Form 6 Term 2 Biology SOW 2023

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1. Control and coordination
2. Selection and evolution
3. Classification, biodiversity and conservation
4. The mitotic cell cycles
Week Topic Key concept Learning outcomes Teaching/ Learning Activities Learning
1 Control and Control and 1 describe the features of the 1 Describing the features of the A level Biology,
coordination coordination in endocrine system with endocrine system 2nd
mammals reference to the hormones 2 Comparing the features of the edition, C.J. Clegg
ADH, glucagon and insulin (see nervous system and the Pg. 317-330
14.1.8, 14.1.9 and 14.1.10) endocrine system
2 compare the features of the 3 Describing the structure and
nervous system and the function of a sensory neurone, a
endocrine system motor neurone and an
3 describe the structure and intermediate neurone.
function of a sensory neurone 4 Outlining the role of sensory
and a motor neurone and state receptor cells
that intermediate neurones 5 Describing the sequence of
connect sensory neurones and events that results in an
motor neurones action potential in a sensory
4 outline the role of sensory neurone, using a chemoreceptor
receptor cells in detecting cell in a human taste bud as an
stimuli and stimulating the example
transmission of impulses in 6 Describing and explaining
sensory neurones changes to the membrane
5 describe the sequence of potential of neurones,
events that results in an action 7 Describing and explaining the
potential in a sensory neurone, rapid transmission of an impulse in
using a chemoreceptor cell in a a myelinated neurone
human taste bud as an 8 Explaining the importance of the
example refractory period in determining
6 describe and explain changes the frequency of impulses
to the membrane potential of 9 Describing the structure of a
neurones, including: cholinergic synapse and explaining
• how the resting potential is how it functions,
maintained 10 Describing the roles
• the events that occur during of neuromuscular junctions, the T-
tubule system and sarcoplasmic
an action potential reticulum in stimulating
• how the resting potential is contraction in striated muscle
11 Describing the ultrastructure of
restored during the refractory striated muscle
period 12 Explaining the sliding filament
7 describe and explain the model of muscular contraction
rapid transmission of an
impulse in a myelinated
neurone with reference to
saltatory conduction
8 explain the importance of the
refractory period in
determining the frequency of
9 describe the structure of a
cholinergic synapse and
explain how it functions,
including the role of calcium
10 describe the roles of
neuromuscular junctions, the
T-tubule system and
sarcoplasmic reticulum in
stimulating contraction in
striated muscle
11 describe the ultrastructure
of striated muscle with
reference to sarcomere
structure using electron
micrographs and diagrams
12 explain the sliding filament
model of muscular contraction
including the roles of troponin,
tropomyosin, calcium ions and
2 Control and Control and 1 describe the rapid response 1 Describing the rapid A level Biology,
coordination coordination in plants of the Venus fly trap to response of the Venus 2nd
stimulation of hairs on the fly trap to stimulation edition, C.J. Clegg
lobes of modified leaves and of hairs on the lobes of Pg. 317-330
explain how the closure of the modified leaves and
trap is achieved explaining how the
2 explain the role of auxin in closure of the trap is
elongation growth by achieved
stimulating proton pumping to 2 Explaining the role
acidify cell walls of auxin in elongation
3 describe the role of growth by stimulating
gibberellin in the germination proton pumping to
of barley (see 16.3.4) acidify cell walls
3 Describing the role
of gibberellin in the
germination of barley

3 Selection and Variation 1 explain, with examples, that 1 explaining that phenotypic A level Biology,
evolution phenotypic variation is due to variation is due to 2nd
Natural and artificial genetic factors or genetic factors or environmental edition, C.J. Clegg
selection environmental factors or a factors or a combination of Pg. 380-401
combination of genetic and environmental factors
genetic and environmental 2 explaining what is meant by
factors discontinuous variation and
2 explain what is meant by continuous variation
discontinuous variation and 3 explaining the genetic basis of
continuous variation discontinuous variation and
3 explain the genetic basis of continuous variation
discontinuous variation and 4 using the t-test to compare the
continuous variation means of two different samples
4 use the t-test to compare the 5 explaining that natural selection
means of two different samples occurs because populations
(the formula for the t-test will have the capacity to produce many
be provided, as shown in the offspring that compete for
Mathematical requirements) resources; in the ‘struggle for
existence’, individuals that are
5 explain that natural selection best adapted are most likely to
occurs because populations survive to reproduce and pass on
have the capacity to produce their alleles to the next generation
many offspring that compete 6 explaining how environmental
for factors can act as stabilising,
resources; in the ‘struggle for disruptive and directional forces of
existence’, individuals that are natural selection
best adapted are most likely to 7 explaining how selection, the
survive to reproduce and pass founder effect and genetic drift,
on including the bottleneck effect,
their alleles to the next may affect allele frequencies in
generation populations
6 explain how environmental 8 outlining how bacteria become
factors can act as stabilising, resistant to antibiotics as an
disruptive and directional example of natural selection
forces of natural selection 9 using the Hardy–Weinberg
7 explain how selection, the principle to calculate allele and
founder effect and genetic drift, genotype frequencies in
including the bottleneck effect, populations and state the
may affect allele frequencies in conditions
populations when this principle can be applied
8 outline how bacteria become 10 describe the principles of
resistant to antibiotics as an selective breeding (artificial
example of natural selection selection)
9 use the Hardy–Weinberg 11 outline the following examples
principle to calculate allele and of selective breeding:
genotype frequencies in • the introduction of disease
populations and state the resistance to varieties of wheat
conditions and rice
when this principle can be • inbreeding and hybridisation to
applied (the two equations for produce vigorous, uniform
the varieties of maize
Hardy–Weinberg principle will • improving the milk yield of dairy
be provided, as shown in the cattle
Mathematical requirements)
10 describe the principles of
selective breeding (artificial
11 outline the following
examples of selective breeding:
• the introduction of disease
resistance to varieties of wheat
and rice
• inbreeding and hybridisation
to produce vigorous, uniform
varieties of maize
• improving the milk yield of
dairy cattle
4 Selection and Evolution 1 outline the theory of 1 outlining the theory of evolution A level Biology,
evolution evolution as a process leading as a process leading to the 2nd
to the formation of new species from pre- edition, C.J. Clegg
formation of new species from existing species over time, as Pg. 402-414
pre-existing species over time, a result of changes to gene pools
as from generation to generation
a result of changes to gene 2 discussing how DNA sequence
pools from generation to data can show evolutionary
generation relationships between species
2 discuss how DNA sequence 3 explaining how speciation may
data can show evolutionary occur as a result of genetic
relationships between species isolation
3 explain how speciation may by:
occur as a result of genetic • geographical separation
isolation (allopatric speciation)
by: • ecological and behavioural
• geographical separation separation (sympatric
(allopatric speciation) speciation)
• ecological and behavioural
separation (sympatric

5 Classification, Classification 1 discuss the meaning of the 1 discussing the meaning of the A level Biology,
biodiversity and term species, limited to the term species, limited to the 2nd
conservation biological species concept, biological species concept, edition, C.J. Clegg
morphological species concept morphological species concept and Pg. 415-426
and ecological species concept
ecological species concept 2 describing the classification of
2 describe the classification of organisms into three domains:
organisms into three domains: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya
Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya 3 stating that Archaea and Bacteria
3 state that Archaea and are prokaryotes and that
Bacteria are prokaryotes and there are differences between
that them, limited to differences in
there are differences between membrane lipids, ribosomal RNA
them, limited to differences in and composition of cell walls
membrane lipids, ribosomal 4 describing the classification of
RNA and composition of cell organisms in the Eukarya domain
walls into the taxonomic hierarchy of
4 describe the classification of kingdom, phylum, class, order,
organisms in the Eukarya family, genus and species
domain 5 outlining the characteristic
into the taxonomic hierarchy of features of the kingdoms
kingdom, phylum, class, order, Protoctista,
family, genus and species Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
5 outline the characteristic 6 outlining how viruses are
features of the kingdoms classified
Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
6 outline how viruses are
classified, limited to the type of
acid (RNA or DNA) and
whether this is single stranded
or double
6 Classification, Biodiversity 1 define the terms ecosystem 1 defining the terms ecosystem A level Biology,
biodiversity and and niche and niche 2nd
conservation 2 explain that biodiversity can 2 explaining how biodiversity can edition, C.J. Clegg
be assessed at different levels, be assessed at different levels, Pg. 426-439
including: 3 explaining the importance of
• the number and range of random sampling in determining
different ecosystems and the
habitats biodiversity of an area
• the number of species and 4 describing and using suitable
their relative abundance methods to assess the distribution
• the genetic variation within and
each species abundance of organisms in an area,
3 explain the importance of 5 using Spearman’s rank
random sampling in correlation and Pearson’s linear
determining the correlation
biodiversity of an area to analyse the relationships
4 describe and use suitable between two variables
methods to assess the 6 using Simpson’s index of
distribution and diversity (D) to calculate the
abundance of organisms in an biodiversity
area, limited to frame quadrats, of an area, and stating the
line transects, belt transects significance of different values of D
and mark-release-recapture
the Lincoln index (the formula
for the Lincoln index will be
provided, as shown in the
Mathematical requirements)

5 use Spearman’s rank

correlation and Pearson’s
linear correlation
to analyse the relationships
between two variables,
how biotic and abiotic factors
affect the distribution and
abundance of species (the
formulae for these correlations
be provided, as shown in the
Mathematical requirements)
6 use Simpson’s index of
diversity (D) to calculate the
of an area, and state the
significance of different values
of D
(the formula for Simpson’s
index of diversity will be
provided, as
shown in the Mathematical
7 Classification, Conservation 1 explain why populations and 1 explaining why populations and A level Biology,
biodiversity and species can become extinct as a species can become extinct as a 2nd
conservation result of: result of: edition, C.J. Clegg
• climate change • climate change Pg. 439-455
• competition • competition
• hunting by humans • hunting by humans
• degradation and loss of • degradation and loss of habitats
habitats 2 outlining reasons for the need to
2 outline reasons for the need maintain biodiversity
to maintain biodiversity 3 outlining the roles of zoos,
3 outline the roles of zoos, botanic gardens, conserved areas,
botanic gardens, conserved ‘frozen zoos’ and
areas seed banks, in the conservation of
(including national parks and endangered species
marine parks), ‘frozen zoos’ 4 describing methods of assisted
and reproduction used in the
seed banks, in the conservation conservation of endangered
of endangered species mammals
4 describe methods of assisted 5 explaining reasons for
reproduction used in the controlling invasive alien species
conservation of endangered 6 outlining the role in conservation
mammals, limited to IVF, of the International Union for
embryo the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
transfer and surrogacy and the Convention on
5 explain reasons for International Trade in Endangered
controlling invasive alien Species of Wild Fauna and
species Flora (CITES)
6 outline the role in
conservation of the
International Union for
the Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) and the Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and
Flora (CITES)
11 The mitotic cell Replication and division of 1 describe the structure of a 1 describi the structure of a A level Biology,
cycle nuclei and cells chromosome, limited to: chromosome, limited to: 2nd
• DNA • DNA edition, C.J. Clegg
• histone proteins • histone proteins Pg. 106-115
• sister chromatids • sister chromatids
• centromere • centromere
• telomeres • telomeres
2 explain the importance of 2 explain the importance of mitosis
mitosis in the production of in the production of
genetically identical daughter genetically identical daughter cells
cells during: during:
• growth of multicellular • growth of multicellular
organisms organisms
• replacement of damaged or • replacement of damaged or dead
dead cells cells
• repair of tissues by cell • repair of tissues by cell
replacement replacement
• asexual reproduction • asexual reproduction

12 1 outline the mitotic cell cycle, 1 outlining the mitotic cell cycle, A level Biology,
including: including: 2nd
• interphase (growth in G1 and • interphase (growth in G1 and G2 edition, C.J. Clegg
G2 phases and DNA replication phases and DNA replication Pg. 115-119
in S phase) in S phase)
• mitosis • mitosis
• cytokinesis • cytokinesis
2 outline the role of telomeres 2 outlining the role of telomeres in
in preventing the loss of genes preventing the loss of genes
from the ends of chromosomes from the ends of chromosomes
during DNA replication during DNA replication
3 outline the role of stem cells 3 outlining the role of stem cells in
in cell replacement and tissue cell replacement and tissue
repair by mitosis repair by mitosis
4 explain how uncontrolled cell 4 explaining how uncontrolled cell
division can result in the division can result in the
formation of a tumour formation of a tumour

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