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The Power of Ritual In Life

Group: 1
I. Nguyễn Phương Anh
II. Nguyễn Thị Bảo Châu
III. Phạm Minh Anh
IV. Ninh Thị Đoan Trang

I. Attention-getter
A short drama about two friends, one of them doesn't think it's vital to
celebrate milestones like birthdays or anniversaries, while the other friend persuades
that rituals are so important and everyone should be conscious of them
II. Purpose
People are gradually ignoring rituals due to the fast-paced nature of modern
life. That's why it gets harder to achieve true happiness. Therefore, our presentation
will analyze the essence of rituals in life.
III. Outline
a. The degradation of the ritual in life.
b. The guidance on creating the ritual in life.
c. The power of creating the ritual in life.
IV. Q&A instructions
Last for 5 minutes.
I. The degradation of the ritual in life.
a. The definition of ritual in life.
“…a predefined sequence of symbolic actions often characterised by formality
and repetition".
b. An example of ritual in life
Morning rituals - people start a day with morning rituals such as having a
nutrient-rich and delicious meal or having a short meditation for boosting up
the mood of the day.
c. Reasons for the degradation of the ritual in life.
i. Explanation:
1. The assumption that rituals are unnecessary.
2. The assumption that rituals are time-consuming and
ii. Example:
1. Many Vietnamese young couples choose to get married without
a wedding ceremony.
2. In Goligoski’s article, parents choose to minimize the birthday
celebration of their kids to lessen elaborate parties.
II. The guidance on creating the ritual in life.
a. Figure out the most important things.
i. Explanation:
1. The time people have is precious and limited.
2. Therefore, they can place only the things that matter most into
that limited space.
ii. Example:
1. The personal care is about the relationship with someone, create
a connection ritual.
2. The family’s care is about reading, create a reading ritual.
b. Create celebrations
i. Explanation:
1. Everytime people or their loved ones make an achievement, or
have unforgettable moments or memories in these above
aspects, celebrate them.
2. Schedule these activities into the routine.
3. Create the appropriate environment.
ii. Example:
1. Buying presents, flowers, or doing activities that bring
2. Having dinner with phones off, candles burning, and silence in
the room.
c. Establish intention and appreciation
i. Explanation:
1. Set an intention for the ritual.
2. Carry that intention throughout the ritual.
3. Be as fully appreciative of the act as possible.
ii. Example:
Daily eating rituals is appreciating not only the nourishing food,
but the people who put their life energy into growing,
transporting and preparing the food.
III. The power of creating the ritual in life.
a. The ritual in life facilitates a sense of companionship and love.
i. Theritual in life creates a feeling of love.
The feeling of understood leads to the sense of security
and reliability.
ii. The ritual in life creates a sense of companionship
The feeling of closeness and support leads to the sense
of belonging
b. The ritual in life impacts on a person’s self development.
i. The ritual in life helps you form an appropriate and positive perspective
for yourself.
It raises the self-identity and create the self-appreciation,
hence bringing people feelings of expectation in their
ii. The ritual in life helps you form an appropriate and positive perspective
for the world
It affects positively your values and worldview, hence
affecting positively the way you behave in relationships
in the future.
I. Restate the main points
We have gone through the definition of a sense of ritual, some signals of
people losing the sense, the importance of the sense of ritual, and ways to create it.
II. Restate the central idea.
Through our presentation, we hope you'll be mindful of creating and
maintaining your own rituals after understanding the importance of the sense of
ritual in life.
III. Call to action
The sense of ritual is a ray of light in a person’s life. Living a life having a
strong sense of ritual will make people more confident, optimistic, and motivated.
Therefore, remember to practice the afore-mentioned ways to increase this sense
your life.
IV. Endnote
“Remember to live while you are busy surviving.”
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