DragonQuest 2nd Edition SPI
DragonQuest 2nd Edition SPI
DragonQuest 2nd Edition SPI
Eric Goldberg
Gerard C. Klug
Edward J. Woods
Redmond A. Simonsen
Robert L Ryer
Brad E, Hessel
Ed Beach and friends, Cindy Bitowf, John H. Butterfield, Rich Collins, Greg Costikyan, Larry D'Ambrosa,
Darryl Esakof, Gary Gillette, Greg Gordon and friends, Stephen Gray, Tom Harmon, Tom Holsinger, Wes Ives,
Robert Kern, Drake Letchner, Chuck Moors, Eric Risted, Neil Rosen, Tom Stanford, Tony Stanford, Jeanie Weber
Manfred E Milkuhn
Jim Sherman
John Garcia
A Bantam Book / September 1982
I. Introduction
The First Book: Character Generation, Combat
II. How to Play the Game
1. General Course of Events
2. Requirements for Play
III. Game Terms
IV. Character Generation
3. Description of Characteristics
4. Effects of Characteristics
5. Characteristic Generation
6. Birthrights
7. Aspects
8. Heritage
V. Combat
9. Combat Terminology
10. Combat Equipment
11. Preparation for Combat
12. Combat Sequence
13. Actions of Engaged Figures
14. Actions of Non-Engaged Figures
15. Action Choice Restrictions
16. Attacking
17. Resolving Attempted Attacks
18. Damage
19. The Effects of Damage
20. Weapons
21. Unarmed Combat
22. Multi-Hex Monsters
23. Mounted Combat
24. Infection
The Second Book: Magic
VI. Magic
25. Definition of Magical Terms
26. How Magic Works
27. How to Cast Spells
28. The Effects of Spells
29. Restrictions on Magic
30. Backfire from Spells and Rituals
31. Counterspells and Resisting Spells
32. Special Magical Preparations
33. Incorporating Magic into Combat
34. The Colleges of Magic
35. Magic Conventions
36. The College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments
37. The College of Sorceries of the Mind
38. The College of Illusions
39. The College of Naming Incantations
40. The College of Air Magics
41. The College of Water Magics
42. The College of Fire Magics
43. The College of Earth Magics
44. The College of Celestial Magics
45. The College of Necromantic Conjurations
46. The College of Black Magics
47. The College of Greater Summonings
The Third Book: Skills, Monsters, Adventure
VII. Skills
48. Acquiring and Using Skills
49. Special Skills: Spoken and Written Languages
50. Alchemist
51. Assassin
52. Astrologer
53. Beast Master
54. Courtesan
55. Healer
56. Mechanician
57. Merchant
58. Military Scientist
59. Navigator
60. Ranger
61. Spy and Thief
62. Troubador
VIII. Monsters
63. Encountering Monsters and Non-Player Characters
64. Reactions to Encounters
65. How to Read the Monster Descriptions
66. Common Land Mammals
67. Avians
68. Aquatics
69. Lizards, Snakes, and Insects
70. Giants, Fairies, and Earth Dwellers
71. Fantastical Monsters
72. Creatures of Night and Shadow
73. Summonables
74. Undead
75. Dragons
76. Riding Animals
IX. Adventure
77. Preparation for Adventure
78. Game Conventions
79. Organizing a Party
80. The Adventure Sequence
81. Monetary Matters
82. Fatigue Loss and Recovery
83. Adventure Actions
84. Consequences
85. Recuperation and Upkeep
86. How Experience Is Gained
87. How Experience Is Used
Adventure: The Camp of Alla-Akabar
I. Introduction
II. How to Read the Maps
III. Briefing for the Players
IV. Briefing for the Gamesmaster
V. The Desert
VI. Descriptions of Non-Player Characters
1. Alla-Akabar
2. Garn
3. Alla's Mistress
4. Delian
5. Rory
6. Talan
7. The Bedouins
8. The Slaves
VII. The Camp
9. Background
10. Alla's Tent
11. Garn's Tent
12. The Treasure Tent
13. The Bedouins' Tents
14. Talan's Tent
15. The Servants' Tents
16. Outside Areas
17. Random Encounters
VIII. Assassination
IX. Final Notes
I. Introduction
The genre of fantasy literature stems from the myths of our
fathers. The marvelous creatures and strange sorceries of legend are
part and parcel of that genre. Hardly anyone in the Western world has
not been exposed to some element of fantasy, be it fairy tale, classical
myth, or J.R.R. Tolkien's estimable Lord of the Rings. There are many
reasons for the widespread appeal of fantasy, the most compelling of
which is its uncomplicated nature. Good and evil are readily
distinguishable, and the hero invariably confronts the villain. It is all
too easy to imagine oneself, clothed in exotic garb, wielding a magical
sword, vanquishing the sinister sorcerer. Small wonder, then, that
fantasy role-playing games, which allow a person to play the part of
that hero, are so popular today.
What Is Role-Playing?
When you were a child, you probably played spontaneous,
informal games in which you pretended to be a policeman, an indian, a
parent, or a pirate. You imagined what these mysterious and powerful
people were capable of, and then you acted out scenes with your
friends. There was no winner or loser everybody won by getting the
thrill of pretending to be another person. These games of "makebelieve" had no real rules, no structure, and no equipment. They
depended solely upon the imagination of the players to keep them
lively and interesting.
Much of the wonderful,-imaginative experience and free play of
these childhood games can be found in their adult counterpart -roleplaying games. A role-playing game is also one in which you pretend
to be someone -but the "someone" is very detailed in abilities, physical
description, and nature. In fact, characters in role-playing games are as
detailed as the characters in a major novel. These characters inhabit a
world which is also very well described. In a fantasy role-playing
game, such as DragonQuest, the world is one of magic and monsters,
quests and spells, and all the romantic color of an imaginary time and
place reminiscent of early medieval Europe.
Each active character in the game is played by a live player. There
are many other characters and monsters, all of whom are operated by
the Gamesmaster. The Gamesmaster is a combination of referee,
storyteller, and "Hand of Fate." He keeps the story unfolding by telling
the players what is happening and judging the results of any actions the
players take. He has a very free hand to interpret the situation as he
sees fit within the guidelines of the rules. The Gamesmaster usually
works from a prepared story synopsis called an adventure. This is the
setting of the story and something of a general script outline for the
course of the action. It also can contain maps and tables of information
on the area and its inhabitants. This adventure is a tool for the
Gamesmaster and is not directly used by the players, although the
players will actually create the detail and action of the story by the
decisions they make as they participate in the adventure.
An Example of Role-playing
In a role-playing session, the players (usually three to nine people)
sit around a table with the Gamesmaster at the head. Sometimes the
adventure can be played through in one sitting but, more typically, the
players will meet a number of times to finish the adventure. Adventures
can be strung together and players play the same character from game
to game in a roleplaying campaign. Their characters will grow or
diminish in strength, ability and wealth. Throughout the entire
experience, the Gamesmaster creates the world through which the
characters travel, by interacting with and prompting the players. Here is
a brief sample of a typical role-playing exchange:
Gamesmaster (GM): Your characters are seated around a table in a very
dingy tavern, drinking mead, when a hooded figure enters, approaches the
bar, and orders a tankard of ale.
John (character name: Delion): What does he look like? Can we see any
details of his face?
GM: No, the hood covers his features. He appears to be avoiding eye
contact with anyone but the bartender.
Delion: I will go over to the bar, activating my magical talent of
Sensitivity to Danger, and take the place next to him.
GM: He begins to move away from you.
Delion: I speak to him and say, "Sir, your robe appears to be torn. Has
your journey been a hard one?"
GM (now acting the part of the Non-Player Character, Argotec): He
turns to you, his eyes glowing with an eerie amber light, and says: "Young
man, my travels are none of your business, and your inquisitiveness may
cause you harm if you continue."
Delion: What is my talent telling me?
GM: This man (if he is a man) radiates danger.
Delion: I return to my table, joining my companions, while continuing to
watch his movements.
GM: After drinking for about half an hour, he leaves.
Delion: My companions and I will follow him.
Role-Playing Subjects:
Most role-playing games are fantasy-based such as DragonQuest. These games deal with the world of magic, monsters and
mayhem. Other role-playing games deal with science fiction, such as
SPI's Universe. These games basically substitute the intricacies of
technology and aliens for magic and monsters. A small number of
military role-playing games, -such as SPI's Commando, -are also
available. In fact, virtually any actionoriented subject lends itself to
Whatever area of role-playing interests you, you can best get
started by buying only the basic set of any role-playing system in
which you are interested. This book, for instance, contains the complete
rules for DragonQuest. Nothing more is necessary for you to play a
high level, full-fledged role-playing game (in roleplaying, the word
"basic" should not be equated with "simple").
Once you are thoroughly familiar with the basic system, you will
have a wide choice of supplements, adventures, and accessories to
expand your role-playing enjoyment. A full line of such materials is
available for DragonQuest, for instance, and new materials are
constantly published. See your local adventure games dealer for these
products. Ares Magazine, published by SPI, is another great source for
DragonQuest (and Universe) adventures and supplementary
material, and a subscription to Ares will keep you up to date on
happenings throughout the hobby -as well as providing you with a new
science fiction or fantasy boardgame in every issue. Role-playing
gaming is an exciting and involving hobby that is limited only by your
Role-playing offers you the chance to participate in adventure and
take an active part in creating your own entertainment. In these times of
low-grade, thinblooded commercial TV stories, role-players such as
yourself can engage in the energetic, mind-stimulating fun of real
GM must be fair and impartial at all times, and never lose sight of
the fact that he is a referee. Within the framework of the rules, he
objectively determines the results of the players' actions. The players
act out their part as if their characters actually existed in the world the
GM has created. The GM is a master story-teller, a weaver of tales
which deal with those themes aforementioned: fairy tale, myth, and
fantasy. This job may, at first glance, seem both mammoth and
unattractive. It is, however, one of the most enjoyable gaming
experiences this author and many other individuals have ever found.
While the players act out the parts of their characters, the GM gets to
act out the parts of everyone else who inhabits his world -shopkeepers,
evil wizards, dragons, and giants. Along with playing these parts, the
GM is the referee of all the actions which occur; his impartiality is
assured by the absence of a game persona directly identified with him.
A Note on Dice
It is strongly recommended that the Gamesmaster and players
have an adequate supply of 20-sided dice, which are used to resolve
numerous game functions. These dice are readily available at adventure
game shops. If you have no 20-sided dice, a pack of common playing
cards may be used. Extract and shuffle the Ace through 10 of both a red
and a black suit and draw from these at random as required by the
situation you are resolving (see 2.6).
Introductory Adventure
At the back of this book is an introductory adventure. It is
designed to be played with one or two players and a GM. This was
done to aid the beginning GM in getting familiar with the rules and
with running an adventure; handling many players at once can be a
trying experience for the best GM. Once the new GM has arranged to
play DragonQuest, he should read the adventure very carefully,
especially the character sketches provided for the non-player characters
(NPC's). These are intended as guides for the GM. He should play the
parts of these NPC's as accurately as possible, remembering that the
players, especially in this adventure, will need to interact extensively
with those NPC's to successfully complete the adventure. When the
adventure is over and the GM goes on to create his own NPC's, he
should use the sketches as guides. The level of characterization of the
people who populate a GM's world is a good indication of the quality
of the overall campaign and that particular GM's preparation (or lack
The adventure also contains examples of Encounter Tables
designed for a special place and special NPC's. It is not necessary for
the GM to invent a different table of his own for every adventure, but
he should be wary to alter the probabilities to fit the scenario. The new
GM should also examine the Camp Map. Since it is drawn at a scale of
1 hex/5 feet, it facilitates transfer to the Tactical Display. This is a
minor detail, but if overlooked, it can slow down the game. This type
of map, with a few pertinent details left off, may be shown to the
players upon entering any similar situation.
The GM should guide the players through the adventure, stopping
whenever there are rules questions or problems of any sort. Together,
the players and the GM should discuss the problem and resolve it to
their mutual satisfaction. In this way, all concerned will learn the game
and their parts in it, and hopefully whet their appetites to continue
playing DragonQuest.
Please enjoy playing DragonQuest. We at SPI are confident it will
bring you many hours of pleasure.
Gerry Klug
Editor, Second Edition
10 August 1981
DragonQuest is a fantasy role-playing
game. In a role-playing game, a player is a
character in another world. Unlike a conventional game, the players do not sit around a
board and move pieces. The players sit in a
semi-circle about the gamesmaster, each with
only a sheet on which is recorded information
about his character. The object of a role- playing
game is not for an individual player to win (in
fact, there is no winner), but to en- joy a
stimulating interchange between the players as
characters and gamesmaster (GM).
The GM plots the background for an
adventure, invents a segment of a fantasy world,
and plays the part of every being not
represented by another player. The game flows
as a result of give-and-take between the
gamesmaster and the other players. The GM
informs the players of the situation in which the
characters find themselves, the players tell him
what their characters are doing, and the GM in
turn tells the players what happens in response
to their characters' actions.
DragonQuest can be played in two ways.
The first is as an individual session. If played
this way, the players are taking char- acters for
one play session only, and are try- ing to
complete a mission of limited scope. The
players are not interested in a full-fledged roleplaying game in this case. It will be sufficient to
be a team with a common goal just this once.
However, DragonQuest is best played as a
campaign. The game does not end at the
conclusion of one of the players' get-togethers.
A player role-plays the same character until the
character dies. During a campaign, a character's
personality should be-come more and more
evident as he is granted a fief, gets married,
declares blood-feuds, etc. A campaign continues
in-definitely, until the players either become
separated in the real world, die or (heaven
forbid!) lose interest.
The following is an informal sequencing
of the order in which the gamesmaster should
cause events to occur. What is written here is
not intended to supplant any of the rules in the
following Sections.
The gamesmaster is responsible for preparing
an adventure before he and the players game it
1. Adventure Rationale. The gamesmaster
must decide what options he is going to present to the players. This can be done as a series
of questions posed to himself: What are the
players supposed to accomplish? Where are
they supposed to go? Who (or what) is their
adversary? How are they supposed to find out
about their mission? Is any particular nonplayer character (q.v.) interested in this
mission? How much information should the
gamesmaster tell the players?
The players engage in some initial preparation,
and then they play out the adventure with the
5. Generate New Characters. Any player
without a character must generate a new one;
any player with a character may generate a new
one. There is no limit to the number of
characters an individual player may have;
however, a player may never control more than
one character at a time. Someone who likes
variety might choose to rotate five or six
characters on consecutive adventures. The
gamesmaster should strictly limit the interaction between two characters controlled by the
same player.
6. Organization of a Party. The players
must choose a leader (q.v.). They must also
inform the gamesmaster of which non-player
characters they wish to accompany them on
adventure; the gamesmaster, in turn, tells the
players who is willing to accompany their
characters. Any purchases for the upcoming
adventure are made at this point.
7. Determine Any Contractual Arrangement. The players, representing their characters, and the gamesmaster, representing any
non-player characters, haggle to decide how any
booty will be split. The standard Adventurers'
Guild contract (see 79.4) is suggested.
8 through 11.Trek/Wait Stage, Encounter Stage, Chase Stage, Tactical
Stage. See rule 80.
The players and the gamesmaster wrap up the
adventure, and the players decide what to do
with their characters.
12. Experience Point Awards. The
gamesmaster awards the characters Experience
Points (see 86), depending on each player's
performance during the adventure.
13. Appeals. A player who objected strenuously to a decision of the gamesmaster has one
last chance to try and change the GM's mind.
All decisions are final past this point.
14. Upkeep Level. The players inform the
gamesmaster of how much their characters will
spend on upkeep (see 85.3) per week, until the
next adventure begins or the character goes
15. Allocation of Time. Each player informs
the gamesmaster how his character will use the
time between adventures. This is especially
important for increasing Rank (q.v.) and
acquiring new abilities (q.v.).
16. Solo Adventures. If a player wishes his
character to undertake any action which requires
the attention of the gamesmaster, he and the GM
play it out at the GM's convenience.
17. Experience Point Expenditures. If the
player wishes to increase the Rank (q.v.) or
value of an ability, skill or characteristic, he
must have sufficient Experience Points in his
character's Experience Point Bank (q.v.) and
have his character perform all prerequisites
successfully (see 87). He so informs the gamesmaster, and a change is made on his Character
18. Calendar Update. The gamesmaster
marks off the passage of game time on his
calendar (see78.1).
This cycle is repeated indefinitely, as long
as the campaign lasts.
The players must have certain equipment
and knowledge of the basics of the game before
they can play DragonQuest. The gamesmaster
requires additional material and, of course, a
thorough familiarity with the rules.
The terms unique to magic and combat
are summarized in rules 9 and 25.
A player assumes the role of a character.
The player develops the personality of his
character during adventures: the character's
needs, foibles, and ethos are revealed through
interaction with the other players' characters and
the creatures represented by the GM. The
manner in which the character's personality
develops will undoubtedly be affected by that
character's characteristics. A characteristic is a
measure of a facet of the character's physical or
mental make-up which the player does not
Every human character begins play at the
age of 18 years (if the gamesmaster's world
revolves around its sun during a period of time
not equal to 365 days, he should convert from
earth years to his own). A non-human character
begins play at a corresponding age for his race.
At that age, the character's body has matured
enough so that age will not alter his characteristics. The character does have some of his
life already behind him; the memories of those
times must be supplied by the player, but any
The player must generate and/or assign
values to each of his character's first eight
characteristics, listed in 3.1 through 3.8. The
gamesmaster may also choose to introduce
optional characteristics, including Physical
The characteristics do not cover every facet
of a character's performance on an adventure.
The player randomly generates his
character's total Characteristic Points. He
assigns values, within specified limits, to each
of his primary characteristics from this point
pool. The secondary characteristics are generated either randomly or as a direct function of
a primary characteristic, or they begin at a set
number for all characters. Some of the characteristics will be modified if the character is of
a non-human race. The player will not know the
race of his character (unless human) until all of
his characteristics have been generated.
The range of values for a characteristic will
normally be between 5 and 25. A value of 5
represents the minimum performance possible
by an adventuring character. Thus, a character
with a Manual Dexterity of 5 would be
extremely clumsy, but not so inept that he could
not be entrusted with a simple, though essential,
task. A value of 25 represents the normal
maximum performance, which may be achieved
by a human; a value of 26 or greater befits a
superman. Thus, a character with a Physical
Strength of 25 may not be able to bend steel
bars in his hands, but he does pretty well with
bars of iron.
A character's genetic heritage will have
great influence upon him throughout his
adventures. First, there is the matter of gender.
The worlds of DragonQuest closely parallel the
Europe of medieval Earth, where women were
largely relegated to secondary roles. However,
the bias is not as great in a fantasy world, for
the physically weak have recourse to magic.
Generally, a female adventurer will be a
determined soul, having surmounted cultural
A character's race is just as important as his
gender, if not more so. In this world, a person's
race connotes the color of his skin. In a fantasy
world, a character's race indicates that he is a
member of a distinct humanoid species. Each
race has a separate way of life, developed over
millennia of co- existence with one another.
Racial in- tolerance is just as prevalent in a
fantasy world as it is in this world. Only the
camaraderie and interdependence of adventurers have promoted interracial harmony,
which may be why adventurers are often
regarded as rogues and outcast among their
comparatively staid brethren.
Practically, each race has its strengths and
weaknesses. The human race is the most
prevalent, probably because of its high birth rate
and the flexibility of the individual human. The
elves, dwarves and giants are races in their
twilight years; human civilization will not treat
Chance (%)
The date and time of birth of a character
will have a small, but significant, effect upon
the course of his life. Some mana is invested by
one of the Great Powers into the soul, or lifeforce, of every being born into a DragonQuest
world. A character will benefit during the time
his Power is in full ascendancy, and will suffer
when the opposite Power is in full ascendancy.
The gamesmaster is obliged to keep track
of the passage of time for the purposes of
character advancement in abilities (see 87). If he
is not willing to maintain a formalized calendar,
then he should not use the ensuing rules. The
work required is minimal, though, once the
calendar is set up.
The times of high noon and midnight are
extremely important when applying the effects
of aspects. The gamesmaster should allow
characters to perform actions at precisely those
instants, though the passage of time must be
properly monitored. The GM may wish to
counter the players' timing with monsters and/or
non-player characters who use their aspects to
full advantage.
[7.1] Each player randomly determines
the aspect of his character.
Each player rolls D100, and enters the
result corresponding to his dice-roll on his
Character Record.
01 ... 20
Winter Stars
21 ... 40
Vernal (Spring) Stars
41 ... 60
Summer Stars
61 ... 80
Autumnal (Fall) Stars
81 ... 85
86 ... 90
91 ... 95
96 ... 100
Most characters are of an age equal to onefourth of their life-span before players assume
control of them. A human character, for instance, will begin with 18 of his 70 years already behind him. Elves will be the proverbial
exception to the rule, assume that an elf is between three hundred and one thousand years
old, and even then the elapsed time may be on
the low side.
The social position of the character's
parents during the time of his adolescence is
described in general terms.
The heritage rules are designed with a
human character in mind. If a player has a nonhuman character, he will have to take part in the
ongoing process of defining his character's
position within his race. An elven character, for
instance, might be classified as woods, sea, or
high elf. The player and the GM then decide
which was the forest of his character's birth, and
the position of his parents in an elven community by comparing it to the human analogue
given on one of the Heritage Tables. The
experience and monies gained from these tables
still hold, regardless of the history the player
and GM sketch for the character.
[8.1] The player must determine the
social status of his character's parents.
The player rolls D100, and reads across on
the line corresponding to the dice-roll to derive
the status of his parentage and his money
multiplier (see 8.5).
A character of noble birth will at all times
have some sort of stigma attached to him: he
may be a natural black sheep or a remittance
man doing time until he will be for- given for a
disgraceful breach of conduct. In rare instances,
a noble-born character will be naturally adventurous; his family will probably dismiss his
departure from his proper station on some
pretext or other. The young noble is certainly
not performing the duties expected of him ruling the people in fief to him, or learning to do
51 ... 70
71 ... 86
87 ... 94
95 ... 98
99 ... 100
Pts SP's
140 55
170 65
200 75
230 85
250 100
In any DragonQuest world, individual
combat is an inevitable (and sometimes
necessary) occurrence, and the players should
be aware of its dangers. Fighting is a deadly
process and should be avoided if at all possible.
Heroes are made by defeating the dragon, but
more graves are dug than heroes made. The
DragonQuest combat system reflects these
dangers and emphasizes skills and smarts over
brawn and brutality.
Combat occurs whenever characters, nonplayer characters, or monsters attempt to
physically overcome or harm other conscious
opposing figures while on the Tactical Display
or in the Chase Stage (see 80). Combat should
not occur whenever entities simply encounter
one another; rather only when some overtly
hostile action has taken place or intentions are
made clear.
When combat has begun (whether both
sides are aware of each other or not), the GM
should set up the Tactical Display and have the
players place the pieces representing their characters on the display with the GM being the
judge as to their final positioning. The pieces
representing the hostile figures are then placed
by the GM and the combat sequence begins.
Combat time on the display is divided into
5-second Pulses during which all figures may
attempt to take various actions, depending on
their positions relative to the hostile figures. The
orders in which these actions take place is
determined by the figures' Initiative Value (for
engaged figures) or by the Initiative Die Roll
(for non-engaged figures). Attacking is resolved
by rolling D100 versus the attacker's modified
Strike Chance with his weapon. If a hit results,
any damage is generated by rolling D10 and
adding modifiers by weapon type.
When all figures occupying the display are
either dead, unconscious, incapacitated, or
friendly towards each other, combat is over.
Combat should never last any longer than
necessary to resolve the situation; returning to
the Trek/Wait stage (see 80) as soon as possible
will speed overall play.
The following terms are used throughout
the combat rules:
Action. The movement and/or combat activity
a figure may attempt during one Pulse. The
number of actions a figure attempts during a
Pulse is a function of his modified Agility.
Attacker. The figure taking action in an
Attack Zone. Any hex into which a figure
may Melee or Fire attack.
Base Chance. The percentage chance for one
figure to strike another with a weapon; listed for
each weapon on the Weapon Chart.
Blocked Hex. Any hex which contains enough
solid matter to block any attack. The Attack
Zone of a figure cannot extend into a Blocked
Close Combat. Any combat involving fig-
action from the list of actions allowed of engaged figures on the Action Summary (see 15.7).
3. The side that won Initiative in Step 1 now
has the option to take action or let the other side
take action. All actions of the figures on one
side must be resolved before any figures on the
opposing side may take action. Note: It is
entirely possible for Ranged, Melee, or Close
attacks to occur in this step as non-engaged
figures move and attack. Each non-engaged
figure may choose one action from the list of
actions allowed of non-engaged figures on the
Action Summary (see 15.7).
After these steps are performed, the Pulse
is over and a new one begins. See 78.3 for
guidelines regarding speedy resolution of
combat actions.
[12. 1] A Pulse is a 5-second increment
of time used to regulate all actions in
combat situations.
Each action listed in Sections 13 and 14
takes one full Pulse to accomplish unless the
figure performing them has an exceptional
Agility (see 15.3), in which case two actions
may be combined. Magic may also alter the
amount of actions taken in a Pulse.
Some actions which figures in combat may
wish to attempt will take far more than one
Pulse. The following list is intended as a guide
for the GM to be able to judge how long an
attempted action will take to perform (remembering each Pulse equals 5 seconds):
A non-engaged figure is one who is not
adjacent to any hostile figure on the display.
There are certain minor restrictions which result
from this, but non-engaged figures may
generally take any action they wish. All figures
who are considered on the same side or members
of the same party take their actions together and
in any order they find convenient. In case of
disagreement, the GM has final say as to the
order of actions. No actions are considered
simultaneous, and all actions of non-engaged
figures occur after all the actions of engaged
figures have been resolved.
The determination of which side acts first is
resolved by the Initiative die roll (see 12.2).
[14.1] A non-engaged figure may move
any number of hexes up to its Tactical
Movement Rate (TMR).
A figure's TMR equals the number of hexes
he may move In one Pulse, and he expends one
point of the TMR for each normal, unobstructed
hex he enters. For characters and all NPC's, this
total is determined by their modified Agility (see
5.6). For monsters, it is listed with their other
characteristics in 66 through 76.
During movement, a figure may change
facing as it desires within the judgment of the
GM and the fellow players. Any complicated
maneuver the figure attempts may result in a
penalty being applied by the GM in the form of a
reduction in the figure's TMR for that Pulse. For
instance, turning three hexsides (180") within
one move is a fairly complex maneuver. The GM
may decide if the figure wishes to change facing
to that degree, it may move two less hexes
during the Pulse. At the end of movement, a
figure must unambiguously face one hexside (in
the case of multihex monsters, one hex vertex).
The TMR assumes a flat surface with little
or no hindrance to movement. The GM is
allowed to assign a penalty for movement
attempted over terrain not conducive to quick
traversal. In any case, a figure may always (if not
A hostile figure may be attacked by
Ranged, Melee, or Close combat while on the
display. To attack via Ranged combat, a figure
must be armed with a Prepared weapon rated
for Ranged combat and the target must occupy
at least one hex of the figure's Ranged Zone. To
attack via Melee combat, the figure must be
armed with a prepared weapon rated for Melee
combat and the target must occupy at least one
hex of that figure's Melee Zone. To attack via
Close combat, the figure must be armed with a
prepared weapon rated for Close combat and
share the same hex as the target. Note: Empty
bare hands are always considered a prepared
The order of all attacking actions is determined by the Initiative procedure as detailed in
12.2 and 12.3. Combat involving engaged
figures is always resolved prior to any combat
involving non-engaged figures. An attacker's
weapon is always assumed to be held in his
Primary hand (see 6.2) unless he states
otherwise. Optionally, a figure may attempt to
use two weapons at once, or attempt to strike
more than one target with one weapon.
Special types of attacks are allowed, and
these include attempting to Trip, Entangle,
Restrain, Knockout, Shield Rush, or Disarm.
[16.1] A figure may attempt to attack a
hostile figure he is not adjacent to via
Ranged Combat by executing a Fire
The attacker declares his target, determines and applies any Ranged Combat
modifiers (see 17.6), and executes a Strike
Check. The only weapons eligible for use in
Ranged Combat are those rated for Ranged
Combat on the Weapons Chart (see 20.2).
To fire a weapon, the attacker must have a
Line of Fire (see 9.0) to the target. In addition,
the attacker may fire into but not through an
obscured hex. The weapon fired always travels
in a straight line, and if not stopped by striking
an object, it will travel 1.5 times the range of
the weapon and fall to the ground.
Whenever a fired weapon enters a hex
occupied by a figure (other than a solid wall,
tree, or pillar which automatically breaks the
weapon), there is a chance the weapon will hit
the figure instead of continuing its flight. The
weapon's flight is always stopped when it
strikes a figure and remains in that figure until
A Strike Check must be resolved for all
figures occupying any hex along the Line of
Fire until the weapon hits something, or loses
momentum and falls to the ground.
A figure may never check a Line of Fire
without executing the Fire action, whether or
not the weapon is actually loosed.
[16.2] A figure may attempt to Melee
attack any hostile figure who occupies
at least one hex of his Melee Zone.
The attacker declares his target, applies
any Melee Combat modifiers (see 17.6), and
executes a Strike Check. The only weapons
eligible for use in Melee Combat are those rated
Whenever a figure is hit by a weapon or
magic, a Damage Check is performed. Each
attack type has a damage modifier which is
added to a D10 roll, and the result is the amount
of damage points inflicted on the figure. Armor
may absorb some or all of the damage up to the
armor's Protection Rating, and any damage
points not absorbed are inflicted on the figure
and subtracted from either Fatigue or Endurance.
Any damage points actually inflicted on the
figure (not absorbed by armor) are termed
Effective Damage.
There are three types of damage possible
from a successful strike, depending on how low
the attacker rolled on the Strike Check: Damage
affecting Fatigue; affecting Endurance; and
Grievous Injury. When the Strike Check result is
above 15% of the Modified Strike Chance, any
effective damage is subtracted from Fatigue
(Endurance when Fatigue reaches O). When the
Strike Check is 15% or less of the Modified
Strike Chance, any damage directly affects
Endurance and is not absorbed by armor. If it is
5% or less of the Modified Strike Chance, a
Grievous In jury may also result, in addition to
Endurance damage. These percentages are
summarized on the Special Damage Chart (18.2).
Any Damage Checks modified to a result
less than 1 are treated as I.
[18.1] Damage affecting Fatigue is
absorbed by armor.
Each type of armor has a Protection Rating,
which indicates the amount of damage points
subtracted from every successful attack. When a
figure's Fatigue reaches 0, any further damage
affecting Fatigue is subtracted from Endurance
in stead. However, a figure cannot lose Fatigue
and Endurance as a result of a single Strike
Example: Rolf is wearing Leather armor
(Protection Rating of 4) and has 3 Fatigue Points
remaining. An attack against him results in 9
total damage points. The Leather absorbs 4 of
those, and normally the remaining 5 would be
subtracted from Fatigue. But, since he only has 3
Fatigue Points left, he loses 3 Fatigue Points and
the rest are ignored entirely. If any further
attacks result in damage being subtracted from
Fatigue, the Leather would still absorb 4 points
of that damage, but any remaining points would
be subtracted from Endurance instead.
The Armor Chart lists all types of armor
and their Protection Ratings. The GM should feel
Any instrument used to inflict damage on a
figure is called a weapon. Weapons may include
the figure's hands, claws, talons, feet, teeth,
breath weapon, etc. All normal weapons are
listed on the Weapons Chart along with their
characteristics. The only limits to the number of
weapons a character may have in his possession
are the weight and bulk of those weapons. The
GM should carefully examine each character,
checking for the location of the character's
weapons. Any odd or unlikely method of carting
weaponry around should be disallowed. Any
At the end of every combat in which a
figure is wounded, or when a figure is wounded
in a non-combat situation, there is the
possibility that figure has become infected as a
result of their wound. An Infection Check is
performed to determine whether the figure is
infected or not.
The Base Chance of infection is equal to
10%. If the figure took any damage to
Endurance, add (20 + the amount of Endurance
damage in points). If the damage was inflicted
by bite, claws, or talons, add 20. Specific
The following is an example of the way a
typical combat will be resolved, emphasizing
order of resolution rather than detailing the
actual die rolls and success chances.
A party of player characters is travelling by
foot along a path deep within a forest. They are
alert but not combat-ready; they are tired from
having traveled long and hard all day. The party
consists of Ariella, a Celestial Mage, Eaglewing,
an Elven Ranger; and, Delion, an Elven Illusionist. The GM has generated an ambush for the
party as they round the next bend in the path, and
assigns a readiness factor (see 80.2) of 3 to their
chance to detect the ambush. Eaglewing is
leading the party, so his Perception of 10 is used
for the check, but he also receives a bonus of
15% due to his Ranger Rank. Eaglewing does
detect the ambush, and the Hobgoblin, Orc, and
Goblin lying in wait will get no surprise this day.
The GM determines they will attempt the attack
anyway, and combat begins. The GM draws out
the surroundings, places the characters' miniatures on the Display, and then places the
monsters' figures. He determines the characters'
Fatigue loss (due to their long march), and
adjudicates the monster's Fatigue status. He
allows the characters to prepare a weapon, if
they wish, because of the alertness of Eaglewing.
The following weapons also function as Thrown Weapons: Dagger, Hand Axe, Battle Axe,
Giant Axe, Crude Club, War Club, Giant Club, Mace, War Hammer, Javelin, Spear, Giant
Spear, Net, Bola, and Rock.
Class A weapons do Grievous Injuries on rolls of
01 through 20. Class B weapons do Grievous
Injuries on rolls of 21 through 80. Class C
weapons do Grievous Injuries on rolls of 70
through 100.
D100 Result
01-05 Congratulations! It's a bleeder in your
primary arm! Take 1 Damage Point from Endurance immediately and 1 per Pulse thereafter
until the flow is staunched by a Healer of Rank 0
or above or you die.
06-07 Oh no! Your opponent's weapon has
entered your secondary arm's elbow joint and the
tip has broken off. Take 2 Damage Points
immediately from Endurance and that arm is
useless until the sliver has been removed by a
Healer of Rank 3 or above. Also, increase the
chance of infection by 30.
08 A vicious puncture wound in your groin!
Take 3 Damage Points immediately from Endurance and reduce your TMR by 2 until fully
recovered, which will take two months. In
addition, add 30 to your chance of being infected
(assuming you live long enough for such things
to matter).
09-10 You have been stabbed in your secondary arm. Drop whatever you were holding in it
and take 2 Damage Points immediately from
Endurance. It will take a full week for the arm to
be of any use to you whatsoever.
11 Your aorta is severed and you are quite dead.
Rest assured your companions will do their best
to console your widow(er).
12 A stomach puncture. Nasty. You suffer 3
Damage Points immediately from Endurance and
lose 2 from your TMR until fully recovered,
which will take two months. Also, you are
automatically Stunned for the next Pulse (if you
aren't already), after which you will recover. Add
20 to the chance to be infected.
13 Your opponent's weapon has entered your
eye; roll D10. On a roll of 1, the weapon has
entered your brain and you are dead. On a roll of
2-5, your left eye is blinded; on a roll of 6-10,
your right eye is blinded. If you are lucky
enough to be blinded instead of killed, you have
suffered 2 Damage Points to Endurance. In addition, a figure who is blind in one eye suffers
the following subtractions: -2 from Physical
Beauty; -4 from Perception; -1 from Manual
Dexterity. A figure blinded in one eye reduces
his Base Chance with any Missile or Thrown
Weapon by 30.
14-18 Tsk. Tsk. A wound of the solid viscera.
Usually fatal. Take 3 Damage Points to Endurance immediately and 1 per Pulse thereafter
until the bleeding is stopped by a Healer of Rank
2 or above or you die. Add 30 to the chance of
19-20 Take a stab in the leg (your choice as to
which one) resulting in a deep puncture of the
thigh muscle. Suffer 1 Damage Point to
Endurance immediately and reduce your TMR
by 1 until you heal, which will take 4 weeks.
21-25 A chest wound. Take 2 Damage Points to
Endurance immediately and reduce your TMR
Magic Represents the effects exerted on the
abilities of individuals by contact between this
dimension and other dimensions. Where two or
more dimensions or planes coincide there is a
leakage of energy from one to another. Those
who have the talent and knowledge can tap the
energies of other dimensions and shape them for
use in this plane. Such men are called magic
users or Adepts.
There are three types of magic: Talent
Magic operates more or less automatically,
while Ritual and Spell Magic requires a period
of preparation before they become operational.
Generally, the more difficult a task, the longer
the period of preparation required. Spells may
be prepared within minutes, but Rituals can take
hours (and even days) to perform.
Whenever an Adept desires to cast a spell
(and usually when he desires to perform a
Ritual), the character executes the following
1. He prepares the Spell or Ritual by drawing on
energies from other dimensions.
2. He then "Looses" the Spell or completes the
Ritual. a Cast Check must be made for all Spells
and most Rituals to determine if the operation
has had the desired effect. The Cast Check can
result in the Spell or Ritual (a) failing, (b)
dissipating, (c)impacting for the desired effect,
(d) impacting for double or triple effect, or (e)
backfiring in one of a variety of possible ways.
3. If the Spell or Ritual was designed to take
effect over a particular entity with a Magical
Resistance, the entity's player (or the GM if the
entity is a monster or NPC) may then make a
"Resistance Check" to determine if the entity is
affected by the Spell or Ritual.
4. Unless the magic fails, dissipates, backfires,
or is resisted, it takes effect over the specific
entity, object, or area that it was designed to
These four steps are implemented for
almost every attempt at using non-Talent Magic.
Where this sequence is altered or suspended,
note is made in the in the description of the
particular Spell or Ritual.
There are 12 separate Colleges of Magic.
Each represents a specific type of magic, and
each has a list of Spells, Rituals, and Talents
common to all Adepts of that College and
usable only by those Adepts.
The following terms are used frequently as
part of the rules governing magic and are listed
in the order that they are encountered in the
Mana: The stuff of magic, mana is a type of
energy common to other dimensions.
Adepts may be restricted as to when and
where they can employ magic according to
general rules covering all magic or by specific
restrictions concerning their College only.
Restrictions of a general nature are discussed in
this section. Restrictions covering only
individual Colleges are discussed under the
sections dealing with those Colleges.
[29.1] A character may never
prepare a spell or engage in ritual
magic while in physical contact
with cold iron.
He can exercise any Talent Magic he can
possess as a result of his race, but not Talent
Magic stemming from his membership in a
College of Magic. Cold iron is defined as any
metal composed substantially or wholly of iron
ore and its direct products, iron and steel. The
amount of cold iron that will prevent an Adept
from using his powers is relatively small, but
not minute. Generally, no more than a few
ounces is sufficient to prevent the working of
all but racial Talent Magic. However, the final
determination as to whether or not a character
is affected by cold iron on his person is up to
the GM.
The Adept must be in direct contact with
cold iron for this stricture to apply. In all cases,
such determinations are the province of the
An Adept cannot prepare a spell, use the
special talents of his College, nor perform
Ritual Magic while wearing armor made of
cold iron or holding weapons or tools made of
cold iron under the provisions of this rule. This
does not mean, however, that Adepts cannot
wear armor or use weapons or tools. There are
three possible means of circumventing the
effects of cold iron.
1. The character can wear non-metallic armor
(leather for example) and carry weapons and
tools made of bone, wood, or stone. Tools and
A character who is a target of a spell may
resist the effects of that spell if he is conscious
and unstunned. Resistance may be either Active
or Passive. A character engages in Active
Resistance by stating this intention. He may
perform no other action and his resistance affects
the chances of the spell backfiring or taking
effect at all. A character may Passively resist by
making a Resistance Check once a spell has
successfully impacted on him. A character is not
prevented from making a Resistance Check by
the fact that he is engaged in other activities at
the time the check is made. Both Active and
Passive Resistance are implemented using the
character's Magic Resistance rating. The
character's Magic Resistance is determined
whenever it is used by adding to the character's
Willpower any modifications due to the
character's Magic College or lack of a College as
well as special modifiers for Counterspells and
general situation at the moment the check is
made. A character's chances of resisting magic
may be increased by casting a Counterspell over
the character.
[31.1] A character who is conscious
and unstunned may make a Resistance
Check to determine if he successfully
avoids the effects of a spell.
The character's player rolls D100. If the
resulting number is equal to or less than the
character's Magic Resistance (as modified
according to 31.4), the character resists the spell
and it has no effect upon him. Otherwise, the
character is affected normally by the spell. A
character is never prevented from making a
Resistance Check because he is engaged in other
activity at the same time. A Resistance Check is
an automatic function. It is implemented any
time the character's player states that he wishes
to attempt to resist a resistible spell which is
about to take effect on him. Each character may
only make one Resistance Check per spell cast
+ 15
- 15
+ 20
+ 30*
- 20
+ 50
The Thaumaturgies:
The College of Ensorcelments and
The College of Sorceries of the Mind
The College of Illusions
The College of Naming Incantations
The Elementals:
The College of Air Magics
The College of Water Magics
The College of Fire Magics
The College of Earth Magics
The College of Celestial Magics
The Entities:
The College of Black Magics
The College of Necromantic Conjurations
The College of Greater Summonings
[34.1] A character's Magic Resistance
is affected by the Branch of Magic of
which he is a practitioner.
A character's Magic Resistance is increased
by 5 whenever a Cast Check is implemented to
determine if he has been affected by a spell
generated by a member of the same Branch of
Magic. A character's Magic Resistance is
decreased by 5 whenever a Cast Check is
implemented to determine if he has been affected
by a spell generated by a member of an opposed
Branch of Magic. A character's Magic
Resistance is unaffected whenever a Cast Check
is implemented to determine if he has been
affected by a spell generated by a member of a
neutral Branch of Magic. A character's Magic
Resistance is increased by 20 whenever a Cast
Check is implemented to determine if he has
been affected by a spell generated by a member
of any College of Magic if that character is not,
himself, a member of a magical College. The
Branches of Magic are aligned relative to each
other as shown in this chart:
Dice Backfire Result
01-10 How unfortunate! Not only do you fail
to cast the spell, but your Fatigue is reduced by
a number equal to the Fatigue already expended
in the attempt.
11-17 Worse yet! You fail to cast the spell, and
your Fatigue is reduced by a number of points
equal to twice the Fatigue already expended in
the attempt.
18-22 For shame! You should be grateful that
your teachers cannot see you in your hour of
degradation. Not only do you fail to cast the
spell, but your Fatigue is reduced by a number
of points equal to three times the Fatigue
already expended in the attempt.
23-24 This is simply not your day. You fail to
cast the spell and you must reduce your Fatigue
by a number equal to four times the number of
points already expended in the attempt.
25 Magic may not be your calling. You might
consider a future in animal husbandry instead.
You have failed to cast your spell and your
Fatigue is reduced by a number of points equal
to five times the Fatigue already expended in the
26-35 Your spell has reversed itself and is
presently taking full affect on your own person
instead of on the intended target.
36-45 Once again your spell has reversed itself
as in result 26-35. However, this time, in
addition to the effects of the reversal, your
Fatigue is reduced by a number of points equal
to the Fatigue expended in attempting to cast the
46-50 Your companions may well curse your
name for this! The GM assigns a number to
each character within Range and rolls D10.The
character whose number is first rolled is the
target of the spell. If no character's number is
rolled, the GM rolls again until one character's
number is rolled.
Backfire Result
51-56 A result similar to 46-50 except that the
spell's effect is doubled (GM choosing what
attribute of the spell will be doubled).
56-60 Your spell takes effect, bur only at half
characteristic is to be halved and does so
(rounding down).
61 You are cursed with total blindness lasting
D10 weeks.
62 You are cursed with total blindness lasting
a number of weeks equal to two times D10.
63 You are cursed with total blindness lasting
a number of weeks equal to three times D10.
64 You are cursed with total deafness lasting a
number of weeks equal to the result of a D10
die roll.
65 You are cursed with total deafness lasting a
number of weeks equal to two times D10
66 You are cursed with total deafness lasting a
number of weeks equal to three times D10.
67 You are cursed with being totally mute for
a number of weeks equal to the result of a
D10die roil.
68 You are cursed with being totally mute for
a number of weeks equal to two times D10.
69 You are cursed with being totally mute for
a number of weeks equal to three times D10.
70 You are cursed with insomnia and nightmares and may only regain half Fatigue
(rounded up) during sleep periods for D10
71 You are cursed with insomnia and nightmares and may only regain half Fatigue
(rounded up) during sleep periods for a number
of weeks equal to two times D10.
72 You are cursed with insomnia and nightmares
Fatigue(rounded up) during sleep periods. for a
number of weeks equal to three times D10.
73-75 You are cursed with a virulent skin
disease which will cause you intense pain and
make you hideous to look upon. The disease
Backfire Result
will reduce your Physical Beauty by 10 and your
Willpower by 3 until cured by magic or the arts
of a healer. Once cured, the disease will still
reduce your Physical Beauty by 1 for each full
week during which it affected you. This
reduction is a permanent result of scarring.
76-80 You are cursed with periodic muscle
spasms of random occurrence and unpredictable
duration which tend to leave you limp and
exhausted. The spasms will persist until you are
cured by magic or the arts of a Rank 2 healer.
Reduce Dexterity by 5 and Endurance by
half(round down) until you have been cured.
81-85 You begin to suffer from intense and
regularly recurring migraines which reduce your
Willpower by 1 and your Magical Aptitude by 3
until you are cured of your affliction either by
magic or the arts of a Rank 2 healer.
86-90 You become arthritic and enfeebled and
will remain so until cured by manic or the arts of
a Rank 3 healer. Reduce your Fatigue by half
(round down) and subtract 4 from Dexterity and
3 from Agility until cured.
91-95 You have become subject to creeping
senility which will last until cured by
magic(only) and which will become worse as
time goes on. Your Magical Aptitude is
immediately reduced by 2 and is reduced by an
additional 2 at the beginning of each week until
cured. Once cured of your affliction, you will
have to relearn any spells forgotten during the
period of your illness. All spell attempts made
during the illness will have their Base Chance of
taking effect reduced by 10.
96-100 You are cursed with total amnesia and
lose all skills, ranks and magical abilities for a
period equal to one day times D10. During this
time, you may not cast spells, use special skills
or talents or use a weapon except in its unranked
state. Your friends will have to care for you
since your surroundings are totally unfamiliar
and your survival defenses will have been quite
effectively short-circuited. You will willingly
take their orders and advice, but you would just
as willingly follow an ogre into his cave if he
asked you.
4. Ritual of Manufacturing
Poison Dust (Q-4)
This ritual works in the same manner as Q3 and employs the same numbers for all
purposes. However, instead of causing the victim
to fall asleep, it inflicts D - 5 (+ l for every 2 or
fraction of 2 Ranks) damage due to poisoning on
individuals who fail to resist. Like sleep dust,
poison dust must be thrown in the face of the
[36.6] Special Knowledge Spells
1. Ventriloquism Spell (S-1)
RANGE: 90 feet
DURATION: 5 minutes + 3 additional/Rank
RESIST: May not be resisted
EFFECTS: The spell allows the Adept to project
his voice and alter it so that it sounds like any
other voice the Adept has heard. The voice may
be projected so that it appears to be emanating
from anywhere within the radius of the spell.
2. Bolt of Energy Spell (S-2)
RANGE: 15 feet + 15 additional/Rank
DURATION: Immediate (during Pulse)
RESIST: May only be passively resisted
EFFECTS: The Adept may cast a bolt of energy at
a target and will, as a result, inflict [D - 5] + 1
per Rank damage on the first person or object
through which the bolt passes.
3. Spell of Opening (S-3)
RANGE: 15 feet + 15 feet for every 2 or fraction
of 2 Ranks
DURATION: Immediate (during Pulse)
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: Instantly opens locks, bolts, and doors,
including those locked by the Mage Lock Spell
4. Spell of Enchanting Weapons (S-4)
RANGE: 5 feet + 5 additional/Rank
DURATION: 20 seconds x [D - 5] x Rank (1, if
RESIST: May not be resisted
EFFECTS: Increases the Base Chance to hit with
the weapon over which it is cast by 1 + an
additional 1 per Rank and increases the damage
done by the weapon by 1 for every 3 or fraction
of 3 Ranks.
5. Web of Entanglement Spell (S-5)
RANGE: 15 feet + 15 additional/Rank
DURATION: Concentration / maximum: 15
minutes + 15 minutes per Rank
RESIST: May only be passively resisted.
EFFECTS: This spell works similarly to the Web
of Fire Spell (S-4, p.50) of the College of Fire
Magics except that it allows the Adept to project
a sticky web instead of a web of fire from his
fingertips. Any objects or individuals
[37.3] Talents
1. Resist Temperature (T-1)
Adepts of this College suffer 1 (+ 1 for each
5 or fraction of 5 Ranks) less Damage Points
from either heat or cold (or fire or ice) used as
weapons. They are immune to extremes of temperature. The Experience Multiple for the Talent
is 250.
2. Resist Pain (T-2)
Adepts of this College are more or less
immune to pain. They cannot be tortured or
stunned. In addition, if there is a chance that
their concentration may have been broken, 5 (+ 1
per Rank) is always added to the Base Chance of
their maintaining the concentration despite intrusions. Their concentration is never automatically broken (i.e., is never broken without a
check to see if they maintain concentration). The
Experience Multiple for this Talent is 300.
3. Sensitivity to Danger (T-3)
Adepts of this College always add 5 (+ 1
per Rank) to their chances of detecting an
ambush (see 80.2). The Experience Multiple for
this Talent is 300.
[37.4] General Knowledge Spells
1. Spell of Extrasensory
Perception (G-1)
RANGE: 30 feet + 15 additional/Rank
DURATION: 30 seconds + 10 additional/Rank
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: The Adept can sense the presence and
general mood (but not the exact nature) of any
entity within range of the spell.
2. Spell of Limited Precognition (G-2)
RANGE: Works at any range
DURATION: Immediate
RESIST: May not be resisted
EFFECTS: The Adept may see (unclearly) into
the future a number of hours equal to 1 (+ 1 per
Rank) and may ascertain events that may or may
not be important to him.
Difficulty Factor
[38.3] Talents
1. Witchsight (T-1)
The Adept has a Base Chance equal to his
Perception (+ 5 per Rank achieved with this
talent) of seeing objects which are normally
invisible or which have been rendered invisible
by magical means (i.e., such spells as Walking
Unseen, Blending, and Invisibility). The Adept
also possesses the night-vision of an Elf. The
Experience Multiple for this Talent is 200.
- 15
Totally wrong (opposite of the
prediction occurs)
Generally incorrect (fairly wide
Generally correct (close, but not
totally accurate)
86-100 Almost totally accurate (say, within
1 degree)
Following this dice roll, the GM delivers
20 knots
10 knots
3 knots
10 knots
20 knots
30 knots
1 week
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
Any duration of the adept's
[41.3] Talents
- 10
- 20
DURATION: Immediate
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: Turns 1 quart (+ 1 per Rank) of salt
water into potable water.
7. Spell of Speaking With Aquatic
Mammals (G-7)
RANGE: 15 feet + 15 additional/Rank
DURATION: Concentration/no maximum
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: The spell gives the Adept the ability
to communicate verbally (through sounds) with
dolphins, whales, porpoises, sea lions, seals, and
other aquatic mammals.
8. Spell of Summoning Aquatic
Mammals (G-8)
RANGE: Works at any range
DURATION: Immediate
RESIST: May not be resisted
EFFECTS: The Adept may summon 1 aquatic
mammal (+ 1 per Rank at Ranks above 5). It
will take 30 minutes (- 30 seconds per Rank) for
the mammal to arrive. The mammal must be
native to the area to be summoned.
9. MageWind Spell (G-9)
This spell is identical in all respects to the
spell of the same name in the College of Air
Magics (see 40.4, G-3, p.45).
10. Spell of Water Creation (G-10)
RANGE: Adept must touch substance from which
water is drawn
DURATION: Immediate
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: The spell allows the Adept to extract
moisture from the air or from plants (providing
there is moisture available to be extracted) in the
amount of 1 pint (+1 additional pint per Rank).
11. Spell of Watersight (G-11)
RANGE: Adept must touch the target's eyes
DURATION: 1 hour + 1 additional/Rank
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: Spell forms a transparent film over
the target's eyes enabling him to see under water
as if wearing goggles or a diving mask.
12. Spell of Water Breathing (G-12)
RANGE: Adept must touch target's throat
DURATION: 1 hour + 1 additional/Rank
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: Spell forms a set of gills in the subject's neck which allow him to operate under the
water without affecting his ability to operate on
the surface.
- 10
Physical Strength
Manual Dexterity
Magical Aptitude
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: Same as for S-12 (Wall of Stone
Spell) except that the caster creates a wall of
cold iron.
14. Spell of Tunneling (S-14)
RANGE: 5 feet + 1 additional/Rank
DURATION: 30 seconds + 5 additional/Rank
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: The caster creates a circular opening
or tunnel 10 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep in
a wall, ceiling, floor, ground surface, cliff face,
etc. The caster may add 1 foot to either depth or
radius per Rank.
15. Trollskin Spell (S-15)
RANGE: 10 feet
DURATION: 1 minute + 10 additional seconds/2
Ranks (or fraction)
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: The spell allows the subject to
regenerate Endurance Points removed as a
result of damage incurred in combat. The target
begins to regenerate 30 seconds after a wound
is inflicted and continues to regenerate at the
rate of 1 Endurance Point every 10 seconds for
the duration of the spell. The spell will not help
regenerate wounds inflicted by acid or fire.
16. Spell of Smoking Magma (S-16)
RANGE: 25 feet + 5 additional/Rank
DURATION: 10 seconds + 10 additional/Rank
RESIST: May only be passively resisted (then
does half damage).
EFFECTS: The caster creates a pool of molten
rock which wells up from underground. The
pool has a radius of 5 feet (+ 1 additional foot
per Rank). Any character within the area
covered by the pool suffers damage of [D - 5] +
1 per Rank. If the character successfully resists,
this damage is halved.
17. Spell of Diamond Javelins (S-17)
RANGE: 30 feet + 10 additional/Rank
DURATION: Immediate (during Pulse)
RESIST: May not be resisted.
EFFECTS: The spell causes diamond-tipped
javelins to fly from the earth at the caster's feet
and travel toward a target(s) of the caster's
choice. The number of javelins appearing is
always 1 + 1 additional javelin for every 2 (or
fraction) Ranks of the spell. The javelins have a
Base Chance equal to the Base Chance of
ordinary javelins of hitting their target + 3 per
Rank of the spell. Each javelin does [D - 4] (+ 1
per every 2 or fraction Ranks) damage.
18. Spell of Earth Transformation (S-18)
RANGE: 10 feet + 10 additional/Rank
DURATION: 3 hours + 1 additional/Rank
RESIST: May only be passively resisted.
Sphere and fails to resist is immediately disintegrated. Anything that resists, simply suffers D10 damage for each contact and is
thrown to the ground by the shock of contact.
The Experience Multiple for this ritual is 450.
[44.8] Fright Table
(see below)
[45.3] Talents
1. Ask The Dead (T-1)
The Adept may, whenever he occupies
the place in which an entity has died, communicate
with the spirit of the entity if the
Adept could have communicated with the entity
while it was alive (knew its language, etc.)
and is aware that the place he occupies was
the site of the entity's death. Only questions
that can be answered with a simple yes or no
will be answered, and the dead can only provide
knowledge of events which transpired
while they were alive. There is a Base Chance
of 20% ( +4 per Rank) that the dead will resist
21-25 Target flies into a berserk rage and immediately attempts to attack (within
the limits of movement) the object of his rage (the Adept or manifestation
that brought about the fear). He will Charge if possible and
attempt to Grapple. All Strike Checks against him are increased by 10 and
all Strike Checks which he makes are increased by 10.
n on
Target flees as rapidly as possible away from the source of his terror.
Character is immobilized as if stunned and adds 5 to all subsequent rolls on
the Fright Table this day.
91-96 Target becomes hysterical and will continue to stand in place and scream
until snapped out of it (GM determines how this occurs). Add 15 to
subsequent rolls on the Fright Table this day.
96-100 Target's hair turns white as he becomes totally catatonic (as if stunned). Add
15 to subsequent rolls on the Fright Table this day.
101-106 Target faints dead away (collapsing to the ground). He remains unconscious
for [D+6] minutes. Add 10 to all subsequent rolls on the Fright Table this
107-110 Target suffers a heart attack. The result is the same as for 101-106 exept that
the target may not move about under his own power for the remainder of
the day and suffers a decrease of 2 in all characteristics until he has spent
one month resting in bed.
Ill + Target suffers a heart attack and must have medical attention (cardiovascular
resuscitation) within one minute (12 Pulses of combat) or die. If
he does survive, all subsequent rolls on the Fright Table are increased by 20 this day.
[46.3] Talents
1. Witchsight(T-l)
The Adept has a Base Chance equal to
his Perception ( + 5 per Rank achieved with
this talent) of seeing objects which are
normally invisible or which have been rendered
invisible by magical means (i.e., such spells
as Walking Unseen, Blending, and Invisibility).
The Adept also possesses the night-vision
of an Elf. The Experience Multiple for this
talent is 200.
13. Amulet of Bloodstone: Prevents miscarriage and decreases Base Chance of infection
by 10. Cost: 1000 Silver Pennies.
14. Amulet of Carbuncle: Decreases damage
done by poison by 2 points of damage per
Pulse or day. Cost: 1200 Silver Pennies.
15. Amulet of Calcedony: No undead will
willingly approach closer than 10 feet to the
wearer in most cases. Cost: 600 Silver Pennies.
The "cost" is the cost of materials
necessary to manufacture the amulet. Each
amulet requres 3 days to manufacture once
the necessary materials have been gathered or
D. The ability to distill from a variety of
substances a Love Philtre which will cause
the imbiber to fall in love with the first entity
of whom he or she sets eyes after drinking it
(regardless of species or sex). The Base
Chance to prepare the Philtre is 30% ( + 3 per
Rank) and The Experience Multiple is 200.
The cost of the materials will average 600
silver pieces. The effects of the substance will
last for I week ( + 1 week per Rank).
E. The ability to distill from a variety of
substances a Potion of Fertility that increases
the chances of conception by 5% (+5 per
Rank). It has a 30% Base Chance of working
and may be actively or passively resisted by
the imbiber. The effects last one day. The
Experience Multiple for this potion is 200
and its value is 100 Silver Pennies. Note:
Base Chance of conception is normally 5%.
[47.3] Talents
There are no Talent Magics granted a
character simply because he is a member of
this College. However, there is a possibility
that the character may be assigned a
"companion" by a demon he has summoned.
Once a character has been assigned a
companion, he may automatically call forth
(and later dismiss) that companion. Once called
forth, the companion instantly appears to do
the bidding of the character. In this sense,
there is some Talent Magic available to
members of this College.
Upon dismissing a demon he has
summoned, the summoner may request that the
demon assign to him a companion from
among his legions of lesser spirits. The Base
Chance that a demon will grant this request is
listed under the "Lesser Spirits" heading for
each demon. The summoner's Player rolls
D100, and if the resulting number is less than
or equal to the Base Chance, the demon
grants a companion. If the number is half or
less than the Base Chance, the demon grants
two companions.
A companion will be either a lesser Devil
or an Imp who is contantly "on call" to the
summoner. The companion is available until
one of the following events occurs:
1. The summoner requests a companion
from any other Demon except the Demon
who granted the summoner's current
companion (regardless of whether or not
the request is granted).
2. The companion is dispelled by having a
General Knowledge Counterspell of the
College of Greater Summonings cast over him
by the summoner.
3. The companion is forced into his own
dimension by a reduction in his Endurance
sufficient to cause unconsciousness in a
4. The summoner voluntarily attacks the
companion or quits the College of Greater
When a companion is granted, the
summoner's player rolls D10. If the result is 1-4,
his companion will be an Imp. If it is 5-10, it
will be a devil. A separate roll is made for
each companion if more than one is granted.
Imps and devils are described below (see
VIII, Monsters, for a description of the
terminology used herein):
1. Imps
Description: Imps appear as three to four
foot high humanoids, but with horns, bat's
wings and barbed tails. They tend to be
muscular, but pot-bellied. Their skin may be
blue, green, or purple, but is usually red.
They have yellow eyes, flecked with silver
and their teeth (including prominent incisors)
are made of silver. Imps may also appear as
goats, spiders, bats or large rats, but these
are insubstantial forms and the imp cannot
use his powers in this plane except in his
natural and substantial form.
Talents, Skills and Magic: Imps may be
members of any Colleges of Magic except the
Entities as determined by the GM. Imps can
only be harmed by silvered weapons or
magic. Cold iron does not affect them. They
have no Skills. They have Rank 5 with all
Movement Rates (yards per minute):
Running: 350; Flying: 500
PS: 15-20 MD: 13-17 AG: 16-22
MA: 22-26 EN: 14-16 FT: 22-28
WP: 28-32 PC: 16-25 PB: 3-5
TMR: 7/10 NA: 3 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Imps may make a horn attack
during Close Combat with a Base Chance of
20Vo and possible damage of - I. Imp horns
may have a Rank of between I and 10
(controlling Player should roll DIO to determine
Rank). Imps may also make an attack in
either Melee or Close Combat with their long
tail. Its tip contains a sting with a quick
acting nerve poison (2-4 Damage Points per
Pulse). The sting, itself, is treated like a
dagger. Base Chance with tail is 30%. Imps may
use other weapons, but may not wear armor.
Comments: Imps are dangerous servants in
that they have a cruel sense of humor which
they are not adverse to visiting upon their
1 sceptre of dogwood
1 lb.
1 broadsword of silvered
1 mitre
1 cap
1 robe of virgin linen
1 girdle of lion's skin
imprinted with symbols
1 censor of silver and
1 Ib.
3 Ib.
PS: 16-21
MA: 26-30
WP: 26-30
TMR- 7/8
Once bound, a demon will remain on
this plane for a number of days equal to
D10-3 (minimum of one day) and will serve
the summoner more or less willingly during
that time. In some cases, special conditions
must be met to bind the demon. Usually, this
means the giving of presents, most often
human life. If the demon resists such an
offering, he will have also broken the summoning
and may turn on the summoner despite
the fact that the summoner is protected by
the Pentacle. When this happens, the
summoner's player rolls DIOO. If the result is less
than or equal to the summoner's Magic
Resistance, the demon is banished to his own
plane. If the result is greater than the
summoner's Magical Resistance, the summoner
is overcome by the will of the demon and
voluntarily breaks the circle of protection
allowing the demon to enter the pentacle and
attack him.
Some demons will serve more willingly
and faithfully than others. The details of
which demons serve willingly and which
resist service even when bound are discussed
under the heading dealing with each particular
demon. A summoner may control only
one bound demon at a time, though he may
summon other demons (or non-demonic
entities) for purposes of conversation. He may
voluntarily dismiss a demon at any time prior
to the end of his service and the demon is
immediately returned to his own dimension
unless he has already broken the binding and
turned on the summoner. The Experience
Multiple for this ritual is 400.
Magic, Page 69
AIM: "The Fire Duke"
Base Chance: 63%
Lesser Spirits: 26%
Description: Aim appears as a man with three heads. One head
is human, the other is that of a serpent, and the third is that of
a calf. He bears two stars on the forehead of his human head.
In one hand he carries a ball of fire that is eternally blazing. He
rides a large lizard with scales of midnight blue. Wherever he
goes. Aim is surrounded by billowing clouds of red-tinged
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Aim is a master of the College of
Fire. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Military
Scientist. He can set fire to any combustible object by touching
it with the hand wherein resides his fireball. The fireball may
not be thrown.
Movement Rates: Running: 250 yards per minute.
PS: 22
MD: 24
AG: 23
MA: 30
EN: 25
FT: 35
WP: 34
PC : 26
PB: 3
NA: 3 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Aim may bite in Close Combat with his non-human
heads. He has a BC of 45 % with his serpent head and a BC of
30% with his calf head. The serpent does +2 damage (plus D-3
per Pulse additional damage for poison) and the calf head does
+ 3 damage. The serpent's head is Rank 4 and the calf's head is
Rank 2. Aim may not wear armor. He may use only one
handed weapons.
Comments: Aim delights in all things having to do with fire
and will gladly start a blazing inferno for the joy of watching
the fire burn, even when bound. He must be watched carefully
for this reason.
ALLOCES: "The Warrior Duke"
Base Chance: 74%
Lesser Spirits: 36%
Description: Alloces appears as a man with a lion's face and
eyes made of hot coals. He wears burnished armor and rides a
great war horse. Alloces' flesh is like red gold. His voice is harsh
and booming. Those who look directly into his eyes see their
own death and are blinded for D+5 days afterward.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Alloces is a practitioner of the arts
of the college of Celestial Magics. He possesses the following
Skills: Assassin, Navigator, Spy, Thief, Military Scientist.
Movement Rates: Running: 350 yards per minute.
PS: 30
MD: 28
AG: 32
MA: 29
EN: 26
FT: 38
WP: 32
PC : 29
PB: 10
NA: 3 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Alloces bite has a BC of 45Vo of doing + 3 damage
in Close Combat. It is Rank 7. Alloces is also armed as a knight
with broadsword and buckler and ax, mace and knife.
Comments: Alloces will gladly serve a master who promises
bloodshed, but will turn on the summoner if there is no fighting
for a prolonged period and will attempt to drag the summoner
into his mouth and devour him. Alloces may not be bound.
AMDUSIAS: "The Unicorn Duke"
Base Chance: 80%
Lesser Spirits: 29%
Description: Amdusias appears as a silver unicorn. He will shed
this insubstantial form and take on the shape of a tall, thin
man with a white beard after a few moments. His transformation is accompanied by the sound of trumpets.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Amdusias is a practitioner of the
arts of the College of Celestial Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Beast Master, Healer, Ranger, Spy. He has the power
to command trees to do his bidding in the same manner as a
member of the College of Naming Incantations. He knows all
Generic and Individual True Names, but will tell these only if
his summoner is in dire need.
Movement Rates: Running; 250 yards per minute.
PS: 23
MD: 26
AG: 24
MA: 29
EN: 22
FT: 35
WP: 32
PC: 31
PB: 16
TMR: 5
NA: 3 DP per Strike
Weapons: Amdusias has no natural weapons and is treated as a
man for purposes of unarmed combat. He will refuse to wear
armor, but may employ all weapons.
ASTAROTH: "The Terrible Duke"
Base Chance: 66%
Lesser Spirits: 40%
Description: Astaroth appears in the form of a dark angel all
black and with a bloody mouth. He carries a viper coiled about
his right hand and he rides an infernal dragon. He speaks gaily
of horrible things and laughs readily at pain and disease. He is
exceedingly cruel.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Astaroth is a practitioner of the
arts of the College of Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses
the following Skills: Alchemist, Assassin, Military Scientist,
Navigator. He knows the Generic and Individual True Names of
all things, but will only tell these if it pleases him and he thinks
that suffering may be increased thereby. He knows men's secrets
and will tell them.
Movement Rates: Running: 350 yards per minute.
PS: 27
MD: 26
AG: 28
MA: 32
EN: 26
FT: 35
WP: 35
PC: 26
PB: 8
TMR: 9 NA: 3 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Astaroth's breath is poisonous to the same degree as
chlorine and extends outward from his mouth 25 feet in a cone
10 feet wide at the base. He has no other natural weapons,
but will usually carry a heavy mace which he uses in
shattering the bones of his victims so that they will be crippled
and take a long time dying.
Comments: Astaroth will readily serve the summoner, but only
so long as he is pleased to do so. He will usually serve so long as
the summoner is involved in much death and cruelty and will
depart when these cease. Astaroth may not be bound. If the
summoner attempts to bind him, Astaroth will turn on him and
rend him and may claim his soul.
BARBATOS: "Duke of Virtues"
Base Chance: 53%
Lesser Spirits: 30%
Description: Barbatos appears as a hunter in the company of
an insubstantial host of soldiers led by four kings. He wears a
green hood fringed in scarlet and a gray cloak.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Barbatos is a member of the
College of Naming Incantations. He possesses the following
Skills: Assassin, Beast Master, Healer, Ranger and Spy. He is
a linguist and understands the speech of birds and beasts as well
as men. He can break an enchantment used to seal a place or treasure
with his touch. He knows the Generic and Individual True
Names of all things on earth.
Movement Rates: Running: 350 yards per minute.
PS: 23
MD: 27
AG: 29
MA: 32
EN: 25
FT: 35
WP; 34
PC: 34
PB: 16
TMR: 8
NA: 3 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Barbatos has no natural weapons. He is treated as a
human for purposes of unarmed combat. He refuses to wear armor, but can employ any weapons.
Comments: Barbatos may not be compelled to tell the True
Name of anything, but he may choose to do so if the need of
the summoner is urgent.
MD:25 AG:24
EN: 24
FT: 36
PC: 24
PB: 12
TMR: 6
NA: 2 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Furcas has no natural weapons, but can call his
scythe to him from other dimensions at will. The Scythe has a
BC of 40%. It does + 8 damage and is Rank 10. It is a twohanded weapon. Only Furcas can wield the Scythe. He may use
other weapons as well.
LN: 77
FT: 35
PC: 28
TMR:12/4 NA: 4 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Furcalor has no natural weapons. He is treated as a
human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may wear specially
tailored armor (to fit around his wings) and may employ any
Comments: Furcalor is obsessed with slaying men by drowning
them and he will pursue his calling ruthlessly at every opportunity unless bound by his summoner. He may only be summoned
when the summoner is at sea or near the ocean.
Movement Rates: Running: 400 yards per minute.
EN: 28
FT: 36
WP: 34
PC: 31
NA: 4 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Vapula may bite in Close Combat with a BC of 40%
of doing +4 damage. His bite is Rank 5. Vapula may also use
claws in Melee and Close Combat. He has a BC of 45% with
claws in Melee and a BC of 55% with claws in Close Combat.
His claws do + 6 damage and are Rank 8. He may not wear
armor or employ weapons.
2. Ritual of Summoning
Demonic Princes (R-2)
This ritual is used to summon the following demons from the
seventh plane: Gaap, lpos, Orobas, Seir, Sitri, Stolas, Vassago.
These demons may be summoned at any time of the day.
The only Shield that will protect against the possibility of
backfire while summoning Princes is a disk of hammered tin inscribed with the names and symbols of the Princes of the seventh
plane. This Shield may only be manufactured by a Shaping mage.
It weighs 3 pounds and the average cost of manufacture will be
3000+ Silver Pennies. It takes about three months to manufacture.
The Experience Multiple for this ritual is 350.
3. Ritual of Summoning
Demonic Presidents (R-3)
This ritual is used to summon the following demons from the
seventh plane: Avnas, Buer, Carnio, Foras, Haagenti, Labolas,
Malphas, Marbas, Volac and Voso. These demons may only be
summoned during daylight.
The only shield that will protect against the possibility of
backfire while summoning Presidents is a disk of base metal (other
than cold iron) coated with quicksilver. This shield may only be
manufactured by a Shaping mage. It weighs 3 pounds and the average cost to manufacture will be 4000+ Silver Pennies. It takes
about four months to manufacture. The Experience Multiple for
this ritual is 450.
His words appear before his hearers as letters written in the air
with fiery coals.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Carnio is a member of the College
of Fire. He possesses the following Skills: Beast Master, Healer,
Ranger, Spy, Thief. Carnio is a great linguist and will willingly
teach his summoner the languages of birds and mammals and
also teach him to understand what has passed in a place by
reading the speech of running waters.
Movement Rates: Running: 400 yards per minute.
PS: 18
MD: 23
AG: 26
MA: 35
EN: 24
FT: 35
WP: 38
PC: 36
PB:14 TMR:8 NA: 2 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Carnio has no natural weapons. He is treated as a
human for purposes of unarmed combat. Carnio will wear any
armor provided by the summoner and will carry other weapons,
but will not use them unless his sword is damaged.
Comments: Carnio will always give true answers to all things.
FT: 30
AG: 15
MA: 32
PC: 11
TMR:7/10 NA: 4 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Labolas may bite in Close Combat with a BC of
50%. He does +2 damage and his bite is Rank 8. The bite of
Labolas always becomes infected. Labolas may never wear
armor or carry or use weapons.
Comments: Labolas is capable of reconciling enemies when he
so desires, but prefers strife and bloodshed. His psychic life requires manslaughter and he will seek to promote it at every opportunity, even among the summoner's family and companions.
PS: 25
MD: 10
AG: 14
MA: 32
EN: 22
FT: 33
WP: 33
PC: 31
PB: 4
TMR: 2/10 NA: 3 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Malthus may attack with beak and talons in Close
Combat. The BC to Strike with either is 40%. His beak does + I
damage and his talons do +3. both are Rank 5. Malthus may
never wear armor or use weapons.
Comments: Malthus will never be a willing servant. If he does
agree to serve, he will do so only under the condition that he be
allotted a daily portion of human flesh and will be made free to
eat the flesh of the summoner if the required diet is not
forthcoming. He may not be bound.
5. Ritual of Summoning
Demonic Marquis (R-5)
This ritual is used to summon the following demons from the
seventh plane: Amon, Andras, Andrealphus, Cimejus, Decarabia,
Forneus, Leraje.Marehosias, Naberius, Orias, Phenex, Samigina,
Savnok and Shaz. These demons may only be summoned between
3 in the afternoon and sunrise.
The only Shield that will protect against the possibility of
backfire while summoning Marquis is a disk of fine silver inscribed
with the names of the Marquis of the seventh plane. This shield
may only be manufactured by a Shaping mage. It weighs 3 pounds
and the average cost of manufacture will be 7000 Silver Pennies. It
will take about five months to manufacture. The Experience
Multiple for this ritual is 550.
PS: 26
MD: 25
AG: 25
MA: 30
EN: 24
FT: 35
WP: 32
PC: 25
NA: 2 DP per Strike.
Weapons: Andrealphus has no natural weapons. He is treated
as a human in unarmed combat. Andrealphus may wear armor
and use weapons provided by the summoner, but only if they
are silvered or gilded. He will not use any other kind of armor
or weapons.
Comments: For a payment of the life of a human being, Andrealphus will turn the summoner into a bird for a period of
one hour. Each individual transformation or hour of transformation must be purchased by the sacrifice of an additional
human being. Andrealphus eats the souls of those sacrificed in
this manner. He must be present during the sacrifice.
PS: 75
MD: 16 AG: 18
MA: 30
EN: 26
FT: 32
WP: 33
PC: 27
TMR:4/8 NA: 5 DP per Strike.
Weapons: The demon's beak does +6 damage in Melee or
Close Combat and has a BC of 40%. It is Rank 5. The demon's
claws do + 4 damage in Melee or Close Combat, have a BC of
35% and are Rank 3. Phenex may not wear armor or use
Comments: Phenex is ever hungry for human flesh and will attempt to sing except when bound so as to draw victims close to
his mouth where they can be devoured.
Dice Backfire Result
01-10 How unfortunate! Not only do you
fail to cast the spell, but your Fatigue is reduced by a number equal to the Fatigue already expended in the attempt.
11-17 Worse yet! You fail to cast the spell,
and your Fatigue is reduced by a number of
points equal to twice the Fatigue already expended in the attempt.
18-22 For shame! You should be grateful
that your teachers cannot see you in your hour
of degradation. Not only do you fail to cast the
spell, but your Fatigue is reduced by a number
of points equal to three times the Fatigue
already expended in the attempt.
23-24 This is simply not your day. You fail to
cast the spell and you must reduce your Fatigue
by a number equal to four times the number of
points already expended in the attempt.
25 Magic may not be your calling. You might
consider a future in animal husbandry instead.
You have failed to cast your spell and your
Fatigue is reduced by a number of points equal
to five times the Fatigue already expended in
the attempt.
26-35 Your spell has reversed itself and is
presently taking full affect on your own person
instead of on the intended target.
36-45 Once again your spell has reversed
itself as in result 26-35. However, this time, in
addition to the effects of the reversal, your
Fatigue is reduced by a number of points equal
to the Fatigue expended in attempting to cast
the spell.
46-50 Your companions may well curse your
name for this! The GM assigns a number to
each character within Range and rolls D10.
The character whose number is first rolled is
the target of the spell. If no character's number
is rolled, the GM rolls again until one
character's number is rolled
Skills, Monsters,
A character may acquire and refine skills
during a campaign. He can hone his talents in a
series of interrelated non-magical and quasimagical abilities, which combine to form a
single skill. A character's degree of talent is
measured by his Rank in a skill. He begins with
the simplest abilities at the lowest Ranks, and
gains the more difficult ones as he progresses
through the Ranks. His percentage chance of
successfully performing tasks associated with a
skill will increase as his Rank becomes higher.
The skills presented here are only those likely to
be used by a character during an adventure. The
fruits of the labors of those using other, more
plebeian, skills may be purchased. The
gamesmaster will be guided in determining the
price (in Silver Pennies) of the various goods
produced by craftsmen by the Basic Goods
Cost List (81.4). Weaponsmiths' products are
valued on the Weapons Chart (20.3); Armorers'
Almost all natural chemicals can be
combined into a variety of useful mixtures by
expert hands. The potions which will be in most
demand by characters will be those that affect
the bodily functions of humanoids. The effects
of these potions range from stimulation and
depression of emotions to deadly poisons. In a
sense, alchemy is a "poor man's magic"; it is
more cost-efficient in affecting the actions of
beings than the use of mana, albeit not as easily
applied to the victim.
There are five main areas of study of
alchemy. The first is that of chemical analysis,
the ability to determine the effects of ingestion
Assassin is not a skill which should be
carelessly chosen, as the skill is not looked upon
with great favor by members of society (at least
until they need one). Assassins will vary in
philosophy and methods; they may be coldhearted but not necessarily evil. The GM must
allow assassins to practice their art as they wish,
and this may result in solo adventures.
[51.1] An assassin must be able to use
the sap or the garrote at a minimum of
Rank 1 before advancing past Rank 2.
[51.2] An assassin increases his chance
of causing a Grievous Injury as his Rank
If the assassin is attacking in a surprise
situation, his chance of causing a Grievous
Injury is increased by 2% per Rank (see 504.2).
A surprise situation is one in which combat has
yet to be joined, and the victim is not expecting
an attack.
If an assassin attacks a victim through a
rear hexside during combat, his chance of
causing a Grievous Injury is increased by 1%
for every Rank.
If an assassin attacks a victim through a
front hexside during combat, his chance of
causing a Grievous Injury is increased by 1%
for every three Ranks (round down).
An assassin does not gain the above
bonuses when engaging in Ranged Combat.
[51.3] An assassin may gain information
from a victim through torture.
The assassin must torture his victim for a
period equal to ([Victim's Willpower]
/[Assassin's Rank]) hours to try to gain an
important secret. The assassin's chance of
forcing the victim to reveal the secret is ([10 x
Assassin's Rank] - [4 x Victim's Willpower])%.
If the GM's roll on percentile dice is equal to or
less than the success percentage, the assassin
gains the exact information he requires.
If the assassin fails to gain the desired
information, he may try another torture attempt.
A victim can withstand a number of torture
The celestial bodies have a definite, if not
entirely understood, effect upon the lives of the
inhabitants of a DragonQuest world. These
Great Powers seem to impose predestination
upon all but the strong-willed, and determine the
aspect of each being. The Sun, the Moon(s), and
the Planets regularly cause perturbations in the
flow of mana; the mighty Stars affect a world
across the vast reaches of space by their
positions relative to it. The study of the purpose
and method of the Powers is the science of
An astrologer's main talent is a limited
ability to predict and shape the future. An
astrologer will be able to make clear, general
assertions, but will only be able to give obscure
clues when asked for specific details.
An astrologer must be able to read and
write in one language at Rank 8 if he wishes to
Fatigue Points
Naturally wild
Intelligent or rebellious
Raised by beast master
from adolescence
Domesticated by
another beast master
Caught in wilderness
The unmodified number of months
required is multiplied by all applicable mod-
Courtesanship is a social skill designed
expressly to satisfy the needs of lonely or status
conscious people. A master courtesan will be an
accomplished musician, able to play at least one
woodwind or string instrument. The master will
also be able to sing, recite and compose stories
and legends, perform mime, act out skits and
dance. The consummate courtier is also the
master of proper dress, and attractive
appearance and is able to simulate a great range
of emotions.
The abilities attendant to this skill are
usable by such a character in situations not
covered by the following rules, as are those of
the troubadour skill (q.v.). The GM should
improvise and allow a courtesan character to use
his skill in appropriate instances. If, far instance,
the party is at the mercy of a homely witch of
indeterminate age, a male courtesan should be
able to charm her and at least win his
companions' lives if he plays it right.
A courtier is a male courtesan.
[54.1] A courtesan must generate a value
for his Physical Beauty Characteristic
(see 43.5).
A courtesan character must pay an
additional Experience Point increment of 10%
to increase his Rank in the skill when:
1. His Manual Dexterity is less than 12;
2. His Agility is less than 15;
3. His Physical Beauty is less than 15; or
4. He is death-aspected.
A courtesan character decreases the Experience Point cost to increase his Rank by an
increment of 10% when:
1. His Agility is greater than 22;
2. His Physical Beauty is greater than 20; or
3. He is life-aspected.
All modifiers are cumulative.
[54.2] A courtesan acquires one ability
per Rank.
The character begins with one of the
following abilities at Rank 0. All acquired
abilities can be performed skillfully.
1. Play a woodwind instrument (e.g., flute)
2. Play a string instrument (e.g., mandolin,
lute, etc.)
3. Sing
4. Recite stories and legends
5. Compose stories and legends
6. Perform mime
7. Act out skits
8. Tell jokes
9. Dance
10. Dress well (e.g., formally)
11. Dress seductively
12. Appear attractive (by other culture's
13. Simulate wide range of emotions
14. Imitate accents
A courtesan may gain additional abilities
after achieving Rank 10 by the expenditure of
500 Experience Points per ability.
The life span of one who lives in a fantasy
world is considerably longer than that of his
medieval counterpart. The disparity in age can
be attributed to the presence of healers where
mana exists. These partially empathic beings
can cure all the physical ills which beset a
Cure Endurance
Prolong Life
Quite sophisticated devices can be
engineered without the aid of modern power
sources and techniques. A mechanician's most
complex products will involve pulley-,
hydraulic-, or spring-based motor systems,
which cause the operation of well-greased
moving parts. The mechanician is most often
called on to devise locks and traps to foil the
best efforts of thieves. His second most popular
line includes mechanisms for domestic use (e.g.,
Mechanicians often build complex,
sometimes non-functional inventions. This is, in
part, due to the prevailing view that mechanical
gadgets are less efficient than magic at all but
the simplest jobs. Thus, the job of mechanician
is regarded more as an art than a skill.
A mechanician must know how to read and
write in one language at Rank 6 if he wishes to
advance beyond Rank O.
[56.1] A mechanician's progress in his
skill is inhibited by a low Manual
Dexterity value, and aided by a high
value in that characteristic.
A mechanician character must pay an
additional Experience Point increment of 10%
to increase his Rank if his Manual Dexterity
value is less than 15. Such a character decreases
his Experience Point cost to in- crease his Rank
by an increment of 10% if his Manual Dexterity
value is greater than 22.
[56.2] A mechanician can build
increasingly sophisticated traps as his
Rank increases.
The difficulty of removing a trap is
determined by its Rank. A mechanician may
build a trap of up to his current Rank. The
mechanician must spend (25 - [2 x Mechanician's Rank]) hours and at least (125 x Trap's
Rank) Silver Pennies to build a trap. The cost in
Silver Pennies is just for the physical framework
of the trap; if the trap is coated with poison,
filled with an explosive, etc., the mechanician
must pay for that material.
Item Type
Discount to Merchant
[5 x Rank] %
[2 x Rank] %
Costly or Rare
[1 x Rank] %
Since adventurers are highly talented
individuals who often risk their lives, and a
person is usually compensated for the value of
the work they do, the player characters will fare
better than most economically. A merchant
character, blessed with the ability to earn even
more Silver Pennies, has the best of all worlds.
Their business acumen enables them to
command a stiff price for those goods they
vend, and to acquire that which they covet at
bargain rates. The merchant is not often fooled
in monetary matters, for them can be an expert
in evaluating the worth of rare and costly goods.
The economies of most DragonQuest
worlds do not promote the growth of capitalism.
Basically, the nobility has a vested interest in all
rural lands, which comprise the vast majority of
human-settled areas. An ambitious, dynamic
merchant could perhaps own the entirety of a
large town, but it is quite likely that a jealous
duke or prince would twist the king's justice to
break the merchant's power. Therefore, it
behooves a merchant to cultivate powerful allies
when their holdings burgeon.
A merchant must be able to read and write
in at least three languages at Rank 6 to use their
assaying ability.
[57.1] The merchant's ability to buy and
sell a particular item is dependent upon
its type.
Any item will be classified as one of three
types: common, uncommon, and rare or costly.
Items listed on the Basic Goods Cost List (see
505.4) are of the common type. Jewelry set with
semi-precious stones, spices from another
continent, and fine paintings are examples of the
uncommon type. Rare and costly items include
magic-invested objects, diamonds, roc's eggs,
giant slaves, etc. The GM must classify each
item with which a merchant wishes to deal.
6. Gems
7. Jewelry
8. Land
9. Magic-Invested Items
10. Monster and Animal Products (e.g., furs,
11. Precious Metals
12. Slaves
When a merchant assays an item of a
category in which they specialize, they add (2 x
Rank)% to their success percentages. It is
possible for a merchant to attain a 100% chance
of accurately pricing a specialty item (exception
to 48.4).
If a merchant wishes to add a new specialty
after they attain Rank 10, they must expend
1500 Experience Points per specialty.
[57.7] A merchant must spend
(15 + [5 x Rank] ) Silver Pennies per
week to keep up appearances, and
(100 + [175 x Rank]) Silver Pennies per
year to buy assayal reference works.
If the merchant fails to spend the former
amount, they operate as if they were two Ranks
less proficient for a full month. If they do not
spend the latter amount, they operate as if they
were four Ranks less proficient when
conducting an assayal (though they retain all
specialties). If their Rank is reduced to a
negative number they temporarily lose the
merchant ability.
The art of piloting a sea-going vessel and
that of ascertaining one's location are
inextricably linked. Humanoids must venture
across the waters in awkward ships, and are
unable to survive immersion in the sea except
for relatively short periods of time. Yet there are
many beings who dwell beneath the surface of
the ocean, and it is profitable for land-bound
peoples to engage in commerce with them.
Adventurers, with the assistance of an Adept,
will probably choose to try to despoil some of
the treasures of the deep.
A navigator can manage ships of increasing
size as he becomes more experienced. There is a
limit to the size of ships constructed, because of
their relative fragility (sea-creatures are wont to
destroy those vessels they consider overly
large). The navigator's other chief ability allows
him to locate directions with instruments and
read maps.
[59.1] A navigator can determine all
compass directions if he can view the
If the night is cloudy, or during the day, the
navigator's chance of correctly locating the
compass direction is equal to (25 + [7 x
A few hardy souls, known as rangers, are
trained to survive unequipped in wilderness
environments. A ranger develops an instinctive
sense of direction. He will become extremely
sensitive to signs of intrusion by humanoids,
and so will become an expert tracker and
recognizer of ambushes. The ranger is
knowledgeable in herbalist lore, which allows
him to distinguish the properties of plants. A
ranger will become comfortable with one
particular environment, and will operate best
[60.1] A ranger acquires a "bump" of
direction as he increases his Rank.
A ranger instinctively knows the
relationship of each of the cardinal directions
(of the compass) to each other. He is able to
pinpoint true north to within (10 - Rank)
degrees. A ranger can also estimate the distance
he has traveled overland to within (90 +
Rank)% accuracy. The maximum amount of
travel which can be estimated by a ranger is (1 +
Rank) consecutive weeks worth (see 507.4). A
check must be made to determine the accuracy
of the Ranger's estimate each time he reaches
his time limit. Both the above rules are
exceptions to rule 48.4.
If a ranger is lost or wishes to travel out of
a wilderland by a direction other than that by
which he carne, his success percentage to
discover the shortest route out is ([2 x
Perception] + [7 x Rank] )%. The GM rolls
percentile dice, and if the roll is equal to or less
than the success percentage, the ranger character
chooses the quickest route. If the roll is between
one and two times the success percentage, the
ranger is unsure of which direction to go, and
may check again in (12 - Rank) hours. If the roll
is equal to or greater than twice the success
percentage, the ranger has decided upon a
random direction as the best.
[60.2] A ranger can sometimes
recognize an ambush in a natural
setting before he (or a fellow party
member) blunders into it.
the success
the location
the success
unaware of
In a DragonQuest world, a minstrel who
wishes to be welcome for his entertainment
abilities during his travels is known as a
A troubadour becomes a multi-talented
performer as he increases his experience in the
field. The troubadour is also a student of the
people he visits, and is as knowledgeable as a
scholar in the matter of customs. A troubadour,
being a skilled actor, can also be a master of
disguise. The most useful ability a troubadour
will gain is his bardic voice, which enables him
to influence the actions of all but the deaf.
The abilities subsumed in the troubadour
rules are usable by such a character in situations
not explicitly covered in the next few pages.
The GM should improvise and allow a troubadour character to use his skill in appropriate
[62.1] A troubadour acquires one ability
per Rank.
The character begins with one of the
following abilities at Rank 0. All acquired
abilities can be performed skillfully.
1. Play the instrument of the player's choice.
The character must acquire this ability anew for
each separate instrument he wishes to use.
2. Sing or chant.
3. Recite stories and legends.
4. Compose stories and legends.
5. Perform mime.
6. Mimic speech.
7. Act out skits or parody.
8. Tell and compose jokes.
9. Dance (especially folk dance).
10. Dress appropriately to all situations.
11. Simulate wide range of emotions.
12. Execute acrobatics.
13. Amuse small children.
14. Amuse semi-intelligent creatures.
15. Appear attractive.
A troubadour may gain additional abilities
after achieving Rank 10 by the expenditure of
500 Experience Points per ability.
[62.2] A troubadour's chance of
successfully performing minor magic
(see 42.2) is increased by 2 per Rank.
[62.3] If a troubadour is a mage of the
College of Illusions (see 223), they add 1
to their modified chance to cast a spell
for every Rank they achieve.
[62.4] When a troubadour uses his
Perception value to gain information
(see 42.3) about the customs or habits of
humanoids, add 2 per Rank he has
achieved to his success percentage.
The player characters represent only an
infinitesimal fraction of the inhabitants of the
DragonQuest world. The GM is responsible for
playing the part of those inhabitants that the
characters meet during their adventures. These
inhabitants will be of roughly two types: nonplayer characters (NPC's) and monsters.
Non-player characters are those inhabitants
who are of races or species from which a player
character could also come or which are closelyrelated to those races. Monsters consist of those
inhabitants who come from races or species
from which a player character could not come.
These two classes are further broken down into
other categories depending upon the element in
which the Players are most likely to encounter
them and whether or not they are common or
fantastical. Common monsters are those that
dwell throughout the DragonQuest world (as
interpreted by the GM) while fantast-
The frequency with which players'
characters will encounter monsters and NPC's
will be determined by the GM. There are two
types of encounters the players' characters may
have: encounters with pre-positioned monsters
and NPC's (usually in their lair or dwelling) and
encounters with wandering monsters and NPC's
in a more or less random pattern. The GM may
choose to use his own system for determining
when and how the latter are encountered or he
may choose to use the following system:
The GM secretly chooses the "Danger
Level" of the area through which the players are
adventuring. This level determines how frequently the GM must check to see if the
characters encounter a random (not previously
emplaced) monster or NPC, the Base Chance of
encountering anything (dependent in part on the
terrain), and the number which is added to the
The player characters represent only an
infinitesimal fraction of the inhabitants of the
DragonQuest world. The GM is responsible for
playing the part of those inhabitants that the
characters meet during their adventures. These
inhabitants will be of roughly two types: nonplayer characters (NPC's) and monsters.
Non-player characters are those inhabitants
who are of races or species from which a player
character could also come or which are closelyrelated to those races. Monsters consist of those
inhabitants who come from races or species
from which a player character could not come.
These two classes are further broken down into
other categories depending upon the element in
which the Players are most likely to encounter
them and whether or not they are common or
fantastical. Common monsters are those that
dwell throughout the DragonQuest world (as
interpreted by the GM) while fantast-
The frequency with which players'
characters will encounter monsters and NPC's
will be determined by the GM. There are two
types of encounters the players' characters may
have: encounters with pre-positioned monsters
and NPC's (usually in their lair or dwelling) and
encounters with wandering monsters and NPC's
in a more or less random pattern. The GM may
choose to use his own system for determining
when and how the latter are encountered or he
may choose to use the following system:
The GM secretly chooses the "Danger
Level" of the area through which the players are
adventuring. This level determines how frequently the GM must check to see if the
characters encounter a random (not previously
emplaced) monster or NPC, the Base Chance of
encountering anything (dependent in part on the
terrain), and the number which is added to the
Unless the GM has established a reaction for the
NPC/monster the player characters have
encountered, he consults the Reaction Table,
rolling D100 and adding to or subtracting from
the result whatever number he believes
appropriate to the situation in addition to those
modifiers listed on the Humans column of the
Encounter Table, where appropriate. The GM
determines the modifier before rolling the dice.
It should seldom exceed 30. The GM may add
negative numbers to the dice roll. The modified
dice roll number indicates the reaction of the
monster(s) or NPC(s) to the encounter as
Enraged: Immediately attacks party.
+ 10
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 10
+ 15
+ 20
+ 10
+ 15
+ 25
+ 30
+ 10
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 15
+ 12
+ 5 Gnome
+ 8 Gnoll
+ 12 Dwarf
+ 6 Hobgoblin
5 Human
3 Human
1 Human
6 Wildcat
6 Leopard
+ 3 Neanderthal
+ 6 Neanderthal
7 Boar
6 Bear
6 Troll
+ 5 Human
3 Ogre
Cheetah + 20 Orc
+ 1 HillGiant
DireWolf + 5 DireWolf
DireWolf 3 Sasquatch
6 Manticore
8 Gryphon
7 Hydra
2 StoneGiant
+ 3 FrostGiant
3 Hippogriff
4 CloudGiant
4 Eagle
8 Chimera
8 Sylph
8 Pegasus
8 Titan
WoolyM. 8 Roc
WoolyM. 7 StormGiant
WoolyM. 8 Dragon
+ 10
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 15
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 25
+ 10
+ 10
+ 10
+ 20
O. Outang
01 05
06 10
11 15
16 20
21 25
26 30
31 35
36 40
41 45
46 50
51 54
55 58
59 62
63 66
67 70
71 74
75 78
79 82
83 86
87 90
91 93
94 96
97 99
100 102
103 105
106 107
108 109
110 111
112 113
114 115
116 117
118 119
120 121
122 123
124 125
+ 10
+ 15
+ 15
+ 10
- 25
- 10
+ 10
+ 25
Danger Level: The relative chance of an encounter with potentially hostile NPC's or monsters, given in five increments in
ascending order of danger from Low to Extreme. Frequency: The
frequency (in hours) with which the GM must make an Encounter
Check depending upon the Danger Level of the area occupied by the
characters. Cavern, Crypt, etc.: The 10 major terrain types in
which the characters may adventure. The percentage found by
indexing the terrain type with the Danger Level is the Base Chance
of any encounter (of any type) occurring when the characters are in
that type of terrain. Cavern includes all caves, tunnels, natural
caverns, and other underground areas which are not part of an
inhabited dwelling. Crypt includes all barrows, crypts, burial
mounds, graveyards, and other places of internment for the dead.
Field includes cultivated fields, vineyards, moors, heaths, etc.
(usually near inhabited areas). Marsh includes all swamps, metes,
ponds, etc. In addition, small streams and rivers are included herein,
but 10 is subtracted from the Base Chance if checking for an
encounter as a result of a stream or river crossing when other terrain
of this type is not present. Plain refers to all plains, steppes, and
other more or less open and flat or rolling terrain. Ocean includes
oceans, seas, and large lakes. If the adventurers are on a lake, the
Base Chance for this type of terrain in reduced by 10. Rough refers
to both hills and mountains, but 20 is added to the Base Chance if
the characters are in mountains instead of hills. Ruin includes all
abandoned dwellings (cities, castles, monasteries, villages, etc.).
Waste includes all deserts, wastelands, salt flats, etc., where life is
not likely to be found in profusion. Woods refers to all wooded
glens, forests, brush land, etc., where large amounts of common
wildlife are likely to be found and where few humanoids dwell. If
the area is deep forest, add 10 to the Base Chance of an encounter.
Encounter: The number added to the dice roll on the Encounter
Table which is used to determine exactly what type of NPC or
monster is encountered. #%: The Base Chance of an encounter in
the terrain type the adventurers occupy at the current Danger Level.
(-): No chance of an encounter occurring in this type of terrain at
this Danger Level. Note: Inhabited dwellings, cities, towns, etc.,
have not been included on this table, since the GM will almost
always prefer to inhabit these areas with monsters/NPC's of his own
Natural Habitat: Plains
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-100 (20)
Description: Baboons are medium-sized apes, usually no more than 4
feet tall, and 120 pounds in weight. They are characterized by their
large heads and long sharp fangs. Baboons generally have light brown
fur, but may have brightly-colored (orange, blue, purple or red) faces
and/or rumps (especially females).
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Baboons possess no special talents or
skills. They are neither magic nor tool users and are only semiintelligent.
Movement Rates: Running: 350
PS: 12-18
MD: 16-20
AG: 18-22
MA: None
EN: 6-10
FT: 10-15
WP: 7-9
PC: 17-21
PB: 6-9
TMR: 7
NA: Fur absorbs 2 DP
Weapons: Baboons cannot attack except in Close Combat. They will
swarm over their victim, using their bite (Base Chance ot 65%, Damage
of + 4) to kill by increasing blood loss. Comments: Baboons tend to
be vicious and unpredictable, attacking without warning. They are tribal
in nature and do not fear men when in company with the rest of the
tribe. They can sometimes (30% chance) be assuaged by food (usually
Natural Habitat: Woods, Rough, Caverns
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-30 (8)
Description: Neanderthals are a species of pre-human characterized
by sloping foreheads, hairy bodies, limited intelligence, and a semierect posture.
Natural Habitat: Woods, preferably deep Forest
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: Orang-outangs are 4-5 feet tall and may weigh up to 200
pounds. They are characterized by long, rust-colored fur over their
entire body except for the chest and belly. They stand semi-erect and
have long fore-limbs that reach almost to the ground. They use these
limbs to assist them in running and in climbing.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Orang-outangs possess no skills or
talents and are neither magic nor tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 300; Climbing: 100
PS: 15-15
MD: 16-22
AG: 18-23
MA: None
EN: 10-12
FT: 15-17
WP: 8-12
PC: 17-21
PB: 7-9
TMR: 6/2
NA: Fur absorbs 2 DP
Natural Habitat: Fields (around people)
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-20 (2)
Description: House cats will tend to be 10-24 inches long and weigh
12-35 pounds. The larger breeds of Siamese and Burmese cats are often
bred for fighting ability and will appear more muscular and be much
larger than the average house cat.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: House cats have no talents, skills, or
magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 450
PS: 3-4
MD: 19-21
AG: 22-24
MA: None
EN: 4-5
FT: 8-10
WP: 9-11
PC: 18-20
PB: 12-18
TMR: 9
NA: Fur absorbs 1 DP*
Weapons: House cats cannot Melee. They get one combined attack
(teeth and claws) in Close Combat with a Base Chance of 20% and
Damage of - 7.
Comments: *Applies only to Burmese and Siamese breeds. Familiars
will frequently appear in the more or less permanent shape of house
[66.2] Felines
The following felines are covered in this section: cheetahs, house
cats, leopards, lions, sabertooth tigers, tigers and wildcats. Pumas,
panthers, cougars, jaguars and mountain lions are all similar to leopards
in their size and characteristics, though not in coloration. Lynx, bobcats
and ocelots all have the same size and characteristics as the wildcat,
though their appearance may differ somewhat. Siamese and Burmese
Temple cats have the same general characteristics as house cats, but
have a Base Chance of 25% of doing - 5 damage.
With the exception of house cats, all felines attack in the same
way. They have the option of either taking one bite or two claw attacks
per Pulse in Melee Combat and can take one bite and four claw attacks
in Close Combat. All cats will attempt to enter Close Combat when
forced into battle. Individual modifiers and Base Chances are given for
each feline. All felines will possess four times the stealth of the average
human (40).
Natural Habitat: Plains and (sometimes) Woods
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: The cheetah. is spotted, but without the characteristic
pattern of the leopard. It is possessed of retractable claws and is leggy
and slender. Its head is dog-like in appearance. The cheetah is usually a
nocturnal hunter and will often advertise its presence by a hunting
scream as it leaps upon its victim.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Cheetahs have no talents or skills and
are neither magic nor tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 1200
PS: 20-23
MD: 22-25
AG: 30-34
MA: None
EN: 14-18
FT: 20-25
WP: 5-7
PC: 18-23
PB: 6-9
TMR: 24
NA: Fur absorbs 2 DP
Weapons: Bite does -2 Damage in Close Combat (Base Chance of
25%). Claws do - 3 Damage (Base Chance of 30%, possible Rank of
Natural Habitat: Plains
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: ]-8 (2)
Description: Lions are large, tan cats. The males usually have great
black (sometimes red) manes and will usually scare game in the
direction of the females who are the better fighters and hunters.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Lions possess no skills or talents and are
neither tool nor magic users.
Movement Rates: Running: 450
PS: 25-30
MD: 20-25
AG: 25-30
MA: None
EN: 20-25
FT: 25-30
WP: 12-16
PC: 18-23
PB: 5-10
TMR: 9 NA: Fur absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Bite does + 1 Damage and has a Base Chance of 35%.
Claws do - 1 Damage and have a Base Chance of 45%. Males may have
1-3 Rank with claws. Females will have twice that Rank.
Weapons: Bite has a Base Chance of 20% of doing - 5 Damage.
Claws have a Base Chance of 25% of doing - 6 Damage and may be
Ranks 1-4.
Comments: Wild cats will usually not stray far from their lair. They
may be captured and sold as exotic pets in some areas, but will usually
not fetch more than 100-150 Silver Pennies. There is a 70% chance that
there will be D-1 young in their lair.
Natural Habitat: Plains, Caverns
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-8 (1)
Description: Sabretooth tigers are huge, dark yellow or dun colored
hunting cats with disproportionate fangs.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Sabretooth Tigers have no special
talents or abilities and use neither tools nor magic.
Movement Rates: Running: 600
PS: 30-32
MD: 18-20
AG: 23-25
MA: None
EN: 20-22
FT: 33-36
WP: 8-10
PC: 21-25
PB: 7-10
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 5 DP
Weapons: Bite has a Base Chance of 50% of doing + 4 Damage.
Claws do + 3 Damage and have a Base Chance of 60% with possible
Rank of 1-5.
Comments: These cats have no fear of humanoids. If hungry, they
will readily attack a party of adventurers. They are valuable as
curiosities, and live cubs fetch 400-500 Silver Pennies each, while
mature cats fetch 3 times that amount.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Rough, Caverns
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-4
Description: Bears exist in any climate and have even been known to
live in desert habitats. Arctic and mountain bears will be white. Other
bears may vary in color from brown to black, and some will have
creamy or rust tinged fur. They will generally weigh between 500 and
1500 pounds. They tend to walk on all four feet, but may stand on their
hind legs to fight.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Bears possess no special skills or
talents. They are not magic or tool users. However, Shape Changers
may use tools (and weapons) in their bear form.
Movement Rates: Running: 300
PS: 35-40
MD: 10-15
AG: 10-15 MA: None
EN: 30-35
FT: 35-40
WP: 8-10
PC: 18-22
PB: 6-10
TMR: 6
NA: Fur absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: Bears may make two claw attacks in Melee with a Base
Chance of 35% of doing + 2 Damage and may achieve Ranks 1-4 with
claws. They may bite in Close Combat with a Base Chance of 20% of
doing + 4 Damage. Bears may bite and claw during the same Pulse
while in Close Combat or they can attempt to "hug" their victim with a
Base Chance of 60% of doing + 8 Damage.
Comments: Bears are omnivorous. They are also curious. They will,
consequently, investigate and possibly attack a party of less than 6
humanoids. Larger parties will less likely be bothered. In spring, they
will have 1-2 cubs in their lair. Each cub will fetch 400-800 Silver
Pennies in an untrained state.
Natural Habitat: Waste, Plains
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-6 (3)
Description: A camel is a tawny, thin-legged creature often used as a
riding beast. Camels will have either one large hump on their back or
two. If the latter is in the case, the camel is called a dromedary.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Camels' metabolisms allow them to
retain large quantities of fat and water, so they are able to survive for
long periods without eating or drinking. On average, a camel can live
for a week to ten days without water without suffering substantial ill
effects. While valued for this trait, they are difficult to train and so will
bring little money in an untrained state. Trained camels will bring 700900 Silver Pennies.
Movement Rates: Running: 600
PS: 25-30
MD: 12-15
AG: 11-14
MA: None
EN: 27-30
FT: 20-25
WP: 10-12
PC: 14-18
PB: 7-9
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Bite has a Base Chance of 30% of doing - 1 Damage in
Melee or Close Combat. Camels may kick instead of biting in Melee
with a Base Chance of 25% of doing + 4 damage. Camels may only
kick into their rear boxes.
Natural Habitat: Plains,
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-50 (20)
Description: Elephants are 10 to 14 feet high at the shoulder and
weigh between 4 and 8 tons (with "Indian" Elephants being much
smaller on the average than "African" Elephants). They tend to be gray
in color, but may appear brown, yellow or red, depending upon what
type of mud they have been wallowing in. Elephants are four-hex
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Elephants have no talents or skills and
are not magic or tool users. They are dexterous with their trunks and can
often use them to lift large burdens, shake trees, crush or throw objects
(like people) without much accuracy. They have a highly developed
sense of smell and poor eyesight.
Movement Rates: Running: 450
PS: 60-75
MD: 15-18
AG: 10-12
MA: None
EN: 40-50
FT: 45-55
WP: 10-14
PC: 10-12
PB: 6-8
TMR: 9
NA: Hide absorbs 5 DP
Weapons: The elephant's main weapons are his tusks, which. can be
used in Melee or Close Combat with a Base Chance of 15% of doing +
2 Damage. If the elephant is charging while making a tusk attack, the
Base Chance is 60% and Damage is
+ 8. The elephant can also attack with his trunk during the same Pulse
in which he Melee Attacks with tusks and has a Base Chance of 80% of
doing - 2 Damage. If an elephant runs over an entity in Close Combat,
he has a Base Chance of 50% of doing + 6 Damage (resolve one attack
per foot, total of 4).
Comments: Elephants will usually shy away from humanoids unless
provoked (70% chance that provocation short of attack will be ignored).
If one elephant is attacked, all nearby elephants will come to his
assistance, especially if the elephant is a cow or calf. Elephant tusks are
valuable (D + 3 Silver Pennies per pound of ivory with each tusk
weighing 100 pounds). Calves will sell for 1000 Silver Pennies and
adult bulls will sell for three times that if unharmed. Adult females may
fetch 1500 Silver Pennies if still in their breeding years.
Oxen generally have horns, but will seldom use them unless directly
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Oxen have no special talent or skill and
are neither tool nor magic users. They will almost always be trained to
pull a plow or wagon.
Movement Rates: Running: 250
PS: 50-60
MD: 7-9
AG: 8-10
MA: None
EN: 25-30
FT: 32-40
WP: 7-9
PC: 12-15
PB: 6-8
TMR: 5
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Oxen may attack in Melee with their horns for + 3 Damage
(Base Chance of 20%). They may trample in Close Combat with a 40%
Base Chance of doing + 5 Damage (4 attacks per Pulse possible).
Natural Habitat: Woods (especially deep woods or forest)
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-5 (1)
Description: Stags are great male deer, boasting large racks of antlers.
They will sometimes be accompanied by female deer and fawns (1-2
per couple). They generally have a tawny coat, but rare specimens are
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Stags have no special talents or skills
and use neither tools nor magic.
Movement Rates: Running: 750
PS: 20-26
MD: 19-24
AG: 22-26
MA: None
EN: 15-20
FT: 20-25
WP: 10-11
PC: 20-25
PB: 12-13
TMR: 13
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Stags can attempt to horn with a Base Chance of 30% of
doing + 5 Damage in Close or Melee Combat (possible Rank of 1-4).
They can kick at a character occupying the hex opposite that they are
facing in Melee Combat with a Base Chance of 50% of doing + 3
Comments: Stags will be wary of humanoids, but will not flee them.
Their racks are extremely valuable (worth DI0+ 1 per point hundreds of
Silver Pennies). In addition, their hide will fetch 300 Silver Pennies (5
times that if the stag is black).
Natural Habitat: Plains, Fields (but only near man)
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-20 (2)
Description: Oxen are literally castrated cattle. This heading
subsumes all such forms of domesticated beasts (water buffalo, caribou,
etc.) used for pulling wagons, carts, plows, etc., or for carrying burdens.
Natural Habitat: Plains
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-10 (6)
Description: Hyenas are light brown, snub-snouted animals about 4
feet in length. Their hides are specked with large dark brown rings.
They have short tails and rounded ears. The forelegs of a hyena are
longer than the rear legs, so when the animal stands, it seems to slope
downward from its shoulders to its tail. At night, hyenas can be
recognized by their barking howl.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Hyena have no special talents or skills.
They do not use tools or magic.
Movement Rates: Running: 350
PS: 6-8
MD: 19-21 AG: 22-24
M.A: None
EN: 7-9
FT: 11-13 WP: 8-10
PC: 19-23
PB: 6-8
TMR: 7
N.A: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Hyenas can only attack in Close Combat and then they bite
with a Base Chance of 60% of doing - 1 damage.
Comments: Hyenas are mainly scavengers, preying on the remains of
caresses left by the great cats and other hunters.
Natural Habitat: Plains
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-8 (2)
Description: A jackal looks like a cross between a fox and a wolf, has
a speckled grey and brown coat, and is about 3 feet long.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: A jackal has no special talents or skills
and does not use tools or magic.
Movement Rates: Running: 300
PS: 5-7
MD:' 18-20 AG: 22-24
MA: None
EN: 6-8
FT: 9-12
WP: 7-9
PC: 20-23
PB: 7-9
TMR: 6
NA: Fur absorbs 2 DP
Weapons: Jackals can only attack in Close Combat. Their bite has a
Base Chance of 60% of doing - 2 damage.
Comments: Jackals, like hyenas, are scavengers, and are none too
courageous. They are curious, and will occasionally raid a human camp
searching for food, but they will run at the first sign of danger.
Natural Habitat: Woods
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 2-24 (6)
Description: The color of wolves' fur varies greatly with environment,
but they will usually be colored so as to blend in with their
surroundings. The thickness of the fur depends on the season.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Wolves have no skills, talents or
magical abilities and are not tool users. Wolves have incredible stamina,
however, and can run for literally days at a time.
Movement Rates: All-out Run: 400; Steady Run: 250
PS: 10-12
MD: 18-20
AG: 18-20
MA: None
EN: 15-20
FT: 30-35
WP: 18-22
PC: 20-24
PR: 6-9
TMR: 8
NA: Fur absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Wolves Melee Attack with their bite. (Base Chance of 60%
+ 1 Damage). In Close Combat, damage from biting goes up to +3.
Comments: Wolves travel in packs, although lone wolves can
occasionally be found. During the spring, a wolf's lair will be occupied
by from 3-12 cubs per female in the pack.
Avians include only those species listed in this rule Section,
though other Species have a flying capacity and the rules governing
flying in this section apply to all species using that option.
Whenever an avian (or any other entity that is a flyer) is air-borne,
the character's height above the ground and/or any obstacle may have to
be noted (especially in the case of combat situations). When calculating
the range between two characters when one or both are airborne, the
following formula is used: A2 + B2 = C2. A = the distance between the
two characters in feet. B = the difference between the height of the two
characters from the ground. C = the range between the characters. A
character may not attack another character in Melee Combat when one
or both are airborne unless the Range between them is 5 feet or less. A
character may not attack a character in Close Combat when one or both
are airborne unless they occupy the same hex and the height difference
is 3 feet or less. A character may not attack another character in Ranged
Combat when one or both are airborne unless the range to the target as
calculated in this Section is within the maximum range of the weapon or
spell the attacker is using.
The Base Chance of hitting an airborne character is always reduced
by 20. The Base Chance of an airborne character hitting a target on the
ground is reduced by 15 and the Base Chance of an airborne character
hitting another airborne character is reduced by 10. These reductions
apply to all physical combat, but not to magic.
Whenever an airborne character occupies the same hex as another
conscious, unstunned character and the height differential is 3 feet or
less, they are automatically in Close Combat. An air-borne character
will be pulled from the air and made to adopt a Prone Position in Close
Combat if the combined Physical Strength and Agility of the airborne
character are less than the combined Physical Strength and Agility of
the character on the ground. If both characters are flying or if the
combined Physical Strength and Agility of the airborne character is
equal to or greater than that of the non-airborne character, the Close
Combat will be conducted with the airborne character remaining
airborne and, possibly, with both characters airborne (GM's discretion
as to how much weight a flying character can carry into the air in such
An airborne character can enter the same hex as a stunned or
unconscious character or as a character who is 5 feet or more above or
below him without having to enter Close Combat. An air-borne
character can make a Charge Attack by "diving" on the target.
Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-60 (10)
Description: These birds have dark brown plumage and thin,
unfeathered necks of a tannish color. Their beaks are black and snubtipped. They prey on the dead and near-dead (especially if
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Buzzards can see each other miles
away, and thus when one buzzard descends for a meal, others soon
follow. Except for their keen eyesight, buzzards possess no special
talents, skills or magic. They are not tool users. Movement Rates:
Flying: 600
PS: 3-5
MD: 15-17 AG: 14-16
MA: None
EN: 6-7
FT: 9-11
WP: 8-I0
PC: 17-20
PB: 8-10
TMR: 12
NA: Feathers absorb 1 DP
Weapons: A buzzard attacks in Close Combat with its claws and
beak. The claws' Base Chance is 45r/0, for - 5 Damage, while the bite's
Base Chance is 40%, for -6 Damage. A buzzard cannot attack in Melee
Natural Habitat: Rough (usually mountainous)
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-20 (1)
Description: Great Eagles are the largest of the birds of prey. They
have a wingspan of 7 feet when full grown. Their feathers are gray
except around neck and head (which is white).
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Eagles have no special talents or skills.
They are not magic users and do not use tools. They do have keen
Movement Rates: Flying: 1200
PS: 12-16
MD: 22-24
AG: 19-23
MA: None
EN: 9-12
FT: 17-20
WP: 11-13
PC: 20-24
PB: 10-12
TMR: 24
NA: Feathers absorb 2 DP
Weapons: Eagles can attack only in Close Combat with either beak
(Base Chance of 50% of doing - 1 Damage) or 2 talons (Base Chance
of%% of doing + 1 Damage) without penalty in the same Pulse. An
eagle may achieve Ranks 1-3 with beak and 1-2 with talons.
Comments: Eagles avoid humans except to occasionally steal goats or
other small animals from human flocks. They will sometimes attack a
party which ventures too near their nest.
Natural Habitat: Woods
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Goshawks are the largest of the hawks. They are almost
21/2 feet in length. The feathers of a goshawk are primarily brown,
although the belly is pure white and some of the tail feathers are black.
The sharp beak and claws are black.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Other than their excellent eyesight,
goshawks have no special talents, skills, or magical abilities and are not
tool users.
Movement Rates: Flying: 1100
PS: 4-6
MD: 18-20 AG: 20-22
MA: None
EN: 6-7
FT: 9-11
WP: 8-10
PC: 20-21
PB: 10-12
TMR: 22
NA: Feathers absorb 1 DP
Weapons: In Close Combat, a Goshawk can attack with two claws
and its beak in the same Pulse without penalty. The claw attacks have a
Base Chance of 80% and do - 3 Damage, while the beak attack has a
Base Chance of 65% and does - 4 Damage. The goshawk cannot attack
in Melee Combat.
Comments: Like the other birds of prey, the goshawk can be trained
to serve man in captivity. It will bring 700-1200 Silver Pennies as a
trained hunter. Other types of hunting birds (including goshawks and
gyrfalcons) will have characteristics 1-2 less than the goshawk, will fly
at speeds of 100-200 yards per minute less, and will have a value of
200-300 fewer Silver Pennies. They will otherwise be similar.
Natural Habitat: Woods
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Owls can be of several types, but in general they are
between one and two feet in length. Coloring varies, but brown feathers
speckled with grey is a common coloration. Owls' eyes are both on the
front of the head, unlike most birds, and they tend to have large, dark
rings around the eyes.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Owls see well in the dark and have
excellent hearing. They have no magical abilities, skills or talents and
are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Flying: 600
PS: 3-4
MD: 18-20 AG: 22-24
MA: None
EN: 3-4
FT: 5-7
WP: 7-9
PC: 20-22
PB: 9-11
TMR: 12
NA: Feathers absorb 1 DP
Weapons: In Close Combat, Owls can attack with one bite (Base
Chance of 55% and Damage - 6) and two claws (Base Chance of 50%
and - 7 Damage) in the same Pulse without penalty. Owls cannot attack
in Melee Combat.
Comments: Owls are primarily nocturnal predators, hunting small
mammals as well as birds. They are said to understand human speech
and to be friendly to man, often providing travelers with valuable
Natural Habitat: Ruins, Caverns, Crypts
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-10 (2)
Description: Gargoyles are humanoid in form, but they have leathery
wings, sharp claws, a horn, a tail, and spiked elbows and knees. Their
skin is stony in appearance, and upon contact it feels very rough.
Gargoyles have deep-set eyes, and sharp, small teeth.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Gargoyles possess no special skills or
talents. They have only limited magical abilities in general but may use
tools and even weapons.
Movement Rates: Flying:400; Running: 200
PS: 14-20
MD: 13-18
AG: 12-16
MA: 10-12
EN: 7-10
FT: 18-20
WP: 9-13
PC: 12-16
PB: 2-5
TMR: 8/4
NA: Hide absorbs 8 DP
Weapons: A gargoyle can use his horn, his claws, and his bite in
Melee and Close Combat. In any one Pulse, he may make up to two
strike attempts with any combinations of these weapons. Base Chance
for the bite is 45%, +2 Damage; Base Chance for the horn is 35%, + 1
Damage; Base Chance for the claws is 50%, - 3 Damage. Gargoyles
sometimes (but not often) will use weapons (instead of claws).
Comments: Gargoyles are hopelessly evil, and will attack
immediately any party that they think they have a fair chance of
handling. They can sometimes be found in the service of a highly evil
character, in which case they will usually show more restraint.
Natural Habitat: Rough (especially mountainous)
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-7 (1)
Description: The gryphon is a large beast with the body of a lion, the
head and wings of an eagle and back covered with feathers. The
gryphon's claws are so large that they can be made into serviceable
drinking horns. The gryphon is about 5 feet long and stands man-high
when full grown. Gryphon eggs (2-5 possible per nest) are solid agate
and quite valuable (4000-6000 Silver Pennies apiece).
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Gryphons have no special skills or
magical abilities, but. their special talent is locating buried treasure and
their nest will quite often be built near such treasure which they will
actively guard. A "domesticated" gryphon has a Base Chance of 60% of
locating any buried treasure within a radius of 250 feet of it. Gryphons
make valuable steeds, once tamed.
Movement Rates: Running: 200; Flying: 500
PS: 30-36
MD: 15-20
AG: 15-20
MA: 6-9
EN: 25-30
FT: 30-35
WP: 12-16
PC: 16-22
PB: 0-5
TMR: 4/10
NA: Hide absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: The gryphon is not a tool user, but has natural weapons in
the form of beak (useable in Melee and Close Combat with a Base
Chance of 65%, + 5 Damage, possible Rank of 1-3) and claws (useable
in Melee and Close Combat with a Base Chance of 60%, Damage of +
5, possible Rank of 1-4). The gryphon may attack twice with claws and
once with beak in the same Pulse.
Comments: Gryphons prefer solitude and will fly away when
approached if possible, but will always chase and attack horses (whose
flesh they prize). They are extremely valuable for use as mounts and
cost accordingly (16,000-20,000 Silver Pennies). They nest in cliffsides
and build their nests of spun-gold (value 8,000-10,000 Silver Pennies).
Natural Habitat: Rough (lair in caverns or cliffs near water)
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-20 (6)
Description: Harpies are buzzard-like birds with the upper bodies of
women. They have long claws, and pale, thin faces. They make a
Natural Habitat: Rough (especially mountains)
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-12 (2)
Description: Hippogriffs are similar to Pegasi in that they are
basically winged horses, but their head is that of some great bird of
prey, with a fearsome beak. The head differs from that of an eagle in
that it has large, feathered ears, almost like wings, at the back of the
head. The front legs of the hippogriff also resemble those of a bird of
prey, with huge talons and feathers. Talents, Skills, and Magic:
Hippogriffs have no magical or other extra-ordinary abilities, talents or
skills, and are not tool users.
Movament Rates: Running: 200; Flying: 400
PS: 18-20
MD: 19-22 AG: 16-19
MA: None
[iN: 15-18
FI': 25-30
WP: 12-17
PC: 17-20
PS: 8-11
TMR: 4/8
NA: Hide absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: In Melee Combat, the hippogriff can attack with two claws
and one bite in the same Pulse with no penalty. The bite has a Base
Chance of 65% and is +4 on Damage, while the claws have a Base
Chance of 55% and do + 2 Damage. In Close Combat, the hippogriff
can still attack with its claws normally, but the Base Chance on its bite
is reduced to 35%.
Comments: Hippogriff do not like people, and generally shun any
area that is habitated. They are trainable with difficulty. Their value is
3,000-4,000 Silver Pennies untrained and 3 times that price trained.
Hippogriff eggs are valuable (c. 800 Silver Pennies each) and very
young hippogriffs are even more so (1400-2000 Silver Pennies).
Natural Habitat: Rough (primarily mountaintops)
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Pegasi are winged horses with pure white coats tinged
with silver around mane and flowing tail. They are intelligent for
equines and can sometimes speak the common tongue.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Pegasi have no special talents or skills
except for their flying ability. They are not magic or tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 300; Flying: 500
PS: 55-60
MD: 15-17
AG: 15-18
MA: None
EN: 25-30
FT: 50-60
WP: 19-23
PC: 16-20
PB: 16-20
TMR: 6/10
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: In battle, a pegasus attacks as a heavy war-horse.
Comments: Wild pegasi are tamable with difficulty. They will only
allow themselves to be bridled with gold, however. They can carry up to
300 pounds flying. They are worth, 4,000 to 5,000 Silver Pennies
untamed and 5 times that amount tamed.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Rough, Plains
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: The Phoenix appears to be much like an eagle in profile
but is 3 times the size of an eagle. The bird's plumage is partly red and
partly gold, and is dazzlingly beautiful. The Phoenix is a four-hex
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The Phoenix is highly intelligent,
although it cannot speak. It does not have any magical abilities. The
distinguishing ability of the Phoenix is its ability to reproduce itself (see
'Comments'). Other than that it has no special talents or skills.
Movement Rates: Flying: 2000
PS: 17-20
MD: 20-24
AG: 17-20
MA: None
EN: 18-24
FT: 30-35
WP: 20-23
PC: 16-20
PB: 20-24
TMR: 40
NA: Feathers absorb 6 DP
Natural Habitat: Mountain peaks
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Rocs are huge birds with wingspans of up to 250 feet.
Except for their size, they much resemble eagles. Their body size is as a
four-hex monster.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Rocs have no special talents, skills or
magic, and are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Flying: 2000
PS: 200-300
MD: 20-25
AG: 16-20
MA: None
EN: 150-200
FT: 250-300 WP: 16-20
PC: 17-21
PB: 3-7
TMR: 40
NA: Feathers absorb 8 DP
Weapons: Rocs are fearsome creatures in battle. They can engage in
Melee Combat from a range of 3 hexes, and they can take three attacks
in one Pulse without penalty. They attack once with a bite (Base Chance
of 75%, + 20 Damage) and twice with claws (Base Chance 700/o + 25
Comments: Rocs often swoop down from their nests to pick up
elephants, etc. to take back to their lair and eat. A roc will sometimes
attempt to steal a party's cart animals or riding animals, but will rarely
carry off the characters themselves.
Aquatics include only species described in this Section, though
other species may have the ability to swim or breathe water. All
aquatics except Dolphins and Whales can breathe water indefinitely.
Dolphins and Whales can remain submerged for 5 to 20 minutes only
before having to rise to the surface for air. Fish must move at least once
per minute or take D-3 damage to Fatigue due to suffocation. All
aquatics move within the water the same way that avians move through
the air and the rules for range and combat applying to avians (see 67.)
also apply to combat involving aquatics or others in an aquatic
[68.1] Fish
Fish include barracuda, manta rays, pike, piranha and sharks. All
fish except piranha are found in an oceanic environment. Piranha tend
to be found in streams, rivers, marshes and lakes. Fish must keep a
steady flow of water over their gills in order to breathe. They are nonintelligent, but very hostile.
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Barracuda are predatory fish about 6 feet long.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Barracuda possess no magical
abilities or other special skills or talents. Movement Rates:
Swimming: 350
PS: 12-14
MD: None AG: 17-20
MA: None
EN: 6-8
FT: 11-14 WP: 8-10
PC: 14-16
PB: 4-7
TMR: 7
NA: Skin absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: Barracuda attack with their bite (Base Chance of 50% + 1
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-100 (15)
Description: Manta rays are large, flat ocean creatures. Their bellies
are white, while the top is dark blue. They are triangular in shape, and
reach sizes more than 20 feet across, weighing up to 3000 pounds. The
eyes are set forward in front of the body on two foot long
protuberances, between which rests the mouth. They have a long, very
thin tail.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Manta Rays possess no special talents,
skills or magic.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 200
PS: 35-40
MD: None
AG: 13-15
MA: None
EN: 16-19
FT: 24-28
WP: 10-12
PC: 12-14
PB: 5-8
TMR: 4
NA: Skin absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: Manta Rays can deliver killing blows with their massive
fins in Melee Combat, crushing the ribcages of swimmers, and breaking
in the sides of boats. Base Chance for the Manta: 65%, + 14 Damage.
Natural Habitat: Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Marsh
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-30 (1)
Description: Pike are 2 to 4 foot long fish which specialize in the
solitary hunting of other fish. They have needle-like teeth and spiky fins
and are covered with tough scales. Though usually not a danger to
humans, they can be called in large numbers by nixies and will attack at
the nixies' command.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Pike have no skills, magic, or talents.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 300
PS: 8-11
MD: None
AG: 20-25
MA: None
EN: 5-10
FT: 10-]5
WP: 6-8
PC: 14-16
PB: 5-6
TMR: 6
NA: Scales absorb 1 DP
Weapons: Pike attack in Close Combat with a Base Chance of 30% of
doing - 4 Damage. In schools, each group of 5 attacks with a Base
Chance of 70% of doing + 2 Damage.
Natural Habitat: River
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-200 (50)
Description: Piranha are small fish with very sharp teeth and a vicious
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Piranha have no magic abilities, talents
or skills.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 300
PS: 1-2
MD: None
AG: 20-23
MA: None
EN: 1
FT: 1-2
WP: 4-5
PC: 14-16
PB: 5-6
TMR: 6
NA: None
Weapons: Piranha attack in schools. Every group of ten gets one
attack (Base Chance of 800/o, + 4 Damage). They can only attack in
Close Combat.
Comments: Piranha are voracious. They can devour an elephant in
minutes, and will immediately attack anything edible (primarily meatbearing) which falls into the water with them.
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-50 (5)
Description: Sharks are long fish with very sharp teeth and tough
skin. A shark's color varies from light blue to white to orange,
depending on the waters that they are swimming in. Sharks reach sizes
in excess of 40 feet, at which point they are threats to boats as well as to
swimmers. Sharks are normally two-hex monsters.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Sharks can detect the presence of blood
in the water from extremely long distances, and they will gather around
the blood, working themselves up into a killing frenzy. They can also
sense motion in water, especially in the form of the types of
disturbances caused by swimmers.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 350
PS: 35-45
MD: None AG: 12-16
MA: None
EN: 25-30
FT: 40-50 WP: 8-10
PC: 9-12
PB: 6-8
TMR: 7
NA: Skin absorbs 7 DP
Weapons: Sharks attack via their bite (Base Chance of 40%,
+ 8 Damage).
Comments: As soon as blood is drawn in waters containing sharks
(most waters do) there is a 60% chance that 10-60 sharks will be
attracted. Sharks teeth are fairly valuable (a set might go for 100 Silver
Pennies) as charms.
[68.2] Aquatic Mammals
Aquatic mammals include dolphins, great white whales, killer
whales, and merfolk. They are generally moderately intelligent and
neutral or, even, friendly to adventurers. Except for merfolk, they
cannot remain submerged indefinitely. Merfolk must keep a steady flow
of water over their gills in the same manner as fish.
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-20 (4)
Description: Dolphins are mammals of the sea. They grow to 12 feet
in length and are basically fish-like in form (although their bodies are
more cylindrical than most fish). They have long, thin snouts, and are
generally greyish in color. Dolphins are two-hex monsters.
Talents, Skills and Magic: Dolphins have no talents, skills or
Movement Rates: Swimming: 400
PS: 25-30
MD: None
AG: 24-26
MA: None
EN: 12-15
FT: 20-25
WP: 15-17
PC: 14-17
PB: 12-15
TMR: 8
NA: Skin absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: Dolphins attack in Melee Combat by ramming with their
snouts with a Base Chance of 40% and - 1 Damage.
Comments: Dolphins will sometimes aid humans in need, and will
remember with a vengeance those humans who have harmed them in
the past. They will never attack humans unless provoked.
Natural Habitat: Ocean (generally arctic waters)
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-25 (20)
Description: Killer whales are black on top and white on their bellies.
They have fins on either side of their body, as well as one fin which
sticks up from their back much like the fin of a shark. Large males
reach 30 feet in length. Killer whales are 14-hex monsters.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Killer whales have no special talents,
skills, or magic.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 400
PS: 40-45
MD: None
AG: 13-15
MA: None
EN: 35-40
FT: 60-70
WP: 12-13
PC: 15-17
PB: 10-12
TMR: 8
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Killer whales can attack either in Melee or Close
Combat with their bite (Base Chance of 50%, + 10 Damage).
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: Eels are long, thin, grayish fish up to 7 feet in length.
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Kraken are huge, black, fierce octupoids. They have a
pointed beak and large, red eyes. A kraken's body is 30-40 feet long,
and its 8 tentacles are about as long as its body. Their hide is thick and
horny and they are 14-hex monsters.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The kraken's most fearsome attribute is
its ability to rip ships apart with its hideously strong tentacles. It can
usually handle ships up to 40 feet in length, shredding and then entirely
consuming them and their contents within (D + 2) minutes after it
emerged from the depths. In addition, a kraken can use the maelstrom
spell from the College of Water Magics at rank 840.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 600
PS: 100-200
MD: 15-20
AG: 12-14
MA: 12-15
EN: 60-80
FT: 80-100
WP: 25-30
PC: 17-20
PR: 1-3
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: In any given Pulse a kraken can attack with up to 5 of its 8
tentacles. It has two options as to what it can do with these tentacles: it
can either try to damage a character with the tentacles themselves at a
Base Chance of 70%, and Damage of + 4, or it can attempt to draw the
adversary towards its beak at a Base Chance of 30%, and + 15 Damage.
Either option can be taken with any of the tentacles.
Comments: Krakens typically live by the shores of large, salt-water
bodies, pulling swimmers and small vessels down to their demise. If a
kraken's lair is found, it will frequently (80%) have a large treasure
(25,000-35,000 Silver Pennies in value) stock-piled. Krakens tend to be
unintelligent, but grow larger and more intelligent in cold water.
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Octupi are small bags of flesh with eight long thin
tentacles attached. They rarely grow to larger than 6 feet, from tentacletip to tentacle-tip. Their color shifts with their surroundings to provide
the maximum camouflage. The body is highly malleable, and can
usually fit into small cracks in coral beds. Rare species of giant octupi
may grow to 3 times normal size.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: When frightened, octupi can squirt a jet
of dark substance into the water, obscuring vision while they make their
Movement Rates: Swimming: 150; Climbing on Rocks: 75
PS: 8-12
MD: 15-17 AG: 14-16
MA: None
EN: 5-6
FT: 10-11 WP: 6-8
PC: 17-19
PB: 5-7
TMR: 3/1
NA: Skin absorbs 2DP
Weapons: In Close Combat, an octupus can attack once using its
tentacles (Base Chance of 80%, - 2 Damage).
Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-10 (1)
Description: These creatures are bullet-shaped, with 10 tentacles
streaming from the base of the bullet. They grow to 50 feet in length,
and their color changes according to the waters that they inhabit. The
Squid also has a beak and large, round eyes. Squids are 14-hex
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The squid has no magic or special skills
or talents.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 600
PS: 60-70
MD: 25-30
AG: 10-13
MA: None
EN: 50-60
FT: 65-70
WP: 10-12
PC: 10-12
PB: 6-8
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 5 DP
Weapons: Squids attack with their tentacles, drawing their prey in
toward their beak. A squid can make up to 5 attacks each Pulse using its
tentacles, but the first time that it hits something, it must cease attacks
for that Pulse as it can only bite one thing at a time. The Base Chance
for each attack is 25%, with + 12 Damage. The squid can also choose
not to attempt to bite and merely squeeze with its tentacles, in which
case the Base Chance is 50%, and Damage - 1. It can score up to 5 hits
in this way.
Comments: Large squid generally prefer very deep water, and will
rarely be found at the shallower depths. Squid are carnivorous, and will
eat almost any meat (including man) that they can find.
BASILISK (Cockatrice)
Natural Habitat: All habitats except Plains and Oceans
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: The Basilisk is a fat reptilian creature about 5 feet long
and 2 feet in height. These are slow, heavily-armored lizards with
limited intelligence. They have strong jaws with two-inch fangs. They
are man-eaters, but infinitely prefer fish when they can get it. Basilisks
are usually brownish in color with lighter underbellies.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: A basilisk has no skills or magical
abilities to speak of, but does possess the special talent of turning a
target to stone with a glance. Anyone who is within 50 feet of the
basilisk may be attacked in this manner. The basilisk expends a Fire
Action and the figure against whom the action is directed undergoes an
attack as if from a Thrown Weapon (BC of 60%). A basilisk breathes a
cone of poison gas 5 feet by 3 feet wide as its base.
Movement Rates: Running: 125
PS: 6-12
MD: None
AG: 7-11
MA: None
EN: 12-14
FT: 15-20
WP: 12-16
PC: 15-20
PB: 5-7
TMR: 2
NA: Skin absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: The basilisk does not use weapons, but may bite (Base
Chance of 40%, Damage + 3) during Close Combat and may use its
gaze in Ranged, Melee and Close Combat and breath in Melee or Close
Combat. Any hit scored with its breath does D+ 10 Damage due to
poisoning (this Damage is not absorbed by armor). If a basilisk's gaze is
reflected back at itself, it is killed.
Comments: Basilisks are solitary creatures, but they are willing to
serve others in exchange for lavish supplies of food (12 pounds or more
per day).
Natural Habitat: Marsh, Lakes, Rivers
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-50 (20)
Description: Crocodiles are heavily scaled lizards with small sharp
teeth. They attain lengths of 8 feet, and weights of up to 180 pounds.
Their scales are a very dark greenish-brown that blends in well with the
muddy water that they love to inhabit.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Crocodiles have no special talents, skills
or magic.
Movement Rates: Running: 50; Swimming: 150
PS: 17-19
MD: 5-8
AG: 7-9
MA: None
EN: 7-9
FT: 15-18
WP: 7-9
PC: 8-10
PB: 7-9
TMR: 1/3
NA: Scales absorb 6 DP
Weapons: Crocodiles cannot attack except in Close Combat and they
attack with two claws (Base Chance of 50%, - 6 Damage) and their bite
(Base Chance of 10%, + 1 Damage). Comments: Crocodiles often
lurk just below the surface of murky waters, waiting for a tidbit to enter
the water. On land, however, crocodiles are rather timid, and they will
slip off into the water if they sense something approaching. If a
crocodile's jaws are grasped while they are still closed, it only takes a
PS of 12 to hold them closed, rendering the Crocodile's bite useless.
The crocodile's skin is used to make primitive armor (equal to leather)
and the teeth (about 60) are valuable (100 Silver Pennies each) as
Natural Habitat: Waste
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-8 (1)
Description: Gila Monsters are black and yellow lizards with short,
thin limbs and a striped stubby tail.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The gila monster has no special talents,
skills, or magic.
Movement Rates: Running: 100
PS: 3-4
MD: 8-10
AG: 7-8
MA: None
EN: 4-5
FT: 8-10
WP: 7-9
PC: 15-17
PB: 7-9
TMR: 2
NA: Hide absorbs 2 DP
Weapons: Gila monsters can bite in Close Combat, but they cannot
attack in Ranged or Melee Combat. The Base Chance for their bite is
50%, and it does - 3 Damage. If the bite penetrates any armor that might
be worn to do actual damage to Fatigue or Endurance, the target takes 2
DP per Pulse (not absorbed by armor) for the next D10 Pulses, or until
an antidote to the Gila monster's poison is administered.
Natural Habitat: Marsh, Caverns
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: A Hydra is a nine-headed snake. They are 12 to 15 feet
long, and have thick green scales. Hydras also have a foul smell and
venomous breath. Hydras are four-hex creatures.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: If a hydra is hit in combat for four or
more points of damage (after subtracting for the defensive benefits of
the hydra's scales) there is a 70% chance that one of the hydra's heads
has been destroyed. Two Pulses after a head is destroyed, two more
grow back, and on the beginning of the next Pulse after that they can
attack in combat. One of the hydra's original nine heads will be
immortal. This head cannot be killed, and does not regenerate as do the
others. Instead, if a hydra has no Endurance remaining, the head is
assumed to have been cut off. If the head is cut off, it can no longer
move or attack except in Close Combat. The only way to kill one of the
hydra's mortal heads is to burn it while it is regenerating (a successful
Strike with a torch will do this). Each time a head regenerates, the
Hydra gains three points of Endurance. (Note that this will occasionally
mean that a hydra will have more Endurance points at the end of a battle
than before). In any event, if a hydra's Endurance is ever reduced to
zero or below, all of the heads die except the immortal one mentioned
Movement Rates: Crawling: 200
PS: 18-22
MD: 19-24
AG: 14-16
MA: None
EN: 30-35
FT: 40-45
WP: 18-23
PC: 14-17
PB: 4-6
TMR: 4
NA: Scales absorb 7 DP
Weapons: A hydra can attack once with each of its heads. Up to six
heads can attack without penalty in either Close or Melee Combat. The
Base Chance for one of a hydra's heads is 55%, and each bite does + 2
Damage. In addition, if a bite penetrates a target's armor to do damage
to Fatigue or Endurance, the target takes five DP per Pulse for the next
DI0 pulses due to the hydra's poison, which is deadly. Only antidotes
specifically designed for hydra poison will be effective against their
Comments: Hydras are vicious, but they are not overly intelligent.
They will attack anything that approaches their lair. A hydra's poison
lasts even after the creature dies, and can be absorbed through the skin
without a puncture.
Natural Habitat: Woods and Waste
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-4 (2)
Description: Iguanas are large lizards, sometimes reaching more than
3 feet in length. They are sandy to brown in color, and have ridges
along their back. They have a short, thick tail, and wrinkled skin around
their neck. Giant iguanas may be up to 3 times normal size and have
double or triple PS, EN, and FF.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Iguanas have no magical abilities or
special talents.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 250
PS: 9-11
MD: None
AG: 14-16
MA: None
EN: 4-6
FT: 8-10
WP: 6-8
PC: 10-12
PB: 6-8
TMR: 5
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Iguanas can only attack in Close Combat. They get one
attack with their bite, which has a Base Chance of 50%, and does + 4
Natural Habitat: Waste (particularly deserts)
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: A salamander is a three foot long lizard, reddish brown
in color, with fiery red eyes.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Salamanders have the ability to set
things on fire by concentrating their gaze. The action is deliberate, in
that something will not be burnt unless the salamander wishes to burn it.
Only flammable items can be ignited. If a salamander concentrates its
gaze on a living creature, the creature takes D + 12 Damage. The gaze
can be resisted, and only one creature can be stared at any one time.
Treat the gaze as a Fire action on the Tactical Display.
Movement Rates: Running: 350
PS: 14-17
MD: 8-10
AG: 17-20
MA: None
EN: 12-14
FT: 15-20
WP: 21-24
'PC: 18-21
PB: 5-7
TMR: 7
NA: Scales absorb 4 DP
Weapons: A salamander can use its gaze in Close, Ranged, and Melee
Combat (range: 200 feet). In addition, a salamander can make a bite
attack in Close Combat with a Base Chance of 40%, doing + 2 Damage.
Comments: Salamanders love to set things on fire in a seemingly
random fashion.
[69.2] Snakes
All snakes included in this section are non-intelligent and extremely hostile. Most are poisonous. They include: asps, king cobras,
mambas, pythons, and spitting najas. Snakes tend to lie in wait for prey
and will usually strike only from ambush or if startled.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Plains
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-7 (1)
Description: The asp measures up to 21/2 feet in length. It has a
triangular head, flattened towards the rear, and a short, thin tail.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Asps have no talents, skills or magic.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150
PS: 2-3
MD: None
AG: 16-19
MA: None
EN: 1-2
FT: 3-4
WP: 14-18
PC: 14-17
PB: 8-10
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: The asp can only attack in Close Combat (Base Chance of
65%, - 3 Damage). If they do any effective damage, the damage is not
scored against their victim but rather he suffers 2 DP/Pulse until he
takes an antidote to the venom.
Comments: These snakes hibernate together during the winter, and
thus very large groups may be found during hibernation.
Natural Habitat: Plains, Woods, Marsh, Rough
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-8 (1)
Description: Growing to 20 feet, the king cobra is the largest of all
poisonous snakes. It is usually dark brown in color, with a collapsible
hood behind its head with a sort of horseshoe marking on its back. The
king cobra is the mortal enemy of the mongoose.
Talents, Skills, end Magic: Cobras possess no talents, skills or
Movement Rates: Crawling: 200
PS: 20-25
MD: None
AG: 15-18
MA: None
EN: 12-14
FT: 15-20
WP: 14-18
PC: 12-17
PB: 7-9
TMR: 4
NA: None
Weapons: Despite its size, the king cobra cannot attack unless it is in
Close Combat. In Close Combat it attacks via its bite (Base Chance of
75%, + 4 Damage). Damage done does not count, but if any actual
damage would have been inflicted, the victim is poisoned, and suffers 2
DP per Pulse, as per nerve Venom.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Marsh
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: These snakes are not very large (less than 3 feet), but
their poison fangs grow to great size. They come in either green or
black, with the former a forest species, and the latter a marsh snake.
Talents, Skills, end Magic: Mambas possess no talents, skills or
Movement Rates: Crawling: 100
PS: 2-3
MD: None
AG: 12-15
MA: None
EN: 4-5
FT: 6-8
WP: 14-18
PC: 12-16
PB: 8-11
TMR: 2
NA: None
Weapons: The mamba cannot attack in Melee Combat. In Close
Combat it can bite (Base Chance 50%, -2 Damage). Damage is only
used to determine if the snake did in fact penetrate armor with its fangs
for the purpose of injecting its poison. Mamba poison is among the
most deadly found in nature: a victim takes 4 DP per Pulse until an
antidote is taken.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Marsh
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: The python is green and black, and sometimes reaches a
length of 33 feet.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The Python can climb trees (large ones)
although slowly. It has no magical abilities, skills or talents.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150
PS: 45,50
MD: None
AG: 8-12
MA: None
EN: 25-30
FT: 30-35
WP: 12-16
PC: 14-18
PB: 6-9
TMR: 3
NA: Scales absorb 3 DP
Weapons: Pythons may only attack in Close Combat. Pythons attack
by biting (Base Chance of 65%, + 6 Damage). If the bite penetrates
armor, it hangs on, and at the next opportunity wraps it self around its
adversary, crushing the life out of it. Wrap: Base Chance of 80%, + 8
Damage per Pulse the snake squeezes, no roll needed to hit once initial
squeeze has been made. Once the snake is squeezing, it can no longer
bite until it has squeezed its prey to death.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Woods
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: The spitting naja is a form of Cobra, without the hood,
but with the ability to spit their venom. Their scales are usually dark
brown in color.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The spitting naja possesses no talents,
skills or magic.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150
PS: 10-12
MD: None
AG: 16-18
MA: None
EN: 8-10
FT: 12-17
WP: 12-16
PC: 11-16
PB: 8-11
TMR: 3
NA: Scales absorb 1 DP
Weapons: In Melee Combat, spitting najas can only spit (Base Chance
of 40%). If they hit, (aiming at the eye) the person hit is blinded until
the eye is thoroughly washed. Unless the eye is washed promptly, the
blindness becomes permanent. In Close Combat, the naja gets a bite
(Base Chance of 65%, - 2 Damage for purposes of armor penetration).
The bite's damage is not actually sustained, but is rather used to
determine if the snake has penetrated armor so as to allow its venom to
work. The venom does 1 DP per Pulse (in addition to blinding the
victim) until an antidote is administered.
Natural Habitat: Plains
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 500-5000 (500)
Description: A Fire Ant is a bright red ant about 2 inches long.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Fire Ants have no magic skills, talents
or other special abilities. They are not tool users, but they will use twigs
and leaves to cross bodies of water.
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS: 1
MD: None
AG: 11-13
MA: None
EN: 1
FT: None
WP: 5-7
PC: 10-12
PB: 2-4
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: A Fire Ant can only attack in Close Combat. It bites with a
Base Chance of 25%. If the bite hits, roll D10. If the number rolled ffi
more than the bitten character's Armor Protection Rating, the character
takes 2 DP. Otherwise there is no effect.
Comments: Fire Ants tend to form into columns that eat through
anything in their way. These insects dislike the smell of oil, and if it is
put in the ants' path, they will go around it if possible.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Plains
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-300 (200)
Description: A killer bee looks like a normal bee except that it is
about an inch and a half long.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Killer bees have no magic abilities or
special talents or skills. They are not tool users, but do build hives.
Movement Rates: Flying: 500
PS: 1
MD: None
AG: 20-22
MA: None
EN: 1
FT: None
WP: 7-9
PC: 15-17
PB: 6-8
TMR: 10
NA: None
Weapons: Killer bees can only attack in Close Combat in which they
can sting with a Base Chance of 50%. If a bee succeeds in stinging roll
D10. If the roll is more than the armor protection rating of the stung
character, the character takes D-6 Damage (not absorbed by armor). As
soon as a bee hits a character (not necessarily penetrating armor via the
die'roll above) it dies.
Natural Habitat: Waste, Rough
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-20 (1)
Description: A scorpion is a black-colored insect about 4 inches long.
The most prominent feature of a scorpion is its tail, which stretches over
its back.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Scorpions have no special talents, skills
or magic.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150
PS: 1
MD: None AG: 18-20
MA: None
EN: 1
FT: 1
WP: 8-10
PC: 11-13
PB: 4-5
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: A Scorpion can only attack in Close Combat, in which it
uses its tail with a Base Chance of 65%. If the tail hits, roll D10. If the
die roll is more than the Armor Protection Rating of the character stung,
the character takes 4 DP/Pulse for D5 Pulses, or until an antidote is
Comments: An alchemist can use a Scorpion's tail to distill poison,
and so a scorpion can be sold for about 50 Silver Pennies in a major
Natural Habitat: Rough, Caverns
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: Fire giants are large humanoids about 12 feet tall.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.6
Movement Rates: Running: 400-500
PS: 15-33
MD: 4-22
AG: 3-21
MA: 4-22
EN: 20-38
FT: 18-24
WP: 4-22
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 8-10
NA: None
Weapons: Fire giants prefer the club and sword, and will have Rank
1-3 with these weapons. Armor heavier than leather is rare, although it
does occur.
Natural Habitat: Waste
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Tarantulas are large, very hairy spiders about 4 inches
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Tarantulas have no special talents,
skills, or magic abilities. They do not tool users and do not build webs.
Movement Rates: Running: 75
PS: 1
MD: None AG: 16-18
MA: None
EN: 1
FT: None
WP: 4-6
PC: 9-11
PB: 2-4
TMR: 1
NA: None
Weapons: Tarantulas only attack in Close Combat, biting with a Base
Chance of 25%. If a creature is bitten, roll D10, and if the roll is greater
than or equal to the bitten creature's Armor Protection Rating, the
creature suffers D-4 Damage due to the tarantula's poison.
Natural Habitat: Rough
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: Cloud giants are huge humanoids between 15 and 20
feet tall. Cloud Giants will often build sky-castles on mountaintops.
These will seem to float on pillars of cloud and can only be reached by
a stone stairwell inside the pillars on which it floats. The pillars and the
Natural Habitat: Rough
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-10 (5)
Description: Hill Giants are humanoids about nine feet tall. Their
features will usually be uncommonly gnarled.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.6. But note that a hill giant is not
affiliated with any element in particular, and thus has expanded options
as to his choice of College. His mastery of a College will usually be
minimal (about Rank 3) if he does belong to a College (25% chance).
Movement Rates: Running: 350-400
PS: 12-30
MD: 4-22
AG: 3-21
MA: 4-22
EN: 13-31
FT: 18-24
WP: 4-22
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 7-8
NA: Thick hide absorbs 1 DP
Weapons: Hill giants will use all weapons, although they generally
prefer simple crushing weapons like the club or mace. They will have
rank 1-5 with these weapons. Hill giants rarely wear armor, although
they will occasionally (20%) wear chain-mail or leather.
Natural Habitat: Rough (especially mountains)
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-25 (6)
Description: Frost giants are large humanoid between 15 and
20 feet in height. Frost Giants are 3-hex figures.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.6.
Movement Rates: Running: 600-700
PS: 24-42
MD: 4-22
AG: 3-21
MA: 4-22
EN: 25-43
FT: 18-24
WP: 4-22
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 12-14 NA: None
Weapons: Frost giants generally use swords and axes, and will
frequently achieve rank 4 or higher with these weapons. Frost giants
will wear any type of armor, with metallic armor being Common.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Caverns
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-6 (3)
Description: Stone giants are humanoids about 10 feet tall.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.6
Movement Rates: Running: 400-500
PS: 13-31
MD: 4-22
AG: 3-21
MA: 4-22
EN: 15-25
FT: 18-24
WP: 4-22
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 840
NA: None
Weapons: Stone Giants prefer heavy weapons like hammers and
clubs. They will have rank 3-5 with these weapons. Stone giants
frequently wear leather armor and carry shields.
Natural Habitat: Rough (especially mountaintops)
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: Storm giants are huge humanoids about 20 feet tail.
Storm Giants are 3-hex figures.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Storm giants have all the talents, skills,
magic, and other abilities noted in 6.6. In addition, they can control the
weather, bringing rain, wind, thunderstorms, and even a fair sky.
Depending on the difference between the weather they are trying to
create and the weather state at the time that they are doing so, it will be
from one to three hours until the effects of their control become evident.
Note that storm giants are not particularly affiliated with any of the
Elementals. There is a 50% chance that a storm giant will be a member
of a College. If he is a member of a College, a storm giant will have
rank 3-7 with General Knowledge spells, and Rank 2-5 with those
Special Knowledge spells that he knows (GM's option).
Movement Rates: Running: 700-750
PS: 27-45
MD: 4-22
AG: 3-21
MA: 4-22
EN: 30-48
FT: 18-24
WP: 4-22
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 14-15 NA: None
Weapons: Storm giants prefer edged weapons, with axes being the
weapons they most commonly use. They will have Rank four or better
with the type of weapon that they use most frequently. Storm giants can
be found in any sort of armor, although chainmail is the norm.
Comments: True to their name, Storm Giants enjoy turbulent weather,
and there will frequently be a thunderstorm about their mountainous
home. Those traits mentioned in 6.6 are also applicable to storm giants.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Woods
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-20 (4)
Description: Ogres are large, ugly humanoid. They are 8 feet tall,
have flattened noses and large, sharp teeth. They will usually be
wearing rags.
Talents, Skills, end Magic: Ogres generally shun magic, although
there is. a 5% chance that an ogre will belong to the College of Earth
Magics if he has an MA of 15. The highest rank that an ogre will ever
attain with any spell is 5, and this only rarely.
Movement Rates: Running: 450
PS: 25-30
MD: 11-13
AG: 8-10
MA: 10-15
EN: 20-23
FT: 28-30
WP: 18-20
PC: 11-14
PB: 6-9
TMR: 9
NA: Thick skin absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: Ogres prefer to use large clubs over other weapons. Ranged
weapons are rare, but possible. Ogres will also use shields and wear
armor 80% of the time. If they do wear armor, it will usually be
chainmail or lighter. In Close Combat or in the absence of a weapon
ogres can also bite (Base Chance of 65%, + 4 Damage).
Comments: Ogres eat those travelers that they waylay and take their
treasure. They are intelligent enough so that they will not attack a party
if they are hopelessly outclassed, but they are stupid enough so that they
cat, also be easily outwitted. Ogres will usually have treasure in the
form of gold and ge. ms.
Natural Habitat: See below
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Titans are basically human, but they are between 20 feet
and 24 feet tall. They are also unusually muscular, and appear strikingly
handsome or beautiful. They can be of either sex. Titans are 3-hex
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Titans are highly magical. They can turn
invisible, disappear from this plane, and move through the air by willing
it. They can also use spells, talents, and rituals of any one College. They
are protected from physical attack by a magical aura which surrounds
them. This aura also adds 40 to their Magic Resistance. They will know
General and Special Knowledge of their College at Rank 10 and above.
Movement Rates: Running: 600; Flying: 300
PS: 60-70
MD: 12-16
AG: 13-17
MA: 19-26
EN: 30-40
FT: 50-60
WP: 17-20
PC: 16-18
PB: 19-21
TMR: 12/6
NA: Aura absorbs 12 DP
Weapons: Titans use human-type weapons of 4-times normal size
(improve Base Chance by 20%, multiply damage by 4 after
modification). They will sometimes wear armor (which functions in
addition to their aura) if they are doing something which is premeditated, and they know will be very dangerous.
Comments: Titans are basically good in nature, and they will help
people on occasion. They are often very touchy, however, and if they
think a human is being insolent they will not hesitate to kill him,
although sometimes (30%) they will just vanish. If a titan is inhabiting
this plane for some reason, it will have a large castle, very substantial
treasure, and numerous storm giant guards.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Caverns, Ruins, Fields, Marshes
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: Trolls are large green, vaguely humanoid beings with
greenish black heads and extremities. They are well-muscled and 1onglimbed with thick, leathery skin. Their large teeth and claws are ideally
suited to rending the "manflesh" they so highly prize. A full-grown troll
may stand almost 15 feet high. Trolls are 3-hex monsters.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Trolls possess no skills to speak of and
are not magic-users. They may use simple weapons, but may never
achieve any Rank with a weapon. Trolls possess the ability to
regenerate themselves at the rate of 1 Damage Point healed each Pulse.
Any damage inflicted by fire is, however, permanent and may not be
healed by regeneration. Trolls are not afraid of fire.
Movement Rates: Running: 300
PS: 30-50
MD: 10-14
AG: 12-16
MA: 5-8
EN: 30-40
FT: 40-50
WP: 18-25
PC: 20-25
PB: Always 0
TMR: 6
NA: Skin absorbs 5 DP.
Weapons: A Troll may use its hands (Base Chance of 55%, Damage
of + 6, no Rank) to Melee Attack or may use hands and teeth (Base
Chance of 35%, Damage of + 4, no Rank) in Close Combat. It may
Strike twice with hands and once with teeth each Pulse.
Comments: Trolls become enraged by the presertce of fire and will
kill anyone who uses it if possible. A severed portion of a troWs body
will produce a new troll in 20 Pulses. The only way to prevent this or to
keep a Troll from regenerating after death is to burn the Troll's corpse
(or any stray pieces). A Troll is unlikely to possess or guard treasure,
but may have a few "pretties" in his possession (gold or jewelry and
such). The net worth of such items will usually be no more than 500
silver pennies, but could equal 1,000 in rare instances.
Natural Habitat: Woods
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-30 (I0)
Description: Dryads are insubstantial spirits living within the wood of
a specific tree. They can leave their tree and wander about, but may
never stray more than a mile from the tree. They usually appear in small
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Dryads tend to be Adepts of the College
of Earth Magics, though some may be members of the Colleges of
Illusion or the Sorceries of the Mind. They will not usually be very
powerful in Colleges other than Earth, however. They have the special
ability of being able to take refuge deep within their tree if threatened.
Movement Rates: Running: 200
PS: None
MD: None
AG: None MA: 8-20
EN: None
FT: None
WP: 12-16 PC: 12-15
PB: 16-24
TMR: 4
NA: None. But see below
Weapons: Dryads use no weapons of any kind.
Comments: Dryads can only be harmed if their tree is killed by
chopping or burning it down. They are not usually inimical to man,
though "Black Dryads" do exist who practice Druidic rites (including
blood sacrifice). They will usually aid travelers, but are mainly
concerned with the well being of their trees.
Natural Habitat: Woods
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-200 (20)
Description: An elf is a lithe humanoid, slightly smaller than
man-sized. They are unusually fair in appearance.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.5
Movement Rates: Running: 275
PS: 4-22
MD: 5-23
AG: 6-24
MA: 4-22
EN: 4-22
FT: 19-25
WP: 6-24
PC: 6-24
PS: 8-26
TMR: 6
NA: None
Weapons: Elves prefer bow weapons, and will have rank 4-6 with
them. Spears are also commonly used. Elves will not generally wear
metallic armor, although they may do so in unusual cases. The listed
characteristic ranges are for NPC elves only.
Natural Habitat: Streams, Rivers (especially near white water)
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 6-12 (8)
Description: Fossergrims look much like Gnomes and are about the
same size. However, they are water dwellers and have a water-breathing
capacity in addition to their air-breathing capacity. They will always be
found in or near their lairs which will be located at the foot of waterfalls
or rapids wherever possible.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Fossergrims have the ability to cast very
weak and limited illusions over water so as to make shoals and rapids
appear to be safe channels. They also have the ability to cast a charm
over an individual, causing him to swim into their lair (which will be in
an underwater cave) and be drowned. This works like a talent. Victims
must roll 2 x Will-power or less or succumb to the charm.
Movement Rates: Running: 150; Swimming: 100
PS: 8-12
MD: 18-20
AG: 15-17
MA: 12-14
EN: 8-10
FT: 16-20
WP: 16-18
PC: 15-17
PB: 8-10
TMR: 3/2
NA: None
Weapons: Fossergrims attack with their teeth in close Combat and
have a Base Chance of 40% of doing - 2 Damage. They may also use
small simple non-missile weapons (knives, short swords, and the like).
Comments: Fossergrims are carnivores and especially delight in
feasting on "the bigs" as they' call humans, elves, and their kindred.
Except for their special magical abilities Which they use to lure the
unwary into their halls, they possess little magic and few skills or
talents. What other magic they possess will be Water Magic.
Natural Habitat: Plains, Woods, Fields
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-30 (8)
Description: Leprechauns are similar in almost all ways to Brownies,
but wilder and shyer of man. They tend to dress in muted shades of
brown and green and to seek out the deep woods where they are most at
home. They have 3 to 4 times the stealth of an average human and will,
as a result, seldom be seen unless they wish to speak with a party.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Leprechauns possess the same Talent
Magic as Brownies. In addition, they will usually be masters of either
the College of Illusions or the College of Earth Magics. They have the
ability to teleport themselves limited distances (no more than a few
yards) by blinking. Leprechauns also have special skill with the Spell of
Sleeping (regardless of their College) and add 10 to the Base Chance for
the spell.
Natural Habitat: Marsh
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-40 (20)
Description: Nixies are water-dwellers with pale skin (through which
can often be seen green veins), golden hair, webbed fingers and toes,
and gills. They have a limited air breathing capacity similar to Merfolk.
They are recognizable by their sharp teeth which are covered in green
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Nixies will almost always have limited
abilities as Adepts of the College of Water Magics. They will have no
skills to speak of, but will have the talent of being able to automatically
summon [D + 1] x Rank with their talent (1, if unranked) large Pike to
their aid. Since these "water wolves", as they are called, have a special
fondness for Nixies, there will always be Pike in the area.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 350
PS: 13-23
MD: 10-20
AG: 14-21
MA: 10-18
EN: 10-18
FT: 12-24
WP: 14-20
PC: 14-22
PB: 8-18
TMR: 7
NA: None
Weapons: Nixies do - 2 Damage (Base Chance of 35%) in Close
Combat with their bite. In addition, they will often carry fishbone
weapons and shields and (rarely) wear fishskin armor (equal to leather
Comments: Nixies are fond of human flesh, though they will
sometimes refrain from eating a particularly beautiful humanoid
member of the opposite sex in order to enjoy their company longer.
They are capricious and cowardly and prefer to destroy their prey by
guile whenever possible. An invitation to a Nixie feast is usually a
prelude to treachery.
Natural Habitat: Woods
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-100 (10)
Description: Pixies are small people about 2 feet in height, with
transparent wings, pointed ears, and almond-shaped eyes.
Talents, Skills, end Magic: Pixies are naturally invisible, but can
become visible at will. They can create full-fledged visible and audible
illusions, and can appear to change their form. They are also able to use
most counter spells, read peoples' minds, and cause disorientation and
the inability to think clearly in the victims of their pranks.
Movement Rates: Running: 150; Flying: 250
PS: 3-4
MD: 18-21
AG: 17-20
MA: 10-15
EN: 3-4
FT: 8-10
WP: 12-16
PC: 10-14
PB: 10-17
TMR: 3/5
NA: None
Weapons: Pixies use daggers and bows of short range (50 feet) but
with great effect. They have three types of arrow: one which does
[D10]-6 damage, one that puts their victims to sleep unless they roll 4 x
Willpower or less, and one that removes all memory from the victim for
[DI0]-4 days unless he rolls 4 x Willpower or less. The bow has a Base
Chance of 60%. They may wear leather armor.
Comments: Pixies are very hard to hit in combat ( - 30 from Base
Chance in addition to Defense). They are highly mischievous, and they
will often play pranks to annoy the foolish traveler who enters a forest
where pixies are said to dwell.
SATYR (Faun)
Natural Habitat: Rough, Caverns
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-500 (10)
Description: Dwarves are short, stout humanoids. They usually have
long beards.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.4.
Movement Rates: Running: 225
PS: 6-24
MD: 5-23
AG: 4-22
MA: 3-21
EN: 6-24
FT: 17-23
WP: 7-25
PC: 6-24
PB: 4-22
TMR: 4
NA: None
Weapons: Dwarves delight in axes and hammers and they will have
Rank 2-4 with these weapons. They also commonly wear heavy armor,
with chainmail being the type most frequently worn, although plate is
also occasionally used. The listed characteristic ranges are for NPC
dwarves only.
Natural Habitat: Rough (especially mountain tops).
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Sylphs appear as human females, but have large, almost
transparent wings. They are usually very beautiful.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Sylphs can turn themselves invisible,
and they are usually able to sense a party's intentions towards them, and
so avoid harm. Sylphs are also able magicians, specializing in the
powers of the College of Air Magics.
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 250
PS: 10-13
MD: 18-22
AG: 20-24
MA: 18-20
EN: 9-12
FT: 18-20
WP: 14-18 PC: 18-20
PB: 21-25
TMR: 14/5
NA: None
Weapons: Sylphs do not use weapons to attack. They use only their
magic to defend themselves.
Comments: Sylphs will aid a humanoid in need or befriend one to
whom they take a fancy. If somehow coerced they will have a large
treasure with which they may buy their freedom but it will usually be
hidden on a mountain top. It will be worth
[D + 5] x 300 silver pennies.
[70.3] Earth Dwellers
This section deals with those species who prefer dwelling in
caverns or earthen barrows, but who are distantly related to the Fairy
Folk. They include: Dwarves, Gnolls, Gnomes, Goblins, Halflings,
Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Orcs. These beings all tend to prefer cool
shadows to bright sunlight, and all except Dwarves and Halflings
positively dislike sunlight and will not willingly venture into it.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Caverns.
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-200 (50)
Description: Gnomes are short, stocky humanoids, much like
Dwarves, but even shorter (3 feet). Typically they will be dressed in
chainmail or leather armor, with a heavy skullcap, although powerful
gnomes occasionally wear heavier armor as they "make light of
burden." Gnomes are usually brownish in color with hair between grey
and white.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Gnomes are excellent stoneworkers, and
as such they can detect many things that have to do with the
construction of a building or the quality of a builder's job.
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS: 10-14
MD: 10-13
AG: 14-16
MA: 13-17
EN: 8-10
FT: 16-20
WP: 19-22
PC: 14-18
PB: 10-13
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: Gnomes will use daggers, short swords, clubs, and any
other weapons that they can carry easily.
Comments: Gnomes have a strong dislike for goblins, and will always
attempt to attack them. Gnomes are organized into bands, each of which
is competitive with the others, although not actually hostile. They are
usually friendly to man, and they are very friendly with the Dwarves,
their cousins, although they have a mild dislike of Elves. Large bands of
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 4-1000 (20)
Description: Goblins are humanoid in form, but have large fangs,
pointed ears, and skin ranging from brown to pallid grey. They are
usually very ugly, have foul breath, and an unpleasant odor. They wear
garments made out of dirty cloth, and usually wear leather armor,
carrying shields. More powerful goblins will sometimes carry better
armor. They are about 4 feet tall.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Goblins are good at working with stone
if forced into it, and so they are good at detecting facts having to do
with stone (40% chance of detecting anything unusual or dangerous).
They can see in the dark. They are excellent at torture, which they
delight in. A goblin will in rare instances be an Adept of one of the
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS: 9-13
MD: 8-12
AG: 7-12
MA: 10-18
EN: 6-8
FT: 10-13
WP: 8-11
PC: 7-12
PB: 8-10
TMR: 3
NA: Skin absorbs 1 DP
Weapons: Goblins will use any sort of weapon that their strength
allows, although they generally prefer simple swords or clubs. They will
also often use crossbows and slings. They may have Rank 1-3 with
these weapons.
Comments: Goblins are highly evil, and will often waylay a party,
killing and looting. They love to cause discord, and will be deceitful
where violence will not work. Their lair (and treasure) will be well
guarded. Goblins dislike sunlight, and fight at a reduction in the Base
Chance of 10 when under a bright sun. They hate Dwarves and
Gnomes, and will attack them whenever possible. Goblins will usually
be in league with dire wolves if there are any in the neighborhood.
Natural Habitat: Caverns (Burrows), Fields.
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-50 (6)
Description: Halflings are small humanoids, usually less than three
feet in height. They are inclined to be fat.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.7
Movement Rates: Running: 200
PS: 3-21
MD: 7-25
AG: 6-24
MA: 4-22
EN: 3-21
FT: 17-23
WP: 6-24
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 4
NA: None
Weapons: Halflings prefer small weapons, maces and slings being the
most common, although short swords and daggers will also sometimes
be used. There is a 50o70 chance that a halfling will have Rank with at
least one of the weapons that h. is carrying. Rank with a weapon will
never be higher than Rank 4. The listed characteristic ranges are for
NPC halflings.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-500 (30)
Description: Hobgoblins are particularly large and vicious creatures
of basically the same strain as Goblins. They have the same fangs and
pointed ears as Goblins, but they grow to larger' than man sized, almost
7 feet. They are also usually equipped with better armor (chainmail
being the mean) as they are very strong and can more easily carry its
weight. Their skin is more hairy than goblins', although it is the same
brown to greyish color.
Natural Habitat: Fields, Caverns.
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-10 (5)
Description: Kobolds are small, elderly-appearing Dwarvish types
who wear hoods of bright colors. They are about 2~/2 feet tall, and have
highly gnarled faces.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Kobolds are very useful around the
house or farm, for they will perform many tasks relating to maintenance
of property or animals. They have no special magical powers, and they
are not as good at working with stone and at detecting unusual
constructions as the Dwarves. They can see in the dark.
Movement Rates: Running: 100
PS: 7-9
MD: 14-17
AG: 15-18
MA: None
EN: 6-8
FT: 12-14
WP: 14-17
PC: Ir2-16
PB: 8-11
TMR: 2
NA: None
Weapons: Kobolds carry Daggers and Hammers (Base Chance of
10%-2 damage). They do not wear armor.
Comments: A Kobold in the house is a blessing, for they will perform
all sorts of menial or semi-skilled tasks with great willingness and
ability, where such is possible. They will work for only shelter and
food. While travelling, they will most likely run away if they see a party
at a distance, but there is a 25% chance that they will be willing to trade
information and befriend a character. In general, Kobolds get along with
men better even than the Dwarves. Kobolds will almost never have
treasure, although if they do it will usually be something of value only
to them.
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Rough
Frequency: Common
Number: 1-1000 (25)
Description: An Orc is an ugly, stoop shouldered humanoid, much
like a goblin or hobgoblin (to whom they are related).
Talents, Skills, and Magic: See 6.8.
Movement Rates: 250
PS: 6-24
MD: 5-23
AG: 5-23
MA: 3-21
EN: 6-24
FT: 17-23
WP: 3-21
PC: 5-23
PB: 2-20
TMR: 5
NA: None
Weapons: The scimitar is the favorite weapon of the ores (Rank 1-4
with the weapon is typical) although other weapons will occasionally be
used. Short bows are the most common form of missile weapon. Orcs
will wear armor, with leather being the prevalent type. Orcs will also
commonly carry shields.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Marsh, Rough, Caverns, Plains
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 2-20 (4)
Description: Centaurs are half-man, half-horse. They are human
down to the hips, but they join the body of a horse where the neck
would normally be. Their lower half has hide, just as a horse, while
their top half is that of a normal man.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Centaurs can have all the abilities and
skills of a human. Centaurs in general are good with bows and at
hunting, and have an affinity for healing and the art of prophecy.
Movement Rates: Running: 600
PS: 10-30
MD: 5-20
AG: 10-23
MA: 5-23
EN: 12-20
FT: 20-30
WP: 7-26
PC: 10-30
PB: 12-17
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DF
Weapons: Centaurs use weapons as do men. They can hold up to two
Readiness Points worth of weapons, and they will usually have Rank in
one or more of their weapons.
Comments: Centaurs cannot resist alcohol and become violent when
drunk. Centaurs will only rarely let a human ride them, and only then at
pressing need. They eat raw flesh (including human flesh), and will
often abduct young maidens for food and other purposes.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Rough, Caverns, Ruins
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: The chimaera has the head of a goat, the foreparts of a
lion, and the rear section of a dragon.
Chimaerae are large (up to 12 feet long) and breath fire. They are 3-hex
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The chimaera can breath a cone of fire.
Other than that, it has no special skills or magical ability. Movement
Rates: Running: 500
PS: 28-32
MD: 25-28
AG: 15-20
MA: None
EN: 20-22
FT: 30-34
WP: 14-19
PC: 13-20
PB: 3-7
TMR: 10
NA: Hideabsorbs8DP
Weapons: The chimaera has a fire breath that it can use in Ranged and
Melee combat. The range of the cone of breath is 50 feet and at the base
the cone is 20 feet in diameter. All within the cone suffer D+ 15
damage. A chimera must execute a Fire action to breath in this fashion.
In Melee Combat and Close Combat, the chimera has a bite like that of
a huge lion (Base Chance of 75% + 8 damage).
Comments: Chimaera thrive on ruin, and the area surrounding one of
their lairs will be a burned wasteland. In the area surrounding the lair, or
occasionally in the lair itself, there may be victims with some treasure
(25%, 1-6 bodies with 100-600 Silver Pennies, 25% each has something
else of value), but otherwise chimaera do net hoard wealth as do
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Ruins.
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: t-6 (1)
Description: A giant amoeba is a shapeless, flowing creature between
6 inches and 6 feet in diameter.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: A giant amoeba can sense any organic
material within 25 feet, and will move toward the closest anything they
such material that it can sense. Giant amoeba are able to eat anything
they come in contact with. They can slip under doors and through very
small cracks.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 50
PS: None
MD: None
AG: 3-4
MA: None
EN: 10-12
FT: 20-24
WP: 6-8
PC: 6-8
PB: 3-5
TMR: 1
NA: None
Weapons: A giant amoeba does not attack, per se, but rather attempts
to consume anything in its way. If a giant amoeba is ever in the same
hex on the tactical display as any living creature, that creature takes 2
DP per Pulse until it leaves the hex occupied by the amoeba. Note that
if a creature is fully consumed any weapons and other non-organic
materials will be left behind, although all bones will be consumed.
Comments: If a giant amoeba is reduced to 0 endurance as a result of
the attacks of normal (non-magical) weapons, the amoeba merely splits
into two amoebas, each with half the size, endurance, and fatigue of the
original amoeba. Magical weapons and magical attacks affect the
amoeba normally.
such material that it can sense. Giant amoeba are able to eat
GORGON (Medusa)
Natural Habitat: Woods and Wilderness (lairs in caverns)
Frequency: Very rare
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: Gorgons are physically humanoid, but boast a head full
of writhing green snakes of a venomous nature. '[hey also have
hypnotic, burning red eyes. Gorgons like to appear as comely maidens
and often wear the attire of human females. They have large brazen
claws and hog-like teeth. They specialize in enticing males who they
then turn to stone.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Gorgons 1~ossess no special skills or
magic as a rule, but may learn human skills and magic. They have the
special talent of turning those that look directly into their eyes to stone(
Any character facing a gorgon must roll four times his Willpower or
less each Pulse that he faces the beast or he succumbs to her
blandishments, looks into her eyes and is turned to stone.
Movement Rates: Running: 250
PS: 10-13
MD: 12-15 AG: 10-14
MA: 15-18
EN: 10-14
FT: 15-19 WP: 16-20
PC: 16-18
PB: Always 0 TMR: 5
NA: None
Weapons: In addition to her eyes, the Gorgon may Melee Attack with
claws (Base Chance of 50%, + 4 damage, Rank of 1-5) or Close
Combat using claws, teeth and hair (Base Chance of 30%, 0 damage
modification, but possible poisoning as from an asp bite and no Rank).
Gorgons may attack using hair, teeth and claws in the same Pulse. The
gorgon may attempt to turn a character to stone any time.
Comments: The gorgon's eyes only become visible at a range of 100
feet and she cannot turn a character to stone beyond that range. The
attempt to turn a character to stone is automatic whenever a character
faces the gorgon's front and requires no action.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Caverns
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Manticores have the body of a lion, bat-like wings, and
the head of a human, although larger to fit their bodies. At the tip of
their tail they have up to 12 spikes, which they can launch as weapons.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Manticores have no magical properties,
and no special abilities other than the ability to launch their tail spikes.
Movement Rates: Flying: 500; Running: 350
PS: 28-32
MD: 20-25
AG: 26-30
MA: None
EN: 12-14
FT: 20-25
WP: 12-18
PC: 12-18
PB: 3-6
TMR: 10/7
NA: Fur absorbs 8 DP
Natural Habitat: Crypts, Marsh
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-6 (l)
Description: Nagas are humanoid above the waist, and have the body
of a serpent below. Male nagas have the upper half of a man, while
nagians (female nagas) have the upper half of a woman. Both types will
usually be 10-12 feet long.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Nagas are frequently (85%) members of
one of the Colleges of Thaumaturgies. If a naga is a magic-user, it will
have Rank 2-8 with each of the General Knowledge spells, talents, and
rituals, and will have Rank 1-5 with those Special Knowledge spells and
rituals that they know (Usually 5-10 will be known). Nagas can also
read the minds of any that they can see, understanding both the thoughts
and intentions of the subject. This talent cannot be resisted.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 400; Crawling: 300
PS: 20-25
MD: 17-21
AG: 12-16
MA: 16-20
EN: 25-32
FT: 20-25
WP: 20-24
PC: 19-23
PB: 13-17
TMR: 8/6
NA: Scales absorb 5 DP
Weapons: Naga will use ordinary edged weapons 50% of the time,
and if they do use a weapon, they will have Rank 4-6 with
it. If they do not use a weapon, they can attack with a bite or a :\
constriction attack. The bite has a Base Chance of 55% and
does + 4 damage, while the constriction has a Base Chance of 40% and
does + 8 damage. The bite can be used in either Close or Melee
Combat, while the constriction can only be used in Close Combat. If a
naga's bite penetrates an enemy's armor (i.e. does damage to the
character's Fatigue or Endurance), then the victim takes 2 additional DP
per Pulse for DI0 Pulses because of the naga's poison. Only an antidote
specifically designed for naga venom will neutralize this poison. A naga
can also spit this poison up to a range of 40 feet. The spittle has a Base
Chance of 30% (modified for range as an ordinary hurled weapon) and
does D + 4 damage.
Comments: Nagas are often the guardians and keepers of knowledge.
They seek to preserve powerful knowledge from the use of those who
would not use it properly, and at the same time they try to deliver it to
those who could best use it for the cause of good. This knowledge might
be magical in nature, or of some other type. Nagas will use force to
defend the knowledge that they guard (which will usually be in the form
of a written tome) but will warn intruders beforehand, and allow them a
chance to get away.
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Woods, Rough.
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Minotaurs are humanoid, with the head of a bull
and a very hairy hide. They have a tail, just like that of a bull.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: The minotaur has no special
magical abilities or talents. They are tool users and will
sometimes use simple weapons.
Movement Rates: Running: 300
PS: 22-26
MD: 18-20
AG: 14-17
MA: None
EN: 14-16
FT: 22-25
WP: 14-16
PC: 18-20
PB: 4-7
TMR: 6
NA: Hide absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: A minotaur can attack by butting with his horns, biting, or
attacking with a weapon. Butt: Base Chance of + 3 damage. Bite: Base
Chance of 30%, - 1 damage. A minotaur will hold Rank 1-5 with
whatever weapon it uses. The minotaur can use any combination of two
of these attacks in any one pulse without penalty. in Close Combat the
minotaur can use only his bite, but the Base Chance goes up to 50%.
Comments: Minotaurs are particularly vicious, and will attack
virtually anything that their dim intelligence tells them they have even a
mediocre chance of beating. These beasts generally like the dark, and
will only-rarely be found in the open after sunup.
Natural Habitat: Rough, Woods
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: A sphinx has the body of a winged lion, with the head
and breasts of a woman. A sphinx is usually about 12 feet long. A
sphinx has large, sharp teeth, and is a two-hex monster.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Most sphinxes are accomplished
members of a College of Magic, usually one of the Thaumaturgies.
They will know all General Knowledge spells at Rank 6-9, and will
know all Special Knowledge spells at Rank 3-6. In addition, a sphinx
will know D10 counterspells from other Colleges. Sphinxes also have
excellent senses of smell. They will be able track as if they' had Rank 8
in the Ranger ability, and they will be able to detect the presence of
hidden or invisible characters 75% of the time.
Movement Rates: Running: 500; Flying: 600
PS: 30-35
MD: 22-24
AG: 17-19
MA: 12-22
EN: 40-50
FT: 60-75
WP: 20-23
PC: 17-19
PB: 4-6
TMR: 10/12 NA: Hideabsorbs6DP
Weapons: A sphinx can attack three times (once with a bite, and twice
with its claws) in the same Pulse without penalty. The bite has a Base
Chance of 75% and does + 8 damage. The claws have a Base Chance of
60% and do + 4 damage.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Plains
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-8 (2)
Description: Unicorns are white equines with a single, long horn
coming out of their forehead. They have a single black, 2 foot long horn
set in a deer's head, very thick feet, and the tail of a boar.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Unicorns are immune to poison, and a
character who possesses one of their horns is also immune. They are
also almost impossible to trap as they are very intelligent and wary.
They have 5 times the strength of an average human. They are unable to
cast spells in the usual sense.
Movement Rates: Running: 600
PS: 55-60
MD: None
AG: 16-19
MA: None
EN: 25-30
FT: 50-60
WP: 20-25
PC: 25-30
PS: 18-20
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: In Melee Combat, a unicorn uses its horn (Base Chance of
60% + 7 damage). In Close Combat, it can attack with its hooves as a
Comments: Unicorns are virtually untamable by ordinary men, but a
unicorn can occasionally be tamed by a virgin (40%) as unicorns love
purity and innocence.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-400 (100)
Description: Bats are rodents with leathery wings, They are greyishblack in color. They are found in dark places only as they are afraid of
light and fire.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Bats can determine directions in the
dark by emitting high-frequency "pips" which reflect off of the
surrounding walls. They have no magical abilities or other special
talents and are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Flying: 500
PS: 2-3
MD: None
AG: 18-21
MA: None
EN: 1-2
R'~ 2-3
WP: 6-8
PC: 14-17
PB: 7-9
TMR: 10
NA: None
Weapons: Bats can only attack in Close Combat, where their bite has
a Base Chance of 40% and does - 7 damage. A character bitten by a bat
has a 10% chance of contracting rabies or some other loathsome disease
in addition to the possibility of infection.
Natural Habitat: Woods, Rough, Plains, Field, Caverns
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-10 (3)
Description: Dire wolves are wolves the size of ponies. Dire wolves
will be in league with the powers of darkness and will have almost
human intelligence. Their corpses disappear back into hell (from which
they are said to have sprung originally) if they are killed.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Dire wolves have no special abilities but
they are exceptional trackers. They also never forget a smell. They may
possess knowledge of a limited number of spells of the College of
Ensorcelments and Enchantments or the College of the Sorceries of the
Movement Rates: Running: 400
PS: 22-25
MD: 24-26
AG: 18-22
MA: 8-12
EN: 20-23
FT: 25-30
WP: 8-12
PC: 19-23
PB: 4-8
TMR: 8
NA: Fur absorbs 5 DP
Weapons: Dire wolves can attack, either in Melee Combat or in Close
Combat with their huge teeth (Base Chance of 65%, + 6 damage).
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Rough, Crypts, Woods
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-8 (1)
Description: In their natural form, doppelgangers appear humanoid,
with thin arms, and sharp teeth and claws. They have thick, rubbery,
grey skin, and glowing eyes.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Doppelgangers have the ability to form
themselves to look and act like any humanoid creature that is
approximately their size and body weight (150-250 lbs.). Even the
clothes and equipment of a person can be imitated, although magical
properties will not, of course, adhere to the duplicates. Doppelgangers
read the minds of the people they will later imitate so as to learn things
they will nee. d to know to duplicate the person properly. There is a
10% chance that a doppelganger's imitation will be detectable. See the
rules governing multi-sense illusions in the College of Illusions.
Movement Rates: Running: 250
PS: 12-16
MD: 14-17
AG: 16-18
MA: 20-25
EN: 8-10
FT: 15-20
WP: 22-25
PC: 15-17
PS: 4-8
TMR: 5
NA: Skin absorbs 4 DP
Weapons: In their natural form, doppelgangers can make one attack
with their bite (Base Chance of 50%, + 3 damage). Once having
imitated something, they fight as it does/did, using the same weapons at
a Rank two less than that achieved by the character being imitated.
Comments: Once a doppelganger has imitated someone, they will try
to kill that individual, attacking by surprise. They will then replace that
individual until they try the same maneuver with another member of the
Weres are humans or humanoids who are afflicted with a specific
disease: Lycanthropy. They are adversely affected by the full moon and
on nights when Luna (the primary moon in worlds with more than one)
is full they change shape, becoming one of 5 types of creature. The
were may become a Bear, Boar, Tiger, Snake or wolf. The actual type
of beast the character becomes will depend on the type of beast from
which he contracted his illness. The only way that a character can
become a lycanthrope is if he is bitten for at least 1 point of effective
damage by a character who is already a lycanthrope while that character
is in his beast form. The victim will then during the next full moon (and
all succeeding full moons until he is killed) assume the shape of the
beast that bit him (wolf, snake, etc.). If a character is killed by a
lycanthrope, he does not become a lycanthrope himself; instead, he
usually becomes dinner.
A lycanthrope in his were form is always a beast. He has the
characteristics of the strongest specimen of the species whose form he
This section includes those entities, which normally do not appear
on this plane, but are summonable from their own dimension. These
entities include: demons, devils, djinns, efreets, elementals (earth, air,
fire and water), hellhounds, imps, incubi, and succubi. Devils, dem0ris,
imps, incubi, and succubi are described in the College of Greater
Summonings (section 47) which is concerned exclusively with the
summoning and control of these entities. The other summonable entities
are described in this section.
Generally, an entity summoned from another dimension will
require from 1 to 10 Pulses (5 to 50 seconds) to materialize once
summoned. In some cases, entities appear in a noncorporeal form and
must be commanded to take on substantial form. An insubstantial entity
has no power on this plane, but cannot be harmed. An entity in
substantial form, however, can be harmed and can harm others.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: A djinn is a male humanoid about ten feet tall,' with
darkly tanned skin and a black beard.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: A djinn has all the abilities of an air
elemental summoned by a magician with Rank 8 in the Ritual of
Summoning Air Elementals. In addition, a djinn can create matter
weighing up to 200 pounds. This ability can be used once per day. The
material created will have varying permanence, depending upon its
solidity. Wood, cloth and other light materials will last for as long as a
week, while steel, gold, or other hard substances will last only for hours.
Djinni cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons.
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 350
PS: 35-40
MD: 20-24
AG: 17-21
MA: 12-18
EN: 20-25
FT: 30-38
WP: 20-25
PC: 16-21
PB: 11-14
TMR: 14/7
NA: Skin absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: Djinni prefer large, curved weapons, with a double-sized
scimitar being the weapon most commonly used. Add 10 to the Base
Chance of any weapon a djinn uses, and double damage done because
of its size. A djinn will have Rank 4 or better with a scimitar.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Efrecti are creatures of flame that have been trapped on
this plane. They are humanoid in form, about 12 feet tall, and their darkbrown skin flickers as if it were about to burst into flame at any
Talents, Skills, and Magic: An effect has all the talents and abilities
of a fire elemental summoned at Rank 12. In addition an efreet can
grant three wishes under certain conditions (see below). Efreeti can also
become invisible at will. Efreeti cannot be harmed by non-magical
Movement Rates: Flying: 750; Running: 350
PS: 40-45
MD: 17-20
AG: 15-18
MA: 12-18
EN: 28-32
FT: 45-50
WP: 23-29
PC: 16-2]
PB: 8-10
TMR: 15/7
NA: Skin absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: Efreeti use edged weapons of ordinary shape but twice
normal size and weight. Improve the weapon's Base Chance by 10, and
double any damage done. An effect will have Rank 4 or higher with
whatever weapon it uses. In Close Combat an efreet can immolate an
opponent. Such an attack has a Base Chance of 65o70, and does D + 10
Comments: If discovered on this plane, an effect will either be in the
service of some character, or trapped in a sealable container, such as a
bottle. If the latter is the case and the finder of the efreet releases it from
its captivity, there is a 95o70 chance that the efreet will serve him
willingly. The other 5% of the time the efreet will attack. If the efreet
decides to serve, it will either grant three wishes, or become the
character's slave for a period of 1001 days (at the liberator's option). If
three wishes chosen, they must be used by the end of the day on which
the effect was released. If service is chosen, the effect will perform any
task asked of it that is not obviously suicidal. If a request involving
physical danger to the efreet is made of the erreel, there is a 10o70
chance ( + 10 for each additional request) that the effect will rebel
against its master and attack him.
Efreeti are creatures of fire, and thus they will not go to or be
found in frigid climates or underwater.
Elementals are the physical manifestations of the four primary
elements: fire, earth, air, and water. They do not normally exist on this
plane, but are summoned by members of the Elemental Colleges. They
will always be hostile to their summoner, and will attempt to kill him if
they are released from his control.
Elementals are impervious to attacks made with non-magical
weapons. Magic does affect them. Each is vulnerable to its opposite
element and can be damaged by attacks involving that opposite. Water
and fire are opposite members, as are earth and air.
An elemental's Endurance, Fatigue, and Strength vary, according
to it summoner's Rank with the Ritual of Summoning Elementals.
Endurance and Fatigue vary as described in 42.7, while an elemental's
Physical Strength equals a base number for each of the elementals plus
five for each Rank the summoner has attained.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Air elementals appear as a whirlwind of a height equal to
their Endurance. They have facial features, which will appear on one
side of the whirlwind.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Air elementals can predict weather with
complete accuracy. They can increase the speed of winds up to the
equal of their endurance, blowing in a line ten times their endurance in
width (measured in feet). They can also create windstorms per the
Windstorm Spell (College of Air Magics) at a Rank equal to their
summoner's Rank plus 4. They do not need to cast the spell, but rather
they can cause the windstorm just by willing it.
Movement Rates: Flying: 500 + (50 x Summoner's Rank)
PS: Base 15
MD: 25-30
AG: 32-37
MA: None
EN: 5-50
FT: 10-85
WP: 14-18
PC: 19-23
PB: 10-12
TMR: 10+(Adept's Rank)
NA: None
Weapons: Air elementals can materialize their fists to strike at their
opponents. They can take two attacks in the same Pulse without penalty.
The attacks have a Base Chance of 6570, and do D10 damage, + 1 per
Rank of their summoner.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Earth elementals appear as humanoids with dirt-colored
skin and gravelly eyes. They will be as tall, in feet, as their Endurance.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Earth elementals can sink into any
substance made of rock or dirt, and remain hidden with only 5% chance
of detection. They have a chance equal to their Endurance of knowing
the location of any intelligent creature standing on earth or rock. They
can move through the earth (without creating a tunnel or disturbing it in
any way) earth elementals can destroy stone structures by boring
through stone at the rate of two cubic feet per Pulse for each point of
Physical Strength available to the Elemental. Rock bored through in this
way will be turned to dust incapable of supporting anything.
Movement Rates Running: 200; Tunneling: 100
PS: Base 30
MD: 10-15
AG: 12-17
MA: None
EN: 5-50
FT: 10-85
WP: 14-18
PC: 16-20
PB: 5-8
TMR: 4/2
Weapons: Earth elementals pound their adversaries with their massive
fists. They can attack twice in the same Pulse without penalty, and do D
+ 6 damage if they hit, plus one additional point for each Rank of their
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Fire elementals appear as leaping flames of a height in
feet equal to their endurance. The flames are humanoid in form.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Any flammable substances (exclusive of
human-size or larger beings) that a Fire Elemental touches bursts into
flames, while non-flammable substances will experience a rise in
temperature equal to the Elemental's Endurance for every 10 seconds
the Elemental is in contact with the substance. Elementals can instantly
extinguish any normal fire within 100 feet. They can create a wall of
smoke, (as per the spell from the College of Fire Magics) at a Rank
equal to their summoner's Rank plus ten. They can also produce a wall
of fire (as per the spell from the College of Fire Magics) at a Rank equal
to their summoner's Rank plus five. Both of the above two walls can be
created as talents, without the necessity of preparing or casting a spell.
Only one wall of each type can be maintained at any one time, however.
Movement Rates: Running: 400 + 10 x Summoner's Rank
PS: Base 20
MD: 20-25
AG: 25-30
MA: None
EN: 5-50
FT: 10-85
WP: 14-18
PC: 14-17
PB: 5-7
TMR: 8 + (Adept's Rank/5)
NA: 3 DP
Weapons: Fire Elementals can attempt to immolate their adversaries.
The Base Chance for such an attack is 70%, and if the attack succeeds
D + 2 damage is done, with an additional point added for each Rank of
their summoner. If the attack is made in Close Combat, double the
damage done.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Water elementals appear as waves, although the water
does take on a basically humanoid form. The waves will be one-half as
tall, in feet, as the elemental's endurance.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Water Elementals can disappear into
any body of water and become completely undetectable. They can
increase the size of waves and swells as per the Spell of Wave Making
from the College of Water Magics at a Rank equal to their summoner's
Rank plus four. They can also produce a whirlpool as per the Maelstrom
spell from the same College, at a Rank equal to their summoner's.
Neither spell has to be prepared or cast, but only one can be maintained
at a time.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 500 + (25 x Summoner's Rank)
PS: Base 25
MD: 17-23
AG: 16-20
MA: None
EN: 5-50
FT: 10-85
WP: 14-18
PC: 15-20
PB: 6-8
TMR: 10+(Adept's Rank/2)
Weapons: Water Elementals form huge fists out of the waves. They
can attack twice in a Pulse without penalty, and do D + 4 damage, plus
one additional point of damage for each Rank of their summoner.
Natural Habitat: (See Below)
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-10 (5)
Description: Hellhounds have the outward appearance of a Dire Wolf
with reddish-brown fur and bright red eyes.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Hellhounds, will have some ability in
the powers of either the College of Illusions or of the Sorceries of the
Mind. They are able to breath fire in a cone 20 feet long by 10 feet wide
at the base, doing D+8 damage to all within Range. The cone will also
ignite any inflammables. While on the Tactical Display it takes a Pulse
for a Hellhound to breath fire.
Movement Rates: Running: 450
PS: 14-16
MD: 18-21
AG: 19-22
MA: 12-20
EN: 10-11
FT: 20-22
WP: 17-19
PC: 25-30
PB: 4-6
TMR: 9
NA: Fur absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: In Close Combat Hellhounds attack with their bite (Base
Chance of 65%, + 6 damage). They cannot attack in Melee or Ranged
Comments: Hellhounds do not normally appear on this plane. They
are usually brought here by a demon to guard some treasure. It is in this
general capacity that hellhounds are normally found, although they are
occasionally release to wander the world and cause misery as they may.
Hellhounds are highly evil. They love to kill and maim, burn crops, and
ruin buildings.
Undead are player characters or NPC's who are neither alive nor
dead. They cannot be killed by normal means since they are not alive.
Natural Habitat: Where human beings may be found.
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-36 (1)
Description: A ghost is the insubstantial form taken by the spirit of a
recently deceased individual. It may appear in exactly the form the
individual himself took in life except for a certain shimmering quality
and the fact that a ghost seen in direct sunlight will tend to fade into the
background. Ghosts are usually produced when an individual dies in
particularly traumatic circumstances.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Ghosts have no skills or magical powers
and cannot harm living beings directly since they are insubstantial.
However, they can frighten living beings (especially the unwary) into
flight. A character facing a ghost must roll 3 times his willpower or less
on D100 to keep from panicking and fleeing from the ghost's presence.
Add 20 to the dice roll if the ghost was unexpected.
Movement Rates: Flying: 250
PS: None
MD: None
AG: None
MA: 5-23
EN: None
FT: None
WP: 5-23
PC: 5-23
PB: 5-23
TMR: 5
NA: None
Weapons: Ghosts have no natural weapons and may use no man-made
weapons. They cannot harm others directly and cannot be themselves
harmed by physical means.
Comments: Ghosts can be sources of information which may be
wholly or partially false. They may aid characters who are willing to
assist them in finishing any business they may have left uncompleted in
their former life and which is in whole or in part the cause of their
inability to find peace. For example, they may seek revenge on the
individual(s) who brought about their end or may desire the welfare of a
still living former lover to be attended to. Ghosts are usually chained to
a place or object connected with their death or the fulfillment of their
desires. They may not leave that place until put to rest unless wronged
or cheated by a character. They will then become tied to that character,
following him about, haunting him and warning his enemies of his
approach until he rights the wrong he has done to them. Ghosts have
only one aim: to alter the circumstances that have made them ghosts.
They may temporarily assist characters in their own goals as a means of
getting the characters' assistance in their quest, but only in a very
limited sphere. Once their problem has been solved, they are laid to rest
and immediately dissipate.
Natural Habitat: Crypts, Ruins, Fields
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 3-30 (6)
Description: Ghouls are a form of undead who specialize in
devouring the flesh of the living or of recently dead characters. They are
physically humanoid in all respects except that they may be ravaged by
sickness or maimed by the wounds which killed them. Their undead
status has robbed them of most of their intelligence and agility, but has
also made them fearless.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Ghouls possess no skills or magic. They
possess two special characteristics: Any character bitten by a Ghoul will
automatically die if the wound becomes infected and will rise at dawn
on the day after his death as a Ghoul. Ghouls can only be killed by
destroying their motor center. Thus, they are unaffected by specific
Grievous Injuries.
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS: 14-18
MD: 8-12
AG: 6-12
MA: None
EN: 18-24
FT: 25-30
WP: 18-25
PC: 10-14
PB: 1-2
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: Ghouls may use their hands in Melee or Close Combat as
unranked weapons. They may only Strike once per Pulse (i.e., no
Double Strikes). Ghouls may Strike twice per Pulse in Close Combat
(once with hands and once with teeth). Their bite has a Base Chance of
40%, damage of - 4 (but with + 20 to Infection Checks in addition to
any modification for bites) and is never Ranked.
Comments: Ghouls, like Trolls hate fire and will immediately attack
any character holding a torch in preference to all other targets.
A character who dies in circumstances conducive to the creation of
a ghost may, at the GM's discretion, become a revenant. Thereafter, the
character takes on the form of a ghost or night-gaunt (GM's discretion)
chained to the place of death. The GM always plays the character. The
revenant retains his previous personality and those characteristics
appropriate to his new form and gains those characteristics appropriate
to his undead state. Revenants can never be returned to life.
Natural Habitat: Any habitat where humans are found.
Frequency: Rare
Number: 3-12 (6)
Description: Skeletons are animated figures formed magically from
the bones of the dead. They are controlled and animated by the will of
an Adept in the same manner as zombies are. Often they will be clothed
and armed. Skeletons immediately fall apart and turn to dust whenever
they cease to be animated by an Adept. Skeletons may never be
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Skeletons have no special talents, skills,
or magic. However, their special magical nature makes them immune to
damage from weapons rated for A type damage (arrows, thrusting
swords, stabbing weapons). They may use weapons, including Ranked
weapons, shields and armor.
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS: 10-16
MD: 14-18
AG: 12-16
MA: None
EN: 8-12
FT: 5-10
WP: 20-25
PC: 14-18
PB: 1-2
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: Skeletons may attack using the unarmed combat rules, but
will probably be armed with a weapon of some sort.
Comments: Skeletons are often found around old battlefields and
graveyards. They need to be animated before they can attack, though.
The skeletons used by an Adept need not be Human. He could animate
any type of being which would then have attributes close to those it
originally possessed while alive. Usually, however, Human skeletons
are used since they are more easily animated.
Natural Habitat: Any habitat where humans are found.
Frequency: Rare
Number: 6-24 (6)
Description: Zombies are another variety of living dead. In this case,
the dead are animated by a spell cast by a member of the College of
Necromancy. They may (when newly dead corpses are used) appear
nearly normal except for a slight earthen hue. When old corpses are
used, however, the zombies may be no more than skeletons held
together by a few strands of sinew.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Zombies have no skills or talents and
are not magic users. Like Ghouls, they are unaffected by Grievous
Injury since their motor center must be destroyed before they cease to
be animated.
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS: 10-16
MD: 6-10
AG: 4-8
MA: None
EN: 16-22
FT: 20-25
WP: 18-25
PC: 8-12
PB: 1-2
TMR: 3
NA: None
Weapons: Zombies never use weapons. They may attack with hands
using the bare-handed attack rules. Their hands are never Ranked.
Comments: A zombie loses 1 point per day from his Endurance for
each day that he is not reenchanted by his master.
Natural Habitat: Ruin, Cavern, Crypt (usually enclosed area)
Frequency: Very rare
Number: 1-3
Description: Spectres are undead beings half of this world and half of
another plane. They enter this world most fully at night and may
disappear entirely during the day. If exposed to direct sunlight, they
Natural Habitat: Wherever men are found. They make their home in
Caverns, Ruins and Crypts, however, and are most likely to be found
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-6
Description: Vampires are human (or humanoid) beings who have
entered the netherworld of "life-drinkers." They support their existence
by drinking the blood of the living (or recently dead) members of their
own species (but not necessarily their own race). A character becomes a
vampire only by performing a Ritual of Becoming Undead or by being
killed by a vampire who drains the character's last point of Endurance.
A character who dies in this manner rises at sunset of the third day after
his death in the form of a vampire and must, thereafter, be treated in all
ways as a vampire. Once the character's last point of endurance has
been drained, the character may not normally be resurrected or
prevented from becoming a vampire. He may be destroyed in the same
way as a vampire once he rises from the dead, but not before. Vampires
always appear to be the age they were at when they became vampires.
All physical wounds or disfigurements during life are, however,
removed. A character may sometimes be prevented from becoming a
vampire by being pinned in his coffin by a stake driven through the
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Vampires retain all magical and racial
skills acquired during their life and may learn any number of new skills.
They lose all magical knowledge unless they were, while alive,
members of the College of the Mind. All vampires are automatically
members of the College of Sorceries of the Mind. Any character who
was a member of this College while alive retains any Rank he achieved
with the knowledge of that College.
Vampires have the following special skills. They can change shape
between the following forms: Bat, rat, wolf, cloud of mist or their
"natural" human shape. It takes one full Pulse for the transformation to
occur. A vampire must implement only a Pass Action during a Pulse in
which he attempts to change shape. Vampires are hypnotically attractive
to members of their own species (including other races). They possess
most of the characteristics that they did during their life except that their
Physical Strength and Willpower: are both increased by 50% (round
up). They gain the ability to summon control and communicate with all
Vampires suffer D-5 damage from the touch of consecrated objects, but
will become infuriated by their touch so that they attack the wielder of
such objects instead of fleeing their presence.
Movement Rates: Running while in human form: 300. The
Movement Rates for other forms (bat, rat and wolf) are as per the
creatures of the same name.
PS: 15-30
MD: 15-25
AG: 15-25
MA: 15-25
EN: 15-25
FT: 20-30
WP: 25-30
PC: 20-30
PB: 12-25
TMR: 6
NA: None
Weapons: Vampires are treated in all ways as human beings for
purposes of combat except that they cannot be harmed by normal
weapons. They have no special weapons except their ability to drink
blood as described above. This ability may not be used against
characters wearing armor other than cloth, leather or wicker unless the
victim is first hypnotized and opens his armor so that the vampire can
reach his neck.
Comments: Vampires are not harmed by weapons other than silvered
weapons. They may be harmed (but not destroyed) by magic.
A humanoid character bitten by a vampire becomes a vampire under the
control of the vampire that bit him if that vampire has any remaining
capacity to control his victims. Otherwise, he becomes a vampire under
no one's control. A vampire may control a number of his victims who
have become vampires equal to half his Willpower (rounded down). A
vampire's control over his undead victims is not total and the victim has
a 10% Base Chance of successfully disobeying any order of the
controlling vampire which would lead to his injury or destruction or
which would prevent him from feeding. This Base Chance is increased
Natural Habitat: Fields, Crypts, Graveyards, Ruins, Caverns
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-10(1)
Description: A wraith is much like a wight in that he appears human
and tends to wax and wane insubstantial. However, a wraith dissipates
entirely in full sunlight and may never reform. Consequently, wraiths
stay in dark areas where the sun does not penetrate and only come out at
night. The natural pallor of a wraith is replaced by a silvery aura in
bright moonlight when its power is at its height.
Dragons are the most ferocious creatures in the DragonQuest
worlds. They have a long, thin, tapering body (about 25 feet for mature
males). They are generally reptilian in form, with sharp claws, a pointed
tail, leathery wings, large fangs, a long neck, and spiked ridges along
their backs. Their eyes glow with a shine of intelligence inherent in no
ordinary reptile, however. Dragons are seven-hex monsters.
Dragons have heavy scales all over their bodies, with the exception
of their undersides which are generally softer. As some dragons age,
however, they accumulate and sleep on a hoard of gem stones that will
become embedded in them, making them as nearly invulnerable from
below as from above. A dragon's Armor Protection Rating will be
between 10 and 12 from the top, and will be between 2 and 15 on the
bottom, depending on the level of encrustation. There is a 50% chance
that a dragon will have one vulnerable spot along the underside,
regardless of encrustation. If a character knows the location of a weak
spot, he has a 20% chance of hitting it on any successful Strike Check.
The Armor Protection Rating at this spot will be 1 or 2.
All dragons are highly intelligent. Most dragons will be able to
speak 1-5 human tongues at Rank 10, and 10-15 other human and
humanoid languages at Rank 6-8. The least intelligent of dragons will
be as bright as the average human, and most will be ultra-intelligent by
human standards.
With the exception of golden dragons, dragons are highly
malicious, loving to cause as much pain and destruction as they can.
They enjoy playing with humans, manipulating and outwitting them.
Their intelligence, however, gives them a sense of caution, and a dragon
will not hesitate to fly away from or attempt to verbally conciliate a
more powerful opponent. In times of rage, however, they sometimes
become reckless, and it is at these times that they are the most
Most dragons are greedy, and as they age they will accumulate a
tremendous hoard within their lair. Their treasure will usually be
composed of gold, gems, and other items on which the dragon will
make its bed. All dragons except the Black Dragon can occasionally be
persuaded to reveal information or perform a service for a character if
enough wealth is offered. All save the Golden Dragon will attempt
merely to steal the treasure offered, if possible, unless it is well guarded
or the character protects himself well in some other way, for dragons
hate servitude. By the time a dragon reaches maturity, the wealth
accumulated even in their hides will be worth a huge fortune.
Dragons love puzzles and word games and anything else that
challenges their intellect. They love riddles and trick questions. They
also enjoy flattery, although they will see through it almost all the time.
Nevertheless, they will be better disposed toward a flatterer than to one
who is insolent. In general, dragons are very hot-tempered and quick to
respond to insult.
Dragons have incredibly acute senses of hearing, smell and sight.
They can see perfectly in the dark, and they have a 90% chance per
Pulse of detecting physically hidden characters. They have a 75%
chance per Pulse of detecting the presence of invisible or otherwise
magically hidden creatures. They will not know the exact location of
invisible creatures, although they will be able to guess well enough to
hit the character with their breath weapon (if they have one and want to
use it).
Dragons of all types generally prefer to live in caves, narrow at
their open ends, but gradually widening into long, deep caverns. The
mouth of the cavern will usually just be large enough for the dragon to
pass with folded wings, while the main cavern will be spacious enough
for the dragon to turn easily. A dragon's lair will usually contain a
number of wards to snare the unwary before they can approach the
dragon. Dragons have a fierce territorial imperative, attacking any
creature that intrudes upon the area surrounding their !air, be it human,
another dragon, or some other powerful creature.
The area around a dragon's lair will often be a wasteland,
devastated by the creature. Dragon lairs themselves will reek horribly,
with solid rock floors melted and scarred by the creature's acidic
excretions. The air surrounding a dragon is noxious; a dragon's breath is
foul, and its aroma sickening. Because of their smell, all creatures fight
with 5 taken off their Base Chance to hit the dragon. Golden Dragons
are the exception to the above, with pleasant-smelling lairs surrounded
by normal countryside.
Dragons can fly according to the speed for their respective types,
or they can crawl, although comparatively slowly. They can also hover
motionless in the air, their wings beating furiously, creating blasts of
wind beneath them.
Dragons are usually encountered alone, although rarely (10%) a
lair will be occupied by a female with D-6 young dragons (40%) or D-2
eggs (60/0).
Dragons' blood is highly corrosive; any time a weapon penetrates a
dragon's armor and does damage to the creature itself there is a 30%
chance that any weapon will be rendered useless, -10% per magical
Rank inherent in the weapon. In addition there is a 30% chance that
some of the blood will splatter onto the wielder of the weapon if the
weapon was used in Melee or Close Combat, doing D + 2 damage.
Armor will absorb this type of damage, but reduce the Armor's
Protection Rating by 1 each time it is hit by the blood.
A dragon's gaze is transfixing, and any creature that looks into a
dragon's eyes must roll 3 x Willpower or less on DI00 or remain
paralyzed until the dragon removes his gaze.
All dragons are able to induce fear at will in those confronting
them. Characters must roll 3 x Willpower or less on D100 or run away
in panic, dropping weapons and packs in headlong flight. Once a
character has successfully resisted panic, he will never have to check
again for the duration of the encounter.
There is an 80% chance that any dragon encountered in its lair will
be sleeping, but dragons are very easily awakened. If any character is
wearing metallic armor or makes a noise exceeding a whisper they will
awaken instantly. Even if a party is completely silent, there is a 50%
chance that their scent will be enough to awaken the dragon.
Dragons can occasionally be coerced into service if they see that
there is otherwise a good chance that they will be killed. They will
never submit gladly, however, and will try to rebel and kill their 'master'
at the earliest safe opportunity..
All dragons know the generic true name of everything, pro-fiting
from such knowledge in the ways described in the Namer College.
Powerful dragons also make it a point to learn the true names of the
most important individuals around them in case they should be needed
at some future date.
All dragons are spell casters to a greater or lesser extent, most
specializing in the College of Sorceries of the Mind. Most dragons are
awesome magicians, knowing all spells rituals, or talents within their
College at Ranks of 10 or higher, not to mention the many talents
inherent to their species. All dragon magic functions exactly as the
human magic of the same name. For range purposes, all spells are
assumed to emanate from the dragon's head. Dragons can teach their
spells to humans, but they will only do so for vast amounts of treasure
or in exchange for some highly valuable bit of knowledge. Dragons can
use their magic while flying or hovering, but not while participating in
physical combat. All dragons know all special knowledge and general
knowledge counterspells for all colleges at Rank 15, unless noted
If a dragon is slain, it can cast a death curse on its treasure. The
curse can be more specific at the GM's option, but in general the curse
will be one of bad luck, the effect of which is to influence any roll on
DI00 involving the character(s) adversely by 5. The curse can only be
removed through magic as described in Adventure (IX).
The most deadly physical weapon of most dragons is their ability
to breathe fire. The breath will emerge as a cone stretching from the
dragon's mouth, with the length and the base of the cone varying with
the type of dragon. On the tactical display the cone of fire is considered
to be present until the dragon's next action (or Pass) after breathing,
with all creatures entering the cone taking damage as if breathed upon.
To breathe fire while on the Tactical Display a dragon must execute a
Fire action. Damage from a dragon's fire depends on the type of dragon,
but all dragon's fire will ignite anything flammable within the cone.
Non-magical weapons or armor have a 10% chance of being rendered
useless if caught by dragon's fire. In any case damage caused by a
dragon's flame cannot be absorbed by armor.
Dragons can create windstorms with their wings (by executing a
Pass action) if they are in an area large enough for their wings to reach
their full span (30 feet). Any creature in front of a dragon creating a
windstorm and within 25 feet of the dragon itself must roll 2xPhysical
Strength or less on DI00 or be blown D100-10 feet. Subtract 20 from
both rolls if the creature rolling is wearing metal armor. All creatures
will fall prone after being blown, and any creature which is blown a
distance of 10 or more feet will take D-4 damage, only half of which
(round down) can be absorbed by armor.
In Melee Combat a dragon can attack in any or all of three ways
per Pulse without penalty. In any of the hexes of its Strike Zone it can
attack with two claws and a bite, and it can attack any creature in a rear
hex (a hex from which a creature attacking the dragon would get the
rear bonus) with its massive tail. If a character is hit by a dragon's tail,
the character's player must roll 3xPhysical Strength or less on DI00 or
be knocked to the ground, in addition to any damage received.
All characteristics given above as well as those for specific
dragons are for mature dragons. Young dragons will have half the Rank
of mature Dragons in any spells, talents, and rituals. They will breathe
with a cone of half the width, depth, and damage of fully grown
dragons, and cannot produce windstorms. In combat, subtract 15 from
all Base Chances and 4 from the damage of immature dragons. Very old
dragons will have the same spell capacity as mature dragons, but their
cone of flame will be 20 feet longer and 10 feet wider and will do 2
additional points of damage. The windstorm from a very old dragon will
do 2 additional points of damage, and all characters add 20 to their DI00
rolls to see if they blow away. In combat, very old dragons add 15 to
their Base Chance and 4 points to all damage rolls.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Black dragons have reflective scales of a solid black
Talents, Skills, and Magic: General abilities for all dragons, as
noted above. A black dragon can also use all the talents, spell and
rituals of the College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments or illusions at
Rank 20. A black dragon's breath cone is 40 feet in length and 20 feet in
width at the base, and does D + 15. A black dragon can breathe fire D-6
times per day, or a minimum of 1 time. A black dragon uses all
counterspells at Rank 20.
Movement Rates: Flying: 850; Running: 300
PS: 220-2A0
MD: 20-22
AG: 20-22
MA: 30-35
EN: 70-80
FT: 100-120 WP: 30-34
PC: 28-32
PB: 2-4
TMR: 17/6
NA: Top scales absorb 10 DP
Weapons: The Base Chance for a black dragon's bite is 50%, with
damage + 12. The two claws have a Base Chance of 40%, with + 10
damage, while the tail's Base Chance is 50%, with + 6 damage.
Comments: Black dragons are questers for knowledge, and they will
occasionally release those in their grasp if they can give them rare or
valuable bits of knowledge.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Blue dragons are sky blue, making them difficult to spot
against a clear sky.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: General abilities for all dragons as noted
above. A blue dragon can also use all talents, rituals, spells, etc., both
general and special of the College of Illusions or of the Mind at Rank
18. A blue dragon cannot breathe fire.
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 250
PS: 230-250
MD: 16-18
AG: 15-17
MA: 30-35
EN: 75-85
FT: 100-120 WP: 30-34
PC: 28-32
PB: 2-4
TMR: 14/5
NA: Top scales absorb 11 DP
Weapons: The Base Chance for a blue dragon's bite is 50%, with
damage + 10. The two claws have a Base Chance of 45%, with + 8
damage, while the tail's Base Chance is 55%, with + 6 damage.
Comments: Blue dragons are more cunning than some of their
brethren and if they capture a character they will often let him live in
exchange for service in the outside world. Rumors, contact with others,
transport of goods, etc., will be expected of any released, and if they
attempt to evade service, the dragon's wrath will be great.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Golden dragons are bright gold in color, shining from a
distance in a dazzling display. For one unfamiliar with dragons,
however, there is a 50% chance that a golden dragon will be mistaken
for a yellow dragon. Note that golden dragons do not have the stench of
other dragons.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: General abilities for all dragons as noted
above. In addition golden dragons can use all talents of the College of
the Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 18, and can use all rituals
or spells, both special and general at Rank 20. Golden dragons cannot
breathe fire. Knowledge of all counterspells is at Rank 20.
Movement Rates: Flying: 850; Running: 300
PS: 300-320
MD: 20-24
AG: 18-20
MA: 32-37
EN: 90-100
FT: 140-160 WP: 32-37
PC: 30-35
PB: 5-7
TMR: 17/6
NA: Top scales absorb 12 DP.
Weapons: The Base Chance for a golden dragon's bite is 65%, with
damage + 11. The two claws have a Base Chance of 50%, with damage
+ 7, while the tail has a Base Chance of 70%, with + 4 damage.
Comments: Golden dragons are the only dragons that can be
described as just. They will not attack unless provoked, and can be
bargained with more readily than other dragons. They generally despise
evil dragons, and will frequently attack them.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Very rare
Number: 1
Description: Green dragons have outer scales the color of dark pine
Talents, Skills, and Magic: General abilities for all dragons, as
noted above. Green dragons can also use all spells, talents, rituals, etc.,
of the College of the Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 12. The
cone of fire of their breath is 60 feet long and 30 feet wide, and does D
+ 12 to all within the cone. They can breathe fire DI0 times on any
given day.
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 250
PS: 300-350
MD: 19-21
AG: 17-19
MA: 22-25
EN: 85-95
FT: 120-150 WP: 27-33
PC: 27-30
PB: 2-4
TMR: 14/5
NA: Top scales absorb 12 DP
Weapons: The Base Chance for a green dragon's bite is 60%, and
damage is + 12. The two claws have a Base Chance of 50%, with + 6
damage, while the tail's Base Chance is 70%, with damage + 4.
Comments: Green dragons are quite evil, although they are curious
and will question captives thoroughly before disposing of them. After a
green dragon dies, for the next hour or so a sip of its blood will allow
permanent comprehension and ability to speak with any normal animal
or avian without damage to the drinker.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Red dragons are fiery colored dragons, with flecks of
gold along their scales.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: General abilities for dragons, as noted
above. They can also use all spells, talents, and rituals, both general and
special, of the College of the Mind at Rank 17. The cone of fire of a red
dragon is 80 feet long and 40 feet wide at the base, and does D + 15 to
any creature in the cone. The breath weapon can be used D + 3 times in
any given day.
Movement Rates: Flying: 750;Running: 250
PS: 250-300
MD: 18-20
AG: 16-18
MA: 25-30
EN: 80-90
FT: 110-140
WP: 30-35
PC: 28-30
PB: 2-4
TMR: 15/5
NA: Top scales absorb 12 DP
Weapons: A red dragon's bite's Base Chance is 70%, and damage is +
10. The two claws have a Base Chance of 50%, with +4 damage, while
the tail's Base Chance is 60%, with damage + 2.
Comments: Red dragons will play games with those they encounter
until they tire of their pitiful struggles and then slowly kill them and
take all their treasure. If a character somehow impresses a red dragon,
there is a 40% chance he will be left alive.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Common
Number: Not applicable
Description: Donkeys are basically equine in form. They are usually
grey with a darker stripe down the center of their backs. They have very
large ears and reach about four feet at the shoulders.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: No special talents, magic, or other
abilities. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 500
PS: 40-45
MD: None
AG: 16-19
MA: None
EN: 18-22
FT: 33-38
WP: 10-12
PC: 19-21
PB: 9-11
TMR: 10
NA: Hideabsorbs3DP
Weapons: Kick: BC =40%, + 3 damage.
Bite: BC = 25%, -3 damage.
Comments: Donkeys are common draft animals. They do not need
good food, and will serve well unless mistreated. They can carry
burdens of up to 250 pounds with great endurance.
Natural Habitat: Caverns
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1
Description: Yellow dragons have yellowish scales. Note that when
seen from distances of 100 feet or more there is a 50% chance that this
dragon will be mistaken for a golden dragon, and vice-versa.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: General abilities for all dragons, as
noted above. Yellow dragons also use all spells, talents, rituals, etc., of
the College of the Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 15. Their
breath's cone of flame is 60 feet long and 30 feet wide and does D + 12.
They can breathe fire DI0+ 1 times on any given day. Yellow dragons
use all counterspells at Rank 12.
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 300
PS: 280-320
MD: 20-22
AG: 18-20
MA: 24-27
EN: 80-90
FT: 110-140 WP: 26-32
PC: 27-30
PB: 2-4
TMR: 14/6
NA: Top scales absorb 11
Weapons: The Base Chance for a yellow dragon's bite is 60%, with
damage + 10. The two claws have a Base Chance of 45%, with + 5
damage, while the tail's Base Chance is 65%, with + 3 damage.
Comments: Yellow dragons have a particular fondness for gold over
gems and other items of value.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Common
Natural Habitat: Plains
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-50 (30)
Description: Mustangs are wild horses. They are smaller than most
domestic animals, usually about four and a half feet at the shoulder.
Colors vary, but most mustangs have very long manes and tails.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Mustangs possess no special talents,
skills, or magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 600
PS: 40-50
MD: None
AG: 18-21
MA: None
EN: 18-23
FT: 36-42
WP: 11-13
PC: 20-22
PB: 9-11
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Kick: BC = 45%, + 4 damage.
Bite: BC = 25%, D damage.
Comments: Mustangs are generally afraid of men and will run away
if they sense man's presence. They can be tamed if captured, however,
and used either as riding horses or beasts of burden. They can carry
loads of up to 400 pounds.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Common
Number: Not applicable
Description: Palfreys are fine-featured riding horses. They grow to a
little more than five feet at the shoulders, and weigh about 1100 pounds.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Palfreys possess no special talents,
skills, or magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 650
PS: 38-43
MD: None
AG: 16-1'9
MA: None
EN: 18-21
FT: 30-35
WP: 8-10
PC: 16-18
PB: 11-13
TMR: 13
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Kick: BC = 40%,+ 3 damage.
Bite: BC = 20%, -2 damage.
Comments: These horses were bred for gentleness and appearance.
They were developed to be riding horses, and are highly responsive to
their riders. They can carry up to 350 pounds, but, like the quarterhorse,
they are not usually used to carry burdens.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Common
Number: Not applicable
Description: Ponies are small horses less than five feet high. Most are
between three and four feet high at the shoulder.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Common
Number: Not applicable
Description: These horses grow to five feet at the shoulders, and
weigh about half a ton.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: Quarterhorses possess no special talents,
skills, or magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 600
PS: 40-45
MD: None AG: 17-20
MA: None
EN: 18-23
FT: 35-40 WP: 9-10
PC: 17-19
PB: 10-12
TMR: 12
NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Kick: BC = 45%, + 5 damage.
Bite: BC = 20%, -1 damage.
Comments: Quarterhorses are very useful as riding animals. They can
climb steep banks and ford water. They are extremely responsive to
their rider if well trained and are able to stop or turn very quickly,
suiting them for such tasks as rounding up herds. They do not have
great endurance, however, and they can only maintain their maximum
speed for periods of a few miles. They can carry loads of up to 350
pounds, but they are not intended to be beasts of burden, and so their
spirit will be quickly broken if they are used as such. If a quarterhorse's
spirit is broken, its speed will be decreased by 30%.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Infrequent
Number: Not applicable
Description: War-horses are heavily built, thickly muscled and limber
animals, bred to carry large burdens for extended periods. They are
often five and a half feet at the shoulder, and can weigh more than a ton.
Talents, Skills, and Magic: War-horses are specially trained for
combat. They panic less frequently than other horses when faced with
fire, sudden movements, or loud noises. A rider can also control a warhorse's actions in combat, making the horse kick, bite, or attempt to
trample an adversary. See the rules on Horsemanship. Other horses can
be used in combat, but they cannot be used to attack.
Movement Rates: Running: 500
PS: 55-60
MD: None
AG: 16-19
MA: None
EN: 25-30
FT: 50-60
WP: 9-11
PC: 16-18
PB: 9-11
TMR: 10
NA: Hideabsorbs3DP
Weapons: In addition to the kick (Base Chance of 45%, + 7 damage)
and bite (Base Chance of 25%, + 2 damage) of normal horses, when in
Close Combat a war-horse can also attempt to trample an adversary
(Base Chance of 25o/0, + 8 damage). War-horses will willingly enter
Close Combat if their rider directs them to do so.
Comments: These are the most intelligent and (if properly treated) the
most loyal of the horses. They are responsive to a rider, but can also be
used to carry heavy burdens (up to 500 pounds). Using a war-horse as a
draft horse will generally lower the quality of his training for combat,
An adventure occurs whenever one or more
players, in conjunction with the gamesmaster,
play their characters. The adventure is the heart
of the fantasy role-playing game, because it is the
medium through which the gamesmaster tells a
story. When he reaches an interlude or decision
point, the players use the game mechanics to
have their characters influence the outcome of the
The most common scenario used by
gamesmasters in fantasy role-playing games is
that of the descent into a series of labyrinthine
catacombs, or "dungeons." Of course, conceptually most dungeons make no sense (for a variety
of reasons, the most blatant being the space given
for creatures to live in), but it is the simplest and
least time-consuming type of adventure to design.
The gamesmaster should break in his regular
players on such a scenario.
Before an adventure is begun, the
gamesmaster must invest some of his time in
readying his scenario. This requires the
generation of some (if not all) of the non-player
characters and monsters the player characters
may meet, fleshing out the part of the world in
which the adventure will occur and composing
the preliminary information to be given to the
player characters. A fully prepared gamesmaster will organize this data as described
Each player is responsible for informing
the GM of any actions his character takes
between his last adventure and the upcoming
one. This includes necessary functions, such as
the expenditure of Silver Pennies on upkeep
(see 85.3). Each player is also responsible for
4 oz
Conversion 4/1sp
1 oz 1 oz
12/lgs 21/ltg
2 oz
Eat Hot Meal
Fatigue Points/hour
The three spells and rituals described in this
section are used by Adepts for vengeance upon
adventuring beings. Usually, magic is intended to
cause an immediate effect; the consequences of
these abilities will, however, dog the unfortunate
adventurer for great lengths of time. The cost to use
these powerful magics is high: the caster must
either make personal sacrifices, or spend a great
deal of time to implement one spell or ritual.
[84.1] All spoils and rituals given in a
listing in this section can be used by
Adepts of any college.
Except where noted in the effects part of a
description, an Adept casts the spells and rituals
herein via the usual procedures for magic (see VI).
[84.2] A geas is a compulsion laid upon a
+ 10
+ 15
[85.1] The rate at which Endurance Points
are recovered depends on how active the
injured being is.
If a being expends and/or loses no more than
one-half his Fatigue Points (round down) for three
consecutive days, he regains one Endurance Point
at the end of the third day. Otherwise, he recovers
an Endurance Point at the end of the following (i.e.,
fourth) day.
If a being is given ministrations from a
physicker's kit, his body requires one less day to
regain an Endurance Point.
[85.2] Injuries which are not
quantified as Endurance Point
losses (e.g., hamstrung muscles)
heal at the same rate as they do in
this world.
The GM should assume that an Endurance
value of 15 indicates a body which heals in average
time. Values greater than 15 will allow a being to
heal more quickly, while values lower than 15 will
cause a corresponding extension to the time
[85.3] A character must spend
money between adventures on his upkeep.
A player chooses a life-style for his character
by the amount of money he has the character spend
on upkeep.
20 sp
45 sp
65 sp
100 sp
150 sp and up
First Point
All others
See 87.2
Whenever a character wishes to achieve the next Rank with a Talent,
Spell, or Ritual, multiply that Rank by the Experience Point Multiple of
that Talent, Spell, or Ritual. The result is the number of Experience
Points to be expended. This total may be modified if the ability to be
raised is a General Knowledge Spell or Ritual and the Adept's MA is
greater than 15. In that case, for every point above 15, the total EP cost
is reduced by 5%; e.g., achieving Rank 3 with a spell whose
Experience Point Multiple is 300 by an Adept with an MA of 19 costs
(300 X 3)=900; (900 X 80%)=720 Experience Points. See 87.4.
Spells and rituals described in Consequence (rule 84): See Magic portion of this chart.
Rank >
0 500
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Horsemanship 0 125
1000 1125
See 87.6
Hand & a Half
2-handed sword
Hafted Weapons:
Axe, Hand
Axe, Battle/Giant
Axe, Great
Club, Crude
Club, Giant/War
Mace/Giant Mace
War Hammer
War Pick
COMBAT (continued)
Pole Arms:
Spear/Giant Spear
Glaive/Giant Glaive
Missle Weapons:
Short Bow
Long Bow/Giant Bow
Composite Bow
Heavy Crossbow
Spear Thrower
Thrown Weapons:
Throwing Dart
Entangling Weapons:
Special Weapons:
Unarmed Combat:
Military Scientst
Speak Language
Beast MasterC
When a character desires to rise in Rank he consults the line appropriate to the skill he has practiced. He then cross-indexes this
row with the column for the Rank one above his current Rank. The
result is the number of Expereince Points, gained through practice
of the particular skill needed to rise from the previous Rank to that
Rank. This total may be modified by the character's race (see 6) and
his condition when he attempts an increase in Rank (see 48).
A. If the charaacter is more proficient at speaking a language than
reading & writing in that same language, then the cost to rise in
Rank for reading & writing is halved, until the Ranks are equal.
The reverse is also true. See 49.2
The number before the slash indicates movement in miles per day on foot; the number
following the slash indicates mounted movement (assuming horses). Rates for other
animal types must be adjusted by the GM. The day assumes a total of 8 hours
marching. Effects of adverse weather must be adjudicated by the GM. Any paths or
roads negate the effect of other terrain, and the Plain movement rates are used. (-):
Movement type impossible at this exercise rate.
5/15 /15
-/15 / 15
10 / 5
10 / 5
10 / 25 / 25
25 / 25
15 / 10
15 / 10
15 / 30 / 40*
10 / 10*
30 / 40*
20 / 15*
20 / 10*
20 / 35 / 50*
15 / 15*
40 / 50*
25 / -/-
3. If terrain is desert, the GM should apply strictures regarding the effects of heat,
dehydration, etc.
10 / 5
15 / 10
20 / 15*
25 / -
1. Movement rates assume some sort of passable terrain; total swamp is impassable
except (sometimes) by canoes.
2. If terrain is mountainous, halve rates on foot and prohibit mounted movement.
* In these exercise rate categories, horses' maximum rates will deteriorate 33% per day.
They can travel at these rates for approximately 4 consecutive days and then they
will die.