Red Giant Digital Book

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A Cursed World TRPG

copyright 2021 Rookie Jet Studio LLC


Cory Burns (RookieJet)

Juwan Yi (Jow4ni)

Emanuele Galletto (RoosterEma)

Phu Nguyen, Steven "Brittain" Hoover,
Marc-Antony Patterson, Edward "Fuze"

u 2
i. introduction







u 3
i. introduction



“Life is tragic simply because the earth turns, and the sun
inexorably rises and sets, and one day, for each of us, the sun will go down
for the last, last time. Perhaps the whole root of our trouble, the human
trouble, is that we will sacrifice all the beauty of our lives, will imprison
ourselves in totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, steeples, mosques,
races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, which is
the only fact we have. It seems to me that one ought to rejoice in the
fact of death – ought to decide, indeed, to earn one’s death by
confronting with passion the conundrum of life.”

― James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

u 5

a About
No one knows how the Red Giant came to be: some people believe it was an
act of god, some believe it was due to ancient technology, but no matter how
this planet became cursed, it is clear that

you cannot save this world.

Stories passed down through the ages all describe in detail a day long ago
where the sun suddenly grew and became consumed in a blood red color.
As the people stared at the sky a crimson haze slowly crept across the surface
of the planet. It’s been said that this was the beginning of what was known as
“the end of the world” or “the rapture” by people of that time.
From this day forward humanity and the world that they knew was forever
changed, horrific beings and aberrations began to rise, seemingly from the
soil itself. Beings of absolute terror and structures the human mind cannot
comprehend appeared from nothingness. It was not long before humanity
was ultimately driven to the edge of extinction, facing these impossible
People now eke out a small existence throughout the lands attempting to
avoid or defeat the horrors and creatures that have awakened from the planet
in order to survive, but for what and for what cost?

u 6
i. introduction

Red Giant takes place in an incredibly bleak setting. The world
this book contains is dangerous, violent, horrific, and filled with
death. There are themes in this book that may not be suitable for
some players. These themes include despair, murder, cruelty, and
extreme violence. If any of these themes may cause you trouble or
personal distress, Red Giant is likely not the game for you.
Red Giant should be played by adults (18+).
We here at Rookie Jet Studio understand that this game will touch
upon several adult themes; it is best to discuss with one another as
a group to determine what kind of themes or content you do
NOT want to see or roleplay in your game of Red Giant.

55 About Red Giant

Red Giant is a Tabletop Role Playing Game influenced by, but not limited
to, anime and manga such as Vampire Hunter D, Berserk, and Claymore.
Red Giant aims to recreate the various themes, dynamics, and scenarios seen
in these types of media.

Note: This is a stand-alone game, which only requires a set of polyhedral dice,
paper, pencils, and a few friends to play with.

55 Role-Playing
A TRPG (Tabletop Role Playing Game) is a game in which you act out the
Character that you have created, performing an improv Session with everyo-
ne at the table. To put it simply, it’s just make-believe where the outcomes
are determined by your actions, dice, and a little bit of luck.
In the world of TRPGs you can be anybody you desire. When you “act out”
your Character, it can be a little embarrassing until you get used to it, but
it can also be great fun to play out incredible scenes, like the ones you see in
anime or movies, with your friends.

u 7
55 Game
Part of the fun of TRPGs comes from the randomness of rolling dice and
using this data to strategize.

You will need to make important decisions and come up with a plan to get
past obstacles based on your Character’s attributes, equipment, afflictions
and the stats of both friends and foes.

The roll of the unpredictable Dice can bring about unexpected situations
that would normally never occur simply through conversation. You could
probably say that one of the most interesting parts about TRPGs is the way
dice can at times bring out happy story elements, and at other times sad


The rules further presented in this book are simple guidelines
for how to play a game of Red Giant. Feel free to change, bend,
or tweak these rules in whichever way you see fit in order to
adapt new ideas or mechanics into your game.

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.

How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?
What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned
has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us?
What water is there for us to clean ourselves?
What festivals of atonement, what sacred games
shall we have to invent?”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

u 8
i. introduction

55 A Word of Advice
So you’ve decided to delve into the world of Red Giant. Along the way there
are hints and tricks you will learn when it comes to playing a Character or
running the game as a Game Master; but below are a few things to remember
when playing Red Giant.

l As the GM, your Players will look to you for guidance and assistance
when playing Red Giant: make sure to help them out when needed and
try your best so that everyone is having fun and has their own turn in
the spotlight. As Players, make sure to follow the narrative your GM
has written for the game without going “off the rails” too much: Red
Giant is a cooperative game and you will need to work with your fellow
Players to accomplish your Characters' goals.
l It’s okay to run away from a Combat scenario which may be difficult
or life threatening. This can be played out narratively or you can attach
mechanics to the escape, usually through a STR + RFX Competition
Check (p. 37) between the Player Characters and the enemies.
l There are Exchanges (p. 21) that can be used to work in tandem with
one another. For instance, take a look at Master Thief and Loathing
Prince: Master Thief makes you compelled to steal, but people may be
less likely to suspect you to steal from them if you're an important or
royal figure.
Try to experiment and come up with your own Exchanges that can
work in a similar way.
l Make sure to give your Characters adequate clothing. Life underneath
the sun is hard and grueling, even the rays from the sun may have ad-
verse effects on a Character's health. Cover up lest ye become a Bleached.
l Red Giant is composed of many small systems. From Map Creation,
to the Calendar there are many moving parts going on at any given
time. If any of these systems or features seem to overwhelm you, simply
remove them from the game and continue onwards. Make Red Giant
the game you want to play.
l Monsters, Creatures, and Horrors found in the Bestiarium (p. 68) can be
altered to adjust the game's difficulty. Feel free to change the stats for
all of these beings in order to scale the game to your table's preferred

u 9
i. introduction



“Man is condemned to be free;

because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre

u 11

a Creating a Character
This will be the Character that you, the Player control and whom the Game
Master guides. While the stats below are important, so is your Character's
role in the game. Make sure to create a backstory, description, appearance
and any other bits of information that can make your Character stand out so
that the other Players and the GM have a clear image of who your Character
is and what they stand for.

55 1. Choosing Stats
Player Characters have four basic stats:

l STRENGTH (STR): Used for Checks requiring physical power, such as

throwing and lifting.
l REFLEX (RFX): Used for Checks requiring grace, speed, and poise, like
dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc.
l MIND (MND): Used for Checks requiring concentration and precision,
such as Solving puzzles, seeing through illusions, tinkering with machi-
nery, picking pockets, etc.
l CHARM (CHA): Used for Checks to persuade, deceive, interrogate,
intimidate, charm, provoke, etc.

u 12
ii. characters

To begin creating your Character select one of the following sets of numbers,
record those values on your Character Sheet by taking each value from the
set and placing each one into the desired stats. These values will determine
the size of the dice you roll for a Check.

l AVERAGE: 6, 8, 8, 8
l FOCUSED: 6, 6, 8, 10
l SPECIALTY: 4, 8, 8, 10
l HYPER FOCUSED: 4, 6, 10, 10

A Character also has three more special stats:


These stats are determined by the Archetype you will choose for your Cha-
racter later on during this process.

55 2. Money and Items

Each Player Character starts the game with 40 Joss (money) and has a num-
ber of item slots equal to 4+ their Strength.
Item slots determine the amount of items you may carry at any given time; a
PC cannot carry more items than they have item slots.

l Most items, including books, potions, a day’s rations, light weapons,

tools and so on have a Size of 1 and thus take up 1 slot, but particularly
heavy or bulky items like armor or medium to heavy weapons may take
up more slots depending on their Size
l Groups of small, identical items may be bundled into the same slot, at
the GM's discretion.
l Joss does not carry weight.

Each newly created Player Character starts with 2 days of rations and one
weapon of their choice (p. 44).

u 13
55 3. Roll or Choose Attributes
Attributes determine four major things about your Character: their Persona-
lity, Flaws, Past and Misfortune. In order to determine these Attributes roll
1d20 on the tables below, choose your own, or feel free to create your own.

The Characteristics and The main flaw or
qualities that make up weakness of your
your Player Character. Player Character.

1. Ambitious 1. Aggressive
2. Courageous 2. Arrogant
3. Courteous 3. Bitter
4. Cautious 4. Cowardly
5. Disciplined 5. Cruel
6. Focused 6. Deceitful
7. Generous 7. Flippant
8. Gregarious 8. Gluttonous
9. Honest 9. Greedy
10. Honorable 10. Irascible
11. Humble 11. Lazy
12. Idealistic 12. Nervous
13. Just 13. Prejudiced
14. Loyal 14. Reckless
15. Merciful 15. Rude
16. Paranoid 16. Suspicious
17. Righteous 17. Vain
18. Serene 18. Vengeful
19. Stoic 19. Wasteful
20. Tolerant 20. Whiny

u 14
ii. characters

The previous career or Something terrible or unjust
life path of your that befell your Player Cha-
Player Character. racter or affects them now.

1. Beggar 1. Accused
2. Butcher 2. Addicted
3. Carpenter 3. Blackmailed
4. Cook 4. Demoted
5. Criminal 5. Deserted
6. Cultist 6. Disowned
7. Entertainer 7. Exiled
8. Farmer 8. Framed
9. Fisherman 9. Haunted
10. Guard 10. Hunted
11. Hunter 11. Kidnapped
12. Mercenary 12. Mutilated
13. Merchant 13. Owned
14. Murderer 14. Poor
15. Pickpocket 15. Pursued
16. Priest 16. Rejected
17. Prisoner 17. Replaced
18. Sailor 18. Robbed
19. Smuggler 19. Survived
20. Wanderer 20. Suspected

55 4. Roll or Choose an Archetype

Choose one of the Archetypes from the list on the following pages (or roll
a d10 to decide) and record the corresponding Health, Spirit and Sanity on
your Character Sheet. You also obtain the first Skill of your Archetype.

u 15

4 4
Health: 22 Health: 24
Spirit: 8 Spirit: 6
Sanity: 10 Sanity: 10

4 4
Archetype Archetype
Skills Skills

1. Once per day you may 1. Once per day you may
add +1 to any Check. find 1d4 rations regard-
less of your location.
2. You are now able to
always get a full night's 2. You are able to precisely
rest in half the normal locate wild animals in
time. the area.

3. Once per day you may 3. As long as you damage

add +1 to any Checks a target once, you are
involving CHA (can able to track its scent.
be combined with the
bonus from the first

u 16
ii. characters


4 4
Health: 24 Health: 20
Spirit: 8 Spirit: 12
Sanity: 8 Sanity: 8

4 4
Archetype Archetype
Skills Skills

1. Once per day you are 1. You begin with a Staff

able to tell if there are of Barrier (p. 60).
enemies near you and
approximately how far 2. Once per day you may
away they are. cast the same spell pro-
duced by a Crimson
2. Once per day you may Orb (p. 61).
recover +1 Sanity.
3. You deal +1 damage
3. You deal +1 damage with any offensive
when fighting against Magic.
Creatures, Monsters, or

u 17

4 4
Health: 24 Health: 20
Spirit: 8 Spirit: 10
Sanity: 8 Sanity: 10

4 4
Archetype Archetype
Skills Skills

1. Once per day you are 1. Once per day you are
able to magically heal able to vanish into the
a person other than shadows for 15 seconds
yourself. Roll 1d6 to de- and cannot be seen by
termine Health gained. any person or creature
during this time.
2. You restore +1 Health
with all healing items 2. You gain +1 to all
and magical effects. Checks involving
3. Once per day you are
able to nullify an attack 3. Once per day you are
that would otherwise able to gracefully open
kill this Character. any lock.

u 18
ii. characters


4 4
Health: 24 Health: 22
Spirit: 6 Spirit: 10
Sanity: 10 Sanity: 8

4 4
Archetype Archetype
Skills Skills

1. You begin with an 1. You begin with the

additional exchange keywords “Cube” and
(p. 21). “Shock” from the
Speech Magic category
2. Once per day you may (p. 58).
know the exact location
of the closest Horror. 2. Once per day you may
speak to the fauna and
3. You gain +1 to all flora of the world for 1
Checks when dealing minute.
with a Horror.
3. You may now apply the
keyword “Lesser” to
your spells through the
Speech Magic category
(p. 59).

u 19

4 4
Health: 20 Health: 20
Spirit: 10 Spirit: 8
Sanity: 10 Sanity: 12

4 4
Archetype Archetype
Skills Skills

1. Once per day you are 1. When traveling, you

able to sing a song whi- no longer require a Map
ch temporarily changes to navigate correctly.
the weather to be favo-
rable for the Party. 2. You are able to correctly
navigate in any kind of
2. You gain +1 to any weather.
Checks involving MND.
3. You gain +1 to all
3. Once per day you are Checks involving
able to sing a song travel or navigation.
which boosts the mood
of those around you,
restoring 1d4 Sanity to
all Party members.

u 20
ii. characters

55 5. Take One to Three Exchanges

In Red Giant, an Exchange is truly an exchange of power, something sweet
in exchange for something bitter.
Each Player must take at least one exchange for their Player Character, but
no greater than three; Exchanges can also be earned thematically over the
course of a Red Giant campaign.

Starting Exchanges can be written into your Character's backstory and offer
great inspiration to begin designing the foundation of your Character.

You are also encouraged to create your own Exchange. Doing so is quite sim-
ple: create one positive effect you would like your Character to have, then fol-
low it up with something negative that is equal or better than the positive.
Exchanges must be approved by the Game Master in order to play with them
at the table.

You can transform size 1 objects into other size 1 objects,
as long as the materials are compatible.
Each time this ability is used,
you lose 1d4 Health.

You can immediately tell when someone is lying.
Due to your eyes, you may only spend 3 hours in the direct sun
per day or you become a Bleached (p. 71).

u 21
You no longer become unconscious when your Health reaches 0 or
below. Additionally, your Health must reach -6 before your
Character is considered dead.
When your Health reaches 0 or below, you go into a frenzy.
Each turn you must attack and flip a coin: if the result is heads,
you attack the target; if the result is tails, you instead
lose 1d4 Health.

Once per day you are able to find work; the work you find
may or may not be satisfying.
Something always goes wrong during the job.

You can summon a small 1 ft devil that is capable of moving small
items, providing reconnaissance, gathering gossip, and anything else
a small devil could do for 1 minute at a time.
Whenever the devil is summoned you lose 1d4 Health.

u 22
ii. characters

You gain 12 mystical bones. You may toss one bone and make a simple
wish (like rations, clear weather, healed wounds, safe passage, etc.) to
be fulfilled by supernatural forces.
Each wish fulfilled this way causes a bone to break in your own body.
This begins with a finger, and slowly works up to more debilitating
breaks until the final bone is tossed and your neck snaps.

You gain a jar of flies. Upon consuming them, you become
temporarily invisible to Horrors for 1d4 minutes. The jar can be
refilled with ordinary flies.

Upon exiting the invisibility state you suffer a
random Curse (p. 62).

u 23
A flock of crows abide by your will and will follow
your every command.
You are indefinitely blind.

Once per day you are able to use the Special of an enemy you
are engaged in Combat with.
Each time you use an enemy's Special, your Sanity is reduced to 1.

You can create a 3 ft tall flame from thin air that can be
used in a myriad of ways.
When entering an area with people and buildings, you are compelled
to commit arson.

You gain +1 to any Checks involving dodging or running.
If you currently have less than half of your current Health total you
gain -1 to any Checks involving dodging or running.

u 24
ii. characters

Once per day you can teleport any distance within sight.
With each use, you lose 1d4 Health and roll a d20: if you
roll a 1, you are permanently trapped in another plane of existence.

You gain +8 temporary Sanity until lost; Sanity gained through this
Exchange cannot be recovered.
You must make a Check with Disadvantage once per day.

After each battle you are guaranteed to find a weapon that correlates
to your current weapon type.
The weapon is Cursed.

You gain +3 Defense and are able to speak to spirits.
Over time you begin to lose your form and become a ghost. Once you
fully transition to a ghost, your Character is dead.

u 25
You regain +3 Sanity upon entering an area where Maidens or any
holy symbols are located.
You lose an extra 1d4 Sanity upon any encounter when the
Sanity rating is 11+.

You can only use this once, ever. The target Creature or Horror is
banished by the swipe of your hand and is immediately destroyed.
One random Party member is immediately sacrificed and destroyed.

You gain +3 Defense and fire no longer affects you.
Over time you begin to transform into an Amon. Once you fully
transition into an Amon, your Character is dead.

You have access to 3 unique coins which can be given away to bribe
creatures into doing almost any task you set forth.
Upon spending a coin you lose 1d4 Sanity; upon spending all of
these coins you become Cursed.

u 26
ii. characters

You lose no Sanity on encounters when the Sanity rating is 14+.
Mysterious forces prevent you from entering areas where Maidens
or any holy symbols are located.

Once per day you may add +2 to any Check you make.
All Checks you make otherwise have -1 to their totals.

You are royalty or a person known to many due to your lineage; you
are considered to be an important figure.
You have a pact with an evil spirit that only makes people believe you
are royalty or important in exchange for one evil act per day; if you
fail to perform one evil act per day you lose this Exchange.

You gain +1 to any Checks involving climbing or hanging.
If you currently have less than half of your current Health total, you
gain -1 to any Checks involving climbing or hanging.

u 27
You gain +1 to any Checks involving stealing or picking locks.
If you currently have less than half of your current Health total, you
gain -1 to any Checks involving stealing or picking locks.

You are able to become a monstrous beast that gains +2 to all Checks
and is able to fly freely. You can transform at will.
When you transform, you lose 1d4 Sanity. If you transform four
times you permanently become this creature and lose your mind in
the process, attacking anything and everything around you,
including party members.

Once a day you may see one thing that may happen in the next hour.
With each use, you age by 5 years.

At night you gain Advantage on all Checks.
During the day you gain Disadvantage on all Checks.

u 28
ii. characters

Once per day you may heal another Character other than yourself
through a mysterious white light in your hand. Roll 1d4 to determine
the Health gained this way.
Monsters and Horrors are attracted to the location of
the healing light.

When you have 4 or more party members, you gain +1 to all Checks.
When you have less than 4 party members, you suffer -1 to all Checks.

Double the total of your current item slots.
You have Disadvantage on all acrobatic feats.

You naturally heal 1d6 Health at the start of each day.
Whenever you begin the day with less than full Health, your body
becomes slightly deformed upon Healing through this Exchange.

u 29
You are able to easily intimidate most people with no Check required.
You are considered suspicious or criminal by everyone.


You gain Speech magic; you gain access to the
Pillar and Ice keywords immediately.
Each time you use Speech Magic you lose 2 Sanity.

You are able to survive from half the normal amount of daily rations.
You are always paranoid.

u 30
ii. characters

For each sword you currently carry, add +1 to your damage rolls.
Each sword after your first is Cursed in some manner.

You can read any and all languages and speak them as well.
The symbols dance in your head: you can never get a full rest.

You gain Speech magic; you gain access to the
Cone and Fire keywords immediately.
Each time you use Speech Magic you lose 2 Sanity.

Once per day you may add 1d4 damage to all the attacks
you make during a Combat.
Upon entering an area with people you must roll 1d20: if you roll a 1
you go into a killing frenzy for 1d10 minutes.

u 31
You gain +1 to any Checks involving involving persuasion and decep-
tion, +1 to any Checks involving RFX, and you gain perfect sight even
in the darkest environments.
You now require blood instead of rations and twice the amount.
Going for 2 days without the required blood will result in paranoia,
self harm, and violent behavior against anyone and everyone in sight.
Anytime someone living is bit by a Vampire, they become
a Vampire as well.

Any weapon you use now requires STR + MND for both
Accuracy and Damage Checks.
Any weapon you use has a 50/50 chance to break whenever
damage is dealt. Flip a coin: if heads the weapon is intact,
if tails the weapon breaks.

At night and whenever you see the moon, you may immediately
transform into a Werewolf and add +5 to the result of any damage
you deal. You stay transformed through the night but retain your
memories, instinct, and motives.
You may only use this four times before permanently becoming a
Werewolf and losing your mind, effectively killing the Character.

u 32
ii. characters

Character Advancement
Whenever a Character has overcome a challenge or peril, they may level up
and reap the rewards of becoming stronger.

When a Character levels up is completely up to the Game Master's discretion;

Red Giant does not provide exact experience values required to reach the next
level. This is done so that the Characters can grow in a myriad of ways throu-
gh survival, anguish, relationships, battle, and more.

There are two possible benefits for leveling up:

l DIE STAT UPGRADE: This gives you the option to take one of your
Stats and “upgrade” that Stat die to the next highest die size (max d12).
For instance, if you have a MND with a value of 6 , you may increase
this number to 8 since it’s the next highest die size.
l ARCHETYPE SKILL UNLOCK: This gives you the option to acquire
the next Archetype Skill associated with your Archetype.

You may also opt to play Red Giant with all of the Archetype Skills unlocked
from the beginning, or by starting your Characters off at higher levels. These
options are only suggested for those who are already familiar with the game.
The table below indicates the rewards earned by
each Character upon leveling up:

1. Unlock first Archetype Skill.

2. Die Stat Upgrade.
3. Unlock second Archetype Skill.
4. Die Stat Upgrade.
5. Unlock third Archetype Skill.

u 33
i. introduction




“To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one’s self...
And to venture in the highest is precisely
to be conscious of one’s self.”

― Søren Kierkegaard

u 35

55 Stats
Stats and Checks

Each of the four stats are used in different circumstances.

l STRENGTH (STR): Used for Checks requiring physical power, such as

throwing and lifting.
l REFLEX (RFX): Used for Checks requiring grace, speed, and poise, like
dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc.
l MIND (MND): Used for Checks requiring concentration and precision,
such as Solving puzzles, seeing through illusions, tinkering with machi-
nery, picking pockets, etc.
l CHARM (CHA): Used for Checks to persuade, deceive, interrogate,
intimidate, charm, provoke, etc.

55 Checks
If a Character attempts something where the outcome is uncertain and failu-
re has consequences, they make a “Check”.
To succeed on a Check, roll the dice associated with the relevant stats and
meet or exceed a Target Number (see next page), established by the GM.
Unless otherwise stated, each Check consists of rolling two dice, one for each
associated stat, and adding the appropriate bonuses if there are any. If the
Character making the Check has any items, abilities, etc., that affect one of
these stats, add them after the roll and bonuses.

u 36
iii. playing the game

4. Average 12. Incredibly Challenging
6. Problematic 16. Almost Impossible
8. Difficult 20. Miracle
10. Very Difficult

“All human activities are equivalent... and...

all are on principle doomed to failure.”
― Jean-Paul Sartre

55 Competitions
If a Check is opposed by another PC or NPC, then instead of aiming to meet
or exceed a Target Number, both sides begin making the appropriate rolls
and the winner is determined by the highest roll after adding any
appropriate bonuses to the result of the rolls.

Example: if a PC is attempting to climb up a wall while a creature attempts

to attack them, the PC would make a STR + RFX Check versus the creature’s
STR + RFX, and then both would add the appropriate bonuses (if any).

These types of Checks are called “Competitions” and you should run into
them frequently.

55 Advantage and Disadvantage

If there are situational factors that make a Check significantly easier or har-
der, the Game Master may grant the roll Advantage or Disadvantage.

l If a Check has Advantage, roll the appropriate stats twice and take the
greater result.
l If the Check has Disadvantage, roll the appropriate stats twice and take
the lowest of the two results.

u 37
Combat in Red Giant takes place as a series of consecutive rounds.
At the start of each Combat round, determine initiative by rolling a d6.

l On 1-3, all of the enemies will act first.

l On 4-6, all of the PCs will act first.

Reroll initiative each round.

55 Turns
On their turn, a Character may move their speed (usually 40 ft unless
otherwise stated) and take up to one Combat action. This action may be
casting a spell, making a second movement, making an attack, attempting a
Feat, or any other action deemed reasonable by the GM.

55 Attacks, Damage and Health

Melee weapons can strike adjacent foes, but ranged weapons cannot be used if
the Character is currently engaged in melee combat.
To make an attack, roll the stats associated with the weapon’s Accuracy
Check against the target’s RFX stat. Upon a successful hit you will then roll
the weapon’s Damage Check against the target’s Defense modifier: any excess
Damage carries over and subtracts from the target’s Health.

Note: If a target does not have a Defense modifier, they take damage directly
to their Health instead.

When a Character reaches 0 Health, they are unconscious. When they reach
-1 Health or less, they are dead. Players should roll up a new PC when their
old one dies, and should rejoin the party as soon as possible.
When a target or NPC reaches 0 Health, they immediately die.

u 38
iii. playing the game

55 Advantage in Combat
Characters can gain Advantage in Combat by attacking a target that is
unaware, on lower ground, off balance, disarmed, distracted, or tactically
disadvantaged in any significant way. Advantage is applied by rolling your
associated die twice and taking the greater result, the GM, as usual, has the
final say. Advantage may also be added to Checks or an attempted Feat at the
GM’s discretion when a Character is in an advantageous position or when
the Character is more proficient in the task at hand.

55 Disadvantage in Combat
The inverse of Advantage, Characters can gain Disadvantage in Combat
by being attacked while unaware, on lower ground, off balance, disarmed,
distracted, or tactically disadvantaged in any significant way. Disadvantage is
applied by rolling your associated die twice and taking the lesser result, the
GM, as usual, has the final say. Disadvantage may also be added to Checks or
an attempted Feat at the GM’s discretion when a Character is in an unfavo-
rable position or when the Character is less proficient in the task at hand.

55 Feats
Feats are fantastic Combat maneuvers a Character may perform by explai-
ning them in detail.

Feats can be almost anything you can think of, like running up a wall and
doing a backwards somersault onto the enemy and thrusting your blade
through their skull or throwing a shield to knock an enemy off their feet.

Feats are resolved through a Competition Check. They may not cause dama-
ge directly, but may do so indirectly (for example, pushing an enemy off of
a ledge). The GM has final say as to what Feats can be attempted in a given
situation and what their effects will be.

u 39
55 Food and Water
Player Characters must take into consideration time to rest, eat, and drink.
A Character can go up to 3 days without food or water before they become

l A malnourished Character has their walking speed reduced to 0.

l They cannot participate in Combat.
l Their Health is halved until they cure the illness by eating or drinking.
l If a Character goes 5 days without food or water, they die.

Player Characters must eat two portions of daily rations in order to stay heal-
thy. A Character may only need to eat once a day if they have a cooked meal,
quality meal, or feast.
If a Character is not eating, drinking, or resting the GM may provide addi-
tional penalties to the Character as they see fit.

55 Keeping Watch
Whenever Characters are sleeping for the night, it is suggested that one Cha-
racter remains awake to watch over the area and ensure they are all safe.

Whenever a Character decides to Keep Watch they will remain awake throu-
gh the night and into the next day. During this time the Party benefits by
being alert to any and all threats; however, the Character who was Keeping
Watch suffers Disadvantage on all Checks until they sleep again.

There may be times where the Party feels comfortable enough to get rest wi-
thout anyone Keeping Watch and while this is possible, it should be enjoyed
as a luxury.

u 40
iii. playing the game

55 Healing
After a meal and a full night’s rest, PCs regain 1d6 HP.
Player Characters may also treat their own wounds using bandages and other
medical supplies. Once a wound has been treated, the afflicted Character may
regain 1d4 HP.

There may be other ways to heal your Characters in your world of Red Giant:
Are doctors available? Are there potions that can be created to restore Health?
Are there herbs that can be crushed and eaten to regain your vitality? Maybe
there is Magic that can help aid the healing process? Feel free to introduce
other methods of Healing into your game of Red Giant.

55 Earning Money
Money or “Joss” (represented by the symbol " J") can be earned in as many
ways as your group can think of. From looting bodies to completing quests or
errands, there is always money to be made for those willing to put themselves
in danger.
As a GM, when calculating how much money to hand out to your Player
Characters take into consideration how hard you want your game of Red
Giant to be for your Players. Maybe money is hard to come by and goods
are usually found or stolen, maybe money is handed out like candy to those
willing to do dangerous jobs. In any case, handing out more money to your
Players will create an easier game as long as they get to spend it.
Even if you hand out too much money, there are plenty of ways in Red Giant
for your players to lose the coin or lose their heads.

u 41
55 Sanity
Almost all monsters/creatures will have a Sanity Rating. Upon encountering
a Monster, Horror or Creature the Characters will make a Sanity Check
against the target’s Sanity Rating. A Sanity Check is unique since it utilizes
rolling your MND + the PC’s current Sanity to resolve.

l If the roll is equal to or higher than the monster’s Sanity Rating then
you succeed; you withstand the shock of what stands before you and
retain your Sanity.
l If the roll is lower, you fail; deduct the difference between your roll and
the monster’s Sanity rating from your current Sanity.

As your sanity depletes, it is encouraged to roleplay the effects of this transition

and for the GM to take this into consideration.

l If your Sanity reaches 0, your Character is effectively dead. Roll a new

l You may regain 1 Sanity for each night you are well-rested and have a

Just like Health, there are other ways to restore your Sanity. All acts of faith
and the presence of community will restore Sanity, an evening of drinking
and laughter will also restore Sanity, and even resting for the day to shop and
experience a sense of normalcy can restore Sanity and so forth.
Each time Sanity is recovered this way it should only increase by either +1 or
+2 depending on the situation and GM’s verdict.

u 42
iii. playing the game

55 Spirit
Spirit determines how spiritual or magically adept someone is. The Spirit stat
is used to cast different kinds of Magic that exist in the World of Red Giant.

l Whenever Magic is used, subtract the cost of this Magic from your
l If your Spirit reaches 0 you can no longer cast Magic for the day or until
you restore your Spirit.
l You may regain 1d6 Spirit for each night you are well-rested and have a

You can also recover your Spirit by spending time meditating, praying, or
doing any activity that helps your Character channel their Magic.
Each time Spirit is recovered this way it should only increase by either +1 or +2
depending on the situation and GM’s verdict.

55 NPC Temperament
When the Player Characters encounter an NPC, the GM may roll 2d6 and
consult the following table to generate that NPC’s temperament.

2. Aggressive 3-5. Bitter 6-8. Disinterested

9-11. Conversational 12. Amicable

u 43
Items & More
The following are examples of items and equipment that can be commonly
found throughout Red Giant. You may also use OSR books and other mate-
rials to easily convert items and equipment over to Red Giant with minimal
need for tweaks.

Shield +1 40 J 1
Helmet +1 40 J 1
Leather +1 100 J 1
Chain +2 500 J 2
Iron +3 800 J 2
Plate +4 1200 J 3
Silver +5 4000 J 3
Mithril +3 8000 J 1

Light Weapon RFX + MND +1 RFX -1 1 40 J 1
Examples: Dagger, Short Sword, etc.
Technical Weapon STR + RFX STR 1 70 J 1
Examples: Spear, Sword, Mace, Axe, Flail, etc.
Heavy Weapon STR + STR -1 STR +1 2 100 J 2
Examples: Halberd, Warhammer, Long Sword, Battleaxe, etc.
Throwing Weapon RFX + MND -1 RFX +1 1 5J 1
Examples: Knives, Throwing Stars, etc.
Ranged Weapon RFX + MND +1 RFX 2 100 J 2
Examples: Bow, Crossbow, etc.
Misc. Weapon STR + MND +1 STR 1 100 J 1
Examples: Hand Cannon, Prosthetic Weapon, etc.
Arrows/Projectiles (20) 5J n/a
Quiver (capacity 100) 10 J 2

u 44
iii. playing the game


Bandage 5J 1 Ladder (10 ft) 10 J 2
Bear Trap/Snare 20 J 2 Lens 100 J 1
Bedroll 10 J 1 Lockpicks 100 J 1
Bonfire 10 J 3 Map 10 J 1
Book (Blank) 100 J 1 Metal File 5J 1
Book (Reading) 200 J 1 Mirror (small, silver) 50 J 1
Bottle/Vial 1J 1 Musical Instrument 50 J 1
Bucket 5J 1 Nails (12) 5J 1
Caltrops 10 J 1 Net 10 J 2
Candle (4 hours) 1J 1 Oilskin Bag 5J 1
Cards (extra Ace) 5J 1 Padlock and Key 20 J 1
Chain (10 ft) 10 J 2 Perfume 50 J 1
Chalk (10 pieces) 1J 1 Pick 10 J 1
Chisel 5J 1 Pole (10 ft) 5J 2
Compass 15 J 1 Quill and Ink 10 J 1
Cookpots 10 J 2 Rope (50 ft) 10 J 3
Crowbar 10 J 1 Sack 1J 1
Drill 10 J 1 Saw 10 J 1
Face Paint/Makeup 10 J 1 Set of Loaded Dice 5J 1
Fishing Rod/Tackle 10 J 1 Shovel 10 J 2
Glass Marbles (bag) 5J 1 Small Bell 20 J 1
Lamp Oil (4 hours) 5J 1 Soap 1J 1
Lantern 30 J 1 Spike (iron) 5J 1
Snare 15 J 1 Spike (wood) 1J 1
Grappling Hook 10 J 1 Pot 10 J 1
Hammer 10 J 1 Tent (personal) 70 J 2
Holy Water 25 J 1 Tent (three people) 100 J 3
Horn 10 J 1 Tinderbox 10 J 2
Hourglass 300 J 1 Torch (1 hour) 1J 1
Incense (packet) 10 J 1 Twine (100 ft) 5J 1
Iron Tongs 10 J 1 Waterskin 5J 1
Jewels 50 J 1 Whistle 5J 1

u 45

Animal Feed (1 day)
Bread (1 loaf) 1J 1 Herbs 1J 1
Cheese (1 lb) 2J 1 Meat (1 lb) 10 J 1
Cider (4 gallons) 1J 2 Onions (1 bushel) 8J 1
Eggs (12) 1J 1 Salt 3J 1
Fish (1 lb) 20 J 1 Spices 10 J 1
Flour (5 lbs) 1J 1 Travel Rations (1 day) 5J 1
Fruit (1 lb) 1J 1 Wine/Ale (bottle) 2J 1

Chicken 10 J Caravel 25000 J
Cow 100 J Fishing Boat 500 J
Crow 100 J Sloop 5000 J
Dog 50 J Pontoon 50 J
Donkey/Pack Horse 300 J
Pig 25 J Carriage 320 J
Sheep 25 J Cart 50 J
Wagon 120 J

u 46
iii. playing the game


Guildhall 32600 J Wages are per day, not including food,
supplies, shelter, etc.
House, with Courtyard 21600 J
Archer 6J
House, Large 7200 J
Armorer/Blacksmith 8J
House, Medium 2400 J
Knight 25 J
House, Small 1200 J
Laborer 1J
Shanty 120 J
Master Builder 15 J
Stronghold 100000 J
Mounted Soldier 12 J
Temple 75000 J
Surgeon 25 J
Tower 48000 J

Terrible Lodgings (1 night) 3J

Room with a Bed (1 night) 5J
Private Room (1 night) 10 J
... with Meal +5 J
... with Hot Bath +5 J

u 47
Keeping the Calendar
At the start of the game players may choose to use a Calendar system to keep
track of their events both on and off the road while introducing mechanics
that provide a more relaxed and faster game.

For simplicity, when using this system we suggest relying on an actual

calendar that you might have lying around; alternatively, feel free to print
Calendar pages or create your own.

l Each Calendar Month is 28 days.

l There are four “Months” to each Calendar year;.
l The Months consist of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
l At the start of each Month, the Game Master rolls on the Calendar
Event table; then, the GM writes 3-5 events of their choosing on the
Calendar for the current month. These events are to be hidden from
everyone else besides the GM until they occur.

When using the Calendar system it will still be up to the GM to determine

the exact events outlined by the Calendar. Examples of those would be:

l BRUSHFIRE: A huge wildfire has overtaken the land upon the path
ahead. Was it produced by lightning, or worse?
l CROSSROAD: A crossroads tree that has plenty of hanged victims dan-
gling from its branches. Some are fresh and some are skeletal. Natives to
the area avoid conversation about it.
l ENCOUNTER: Suddenly a massive shadow blocks the sun. Looking up,
a gigantic amorphous shape floats downward rapidly, what is this!?
l SHRINE: You approach a small shrine aside the trail. There is 1d4 days
of fresh food and water and a few items. A sign by the altar asks any with
extra provisions to spare to pay it forward in exchange for good luck.
l A GIFT: You meet a traveling priest in rags on the road. He greets you
and offers a blessing to make your travels easier. You feel invigorated
and can easily walk a 1d4 extra miles today.
l QUAKE: The party hears/feels a deep rumble underneath the earth
directly below them.

u 48
iii. playing the game

1. An injury from travel to one random PC (1d4 Health loss).
2. Issues with travel due to weather.
3. A large creature blocks the path ahead.
4. Clear weather and safe travels.
5. A hazard blocks the path ahead.
6. Someone finds an item on the road.
7. A merchant is found.
8. A group of thieves appear.
9-10. A Horror appears.
11-12. A Creature appears.
13. Severe weather: each PC loses 1d4 items in the panic.
14. Local festival.
15. Something unexplainable happens.
16. Someone learns magic.
17-19 Someone becomes Cursed (p. 62).
20. An Angel appears.

l VISITATION: A small group of ghostly children run past, laughing and

tossing a ball between them.
l FLEE: Unfathomable amounts of birds suddenly appear to be flying in
the same direction. Over time more animals and even creatures cross
the path moving in the same direction as the birds. It is almost as thou-
gh they are moving away from something.
l THE TRIBE: A disfigured group on a pilgrimage passes by. They each
bow and wish their blessings upon you.
l CURSED: A strange occurrence causes a Character to become Cursed.

u 49
Creating the Map
55 Creating Hexes
The Game Master should begin making the map by placing or drawing four,
one-mile hexes that are connected to one another; then, they should place a
Civilization of choice on one of these Hexes. The remaining Hexes may now
be populated by rolling on the Map Creation tables on the right, or using the
Landscapes there to create unique Hexes and their respective Locations.

The Game Master is encouraged to work with the Players to better describe
the Landscape of each of the available Hexes and write this result down as
the description of the Hex. The GM may also feel free to move forward with
their own plans and choose to not include the Players in this decision.

55 Adding Locations
Hexes are more often than not home to horrible creatures, aberrations, ha-
zardous wastelands, and things beyond our mind's comprehension.
The Game Master should pick 2-3 Locations from the table and spread them
out across the Map in order to provide the Players with places to explore. The
GM may also choose to go ahead and prepare the Locations for each Hex or
wait until the Players are closer to the Hexes.

55 Legends
Legends are stories passed down from person to person that tell of great trea-
sure, misfortune, wonder, and ruin.

The Game Master may choose to work with the Players on producing these
Legends, or may proceed with creating their own.

To begin, the GM should create 4-8 different myths, legends, or gossips: this
list should be used at opportune times to provide Players with suggestions and
clues surrounding the current area or a far off place. These Legends can also
be used to drive the main plot or provide the Player Characters with bonuses
upon finding them; their use is ultimately up to the GM.

u 50
iii. playing the game

55 Map Creation Tables

Each time the Game Master reveals a Hex on the Map, they may roll or
choose from the tables below in order to create a Location. The GM may
also choose to create their own unique Locations with or without the Players.
Make sure to write down the details for each Location.
Each Location entry should be made up of the following two components:

l LANDSCAPE: Roll 1d6 to determine the table used for creating this
Location. Once a table is selected, roll 1d12 to determine its Landscape.
l DESCRIPTION: This should be a sentence or two that helps to better
paint a picture of the Location or the things that live there.

1. Civilizations 2. Mountains 3. Pasture

4. Wastelands 5. Waterway 6. Woods

1. Small Settlement 1. Massive Plateau
2. Fortified Town 2. Steep Cliff
3. Inhabited Ruins 3. Field of Stones
4. Hidden Stronghold 4. Overgrown Castle
5. Fortified City 5. Narrow Cliff
6. Overgrown Town 6. Old Bridge
7. Large Shrine 7. Musty Cave
8. Dim Cavern 8. Abandoned Shack
9. Sizeable Fortress 9. Steep Incline
10. Destitute Castle 10. Withered Grove
11. Ruined Town 11. Dribbling Waterfall
12. Bloody Tower 12. Heads on Stakes

u 51
1. Burnt Buildings 1. Stone Bed
2. Rolling Fields 2. Barren Field
3. Lightning-struck Tree 3. Dried-up Lake
4. Small Farm 4. Broken Bridge
5. Moss-covered Field 5. Steep Hills
6. Broken, collapsed Trees 6. Plateau
7. Dilapidated Walls 7. Collapsed Mountain
8. Eerie Road 8. Destroyed Town
9. Small Lake 9. Healthy Tree
10. Field of Red Grass 10. Muddy Field
11. Tall Grass 11. Unstable Ground
12. Mass Grave 12. Pit of Bones

1. Calm Stream 1. Massive Oak Tree
2. Violent Rapids 2. Shady Meadow
3. Polluted Canal 3. Small Thicket
4. Small Island 4. Abandoned Camp
5. Rushing Waterfall 5. Large Spiderwebs
6. Dried-up River 6. Carved Path
7. Babbling Brook 7. Swampy Pond
8. Large Lake 8. Claw Marks on Trees
9. Deep Lagoon 9. Clear Pond
10. Muddy Marsh 10. Old Ruins
11. Bubbling Pond 11. Hermit Hut
12. Putrid Lake 12. Bodies in Trees

u 52
iii. playing the game

55 Traveling the Map

It should be noted that Characters will only "traverse the Map" when they are
moving from one location to another: think of this like an “overworld” view
of the surrounding areas.

l In order to see where the group is going when traversing the world, at
least one Character must have a Map available in their inventory.
l If the travelers lack a Map (or an ability which allows them to navigate
without a Map), they must roll 1d6 to determine which of the surroun-
ding Hexes they move into: the nearest Hex to the north will be labeled
as 1 and in clockwise order each subsequent hex will increase by 1 value
until you have come full circle. The result of the die rolled determines
the Hex the Characters move to on the Map.
l When the Player Characters hear stories of far off places, explore the
world around them, and get lost without their Map, the Game Master
may create new Locations on the Map.
l Whenever the Characters decide to venture off to another Location,
they may simply choose one of the neighboring Hexes and move to that
Location. It will be up to the Game Master to determine how long it
may take to travel from Hex to Hex depending on how dangerous or
cumbersome the Location is to traverse given the Party’s current state.
Below is a quick guide for determining travel times from one Location
to the next. Keep in mind that these are suggestions: you may track
travel times as you wish within Red Giant.


4 hours. Easy to traverse.
8 hours. Bad weather or rough terrain.
12 hours. Dangerous and hard to navigate.
24 hours. Worst conditions possible.

u 53
i. introduction




“Anything, anything would be better

than this agony of mind, this creeping pain that gnaws
and fumbles and caresses one
and never hurts quite enough.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre

u 55

a Magic
Magic exists in 3 categories within Red Giant: Speech, Staves, and Orbs. These
three types of Magic are useful in their own regards and can all be used by
Player Characters. Aside from a Character's background or Exchange, it is up
to the Game Master to determine when and how magic is received.

The Game Master and the Players are encouraged to invent new spells and
effects that can be cast from these three categories of Magic, as part of the fun
of this game comes from inventing things within the world itself.

55 Speech Magic
The spell lists for Speech are composed of individual keywords that PCs can
string together to create their own individual spell concoctions and are belie-
ved to be handed down to humanity by the Birch people.
keywords are broken down into 3 categories:

l MODUM: Determines the spell's effect.

l SPATIUM: Determines the size/range of the spell.
l VIM: Determines the strength of the spell.

Example: If a Player Character has the keywords "cone" and "fire", they can
expend the required Spirit in order to cast the spell "cone of fire".

u 56
iv. of magic curses

l Player Characters are unable to create, copy, or transcribe keywords in

any capacity; they may obtain new keywords from grimoires, tomes,
obelisks or even by hearing them spoken by Birch people (p. 70), but
they can never reproduce these in any way other than through their
own voice.
l Player Characters openly carrying such texts are likely to be hunted due
to their rarity and the magical energy contained within them.
l Speech is performed by combining your available keywords and
subtracting the Spirit required. When Speech Magic is used against an
inanimate object such as a building, tree, or the ground, it requires no
Check to determine the outcome: Speech Magic used this way is always
successful. When trying to use Speech Magic and cause harm towards
another creature (such as a Monster, Person, or Horror), the caster and
the target make a MND + CHA Competition Check to determine the
outcome of the spell; if the target is willing (for instance if they are
being aided or healed), there is no need for the Competition.
l Speech magic must always begin with a Modum and can be augmented

by adding additional keywords; a Spell must always include one Modum
and one Spatium in order to be cast.

u 57


These keywords determine the Effects of the spell.

Fire. A powerful flame. (1 Spirit) (2d6 damage)

Ice. A sudden burst of frost. (1 Spirit) (2d6 damage)
Shock. A zap of lightning. (1 Spirit) (2d6 damage)
Heal. A heavenly light that heals wounds. (1 Spirit) (1d4 Health
Illusion. An illusion of your choice. (2 Spirit)
Quake. A sudden and powerful earthquake. (2 Spirit) (2d6 damage)
Shadows. Darkness swirls and conceals anything within it. (2 Spirit)
Death. A chance at an early death. Roll a d20, if you roll 19-20, the
opposing creature instantly dies. Otherwise, you lose half your
current Health. Immortals are unaffected. (2 Spirit).
Woods. Roots quickly protrude from the ground like spikes. (2 Spirit).
Weather. You may alter the type of the weather at will, but you do not
otherwise control it. (2 Spirit)
Counterspell. When an enemy casts a spell, you may engage them in a
RFX + MND Competition Check to see if their spell resolves.
If you succeed, you may cancel the opposing spell.
You may use this effect reactively outside your turn, or against
an ongoing magical effect. (2 Spirit)
Silence. Creatures in the area cannot use Magic for 1d4 turns. (2 Spirit)
Float. Anything within the area begins to float 10 ft into the air.
(2 Spirit)
Transform. Roll 1d4: 1. Frog; 2. Giant Owl; 3. Bear; 4. Large Snail.
The target transforms into the corresponding creature for 1d4
turns. (3 Spirit)
Holy. A holy light capable of halving damage for 1d4 turns. (3 Spirit)

u 58
iv. of magic curses&



These keywords determine the space/area that the spell can be cast in.

Ball. Generates a small 1 ft sphere in front of the user. (1 Spirit)

Pillar. Produces a 10 ft tall pillar underneath a target. (1 Spirit)
Ray. Creates a 10 ft outward ray from the user. (1 Spirit)
Cube. Creates a 15 x 15 ft cube around the target in sight. (1 Spirit)
Cone. Creates a narrow, 15 ft long cone in front of the user. (1 Spirit)
Dome. Produces a 25ft dome around the user. (2 Spirit)
Stepping. The Effect follows the user's steps, for 2 turns. (2 Spirit)
Field. A 40 ft area within eyesight is covered in the Effect. (2 Spirit)
Arrow. Creates a 20 ft line of the Effect directly in front of the user.
(2 Spirit)
Cover. The entire area is covered in the effect. (3 Spirit)

These keywords are capable of boosting the Effects of spells.

Minor. +1 to total result. (1 Spirit)

Lesser. +2 to total result. (1 Spirit)
Great. +3 to total result. (2 Spirit)
Greater. +4 to total result. (2 Spirit)
Giga. +5 to total result. (3 Spirit)

u 59
55 Staves
Staves are usually composed of iron, wood, bone, or similar materials. Staves
have magical properties that can be activated whenever they come into con-
tact with something owned of proportional value to the spell being cast. For
instance, a spell that may heal someone's wounds may cost its weight in Joss
or be available through sacrificing objects that hold the same value.
Staves are usually created through rituals or inscribing runes upon them.
Unlike most Orbs, Staves are mostly passive, defensive, and able to continuo-
usly use their magical capabilities as long as the user has objects of equal value
proportional to that of the spell embedded within the Staff. All Staves are size
2 items unless otherwise stated.
Below is a list of example Staves and their proportional value in Joss.

l PLANT STAFF: Capable of instantly growing plants, producing 2 daily

rations when used. Material Cost Worth: 10 J.
l SPEAKING STAFF: Capable of temporarily speaking with animals
when used. Material Cost Worth: 15 J.
l DETECTION STAFF: Capable of detecting traps within a single room
or hallway when used. Material Cost Worth: 25 J.
l BARRIER STAFF: Capable of producing a barrier capable of protecting
the user from one attack before dissipating when used. Material Cost
Worth: 35 J.
l SCRYING STAFF: Capable of foretelling an event set to happen in the
next 12 hours when used. Material Cost Worth: 35 J.
l ITEM FINDER STAFF: Capable of detecting hidden items within a 40
ft radius when used. Material Cost Worth: 40 J.
l FLOATING STAFF: Capable of causing a target within 15 ft of the user
to float in the air for 1 turn when used. Material Cost Worth: 40 J.
l ILLUMINATING STAFF: Capable of producing a bright light only
visible by the Party when used. Material Cost Worth: 45 J.
l HEALING STAFF: Capable of healing a target's wounds by 1d6 when
used. Material Cost Worth: 50 J.
l RESTING STAFF: Capable of producing an ethereal habitat, composed
of a tent, nightlight, and blanket. Material Cost Worth: 50 J.

u 60
iv. of magic curses&

55 Orbs
Orbs are the most common form of Magic within Red Giant. Orbs cannot
be created but can be found across the world, usually buried in the muck and
mire, sold, or found within ruins. Orbs are one-time use spells that utilize
the user's Spirit in order to activate.
To activate an Orb the user simply crushes it within their hand and wills the
effects at their target. Orbs are categorized by their colors and their effects
can be inferred based on this; they are size 1 items unless otherwise stated.
Below is a list of example Orbs and their effects.

l CRIMSON ORB: A ball of fire that can engulf its target.

(2d6 damage, 1 target) (15 ft range) (2 Spirit)
l SKY BLUE ORB: A spear of ice that can pierce its target.
(2d6 damage, 1 target) (15 ft range) (2 Spirit)
l BURNING GOLD ORB: A crash of lightning from the heavens.
(2d6 damage, 1 target) (25 ft range) (2 Spirit)
l MAIDEN WHITE ORB: A shroud of holy light surrounds you.
(halved damage for 2 turns) (3 Spirit)
l MAGIC VIOLET ORB: A blowing wind that causes drowsiness.
(causes sleep for 1d4 turns, 1 target) (15 ft range) (2 Spirit)
l STEEL GREY ORB: A bright flash of iron and steel.
(summons a random weapon) (2 Spirit)
l SILENT BLACK ORB: A wave that is able to silence the cry of Magic.
(prevents anyone from using Magic for 1d4 turns) (30 ft range) (3 Spirit)
l EVERGREEN ORB: An aura that can cause plants to instantly grow to
maturity. (produces 1d4 rations) (1 ft range) (2 Spirit)
l DEEP VERMILLION ORB: A ward capable of deterring demons.
(wards away Creatures, Monsters and Horrors for 1d6 hours)
(50 ft range) (4 Spirit)
l WATER BLUE ORB: A refreshing burst of water.
(produces 2 days' worth of water) (1 ft range) (3 Spirit)
l GAIA BROWN ORB: A tangle of roots constricts your foes.
(prevents movement for 1d4 turns and causes 1d6 damage, 1 target)
(10 ft range) (3 Spirit)

u 61
Curses play a large part in the lore and gameplay of Red Giant.
In this world, various types of Curses are commonplace among people who
travel into dangerous lands. Curses can range from a ring that won't come
off all the way to being transformed into a horrible creature.
As time goes on, you can rest assured you will encounter these Curses. Game
Masters are free to hand out Curses as they see fit.

Example: At the edge of the woods appears to be a knapsack. You decide to

rummage through the bag and come across a mask that pricks your hand.
Over time, you begin to notice you have been Cursed with Vampirism.

Player Characters are able to break Curses, but it should be considered rare
and extremely dangerous to embark on a journey for the remedies.
Some Curses are only temporary: the GM should let the party know if the
Curse is permanent or temporary upon acquiring it.

55 List of Curse Examples

Below is a list of Curse examples; when determining a random Curse, you
may roll 2d20 and consult this list.

You are not limited to these curses and the Game Master is encouraged to cre-
ate unique and creative curses to bestow upon Characters and NPCs.

2. The cursed Character's low-light vision and high-light vision switch

(i.e. sunlight is effectively dark, but the Character can see areas in sha-
dow as if they were brightly lit).
3. The cursed Character is struck with blindness.
4. When the cursed Character next goes to sleep, they dream of a burning
lake. The dreams progress, becoming nightmares over time. The target
instinctively becomes aware of the direction of the lake, and they are
compelled to try and reach the lake.

u 62
iv. of magic curses

“The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very
quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss
can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg,
five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed.”
― Søren Kierkegaard

5. Until the Curse is lifted, the cursed Character constantly sniffs and has a
runny nose. Disadvantage on stealth, persuasion and deception Checks.
6. As the Curse is activated, the cursed Character’s hands detach from
their wrists and scuttle away, and new hands grow in their place. For the
rest of the day, every time they cast a spell, the same thing happens. The
hands remain animate until destroyed, and will do their best to make
terrible mischief.
7. Whenever the cursed Character comes into a hallway/corridor, they are
compelled to sprint at full speed to the end.
8. All of the cursed Character's equipment glows brightly for 24 hours.
9. It is always raining in a 5 ft cube around the cursed Character. The in-
tensity randomly varies from a drizzle to a downpour and can exist even
underwater or indoors.
10. The cursed Character perceives traps everywhere where none exist.
11. The cursed Character begins to weep tears of blood uncontrollably,
reducing their maximuby 1 for every hour the Curse remains active. The
cursed dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
12. The cursed Character must tell one significant lie every day.
13. The cursed Character gains the Werewolf Exchange (p. 32).
14. The cursed Character gains the Vampire Exchange (p. 32).
15. A perpetually magical darkness surrounds the cursed Character for 25
feet. It is transmittable by touch.

u 63
16. When the cursed Character is killed for the first time each day, the
wounds heal and they instead stabilize. If they are not killed once a day,
they are permanently slain.
17. The material of the cursed Character's weapon changes to the next
material they touch.
18. Potions held by the cursed Character give a delusion effect.
19. The cursed Character receives at least one false vision a day.
20. The Curse makes the Character forcibly say gibberish every time they
cast a spell.
21. The cursed Character's skin becomes hot pink in direct sunlight.
22. The cursed Character loses d4 random letters of their name.
23. The cursed Character gains extreme sensitivity to moonlight.
24. The cursed Character cannot control the volume at which they speak.
Player rolls a d6 every time their Character speaks: even rolls are spoken
in a whisper, odd rolls are shouting.
25. The cursed Character begins aging at 5 years an hour. When they reach
100 years, they die, and an infant crawls from their body’s clothing. It
continues to age at the same rate until it reaches 20. It is the same Cha-
racter, with the same memories.
26. The cursed Character must consume two times the amount of food
and drink a normal person does to sustain themselves. They experience
terrible thirst and hunger pains.
27. The cursed Character is convinced they can talk to plants, despite ha-
ving no ability to do so.
28. The cursed Character's knees become fused. They lose the ability to run.
29. The cursed Character becomes aware of the exact time and date of their
death. They begin to believe that
30. The cursed Character's memories begin to become identical to those
of another Party member. Soon, the Character believes the other Party
member is imitating them.
31. Solid ground behaves like water and water behaves like solid ground for
the cursed Character, and for them only.
32. A heavy thunderstorm follows the cursed Character wherever they go.

u 64
iv. of magic curses

33. One of the cursed Character's limbs suddenly disappears, leaving no

34. The cursed Character no longer has any sense of Fear and is glad to rush
into even the most dangerous situations, positive that they can conquer
the task at hand.
35. Until the sun rises on the following day, all garments and armor worn
by the cursed Character melt away.
36. A strange mouth is fused into the palm of the cursed Character's hand;
it is always giving advice that has a 50/50 chance of being true. The hand
also finds joy in trying to attract nearby monsters by screaming.
37. The cursed Character becomes a frog that can speak.
38. Until the sun rises on the following day, the cursed Character becomes
deafened and can only hear demonic voices instead.
39. The cursed Character's weapon of choice begins to viciously merge
into their right hand, warping the bone and tissue around the hilt to
become one.

40. Until the sun rises on the following day, every person seen by the cursed
Character has the appearance of a Husk.

u 65
i. introduction



“He who fights with monsters should look to it

that he himself does not become a monster.
And if you gaze long enough into an abyss,
the abyss will gaze back into you”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

u 67

Creatures, Monsters, and Horrors
Below you will find a list of some Creatures, Monsters and Horrors found
within the World of Red Giant. Feel free to tweak their individual stats as
needed to work within your game.
In addition to their Specials, each being is also capable of many other attacks
using their physiology. Work with everyone in your group to determine how
these Creatures, Monsters, and Horrors can attack and how they may behave
in and out of Combat.

OSR bestiaries and other bestiaries will also work with Red Giant, only
requiring minor tweaking when creating generic Creatures and Monsters
for Player Characters to face off against. In this list we highlight some of the
important Creatures, Monsters, and Horrors in the lands. Feel free to change
or alter these Creatures, Monsters, and Horrors as you wish.

55 Creatures & Monsters

Below you will find a list of dangerous and aggressive beings with strange,
grotesque and sometimes weird appearances that strike terror and fear into
the hearts of their prey. Creatures and Monsters usually resemble bizarre, de-
formed, otherworldly and/or mutated animals or entirely unique creatures of
varying sizes. Creatures and Monsters are commonly found throughout the
world of Red Giant so feel free to populate your own world with them.

u 68
v. bestiarium

STR: 4 Defense: 2 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 20 STR + RFX
MND: 4 Spirit: 30 Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 10 STR + CHA

Special: Fireball
Amon are capable of launching a fireball at their target
instead of using their normal attack (5 Spirit).
This fireball is capable of searing flesh, burning clothes, and
weakening armor in addition to its ranged benefits.

A human sized demon with a large bulbous head, sharp talons,

blue scales and two wings protruding from its back. Amon are
tricky and terrifying creatures that mark their prey by vomiting
on them so that they can never escape.
These beings almost exclusively attack their targets from the
sky only to retreat back after each swipe making them hard
targets to land a blow on.
Amon are capable of firing a sizable ball of flames at their
target from their own mouths.

u 69

STR: 4 Defense: 1 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 50 RFX + MND
MND: 10 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 8 Sanity: 10 MND + CHA

Special: Speech
Each of the Birch People has access
to any 6 keywords from the Speech
magic tables.

Tall bird-like people that wander from shrine to shrine

covered in tattered clothes and pristine jewelry.
These nomadic creatures do not seem to be interested in
humans but have been said to speak to them, typically sharing
sources of magic to guide them.
From what is known, the Birch People seem to be an ancient
race of beings that spend their days perfecting Speech magic
and praying to the old gods. While not inherently hostile,
they should be approached with caution and respect.

u 70
v. bestiarium


STR: 6 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 15 STR + RFX
MND: 6 Spirit: 10 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 12 STR + STR

Special: Telepathy
The Bleached are capable of reading minds at will.
In addition to this, they are also capable of implanting
fear-inducing thoughts into their victims through a
MND + MND Competition Check with their target (3 Spirit).

Once Humans, these are people who have been exposed to the
sun for too long. Their appearance is composed of pale white skin,
red eyes, and an emaciated body with mangled flesh.
These creatures now ambush unsuspecting travelers and feast
on their bodies for entertainment, requiring no nourishment to
survive other than the light of the sun.
The Bleached also possess minor telepathic powers, allowing
them to intimidate their prey through
inducing fearful thoughts.

u 71

STR: 6 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 8 Health: 10 RFX + MND
MND: 4 Spirit: 10 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 12 STR + RFX

Special: Burning Man

If a Charred successfully attacks a target they may
cause 1d4 burning damage for 2 turns in addition to the
Charred’s initial damage. If the target is doused with water or
if the fire is put out, the effects of this Special are negated.

A humanoid demon engulfed in flames, they seem

to appear almost out of thin air.
Charred constantly scream as they take form and once
manifested will charge at their target in attempt
to severely burn them.
Charred will usually vanish after a failed attack and will
randomly appear within the vicinity, even
when defeated.

u 72
v. bestiarium

STR: 8 Defense: 6 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 35 STR + RFX -1
MND: 4 Spirit: 0 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + RFX

Special: Wide Angle

Once per Combat, a Construct may make an attack
capable of targeting and damaging all foes.

Artificial beings made of gears and iron by an

ancient race, Constructs were created to perform laborious
tasks for their creators and were reportedly used to protect their
civilizations from outside threats.
Constructs are incredibly durable but are incapable of
thinking for themselves, only operating on the old
programming bestowed upon them.

u 73

STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 12 MND + MND
MND: 8 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 12 Sanity: 12 MND + CHA

Special: Peaceful Allure

The Crystal Touched may force any humans within eyesight to
make a MND + CHA Check in Competition with the Crystal
Touched (10 Spirit). If the human fails this Check they are calmed
by the being's presence and willingly go towards them; if the human
succeeds at this Check they are unaffected by the being's allure.

Beings of pure light that appear during the night time,

these beings are frequently mistaken for angels.
Crystal Touched have the uncanny ability of making humans
feel calm and have been seen leading weary travelers into caves,
ruins, halls, and other places never to return.
Legend has it that these beings are the last thing most travelers
see before being led to their demise. Whenever a human sees a
Crystal Touched being they are advised to immediately turn
away and ignore them, do not approach.

u 74
v. bestiarium


STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 10 RFX + MND
MND: 4 Spirit: 6 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + STR

Special: Chattering
The Deem are able to unleash an echoing chitter that attracts
1d4 more Deem to the area within 1d4 turns (5 Spirit).
If Combat ends before this turn, the additional Deem
do not appear.

Glass-like creatures that have no obvious shape.

These creatures can be found in fields and caves throughout
the lands. The Deem are capable of secreting an ooze from
their glass bodies that smells sweet to hungry humans and
animals, luring famished travellers to their doom.

u 75

STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 30 RFX + MND +1
MND: 4 Spirit: 35 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 RFX + MND

Special: Minor Wish Granting

Fairies are capable of fulfilling small tasks like
producing a dinner, creating simple items, healing wounds,
changing the weather, rewinding time by 30 minutes
and much more (15 Spirit).

A fairy is a tricky and powerful being known for

their mystical and small appearance.
Fairies possess the uncanny ability of minor wish granting,
allowing them to fulfill small tasks like producing a dinner,
creating simple items, healing wounds, and more.
Additionally, Fairies are able to steal abstract things from people
by simply asking if they can have it, this includes peoples names,
their hands, memories, and more.
Some people have been successful in befriending Fairies and
some have captured them in bottles for later use.
Whatever your motive, be wary of the Fairies.

u 76
v. bestiarium


STR: 6 Defense: 10 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 15 RFX + MND
MND: 4 Spirit: 25 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + MND

Special: Scream
Gargoyles are capable of producing a high pitched
shriek upon appearing, which allows it to act first
during the first round of Combat (6 Spirit).

Stone statues that come to life whenever the bright sun's

rays shine upon their stony flesh. Gargoyles possess incredible
defenses in addition to their ability to fly.
These creatures will fly high above their prey and fall from
the skies in hopes to bludgeon their target.

u 77

STR: 12 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 45 STR + RFX -1
MND: 4 Spirit: 0 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 14 STR + RFX +1

Special: Quake
Giants are able to pound the earth and create a
small earthquake. Each Character must make a STR + RFX
Competition Check against the Giant: upon a success they
withstand the quake, upon a failure they take 1d6 damage and
must use an action during the next round to stand up.

A Giant is a massive and savage humanoid, typically covered

in debris of the surrounding lands, with eyes protruding from
its skull, and a large toothy grimace upon its face.
Giants are incredibly strong creatures that find entertainment
in killing people and will often deliver non-fatal blows to
keep them alive longer.

u 78
v. bestiarium


STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 15 STR + RFX
MND: 4 Spirit: 5 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 8 STR + STR

Special: Teeth of Madness

If a Husk bites a target, they lose 1 Sanity in
addition to the damage taken (1 Spirit).

An undead fossilized humanoid.

These creatures though brittle, are able to drain the
sanity from their target with each bite.
Husks are a common enemy of Human civilization.

u 79

STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 10 MND + CHA
MND: 4 Spirit: 10 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + MND

Special: Life Drain

When an Incubus visits a target in their sleep, they are
able to steal 1d4 Health and vanish (5 Spirit).

An Incubus is a small floating demon with one eye and

tentacles protruding randomly from its body, born from the
mixture of blood and fluids from a person who died a
violent or traumatic death.
The Incubi come out at night and leech life from their targets.
Incubi are timid beings that prefer to remain unseen but will
attack their target in a small pack if noticed.

u 80
v. bestiarium


STR: 4 Defense: 1 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 30 RFX + MND
MND: 10 Spirit: 50 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 12 MND + CHA

Special: Magical Affinity

The Lich is able to use any spells from any type of Magic.
In addition to this, the Lich may also revive the nearby
dead as their own ally (6 Spirit).

An ancient and cosmic being which is believed

to be a manifestation of death itself.
A Lich usually wears a crown composed of bone laid
atop its head, which is covered in broken horns.
Physically, a Lich is rather tall and either wears robes
it has stolen from their victims or tredges through the world
naked revealing their body and face, which seems to be
in a perpetual state of decomposition.
Lich are incredibly dangerous due to their natural affinity
towards magic and their expertise at using it.
Unlike most Creatures & Monsters, a Lich will find a remote
and abandoned home to make its own, experimenting on the
natural flora and fauna with their spells.

u 81

STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 12 RFX + MND
MND: 4 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + MND

Special: Siren's Wail

Lilith are capable of producing a sound capable of
draining the target's Spirit by 1d4 for each use (6 Spirit).

A Lilith is a deposit of various flesh, blood, and fluid that

has merged together.
Lilliths usually have no senses and lash out randomly
with their various tentacles.
Lilliths are immobile but can form on any surface,
even upside down.
These beings are capable of producing a beak from
the folds of their flesh and mucus that can produce a
sound capable of draining Spirit.

u 82
v. bestiarium


STR: 6 Defense: 6 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 35 RFX + MND
MND: 10 Spirit: 100 Damage Check:
CHA: 8 Sanity: 10 STR + MND

Special: Barrier
The Maiden is capable of producing a large barrier of
white light that prevents creatures and horrors from entering
that which they protect.

Large stone statues of Angels that have since appeared

from the earth in certain cities and settlements.
These Statues emit a barrier around them that seemingly
protect the last civilizations on the surface.
Legends have it that maidens are constructs created by
ancient people in case of an emergency; these constructs can
be found almost anywhere in small numbers.
Maidens are some of the most important things in the world
due to their ability to ward off Creatures and Horrors and are
a common site of worship amongst humans.
Legends speak of some Maidens that have become corrupted
by the sunlight which come to life and attack those that
approach them.

u 83

STR: 8 Defense: 2 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 30 RFX + MND
MND: 4 Spirit: 10 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + RFX

Special: Attributes
Maimed are able to utilize the different attributes of the
creatures it is composed of. (Flight, roaring, speed, venom, etc.)

A chimera-like monster, these demons have taken on

different physical aspects of animals. (i.e. A pig head with
a bear body and lizard tail etc.)

u 84
v. bestiarium


STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 15 RFX + MND
MND: 8 Spirit: 15 Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 10 MND + CHA

Special: Hypnotic Song

Rosemary are capable of singing songs that entrance
and confuse their target (5 Spirit). Whenever a Hypnotic
Song is sung each Character within a 50ft radius must make a
MND + CHA Competition Check with the Rosemary: upon a
failure the Character must flip a coin for each action taken during
Combat. Upon flipping heads, you do nothing instead of your
designated action; upon tails you perform your designated action.
Upon a success, nothing negative happens.

A floating wreath of heads and flowers that seem to be

made of porcelain. Rosemaries inhabit thick woods and sing
lovely songs that grow darker and more disturbing over time.
These beings are capable of casting various kinds of
fire Magics and are also able to entrance their victims
through a form of hypnosis.

u 85

STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 30 RFX + MND
MND: 8 Spirit: 35 Damage Check:
CHA: 8 Sanity: 10 MND + CHA

Special: Shapeshifting
A Succubus is able to transform into any humanoid at will (8 Spirit).
Each transformation takes roughly 1 minute and may not be
accurate if copying another humanoid's likeness.

A Succubus is a telepathic being that can shapeshift

into whatever form their target desires.
These beings prey on emotionally and physically weak people
and attempt to steal their souls and earthly belongings.
Succubi can appear as almost anyone and use attractive
physical features in their transformations to entice their targets.
Succubi are not perfect though, and a keen eye may be able to
determine when one is in disguise.

u 86
v. bestiarium


STR: 6 Defense: 1 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 25 STR + RFX
MND: 4 Spirit: 10 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 10 STR + STR

Special: Rapid Healing

Trolls may recover 1d4 Health every turn (1 Spirit).

Trolls are sizable creatures covered in warts, tumors, and lumps.

Trolls possess incredible strength but appear to
lack basic intelligence for a humanoid.
These beings travel alone but can be heard approaching
from a mile away due to their loud yelps and roars.
Trolls are capable of quickly healing their wounds during
Combat, making them hard to kill.

u 87

STR: 4 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 15 STR + RFX
MND: 4 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 12 STR + STR

Special: Hive
Anytime a Wasp appears, roll 1d4 to determine how many
other Wasps appear. This does not stack with the Wasps that
appear alongside it (10 Spirit).

Danger lurks within the ground beneath.

These creatures, while rare, appear in droves when an unaware vi-
ctim steps on the patterned, soft ground under them.
Humanoid in nature, these creatures tower over
men and possess the ability to fly.
When a Human is captured by these creatures they
are never seen again.

u 88
v. bestiarium

55 Horrors
Beings that defy the very laws and nature of our world and entities that cause
destruction wherever they go, Horrors are the number one threat to life itself
within the world of Red Giant. These entities often strike fear so deeply into
their victims' hearts that even the bravest soldier may turn and run to escape
the abysmal threats looming before them.

STR: ?? Defense: ?? Accuracy Check:
RFX: ?? Health: ?? ??
MND: ?? Spirit: ?? Damage Check:
CHA: ?? Sanity: 14 ??

Special: Dissolve
The Atrophy can dissolve the flesh and bone of humans upon
contact, making it one of the most dangerous things to encounter;
if it lingers long enough, it can also dissolve metal and more.

A massive cloud of gas that appears to drift down from the sky and
spread across the land. Those who have lived to tell of its existence
report hearing a loud horn echo from the sky upon its descent, and
the sound of children's cries coming from within the cloud.
The Atrophy has no known weaknesses and will melt anything
it comes into contact with it, given enough time; it can instantly
melt bone. While the Atrophy is incredibly dangerous, it usually
only appears for a few minutes at a time.

u 89

STR: 8 Defense: 2 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 70 STR + RFX
MND: 4 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 14 STR + STR

Special: Bloody Roar

The beast is capable of releasing a haunting and powerful roar
that can causes targets to bleed through their orifices dealing 1d6
damage and ignoring all Defense (10 Spirit).

A muscular and defiant being covered in fur with many

horns protruding from its head, the Beast is a tall humanoid
that towers over people and homes.
This being is ferocious and seems to exist within a state of
perpetual rage, slaughtering or destroying anything and
everything it comes into contact with.
The Beast wields a large axe composed through a hybrid of
bone and steel and has the ability to cause orificial bleeding
through its powerful and intimidating roar.

u 90
v. bestiarium


STR: 10 Defense: 2 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 75 RFX + RFX
MND: 8 Spirit: 0 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 14 STR + RFX

Special: Calcification
The Behemoth is able to regrow any part of its body:
each time The Behemoth takes damage it recovers
1d4 Health immediately.

An incredible complex of indiscernible bones that take the

form of a monstrous being once risen from the ground.
The Behemoth brings with it a putrid and nauseating scent that
permeates the entire area causing its foes to become sick and weak.
The Behemoth seems to have no weaknesses as even the bones
broken from its body are restored almost instantly.
Those who have encountered the Behemoth only live
because of their instincts to run.

u 91

STR: 8 Defense: 3 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 10 Health: 45 STR + RFX
MND: 6 Spirit: 5 Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 8 STR + STR

Special: Cursed
Upon engaging in Combat with The Druid, each
Character that is part of the Combat receives a Curse (5 Spirit).

A titan-like creature with many arms and legs that nests inside
of large trees, rumored to be the last of its kind.
Legends say The Druid silently judges those who walk past
them and blesses those still pure of heart but curses those
who are wicked.
At night the loud snaps of branches and falling trees can be
heard as The Druid travels across the canopy.

u 92
v. bestiarium

STR: 8 Defense: 4 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 200 STR + RFX
MND: 10 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 14 STR + RFX

Special: Consume
Upon making contact with a human or animal, the Flesh will begin
to merge the body of its target with its own. This process is usually
completed in under a minute if not interrupted (2 Spirit).

A floating, living mass of flesh with a large and singular

eye that coasts through the plains absorbing any stray human
or animal it comes into contact with.
The Flesh does not appear to fully consume or kill its prey
but instead merges them into one with itself, leaving its victims
mangled, deformed, and providing them with enough energy to
scream out for help that may never come.

u 93

STR: 8 Defense: 0 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 10 Health: 45 STR + RFX
MND: 4 Spirit: 25 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 8 STR + RFX

Special: Tentacles
Each turn, 1d6 tentacles protrude from Hound of Hunting’s
body and swat at the targets. Each tentacle uses 1d8 for accuracy
and 1d8 to calculate damage (5 Spirit).

A large deformed and distorted dog-like creature,

the Hound of Hunting has jet black fur that blends in seamlessly
across the night sky and piercing red eyes that could be mistaken for
the sun itself. Sporadically strewn throughout it’s fur exist
swelled tentacles that reach and grasp for anything they can
tear apart, including the tops of the trees, which it
effortlessly demolishes in its chase.
Hound of Hunting has an incredible sense of smell and will
always seek out the nearest scent of blood. Once Hound of Hunting
has its target locked within its eyesight it will never stop chasing
them, day or night, it will forever chase them until they have
been consumed by Hound of Hunting.

u 94
v. bestiarium


STR: 6 Defense: 6 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 45 RFX + MND
MND: 12 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 14 MND + CHA

Special: Blasphemy
Idols are capable of reducing the Sanity of a target by
1 during each round of Combat (2 Spirit).

Golden statuesque creatures that float high above the planet,

these creatures radiate a bright light around them that appears
to bend the sun's rays around it. Idols have been noted to possess
incredible telepathic powers and are capable of injecting false
memories and hallucinations into their target's minds.
Idols appear to have many faces upon their head, each with a look
that can be considered devious, inquiring, or sinister. The old texts
passed down refer to them as the “embodiment of madness”.
Idols seem to choose their victims at random or through
some unknown process of selections: do not approach.

u 95

STR: ?? Defense: ?? Accuracy Check:
RFX: ?? Health: ?? ??
MND: ?? Spirit: ?? Damage Check:
CHA: ?? Sanity: 10 ??

Special: Laughing Gas

Laughter is able to cause its target to laugh until they
asphyxiate upon contact. Unless the target is knocked or pulled
away, this will always kill them.

A danger to civilization comes in the form

of a slight haze with a faint smile.
The Laughter sometimes make their ways from the hills and
mountains to towns or Civilizations not guarded by the Maidens.
The Laughter is able to simulate children and adult's laughter
outside a home to lure people outside; Laughter is also capable of
slipping into a home via windows or doors.
Once the victim comes into contact with the haze, they
begin to laugh until their lungs are drained of air and the
Laughter moves to its next victim.

u 96
v. bestiarium


STR: 8 Defense: 2 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 80 RFX + MND
MND: 10 Spirit: 100 Damage Check:
CHA: 10 Sanity: 16 STR + MND

Special: Conformity
Legion may probe those with weak minds and brainwash them to
join it. Upon making eye contact with Legion, each Character must
make a MND + MND Check with a target number of 8: upon failure
they hear the promising chants and are absorbed into Legion unless
Combat is initiated with the being. Upon a success, Legion is unable
to penetrate their mind and nothing happens (30 Spirit).

Once Humans, these are people who have rejected their

humanity and merged with a false god in order to “save”
themselves from the tainted world below.
Legion is an incredibly large cubic construct made of human
bodies that hover many miles above the surface chanting promises
in a language that can only be heard by those with a weak mind.
When Legion is able to communicate with a weak minded person
it will drive them to “ascend” and merge with it, prompting Legion
to float down to the planets surface. During this time Legion can
create incredible winds, tides, and gravity due to its sheer size.
When one willingly merges with Legion, the sea of bodies
that make up this construct reach their hands down, eager
for another to join them.

u 97

STR: 12 Defense: 2 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 4 Health: 45 STR + RFX
MND: 10 Spirit: 50 Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 12 STR + RFX

Special: Orbweaver
Lords are able to use and create any Orb
magic (p. 61, 10 Spirit).

Incredibly tall beings that dwarf the man-made buildings

below them, Lords are practitioners of magic and are believed
to be the creators of Orb magic.
Lords are incredibly powerful and intimidating but
will gladly exchange Orbs for rare or precious items with
humans if encountered.
These beings communicate by blinking their seven
eyes in different variations making conversation all but
impossible with others.
While Lords are not inherently hostile, they must be
approached with caution. In some cases where a Lord cannot
make a deal for an item they desire they have been known to
kill the owner of the desired item and take it for themselves.

u 98
v. bestiarium


STR: 12 Defense: 4 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 8 Health: 125 STR + MND
MND: 12 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 16 STR + MND -1

Special: Divine Chorus

The Muse may produce a chorus of singing voices that seems to
permeate through even the most dense walls. When the Muse begins
this chorus, each Character within sight of The Muse begins to
suffer from horrific visions and loses 6 Sanity (15 Spirit).

A deity of extraordinary size consisting of 3 torsos,

6 arms, and 3 heads made from living marble.
The Muse can appear to those with strong desires but can
also be summoned by certain rituals. When the Muse appears it
will request something of extreme importance to the individual
it has appeared to in exchange for a gift of its own; if the
individual agrees to this then The Muse will take the thing
they value most and it will never be seen again.
The gift given by The Muse has been reported to be anything
from great powers to a small item, seemingly at random.
This being's true motives are unknown, but it has shown
that there are individuals that it despises and those for whom
it caresfor deeply, returning to them and offering another
exchange of gifts.

u 99

v. bestiarium



STR: ?? Defense: ?? Accuracy Check:
RFX: ?? Health: ?? ??
MND: ?? Spirit: ?? Damage Check:
CHA: ?? Sanity: 16 ??

Special: Storm of the Kings

Each King is constantly and effortlessly absorbing
anything and everything within a 1 mile radius into their void.
If a human is consumed by this void they are considered
dead and may never return.

Gargantuan entities that can only be explained as an

infinite humanoid void, these beings can be found throughout
the world “sweeping” away anything they come into contact
with aside from the earth itself.
Each King stands around 2000 ft tall and is made up of pure
darkness aside from their beaming red eyes and crowns; each King
wears a large crown composed of various metals with a different
colored jewel slotted into each of their respective crowns.
Legends have it that these Kings appeared at the dawning of the
Red Giant from deep below the planet. Do not approach.

v. bestiarium



“You look at where you're going and where you are and it
never makes much sense, but then you look back at where you've been
and a pattern seems to emerge.
And if you project forward from that pattern,
then sometimes you can come up with something.”

― Robert M. Pirsig

u 103

a Dryspell
The following Scenario is designed to provide a map, a location and a loose
plot that can be used to craft your own game of Red Giant.
Feel free to change or modify the elements of this Scenario as you wish.

55 Overture
The scenario begins with the Party as part of a familiar caravan entering the
city of Leolis, named after their own ailing king who rescued the city from
horrors many years ago.
Upon approaching Leolis, the caravan notices that their home's walls are
crumbling, the wells have run dry, and the people are being savaged by a
mysterious influx of monsters within the city walls.

55 Hook
As soon as your Party begins the game, let them know that they have come
home to discover that their kingdom is in shambles.
When they arrive in Leolis, a lady approaches the caravan to gather mercena-
ries, warriors, and anyone else that may be of aid to the fallen kingdom.
She urges them to come with her and see the king right away.

u 104
vi. scenarios

55 The Audience
The King will then grant the willing adventurers from the caravan an au-
dience and explains that the Yggdrasil tree has begun to wilt for an unknown
reason. He will request that the adventurers help save the town by slaying
the local monsters and aid in finding out the cause behind the drying of the
wells and the wilting of the Yggdrasil.

To help the Party get started, King Leolis will give them 2500 Joss,
which the Party can make use of to equip themselves properly. In order
to receive this sum, however, they must first slay the nearby monsters.

From here onwards, it will be up to the GM to use the information below to

guide and pit the Player Characters against the world of Red Giant.

l You may follow the Map shown on the next page in order to label and
create your Hexes, or create your own.
l Make sure to read over the scenario and create any NPCs you want to
interact with the Characters ahead of time.
l Make sure to plan events before playing with your friends, but keep
them loose and malleable in order to better flow with the Player
Characters' choices.
l Choose a handful of Monsters, Creatures, and Horrors from the list to
populate these lands with and introduce them whenever appropriate.
l Make sure that everyone (including you!) is having fun.

55 Location 1: Leolis
A crumbling and familiar town that has suffered famine, droughts, and
the invasion of monsters, Leolis is a dreary place with danger lurking at
every turn. Regardless, the local people have their faith and remain in their
boarded up homes, hoping to one day return to a relatively peaceful lifestyle
within these cursed lands.

u 105

a 4

5 6

55 Location 2: Alune
A simple town that rests in the mountains above Leolis, Alune consists of
many stone buildings that have been built by common people and roads
made of dirt and stone.
Alune is a relatively peaceful town with no looming threats, allowing the
inhabitants to experience a feeling of serenity rarely found throughout the
world. The town has many shops, churches, and even taverns to relax at,
although the prices for everything here are increased due to living on the

Upon talking to the locals here, the Party may find that several of them
have recently seen some kind of fireball crash into the Yggdrasil.

u 106
vi. scenarios

55 Location 3: Orepaw
A small town built into the base of the mountain, Orepaw and Alune share
a trade route through the winding and steep cliffs of this shared mountain.
The town is home to many talented blacksmiths: Characters will have no
problem finding items and weapons within this dirty, yet quaint town.

Upon entering the gate, the Party will notice that the wells seem to be
dry here as well, and the locals are concerned over the lack of available
water as many consider relocating to Alune or neighboring towns; a
fountain responsible for supplying Orepaw with water just outside of
the town's walls appears to be densely surrounded by monsters.
Will the Characters investigate it?

l THE FOUNTAIN OF SPRING: Through the hillside directly outside

of Orepaw sits the Fountain of Spring, a fountain which supplies the
neighboring towns with fresh water directly from the Yggdrasil tree.
A hoard of Deem can be seen stalking around the dried up fountain.
Characters approaching the fountain will find a massive pit of bones
in place of the fresh spring water, presumingly the bones of those who
came to the fountain before them. If they manage to defeat the horde
of monsters and clear the fountain of bones, a small trickle of water
will begin to flow again but not enough to provide the nearby towns
with the water they still need.

55 Location 4: Petra
Petra is a large subterranean town and home to the Fountain of Fall.
The entrance to Petra is a large gate that leads down through a cave and
opens up into a massive cavern lit by torches.

Upon entering the town, the Party will discover that it has been aban-
doned and the fountain has been destroyed. What happened here?

l THE FOUNTAIN OF FALL: A massive fountain that now exists in a

state of disrepair within the cavern town of Petra. The fountain seems
to have been destroyed on purpose with a black liquid still leaking out
from the rubble. Why did the people here destroy the fountain?

u 107
55 Location 5: Hail
Less of a town and more of a small settlement along the road, Hail is a place
littered in tents, debris, sick people, and criminal activity.

Hail is a disgusting pile of land, but may prove worthy of a visit if low
on supplies. It is the last stop before the Party reaches the Yggdrasil tree,
so they should make sure they have everything they need.

55 Location 6: Entrance to the Roots

Upon reaching the steps to the Yggdrasil, the Party may begin their ascension
through the trunk and into the branches of the tree.

Upon arriving at the entrance, the Party sees that the tree is decaying
and weak, much like their very town of Leolis. They should prepare
themselves, as many dangers lurk within the tree.

l TRUNK OF THE TREE: Once they enter the Yggdrasil, Characters

can smell the faint scent of smoke and, as they gaze up the endless and
winding staircase, they can see smoke obscuring the branches from
sight. Creatures and monsters seem to be excited and many of them
traverse the halls and staircases looking for their next victims.
l HORIZON: Towards the top of the tree, just before the massive clouds
of smoke, lies a town that has been built into the tree itself.
As the Party approaches the town through the swathes of monsters,
they notice that much like Leolis, the town has been overrun: there are
many structures on fire and many dead within the streets.
Maybe there are survivors?
l BRANCHES OF YGGDRASIL: To get to the branches of this tree,
the Characters must travel through clouds of smoke and intense heat
formed from the burning tree. Among the branches are monsters and a
Horror behind the cause of the drying wells.

u 108
vi. scenarios

STR: 8 Defense: 3 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 6 Health: 65 RFX + MND
MND: 8 Spirit: 20 Damage Check:
CHA: 4 Sanity: 14 STR + RFX

Special: Visual Flame

The Unclean is capable of casting fire spells from its
eyes with a range of 40ft.

Presenting the Unclean:

"As you criss-cross through the flames, smoke, and monsters, you
come to the sound of rushing water pouring from the heavens.
In front of you is a massive being that seems to be composed of
some sort of black oil, soaking in the fountain and clogging its path
to the towns below. As you think back, you realize this creature
must have been behind the fireball seen by the people in Alune.
The being notices you and large eyes slide out from the
interior of its oily body: they begin to glow and a beak ruptures
from the sludge. It screams, and the final fight begins."

u 109

a Ice Over Bittersweet Nightshade

The following Scenario is designed to provide a map, a location and a loose
plot that can be used to craft your own game of Red Giant.
Feel free to change or modify the elements of this Scenario as you wish.

55 Overture
The scenario begins within The Veil, a large city protected by several Maidens
which are thought to ensure the survival of their people.
Recently, these people of The Veil have come to suffer from an unknown pla-
gue which slowly corrodes the mind and turns the skin a pale blue. Victims
of this plague have been noted to have icy skin and act irrationally until their
inevitable demise.
The people of The Veil have become hopeless but a cure has been found in the
form of a plant called Nightshade, which only grows in the Sun’s Iris region
of High Country.
Families of those afflicted have set bounties on the retrieval of this plant and
the kingdom within the veil have promised to reward those who are able to
bring back large supplies with small fortunes, ensuring an early retirement
from venturing into the scorched and twisted lands outside of The Veil.

u 110
vi. scenarios

55 Hook
As soon as your Party begins the game, produce a bounty or request from the
kingdom that they may take in order to advance the story. This bounty may
come in the form of an announcement within the city square or a simple
request from an old woman who wishes to see her son return to health: the
choice is ultimately yours.

The Veil is a large place filled with many vendors, services, and people
of all kinds. Though this is a time of plague, not all of these services
and shops may be available within the Veil. Regardless, each Player
Character should make the most of their time within The Veil before
setting off, as this may very well be the last time they encounter any
form of civilization.

From here onwards, it will be up to the GM to use the information below to

guide and pit the Player Characters against the world of Red Giant.

l You may follow the Map shown on the next page in order to label and
create your Hexes, or create your own.
l Make sure to read over the scenario and create any NPCs you want to
interact with the Characters ahead of time.
l Make sure to plan events before playing with your friends, but keep
them loose and malleable in order to better flow with the Player
Characters' choices.
l Choose a handful of Monsters, Creatures, and Horrors from the list to
populate these lands with and introduce them whenever appropriate.
l Make sure that everyone (including you!) is having fun.

u 111

a 8 7



55 Location 1: The Veil

One of the last strongholds and source of refuge for Humans in the cursed
world, The Veil is a massive city surrounded by The Maidens. These mystical
statues protect the kingdom and city with their holy auras.
The Veil is a one-stop-shop for almost anything you may need to venture
forth into the world.

55 Location 2: Lowlands
Home to The Veil and at one point a great hub for trade and commerce, the
Lowlands are now a dangerous but common place for travelers and adven-
turers to tread in groups. The Lowlands are an area of rolling hills and large
trees directly outside of The Veil, which still have an essence of beauty even
underneath the cursed sky.

u 112
vi. scenarios

55 Location 3: The Red Plains

Just outside of The Lowlands is a large and beautiful field of red roses which
adorn the plains. A strange pollen hangs in the air graciously yet menacingly.
Few travelers make their way to the Red Plains due to the influx of Monsters
that gather here. Many stories speak of a Horror made of flesh which traver-
ses these plains: travel with extreme caution.

l THE FOUNTAIN OF SPRING: Through the hil

55 Location 4: Labyri
Just beyond the Red Plains is a large labyrinthian structure covered in dirt
and plant life that seemingly emerged from the ground itself at some point
in the past.
Rumor has it that Labyri was an old stronghold created by an ancient race to
conceal their most valued secrets. Those who have ventured into its walls tell
stories of many treasures and just as many traps.

If they wish, the Party may journey within Labyri.

55 Location 5: The Dredge

Just after Labyri and before reaching High Country, the Party will come to
The Dredge; a large and dark ravine with steps leading down one side and
up the other. In order to enter High Country, one must plunge themselves
into the dark crevice with hope that they have the strength to emerge on the
other side. Just before the steps that lead into darkness is a small settlement
known as Dreg.

l DREG: Dreg is a small and roguish settlement composed of those who

have lost the will to keep traveling and those who have become too
sick to continue traveling. The structures here are in disrepair and have
been sloppily patched with mud to keep the cold wind and rain outside.
There are not many supplies to be found in Dreg but it may be worth
bartering with the locals for whatever you may seek.

u 113
55 Location 6: High Country
At long last, the end of the Party's journey will be in sight: a large plateau
that sits high atop the western region is home to what has become known as
High Country. It is a place devoid of most flora and fauna found in other re-
gions of the world; famously home to the mysterious beings known as the 13
Kings, High Country has been known to attract some of the most dangerous
Creatures and Monsters ever to set foot on the planet.
The sun here is strong enough to turn someone into a Bleached, unless they
travel with the proper coverings.

l HALL OF THE KINGS: A mesa within the High Country that has been
excavated and transformed into a large tomb. On the outside of this
tomb are symbols engraved with gold and two large doors that seem
to have swung open with tremendous force, knocking them off their
hinges. Inside this tomb is the Hall of the Kings, a vast corridor with 13
different massive doors assumed to be the former home of the 13 Kings.
Legend tells of spirits and treasures that still remain within the confines
of these walls, but no one has ever been seen alive after entering the
Hall of the Kings. If they wish, the Party may journey within it.

55 Location 7: High Country

Just beyond the Hall of the Kings lies a destroyed kingdom that spans the
width of the plateau of High Country, thought to be that of God himself.

The kingdom now lays in ruins and is teeming with Monsters, making
it a perilous place to explore. Unfortunately, if they wish to travel to
their final destination, the Party must go through God’s Valley and
steel themselves for the trouble within its walls.

55 Location 8: Sun's Iris

The highest peak of the continent, where one is closest to both the sun and
the moon. From among this peak the Party is able to see the world they have
conquered, sit and rest among the Nightshade that grows here in droves.
They have finally arrived and will be able to cure many people of the plague
that ravages the folks back home in The Veil.

u 114
vi. scenarios

STR: 6 Defense: 4 Accuracy Check:
RFX: 8 Health: 50 RFX + MND
MND: 8 Spirit: ??? Damage Check:
CHA: 6 Sanity: 16 STR + RFX

Special: Summoning
The False god does not attack others during Combat, instead
summoning a random Monster or Creature from thin air to fight
in its stead. The False God is capable of summoning a new Monster
as soon as the previous summon has been defeated.
This Special can be activated even on others' turns.

Presenting the False God:

"As you venture through the ruins of God’s Valley, you are
suddenly blinded by a being that hovers effortlessly over a pristine
shrine located within the center of the decrepit kingdom.
As your eyes adjust to the piercing light, you are able to identify
a figure with 8 arms, each in a different position, with a rotating
pyramid for its head. The body of this being seems to be composed
of marble, while the “head” seems to be composed of solid gold.
It calls out to you and demands you leave this place, but you have
come too far now... prepare yourselves for The False God."

u 115
Thoughts & Notes:
Thoughts & Notes:
You may also download this sheet from
Further Despair:




No one knows how the Red Giant came to be: some people believe it
was an act of god, some believe it was due to ancient technology, but no
matter how this planet became cursed, it is clear that

you cannot save this world.

RED GIANT is a rules-light tabletop role-playing game designed for

people familiar with series like Berserk, Claymore, Vampire Hunter D,
and more.
RED GIANT aims to recreate the various themes, dynamics, and sce-
narios seen in these types of media – all you need is this book, paper,
pencils, dice, and some friends to get started.
This book comes packed with beginner-friendly example, rules, tips,
and an entire bestiary waiting to be encountered.

for more:

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