U.V. radiation
(ii) a-radiation
(iii) Gamma radiation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.20 Chloro Fluoro Carbons dissociate giving out toxic substances. Which of the
following is mainly responsible for depletion of ozone layer,
(i) Fluorine
(ii) Chlorine atoms
(iii) Carbon atoms
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.21 One chlorine atom is estimated to destroy up to how many ozone molecules
(i) About 1 lakh
(ii) About 2 lakh
(iii) More than 5 lakh
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (i)

Q. 22 Which of following helps to minimise depletion of ozone layer?

(i) If freons are replaced by halogens.
(ii) If freons, halons both are used to lesser extent.
(iii) By making use of CFC.
(iv) None of the above.
Ans.: (i)

Q. 23 Which is the following makes it difficult to use only eco-friendly chemicals,

so that ozone depletion stops/minimises?
(i) Due to their high cost
(ii) Due to non-availability
(iii) Due to lesser availability
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.24 Which of the following diseases is caused to humans due to ozone layer
(i) Skin, lungs and blood cancer
(ii) Brain tumor
(iii) Heart attack
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 25 Hydrocarbons and NO, interact leading to formation of photochemical smog in

atmosphere. In which layer of atmosphere such an interaction takes place?
(i) Middle layer of atmosphere
(ii) Lower layer of atmosphere
(iii) Higher layer of atmosphere
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 26 In the formation of photochemical

smog in atmosphere which of the primary pollutants take part?
(i) Hydrocarbon and NO,
(ii) Ozone
(iii) Chlorine gas
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 27 Which gas reacts with light in following reaction?

+hv → NO+O
(i) NO2
(ii) SO2
(iii) HC
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.28 Atomic oxygen reacts with______to give acyl.l radical.

(i) Hydrocarbon
(ii) CFC
(iii) SO₂
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.29 By the reaction between acyl free radical (RCO*) and O₂, one of following is
(i) Peroxy acyl radical (RCO*3)
(ii) CFC
(iii) Hydrocarbon compounds
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.30 By reaction between acyl radical (RCO) and Hydrocarbon (HC), one of following
(i) RCO*3
(ii) R2CO and RCHO
(iii) R-COOH
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.31 By reaction between RCO and NO, which one of the following formed?
(i) RCO3 and NO₂
(ii) RCO*3 and N₂O
(iii) RCO3 and O
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 32 During life cycle of a nuclear fuel, accidents occurs

(i) Only once
(ii) Frequently
(iii) At any stage
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.33 Nuclear accident may occur due to

(i) Leakage or reactions
(ii) Nuclear weapons or war
(iii) Nuclear war / weapons / reactions/ fuel leakage
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.34 Nuclear accidents, when occurs, gives out soot which is in colour.
(i) Hazy white
(ii) Cloudy grey
(iii) Black
(iv) None of the above
Ans : (iii)

Q.35 The soot emerging due to nuclear accidents gets spread to

(i) Environment
(ii) Stratosphere
(iii) Lithosphere
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.36 The black soot spreaded absorbs radiations.

(i) Gamma
(ii) UV
(iii) Solar
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (iii)

Q.37 The solar radiations do not reach earth at the time of nuclear accident
because these are absorbed by
(i) Fog
(ii) Smog
(iii) Soot spreaded in stratosphere
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.38 ____ is effected/felt, as solar radiations are absorbed by soot, cannot reach
(i) Raining
(ii) Cooling
(iii) Thundering
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.39 Cooling resulted during nuclear accidents, also reduce water vapours and
(i) SO2
(ii) CO₂
(iii) NO₂
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.40 During nuclear accidents,

rays, reradiated from atmosphere, remain partially absorbed.
(i) UV Rays
(ii) Infrared Rays
(iii) Gamma Rays
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.41 Due to nuclear accidents a phenomenon _______to global warming occurs.

(i) Similar
(ii) Opposite
(iii) Same
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.42 _______ is phenomenon opposite to

global warming.
(i) Nuclear winter
(ii) Nuclear reaction
(iii) Nuclear war
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 43 Phenomenon opposite to global warming is

(i) Infra red
(ii) Nuclear winter
(iii) UV radiations.
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.44 Modern fusion bombs are also known as

(i) Nuclear bombs
(ii) Explosives of H₂
(iii) Fire extinguishers
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.45 Explosive force of modern fusion bombs is

(i) 100 kilotons
(ii) 500 kilotons
(iii) > 100 kilotons
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.46 megatons is explosive force of nuclear

(i) 10
(ii) 500
(iii) 300
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.47 Nuclear Bombardment cause burning of

(i) Wood, plastics
(ii) Forests, petroleum
(iii) Both above
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 48 Nuclear accidents global temperature.

(i) Increase
(ii) Lower
(iii) Multiply
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (Ii)

Q.49 Nuclear accidents drastically affects

(i) Machine production
(ii) Crop production
(iii) Power
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.50 Nuclear accidents cause of soil

(i) Reddening
(ii) Drying
(iii) Infertility
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 51 Crop productivity substantially due to

nuclear accidents.
(i) Increase
(ii) Reduce
(iii) Will not affect
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 52 Nuclear explosions for long persisting

adverse effects.
(i) Water
(ii) Sky
(iii) Troposphere
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.53 In Japan, in 1945, two bombs were dropped on ____ and _____
(i) Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(ii) Dresden
(iii) Tokio
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.54 The hydrosphere covers about of the

surface of earth.
(i) 70%
(ii) 90%
(iii) 60%
(iv) 50 %
Ans. (i)

Q. 55 Environmental education emphasises on

(i) Air
(ii) Water
(iii) Environmental issues
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)
Q. 56 Environmental issues are discussed and solved in subject.
(i) Sociology
(ii) Economics
(iii) EVS
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.57 Civilization is major cause of _____ pollution.

(i) Environmental
(ii) Physical
(iii) Chemical
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.58 ____ is to be understood to protect environment.

(i) Quality issues
(ii) Health requirement
(iii) Environmental balance
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.59 EVS is important in both ____ and ___

(i) USA and UK
(ii) China and India
(iii) Developing and Developed
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 60 Study of EVS covers

(i) Pure and applied sciences
(ii) Only environment
(iii) Only chemistry
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 61 Dealing with functioning of natural

environment is
Environmental education
(ii) EVS
(iii) Environmental chemistry
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 62 ____ is one of objective of environmental education.

(i) Private schools
(ii) Private company
(iii) Public awareness
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.63 In India, Environmental education is included in

(i) Curriculum
(ii) Habitat
(iii) Atmosphere
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.64 ____ term is used to describe all efforts of government and NGOs to educate
(i) EVS
(ii) EC
(iii) Environmental education
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (iii)

Q.65 ____ is important to save environment.

(i) Environmental protection
(ii) EVS
(iii) Environmental pollution
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.66 Along with government ____ also put efforts to, educate people.
(i) Companies
(ii) Schools
(iii) NGOs
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.67_____ is a green house gas.

(i) CO₂
(ii) H₂S
(iii) N₂
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.68 _____ gas causes acid rain.

(i) SO₂
(ii) O₂
(iii) N₂
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.69 Acid rain caused when _____

(i) Moisture, SO,
(ii) Humidity, nitrogen
(iii) Water vapour, Hydrogen
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.70 Ozone depletion is harmful to

(i) Skin
(ii) Digestion
(iii) Reproduction
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.71 James Lovelock put forth theory /hypothesis.

(i) Gaia
(ii) Teleology.
(iii) Habitability
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.72 USCB is short form for

(i) United States Census Bureau
(ii) United States Community Bureau
(iii) United for Communist and Beaurocrates.
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.73 Great Famine and Black Death occurred in year

(i) 1850
(ii) 1350
(iii) 1947
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.74 In 1350, during great famine and black death disaster _____ million
approximately died.
(i) 300 million
(ii) 370 million
(iii) 40 million
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.75 By year 2050, global population would

about be
(i) 6-7 billion
(ii) 7.5 to 10.5 billion
(iii) Same as now
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.76 The law, "population increases by geometrical way, but natural resources
increase by arithmatic way", is known as,
(i) Arrhenius Law
(ii) Einstein Law
(ii) Malthus Law
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.77 All the environment crisis are solely due to ___ rise.
(i) Population
(ii) Water quality
(iii) Air quality
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.78 ____ and ____ states have severe issues on release of water.
(i) Delhi and Haryana
(ii) Bihar and Rajasthan
(iii) Gujrat and Bihar
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.79 Shortage in natural resources is due to

(i) High population
(ii) Low fertility of soil
(iii) Low water quality
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.80 High population gives rise to ____

management of resources.
(i) Poor
(ii) Natural
(iii) Proper
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.81_____ and _____ crisis emerge due to high population.

(i) Land, water, sanitation
(ii) Crime, health, children
(iii) Social, health, women
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 82 Population rise affects status of

(i) Women and children
(ii) Poor people
(iii) Education and shelter
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.83 Poor sanitation affects quality of

(i) Water sources
(ii) Management of contaminants
(ii) Air
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.84 Rivers, wells and ponds get polluted with

(i) Heavy metals
(ii) Aquatic animals
(iii) Chemical compounds
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.85 Contaminated agricultural run off pollutes

(i) Food chain and food webs
(ii) Air
(iii) Pesticides
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.86 WHO stands for

(i) World Hygiene Observation
(ii) World Health Organization
(iii) Wild Hazardous Organisms
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.87 According to UNO, amongst ___

population, present world
(i) About 1 billion do not get potable water
(ii) About 50% people get potable water
(iii) No one faces water crisis
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.88 According to WHO, up to ______ population, suffers from water borne diseases
(i) Half of total
(ii) One fourth of total
(iii) 10% of total
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.89 Guinea worm to hook worm occurs due to poor

(i) Air quality
(ii) Drinking water
(iii) Sanitation and drinking water
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.90 Diarrhoea is a _____ borne disease

(i) Normal water
(ii) Air
(iii) Dirty water
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.91 UN suggests ______ quantity of safe water per day per person.
(i) 20-50 litres
(ii) > 40 litres
(iii) <40 litres
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.92 In dry Northern china, water table drops meter per year due to
(i) One, over pumping
(ii) Ten, over using
(iii) Five, over pumping
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.93 Chinese rivers are highly polluted with

(i) Chemicals
(ii) Metals
(iii) Heavy metals
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.94 Many water conserving technologies are invented by

(i) Japan
(ii) Israel
(iii) China
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.95 Without ______ sanitation _______ drinking water

is impossible.
(i) Safe, safe
(ii) Proper, proper
(iii) Safe, plenty
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)
Q.96 Safe water is essential for
(i) Hygiene
(ii) Washing
(iii) Pumping
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.97 Lack of safe sanitation leads to

(i) Diseases
(ii) Water crisis
(iii) Healthy environment
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.98 "It is human right to water and sanitation" explicitly recognized by

(i) Human Rights commission
(ii) UN General Assembly
(iii) Both of above
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q.99 Sanitation facilities should be hygienically ____ to use.

(i) Safe
(ii) Unsafe
(iii) Proper
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 100 The price of water and sanitation should be

(i) High
(ii) Low
(iii) Different
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 101 Sanitation facilities should be _____ accepted.

(i) Culturally
(ii) Politically
(iii) Technically
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 102 Sanitation facilities are constructed

and made
(i) Common to all
(ii) Gender specific
(iii) Only for women
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (ii)

Q. 103 Crisis related to land is due to rise in

(i) Prices
(ii) Population
(iii) Reforestation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 104 Public awareness aims at

(i) Protecting natural resources
(ii) Utilizing natural resources
(iii) Exploiting natural resources
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.105 Our natural environment has _____ and _____ values.

(i) Qualitative and quantitative
(ii) Preservation and conservation
(iii) Utilization and recreation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 106 The species in world have numerous number of

(i) Complex chemicals
(ii) Toxic elements
(iii) Useless substances
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 107 Some plants are useful as they produce

(i) Medicines
(ii) Fruits
(iii) Flowers
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 108 Plants are valuable resources for many

(i) Vegetables and fruits
(ii) Life saving medicines
(iii) Both of above
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 109 Aesthetic value of environment is enhanced by

(i) Dry plants
(ii) Green plants
(iii) Plants with colourful flowers
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 110 Plants are also sources

of many _____ for industries.
(i) Raw materials
(ii) Medicines
(iii) Flowers
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 111 The growth of plants are

(i) Habitat specific
(ii) Water specific
(iii) Air specific
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 112 We have to _____ extinction of rare plants.

(i) Encourage
(ii) Help
(iii) Protect
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 113 Once a plant/ insect species is lost, it is lost

(i) For time being
(ii) Forever
(iii) For a season
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 114 Humans do not have capacity to ___

the lost species.
(i) Destroy
(ii) Reproduce
(iii) Grow
(iv) Generate
Ans.: (Ii)

Q. 115 By law, no person is allowed to ___ or ___ the wild species.

(i) Care, protect
(ii) Kill, sell
(iii) Purchase, protect
(iv) Care, kill
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 116 Deforestation destroys natural

(i) Environment
(ii) Life
(iii) Cycle
(iv) Balance
Ans.: (i)

Q. 117 Wetland areas should not be _____ environment

(i) Destroyed
(ii) Protected
(iii) Preserved
(iv) Produced
Ans.: (i)

Q.118 The environmental awareness starts with

(i) Country
(ii) State
(iii) Individual
(iv) None of the above.
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 119 Public awareness to protect environment would spread by

(i) An individual
(ii) Women
(iii) Children
(iv) Society
Ans.: (i)

Q. 120 To protect wild species _____ parks help

(i) Regional
(ii) National
(iii) Water
(iv) All of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 121 Wild life sanctuaries are developed to protect wild species of

(i) Birds
(ii) Animals
(iii) Tribals
(iv) All of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 122 Bio reserves add to ______ value of natural environment.

(i) Protective
(ii) productive
(iii) Preservative
(iv) Preparative
Ans. (ii)

Q. 123 Mother earth is a ____ and ____ planet.

(i) Caring and living
(ii) Green and water
(iii) Growing and safe
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 124 On bank of river Nile ______ civilization developed.

(i) Japanese
(ii) Egyptian
(iii) Chinese
(iv) African
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 125 Natural beautiful environment inspires

(i) Artists
(ii) Writers and poets
(iii) All above
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 126 Great Indian poet kalidas has written,

(i) Meghdut
(ii) Shakuntal
(iii) Mrutyunjay
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 127 The all time great book "meghdut" is written by the great Indian
(i) Picasso
(ii) Kalidas
(iii) Vyas
(iv) Sharatchandra
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 128 Natural environment serves _____ as basis of our life.

(i) Politics
(ii) Philosophy
(iii) Culture
(iv) Cycle
Ans.: (ii)
Q. 129 In urban development, places are reserved for
(i) Gardens and parks
(ii) Schools and hospitals
(iii) All of above
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 130 For sustainable development ____ R are followed

(i) 5
(ii) 2
(iii) 4
(iv) 3
Ans. (iii)

Q. 131 Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Refuse are popularly known as,.
(i) 4 R for sustainable development
(ii) R's to be followed
(iii) Essential R's for better life.
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 132 _____ better than cure

(i) Protection
(ii) regeneration
(iii) Conservation
(iv) Production
Ans. (iii)

Q. 133 Conservation of forest is _____ registration of forest.

(i) Less costly
(ii) More expensive
(iii) More difficult
(iv) Easier
Ans.: (i)

Q.134 ____ is a public movement

(i) Sardar sarovar
(ii) Sagar dam
(iii) 4R
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 135 Mr. Sundarlal Bahuguna headed popular movement

(i) Chipko Andolan
(ii) Ecofriendly project development
(iii) Dam developments
(iv) Sardar sarovar
Ans.: (i)

Q.136 Chipko Andolan was done in

(i) Jharkhand
(ii) Uttarakhand
(iii) Kerala
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 137 Chipko Andolan was headed by

(i) Political leader
(ii) Nature lover
(iii) Spiritual leader
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 138 Sardar sarovar project is in

(i) Andhra Pradesh
(ii) Gujarat
(iii) Maharashtra
(iv) Punjab
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 139 In south India, near palghat ____ project is developed.

(i) Sardar sarovar
(ii) Silent valley
(iii) Sagar dam
(iv) Ecofriendly
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 140 Using mineral and power resources at high speed would be

(i) Short sightedness
(ii) Foresight
(iii) Futuristic
(iv) Long living
Ans.: (i)

Q. 141 The modern living style would lead to

(i) Sustainable development
(ii) Unsustainable development
(iii) Realistic approach
(iv) All of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 142 The wrong pattern of modern life style can be corrected by following.
(i) 4R
(ii) Regeneration
(iii) Redevelopment
(iv) 3R
Ans.: (i)

Q.143 The ____ value of environment gives us peace.

(i) Aesthetic
(ii) 4R
(iii) Futuristic
(iv) Spiritual
Ans. :(i)

Q. 144 A system without life

(i) Abiotic
(ii) Biotic
(iii) Sustainable
(iv) Organic
Ans.: (i)

Q. 145 Acid rain occurs due to dissolution of ____ in rain water.

(i) Gases
(ii) Particles
(iii) Smoke
(iv) Soot
Ans. (i)
Q. 146 Organisms adjust with environmental conditions is called as
(i) Adaptation
(ii) Reproduction
(iii) Development
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 147 Establishment of forests by planting

trees is
(i) Afforestation
(ii) Reforestation
(iii) Deforestation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 148 Asbestosis is disease of

(i) Heart
(ii) Lungs
(iii) Eyes
(iv) Kidney
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 149 Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in year_

(i) 1984
(ii) 1985
(iii) 1990
(iv) 1987
Ans. (i)

Q. 150 Gas leaked in Bhopal in 1984 is

(i) MIC
(ii) CO₂
(iii) NO₂
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 151 Leakage of MIC took place from storage tanks of

(i) Union carbide
(ii) National company
(iii) State company
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 152 Leakage of MIC happened in

(i) Midnight
(ii) Morning
(iii) Noon
(iv) Evening
Ans.: (i)

Q. 153 Progressive accumulation of toxic

components is
(i) Bio-accumulation
(ii) Precipitation
(iii) Decantation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)
Q. 154 Wide range of flora and fauna is
(i) Nature
(ii) Biodiversity
(iii) Environment
(iv) Ecosystem
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 155 Bioaccumulation is also known as

(i) Biodiversity
(ii) Biomagnifications
(iii) Precipitation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 156 Requirement of O₂ for microbial degradation of organic matter in water is_

(i) BOD
(ii) COD
(iii) PPT
(iv) PPM
Ans.: (i)

Q. 157 Geographically ecological region with similarity in vegetation and climate

(i) Abiotic
(ii) Biome
(iii) Biotic
(iv) All of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 158 Waste originating mainly from clinics

(i) hospitals and Biomedical waste
(ii) Biological waste
(iii) Biochemical waste
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 159 Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere together is called

(i) Biosphere
(ii) Environment
(iii) Stratosphere
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 160 Plants, animals and micro organisms from ecosystem make

(i) Biota
(ii) Biosphere
(iii) Environment
(iv) Biome
Ans. (i)

Q. 161 Technology that manipulates the gene in an organism to modify

(i) Biology
(ii) Microbiology
(iii) Biotechnology
(iv) Genetology
Ans. (iii)

Q. 162 Cyclic movement of carbon, to and fro, between environment and organism,
(i) Carbon cycle
(ii) Carbonization
(iii) Coalition
(iv) Carboxylation
Ans.: (i)

Q. 163 A flesh-eating animal

(i) Carnivore
(ii) Herbivore
(iii) Both
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 164 Maximum number of a species that can accommodated in given area (per square
(i) Carrying capacity
(ii) Accommodating power
(iii) Accommodating quantity
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 165 Tree hugging movement in Uttarakhand..

(i) Chipko Andolan
(ii) Asbestosis
(iii) Agenda 21
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 166 Oxygen required by non-biodegradable substances ____ in water

(i) COD
(ii) BOD
(iii) Oxidation
(iv) Oxygenation
Ans.: (i)

Q. 167 Movement by women in Tehri-Garhwal in Uttarakhand

(i) Chipko Andolan
(ii) Women liberalization
(iii) Agenda 21
(iv) Women Development
Ans.: (i)

Q. 168 Gaseous compounds of carbon

fluorine and chlorine
(i) CFC
(ii) HCP
(iii) CHC
(iv) HC
Ans.: (i)

Q. 169 CFC used widely as

(i) Coolant
(ii) Refrigerant
(iii) Air coolers
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (Ii)

Q. 170 A stove that uses wood or charcoal as fuel

(i) Chulha
(ii) Open store
(iii) Furnace
(iv) Sigri
Ans.: (i)

Q. 171 Organism that feeds on producer

(i) Heterotroph
(ii) Herbivore
(iii) Carnivore
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 172 Total economic and social returns

against expenditure
(i) Cost Benefit analysis
(ii) Cost-profit analysis
(iii) Price-profit estimate
(iv) Total Analysis
Ans.: (i)

Q. 173 ___ is number of live births per 1000 people population in an year.
(i) Crude Birth rate
(ii) Total Birth chart
(iii) Additional births
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 174 ____ is number of deaths per 1000 people population in an year.

(i) Death %
(ii) Death chart %
(iii) Crude death rate
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 175 ____ is Total socially transmitted behavior in a community.

(i) Culture
(ii) Habits
(iii) Customs
(iv) Rituals
Ans.: (i)

Q. 176 Wind circulates round an area of low pressure anticlockwise

(ii) Cyclone
(iii) Storm
(iii) Anticyclone
(iv) Wind power
Ans.: (i)

Q. 177 Wind speed reaches 100 km per hour or more during?

(i) Storm
(ii) Tsunami
(iii) Cyclone
(iv) Wind mill
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 178 In _____ wind circulates anticlockwise in Northern Hemisphere

(i) Anticyclone
(ii) Storm
(iii) Cyclone
(iv) Tsunami
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 179 In cyclone wind circulates ____ in Northern Hemisphere.

(i) Anticlockwise
(ii) Clockwise
(iii) Without direction
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 180 In _____ wind circulates clockwise in Southern Hemisphere.

(i) Cyclone
(ii) Anticyclone
(iii) Tropical storm
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 181 Unit of sound intensity is

(i) Decibel
(ii) Bel
(iii) Frequency unit
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 182 Audibility of human ear is

(i) 1 to 130 decidel
(ii) >100 decibel
(iii) <100 decibel
(iv) 50-100 dB
Ans.: (i)

Q. 183 Land degradation due to human activities

(i) Desertification
(ii) Erosion
(iii) Land slide
(iv) Corrosion
Ans.: (i)

Q. 184 Physical or biological complexity of a system is

(i) Biodiversity
(ii) Diversity
(iii) Ecosystem
(iv) Culture
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 185 A technique to distinguish between individuals of same species using DNA.

(i) DNA testing
(ii) DNA finger printing
(iii) DNA analysis
(iv) DNA Tracing
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 186 A high level inter governmental meeting on environment of earth.

(i) Earth summit
(ii) Save earth
(iii) Save planet
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)
Q. 187 Earth summit was held at
(i) Japan
(ii) Rio-de-Janero in Brazil
(iii) UK
(iv) USA
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 188 Earth summit at Rio-de-Janero was held in year

(i) 1992
(ii) 1985
(iii) 1981
(iv) 1993
Ans. (i)

Q. 189 United nations conference on environment and as development (UNCED) is

popularly known
(i) Earth summit
(ii) Save environment movement
(iii) Save earth movement
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 190 DNA fingerprinting uses sample of

(i) RNA
(ii) Nails
(iii) DNA
(iv) Tissue
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 191 DNA fingerprinting can help to distinguish between

(i) Different individuals of same species.
(ii) Different individuals of different species.
(iii) Individuals from different regions.
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 192 The points of agreement of "Earth summit" circulated as

(i) Rio Declaration
(ii) UNCED minutes
(iii) Rio-de-Janero Declaration
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 193 The shaking and trembling of earth is

(i) Earth Vibrations
(ii) Tremors
(iii) Earthquake
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 194 Scale to measure intensity of

earthquake is
(i) Richter scale
(ii) Vector
(iii) Scalar
(iv) dB
Ans.: (i)

Q. 195 Richter scale is unit to measure ____

of earthquake.
(i) Intensity
(ii) Vibration
(iii) Frequency
(iv) Severity
Ans.: (i)

Q. 196 The variety of habitats is

(i) Ecosystem Diversity
(ii) Ecological Variation
(iii) Biodiversity
(iv) Diversity
Ans.: (i)

Q. 197 A group of co-existing organisms which interact with the environment.

(i) Diversity
(ii) Ecosystem
(iii) Biodiversity
(iv) Will
Ans. (ii)

Q. 198 One is able to do work due to

(i) Energy
(ii) Heat
(iii) Force
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 199 "Something that environs" is

(i) Environment
(ii) Surrounding
(iii) Encircle
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 200 Evaluation of short/long term effect on environment is

(i) Environment Impact Assessment
(ii) Environmental influence
(iii) Environmental Impact Analysis
(iv) Environment Impact Assurance
Ans.: (i)

Q. 201 Activity that protects environment.

(i) Ecofriendly
(ii) Safe
(iii) Green
(iv) Ecology
Ans.: (i)

Q.202 Code of conduct based on moral values

(i) Attitude
(ii) Asthetic
(iii) Ethics
(iv) Morals
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 203 Electronic waste generated

(i) E-waste
(ii) Solid waste
(iii) Biomedical waste
(iv) Electronic waste
Ans.: (i)

Q. 204 Regional animals and animal life

(i) Fauna
(ii) Flora
(iii) Ecosystem
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (i)

Q. 205 Regional plants growing naturally

(i) Flora
(ii) Fauna
(iii) Ecosystem
(iv) Forest
Ans.: (i)

Q. 206 Excessive intake of fluoride causes

(i) Thyroid problem
(ii) Fluorosis
(iii) Fluorination
(iv) Fluorolysis
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 207 Fluorosis is caused due to excessive intake of

(i) lodine
(ii) Fluorine
(iii) CFC
(iv) Fluorides
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 208 Fly Ash is _____ portion of solid fuel.

(i) Combustible
(ii) Non-combustible
(iii) Partially burnt
(iv) Harmful
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 209 Particles floating in air due to

non-combustible portion of solid fuel are
(i) Fly Ash
(ii) Ash
(iii) Dust
(iv) Particles
Ans.: (i)

Q. 210 Chain of food transfer from primary producer to various consumers

(i) Food chain
(ii) Food web
(iii) Food cycle
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.211 Large no. of trees naturally grown in area

(ii) Garden
(iii) Mangrove
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 212 Remains of organisms converted into fuels

(i) Fossil fuels
(ii) Carbon credits
(iii) Carbon ppt.
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 213 "Frugivorous" term is used for animals / creatures which depend only on
(i) Fruits
(ii) Vegetables
(iii) Grass
(iv) Seeds
Ans.: (i)

Q.214 Slow gradual rise in temperature of earth due to green house gases ___
(i) Global warming
(ii) Thermal pollution
(iii) Heat Transfer
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 215 Green House gases are responsible for

(i) Global warming
(ii) Excess Heat
(iii) Acid Rain
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.216 Region suitable for grass to few trees to grow

(i) Wet land
(ii) Grass land
(iii) Green park
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 217 Effect due to green house gases

(i) Green House effect
(ii) Green park
(iii) Green chemistry
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 218 CO₂ is
(i) Green House Gas
(ii) Red in colour
(iii) Insoluble in water
(iv) Heavier than air
Ans.: (i)

Q.219 During second half of twentieth century the world saw

(i) Famine
(ii) Green Revolution
(iii) Desertification
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 220 Green Revolution is ____ growth of world food production.

(i) Steady
(ii) Rapid
(iii) Slow
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 221 Green Revolution was mainly in _____ countries.

(i) Developing
(ii) Developed
(iii) Small
(iv) Large
Ans.: (i)

Q.222 An area where biological population occurs.

(i) Ecosystem
(ii) Habital
(iii) Divinity
(iv) Diversity
Ans.: (ii)

Q.223 Violent storm with very strong winds

(i) Cyclone
(ii) Anti cyclone
(iii) Hurricane
(iv) Tsunami
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 224 Western Atlantic ocean experience

(1) Hurricane
(ii) Volcano
(iii) Storm
(iv) Cyclone
Ans.: (i)

Q. 225 Cycle of evaporation of water to rain fall is

(i) Hydrological
(ii) Rain cycle
(iii) Carbon cycle
(iv) Nitrogen cycle
Ans.: (i)

Q.226Electric power from water

(i) Hydropower
(ii) Hydro energy
(iii) Wind energy
(iv) Thermal power
Ans.: (i)

Q. 227 Turbines are driven using

(i) Hydro power
(ii) Electricity
(iii) Wind energy
(iv) Power
Ans.: (i)

Q. 228 Process of burning waste material to ashes in incinerator

(i) Incineration
(ii) Combustion
(iii) Burning
(iv) Disposal
Ans.: (i)

Q. 229 Process of burning waste material in special furnace called as,

(i) Incineration
(ii) Ash formation
(iii) Combustion
(iv) Disposal
Ans.: (i)

Q. 230 Outside city where municipal waste is dumbed

(i) Land fill
(ii) Wet land
(iii) Garbage
(iv) Grass land
Ans.: (i)

Q. 231 A tropical vegetation of shrubs and trees

(i) Mangroves
(ii) Forest
(iii) Marine vegetation
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 232 Protocol made in 1987.

(i) Montreal protocol
(ii) Agenda 21
(iii) Green Revolution
(iv) Malthus law
Ans.: (i)

Q. 233 Montreal protocol established in

(i) 1987
(ii) 1985
(iii) 1992
(iv) 1986
Ans.: (i)

Q. 234 Montreal protocol is on substances that

(i) Deplete ozone
(ii) Cause Acid Rain
(iii) Cause Global warming
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 235 Montreal protocol was made under the auspices of

(i) UN
(ii) UK
(iii) USA
(iv) China
Ans.: (i)

Q. 236 An Amendment to Montreal protocol was done in year

(i) 1987
(ii) 1992
(iii) 1985
(iv) 1988
Ans.: (ii)
Q. 237 Total ____ nations signed Montreal protocol.
(i) 93
(ii) 112
(iii) 55
(iv) 95
Ans.: (i)

Q. 238 Resources in earth's crust

(i) Natural
(ii) Renewable
(iii) Ancient
(iv) Plenty
Ans.: (i)

Q. 239 Preventing overexploitation of

non-renewable natural resources
(i) Nature conservation
(ii) Environmental degradation
(iii) Exploiting biodiversity
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q.240 An organization that works outside govemment

(i) (NGO)
(ii) Nature lowers
(iii) Activists
(iv) Antisocial
Ans.: (i)

Q. 241 NGO has freedom to take issues in

(i) Society
(ii) Parliament
(iii) Municipality
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 242 High level of unpleasant sound causes

(i) Noise pollution
(ii) Disturbance
(iii) Irritation
(iv) Music
Ans.: (i)

Q. 243 High level sound causes annoyance

(i) Noise
(ii) Melody
(iii) Pollution
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 244 Not decomposable by biological means

(i) Degradable
(ii) Non-degradable
(iii) Non-biodegradable
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 245 The matter which cannot be degraded in nature

(i) Non-degradable
(ii) Non-biodegradable
(iii) Non-renewable
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 246 Any exhaustible natural resource which cannot be replaced

(i) Non-renewable
(ii) Non-replaceable
(iii) Non-destructive
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 247 Waste generated from many points, so difficult to locate source.

(i) Non-point source
(ii) Point less pollution
(iii) Point source
(iv) Fixed source
Ans.: (i)

Q. 248 Any exhaustible natural resource which cannot be replaced

(i) Non-renewable resource
(ii) Non-replaceable resource
(iii) Exhausting resource
(iv) Degradable
Ans. (ii)

Q. 249 Coal and Petroleum are

(i) Renewable resources
(ii) Non renewable resources
(iii) Precious resources
(iv) Degradable
Ans. (ii)

Q. 250 Destruction of ozone molecules

in stratosphere causes
(i) Ozone depletion
(ii) Ozone deterioration
(iii) Ozone hole
(iv) Ozonisation
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 251 A very thin area in stratosphere is due to

(i) Ozone depletion
(ii) Ozone molecules
(iii) Ozonisation
(iv) Ozone deterioration
Ans.: (i)

Q. 252 A layer of gas 10 to 50 kms above the earth capable of absorbing UV rays
from sunlight is
(i) Stratosphere
(ii) Ozone layer
(iii) Gas layer
(iv) Lithosphere
Ans. (ii)

Q. 253 UV rays from sunlight are not allowed to reach earth gas in atmosphere due
(i) CO2
(ii) 03
(iii) Cl₂
(iv) HC
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 254 A layer of gas in stratosphere, absorbs UV rays from sunlight.

(1) O₂
(ii) N2
(iii) 03
(iv) CO₂
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 255 Organic compounds which get bioaccumulated without degradation.

(i) POPS
(ii) VOCS
(iii) CFCs
(iv) HC
Ans.: (i)

Q. 256 Smoke + Fog makes

(i) Smoky fog
(ii) Foggy smoke
(iv) Snow
(iii) Smog
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 257 Reaction between Hydro carbon & ozone in sunlight leads to

(i) Photochemical smog
(ii) Photochemical ozonisation of Hydrocarbon
(iii) Hydrocarbon degradation
(iv) Chemical smog
Ans.: (i)

Q.258 Photochemical smog is an

(i) Indoor air pollution
(ii) Outdoor air pollution
(iii) Example of air pollution
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 259 Process of synthesis of food by plants in sunlight

(i) Photosynthesis
(ii) Photogenesis
(iii) Photokinetics
(iv) Photolysis
Ans.: (i)

Q. 260 Photo synthesis is characteristic feature of

(i) Grasses
(ii) Green plants
(iii) Dry plants
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 261 Release of pollutants from identifiable source

(i) Point source
(ii) Sourcing point
(iii) Release point
(iv) Fixed point
Ans.: (i)

Q. 262 Smoke stack of factory is example of

(i) Non-point source
(ii) Point source
(iii) Industrial source
(iv) Fixed point
Ans.: (ii)

Q.263 Sewage treatment plant is example of

(i) Plant source
(ii) Point source
(iii) Non-point source
(iv) General source
Ans.: (iii)

Q.264 A company or individual responsible for pollution

(i) Polluter
(ii) Pollutant
(iii) Producer
(iv) Pollution
Ans.: (i)

Q. 265 Addition of _____ contaminants to atmosphere causing disturbance in natural

(i) Pollution
(ii) Polluter
(iii) Pollutant
(iv) Polluting
Ans.: (i)

Q. 266 A plant that can produce food is called

(i) Provider
(ii) Producer
(iii) Consumer
(iv) Developer
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 267 Amount of rain in an area over a period of time measured in cms or inches.
(i) Rainfall
(ii) Flood
(ii) Rain level
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 268 Rain fall is measured in units.

(i) Centimeters or Inches
(ii) Millimeters or kilometers
(iii) Inches or kilometers
(iv) PPM
Ans.: (i)

Q. 269 A tropical forest having high rainfall is called

(i) Rain forest
(ii) Rainfall forest
(iii) Rainy forest
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)
Q. 270 A rain forest usually gets rains more than cm.
(i) 500
(ii) 250
(iii) 100
(iv) 350
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 271 Process of converting waste into useful material

(i) Recycling
(ii) Refused
(iii) Reduced
(iv) Reforming
Ans.: (i)

Q. 272 Metals, glass, plastics can be

(i) Recycled
(ii) Reduced
(iii) Refused
(iv) Reformed
Ans. (i)

Q.273 Growing more trees in area of forest,

(i) Reforestation
(ii) Forest depletion
(iii) Forestation
(iv) Afforestation
Ans.: (i)

Q. 274 The resources which are inexhaustible or which last

(i) Renewable resources
(ii)Recyclable resources
(iii) Reusable resources
(iv) Evergreen resources
Ans.: (i)

Q.275 A 27 page document approved at Rio-de-Janero Earth summit in 1992.

(i) Rio declaration
(ii) Earth summit directives
(iii) Rio directives
(iv) Riodirectives
Ans.: (i)

Q.276 Percentage of salt in water is expressed as

(i) Salt
(ii) Salinity
(iii) Saltiness
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (ii)

Q.277 ____ is used to clean waste gases.

(i) Scrubber
(ii) Cleaner
(iii) Rubber
(iv) Filter
Ans.: (i)

Q.278 Scrubber is a device used to _____

waste gases.
(i) Clean
(ii) Wash
(iii) Dilute
(iv) Filter
Ans.: (i)

Q. 279 Soil pollution occurs due to

(i) Excessive insecticides /pesticides.
(ii) Dumping garbage, rubbish etc.
(iii) Both of above
(iv) Needicid
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 280 Use of land as atomic test site leads to

(i) Soil pollution
(ii) Increase in fertility
(iii) Soil enrichment
(iv) Water level rise
Ans.: (i)

Q. 281 Soil pollution is due to excessive use of

(i) Fertilisers
(ii) Water
(iii) Seeds
(iv) Soil
Ans.: (i)

Q. 282 Fly Ash from thermal power stations

(i) Air pollution only
(ii) Soil pollution only
(iii) Air and soil pollution-both
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (iii)

Q. 283 Waste matter which is hard and needs dilution

(i) Solid waste
(ii) Industrial waste
(iii) E-waste
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 284 Planting a tree to give fruits is example of

(i) Sustainability
(ii) Adding to pollution
(iii) De forestation
(iv) Afforestation
Ans.: (i)

Q. 285 Developmental action-meeting present requirements - not affecting future

needs is
(i) Appropriate action
(ii) Proper development
(iii) Sustainable Development
(iv) Redevelopment
Ans. (iii)

Q. 286 Adverse effect of heat release-resulting in rise in atmospheric temperature

(i) Thermal pollution
(ii) Atmospheric heating
(iii) Global warming
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

Q. 287 Power plant cooling tower causes ____ pollution in surrounding area.
(i) Thermal
(ii) Water
(iii) Atmospheric
(iv) Air
Ans.: (i)

Q. 288 A species existing but in declining no. is species.

(i) Threatened
(ii) Endangered
(iii) Normal
(iv) Extinguishing
Ans.: (i)

Q. 289 A species needs conservation species measures is

(i) Threatened
(ii) Normal
(iii) Dangerous
(iv) Extinct
Ans.: (i)

Q. 290 Due to earthquake

(i) Tsunami
(ii) Cyclone
(iii) Anticyclone
(iv) Occurs
Ans.: (i)

Q. 291 ____ caused major disaster in Kerala in 2011.

(i) Cyclone
(ii) Tsunami
(iii) Storm
(iv) Environment problem
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 292 Antarctic Treaty formalized in year

(i) 1959
(ii) 1992
(iii) 1981
(iv) 1980
Ans.: (i)

Q. 293 Antarctic Treaty is outcome of

(i) UNEP
(ii) UNCED
(iii) UN
(iv) UNO
Ans.: (i)

Q.294 UN organized Biodiversity convention in year

(i) 1992
(ii) 1985
(iii) 1959
(iv) 1989
Ans.: (i)

Q. 295 A protocol put forth by UNEP on ozone depleting substances

(ii) Montreal
(iii) Biodiversity
(iv) UNEP
Ans.: (ii)

Q. 296 Safe method of disposing waste is

(i) Waste disposal
(ii) Waste dispersion
(iii) Waste treatment
(iv) 4R
Ans.: (i)

Q. 297 Procedures taken up in collection, treatment and of waste is

(i) Waste management
(ii) Waste dispersion
(iii) Waste disposal
(iv) None of the above
Ans.: (i)

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