Maki 2012
Maki 2012
Maki 2012
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 238
2 Newt Lens Transdifferentiation ........................................................................................ 238
2.1 A Key Biological Event ........................................................................................... 238
2.2 Structural Changes in the Nucleus........................................................................... 240
2.3 Gene Expression ....................................................................................................... 240
3 Epigenetics in Newt Lens Transdifferentiation................................................................ 241
3.1 Core Histone Modifications ..................................................................................... 241
1 Introduction
Urodele amphibians have a strong regenerative ability. In particular, the newt can
regenerate almost all tissues in its body including lens, retina, limbs, jaw, tail,
small intestine, heart, and brain. Understanding the mechanism of amphibian
regeneration will provide crucial information for both basic and applied biology.
Especially, the understanding of unique events in regenerative animals will be
important. In this chapter, we introduce a unique phenomenon of transdifferenti-
ation identified in newt lens regeneration.
In newt lens regeneration, dorsal iris pigmented epithelial cells (PECs) transdif-
ferentiate into lens cells (Fig 1a). Newt lens regeneration can be divided into three
major steps. The initial step after lentectomy (from day 0 to day 3) involves
Epigenetics and Regeneration 239
Fig. 1 Newt lens regeneration. a Dorsal PECs transdifferentiate into lens cells. About 4 days
after lentectomy, PECs begin to re-enter the cell cycle and shed their pigments. PECs change to
transparent cells by around day 8. After day 14, lens differentiation occurs from dorsal iris.
Although the ventral PECs show depigmentation and cell cycle re-entry, they never regenerate
lens. b Structural change in the nucleus during lens transdifferentiation. Original PECs have a
small and shrunken nucleus. During dedifferentiation, the PEC nucleus swells and its nucleoli
become huge. N, nucleus; arrow head, nucleolus. Illustration of nucleus is reproduced from
(Eguchi 1980) with permission
molecular and cellular events that precede PECs re-entering the cell cycle. The
next step (days 412) is the point at which PECs start cell cycle re-entry 45 days
after lentectomy. At this time, PECs start shedding their pigment granules. PECs
continue depigmentation and proliferation and finally change to transparent cells
by day 8. This process, where PECs lose their original tissue characteristics, is
called dedifferentiation. On days 1012 depigmented PECs form a vesicle but do
not express lens-specific markers.
In the last step, lens differentiation begins. After day 14, posterior cells of the
dorsal vesicle elongate and start to express lens markers. The vesicle grows and
differentiates into lens, which is of a considerable size and normal morphology by
day 20. Embryologically, lens cells and PEC are derived from surface and neural
ectoderm origin, respectively (Coulombre 1965), suggesting that lens transdiffer-
entiation is accomplished by a different mechanism from that seen in embryogenesis.
The transdifferentiation of PECs has been demonstrated in clonal culture experi-
ments. A single PEC dissociated from dorsal iris transdifferentiates into a lentoid
body, which expresses lens-specific markers in culture (Abe and Eguchi 1977).
240 N. Maki and H. Kimura
It is note worthy that the transdifferentiation of PEC is one of the best and most
suitable systems to study epigenetics in regeneration because its cell lineage is so
simple and so obvious. The ventral PECs show depigmentation and cell cycle
re-entry. The number of BrdU-positive cells in the ventral iris is comparable with
that in the dorsal iris by day 6 (Maki et al. 2007). In contrast to dorsal PECs,
however, the ventral PECs never differentiate to lens in vivo (Grogg et al. 2005;
Hayashi et al. 2006). Therefore, there is a dorso-ventral selectivity in lens
The PEC nucleus dynamically changes its structure during lens transdifferentiation
(Maki et al. 2007, 2010b) (Fig. 1b). The nucleus of the original PEC is small
(about 10 lm in a diameter) and shrunken in shape and has highly developed
heterochromatin, which is the transcriptionally inactive region of Chromatin (Maki
et al. 2010b). During the dedifferentiation of the PEC, nuclear swelling occurs, and
finally the nucleus changes its shape to become round with its diameter reaching
more than 20 lm by around day 10. In parallel with the nuclear swelling,
euchromatic regions, transcriptionally active regions, increase dramatically (Maki
et al. 2010b). The structure of the nucleoli also changes during the dedifferenti-
ation (Fig. 1b). Although the nucleoli in the original PEC are small, they become
huge during the dedifferentiation. After the onset of lens differentiation, the nuclei
of the cells become smaller and elongated, and have small nucleoli. Therefore
during transdifferentiation, the nucleus dynamically changes its structure in cor-
relation with the cellular state. It is suggested that the nuclear swelling with the
enlargement of euchromatin during the dedifferentiation is due to reprogramming
of the cellular state from differentiated to a stem cell-like state.
2.3.1 Nucleostemin
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are in a pluripotent state which allows them to dif-
ferentiate into all types of cells in three germ layers (Evans and Kaufman 1981;
Martin 1981). Another significant property of the ES cell is an ability to reprogram
somatic cells (Cowan et al. 2005; Tada et al. 2001). By electrofusion with ES cells,
somatic cell nuclei can be reprogrammed and express ES cell markers such as
Oct4, and the hybrid cells contribute to all three primary layers of chimeric
embryos, suggesting the existence of reprogramming factors in ES cells. On the
basis of this fact, the reprogramming factors, Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc, have
been screened and pluripotent stem cells have been induced from fibroblasts by
introducing these four factors (Okita et al. 2007; Takahashi et al. 2007; Takahashi
and Yamanaka 2006; Wernig et al. 2007; Yu et al. 2007).
Retinal PECs from chicken embryo dedifferentiate and transdifferentiate into
lens cells in culture. It has been shown that dedifferentiated cells from the retinal
PECs express c-Myc (Agata et al. 1993). During newt lens regeneration, expres-
sion of Sox2 at the lens differentiating stage has been reported (Hayashi et al.
2004). To further investigate newt dedifferentiation, expression of the stem cell
factors during dedifferentiation of PECs have been examined (Maki et al. 2009).
Although Oct4 and Nanog are not expressed, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc are expressed
in a stage-dependent manner during dedifferentiation of PEC. Sox2 and Klf4 are
upregulated at a very early step (day 2). The expression of c-Myc reaches a peak at
a later stage (day 8). In addition to NS, the expression of those stem cell factors
suggests that dedifferentiated cells have a stem cell-like state.
Fig. 2 Chromatin structure and histone modifications. a Approximately 147 base pairs of DNA
wrap around a histone octamer consisting of an H3-H4 tetramer and two H2A-H2B dimers to
form a single nucleosome. The nucleosome is packed with histone H1 to form higher order
chromatin structure. b Histone tail modifications. Acetylation (Ac) and methylation (Me) of
lysine residues at N-terminus of histone H3 and H4 are shown. c There are four types of linker-
histones identified
small basic proteins consisting of a flexible N-terminus called a histone tail and a
fold domain that interacts with DNA. The histone tail is subject to several post-
translational modifications (Kouzarides 2007; Ruthenburg et al. 2007) (Fig. 2b).
Epigenetics and Regeneration 243
PEC. The increasing of TriMeK4 and AcH4 could be related to gene activation for
cell cycle reentry and reprogramming of cellular fate during dedifferentiation. The
decrease of AcH3K9 is an interesting point. It should be noted that Di- and
TriMeH3K9 do not change at the same time suggesting that a modification state of
H3K9 is not repressive. The combination of such histone modifications, increasing
levels of TriMeK4 and AcH4 and decreasing levels of AcH3K9, could be a
hallmark of the chromatin state during newt dedifferentiation.
Bivalent histone modification with TriMeH3K27 and TriMeH3K4 is a
remarkable feature of the ES cell. The comprehensive analysis of histone mod-
ifications shows that a vast majority of genes modified with TriMeH3K27, a
repressive mark, are co-modified with TriMeH3K4, an active mark, in ES cells and
that the co-modified fraction is enriched in genes that function during development
(Azuara et al. 2006; Bernstein et al. 2006; Mikkelsen et al. 2007; Pan et al. 2007;
Zhao et al. 2007). The bivalent histone modification is thought to poise genes for
later activation, while keep them inactivated (Bernstein et al. 2006). It has been
reported that in intact zebrafish developmental regulatory genes are silenced by
the bivalent modifications and the silenced genes are activated by loss of
TriMeH3K27 modification in the fin regeneration (Stewart et al. 2009). However,
during newt lens regeneration, the bivalent modification is not observed. This
might be due to a difference in the mode of regeneration between dedifferentiation
versus stem cell differentiation. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the
zebrafish heart is regenerated by dedifferentiation of cardiomyocytes using a Cre/
lox system (Jopling et al. 2010). Thus, histone modifications during dediffer-
entiation in different regenerative animals could be investigated in the future.
Linker histones are classified into four types, i.e., somatic-, oocyte-, testis-, and
erythrocyte-type linker histones, according to their cellular specificity and
sequence homology (Fig. 2c). Oocyte-type linker histones have been identified in
human (referred as H1oo or H1foo), mouse (H1oo, H1foo), cow (H1foo), newt
Epigenetics and Regeneration 245
Fig. 4 Oocyte-type linker histone B4 is required for newt lens transdifferentiation. a Detection
of B4 protein by Western blot analysis using B4 antibody or neutralized antibody with the
antigen. Lane 1, ovary; lane 2, dorsal iris 10 days after lentectomy. b Immunostaining of ovary
using B4 and H1 antibody. Bar, 200 lm. Note that germinal vesicle (GV) was stained by B4
antibody and the nucleus of follicle cells was stained by H1 antibody c immunostaining of iris
during lens regeneration. Bar, 20 lm. Note that the staining intensities of each panel are not
comparative because images were processed to show nuclear distribution of each protein.
d Changes in the ratio of B4 to histone H1 during lens regeneration. After immunostaining, the
intensities of B4 and H1 signals in each nucleus were measured, and the ratio of B4 to histone H1
was calculated. e Knocking down of B4 altered gene expression of key genes of lens
differentiation. Using a vivo-morpholino technique, the amount of B4 in dorsal iris during lens
regeneration decreased by nearly 50 %. In this condition, expression levels of structural and
regulatory genes in lens differentiation were analyzed by qPCR. The expression of each gene was
normalized with that of ribosomal protein L27. Asterisks indicate a significant difference at
p \ 0.0342, Students t test
246 N. Maki and H. Kimura
(B4), frog (B4, H1X), zebrafish (H1M), and sea urchin (cs-H1) (Cho and Wolffe
1994; Maki et al. 2010a; Mandl et al. 1997; McGraw et al. 2006; Ohsumi and
Katagiri 1991; Tanaka et al. 2001, 2003; Wibrand and Olsen 2002). The oocyte-
type linker histones are predominant linker histones during oogenesis and early
embryogenesis. After the onset of zygotic gene expression, oocyte-type linker
histone disappears in parallel with an initiation of somatic-type linker histone H1
Epigenetic reprogramming occurs after somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
into oocyte. During reprogramming, the somatic nucleus regains pluripotency to
differentiate into all the cell types in the animal (Gurdon et al. 1958; Wilmut et al.
1997; Wakayama et al. 1998). Following nuclear transfer, somatic-type linker
histone H1 is rapidly replaced by oocyte-type linker histone (Becker et al. 2005;
Gao et al. 2004; Teranishi et al. 2004). Incorporation of oocyte-type linker histone
into the nucleus is required for the reactivation of pluripotency genes such as Oct4
and Sox2 in reprogramming after SCNT (Jullien et al. 2010). Furthermore, in
assembled chromatin in vitro, B4 allows the chromatin to be remodeled by ATP-
dependent chromatin remodeling factor, whereas somatic-type histone H1 prevents
the remodeling (Saeki et al. 2005). Thus, oocyte-type linker histone has a func-
tional significance in chromatin remodeling and is required for the reprogramming
after SCNT.
Unlike other animals analyzed, only the newt expresses B4 in somatic cells
during lens regeneration (Fig. 4) (Maki et al. 2010a). After lens removal, B4 is
reactivated and incorporated into the nucleus of dedifferentiating PECs. The ratio
of B4H1 in dorsal iris PEC starts to increase 8 days after lentectomy. The ratio
reaches a peak at day 12, when the cells are still undifferentiated. On day 15, when
lens differentiation occurs, the ratio starts to decreases and reaches a basal level by
day 18. However, such a peak is not observed in the ventral iris. If B4 is knocked
down, the regenerated lens is considerably small because of inhibited proliferation
and induced apoptosis. Moreover, B4 knockdown represses gene expression of
pax6 and MafB, transcriptional factors in lens differentiation, and almost abolishes
expression of c-crystalline, a lens differentiation marker (Fig. 4). Thus, expression
of B4 in somatic cells is required in newt lens transdifferentiation and it is sug-
gested that reprogramming in the newt somatic cell during transdifferentiation and
in the oocyte after SCNT share common strategies.
4 Discussion
is completed by about 8 days after lentectomy and that the reprogrammed cells
already have a restored ability for lens differentiation (Fig. 5a), since the cells have
lost the morphological characteristics of PEC and have re-entered the cell cycle. In
fact, however, those gene markers related to nuclear reprogramming are expressed
sequentially throughout lens transdifferentiation and not just limited to the period
prior to cell cycle re-entry. Especially, oocyte-type linker histone, which is
required for the reprogramming after SCNT, shows a peak of expression on day
12. Based on the expression profile of reprogramming-related genes, we propose a
248 N. Maki and H. Kimura
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Kiyoe Ura for critical reading and suggestions, and
Rinako Maki for making illustrations.
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