Dungeons The Dragoning 1.6 - Bookmarked Final

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The document provides an overview of a roleplaying game called Dungeons the Dragoning that draws inspiration from various other roleplaying games and puts emphasis on aggressive gameplay.

The setting draws inspiration from science fiction and fantasy, taking place in a universe called the Great Wheel with various planets, spheres, and factions at war including forces of law and chaos.

The game uses a roll and keep system for tests and has no THAC0. Character creation involves assigning points to characteristics, skills, backgrounds, and other attributes. Stats like hit points and defense are calculated from these values.



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Version 1.6z
Updates on the WWW Blog:
This is intended as a work of parody and should not be mistaken for a real roleplaying
game. Its a monster made from the corpses of a dozen roleplaying games, animated by
a vital spark that knows only darkness and terror.
That said, everything in here is copyright LawfulNice. If its original. If its shamelessly
stolen, then I take no credit. All credit goes to original source, etc.
Anyway, have fun, and dont take roleplaying too seriously!
Special Thanks:
Gary Gygax - Your rapidly-spinning corpse is providing megawatts of clean electrical
power, helping us create a greener, better future!
Everybody in #dtdchat and who gave comments on the blog - it helped me find things
Id otherwise miss.
Jane, James, Tony, Ai, and Michael


Chapter 1: Introduction
What is a Roleplaying Game
The Roll and Keep System
Raises and Checks


Chapter 2: Character Creation

Creating a Hero
Experience Point Costs
Character Creation Example


Chapter 3: Characteristics and...


Chapter 4: Races
Racial Traits
Dark Eldarin

Chapter 5: Exaltation
Exalted Powers
The Tell
Mortal Heroes

Chapter 6: Classes
The Leveling Procedure

Chapter 7: Feats, Assets, and ...

Feat List
Feat Descriptions
Racial Feats

Chapter 8: Magic
Casting Spells
Psychic Phenomena








Perils of the Warp

Spell Combos
List of Spells

Chapter 9: Sword Schools


Special Attacks
Sword Schools


Chapter 10: Backgrounds

Chapter 11: Alignment




Chapter 12: Equipment




Chapter 13: Artifacts

Magical Weapons and Armor

Chapter 14: Playing the Game

Hero Points
The Attack
Combat Situation
Social Combat
Fear and Insanity

Chapter 15: Setting

History of the Wheel
The Great Wheel
Notable Crystal Spheres




Chapter 16: The Story Master


Game Styles
Running the Game


Chapter 17: Antagonists

Dramatis Personae

Example of Play
Guidelines and Glossary





If you cry when you lose a character,

get lost - you're going to cry. If it hurts your
fragile sensibilities to see your favorite character get pounded unmercifully by horrorterrors
from beyond the Crystal Spheres, you'd better
look the other way. If you've ever whined the
words "That's too powerful," then put the
book down slowly and walk away before making eye contact with anyone or they'll realize
your voice hasn't changed yet.
This game is about aggression. This
is the game of Immortal on Immortal combat.
This is magic power hopped up on steroids.
This is DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING the roleplaying game that kicks so much ass
it's accidentally branded every donkey from
here to the Shire.
We didn't set out to reinvent the
wheel with this game - we just covered it in
skulls and eagles, threw it into space, and used
it to slay a Void Dragon.
is simple. It's easy to learn. It has no THAC0,
no heavy arithmatic, and doesn't require constant trips to the rule book. At the same time,
the options it gives you give it great depth. The
ability to unlock combinations of abilities and
spells and skills is practically limitlesss. For
every perfect strategy, there is a foil. For every
immovable object, there is an unstoppable
force. Just when you think you've got it all
worked out, you'll be blindsided by something
you never saw before. The more you dig, the
more you'll find.

game! You've got to charge your opponent and

hang it all out there! You've got to break his
formations. You've got to be relentless. Show
them what a really pissed off immortal hero
can do. Anything less, and you'll be hamburger.
You're playing with power now. Don't
be afraid - Few things are more satisfying than
tearing apart an entire army with an Aasimar
in powered armor, or slaying a dragon with
death-defying acrobatics and sword skills. Try
chaining together the special abilities of a few
Swordsman Schools, or abusing Porte for fun
and profit. It's almost more fun than you
should be allowed to have with a roleplaying
The rules in this book deliver on every
level. Your character will radiate power like
none other. We're pouring so much badass
into this book that if you bump it too hard, Vin
Diesel will fall out of solution.
This is a new era in tabletop roleplaying games. This is a game made for you, by
people like you. It's not a load of sterilized
mass market drek designed by a room full of
corporate meatplows. This is raw. This is brutal. This is DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING.
So play like you've got a pair or put
down the dice and go find a My Little Pony


favors the aggressor. You've got to fire the first
shot if you want to land on top! Too many
games set players up to be timid, afraid of a
little insanity or resting every few minutes to
rest in a secret tent. Players are afraid to go all
out and use their big powers just in case they
need it later.
Not in DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING! If you wait for your opponent to
come to you, you're going to get purged and
cleansed. You've got to have balls to play this

For ten thousand years, the Lady of Pain has silently ruled
the city of Sigil, master of the hub of the Portal network
despite the petty wars of the gods. The city of Sigil is the
largest metropolis in the Astral Sea, untold millions
making sacrifices to sustain it and ensure the continued
survival of their people in the face of a hostile multiverse.
From hundreds of Crystal Spheres, teeming with the Clueless and monsters, refugees and oppressors alike come to
find their place in a larger galaxy, to find treasure fame
and fortune amongst the planes. Beset on all sides by foes
of such malice it would sear a man's soul to know but a
fraction of their blasphemies, only the strongest and most
ruthless survive. Foes from within and without seek to
overthrow the Lady's rule, throwing themselves on the
Throne of Blades in vain efforts to destroy in a moment
the eons of her rule. The Great Devourer comes from the Far
Realm beyond the Astral Sea, driven to consume all before
it and Ork savages surge from their barbaric empires to
pillage and slaughter. The vengeful Eldarin cite prophetic
visions as they raid and destroy even their own cousins,
and an ancient evil arises from tombs sealed at the dawn
of creation.
In the grim darkness of the great wheel, there is only war.

elcome, friends. You hold in your

hands a roleplaying game, one that asks you a
very important question. Is a man not entitled
to the grandest of adventure? 'No!' says the
man with the neckbeard, 'it would be unbalanced.' 'No!' says the man in the high heels, 'it
wouldn't be deep enough.' 'No!' says the man
on the internet 'the new edition ruins everything forever.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the
impossible. I chose... DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING, a game where the fighter
would not fear the wizard, where the cleric
would not be nerfed, where the great would
not be constrained by the small! And with the
roll of your dice, DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING can be your game as well.

Right about now you might be wondering just what a roleplaying game is, and
what you need to jump into the action. Well,
it's part creative workshop, part improvised
theatre, and part game of wits. There is no


board or play pieces (though sometimes you

might use a play mat to better illustrate complex areas in the game world). Most of the
time, the action takes place in your mind,
which is why a Roleplaying Game is so special.
You aren't limited to the spaces on a board you can go anywhere and do anything you can
think of.
This book will show you everything
you need to know to build a Hero, so you can
take on his role at the center stage of a dramatic story. You are always in control of your
character - what they say, what they do, how
they look, those are all things that are ultimately up to you.
Before you begin, you and your roleplaying group have to make a very important
decision: who is going to be the Story Master?
The Story Master (referred to as the SM) is
the referee and the lead storyteller, the person
in charge of running the game. The SM does
not play as others do. Instead, he presents the
stories and situations, describes the wonders
and perils of the Great Wheel, plays other
characters and adjucates the rules. The SM is
the most important member of your group, so
choose wisely. The SM ought to be fairminded, well spoken and imaginative.



D:TD uses ten-sided dice. Whenever
the Story Master tells the player to make a
Test, the player rolls a number of dice, throws
them, and counts up the results. You almost
always want to roll high, so rolling more dice
is good.
There are two kinds of dice you'll
need to keep track of: Rolled and Kept. To
make a Test, you roll a number of dice and
then keep only some of them. For example, a
Test might ask you to roll five dice and keep
three. You'd roll a total of five dice and keep
the highest three, adding them together. The
two lowest dice would be discarded. The
shorthand for this is XkY. For Roll five, Keep
three, it would be 5k3.
Whenever you roll a 10 on a die, that
die explodes. You reroll the die and add it to
the result. For example, if you roll a 10, then
reroll it and get a 6, that single die rolled a 16.
If you roll consecutive 10s, continue rolling
until you get a result other than 10, then add
all the results together for the total. No matter
how mant times it explodes, it only counts as
one die for the purposes of number of die kept.
All Tests are made against a target
number. If the result is greater than that target
number, then the Test is successful. If not, the
action fails.


When you're ready to start playing
you'll need a few things:
*This Rulebook
*Three or more people to play the
*A quiet place to play
*Three or four hours of gaming time
*Some ten-sided dice.
*Pencils and an eraser
In the back of this book is a character
sheet which is ideal for use with this
system. You might want to make a few
copies of it, enough for everyone to
have one, though it's easy enough to
just write things down without one if
you don't have a spare sheet handy, so
it's not essential.

Raises and Checks

For most Tests, it's just enough to
know if you succeeded, but sometimes it's
good to know just how well you succeeded
or failed. This is particularly important with
social skills, such as Charm and Persuasion,
as well as certain combat situations, such as
firing a gun capable of automatic fire.
Measuring raises is straightforward.
After the roll is made, compare the total
against the Target Number of the Test. For
each 5 points by which the TN was exceeded, one raise is achieved. Conversely, for
each 5 points by which the Test failed, you
have a Check.
If a feat or ability would give you a
free raise to a Test, simply add +5 to the result of the roll for each free raise granted.


n DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING, you take the role of a hero, someone

who has been put at the reigns of destiny
thanks to the circumstances of their birth, the
patronage of dark gods, or simply dumb luck
and an ability to capitalize in it. You are one
in a million, with abilities and powers beyond
those most can even imagine. Perhaps you'll
seek out justice, or power, or just the cold
comfort of gold.
You and your Party, your fellow Heroes, will be faced with some of the greatest
challenges in the Great Wheel, quests and opponents that would crush lesser men and nations alike. There is no hero who is unwilling
or unable to use the power they wield - someone who shirks away from their desires and
their destiny is unworthy of being a Hero.
Despite all of your power and abilities, though, remember that it is not going to
be an easy task to achieve your destiny. At the
earliest stages, you will be little better than an
experienced warrior, scholar, or thief. You'll
need to use your wits, luck, and the skills of
your companions to survive. The longer the
last and the stronger you become, the greater
the foes you will be asked to face. There has
never been a hero who has known peace.


When you die, you will be remembered. Perhaps for great deeds, perhaps for
terrible ones, but there will be those who know
your name. Your struggle, your triumph, your
failure - these are the things that will become
the legends of the next age.

To get started on your quest, you
need to make your Hero, also known as your
character (or Player Character, or PC). Creating your Player Character is a simple process
that many people find fun in itself. As you go
through this chapter, you'll find the tools to
construct an interesting persona with a history,
attachment to the world, and beliefs. Be
aware, there may be many unfamiliar terms
ahead, but have no fear - everything will get
explained, if not here then in a later chapter as
you explore the rest of this rulebook.
Before you get started, you'll want to
gather some supplies - a character sheet, a
pencil, and an eraser. It's best to write everything in pencil to start with, as it's likely you'll
end up changing or scrapping things as you go
along. You may also like to have some spare
scraps of paper to take notes. It's also useful to
get together with the group you'll be playing
with when you make your character, so you


can make sure your Heros all complement one

There are a number of simple steps
you should follow whenever you are creating
a new Hero. Each step is relatively simple,
consisting of making a few choices and recording your selections onto your character sheet.
Each stage in the character creation process is
as follows.

Step Zero:
Character Concept
Before filling in even a single dot on
your character sheet, think of a concept. You
don't need to know every detail of your hero's
life right now, just a general feel for who they
are and their current place in the world. Decide on something you'll enjoy playing for the
long haul. As you progress through character
creation, you may alter this concept to suit
your needs or wants, but it's a good idea to
start somewhere instead of just picking things
at random. Your Story Master may restrict
some options, for example disallowing some
races or Exaltations, so make sure they approve your concept.

Step One:
Starting Scores
Now it's time to actually get some
dots down on that sheet. The first step in determining a character's primary numeric traits
is to prioritize their Characteristics. Characteristics are the natural abilities and raw 'stuff'
the character is made of. How strong is a character? How smart? How quick? Characteristics
take all these and more into account. All
DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING characters have nine Characteristics, which are divided into three categories: Physical (Strength,
Dexterity, Constitution), Social (Charisma,
Fellowship, Composure), and Mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, Willpower).
First the player must select which
group of Attributes is his character's strong
suit (primary). Then select the group at which
the character is average (secondary). Finally,
the remaining group is designated as the character's weak point (tertiary). Is your character


a gruff lone wolf, strong but silent? Is she a

flirty sorceress that's great with people but terrible at heavy lifting? This is the time to decide.
All DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING characters start with one dot in each of
the nine Characteristics. A character's priorities determine how many dots the player may
allocate to that cluster of Characteristics. A
player may put six dots in his primary group,
four dots to the secondary group, and two in
their tertiary group. You may not bring any
Characteristic to five in this step, though other
sources - like a racial bonus to a Characteristic
- can increase it later during character creation.
Next come skills. They are also divided into three groups, Mental, Physical, and
Social. Mental skills are modified by Mental
Characteristics and represent knowledge and
learning. Physical Skills represent inherent
skills and training. Social skills are, of course,
all about your ability to deal with people.
Like Characteristics, skills are also
prioritized during character creation. Select
primary, secondary, and tertiary groups here.
Note that they don't have to be the same as
your Characteristics - a character with a tertiary Physical Characteristics can have a primary Physical Skills, for example. All skills


start at zero dots. The primary group gets

eight dots to distribute, the secondary gets six,
and the tertiary gets four dots.
No skill can be raised above three
dots during this step - experts don't grow on
trees, not even among starting heroes. You can
naturally raise them later, of course.


As an alternative to the method presented here for determining starting skills and
characteristics, here is another option:
In step one, instead of distributing dots
among your skills and characteristics, your
characteristics start at 1 and you are given XP
to spend to improve your scores. You are not
given starting XP during step seven, but can reserve up to 10% of your starting XP to spend
on feats, assets, backgrounds, and so forth.
The amount of XP you get is determined by the GM. The mid power option
below will create characters on-par with characters created by the default method.
Low Power:
4800 XP
Mid Power:
5200 XP
High Power:
5600 XP

Step Two:
Choose your Race
Now you'll want to choose a race.
There are a number of different races in
one with a unique ability and bonuses to Characteristics and Skills. Any race can do well
with any Exaltation and Class, though some
are obviously better than others. Halflings, for
example, can make excellent fighters, but their
small size will naturally make them more fragile than a Dragonborn fighter.
Your character's race gives you plenty
of clues as to what sort of person they are, how
they feel about characters of other races, and
what kind of motivations they might have. Remember, however, that each character is more
than just a member of their race. A Hero is by
definition removed from the norm of their society, and so regardless of what their race may
be like, they can be and do anything.
A quick rundown of the Races:

Humans - Newcomers to the Great

Wheel's larger scene. Reckless, brave, and versatile.
Aasimar - Servants of the Blessed
Pantheon, created through their blessings.
Tieflings - Twisted mirrors of the
Aasimar created by the powers of Chaos.
Eldarin - Among the oldest of races,
wise wanderers with no homeland.
Dark Eldarin - Raiders and pirates
that live in a hidden city in the Warp.
Elves - Distant relatives of the Eldarin
that have grown close to nature.
Orks - Brutal warlike people who
wage war unending against all that they can.
Dragonborn - Proud and vain servants, the remnants of a lost Empire of Dragonkind.
Squats - Tough and stocky folk who
believe in tradition and drinking.
Halflings - Small people who have
gotten everywhere and take all your things.
Tau - Mysterious people from a tiny
Empire that is cut off from the rest of the
Gnomes - A race with a supernatural
ability to work with machines.

Step Three:
Choose your Exaltation
A hero can be many things. But one
thing a real Hero isn't is a mere man. Even the
newest hero has been touched by the supernatural. Like Races, there are a number of
choices. Any Race can develop any sort of Exaltation. Most Exaltations are better at one
type of role than another - Atlanteans are excellent mages, for example - but they don't restrict your choices.
Your Hero's exaltation says a lot
about him, as much or more than his race.
Each Exaltation has a special list of abilities
and powers that can improve over time. It's
worthwhile to spend some time reading over
them in their own chapter before deciding.
A quick rundown of the Exaltations:
Vampire - Cursed by the spilled blood
of Khaine, they feed upon the living.
Werewolf - Blessed or cursed by
Luna, Werewolves can change their shape and



walk the spirit world.

Atlantean - One of the Syrne, reincarnated in a new body with shadows of their old
Paragon - Simply the best and the
brightest of their race, demigods and kings.
Chosen - Those who have devoted
themselves fully to a god, or simply given
power at a whim.
Promethean - A created being, the
essence of a person in a body of iron.
Daemonhost - One of the poor souls
who have had their spirit torn out and a daemon take its place.

Step Four:
Starting Class
Where your Race and Exaltation are
who and what you are, your Class is what
you've learned to do. It's the skills and tricks
you've picked up, representing training as a
warrior, wizard, priest, and so on. Each Hero
begins play in a Class. Your choice of class is
very important - you can only use Experience
Points to purchase Advances that are on your
Class List.
Classes are gone into in more detail in
their own section, including taking multiple
classes, advancing to higher class Levels, and
just what classes really mean. Each class,
though, offers a host of abilities and powers for
your character. Most come in the form of
Feats, Magic, and Fighting Styles. Look over
things carefully before making a decision.

Step Five:
Backgrounds are just what they sound
like, a quantification of a character's backstory.
They can include the ties a character has with
an organization, people that they talk to or get
help from, pure fame, and so forth. Each character begins with seven dots to spend on backgrounds. No background may be raised above
three dots without spending Experience
Points, and Experience Points may only be
spent to improve Backgrounds during character creation.


The Backgrounds are:

Allies - People willing to help you.
Artifact - Your character has a magical item. A character may not begin play with
more than five dots worth of artifacts.
Backing - Being a ranking member in
an organization.
Contacts - Being able to find someone
to help you, at a price.
Fame - How well people know of you.
Followers - Loyal assistants who are
devoted to you.
Holdings - Owning large property like
a business or ship.
Inheritance - Having the epic loots.
Mentor - Unlike most, you actually
have someone who is guiding you on the
Hero's path.
Status - Other Heros have heard of
your deeds.
Wealth - Having liquid resources, and
your expected lifestyle.

Step Six:
Every character has an alignment to a
god. Maybe they're truly devoted to that god.
Maybe they just think he has some good ideas.
Whatever god your character chooses as his
alignment, that decides the moral code he lives
by, his Devotion. Your devotion starts at 6.
Things are more fully explained in the appropriate section, but here are the basics on each
Khorne - The blood god, he fights for
honor, glory, and the love of battle.
Slaanesh - A god of excess and personal enjoyment.
Tzeentch - The god of change and
hope, but mostly pretending you plan things.
Nurgle - The god of decay and despair. He loves his followers.
Malal - Self-destructive god of unfocused devastation.
Sigmar - Crusading god of protection
and smiting evil.
Bahamut - The god of nobility, the


Divine Right, and bravery.

Pelor - Mercy, kindness, helping others at your own expense. The god of healing.
Moradin - The patron of measured
creation and the forge.
Cuthbert - God of responsibility and
Acererak - The god of magic, secrets,
and lost knowledge.
The Raven Queen - Death god, who
makes sure things die at the right time.
Luna - Fickle god of shapeshifting
and independence.
Corellon - The excellent god of excellence and success.
Vectron - A totally real and not pretend god that exists!

Step Seven:
With your class chosen and most
basic information recorded, it's time to spend
your starting Experience Points (XP). All
characters begin play with 600 XP which they
may use to increase Characteristics, acquire or
improve skills, buy new Feats, and so on. The
table below describes how to spend your experience.
Improve a Characteristic 100 x Current Rank
Improve Devotion

50 x Current Rank

New Skill


Improve a Skill

50 x Current Rank

New Sword or Magic


Improve a Sword School 100 x Current Rank*

Improve a Magic School 100 x Current Rank*
Buy an Asset

100 **

Buy a Background

50 per dot **

Improve your Power Stat 200 x Current Rank*

Buy a Feat


* Your Power Stat, Magic Schools,

and Fighting Style ranks are all capped at your
current level.
** You can only buy Assets and new
Background dots at character creation. Background dots above 3 cost double.

Remember that you can only spend

XP on skills, talents, and characteristics from
your Class. Additionally, there are some feats
that you can only purchase during character
creation. Look in the feats section to take a
look at those.

Step Eight:
Of course, it's not like your character
is coming onto the scene naked and unarmed.
Even Dark Eldarin don't do that (often).
There are five basic starting packages of equipment. Choose one of the following packages,
helpfully codenamed with one of the five elements:
Hand Weapon, Autopistol OR Bow, Lasgun,
Knife, Flak Jacket OR Chain Coat, Uniform
OR Street Clothes, Rations.
Hand Weapon, Las Pistol, Knife, Quilted
Vest, Robes OR Bodyglove (Common quality
clothing), Implement OR Charm, book of Poetry OR deck of cards OR dice.
Heavy Wrench (club), Las Pistol, Knife, Flak
Vest, Combi-Tool, Data Slate, Torch, Bag of
Random fiddly bits, Robes or overalls (Good
Quality clothing).
Shotgun OR Autopistol OR Laspistol, Fencing Sword, Mesh Vest, Street Clothes (Common quality clothing), Chrono, flask of
Knife, Implement OR Magnoculars, Voidsuit,
Autogun OR Pulse Rifle, Charm, Sunglasses,
Classy outfit (Good quality clothing).
Descriptions for equipment and how
to get more (aside from the usual method of
stabbing things) is in the appropriately-named
equipment section.



Step Nine:
Finishing Touches
There are a few other spots to fill in
on your character sheet. Let's take care of
those really quickly before we move on.
How big you are. Four is average for
a human. Size also determines your Static Defense and Resilience.
Static Defense
Your characters normal Static Defense is equal to 10, plus 3 for every dot he has
in Wisdom and Dexterity. Bigger characters
are easier to hit, though, so you take twice
your Size as a penalty to your static defense.
Hit Points
How much damage you can take before you start going into critical damage. A
character's hit points are equal to double his
Willpower plus double his Constitution.
Mental Defense
A character's Mental Defense is determined by their Composure. A character's base
Mental Defense value is 5 + (5 x Composure).

Resolve is about how much it takes to
convince you of things. Resolve is calculated
by adding a character's Willpower and Composure together.
Strength + Dexterity - this is how
many meters you can move in a half action.
You move six times this distance with a run
Your resilience is the average of your
size and level (round up) plus one. Example:
A level 1 Human would have a resilience of 4,
and a level 5 Human would have a resilience
of 6. When you recieve damage, you divide the
damage by your Resilience to determine Hit
Point loss and Critical Damage.


Hero Points
Hero points are essentially plot armor.
You begin play with 2. Only special people
have Hero Points. They are used for a variety
of things, and are explored in more detail later.

So what you've got now, the dots and
numbers on your sheet, are the nuts and bolts
that define your character's capabilities. They
don't say much about your character's appearance, age, and other personal details that help
you and others visualize your Hero. The chapter on Races will go into detail about that,
since there's no single table that can help determine the appearance of both a noble Eldarin and a tough Ork.
Here are a few ideas to get you started
thinking about your character, some questions
to keep in mind when considering a backstory.
You might want to give the Story Master the
answer to them before the game starts - a little
characterization and attachment to the world
can lead to a very compelling story.
* What was your family life like? Were
you raised by both parents? Did one or both
of them die? Do you have brothers or sisters?
Are you married?
* Where are you from? Where your
character is from can have a huge effect on his
appearance, his native language, and many
customs and attitudes.
* How did you become a Hero? What
was your Exaltation like? Did you get training,
or did you learn your skills on your own?
* When did you meet your companions? Do you get along with your Party? How
long have you known them? How did you
meet? Did you know any of them before you
become a Hero? Do you share any goals? Are
there rivalries between you?
* How has power changed you? Born
a mere mortal, you now command vast power.
How have you reacted to that?


* What do you think of mortals? Now

that you command great power and might live
for a millennium or more, what do you think
of ordinary mortals? Are they less powerful beings under your protection? Pawns? Prey?
* What motivates you to be a Hero?
Do you seek riches? Glory? Do you just enjoy
using your power? Is your agenda based on revenge, loyalty, a sense of social justice?
* What will you sacrifice? How far will
you go to do your duty?

Jane decides that she's going to build
a new character. She reads over the book to
get some ideas, and comes up with a character
concept. She decides to build a Tiefling Werewolf Barbarian so she can have some fun with
melee attacks. She clears it with her Story
Master, and then moves on to the next step.
Her next step is to decide on Characteristic distribution. She decides to make
Physical characteristics her Primary group, Social characteristics her secondary, and Mental
her tertiary. She distributes points, and moves
onto the next step.
After that, she puts points into skills,
again choosing Physical as her Primary group
but this time taking Mental as her secondary
group and Social as her tertiary. She puts eight
dots in Physical skills, six in Mental skills, and
four in Social skills.
Then she chooses a race. Thankfully,
she already knows what that's going to be. She
looks at the Tiefling racial entry. Jane can put
a dot into either Dexterity or Constitution,
and decides on Constitution, increasing it to
4. She also gets a free dot in Intimidate and
Weaponry. She notes down the Tiefling racial
power on her sheet.
Jane has also already decided on her
Exaltation, so she turns to the Werewolf section. She reads over the abilities carefully and
notes Shifting, Lycan Resistance, Spirit
Tongue, and Silver Bane on her sheet. She
starts with a point in her power stat, Feral
Heart, and gains the first level power of Feral
Heart, Fast Healing. She also notes her maxi-

mum number of Rage points, 5.

Her starting class, of course, is going
to be Barbarian. She easily meets the prerequisites of Weaponry 2 and Athletics 1.
Jane's next step is to decide on her
character's Backgrounds. She has seven dots
to spend, so she drops three into Contacts,
two into Status, and two into Backing. Jane
feels that the best organization to put this developing character into is the Society of Sensation, and with two dots that puts her a notch
above a starting character, but without too
many duties to tie her down.
As for the character's alignment, Jane
decides on Malal. She has a starting Devotion
of 6.
She now has Experience Points to
spend. Six hundred of them, no less. The first
thing Jane does is choose two Hindrances to
get more XP. She gets Enemy and Impulsive.
She drops 200 into getting a level of the Tiger
Claw sword school, then picks up the Black
Spiral Dancer asset, the Appearance asset, and
the feats Frenzy and Power Attack. She has
200 XP remaining, and so she drops it into
improving her Dexterity from 2 to 3.
For her starting equipment packages,
she looks over her options and chooses the Air
package, taking a Hand Weapon, Laspistol,
Knife, Quilted Vest, Bodyglove, Charm, and
a deck of cards. She doesn't plan on using the
weapons or armor much, given her ability to
turn into a monster, but figures they might
come in handy.
Lastly, she puts the finishing touches
on her character. She notes down 5 as her
character's size, adds her character's Constitution and Willpower to get her Hit Points (6),
Willpower and Composure to get Resolve (4),
Her static defense (10, plus 9 for her Dexterity
of 3, plus 6 for her Wisdom of 2, and minus
10 for her size doubled, adding up to 15), Her
speed (7 for her 4 Strength and 3 Dexterity),
and her 2 Hero Points.
Jane writes down a name for her character - Traya Psine Kaos - and she's ready to

Janes sample character sheet appears on the

next page.


Name: Traya Psine Kaos

Race: Tiefling

XP: 800

Age: 120

Exaltation: Werewolf

Campaign: Four Corners

Player: Jane Shepard

Alignment: Malal

Faction: Society of Sensation

Power Intelligence 5;;;;; Strength
5555;; Charisma
Finesse Wisdom
Resistance Willpower




Constitution 5555;; Composure 55;;;;




Animal Ken


Fellowship 555;;;



Academic Lore
Common Lore
Forbidden Lore



_____________ ;;;;;
_____________ ;;;;;

Power Stat:
Feral Heart

Resource Stat:


Black Spiral Dancer

Static Def: ____15___
Hit Points: ____12___
Power Attack
Hero Points: __2____
Armor: ______0_____
_____________________ Weapon:
_____________________ Type Damage Pen
_____________________ ROF
_____________________ Weapon:
Type Damage Pen
_____________________ ROF

Special Abilities

Allies and Contacts

Bloody Minded
Lycan Resistance
Spirit Tongue
Silver Bane
Fast Healing

Traya is a large, well-built Tiefling who usually wears
terribly revealing clothing and is covered in silver tattoos that have become tarnished and twisted over
time by her devotion to Malal and the Black Spiral.
Spells and Special Attacks

________Barbarian 1 ______

Tiger Claw 1 _______________________________




Class List

Infernal, Trade, Spirits ______

Hand Weapon, Laspistol, Knife, Quilted Vest,

Bodyglove, Charm, and a deck of cards__________

Characteristics 6/4/2 * Skills 8/6/4 * Backgrounds 7 * (Buying the fifth dot in any area costs two points) * Hit
Points = 2 x (Con + Willpower) * Resolve = Composure + Willpower * Static Defense = 10 + (3 x Dex) +
(3 x Wis) - (2 x Size) * Speed = Strength + Dexterity * Starting Hero Points = 2 * Starting Devotion = 6

It had been a long flight out to Tau'va. Even with a good ship, the Crystal
Sphere of the Tau Empire was difficult to penetrate. Good for defense against a
hostile universe, terrible for trade. Or for visiting family. Joseph Sidus rubbed at
his bionic hand. He was wondering just what he'd find in the cells.
Kuj'o J'Karra had been given his own cell. The other captives, all of them
Gue'la, humans living with the culture of the Tau, refused to stay in the same cage
as him. He had put eight gang members in the hospital by himself. Despite that,
the authorities had told him he was free to go. He refused to leave. The criminals
all called him a Daemon, whispered and pleaded to be put somewhere else.
J'Karra's mother, a human originally from Sigil, had been visiting every day
to try and convince him to leave. She had contacted Joseph, her father, to try and
knock some sense into him. He had left at once when she mentioned that J'Karra
had said he was possessed by an evil spirit.
"You're going home today for sure, Kuj'o," The warden said. Joseph Sidus
stepped up to the bars. The cell was full of various things, which had appeared
there as if by magic.
"Don't worry. My grandson is coming with me," Joseph said. J'Karra had
been facing away from the cell door. He stirred and turned around.
"Grandson?" J'Karra got up and walked over to the bars, facing Joseph. The
two glared at each other.
"Get out of here! You're going home with me," Joseph said.
"Go away!" J'Karra said. "I didn't call for you. So you want to help me? What
could you do? I'm sorry you came all the way from Sigil, but you can't help me,
J'Karra help up his hand. He had a broken bionic finger. Joseph raised his
hand. The little finger was missing. J'Karra had pulled it off without him even noticing.
"Did you see it?" J'Karra asked. "Did you notice it? That is the evil spirit."
He stepped away from the bars, turning his bad on his grandfather. "Don't get near
me. You would only shorten what's left of your life."
Joseph narrowed his eyes. He had seen the golden gleam around J'Karra. A
flash of a ghostly form. He knew everything about the 'evil spirit'. It would come to
J'Karra in time, but he didn't have time to play nice with his grandson. There were
dangers ahead and his grandson was clearly destined to be in the middle of them.
Joseph snapped his fingers.
"Avourel," Joseph said. "Time for you to come into play." The tanned elf,
draped in a robe and jewelry, stepped into the room. He'd get his grandson out one
way or the other.


n the last chapter you heard a lot

about Characteristics and Skills, but not exactly what they are or what they can do. Just
about everything you do will rely on these
Characteristics, Skills, or both. The standard
dice roll is presented in the form of a skill and
a characteristic (For example, Academic Lore
+ Intelligence or Acrobatics + Dexterity). In
these cases, unless the specific effect tells you
otherwise, you roll dice equal to the skill and
characteristic added together and keep dice
equal to your characteristic. So remember that
while skills are cheaper and can do a lot to improve your chances, your Characteristic, your
natural talent, puts a limit on just what you
can accomplish.

Characteristics represent your Hero's
innate physical, social, and mental capacities.
Don't look at the numbers first. Rather, think
about what your character can do, then work
out her Characteristics. Ordinary folk have between one and three dots in all of their Characteristics, and most just have two dots in all
of them. Of course, heroes are not average
folk. They can have up to five dots in their
Characteristics and, in some cases, six dots.


Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics simply measure the capabilities of the character's body how strong, fast, nimble, and tough they are.
Strength describes physical prowess,
including the capacity to lift objects and cause
damage. This Attribute is used to resolve
jumping, lifting, and other actions that draw
on raw physical might. Strength is also used to
determine the base dice rolled for successful
physical attacks.
Specialties: Iron Grip, Reserves of
Strength, Fists Like Anvils, Hurting People
Poor: You can lift 80 lbs.
Average: You can lift 120 lbs.
Good: You can lift 250 lbs.
Exceptional: You can lift 400 lbs.
***** Outstanding: You can lift 650 lbs.
and crush skulls like grapes.
Dexterity measures agility, hand-eye
coordination and reflexes. It describes everything from how quickly a character moves,
how precisely he aims his blows and everything else that relates to physical speed, grace,



and control. Dexterity is used for many skills

and tests that require speed and flexibility
Specialties: Fast Movement, Feline
Grace, Lightning Reflexes, Perfect Aim
Poor: You are clumsy and awkward.
Stop tripping over your own feet!
Average: You're no clod, but don't ex
pect to win any awards.
Good: You show some potential.
You're above-average.
Exceptional: You could be an acrobat
if you wanted.
***** Outstanding: Backflips everywhere,
running on walls, being awesome.
Constitution is a measure of a character's health, well-being, and general toughness
and resistance. It covers how long they can
keep going before getting tired. It also covers
how many hit points they begin with.
Specialties: Tough as Nails, Tireless,
Resolute, Stoic
Poor: You bruise in a stiff wind.
Average: You're moderately healthy
and can even withstand a punch or
Good: You're in good shape and
rarely fall ill.
Exceptional: You can run in
marathons - and win!
***** Outstanding: You almost never get
sick and don't get tired.

Social Characteristics
Where physical characteristics are
about your body, social characteristics are
about how your character acts around other
Charisma measures how innately likeable someone is. It reflects an air of confidence
and social grace, force of personality, and the
ability to force their point of view into a conversation
Specialties: Eloquent Speaker, Catchphrases, Genteel, Cutting Wit
Poor: Stop picking your nose.
Average: You're generally likable and
have several friends.


Every Skill and Characterization gains a
Specialty at four dots. A Specialty gives the user a
bonus in certain situations. The SM must approve a
given Specialty - even the ones listed as examples are
subject to his approval - and decides when that Specialty applies. Generally, while it should be applicable often, it shouldn't be simply a given that it will
apply. Each specialty is a tool, and not every tool can
be used to do everything. Whenever a Specialty
would apply to a test, you may reroll any ones that
come up. Someone firing a rifle with a Ballistics specialty of Rifles, for example, would reroll any ones
that came up during the attack roll, but not the damage roll.


Good: People trust you implicitly.

Exceptional: You have significant per
sonal magnetism.
Outstanding: Entire cultures could
follow your lead.

Fellowship measures a character's appearance and ability for self-expression. The
capacity to purposefully coerce, manipulate,
and bully others. It covers everything from
leading people to tricking them, from being sly
to being domineering.
Specialties: Persuasive, Seductive,
Well-Reasoned, Charming Rogue
Poor: A person of few (often ineffec
tual) words and plain face.
Average: A normal looking man who
isnt too bad at talking to people.
Good: You never pay full price. One
way or the other.
Exceptional: You could be a politi
cian. Or a cult leader.
***** Outstanding: People will live and die
on your word.
Composure is the ability to remain
calm and appear - and actually be - unfazed in
social and threatening situations, usually harrowing ones. This Characteristic is a measure
of emotional fortitude, restraint, and calm.
Specialties: Poise, Dignity, Unflappable, Fearless
Poor: You fold to peer pressure like
origami paper.



Average: Once in a while you manage

to stand up for yourself.
Good: You speak your mind when
you need to and can control yourself.
Exceptional: Others look at you and
see only calm.
Outstanding: You've probably never
been afraid of anything.

Mental Characteristics
Mental Characteristics cover a character's perception, mental capacity, imagination, and quick thinking. Creative and
intellectual individuals have high Mental
Intelligence covers memory, understanding, reasoning and imagination as well as
the ability to correlate information and make
deductions. Intelligence also covers a characters starting languages. A character begins
play knowing the local language from where
they grew up (usually their racial language)
and Trade. If a character begins with three or
more dots of intelligence, he gets one extra
spoken language for each dot above two.
Specialties: Trivia, Puzzle Solver,
Book Knowledge, Creativity.
Poor: Not the sharpest knife in the
Average: Smart enough to realize
you're normal.
Good: More enlightened than the
Exceptional: You're not just bright,
you're brilliant!
***** Outstanding: Certified genius.
Wisdom covers both alertness and
comprehension. It determines not only how
well a character notices the world around him,
but also how well he interprets what he sees
and hears.
Specialties: Attentive, Insightful, Experienced, Discerning
Poor: Perhaps you're self-absorbed.
Or an airhead. Details elude you.
Average: You're oblivious to the very
subtle, but not the big picture.


Good: You can read the environment

like a book.
Exceptional: Almost nothing evades
your notice.
Outstanding: You instantly observe
things others would easily overlook.

Willpower describes how strongly
your character can hold onto her own ideas
and resist mental commands from others. This
attribute is used to resist many supernatural
effects and, as they say, willpower is ninetenths of effort.
Specialties: Getting the jump on others, Mental Resolve, Meditation, Ambushes
Poor: You're a follower, not a leader.
Average: You can hold out as long as
the average person.
Good: You're seldom left surprised or
Exceptional: You can look death in
the eye and make it blink.
***** Outstanding: You are a bastion of
mental power.

The different ways in which a character can apply his characteristics are determined
by his skills. A character's skills reflect the education and training he's acquired over the
course of his life and are a reflection of his origins and interests. Skills can be acquired in
any number of ways, from institutionalized
learning to hard, hands-on experience.
Like Characteristics, Skills are broken
down into three categories: Mental, Physical,
and Social. These groups tell you what characteristics will generally be rolled with each
skill. There are two types of skills - Basic and
Advanced. Basic skills can be attempted at
zero dots with a -1 to your characteristic. Advanced skills cannot be attempted without at
least one dot in the appropriate skill.
Skills list the Characteristic they are
most commonly rolled using, but the SM can
specify any Characteristic+Skill combination
as required for a given task.



Academic Lore
Mental Skill - Intelligence
The Academic Lore skill grants you
knowledge of scholarly subjects. Successful
Tests enable you to recall pertinent facts and
- if you have access to the right facilities and
resources - to do research. Academic Lore represents a depth of learning beyond the average
Common Sense and requires extensive study.
Specialties: Archaic, Astromancy,
Beasts, Cryptology, Heraldry, History, Law,
Occult, Philosophy, Psychology, etc.
Physical Skill - Dexterity
The acrobatics skill encompasses a
variety of movement techniques unavailable to
less flexible Acolytes. From performing somersaults to tumbling, from flipping through the
air to daring leaps and jumps, this skill expands your movement options.
Specialties: Jumping, Backflips, Totally Cool Awesome Gymnastics, etc.
Animal Ken
Social Skill - Composure
You can understand an animal's behavior patterns. This lets you predict how an
animal might react in a given situation, train a
domesticated creature, ride a domesticated
animal or even try to calm down an angry or
frightened animal.
Specialties: Riding, Animal Training,
Big Cats, Horses, Farm Animals, etc.
Mental Skill - Intelligence
The Arcana skill reflects a character's
knowledge and experience with the world's
various legends and lore about the supernatural. A character with the skill not only knows
the theories, myths, and legends about the occult, but can generally tell 'fact' from rumor.
Specialties: Cultural Beliefs, Ghosts,
Magic, Monsters, Superstitions, etc.


Physical Skill - Constitution
Where acrobatics is all flashy maneuvers, Athletics is basic ability, covering all
forms of running, jumping, throwing, swimming, sports and the like. However, it doesn't
cover things like trying to hit a target (which
is Ballistics or Weaponry) or anything else covered by another Skill.
Specialties: Swimming, Climbing,
Endurance Running, Specific Sports, etc.
Physical Skill - Special
When a sword is too close and explosives aren't an option, there is the grand tradition of firearms. This skill represents broad
familiarity with guns and how to operate them,
but doesn't cover specific training with a
weapon - without the appropriate weapon proficiency feat, you don't have the practical training to apply your skill.
Specialties: Fast Draw, Pistols, Sniping, Shotguns, etc.
Physical Skill - Special
Brawl is the skill used with unarmed
attacks. Brawl is used any time your character
doesn't have a weapon and is attacking in
melee. Brawl covers all the fighting styles martial arts, simple grappling, and so forth.
Specialties: Kung Fu, Karate, Jeet
Kun Do, Solar Hero Style, Do, etc.
Social Skill - Fellowship
The Charm skill is used to befriend
others. You test Charm when you want to
change the minds of individuals or small
groups, to beg, or seduce. You dont make a
Charm Test every time you talk to an NPC,
only when you want to change their opinions
of you or convince them to do something for
you, like give you a tip, a dance, or a kiss.
Specialties: Seduction, First Impressions, Begging, etc.


Social Skill - Charisma
Command is used to make subordinates follow your oders. You may only use this
Skill on those who are under your authority Charm or Persuasion checks would be appropriate for others. Failing with the Command
skill, your subordinates might misinterpret
your command or do nothing at all - or even
go against orders.
Specialties: Oratory, Compelling,
Open, Noble, Military, etc.
Common Lore
Mental Skill - Intelligence
Use the Common Lore skill to recall
the habits, institutions, traditions, public figures, and superstitions of a particular world,
cultural group, organization or race. This Skill
does not represent scholarly learning (that
would be Academic Lore) nor obscure forbidden knowledge (that is Forbidden Lore), but
rather the basics you learn by growing up or
travelling extensively through a region.
Specialties: Sigil, Underworld, War,
Tech, Animals, Specific Crystal Spheres, Specific Races, etc.
Mental Skill - Wisdom
Crafts represents a character's training
or expertise in creating works of art or construction with his hands, from paintings to car
engines to classical sculpture. Characters typically have the skills, but may not have the facilities or material. A character may be an
exceptional mechanic, but still needs tools and
a place to work in order to fix a transport.
Specialties: Forging, Painting, Sculpting, Sewing, Ship Repair, Jury-Rigging, etc.
Social Skill - Charisma
The Deceive skill is used to lie and
con others. You make deceive Tests whenever
you would convince others of something that
is not necessarily true, want to dupe them or

otherwise swindle and mislead them.

Specialties: White Lies, Con Jobs,
Lying, Misdirection, etc.
Social Skill - Fellowship
The disguise skill allows the hero to
mask his features and even assume another's
appearance. The difficulty of the Test depends
upon the materials available, the differences
between the character and the desired appearance, and any other elements that would affect
the deception. Perception checks can be used
to see through a disguise.
Specialities: Mimicking Voices, Mannerisms, Mask of a Thousand Faces, etc.
Physical Skill - Dexterity
This skill is used to control autos,
trucks, landspeeders and other land-based or
hover vehicles. Driving under normal conditions doesn't require a Test. However, Tests
may be required for bad terrain, excessive
speed, or when attempting dangerous maneuvers. Opposed checks are used during a chase.
Specialties: Ground Vehicle, Hover
Vehicle, Walker, etc.
Forbidden Lore
Mental Skill - Intelligence
Forbidden Lore represents dangerous
and often illegal knowledge gleaned from a
myriad of unconventional sources a Hero
often finds in his possession. This skill represents a combination of scholarly learning and
knowledge gained through practical experience. Simply possessing the skill is often
enough to warrant death in the eyes of many.
Specialties: Cults, Daemonology,
Warp, Heresy, etc.
Social Skill - Charisma
You use Intimidation to scare people.
Unlike most Social skills, Intimidation can really be used with almost any Characteristic,



depending on the exact circumstances. Displays of physical might are quite effective at
scaring folks, after all.
Specialties: Bluster, Physical Threats,
Stare-Downs, Torture, etc.
Physical Skill - Dexterity
Larceny is used to palm objects, pick
pockets, picking locks, concealing stolen
goods, and everything in between. Most characters obtain this skill the hard way - committing crimes and often paying the price for their
mistakes. Some, like locksmiths and special
agents, might receive actual formal training in
bypassing security systems and stealing assets.
Specialties: Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Prestidigitation, Security Systems, Safecracking, etc.
Mental Skill - Wisdom
The Medicae skill is used to treat injuries, closing wounds and restoring the balance of the body's humors. It's a vital skill to
stabilize allies in combat and to help them recover from their injuries when they rest. Any
doctor will have medicae, and it's required
training in many organizations.
Specialties: First Aid, Pathology, Surgery, Pharmaceuticals, etc.
Mental Skill - Wisdom
The Perception skill reflects your ability to perceive hidden dangers and to notice
small details about your physical surroundings. You use the Perception skill to notice
ambushes, spot traps and discern other threats
to you and your allies. It isn't tied to any one
sense; it encompasses them all.
Specialties: Spot, Listen, Search,
Taste, Touch, etc.


Social Skill - Fellowship
Use the performer skill to entertain
and enthrall crowds of spectators. Or at least
carry a tune. The more Raises you have on
Performer Tests, naturally, the better you've
done. It's pretty easy to make a living with a
good Performer skill.
Singer, Storyteller, etc.
Social Skill - Charisma
This is your ability to get your point
across clearly, whether through conversation,
poetry or even magical means. Characters with
high persuasion can phrase their opinions or
beliefs in a manner that cannot be ignored.
They may also be talented actors, skilled at
conveying moods or feigning emotion with
every gesture.
Specialties: Acting, Poetry, Fiction,
Impromptu, Conversation, etc.
Physical Skill - Dexterity
The Pilot skill is used to fly anything
from small atmospheric craft all the way to
spelljamming ships. Piloting a ship under normal conditions doesn't require a Test, just
when making a dangerous maneuver or flying
in bad conditions.
Specialties: Civilian Craft, Military
Craft, Spelljamming ship, etc.
Mental Skill - Wisdom
Characters with this skill are not only
familiar with the way the political process
works, they're experienced with bureaucracies
and know exactly who to call in a given situation in order to get something done. Your
character keeps track of who's in power and
how they got there, along with any potential


Specialties: Bribery, Elections, Specific Crystal Sphere, Local, Scandals, etc.

Social Skill - Composure
Use the Scrutiny Skill to make assessments about people you encounter, to determine if someone is lying to you, to sense
ulterior motives and generally appraise the
worth of another being. Note that this isn't
telepathy (only telepathy is telepathy!) and so
it can't reveal secrets - just a general idea if
someone is telling the truth.
Specialties: Spotting Lies, Motives,
Personalities, Emotion, etc.
Physical Skill - Dexteriry
Stealth is used whenever you're actively attempting to hide from someone or
something. To use this, you must have appropriate terrain or some concealing effect like fog
or darkness. Otherwise, with nothing to hide
behind, you simply appear very suspicious. It's
always an opposed Test against the Perception
+ Wisdom of viewers.
Specialties: Concealment, Silent
Movement, Shadowing, Crowds, etc.

Mental Skill - Intelligence
Tech-Use allows the Hero to use or
repair complex mechanical items or fathom
the workings of unknown technical artifacts.
Using a basic piece of equipment under typical
circumstances requires no Test, such as using
a vox-caster or opening a shuttle hatch. TechUse Tests are necessary for unusual or unfamiliar gear, malfunctioning or broken items,
and when conditions are less than ideal, such
as attempting to use the same vox-caster near
a plasma core or coaxing a strange vessel's
warp drive to reignite its fires.
Specialities: Computers, Repairing
Machines, Reverse Engineering, etc.
Physical Skill - Special
Sometimes a gun is too loud or you're
in too close to use it. Or you just want to put
your muscle to the Test. This skill represents
broad skill with weapons, but doesn't cover
specific training with a weapon - without the
appropriate weapon proficiency feat, you don't
have the practical training to apply your skill.
Specialties: Knives, Swords, Improvised Clubs, Martial Arts, Axes, etc.


"Pardon me, good travellers... I don't mean to interrupt, but I am Gregory, the elder of this village.
You look familiar, and I just wanted to ask if you are, by any chance, the renowned sorceress Mistress
"As a matter of fact~ Did the outfit give you a clue?"
"Please, our village is in great danger! We have need of the famous bandit killer, the Dragon SPOOKR
Mistress Scarlet! You must use your magic power to save us!"
"I'm okay with this bandit killer thing, but what's with 'Dragon SPOOKR'?"
"It means dragons 'Step Past Out Of Klear Repulsion!"
"Wait, I didn't mean to offend you! Please, we need your help!"
"Rrrrr... Okay... What did you want from me?"
"The people of this village are being terrorized by a filthy gang of bloodthirsty bandits!"
"The name of this gang wouldn't happen to be the Dragon Fangs, would it?"
"Oh, you've heard of the Dragon Fangs?"
"If you're worried about the Dragon Fangs, don't worry."
"And why not?"
"I got rid of most of them yesterday, and the rest tried to ambush me on the way into town."
"You have saved our village from the curse of the black dragon! Those bandits were keeping that black
dragon as a pet and our village's soldiers couldn't fight it! While the dragon lived we were slaves to the
bandit gang! But now we have been freed by the great and mighty sorceress Mistress Scarlet."
"I didn't know they had a dragon."
"I said I got rid of the Dragon Fangs, not the dragon."
"Now the dragon is running out of control! We're all doomed!"
"Maybe I can help you out. How much is it worth to you if I get rid of this dragon?"
"We can afford to pay you twenty Thrones!"
"Make it thirty!"


huge variety of cultures and societies populate the Great Wheel, some made up
of humans but most of fantastic races such as
Aasimar, Eldarin, and Orks. Adventurers and
heroes can arise from any of these people,
often from the most unlikely places. Your
choice of character race provides you with a
basic set of advantages and special abilities.
Your racial abilities and characteristic
bonuses will say a lot about your character.
Two heroes with the same class will still be
very different if they have chosen different
races. Will your fighter be a graceful Eldarin,
a brutal Tiefling, or a tough and stoic Squat?
Will your magic-user be a clever Gnome, a
sadistic Dark Eldarin, or a versatile and unpredictable human?
Each race (aside from human - youre
probably familiar with what humans are like
already) has a few common physical and personality traits listed. Take these not as hard
rules but just as some ideas as a starting point.
Not every squat is a drunken, bearded little
man, nor is every Tiefling a terrible person just
looking for trouble to cause and someone to
torment. Each race also has a few example
names in case you get stuck when trying to
come up with one or just need one on the fly.


Racial Traits
Each character race offers the following types of benefits.
Characteristic Bonus: Your character
race offers you a bonus to one of your characteristics. For most races, they must choose between one of two characteristics. Remember
that you only get a bonus to one of the listed
characteristics unless the entry specifically says
Skill Bonus: Each race gives a bonus
to a few skills. This usually represents training
common in their culture, but also the race's
natural inclinations and ability. Even if
brought up in a different culture, the race will
find that they have natural ability in these
Power: Every race has a special talent
or power that only they can use. This might be
anything from a bonus feat to an immunity to
a special movement mode.
Size: A character's size is used to determine how badly injured they become from
attacks and how hard they are to hit - a character with a large size loses fewer Hit Points
from attacks but is hit by more of them, while
a character with a small size is in danger of losing more hit points but is far harder to hit.



The Aasimar exist to serve the
Blessed Pantheon. They are tall, averaging
more than two meters, strong, and are almost
inhumanly beautiful, often having golden or
silver hair, glowing eyes, or other signs of their
supernatural origins. Their history suggests
that they are the descendants of humans who
escaped their crystal sphere long ago and
made the long journey across the Astral Sea.
They do not reproduce like the other races they choose from among the best and the
brightest of other races to join their ranks, intense indoctrination, training, and the blessings of the gods turning them into Aasimar.
Aasimar don't have a culture as much
as they have religion. They're servants first and
foremost, warrior-monks and priests. Most
don't have much of a social life, at least outside
of small circles of respected friends and comrades in arms. Most see Aasimar as being stoic
and rather humorless, focused only on their
mission. It's certainly not too far from the

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 2.4-2.6m
Average Weight: 100-140kg
Languages: Trade, Celestial
Common Personality Traits: Stoic,
focused, quiet, loyal, obedient.
Common Physical Traits: Great
height, long face, metallic hair, glowing eyes,
exceedingly tough.
Example Names: Antonius, Caecilia,
Eligius, Junia, Leontius, Rhea

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Wisdom
or Constitution
Skill Bonus: +1 Command and Ballistics
Power: And They Shall Know No
Fear - Aasimar begin play with the feats Jaded
and Fearless.
Size: 5



Physical Qualities
Aasimar do not vary much in height
or weight. Nor appearance. They're universally tall and handsome, and it almost seems
like they were all pressed from the same mold.
And that's not terribly far from the truth. Each
shows some slight signs of what they once
were - a distinctive facial feature, slightly
pointed ears, a beard - but all of it is muted,
secondary. And even if someone knew who
they once were, the Aasimar would not know,
or care.
They universally have pale skin, and
their hair comes in a variety of metallic tones
and shades. Some male Aasimar have beards,
though it isn't a universal thing. They're wellbuilt, strong and tough, and their athletic
build and lifestyle minimizes the differences
between male and female. The thick robes and
armor they usually wear allow what remains to
all but vanish.
Aasimar are very long-lived. Their unusual birth returns them to being young
adults, and they can live for centuries. They
don't grow infirm as they age, though their life
of constant fighting and training leaves them
with scars and old wounds by the dozen. It's
extremely rare for them to die of old age. Most
would rather find honorable death in battle.

Playing an Aasimar
Aasimar are strong, stoic, and dependable. They greatly respect tradition and
ceremony, most of them grabbing onto the
faith and beliefs of those around them after
their change as a way to replace the memories
they lose in becoming something new.
The Aasimar have deep ties to the
Blessed Pantheon. They are created by divine
power as servants, and the people and culture
they're exposed to reenforce that. Most Aasimar lead the life of the warrior-monk, training
and meditating. Their culture regards material
desires and wants as being secondary to service and deed.
The culture that the Blessed Pantheon has instilled in the Aasimar begins with
respect for the forces of Order. They look to
the gods for guidance and protection. Individual Aasimar might be impious or openly
heretical, but they are shunned, often executed

or exiled. It's extremely rare to find an Aasimar

who has fallen to worship of the Ruinous Powers, but not impossible. The battles of the endless Blood War have driven many on both
sides to question their faith, and not all Aasimar are created equal - despite the best efforts
of the Blessed Pantheon.
When an Aasimar proves himself in
battle, though, he tends to gain a following of
younger warriors, eventually being assigned to
train them. Being elevated to the position of
General, given command of an army, these are
the things that most Aasimar aspire to.
Aasimar and Tieflings don't commonly get along, though they have quite a bit
of common ground. They're rather neutral to
the other races, judging them based on their
actions instead of what they are.

Aasimar Heroes
Jacov is an Aasimar Paragon Paladin
devoted to Pelor, the Unconquered Sun and
source of universal light. He is a proud and
tolerant man who has left the grind of the
Blood War in search of a way to end the conflict once and for all - and unlike most Aasimar
he is willing to consider a peaceful end to the
conflict. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and
if the need arises, he will lay down his life to
ensure that they live.
Brother Boromos is a proud Aasimar
warrior, Chosen of Sigmar and a high ranking
member of the White Templars. He proudly
wears the twin-tailed comet of his god on his
armor, and seeks to distinguish himself as a
hero. He wants to become the kind of leader
that people will remember for centuries to
come, and looks to expand his fame and influence at every turn. The Blood War, to Boromos, isn't something he fights just to defeat
Chaos, but to show what he can do.
Rhea is one of those rare Aasimar who
have taken up the worship of the Ruinous
Powers. She believes that she was changed
against her will, and has vague memories of
being forced into reeducation camps. She's an
assassin, working from the shadows to free
people from tyrants and kings. Her vampire
powers have helped quite a bit with that, especially in getting her contacts and allies in unlikely places.



Dark Eldarin
The Dark Eldarin found protection
from the Fall in the Spider-Daemon Lolth.
They are a depraved people marked by their
pact with pitch-black skin and bone-white
hair. They are as lithe and graceful as their
cousins, but their sense of style leans far more
towards the fetishistic and irrationally dangerous. They exist as raiders and pirates striking
from their hidden city via Lolth's hidden Webway of tunnels through the Warp.
Dark Eldarin suffer from a terrible
thirst, a consuming and ever-increasing need
to find greater emotional highs in themselves
and others. Some say this is part of their pact
with Lolth, either feeding her that emotional
energy or propping up the substance of their
own souls with it as she leeches them dry.

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.6-1.9m
Average Weight: 50-65kg
Languages: Trade, Dark Eldarin
Common Personality Traits: Sadistic,
seductive, dangerous, relentless, insane.
Common Physical Traits: Nimble, intense gaze, pitch-black skin, white hair, spiky
Example Names: Alaurirra, Belaern,
Dhaunae, Gwylyss, Ilharess, Jaezred.

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Charisma
or Dexterity
Skill Bonus: +1 to Deceive and Forbidden Lore
Power: Warp Miasma - Summoning
a burst of raw warp power as a half action, the
Dark Eldarin creates a 4m radius sphere of
darkness. This blocks line of effect and anyone
within the sphere is blind. The sphere lasts for
one round per level and can be used once per
scene at Level 1, twice per scene at Level 3,
and three times per scene at Level 5.
Size: 3



Physical Qualities
Dark Eldarin are slim and strong,
shaped by a hard life in a dangerous environment. They never get bulky or large, with almost no body fat and developing an athletic
build rather than a large one. Despite all sharing the megastructure of Commorragh, they
have a surprisingly variable appearance. While
most are used to thinking of them with pitchblack skin and white hair, just as many Dark
Eldarin have pale skin and dark hair - an untrained observer could easily mistake them for
normal Eldarin.
Dark Eldarin are nearly immortal, as
long as they follow the whims of Lolth, bringing her souls and slaves (who are a great way
to store souls). Until they stop sacrificing people to their demon spider queen, they don't
age, and some of the most powerful Dark Eldarin warlords appear as little more than

Playing a Dark Eldarin

Above all else, the Dark Eldarin are a
cruel and capricious people. They act on their
whims and don't particularly care about who
they hurt. Unless they want to hurt someone,
in which case they take great efforts to maximize that pain.
Dark Eldarin society is heavily matriarchal, with females in virtually all positions of
power. This is mostly because Lolth only accepts females as personal servants, but also
partly because the females like it that way and
work to keep it so.
The easiest way to understand Dark
Eldarin society is as a food chain. The strong
rise to the top and get what they want, and the
weak become prey. This is not just physical
strength. In fact, having just physical strength
would mark someone as being extremely weak
to the Dark Eldarin. Political strength is much
more important, the giving and taking of
favours and debts, knowing who your real allies are, and most of all the best time to betray
One of the most important things
about playing a Dark Eldarin is to remember
that they know theyre the best, and act like it.
They dont just seek to have treasure. They
want all the treasure. All of it!

Some say Dark Eldarin can only feel

hate. This is, of course, an exaggeration. They
can also feel pity. Dark Eldarin relationships
are universally of the Master to Servant dynamic. From the outside, it can appear like
they have fairly normal - and extremely intense
- romantic and emotional relationships, but in
reality its a constant give and pull for dominance, at least until one is browbeaten into
total submission. That is what the Dark Eldarin call love.

Dark Eldarin Heroes

Iniga Angband is a Vampire Magic
User, and one of the many young Dark Eldarin seeking their fame and fortune in the
wide world beyond Commorragh. She does
not care much for her family, who are deeply
tied up in local politics, but maintains contact
with a sibling in case she needs to return and
take charge of things. She constantly tries to
assume command of any group she is in, especially if the current leader shows weakness.
She is proud of her abilities with Divination
and Abjuration, but worries that she will have
to seek more dangerous abilities to really improve herself.
Talorga is a man whose loyalties are
always for sale - save for his loyalty to the god
that made him their Chosen, the Raven
Queen. He works as a bodyguard and a
bounty hunter, and any mission he accepts is
carried out to the letter as a matter of honor.
It's rumored he's running from the affections
of one of Lolth's most favored minions - possibly even a daemon.
Mael Dannan is even more dangerous
than the average Dark Eldarin. Her natural
talent with sorcery has been enhanced by the
daemon that has taken over her body, and her
manipulative ways have only gotten worse over
time. Unlike most daemonhosts, she seems to
have maintained a strong sense of self - though
she was bad enough before that it's hard to tell



Once, long ago, Dragons ruled the
Astral Sea. The dragonborn were their children and soldiers, their true origins lost to time
and legend. They forged a great empire from
the ashes of the Syrneth's defeat and sought to
unify all of the Crystal Spheres under their
rule. Defeat for the Dragons came from
within, a powerful warlord known as Tiamat
led a campaign against even the gods themselves, seeking to replace Bahamut. The Tiamat Heresy was a bloody war that shattered
the dragon empire, ending only on Mount Celestia itself as Bahamut and Tiamat fought to
the death. To this day, dragons are found in
every known Crystal Sphere, and the Dragonborn are in nearly as many, proud warriors
clinging to past glories.
Dragonborn, often masterless in this
age, usually seek out a cause or worthy hero to
serve. Tradition typically has them challenge
skilled warriors to single combat and, if defeated, serve and learn under that person for a
time to improve themselves. Most seek a great
purpose in life, something to spend their lives
on. The ones who have found such a purpose
are the most common targets of the traditional


challenges, though it's not uncommon to see

a Dragonborn studying under any particularly
powerful (or lucky) warrior.

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 2.1-2.5m
Average Weight: 120-170kg
Languages: Trade, Draconic
Common Personality Traits: Proud,
wise, straightforward, watchful, grandstanding.
Common Physical Traits: Hissing
voice, shimmering scales, darting eyes, massive form, sharp teeth.
Example Names: Thuath, Shaan,
Arark, Thaash, Shysik, Arima.

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Strength
or Charisma.
Skill Bonus: +1 Command and Intimidation
Power: Dragon Breath - Once per
scene, you may make an attack with your
breath weapon. It uses the same weapon profile as a Flamer. At Level 3 and 5 you gain an
additional use of this power per scene.
Size: 5


Physical Qualities
Dragonborn resemble humanoid
dragons. They're covered in scaly hide, but
they don't have tails. They are tall and strongly
built, usually over two meters in height and
weighing over a hundred and fifty kilos. Their
hands and feet are strong, talonlike claws with
three fingers and a thumb on each hand. A
dragonborn's head features a blunt snout, a
strong brow, and distinctive frills. Behind the
brow, a crest of hornlike scales of various
lengths resembles thick, ropy hair.
A Dragonborn's scales can be of
nearly any color. At one point, they were all
striking and pure shades of colors, but most
are now muddy shades of brown, ocher, and
rust as the various families and armies intermarried. It's rare to see a dragonborn with
brightly colored scales, and they are seen as
being auspicious, blessed by fate and destined
for greatness.
Young dragonborn grow faster than
human children do, walking hours after hatching, reaching puberty by the age of five, and
becoming adults by fifteen. They live for about
as long as humans do.

Playing a Dragonborn
To the Dragonborn, nothing is more
important to honor. Everything revolves
around their personal honor, the only currency
that they respect. Most of them follow a strict
code of battlefield conduct. Adversaries
should be treated with courtesy and respect,
even if they are bitter enemies. Caution and
discretion are key to a warrior's survival, but
fear is a disease and cowardice is a moral failing.
This drive to behave with honor extends to every aspect of a dragonborn's life.
Breaking an oath is the height of dishonor, and
they carefully guard their words. A commitment made must be carried out. Ultimately, a
dragonborn takes responsibility for his or her
actions and their consequences.
Dragonborn who have broken their
oaths or failed in their duty are extremely dangerous to themselves and others. They often
become hopeless and rash, deciding to live for
the moment since their lives, in a sense, are already over. Some are merely looking for a

good death to spend their lives on, but others

seek to fill the void left by their missing honor
with anything they can get their claws on.
Most races see Dragonborn as being
arrogant and proud, obsessed with the past accomplishments of their race, but they are just
as quick to praise others for what they've accomplished. To a dragonborn, the difference
between a worthy enemy and a good friend is
slim, and people will often switch between one
and the other depending on circumstance.

Dragonborn Heroes
Jim is a dragonborn of many talents,
not the least of which are his ancestral memories of the golden age of the Syrne. He has
been serving as an enforcer in a long-established criminal syndicate, but has found the
job empty and lifeless ever since the old members of the family were deposed. He holds out
hope that the rumors that one of them survived are true, and waits for the day he'll return.
Mudrensh is a rogue warrior, a dragonborn with garishly bright red scales and
born under a sign that says he has infinite potential. For now, he's only showing that he's
really quite good at picking fights and making
things up as he goes along, often throwing
himself into danger just for the thrill of it. He
has a highly unorthodox style, and has recently
escaped being executed for acts of piracy.
Fuu is a young dragonborn, barely an
adult, who is searching for her father. She has
only recently discovered her ability to
shapeshift, and is still largely ignorant of the
larger society of werewolves. Fuu has almost
no control over her powers, and believes that
if she can find her father out there in the Great
Wheel that he can give her answers and explain just what her powers mean and what
she's supposed to do with them.



The Eldarin were created by the
Syrne as soldiers in their ancient war. After the
Syrne were destroyed, they were left scattered
throughout the various Crystal Spheres, with
nowhere to call home. The Eldarin choose to
create vast worldships large enough to house
entire ecologies and wander the Astral Sea, occasionally opening a Portal Relay after long
study and maintaining the relays themselves
with what little knowledge remains of their
Eldarin do not have home towns.
They have home ships. Most Eldarin that are
in good standing among their kind use the
name of their native worldship as their second
name. Because of their fragile artificial environments, Eldarin are very careful and conservative in their thoughts and motions, not
doing anything to upset a balance. Many
young Eldarin are sent on pilgrimages to prove
their self-sufficiency. Those that return with
something of worth become adults. The rest
die, all part of their planned population control.

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.7-2.1m
Average Weight: 65-75kg
Languages: Trade, Eldarin
Common Personality Traits: Quiet,
careful, mysterious, secretive, restless.
Common Physical Traits: Willowy
build, fragile bones, sinewy build, birdlike
movements, pale skin.
Example Names: Aurian, Farendis,
Khiraen, Krullagh, Macha, Eldrad

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Wisdom
or Intelligence
Skill Bonus: +1 to Academic Lore
and Arcana.
Power: Warp Step - Once per scene,
you may teleport up to twice your speed as a
half action. You must be able to see your destination. At Level 3 and 5 you gain an additional use of this power per scene.
Size: 3



Physical Qualities
Eldarin are typically of human height
or even slightly more, but they are a fragile
race, unable to take a hit well. They are willowy and beautiful. And yes, beautiful - the
word applies to both the males and females.
They have sharp features, with long, pointed
ears and prominent cheekbones. They are
usually physically weak, not just from shipboard life but also because their society respects the artist and poet, manual labor being
done with technology and machines.
Eldarin are almost always pale, most
of them having never gone out under natural
sunlight - they wear full sealed environment
suits when leaving their ships, often disguising
their features and intentions behind opaque
masks. Their voidsuits and masks become
more their real faces and skins to most that
they deal with, and an Eldarin meeting someone without their suit shows great trust and intimacy.
Eldarin children grow much as
human children do, but their aging process
slows to a crawl when they reach maturity.
They enjoy youth and health until the very end
of their lives, and most live for centuries.

Playing an Eldarin
Eldarin society revolves around survival and conservation. They have few resources of their own and are rarely willing to
trade with others. Most display a strong psychic ability, and Eldarin often become sorcerers, or enhance their talents with minor
displays of magic.
The thing the Eldarin work hardest to
conserve are their very souls. They have deep
ties to the warp, and their souls make tempting
prizes for daemons and worse. Eldarin generally do not believe in an afterlife, and while
most follow one deity or another for protection
or as a source of power, it is tradition for them
to wear soulstones, phylacteries that trap their
souls at the moment of death and preserve
them in the living world rather than allowing
them to be flung free into the Warp.
Most Eldarin have a deep distrust of
environments away from their ships. They
often have weakened immune systems from
spending their lives entirely in sterile environ-

ments, and anything that's dirty or involves

manual labor, well, that's just not something
that's done!
The relationship between Eldarin,
Dark Eldarin, and Elves is a delicate one.
Well, not really. Eldarin and Dark Eldarin will
glare at each other from across the room and
just look for a reason to kill each other. Eldarin
just pity the Elves, who they see as having devolved to a primitive and barbaric state.

Eldarin Heroes
Talieer went out from her home fleet
into the Great Wheel in order to find herself.
What she learned is that she has an important
role to play in things. After an aborted expedition to Carceri, she broke down into flashbacks and strange memories in the middle of
Syrneth ruins and has never been the same.
She has latched onto a motley crew of heroes,
using her technical and sorcerous skills to aid
them where she can.
Mecheldr is a masterwork, a being of
wraithbone and magic made using nearly all
of the resources of a worldship in order to construct a hero using the soul stone of one of
their greatest leaders. Mecheldr has only dim
memories of his past life, but he has been
using this new life to do good. While he has
mostly been working to protect the interests of
his home worldship, he has begun looking at
the wider reaches of the Great Wheel and how
the Eldarin might fit in.
Giorna is one of the few Eldarin that
doesn't wear a soulstone. She lost any need for
it quite some time ago when an accident and
a tear in the warp allowed a Daemon to take
over her body. She still wears her full environment suit, a handy way to disguise the way the
Daemon's power has caused her body to warp
and change. She has been disguising her condition from the other Eldarin, but is planning
on leaving to find more interesting people to
be around. And to feed on.



Distant relatives of the Eldarin, the
Elves settled down instead of escaping into the
Astral Sea. The Eldarin pity the Elves, saying
their cousins have lost their way, their souls
weighed down by gravity. Elves live in harmony with the lands, living what most see as
simple lives with little industry, but which they
see as respectful of the land.
Elves usually feel a strong responsibility to preserve and pass on the old ways,
though some see their methods as primitive
and useless in the modern age. They see the
same skills as being necessary for personal
growth and respect of the natural world, and
typically treat those who feel the same way
very well.


Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.6-1.9m
Average Weight: 70-80kg
Languages: Trade, Elven
Common Personality Traits: Respectful, patient, modest, peaceful, observant.
Common Physical Traits: Thin build,
tanned skin, sharp eyes, simple clothing, quiet
Example Names: Garryth, Kaelyssa,
Ravyn, Ossyan, Rahn, Vyros.

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Wisdom
or Dexterity.
Skill Bonus: +1 to Perception and
Power: Elven Accuracy - Once per
scene, an Elf may reroll a failed Weaponry or
Ballistic skill Test. At Level 3 and 5 you gain
an additional use of this power per scene.
Size: 3


Physical Qualities
Elves are slender, athletic folk about
as tall as humans. Their skin is often tanned
or brown from long days spent under the sun
and open sky. Their hair colors run the gamut
of natural colors from the brown of the earth
to the green of fresh leaves or the bright shades
of flowers. Elves' ears are long and pointed,
and their eyes are cool colors, vibrant blues,
violets, and greens. They strongly resemble Eldarin built slightly sturdier and stockier, which
isn't surprising considering their origins.
Elves, like Eldarin, mature during
their early lives at about the same rate as humans do, but remain in early adulthood for
most of their long natural lives. They generally
don't live as long as Eldarin, a century or two
on average.
Elves are stronger and tougher than
most Eldarin, though they're still somewhat
fragile creatures compared to the average citizen of the Wheel.

Playing an Elf
Elves are a people of deeply felt passions, easily moved to delighted laughter,
blinding wrath, or mournful tears, the very
passions and emotions that the Eldarin refuse
to allow themselves. They are inclined to impulsive behavior, and are often seen as flighty
or impetuous by the other races, though the
Elves clearly don't shrink from responsibility
or forget commitments - they are experts at
farming and terraforming, both pursuits that
take decades.
Elves revere the natural world. Their
connection to the environment runs deeply
through everything they do. They never cut
living trees, and when they create permanent
communities they do so by sculpting the natural landscape to suit their needs rather than
tearing it down to replace it with something
new. They prefer the primal power of the natural world to the vastness of the Astral Sea or
the raw chaos of the Warp. They lack the same
talent for sorcery that their ancestors had, but
replaced it with a curiosity and the desire to
Elves are loyal and merry friends.
They enjoy simple pleasures - dancing and
singing, contests of skill, parties and feasts -

and use them to add a spoonful of sugar to

dull efforts and long commitments. They do
not enjoy war, but in defense of their homes
and families they will readily take up arms.
Long ago, the Elves and Eldarin were
once a single people. The Elves chose a different path from their cousins, settling down to
take care of worlds, casting aside the technology that they didn't need or couldn't replicate
for themselves. They do not require as much
technology to survive, though, as they do not
fear hard work and effort.

Elven Heroes
Avourel is an honorable and powerful
Elven mage who recently discovered the ancestral memories of the Syrne swelling up inside him. He specializes in fire magic, his
desert-world upbringing having long taught
him the power of scorching heat. He seeks out
a vile vampire that took over his homeland and
has escaped death on a great many occasions,
though he worries he doesn't have the power
to stand up to his foe even now.
Jhean Lunos is a man of striking appearance and sudden violence. He was born
and raised among a family of werewolves, but
as a late bloomer he had to deal with the
taunts and dangers of his family for a long
time, and still has the scars to prove it. After
his change he has shown a great connection to
the Umbra, and is mastering the magic of
transmutation. He is a skilled negotiator but
can snap when directly provoked, tearing people apart with his bare claws.
Reeva is considered nearly a messiah
by his people, a natural leader and one of the
chosen champions of Corellon. What most
dont know is that he is suffering from a terrible wasting disease, something that would
have long ago killed a normal man and can lay
low even an Exalt. He is working to do all the
good he can in the limited time he has - while
its possible he might recover some day, he
does not take it for granted and is glad for the
time he has.



A race with a religious reverence for
technology, especially the artifacts of the
Syrne. They were created as engineers and
janitors for the ancient race, with an inborn
knowledge of how to repair Syrneth artifacts.
They are excellent at maintenance, managing
to keep many artifacts running even with no
spare parts. But their innovative abilities are...
somewhat lacking, the fact they don't actually
understand how to build or repair anything except through muscle memory meaning that
their experiments usually turn out badly.
Gnomes can be found in some of the
most unlikely of places, outposts among ruins
or floating rocks that they found interesting for
one reason or another. Their tolerances for
dangerous radiation leaks, substandard living
conditions, and environmental pollution are
somewhat staggering.

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.3-1.5m
Average Weight: 45-55kg
Languages: Trade, Gnomish
Common Personality Traits: Curious,
creative, impressionable, pensive, reckless.
Common Physical Traits: Dirty skin
and clothes, scrawny build, hyperactive motion, surprisingly tough.
Example Names: Snorrig, Noblar,
Grazbaag, Rord.

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Intelligence or Fellowship
Skill Bonus: +1 to Crafts and Academic Lore
Power: Improvise - You begin play
with one free Weapon proficiency of any type
and one free Armor proficiency of any type.
Size: 3



Physical Qualities
Gnomes are somewhat taller and
stockier than halflings, and are some of the
toughest beings for their size in the Wheel.
They can survive for extended periods of time
in less than ideal environments, with a high
tolerance for marginal atmospheres and elevated levels of radiation.
Gnomes have extremely varied shades
of hair and skin. They have a faster and more
complete reaction to sunlight than most races,
tanning within minutes and developing deep
and rich skin tones over time if they spend too
many hours in the sun, growing pale again
with days spent in darkness. Their hair is thick
and tough, resistant to heat and cold, and they
usually have more body hair than humans,
though perhaps less than the famously fuzzy
Style of dress in Gnomish culture
goes purely towards the practical, most wearing leathers and overalls with a great many
pockets and belts. Goggles are extremely common - Gnomes have very sensitive eyes, more
suited to low-light conditions than the bright
lights most cultures use. Their eyes are much
like a cat's eyes, slitted and reflective.

Playing a Gnome
Unobtrusiveness is a virtue among
Gnomes. They spend their lives in and around
machines, and a sudden movement or surprise
could spell disaster, sending someone stumbling into moving parts or breaking sensitive
components. The second is almost worse in
some ways - a loss that is something like murder and heresy at the same time, given the
Gnomish view on machines as a form of religion.
Most Gnomes live in communities
built on Syrneth ruins, families growing up
and taking up multigenerational restoration
projects on some of the most impressive machines ever made. The function of these machines is only vaguely known at best, and often
not even then. They're more like legends or
myths passed down through the generations,
some details forgotten and others made up.
Thankfully, Gnomes don't seem to
actually need to know how something works
in order to repair it, or else they'd never get

anything done. They were gifted by the Syrne

with a genetic memory full of blueprints and
plans that allow them to interpret and work
with machines on such an instinctual level that
it almost seems like they can talk to even simple devises. And most do so anyway, in the
same way someone might talk to a favored pet.
Gnomes have great self-motivation,
doing things on their own initiative and usually
without asking permission. They don't go out
of their way to harm people - and never to
harm machines - but anyone spending time
around a Gnome should expect to have their
gear improved when they aren't looking, even
if they don't want or like the improvements.

Gnomish Heroes
Klink is a Gnome who knows that the
gears of his world are greased with blood.
Gnomes often die in exploring new ruins and
wrecks, and only through sacrifice can some
progress be made. Being a vampire, he knows
better than most just how small sacrifices by
others can help make one man great. He
maintains a large number of followers, and has
a great number of artifacts on hand that he has
personally recovered and repaired.
Trace has led a dangerous and exciting life, spending time onboard military ships
in the middle of conflicts, repairing them even
as they were being blown apart. He was once
the chief engineer of the starship Excelsior, before the ship was lost following a terrible accident involving a warp rift. He was gravely
injured, and rebuilt his body using the scrap
around him. He's one of the very few selfmade prometheans, and even he isn't sure how
he came up with some of the methods and
techniques he used to put himself back together, attributing it to the gods or the machines themselves, saying the spirit of the
Excelsior lives on in him.
Monana Scooter is a celebrated and
wise technician among her people, a miracle
worker who can do more in five minutes than
others could manage in weeks. She has all the
markings of a paragon, a genius who inspires
others to action. The only reason she hasn't
been given command of entire fleets is only
because she prefers machines to people, and
hates dealing with politics and paperwork



Short, lazy, and generally a criminal
element in many societies they become involved in. Halflings are often seen in the same
light as rats and other parasites that live on the
fringes of a city. They managed to find their
way onto spelljammers in one way or another
and now are located in pretty much anywhere
anything is going on, ready to snatch a purse
or scavenge something useful when no one is
Most Halflings are insular and never
see much of the outside world. They'd generally prefer to sit in a comfortable chair and
have as many meals as they can manage to get
in a day, followed by some napping. Even the
most heroic halfling often has simple desires,
finding great joy in the easy things in life food, friendship, and family. Homesickness is
the most common affliction of the travelling

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.0-1.2m
Average Weight: 24-35kg
Languages: Trade, Halfling
Common Personality Traits: Easygoing, spirited, laid back, sneaky, clever.
Common Physical Traits: Hairy feet,
fast hands, childlike appearance, expressive
features, surprisingly quick.
Example Names: Angol, April, Autumn, Banin, Bradoc, Jasmine, Mallin, May,

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Intelligence or Fellowship
Skill Bonus: +1 to Larceny and Deceive.
Power: Shifty - While most races use
Wisdom and Dexterity to determine Static
Defense, Halflings instead have a Static Defense equal to ten, plus six for every dot of
Dexterity, minus twice their size.
Size: 2



Physical Qualities
Halflings are among the smallest sentient creatures in the Great Wheel, only half
the size of a human. They mostly resemble humans, though their proportions and features
are slightly off, childlike, and their ears are
slightly pointed, not as long or tapered as elven
ears but distinct.
Halflings usually have pale skin,
though their skin tone runs nearly the same
range as the various human shades. Most people just describe their skin color as 'dirty', because that's what halflings usually are. A clean
halfling is about as rare as a shaved squat,
though for opposite reasons - most halflings
are simply far too low on the totem pole of the
societies they exist in to have to worry about
matters beyond survival.
Halfling hair and eye colors tend toward bare earth tones with hints of other color,
muddy reds and blondes. Their eyes are most
often hazel, shifting slightly between green and
brown with the light. They often dye and cut
their hair into outrageous colors and styles,
perhaps as a way to get attention but also as a
way to show belonging to gangs and families.

Playing a Halfling
Halflings are, not to make a pun, part
of a lower class. They live in the gutters and
ghettos of their betters, living lives that most
totally ignore. In truth, they have a surprisingly
deep culture, based on loyalty and sacrifice to
friends and family. When a halfling makes a
commitment, or learns to trust someone,
they'd never willingly break that bond except
in the most dire circumstance.
Because of these ties, Halflings shun
anyone who is known as a tattletail or a betrayer. They'll often take the law into their own
hands, so any halfling that starts talking too
much to the Harmonium will often find himself in the morgue before too long.
Halflings have a great contempt for
the larger races. And considering pretty much
everyone counts as 'larger', there's a lot of targets for it. They lie, cheat, and steal from them
and don't usually feel bad about any of it - the
other races never give them a break anyway.
They rarely have a need to go out among them
except to scavenge for supplies, and most

races remain unaware of the cities blooming

under their feet or within their unused cargo
holds, cities built at half scale and full of all
your missing things.
Halflings are opportunistic, seeking
out the easiest way to do anything, which usually means cheating. Theyre not afraid to
break rules or laws when its to their advantage. Its a very rare halfling who wants a fair
fight in any way.

Halfling Heroes
Coerg is a big man in the halfling underground, a roguish werewolf who likes to
think he cuts a striking figure. People have expended much effort in avoiding saying anything to him about the differences between
wolves and lapdogs and exactly which he
transforms into. He's surprisingly peaceful for
his kind, talking his way out of things and is a
master of the art of sad puppy eyes.
Wheeler is a dangerous halfling.
Trapped alone for decades or centuries on a
feral world of (to him) huge monsters, he was
driven insane and worse, losing his soul to a
daemon. Only his madness was strong enough
to survive the experience, and now what's left
of Wheeler can speak only in simple rhyme.
After sneaking onboard a ship, he's escaped
back into Sigil, where his pranks and annoying
behavior cause no end of trouble for the Harmonium.
Captain Selphie is that rarest of
halflings, one who has actually gone legit and
made something of herself in "big-folk" society. She says she owes everything to Vectron,
and is well-known as a great lover and merchant, with a nose for gold and an eye to the
future. She has her own spelljammer, the Defiant, though her customizations to it make it
a bit cramped and uncomfortable for anyone
much larger than an elf.



Humans are a young race. Very young
and for the most part, clueless. They explore
incessantly and fight amongst themselves for
land, for love, for their gods. Thankfully, humans adapt extremely quickly and seem to
have a knack for surviving in even the worst
places to live. In the short time they've been
on the scene, they've managed to go to war
with the Eldarin over the - in the views of the
Eldarin - dangerous practice of reopening dormant Portal Relays. The dominant view of
Humanity is as a race rushing to disaster because of impatience and reckless behavior.
Relatively short-lived, most humans
view life in the Great Wheel as an adventure,
an undiscovered country to explore. Humans
blaze new trails every day - going places no
one else dares or wants to go, often finding
ways to live in crystal spheres otherwise hostile
to all life. They usually don't have time or pa-


tience to deal with the problems of others,

though humans come in all types, some even
managing to not be self-centered.
Languages: Trade, Human
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to any one
Skill Bonus: +1 to any two skills.
Power: Heroic Heritage: A human
begins play with one addtional Hero Point.
Size: 4


Physical Qualities
Humans haven't changed much in the
time they've spent on the Great Wheel. They
average around two meters in height, with
somewhat softer features than the harsh lines
of the Eldarin or brutish appearance of the
Orks. Humans vary in appearance as much as
any of the other races in the Wheel, and are almost a sort of middle ground in appearance.
They often take cues from the races they deal
with, sharing styles of dress and grooming.
The norm for humans in their own
culture is, well, that there is no norm. Every
planet humans have colonized has developed
its own very distinct culture and style, and unlike most races humans seem most proud of
their distinctness and individuality. Every
human has at least one thing they consider
themselves the best at, from something simple
like cooking a certain type of food to something more noble like arts or science.
If one had to attribute a norm to humans, it would be the expansive culture of the
Imperium. Nearly all humans are a part of it,
a crushingly brutal empire that has spread a
motif of skulls and eagles across the stars. It
really does seem like humans can't get enough
of eagles and skulls.

Playing a Human
In the grim darkness of the Great
Wheel, people are still people. There is little
that can change the human spirit, not even the
future. The major change in human culture
has been the rise of the Imperium. After unifying their home planet of Terra, humans expanded to the stars with a kind of reckless
abandon that no other race had expressed for
thousands of years.
This reckless expansion backed by a
crushing imperial government defines the way
humans deal with the wider universe. In one
of their first encounters with an alien race, they
ended up in a war with the Eldarin, a war
where the "primitive" human ships crushed the
Eldarin with massive brute force. They managed to end the war before things went badly
for them thanks to certain political movers and
shakers working in Sigil.
Because of this bad first impression,
there is still a deep distrust for aliens in human

culture. The Terra First group, among others,

seeks to promote human interests over alien
ones. The more extreme groups are little more
than xenophobic terrorist groups that would
have humans purge the alien from the stars.
Given the sheer number of threats humans
have encountered, this position is considered
quite reasonable to many.
While there are quite a few humans
who just can't deal with aliens, others adapt
extremely well to other cultures. It's not uncommon for humans who live and work
closely with other races to take up their cultural mores and ways. Humans have also been
known to try and romance anything that they
find even vaguely interesting.

Human Heroes
Kuj'o J'Karra is a striking man, extremely tall for his age, well-built, and with a
powerful sense of justice. He was raised
among the Tau and only very recently awoke
to his power, a strong Syrneth sprit that gives
him superhuman ability matched only by his
incredible determination. Kuj'o plans on finding the vampire that has cursed his family and
punching him into a fine paste.
Marina Pheonix, on the other hand,
has been a Promethean for so long that she
can't even remember having a human body.
She's an expert hacker and gunslinger, so far
removed from normal humans that at time she
seems even more alien than Eldarin do. She
prefers to work well away from the spotlight,
and over a very long career of fighting alongside some of the strangest people in the wheel,
has come to value expertise over anything else.
Armstrong is at first glance a fairly
normal human sorcerer. While sorcery isn't
something most humans are comfortable with,
Armstrong is proving quite adept at it, no
small thanks to the help of Acererak, who has
been whispering secrets in his ear. Hes been
led from one secret to another, though Armstrong still isnt sure if hes being shown these
secrets by Acererak as some kind of reward, or
if hes uncovering things his god wanted to
find out. Truthfully, hes fine with it either
way, and expects that once hes found the answer to that question hell have really learned
what his god is trying to teach him.



Like the Eldarin, the Orks were created by the Syrne as warriors. However, where
the Eldarin were created as agile warriors with
great magical talent, the Orks were created as
brutal troops that can withstand almost anything and keep fighting. They breed quickly
and are probably the most successful race in
the galaxy, infesting nearly every crystal sphere
known. Thankfully, their constant infighting
and love of combat will likely keep them busy
killing each other until the end of time.
The Orks live in roving warbands,
going from place to place in search of a good
time. They're one of the few races of people
that are genuinely almost always having a good
time, especially when they find
some tough fighting and
good opposition. While they
have a reputation for
being bloodthirsty, they
only tend to kill unworthy opponents - the
ones that put
up a good fight,
or at least try,
they let live so
they can fight


Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 2.3-2.7m
Average Weight: 160-200kg
Languages: Trade, Orkish
Common Personality Traits: Argumentative, foolhardy, individualistic, impatient, fun-loving.
Common Physical Traits: Many
scars, pointed tusks, mottled green skin,
blood-curdling roar, bulky physique.
Example Names: Waagrot, Duffthug,
Ogork, Ugurty, Naznob, Skabbad

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Strength
or Willpower
Skill Bonus: +1 to Intimidation and
Power: WAAAAAGH! - At the beginning of each combat, heal hit
points equal to your level.
Size: 5


Physical Qualities
Orks are one of the most violent and
dangerous races in the Wheel, and their physiology only supports them in this. They're extremely tough, shrugging off wounds that
would kill others just by getting angry and riding the surge of adrenaline.
One of the most interesting things
about Orks, at least to xenobiologists, is that
they are perfectly adapted to a battlefield role.
They're well-known for their ability to reproduce from spores, growing like big angry potatoes in the ground. What is less commonly
known is their extreme sexual dimorphism.
While male orks are by far more common and
universally brutish and apelike, the rare female
ork is considerably closer to the standards of
beauty of other races. While there is no outstanding proof of it, some scholars suppose
that while normal orks make excellent line
troops, female orks were engineered more for
stealth operations and special forces.
Orks usually have green skin, though
deeper colors are not unknown. Their beady
eyes tend through shades of yellow, red, and
black. Nearly all orks have at least a few scars,
and most accumulate a tapestry of scars that
they're extremely proud of.

Playing an Ork
Orks are not afraid of getting into
fights. They relish it, in fact. Orks grow and
mature most quickly by fighting others, maturing into adulthood in amazingly short periods of time if they're given something to fight.
While most races are afraid of pain or danger,
Orks revel in it.
Orks don't have the same sense of design or beauty as other races, using simple solutions and reliable low-tech equipment.
Because of this and their general appearance,
many other races assume that Orks are dull
and simple - the truth is just the opposite.
Orks can do amazing work with little infrastructure and training. They're quite brutally
cunning. Or cunningly brutal.
Most races have very strong opinions
of the Orks, and since most of the time these
races had first contact with Orks that involved
a screaming green horde and a lot of fighting,
these very strong opinions are typically nega-

tive. The Orks, on the other hand, really don't

have many negative feelings at all. They like
fighting, and dying is just a part of that. They
admire anyone who can give them a good battle.
Orkish culture is based on the biggest
and strongest ruling the small. They extend
this belief to the other races, and many Orks
will attempt to simply butt in and take control
away from those they see as weak. Once someone has proven their strength, though, Orks
are loyal and honorable. Betrayal and trickery
just arent usually the way Orks do things.

Orkish Heroes
Wrecka is a famed Orkish mercenary
and bounty hunter. He's one of the few Orks
that shows a natural talent for Sorcery, especially healing, thanks to the strange knowledge
he was born with, a Syrne spirit that drives
him to do some distinctly non-orkish things.
He loves violence and killing, but Wrecka actually thinks about the future, both his own
and of others.
Roshenko has been in more fights
than he can remember. Sure, mostly that's because half of his brain has been replaced with
clockwork and stuff, but that's still a lot of
fighting. He's more machine thank Ork at this
point, with countless crude cybernetics and
improvements. It's said he's never been on a
ship that hasn't crashed. He has a strong sense
of duty and honor, for an Ork, so hes pretty
reliable as long as all you need is for someone
to go screaming and shooting in the general
direction of the enemy.
Shibba has always been different from
other Orks. For one thing, she's a lot more
subtle. For another thing, she's a she. Shibba
has a great interest in the ways of other races,
not least because she's picked up a Daemon
that has been trying very hard to influence her
and control her actions, but has been bullied
into submission. It's clear that it was not prepared to deal with an Ork and how strong
willed they can be.



A proud people, the Squats come
from a hostile world, the surface almost unlivable. They quickly developed mining skills and
began living underground, a tradition that
continues on almost every world they live on.
They are deeply tied to their families and their
social position, with tradition and their caste
structure forming the base of their lives. They
have a longstanding hatred of the Orks, who
infest the surface of their homeworld and are
almost a constant threat.
Squats are a creative people, most
with at least some skill at a trade and a keen
sense for the joy of a job well-done. Most
squats have an appreciation for beautiful
things, though the way they express this might
seem gruff and ungrateful to others. They're
some of the fastest adopters of new technologies and innovations, and are well-known for
quickly finding ways to turn even seemingly
useless things into useful tools.

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.2-1.4m
Average Weight: 75-100kg
Languages: Squat, Trade
Common Personality Traits: Brave,
gruff, persistent, reliable, stubborn.
Common Physical Traits: Beard, barrel chest, sturdy build, drunk, incredible endurance.
Example Names: Hrothgar, Durik,
Snorl, Durgen, Gorten, Gudrun.

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Constitution or Willpower
Skill Bonus: +1 to Crafts and Common lore.
Power: Squat Toughness - A Squats
Resilience is treated as being one higher for the
purpose of determining hit points lost due to
Size: 3



Physical Qualities
Squats are, in a word, squat. They
stand shorter than humans and Eldarin, but
are nearly square in shape, as wide as they are
tall. Squats evolved on a world with higherthan-average gravity and far too many Orks.
They're burrowing creatures, most comfortable in closed spaces and well away from open
Despite their small size, Squats are
quite tough, easily as dangerous at the art of
war as any other race. Their homeworld's climate is dangerous on many levels, from the
high gravity and radioactive atmosphere that
the Squats aren't quite adapted to. However,
like most sentient species, they more than
make up for that with their cunning.
Squats are a people that are clearly no
stranger to work - each of them, male or female, is calloused and hardened by a life of
putting their backs into their work. They tend
to grow bored easily when not given a goal,
and have a work ethic that borders on the suicidal.
Squat clothing tends to be somber
and dull looking to most. They have a limited
ability to see into the ultraviolet and infrared,
and those colors, which other races cannot see,
have always been in style. To other Squats,
these clothes are brightly colored and patterned, showing the wearer's clan and family.
Beards and hair styles also show status and
caste in Squat culture, and even a slight
change in braiding shows as much significance
as a wedding band or class ring.

Playing a Squat
There is almost nothing more important to a Squat than honesty. Squats are honest and open, and their culture relies on it they have not had a real currency in centuries,
having moved to a system of barter long ago.
A squat who lies about the value of his goods,
his training, or even his taste in ale will quickly
find himself outcast among his people.
That's not to say Squats always tell
the truth. They just don't lie. There's a very
important difference - they might not tell you
a load of ore is full of impurities, but they
won't tell you it's fine if you ask them. Squats
learn to ask the correct questions.

Squats come from a society with

harshly divided caste lines. There is an upper
class of nobility and warriors, a middle class of
merchants and smiths and miners. But where
there is an upper class, there is a lower class,
casteless undesirables that are looked down on
as the descendants of criminals and liars. They
are considered unworthy to even be servants
to other Squats.

Squat Heroes
Cheri is a young Squat, the last son of
a noble house that was lost in a terrible accident. They built ships, the strong and tough
ships of the squats, but at the launch of their
most ambitious ship to date something went
horribly wrong with the reactor. Cheri was
away celebrating with friends, and returned to
find his homeland warped and destroyed with
the powers of broken sorcery and daemons.
He remains resolute and determined to continue his family's traditions of honor and duty,
working to fight evil and serve Moradin wherever he can.
Roboutte is an old warrior, one of the
most experienced veterans of the wars against
the Orks. all four of his limbs have been replaced with cybernetics, though that is perhaps
less important than the fact that he's a Vampire, something he chose for himself to escape
death. He has been hiding his condition from
his family, something easily done since he
doesn't spend time aboveground.
Setsuna is a serious young Squat. She
was born into the warrior caste and was forced
to begin fighting at a very young age when a
civil war between her caste and the casteless
began. She was one of the very few survivors
of that war, and claims that a celestial being,
some kind of shining daemon, was responsible
for saving her. She has proven to be an almost
supernaturally skilled warrior, and is still trying to reach the ideal she was once shown.



A mysterious race, the Tau have little
magical talent and less presence in the affairs
of the Astral Sea than even the humans. They
have not expanded beyond their home Crystal
Sphere, and visitors are almost unknown they have not activated their Portal Relay and
their Crystal Sphere is protected by an aura
called the Wall of Fire that makes such a journey almost suicidal.
Every Tau is humanoid in shape, with
two arms, two cloven feet, and a single head.
Their gray-blue skin is leathery and tough and
exudes no moisture, owing to the generally dry
conditions of their homeworld. Their faces are
flat, wide around the eyes, and their olfactory
organs are located inside their mouths. Their
eyes can see into the infrared and ultraviolet.
Tau eyesight is good, but they focus on distant
objects more slowly than humans.

Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1-7-2.0m
Average Weight: 85-100kg
Languages: Tau, Trade
Common Personality Traits: Understanding, tolerance, honor, diplomatic, naive.
Common Physical Traits: Frail build,
farsighted, mobile, enduring, light-fingered.
Example Names: Aun'va, Shaserra,
Shovah, Shas'La, Dynerah, Kais.

Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Intelligence or Composure
Skill Bonus: +1 to Common Lore and
Power: Fall Back - Whenever you
successfully dodge a melee attack, you may
make a free withdraw action, but you may only
move half of the normal distance.
Size: 4



Physical Qualities
The Tau are quite well away from the
average appearance of races in the Wheel.
They're somewhat more frail on average than
a human, but this is as much a function of
their society as it is of their physiology - those
few Tau who dedicate themselves to manual
labor or learning the art of close combat grow
just as strong as any human or Squat, though
they might have to work a bit harder at it.
The Tau are descended from plainsdwelling creatures. They're adept at sprinting
and walking long distances, natural soldiers in
some ways, but their eyes are somewhat widely
spaced, and they take slightly longer to focus
on distant objects because of it. Their excellent sense of smell makes up for this a bit,
though when they have to work around Orks
or Halflings they tend to regret that. They
have very little natural ability with magic, and
developed only healing and protective sorcery
on their own.

Playing a Tau
The most obvious differences between Tau and the other races of the Wheel is
that the Tau have a single government that is
based not on any greed or personal desire but
on the Greater Good of all members of their
society. The Tau consider the most valuable
lesson one can learn to be that the needs of the
many outweigh the needs of the few, or the
Tau are placed into the positions they
will occupy for the rest of their lives at a very
early age - genetic and standardized tests help
them find the position that they are not only
most suited to but will most enjoy. While they
don't claim that this works out perfectly for
everyone, as there are always a few who dream
of a station they simply are not suited for, they
believe it does the most good possible for society as a whole.
Tau society is based around a caste
system, much like Squat society, though the
Tau castes are somewhat more absolute, with
a significant amount of genetic difference.
They arent quite separate species, but its so
rare for a Tau to find a mate outside of their
caste that they may become separate species
over time.

Tau generally don't think of themselves, though when they're put into command
positions they're quite good at thinking for
themselves. A Tau is nearly always willing to
listen to the suggestions of another, though
unless that person is qualified to speak, their
opinions will not hold much weight - if they
were truly suited to the task enough to give
council, why are they not in the position themselves?
While Tau technology is very clean
and nice looking, it's actually somewhat less
advanced than the average. They have not yet
learned to open Portal Relays, which has
greatly slowed their expansion across the
Wheel, and because they have so little knowledge of Sorcery, they tend to fall prey to nearly
any magical threat they run across.

Tau Heroes
Shas'la Kais is a young warrior of the
Fire caste, who in his very first mission was
able to overcome almost impossible odds. He
fought against dozens, hundreds of enemies,
and somehow came out on top. Despite this
incredible luck, he was unable to complete his
mission, though he did manage to prevent
great disaster from befalling the Tau Empire.
He is currently recovering from the great mental stresses he endured - no one is prepared to
see the Warp, especially not a Tau.
O'Shaserra is perhaps one of the bestknown Tau Commanders in the Wheel, which
is to say that several people have heard of her
instead of none at all. She has the backing of
the full Tau Empire and is at the head of the
Third Crystal Sphere Expansion, a move by
the Tau to annex some nearby Crystal
Spheres. She has enjoyed no small amount of
success. What few know is that she is a created
thing, built to be the perfect, loyal commander.
O'Shovah was once a great commander among the Tau, before he nearly
found his death at the hands of the Orks and
a Daemon found him to its liking. Unlike most
Tau he has a great skill at close combat, wielding a massive Grand Daiklaive. He has recently gone rogue, leaving the Greater Good
to found a place where the great will not be
constrained by the small.



The Tieflings are the mirror image of
the Aasimar, a people made to serve Chaos.
They are far more varied in appearance than
their counterparts, typically having multiple
mutations that mark them as servants of
Chaos - hooves, a tail, claws, horns, all of these
are common. While many closely follow the
whims of their gods, a sizable portion of them
simply do as they wish, which suits the purpose of Chaos quite well. Like the Aasimar,
Tieflings increase their number by inducting
other races, though in the case of Tieflings
there is no orderly indoctrination or training,
just torturous warping of the body and promises of power.
As befitting their birth, Tieflings tend
to not really have any kind of society. Most are
barbaric, living for their own desires and nothing else. They're creatures that indulge their
every whim. Which makes them extraordinarily dangerous - a gang of tieflings might tear
through a street, robbing a few homes, setting
fire to more, painting beautiful murals on the
rest and turning one man's lawn into a beautiful garden.
Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 1.5-3.0m
Average Weight: 100-300kg
Languages: Abyssal, Trade
Common Personality Traits: Passionate, flighty, loud, magnetic, untrustworthy.
Common Physical Traits: Dark eyes,
intimidating height, sharp teeth, inhuman mutations, powerful build.
Example Names: Criella, Linaera,
Verstaadt, Kiltre, Marchaud Vinton, Liera
Racial Statistics
Characteristic Bonus: +1 to Dexterity
or Constitution
Skill Bonus: +1 to Intimidate and
Power: Bloody Minded - You may
reroll damage dice that land on a 1.
Size: 5



Physical Qualities
Tieflings are extremely variable in appearance and physiology, as befits beings born
of roiling chaos. They were once members of
other races, transformed through ceremony
and ritual (and every once in a while, accident)
into a new form. Most Tieflings are minions
of the Ruinous Powers, servants of Chaos and
transformed in order to better serve them.
They are warriors by nature, and though
they're somewhat smaller than Aasimar on average, Tieflings are just as tough.
Tieflings are generally humanoid,
though they all have at least a few signs of the
touch of chaos. Cloven hooves and lizardlike
tails aren't uncommon, unearthly beauty and
horns are fairly common as well. What the
Tiefling once was seems to have almost no
bearing on what they become, though the general appearance can give a bit of a clue to the
power that changed them.
Their differing physical forms are
what truly set Tieflings apart from Aasimar,
despite their extremely similar origin. While
Aasimar are all works of art in flesh, they are
all the same work of art. Tieflings are more inventive, a process rather than a single solution.
Some are stronger or weaker, some more
beautiful or hideous, but all of them are
unique and special in their own way.

Playing a Tiefling
If there's anything a Tiefling does well
it's revel in their own power. They are servants
of the Ruinous Powers, but they are not doing
it purely out of duty or faith but out of their
own desires. While Aasimar lose who they
were in their rebirth, who a Tiefling is is made
manifest in their creation. Their new forms are
partly made of their souls, their unconscious
desires, and reflect the kind of person they are,
deep down. While their memories of their past
lives are hazy at best, they remember the important things, the things that drove them to
become what they are.
A Tiefling is by nature a person who
cared more for their ambition than their people. They are not nearly as devoted to the
Blood War as the Aasimar, but are created in
far greater number - it is a comparatively simple thing for the Ruinous Powers to create a

Tiefling and simply set it loose than it is for

the Blessed Pantheon to carefully create and
train their servants.
Not all Tieflings serve Chaos. Just as
there are some Aasimar who have taken up
service with the Ruinous Powers, there are
Tieflings who have decided they'd rather serve
someone more dependable.
Overwhelmingly, Tieflings are not
trusted. They are seen as being dangerous at
best and often just as mutants and monsters.
Whatever family ties they had are severed, and
many factions and entire worlds will simply
not want to deal with them. That is the price
they pay for power, and it is a burden that
most see as a small cost - they were often already shunned for their actions, and this is a
minor addition to that at most.

Tiefling Heroes
Traya is a Tiefling, a Servant of
Malal, and a Black Spiral Dancer. None of
these three things really inspires trust or confidence in people. She is a berserking warrior,
always the center of combat. However, unlike
most servants of Malal she is not willing to betray the ones she cares for - though she's hurt
them more than once because of her lack of
Petticoat has served the Ruinous
Powers from her place in high society, having
been embraced and made a member of Clan
Ventrue long ago. She is a servant of Tzeentch
and considers herself a master planner, with
schemes that take decades to come to fruition.
While most simply look at her as a simple
businesswoman, she is an incredibly dangerous fighter in her own right, with a pair of cunningly disguised weapons and the skills of a
master assassin.
Shax was once merely a pawn in the
Blood War, and the only thing he wanted was
revenge against the Blessed Pantheon, whose
servants had purged his family for their worship of the Ruinous Powers. After years spent
fighting for one useless rock after another, he
simply... lost his taste for revenge. He now
worships Luna, having seen that what is really
needed in the Wheel is for the endless cycle of
revenge to change.



They threw the stranger into the pit. He had appeared from the sky with strange
lights and sounds. He was clearly another Daemon, appear to plague them from the
warp, or a dark sorcerer in their service. He had already been injured when they found
him, and hadn't put up much of a fight, though he was clearly a surly and spiteful type.
The pit was the only place for him, a dry well that had been warded by the priests
to contain daemons such as him. The horrors trapped there would make short work of
him. The stranger had argued, tried to convince them not to throw him in the pit, but
the arguments had fallen on deaf ears and they had pushed him into the pit at swordpoint.
From above, the villagers watched as the daemon in the pit appeared. It had killed
countless men in seconds. The stranger, though, proved to be made of stronger stuff,
pushing back the daemon with surprising strength.
"Give him the spikes," ordered the town magistrate. An ancient mechanism slowly
came into motion, the spiked sides of the pit slowly grinding closed like huge jaws. The
stranger cursed, an oath terrible enough to make the women watching blush.
Against the magistrate's orders, the King's sage appeared, carrying the strange
sword the stranger had been wearing when they captured him. He threw the sword down
into the pit. The stranger caught it before it hit the mud that lined the pit's floor, and
with the press of a switch, the chainsword roared to life. The stranger let loose a battle
cry and decapitated the daemon with one swing. Foul black blood flew into the air.
The stranger used the moments of peace he bought himself to climb above the
pit's closing walls, and then above the lip of the pit itself. Battered and bloody, he walked
up to the town magistrate, looked him in the eye, then looked down at his feet. The magistrate's gaze followed his, and in that moment of distraction he slugged him in the face,
knocking the man over.
"All right, who wants some?" The stranger asked, looking at the silenced crowd
that had just been baying for his blood. "Who's next? Huh? How about it? Who wants
some?!" The men shied away from him. He sneered at them and pushed them away,
then turned to the other prisoners who had been due to be executed.
"Get on those horses and get out of here," he said. He looked at the men holding
them. "Let them go!" They released the prisoners.
"Halt!" the magistrate yelled, getting to his feet. He drew his sword, just a plain
steel blade. The prisoners got on the loose horses and rode off laughing. The magistrate
brandished his sword at the stranger. "For that arrogance, I shall see you dead."
There was a crack-roar like some strange thunder. The magistrate's sword exploded in his hands, shattering into metal fragments. The stranger raised the aim on the
weapon he was suddenly holding.
"Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this?" He raised his
weapon into the air. "This... is my BOOM STICK! It's a .75 gauge standard pattern
bolter, top of the line. This sweet baby was made in the forge city of Gunsmoke on Bytopia-1. Retails for about 500 Thrones. It's got a plasteel stock, engravings and a hair
trigger. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates even touches me-"
The stranger turned and fired his bolter twice in quick succession, blasting the
daemon crawling unnoticed out of the pit. The shots tore its body apart, knocking it
screaming back into the pit. The stranger blew smoke away from the barrel of the
weapon, then lowered it.
"Now, let's talk about how I get back to my ship."

very Hero is more than just a man

with training. A real Hero is more than that,
with abilities beyond even the greatest normal
man. A Hero might have a great blessing, or a
great curse. Maybe he was aware of his great
potential since childhood. Maybe he only discovered it in a time of great need.
What a Hero finds, his source of
power, is his Exaltation. It's more than just another tool or some training. It's an intrinsic
part of who he is. Exaltations are rare, literally
more rare than a one in a million. It's not even
all that uncommon for there to be only one or
two exalts on a world at a time.
How a person becomes Exalted depends greatly on what type they become.
Some types of exalted - Werewolves, the Chosen - depend on the blessings of the fickle
gods. Others, like Atlanteans and Paragons,
must be born into. Daemonhosts are more of
a curse than anything else, taking over the
dying in some of the darkest corners of the
world. In theory, anyone can become a
Promethean, but it requires an expenditure of
capital and resources that take a nation to support. Vampires are the only type of exalted
that anyone really could become, and they're
blood-sucking monsters that feed on mortals.


One important thing to note about

the Exalted is that fate and destiny have a
strong hand in their creation. Each of the Exalted is someone willing and able to use their
powers. There is no such thing as a Vampire
unwilling to drink blood, or a Chosen that
doesn't follow the god that has given them
power. Destiny seems to work against 'wasted'
It's impossible to sever the Exaltation
from someone. Despite rumors and experiments, there is no way to turn a Vampire back
into a mortal, or to neuter a werewolf's abilities, or cause an atlantean to forget. An Exalt
can be killed - though that's not easy - but it's
beyond even the abilities of the gods to make
them merely mortal again. If someone wants
to take down one of the Exalted, they have to
do it the hard way.
Exalts are functionally immortal.
Until someone goes out of their way to kill
them, they won't die. They'll seem to be in the
prime of their life for a very, very long time when an Exalt starts to look old, they're at an
age where entire nations and great empires are
fleeting moments that come and go. Disease
doesn't touch them, and all but the most powerful poisons fail to affect their bodies.



The Exalted have a great variety of
powers. In general, you can divide these into
three parts. First, there are the Exalt's static
powers, the abilities shared by all of their kind.
These are not always strengths, but also weaknesses that they share. While Exalts are far
stronger than mere mortals, some have supernatural weaknesses - a vampire's weakness to
sunlight, a werewolf to silver, and so forth.
Secondly, there is the Power Stat.
This is the measure of just how powerful a
given Exalt is in the powers of their kind. Like
Magic and Sword Schools, its maximum in
dots is equal to the character's levels. A character begins with one dot in their Power Stat.
As they grow in power, most of them change
Third, and possibly most importantly,
there is the resource stat. While each of the
Exalted has a different resource stat, being
able to hold different amounts of these resources and recover them in different ways
and at different rates, they can be expended
for the same effects for all Exalts. By spending
one Resource Point, an exalt may:
* Heal 1 Hit Point.
* Gain +1k0 to a skill Test.
* Gain a reaction action.
* Recover from being Stunned
* Recover from being Dazed
An Exalt can only spend a few resource points in a given round. The number
of points they may spend per round is equal to
their Power Stat. Healing hit points with your
resource points can only be used out of combat during a period of relative rest and relaxation.

All of the Exalted have a Tell, something that marks them as more than merely
members of their respective races. While it
might seem odd, the sheer variety of races,
cultures and technology means that even the
most bizarre first impression an exalt leaves,
even ones as unusual as Prometheans and
Daemonhosts, can be matched by the more
extreme fashions of mortal society. However,
a Tell is blatantly strange and supernatural.


Each type of Exalt has a different type of Tell.

Vampire - A vampire grows more
pale, and his fangs become more and more
Werewolf - Develops patches of fur
and grows wolflike ears and a tail. Tattoos
glow brightly with silver light.
Atlantean - Begins glowing golden
with Syrneth magic and an avatar of their past
life appears around them.
Paragon - No blatantly visible effect,
but a noticeable charisma that draws the eye
of more and more people.
Chosen - The symbol of their god appears, and an aura forms around them in the
favored colors of their deity.
Promethean - More gadgets appear,
and obvious mechanisms and crackling power
appear from their bodies.
Daemonhost - Vile marks appear on
their skin and their forms twist with mutation.
Tells are not present all the time. It's
only when an Exalt uses their power and
spends Resource Points that the Tell appears.
The number of points that an exalt spends in
a given scene determines how strong their Tell
is. When an Exalt spends even a single point,
their Tell becomes faintly visible to careful observers (Perception + Wisdom against TN 20
to notice). With two to three points, the Tell
becomes impossible to miss and their true nature is on display. With four or five points, the
character radiates an aura of power, light
bright enough to read by or darkness enough
to smother campfires. At six or more points
spent in a single scene, the Exalt's display of
power becomes truly epic - they might be surmounted with a glowing avatar, be visible for
kilometers, cause mortals to fall silent and simply watch, or send them screaming in terror.

Mortal Heroes
Some SMs and Players may be interested in playing mortal characters, either
for an extra challenge or simply because
they want to play through their character's exaltation. In this case, simply don't
choose an Exaltation. A mortal character is fragile and short-lived compared to
an exalt, but their Hero Points still show
them to be something special.

Captain Gabriev fired as the next target walked into the corridor. His
lasgun beeped as the power pack hit critical levels. His hand went to his belt.
Only one pack left. He reloaded and looked back at his teammates.
"How's Talieer?" Gabriev asked, looking back. Wrecka glanced down at
the prone form of the wounded Eldarin. She had taken a hit from the pinkhaired clones that had gone right through her void suit and out the other side.
"Da panzee's all urty," Wrecka said. Gabriev sighed. That wasn't exactly
the answer he had been hoping for. The Ork was a pretty good healer, but he
was nearly tapped at this point.
"I-I am fine," Talieer said. "I have not been injured in a way that will
impede the completion of this mission." She sat up, blood still dripping from
her wound. She put a patch over the hole in her void suit.
"Did any of their... stuff get to you?" Gabriev asked. He glanced back
down the corridor. Nothing yet.
"No. I do not believe so." She sealed the patch. Wrecka, surprisingly
gentle, helped her seal the hole on her back. The Eldarin nodded her thanks.
"No sudden love for the damned little pink things?" They were all identical, clones created by some damned mad scientist trying to create a god or
bring back her dead daughter or both. They were a perverse mixture of human
and some bizarre alien life form, all of them with pink hair, an empty smile,
and emitting pheromones that made people fall in love with them. Worse, they
seemed to be able to change their shape and turn their limbs into twisted blades
of red crystal.
"No. Their pheromones do not infect through blood contact. I believe
I will be fine as long as my suit does not become further compromised." She
stood up, shakily. "I will require my weapon."
"Oy gotz yer dakka," Wrecka said. He rummaged around in his belt
pouch and produced an inferno pistol. Talieer took it, checked the advanced
weapon, then holstered it, nodding her thanks.
"...kekahi mau pipi..." came an echoing call from down the corridor.
Gabriev turned back to the corridor. Glowing red eyes. He leveled his lasgun.
"We've got more Kiiha clones incoming!" Gabriev warned. "Goddamn,
I hate these things."


When the Syrne vanished from this
world, they didn't even leave corpses behind.
The popular theory is that they used a weapon
that actually blasted the souls of their entire
race free of their bodies. Ever since then, some
have been born with the same kind of amazing, universal magic that the Syrne practiced.
The rumor is that they're being born with the
souls of the lost Syrne race.
While the Atlanteans are indeed being
reborn with the souls of the Syrne, they do not
typically come into realization of this until
later in their lives. They usually have normal
childhoods - at least as normal as they can be
for someone with an amazing inborn talent
with magic and surprising instinctual knowledge. However, there is typically some triggering event that brings old memories surging
back to them. For most it is something simple
- the play of light on water, the sound of a bell
- but for some it is more dramatic, from an
epiphany in the middle of a duel to stumbling
over one's own grave.
Atlanteans do not have all of the
memories from their former lives. Most only
have flashes and vague memories like a long,
detailed dream. Others remember a few events
or days extremely well and have the rest of
their memory a total blank. All that they can
remember for sure is that something terrible
happened, a curse that still rests on their
power to this day in the form of Paradox.
Unlike some other Exalts, Atlanteans
have no society at all. They may have memories of being someone else, but they are still
ultimately who they were before they awakened. They may have sudden shifts in personality, and an even greater grasp of magic than
before, though. Most Atlanteans choose a
class with at least some ability to learn magic
- most of their inborn ability improves their
ability to use magic, and they are little better
than the average mortal without that advantage.


Magical Aptitude: You begin play
with one free rank in any Magical School. The
character may purchase ranks in that Magical
School as if they appeared in any class progression he possesses. Whenever an Atlantean rolls
for Psychic Phenomena, they may roll twice
and choose to have either or both effects
Prestidigitation: The character may
preform minor magical tricks. As a half action
they may do any of the following:
* Move up to 1 pound of material
* Create a harmless sensory effect,
like a shower of sparks, faint music, or an
* Color, clean, or soil small items.
* Instantly light small (Torch, candle,
small campfire) fires.
* Chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 pound
of nonliving material.
Past Lives: An Atlantean may treat all
skills as Basic. They begin play with Speak
Language (Syrneth)
Paradox: Whenever an Atlantean
spends a Mote, he gains 1 paradox. The
only way to regain spent motes is
to eliminate the paradox
caused by their use.
There are two ways to
Unravel a point of


paradox and change it back into a mote. The

safe way is to spend an hour in meditation to
bleed out the excess warp taint in a fairly dramatic but safe way - ghostly images, a shower
of sparks, heatless flame, or so forth. The fast
way is to spend a free action and roll for Psychic Phenomena. While the Hero has paradox,
keeping a 9 on any die when making a magic
Test forces the character to unravel one paradox immediately, the fast way - and multiple
9s stack if the character has more than one


Power Gained

Ancient Style - The vague memories of

the atlantean's past can greatly influence his present. Some know ancient
fighting styles, lost spells, or even fashion and style. Choose any three skills.
You may go to six dots in those skills
and gain a bonus specialty (Syrneth) in


Empower Spell - by spending 1 Mote,

the character may treat their level and
the rank of their Magic Schools as
being 3 higher for the purposes of the
next spell they cast.


Excellence - You may spend two motes

instead of a Hero Point to reroll any
skill in which you have a specialization.


Maximize Spell - Before casting any

spell, the Hero may spend any number
of motes. For each mote spent, one die
in a spell's Magic check is counted as a
10. (despite being 10s, these dice do
not explode - they are just counted as


Quicken Spell - By spending one mote,

the Hero may cast a spell as a free action.


The Gnosis of an Atlantean is a combination of several factors. First, the awakening memories within them coming alive,
memories of that first age blooming in their
minds and carrying with them training and
techniques that have been lost to time. Of
course, secondly, there is the soul within them
growing in power. The Syrneth were known
for their talents with magic, and this was not
just because of their extensive knowledge, but
because of a well of power within them that
Atlanteans also share. While Atlanteans never
really become inhuman, they do tend to withdraw from their societies over time, becoming
more reclusive as they feel alienated by others.
Resource Stat: Motes. The character has maximum Motes equal to their Charisma and Intelligence plus double their Gnosis score.



The Reborn Past
Atlantean Physical Features
Atlanteans generally don't seem all
that different from normal members of their
race. Even as they gain in power there's little
to tell them apart. At least physically. Culturally, there are obvious differences. Atlanteans
use styles of dress and grooming that are vastly
different from the norms. Those who learn to
recognize these oddities, especially historians,
can pick out Atlanteans with ease.

Atlantean Tells
Atlantean Tells are among the easiest
to recognize as magical. The more motes they
spend in a scene, the brighter they glow with
a pure golden light not unlike orichalcum, a
calm magical light with a kind of patina of the
glow of raw warp energy to it. As the glow
grows, it reveals a shape standing alongside the
Atlantean, like a lamp revealing someone
standing in the dark. The shape is that of the
Syrne spirit inside them, usually a simplified
humanoid shape with machine-like features.
While most of the time, an Atlantean's
Prestidigitation and other effects seem to be
purely magical and with no visible source,
when their tell is visible, though, it becomes
clear that it's the Syrneth spirit doing the work.
They mimic the motions of the Atlantean,
lending their skills to the casting of spells and
guiding their actions like a silent friend. Or, to
some cynics, like a puppetmaster pulling the
strings from beyond the grave.

Becoming an Atlantean
One doesn't just decide to up and become an Atlantean. It's something that is decided even before birth, a destiny that cannot
be avoided. The moment of Exaltation for an
Atlantean can be extremely traumatic. Often
the first thing they recall of their past lives is
the moment of their own death. It's impossible
to predict exactly where or when an Atlantean
will awaken. Some effort has been made by


certain groups to identify Atlanteans before

they can awaken and force the spirit to the surface, often through very violent methods - putting their lives in danger will nearly always
awaken the Syrneth spirit to defend them.
There is currently no way to 'seed' Atlantean spirits. About one in fifty million are
born with a Syrne spirit. No genetic, racial, or
societal trends have really been found. It appears to be truly random. Even the age on
awakening is random, though it at least has a
definite skew towards those who are young
and experiencing many new things.

Playing an Atlantean
Ultimately, an Atlantean is someone
out of time. Their sense of style isn't the only
thing that can see strong changes. It can be
bad enough just being from off-world, but an
Atlantean is an alien no matter where they go.
When playing an Atlantean, keep that in mind.
Order food that no one else will eat, wear
clothing that seems extremely strange.
When choosing a class, consider taking a class with at least some magical ability.
While it's certainly in flavor for an Atlantean
to pick up magical talents on their own later
in life, starting with them might help to emphasize their magical abilities.
The skills and spells you choose with
Magical Aptitude and Ancient Style can help
determine quite a bit about the type of spirit
that has been reborn in your character. There
is a vast difference between, say, an Atlantean
who was once a soldier and one who was a
healer or an engineer. Remember that a character doesnt get to choose their spirit. Even if
it has been influencing them since birth, they
may have very different desires or morals. An
assassin might suddenly discover that theyve
lost a taste for killing in cold blood. A healer
may learn that there are some people they just
cant bring themselves to help.
When building an Atlantean you
should strongly consider spending some of
your background points on Artifacts, to represent the trappings of their former life that
theyre managed to gather again. Of all the Exalts, theyre the most likely to have a strong
personal connection to Artifacts.


Atlanteans in Game
Having an Atlantean in your game
provides a SM with a variety of story hooks
easily built into it. The most obvious is that an
Atlantean's memories serve as a very effective
and trustworthy treasure map to any artifact
or plot device a SM might want to include in
a game.
While using an Atlanteans memories
for a treasure hunt is one easy answer, there
are certainly other ways to use them. One
might learn theyve got an old enemy thats returned to deal with them again. Or an old
friend who has managed to come back as well.
If you have multiple players with Atlantean characters, consider tying their characters together in some way. They might have
known each other in the past. They might
have been friends or lovers... which could be
awkward now, depending on just what theyve
been reborn as.

Atlantean Culture
Atlanteans are essentially a culture of
refugees and survivors from a bygone age. Despite their shared background in that area, Atlanteans owe far more to their racial culture,
having been raised not as Syrne but as whatever else they are. They don't all take well to
the new memories they gain, nor do they all

have the same quality of recall - for

some all they have are fuzzy memories like a half-remembered
dream. For others it becomes difficult to distinguish the Syrneth
memories from their own. A few
Atlanteans suffer partial to total
amnesia of their mortal lives.
Those poor few have a great deal
of difficulty adjusting to the modern age.
The views of the various
races about Atlanteans are naturally conflicting. The Eldarin and
Gnomes damn near worship them,
and even Orks have a certain
amount of respect for them. However, the races with less of a magical tradition rooted in the deep
past, like Humans and the Tau,
the Atlanteans are not viewed
nearly as well. At best, they're an oddity, some
kind of consequence of Warp travel or Sorcery. At worst, they a ghost or daemon of
some kind who has taken over the body of a
loved one and turned them into a new person.

Adapting Atlanteans
The Atlantean template can be used
to represent a number of other things. The
most obvious change is that instead of being a
Syrneth spirit, the Atlantean could be a reincarnation of some great hero or ancestor spirit.
The Syrneth spirit might also represent a more benevolent variety of daemon, not
that regular Daemonhosts cant be perfectly
benevolent in and of themselves.
One can also reflavor Atlanteans to
represent a kind of inherent and powerful
magical power, an expression of a characters
own spirit as an idealized avatar or representation.
Any of these adaptations would
change the feel of the Exaltation quite a bit.
Just like all aspects of a character concept,
make sure to talk things over with your SM before deciding on anything just to make sure his
ideas and plans match up with your own.



There are those who worship the
gods, and there are those who are chosen by
them. The Chosen gain power from their connection to the divine, becoming less human
and more a devil or god themselves. Many are
devoted worshippers of their chosen deity, and
while all of the Chosen have great power, only
those that embrace their calling can really ascend to the higher ranks of might.
The way the Chosen are seen depends greatly on their patron. Given that the
Ruinous Powers and the Blessed Pantheon are
mortal enemies, it should be obvious
that just by being one of the Chosen,
you'll have some enemies waiting
for you. Granted, the Grey
Council has fewer enemies
than the other options,
but that can lead to even
more trouble from radicals
from all sides.
A Chosen's power is
largely focused on channeling the might of their
god. They
have various
abilities to
use their faith
as a fuel source,
especially as protection - it's almost impossible to
kill one as long as
they're in good favor with
their god. Even when
you're sure they're dead they
can just pop back up to life.
A Chosen is not
simply someone deeply involved with a god. They've
been chosen as a champion,
among the greatest and
most important of a god's
servants. They shouldn't be
taken lightly, and will
often occupy the highest ranks of a church's


Conviction: Your power stat (Faith)
is capped at 1/2 of your Devotion (rounded
up) as well as your level. If you lose points in
devotion sufficient to bring the cap on your
power stat down below the level you have actually purchased it at, you lose access to the
powers granted by higher ranks in the power
stat until you have increased your devotion
Redeemed: As long as you have at
least 2 Faith, you are never in danger of death.
Whenever you would burn a Hero
Point to survive, you may instead permanently lose 1 Faith. You may buy
it again as normal.
Divine Power: The Chosen
may spend a Favor to replace
any one rolled die with his
Devotion (if his devotion is
10, the die does not explode). He may not use
this power on Alignment
Leeway: As long as
the Chosen is doing
something to advance the
plans of his God, or is on a
mission directly from them,
he gains a bonus on Alignment checks equal to his



The Faith that a Chosen has is different from the type of the average person.
Where the typical believer has only prayer, the
Chosen have blessings sent down directly, and
visibly, from their patrons. They enjoy a level
of power that few can match thanks to this
Faith. While their abilities may not seem
flashy, they're undeniable and extremely powerful and versatile.
Resource Stat: Favor. The Chosen may preform a special ritual once per day which restores all of their favor. The maximum favor a
Chosen can have is equal to his Devotion plus
his Faith.


Power Gained

Overbeing - A Chosen is protected

against hostile spells and magical effects. They gain Aura equal to double
their Faith.


Divine Protection - The first time in

each round that you would receive critical damage, you may roll 1d10. If you
roll under your Devotion, prevent that
critical damage.


Prayer Strip - A Chosen may, when

preforming the ritual to restore his or
her favor, choose to create a Prayer
Strip. A Chosen may only create one
Prayer Strip per day, and may have a
number equal to their Faith in existence at any time. A Prayer Strip may
used at any time as though it was a
point of the Chosen's Favor (including
all special modifiers such as from
Demigod), and may be used by anyone
holding it as long as the Chosen considers them an ally.


Trial of Faith - Whenever a Chosen

keeps a 1 on a test made that can have
dangerous consequences (thats most
tests made in combat, as well as some
other tests like climb tests when the fall
could hurt, tense diplomatic negotiations, or whatever else the SM deems
appropriate), the Chosen may recover
1 Favor. They may only regain 1 Favor
per test in this way.


Demigod - A Chosen does not have to

trust to luck. A Chosen makes their
OWN luck. Rather than adding +1k0
to a roll when spending a Favor, the
Chosen simply adds 10 to the result.



The Divine Fist
Chosen Physical Features
At low levels of Faith, the Chosen
aren't terribly different looking from any other
member of their race. However, they are most
definitely not mortal creatures, which only becomes more and more evident as they grow
stronger. The first changes are somewhat subtle, exaggerations of a character's most obvious
features and a general refinement of their form
- a Squat's beard will grow longer, an Eldarin's
ears will lengthen, and so forth. Their eyes become glowing orbs, and most become somewhat taller or otherwise larger than life (often
in bust size or, ah, other areas as well). In the
final stages of their ascension, they begin to
develop features far removed from their race.
They may grow feathers or leaves in place of
hair, their skin may turn to some strange
shade, and in general they grow to resemble
more the servants or avatar of the
god whose spark has infused their

Chosen Tells
A Chosen's Tells can be
quite obvious. When their Tell activates, the symbol of their patron
deity appears on their body. As
they spend more Favor, the symbol and their bodies begin to glow
with a favored color of their deity.
It has no imagery like the ghostly
form of an Atlantean's tell, but is
just a simple, brilliant aura that
becomes brighter and brighter as
the Chosen spends Favor.
A high-favor Chosen's inhuman features also become more
evident when their tell is active,
making them more obviously divine.


Becoming One of the Chosen

The Chosen are few in number
among a god's followers, but foremost in
power. Just as a spark can ignite fuel to start a
bonfire, the divine spark can ignite a soul to
burn with its own power. Not everyone can
withstand this - most souls would simply be
consumed in moments. Only the strongest
souls can hold this power and feed on it. The
gods do not try to create Chosen very often,
but even so a thousand will be eaten up before
one is found that eats up the power instead.
Unlike daemons, which are warp entities, the
Chosen can exercise their patron's will on a
long-term and powerful basis.
Most Chosen are created from the
zealous and vocal among a congregation.
Most. Some come from extremely unlikely
places - moderates, the doubtful, heretics or
renegades. Perhaps it's a kind of second
chance or sign that a new direction is needed
for the church, though the more practical sort
think that since not everyone can become one
of the Chosen, the gods simply pounce at any
opportunity to increase the number of powerful servants they have in the world.


Playing One of the Chosen

The Chosen are powerful beings
above nearly any mortal creature, but they are
still ultimately servants of yet more mighty
forces. This service plays a central role in their
lives. They must consider their alignment and
devotion more than any other character, as it
not only restricts the upper limit of their powers but also their connection to their divine patron.
The relationship between the Chosen
and their patron is one interesting faucet that
can be explored. While the most common and
obvious way to exploit this is for the Exalt to
idolize and worship (literally) his patron, the
opposite is possible as well. Some Chosen
might have been exalted by a god they dont
particularly care for, cant stand, or otherwise
treat more like an annoying boss than a father
figure. Its still possible for the Chosen to
change alignment (though it takes somewhat
more justification than the average character),
and to be brought under the wing of a new patron. The Chosen are not in danger of losing
their powers doing this - the power comes
from within them, not channeled from an external source.
A Chosen naturally works best with a
class that matches their patrons style - a sorcerer for Tzeentch, a holy warrior for Sigmar,
and so forth. Going against the grain and playing something that doesnt seem like it fits the
god at all, though, can be rewarding as well,
either adapting their skills to fit what is expected of them or simply doing what theyre
best at and giving their patron a new tool in
their toolbox.

The Chosen in Game

The Chosen have ties to existing organizations just by being what they are. The
church of their patron is a great way to introduce new quests and plot points, and can provide an easy source of help and shelter.
Conversely, other religions make for easy enemies and obstacles to overcome for the Chosen, and it might be hard to get help from
them if they know what they are.
Their patron deity can also be a
source of help and information in a more direct way. While the deity shouldnt be some

omnipresent force in the characters life

(though perhaps a servant or daemon of some
sort could be used as a Mentor), the Chosen
may get prophetic dreams or visions to guide
If you have multiple players who have
taken the Chosen template, how well they get
along could depend a lot on who their patrons
are. Like any party, the more similar the alignments the better they will tend to get along.
With Chosen, the importance of the alignment
is turned up to eleven. With players who share
alignment, theyll usually get along exceptionally well, and exceptionally poorly with people
who worship their gods foes.

Chosen Culture
Unlike Atlanteans, the Chosen often
work together and have a natural hierarchy
that they fit into. Rather than feeling distanced
and alien to their culture, they have the opposite problem - theyre drawn into the politics
and issues of other people simply because of
what they are. The Chosen are as accepted by
others as their church is - a Chosen of Chaos
would have to hide his identity on Mount Celestia, while a Chosen of any of the Blessed
Pantheon would be treated like a king.
Because many view the Chosen as
being something of a direct line to their god,
the Chosen are often badgered by those looking to have prayers answered or by those with
an axe to grind.

Adapting the Chosen

Chosen is one of the more difficult
templates to adapt to another purpose. Their
abilities are very thematic in that they are tied
strongly to their alignment because of Conviction and Leeway.
One possibility is to play up the
demigod theme of the Chosen more literally.
Instead of being a normal mortal who has
been gifted with divine power, they could literally be a young god, or the child of their patron god.



A Daemonhost is what most people
are really afraid of when they're thinking about
the Exalted. Whereas most of the Exalted are
simply people with supernatural ability, Daemonhosts are truly monsters. Most are people
who, at the verge of death, were willing to give
up anything to live, even if it meant allowing a
monster to dominate and warp their body.
There is great debate about just how
much control the original soul still has over
their actions. It's undeniable that there are
major changes in the person's actions, personality, taste, and so
forth, but it's similarly undeniable that the Daemonhost retains all of
their memories and
often appears more
similar than different at first glance.
The truth is
that there is no simple answer. When a Daemonhost is created, a warp entity
escapes from that chaotic dimension and uses the body
of one of the dying as a
host. It doesn't just take
over the body, though - it
fuses with the soul of the host
and they become, essentially,
an entirely new being. It
seems that the most important factor in determining how the
after the
change is
the strength of their
with particularly
a n d


fident types changing the least from the daemon's influence and the easily led and submissive changing the most.
A Daemonhost's power is often compared to that of an Atlantean. And not without
cause. The two have very similar origins, an
ancient and powerful soul in a fresh body.
Some races are unwilling or unable to see the
difference between the two. But one is a reincarnation, a fresh start for a cursed people,
while a Daemonhost is a parasite that brings
the living back from death purely to escape its
own torment and to exert its power over a
world it does not belong in.

You begin play with one
free rank in
any Magical
School. You
may purchase
ranks in this
school as if it
in your
c l a s s
U n h o l y
spending one
Essence, you
may add your
Arcanoi rank to the rank
of your Magical School
for a single Magic Test.
Rejected by Creation: Whenever a Daemonhost spends
Essence, he gains Resonance. The only
way to regain spent Essence is to
eliminate the Resonance caused
by its use. Resonance Eruptions (turning the resonance


back into essence) are made by Testing

Willpower against a TN equal to 10+2 per
Resonance as a free action. If the test fails, the
Hero loses one hit point, converts one Resonance back into Essence, and repeats this action if he has any Resonance remaining. If the
test succeeds, the Hero converts one resonance into Essence with no side effects. While
the Hero has Resonance, a 9 on any die when
making a magic Test forces the character to
cause a Resonance Eruption immediately.
(Multiple 9s stack!)
Feeding: A Daemonhost may feed on
the living to fuel his power. By consuming the
flesh and blood of an living creature, the Daemonhost may recharge their horrid abilities.
Daemonhosts gain a Bite weapon (1k1 R;
Melee; Brawling). For every hit point of damage they inflict with these bite attacks, they
convert one Resonance back into Essence. If
a Daemonhost is feeding on a helpless or willing target, they may choose to feed only on a
small amount of blood, leaving almost no


As the Daemonhost increases in
power, the Daemon draws more power out of
the Warp and into the real world. This pervasive wrongness that warps and empowers the
Daemon is their Arcanoi. As a Daemonhost's
Arcanoi grows, they begin to warp away from
their previous forms, often taking on unnatural
coloration, growing horns or claws, having
their eyes become flat black or begin glowing,
and so forth. Daemonhosts are hard to categorize in any simple way. They can be beautiful, terrible, or anything in-between.

Arcanoi Power Gained

Daemonic - Daemonhosts reduce

damage they take from every source by
an amount equal to their Constitution
plus their Arcanoi except for damage
inflicted by magical effects or silver


Unnatural Characteristics - Daemonhosts may go to six dots in any of their



Scorn Earth - You no longer need to

touch the ground of creation, holding
yourself above it with your massive
power. A Daemonhost may hover at
will, allowing them to move at their
normal speed in all three dimensions.


Not Of This World You do not suffer

the effects of results from the Critical
Damage charts unless they would
cause death.


Black Miracle - Killing a Daemonhost

at this level of power merely forces the
Daemon inside back into the warp for
a short time. Unless a ritual is preformed to prevent it (and a Daemonhost can burn Hero points to foil this
ritual) the Daemonhost simply reforms
later, spending one week for every
point of Resonance they have in the
warp before finding a new vessel. The
new vessel characteristics and abilities
are identical to the old one, as the vessel mutates to accomodate the daemon. At the players option, the
Daemonhosts appearance can stay the
same or change entirely.

Resource Stat: Essence The character begins

play with Essence equal to Willpower +
Charisma, plus double their Arcanoi.



The Warp Incarnate

that merged with them becomes faintly visible,

like a ghostly form overlaying theirs in the
same colors as the symbols and tattoos crawling over their bodies.

Becoming a Daemonhost
Daemonhost Physical Features
Among all the Exalts, Daemonhosts
can be the most obviously changed by their
newfound power. Even when they aren't
showing their tells, Daemonhosts can show
features and mutations that mark them as
being touched by the powers of the warp. As
their personal power grows, the mutations become more obvious, eventually becoming all
but impossible to hide.
Some might mistake a young daemonhost for a tiefling, and in truth it can be
an easy mistake for someone inexperienced to
make. Both are touched by the powers of the
warp in their own way, but where a tiefling is
ultimately a mortal creature with a mutated
body, a Daemonhost's very soul is one with the
Warp, and their mutations develop over time
as the power boils within them.

Daemonhost Tells
A Daemonhost's Tell is dramatic and
often terrifying to see. The first signs of their
tell are creeping tattoos. Depending on the
type of daemon inside them, these tattoos
might be abstract lacelike swirls in black and
red, golden traceries like spreading sunlight,
motifs of death and decay, repeating geometric
patterns, or whatever else seems appropriate,
typically something unique to each exalt.
As the Daemonhost uses more
Essence, their bodies mutate and warp with
the power of the Warp, changing to become
more bestial and daemonic. These changes become more permanent as the daemonhost
grows in power. A newborn Daemonhost may
grow small horns as part of their tell, for example, and later find that they are a permanent feature and that spending essence now
causes them to grow larger and more obvious.
The Daemonhost has more of an obviously magical aura as they spend more
essence. As they bring the power of the Warp
into the real world, the form of the Daemon


There aren't many people that would

seek a way to be possessed by a Daemon. A
person on the border between life and death,
though, may well accept nearly anything just
to have a few more moments of life. Or revenge. The power that comes along with it is
a nice bonus. Hopefully enough of a bonus to
make it worth having a daemon living in their
A Daemon will commonly seek out
someone on that verge of death and offer them
power, life, the chance to avenge themselves.
One of the three is usually enough to get
someone's attention and all three at once is
hard to resist. The only reason Daemonhosts
are so rare is because the conditions to create
a Daemonhost are not always present at the
moment of a person's death. The veil between
the real world and the warp must be thin, and
more than that, the person must be... the only
appropriate word is 'attractive' to the Daemon.
This might be because of an unfinished destiny, a martyr's death, simply having some exceptional skill, or a quality of spirit that is
harder to define so easily.
The Daemon jumps into the person's
body, hiding inside one of the few things that
can connect the warp to the real world - a soul.
They become one, entwined and inseparable.
The body is returned to health and life, though
whose health and life it is becomes a matter of

Playing a Daemonhost
The Daemonhost is neither who they
used to be nor purely a Daemon, but a fusion
of both. What remains of the host and the daemon depends mostly on the strength of will
that the host has - Daemons are universally
quite strongly willed and so it's impossible to
get away without at least a few changes. In
most cases, these changes are extreme. A Daemonhost has urges that would be considered
deviant at best.
Remember that Daemons come in all


shapes and sizes. Just as many are servants of

the forces of Order as of Chaos, and they're
neither better nor worse based just on their
alignment. A Daemon of Khorne can be an
honorable warrior just as easily as one serving
Bahamut can be a bloodthirsty tyrant.
A Daemonhost is naturally (well...
that's not the right word for anything about the
Daemonhost, but let's go with it for now) a
being in conflict. The two sides of the creature's soul, mortal and daemon, are constantly
battling for domination. The mortal side is still
motivated by whatever motivated them before
their exaltation. They might still feel the same
connections they once had to family and
friends, or they might become distanced from
them. Most Daemonhosts cannot maintain
close personal connections to mortals, because
their bizarre urges and desires drive them to
acts that are immoral and criminal.

Daemonhosts in Game

other Daemons. They're not even good company to each other. They don't have a real culture, as every Daemon is just attempting to
take care of their own urges. They are singular,
selfish beings.

Adapting Daemonhosts
There's already a large variation to the
themes of Daemonhosts, simply because a
Daemonhost of Order and of Chaos are extremely dissimilar in appearance and behavior.
While a Daemonhost of Chaos will typically
take on some of the appearance of a classic
devil (horns, a tail, and so on), a Daemonhost
of Order will take on imagery resembling an
angel. Remember that angels were not merely
guys with wings. Some were extremely bizarre
in appearance.
One manner in which Daemonhosts
might be adapted is as a kind of creature of
pure magic, sorcery gone wrong or even an Atlantean who has come back wrong.

Daemonhosts present an opportunity

to have a built-in struggle within a character.
They have urges and needs that a SM should
make sure to take advantage of, though not to
the point that it impedes a player's enjoyment
of the character. Discuss with the player just
what kind of temptations they'd like to have,
and include them once in a while. Gambling,
women, drink, opportunities to be kind to the
poor or avenge the helpless, these are all very
valid temptations that a daemon might drive a
Daemonhost towards.
Daemonhosts of the forces of Order
are typically identified as Angels or Living
Saints rather than the more general term of
Daemonhost. There is no real mechanical difference between them - the type of Daemon
has little more than a cosmetic effect on the
form of the Exaltation. Daemonhosts are usually feared and shunned by every culture, regardless of where they come from, though
some manage to maintain some support from
a church of an appropriate god.

Daemonhost Culture
Daemonhosts don't really have a common culture or even spend time around one
another. One of the reasons Daemons are so
eager to leave the warp is to get away from



A Paragon is, simply put, the best of
their race. The kind of person born with a supernatural level of talent and raw ability. Perhaps only one in a thousand is born with this
power, and fewer still come to recognize it.
Paragons are perhaps the most subtle
of all Exalts. They don't have blatant supernatural abilities. They can't change shape or
kill people with special mind bullets (just the
same mind bullets as anyone else). They are
simply at the top end of the normal bell curve
of talent, so many standard deviations from
the norm that they're an entirely different type
of people.
Anyone who is a Paragon almost inevitably rises to the top in their society.
They're the best of the best, and nearly every
one has a story to tell about coming from some
unlikely background and rising to meet every
challenge put in front of them.
However, it's important to remember
that a Paragon isn't just someone who is good
at what they do. There are a lot of people who
are good at their chosen field. A Paragon is a
person born with literally unlimited potential.
For the average person, competing with a
Paragon is simply impossible. Even the greatest mortal expert would find the playing field
drastically tilted in the Paragon's favor.

Destiny: A paragon begins play with
2 additional Hero points.
Statuesque: Each race gives a choice
of +1 to two or more Characteristics Choose
one of those Characteristics you have not chosen before. You gain +1 to that stat.
Flash: You are never surprised and
are aware of every attack that is directed at
Perfection: You gain one feat that has
your race as a prerequisite.


When a Paragon sets his mind to
something, it can be very difficult to oppose
him. Each one has a dominating presence, a
pressure that gives them an edge against everyone else. Others can feel it, a psychic force radiating from them and crushing resistance. It's
said that some very powerful Paragons can actually move things with their minds, see the future, and preform all sorts of tricks - without
using any magic at all.
At the beginning of each scene, you
gain a number of Pressure Points equal to
three times your Excellence. You may use
these points to modify any skill roll directly spending one point improves the final total of
the roll by 1. You may spend any number of
these points per round, using all of them in a
single roll if you wish. Whenever an opponent
spends a Resource Point, a Pressure Point, a
Hero Point, or you lose one or more Hit
Points, you recover a Pressure Point. If you
would have more than three times your Excellence in Pressure Points, the extra points are
This serves as the basic power of Excellence, and takes the place of the one-dot
power that other Exaltations have.
Resource Stat: Action Points. You have a
number of Action Points equal to your Level
+ Excellence. They are regained at the beginning of every session.


Excellence Power Gained


Swift as the Coursing River - When a Paragon attempts and succeeds a 2-die
Stunt or higher, they recover one Action Point.


All the Force of a Great Typhoon - In battle, a Paragon is constantly pushing

themselves to greater heights. At the start of a Paragon's turn, they recover Pressure Points equal to their Excellence.


Strength of a Raging Fire - While stunting, a Paragon's dice explode on a roll of

9 or 10 instead of just 10.


Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon - Whenever a Paragon uses a stunt
on a test and succeeds, all allies attempting the same test (that is, using the
same action) before the Paragon's next turn gain a bonus on their result equal
to the number of Pressure Points the Paragon spent on her test.



Idealized Form
Paragon Physical Features
Paragons don't have mutations or obvious changes or anything like that. They are
literally exactly what you would expect from
their race. Elf Paragons are as Elfy as they
come. Squat Paragons are the very image of a
Squat. It's hard to describe a Paragon except
as... perfect. Larger than life, perhaps, is an apt
description. Paragons are everything that their
race should be and an extra 20% more on top.
Because a Paragon doesn't have any
sort of obvious sign or physical differences
from normal members of their race, some
don't consider them to really be an Exaltation,
but just the best of the best of the best to the
nth degree. If you were looking at a Paragon
you wouldn't really know unless you had other
members of their race to compare them to.
They stand out most in a
crowd or any other situation where they can be
compared to another.

Paragon Tells
A Paragon's tells
are a lot more subtle than
that of any other Exalt.
They never display any
sort of supernatural light
display or hulking spectral
avatar. Instead, they very
simply draw attention to
themselves. This is just as
much of a supernatural
effect as any other Tell,
simply not one that looks
supernatural. It's a kind of
compulsion or attraction
effect that draws the eye.
The more Action Points
they spend, the more
heads turn to follow their


Becoming a Paragon
No one becomes a Paragon. It's
something that a person is born with and bears
at every moment through their lives. The birth
of a Paragon is typically accompanied by the
fulfillment of prophesy, unusual weather, celestial events, the howling of wolves, and other
assorted dramatic effects. Of course, it's also
entirely possible for a Paragon's birth to go almost unnoticed, especially if there is some societal pressure (such as, say, an oppressive
ruler killing any suspicious-looking children)
against standing out. Odd skin tones, strangely
symbolic birth marks, and other features are
fairly common.
As they grow up, Paragons typically
distinguish themselves from their peers. They
excel in any area that they apply themselves to,
typically finding something that they like and
quickly making a name for themselves in it.
Most commonly, they choose an area which is
a family tradition, often taking up a dangerous
and rewarding task like swordplay, politics, or


Some think that Paragons can be distinguished and even predicted using some
types of powerful divination magic to view the
weave of fate. They stand out even there, shining brightly and drawing countless other fates
toward themselves. They are a kind of focal
point from the viewpoint of divination spells,
a river cutting a new path through all that
stands before it, sweeping up the streams
around them into their flow.

Playing a Paragon
A Paragon is a man. Not a god or
demon, just a man. They might be great or
terrible, poets or warriors, but they don't have
the kind of supernatural background that others have. And they don't need it. They can do
just fine on their own. Some paragons might
be jealous of their Exalted party members.
Paragons don't have an easy path to power.
They have limitless natural potential, but
that's all it is, potential. They have to work to
develop it all on their own. No Daemonic Tutors, no mystical awareness, no gifts straight
from the gods themselves. Paragons have hard
work and guts instead, with a big helping of
luck on the side. This can also be a point of
pride. Paragons got where they were all on
their own. They didn't need help. They can
stand alongside immortals and supernatural
beings as equals purely through their own talents.
Most Paragons are given to extremely
dramatic and improbable action, much like
any classic action hero. Their abilities reward
taking risks through stunting. They can't just
rest on their laurels like other Exalts - they
have to constantly push themselves to be at
their peak of ability. But they can excel in any
area they choose - or in all areas, given enough

Every Paragon has a natural sex appeal that

extends even to those who wouldn't otherwise
care for them.
Paragons are expected to do the impossible and suicidal. They get caught up in
political games and odd situations easily. Fate,
destiny, or just dumb luck tends to throw
them into the right place at the right time.
Having a Paragon in the party is more than
enough justification for the SM to have them
simply stumble onto something, especially if
it's something that doesn't look important but
ultimately connects to what the Paragon was
trying to do.
When describing scenes in a game
with a Paragon, make sure to keep a mind to
props and places that would help them use
Stunts. Paragons rely on stunts more than any
other Exalt, so providing them opportunities
to be awesome is a good idea.

Paragon Culture
Despite lacking a common background, Paragons are often drawn together.
Because they stand out so much, they can recognize each other easily as people of unusual
talent. Often, Paragons are brought together
on purpose by governments and factions as a
task force or elite unit - not because they're exalts, but simply because Paragons are very
good at what they do and draw a lot of attention doing it.
When they gather together, Paragons
naturally get a lot done. They take action.
Often extreme action. They're outliers in their
own society but form part of a different level
of society, where normal people are just background noise and nameless faces. Compared
to other Paragons, they're just not important,
dull and uninteresting. They're unworthy enemies and fragile friends.

Paragons in Game

Adapting Paragons

Paragons are one of the few Exalts

that don't lose their connection to their people.
They're the best of their people, and others are
naturally jealous of their abilities and natural
talents. This jealousy is an easy way to introduce an enemy. And conversely, it's easy to
have allies or contacts with people who admire
the Paragon. Or are simply attracted to him.

Paragons are focused on stunting and

simple bonuses to rolls and their base statistics. They can be used to represent almost any
archetype that doesn't use a lot of magic.
Super soldier, chosen by destiny, a simple man
who has a supernatural level of luck. Even
someone just caught up in the wheel of fate
with little control.



Heroes can be born or chosen by fate,
but a Promethean is made by the hands of
mortals. They are created by the tireless work
of mortals, the fortunes of entire crystal
spheres sunk into their creation to forge them
out of the most perfect materials and magics.
Each one is a device created to bring about a
change, machines built to bring freedom, men
created to save the Great Wheel.
The body of a Promethean is an
undying form of metal and magic, a work of
art with incredible detail and care. Magical fluids, dissolved quintessence and other more exotic alchemical concoctions. Each one is
unique. Most are beautiful, some because of
their graceful forms and others with slablike
forms of simple shapes. The one constant
among Prometheans is that they have a
heart, a core that is the center of their
magical life.
This heart, the Promethean
Core, pulses with incredible power, a
glowing reactor burning with a magical radiance called Pyros. This energy can do the
impossible, letting them exceed what few
limitations their enhanced bodies still
have. This Core also hosts the soul of
the Promethean, which must come
from a willing subject with an exceptionally strong willpower and
drive to live.
Prometheans are typically revered by their creators,
icons, perfect men, unbeatable
machines, designed to destroy
every evil standing between their
people and freedom. They are
usually thought of in the same
way that people think of flagships in a navy or walking nuclear weapons - respect and
fear, but purely as a weapon. It
can be hard to get people to
see past their appearance to
the very real person still inside them who sacrificed
themselves to become
something greater.


Living Construct: A Promethean is
immune to Fatigue, Poison, and Disease.
They are not subject to the same frailties as
their fleshy companions. They also have no
need to Eat, Drink, Sleep, or Breathe though
they can still do so if they want. Because a
Promethean has a Pyros Reactor instead of a
heart, they cannot benefit from a Bionic Heart
or any of the artifact versions.
Refitting: A Promethean doesn't heal
naturally over time. A Promethean must be repaired. Repairing a Promethean takes a Craft
+ Int Test. The TN for this Test is 15 if the
Promethean is lightly wounded, 20 if heavily
Promethean has taken critical
damage. A successful Test
recovers 1 Hit Point and
takes one hour. A
Promethean cannot spend
Pyros to heal Hit Points.
If a Promethean loses
limbs or their body is destroyed, they can be repaired
rather than replaced. Repairing a destroyed
limb or body requires making
Craft + Int
tests against
TN 25, each
test taking one
day. After five
successful tests
limb is rebuilt.
Disquiet: A
generates an aura
of subtle wrongness. He takes 2k1 to all social rolls against
non-exalts. Partly this is because of their status as living
weapons and machine-like
appearance. This is also,
though, a partly magical effect.


Promethean doesn't suffer Critical Damage Generation Power Gained
like others. It's extremely difficult to kill one.
Integrated Armor - A Promethean
Even critical damage won't necessarily kill *
has integrated armor equal to his
them. Each of their limbs tracks critical damGeneration +3. As with other armor,
age separately. They do not use the Critical
this does not stack with armor worn
charts for damage, but at 5 critical damage the
over it, but only the better armor is
limb is destroyed. If the damage is to the gizused. A Promethean may choose to
zards, where their Pyros Reactor is located, the
treat any armor proficiencies on his
Promethean is killed. Other limbs being declass lists as being optional feats.
stroyed merely results in the loss of said limb.
If the Body or Head is destroyed, the
Integrated Weapons - A Promethean
Promethean is knocked unconscious until he **
can integrate a number of weapons
is repaired.
into his body equal to his Generation.
These weapons are effectively conPOWER STAT:
cealed and can't be found by a normal search. He can draw them as a
free action.
As a Promethean's Generation increases, he swaps out older equipment with
newer gear. Most Prometheans must return to
their place of birth in order to increase their
Generation, despite spending XP. As their
generation goes up, most Prometheans also
become more and more ornate in appearance,
with extra components and gadgets being
added over time. Every ability, spell, and feat
a Promethean has might well come from these
installed components.
Resource Stat: Pyros. The Prometheans regain
one Pyros per hour as their internal reservoirs
of magical essence generate power. They can
hold Pyros equal to three times their Generation.


Promethean may spend Pyros to
boost his characteristics, spending 1
pyros for every +1 bonus. This bonus
lasts only for one test or one round,
whichever is longer.


Recharge - Whenever a Promethean

suffers damage from a source that
deals E-type damage, they recover 1
spent Pyros for every hit point they
lose from that attack.


Warstrider - A Promethean may assume a massively powerful and

deadly form. For one scene per day,
the Promethean doubles his size and
gains +3 dots to all physical characteristics. Integrated weapons deal an
additional +1k1 damage because of
their increased size.



The Metal Lives
Promethean Physical Features
The physical appearance of a
Promethean varies wildly depending on the
culture they come from and their exact origins.
The majority are built to resemble their parent
race very closely, and cannot be easily distinguished from them, at least at a glance. Some
are fully functional as infiltrators, with a seamless disguise and perfect features. Others resemble otherwise normal people with
significant bionics.
Medically speaking, a Promethean is
a melding of mechanics and biology. Every
part of them is infused or upgraded with the
most advanced bionic technology available.
They're one-off prototypes, billions of thrones
worth of funding applied to make them supersoldiers and weapons without compare. Usually, the techniques used to build them simply
refuse to work for others, brilliant turns of design and solutions that come out of nowhere,
then are forgotten.

Promethean Tells
As a Promethean uses more Pyros,
their systems and components become exposed and they show abilities that defy mortal
ability. The form this takes largely depends on
what the Promethean is doing. They might
fold out additional tools or sensors to meet the
needs of a task, vent steam or streamers of
plasma energy, disjoint their limbs to get a better angle on something, and so forth.
When the tell has grown stronger, the
Promethean literally grows with energy, clearly
showing their inhuman nature. They vent
huge amounts of heat while using Pyros, the
magical fire burning within becoming impossible to repress. Skin layers might tear or fold
away, eyes glow as optics come to full power.
The Promethean becomes a glowing titan of
power, clearly a machine mocking a living


Becoming a Promethean
Becoming a Promethean should more
properly be called Building a Promethean.
Each is an act of purposeful creation, as much
art as science, masterworks with the resources
of entire Crystal Spheres poured into them.
Most of the time, a Promethean is made for a
single purpose, nearly always as some sort of
superweapon - though this superweapon
might take the form of the perfect leader or a
powerful wizard or evil a healer rather than
just a tool of destruction.
The process of building a Promethean
is not just science. Many believe that
Prometheans are divinely inspired from some
unknown source. The beyond-cutting-edge
technology and magic that goes into making
them often cannot be duplicated. Even the
best efforts, by the same people, turn out only
inferior copies. The one element of a
Promethean that seems impossible to replicate
is their Pyros reactor. It is the keystone of their
systems, doing impossible things and generating infinite power. As long as it exists, the
Promethean can be rebuilt around it.
Many Prometheans are created by
upgrading a living being (usually either a hero
of their people) piece by piece until they become more than they were. They are often volunteers, willing to give up their mortality and
former lives to become something more. Others are made from the recently dead - some
groups are simply unwilling to let someone
with incredible potential and history go down
quietly, and bring them back.
Most rarely, Prometheans are created
from whole cloth. Every part of their body synthesized and lab-grown to exacting specifications. Some races, like the Eldarin, have
soulstones or phylacteries or the like that can
contain a living soul. These can be used to give
a Promethean a soul, but sometimes a
Promethean gains its own soul. Maybe it's torn
from the warp and grafted to the body, but
most often what seems like a simple machine
somehow gains sentience and a warp presence
all on its own.


Playing a Promethean
A Promethean stands apart from their
race. They aren't like other people, thinking
and feeling in different ways. Many seem
autistic or sociopathic, and nearly all of them
have some quirks or traits that are indicative
of someone who just doesn't understand people anymore. Most find them disquieting to be
around. Even when they look perfectly
human, something about them just seems
wrong. Animals can instinctively tell something is wrong with them, and generally don't
like them. People can sense it as well, like
there's just something about them that they
don't like.
When playing a Promethean, try to
play up the odd character traits that are normal for them. They don't look at the world in
the same way others do, usually with much
less emotion since they don't have all those
glands getting in the way. Most Prometheans
are not afraid of bodily harm. Since they can
almost always be repaired as long as their
Pyros Reactor remains, they aren't afraid to
take (calculated) risks.

The most important thing to consider

about a Promethean is just who built him.
Then, what they built him for. And third, who
he was before they built him. It takes extreme
resources to even consider building a
Promethean. Backing is by far the most common background for Prometheans, as most
are still quite strongly attached to what group
made them in the first place.

Prometheans in Game
Unless a Promethean has gone rogue
and escaped, they've likely still at least got
some kind of contacts to a major group. And
if they have gone rogue, that's at least one
ready enemy looking to get them back.
Prometheans are tough, extremely capable in
combat, but less than ideal in social situations.
Make sure to take advantage of both of these.
Give the Promethean player a chance to show
that they aren't playing a mortal with situations that play to their strengths and weaknesses.

Promethean Culture
Prometheans were built for a purpose.
They're naturally servants to the forces that
made them, and most are deeply ingrained in
that culture. Whatever they were built for,
Prometheans can find it hard to get away from
that role. Even those that are leaders often
seem themselves as servants to their people,
tied down by responsibility. Prometheans
rarely gather, as even a Faction would be hardpressed to afford a project to build more than

Adapting Prometheans
Because Prometheans are tough, not
quite alive, and easy to repair, there are a number of ways to adapt them that are quick and
easy. The most obvious is as some sort of general undead - zombies and liches, for example,
share quite a few traits with Prometheans.
They don't care about getting hurt, they're
tough, people don't usually get along with
them, and so forth.



Vampires are undead creatures, horrors that drink the blood of the living. They
are cursed to a half-life by a plague stemming
from a small number of people who drank the
blood of the dying Elven god of war, Khaine.
Vampires are generally feared and
poorly understood by mortals, and are often
considered among the weakest of the Exaltations. However, any mortal can become a
vampire - you have to be born a Paragon, attract the notice of a god to become one of the
Chosen, but all that is required to become a
vampire is to make yourself useful enough to
another vampire that they are willing to turn
Most vampires spend decades or centuries paying off this initial blood debt. However, during this time the elder vampire shields
the younger one, teaching them how to control
and use their powers. Because of their age and
their attachment to a local community, they
also tend to be very well connected.
Vampires come from all walks in
life. There is no single class or race that is
more strongly represented than any other the promise of immortality tempts nearly
every mortal. A vampire's powers
make them fairly hard to kill,
and they can replenish their
stores of blood quickly in a wellpopulated area. Additionally, a
vampire's thirst runs deep, and
they can have more stored in
their Resource Pool than most
Immortals. In many situations, a
vampire can tap more fully into
their store of power than anyone
else, since they can easily recover
themselves after a fight.

Old Money - A Vampire
begins play with 4 additional dots to
place into backgrounds. They've
simply had a long time to integrate themselves into society, and
can reap the benefits.


Undead Resilience - A Vampire has

the Undead trait and may not be killed by critical damage unless that damage comes from
an E, X, silver, or magical source. Impact and
Rending damage that would otherwise kill a
vampire merely leaves them unconscious. And
since a vampire doesn't breathe and has no
heartbeat, this may lead a careless opponent
to think they've finished him off. A vampire in
this condition will remain unconscious until
they spend enough blood to heal their Critical
Damage past the point where they would have
been fatal.
Sunlight Weakness - A vampire automatically loses 1 Hit Point per round they're
exposed to sunlight. Critical damage uses the


E chart and automatically goes to the body. A

vampire killed by sunlight damage is reduced Blood Potency
to dust and cannot be returned from the dead.
A thick cloak and wide hat, a parasol, or similar careful preparation is enough to protect a *
vampire, though theyll no doubt be quite uncomfortable.
Blood Dependency - A vampire must **
spend 1 Vitae every day in order to remain active. If they choose not to, or can't, they lapse
into a coma. Vampires gain a Bite weapon ***
(1k1 R; Melee; Brawling). The vampire may
choose to drain one resource point of blood
from a bitten victim, which gives the victim a
level of fatigue (this replaces the normal level
of fatigue gained from an unarmed attack.) A
vampire may also, of course, feed from a will- *****
ing target. A vampire who is unconscious or in
a coma may be fed blood by another. If a vampire attempts to feed from someone who has
already been knocked unconscious by fatigue,
they may only safely drain 1 Vitae, with the
next feeding killing the victim.

Power Gained

Auspex - The Hero can see in the dark

and +1k0 to all perception checks.
Dread - The Hero may spend 1 Vitae
to gain Fear 1 until the end of the
Celerity - The Hero may spend 1
Vitae to gain an extra half action
Potence - The Hero may spend 1
Vitae to gain +3 to Strength until the
end of the scene.
Dominate - The Hero may use Dominate as the spell, using Blood Potency
+ Charisma instead of the normal
Magic Test.

Blood Potency is a measure of how
strongly the blood of Khaine resonates within
the vampire. It gives a vampire most of their
iconic powers - the ability to see in the dark,
to inspire fear, superhuman speed and
strength, and finally the power to control
minds. When a vampire increases their Blood
Potency, it means they are drawing farther and
farther away from the mortality they once had.
While a vampire with low blood potency can
easily pass for a mortal (if a pale one), one with
high blood potency will find it more difficult
as they become more corpse-like. A vampire
that cares much for their appearance often
finds it difficult to connect to the undead
power within them, though there are exceptions - for every shrivelled corpse, there is a
beautiful, seductive vampiress.
Resource Stat: Vitae - A vampire's maximum
Vitae are equal to five times his Blood Potency.



Lords of Death
Vampire Physical Features
A simple physical examination is
enough to tell that someone is a Vampire.
Even the worst doctor can usually tell when
someone's dead - and a Vampire is certainly
that. They have no heartbeat, their body temperature is little more than room temperature,
and they breathe only to speak. They're also
quite pale and rather sickly looking. Because
of the being dead. Vampires are much more
mobile than most dead people, though, since
the vast majority of the deceased don't get
around much. Vampires also have fangs - usually fairly subtle ones unless they're feeding but the same can be said of some non-vampire
folks like Dragonborn and Tieflings.

Vampire Tells
As a Vampire spends Vitae, their undead nature becomes apparent. There are
more than enough people who are pale, but
once their fangs lengthen, their eyes go black,
and they give off a psychic aura that just
screams predator to all that can see them, well,
it becomes clear that they aren't just someone
who doesn't get out much. Every sentient race,
and nearly every animal, has an instinctive fear
reaction around a Vampire exhibiting their

Becoming a Vampire
Anyone can become a Vampire. It's
one of the only Exaltations that absolutely
anyone can aspire to, cheap and simple immortality of a sort. The process only requires
one thing of the aspirant - that they die. The
basic process of becoming a vampire is simple.
The sire drains all the blood from the one he
has chosen to be his childe and feeds some of
his own Vitae to the still-warm body. The
newborn vampire almost always goes into a
feeding frenzy. They're all but empty of vitae
and filled with a new, incredibly powerful
hunger. Most vampires will provide a meal for


their childe - someone replaceable, because it's

basically impossible for the new vampire to
avoid draining the meal dry. Even when their
own Vitae pool is filled, the hunger is just so
strong that only the blood running out at the
source stops them.
While the childe comes back to life
(unlife, technically) instantly, it takes weeks or
months for them to 'fill out', gaining control
and expanding their newfound powers to the
normal level. After that, they find themselves
in debt to their Sire, connected by a bond of
blood that can take a long time to pay off.
Vampires are spawned for many reasons. As
pawns, as toys, as simple creatures born of
whim. Some vampires are almost noble about
it, trying to save those they care about or admire from the relentless passage of time. In the
end, though, it comes down to selfishness.

Playing a Vampire
Vampires are creatures driven by their
hunger. And they're hungry for just about
everyone around them. Most Vampires cannot
stomach the blood of animals, as animals simply don't have the same vibrant energy as sentient beings. They are predators surrounded
by prey, and only the most incredible self-control, trained over the long years of their unlife,
keeps their thirst in check.


It's possible, even likely, that Vampire
players will at some point want to make more of
their kind. This is certainly a powerful option, and
like all very powerful options, there are some restrictions in place.
* Only sentient creatures can be Embraced. Animals cannot be turned into vampires.
* Exalts are immune to the Curse of
Khaine and cannot become Double Exalts with
vampirism. This includes Paragons.
* The Vitae must flow directly from the
sire to the childe. It can't, for example, be packaged and sold. Nor even placed in a cup.
* Pregnant females always miscarry thankfully for the fetus.
* The Embrace requires a significant expenditure of life-force, transferring a portion of
the curse into another. The sire permanently loses
a point of Blood Potency in order to create a
Childe. Vampires of Blood Potency 1 are simply
too thin-blooded to transfer the curse to another.
They just end up with a regular corpse instead of
an animated one.
* The Childe becomes a vampire at
Blood Potency 1. The Sire gains them as an Ally.
Usually. If they were unwilling the sire might have
created an enemy for themselves instead.
Vampires typically have much more
connection to the world than most Exalts.
They have ties to their Sire, his sire, and so
forth, along with decades or centuries of life
and the sure knowledge that they'll live for as
long as they can avoid being killed. They have
a strong night life, and given that they're often
some of the richest and most influential people
in a community, that means that the community gets to have a strong night life as well.
In the Astral Sea, where there is no
sunlight to worry about, where the lack of air
and water mean nothing to the Vampire, they
are safest. Vampires make excellent crew for a
ship. In an emergency they can simply walk
out a hull breach or airlock and do work without needing a suit.

Vampires In Game
A game with a vampire in it has one
major change - it's rare that the party will be
doing anything during the day. While it's true

that a Vampire can function during daylight

hours as long as they're careful, that doesn't
mean they enjoy doing it. They're always one
misstep or accident away from serious injury
or death from sunlight, and so even if it's
mostly safe they prefer to work at night.

Vampire Society
Vampire society most closely resembles that of the classic image of the mafia.
They live somewhat apart from normal people, with resources that mortals just don't
have, using them and feeding on them, ignoring the law where it serves them to. They have
a strong respect for family with their traditions
of the Blood Debt and simple friendships and
honor. A childe is the responsibility of his sire,
and so when a vampire wants to create spawn,
they do so knowing that they will be held accountable for anything their children do. They
are naturally cautions, as Vampires tend to
self-regulate. And by that, I mean that if you
screw someone above you on the totem pole,
you get left outside to watch the sunrise. Vampires only turn people they trust and care
about, and usually ask their own sire for permission.
Most of the old and powerful Vampire families make their home in free-floating
stations in the Astral Sea, in the dark space between worlds. There, they have kingdoms
built with people as cattle and pawns, markets
where the pint is the standard currency, and
where they make their own laws and custom.
Vampires often make pilgrimage to these dark
stations to ask for favors from their elders, or
to learn the secrets of blood and power they've
learned over the centuries.

Adapting Vampires
Unfortunately, Vampires are a rather
specific exaltation. Between the weakness to
sunlight and the drinking blood, it's hard to really see them as anything else. Even so, it's
possible for a creative player and Story Master
to come up with something. Perhaps they are
not a classical vampire, but an alien parasite
reanimating a corpse or a succubus who feeds
not on blood, but life-energy.



Werewolves are blessed by Luna with
the ability to change shape. Or at least that's
how some of them see it. Others call it a curse.
It may well be both - a curse for those who
don't appreciate the gift and a blessing for the
ones who revel in it.
The way werewolves are seen varies
greatly from culture to culture. Typically, the
more stable, advanced, and monolithic a culture, the more werewolves are seen as a threat.
They are typically outsiders, rebels fighting for
the rights of the average person. Most of
Luna's chosen are interested in saving people
from tyranny and oppression - not to rule over
them but to give them a chance to rule for
Werewolves don't have a large overarching society, but they do form small packs
and tribes. One of the primary responsibilities
of these tribes is finding new werewolves soon
after their first change and bringing them into
the fold. It is traditional for most werewolves
to receive tattoos in magical silver (one of the
few inks that won't simply be healed over or
expelled) to mark their deeds.
Werewolves are dangerous and tenacious adversaries. Their ability to change
shape gives them an edge in many circumstances, especially against anyone foolish
enough to go into melee combat with them.
They're also strongly attuned to the spirit
world, able to walk the Warp in ways that
none other can do safely. They call the layer
of the warp they are able to access the Umbra,
a relatively stable part of the Warp with few
dangers compared to the rest of the chaotic dimension.

Shifting - The most obvious power of
the Werewolf is the ability to change shape. As
a full action, the werewolf may change into
one of two forms or back again - a normalsized wolf and a massive half-wolf half-man
Wolf form: Obviously, in wolf form
the character cannot speak, manipulate all but
the simplest objects, or do other things most


humans take for granted. However, they gain

+1k1 to all perception checks involving scent.
+2 to Dexterity, -1 to Size, and a Bite weapon
(1k1 R; Melee; Brawling)
Warform: A horror, a werewolf in
warform is a massively destructive force. A
Werewolf in Warform may only make attack
actions or move towards an opponent. A
Werewolf must spend 1 Rage to enter warform
and may only maintain Warform for a number
of rounds equal to his Constitution + Feral
Heart. While in warform, the werewolf gains
Stuff Of Nightmares, Strength +2, Size +2,
Constitution +2, gains a Claw natural weapon
(1k1 R; Melee; Brawling) and a Bite natural
weapon (2k1 R; Melee; Brawling). A werewolf's bite and claws in warform count as magical weapons. A werewolf must remove any
armor before changing shape or else the straps
break, dealing damage to the werewolf equal
to the armors AP and rendering the armor
useless until repaired.
Lycan Resilience - A Werewolf gains
Armor Points equal to their Feral Heart in
Wolf Form and Warform and may not be
killed by critical damage unless that damage
comes from an E, X, silver, or magical source.
If a werewolf suffers enough damage from another source that it would normally kill them,
they are instead knocked unconscious until
they regenerate all critical damage. A werewolf
may spend Rage to recover Hit Points in combat as a free action. The AP gained from
Lycan Resiilience does not stack with worn
Spirit Tongue - Werewolf begins play
with the feat Speak Language (Spirits)
Silver Bane - A Werewolf halves their
size when calculating Hit Points lost from
damage from a silver weapon.


Feral Heart is the measure of just how
close the character is to the ancient and wild
power within him. The higher the measure of
the character's Feral Heart, the more they become like a wolf themselves, cunning and instinctual. Their connection to the spirit world
also grows more solid, until they can actually
enter the Umbra on their own. As a Werewolf
increases his Feral Heart, his tribemates typically give him more tattoos (or he inks his own
body) describing the great deeds he has accomplished.
Resource Stat: Rage. A werewolf regains Rage
equal to their Feral heart at the beginning of
each combat and once each night when the
moon (or moons, or local equivalent) rises. A
werewolf may have rage equal to his Composure + Willpower + Level.


Power Gained

Fast Healing - The werewolf heals 1

Hit Point per round while in Wolf form
or Warform, as long as that wound was
not caused by E, X, silver, or magic.
Critical damage is healed more slowly,
recovering only one point per hour.


Spirit Sight - The werewolf may see

into the spirit world, viewing the local
umbra. This requires making a FH +
Wisdom check to activate, and lasts
until deactivated or the end of the
scene. By viewing the local umbra, the
werewolf may see any lingering magical
auras and traces of major events that
have taken place there.


Quick Shift - The werewolf may shift

as a half action instead of a full action.


Sacred Hunt - By preforming a ritual

that lasts six hours (on average - rarer
prey takes a longer time and it's impossible to hunt an animal that simply isn't
in the area), a Werewolf may hunt and
kill a superlative example of a particular animal. Once the Werewolf begins
the hunt, they cannot rest or pursue
any other goal until it is complete.
When they have completed the hunt,
they taste the heart's blood of their
prey. From that time on, they may assume the form of that precise animal
(including scars and distinguishing
marks) by spending two points of Rage
and then Shifting.


Spirit Walk - By making a FH + Wisdom check (Typically against TN 20,

though this varies depending on the
area), the werewolf may attempt to
enter the Umbra through a reflective
surface. Anyone holding his hand may
come along. The Umbra is a dangerous
place, a rough parallel to the real world
but infested with spirits and daemons.



The Claws of Luna
Werewolf Physical Features
In their normal forms, werewolves really aren't all that distinguishable from anyone
else, save for the tattoos that are a strong part
of their culture, traceries of Mithril and quicksilver that line over their bodies in mystical
patterns. The tattoos are present in all their
forms, and serve as almost a signature - each
set of Werewolf tattoos are unique to that
wolf. Or not wolf, as the case may be. The
term werewolf is something of a misnomer, as
they run the gamut of predatory land creatures. Wolves are by far the most common,
though large cats, foxes, dinosaurs, and so
forth are perfectly acceptable (and have no real
mechanical differences).
In wolf form, they appear as fairly
normal animals. They're usually extraordinary
members of their species, purebred and powerful. In warform, though, they're clearly
something supernatural, growing huge in size
and with supernatural strength and speed. The
warform is only for killing, a destructive force
as dangerous as a typhoon. In this form, they
heal rapidly, no longer feel pain, and are consumed by rage.

Werewolf Tells
As a werewolf spends Rage, he becomes closer to his animal spirit. He might
grow fur over parts of his body, his eyes might
glow with silvery light, and most notably, his
tattoos fill with moonlight. They glow brighter
and brighter the more Rage he spends until
they are blindingly bright and he is surrounded
by an aura of pure, cool radiance. The light
doesn't burn or pierce, it is somehow soft and
almost cold.

Becoming a Werewolf
There are two ways to become a
werewolf. One is to be born into it. When a
werewolf and a mortal have children, there's a
chance (about one in four) that the children


gain their Exalt parent's shapechanging ability.

It usually sets in around puberty. Werewolf
teens have more to worry about than just acne.
If both parents are werewolves, than it's almost
a certainty that the children will be able to
change shape. However, this carries with it a
great risk. Children born of two Werewolf parents tend to be very mentally unstable, able to
change shape from the moment they're born
and tending towards psychotic and dangerous
behavior. The rage and power in them seems
untempered and wild, and all too often it becomes the parent's responsibility to put down
the rabid monster they created.
The other way to become a werewolf
is to have it bestowed by Luna. In some rare
cases, when someone shows extraordinary
strength of will and the determination to survive, Luna will appear in one of her many
forms and personally bless the person with the
strength and power of the Werewolf. This is
usually more than enough to get them out of
whatever deadly situation they have found
themselves in.
After a werewolf's first change, they
usually go wild with the power for a time.
They have power and abilities beyond any
mortal, the instincts of an animal, and the two
together mean that they revel in their own
strength for a while. They might seek out old
enemies, pick fights for no reason, indulge
themselves in every earthly pleasure, or just
run wild in the dark places of the world as only
a predator can. If they have family or friends
who understand their condition, they usually
have at least someone to help guide them and
keep them out of trouble. If not, they can get
into quite a bit of trouble with the law or people they cross while they're drunk on power.

Playing a Werewolf
A werewolf is a creature of instinct.
They're not animals, but they know what it's
like to be one. They are adaptable and independent. They can change not just in body,
but in mind and spirit. When something new
comes around, a Werewolf is the one most
likely to think fast and do something about it.
It might not be the right thing to do, but it will
be trying something. And if it doesn't work,
they'll attempt something different. It's rare to


Werewolves in Game

see a werewolf who has only a single solution

to problems (even if it's a really good solution
like massive firepower).
Because they're close to nature and
the spirit worlds, Werewolves can be somewhat uncomfortable in purely artificial places
like Sigil and onboard ship. They, naturally,
learn to adapt to the situation, but it's always
a breath of fresh air to, well, get a breath of
fresh air. When they're in cities, werewolves
are usually drawn to the more exciting and
dangerous parts of the city, the wild places in
the concrete jungle where people live as predators and prey.
When building a werewolf character,
it would be very reasonable to avoid focusing
too much on one thing or another. Werewolves are natural dabblers, trying new things
and learning the basics then moving on. They
have a strong cultural idea that strength can't
flow from one source, but is formed from tributaries coming from all areas - knowledge,
strength, political, magical - and flowing into
each other. Even if one strength doesn't work,
the others will.

Werewolves are one Exalt type that is

never apart from their weapon. Even naked
and unarmed, they can present a serious
threat. In fact, given that they tend to tear
clothing and have claws and teeth that are
easily a match for swords as weapons... they
are often naked and unarmed by choice. Situations where a diplomatic solution is required, where the party can't carry weapons,
that's one place werewolves can really shine.
One important aspect of werewolves
is their connection to the spirit world of the
Umbra. While their abilities are already useful enough on their own, consider adding
things to adventures to make them more
prominent. There might be local nature spirits that can provide clues or help to a werewolf who speaks their tongue, their ability to
see the Umbra could show clues to a murder
or the solution to a puzzle. At high levels,
where they can step into the Umbra themselves, they might use this power to enter
otherwise impenetrable areas or escape the
most sure prison.

Werewolf Society
Werewolf society is organized into
tribes. Most planets have as many tribes as
they have moons, each with ties to a slightly
different aspect of Luna and with their own
tattoo designs and teachings.

Adapting Werewolves
Werewolves have one easy adaptation
- into any sort of werebeast or shapechanger.
That they're called werewolves is, as it has
been mentioned before, not quite correct in all
cases. Some other forms are actually more
common in some races. It's rare, for example,
for Dragonborn to actually be wolves as such.
They're a lot more likely to become a dragonlike monster, dinosaur, or alligator. Eldarin are
often cats rather than wolves. Even halflings
are prone to being rats or cute little lapdogs.
Another interesting way to adapt
them is to make them into a sort of superhero,
some kind of biological armor like the Guyver
or cyborg hero like a Rider. Warform can simply be assuming their heroic battle mode.


"You can't tell me you're comfortable travelling with her," Iniga said. "She's
a werewolf!" The werewolf in question was getting another round of drinks at the
bar. The man Iniga was speaking to, an Aasimar that almost glowed with how much
shine and polish he had, glanced back to look at her for a moment, then back at
"You're a Dark Eldarin," Jacov pointed out. "And a vampire. Either of them
would be more than enough to make most uneasy. Traya isn't so bad."
"That's different!" Iniga folded her arms. "We just have a bad reputation because of a few outlying rogue elements that have given the whole an overall poor
public image. There are many, myself included, that do not fit into the general perception of my kind as predators or sadists."
"...Your kind being Dark Eldarin or Vampire? I've heard pretty much the
same about both and-"
"That's not the point!" Iniga hissed. "Don't you see those tattoos?!" She
pointed at the werewolf's arm. She was a tiefling, and on her red skin were the mystical tattoos that marked her as a werewolf. Many of the silver markings had become
tarnished and twisted into black spirals.
"What about them?" Jacov asked. Iniga sighed. The Aasimar was just so stupid sometimes.
"Do I have to explain everything? That means she's a Black Spiral Dancer!
A berserker!" Jacov shrugged. Iniga groaned. "She'll kill us all!"
"I'll take care of it if there's trouble," Jacov said. The tiefling werewolf returned to the table with the next round of drinks, smiling.
"Hah! I got this round for free!" Traya was almost purring as she put the
glasses down.
"How did you do that? Not with underhanded methods, I hope." Iniga asked.
Traya smiled at the vampire.
"Well, you wouldn't know about it, but we tieflings have these mind control
devices." She adjusted her very low shirt to show off her cleavage. She looked at
Iniga's chest. "I guess you just don't have that power."
"Are you calling me flat?!" Iniga demanded, standing up. She was a foot and
a half shorter than the tiefling, but she was trying her best to look imposing. Traya
smiled, showing rather more fangs than Iniga's delicate set.
"No fighting," Jacov said, quietly. Traya looked at him and sighed, then
stopped. "Look, Armstrong's back." He waved. The human wizard smiled and
walked over to the table.
"I think I got us a ship," Armstrong said. "Small freighter with a human captain and an orc first mate. It's called the Thousand-Year-Eagle."
"Wait... that pile of junk docked in the Hive?!" Iniga asked. She sat down
and started drinking again.
"He says he can get us to Carceri without any entanglements from the Council or Imperial fleets," Armstrong said, with a shrug. "It'll cost us, though. He wants
ten thousand thrones."
"I could almost buy a ship for that," Iniga complained.
"And who would pilot it?" Traya asked. "You?!"
"Yeah, me." She folded her arms and smiled. "I happen to be a pretty good
pilot, you know."
"Tell him we'll pay him two thousand thrones now and fifteen thousand
when we arrive," Jacov said, finishing his ale. "
"I think we have ourselves a ship," Armstrong said, smiling.


lasses are packages that represent

your character's training and work. Your class
is the primary definition of what your character can do in the extraordinary magical landscape
A class is more than just a profession:
it defines the power and skills that the character is focused on learning while they adventure
across a spell-tangled, monster-ridden, battletorn fantasy world. You can be a gutsy swordmaster, a spellcaster with questionable ties, a
gun-toting soldier with dead aim, a skilled assassin for hire. The choice is yours.
The primary focus of a class is determining just what a character may spend XP
on. It can be difficult for a wizard to suddenly
learn how to use a sword like an expert, and
similarly difficult for a gunslinger to just pick
up the basics of sorcery over a long weekend.
As such, when spending XP, a character may only improve characteristics and
skills that are allowed by the class. These represent the kind of things the character can expect to improve while exercising the talents of
the class. Each Class also has a list of feats that
are available for purchase, and many also include one or more Sword or Magic Schools.


These are the meat of each class, the abilities

that go above and beyond mere skills.
Each class has a list of prerequisites,
skills, characteristics, and occasionally classes
that the character must have in order to be allowed to go into the class. Without meeting
these prerequisites, a character may not even
go into the class.
A character may only be in one class
at a time. In order to finish the class he is in a
character must purchase every non-optional
feat in the class. Once a character has purchased the non-optional feats in a class, he
may choose a new class and begin spending
XP on it's advances. Once a character has
moved on to another class, he cannot purchase
the Characteristics, Skills, Sword Schools,
Magic Schools, and any optional feats they
passed over from the old class.
Each class has a Level. This level determines the effect of many spells and feats,
but more importantly, the highest rank a character may have in their Power Stat, their
Sword Schools, and their Magic Schools is
capped at the character's level. A character's
level is equal to the level of the highest level
class they have. For example, a character with
Fighter 4, Bard 2 is a Level 4 character.



This chapter describes the following classes.

Classes marked with an apostrophe (*) are
Level 1 classes and thus appropriate for a
starting character:
Apprentice* - Someone who has just
started on the path to mastering sorcery.
Armsman - An experienced gunman
with a few tricks under his sleeve.
Aspirant - A sorcerer with a talent for
making things up as they go along.
Assassin - They're not mass murderers. It's a profession, not a mental illness.
Barbarian - Wild and tough warriors
with amazing talents.
Bard - Versatile jack-of-all-trades with
the potential to do anything.
Berserker - A guy who gets really
super pissed off and kills others.
Bishop - One of the highest ranking
officials in their church.
Chevalier - A powerful and dangerous
holy warrior.
Cleric - A divinely inspired warrior.
Conscript* - Not everyone gets to decide when they become a warrior. Or a meat
Defender - A devoted man who is
willing to give his sword and life for his god.
Feral* - Maybe they're from the jungle. Maybe they're from the slums. They're
Fighter - A master of weapons, armor,
and melee training.
Fight Guy - A guy who is can be fight
Freeblade - Some people don't have
little things like ties or morals, just wallets.
Gallant* - A man of faith and steel,
learning to serve his god with violence.
Guardsman - A class that's good at
shooting things.
Initiate* - Healers and the faithful,
low ranking members of religious organizations.
Magic User - A versatile and powerful
wizard or warlock.
Master Bard - Like a Bard, but higher
level and with an even better singing voice.
Master Fight Guy - One of the best,
most masterful guys at fight.


Master Sorcerer - An archmage of the

highest caliber.
Mercenary* - A basic fighting class for
anyone who wants to learn to fight.
Minstrel* - Minstrels can... sing.
Sometimes well. Often not.
Myrmidon - A fighting man of no
small experience.
Nighthawk - A step up from a simple
cutthroat, with skills to back it up.
Nihilator - When you want someone
dead, this is who you send.
Outcast* - Scum and dirt little better
than gutterslime.
Outlaw - Criminals operating on the
wrong side of the law.
Paladin - Holy warriors with talents at
healing and smiting. Lots of smiting.
Peasant* - A very basic class that anyone can enter.
Preacher - A healer and scholar
schooled in many things.
Priest* - Holy men come in every
shape and size. And dress code.
Protector - More than just a swordsman, they learn to tap into divine power.


Rager - Getting angry is easy. Being

good at getting angry is hard.
Ratcatcher* - Sneaky buggers with
basic stealth skills.
Renegade - Breaking the law and getting away with it is a valuable skill.
Rogue - A combatant who uses
stealth and slyness to thwart enemies.
Savage - They do not let rage become
their master, but master their rage.
Scholar* - A basic class that teaches
the basics needed to learn magic.
Sell-Steel* - A murderer. Not yet with
skills to be a real assassin, but plenty of ambition.
Sergeant - A good Sergeant is worth
a dozen men or more.
Skald - No mere singer, a skald has
other uses! Like bait.
Sorcerer - Guarded against the warp
and with surprising magical strength.
Stubjack - The best thieves and
knights of the post in the wheel.
Swashbuckler - Insult swordfighting
had better be a real thing, or they're in trouble.
Swordsman* - A man with a sword,
becoming one. If they're not good, quickly and
Veteran - A war is an easy thing to get
into and a difficult thing to live through.
Zealot - When someone cares enough
about their god, all they need is a sword and
some direction.

After you've finished your current
class, you have an opportunity for a little free
study. You can spend XP to buy optional feats
from classes you've already completed, and to
improve any skills, characteristics, spell
schools, sword schools, or gun kata, that are
on the lists of classes you've completed. If you
want to improve other skills and characteristics, you may, but the costs are doubled if they
don't appear on your class lists.

1) Choose a class. This is your character's starting class. In order to go into a
class, you probably have to meet some prerequisites, so make sure you do. You may only
choose a class that is no more than one level
higher than your Level - you cannot advance
two or more levels in a flash, even if you otherwise meet the prerequisites.
2) When spending XP, what you can
spend it on (the class' Advances) is determined by your class:
a - Each class has a level. A character's level is equal to the level of the highest
level class they have. For example, a character
with Swordsman, Fight Guy, Minstrel and
Fighter is a level 3 character.
b - Each class has a list of Characteristics. You may only buy improvements for
the class' listed characteristics.
c - Each class also has a list of skills.
These are the only skills you may spend XP
on while working on the class.
d - The core of every class is a list of
feats. These feats come in two types, mandatory and optional.
e - A class can also have Magic
Schools and Sword Schools. The maximum
rank of your character's Magic and Sword
Schools is capped at your character's level.
f - You may also buy ranks in your
Exaltation's Power Stat. The maximum rank
of your character's Power Stat is also capped
at your character's level.
3) Until you have purchased all
mandatory feats in a class, you may not
change classes. Most feats can only be taken
once. If you already have a feat that's in a class
list, and it can't be taken more than once, you
don't have to purchase it again. Some classes
have the option of taking one feat or another.
When you choose one of these feats, you cannot get the other feat from this class, though
you can get it from another class that has this
feat in its class progression.
4) When you change classes, you can
no longer purchase the advances from your
old class unless they appear on your new class



Class Tracks
Certain classes just flow into each
other. These are called class tracks, and theyll
show you the easiest way to get from level one
to level five. Each class in these class tracks has
the same completion bonus, which reinforce
their themes and work well with the abilities
and playstyle of the class.
You dont have to follow these class
tracks - there are spots where you can move
from one class track into another. You can
also, of course, just start in another class track
at any point where you meet the prerequisites.
Some classes, like Peasant and Mercenary,
dont appear on any of these tracks - but
theyre still perfectly servicible classes and very
useful for meeting prerequisites to get into
other classes.

Sell Steel







Master Bard












Fight Guy







Master Fight Guy














Magic User






Magic User




Master Sorcerer




Level: 1
Prerequisites: Characteristics: Dexterity, Composure, Wisdom
Skills: Crafts, Animal Ken, Common Lore, Perception, Larceny, Stealth, Deceive, Performer,
Common Sense
*Fast Reflexes
Blind Fighting
Light Sleeper
Obtain Familiar
Weapon Prof (Basic)
Bonus for Completion: +2 to maximum Hit Points.

Level: 1
Prerequisites: Characteristics: Intelligence, Willpower, Wisdom
Skills: Arcana, Academic Lore, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Politics, Tech-Use
Eidetic Memory
Speak Language (Any)
Skill Focus (Any Lore)
Peer (School)
Expanded Knowledge
Bonus for Completion: Gain one speciality in any skill.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Characteristics: Wisdom, Fellowship, Intelligence
Skills: Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Medicae, Crafts
Divine Ministration
Hatred (Heretics)
Minor Magic
Peer (Religious Organization)
*Weapon Prof (Basic)
Bonus for Completion: Gain one speciality in any skill.

Level: 1
Prerequisites: Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom
Skills: Command, Scrutiny, Common Lore, Athletics, Ballistic, Weaponry, Perception, Brawl
Armor Prof (Light)
*Armor Prof (Medium)
Speak Language (Any)
*Peer (Mercenary Organization)
Sound Constitution
Weapon Prof (Basic)
Bonus for Completion: +2 to maximum HP.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Characteristics: Any
Skills: Crafts, Common Lore, Animal Ken, Scrutiny, Performer
Common Sense
*Skill Focus (any)
*Sound Constitution
Bonus for Completion: -

Level: 1
Prerequisites: (Weaponry or Ballistics) 2, Stealth 2
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Athletics, Pilot, Disguise, Brawl
Fast Reflexes
Blind Fighting
Improved Feint
Two Weapon Fighting
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Weapon Prof (Basic)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Setting Sun
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all initiative rolls.



Level: 2
Prerequisites: (Weaponry or Ballistics) 2, Stealth 3, Improved Feint
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Athletics, Pilot, Disguise, Brawl
Sneak Attack
Armor Prof (Light)
Far Shot OR Furious Assault
Skill Focus (any)
*Skill Focus (any)
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Setting Sun
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all initiative rolls.

Level: 3
Prerequisites: (Weaponry or Ballistics) 3, Stealth 3, Sneak Attack
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Athletics, Pilot, Disguise, Brawl
Fleet of Foot
Quick Draw
Swift Attack OR Deadeye Shot
Back Stab
Weapon Focus (Any)
Skill Focus (any)
*Skill Focus (any)
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Setting Sun
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all initiative rolls.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 4
Prerequisites: (Weaponry or Ballistics) 4, Stealth 4, Back Stab, Quick Draw
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Athletics, Pilot, Disguise, Brawl
Crack Shot OR Crushing Blow
Hard Target
Skill Focus (any)
*Skill Focus (any)
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Setting Sun
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all initiative rolls.

Level: 5
Prerequisites: (Weaponry or Ballistics) 5, Stealth 5, Back Stab, Quick Draw, Luck, Jaded
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Athletics, Pilot, Disguise, Brawl
Step Aside
Assassin Strike
Counter Attack
Improved Back Stab
Devastating Critical
Skill Focus (any)
*Skill Focus (any)
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Setting Sun
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all initiative rolls.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Weaponry 2, Athletics 1
Characteristics: Strength, Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Drive, Weaponry, Intimidation, Animal Ken, Brawl, Acrobatics
Danger Sense
Armor Proficiency (light)
Power Attack
Weapon Proficiency (Any)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Sword Schools:
Stone Dragon
Tiger Claw
Desert Wind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all melee damage.

Level: 2
Prerequisites: Weaponry 3, Athletics 2, Frenzy
Characteristics: Strength, Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Drive, Weaponry, Intimidation, Animal Ken, Brawl, Acrobatics
Quick Draw
Light Sleeper
Powerful Charge
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Weapon Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Stone Dragon
Tiger Claw
Desert Wind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all melee damage.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 3
Prerequisites: Weaponry 4, Athletics 3, Powerful Charge, Frenzy
Characteristics: Strength, Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Drive, Weaponry, Intimidation, Animal Ken, Brawl, Acrobatics
Crushing Blow
Furious Assault
Swift Attack
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Sword Schools:
Stone Dragon
Tiger Claw
Desert Wind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all melee damage.

Level: 4
Prerequisites: Weaponry 5, Athletics 4, Crushing Blow, Frenzy
Characteristics: Strength, Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Drive, Weaponry, Intimidation, Animal Ken, Brawl, Acrobatics
Battle Rage
Iron Jaw
*Weapon Proficiency (any)
*Weapon Focus (any)
Sword Schools:
Stone Dragon
Tiger Claw
Desert Wind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all melee damage.



Level: 5
Prerequisites: Weaponry 5, Athletics 5, Battle Rage, Frenzy
Characteristics: Strength, Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Drive, Weaponry, Intimidation, Animal Ken, Brawl, Acrobatics
Devastating Critical
True Grit
Lightning Attack
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
*Weapon Proficiency (any)
Sword Schools:
Stone Dragon
Tiger Claw
Desert Wind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all melee damage.

Level: 1
Prerequisites: Charisma 3, Common Lore 3, Performer 1
Characteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity
Skills: Academic Lore, Common Lore, Medicae, Politics, Arcana, Acrobatics, Larceny, Performer, Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Disguise, Tech-Use, Scrutiny, Command
Speak Language (Any)
Jack of All Trades
Peer (Any)
Weapon Prof (Melee 2)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Diamond Mind
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 dot to a skill with a rank lower than your Level.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 2
Prerequisites: Charisma 3, Common Lore 4, Performer 2, Enchantment or Illusion at 1
Characteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity
Skills: Academic Lore, Common Lore, Medicae, Politics, Arcana, Acrobatics, Larceny, Performer, Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Disguise, Tech-Use, Scrutiny, Command
Speak Language
Peer (Any)
Armor Prof (Light)
Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Diamond Mind
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 dot to a skill with a rank lower than your Level.

Level: 3
Prerequisites: Charisma 4, Common Lore 4, Performer 3, Enchantment or Illusion at 2
Characteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity
Skills: Academic Lore, Common Lore, Medicae, Politics, Arcana, Acrobatics, Larceny, Performer, Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Disguise, Tech-Use, Scrutiny, Command
Speak Language
Peer (Any)
Weapon Focus (Fencing)
Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Diamond Mind
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 dot to a skill with a rank lower than your Level.



Level: 4
Prerequisites: Charisma 4, Common Lore 4, Performer 4, Enchantment or Illusion at 2, Decadence, Speak 5+ languages.
Characteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity
Skills: Academic Lore, Common Lore, Medicae, Politics, Arcana, Acrobatics, Larceny, Performer, Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Disguise, Tech-Use, Scrutiny, Command
Speak Language
Good Reputation (Any)
Spell Focus (Enchantment or Illusion)
Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Diamond Mind
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 dot to a skill with a rank lower than your Level.

Master Bard
Level: 5
Prerequisites: Charisma 5, Common Lore 5, Performer 5, Enchantment or Illusion at 3, Fearless, Decadence, Good Reputation
Characteristics: Charisma, Fellowship, Dexterity
Skills: Academic Lore, Common Lore, Medicae, Politics, Arcana, Acrobatics, Larceny, Performer, Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Disguise, Tech-Use, Scrutiny, Command
Expanded Knowledge
Heightened Senses (Hearing)
Sound Constitution
Speak Language
Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Diamond Mind
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 dot to a skill with a rank lower than your Level.
Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 2, Forbidden Lore 2
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Composure
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Pure Faith
Powerful Charge
Hatred (Heretics)
Armor Prof (Light)
Weapon Prof (Basic)
*Weapon Prof (Melee 1)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to maximum HP.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 2
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 2, Forbidden Lore 3, Healing or Abjuration at rank 1.
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Composure
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Peer (Religious Order)
Spell Focus (Any)
Sound Constitution
Armor Prof (Medium)
Virgils Guidance
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to maximum HP.

Level: 3
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 3, Forbidden Lore 4, Healing or Abjuration at rank 2.
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Composure
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Divine Ministration
True Grit
Spell Focus (Any)
Channel Energy
*Weapon Focus (Any)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to maximum HP.



Level: 4
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 4, Forbidden Lore 4, Healing or Abjuration at rank 3.
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Composure
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Armor Prof (Heavy)
Good Reputation (Religious Order)
Sound Constitution
*Skill Focus (Any)
Greater Spell Focus
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to maximum HP.

Level: 5
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 5, Forbidden Lore 5, Healing or Abjuration at rank 4.
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Composure
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Armor of Contempt
Purge the Unclean
Greater Spell Focus
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to maximum HP.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Weaponry 2, Athletics 1
Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Brawl, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Intimidation, Perception, Command
Armor Proficiency (Light)
*Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Power Attack
Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
White Raven
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Melee attack tests.

Level: 2
Prerequisites: Weaponry 3, Athletics 2, Power Attack
Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Brawl, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Intimidation, Perception, Command
Blind Fighting
Quick Draw
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
*Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Weapon Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
White Raven
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Melee attack tests.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Fight Guy
Level: 3
Prerequisites: Weaponry 4, Athletics 3, Blind Fighting, Quick Draw
Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Brawl, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Intimidation, Perception, Command
Crushing Blow OR Crack Shot
Combat Insight
Swift Attack
*Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
*Armor Proficiency (Extreme)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Weapon Specialization (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
White Raven
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Melee attack tests.

Level: 4
Prerequisites: Weaponry 5, Athletics 4, Swift Attack, Combat Insight
Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Brawl, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Intimidation, Perception, Command
Iron Jaw
Armor Specialization
Combat Master
Wall of Steel
*Armor Proficiency (Extreme)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
*Weapon Focus (Any)
Improved Weapon Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
White Raven
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Melee attack tests.



Master Fight Guy

Level: 5
Prerequisites: Weaponry 5, Athletics 5, Swift Attack, Combat Master
Characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Crafts, Athletics, Brawl, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Intimidation, Perception, Command
Counter Attack
True Grit
Lightning Attack
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
*Weapon Specialization (Any)
Improved Weapon Specialization (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
White Raven
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Melee attack tests.

Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ballistics 2, Athletics 1
Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower
Skills: Perception, Athletics, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Command, Pilot
Sound Constitution
*Sound Constitution
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Quick Draw
Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Ranged attack tests.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 2
Prerequisites: Ballistics 3, Athletics 2, Quick Draw, Sound Constitution
Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower
Skills: Perception, Athletics, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Command, Pilot
Sound Constitution
*Sound Constitution
Double Tap
Crack Shot
Far Shot
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Weapon Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Ranged attack tests.

Level: 3
Prerequisites: Ballistics 4, Athletics 3, Crack Shot, Far Shot
Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower
Skills: Perception, Athletics, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Command, Pilot
Sound Constitution
*Sound Constitution
Hip Shooting
Fast Reflexes
Deadeye Shot
*Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Weapon Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Ranged attack tests.



Level: 4
Prerequisites: Ballistics 5, Athletics 4, Deadeye Shot
Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower
Skills: Perception, Athletics, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Command, Pilot
Sound Constitution
*Sound Constitution
Iron Jaw
Armor Specialization
Hard Target
*Armor Proficiency (Extreme)
Weapon Proficiency (Any)
*Weapon Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Ranged attack tests.

Level: 5
Prerequisites: Ballistics 5, Athletics 5, Iron Jaw, Deadeye Shot
Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower
Skills: Perception, Athletics, Drive, Ballistic, Weaponry, Command, Pilot
Sound Constitution
*Sound Constitution
True Grit
Fan the Hammer
*Armor Proficiency (Power)
*Weapon Proficiency (Any)
Sword Schools:
Iron Heart
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Ranged attack tests.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 2, Arcana 3
Characteristics: Intelligence, Charisma, Willpower
Skills: Arcana, Academic Lore, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Scrutiny, Deceive
Obtain Familiar OR Implement Focus
Eidetic Memory
Spell Might
*Weapon Prof (Ordinary)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Focus Power tests.

Level: 2
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 3, Arcana 3, any two Magics at rank 1, Foresight
Characteristics: Intelligence, Charisma, Willpower
Skills: Arcana, Academic Lore, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Scrutiny, Deceive
Spell Book
Spell Focus
Improvisational Magic
Strong Minded
Wizard Tradition
*Skill Focus (Any Lore)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Focus Power tests.



Magic User
Level: 3
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 3, Arcana 4, any two Magics at rank 2, Spell Focus.
Characteristics: Intelligence, Charisma, Willpower
Skills: Arcana, Academic Lore, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Scrutiny, Deceive
Spell Book
Spell Penetration
Touch Spell Specialization
Wizard Tradition
*Skill Focus (Any Lore)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Focus Power tests.

Level: 4
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 4, Arcana 4, any Magic at rank 3, any two Magics at rank 2, Spell
Characteristics: Intelligence, Charisma, Willpower
Skills: Arcana, Academic Lore, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Scrutiny, Deceive
Spell Book
Greater Spell Focus
Mental Fortress
Wizard Tradition
*Skill Focus (Any Lore)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Focus Power tests.
Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Master Sorcerer
Level: 5
Prerequisites: Academic Lore 5, Arcana 5, any Magic at rank 4, any two Magics at rank 3, Spell
Characteristics: Intelligence, Charisma, Willpower
Skills: Arcana, Academic Lore, Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, Scrutiny, Deceive
Spell Book
Archmage Tradition
Greater Spell Penetration
Spell Mastery
*Skill Focus (Any Lore)
Magic Schools:
Bonus for Completion: +1 to all Focus Power tests.

Level: 1
Prerequisites: Weaponry 2, Forbidden Lore 2
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Constitution
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Pure Faith
Sound Constitution
Powerful Charge
Hatred (Heretics)
Armor Prof (Light)
Weapon Prof (Melee 1)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Devoted Spirit
Stone Dragon
Bonus for Completion: +1 AP while wearing armor.



Level: 2
Prerequisites: Weaponry 2, Forbidden Lore 3, Pure Faith
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Constitution
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Peer (Religious Order)
Sound Constitution
Armor Prof (Medium)
Divine Bond
Divine Grace
*Weapon Prof (Any)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Devoted Spirit
Stone Dragon
Bonus for Completion: +1 AP while wearing armor.

Level: 3
Prerequisites: Weaponry 3, Forbidden Lore 4, Guardian, Divine Bond
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Constitution
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Sound Constitution
Divine Ministration
True Grit
*Armor Prof (Heavy)
*Weapon Focus (any)
Swift Attack
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Devoted Spirit
Stone Dragon
Bonus for Completion: +1 AP while wearing armor.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 4
Prerequisites: Weaponry 4, Forbidden Lore 4, Divine Ministration
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Constitution
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
*Armor Prof (Extreme)
Sound Constitution
Good Reputation (Religious Order)
Sound Constitution
Wall of Steel
*Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Devoted Spirit
Stone Dragon
Bonus for Completion: +1 AP while wearing armor.

Level: 5
Prerequisites: Weaponry 5, Forbidden Lore 5, Wall of Steel
Characteristics: Willpower, Wisdom, Constitution
Skills: Medicae, Academic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Arcana, Weaponry, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Armor Specialization (Any)
Sound Constitution
*Armor Prof (Power)
Armor of Contempt
Death Before Defeat
Sword Schools:
White Raven
Devoted Spirit
Stone Dragon
Bonus for Completion: +1 AP while wearing armor.



Level: 1
Prerequisites: Larceny 2, Stealth 2
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Pilot, Disguise, Tech-Use
Danger Sense
Fast Reflexes
Blind Fighting
Improved Feint
*Weapon Prof (Basic)
Weapon Prof (Melee 2)
*Weapon Prof (Throwing)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Diamond Mind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to Static Defense.

Level: 2
Prerequisites: Larceny 2, Stealth 3, Danger Sense
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Pilot, Disguise, Tech-Use
Sneak Attack
Armor Prof (Light)
Two Weapon Fighting
Skill Focus (any)
*Skill Focus (any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Diamond Mind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to Static Defense.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 3
Prerequisites: Larceny 3, Stealth 3, Evasion
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Pilot, Disguise, Tech-Use
Fleet of Foot
Quick Draw
Back Stab
Weapon Focus (Fencing)
Skill Focus (Any)
*Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Diamond Mind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to Static Defense.

Level: 4
Prerequisites: Larceny 4, Stealth 4, Sneak Attack
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Pilot, Disguise, Tech-Use
Improved Sneak Attack
Hard Target
Skill Focus (Any)
*Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Diamond Mind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to Static Defense.

Optional feats are marked with an asterisk (*). Choice feats are marked with OR.



Level: 5
Prerequisites: Larceny 5, Stealth 5, Improved Sneak Attack
Characteristics: Dexterity, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Perception, Common Lore, Acrobatics, Ballistic, Larceny, Stealth, Weaponry, Scrutiny,
Persuasion, Charm, Deceive, Pilot, Disguise, Tech-Use
Step Aside
Improved Back Stab
Devastating Critical
Skill Focus (Any)
*Skill Focus (Any)
Sword Schools:
Shadow Hand
Diamond Mind
Bonus for Completion: +1 to Static Defense.

"Strangers from distant lands... friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mortarion. Terros stands upon the brink
of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite... or you will fall. Each race
is bound to this fate... this one doom."
A council had gathered in that small forest. The elven elder stood before a group of just over twenty that represented the free peoples of Terros.
He nodded to a halfling.
"Bring forth the ring, Prefect," the elder said. The young halfling
stepped forward and put a simple gold ring on the stone plinth that was the
focus of the gathering, then returned to his seat.
"So it is true," Brother Boromos of the White Templars muttered, his
voice raspy through the filter of his power armor's ventilator.
"Saurious' ring! The ring of power!" Megablos, one of the local elves,
exclaimed. One of the squats looked at the ring and shook his head.
"The doom of man," the squat muttered.
"It is a gift," Brother Boromos said. "We can use this ring to strike at
the enemy, if it is such a powerful artifact."
"You cannot wield it," Walker said, gruffly. He brushed his hands over
his denim pants, dislodging road dust. "None of us can. The one ring answers
to the daemon Saurious alone."
"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Brother Boromos
asked, turning to face Walker. Walker just fixed him with a level gaze. The air
filled with unspoken threat.
"He is no mere ranger," Megablos said, trying to defuse the situation
"He is Walker, son of Tecksas."
"Walker?" Boromos asked, quietly. "Norris' heir?" There was a gentle
cough as a man dressed in strange robes, the robes of the Syrneth, spoke up.
"Walker is right... we cannot use it," the wizard said.
"We have only one choice," said the elven elder. "The ring must be destroyed." The squat suddenly stood up, bringing his meltagun to bear.
"Then... what are we waiting for?" He asked. He fired the meltagun.
There was a crack as the superheated air washed over the group. The stone
plinth vanished, turning into ash and molten stone. The ring hung suspended
in midair for a moment, then landed on the ground with the tone of pure
metal, unharmed. Pentagrammatic wards flared on its surface, an evil and arcane script.
"The ring cannot be destroyed," the elder said, to the suddenly silent
chamber, "Cheri, son of Chearwin, by any craft that we here possess. The ring
was made in the fires of Mount Kismet... only there can it be unmade. It must
be taken deep into Mortarion, and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence
it came. One of you must do this."
"One does not simply walk into Mortarion," Brother Boromos said. "Its
black gates are guarded by worse than just orks. There is evil there that does
not sleep and the Great Eye is ever watchful." He paused. "We will need to
take drop pods. We shall not fail in this. Before this day is done, the evil of
Mortarion will fall."


eats are the bread and butter of

classes. Raw talent and skill is always good,
but the difference between a good swordsman
and a great swordsman is that the great
swordsman knows more techniques and when
to use them.
Whereas Skills represent abilities
gained through learning or training, Feats are
proficiencies gained through intrinsic characteristics and experience over time. A Cleric
might gain additional graces from his God, a
Magic User might further hone his sorcerous
abilities, and a Guardsman would become
more adept with his weapons after surviving
many combats.
From the exploration of uncharted
crystal spheres to wiping the monsters from
their surface to negotiating trade agreements
with the survivors, Heroes need every ounce
of their abilities to emerge victorious and write
their legend across the stars.
Planning out effective and flavourful
combinations of Feats and Skills that match a
character's background can be an enjoyable
processs for the entire game group, and can
provide interesting ideas for the SM or other
players to further cement their relationships
and adversaries. Perhaps two characters


trained under the same teacher to get a certain

feat, or a player might use the Hatred feat to
inspire him about events in his characters

Several feats represent a general ability that can be applied to a specific category
within that group. As some of these groups
have many sub-categories, they have been collected into related groups. When selecting one
of these feats, the player chooses one of the entries from the group. Thus, when selecting the
Peer feat, the Hero would also choose a specific group or organization from the feat group
such as Peer (Mercykillers). Each time the
Hero gains the talent, he may choose a different speciality, so the next time he selects it, he
might opt for Peer (Elves).
In many cases a class will have the
feat's group already chosen for you - a Paladin
doesn't have just Peer, but Peer (Religious
Order). In this case, you do not get to make a
choice as to the group the feat applies to.
Often, group listings are representative as opposed to all-inclusive. Consequently, even
though "Clan Jade Falcon" isn't specifically
listed in the Peer feat group, it can still be chosen with SM approval.





You can preform incredible feats of healing, removing diseases and poisons with a touch.

Archmage Tradition

Your mastery of magic has reached its peak, giving you more control over it.

Armor of Contempt

You are protected against social attacks

Armor Proficiency (-)*

You may use a given armor type with fewer penalties.

Armor Specialization*

The chosen armor type provides more armor.

Assassin Strike

Whenever you make a melee attack, you may make an acrobatics check to move.

Back Stab

If you are ganging up on your opponent, you gain a bonus to damage rolls.

Battle Rage

While using Frenzy, you may make parry actions.


You may reroll a missed melee attack once per round.

Blind Fighting

Take only a small penalty to attacking while blind.


Halve falling distance when calculating damage, always land on your feet.

Channel Energy

You can channel raw magical power to heal or harm.


When you kill someone, you have enough power to get the guy next to him.

Combat Insight

You can use Int in place of Dex for some rolls.

Combat Master

Opponents gain no bonuses for outnumbering you in melee combat.

Common Sense

Whenever you're about to do something stupid, the SM can tell you.

Counter Attack

When you parry an attack, you may make an attack against that opponent.

Crack Shot

Ranged attacks you make deal more damage.

Crushing Blow

Melee attacks you make deal more damage.

Danger Sense

May act normally in a surprise round.

Deadeye Shot

You take a smaller penalty to your attacks for making a called shot.

Death Before Defeat

You may spend a Hero point to ignore the effects of a single critical hit.


You are never affected by drugs or alcohol.

Defensive Mobility

The TN to hit you with opportunity attacks is increased by 5.

Devastating Critical

Whenever you deal critical damage to an opponent, deal an additional wound.

Divine Bond

You gain a holy steed that can be summoned at will.

Divine Grace

You can resist some magical effects with the force of your personality.

Divine Ministration

Spend a Hero point to heal a target and remove fatigue.

Double Tap

You can fire a gun twice with the same action.

Eidetic Memory

You have total recall.


When making a dodge check, you may move a short distance.

Expanded Knowledge

You are treated as having a specialization in all lores.

Fan The Hammer

Sometimes a lot of men need killing at once. With a gun. You can do that.

Far Shot

You don't suffer penalties for firing at Long Range.

Fast Reflexes

You may reroll your initiative.


You are immune to all fear effects.

Fleet of Foot

You're fast on your feet, but prone to tire yourself.


You may spend time examining a problem to get a bonus to your next Int Test.


Work yourself into a frothing rage and you get stronger and stupider.

Furious Assault

If you take an All Out Attack and the attack is successful, you may make a second attack.

Good Reputation*

You gain a bonus to social rolls with a group you have as a Peer.

Greater Spell Focus

Gain an additional free raise to magic rolls with a specific school of magic.

Greater Spell Penetration

Tests made to resist your spells require an additional extra raise to succeed.


You may use Parry actions against attacks made by or against targets within melee range.

Hard Target

Whenever you charge or run, opponents find it harder to shoot at you.


You recover from serious wounds more quickly.


You gain a bonus to Weaponry against members of a certain group or race.

Heightened Senses*

Gain a bonus to all checks made using one of your senses.

* this feat may be taken more than once. If it has groups, you must choose a different group each time.

Hip Shooting

You may take a Full Move and make a single attack with a Pistol.

Implement Focus

When using an Implement, you may reroll one die on your Magic Tests.

Improved Back Stab

If you are ganging up on your opponent, you gain a bonus to damage rolls.

Improved Feint

Even when you don't quite succeed at a feint, it still has some effect.

Improved Sneak Attack

Ignore the armor of targets unaware of your attacks.

Improved Weapon Focus*

Gain a bonus to attacks made with a specific type of weapon.

Improved Weapon Specialization*

Gain additional damage done with a specific type of weapon.

Improvisational Magic

You may spend a Hero point to try casting spells you don't even know.

Iron Jaw

Whenever you become stunned you may make a Con Test to shrug it off.

Jack of All Trades

You do not suffer penalties for making skill checks untrained.


You never need to roll fear checks against normal scenes of gore and death.

Lightning Attack

As a full action, you may make three attacks at a penalty to hit.

Light Sleeper

You are always counted as awake, even when asleep.


You may reroll one roll per day.

Mental Fortress

Your mind is much more difficult to read.

Minor Magic*

Your training has given you a small amount of magic ability.

Obtain Familiar

You get a small friend who can do your bidding.


You gain a bonus to Social rolls with a certain group.

Power Attack

Hit less often, but do more damage.

Powerful Charge

You gain a bonus to damage rolls on a charge.

Pure Faith

You have easier Alignment checks.

Purge The Unclean

Repel the spiritual enemies of your God.

Quick Draw

You may ready a weapon as a free action.


You do not take a penalty to attacks when making a Called Shot.

Skill Focus*

Gain a skill speciality.

Sneak Attack

Halve armor of targets unaware of your attacks.

Sound Constitution*

Gain 1 additional Hit Point.

Speak Language*

Learn to speak one additional language.

Spell Book*

Choose a school of magic. You may learn one additional spell from that school.

Spell Focus*

Gain a free raise to magic rolls with a specific school of magic.

Spell Mastery*

You may reroll magic Tests with one spell.

Spell Might

You can put more power in your spells, gaining a bonus by making it harder to cast.

Spell Penetration

Tests made to resist your spells need an extra raise to succeed.

Spell Specialization*

Once per scene you may reroll a failed magic check from a chosen school.

Step Aside

You may Dodge one extra time per round.

Strong Minded

You may reroll failed Willpower Tests made to resist magic.

Swift Attack

As a full action, you may make two attacks at -2k0 to hit.


You have been Sanctioned, making your magic safer.

Touch Spell Spec

You gain a bonus to hit with all spells that require you to make an attack.

True Grit

Take less critical damage from attacks.

Two Weapon Fighting

Hold two weapons in order to attack more often.


Attempts to pick the character out of a crowd or describe him are at a penalty.

Virgil's Guidance

You can get away with more than most people can, making it easier to keep your devotion.

Wall of Steel

You may Parry one extra time per round.

Weapon Focus*

Gain a bonus to attacks made with a specific type of weapon.

Weapon Proficiency*

Use a category of weapons with no penalties.

Weapon Specialization*

Gain additional damage done with a specific type of weapon.

Wizard Tradition*

Wizards have many secret methods and traditions. You happen to know them.



Racial feats are special feats that, instead of being purchased for a character's
class, are purchased by virtue of being of a particular race. You can purchase these feats at
any time, spending the normal amount for
them, as though they were part of your character's class list.

Assets are a special type of feat that
can only be taken during character creation
and at no time afterwards. More than other
feats, they represent something that is a core
of your character. You may spend any amount
of your starting XP on buying Assets.

Each of the types of Exalt have a
number of Assets they can purchase to improve their base powers as Exalted or to show
that they belong to a certain tribe or caste
within their society. With the exception of
Paragon Assets, taking an Exalted Asset means
that you cannot take a second Exalted Asset.

You can perform incredible feats of healing,
removing diseases and poisons alike with a
touch. By spending a hero point, you may
touch a target and remove one ongoing effect.
If that effect comes from a source greater than
your own power - an Exalt with a higher level,
a god, or another being of similar power, this
ability might not work at the SM's discretion.

Archmage Traditions
Your study of magic has reached its peak, giving you real mastery over it. Choose one of the
following options:
Arcane Mastery
Whenever you cast a spell, you may spend a
hero point in order to copy it on your next
turn. You may cast the same spell without
rolling a magic check, using the same result as
you had on this turn.
Whenever you cast a spell, you're surrounded
by an aura of energy that makes it easier for
others to cast. When you cast a spell for the
first time each round, all allies who cast a spell
within 3m have the TN of that spell's magic
check reduced by 5.

Hindrances are something like the opposite of assets. Where an asset is something
you spend XP on during character creation to
get a bonus, Hindrances are a penalty you take
in order to get 100 bonus XP to spend during
character creation. A character can take up to
two hindrances during character creation, but
can't just decide to pick one up later and get
some free XP. While it is possible to get an additional Hindrance during play - it's certainly
easy to get a new Enemy or to become Wanted
- Hindrances gained during play are at the discretion of the SM and don't give XP, just the

Following is the full rules text of the
general feats list. Note that if there is a discrepancy between the text in this listing and the
table on the previous pages, the text should be
considered correct.


Armor of Contempt
Youre not an easy man to talk to. Youve cultivated a fine shell of divine insight and hatred
that makes you harder to influence. Even if
you run out of Resolve, you cannot be forced
to go against your Alignment.

Armor Proficiency
Groups: Light, Medium, Heavy, Extreme, Power
It takes training to wear armor without it getting in the way. You can use armor with fewer
penalties. With light and medium armor you
suffer no penalties at all, and with heavy, extreme, and power armor you reduce the
armor's penalty to your static defense by half.
Without the appropriate feat, you apply the
armor's AP as a penalty to your static defense.


Armor Specialization
Choose a particular category of armor (light,
medium, heavy, extreme, or Power). Thanks
to your extreme training the chosen armor
type provides +2 armor points.

Assassin Strike
One of the most important things about being
an assassin is getting away after doing the
deed. Once per turn when you make a melee
attack, you may move at your Half Move rate
as a free action. Your opponent does not get a
free attack against you for disengaging.

Channel Energy
You can channel raw magical power to heal or
harm. As a half action, you may touch a target
and spend up to your level in resource points.
For every resource point you spend, you may
heal the target of one Hit Point or damage it
for one wound.

When you kill someone, you have enough follow-through to get the guy next to him. The
first time you kill an enemy with a melee attack
in a round, you may make a melee attack
against another enemy within your reach.

Back Stab
You have a talent for finding the best place to
stab someone when they're busy with someone
else. If you are ganging up on your opponent,
you gain +2k0 to damage rolls.

Battle Rage
Even when you're in a blind rage, you've got
enough skill with a sword to surprise most.
While using Frenzy, you may make parry actions.

Combat Insight
Being a smart bastard can get you pretty far in
life, even when people are shooting at you.
You may use Intelligence in place of Dexterity
when using the Dodge action or in place of
your Level on attacks that benefit from the
Aim action.

Your mastery of sword and knife is
unsurpassed and your blade always
strikes true. You may reroll a missed
melee attack once per round.

Blind Fighting
Through years of practice and training with a blast shield down, you
can fight without having to use your
eyes. You do not suffer any of the
normal penalties for fighting blind,
except the obvious ones - you still
cant read or anything like that. But
you can get your stab on real good!

You are nimble and balanced, like a
cat, and are able to fall much greater
distances unharmed than others
might. Halve falling distance when
calculating damage, always land on
your feet.



Combat Master
Through a combination of reflex and perception you're able to keep many more opponents
at bay in melee than someone with only average skill. Opponents gain no bonuses for outnumbering you in melee combat. Not only
does this include the normal bonuses for ganging up, but also from talents like Back Stab.

Common Sense
There are many times in which a player might
be about to do a stupid and not quite know it.
With Common Sense, the SM can ask the
player to make a Wisdom roll against TN 15
in order to pick up on the fact.

Counter Attack
While it can be dangerous, the best opportunity to hurt someone can be when they've left
themselves open attacking you. When you successfully parry an attack, you may make an attack against that opponent with the weapon
you used to parry, taking -2k0 to that attack
because of the awkward nature of the blow.

Crack Shot
You are able to target your shots at the places
where they're really going to do some harm.
Ranged attacks you make deal +2 damage.

Crushing Blow
Your melee strikes land with force enough to
shatter bone. Melee attacks you make deal +2

Danger Sense
You are never surprised. While you might be
taken unaware, you may act normally during
the surprise round regardless of if your party
is taken by surprise or not.

Deadeye Shot
You always hit an opponent right between the
eyes. Or wherever else you're aiming. You take
only -1k0 to your attacks for making a called
shot. Without this feat, you take -2k0 to your
attacks for making a called shot.


Death Before Defeat

All you need is some pure bloody-minded
stubbornness to push through the worst pain.
You may spend a Hero point to ignore the effects of a single critical hit as long as that hit
would not cause death.

Either through mental and physical training...
or more likely, through years of experimenting
with mind-altering drugs, you've built up a tolerance even above the average Hero. You are
never affected by drugs or alcohol, or at least
you can sober up quickly enough to do whatever you need to do.

Defensive Mobility
You present a hard target to catch unawares.
Even when you leave yourself open you aren't
easy to hit. You get a +5 bonus to your static
defense against opportunity attacks.

Devastating Critical
When you're putting someone down, they go
down hard. Whenever you deal critical damage to an opponent, deal an additional wound.

Divine Bond
You gain a holy steed that can be summoned
at will. This typically takes the form of a
warhorse, but depending on the culture of the
user, it can form any other appropriate riding
animal or small ground vehicle. It takes a full
action to summon the steed, and it can remain
for a full day. If it is lost or destroyed, the character is unable to use this feat for three days
while the bonded steed reforms.

Divine Grace
You can resist some magical effects with the
force of your personality. You may use your
Charisma in place of your Willpower when attempting to resist enemy or environmental effects.

Divine Ministration
Some can lay hands on someone suffering and
remove their wounds. As a half action, you
may spend a hero point to touch a target and
remove a level of fatigue and heal the target
for 1d5 Hit Points.


Double Tap
With the Multiple Attacks action, you may
make two ranged attacks. You cannot use
Double Tap with weapons that have
Recharge, have a clip size of 1, or can only be
fired on Full Auto. You can make these attacks on different targets.

Far Shot
You can lead a shot like a pro. There are few
who can surpass your sniping skills. You don't
suffer penalties for firing at Long Range. You
still suffer the same penalties for firing at Extreme range.

Fast Reflexes
Eidetic Memory
You have perfect recall. As
long as you've heard or read
something, you can reproduce it in detail with no real

When you get out of the
way, you really get out of the
way. When making a dodge
check, you may move a distance
equal to your Dexterity in meters. You don't provoke an
opportunity attack from the
enemy whose attack you
dodged, though you provoke opportunity attacks
from other enemies as normal.

You always expect trouble, even in the most

innocuous situations, allowing you to act
quickly when needed.
You may reroll your initiative dice. If you
choose to do so, you
must take the result of
the reroll, even if it
would be worse.

Through hard experience with horrifying situations, fear no longer
commands your actions.
You are immune to all
fear effects and pinning.
Disengaging from combat or backing down
from a fight requires a
Test (TN 15).

There's knowing things and
there's really knowing things. You
may gain an additional specialty
for all of your Lore skills. This
doesn't have to be the same specialty
for each lore skill, and this doesn't
prevent you from getting a specialty later
if you don't have one when you take this feat.

Fan the Hammer

With the Multiple Attacks action, you may
make any number of additional attacks with a
ranged weapon, up to the clip size of the
weapon. These attacks are made at a cumulative -1k0 penalty for each attack (so 3 attacks
at -3k0, 4 at -4k0, etc). You cannot use Fan
the Hammer with weapons that have Recharge
or can only be fired on Full Auto.

Fleet of Foot
You're quick on your feet
and can push yourself to be
even faster. When making a
Full Move action, you may
move an additional distance equal to your Dex
in meters. When running, you may double
your movement for one round. Using this talent two turns in a row gives you one level of

Logic and analysis do for you what divination
and luck do for others. You may spend 10
minutes examining a problem to get a free
raise to your next Int Test.



Your temper and passion boil just below the
surface of your mind, mostly held in check but
easily released when it's time to ride the beast.
By spending one full action to work yourself
into a rage, you gain +1 to your strength and
constitution, -2 to your intelligence and wisdom until the end of combat, and you must
make a melee attack or move closer to an
enemy on each of your turns. You may not
make parry actions.

Furious Assault
Your speed and martial prowess allow you to
land several blows where lesser combatants
can land only one. If you take an All Out Attack and the attack is successful, hitting the
target and dealing at least one wound to it, you
may make a second attack with the same
bonuses and penalties.

Good Reputation
Groups: Academics, Sigil's Factions,
Churches, Specific Races, Government, The
Military, Middle Classes, Nobility, the Insane,
Underworld, Workers, etc.
Your reputation precedes you in interactions
with a specific group or faction, opening doors
that might otherwise remain closed. You gain
+0k1 to Charm, Persuasion, and Command
rolls with a group you have as a Peer.

Greater Spell Focus

You have focused your efforts on casting spells
from a specific school of magic. If your magic
Test is successful when casting spells from a
certain school of magic, you may apply an
extra raise to that magic Test for the purpose
of determining the spell's effect. This stacks
with Spell Focus.

Greater Spell Penetration

It's even harder to resist your spells, the energy
blasting through defenses both mental and
physical. Tests made to resist your spells need
an additional raise to succeed. This stacks with
Spell Penetration.

Years of serving as a bodyguard allow you to


put yourself in the line of fire or take a murderous attack that was meant for another. You
may use Parry actions against attacks made by
or against targets within melee range of you,
allowing you to protect others. If the parry actions are unsuccessful, you are hit by the attack instead of the intended target.

Hard Target
Light on your feet, you dodge and weave as
you move, skills learned from long years in the
line of fire. Whenever you charge or run, opponents take -2k0 with Ballistics skill Tests
made to hit you with a ranged weapon until
your next turn.

You rebound quickly from shock or injury.
You are always counted as Lightly Wounded
while recovering from injuries.

Groups: Criminals, Rival Group (specific), Pirates, Race (specific), Magic Users,
Heretics, etc.
A group, organization, or race has wronged


you in the past, fueling this animosity. You

gain +1k0 to Weaponry rolls made to attack
members of a certain group or race. You must
be aware the enemy is of that group or race to
gain the bonus.

Heightened Senses
Groups: Sight, Sound, Smell, etc.
Either genetics or augmetics have made one of
your senses superior to others. Gain +1k1 to
all checks made using a chosen sense. This
ability cannot give a bonus to attack rolls, but
if there is a penalty due to environmental conditions (fighting in darkness, for example), the
bonus can be applied to reduce the penalty if
it would be applicable.

Hip Shooting
Your prowess with ranged weapons is such
that you can still fire accurately without using
the sights. You may, as a Full Action, take a
Full Move and make a single attack with a
ranged weapon. This attack can only be a single shot - no automatic fire.

Implement Focus
You've trained long and hard with using a wizard implement, a wand, rod, staff, or Orb.
When using an Implement, you may reroll one
die on your Magic Tests.

aware of your attacks. They still take penalties

to their Static Defense, if they don't have the
appropriate feats, but gain no damage reduction from the armor.

Improved Weapon Focus

You can hit the bull's eye every time you throw
a dart. Gain an additional +0k1 to attacks
made with a specific type of weapon. You
must choose a specific weapon type - not just,
say, Bolt Weapons, but specifically a Heavy
Bolter. While this bonus will apply to all
weapons of the appropriate type regardless of
make or quality, it will not apply to others even
if they have the same proficiency.

Improved Weapon
Long training and careful study have let you
become adept at putting the hurt on with your
chosen weapon. Gain an additional +0k1 to
damage done with a specific type of weapon.
You must choose a specific weapon type - not
just, say, Las Weapons, but specifically a Lasgun. While this bonus will apply to all
weapons of the appropriate type regardless of
make or quality, it will not apply to others even
if they have the same proficiency.

Improvisational Magic
Improved Back Stab
You can slide your blade between someone's
ribs like no one else. If you are ganging up on
your opponent, you gain +0k1 to damage

Improved Feint
Even when you don't quite succeed at a feint,
it still has some effect. Even on a failed Feint
attempt, the target suffers -2k0 to reactions. If
you have Sneak Attack or Improved Sneak Attack, Feinting now allows you to benefit from
their effects against targets youve successfully

Improved Sneak Attack

You may spend a Hero point to cast one spell

of any school that is of a lower rank than the
highest rank of Magic you possess. For example, if you have Evocations at rank 4, you may
spend a hero point to cast a rank 3 Conjuration effect, a rank 3 divination effect, and so
on. You still use that spell's normal magic

Iron Jaw
You've taken blows from Orks and given back
as good as you got. Whenever you become
stunned you may make a Con Test (TN 10 +
5 x Number of rounds you'd be stunned) to
shrug it off. You may only make this check
once, at the time you become stunned.

When someone doesn't notice one of your attacks coming, it's usually the last thing they
don't hear. Ignore the armor of targets un-



Jack of All Trades

There's nothing you can't try your hand at and
have at least a chance at success. You may attempt to use Advanced skills with no ranks in
them, just like basic skills. If you have zero
ranks in a basic skill, you get +1k0 when using
that skill.

Your wide travels have shown both wonders
and horrors beyond the ken of most. The
Great Wheel has thrown its worst at you and
you have yet to flinch. You never need to roll
fear checks against normal scenes of gore and
death. Supernatural effects will still cause you
to roll fear normally.

Lightning Attack
Your speed with weapons is legendary, allowing you to launch flurries of attacks. You may
make three melee attacks with the multiple attacks action. If you also have Swift attack, it's
important to note that these two feats do not
stack - you can choose to use the multiple attacks action to use Lightning Attack or Swift
Attack, but not both at once.

Light Sleeper
The slightest change in conditions or disturbance brings you from sleep to full awareness.
You are always counted as awake, even when
asleep. You don't count as helpless while
you're resting, though it's possible someone
will still sneak up on you. You are considered
to be aware of what's going on around you,
though stealth will work normally.

Minor Magic
Your training has given you a small amount of
magic ability. You gain a single level in any
magical school in which you have no levels.

Obtain Familiar
You get a small animal companion like a rat,
toad, or raven. It can follow simple orders,
carry messages, and so forth. In some cultures,
this may not be a real animal, but instead a
simple robot or magical servant.

Groups: Academics, Sigil's Factions,
Churches, Specific Races, Government, The
Military, Middle Classes, Nobility, the Insane,
Underworld, Workers, etc.
You're adept at dealing with a particular social
group or organization. You gain +2k0 to
Charm, Persuasion, and Command rolls with
a certain group.

Power Attack
You can really put your back into it and cut.
When making a melee attack, you may choose
to take -Xk0 to attack and gain +Xk0 to damage, where X is any number up to your Level.
If you make multiple attacks during a round,
you must decide to use this ability before making any attacks, and it applies to all of your attacks that round.

Powerful Charge
When you throw yourself into a fight, you get
to put your body weight behind your swings.
You gain +1k0 to melee damage rolls on a

Is it better to be lucky or good? You've certainly got the luck part down. You may reroll
one die per day. This can be any die, even an
alignment check.

Mental Fortress
Your prowess with the warp has affected your
mind, making it more difficult to intrude on
your thoughts. When anyone tries to read your
thoughts, you may instead choose exactly what
the caster percieves from your thoughts.


Pure Faith
Thanks to your true faith, you know what you
can get away with. You gain +2 to all alignment checks.

Purge the Unclean

You may spend a Hero Point to repel the enemies of your God. Choose an opponent that
represents a foe of your deity (Warp Entities,
Daemonhosts, and Chosen almost always
count - the SM will let you know if a target
doesn't count) and spend a hero point. Make


an opposed Willpower test with the target. If

it succeeds, the target is repelled a distance of
meters away equal to twice your willpower. It
cannot approach closer than this distance for
1d10 rounds.

Quick Draw
You've practiced so frequently with your
weapons that they practically leap into your
hands, ready for action. You may ready a
weapon as a free action.

Your steady hand and eagle eyes allow you to
place shots exactly where you like. You do not
take a penalty to attacks from making a Called

Skill Focus
While everyone has something they're focused
on, you put forth an effort to be really good at
something in particular. Gain an additional
skill speciality. You do not need to have 4
ranks in that skill in order to gain this speciality, and you still get the normal speciality at 4

Sneak Attack
With long training, you know how to get to the
tenderest part of a person's body when they
aren't protecting themselves. Halve armor of
targets unaware of your attacks, rounding up.
The targets still take their normal penalty to
static defense (if it applies).

Sound Constitution
Thanks to being as tough as iron, you can take
more hits than most. You gain one additional
Hit Points.

Speak Language
Groups: Human, Elven, Squat,
Trade, Syrneth, Gnomish, Celestial, Infernal,
Eldarin, Dark Eldarin, Clawspeak, Draconic,
Orkish, etc.
It can take a lot to learn a new language. Learn
to speak one additional language of your

Spell Book
Most of the time, a person can only learn a
small fraction of the spells in a particular spell
school. But with this feat, you have expanded
your talents to learning more tricks. Choose a
school of magic. You may learn one additional
spell from that school at a rank you already
possess. Without this feat, you may only learn
one spell from a school at a given rank.

Spell Focus
Most mages are best in one particular area. If
your magic Test is successful when casting
spells from a certain school of magic, you may
apply an extra raise to that magic Test for the
purpose of determining the spell's effect. This
stacks with Greater Spell Focus.

Spell Mastery
By practicing the motions of a spell over and
over again, you can make sure you'll be able to
cast it even in the worst circumstances.
Choose a single spell of the third rank or
lower. You may reroll failed checks to cast that

Spell Might
You can put more power into your spells,
making them more difficult to cast but with a
better payoff. You may take -2k0 to a Magic
Roll in order to add 10 to the final result.

Spell Penetration
It's harder to resist your spells, the energy
blasting through defenses both mental and
physical. Tests made to resist your spells need
an additional raise to succeed.

Spell Specialization
Most sorcerers are best with a certain type of
spells - blowing things up, healing, seeing the
future, whatever. Choose a school of magic.
Once per scene you may reroll a failed magic
check from that school.

Step Aside
You are quick at getting out of the way of attacks. You gain an additional reaction action
every round which may only be spent in order
to use the Dodge action.



Strong Minded
Your mind is like a fortress guarded against
psychic attack. You may reroll one failed
Willpower Test made to resist magic per

Swift Attack
Your skill with a blade lets you attack more
quickly than average. With the multiple attack
action, you may make two melee attacks. If
you also have lightning attack, it's important
to note that these two feats do not stack - you
can choose to use the multiple attacks action
to use Lightning Attack or Swift Attack, but
not both at once.

You have been Sanctioned by an official organization, Tested and found to be stable.
You count as a Sanctioned Sorcerer when
rolling magic Tests. Without this feat, you
count as an Unsanctioned Sorcerer, which can
be bad.

Touch Spell Specialization

Aiming a spell is almost exactly unlike aiming
a gun. That doesn't mean you can't get better
at it and you're living proof. You gain +2k0 to


hit with all spells that require you to make an


True Grit
You can shrug off wounds that would fell
lesser men. Whenever you suffer critical damage, you may halve the result (rounding up).

Two Weapon Fighting

You are more adept at fighting using two
weapons at the same time. See Chapter XIV
for full rules on fighting with two weapons.

You have a forgettable face and are able to
blend in with a crowd. Attempts to pick the
character out of a crowd or describe him are
at -2k0 penalty. This is partly a supernatural
effect, so even with eidetic memory, the
penalty still applies.

Virgil's Guidance
You can get away with more than most people
can, making it easier to keep your devotion
high. You can buy Devotion at only half of the
normal cost.


Wall of Steel
Your blades are so quick that they form a wall
of impenetrable steel. You gain an additional
reaction action every round which may only
be used to Parry an attack.

Weapon Focus
You've focused your training on a single
weapon. Gain +2k0 to attacks made with a
specific type of weapon. You must choose a
specific weapon type - not just, say, Ordinary
Weapons, but specifically a Shotgun. While
this bonus will apply to all weapons of the appropriate type regardless of make or quality, it
will not apply to others even if they have the
same proficiency.

Weapon Proficiency
Choices: Basic, Melee 1, Melee 2,
Melee 3, Ranged 1, Ranged 2, Thrown.
Training can show a person just how to use a
weapon properly - not shooting a las weapon
at a mirror, for example. You gain a number
of rolled dice equal to your level on any attack
roll made with a weapon in any category you
have a proficiency in.

Weapon Specialization
You've got a real knack for putting the pain on.
Gain +2k0 to damage done with a specific
type of weapon. You must choose a specific
weapon type - not just, say, Exotic Weapons,
but specifically a Needle Gun. While this
bonus will apply to all weapons of the appropriate type regardless of make or quality, it will
not apply to others even if they have the same

Wizard Traditions
Wizards have many secret methods and traditions. You happen to know some of them.
Whenever you take this feat, choose one of the
following. You may not choose the same option twice.
Hidden Flame
Whenever you cast an illusion spell, you can throw
on a minor rider effect. All enemies within 5m of
the illusion's effected area when the spell is cast become Dazzled for one round.

Iron Sigil
Whenever you cast an abjuration spell, you may
choose to gain Aura equal to 5 plus your rank in
Abjuration that lasts until the beginning of your
next turn. Aura reduces damage you take from
magical sources (like armor does for all damage)
but only affects magical sources.

Golden Wyvern
Whenever you cast an divination spell, the next
time you roll initiative, you get a bonus to the roll
equal to your ranks in divination.

Emerald Frost
When casting an Evocation spell, choose one target
hit by your Evocation attack and reduce their Aura
when calculating damage by an amount equal to
twice your rank in Evocation.

Serpent Eye
Whenever you cast an Enchantment spell, the target's Static Defense is reduced by 2 until the end of
your next turn, even if the spell has no effect on the

Whenever you cast an Evocation spell, you deal additional damage to all targets hit by it equal to your



Racial Feats
Terminator Honors
Celestial Wrath
Dark Eldarin
Dark Cruelty
Warp Fire
Dragonborn Frenzy
Dragon Sight
Elven Precision
Light Step
Guess Destination
Extra Warp
Second Chance
Halfling Agility
Able Learner
Human Perseverance
Mobbing Up
Im Da Boss!
Squat Armor Proficiency
Squat Stability
Move And Shoot

You have been honored for your devotion with a power to protect yourself.
Sometimes you've just got to Smite Evil.
Some people are really into the black leather and whips.
Dark Eldarin don't just create patches of darkness, but also of dancing light.
A smart man wouldn't get you riled up. Getting hurt makes you angry.
You can see in the dark with the senses of your draconic ancestors.
You're not just a good shot, you're even better than the average elf.
You can move around like a ghost, barely touching the earth.
When you move through the warp, you can move out of line of sight.
Your warp step can be used more often.
I never knew you could turn a toaster into a plasma cannon.
You've got a gadget for every situation. If it's working and you can find it.
Even a sure hit can somehow miss one of the sneaky hobbits.
You gain a bonus to your agility that makes it hard to fail.
You pay less to pick up new skills.
It's harder to oppose your actions.
When an Ork is afraid, he doesn't just run - he goes to get a friend.
Orks always know who's in charge. The biggest guy around.
Reduce the penalty for using armor.
Being low to the ground makes it hard to knock you over.
You've got discipline, making it harder to manipulate you against your will.
As long as you keep on the move, it's hard to take you down.
Your mutations aren't just for show - you can do damage with those hooves.
You're not normal at all on the inside. You're better than normal.


Celestial Wrath [Aasimar]

Able Learner [Human]

Stars shine, the wind blows, birds sing, and

brother - you hurt people. Once per scene, add
your Charisma as rolled dice on a damage roll.

Humans are good at picking up new skills.

You may always buy skills as if you were in
Free Study.

Dark Cruelty [Dark Eldarin]

You've got a kind of dark charisma that manages to both repulse and fascinate. You gain
+1k1 to Intimidation and Charm checks.



Farsighted [Tau]
Dragonborn Frenzy [Dragonborn]
When you hurt a Dragonborn, it just makes
them more angry. As long as you have at least
one point of critical damage, your attacks deal
extra damage equal to the amount of critical
damage you've taken.

Dragon Sight [Dragonborn]

Dragons are known for seeing in the dark,
sensing the heat of their prey. You may reroll
one failed perception check per scene and can
see in the dark.

Elven Precision [Elf]

Elves have an ability to make even the most
impossible shot look easy. Whenever you use
Elven Accuracy to reroll a failed Weaponry or
Ballistics Test, you gain +2k0 to the reroll.

Eureka! [Gnome]
Gnomes tend to have tools and junk on them
that can solve any problem. And typically
breaks immediately afterwards. A Gnome
may, once per scene, make a Crafts check in
place of any other check, pulling out some device or trinket to solve a problem.

Extra Warp [Eldarin]

Some Eldarin can slip in and out of the Warp
easily. You may use Warp Step one additional
time per scene.

You've got a wide view of things, or you're disciplined enough to resist charms. You gain +3
Resolve and +5 to your Mental Defense.

Guess Destination [Eldarin]

You don't need to see the target of your Warp
Step, you've got enough experience with it to
just make a good guess. If you cannot teleport
into that space, you're shunted to the nearest
safe spot.

Halfling Agility [Halfling]

When you're as small as a halfling its sometimes like youre not even there. You get a +4
bonus to your Static Defense.

Human Perseverance [Human]

Humans have an innate talent to put forth an
extra effort when they're challenged. You gain
+1 to the final result of an opposed roll.

I'm Da Boss! [Ork]

There is nothing quite like physical strength
and size in ork politics. You may add your size
as a bonus to Command checks.

Light Step [Elf]

Elves are great at moving silently and seemingly only barely touching the ground. You
gain +2k0 to all acrobatics and stealth rolls.

Mobbing Up [Ork]
Orks believe in strength in numbers.
Whenever you fail a Fear check, you
may choose to retreat towards any
ally rather than suffering the normal
consequences of that check. Once
you are adjacent to that ally, you
may stop fleeing.

Move And Shoot [Tau]

Tau have an ancient fighting style
where they mostly avoid getting
close to anyone and run away while
shooting. Whenever you attack with
a ranged weapon and move in the
same turn, your static defense increases by 5.



Warp Fire [Dark Eldarin]

Mutation [Tiefling]
Often, Tieflings have cloven hooves, claws, or
tearing horns. You're one of them, and you
can kick some ass with them. You have a natural weapon with the following profile: (2k2 I
or R, Melee, Brawling)

Outsider [Tiefling]
Tieflings have strange internals that don't
quite match up with what you'd expect - they
have redundant organs, thick blood that clots
easily, and so forth. The first time you would
suffer critical damage in a scene, you instead
take only one point of critical damage. Obviously, if you'd only be taking one point anyway, this ability has no effect.

Second Chance [Halfling]

Halflings are so slippery that it's more than just
skill, it has to be luck. Once per combat, you
may force an opponent to reroll one attack roll
made against you.

Squat Armor Proficiency [Squat]

Halve the proficiency penalty for all Armor.
Squats are naturally good at carrying weights
and this is just another aspect of that. Also
theyre low to the ground and such.

Squat Stability [Squat]

Squats don't really get knocked on their asses.
They tip over, but don't fall down. Whenever
an enemy would force you to move or knock
you prone, you may ignore that effect.

Terminator Honors [Aasimar]

One of the greatest things an Aasimar can
hope for is to be selected for the elite Terminator units. Aasimar with this special training
may spend a Hero Point to negate an amount
of damage from an attack equal to their size.

Tinker [Gnome]
Gnomes can make almost anything given
something to work from. By sacrificing an
item of average or better quality, the Gnome
may create another item of the same or less
rarity with one less level of quality. This takes
one hour.


As a half action, you may outline a target with

a kind of sickly multicolored light once per
scene. For the rest of that scene, attacks
against that target are at +2k0 to hit.

You have studied the long and difficult arts of
getting your stab and shoot on. You may begin
play with any two weapon proficiencies of your

You're just as good with your left hand as with
your right. You're deadly in a fight and even
worse with cards. When attacking with two
weapons at once, you have reduced penalties.
See Chapter XIV for details.

You could pass for a male or a female. If you're
a boy, you're a pretty one. If you're not, you
get mistaken for a pretty boy anyway. You can
pass off as being a boy or a girl as long as the
situation doesn't get too... intimate. You get a
free raise on all Tests made to disguise yourself.

They say an ugly fellow can stop a bullet with
his face. A good-looking one might not get
shot at in the first place. A character with Appearance may add +2k0 to all social rolls
where her good looks might come into play.

Most people aren't really brave - they're just
too stupid to know better. Maybe you're different, but it's doubtful. You may reroll any
failed fear checks, but must take the result of
the reroll, even if its worse.

Dangerous Beauty
You have a certain something about you that
attracts members of the opposite sex. And
sometimes members of the same sex. You get
+1k1 to seduction attempts.



You may purchase Weapon Proficiencies at a lesser cost.


A real two-fisted action hero, you can use two weapons easily.


You've got one of those faces that could pass for a boy or a girl.


You're more appealing to others.


You can handle your fear better than most people.

Dangerous Beauty

You have something about you that gets a lot of attention.


You refuse to surrender, even in the face of adversity.


You've had a real education, full of facts and trivia.

Eagle Eyes

Sharp-eyed folks like you can see trouble coming a mile away.


You're quick on your feet, almost enough to outrun bullets.


You're able to advance one of your characteristics more quickly.

Left Handed

Opponents are often taken by surprise with your southpaw style.

Level Headed

Nothing keeps a person alive longer in a gunfight than staying calm.


You begin play speaking one additional language.

Magic Resistance

You have an innate resistance to spells.

Nerves o' Steel

Even when you get scared, you can hold your ground.

Nine Lives

Some say you lead a charmed life, or that something won't let you die.


You're the kind of tough bastard that will keep going no matter what.

Spirit Mentor

You have a ghostly companion and guide.


Youre hardier than most.

Tough as Nails

You can tough out losing blood and getting banged around when others are already gone.

Veteran o' the Wheel

You've been around for a while, and you're still kicking.

You refuse to surrender, even in the face of adversity. You gain a conditional hero point that
may only be spent in situations to overcome
incredible odds or when refusing to back down
from a superior enemy. It may not be burned,
and must be announced as being used.

There are a number of excellent schools, some
with reputations that are known throughout
the Wheel. You get a free number of Lore specialities equal to your starting Intelligence.

Eagle Eyes
Sharp-eyed folks can spot a fly on a raisin cake
at 20 paces. Others just wonder at what's so
chewy. You halve any distance penalties for vision-based perception checks.

There comes a time in every Hero's life when
it's time to hightail it away from something
that's more trouble than he expected. If that's
the case, you only need to be able to outrun
the slowest person. You may count your Dexterity as being two dots higher for the purposes
of determining your speed as long as youre
only wearing light or no armor.

You're able to advance some of your characteristics more quickly. Choose Physical, Social, Mental, Power, Finesse, or Resilience.
You may raise stats of this type no matter what
class you are in.



Left Handed

Spirit Mentor

Not so much the inability to wield a weapon

with your right hand, but proficiency at using
your left. Since other fighters (even other
southpaws) are trained to fight right-handed
swordsmen, they have a bit more trouble dealing with you. Opponents get -2k0 to rolls to
parry your attacks.

You have a ghostly companion and guide. The

identity and exact powers of this spirit are up
to the SM, but it can be called upon in difficult situations for help and guidance.

Level Headed
Nothing keeps a person alive longer in a gunfight than staying calm. A hothead who runs
into trouble too fast soon finds themselves six
feet under. Immediately after all participants
have rolled initiative in combat, you may
choose to switch places in the initiative order
with the person immediately ahead of you probably a good idea if that person is an

You have a natural ability with languages.
You're invaluable as an interpreter, if nothing
else. You begin play speaking two additional

Magic Resistance
You have an innate resistance to spells. The
TN of all spells directed at you - for good or
ill - is increased by 5.

Nerves o' Steel

Some heroes are too stubborn to run even
when their boots are filled with 'liquid fear'.
No matter how badly you fail a fear check, you
may choose to stand your ground instead of
fleeing. You still suffer any other penalties.

Nine Lives
Fate has granted you the opportunity to come
closer to death as anyone can get and still survive. The first time you would burn a hero
point to survive, you lose this Asset instead.

You're the kind of tough bastard that will keep
going no matter what. You can take two additional levels of fatigue before passing out.


You are just one tough customer. You might
just be big and burly, or you might have skin
of steel, or you might just like second helpings
at the buffet; any way you slice it, youre tough
to slice. Your Resilience is increased by 1.

Tough as Nails
You can tough out losing blood and getting
hurt when others are already gone. If you are
at full Hit Points, the most critical damage you
can take from an attack is 1.

Veteran o' the Wheel

You've been around for a while, and you're still
kicking. You begin play with one extra dot to
put into any characteristic and another dot to
put into any skill. Extra dots sound great, huh?
They are, but the hero's past experience doesn't come without a steep price. The SM
should assign your hero a few haunting reminders of his past. It might be as simple as
an additional hindrance, like an Enemy or
some hideous scar. More often, the price is
much higher. Give your SM a good background so whatever he comes up with fits your
hero and makes him a more interesting character.


Atlantean Caste Assets

Dawn Caste

Spending motes allows you to get an aura of leadership.

Zenith Caste

Spent motes form a kind of magical armor around you.

Twilight Caste

You can spend motes to become more slippery and faster.

Night Caste

You can spend motes in order to disguise your spellcasting.

Eclipse Caste

You can seal oaths with your own personal power.


Twilight Caste

Dawn Caste

The Twilight Caste were once scholars, sorcerers, and craftsmen. The Hero may spend a
mote to add his Gnosis rating as rolled dice to
any Parry or Dodge roll.

The Dawn Caste were soldiers in the old Syrneth empire, and still have that training.
Whenever the Hero spends a Mote for any effect (or just to activate this, though its a bit of
a waste), for the remainder of the Scene he
gains +2k0 to all Intimidate and Weaponry
rolls. This does not stack with itself if the Hero
spends multiple Motes.

Once the spies, assassins, and thieves of the

Syrneth, they retain their abilities to be subtle
in surprising ways. By spending 1 Mote, observers cannot tell the caster of the next spell
used by the character - it seems to come out
of thin air.

Zenith Caste
The Syrneth Zenith caste were priest-kings,
prophets, and mystics in their empire. Whenever the Hero spends a Mote for any effect (or
just to activate this though, again, a bit of a
waste), he reduces damage done to him by an
amount equal to his Gnosis rating until the
end of the round. This doesnt stack with itself
if the Hero spends more than one mote in a

Night Caste

Eclipse Caste
The Eclipse caste were once the very public
face of the Syrneth, diplomats and bureaucrats. By spending 1 or more Motes, the Hero
creates a binding oath. If the oathsworn individual breaks their oath, they suffer terrible
luck, automatically failing at a critical moment. This repeats once for every mote spent
by the Hero, plus once for every point of the
Heros Gnosis.



Chosen Mark Assets

Mark of Acererak
Mark of Bahamut

You do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe as long as you have 1 or more favor.
You gain a free raise on Command, Intimidate, and Persuasion checks.

Mark of Corellon

Protect yourself against the greatest failures.

Mark of Cuthbert

Attacks made against those you have seen commit a crime have a free raise to hit.

Mark of Khorne

Khorne gives you additional attacks when you charge.

Mark of Luna

Replicate the blessings from any other Mark.

Mark of Malal
Mark of Moradin

Attacks made against neutral or allied targets deal more damage.

You gain a bonus on Tests made to parry attacks from creatures bigger than you are.

Mark of Nurgle

Ignore effects of critical damage until it exceeds your Faith.

Mark of Pelor

You may produce bright light or a Death Ray.

Mark of The Raven No one is safe from your gift of Final Death.
Mark of Slaanesh

You may spend a favor to alter your appearance.

Mark of Sigmar

Gain extra damage against targets that damaged one of your allies in its last action.

Mark of Tzeentch

By spending 1 favor you may reroll a failed Magic Test.

Mark of Vectron

Praise Vectron! By his kindly claw we have regained Favor!


Mark of Acererak
Acererak allows his followers to subsist only
on faith and magic. You do not need to eat,
sleep, or breathe as long as you have 1 or more

Mark of Bahamut
Bahamut's chosen have a presence and voice
that carries over others. You gain a free raise
on Command, Intimidate, and Persuasion

Mark of Corellon
Corellon is a god of excellence. He can extend,
if not that excellence, at least a buffer away
from the greatest failure. You may reroll any
1s that you roll on any roll where youve spent

Mark of Cuthbert
You know what Cuthbert hates? Criminals.
And there's no faster way to bring them to justice than to do it yourself. Attacks made
against those you have seen commit a crime
have a free raise to hit.


Mark of Khorne
Khorne wants you to Be Aggressive. After
making a charge or an all-out attack, you may
spend 2 favor to make an extra basic attack.
You can never learn magic. Choose a Sword
School. You may always advance that School
as if it was part of your class.

Mark of Luna
Luna is an everchanging goddess with as many
faces as there are moons in the Great Wheel.
She gives her followers the gift of change. By
spending 1 favor and 1 Hero point, you may
duplicate the effects of any other Mark. You
may use that effect until the end of the scene.

Mark of Malal
There are many who call Malal a team-killing
bastard. That's not inaccurate. Attacks made
against neutral or allied targets deal +1k1

Mark of Moradin
Moradin doesn't want his chosen to take shit
from anyone. Especially when they have the
gall to be bigger than you. You gain a free raise
on Weaponry skill Tests made to parry attacks
from creatures with a size greater than yours.


Mark of Nurgle
Nurgle can protect you. Well, protect is the
wrong word. You'll still get hurt. You'll just
care less. Ignore effects of critical damage until
it equals or exceeds your Faith.

Mark of Pelor
Pelor, as the god of the furnace of light and
stars, allows you to shine like starlight. You
may produce bright light at will. Once per session, the Mark can be overloaded and used to
produce an attack that uses the same profile as
a plasma pistol shot.

Mark of The Raven

The Raven Queen's chosen give true death to
their enemies. Any creature that is reduced to
5 critical damage by your attacks is killed unless they burn a Hero point, even if they would
normally not be in danger of death (for example, using R damage to a vampire).

Mark of Slaanesh
Slaanesh is great for party tricks. And turning
tricks. You may spend a favor to alter your appearance to another member of your race (typ-

ically an ideal form) for the duration of the

scene. You gain +2k0 to all seduction attempts.

Mark of Sigmar
Sigmar lets you protect others by making the
ones who would hurt them very sorry about it.
Gain +0k1 to damage rolls made against targets that damaged one of your allies in its last

Mark of Tzeentch
Tzeentch gives his followers skill with magic.
That includes you. You never suffer the effects
of Perils of the Warp. They still happen, of
course, but its the people around you that pay
the price, not you.

Mark of Vectron
Vectron only cares about worship. And to
him, the best kind of worship is the kind where
you praise him by name a lot. You may regain
1 favor per scene by loudly praising Vectron
for something within the hearing of others.



Daemonhost Sin Assets


You can sense the thoughts of others, when you aren't lost in your whims.


You will feed while your target is still screaming, and you're always hungry.


You always rise to a challenge, even when it's something you're awful at.


You are filled with burning, boundless rage that hurts your foes.


You are slow to take action, but you're tough enough to deal with it.


You are able to sense the desires of those
around you. You get a general idea of a person's emotions using this spell. Make an Arcanoi + Charisma test against the targets
Mental Defense. If your test succeeds, you can
detect more specific thoughts. If you get a
number of raises equal to the target's
Willpower, you can get the answer to a single
question - assuming the target knows the answer. If he doesn't, or is misinformed, you'll
just get the wrong answer he has. Whenever
you tempt someone into an act of lust, you
may convert a point of Resonance back into

A terrible hunger feeds you. You may feed not
only on the living, but the recently dead, gaining one Essence from eating a corpse (which
must have been killed in the last hour and is
still raw). Whenever you convince someone to
do something they normally wouldnt purely
for material gain, you may convert a point of
Resonance back into Essence.


You cannot stand being second best. You gain
a free raise to all opposed Tests and whenever
opponents are ganging up on you, you gain a
free raise to hit them. Whenever you defeat
someone at something they consider themselves good at (even if you cheat), you may
convert a point of Resonance back into

When you are enraged, which is pretty much
all the time, you literally burn with anger, and
you may choose for your attacks to deal E-type
damage. But the rage within you burns hot,
and you've got a short fuse. Whenever you
provoke someone into violence when they
would not otherwise act, you may convert a
point of Resonance back into Essence.

You can't be bothered to move quickly, even
pain doesn't motivate you much. You gain two
additional hit points. However, getting yourself motivated to do anything is particularly
difficult. Whenever you convince someone not
to act when they otherwise would, you may
convert a point of Resonance back into


Paragon Assets
Action Hero

You never run out of action points when there's trouble.

Extra Action

You begin each session with extra action points.

High Pressure

You have additional Pressure points to spend.

Legendary Trait

One of the Paragon's Characteristics may be purchased up to rank 6.


High Pressure

Action Hero

You gain additional points of Pressure equal

to your Level.

At the beginning of each combat, recover 1

spent action point. If you have not spent any
action points this session, you don't gain an
extra action point.

Extra Action
You gain 2 additional Action Points at the beginning of each session.

Legendary Trait
One of the Paragon's Characteristics may be
purchased up to rank 6. This ability is always
considered to be available to improve as if it
appeared in your class. This Asset may be
taken multiple times, and can be purchased
after character creation as long as the character is in a Class that has the chosen Characteristic as one of its Class Characteristics.



Promethean Material Assets


You get more effect from spent Pyros.


By spending Pyros you can accelerate to incredible speeds.


Double the armor granted to you by Integrated Armor.


You may heal wounds with your Pyros, unlike other Prometheans.


You gain a fear aura that sends men screaming.

Wraithbone is
Orichalcum is a mystical golden metal that enhances the effects of spent Pyros. For every
two rolled die you add to a roll by spending
pyros, add an additional kept die. When the
Promethean gains Transhuman Potential, he
gains an additional +1 to any characteristic
boosted by Transhuman Potential.

Mithril is silvery and clean, glowing in moonlight. It lends the speed of quicksilver to
Prometheans made of it. Spend a Pyros to take
a full action as a half action.

Darksteel is, perhaps, the strongest metal there
is, a heavy black material that is almost impossible to shape. Double the armor granted to
you by Integrated Armor. Your integrated
armor has a Max Dex of 3.


a bone white ceramic that

grows and flows like it's alive, easily healing
over damage and repairing itself. As a free action, you may heal one Hit Point by spending
a Pyros.

Necrodermis is an unusual metal, a silvery
metal that, horribly, is somehow alive. Spend
a Pyros to gain Fear (with a rating equal to
your generation). This lasts until the end of
the scene.


Vampire Clan Assets


The Brujah are good at resolving social situations with violence.


You need fear no madness. You just enjoy it instead.


Clan Toreador has amazing skill with arts and crafting items.


Clan Tremere, in addition to being fairly creepy guys, are also experts at magic.


Ventrue owns you, the building you're standing in, and most of the planet.


To the Brujah clan, the best kind of diplomacy
is the type where you hit the other guy with a
club until he agrees with you. Whenever a
character fails a social roll against you, you
gain +2k0 to damage on all attacks made
against that character until the end of the

Malkavians are crazy. Really crazy. But no
matter how crazy they get they can somehow
function in the world. Begin play with a Minor
Disorder. You are not removed from play for
having 100 or more IP, though you continue
to gain derangements every 20 IP.

The Tremere are masters of vampiric magic,
the only ones with the ability to really tap
deeply into it. Gain one rank of the Necromancy magical power. You may purchase this
power as if it was part of any class you belong
to. Get +1k1 on Focus Power tests to cast
Necromancy spells.

The Ventrue are a tightly-knit clan that keep
in touch with one another and lend aid to each
other in times of trouble. You begin play with
Peer (Ventrue) and gain +10 to all Wealth

The Toreador clan is known for their focus on
perfecting arts and crafts with the kind of
knowledge and training you can only get by
being alive (well, undead) for a few hundred
years. Gain Kept dice equal to your Blood Potency on Crafts and Performer checks.



Werewolf Tribe Assets

Black Spiral Dancers You can tear people apart with your talons and aren't particular who they are.
Get of Fenris

Spend Rage to increase some characteristics.

Iron Masters

You can always use the Free Study option.

Red Talons

You can speak to animals, but you're not very good at speaking to people.

Silent Striders

Experts at special werewolf magic, mostly about changing things.


Black Spiral Dancers
Some say that Black Spiral Dancers are a sign
of Chaos' taint in Luna. Or that they're just a
bunch of crazy bastards that like killing things.
You gain +1k1 damage to claw and bite attacks in warform, but cannot distinguish
friend from foe unless you make a Willpower
Test (TN 20) at the beginning of each round.

Get of Fenris
The Get of Fenris are Luna's warriors, solving
problems the way any wolf would solve them
- with crushing force. The Hero may spend 1
Rage. If he does, he increases his Strength, Acrobatics, and Athletics by 1 until the end of the

Iron Masters
Iron Masters are werewolves that haven't
abandoned their ties to civilization. They pride
themselves on adaptation. While most of the


time, a character cannot purchase optional

feats that he has passed over, Iron Masters
may always use Free Study, even while theyre
in a class.

Red Talons
Red Talons are closer to animal than person,
and they get along better with animals, too.
They can actually speak with animals. The
Hero takes -2k0 to social rolls against humanoids, but may use social skills on animals
while he is in wolf form. He can understand
their speech, if crudely.

Silent Striders
There are subtle magics that only werewolves
know, forging the art of their own shapechanging into a magical skill that only the Tribe
known as the Silent Striders are privy to. Gain
one rank of the Transmutation magical power.
You may purchase this power as if it was part
of any class you belong to. Get +1k1 on Focus
Power tests to cast Transmutation spells.



You're dying of something. And given what you are, that's strange.

All Thumbs

You don't like machines and they don't like you much either.

Bad Luck

You may not spend Hero points to reroll Tests.

Big Britches

It's good to be confident. You went past good and right into foolish.


You're new to the Great Wheel. Everyone can tell.


You have a suicidal streak to you.


You've wronged someone, and they are coming to collect.


You're practically a fossil, old even compared to most Exalts.

Grim Servant O Death You're almost always at the wrong place at the wrong time.

You turn up your nose so high you're in danger of drowning when it rains.


You can't read a damn word. Better hope that Tattoo really says 'courage'.


You're a doer, not a thinker. There's a time for action and it's every time.


There's some folks you just can't stand.


Don't let that face fool you. A kid with a gun can blow your brains out.

Law O The Stars

You've got a code of honor that you just can't break.


No one in their right mind would go off and be a hero.

Night Terrors

Each night, you suffer terrible nightmares that could stop a man's heart.


You better learn to fight, 'cause you ain't gonna run.

Ugly as Sin

There's orks with a prettier mug than yours.


The world needs to be taught a lesson and you're the person to do it.


You are wanted by the law, dead or alive.


You get knocked out by a stiff breeze.


spend Hero points to reroll Tests.


Big Britches

You are dying of something. And since you're

an Exalt, that means something very unusual.
At the beginning of each session, Test Constitution (TN 15). If you fail, you suffer -2k0 to
all Tests this session.

All Thumbs
You don't like machines and they don't like
you much either. Scientific and mechanical
skills cost twice the normal points to learn or
improve. All rolls made to use or repair machinery are made at -1k0.

Bad Luck
Bad luck is an often-fatal condition in the dangerous lifestyle of adventure. You may not

It's good to be confident, but only a fool

charges 600 Guardsmen into a horde of 5,000
Orks. You're severely overconfident. You believe you can do anything and you never turn
down a challenge.

Berks using two-Throne words are a copper a
dozen in the Great Wheel now that so many
new worlds have been opened up. The cutters
that live and work in the dark places of the
galaxy don't take kindly to these clueless sods
talking big about their back end of nowhere.
The Clueless are big talkers, usually from
some underdeveloped Sphere. They don't get
the big picture and tend to brag about things
most take for granted.



Sometimes a berk just doesn't want to go on.
Maybe his family has fallen victim to some terrible fate. Maybe he's got the Rot and wants
to go out in a blaze of glory. Or maybe he's a
young cutter who knows just enough to be
dangerous. Regardless, your character wants
to die for some reason (dark or otherwise), but
only under certain circumstances. Most want
to go out in a blaze of glory. Your cutter won't
just throw his life away for any little thing (suicide is easy, after all).

You've wronged someone, and they are coming to collect. This isn't the normal sort of person you've angered, either. By taking this
hindrance, you're saying the enemy you have
is the type who is not only insatiable, but is
powerful enough to actually do something
about it.

You may not have teeth, but you've still got a
bite. Not all older characters have this Hindrance - some folks are old at 50 and others
are still young at 1,000. Reduce your character's Hit Points by 2 and he cannot take the
run action.

Impulsive characters are doers, not thinkers.
They tend to go off based on their own
hunches even when the rest of the party makes
elaborate plans and preparations. Of course,
sometimes quick action saves the day, but this
hindrance also gets your character into a lot of
the trouble, which the rest of the party may
not feel obligated to help her out of.

There's some sods you can't stand. Your character does not get along with certain kinds of
people (Orks, sorcerers, politicians, and so on)
and has nothing to do with them if possible. If
forced to work with them, he insults and provokes them whenever he gets the chance.


People die around you. A lot. Maybe you're

not a bad berk, but you're still trouble looking
for a place to happen. As long as it's self-defense, you usually don't get into too much
trouble for it. If the SM is looking for someone's lap to drop trouble into, you are the designated target.

Many Heroes are young, but you're even

younger. He's not an adult in his culture
(Something like 12-15 to put it in human
terms), and most people don't take him seriously and call him "sawed-off," "runt," or "half
pint." As your character grows up, you must
buy this Hindrance off with XP (which takes
200 XP). Until you do, he doesn't age, which
can be a real social issue for someone trapped
in the middle of puberty for a hundred years.
You might consider taking Small as well if
your character is particularly young, though
this is fine on its own for teenagers and such.


Law o' the Stars

Your character has no tolerance for those of a

lesser class. Those who notice your upturned
nose don't like you much either. You get -1k0
to all social rolls you make towards those who
know your hero thinks they're beneath him in
social stature.

A true gentleman of the Great Wheel won't

draw down on an enemy until the foe draws
first. Most honorable people end up being
quickly put into honorable graves. Your hero
must live by a code of honor that not everyone
else subscribes to. He treats women with respect, won't draw his gun on unarmed men,
and refuses to shoot someone in the back.

Grim Servant O' Death


You can't read a damn word. It'd cost 200xp

to learn how. This is more common than
you'd think - there are quite a few Crystal
Spheres and quite a few social situations where
even an Exalt wouldn't learn to read.


No one in their right mind would stand up to
some of the monsters lurking in the Wheel.
Maybe that's why there are so many kooks
wandering the Galaxy. You begin play with
one minor derangement.

than you. I've never seen them myself. You

take a -1k0 from social rolls whenever your
character's bad looks might intervene. Intimidate probably won't suffer at all, but it's hard
to attract the ladies when you look like hamburger.

Night Terrors


When you go out to face the greatest dangers

in the Universe, sometimes they come back
and stay with you. Each night, you must make
a fear Test (TN 20). If you fail, you gain a
level of fatigue. Even fearless characters must
make this Test.

The Great Wheel needs to be taught a lesson,

and you aim to be the cutter to teach it. Your
character must always attempt to right a
wrong committed against her. Whether this
revenge is violent or not depends on her nature.



You better learn to fight, because you ain't

gonna get away from anything that's chasing
you. You're faster than a dead turtle. Barely.
Halve your dexterity for determining your

You are wanted by the law, dead or alive. This

isn't for some small crime. This is for the kind
of thing that's given you the death penalty in a
dozen Crystal Spheres, gotten bounty hunters
on your tail, and worse.

Ugly as Sin


You're not the ugliest person in the universe.

There's probably at least one or two people in
the far reaches of the galaxy that look worse

You're a weakling when it comes to taking

blows, and it shows. Your resilience is reduced
by 1.


Lucien stepped forward, power sword in hand. He had no idea how his
enemy could remain so quiet. The tyrant had so many augmetics that he was more
machine than man, and his augmented lungs alone should have been enough to
make it easy to find him with their wheezing.
Then the glow of a power sword appeared at the edge of his vision, and
the young warrior stepped back to parry the blow. The dark lord stepped forward
with his lunge, a massive metal form. Lucien was forced back as the Dark Mechanius Verturabo's greater strength overpowered his guard.
"You are beaten," Verturabo said. His mechendrites twitched as he spoke.
"It is useless to resist. Don't let yourself be destroyed as Oberon did."
Lucien answered by rolling sideways and thrust his power sword at Verturabo, surprising him and tearing one of the Dark Mechanius' mechendrites free.
The black metal sparked and smoked. Verturabo roared, a burst of static, pained
at the feedback. He immediately recovered and swing again.
Lucien backed away along the narrow end of the gantry as Verturabo came
at him, slashing at the young man with his sword. Lucien's vague Syrneth memories snapped into focus for a moment, and he blocked the deadly attack with a
complex block that was somehow second nature to him. Verturabo's attack was
deflected into an instrument complex attached to the gantry, cutting it loose.
Lucien glanced down as it fell in the station's artificial gravity, and in that
instant of distraction, Verturabo's power sword came down on Lucien's right arm,
cutting off his hand and sending his sword flying. Lucien screamed and fell back,
across the narrow gantryway over the abyss. Verturabo couldn't follow him across
the thin pipes to the extreme end of the gantry. The Dark Mechanius was too
bulky and clumsy to manage the balancing. But there was nowhere for Lucien to
"There is no escape," Verturabo said. "Don't make me destroy you. You
do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power.
Join me and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can
rebuild the Syrneth Empire, and bring order to the galaxy!"
"I'll never join you!" Lucien gasped.
"If only you knew the power of the C'tan. Oberon never told you what happened to your father."
"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!" Lucien held on for his
life as another gust of wind cycled through the cavernous space. Verturabo shook
his head, servomotors whining.
"No. I am your father." Lucien stopped moving entirely, almost stopped
breathing for a moment.
"No. No! That's not true! That's impossible!"
"Search your feelings. You know it to be true."
"No! No! No!"
"Lucien. You can overthrow the Factions. They have forseen this. It is your
destiny. Join me, and we can rule the galaxy as father and son. Come with me.
It's the only way." Verturabo put his sword away, a mechendrite taking it from
his bionic hand and whisking it away under his black robes. The hand extended
out to Lucien, offering salvation.
Lucien looked at the hand, and a calm came over him, lifetimes of experience in dealing with dark powers at the back of his mind. He stepped off the gantry
and into freefall. Verturabo looked after him, the wind whipping at his robes. He
had lost him again.


ithin the Great Wheel, some people are born different. Some fickle turn of fate
or chance twist of destiny has seen them join
the growing ranks of sorcerers within the
galaxy. These sorcerers labour under a blessing and a curse. They have the rare talent to
draw power from the Warp, the hidden dimension of Chaos that lurks beneath the fabric
of reality, and shape it into all manner of
strange and supernatural effects.
Sorcerers are regarded in many different ways across the Wheel's countless Crystal
Spheres. On the more primitive planets, they
are thought of as shamans, witches, and warlocks. More sophisticated societies are usually
aware of magical abilities and refer to psykers
by other titles such as "gifted" or "the
touched". But in almost all cases, and on all
worlds, they are feared for the supernatural
abilities they can bring down on those around
There are many that believe sorcerers
represent a gross perversion of the natural
order, and a constant reminder of the terrible
powers of the warp. This idea has led to sorcerers often being kept tightly under control,
with most races having a government-controlled organization in place to control and


train those with magical ability. Those who

can master magical ability become a prized, if
dangerous, commodity to their people.

There are many roles within the many
societies of the Great Wheel that utilize sorcerers in some way or another. Some of these
roles are revered and vital while others are reviled utterly. However people feel about sorcerers they are a vital part of the trade and war
potential of all races within the Great Wheel,
and are intrinsic to the societies on almost all

These sorcerers are capable of transmitting messages across the vast distances of
space. Though often inexact, arriving too late,
or lost all together in the turbulence of warp
space, they represent the best means that has
been found to communicate across the vastness of the Great Wheel at speeds greater than
light. At times the availability of an Astropath
has determined whether entire worlds have
lived or died.
Astropaths spend years of training to
be able to send messages to the correct recipient and to recognize from whence messages



they receive come from. They must learn to

ignore the dangerous calls and temptations
that whisper to them from the warp. Most are
watched carefully, lest they become corrupted
by the terrible things that lie beyond.

gade, apostate, wyrd, darkspawn and worse,

these psykers rarely can match the control or
mental stability of those who have benefited
from sanctioning, but some are frighteningly
powerful, and their services are often highly
sought after by those of nefarious purpose.

Sanctioned Sorcerers
These sorcerers are individuals
deemed strong enough to serve their people
without significant dangers to others. They
serve most of the various and miscellaneous
functions a sorcerer can, from serving in various militaries to within merchant houses or
even for personal servants. Sanctioned Sorcerers have gone through whatever process their
race uses to train Sorcerers to safely use their
powers, almost always belonging to either an
arcane academy or religious organization.
Many races have somewhat extreme methods
for assuring that the Sorcerers of their kind
don't go rogue. There are entire organizations
dedicated to hunting down spellcasters that
have evaded official training and sanctioning.

These powerful sorcerers have the
ability to navigate the precarious tides of the
Warp with the aid of their magical abilities.
Most Navigators are blind, a side effect of
their intense training and a symbol of their
dedication. Men go mad or worse to stare into
the face of the warp, and so only those already
made blind can safely find their way through
it. In most cases, their abilities more than
make up for this deficiency, and others might
never know, but for their disturbing whitedout eyes or in some cases, empty, shrunken
eye sockets.

There are sorcerers who manage to
exist, unsanctioned and in many cases untrained. Some simply evade the authorities
and others are born either in outlaw or isolated
communities or in Crystal Spheres as yet unopened. The majority of these die through the
perils of their burgeoning condition, but some
few manage to survive the full manifestation
of their powers and gain some measure of control. Known by many names; warlock, rene-


The Untouchables are strange people,
individuals with no warp presence. They are
not sorcerers - in fact, they are completely the
opposite. Their presence frequently acts as a
damper on magical activity, lessening or even
completely halting its effects. Untouchables,
like sorcerers, have different grades of 'ability',
though few scholars have actually been able to
study them closely thanks to their extreme rarity. Their strange aura makes most uncomfortable around them and for this reason they are
often loners, outcasts, and pariahs.

Learning the secrets of sorcery is a
process of initiation. The prospective sorcerer
must overcome five trials - which is either considered part of the 'training time' or played out,
as the SM and player feel appropriate. Most
sorcerers in the modern age are carefully
guided through these often harrowing trials as
part of their Sanctioning. Sorcerers who develop their abilities away from the guidance of
more experienced spellcasters must go
through these trials on their own.
The first trial is humility. The initiate
must learn to see beyond his own hubris, often
in the course of challenges impossible to finish, deliberate humiliation by a mentor or contemplation of past failures. SMs might
encourage players to take the lead in describing this initiation, as players can be (rightfully)
resentful when their character is humiliated at
the Story Master's hands.
The second trial is tutelage. The initiate must find a teacher - not necessarily a
mentor as such, but as person or spirit able to
give them a new insight. It is easy for an initiate to find tutelage in this age - nearly every
military or church is more than willing to take
them in and give them over to a more experienced spellcaster for training. Those who seek


more independence or who are on the wrong

side of the law (such as most apostates) can
find a teacher in many places. Other apostate
sorcerers, spirits from the Warp, and even simple wisdoms from surprising sources.
The third trial is a journey. The initiate must wander and, through wandering,
learn appreciation for the Wheel as it is. The
power of magic may remake entire worlds and
give almost impossible power, but the present
matters as much as the future. The third trial
is as much about understanding the importance of each moment of life as it is about expanding one's views.
The fourth trial is fear. The initiate
must learn mastery over their darkest fear whether a fear of losing her way, of causing
others' deaths, of claiming her true power, of
finding herself powerless or simply of "drowning". Many sanctioned sorcerers have been
pushed through the third and fourth trials at
once in a harrowing ritual that has become
commonplace - sending the initiate into the
Umbra alone and unprotected and having
them find their own way out.
The fifth trial is sacrifice. To become
a sorcerer, one must make a terrible sacrifice.
A sorcerer might cut off a finger or abandon a
brother to learn the basics of sorcery, and what
a character has given up, what it matters to
them, represents their ultimate ability to learn
sorcery. The greatest spellcasters have made
terrible sacrifices - giving up true love, casting
away their ability to feel happiness, or even
losing portions of their sanity.

Spells are one-time magical effects.
Whenever a sorcerer casts a spell, he attunes
his will to the warp to fuel his magical abilities.
While the sorcerer draws out this energy, he
has a chance of causing disturbances in the
warp that can have undesired side effects, even
up to opening an uncontrolled rift between reality and warpspace with potentially fatal consequences. By minimizing the amount of
power a sorcerer draws, he can all but eliminate the chance of these side effects - in some
When a sorcerer casts a spell, he has
a choice of using it at Fettered Magical

Strength (rolling fewer dice but not risking

dangers), Unfettered Magical Strength (rolling
their full array of dice), or he may try to Push
it for greater effect but increased danger.
Each of these choices carries with it a
set of consequences. If a sorcerer casts a spell
at less than full power, it may not be enough
to achieve the desired outcome, but if he exercises Unfettered Psychic Strength or greater,
he risks potential calamitous attention from
the warp. Depending on the strength used,
consult the following chart and apply the appropriate result.
Note that Warp Phenomena and even
Perils of the Warp don't necessarily mean the
spell has failed - as long as you've beaten the
spell's TN it still (probably) goes off. However,
given how dangerous some of the results for
Perils of the Warp can be, you might have
more to worry about than just if you've managed to put a charm on someone.

Fettered Spells
When casting a spell at Fettered strength, the
caster halves the number of rolled dice. This
may also reduce the number of kept dice on
the roll if the number of rolled dice drops
below the starting number of kept dice.

Pushing Spells
Whenever a sorcerer successfully
pushes a spell, he gains an enhancement to his
effective Magic School rating of that spell for
that use. Sanctioned sorcerers may add up to
+3 to their Magic School rating when determining the final pushed strength of the power.
Other sorcerers have a deeper connection to
the wild surges of the warp and may add up to
+4 to their final Magical School rating but at
even greater risk. Any push can result in a
school rating greater than 6, but if a sorcerer
has more than one source increasing the final
effective Magic School rating, only the highest
is applied.

Focus Power
Any use of a spell starts with the
Focus Power Action. This is a Test, using the
spell's Magical School and a Characteristic, to
make the power function or to generate suc-



Psychic Strength
Sanctioned Sorcerer



No roll for psychic If the sorcerer keeps any exphenomena.

ploded dice in his Focus
Power Test, roll on the Psychic Phenomena table.

Make a check on the psychic

phenomena table at +5 per
die desired, up to a maximum of +3/+15

Sor- No roll for psychic If the sorcerer keeps any ex- Make a check on the psychic

ploded dice in his Focus phenomena table at +10 per

Power Test, roll on the Psy- die desired, up to a maxichic Phenomena table at +5 mum of +4/+40
per level of the spell.

cess. Focus Power is the catch-all phrase used

to encompass the many Tests that may be required - varying by the action it takes to use,
the characteristic required, and occasionally
other factors. As with all other Tests, the characteristic determines the number of kept dice.
Some spells require a Magic School and a
Power Stat. Whenever you cast one of these
spells, the Power Stat is what determines the
number of kept dice.

Cumulative Effects
Modifiers, Characteristic Bonuses,
and other effects generated by spells do not
stack, only the highest applies.

Range and Line of Sight

Unless noted in their descriptions,
spells that are targeted directly against other
individuals require the sorcerer to either have
line of sight or otherwise be 'aware' of the target of his powers, as well as the target to be inside of the power's stated range.

Detecting Magical Effects

Sorcerers are attuned to the warp
around them and that includes the currents
and eddies caused by other sorcerers dipping
into the flow of the warp. All sorcerers can
Test Arcana + Wisdom (TN 20) when spells
are in effect in their presence in order to determine their source.

Magical Schools
There are many different spells that a
sorcerer can possess, for the mutability of the
warp is as limitless as imagination itself. Some



examples range from creating illisions, to firing

bolts of energy, to seeing the future, to rarer
arts like animating the dead, summoning daemons from the warp, and the transmutation of
matter. These abilities usually begin as a basic,
almost rudimentary form of the power - the
first level of spells in each Magical School.
Over time, a sorcerer can learn more ways to
fine tune that power for a variety of effects.
This chapter represents nine Magical
Schools in detail which are most prevalent
among the Sanctioned Sorcerers through the
Great Wheel.
*Abjuration: Abjurations are protective spells. They create magical or physical
barriers, negate magical or physical abilities,
harm trespassers, or even create a point for
your own magical effects to trigger off on later.
*Conjuration: Conjuration is the art
of moving objects, creatures, or some form of
energy through the warp. A creature or object
summoned with a conjuration effect cannot
appear inside another creature or object, nor
can it appear floating in an empty space. It
must arrive in an open location on a surface
capable of supporting it.
*Divination: The art of reading the
past, present, and future. In addition, this discipline also encompasses the art of influencing
fate and destiny.
*Enchantment: Enchantment spells
affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Many attempt to
charm or force an individual to do something,
and can be resisted by those with enough
*Evocation: Evocation spells manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power


to produce a desired end. In effect, they create

something out of nothing. Many of these spells
produce spectacular effects, and evocation
spells can deal large amounts of damage.
*Healing: Healing spells enhance a
subject's abilities, often granting them superhuman strengths and curing them of even the
most deadly wounds.
*Illusion: Illusion spells deceive the
senses or minds of others. They cause people
to see things that are not there, not see things
that are there, hear phantom noises, or otherwise experience things that are unreal.
*Necromancy: Necromancy spells
manipulate the power of death, unlife, and the
life force. Spells that enhance the powers of
vampires are obviously common, as Vampires
developed and exclusively use the school of
spells are about change, both in the caster and
in the world around him. The school of transmutation relies on the caster's own ability to
change shape, drawing on that mutable core
to power its effects.

Whenever a character gains a dot in a
spell school, he learns one of the spells in that
school of the appropriate level. Most of the
time, this will mean making a choice as to
which spells you want to learn and which
you're willing to give up. Some feats might
allow you to choose additional spells to learn.
Once you've chosen which spells to learn, you
may not change these spells later - each one
isn't just a representation of effort, but of the
magic becoming an intrinsic part of your character.

The spells available to characters are
listed and described below. The description of
each spell is presented in a standard format.
Each category of information is explained and
defined below.
The first line of every spell description
gives the name by which the spell is generally

School (Level)
Beneath the spell name is a line giving
the school of magic that the spell belongs to
and the level of that spell.
Focus Power Test
The type of Test the spell requires.
This will typically be the spell school and a
characteristic or a power stat. Remember that
rolling doubles on the focus power Test invokes psychic phenomena unless the power is
being used at fettered psychic strength.
Target Number
The TN is the threshold to activate
the spell. Many powers gain in strength as you
get raises above the spell's base TN.
Most spells have a casting time of a
half action. Others take a full action, and others take a reaction action or merely a free action.
These rules use the following keywords to describe qualities of a spell.
Attack: This spell counts as an attack
against the target.
Combo-OK: You can use this spell to
build a Combo.
Focus: This spell requires a focus, a
material object that, if destroyed, instantly
ends the spell.
Language Dependent: In order for
this spell to function, the caster and target
must share a common language.
Material: When casting this spell you
require some material components which are
consumed in casting the spell.
Mind-Affecting: This spell affects the
mind of the target, and so can only be used on
targets that are sentient.
Ranged Touch: To affect a target
with this spell requires hitting the target with
a ranged attack (Dexterity + Ballistics).
Saving Throw: This spell allows the
target to make a Test to resist its effects. If the
target resists its effects, they become aware of
the spell, even if it has the Subtle keyword.
Unless otherwise listed, the TN of the Saving
Throw is equal to the FP test used to cast it.
Social: This spell is often used in social situations and cannot be used during combat.






Dark Foreboding: A faint breeze blows past the sorcerer and those near him, and everyone gets the feeling
that somewhere in the galaxy, something unfortunate just happened.
Warp Echo: For a few seconds, all noise causes echoes, regardless of the surroundings.


Unholy Stench: The air around the sorcerer becomes permeated with a bizarre and foul smell.


Hoarfrost: The temperature plummets for an instant, and a thin coating of frost covers everything within
3d10 meters.


Aura of Taint: All animals within 1d100 meters become spooked and agitated.


Spoilage: Food and drink go bad in a 5d10 meter radius.


Veil of Darkness: For a brief moment (the remainer of the round) the area within 3d10 meters is plunged
into immediate darkness.


Distorted Reflections: Mirrors and other reflective surfaces within a radius of 5d10 meters distort or shatter.


Mask of Fear: For a fleeting moment, the sorcerer takes on a terrible appearance and gains a Fear rating of
1 for the rest of the round.


Unnatural Decay: All plant-life within 3d10 meters of the psyker withers and dies.


Bloody Tears: Blood weeps from stone and wood within 3d10 meters of the sorcerer. If there are any pictures
of statues of people inside this area, they appear to be crying blood.


The Earth Protests: The ground suddenly shakes, and everyone (including the sorcerer) within a 5d10 meter
radius must make a TN 15 Dexterity Test or be knocked down.


Psy Discharge: Static electricity fills the air for 5d10 meters around the sorcerer causing hair to stand on end
and unprotected electronics to short out.


Warp Ghosts: Ghostly apparitions fill the air for 3d10 meters around the sorcerer, flying about and howling
in pain for a few brief moments. Everyone in the radius must Test against fear 1.


Falling Upwards: Everything within 2d10 meters of the sorcerer (including him) rises 1d10 meters into the
air as gravity briefly disappears before falling to the ground after a second or two.


Banshee Howl: A deafening keening sounds out across the immediate area, shattering glass and forcing every
creature in the area to make a Constitution Test (TN 15) or be deafened for 1d10 rounds.


The Furies: The sorcerer is assailed by unseen horrors. He is slammed to the ground and loses 1d5 hit points
and must Test against Fear 2.


Shadow of the Warp: For a split second the world changes in appearance and everyone within 1d100 meters
has a brief glimpse of the shadow of the warp. Everyone in the area (including the sorcerer) must make a TN
20 Willpower Test or gain 1d5 insanity points.


Tech Scorn: The electromagnetic discharge created by the spell causes all tech devices within 5d10 meters
to malfunction momentarily and all ranged weapons jam. Characters with cybernetic implants (and
prometheans) must pass a TN 15 Constitution Test or lose 1d5 hit points.


Warp Madness: A violent ripple of tainted discord causes all creatures within 2d10 meters (with the exception
of the sorcerer) to become Frenzied for a round unless they pass a TN 20 Willpower Test.


Perils of the Warp: The warp opens in a maelstrom of energy. Roll on the Perils of the Warp table instead.

Warp Mind: The sorcerer suffers 1 Insanity Point as his own inherent phobias, suspicions, and hatreds surge
to the surface of his mind in a wave of negative emotion.

Memory Worm: All people within line of sight to the sorcerer forget something trivial.
Haunting Breeze: Wind whips up around the sorcerer for a few seconds, blowing light objects about and guttering fires within 3d10 meters.

Breath Leech: Everyone (including the sorcerer) becomes short of breath for one round and cannot make
any Run or Charge actions.

Spectral Gale: Howling winds erupt around the sorcerer, requiring him and anyone within 4d10 meters to
make a TN 10 Dexterity or Strength Test to avoid being knocked to the ground.



01-05 The Gibbering: The sorcerer screams in pain as uncontrolled warp energies surge through his unprotected mind. He must make a TN 20 Willpower Test or suffer 1d5+1 Insanity points and is
stunned for 1d5 rounds.

06-09 Warp Burn: A violent burst of energy from the warp smashes into the sorcerer's mind, sending
him reeling. He loses 1d5 Hit Points and is stunned for 1d5 rounds.

10-13 Psychic Concussion: With a crack of energy, the sorcerer is knocked unconscious for 1d5 rounds,
and everyone within 3d10 meters must make a TN 15 Willpower Test or be stunned for one

14-18 Psy-Blast: There is an explosion of power, and the sorcerer is thrown 1d10 meters into the air,
falling to the ground.

19-24 Soul Sear: Warp power courses through the Sorcerer's body, scorching his soul. The sorcerer cannot use any powers for one hour.


Locked In: The power cages the Sorcerer's mind in an ethereal prison. The Sorcerer falls to the
ground in a catatonic state. Each round thereafter, he must spend a full action to Test Willpower
(TN 15) On a success, his mind is freed and restored to his body.

31-38 Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the sorcerer. He winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 rounds and suffers 1d5 Insanity Points.

39-46 Psychic Mirror: The Sorcerer's power is turned back on him. Resolve the spell's effect as normal,
but the spell targets the Sorcerer instead. If the spell is beneficial, it instead makes the sorcerer
lose 1d5 Hit Points and the beneficial effect is cancelled.

47-55 Warp Whispers: The voices of daemons fill the air within 4d10 meters of the sorcerer, whispering
terrible secrets and shocking truths. Everyone in the area must make a TN 25 Willpower Test or
suffer 1d10 Insanity Points.

56-58 The Darkness: The area is cloaked in terrible screaming darkness, rendering everyone within 5d10
meters of the sorcerer blind and deaf for the next 1d10 rounds.

59-67 Teleport Storm: Mystical lightning strikes the ground in a terrible displacement storm. Everyone
within 3d10 meters of the sorcerer switches places with someone else at random.

68-72 Rending the Veil: The air vibrates with images of cackling daemons and the kaleidoscopic taint of
the warp is rendered visible. All sentient creatures within 1d100 meters must Test against Fear 3.
This effect lasts for 1d5 rounds.

73-78 Blood Rain: A magical storm erupts, covering an area of 5d10 meters in which everyone must pass


a TN 15 Strength check or be knocked to the ground. The skies rain blood and any Spells cast in
the area automatically invoke a Perils of the Warp check for the next 1d5 rounds.
Cataclysmic Blast: The sorcerer's power overloads, arcing out in great bolts of energy. Anyone
within 1d10 meters (including the sorcerer) loses 1d5+2 Hit Points. The sorcerer may not cast
any spells for 1d5 hours.

83-86 Power Drain: The sorcerer's power glitches and tries to draw power from the spirits of others.
Everyone within 3d10 meters of the sorcerer lose all unspent hero points.

87-90 Reality Quake: Reality buckles around the sorcerer, and an area radiating out 3d10 meters from



him is sundered: everything rots, burns, and freezes, and everything in the area takes 3d10 Rending
Lost to the Warp: The sorcerer must make a TN 30 Willpower Test or he is dragged into the warp
by a daemon immediately for purposes unknown. He reappears 1d10 weeks later on an inhabited
planet with only dim, horrific memories of what happened. He suffers 3d10 Insanity Points and
all future Perils of the Warp Tests are made at +10.
Destruction: The sorcerer is sucked screaming into the Warp, never to be seen again. He is no



Somatic: This spell has Somatic components. It cannot be used if the caster is
bound, grappled, or otherwise unable to move
Subtle: The effects of this spell are not
immediately obvious. Other spellcasters can
Test Arcana + Wisdom (TN 20) to notice it.
Touch: A touch spell requires the
caster to touch the target in order for the spell
to take effect. Touching an unwilling target requires an unarmed attack Test (using Brawl.)
Verbal: The spell has verbal components. It cannot be used if the caster cannot
speak, and the caster must speak in a clear,
loud voice for the spell to take effect.
The length of time the spell lasts.
Spells can measure their duration in real units,
such as days, or game units, such as rounds or
scenes. Indefinite spells have no fixed duration
- they last until the caster cancels the effect.
Instant spells happen in an instant, like the explosive burst of a fireball. When a spell's duration is listed as Concentration, it will include
the action that the caster must spend each
round in order to maintain its effect. An (E)
after the spell duration means that the spell
can be expended, and how it can be expended
will be listed in the spell description.
This portion of a spell description details what the spell does and how it works. If
one of the previous entries in the description
included "see text" this is where the explanation is found. If the spell you're reading about
is based on another spell, you might have to
refer to a different spell for the "see text" information.

With long practice and focus, it's possible for a spellcaster to combine spells together, becoming able to cast multiple spells
at once. For example, A sorcerer who has mastered the combo of Stun and Energy Burst can
blast a target for damage and reduce his actions. Combos represent a level of magical
power above simple spells, and are more dangerous for the spellcaster to use, but far more



Mistress Scarlet has saved up some
XP and has decided to use some of her
downtime to develop a new spell combo.
Mistress Scarlet has Illusion 2 and Evocation
3, and looks over her spell list. She chooses
to combine Invisibility and Energyball to
create a spell that will let her blow someone
up and vanish at the same time.
Mistress Scarlet has an Intelligence
of 3 and a Charisma of 4. Since spell combos
use the lowest of the magic school ratings
and characteristics involved, this spell
combo uses Illusion and Intelligence.
Invisibility doesn't have a minimum
TN, but Energyball has a TN of 25. Since
this combo includes 2 spells, the TN is increased by 5, so this combo has a total TN
of 30 - Mistress Scarlet is going to have to
push this spell pretty hard to have a good
chance of success.

Developing Combos
Characters develop combos through
long exercise of their powers, devoting hours
of effort toward integrating their abilities and
understanding their spells and how they interact. Because of the sheer amount of effort and
danger required to make a Combo, a character
cannot purchase spell combos during character creation.
During play, a character can develop
combos through arduous practice. The experience point cost of Combos developed during
play is equal to 50 xp per level of each spell in
the combo. However, Story Masters don't
have to let a character learn a Combo just because the player has enough XP saved up.
Combos are hard - they're less a studied
method of using the power of the warp and
more trying to manipulate it on the fly.

General Guidelines
Using a combo allows a character to
use two, three, or more spells with a single action. Don't worry if this seems like it could get
confusing. This section will go over the rules
for using combos in detail.
The Test for using a combo uses the
lowest of the characteristics and magical


schools that apply to the spells in the combo.

The TN of the combo is that of the
highest TN spell in the combo, plus five for
every spell beyond the first.
A Combo cannot be used with a Fettered focus power Test. Most of the time, a
combo will need to be Pushed to have much
chance of success. If psychic phenomena
occur, add +5 to the roll for every spell in the
combo, in addition to any additions to the roll
from Pushing the power or being Unsanctioned.
A Combo takes an action equal to the
longest action of spells in the combo.
Duration and range of the spells in
the combo are handled separately.
If one spell requires a Focus, Verbal,

Somatic, or Material components, then the

entire combo will fail if the caster can't provide
those components. Language Dependency,
Mind-Affecting, and being an Attack are handled per effect rather than on the combo as a
whole, and if a Saving throw would negate one
part of a combo, it doesn't negate the entire
thing. Attacks are rolled separately for each
part of a combo, and a miss doesn't cause the
whole combo to collapse. Unless all spells in a
combo are subtle, the combo is not subtle as a
The same spell cannot be used twice
in a combo - the spells chosen must be different spells. So no doubling a spells effect just
by making a combo.



Abjuration School
Abjuration 1
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 10
Action: Reaction Action
Keywords: Somatic
Duration: Instant
You may use the result of this spell as a parry

Armouring Aura
Abjuration 1
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 10
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Somatic, Touch
Duration: One Scene
The touched creature gains Aura 1. For every
raise you get on the Focus Power test, the
value of the granted Aura goes up by 1 to a
maximum of three times your Level.

Abjuration 2
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Somatic, Touch
Duration: Instant
You unlock a touched door, disabling all nonmagical locks on it.

Abjuration 2
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 15
Action: Reaction Action
Keywords: Duration: Instant
You may use this spell as a reaction to counter
a spell being cast, with the target number of
this spell equal to the Magic roll of the caster
of the target spell.


Mage Armor
Abjuration 3
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Somatic, Touch
Duration: One Day
The touched creature gains Armor Points
equal to your Level. For every raise you get on
the Focus Power test, the value of the granted
Armor Points goes up by one to a maximum
of three times your level. The armor provided
by this spell does not stack with nonmagical
armor, but it requires no proficiency to use.

Abjuration 3
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Focus, Somatic, Touch
Duration: One day
You touch an object or person and create a
Glyph. You may cast spells at the glyph without having line of effect, though it must still
be within range of the spell. For example, you
could put a glyph on a rock, throw it over a
wall, then cast fireball targeting the glyph, exploding anything behind the wall without poking your head over to look.
Focus: A small gem.

Exploding Runes
Abjuration 4
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Somatic, Touch
Duration: Indefinite (E)
You inscribe a series of runes on an object. If
anyone except you and anyone else you name
as safe during the casting of this spell reads
these runes, they explode, dealing 4k4 damage
to everyone within 3m.




Abjuration 4
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 20
Action: Reaction Action
Keywords: Duration: Instant
This spell functions as Dispel, but if you succeed on the counter attempt, the target cannot
cast spells until the end of your next turn.

Abjuration 5
Focus Power Test: Abjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Somatic, Touch
Duration: Indefinite (E)
On the completion of this spell, you must immediately cast another spell. That spell does
not take immediate effect. Under a condition
chosen at the time of casting, that spell takes
immediate effect. Targets must be chosen
when the spell is cast, though they may be left
vague (for example, you might cast fireball and
set the target at 'what I am pointing to'). A
character may only have one Contingency active at a time.



Conjuration School
Invisible Servant
Conjuration 1
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 15
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Verbal
Duration: One hour
You summon an invisible roaming animating
force. It can perform any task that doesn't require a skill check, and has effective rating of
1 in each characteristic. It lasts for one hour,
and is often used for cleaning and simple tasks.


Conjuration 1
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic
Duration: Instant
You teleport to a spot you can see within 40m.

Lesser Servant
Conjuration 2
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One minute per caster level
You summon a weak creature to aid you. It
has a rating of 2 in all characteristics and 2
ranks in any relevant skills.
Material: A candle


Call Item

Greater Servant

Conjuration 2
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Touch, Social
Duration: Indefinite
You cast this spell on an item you can hold in
one hand. You may teleport that item into
your hand at any time, from any distance, as a
free action. You may have only one item prepared in this way at a time.

Conjuration 4
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One minute per caster level.
As Lesser Servant, except the summoned creature has 4 in all characteristics and 4 in all relevant skills.
Material: A candle


Conjuration 4
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: Instant
As Blink, but with no maximum distance, and
you may teleport anywhere you have seen before. Unless you are extremely familiar with
the destination, you must make a Wisdom +
Perception check against TN 25 (The SM
may raise the TN for locations you've only
seen once or have seen only from a distance or
through divination spells). Teleport cannot be
used to teleport through Crystal Spheres or
into shielded ships.

Conjuration 3
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action or Reaction Action
Keywords: Somatic
Duration: One day per Caster level.
You create a portal large enough for a person
to walk through in a place you can see within
100m. The portal must be placed on a relatively flat surface, but can otherwise be set at
any angle. If the surface moves, the portal vanishes instantly. You must cast this spell twice
for it to have much effect. The portals are like
a doorway - there's no real space between
them, entering one immediately puts you out
the other. You can hang halfway through a
portal, though if one is closed you're expelled
through the open side. Momentum is conserved through the portals. You may have only
two portals open at once. If you attempt to
open a third, you must choose which of your
existing portals closes.

Conjuration 3
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 25
Action: Reaction Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
You instantly teleport up to 10m away. If used
in reaction to an attack, you can use this as a
dodge attempt.

Conjuration 5
Focus Power Test: Conjuration + Willpower
Target Number: 35
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Somatic
Duration: One day per Caster Level.
As Porte, save you don't need to have line of
effect to the target for the portal opening. This
portal counts as one of the two open portals
you may have and otherwise follows all the
rules of Porte. Unless you are extremely familiar with the destination, you must make a Wisdom + Perception check against TN 25 (The
SM may raise the TN for locations you've only
seen once or have seen only from a distance or
through divination spells).



Divination School
Divination 1
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Social
Duration: Instant
You get a general idea of if your current course
of action is likely to have positive or negative
results for you. A failure on this spell still appears to function, but gives a false result.
Material: Dice, cards, runes, or some other
means of telling a fortune.

Divination 1
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 15
Action: Free Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Subtle
Duration: Instant
You send a short message (a sentence or so)
to a target you can see. No one but the target
can hear the message.

Divination 2
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 15
Action: Reaction Action
Keywords: Somatic
Duration: Instant
You may use this spell in place of a dodge test.

Divination 2
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Subtle
Duration: One scene (E)
Until the end of the scene, you gain 1 extra
'floating' rolled die that you may apply an action. For every raise you get, you gain one additional floating die. You may use a number
of these floating die up to your level on any
one roll. Once used, they vanish.


Divination 3
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Focus, Social, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: Concentration (Half)
To cast this spell, you must have an object that
belongs to the target you wish to scry, or a part
of their body (like a lock of hair). The target
may roll Arcana + Willpower to resist. If this
spell is successful, you can see and hear the
target and their surroundings out to about 10
meters. You must spend a half action every
round to maintain this effect.
Focus: A mirror, crystal ball or scrying pool

Divination 3
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 25
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Subtle
Duration: One scene (E)
You may reroll one failed roll. For every raise
you get on this spell's magic Test, you get one
additional reroll. You may use these in addition to any other rerolling ability and may use
as many of these as you like on a given Test.

Mind Net
Divination 4
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Mind-Affecting, Subtle
Duration: One scene
You create a telepathic network between your
allies. Until the end of the scene, you and any
allies you name on casting this spell can speak
through this network silently and instantly.




Divination 4
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 30
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Saving
Throw, Subtle
Duration: One scene
Choose a target within 10m. He loses one
rolled die from all rolls, plus one for every raise
on the magic Test. The target may resist with
Arcana + Willpower.

Divination 5
Focus Power Test: Divination + Wisdom
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Focus, Language Dependent, Material, Mind-Affecting, Social, Verbal
Duration: One minute per level.
You begin a conversation with anyone you
name, regardless of distance or barriers between you. The target may end this conversation at any time. It lasts for up to five minutes.
Focus: A scrying pool, crystal ball or mirror.
Material: Incense.



Charm Person
Enchantment 1
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Mind-Affecting, Social, Subtle
Duration: One scene.
The target likes you for no reason at all, treating you like an old friend and granting +2k0
to all social rolls. The target may resist with
Arcana + Willpower. If you treat a charmed
target well, they might just continue to think
of you as a friend.


Enchantment 1
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Language
Dependent, Mind-Affecting, Saving Throw,
Duration: Instant
Deliver a one-word command to the target,
which they must attempt to obey with their
next action if they fail an Arcana + Willpower
roll. Targets will automatically resist obviously
self-destructive commands like 'Suicide' or a
command to jump from a bridge. If they cannot complete the action with their next action
in combat, they will attempt to do their best
given the time they have.




Enchantment 2
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Saving
Throw, Somatic
Duration: Instant
The target, a creature within 10m, may only
take a half action on his next turn. He may resist this effect with Arcana + Willpower. If he
fails by 5 or more, he loses his entire action instead.

Enchantment 3
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Saving
Throw, Somatic
Duration: Instant
This works as Stun, except on all creatures
within a 10m radius.

Enchantment 2
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Mind-Affecting, Saving Throw,
Social, Subtle, Touch
Duration: One hour.
The touched object or creature generates an
aura that just draws attention from everyone
around. Creatures passing within 30m can't
help but stop and look. If it's a person, they
hang on his every word, giving +1k1 to all social rolls. People will attempt to interact with
this object - opening doors, reading signs, and
so forth. This effect lasts up to one hour, and
may be resisted with Arcana + Willpower.

Enchantment 4
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 30
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Mind-Affecting, Verbal
Duration: One round per level. (E)
The target must Test Arcana + Willpower
every turn, or else he must repeat the same actions he took in his last turn if possible.



Enchantment 4
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 30
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Saving
Throw, Somatic
Duration: One day.
The target touched becomes blinded if they
fail to resist with Arcana + Willpower. This effect lasts for one day.

Enchantment 3
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Language
Dependent, Mind-Affecting, Saving Throw
Duration: Concentration (Half)
You control the actions of target creature
within 10m. You must spend a half action
every round to maintain this effect. The creature may Test Arcana + Willpower to resist. If
you ask the creature to do something outside
of its nature, it gets a free raise to that roll. If
you force it to do something self-destructive or
violent towards an ally, it gets three free raises.

Enchantment 5
Test: Enchantment + Charisma
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Language
Dependent, Mind-Affecting, Saving Throw,
Subtle, Verbal
Duration: One Scene. (E)
This works as Command, save the target will
follow suicidal commands if they fail their Test
to resist and the target may undertake extended actions rather than just using their next
action, up to the duration of the scene.




Evocation School
Magic Missile
Evocation 1
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Somatic
Duration: Instant
One target within 30m takes 2k1 damage. For
every raise you gain on this roll, you may copy
this spell and attack the same or a different target. The target may not dodge this attack. The
maximum number of copies of this spell you
may make is equal to your level.

Energy Burst
Evocation 1
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Ranged
Touch, Somatic
Duration: Instant
Make an attack with Blast 2 that deals 3k2
damage, plus 2 damage per level, at a range of
up to 30m.


Energy Grasp
Evocation 2
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Touch, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: Instant
Your hand glows with an awesome power.
You may make an unarmed melee attack. Roll
Evocation + Charisma as damage.

Energy Ray
Evocation 2
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Ranged
Touch, Somatic
Duration: Instant
Make a ranged attack with a maximum range
of 50m per level. This attack deals 5k3 damage.



Energy Bits

Evocation 3
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 25
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Material,
Ranged Touch, Somatic
Duration: Instant
Make an attack with Blast 10 that deals 2k1
damage per level, at a range of 30m.
Material: A pinch of gunpowder.

Evocation 4
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 5
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Ranged Attack, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One Scene (E)
Create one sphere of energy plus one for every
raise you get on this roll. These spheres last
until the end of the scene. You may expend
any number of these spheres at the beginning
of your turn as a free action. For each sphere
you expend, make a ranged attack with a range
of 50m that deals 4k2 damage. You may not
attack the same target with more than 2
spheres per turn.

Energy Aura
Evocation 3
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 15
Action: Reaction Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Focus, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One scene.
Create an aura that deals 1k1 +3 damage/level
to everyone in melee range of you at the end
of your turn or who you hit in melee which
lasts until the end of the scene.

Energy Wall
Evocation 4
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Material, Somatic
Duration: One scene
Create a wall that is 10 meters long, plus five
meters for every raise you get on this roll. People can see and target through this wall. Anyone who passes through this wall takes 4k2
damage. This wall lasts until the end of the
Material: A vial of oil.

Energy Meteors
Evocation 5
Test: Evocation + Charisma
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Ranged
Touch, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: Instant
Make an attack with Burst 10 that deals 6k4
damage at a range of up to 120m. Copy this
spell for each dot you have in Evocation.



Healing School
Cure Light Wounds

Cure Moderate Wounds

Healing 1
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic, Touch,
Duration: Instant
If the caster spends a resource point while
casting this spell, the target is healed for one
hit point.

Healing 3
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic, Touch,
Duration: Instant
The caster may spend any number of resource
points while casting this spell. If they do, the
touched target is healed for that many hit

Healing 1
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Verbal
Duration: One Minute (E)
All allies within 10m get +1k0 on their next attack roll. This bonus is lost if it isn't used
within one minute.

Healing 2
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Somatic, Touch
Duration: Instant
You touch a target. If used on a target that is
missing a limb, and they spend a week getting
bed rest, they may regrow one missing limb
during that time.

Healing 2
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Verbal
Duration: Instant
Choose an Ally within 10m. That ally may immediately take a half action. This does not
change that ally's place in the initiative order.


Healing 3
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 25
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Verbal
Duration: Instant
Choose a target within 10m. If that target worships the same god as you, this spell has no effect. Otherwise, the target loses one hit point
and loses one unspent hero point.

Healing 4
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: See text.
You create an area 50m in radius. Those
within this area who worship the same god as
the caster gain +1k0 on all rolls. The caster
may spend a half action every round to merely
maintain this area. This area's size degrades by
5m every minute after the caster stops.
Material: Holy water or incense.


Holy Weapon


Healing 4
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 30
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: One day.
The touched weapon deals +1k1 damage to
enemies of your god and counts as a magical
weapon. This effect lasts for one day. Enchanting a new weapon ends the previous effect immediately.
Material: A sharpening stone.

Healing 5
Test: Healing + Wisdom
Target Number: 35
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: Instant
The caster spends five resource points. If he
does, the touched corpse is returned to life at
0 hit points. The subject loses one dot of Constitution. If they had only one dot of Constitution to begin with, the spell fails and they
cannot be returned to life.



Illusion School
Illusion 1
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: 15
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic
Duration: Concentration (Half)
You create an image up to 3m cubed within
10m. You must spend a half action on each of
your turns after the first to maintain it. If you
spend a full action, you may make the image
move, though it cannot leave the 3m cube it
was created in - an illusion of a man could be
made to blink and shift his weight, for example, instead of being static. A Wisdom + Perception Test allows viewers to tell it is unreal.

Illusion 1
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: Action: Half Action
Keywords: Material, Social, Somatic
Duration: Concentration (reaction)
You may use this spell instead of the Disguise
Skill in order to disguise yourself, the result of
the Magic Test being the quality of your disguise. You must spend one reaction action per
turn to maintain this disguise.
Material: A pinch of rouge.

Illusion 2
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: Action: Full Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Subtle
Duration: One minute per level.
You become invisible, and may use the result
from this magic Test in place of stealth rolls
involving sight. This effect lasts up to one
minute per level, but ends immediately if you
make an attack.


Ghost Sound
Illusion 2
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Subtle
Duration: Instant
You create a sound from a source up to 20m
away an in your line of sight. If you get at least
one raise on this roll, you can create intelligible
speech. If you get two raises, you may mimic
a specific person's voice. This sound can be
from as quiet as a whisper to loud as a shout.

Illusion 3
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: 25
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic.
Duration: One minute per level.
A touched object or person radiates an aura of
silence out to 5m. Stealth Tests involving
sound within this area automatically succeed,
and sounds from outside the area simply stop
at the border. This effect lasts for up to 1
minute per level.


Mirror Image

Programmed Image

Illusion 3
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One scene (E)
You create duplicate images of yourself that
distract enemies. These images remain close
to you. You create one image on a success at
casting this spell, plus one for every raise
gained, to a maximum of your level. Whenever
you are attacked, the attacker must roll randomly between you and your images to see
what he hits. An image struck by an attack is

Illusion 4
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Social, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One hour per level.
This works as Image, but it lasts for up to one
hour per level, and you may program it to
react to a number of stimuli up to your Intelligence. This spell may also produce sounds,
including intelligible speech.

Improved Invisibility
Illusion 4
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: Action: Full Action
Keywords: Subtle
Duration: One minute.
This functions as Invisibility, save its maximum duration is only one minute and making
an attack does not immediately end the spell.

Permanent Image
Illusion 5
Test: Illusion + Intelligence
Target Number: 35
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Somatic, Verbal
Duration: Indefinite
This works as Image, but you do not need to
maintain it. It lasts until dispelled.



Necromancy School
Flush of Life
Necromancy 1
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Social, Subtle, Touch
Duration: One Scene
Until the end of the scene, the touched corpse
breathes, look less pale, and otherwise seems
to be alive (but in a coma) to even detailed examination. If you are a vampire, you may use
this spell on yourself.

Necromancy 1
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Somatic
Duration: Instant
This causes items to age and rot. You may target a 1m cube within 20m. Items within that
cube are subjected to terrible powers. Food
spoils, water becomes stagnant. If you get one
raise, wood crumbles and rots. Another raise,
and even metal rusts and flakes away. Rot does
not affect attended items like a persons equipment.

Speak with Dead

Necromancy 2
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Focus, Language Dependent, Social, Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: Instant
The touched corpse answers one question. It
can only answer one question per day in this
manner. While the answer must be truthful, it
can be vague or obfuscated.
Focus: A metal disk inscribed with runes.


Draining Touch
Necromancy 2
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Somatic,
Duration: Instant
Make an unarmed melee attack that deals 2k2
damage. If you are a vampire, you gain one
Vitae for each Wound this attack causes.

Necromancy 3
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 25
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Saving
Throw, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: Instant
All creatures within 10m lose half of their remaining Hit Points. This includes the caster
and his allies. Creatures may roll Arcana +
Constitution to resist. Undead creatures
(Vampires, skeletons, zombies, etc) get a free
raise on their rolls to resist.

Raise Dead
Necromancy 3
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Social, Somatic, Touch,
Duration: Indefinite
Spend a Resource Point. The touched humanoid corpse becomes a terrible undead
creature, a mockery of life. If it is in good condition, it can pass for a (sick) living creature
for a short time. Regardless of the creature
that it comes from, it uses the statblock for one
of the Walkin Dead in Chapter 17.
Material: A black gem.


Corrupted Earth
Necromancy 4
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: See text.
You create an area 5m in radius. Those within
this area who don't worship the same god as
the caster suffer -1k0 on all rolls. By spending
an additional full action in his next round, the
caster increases the radius of this area by 5m,
to a maximum of 50m. The caster may instead
spend a half action every round to merely
maintain this area. This area's size degrades by
5m every minute after the caster stops maintaining it.
Material: Holy water or incense.

Consume Soul
Necromancer 4
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 30
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Attack, Combo-OK, Somatic,
Duration: Instant
When this spell is cast on a recently (less than
one minute) deceased creature, you consume
its soul, making it impossible for that creature
to be brought back with resurrection spells for
as long as you're alive (or, well, an undead
mockery of life).

Necromancer 5
Test: Necromancy + Intelligence
Target Number: 35
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Focus, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: See text.
When the Caster casts this spell, his hit points
are reduced to 0 and he cannot benefit from
healing effects for the rest of the scene. The
caster becomes immune to hit point loss for
1d10 rounds +1 for each raise he gets on the
Focus: A medallion inscribed with a symbol of
a solar eclipse.



Swift Change
Transmutation 1
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 15
Action: Free Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic
Duration: Instant
You may change into any clothing or armor
youre carrying in an instant. If you have a natural shapechanging ability (such as a werewolfs shifting) you may use that as

Transmutation 1
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 15
Action: Half Action
Touch, Verbal
Duration: Instant
You shape living wood
into a simple shape, such
as what you could form
out of clay. You may effect up to 1 cubic meter
of wood, and it remains
in the shape you form
it into permanently.

Transmutation 2
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: Indefinite
The caster touches an item and a character
with an ability to change shape. While normally items are dropped or shredded when the
character changes shape, the dedicated item
instead transforms with them.
Material: A pinch of Silver dust.


Animal Power
Transmutation 2
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Somatic, Touch,
Duration: One scene.
The target creature gets +1 to one physical
characteristic (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution). For every two raises on this roll, the
creature gets an additional +1 to the statistic.

Magic Fang
Transmutation 3
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 25
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Combo-OK,
Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: One scene.
The touched creature's
natural weapons and unarmed attacks deal an additional kept die of
damage and count as
magic weapons.

Transmutation 3
Test: Transmutation +
Target Number: 25
Action: Full Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: One scene.
The touched creature
may assume wolf form. Obviously, in wolf
form the character cannot speak, manipulate
all but the simplest objects, or do other things
most humans take for granted. However, they
gain +1k1 to all perception checks involving
scent. +2 to Dexterity, -1 to Size, and a bite
attack for 1k1 damage.
Material: A lock of your hair.


Primal Power
Transmutation 4
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 30
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Material, Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: One scene.
This works as Animal Power, except instead
of choosing a characteristic, the bonus applies
to all three physical characteristics.
Material: A tooth from a predatory animal.

Earth Song
Transmutation 4
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 20
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Somatic, Touch, Verbal
Duration: Instant
You shape stone into a simple shape, such as
what you could form out of clay. You may effect up to 1 cubic meter of stone, plus one additional meter per raise on this spell and it
remains in the new shape permanently.

Dragon Form
Transmutation 5
Test: Transmutation + Wisdom
Target Number: 35
Action: Half Action
Keywords: Focus, Somatic, Verbal
Duration: One Scene
This spell temporarily transforms the caster
into a dragon. While he's a dragon, gains +3
to size, -1 to Dexterity, +2 to Strength, a bite
attack that deals 2k2 damage, Flyer (2x
Speed), and a breath attack that uses the attack profile as a Flamer that they may use once
per round. While in dragon form the caster
may cast spells normally, speak, and be very
tall and lizardy.
Focus: A jade circlet.


Lance stepped out of the elevator, checking left and right with his laspistols.
Glass shattered as another volley of fire came at him from below. Lance took cover
behind a support beam and threw a grenade blindly towards the gunner. The blast
shattered the rest of the windows on that floor. He spotted movement out of the
corner of his eye and fired, arrows of light streaking towards the guard as both
men fired on each other.
The guard dropped, a pool of bright red blood spilling under him. Lance
dropped one of his laspistols as the pain hit him. Blood trickled down his left arm.
The wound staggered him, the pain almost making him black out. The elevator
behind him pinged. He turned, bringing his gun up. A plasma pistol was already
aimed at him. And holding it was...
"Jim!" Lance said, surprised. The dragonborn gunman stepped around him
and fired a bolt of white-hot plasma at another guard as he appeared behind
Lance. The bolts blasted through the man's light armor and sent him to the ground
in a cloud of fire and smoke.
"Where's Kharne?" Lance asked.
"Top floor. This way!" Jim led the way, Lance nursing his injury and watching the massive dragonborn's back. He tossed another grenade back the way they
had come, collapsing the corridor on two unfortunate men who had been following.
Jim unlocked the express elevator with his multitool. As Lance caught up
to him, a dark shape appeared at the end of the hallway, hefting a heavy weapon.
"Jim!" Lance screamed. The dragonborn turned just as the heavy bolter
opened up, filling the air with screaming steel. Lance threw himself to the ground
and fired wildly. The bolter fell silent as Lance's shots struck true. Lance ran over
to Jim as the dragonborn collapsed, split open by the explosive shells of the heavy
"Kharne... he's got to be stopped..." Lance gasped. He smiled through the
pain. "I was waiting... for you to come back and take over." He dragonborn went
limp as he finally bled out.
Lance took the express elevator up. There were no guards on the top floor.
He could feel Kharne waiting for him. A blast rocked the station. The entire penthouse roof disintegrated. Force fields snapped into place, just barely holding back
the vacuum.
"So," Kharne said. "You're finally awake." Lance stepped through the
smoke and rubble. The Mark of Bahamut on his chest burned. He could make
out the crimson light shining from the Mark of Khorne that Kharne bore. "I told
you before, Lance. I'm the only one who can kill you and set you free."
"Those words apply to you as well, Kharne." Lance smiled grimly. "Either
way, it's going to end here." He raised his laspistol, his vision blurry with fatigue.
Kharne's chainaxe rumbled. It would all be over soon, one way or the other.


he Sublime Way. The Nine Disciplines. Blade Magic. All of these are terms that
have been used to describe the almost superhuman fighting abilities that are the hallmark
of heroic combat. The uncanny power of the
Sublime Way springs from a blend of physical
skill, mental self-discipline, and adherence to
distinct martial philosophies. Many of the Advantages of the various martial disciplines
aren't magic at all - they are simply demonstrations of superhuman skill and training. Although many of the Advantages and methods
taught by the Sublime Way are mundane in
execution and effect, their results can sometimes rival spells.
The warriors who study the Nine Disciplines are Martial Adepts, capable of battlefield feats beyond those that a traditionally
schooled and trained warrior can hope to accomplish. The typical fighter might display
great skill in a weapon's basic cuts, thrusts, and
parries, but a student of the Sublime Way believes that mastering a weapon requires selfdiscipline and spiritual austerity in addition to
learning the correct postures and movements.



Some effects of Advantages and Restrictions will reference a character's Martial
Adept level. A character's martial adept level
is equal to the number of dots he has in his
highest level Sword School. Where Magic
Schools have little overlap (as represented by
the way that each magical school is rolled as
its own skill), the sword schools can be used
together, and so a character's full Martial
Adept level is always used regardless of from
whence a particular advantage came from.

Special Attacks
Special Attacks are the core of the
Sublime Way. Unlike spells, which are codified and separate effects that can be combined
by a skilled spellcaster, the skills of swordsmanship flow into one another, build on one
another, with Martial Adepts adapting elements of each Sword School they know into
their own personal fighting style.
The maneuvers of the Sublime Way
are not given as simple combat actions. Each
school teaches special Advantages and Restrictions that can be used to create your own special attacks.



Advantages are special bonuses that

are applied to an attack action. It might give
an enemy a Condition, apply a property to the
attack, or just increase the damage dealt by the
blow. Advantages from different schools can
be used together to build attacks that transcend the nine schools and are truly a 'style
without style'.
Restrictions are flaws in an attack this may represent overextending yourself to
strike deeply at an opponent's most vulnerable
location or striking lightly with extra precision.
No matter how skilled a martial adept becomes, the more specialized they make their
attacks, the more flaws they're forced to accept.


Special Attacks start with choosing an
action to base it on. You add Advantages and
Restrictions to increase the power and utility
of said attack, buying it with XP. There are
some Universal Advantages and Restrictions
that can be used by any Martial Adept, but the
majority of Advantages and Restrictions come
from the Nine Disciplines.
Each attack is built on a specific action using a specific weapon. As a base, for example, you might select making a normal
attack with a fencing weapon. The types of
weapon you may select to use are restricted by
the Sword Schools you have learned. Which
actions you can use are similarly restricted by
the Sword Schools you know.
At the first level of any sword school,

a martial adept gains access to the Universal

Advantages and Restrictions, and may use
Standard Attack actions to build Special Attacks. These represent the basic training and
universal abilities that all adepts can access.
Every Advantage on an attack costs a
certain number of Style Points. While a Martial Adept has Style Points equal to their Martial Adept level to use on attacks he buys,
going beyond that requires him to gain style
points by adding Restrictions to his attack.
Where an Advantage gives an attack additional
ability or utility, a Restriction imposes a
penalty on the attack - this might be less damage, less accuracy, or a number of other things.
You can gain extra style points equal to your
Martial Adept Level with restrictions - if the
restrictions youve chosen are worth more than
that, the extra points are lost.
It's possible to both buy and improve
attacks. Buying an attack is fairly inexpensive,
costing fifty XP per Style Point of the attack
with a minimum cost of fifty XP. Improving
an attack you already have costs, naturally,
fifty XP per style point you're adding to it.
Some weapon types (such as Ordinary and Syrneth) have proficiencies that
apply to both ranged and melee weapons. Special Attacks can only be used when making
melee attacks with these weapons.
You cannot add Advantages or Restrictions to an attack that would have no effect - reduced damage to an action that causes
no damage, modifiers to accuracy for an attack
that has no attack roll, and so on.


Rocky is a Martial Adept with Setting Sun 2 and Iron Heart 3. His Adept level is 3, so he has
3 Style points to spend on special attacks. He's decided to build a new special attack.
First, he decides what weapon and action to use as a base. Rocky fights mostly with his bare
hands, so he'll use Unarmed as his weapon choice. He wants to keep it simple this time, so his action
choice will be a simple Standard Attack, something all Adepts have access too.
Now he chooses advantages. He decides to go with Hammer of the Emperor from Iron Heart,
Knockout Blow from Setting sun, and +2k0 damage from the First Damage Improvement universal
advantage list. This comes to six points of advantages, which means he'll need to choose three points
of restrictions.
The first restriction he chooses is Opening the Path. That's worth two points, so he only needs
to choose one more. He decides to go with the Difficult restriction for one point, so he can only use it
every other turn.
Lastly, he names the attack. He's decided to call it Exploding Burst Fist. He spends 300xp (6
Style Points)



Sword Schools
There are nine Sword Schools in the
Sublime Way. These same schools and techniques have been discovered and rediscovered
in different places and times throughout history. Some have even unlocked their secrets
through intense personal meditation and
study, with no teacher to guide them save their
own desire to be the very best, like no other
warrior ever was.
There are five levels of mastery to
each school, represented by the number of
dots you have in the school. The five levels of
mastery are, in order, Apprentice, Initiate,
Journeyman, Master, and Grandmaster. At
each level of mastery, the Martial Adept unlocks new secrets of the Sword School.
At the first stage of mastery, the Apprentice learns the use of the school's chosen
weapon type and combat action. A martial
adept can only use the weapons and actions he
has unlocked in this way in order to build special attacks - without this level of training, he
simply doesn't have the true zen of it.
At the second stage of mastery, the
Initiate begins learning the true secrets of the
school. He learns the school flaw, a Restriction
that is exclusive to that particular sword
school, and the first school Advantage, which
tends to be a core part of the school's style and
In the third stage of mastery, the Journeyman learns to incorporate the school's favored skill into his techniques, allowing him to
use a skill Test with that skill as a restriction
on his attacks. He also learns the second
school Advantage, which further solidifies the
style of the school.
In the fourth stage of mastery, the
Master is just that, as master. They learn a
special Mastery ability that they can always
use, even if they're not making a Special Attack, that represents the sheer amount of training they've put into the Sword School. They
also learn a new Advantage for their school, a
powerful ability that even most martial adepts
never see.
Finally, if a Martial Adept manages to
get to the fifth stage of mastery, they gain the

school's ultimate secret technique, the most

powerful Advantage that the school can give.
There are almost no Grandmasters to learn
this secret technique from, and nearly every
person who has achieved this level of mastery
has done so through their own training and
personal perfection of the school's teachings.

Universal Advantages



First Damage


Add +1k0 to damage.

Second Damage


Add +0k1 to damage.

First Accuracy


Add +1k0 to the attack


Second Accuracy


Add +0k1 to the attack




For every style point

you spend, add 2 to the
attack's Penetration.

Universal Restrictions



Difficult Strike


You may not use this

attack if you used it in
the last round.

Last Resort


You may only use the

attack once per scene.



This attack deals 1k0 damage.

Unbroken Skin


This attack deals 0k1 damage.



The attack roll is

made at -1k0.



The attack roll is

made at -0k1.



This attack has 0




Desert Wind
Speed and mobility are the hallmarks of the Desert Wind discipline. Desert Wind maneuvers often involve blinding displays of sword skill, quick charges, and agile footwork. Some
maneuvers from this school, however, draw power from the supernatural essence of the desert
and allow and adept practitioner to scour his foes with fire.
The key skill for Desert Wind is Athletics. The odd weapons of the Syrneth are the traditional weapons used in Desert Wind special attacks. It's thought that the Syrneth were the first
to use this fighting style, which isn't unlikely given the supernatural effects of the school.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Syrneth)

Use Syrneth weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Action (Called Shot)

Use Called Shot actions in martial maneuvers.

Level 2: Initiate


Do not add your weapon's damage to this attack. It

deals no damage. You may only apply this to actions
that include an attack with a weapon - you cannot apply
this to an Aim action, for example.

If this attack hits, the target is dazzled for one round for
every raise you get on the attack roll.

Skill (Athletics)


As part of this attack, make an Athletics check against

the static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails

Burning Blade

Your attack deals E type damage instead of the

weapon's damage type.

Mastery (Zephyr Dance)

When making a charge attack, you do not need to move

in a straight line.

Leaping Flame

You may teleport 5m either right before or right after

making this attack.

As part of this attack, everyone within 2m of you takes

2k2 E damage. If you move during this attack, this affects everyone that you come within 2 meters of. A target can only be affected by this effect once per round.

Empty Hand

Blistering Flourish
Level 3: Journeyman

Level 4: Master

Level 5: Grandmaster

Holocaust Cloak



Devoted Spirit
Faith, piety, and purity of body and mind are the wellsprings of a warrior's true power.
Devoted Spirit attacks harness a practitioner's spiritual strength and her zealous devotion to a
cause. This Sword School includes energies baneful to a creature opposed to the Martial Adept's
cause, abilities that can keep an adept fighting long after a mundane warrior would fall to his
enemies, and strikes infused with vengeful, fanatical power.
Medicae is the key skill for Devoted Spirit. Devoted Spirit adepts are trained in the use
of the Flail, an difficult and awkward weapon for most to use. It has been suggested that the
original masters of the Devoted Spirit school were taught by their gods themselves.
Cost Effect
Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Flails)

Action (Aid Another)

Use Flail weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Use Aid Another actions in martial maneuvers. If you

use this to aid another characters attack, any attack-related benefits from the special attack apply to the aided

Level 2: Initiate


Revitalizing Strike


Make an alignment check with a +2 bonus as part of

this attack.
For 1 point, heal an adjacent ally for 1 Hit Point. For 3
points, heal the ally for 2 Hit Points.

Level 3: Journeyman
Skill (Medicae)


As part of this attack, make a Medicae check against the

static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.

If you roll a 10 on damage with this attack, roll an additional 2 dice for the exploding die instead of just one.

Your maximum Hit Points increases by 4.

Level 4: Master
Mastery (Ox Body Technique)
Covering The Phalanx


For every time you take this advantage, an adjacent ally

gains +2 to their static defense until your next turn. This
bonus can be applied to one ally or divided among as
many as can fit in melee range with you.

If this attack hits the head or gizzards it deals additional

damage equal to your devotion.

Level 5: Grandmaster
Castigating Blow



Diamond Mind
True quickness lies in the mind, not the body. A student of the Diamond Mind discipline seeks to hone his perceptions and discipline his thoughts so that he can act even in slivers
of time so narrow that others cannot even perceive them. A corollary of this speed of thought
and action is the concept of the mind as the battleground. An enemy defeated in his mind must
inevitably be defeated in the realm of the physical as well.
Scrutiny, the ability to read another person, is the key skill for Diamond Mind. Martial
Adepts focused in Diamond mind use Fencing weapons, light and fast enough to move as fast
as their user. It's said that this Sword School was developed by a Mortal as a means to defend
himself from and even defeat the Exalted.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Fencing)

Action (Feint)

Use Fencing weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Use Feint actions in martial maneuvers. Any attack-related advantages you apply to the special attack apply
to the normal attack made after a feint. That attack may
not be a Special Attack of its own.

Level 2: Initiate
Backhanded Blade
Dipping Swallow


This technique can only be used either as an opportunity attack or a delayed action.
Gain a free raise on all parry attempts made until your
next turn.

Level 3: Journeyman
Skill (Scrutiny)


As part of this attack, make a Scrutiny check against the

static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.

Flurry of Blows


Make an additional attack with your weapon as part of

this attack.

Level 4: Master
Mastery (Open Form Motion)

Weakening Grip Technique

You may use any sort of attack after a successful feint,

not just a standard attack action.
If this attack hits, the opponent must make a Dex check
(TN 20) or drop whatever they're holding.

Level 5: Grandmaster
Essence Draining Strike



You may take advantage up to five times on one attack.

An opponent hit by this attack loses 1 resource point for
every level you have of this advantage.


Iron Heart
Absolute mastery of the sword is the goal of the Iron Heart discipline. Through unending
practice and study, the Iron Heart adept achieves superhuman skill with her weapons. Iron Heart
Special Attacks are demonstrations of uncanny martial skill - weaving patterns of steel that dizzy,
confuse, and ultimately kill with no recourse.
The key skill for Iron Heart is Perception, the ability to see the flaws in your own stance
and the defenses of others. Iron Heart weapons are Ordinary weapons, and like the school itself,
what seem like ordinary attacks are polished and brought to supernatural levels.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Ordinary)

Action (Aim)

Use Ordinary weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Use Aim actions in martial maneuvers. Any attack-related advantages applied to this special attack are applied to the attack that benefits from the aim bonus.
That attack may not be a Special Attack.

Level 2: Initiate
Opening the Path
Steel Wind


After making this attack, your static defense is lowered

by 10 until your next turn.
Your attack gains the Tearing property.

Level 3: Journeyman
Skill (Perception)
Hammer of the Emperor


As part of this attack, make a Perception check against

the static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.

This attack deals X damage instead of the weapon's normal damage type.

Level 4: Master
Mastery (Mithril Blade)

Exorcism of Steel

Opponents get -1k0 on all of their responses to your attacks.

This attack gains the Power Field property.

This attack cannot be dodged or parried.

Level 5: Grandmaster
Strike of Perfect Clarity



Setting Sun
Strength is an illusion. Adherents of the Setting Sun philosophy understand that no warrior can hope to be stronger, quicker, and more skillful than every one of her enemies. Therefore,
this discipline includes Advantages that use an adversary's power and speed against him. Setting
Sun maneuvers include weakening blows and the ability to stun and distract an opponent. The
highest forms of the Setting Sun allow you to turn an opponent's weapon against him, turning
the strongest opponent into the most vulnerable.
Deceive is the key skill for the Setting Sun discipline, the ability to trick and outmaneuver
an opponent with fast hands. The weapons of the Setting Sun school are no weapons at all, using
unarmed strikes to damage an opponent. It's said that the Setting Sun school was founded by
halflings who were facing extermination and oppression.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Brawl)

Use Unarmed attacks with your martial maneuvers.

Action (Fight Defensively)

Use Fight Defensively actions in martial maneuvers.

Level 2: Initiate
Eagle's Claw
Knockout Blow


You may only use this attack as part of a grapple.

Anyone hit by your attack takes a level of fatigue, even
if they lose no hit points.

Level 3: Journeyman
Skill (Deceive)
Distraction Method


As part of this attack, make a Deceive check against the

static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.

Anyone damaged by this attack takes -1k0 to all rolls

until your next turn.

Gain a free raise to all initiative checks.

This attack gains the Shocking property.

You may use your opponent's weapon as the base damage of this attack.

Level 4: Master
Mastery (Wind Step)
Shocking Bullet Fist
Level 5: Grandmaster
Fool's Strike



Shadow Hand
Never show an adversary what he expects to see. The Shadow Hand discipline emphasizes deception, misdirection, and surprise. The most effective blow is one struck against an
enemy who does not even know he is in danger. Because the study of the deceit as a philosophy
often leads into darker practices, some Shadow Hand maneuvers employ supernatural effects
such as the manipulation of shadows.
The key skill of the Shadow Hand school is Stealth, hiding your own attacks and surprising your enemy. Shadow Hand weapons are parrying weapons, small and easily-concealed
weapons that can be carried almost anywhere. The original practitioners of the Shadow Hand
school were assassins, using the attacks of the school to disable and kill their enemies before they
even knew they were in danger.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Parrying)

Action (Ready)

Use Parrying weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Use Ready actions in martial maneuvers. Any attack-related advantages applied to this special attack instead
are applied to your next standard attack if you use this
action to ready a weapon and use that weapon in your
attack. That attack may not be a Special Attack.

Level 2: Initiate
Death Blow
Mosquito's Bite


This attack may only be used on someone unaware of

you or helpless.
Delay this attack's effect for up to one minute. The target is unaware of the attack until it effects him.

Level 3: Journeyman

As part of this attack, make a Stealth check against the

static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.


This attacks range increases by 5m for every time you

take this Advantage.

Mastery (Sheathed Blade)

Attacks made with a weapon you drew this turn are

made at +2k1.

Curving Shadows Attack

This attack gains the Flexible property.

This attack gains the Toxic property.

Skill (Stealth)
Ring The Temple Bell
Level 4: Master

Level 5: Grandmaster
Cobras Venom Technique



Stone Dragon
The strength and endurance of the mountains epitomize the Stone Dragon discipline.
The methodical and relentless application of force allows a student of this philosophy to defeat
any foe. Strikes of superhuman power and manifestations of perfect, idealized force make up
the Stone Dragon's Advantages.
Intimidate is the key skill for the Stone Dragon, overwhelming others with the force of
your personality as well as the strength of your blows. Two Handed weapons are the most common in use among Stone Dragon adepts, as they're extremely efficient at the hurting of people.
Squats, with their strong ties to the earth, were the first to develop the Stone Dragon school.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Two Handed)

Use Two Handed weapons with your Special Attacks.

Action (Bull Rush)

Use Bull Rush actions in martial maneuvers.

Level 2: Initiate
Weight of the Mountain
Foot-Trapping Blow


When you use this attack, you gain one level of fatigue.
This attack gains the Snare property.

Level 3: Journeyman

As part of this attack, make an Intimidate check against

the static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.


Gain 1 armor until your next turn for every point of this

Mastery (Strength of Granite)

Your resilience is increased by one while your feet are

firmly planted on solid earth or rock.

Felling Giants Blow

Treat your opponents resilience as two less for the purpose of determining hit points lost from this attack, to a
minimum resilience of 1.


This attack gains Blast (X), where X is twice the number of times you take this Advantage.

Skill (Intimidate)
Stone Skin Concentration
Level 4: Master

Level 5: Grandmaster
Earth Shattering Attack



Tiger Claw
Consciousness is the enemy of instinct. The Tiger Claw discipline teaches that martial
superiority can be achieved by discarding the veneer of civilization, along with the higher
thoughts that fetter a warrior's actions. Tiger Claw maneuvers emulate the strikes, leaps, and
pounces of animals. Tiger Claw strikes are explosively powerful and variable, as wild and energetic as the adepts of the style.
The key skill of the Tiger Claw style is Acrobatics, required for the intensely physical
and always-moving style. Chain weapons, with their rows of sharp teeth, are the favored weapons
of the style. Tiger Claw is one of the most wide-spread styles, as many of its practitioners learn
the movements from watching animals in the wild.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Chain)

Use Chain weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Action (All Out Attack)

Use All Out Attack actions in martial maneuvers.

Level 2: Initiate
Death From Above
Razor Sharp


If this attack misses, or it is dodged or parried, you fall

If you hit with two or more raises, double this attack's

Level 3: Journeyman
Skill (Acrobatics)

Unstable Sword Skill


As part of this attack, make an Acrobatics check against

the static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.

After you roll damage for this attack, roll 1d10. On a 1,

this attack deals half damage. On a 10, this attack deals
double damage.

After making an All Out Attack you may still use reactions, but at a -2k2 penalty.

You may spend a hero point when making this attack.

If you do, ignore any effects (such as armor) that would
reduce damage from it and halve the target's size,
rounding up, for the purpose of determining Hit Points
lost from the attack's damage.

The dice from this attack's damage explode on 9s and


Level 4: Master
Mastery (Brutal Reserve)

Demonic Weapon Attack

Level 5: Grandmaster
Blood In The Water



White Raven
No warrior fights in isolation. Cooperation, teamwork, and leadership can give two warriors the strength of five, and five warriors the strength of twenty. The student of the White
Raven masters techniques that combine the strengths of two or more allies against a common
foe. Shouts and battlecries to draw the attention of enemies and get them into the perfect spot
to finish them off.
Command is the key skill of the White Raven school, giving orders to others and knowing which orders are the right ones to give. The White raven school focuses on Cavalry weapons,
which are good for those on the move or charging. The White Raven school originally developed
among the commanders of infantry groups on the battlefield.



Level 1: Apprentice
Weapon (Cavalry)

Use Cavalry weapons with your martial maneuvers.

Action (Charge)

Use Charge actions in martial maneuvers.

Level 2: Initiate

You may not use this attack unless your target moved
since your last turn.


Allies who attack this enemy gain +1k0 to their attacks

until your next turn for every time you take this advantage.


As part of this attack, make a Command check against

the static defense of the target. If it fails, the attack fails.

If you move as part of this attack or after it, you do not

provoke opportunity attacks.

Mastery (Marked Target)

Opponents within melee range of you get -1k0 on attacks made against allies.

Attention Drawing Strike

Opponents hit by this attack cannot make parry or

dodge actions until their next turn.

Opponents hit by this attack provoke an opportunity attack.

Perfect Positioning
Road-Clearing Technique
Level 3: Journeyman
Skill (Command)
Knight's Movement Concentration
Level 4: Master

Level 5: Grandmaster
Wolf Pack Technique


ackgrounds tell a lot about a character. They tie him to the world and describe
advantages of birth, circumstance, and opportunity. Material possessions, social networks
and the like. Backgrounds are external to your
character. You should always rationalize how
your character came to have the backgrounds
they possess and what they represent.
You can't improve backgrounds with
XP (except at character creation). If they go
up or down is up to the SM and what your
character does to earn them through play.
Most characters begin play with seven
dots of backgrounds, though certain feats or
abilities might change this.

Allies are close friends and trusted
companions. Unlike Followers, allies are never
mere faceless NPCS. Most are Exalted (of any
type), Daemons, or other magical beings that
are at least as powerful as a starting character.
They may alternatively be exotic beings like
intelligent animals, rogue AIs, or exceptionally
skilled or powerful mortals. Characters don't
have to buy Allies to represent the rest of the
party - allies are always NPCs. Also, allies are
independent people with their own lives and


goals. If your character constantly asks for help

and gives nothing in return, they will abandon
her. Allies do what they can to help, but they
won't risk their lives. And they'll almost always
want something in return.
Background Effects: Each dot in this
background typically represents one ally approximately equal to a starting character in
power. More powerful allies require higher

In both the distant past and the modern day, sorcerers created all manner of items
of power, ranging from magical weapons and
armor to flying vehicles or enchanted disguises. A character with the Artifact background possesses one or more such items.
Most Syrneth artifacts were lost or destroyed
millenia ago, and much of the knowledge of
how to make such items has also been lost.
Today, all artifacts are rare and precious.
Consider carefully how your character
acquired her artifacts. She may have been rich
or powerful enough before hearing the call of
a hero to have some trappings of the glory of
the old empires. Or perhaps she followed
prophetic dreams after rising to power and
found the artifacts in some lost fortress-tomb.



Perhaps she stole it or took the artifact from

the body of one of her foes.
Background Effects: Your character
can purchase this Background multiple times,
once for each artifact she owns. Each artifact
has a rating between 1 and 5, and this is the
background cost of that particular artifact. Artifacts with ratings of 4 and 5 are now exceptionally rare and will be coveted greatly by the
Hero's foes. A character may only have up to
five total dots of Artifacts at character creation.

Your character is an important member of an organization, such as a government,
an army, the Harmonium or a powerful underground Syndicate such as the Doomguard.
The higher your character's Backing, the
higher her rank is in this organization. At your
SM's discretion, you may take Backing multiple times for rank in different organizations.
Neglecting duties can easily result in demotion
or worse.
Background Effects:
X: None. Your character has no connections to any governments or factions. Why?
Backing 1: Your character is a lower
officer or a minor functionary.
Backing 2: Your character is a midlevel officer, the head of a small department or
some similarly intermediate position.
Backing 3: Your character is moderately powerful and has many people working
under her.
Backing 4: Your character is extremely powerful, often directly reporting to
the highest ranking of power in her organization.
Backing 5: Your character is one of
the leaders of her organization, a general or
admiral, a Factol of one of Sigil's 15 factions,
or a similarly powerful position.


friendship as long as it doesn't put their lives

on the line, a Contact won't work for free.
Each dot in this background represents both minor and major contacts. Major
contacts are individuals you are on a firstname basis with, people in positions where
they are useful. High-ranking military officers,
powerful courtiers, faction members in positions of influence, and so forth. Minor contacts simply represent overall connectedness.
They aren't as useful, but you can use Contacts + (Charisma or Fellowship) to gather information and find minor help.
Background Effects: Each dot of this
Background provides one major contact and
one dice for finding minor ones.

You enjoy widespread recognition in
society, for better or worse. People know your
name and face and they may enjoy just being
seen with you. This will open a lot of doors in
some places, but also means that it can be difficult to avoid attracting attention. It's definitely a mixed blessing in some ways,
especially if you've made enemies.
Background Effects:
X: None. Your character either hasnt
done anything of note or has been working
hard to keep their identity secret. Why?
Fame 1: You're known to a select
subculture or city.
Fame 2: You have nationwide
renown. Perhaps you're a politician or a minor
Fame 3: Nationally famous, everybody knows something about you.
Fame 4: You're an internationally
famous media icon.
Fame 5: You're so famous that even
other crystal spheres buzz with news about



In addition to friends and Allies,

many characters know people in various sectors of society. Contacts use their talents, information, or resources to help your character,
but they'll always expect a similar favor in return. Where an Ally will help you out of

Your character has one or more loyal

assistants, oathbound warriors, devoted
acolytes, or similar companions. These people
are exceptionally devoted to her. They might
worship her, might regard her as their best
hope to achieve some lofty goal, or they might


simply be willing to follow her to have some

fun. Followers are almost always merely mortals.
Regardless of exactly what they do for
a living, they're always exceptionally loyal.
Poor treatment or neglect will strain and break
that loyalty quickly, and will end in abandonment or revolt. However, with care and respect, most will gladly lay down their lives for
you. Part of treating them well is caring for
their needs. Your character needs Wealth,
Backing, or Holdings equal to her dots in Followers in order to support them all.
Background Effects:
X: None. No one is willing to follow
your character, or she pushes everyone away
who tries. Why?
Followers 1: Provides up to 5 followers.
Followers 2: Provides 20 followers.
Followers 3: Provides a loyal band of
Followers 4: Provides a small army of
Followers 5: Provides a mighty force
of 10000 followers.

You own property or a spelljamming
ship. This might be a family or business holding, but it is both a potential base of operations
and a resource by itself. A holding is always a
safe place to rest, a home that many of the Exalted simply don't have. To support a Holding,
you'll need to hire staff or crew, requiring Followers, Backing, or Wealth equal to the Holdings in order to support it.
Background Effects:
X: None. The character has no permanent holdings. Why doesnt he have this
kind of lasting connection?
Holdings 1: Your character owns a
very small spelljammer (as large as a shuttlecraft, for example) or an average house or a
small local business (a repair shop or restaurant, for example)
Holdings 2: Your character owns a
small spelljammer (a smuggling ship, perhaps?) or a small manor home or a successful
local business (a major local construction firm,
a repair dock for ships, or so forth)

Holdings 3: Your character owns a

medium ship (like, say, a Bird of Prey) or a
small castle or a large business with some offworld contacts (an importing company or
mining operation for example)
Holdings 4: Your character owns a
large ship (think the Enterprise or a Whitestar
ship) or a huge castle or a corporation with operations on several worlds.
Holdings 5: Your character owns a
powerful and ancient ship (think a kilometerlong battleship) or a massive castle or a megacorporation with ties on many worlds (like
ExoGeni Corporation or Weyland-Yutani)

You begin play with something beyond your means to normally acquire. There
are many things that are almost impossible for
a normal person to get their hands on - Syrne
artifacts, power armor, deadly weapons - and
you've somehow gotten one of these rare and
precious items.
Consider carefully how your character
acquired her Inheritance. Perhaps an ancestor
passed it down to her, or she looted it from a
forgotten ruin on some lost world floating
around a dead star, or maybe she stole it, or
took it from the body of a foe.
Background Effects:
X: None. The character has nothing
but their normal starting gear. Why are they
left with nothing but the clothes on their back?
Inheritance 1: Begin play with one
Uncommon, two Common, four Very Common, or eight Ubiquitous items
Inheritance 2: You begin play with
one Rare item, or two choices from Inheritance 1.
Inheritance 3: You begin play with
one Very Rare item, or two choices from Inheritance 2.
Inheritance 4: You begin play with
one Mythic Rare item, or two choices from Inheritance 3
Inheritance 5: You begin play with
any one non-artifact item or two choices from
Inheritance 4.



Although most Exalted meet their
new life without a guide, you found one. The
mentor is a patron, a teacher, a defender, and
a friend. However, the mentor expects your
character to obey her, though they will always
act in what they see as your character's best interests. Your character is the mentor's student,
ward, or apprentice, not her equal.
Background Effects:
X: None. Either your character was
forced to go through their Exaltation alone or
they were abandoned. Why?
Mentor 1: Your character's mentor is
just a bit more worldly and wise than her.
Mentor 2: Your character's mentor is
someone of minor note or an exceedingly important individual who has little time for your
Mentor 3: Your character's mentor is
wise, influential, and considerably more powerful than your character.
Mentor 4: Your character's mentor is
an exceedingly important individual whose
words and deeds shape the course of history.
Mentor 5: Your character's mentor is
exceedingly powerful and he takes great interest in your welfare. However, he expects much
from you and his enemies will likely see you as
a way to get to him.

You have something of a reputation
and a standing (earned or not) within the community of Exalts. This may be for great deeds,
prophesy, or simply because you've made
yourself well-known at gatherings. This doesn't cover rank in an organization or fame
among the wider population.
Background Effects:
X: The character has no status among
other Exalts. Are they merely new and clueless, or are they trying to avoid attention?
Status 1: Known by some, even if
they haven't met her before.
Status 2: Respected, her words carry
weight in serious discussion.
Status 3: Influential, the character is
often asked to consult.


Status 4: Powerful, other Exalts may

flock to you and follow your lead.
Status 5: Luminary, there are few who
can match the respect that goes with your

Your personal financial resources, or
your access to such. A high Wealth reflects
your liquid assets, how much cash flow you
generate. This background also describes your
standard of living, your possessions, and your
buying power. No dots in wealth means that
you have the clothes on your back and not
much more, and probably rarely eats well.
Where your wealth comes from is
something you should detail. It may be a trust
fund, income from a job, or income from
holdings. Depending on events, it may be increased, reduced, or cut off entirely. Like
fame, few Exalted have problems acquiring
wealth, through one means or another.
Background Effects:
X: None. Your character is destitute
and poor. What has left them in this condition?
Wealth 1: Middle class, your character lives comfortably if not particularly well.
He rarely has spending money in any significant amount.
Wealth 2: A larger savings means that
you have quite a bit more leeway in your
lifestyle. You likely have a domestic servant of
some kind and can afford to eat what you like.
Wealth 3: Being actually wealthy is
even better. You probably have several servants and life a life of luxury, dining in fine
restaurants if you don't have a private chef and
having more than enough left over for any sort
of entertainment.
Wealth 4: This is where you become
fabulously wealthy - a merchant prince, a bandit king, a mercenary lord, you have vast riches
and if you don't have an army at hand you can
rent one at need.
Wealth 5: You have so much money
that there are no longer little things like limits.
You have only your imagination and a nearly
endless supply of wealth to support your desires.


hen you choose an alignment,

you're indicating your character's dedication
to a set of moral principles. In a cosmic sense,
it's the team you believe in and fight for most
strongly. There are three main forces in the
Great Wheel: The Ruinous Powers, The
Blessed Pantheon, and The Gray Council.
Alignments are tied to universal forces
bigger than deities or any other allegiance you
might have. They are an intrinsic part of the
universe, as real as gravity, time, or magic.
Most of the people in the Great Wheel don't
worship any one deity in particular, but they
do devote themselves to one of the broad
ideals. In a galaxy at war, there is no place for
those who believe in nothing.
When you choose an alignment for
your character, you'll want to make sure that
you read over the description for that alignment. Every alignment has a set of guidelines
to help guide roleplaying and let you know
when you're pleasing your god or properly
holding your ideals.
Check with the other players while
you're deciding on an alignment for your character. While a good group can make nearly any
combination of alignments work in a party,
having a character of wildly different align-


ment than the others can disrupt a party of heroes and, frankly, make the game less fun for
everyone involved.

How dedicated you are to your ideals
is determined by your Devotion score. Every
character starts with a Devotion of 6 before
spending starting experience. The higher your
devotion, the more is expected of you in keeping up your ideals and standing for them.
Whenever you go against the commandments
of your alignment, the DM can call for an
Alignment Check.
An Alignment Check is made by
rolling one die and comparing it to your Devotion score, adding any bonuses you have
from class feats or assets. If you match or exceed your Devotion score, you pass the Alignment Check and nothing bad happens. If you
fail, however, you permanently lose one point
of Devotion. This can be bought again with
XP, but as you can imagine, the greater a character's devotion the more is expected of them
and the harder it is to maintain it.
Given that it's difficult for most to
keep their Devotion high unless they walk the
line carefully, it may be tempting to just let
your Devotion slip. However, that is a danger-



ous prospect. As your Devotion falls you risk

Degeneration, a type of terrible corruption.

Whenever you fail an Alignment
Check, you risk something even worse, Degeneration. Degeneration represents the way
that going against their moral code can break
and eventually destroy someone. When you
lose that Devotion point, if it brings you to 6
Devotion or less, make a second alignment
check against your new score. If you pass, you
don't suffer Degeneration. You got off lightly.
If you fail this second check, you don't lose another point of Devotion. That would be too
easy. Instead, you suffer Degeneration.
When you suffer Degeneration, roll
on the Degeneration chart to determine its effects, then write the result down next to your
new Devotion score. For example, if your
character manifests a Palsy when she drops
from 6 to 5 Devotion, write 'Palsy' on the line
associated with 5 Devotion. This will help you
keep track of what Degenerations you have
and, more importantly, let you know when
you've overcome them.
Repeated Degeneration and Alignment rolls that fail cause your character to
incur more and more or worse and worse conditions. If you roll the same Degeneration
twice, reroll that degeneration until you get a
degeneration you don't already have. Whenever a degeneration indicates a reduction in
one of your characters Characteristics, this
doesn't simply reduce the character's dots in
that characteristic. It represents a more serious
affliction. While a character has a characteristic reduced by Degeneration, it's impossible
for the character to improve that characteristic
with experience points until he rids himself of
that degeneration.
If your character descends so far that
her Devotion drops to zero, she is immediately
removed from play. The curses of the gods
have fallen too heavily on her, either killing her
irrevocably or else driving her irrevocably insane or even mutating her into some terrible
chimaeric horror.


It's possible to reverse your character's
slide into damnation and insanity through
concerted effort and contrition. A character's
Devotion can be increased primarily by spending XP, but Devotion can only be increased by
a maximum of one point at any given time.
SMs are encouraged to require that characters
demonstrate the desire to redeem themselves
with concrete acts of contrition before a Devotion increase is warranted.
When a Degeneration is assigned to a
Devotion point, that ailment is overcome
when the next, higher point is gained. The experience spent to gain a Devotion dot represents your character's efforts to come to terms
with her sin and thus free herself of her condition. She might also undergo a ritual of cleansing or simply forgive herself.

It may come to pass that a character
wants or needs to change their alignment. This
isn't something that should be taken lightly - a
character's alignment says a lot about their
worldview and the way that the world sees
them, not to mention the patronage of a powerful warp entity that probably won't take well
to a character going and playing for another
If a character switches from one deity
to another in the same pantheon, they lose two
points of devotion, to a minimum of Devotion
1. Thankfully, though, the fact that the gods
are at least vaguely on the same side and have
bigger things to worry about means that their
new patron can shield them from the wrath of
their old deity. They're on shaky ground for a
while, but it's not too difficult to recover.
On the other hand, if the character's
alignment switches so drastically that the new
deity isn't even in the same pantheon, well,
that's when the character starts to have some
real issues. First, his devotion is set to 4. No
matter how well or poorly he served his last
patron, he's starting from square one (and as
a former heretic) with this new god. Secondly,
they cannot escape the wrath of their old deity.
Roll on the Degeneration Chart and write in
that Degeneration next to Devotion 7. To be



Palsy: The character suffers from numerous minor tics, shakes, and tremors with no medical cause. Reduce his Dexterity by 1.


Dark-Hearted: The character grows increasingly cruel, callous, and vindictive. Reduce his
Fellowship by 1.


Ill-fortuned: The SM may force you to reroll any one roll per session that isn't an Alignment Check.
Skin Afflictions: The character is plagued by boils, scabs, weeping sores, and the like. He
takes a -2k0 to all social Tests.


Morbid: The character finds it hard to concentrate as his mind is filled with macabre visions and tortured, gloom-filled trains of thought. The character's Intelligence is reduced
by 1.


Witch-mark: The character develops some minor physical deformity or easily concealable
mutation. It is small, but enough to mark him as cursed.


Wasted Frame: The character's pallor becomes corpse-like and his muscles waste away.
The character's Strength is reduced by 1.


Horrific Nightmares: The character is plagued by visions in his sleep. He gains the Night
Terrors hindrance. If he already has it, reroll this result.


Poor Health: The character constantly suffers petty illnesses and phantom pains, and his
wounds never seem to heal fully. The character's Constitution is reduced by 1.


Malign Sight: The world seems to darken, Tarnish, and rot if the character looks too long
at anything. The character's Wisdom is reduced by 1.
Ashen Taste: Food and drink hold disgusting tastes and offer little sustenance for the character, and he can barely stomach eating. The character doubles the effects for levels of Fatigue.


Blackouts: The character suffers from inexplicable blackouts. When they occur and what
happens during them is up to the ST.


Distrustful: The character cannot conceal the distrust and antipathy he has for others. The
character's Charisma is reduced by 1.


Fell Obsession: The character is obsessed by a strange or malign focus that occupies his
mind at all times. The character's Willpower is reduced by 1.


Mood Swings: The character's mood rapidly and unpredictably swings from one extreme
to another. The character's Composure is reduced by 1.


Blighted Mind: The character's mind snaps under the weight of his sins. He gains a new
minor derangement.

cured of this affliction, a character will have to

prove themselves worthy of their new god's
personal attention.
Regardless of how drastically a character switches alignment, a character can only
do so once. The gods do not take well to

someone betraying their own again and again.

A ST should only allow a character to change
alignments for strong In Character reasons. A
quest for their new patron is appropriate, with
the theme based on how much the character
must change to serve their new deity.



Deities are the most powerful immortal creatures, powerful entities of the Warp.
They are created and sustained by the emotions and souls of every living creature of the
material universe. Of course, they also claim
to have created those same living creatures,
leading to something of a paradox. They appear in dreams and visions to their followers
and wear countless different faces, and artwork depicting them shows them in a variety
of forms. Their true nature is beyond any
physical form. Corellon is often depicted as an
Eldarin, but he is no more an Eldarin than he
is a fey grox - he is a god, and he transcends
the physical laws that bind even Daemons to
their concrete forms.
The Deities can be divided into three
groups (pantheons) depending on their general views, though it should be noted that simply being in the same pantheon doesn't mean
that the gods necessarily work towards the
same ends or even get along. Many deities
have contradictory versions of how the Wheel
should turn, and even worshippers of the same
deity can come to blows over different interpretations of their god's will.
Most people revere more than one
deity, praying to different gods at different
times and generally follow the teachings of
whatever pantheon goes along with their culture or basic morality. Adventurers, on the
other hand, are more likely to worship a specific god, enjoying the greater benefits of that
personal attention along with the greater risk.



Khorne - The god of battle. The

blood god. He enjoys killing dudes. Khorne is
a god of honorable combat and slaughter. Of
battles fought for glory alone and for dirty,
drawn out fights for life and country. Khorne
loves every type of warfare found in this world.
Worship of Khorne is purely through bloodshed, either from one's enemies in victory or
one's own through earnest struggle. Khorne
has only a few simple commandments for his
* Spill blood in his name. It can be
your blood or the blood of your enemies, but
do not shy from violence.
* Do not trust in sorcery, and do not
seek to learn its secrets - magic is the way of
the weak.
* Fight in honorable combat, not
against the weak or helpless.

The Ruinous Powers of Chaos are

powerful and divisive. By the standards of
most societies, the anarchic and random behavior of Chaos worshippers is seen as dangerous at best and a crime in some places. While
the powers of Chaos don't necessarily encourage their followers to go out and hurt people,
they do encourage their followers to do what
they want, and not worry about how it effects
others. The gods of Chaos are almost constantly at war with one another within the
Warp, vying for power amid the immaterial

Slaanesh - The god of excess. Sex,

drugs and rock and roll. Slaanesh is all about
doing what you enjoy, and not holding back
for anyone. The drive to be perfect, the love
of doing something just to do it. The excitement of the novel. The joy of art. That's what
Slaanesh is about. Worship of Slaanesh is extremely varied, ranging from simple hedonism
to elaborate and exacting rituals that take days
to complete. Slaanesh orders its followers
* Turn away from no new experience,


unless it would kill you - try everything once.

* Stand out from those around you.
To blend in with the crowd is to lose who you
* Tempt others with what you enjoy share drink, invite them to lavish meals, and
turn them to hedonism.
Tzeentch - The god of change.
Change we can believe in. Tzeentch is also the
god of hope, because hope is nothing more
than wishing for the future to change. In his
mind Tzeentch listens to the hopes and plans
of every mortal and every nation; and through
his own complex plots and manipulation he alters the course of history to achieve some great
plan beyond mortal knowledge. Tzeentch asks
for his followers to do the following:
* Be flexible with your plans. You
must always be open to change as it is needed.
* Change what you don't like in yourself. Use sorcery! All the sorcery!
* Follow your own goals. Take command of your destiny.
Nurgle - The god of despair. He cares
about you and all your diseases. Seriously. He
loves you. He's like the lazy, smelly grandpa
who is always there with a smile, who makes
you laugh, and is there to hold you when you
need a shoulder to cry on. He also dabbles a
bit with death, rot, disease, and so forth. Nurgle doesn't interfere with his followers too
much, but he does have a few simple things he
asks of his worshippers:
* Don't bother seeking help. Fail or
succeed through your own perseverance.
* You can only escape suffering
through faith.
* Be kind to those who are facing
death. They cannot be saved, but there's no
reason not to make them more comfortable.
Malal - The only sane thing to do is
to BLOW IT ALL UP! Malal is a renegade
god, the embodiment of Chaos' indiscriminate
destructive urge, even of itself and its own
agents. He is hated by the other gods, and
spits in their faces, feeding off their own power
and turning it against them. Malal has a few
commandments for his followers, which they

are generally expected to follow until they selfdestruct:

* Hate gives you strength. Learn to
truly hate those that oppose you. No mercy.
* Destruction is the fate of all that exists. Destroy all that is.
* Betrayal can get you what you want.
If people can't defend themselves, that's their
own problem.


Where the Ruinous Powers represent
Chaos, the Blessed Pantheon represents the
force of Law and Order. They are a stabilizing
force that promotes civilization and community where chaos is more about self. The
Blessed Pantheon could roughly be called
'good', if you want, but some consider their
teachings to be stifling and oppressive. The
Blessed Pantheon are the most tied to the
physical realm. Where the Chaos gods seek to
bring the change and power of the Warp into
the real space of the Wheel, the Blessed Pantheon oppose this and would prefer to seal the
Warp off for all time.
Sigmar - A wrathful and vengeful god,
protector of his followers. He is a warrior king
and a great unifier, the god of stable civiliza-



tions and of putting the common good ahead

of yourself. He is the most commonly worshipped god among humans, and has a large
number of dwarf followers as well. He commands his worshipers to:
* Work with others to achieve your
goals. Community and order are always
stronger than the disjointed efforts of lone individuals.
* Tame the wilderness to make it fit
for habitation, and defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness.
* Seek out new ideas, new inventions,
new lands to inhabit, new wilderness to conquer. Build machines, build cities, build empires.
Bahamut - God of nobility and the
just use of power. He is known as the platinum
dragon and worshipped by those in power.
Once, Bahamut sought to unite the stars in his
name, but now his ambitions are cooled to
merely guiding civilizations. Monarchs are
crowned in his name, and his worship is most
popular among the Dragonborn. He commands his followers to seek out power, and to
use it for the right reasons:
* Uphold the highest ideals of honor
and justice.
* Be constantly vigilant against evil
and oppose it on all fronts.
* Protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order.
Pelor - God of mercy and kindness
and turning the other cheek. Associated with
the sun, and bringing light into dark places.
Pelor encourages people to make the world a
better place with acts of kindness, and generally to not be a dick. That is actually more radical an idea than you think. Pelor directs his
followers thus:
* Alleviate suffering wherever you
find it.
* Bring Pelor's light into places of
darkness, showing kindness, mercy, and compassion.
* Be watchful against evil.


Moradin - Stoic, loyal, big on family

and bigger on hard work. Moradin is a creative
god, and his followers are encouraged to make
a mark on the world by making something
lasting. He expects loyalty to family, friends,
and leaders, in that order. He's stoic and tenacious, like the very rock itself. Dwarves from
all walks of life follow him. He demands these
behaviors of his followers:
* Meet adversity with stoicism and
* Demonstrate loyalty to your family,
your clan, your leaders, and your people.
* Strive to make a mark on the world,
a lasting legacy. To make something that lasts
is the highest good, whether you are a smith
working at a forge or a ruler building a dynasty.
Cuthbert - He will track you down
himself if you break a promise. That's not a
threat, that's a fact. Cuthbert is a god of eternal bonds and trust, of promises and the way
that entire cultures are built upon the trust between people. Common superstition holds
that if his name is invoked in a contract, he will
personally curse anyone who breaks from the
contract. He is strict with his followers, and
orders them to do the following:
* Your word is your bond. Never
break it for any reason.
* Never allow your fear to gain mastery over you, but drive it into the hearts of
your foes.
* Repay betrayal with the sword.
Trust others until they break that trust, and
only give them that trust again when it is repaid.


The Gray Council is something of a
catchall for the gods that don't align themselves with the Ruinous Powers or the Blessed
Pantheon, remaining mostly neutral from the
conflict of law and chaos. Most ultimately
serve only their own goals, like any other god.
The powers of the Gray Council are some of
the most worshipped gods in the Great Wheel,
as they don't urge their followers to action
against the other gods, and so can be found in


nearly every corner of the Great Wheel and

not face opposition.
Acererak - A God of Magic itself.
Legend says he gave away his body piece by
piece to learn all the secrets of the world, leaving him only a skull. He knew the secret to immortality and godhood at that point, of course,
so it didn't really inconvenience him as much
as you'd expect. His commandments are also
* Seek the perfection of your mind by
bringing reason, perception, and emotion into
balance with one another.
* Accumulate, preserve, and keep secret knowledge in all forms. Pursue education,
build libraries, and seek out lost and ancient
* Never reveal all that you know.
The Raven Queen - Things die all the
time. When they die, the Raven Queen is there
to handle it. She pulls souls into the Warp
when its their time, and lets them out when it's
time for them to be born again. She isn't too
fond of letting them out, but it's still part of
her job. And she's very serious about it.
Deadly serious. She expects her followers to
abide by these commandments:
* Hold no pity for those who suffer
and die, for death is the natural end of life.
* Bring down the proud who try to
cast off the chains of fate. As the instrument
of the Raven Queen, you must punish hubris
where you find it.
* Keep to the shadows, avoiding the
blazing light of zealous good and the utter
darkness of evil.

Luna - Luna is a fickle and everchanging deity. It can be impossible to tell just what
she'll do. She can be savage, loving, violent, all
the true faces of people behind the masks they
wear for society. Luna commands people to
follow their own paths and not to let others
rule them, no matter where that path takes
them, and especially no matter what social
conventions would demand. Her strictures are
* Change is inevitable, but it takes the

work of the faithful to ensure that change is for

the better.
* Strike back against those who would
rob you of your freedom and urge others to
fight for their own liberty.
* Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature. Live in harmony with the
Corellon - He is essentially the god of
excellence, and one of the very few living Eldarin gods. He cannot abide failure in any
form - but constantly reminds his followers
that they haven't failed until they refuse to try
again. He asks those who worship him to always be willing to try no matter the odds, and
to never quit. He urges his followers thus:
* Cultivate beauty in all that you do,
whether you're casting a spell, composing a
saga, strumming a lute, or practicing the arts
of war.
* Seek out lost magic items, forgotten
rituals, and ancient works of art. Corellon
might have inspired them in the world's first
* Show neither pity nor mercy to
those who are caught underfoot as you climb
your way to power. Failures do not deserve
Vectron - By his golden wings, praise
him! Vectron is a very real and not completely
made up god who has worship going back
fifty- no, a THOUSAND years! Yeah! And
and... he's really awesome. What is he the god
of? Well, conveniently, he is the god of whatever seems like you need help with right now,
so get in there and yell some praises! Vectron's
commandments are vague and often change,
but are generally agreed to be something like
* Do not question the validity of Vectron as a god. He's the biggest, best god, and
that's all there is to it.
* There is no problem that cannot be
solved by praising Vectron loudly enough and
giving it another go.
* Make sure to let people know Vectron helped you. Try and convert others into
the flock.


"So bear with me here," Armstrong said, adjusting his grip on his staff.
"That archdaemon over there-" He nodded behind the group, indicating the
giant draconic thing overflowing with the powers of the Warp that was leading
the army of incarnate daemons flooding the Crystal Sphere they had become
trapped in.
"Can I wolf with you instead?" Traya asked, holding back a giggle.
Iniga's eye twitched.
"That was a bad pun and you should feel bad for making it," Iniga
said. "Can we maybe finish this soon? It's almost dawn and I don't want to
burn to death."
"Can I finish?" Armstrong asked. "Anyway, like I was saying, to banish
the archdaemon we need to complete some ritual that involves human sacrifice, according to the old book I found."
"Pfft. Books. I don't trust books." Traya folded her arms. "Let's just
go krump it." Jacov nodded.
"I have to agree," Jacov said. "We aren't going to sacrifice anyone.
We'll find another way to deal with this thing." He adjusted his plate armor.
They were all covered in muck and blood. Traya was the only one who didn't
seem to mind. The tiefling was almost always covered in muck and blood
"We at least need some kind of plan," Iniga said. "If we just go at that
thing screaming we'll end up splattered across six dimensions. Or worse! You
have no idea what a greater daemon could do!"
"How about we throw a rock at it?" Traya said, excited. Three pairs
of eyes turned to give her blank looks. "A big rock?" She looked down. Traya
was not exactly known for her great planning ability.
"The ship we hired doesn't have anything that will reach from orbit,"
Armstrong muttered. "I hope the captain hasn't just buggered off and left us
here after the trouble started."
"Anyway, here's what I'm thinking," Iniga said. "I'll toss down a couple
of fireballs to get its attention, then you can go all wolfy and- Jacov! You're
thinking about sacrificing yourself!"
"Well I wasn't necessarily..." Jacov looked down. "If someone needs
to die, I can't let any of you make that sacrifice." Iniga facepalmed.
"Idiot," Iniga said. "Now, like I was saying- Where the hell is Traya?"
"She went all wolfy and ran off," Armstrong said. He pointed. There
was screaming as a very large and angry werewolf was busily and happily tearing apart dozens of lesser daemons.
"Raven Queen help me... doesn't anyone respect my plans?!"


he darkened era of the 41st Millennium can be the stuff of nightmares as hellish
war, predatory xenos, insurrection, and conflict threaten those who live in the Great wheel
on all sides. These and other threats can be
even more dangerous for those who seek out
adventure, as explorers face not only the
known and cataloged dangers of the various
crystal spheres but also a host of new threats
unimagined save for the ravings of deranged
seers and other madmen.
The better armed and equipped a
party, the better their chances of survival in
dread voids - and the better their prospects for
achieving the quests they set for themselves.
This chapter outlines some of the many types
of weapons, armor, and gear existing in the
Great Wheel, ranging from standard munitions to rare and magical weapons.

Desired goods or services are not always immediately at hand. Squalid medieval
worlds are a lot less likely to offer rare goods
and services than the sophisticated markets of
an industrialized city-world. Moreover, finding a high-quality weapon on a backwater
planet is far more difficult than locating such


a weapon in a teeming metropolis. Each piece

of equipment or service has an associated
Availability, ranging from Very Common to
Very Rare. SMs can use the following guidelines as a starting point for determining
whether a world's traders possess a particular
item or not. If the present location does not
offer an item or service, then a Hero must either arrange passage to a world whose markets
do offer it or else go on a quest in search of it
- and either option turns a simple purchase at
market into an adventure.
Some things are not just hard to find
on certain worlds, but impossible. For instance, while a lasgun might be a common
piece of equipment in most parts of the Wheel,
you are unlikely to find one anywhere on a
feral world. The SM can decide to either make
an item harder to find or even impossible to
acquire because it uses technology not readily
available at the present location.
Characters searching for a particular
item must make a Wealth Test. A Wealth Test
is made by rolling dice equal to your wealth and yes, if you have zero dots in wealth it
means that you can't afford anything beyond
the bare necessities. The TN of the Wealth
Test is determined by the rarity of the item:




Food, common tools,

rough clothing

Very Common

A simple gun, a knife,

a low-quality chrono



A laspistol, a basic
sword, a comm bead

The following table shows the time it

takes to search a market, and the maximum
TN of the items that that market supports,
sorted by the population. The times listed on
the table are under the assumption that the
Hero is looking for an item at the market's
maximum TN. If he's looking for something a
bit easier to find, with a lower TN, use the
time listed next to that TN. It certainly doesn't
take months to find a flashlight in a metropolis!



An autogun, a flak
jacket, a multikey

Acquisitions by Population and Time



A meltagun, plate
armor, a good camera


Very Rare

Mythic Rare

TN Examples

A bolter, powered
25 armor, a best-quality
A good-quality plasma
30 weapon, best-quality
Daiklave, love.

It's possible to retry a failed wealth

Test. However, looking again can mean that
you end up dealing with people who know
you're desperate or are only willing to part
with the item in question dearly. It may be a
family heirloom, something passed down
through the centuries, or just something with
sentimental value. It could also be in a museum or otherwise difficult to get except
through unsavory means. Regardless of the
why, every time you retry a wealth Test the
TN to find the item increases by 5.
Of course, just because the markets of
a community offer an item or service doesn't
mean that the goods are easy to locate, or easy
to arrange purchase. Larger communities have
better and more accessible markets, but they
are also a challenge to search well, and local
laws impede rapid transactions. Mercantile
negotiations become more drawn-out in civilized surroundings, where merchant guilders
puff themselves up with self-importance, and
where the goods offered grow in value. It may
take more time than desired to both locate a
seller and complete a deal, or to determine
that a community really has no sellers for the
desired item or service.




TN Time


< 1000

One Hour


1d10 Hours

Small Town 1000-10.000

Large Town 10.000-100.000 15

One Day

Small City


1d10 Days


One to Ten Mil25


1d5 Weeks


> Ten Million

1d10 Weeks


This table further assumes that the

Hero is taking an active hand in searching for
the item in question. If he employs servants,
negotiators, or factors who are skilled in such
matters rather than putting forth the effort
himself, increase the time taken by one step from weeks to months and from days to weeks.
Acquisitions of new services and
equipment are probably best made in the
downtime between game sessions for most
groups rather than allowing time spent at the
market to take time away from plot, battle,
and excitement. Mercantile dealings can certainly take centre stage when the plot demands
it, but for the most part purchases are one of
the many chores that a Hero's trusted servants
organize in his stead.
Note that once a service or purchase
of equipment is agreed upon, signed, and
sealed, it may still require further time to complete! Much toil lies between signing the
parchment that seals the contract for the con-


struction of a new spelljamming ship and that

ship first taking flight, for example. The SM is
encouraged to use common sense when determining additional time taken for a new acquisition.
When you pass a Wealth Test, it
might have a lasting effect on your wealth
score, depending on how badly you strained
your wealth. If the item's TN is more than
your Wealth x 5, buying it strains your resources. Roll 1d10 and add 1 for every 5 it exceeds your (Wealth x 5) by.





Your next Acquisition check is made

as though your Wealth was 1 less.


Your next Acquisition check is made

as though your Wealth was 2 less.

effects on an item's performance or weight are

detailed later in this chapter, but for other
goods differences of quality are merely descriptive. This isn't just build quality, either a poor quality torch might be a literal torch,
oil-soaked cloth on a stick, were a better quality one would be a flashlight. The SM may reduce the Difficulty of some Tests involving
items of better Craftsmanship but that is entirely at his discretion.
Services are more affected than goods
by the craftsmanship of the retainers who provide them. The quality of the service can determine skill levels, willingness to toil, and
loyalty of the retainers, as well as other aspects
at the choice of the SM.
Craftsmanship also affects the difficulty of finding goods or services. It's a lot easier to find someone offering a badly-made
knife than one hand-forged by a master. The
TN to find the item is adjusted according to
the following table.

10 You permanently lose 1 Wealth

11+ You permanently lose 2 Wealth

For every raise you get on the Wealth

check, reduce the penalties by one level. These
raises represent finding a great deal on the expensive item - which may well mean that
you've found yourself with stolen goods.

Not all goods and services are of the
same quality. In the vastness of the Wheel and
myriad crystal spheres within it, the Craftsmanship of items can vary widely - everything
from crude mass-produced materials of Poor
craftsmanship to handcrafted masterpieces of
Best craftsmanship can be found for sale. Unless specifically stated, the Craftsmanship of
an object or retainer providing a service is considered Common.
Items of Poor craftsmanship are generally more prone to failure and breakage,
while items of Good and Best Craftsmanship
are more durable, though it is up to the SM
how and when these effects might enter play.
In the case of weaponry and armor,


TN Modifier









When you lose your gear, run out of
special ammunition, use up your grenades,
you don't need to go and make a bunch of acquisition checks to replace them. The initial
checks you make to get the gear also include
connections and a supply of replacements. As
long as you're in a base of operations (a large
city, onboard their ship, in a military base, or
anywhere else the SM deems appropriate),
you can replenish your normal ammunition
after a day or so, special ammunition after a
week, and broken equipment like weapons
and armor take a month or so to repair. For
simple equipment, it might be faster just to
make new acquisition checks and replace it.



Weapons are divided into several
groups covering a plethora of ranged weapons,
dealing with everything from crossbows to
plasma cannons, and melee weapons covering
all manner of close combat weaponry. Unless
they are of Poor craftsmanship, all weapons
come with the appropriate holster or carrying
strap as part of their cost.
All weapons have a profile that is presented using the following statistics, providing
players and SMs with all the relevant information needed to use them.
Name: What the weapon is called.
Type: Describes what type the
weapon is, either Melee, Thrown, Pistol,
Basic, or Heavy weapon.
* Melee weapons can be used in close
combat. When using a melee weapon you add
your Strength as rolled dice to the weapon's
* Thrown weapons cover anything
propelled by muscle power alone and covers
throwing knives, spears, and the like. Unless
they are also classed as melee, thrown
weapons cannot be used in close combat (if
they are, they count as improvised weapons).
When using a thrown weapon you add your
Strength as rolled dice to the damage you inflict (with the obvious exception of explosives
such as grenades).
* Pistol weapons are fired one-handed
and can be used in close combat. However,
when a pistol is used in close combat, the firer
gains no bonuses or penalties to hit for range
or targeting equipment.
* Basic weapons normally require two
hands, but can be used one-handed with -2k0
to hit.
* Heavy weapons always require two
hands and must be braced in some way, usually either on a bipod or tripod but when
needed a windowsill or sandbag will do (or the
firer's shoulder in the case of missile launchers), to be fired without penalties. Firing a
heavy weapon without bracing incurs a -3k1
penalty to hit and prohibits Full Auto fire.
Damage: The Damage the weapon
does and the type of damage it inflicts for the


purpose of Criticals: E (Energy), X (Explosive), R (Rending), I (Impact).

Pen (Penetration): Reflects how good
the weapon is at cutting through armor. When
a shot or blow from this weapon hits a target,
reduce the target's Armor Points by the
weapon's Penetration, with results of less than
0 counting as 0 (i.e. the armor provides no
protection at all). Then work out Damage as
normal. So, for example, if we weapon with a
Penetration of 3 hits a target with 5 armor
points, the target will only count as having 2
armor points against any damage that hit
ROF (Rate of Fire): This tells you if
the weapon can be fired on Full Auto and how
many rounds it expends when doing so. A
weapon's RoF has two entries to indicate the
modes a weapon can be fired in. The first
entry indicates whether the weapon can be
fired singly (with an S). The second entry describes if the weapon can be fired on full automatic, and how many shots are fired when
this happens. If the weapon cannot be fired in
either mode, it will be indicated by a "-". If a
weapon can be fired in both modes, a character must choose which mode they are firing
their weapon in before making their attack.
Range: This number is used to determine how far the weapon can be accurately
fired in meters. A weapon's short range is half
this number, while its long range is double this
number. Weapons cannot be fired at targets
more than four times their range distance
Clip: How many rounds the weapon
holds when fully loaded.
Reload: How many actions the
weapon takes to reload. This is generally Half
(for a Half Action) or Full (for a Full Action).
Some weapons can take a number of Actins
over several Rounds. The number of Rounds
is given as a number, for example 2 Full means
that reloading takes 2 Full Rounds.
Avail (Availability): This identifies the
weapon's availability.
Special: This tells you if the weapon
has any special qualities, such as creating a
blast when fired or needing to recharge between shots.


Weapon Quality:
All of the weapons detailed here are of
Common craftsmanship. For weapons of better
or worse manufacture use the following modifiers:
Poor - These cheaply constructed
ranged weapons are more prone to malfunction.
Poor ranged weapons gain the Unreliable quality. If it has Reliable already, the two cancel each
other out. Melee weapons of Poor craftsmanship
incur -1k0 penalty on Tests made to attack and
Good - More carefully constructed and
finished, these weapons are consequently more
reliable. Good quality ranged weapons gain the
reliable quality. If it was already reliable, then it
merely has obviously good craftsmanship. Melee
weapons of good quality give +1k0 on Tests
made to attack. A weapon made of silver must
be of at least this quality, as the metal is too soft
for cruder techniques.
Best - These items are crafted by artisans and are often centuries old. Ranged
weapons of best craftsmanship never jam or
overheat, simply missing if these results shout
occur. Melee weapons of best quality add +1k0
to Tests made to attack and +2 to damage they

Some weapons possess special qualities to represent such things as special damage
or unusual effects. The following is a list of the
most widely used weapon qualities:

Blast (X)
When working out a hit from a Blast weapon
anyone within the weapon's Blast radius in
meters, indicated by the number in parenthesis, is also hit. Roll hit location and Damage
individually for everyone affected from a blast.

The damage from a Brawling weapon is added
to the users unarmed attacks. Brawling
weapons use the Brawl skill rather than the
Weaponry skill.

+2k0 when used to parry, -1k0 when used to
make attacks. If you aren't proficient with the
weapon, the -1k0 applies to all attacks you
make, instead of just the ones with this

These weapons project a cone of flame out to
the range of the weapon. They can't be fired
out to long or extreme range. You don't need
to roll to hit with a Flame weapon - you just
fire the weapon. The path is a cone shaped
area in a 30 degree arc. All characters in this
area must make a Dexterity Test (TN is equal
to 5x the firers Dexterity, -5 for poor
weapons, +5 for Good or Best) or else be
struck by the flames and take damage normally. When fired by someone that isn't proficient, reduce the difficulty of the Test made to
avoid damage by 10. Flame weapons Jam if
the firer rolls a 9 on his damage dice.

Get an additional +1k0 bonus to hit when
using an Aim action, and this is a basic
weapon firing on single shot, it deals +1k1
damage for every two raises you get on the roll
to hit with an Aimed attack.

These weapons may not be parried.

You get no bonus for using the Aim action
with such weapons.

Armoured weapons grant a +2 armor bonus
to the arm wielding them and the body.
Bonuses from multiple shields do not stack

+1k0 to Tests made to parry.

Whenever you roll a 9 on a damage roll with
an Overheating weapon, the weapon... overheats. The user takes E damage equal to the
weapon's damage to one of his arms (the firing
arm if the weapon is used one-handed, a ran-



dom arm if fired two-handed). The wielder

may choose to drop the weapon to avoid the
damage. Dropping the weapon is a Free action. A weapon that has overheated must be

Power Field
When such a weapon is used to parry, or is
parried by, a weapon that lacks this quality,
you may roll a d10. On a 4+, the parried
weapon is destroyed. Natural and Artifact
weapons are immune to this effect.

When using a reach weapon to engage someone in melee, you yourself are not considered

The weapon needs time between shots to
recharge. The weapon must spend the Round
after firing building up a charge and cannot be
fired. In effect, you can only fire the weapon
every other Round.

Reliable weapons seldom fail. If it would Jam,
the shot instead just misses.

If fired at a foe within Point Blank Range,
every two raises the character gets on the attack increases the damage dealt by +1k0. At
long range, the spray reduces its effectiveness.
All armor points are doubled against hits from
scatter weapons at long or extreme ranges.

Whenever someone takes a wound from a
Shocking weapon, he must make a Con Test
(TN 15) or be stunned for one round.

These weapons throw up dense clouds of
smoke to create cover. When a hit is scored
from a weapon with the Smoke quality, it creates a smokescreen 3d10 meters in diameter
from the point of impact. This screen lasts for
2d10 rounds, or less in adverse weather conditions.


On a successful hit, the target must make a
Dexterity Test (TN of the roll that hit him) or
be immobilized. He can attempt no actions on
his turn other than trying to escape the bonds.
He can attempt a Strength or Dexterity Test
on his turn (TN 10 for a poor-quality weapon,
15 for common, 20 for good or best) as a half
action to escape his bonds. If it fails, he loses
his other half action.

Tearing weapons always deal at least one
wound when they deal damage, regardless of
the target's resilience.

After taking damage from a Toxic weapon, the
target must make a Constitution Test (TN 15)
or else suffer 1 additional wound to the body.

Two Hands
This weapon requires both hands to use.

-1k0 to all Tests made to parry.

Whenever you attack with this weapon, treat
your level as being halved (rounding down)
for the purpose of checking for Jams.

This weapon may not be used to parry.

Ordinary projectile weapons are the
ones you're probably most familiar with.
They're exceedingly plentiful and can be
found on all but the most primitive worlds.
Every race has developed slug-throwers at one
point or another and citizens of all types commonly carry one kind or another for their basic
protection or livelihood.
Autopistol - Compact and rapid-firing, autopistols are favourites of gangers and outlaws.




Damage Pen


ROF Range Clip Reload Avail


Proficiencies: Basic or Ranged 1



2k2 I






Hand Cannon
Hunting Rifle


2k2 I
3k2 I
2k2 I
2k2 I
3k2 I







Scatter, Reliable

Pump Shotgun


3k2 I
3k2 I


S/- 30m
-/10 120m


8 2Full
100 Full

UnCom Scatter

Proficiencies: Basic or Ranged 2



2k2 E






Pulse Rifle


2k2 E





UnCom Reliable

Long Las


3k2 E
3k2 E







Reliable, Accurate

MP Lascannon


5k5 E









Proficiencies: Ranged 2

Plasma Pistol


3k3 E






Recharge, Overheats

Plasma Gun


3k3 E






Recharge, Overheats


Proficiencies: Ranged 2

Inferno Pistol


4k3 E








4k3 E







Proficiencies: Ranged 1

Bolt Pistol


4k2 X








4k2 X







Heavy Bolter


4k2 X

-/10 120m






Proficiencies: Ranged 2

Null Ray


6k3 E







Lightning Gun


4k2 E





Scatter, Shocking


Proficiencies: Ranged 1

Needle Pistol


2k2 R





Accurate, Toxic

Needle Gun


2k2 R





Accurate, Toxic

Web Pistol







Heavy Webber






Blast (5), Snare


Proficiencies: Ranged 2

Hand Flamer


3k2 E








3k2 E








Revolver - Based on an ancient and well-tested

design, the stub revolver is an ideal backup
Hand Cannon - A variant of the Revolver, this
huge hand cannon fires enormous rounds designed to not only take down a target but make
a loud and intimidating noise while doing so.
These weapons produce ferocious recoil, and
impose a -1k0 penalty on Tests made to attack
unless the firer uses both hands to brace the
Autogun - Cheap and easy to produce on even
the lowest-tech planets, autoguns are a staple
weapon. Durable, rugged and easily stocked
with readily available ammunition, these
weapons are a common sight, especially in the
rougher parts of the Great Wheel.

Hunting Rifle - Hunting rifles can be found in

the hands of a former hunter or carried by a
wealthy sportsman in the pursuit of prey.
Highly accurate in the arms of a trained user,
even at extreme long ranges, a hunting rifle
can bring down its target be it man or beast.
Shotgun - Even the lowest-tech factories can
produce these weapons, making them a common sight in the Wheel. Favoured for urban
and shipboard combat, where their short range
stopping power comes into play, shotguns
have found their way into the arsenal of many

Pump Shotgun - Favored by law enforcement,

the pump-action shotgun has all the strengths
of its double-barrelled cousin with the added
benefits of increased clip capacity. There are


few things as distinctive (and intimidating) as

the sound of a pump-action shotgun chambering a shell.
SAW - A mainstay support weapon on lowertech planets, and also popular with outlaws
and hive gangers, the SAW (Squad Automatic
Weapon) is ideal for fighting off large numbers
of enemies or even lightly armored vehicles.

Laser or 'Las' weapons are the most
numerous weapons found in the Wheel. Based
on reliable technology, they are cheap to manufacture and easy to maintain. Las weapons
work by emitting short, sharp pulses of laser
energy from high capacity fast-discharge capacitors, with a flash of light and a distinctive
snap like the cracking of a whip as the trigger
is pulled.
Laspistol - The laspistol is a light, compact
and reliable weapon common throughout the
Wheel. Designs vary widely and can range
from elaborate heirloom devices inscribed with
ornate carvings and gold filigree, to simplistic
but brutally robust weapons used by gangs
and criminals.
Pulse Rifle - A light, cut down las weapon designed for longer range and more volume of
fire than the standard Lasgun. Pulse rifles can
be fired in one hand with only a -1k0 penalty
rather than the normal penalty for basic
Lasgun - Produced in a multitude of different
styles and patterns, the lasgun can be found in
almost every Crystal Sphere, where its robust
design and dependability make it a favored
weapon of armies and adventurers alike.

Long Las - Favoured by snipers, the long las

is a specially modified version of the lasgun
constructed for added range and accuracy. As
its name implies, a long las also has a much


longer barrel than a lasgun, sometimes being

up to twice the length, making it unwieldy in
close quarters.
MP Lascannon - Built for war, lascannons use
huge power packs that provide enough energy
to punch holes in the thickest armor even at
very long ranges. Lascannons also require separate power packs, which is why they are often
crewed by two or more people.

Plasma weapons work by using hydrogen fuel suspended in a photonic state in
either fuel flasks or backpack containers. As
the fuel is fed into the miniature fusion core
inside the weapon the hydrogen energizes into
a plasma state, held in the core by powerful
magnetic containment fields. When fired, the
fields dilate open and the plasma is ejected as
a bolt of superheated matter.
Plasma Pistol - Few pistols are deadlier than
the plasma pistol, and those willing to take the
risk of using one possess a weapon capable of
taking down almost any foe at close range.

Plasma Gun - An uncommon weapon, even in

the military, plasma weapons are as unstable
as they are deadly, occasionally overheating
and venting superheated air back on their

Melta weapons emit devastatingly intense but short-ranged blasts of heat which
can melt through almost any material. Melta
usage is accompanied by a distinctive hissing
sound as the beam boils away the water in the
air, then a roaring blast as the beam reduces
the target to charred scraps or molten slag.
Meltas are excellent anti-armor weapons and
few things can withstand their power.

Inferno Pistol - The inferno pistol represents

very specialized and ancient technology, hard
to reproduce and making these weapons exceptionally rare and expensive. Owning an inferno pistol is a sign of status, but usually only
powerful and influential individuals have the
honour of owning one of these relics.
Meltagun - Meltaguns are the most common
form of melta weapon, coveted by soldiers for
their massive close-range destructive power.
There are also few things as good at cutting
through armor as a meltagun, and they are
often pressed into service for breaching bulkheads.

The bolter is an ancient and respected
weapon, a sign of status and respect. Most are
made for the Aasimar and Tieflings, though
some are constructed with smaller grips and
lighter construction for smaller people. Bolter
weapons fire self-propelled mass-reactive
shells called bolts, set to explode just after penetration for maximum lethality. Overall they
are superb if temperamental devices requiring
skilled maintenance. Bolter ammunition is expensive and difficult to manufacture, and only
the elite have ready access. The standard
bolter round is .75 calibre with a super-dense
metallic core and armored tip.
Bolt Pistol - Carrying a bolt pistol is a sign of
high status, one that only a minority can afford
due to the high cost of maintenance and ammunition. However, few can argue with their
destructive power in combat and after experiencing their potent capabilities a man might
beggar himself to own one.
Boltgun - Boltguns are known for the unique
roar they make when fired, as the propellant
in their shells ignite, followed shortly by the
explosive detonation as they hit their target. It
is an experience only slightly less satisfying







Pen ROF Range Clip Reload Avail



2k2 R








3k2 R





Hand Bow


2k2 R







3k2 I





Unreliable, Inaccurate



1k1 I









UnCom Snare, Inaccurate

Grenade Launcher Basic





Missile Launcher







Proficiencies: Basic or Ranged 1


Proficiencies: Ranged 1

Grenades and Missiles


Proficiencies: Throwing

Smoke Grenade






Frag Grenade

Thrown 4k2 X




Blast (4)

Frag Missile

4k2 X

UnCom Blast (6)

Krak Grenade

Thrown 4k2 X





Krak Missile



Blast (1)

Photon Flash





Plasma Grenade


3k3 E





Stun Grenade





Blast (1)

Grav Bomb





Blast (5)

5k4 X

- Varies with ammunition

- Applies only to thrown grenades. When used as ammo, these require no additional proficiency.

than seeing the results of such a weapon in action.

Heavy Bolter - A larger support version of the
boltgun, the heavy bolter is seldom seen outside military organizations. Jamming is often a
problem due to their high rate of fire, and
when used in two-man teams the loader can
expect to be clearing shells as well as loading
new ammunition packs or feed belts.

Weapons of the ancient Syrneth empire, they remain in as good condition today
as when they were manufactured. While it's
certainly possible to damage or even destroy
them, it's thought that some element of their
manufacture repairs itself over time, which is
why even in ruins tens of thousands of years
old, they seem as good as new.
Null Ray - The Null ray is a terrible and ancient weapon that uses complex enchantments
and arcane science that cannot be replicated.
These glossy black rifles emit a ray of crackling
purple light that tears open solid mass. There
is almost no way to defend against these
weapons, and in the very rare occasions when
they appear on the market, they are traded for
vast sums.



Lightning Gun - One of the simpler and more
common Syrneth weapons, the Lightning gun
fires a wide cone of electrical potential, almost
like a shotgun firing crackling bolts of thunder.

Some weapons are so rare that even a
seasoned warrior might never have seen one,
while other weapons are of such secret or specialized purpose that only one inducted into
the correct secret society or with the proper
training can ever expect to hold one. Such
weapons require specialized training, and each
must be mastered separately with a different
Needle Pistol - Needle pistols use a low-power
laser beam to propel small slivers of crystal
coated in viral toxins. Enemies wounded by
them are almost instantly paralyzed or dead
within moments. As they are virtually silent
and have no muzzle flash, needle weapons are
ideal for assassins.
Needle Gun - Prized by snipers, the needle
rifle offers the perfect combination of range,
stealth and deadliness. The only argument
against these exquisite weapons is that they are
next to useless against heavily armored targets.
Hand Webber - Hand webbers fire masses of
filaments which expand in the air to form a
web of sticky, near-unbreakable material. Targets are quickly entangled in a painful embrace; if they attempt to struggle the filaments
constrict even more, further entrapping them.
The webbing breaks down on its own and
flakes away after 1d10 rounds.
Heavy Webber - The most commonly used
web weapon, it is often called into play to subdue lawbreakers without killing them. They
have a longer range and each shot can cover a
small group of people, incapacitating entire
crowds when used in large numbers. The webbing breaks down on its own and flakes away
after 1d5 hours.

As the name suggests, these weapons

operate by firing gouts of flame at the target,
not only serving as an effective means of smiting the enemy but also making disposal of
their corpses a much easier task. Flame
weapons function by firing gouts of an ignited
fuel that can be hard to extinguish, with some
models even able to fire underwater or in vacuum.
Hand Flamer - Flame pistols or hand flamers
are designed for personal combat at close
range where their very short range and poor
accuracy are not an issue.
Flamer - Flamers are terrifying and indiscriminate weapons ideal for attacking enemies in
cover or confined spaces.

Even in the 41st millennium there is
a call for low-tech weapons, found on feral,
undeveloped planets or post-apocalyptic environments where technology has collapsed, or
on vicious worlds where even in the heart of
cities combat rages. Though these weapons
may be hopelessly outdated by more advanced
firearms, in the hands of a skilled user they can
be just as deadly.
Bow - Bows have changed little throughout
their many countless centuries of usage, and
can be found across the Wheel in a variety of
designs of constructions. Even on high-tech
worlds, these weapons, like hand bows, are a
favorite amongst assassins and gangers for
their silence and reliability.
Crossbow - Crossbows are less common than
bows as they require more advanced mechanical fittings, but they are equally as deadly.



shots can be arced high into the air as suppressive fire at unseen targets as well as being used
indirectly against foes.

Hand Bow - This weapon offers the hitting

power of a crossbow but in a pistol grip, suitable for one-handed operation but at shorter
ranges. The ease at which they can be broken
down and concealed, as well as their silent operation, makes them a favoured weapon of assassins.

Grenades and Missiles

Musket - These crude devices can only fire

once before reloading, are prone to failure,
and only the most low-tech savage or desperate renegade would generally fight with one.
When they do strike, however, they are deadly
against unarmored foes.

Smoke Grenade - Smoke grenades explode

with a dense black smoke which obscures
basic eyesight and optical based systems. Depending on the quality of the grenades, they
may also block heat or other spectral bands
outside of normal human eyesight.

Sling - Slings are a difficult weapon to master,

but can be used to throw anything from rocks
picked off the ground, to specialized metallic
balls, to even grenades. When using a sling to
throw grenades, replace the sling's damage
with the effects of the grenade but retain the
weapon's range.

Frag - Fragmentation or frag grenades and

missiles are filled with shot, heavy wire, or
metallic shards to create high velocity shrapnel
fragments when they explode, making them
deadly when used against infantry.

Bolas - Bolas are normally non-lethal and as

such can be seen employed by bounty hunters
or local law enforcement, where the swirling
balls (some styles have up to eight of these
dense objects) can entangle a target with heavy
cords or wire.



Missile Launcher - Like the grenade launcher,

missile launchers fire a variety of explosive
rounds at long distances. A missile is fitted
with stabilization and guidance systems to aid
in their accuracy, which is excellent at long
ranges. Most launchers are shoulder-mounted
tube-like weapons that fire a single round at
great accuracy.

Krak - Krak grenades and missiles use concentrated explosives to punch holes in armored
targets such as vehicles or bunkers. The powerful detonations do not produce a blast effect
however, making them impractical for use
against most infantry or other moving targets.
Photon Flash Grenade - Photon flash or simply flash grenades detonate like a small star,
blinding anyone nearby and overloading most
vision protection systems such as visors. Those
caught without eye protection are usually left
temporarily blinded and decenceless.

The Great Wheel is raked by war and

disorder, and there's a high demand for extremely destructive ordnance. To that end the
forge worlds of the Imperium send out a
steady stream of explosives, grenades and similar weaponry, some of which may find its way
into the hands of Heroes and their foes.

Plasma Grenade - These use a deliberate

plasma containment failure, causing a blast of
heat and light to burst forth like a miniature
sun. They are highly lethal against almost all

Grenade Launcher - The standard grenade

launcher uses compressed gas to launch a variety of grenade types at the enemy. These

Stun Grenade - Stun grenades use a combination of a loud explosive and a flash of light to
momentarily incapacitate targets before an as-






Hand Weapon
Power Sword


Damage Pen Avail

Proficiencies: Basic or Melee 1
4k2 R



3k2 *



4k2 R


Power Field

1k2 I



Proficiencies: Melee 2


Melee, Thrown**

1k2 R




0k2 R


1k2 R

UnCom Balanced

Main Gauche



Proficiencies: Melee 1



3k2 R



Melee, Thrown**

2k2 R

UnCom Two Hands, Reach



2k2 R

UnCom -


Two Hands, Unbalanced, Reach

Proficiencies: Melee 1



3k2 I



Dire Flail


2k3 I


Two Hands, Flexible, Unwieldy



2k2 I


Flexible, Shocking


Proficiencies: Melee 2

Fencing Sword


2k2 R



Officers Cutlass


2k2 R


Balanced, Shocking

Phase Sword


3k2 R


Balanced, Power Field

Two Handed

Proficiencies: Melee 3

Great Weapon


3k3 *

UnCom Two Hands, Unbalanced

Grand Daiklave


4k3 R


Two Hands, Unwieldy



4k3 I


Two Hands, Unwieldy


Proficiencies: Melee 3



4k2 R


Power Field



5k1 R





6k2 R


Power Field, Unbalanced. Two Hands


Proficiencies: Melee 3



3k2 R



Chain Axe


2k3 R




Armoured, Defensive


Proficiencies: Melee 1


0k1 I

Proficiencies: Basic or Melee 2

Brass Knuckles


0k1 I





1k1 R

UnCom Brawling

Power Fist


2k2 I


Brawling, Power Field

* - This weapon can deal either R or I type damage, decided at the time of purchase.
** - Using this weapon as a throwing weapon changes the proficiency to Throwing.



sault is launched. They are designed for nonlethal uses and generally cause no lasting injury. Anyone caught in a stun grenade's blast
must pass a TN 15 Constitution Test or become stunned for 1d5 rounds. Proper eye and
ear protection reduce the TN to 10.
Grav Bomb - An extremely rare grenade type,
the gravity bomb creates a burst of gravitons.
All targets in the blast area of a Grav Bomb
must Test Dex against a TN of 15. Those who
fail are drawn to the center of the blast radius,
taking damage as if they had fallen that distance.

Power Sword - A much more modern and

dangerous version of the standard hand
weapon, the Power Sword uses a power field
generator to create deadly arcs of energy
across the blade. Many are centuries old and
handed down from father to son.
Club - This can be pretty much anything that's
got some weight to it and can be used to bash
someone over the head. Most improvised
weapons count as clubs, but there are specially
made clubs as well.


Despite the wide range of ways available to kill the enemy at a distance, there is always a demand for weapons designed for close
and personal combat. For some it is a matter
of honor to look their foe in the eye, for others
a way to prove their skill at superhuman sword
ability. These kinds of weapons range from
crude lengths of metal to exquisitely constructed artifacts from ages gone by, devices
which could never be created again in this dark

Ordinary weapons are among the
most widely used weapons. They range from
common broadswords and axes to simple
heavy sticks and the like.
Daiklave - Elaborately decorated and with a
double-edge design, daiklaves are the signature weapon of Heroes. They are forged from
steel alloyed with magical materials and are
improperly balanced for mere mortals.

Hand Weapon - A hand weapon is kind of a

catch-all category for the huge variety of
weapons this can cover. A hand weapon can
be a broadsword, an axe, a mace, a hammer,
and so forth.


Parrying weapons are made specifi-

cally to be small and easy to use defensively.

While they may not be powerful weapons on
their own, they can be worn (or at least hidden) in polite society.
Knife - This is pretty much the most common
weapon there is. Many are really more tools
than weapons at all. Nearly all knives made for
fighting are balanced so they can be thrown
with a range of 5m.
Katar - Also known as the punch dagger, it's a
single-bladed knife with a hilt assembly perpendicular to the blade. Held in a closed fist,
the blade juts from the front of the character's
fist so that his punches deliver deadly stabs.

Main Gauche - A special parrying dagger with

a basket hilt that makes it excellent for blocking attacks but not quite as good as a normal
knife for hurting people.

Cavalry weapons are called such because they are most often used either by or
against cavalry. They're typically long weapons
that can be braced against a charge or stabbed


down from horseback.

Lance - The lance is a strong-shafted spear designed to be used from horseback, they're not
typically used against other infantry but to ride
down cavalry. When used from horseback, a
Lance is at +0k1 damage.

Electro-Flail - Electro-flails are groups of tendril-like lashes, attached to a short staff or handle. These flails have a short reach but as they
strike in deviating masses of hits they can be
extraordinarily effective at incapacitating a foe.

Spear - One of the most versatile and simple

weapons ever produced, the spear is a footlong head attached to the end of a five to six
foot long pole. Spears are inexpensive and effective, and as a result are one of the most
common armaments of soldiers on primitive
worlds. They can be thrown with a range of

Fencing weapons come in many
shapes and sizes, but almost all are light and
fast weapons that are designed to be easy to
use. However the light weight of the weapons
can make them hard to master as killing tools.
Fencing Sword - A standard fencing sword
can come in quite a few forms, from rapiers to
sabres or even longer curved blades like

Shortspear - A short-hafted weapon used primarily for stabbing, the short spear often has
a long head so it can be used for slashing and
chopping in a pinch.

Flails consist of one or more heavy
spiked balls attached to the weapon's pole
(with lengths of chain or metal rods), and
while difficult to wield, they are capable of inflicting terrible wounds.
Flail - A typical flail is a single spiked ball attached to a bit of chain and a handle. Once
someone actually becomes trained in its use,
it becomes a deadly weapon for getting around
an enemy's defenses.

Officer's Cutlass - A version of a fencing sword

enhanced with a shock generator, the batteries
throw off the balance of the weapon, but its
ability to disable an opponent without killing
them can be worth the trade.
Phase Sword - One of the most deadly
weapons a person can wield, forged from magical materials and dark magic that is kept a
deadly secret, it's said the edge of this blade
only half-exists, letting it slip through armor
and cut the flesh inside without scarring the

Two Handed

Dire Flail - Much larger than the standard

flail, the Dire flail can have a head as big as the
person using it, swinging dangerously on a
long chain. It's a dangerous weapon both to
enemies and everyone around you.

Two Handed weapons are, as you can

guess, all weapons that can be used in two
hands. Not all weapons that require both
hands are part of this weapon category - other
weapon types require more specialized training that is better represented in their own proficiency type.
Great Weapon - A standard great weapon can
be anything from a two-handed axe to a large
sword or glaive or even a huge iron club. They



all do about the same amount of damage which is a lot - and use the same stat line.

Grand Daiklave - Sometimes called a battleblade or foecutter, the grand daiklave is the ultimate expression of the philosophy behind the
daiklave - one needs no defense against a dead
opponent. They can be two meters long with
blades a foot wide, and only the enchantments
within them allow them to be used at all.
Goremaul - Massive hammers that require
two hands to wield, Goremauls require great
strength to use but deliver crushing blows that
can deal horrifying damage with every attack.

Syrneth weapons are of extremely
strange design and manufacture, appearing to
be overly ornate or badly thought out, as if not
designed for fighting as much as display. However, they are among the most dangerous
weapons available, their basic power eclipsing
that of even some of the greatest weapons
made in modern times.
Scythe - A Syrneth scythe resembles a farmer's
sickle, a short, semicircular blade. Its appearance is deceiving - the curved blade isn't what
does the cutting. There's an invisible line of
force that runs from the curved tip of the blade
towards the handle, forming a cutting edge
that can slice even through steel.
Gyrspike - An awkward weapon, a Gyrspike is
a combination of a sword and a flail, extraordinarily deadly. Especially to an untrained
wielder. Once mastered, though, it's great at
getting through an opponent's defenses. It's
likely they've never even seen one before.

Grimscythe - A much larger version of the Syrneth scythe, the Grimscythe is designed to
be used with both hands and, while even
deadlier than the smaller version, is somewhat slower on the defense.

Chain weapons are popular amongst
most warriors, as most races and planets have
the basic technology to produce these brutal
weapons. They all have fast-moving chains of
serrated metallic teeth running across what
would normally be the weapon's bladed edge.
Even the slightest hit can rip open flesh, and
solid strikes can cut through armor. Most are
loud and all are visibly dangerous, and the
sight of one can demoralize even the most fanatical opponent.
Chainsword - Chainswords are roughly swordlike in shape as the name suggests, with a large
flat housing containing the chain. Generally
only the forward curved section is open, and
is thrust at the enemy where the spinning
chain teeth can bite into flesh and bone.
Chainaxe - Chain axes are heavy, brutal
weapons that can deliver hideous damage with
each blow. Like a regular axe, these can have
one edge or be two-sided. Each open edge
contains its own chain loop, meaning that the
double-sided version can still operate if one
side is fouled.

Shields are tools used to block attacks. They vary in size and shape, but they all
have the same functionality - they're strapped
to a character's arm and interposed between
the character's body and attacks. Shields make
poor weapons, though all but the heaviest can
be used to at least bash an enemy.
Shield - The basic shield, which can be made
of a variety of materials, from improvised
wood or plastic sheets to advanced metal or
armorplas plates. Sizes range from light bucklers to full-body shields as large as a man.



Unarmed weapons are
designed to enhance the user's
own fighting abilities. A trained
user can turn their normal
punches into deadly strikes.
Brass Knuckles - Brass Knuckles,
despite the name, are usually
made of steel. They're a simple
weapon that adds weight and
rigidity to the user's hand. Good
or Best quality brass knuckles are
often disguised as gloves or elaborate rings.
Caestus - More elaborate than
Brass Knuckles, the Caestus typically includes spikes or blades
that tear into flesh. They're designed to intimidate as much as
they are to hurt, and they do both
Power Fist - Sometimes you need
to punch a goddamn tank. Unless
you're wearing something like a
Power Fist, the tank isn't likely to
notice. Being hit with a Power
Fist is a lot like being hit by a
train. A fist train.



AP Max Dex Avail

Loc. Covered



Arms, Body, Legs

Heavy Leathers
Quilted Vest
Mesh Vest




Arms, Body, Legs


Mesh Cowl



Mesh Gloves



Chain Coat


Arms, Body, Legs

Chain Hood



Flak Vest



Flak Jacket
Flak Gauntlets
Flak Helmet




Arms, Body, Legs





Arms, Body, Legs


Plate Helm




Arms, Body, Legs


Storm Carapace







Full Helm
Carapace Chest
Carapace Helm
Carapace Gloves
Carapace Legs


Light Power
Power Armor

Given the numerous

weapons available in the Great *Power Armor provides a +1 bonus to Resilience and Strength, and a
Wheel as well as their sheer -2 penalty to static defense.
lethality, it is no wonder that personal armor and protective enkinds or armor have special properties that are
ergy fields are commonplace. Most important
noted in their description.
civilians always wear some sort of body armor
Type: The type of armor.
when in public, and some of the more paraLocation(s) Covered: What locations
noid (or well prepared) also use them in prithe armor covers, a combination of arms, legs,
vate. Military personnel and Heroes are always
body and head. Any armor that provides proequipped with some sort of armored protectection to the body also protects the gizzards.
tion, ranging from cheap layered padding to
Some armor covers all these locations and is
highly sophisticated armored shells built to
noted as covering "all".
withstand almost any attack.
AP (Armor Points): How many
Armor provides Armor Points to varArmor Points the armor provides for the locaious locations on your body. In addition, some
tions covered. It takes training to wear armor



without it getting in the way. Without the appropriate feat, you apply the armor's AP as a
penalty to your static defense.
Max Dex: The maximum dexterity
score the character may apply when making
Dodge tests, for determining Speed, and any
other check that involves quick movement (as
the SM determines).
Availability: How rare the armor is.

You can mix pieces of armor. However, their protective qualities do not stack. In
cases where an area which is covered by multiple pieces of armor is struck, the highest
Armor Points is used. For example, if a character wearing Leathers and a Flak Vest is hit
in the body, the lower armor points of the
Leathers (AP 2) are ignored and the Armor
Points of the Flak Vest (5) are used for the
purposes of calculating damage.

Primitive Armor
It might be leather or classically-fitted
metal plates, but primitive armor is still quite
protective. Most of what's still in use today is
enchanted and practically dripping with magic
enough to deflect bullets.
Leathers and Heavy Leathers are just
what you expect. Most heavy or thick clothing
can be considered roughly the same as leathers
in a pinch. Quilted Vests are much the same,
thick padded clothing that really wouldn't look
terribly out of place as normal clothing.
Chain armor is one of the most common types of armor on feral worlds, interlocking rings of metal that soften and deflect
blows. A step up from chain armor is Banded
armor, which is made of horizontal strips of
steel allowing a lot of movement but not quite
as full protection as the next step up, Plate
armor, which is made of thick plates of metal
articulated for movement.


All the types or armor detailed here
are of Common craftsmanship. For armor of
better or worse manufacture use the following modifiers.
Poor - Badly fitted, Poor quality
armor is difficult to wear and imposes a -1
penalty to Dexterity.
Good - Well made, the armor is easy
to wear. Against the first attack in any round,
the armor increases its AP by 1.
Best - The very best there is, like
donning a second skin, it gets a +1 bonus to
AP. The armors Max Dex is increased by 1.
ergy by becoming momentarily rigid, spreading and dissipating the attack.

Flak Armor
Comprised of layers of ablative and
impact-absorbent material, flak armor is effective against small arms, shrapnel, and proximity blasts. Flak armor doubles its AP against
weapons with the Blast quality, provided the
wearer was not subjected to a direct hit by the

Carapace Armor
Carapace armor is made of densely
layered plates of armaplas, ceramite or some
other kind of highly durable material. It is
heavy to wear and cannot easily cover flexible
areas such as joints, but it offers significantly
better protection than lighter kinds of armor.

Storm Carapace
Storm Carapace comes as a single
sealed suit, and counts as a voidsuit as long as
all parts are worn. The protection of Storm
Carapace is slightly better than normal carapace armor thanks to its better, sealed joints
and tough underlayer.

Mesh Armor

Power Armor

Of advanced design, and sometimes

ancient manufacture, mesh is formed from
thousands of thermoplas cells linked together
to create a fabric-like material. It is lightweight
and can withstand most impacts or heat en-

The heaviest and most sophisticated

kinds of armor use their own power source increasing the user's strength. Power Armor
adds 1 to the wearer's Strength Characteristic
and increases his resilience by 1, however, due


to the nature of such armor, the penalty to

static defense is increased by 2.

Other gear is, of course, available.
The SM should use her best judgement for the
availability of other items. In general, most
very basic gear, as people could expect to use
in their daily lives, should be Very Common
or Common. If you're unsure of how to price
something, it's usually better to go too high
than too low.
Note there is no listing for ammunition, basic food and water, and so forth. The
characters are assumed to be able to take care
of such things for themselves. The purchase of
a gun is assumed to be accompanied by the
purchase of a reliable source of ammunition.
A character can take as much ammo as they
want with them (within reason - a person can
only carry so much!), replenishing it whenever
they get back to their base of operations. If
they don't have a base of operations, well, then
they just get it during any significant downtime. Let's be honest - the necessities are only
removed when it's important for
the plot ANYWAY, so it's one
less thing to be kept track of.

These devices are used to detect energy emissions, motion,
and biological life signs. A character using an auspex may make
Tech-Use Tests to use an auspex
to spot things not normally detectable by human senses alone,
such as invisible gases, nearby
bio-signs, or ambient radiation.
The standard range for an Auspex
is 50m, though walls more than
half a meter thick and certain
shielding materials can block the

A personal carrying device
can take many forms, but is usually some kind of bag with at-







Climbing Kit




Data Slate








Pict Recorder
Void Suit


Writing Kit


tached straps for ease of carrying. A backpack

can usually carry approximately 50 kilograms.

A charm is a keepsake, holy relic, or
good luck token that is intended to draw the
benevolent eye of the gods to the wearer. They
take myriad forms including such things as
saintly finger bones, fragments of blessed
bolter casings, water from holy rivers, and
even corpse hair woven into significant patterns. Throughout the Great Wheel, there is
no shortage of folks who will sell such items,
though discerning true relics from the false is
an almost impossible task.
Charms have no tangible benefits.
However, when the unfolding plot calls for
something bad to happen to a random character, at the SM's discretion a character with a
charm will be exempt. If all the characters
carry charms (as most wise adventurers do)
then it is up to the SM to choose which
charms are the most potent.



power, but depending on their training and

taste, it may be an important part of their style.

Chronos are hand-held or wrist-worn
timepieces, generally dependable and simple
to use.

Climbing Kit
A compact spool-stored safety line,
with a magnetic or hooked clasp. A character
using a climbing kit to descend a vertical surface is in no danger of falling.

It's a very simple matter to find clothing, and the forms clothing can take are nearly
infinite, from literal rags to bodygloves, suits,
practical work clothing, military uniforms, religious garb, and so forth. The SM is free to
set any availability for a given item of clothing,
and there's always a way to spend more and
find yet more exclusive fabrics, clothiers, and

Commonly found in the hands of experienced engineers, combi-tools are versatile
if somewhat bizarre mechanical devices. A
character using a combi-tool is considered
properly equipped for almost any Tech-Use

These are powerful vision aids, which
magnify distant objects. More advanced,
higher-quality magnoculars can also do such
things as give range read-outs, detect heat
sources, calculate target location positioning
and take image snapshots for later analysis.

This is a vital bit of equipment for any
medic. A typical medkit contains various cataplasm patches, contraseptics and synth-skin.
A character that has a medkit at hand when
using the medicae skill gains a free raise on the

A micro-bead or comm-bead is a
short-range communication device worn in
the ear, good out to about one kilometer. Such
things as bad weather, dense terrain and intervening rock or plasteel can greatly reduce this
range, however.

As it can open most standard locks,
the multikey is not a standard item for most
honest citizens. For the same reason, though,
they are widely sought after by criminals and
other disreputable elements.

Data Slate
Data Slates are commonplace in the
great wheel as the primary means of storing
and reading printed text and other media such
as video or audio recordings. They are cheap
and easy to make, and many only contain a
single media recording, such as text, and can
only play that single file. Others can re-record
new information and transmit and receive data
from other devices.

Commonly used by sorcerers and
clerics to focus and enhance their magical
power, Implements come in a huge variety of
shapes and sizes - wands, rods, staffs, orbs,
holy symbols, and so forth. A sorcerer does
not need to have an implement to use his


Pict Recorder
Pict recorders are relatively simple
live-media recording devices and some have
holographic capabilities. Most also allow for
playback as well as recording, and some are
even built into special robotic frames so they
can capture important archaeological techquests, weapons Tests, interrogations and
other possibly dangerous events.

Consisting of a mask or helmet, rebreathers contain their own air supply and are
designed to preserve the user in even the most
toxic atmospheres. A character wearing a rebreather is immune to the effects of gases and
can even survive underwater. However, re-


breathers typically have air canisters that last

for about one hour and then must be replaced.

Depending on the quality of its manufacture, a Torch might be able to emit various levels of light, change the color of its beam
of light, and so forth.

Void Suit
These sealed suits are intended to
preserve the wearer in the most hostile environments. A void suit incorporates a rebreather and in addition allows the wearer to
survive in a vacuum.

not simply in flesh but, it can be argued, in humanity and even sanity.
Thanks to superstition and the uneven level of technology across the Wheel, the
sophistication and use of bionics varies wildly.
Each different kind of cybernetic grants the
user different benefits (and sometimes penalties) depending on its craftsmanship. The exception to this is Best quality cybernetics that
provide no additional benefits beyond those of
Good quality, but are more impressive in their
construction and design.



Bionic Arm


Bionic Heart


Bionic Locomotion


Writing Kit
A writing kit contains various papers,
inks, and quills.

Services indicate those things that are
often essential to a Hero's life, such as finding
a place to sleep, food to eat, and some fool
with a ship willing to transport them to some
tomb world, ash waste, drifting space hulk, or
some other equally dangerous locale.
Heros are not expected to actually
have to roleplay and struggle to find food or
lodging - the character's wealth or backing
gives a good idea of what kind of lifestyle they
have. A character with one or two dots in
Wealth has a far more modest lifestyle than
someone with five dots. Most services - finding
somewhere to sleep and eat - don't take nearly
as long to arrange as an acquisition. However,
finding transport, getting long-term medical
care, and so forth can take some time.

Bionic implants and cybernetic augmentation are a fact of life in the Great Wheel.
They enable damaged or diseased parts of the
body to be replaced, improving on the abilities
and power of the body and, in certain cases,
extending life. There is a price to be paid for
such improvements, and this cost is measured

Bionic Respiratory System Rare

Cybernetic Senses


Mind Impulse Unit


Bionic replacement limbs are assumed to operate at the same level of strength
and dexterity as the body they are attached to
(rather than risk ripping themselves out of
their host through overpressure), though their
robust construction does add +2 to the
owner's AP against hits scored to that particular location. Damage taken to these locations
counts towards damage to the character and
Critical Damage dealt to these locations function as normal. However, any result that
causes bleeding or some other inappropriate
result renders the bionic limb useless. Critical
damage to a limb that results in death has the
full effect as it can be assumed that the limb
explodes into shrapnel, incinerates, or discharges stored energy through its owner with
lethal effect.
Note that bonuses and penalties relate



only to Tests made using the bionic limb and

characters that have two bionic limbs do not
gain double the bonus, but rather they may
apply the bonus regardless of which bionic
limb they are using.


Implants and bionics are only available if the character has access to both the resources and skilled labour to have them
installed: commonly this is only available in
substantial medicae facilities and worlds with
a very high technological base.
If a character can find a doctor willing
to install a bionic or implant than the process
takes 2d10 days, minus one day for each dot
he has of Constitution (to a minimum of 1
day). How difficult it is to attach a bionic or
implant is up to the SM. He may decide that
given enough time, and in an advanced
enough facility, it is automatic, or he may call
on the doctor to make a series of Medicae or
even Tech-Use Tests that could lead to such
things as permanent crippling or blood loss.


If a character changes shape due to
magic, their robot parts change to match the
new shape and size, though they remain obviously artificial.


Bionic Arm
Common versions of these systems
mirror the function of the owner's arm and
hand exactly, retaining strength, dexterity, and
sense of touch.
Poor versions halve the user's Dexterity score when matters of fine dexterity are involved and Weaponry and Ballistics Tests take
a -2k0 penalty when using the limb.
Good bionic arms provide a +1k0
bonus on Dexterity Tests requiring delicate
manipulation (such as Sleight of Hand) and
add +1k0 to Strength Tests using that arm.

Bionic Heart
The paranoid (or prepared) are ever
willing to replace crude flesh with more
durable, armored materials. The light armor
shielding of a bionic heart provides one last
line of defense against attacks. Superior models can be triggered to pump more rapidly to
increase physical capacity, though this risks
stroke or other catastrophe as the rest of the
circulatory system is put under pressure. A
character with this implant gains +2 armor to
the gizzards - which stacks with any armor
worn - and gains the Fleet of Foot feat.

Bionic Locomotion
Common locomotion bionics must be
fully integrated into the spine and nervous system to function properly; basic models accomplish this without any loss of function over the
Poor versions halve the character's
Speed (rounding up) and such characters that
attempt to run must succeed on a Dexterity
Test (TN 10) or fall at the end of their movement.
Good versions of these systems grant
the owner the Fleet of Foot talent. In addition
they add a +2k0 bonus to Athletics and Acrobatics checks made to jump or leap.


system. Each of these 'extra' upgrades counts

as a separate implant for the purposes of cost.

Bionic Respiratory System

Common bionic lungs and implanted
respiratory systems mimic the action of lungs
and keep the body supplied with oxygen. Such
characters gain a +2k0 bonus to Tests made
to resist airborne toxins and gas weapons.
Poor bionic lungs offer the same benefits as the Common system. However, they
are raucously loud affairs and characters take
a -2k0 penalty to all Stealth checks involving
sound. A generally poor oxygen supply to the
body means all Tests involving strenuous
physical activity require an extra raise to succeed.
Good bionic lungs count as a full life
support system (thus if for any reason the
user's own respiratory system fails, his bionic
lungs will keep his blood oxygenated), and
their presence may be unnoticeable if designed
to be so.

Cybernetic Senses
Sight, hearing, and even touch and
taste may be duplicated artificially, and more
esoteric senses may be added. Common systems, while usually very obviously artifical and
often oversized, manage to more or less duplicate the approximate human range of senses
adequately and have no further game effects.
Poor cybernetic senses are troublesome and poor imitations of the real thing
(hearing may be troubled by static, vision
glitches or is randered in low-resolution
monochrome, and so on). A character with
this system takes a -2k0 penalty to Tests made
that involve the sense.
Good cybernetic senses grant the
Heightened Senses talent for that particular
sense, and a +2k0 bonus to Tests made to resist attacks on the sense itself (deafening
noises, blinding flashes and so on). Basic and
advanced cyber-eyes may also incorporate telescopic sighs, a full photo-visor, and/or a system allowing the ability to see in the dark.
Likewise, basic or advanced cybernetic hearing may also include an internal micro-bead

Mind Impulse Unit

These devices, also known as senselinks, allow the owner to directly interface with
a machine or technological device, seeing very
widespread use among the military and engineers, who regard them as objects almost indispensable for troubleshooting and repairing
damaged machines. A basic or crude MIU rig
involves a simple universal serial port either in
the spine or wrist.
Common models add a +1k0 bonus
to Tech-Use, Pilot, or Drive Tests used in
conjunction with devices capable of MIU linking.
Poor MIU systems require an Intelligence Test (TN 15) to use because of their
crude interface, but otherwise work the same
as a Common MIU.
Good models grant a +1k0 bonus to
Tech-Use, Pilot, Drive, Logic, and Inquiry
Tests when interfaced with MIU systems and
often have wireless links that allow them to
connect without need of direct plugs.


"So what are we going to do about Barbados and Lorgar?" Bethany

asked. The tavern was nearly empty - it was too early for most people to
drink yet. Only she and her companions were here for now.
"We have no choice but to try to kill them," Rufio said, with a shrug.
Bethany gave him a look.
"But you said they couldn't be killed," she pointed out. Before Rufio
could answer, someone spoke up from the other end of the bar.
"Correction: they won't be killed." The man smiled. He was a tiefling,
taller than average, with a topknot. "And just to ensure that, we're all going
to sit tight, right here, until the two idiots open up that portal relay."
"Hey...!" Junes said. Bethany sighed and looked at the elf and his
stoic squat friend.
"He wasn't talking about you two," She muttered.
"There's only one idiot here, Abbadon," said a voice from the doorway. An Eldarin stepped into the room. "And that's you."
"The Farseer," Abbadon said "Just in time to join us for a drink."
The bartender blinked and looked at him.
"Hey. Where'd you come from?" he asked.
"Formless chaos. And that's where I'm returning in approximately..."
Abbadon looked at his wrist chrono. "One hour."
"Alright Plato - sounds like you've had enough drinks already. Let's
go." Abbadon sighed.
"Come on, Barkeep - just one drink for the road. Then I'm gone."
The Eldarin Farseer, Macha, walked over to join Bethany and Rufio.
"I was trying to find you - to tell you I'd figured out who was behind
all this," she said. Rufio motioned slightly towards Abbadon
"Is that who I think it is?" He asked, quietly.
"None other than," Macha confirmed. The bartender, meanwhile,
sighed and relented.
"Alright - one drink," the bartender said. "Then you're gone." Abbadon smiled.
"Gimme a Holy Bartender." The bartender blinked.
"Never heard of it," He said, with a shrug. Abbadon shook his head
and smiled, turning to Macha and Bethany.
"He doesn't know how to make a Holy Bartender. You know - don't
you, Farseer?"
"Abbadon... don't," Macha said. Abbadon ignored her.
"Anybody? Well - I know how to make a Holy Bartender." He pulled
a Bolter from his coat and fired at the bartender, the bolts tearing through
the man with wet splats. Three halflings with blades drawn burst through
the doors. Everyone jumped to their feet, with the exception of the Bartender, who fell to the ground in a spreading pool of blood. Abbadon smiled.
"Get it?" the tiefling asked.


rtifacts play many roles in DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING. You can approach Artifacts' roles from the character's
perspective and the game's perspective. Several approaches are given below as extremes,
but none of them are exclusive of any others.
Artifacts as equipment. They are
magical tools, and that's about it. To a character, this makes an Orichalcum Sword is just
a better sword and a Rod of Might just a useful
tool. This sort of Hero doesn't need to be
buried with his equipment, and probably also
won't respect the equipment of others, which
might leave some unsettled spirits behind him.
When a player follows this standard,
artifacts are things for players to pick out and
give to their characters. There may be an excuse for that Darksteel Heart, but there is no
real reason for it: players don't care much
about their tools' origins or destinies. And
that's okay. You can tell a thousand different
stories in the Great Wheel without tying them
to the character's artifacts.
Artifacts as legacies. Remnants of a
greater past lure characters to greater heights
and sadden them at what was lost. Every artifact tells a story. This motivates a character,
driving her to seek out lost treasures not (just)


for power but for their legends. It colors the

way she uses artifacts, because each has a special meaning to her and to history.
Games that use this role make artifacts' histories important to the story. Where
it came from, who wielded it in what battle
and when it was buried or lost are all relevant,
perhaps clues in a grand mystery. The group
can also use artifacts to play with themes on
Artifacts as objectives. Acquiring
them is a goal in itself, or an important means
to another end. A character can have many
reasons to make an artifact an objective. Seeking something that belonged to an ancestor or
a famous hero is common. Artifacts can be
mysteries to be discovered and solved. Characters can also seek an artifact that will help
them defeat enemies or keep them safe. This
applies equally to characters on a mission to
create or repair an artifact.
This is one of the easiest roles for a
Story Master to invoke, but it works better
when the players are also interested. Artifacts
can be classic, plot-driving MacGuffins - get
enough of the ancient plot coupons and redeem them for one world saving! - and tied to
Galaxy-spanning quests. Take care not to
overuse this role, though; one treasure hunt



after another can get old.

Artifacts as companions. They have a
character all their own that comes out in play.
This doesn't refer to intelligent artifacts and
magical automatons (though both are certainly
possible), but to artifacts that color the way
they are used and affect the nature of their
wielders. A warrior might pull steel at the drop
of a hat until she recovers a Necrodermis
Daiklave that demands death every time it's
drawn. A bard might go to great lengths to recover his stolen sitar because it is as dear to
him as a sister. Many characters of legend had
tools that became almost as famous as the
characters themselves.
Most games need to apply a special
level of importance to artifacts in order to give
them character. Some players do this on their
own, and some do not. It's not a problem unless you want to establish an overarching
theme involving artifacts. Because the nature
of an artifact is reflected in the character that
bears it, players can easily make an artifact a
special companion without assistance; they
only need to make it a part of the character's
Most games mix and match these different roles for artifacts without a thought.
Thinking about what you want artifacts to be
about in your game allows you to fine-tune artifacts' involvement and themes until you're

A Story Master is usually free to
arrange the theft of a character's assets, kidnap
his family and kill off friends and allies, all in
the name of story. Many players feel more protective about their characters' artifacts. Maybe
they like having "stuff" or maybe they resent
the loss of something they paid points at character generation to have. So, what's a Story
Master to do?
Figure out which artifacts mean
something to their players and which don't before you start messing with them. Don't start
a new campaign and yoink magical weapons
from the players' hands - play a few sessions
(at least) to see which players (characters also,
but players especially) feel strongly about their
artifacts. All you really need to do is make sure


that anything you do with an artifact is reversible. Create a story: hunt down the thief
or find a Syrneth workshop to effect repairs.
This applies more to artifacts purchased at the start of the game with background points than to artifacts found during
play, with exceptions. The weapons and armor
taken from the bodies of some well-equipped
but ultimately unimportant enemies are easy
come, easy go (unless someone becomes really
attached to one as a great trophy). After the
infiltration of a planetary armory to 'liberate'
the weapon of a legendary hero (in addition to
any earlier buildup to the theft), though, a
player may be less willing to lose her new acquisition.

An artifact is only as useful as you
allow it to be. A piece of paper that can change
to look like any document is rather worthless
if the entire campaign takes place in the
wilderness. A magical sword is only useful in
battle, and in a few additional circumstances
(like intimidation or blowing your cover). Who
needs a stone to repel animals when the game
takes place entirely on a space station?
Players and Story Masters should
both be aware of the game. Players should
know better than to spend all their points on
armor and weapons in a series about court intrigue. Story Masters should warn players
against taking useless traits. On the other
hand, Storytellers should also recognize that
putting points into combat means the player
wants to see her character kick butt.
A player might intend to take an artifact she never uses - like being the bearer of a
mystical talisman or hearthstone but sworn
not to use it, which is a story hook that the
Story Master should seize like a pit bull. If
there's no such intention, then something
should change to bring unused artifacts into
Conversely, artifacts may be very,
very useful. This can be a case of a man with
a hammer seeing only nails, but it's also up to
the storyteller to make sure that no single artifact dominate's the game's conflicts. If a single
artifact solves all the characters' problems, either it is too powerful or the characters are


meeting too limited a range of challenges. A

soul-eating sword can't make the space pirate
princess fall in love with you or repair a hull
breach before the air runs out.

Unless noted otherwise, all artifacts
share a number of general traits.
* Artifacts register as magical. They
may be detected by the flow of warp-energy
around them. Any effect that reveals magical
flows. A character with the Arcana skill can
make a Test (TN 20) to identify an object as
an artifact.
* Artifacts are eternal. Wonders do
not wear down, wear out or break accidentally.
A very few artifacts are, of necessity, fragile
enough to shatter or tear if they are not well
treated. Even these artifacts never just wear
out, assuming they are not ill-used. The power
of an artifact is bound into it forever and does
not need maintenance.
* Artifacts are difficult to break. Creation of a magical wonder solidifies magical
flows in a harmonious manner, making artifacts difficult to break. Most require either a
very specific ritual to break them or a truly extraordinary environment such as the heart of
a star.
* Artifacts cannot easily be bought
and sold. While they do occasionally go on the
market - low-powered artifacts are often made
to turn a profit rather than for personal use,
and there's sometimes a successful tomb raider
looking to retire - Artifacts are far beyond the
reach of most. Even the most common artifact
would take Wealth 4 or 5 just to consider as a
purchase. Finding a broker to sell an item is
difficult. Finding a buyer even more so.

Rating by Availability
Item Availability


Very Common

Artifact 1


Artifact 2
Artifact 3


Artifact 4

Very Rare

Artifact 5

Magical Weapons
and Armor
Almost all weapons of better than
common quality have at least some enchantment to them. Artifact weapons, though, are
extremely powerful, typically ancient, and
made of one of the five magical metals. The
artifact level of magical weapons and armor
depends on the base rarity of the weapon itself.
The bonuses listed for magical
weapons and armor replace the normal
bonuses for quality - each of these artifact
weapons is already considered to be of best
quality owing to the enchantments used to
forge them. Only armor that is primarily made
of metal can benefit from magical materials.
while it's certainly possible to have, say, buckles or buttons made of one of the magical materials, this won't really give their intrinsic
properties to the leather they're attached to.

Only weapons that use solid ammunition can benefit from special ammunition. The
item availability, and thus the Artifact rating,
is one less than the weapon it is designed for,
to a minimum of Very Common (Artifact 1).
Getting special ammunition as an artifact represents having enough of a supply that you can
take one clip with you on missions. Pistol ammunition is a bit easier to get, and so you can
have twice as much (two clips) if you get ammunition for a pistol. The effects of Special



Ammunition are added to the base stats of the

weapon, including its Quality. Buying artifact
ammunition does not give you the weapon its
for. You must purchase the weapon separately.
All magical weapons and armor have
one hearthstone slot in addition to their additional listed effects. The damage they inflict
counts as magical for purposes that care about
magical damage.

Magical Bionics
Just as it's possible to make weapons
and armor out of the magical materials, It's
similarly possible to create some bionics out of
them. They follow the same general guidelines
for pricing as weapons and armor, but only a
few types of bionic are commonly made out of
the magical materials: Bionic arms, locomotion and, very rarely, hearts. The bonuses they
give, like weapons and armor, replace those
normally given for quality.
Artifact bionics follow all the normal
rules for bionics - They provide +2 AP to the
replaced location, damage to those locations
counts as damage to the character, and critical
damage effects all work as normal. Just as all
other bionics, effects that would cause bleeding or any other inappropriate result render
the limb useless instead.
Artifacts are, however, not easy to destroy. While critical effects that result in severing the limb or death still sever the limb
and/or kill the character, the limb is severed
but can still be made functional later. If the
character has some kind of fast healing or repair ability (like a promethean's ability to rebuild their limbs), it does not help attach the
bionics any faster. They must go through the
normal process for attaching bionics and implants, as aligning artifact limbs is a delicate
process involving chakras and spells and a
fresh egg. Don't ask questions.

A golden magical material, with a
sheen that bears the warmth and light of the
sun, even when lit by as little as a candle or a
display screen. People mistake it for gold only


when the light is dim or they cannot touch it

to feel its inner fire. It is hard to mine and
harder still to forge. Once incorporated into an
artifact, orichalcum represents strength, superiority, order, glory and (to a degree) perfection or striving for the absolute.
Weapons and armor that are made of
Orichalcum don't particularly excel in any one
way. They're just generally better at everything
they do.
Melee Weapon: +1k0 to all Tests
made to attack or parry, +3 to damage they inflict. Once per scene, reroll a damage roll
made with this weapon.
Ranged Weapon: Once per scene,
reroll a damage roll made with this weapon.
Special Ammunition: +1k0 to Tests
made to attack, +10m range, will never jam or
Armor: +2 AP.
Bionic Arm: Provides a +1k1 bonus
on Dexterity Tests requiring delicate manipulation (such as Sleight of Hand) and add +1k1
to Strength Tests using that arm.
Bionic Locomotion: Gives the user
+2 to Speed, +2k1 to Athletics checks.
Bionic Heart: +2 Armor to the gizzards, and +2 Hit Points.

This magical material forms only in
the wild and undeveloped spaces, mostly on
moons and in other areas with low gravity. Deposits of mithril look like normal silver, but
they run through exposed surfaces in smooth,
flowing patterns that veins of silver could
never match unless melted and sculpted.
Under the moonlight, mithril reflects things
that aren't there, dreams and illusions subliminating from their owners.
Weapons and armor made of mithril
are exceptionally light for their strength, emphasizing movement and fluidity over bulky
Melee Weapon: +2 to your Static Defense, +2 to damage inflicted.
Ranged Weapon: No penalties for firing heavy weapons without bracing or using a
basic weapon in one hand.
Special Ammunition: Double the
weapon's range.


Armor: The Max Dex of Mithril

Armor is increased by 2.
Bionic Arm: You may make one
Ready action as a free action each round. Gain
+1k1 bonus on dexterity checks and checks
made to parry.
Bionic Locomotion: The user gains
+2 to Speed, +1k0 to Athletics checks, and
+2k0 to Acrobatics checks.
Bionic Heart: The user is immune to
the Toxic weapon effect, gains +1 armor to his
gizzards, and gains the Fleet of Foot feat.

There is a substance so hard that it
can only be shaped by the magic of the most
powerful artificers. It is so durable that it never
degrades, testing the patience of Time itself.
Traditional weapons are useless against it; it is
easier to put dents in the laws of physics than
in its surface. It is the metal that is innocent of
death. Darksteel is a magical, dark gray or
black metal. Motes of magical energy orbit artifacts made from darksteel. The trajectories
of the energy motes form golden-yellowish
streaks around the artifact.
Weapons of Darksteel are heavy and
often somewhat rough around the edges - you
cannot sand down imperfections or burrs in
darksteel. All items made of darksteel, no matter how great or small, are absolutely indestructible.
Melee Weapon: +4 to this weapon's
Pen value.
Ranged Weapon: When this weapon
damages cover, double the damage it deals to
the cover.
Special Ammunition: +4 to this
weapon's Pen value.
Armor: Halve the Pen value of
weapons striking you, except for Darksteel
Bionic Arm: This arm cannot be destroyed by critical damage. Ignore critical
damage effects to this arm unless they would
kill the user or destroy the arm, in which case
the arm is merely severed instead. Gain a +2k0
bonus to strength Tests made using that arm.
Bionic Locomotion: Your legs cannot
be destroyed by critical damage. Ignore critical
damage effects to this arm unless they would

kill the user or destroy the arm, in which case

the arm is merely severed instead. Gain a +2k0
bonus to Tests made to stay on your feet.
Bionic Heart: Ignore the effects of
critical damage to your Gizzards. +3 Armor to
the Gizzards.

Wraithbone is a form of crystallized
magical energy that can exist as a solid in realspace brought forth from the Warp and
shaped by sorcery. It can only be shaped using
sorcery, but is extremely malleable and can be
made into any shape the magic-user desires. It
is also very tough and resilient - despite appearing like porcelain, and often created in the
most delicate forms, it is stronger than steel
and quickly repairs itself. It is a natural conductor of magical energy, spells flowing along
the surface of wraithbone constructs like water
over glass.
Weapons and armor of Wraithbone
are typically made of curved, sloping single
pieces, as it's easier to form wraithbone into
curves than angles, and there's no need for
multiple parts where one can flow into any
Melee Weapon: You can deliver
melee-range spells using this weapon, Testing
the appropriate weapon skill and Level rather
than Brawl and Level. If the spell has a casting
time of one half action or more, you may
choose to add an attack with this weapon to
the spell.
Ranged Weapon: Once per day, this
weapon can generate one clip (or three arrows,
bolts, etc for weapons with a clip size of 1) of
normal ammunition.
Special Ammunition: Wraithbone
Ammunition is charged with magical power.
It counts as a magical attack, ignoring Armor
and having its damage reduced by Aura instead.
Armor: This armor provides +4 Aura.
Bionic Arm: A wraithbone bionic arm
has a simple but powerful ability - it can be
used to Parry any spell with Touch or Ranged
Touch targeted at the bearer. If the parry is
successful, the arm completely absorbs the
spell, and the spell has no effect.
Bionic Locomotion: Once per scene,



you may use the magical energies in the

Wraithbone to walk on air for a single round.
While using this ability, you can move at your
full speed in all three dimensions.
Bionic Heart: A wraithbone heart
protects the soul of its bearer. Whenever you
suffer a Perils of the Warp roll, you may roll
twice and choose between those results.

Necrodermis is a grey, dull metal.
Most people become uncomfortable when
they're in the same room as the metal, often
without quite knowing why, like there's a chill
in the air or they're being watched. Necrodermis is a metal that can entrap souls, lending
its terrible properties to various works of death
and destruction. And yet, the most horrible
thing about Necrodermis is that it isn't simply
a metal. It lives. The Metal Lives.
Weapons and armor of Necrodermis
are always cold to the touch, not dangerous
but uncomfortable. They can seem to move or
pulse, more like a worm or some kind of foul
thing than a wholesome living creature.
Melee Weapon: Opponents take -2k0
to attempts to parry or dodge this weapon and
it deals +1k0 damage.
Ranged Weapon: Opponents get -2k0
to attempts to parry or dodge this weapon and
it deals +1k0 damage.
Special Ammunition: This weapon
gains the Toxic property.
Armor: Opponents take -2k0 to hit.
Bionic Arm: At the beginning of each
round, all critical damage on this arm is removed as the metal heals itself. The arm also
grants +1k0 to all Strength Tests.
Bionic Locomotion: At the beginning
of each round, all critical damage to your legs
is removed as the metal heals itself. You may
stand up from prone as a free action at the beginning of your turn without provoking Opportunity Attacks - the legs just stand you up,
not taking effort or thought on your part.
Bionic Heart: A bionic heart made of
necrodermis is among the rarest of all artifacts,
and among the most dangerous. If you would
burn a Hero Point to survive, roll 1d10. On a
5 or lower, the hero point is not burned and
you lose 1 point of Wisdom as the horrid arti-


fact forces your body back to life.

There's a lot more to artifacts than
just swords and platemail. Most artifacts in
circulation and use, and by far the most commonly found in Syrneth ruins, are tools and
clothing left behind that has long outlived its
bearers. Not all of these artifacts are ancient,
but the Syrne were a people more advanced
than even the most modern technology - their
work is generally smaller, more reliable, and
of finer design.

Aetheroscope (Artifact 1)
There are many variations of Aetheroscope, the most common simply being a spyglass made of orichalcum, but with some
variants using thin panes of precious stone as
lenses in goggles or glasses. The Aetheroscope
allows the user to see magical auras as a glow
in the air. This enhanced vision goes out to
about 10m. If the user does nothing in a round
but steady the Aetheroscope and study what
they see, they can determine the relative
strength of the auras they're seeing and their

Black Prism (Artifact 1)

Made from an impossibly tough black
stone in a tall prism shape, the Black Prism is
studded with holes that twist and turn inside
it, making them impossible to follow. These
holes constantly emit a low-pitched growling
sound that only animals can hear, discouraging and driving off normal animals. The prism
only emits this sound while it's standing, but
the odd balance of the stone makes it difficult
to knock over by accident.

Rod of Might (Artifact 2-4)

This small rod can be found in many
variations of style, from extremely simple to
extremely ornate. They're rare but useful tools.
They typically have between two and four
functions. The two most common being extending to several meters in length and growing rungs (forming a ladder); and growing a
short blade (sometimes of force or magical energy) that allows it to be used as a fencing


sword of Best quality. Other types can be fixed

in space, becoming almost immovable until
deactivated. A few rare ones can turn into
spears or other weapons. This Artifact's cost
depends on how many functions it has.

common magical item, each set containing a

slot for a single hearthstone and proving their
wearer significant defensive bonuses, giving
+2 Armor Points that stack with other armor

Silvery Box (Artifact 1)

Hat of Disguise (Artifact 2)

One of the most simple and direct of

all magical items, the silvery box is a small box
(like a jewelry box or the like, only large
enough for a few small objects) that can only
be opened by its owner. When the box is without an owner, the first one to pick it up becomes the new owner. The current owner
does not have to die to lose his connection to
it, he can also willingly abandon it. All attempts to open or destroy the box automatically fail.

The Hat of Disguise is a simple magical device that enables the wearer to change
his appearance as he wishes. This gives a free
raise on all disguise checks and means the
wearer never needs to find makeup or other
aids to use for his disguise. The hat itself will
also change, and can assume the form of a
crown, hairpin, hat, or headwear of any sort.
However, the hat only changes the appearance
of the wearer, not his clothing, so he may need
to find a change of clothes if he wants to look

Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light

(Artifact 1)

Perfected Boots (Artifact 2)

A useful magical item, the Collar of

Dawn's Cleansing Light keeps its wearer clean.
As long as the Collar is worn, dirt and muck
are almost instantly cleaned off, even the worst
stains vanishing and mud simply sliding away.
Different varieties of this collar create various
pleasant scents.

These boots are extremely comfortable, sizing to fit anyone that puts them on.
They are always warm and dry, no matter the
conditions, and the wearer finds that they
don't tire as easily, never getting blisters. The
wearer can move overland at surprising speed,
averaging twenty kilometers an hour, and their
Speed is increased by 2.

Hearthstone Amulet (Artifact 1)

These simple amulets can be made in
a large variety of shapes and sizes, from extremely ornate baubles and pendants to very
simple wireframes just large enough to serve
their purpose - to hold a hearthstone and enable the wearer to use its abilities.

Dragon Tear Tiara (Artifact 2)

These Tiaras are forged from magical
materials and enhance the perceptions of the
wearer. Each has a setting for a hearthstone directly on the forehead of the wearer. While
worn, in addition to the normal benefits for
the hearthstone, the wearer gains +1k0 to all
Perception checks. On Arcana checks made to
detect spells or determine magical effects, this
bonus increases to +3k0.

Hearthstone Bracers (Artifact 2)

Hearthstone Bracers are another fairly

Fire Pearl (Artifact 1)

Fire pearls are small orange gems,
about a centimeter across, that glow faintly
like warm coals. They can be used to start
small fires by holding it tightly in one's palm
and concentrating on something flammable
within 3m. The Fire Pearl can be used in this
way once per hour. If placed in a fire, it will
cause that fire to burn for twice as long as it
normally would. These are prized by those
often in the wild as a way to start campfires
and conserve fuel.

Resplendent Personal Assistant

(Artifact 2)
Resplendent Personal Assistants are
bracelet-like devices that combine the functions of a computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and minifacturing fabricator.
Versatile and reliable, they can be used for a



large variety of tasks. They have all the functionality of a Chrono, Combi-Tool, Data
Slate, Multikey, Pict Recorder, and Torch.
They also never run out of power, automatically adjust their time, and include a compass
and altimeter that function on magical means
to allow them to work in any environment.

Bag of Holding (Artifact 2)

One of the oldest and most widelyused magical items, a Bag of Holding is simply
a bag that's larger on the inside than the outside. While they come in a huge variety of
styles, shapes, and sizes - from simple sacks to
elaborate backpacks or beltpouches - they're
all extremely useful, especially since the extradimensional properties of the space inside
the bag mean that anything placed inside does
not add to the weight of the bag. Most look
like they can hold about a quarter of a cubic
meter but can actually hold two cubic meters.

Essence Union Dart (Artifact 1)

The Essence Union Dart is a small
dart covered in runes. The primary function
of the dart is to use it as a tracking device.
Each dart comes with a matching ring. As long
as one is within a short distance (typically a
kilometer or two), the ring pulses and indicates the direction to the target. If used in
combat to hit a target, unless the target spends
a half action to tear out the dart (assuming
they even know what the dart does), the
wearer of the matching ring can ignore penalties from not being able to see his target, such
as from darkness or smoke.

Jump Pack (Artifact 3)

A Jump Pack is a complex and arcane
device that can be used to move at high speed
over and around rough terrain. Anyone wearing a Jump Pack may, once per scene, use it to
take a Run action as a half action instead of a
full action. While making this special run action, the character gains the power of flight,
allowing them to move that run distance in all
three dimensions.

Psychic Paper (Artifact 2)

This paper is amazingly useful and,


like all amazingly useful things, it is extremely

dangerous if you aren't careful with it. This
paper can assume the form of any document
the user has seen or can imagine, taking the
form of an official document of the correct
type, already filled out and with the correct
stamps and signatures. It will pass any cursory
inspection, since it really becomes that document in every way. However, the change in the
psychic paper only lasts for one scene, so if the
document is taken away for processing or examination, its true properties become readily

Hearthstones are talismans of power,
growing and forming naturally in wellsprings
of great geomantic power. They are solid accumulations of pure magical power, usually
about the size of a large chicken egg. Such
crystals are of unearthly beauty, forming with
their beautiful cuts already formed. Yet it is
not for merely their luster that they are so
Many magical items have sockets in
them that permit the mounting of these crystals. When


a hearthstone is placed within an open socket

in a magical item, the hearthstone resonates
along with the enchantment in the item. Such
a resonant hearthstone has a beneficial effect
on the person carrying it. This effect is determined by the type of stone that is inserted into
the item. Some provide minor bonuses, while
more powerful hearthstones grant great magical powers.

Gemstone of Aura Detection

(Artifact 2)
This round, light-blue gem allows the
bearer to read someone's aura. He just has to
concentrate on his target, who must be within
20m, and the target's aura slowly comes into
focus around them. The bearer rolls Wisdom
+ Perception against TN 10. The more raises
he gets on the roll, the more detailed the information he gains. Just passing the roll will
give vague impressions of the person's
strongest emotion. Two or more raises will not
only show the target's emotions but also reveal
if they are of the Exalted. If the target suspects
what is happening, they may resist with
Willpower + Arcana, their result replacing the
TN to use the stone.

Windhands Gemstone
(Artifact 3)
This hearthstone is perfectly clear - so
clear that it becomes invisible if submerged in
clear water. A character bearing this hearthstone has his reflexes enhanced, allowing him
to knock aside or dodge arrows and thrown attacks with casual ease. When this character is
subject to a ranged attack, they may use a
stunt in order to parry that attack rather than
dodge it.

Gem of Adamant Skin

(Artifact 4)
This hearthstone is a glittering, flawless black ovoid. The character who bears it is
difficult to cut, and her bones are virtually unbreakable. Whenever the bearer loses Hit
Points, reduce the number of Hit Points he
loses by one (to a minimum of zero) and the
bearer gains a level of fatigue as the normally
dangerous blows rattle him around.

Gem of Immortality
(Artifact 4)
This hearthstone is a smooth, darkest
black, with the faintest rainbow sheen playing
across its surface. While he bears the stone, the
character does not age, nor does he suffer from
the infirmities and illnesses of old age, should
he already be old when he gets the stone. He
cannot die of old age or illness, but he can be
harmed and killed through other means. If the
stone is lost or given away, the bearer merely
begins aging where he left off - the years don't
suddenly catch up to him.

Gem of the Calm Heart

(Artifact 1)
This hearthstone is teardrop-shaped,
and the bright red of heart's blood. It serves to
bank the fires of the character's heart, allowing
him to act out of reason rather than anger.
The character gains the Common Sense feat.

Jewel of the Hungry Fire

(Artifact 2)
This gem is a bright orange-red
around the edges, deepening to a glowing
brick red at the center, like the coals of a
banked fire. This hearthstone draws heat and
flame into itself, protecting the character. The
character can comfortably live in temperatures
far above the norm, with deserts posing no
problem. The character reduces all damage he
takes from fire by 5.

The Freedom Stone

(Artifact 3)
This stone is a murky blue-black, full
of shifting colors. A character who bears this
hearthstone can never be physically restrained.
Shackles and ropes will fall away, knots and
nooses will come undone. All grapple maneuvers attempted against the bearer are automatically parried unless they are part of a Perfect
Attack. Note that while the character cannot
be restrained, he can still be confined - this
hearthstone does nothing to counter locked
doors and barred gates.



Seacalm Gemstone (Artifact 3) fully to it can hear words in a language they

In appearance, a fist-sized drop of
brilliant azure seawater caught in perfect stasis, this hearthstone brings the character great
protection against the dangers of the sea. The
character may breathe water as though it were
air, and so is never in danger of drowning. In
addition, the character is protected against the
other, less obvious ways the ocean can kill unless he descends to truly stygian depths, the
pressure of the sea will not harm him, and the
cold will not chill his bones.

Stone of Healing (Artifact 1)

This hearthstone is a healthy
earth-brown, mottled with spots of
green. It is round in shape and
could have come from the bottom
streambed, were the colors
not so vibrant. The stone
enhances the medical talents and knowledge of
any character who
bears it, making an
into a skilled surgeon
and a gifted physician
into a brilliant healer. A
character bearing this
stone gains +2k0 to all
medicae rolls made by
the player.

Stone (Artifact 2)
This hearthstone is a rich reddish
brown, with a surface that looks like bark. It
gives the bearer the agility of an arboreal primate. Any character who possesses such a
stone reduces the difficulty of all Athletics and
Acrobatics rolls involving balance, jumping or
climbing by 5 (to a minimum difficulty of 5).

The Speech Gemstone

(Artifact 1)
This common hearthstone is cobalt
blue and perfectly egg-shaped. It constantly
seems to whisper, and someone listening care-


don't understand. When worn, the stone enables the bearer to speak and understand one
specific language. A Speech Gemstone has
been found for every language save Syrneth the curse of that ancient race seems to have
even eradicated their tongue from the stars.

Gem of Sending
(Artifact 2 for a pair)
This common hearthstone appears as
half of a cloudy white sphere.
It is always found in pairs,
which remain mystically
bonded to one another. The
two halves of a Gem of Sending
can be used to pass messages
through any distance of space,
but with some limitations - the
gems can only send
messages to the other
half of their pair, both
gems must be placed in settings in order to work at all,
and the messages they pass
on can be no longer than
a sentence or two at a

(Artifact 4)
This hearthstone is a
smooth black stone
with abstract white markings. When its bearer remembers her dreams,
they will always be prophetic in some way.
Once each session, the bearer's player may
make a Wisdom + Scrutiny Test (TN 15)
upon her character's waking. Any success at all
causes her to remember a dream from the
night before that gives some indication of
events to come. The more raises on the Test,
the clearer the dream.


Golden Marble (Artifact 1)

This hearthstone appears to be a simple overlarge golden marble. It has an ability
to remember a location. If the bearer concentrates and taps the gem, it will memorize its
current location. After that, the gem is subtly
attracted back to that place. The bearer is led
back along the path it has traveled since then
at a slow walking rate.

Wilderness Gem (Artifact 3)

This hearthstone is pale purple and
rough in texture. Regardless of the environment, this gem will allow its bearer to survive
in the wilderness. This gem gives the bearer an
instinctive knowledge of where safe shelter and
campsites can be found, what plants and animals are safe to eat and how to recognize the
signs of the onset of dangerous weather.

The Gem of Day's Light

(Artifact 4)
This hearthstone is a yellow gem
burning with an inner light that seems almost
infinitely bright, as if the longer you stare at it
the brighter it becomes. The bearer may concentrate on the gem in order to set it glowing
brightly, illuminating everything within a kilometer with a light as bright as broad daylight.
The effect lasts for as long as needed and can
be ended in an instant.


The lower levels of the Schola Progenium's library was claustrophobic

and dank. The smell of old books filled the air as the three inquisitors made
their way down a corridor lined with books. Argon kept his eyes fixed on his
auspex as he led the way. Bheemu tried to record everything going on around
him. For his part, Rock just wondered why he was bothering to come along on
a wild goose chase.
"Look!" Bheemu whispered. There was a column of books reaching from
the floor to the ceiling in the middle of the aisle. Argon scanned it with his auspex.
"This is hot, Bheemu."
"Symmetrical book stacking," Bheemu said, shaking his head. "Just like
the Cadian mass disturbance of 947."
"You're right," Rock agreed. "No human being would stack books like
"Listen!" Bheemu interrupted. "Do you smell something?" They walked
past the column of texts to find a corridor filled with the scattered remnants of
an old-style punchcard file system, dripping with some kind of hideous warp
ooze. Bheemu gasped. "Talk about sorcerous activity! Look at this mess!"
"Bheemu, look at this." Argon showed Bheemu his readings.
"Umbral residue!" Bheemu was smiling like a kid in a candy store. "It's
the real thing!" Argon handed Rock a plasteel container.
"Rock, get a sample of this."
"Somebody blows their nose and you wanna keep it?" Rock muttered.
"I'd like to analyze it," Argon corrected.
"There's more over here!" Bheemu said. Argon followed.
"I'm getting stronger readings..." Argon said. Rock managed to get a
sample of the ooze into the container... and his hand. He groaned in disgust
and wiped it on the books as he followed Argon around a corner.
"Argon, your mucus," Rock said, handing the scientist the plasteel container. There was a creaking sound and all three looked to see a bookcase coming down. A quick step back was the only thing that saved Rock from being
crushed. Rock looked at Bheemu. "...This happen to you before?"
Bheemu shook his head.
"Oh. First time?"
Bheemu nodded.
They followed Argon as he hit a hot lead on the Auspex. They followed
the maze of bookcases around another corner. Argon looked up and just stared.
"It's here..." he said.
Looking through the books was a woman, probably an elf given her
browned skin and pointed ears. Black marks in blasphemous shapes writhed
around her exposed skin, and the light almost seemed to bend around her to
leave her in shadow.
"A Daemonhost!" Bheemu whispered. "And it's real!"


ungeons the Dragoning provides

a rich game experience where players use creative thinking, tactics, strategy, and total overwhelming force to overcome a huge breadth of
challenges. Life in the Great Wheel can be exciting, but it is seldom easy. Innumerable dangers, from untimely mechanical failures and
bloodthirsty aliens to teacherous warp storms
and deadly trapped ruins, await those daring
enough to explore the cold, uncharted Crystal
Spheres in deep space. This chapter discusses
the fundamental rules of how such situations
(and many others) are resolved.


roll that die again and add the result to the 10.
This is called an exploding die. If the hero rolls
again and gets an additional 10, he may add
that 10 and continue rolling until he doesn't
get an additional 10. Some feats and abilities
can change how explosions work, these apply
to both initial and followup explosions.

Rolling More Than Ten Dice

Tests are the basic way of determining

success or failure in a game of DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING. When a hero performs
any task that could have dramatic consequences - affecting the story, a character's
health, a leader's reputation, the safety of the
ship, and so on - a Test must be performed.

While most gamers like rolling lots of

dice, ten is about as many as you can reasonably be expected to throw down at once and
keep the game moving at any reasonable kind
of speed. Therefore, whenever you are rolling
more than ten dice at once, rolled dice over 10
are changed into kept dice at a 2 to 1 ratio.
Thus, if you were rolling 12k6, you would
drop the two extra rolled dice and Keep one
extra die, for a roll of 10k7. Should you reach
10k10 and still have extra dice left over, each
additional die (whether it's Kept or rolled) becomes a bonus of 5 to the roll. Thus, 15k10
becomes 10k10+25, and 11k11 becomes

Exploding Dice


Ten-sided dice generate numbers

from one to ten. Generally, the ten on a die is
indicated with a zero. Whenever a die rolls 10,

The most common type of Test. Each

of the three main branches of skills is governed
by the appropriate stats. You simply roll a




number of dice equal to the appropriate skill

and characteristic and keep a number of dice
equal to the characteristic. The SM will set a
Target Number for this Test. The base TN for
an ordinary skill Test is 15.
Success is more likely to occur in a
skill Test where the character has training in
the skill. An explorer can attempt a Skill Test
with an untrained Basic skill, but in such
cases, it becomes a characteristic Test with a 1 penalty to the characteristic. If an untrained
basic skill Test involves situational modifiers,
they apply as normal after the penalty to the
characteristic. A character cannot attempt a
skill Test with an untrained advanced skill.










Very Hard




Never Done Before


Never to be Done Again

If what you attempt isn't covered by a
skill, the SM may ask you to make a characteristic Test. The SM determines the most appropriate characteristic for the Test, and the
appropriate TN for the Test. Unlike a skill
Test, you just roll dice equal to your characteristic and total them against the TN.

Rank 0 Characteristics
It's possible, due to penalties or
curses, to end up with zero dots in a Characteristic. This mean that you're pretty much
crippled in that aspect. A hero with a Rank 0
Dexterity may be literally crippled, while a
hero with Rank 0 Strength might be sickly and
A Hero who must make a roll based


on a Characteristic in which he has a 0 always

rolls one die for the characteristic, applying
skills and specialities as normal, but if he rolls
a 10 on any of his dice, they count as 0 and
not as 10, and the die never explodes.

Raises and Checks

For most Tests, it's just enough to
know if you succeeded, but sometimes it's
good to know just how well you succeeded or
failed. This is particularly important with social skills, such as Charm and Persuasion, as
well as certain combat situations, such as firing
a gun capable of automatic fire.
Measuring raises is straightforward.
After the roll is made, compare the total
against the Target Number of the Test. For
each 5 points by which the TN was exceeded,
one raise is achieved. Conversely, for each 5
points by which the Test failed, you have a
If a feat or ability would give you a
free raise to a Test, simply add +5 to the result
of the roll for each free raise granted.

Sometimes you'll need to Test your
skill against another's. This is known as an Opposed Test. For example, if an explorer
needed to hide from a guard, he could Test his
Stealth skill against the guard's Perception
In an opposed skill Test, both participants make Tests normally. Whoever succeeds at his Test wins. If both participants
succeed, the participant with the highest total
roll wins.
Should both parties fail, one of two
things occurs. Either there is a stalemate and
nothing happens or both parties should reroll
until there is a clear winner.
For example to dodge you'd need to
roll Dexterity + Acrobatics against the opponent's Dexterity + Weaponry. The process is
simple - each participant rolls, and the highest
roll wins. If there's a tie, the character with the
highest applying Characteristic wins.


The rules of DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING reward players with drama
dice, additional rolled dice granted for good
roleplaying, for describing their characters' actions in an evocative manner. The out-ofgame rationale for a stunt bonus is that
well-described dramatic actions keep the game
interesting for everyone and help the Story
Master set the scene. In game, stunts represent
the capacity of epic
heroes to be truly
they take risks and
act like heroes.
At the lowest level, one-drama
die stunts require a
good description of
an action, adjudicated by the Story
Master. In return,
the player gains one
drama die to use as
an rolled die on that
roll and the character may perform
feats that border on
impossible (such as
running across the
heads of people in a
crowd, deflecting a
blade barehanded
and so on).

Lyra snaps her
switchblade open
behind her back with
a soft click, swiping it across the guard's throat
in the same moment. She folds it back up as
she watches him collapse in a gurgling heap at
her feet.
Two-die stunts require that the character interact with the environment in some
notable fashion, taking advantage of the
scenery that the Story Master has provided.
This can be physical environment or things the

character knows about the world, like an

enemy's phobias or a lover's favorite flower.
The player gets two bonus dice and may perform limited dramatic editing. No detail of the
scene may be contradicted, but minor details
may be 'revealed' in the context of the character's actions. For instance, a character might
leap off a parapet to escape a hail of arrows,
and the player could use a two-die stunt to reveal a banner fortuitously hung on the wall,
which the character grabs to save himself. The
Story Master may veto any editing that he feels
strains belief or is otherwise inappropriate
(such as an edit that
contradicts a major
detail he has not yet
revealed). Players cannot generally use a
stunt to draw a "hidden" weapon from
nowhere, though some
assassins might well
have knives or other
small weapons hidden
all over your person,
leaving exact placement vague until a
good stunt opportunity arises.

guards charging her
from each side, intending to flank her.
At the last moment,
she crouches and flips
back against the wall.
In the instant she
stands horizontal, she
aims and fires at their knees with her twin bolt
pistols held out to either side. The bolts tear
through their legs, and both men collide with
each other on momentum alone as she lands
catlike leaving the two collapsed behind her.
Three-die stunts are singular acts of
greatness, stunning bravado and visual poetry,
defined by their capacity to leave the other
players slack-jawed in astonishment. If any



doubt exists as to whether a stunt merits three

drama dice, it isn't a three-die stunt. In addition to providing three drama dice, these feats
allow for the same measure of dramatic editing
as two-die stunts.

Example: The daemon swings his

burning fist at Lyra, and she leaps straight up
in a somersault, balancing in a tentative handstand on his massive hand. Her feet connect
with a lighting fixture above, breaking it away
from the ceiling and causing it to swing into
the daemon's head, the fluorescent lights shatter against the warp horror's head, not hurting it
but distracting him long
enough for her to release a
hand and grab a bolt pistol
from her belt. Still balanced on the monster's
swinging arm, Lyra shoves
her bolt pistol into the daemon's eye, firing directing
into its skull.
note that the preceding examples set the scene as well
as providing the action. In
the first, the stunt is the description of the attack as
something more than "I hit
him." In the second, the
stunt is Lyra's use of the
wall as a springboard and
arranging for her opponents to crash together. In
the final example, it's her
audacity to perform acrobatic feats while perched on her enemy as she
sets him up to expose a point of vulnerability.
During play, the Story Master should have already set the scene by the time a character
acts, so a stunt does not need to be a fiveminute narrative. Without exception, short
and flowing is always better than long and
clunky. Merely stringing adjectives and adverbs together isn't good enough. The description must be interesting without interrupting
the flow of play.
Important Story Master characters


may also use stunts to benefit their actions but

they should only do so sparingly since the
Story Master is the final authority on all
stunts. Unimportant characters should never
gain the advantage of stunts, no matter how
well the Story Master narrates their actions. In
gritty games, Story Masters may limit the effect of stunts for all characters.


Hero Points
Heroes are unusual people, individuals with abilities, backgrounds, and experiences well beyond those of ordinary citizens of
the Wheel. More than anything, it's the hero's
tie to fate that separates him from the masses.
All adventurers begin play with a number of
Hero Points. For some, these Hero Points represent destiny, a sign that the gods have
marked them for greatness. For others, they
represent simple luck.


chamber) might require some working things

out with the SM. The consequences of burning fate should largely be in the hands of the
player - there might be no consequences, or
the character might end up losing an arm or
becoming heavily scarred or something of the
sort. A Hero point may be burnt even if it has
already been used for that gaming session.

Gaining Additional Hero Points

Characters are awarded additional
fate (or are allowed to replenish burnt fate
points) at the SM's discretion. Such awards
should be given out only for reaching milestones, accomplishing major goals, etc.

Hero Points allow an adventurer to

manipulate situations by mitigating bad results
or turning a mishap into fortune. Among other
things, this allows players to take more risks,
which makes the game faster and far more exciting. A hero has a limited pool of Hero
Points, and when a Hero Point is spent, that
pool is reduced by one. Spent Hero Points are
restored at the beginning of the next gaming
session, or possibly under special circumstances in the middle of a game session that
the SM deems appropriate. A Hero Point can
be used at any time, either on the character's
own turn or in reaction to the action of another character. Spending a Hero Point is a
Free Action.
Spending a Hero Point allows for one
of the following effects:
* Reroll a failed Test once. The results of the
reroll are final.
* Reduce the TN of a roll by 5. This must be
chosen before dice are rolled.
* Add an extra raise to an already successful
* Count as having rolled a 10 for initiative.
* Instantly recover from being stunned.


Burning Hero points is much more
severe. When you absolutely need to, you can
burn a Hero point, permanently reducing the
pool by one. The result is that the character
survives whatever would have killed him. Most
of the time it's just that the attack wasn't fatal
but leaves you out of the fight, more complicated situations (being trapped in a collapsing



The galaxy is a dangerous place, especially for those who choose to leave behind
the relative safety of established Crystal
Spheres and explore the unknown. Over the
course of a Hero's journey, they're bound to
encounter all manner of people, aliens, and
worse that would see them dead. Unless they
plan to spend their lives running away from
their enemies (and they aren't very good heroes if that's all they do), they will have to
fight. As a result, combat can form a key component to a game.

Narrative Time vs Structured Time

gardless of how many characters are involved.

*Each character in an encounter gets
one Turn each round. During a character's
turn, he can perform one or more actions.
While character's turns overlap each other
slightly, Turns are resolved in a specific order
known as Initiative order.
*Actions are what a character does. A
character can preform one or more actions on
his turn. A character can take one reaction action per round, any number of free actions,
and one full action OR two half actions. A
character may not take the same half action
twice in one turn (a character couldn't use
Standard Attack twice, for example, but could
use a Standard Attack and a Bull Rush).

The passage of time is flexible in a

and subject to the SM's discretion based on
the needs of the story and the choices the players make. Sometimes the SM only needs to
convey a very loose sense of time, which is
known as narrative time. In other situations,
especially combats, more precise time keeping
is necessary, and the SM should adopt what is
known as structured time.

Narrative Time
Most of the time, you don't need to
worry about exact timing, and it just passes as
needed for the story. It's usually enough to
know if a certain action takes a few minutes,
or about an hour, or several weeks, or anything
in between. Narrative time is most often used
outside of combat and other situations where
the precise order of actions is unimportant.

Structured Time
In contrast to the abstract approach of
narrative time, structured time is important for
resolving complex encounters, such as combat, where every second counts and the order
in which things happen is crucial. Structured
time is divided into Rounds, Turns, and Actions.
*A Round consists of every character
participating in the encounter taking one turn
each. It is assumed that characters act more or
less simultaneously in an encounter, so a
round is approximately five seconds long, re-


Combat is usually resolved using
structured time divided into Rounds, Turns,
and Actions. Each character, including NPCs,
takes one Turn each round. The order in
which turns are resolved depends on initiative
order. When a new combat begins, follow
these steps to determine what happens.


Step 1: Surprise
At the beginning of a combat, the SM
determines if any characters are Surprised.
This can only happen once at the beginning of
a combat, and there will be many combats
where nobody is surprised. A surprised character loses his turn on the first round of combat because he has been caught unawares by
his enemies.

Step 2: Roll Initiative

At the start of the first Round, participants roll initiative to determine turn order.
Just roll 1d10 and add Dexterity and Composure. Highest result goes first. If two people
are tied for result, the character with the
higher die roll wins. If they're still tied, highest
dex wins. If still tied, roll again, winner goes
first. The results of this roll apply for all successive Rounds in this combat.

Step 3: Determine Initiative Order

The SM ranks all the Initiative rolls,
including those of the NPCs, from highest to
lowest. This is the order in which the characters take their turns during each round of combat.

Step 4: Combatants Take Turns

Starting with the character at the top
of the initiative order, each character takes a
turn. The character currently taking his turn
is known as the active character During his
turn, the active character can perform one or
more actions. Once his actions have been resolved, the next character in the initiative
order becomes the active character and takes
his Turn, and so forth.

Surprise only affects the beginning of
a new combat. It is up to the SM to decide if
any of the combatants are Surprised. Ultimately, this comes down to a judgement call
on the SM's part, based on the circumstances
and the actions of the various combatants
leading up to the encounter. The SM should
take the following into account when determining surprise:
* Is anyone hiding? Successful stealth
checks may mean that some combatants are
* Are there any unusual circumstances that would mask the approach of attackers? This can cover nearly anything, from
pouring rain to whining engines to nearby explosions.
* Are there any distractions? It's possible that something quite distracting is going
on. A cultist's attention may be so fixated on
the sermon of his confessor that he doesn't notice his attackers approaching.
Bearing all of this in mind, the SM
must decide which combatants are surprised.
Whilst it's often the case that one entire side
or the other is surprised, there can be individual exceptions.
If no one is surprised, proceed with
the combat as normal.
A surprised character loses his Turn
in the first Round. he can do nothing except
stand dumbfounded. Furthermore, he grants
combat advantage to all non-Surprised attackers. After the Surprise round completely resolves, all surprised characters recover their
wits and can act normally.

Step 5: Round Ends

The round ends when everyone has
taken their turn, and any effects that last until
the end of the round now end.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4-5 as needed.

Continue to play through combat
rounds until the combat is resolved.



Aid Another


Give another character +1k0 on their next Test.

+1k0 to hit on a half action aim or +2k0 to hit on a full action, applying to your next attack.

All-Out Attack

+2k0 to hit, cannot Dodge or Parry.


Brace a heavy weapon to fire it normally.

Bull Rush

Test opposed Strength, move target 2m, plus 2m for every raise.

Called Shot

Attack specific location on your target for -2k0 to hit.


Must move 4 meters before attack, +1k0 to attack.


Before your next turn take any half action.


Test opposed Weaponry + Dex, disarm opponent on success.


Test Dex + Acrobatics to negate a hit.


Opposed Weaponry + Dex Test, if you win your next attack cannot
be dodged or parried.

Fight Defensively

-1k0 to hit, +1k0 to parry and dodge

Focus Power

Cast a spell.

Full Auto Burst

+2k1 to hit, additional hit for every raise.

Full Defense

Improve your Static defense, gain an additional reaction.


H/F Affect a grappled opponent or escape from a grapple.

Healing Surge

Spend resources to heal during battle.

Knock Down

Try and knock an opponent to the ground.



Type Description

H/F Move up to your speed as a half action or double it as a full action.

Multiple Attacks

Attack more than once in the same round - requires two weapons,
a feat, or both.

Opportunity Attack


Attack a target that has left itself open.


Shoot targets coming into a set kill zone, -2k0 to ballistics.


Test Weaponry + Dex to negate a hit.


Ready a weapon or item.


Reload a ranged weapon.


Move a long distance, enemies attack you at -2k0 on ranged attacks

and +2k0 on melee attacks.


Make a small movement that doesn't provoke attacks.


Stand up from being prone.

Standard Attack

Make one melee or ranged attack.

Suppressing Fire

Force opponents to take cover, -2k0 to Ballistics.

Tactical Advance

Move from cover to cover.

Use a Skill

You may use a skill.


Break off from melee and move.


During each normal round, every
character gets a Turn to act. On his Turn, a
character can take one or more action. There
are five types of actions in DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING, and every action also
has one or more subtypes.

Every action is categorized into one of
the following types: Full actions, half actions,
reactions, free actions, and Extended actions.

Full Actions
A full action requires a character's
complete attention to accomplish. A character
can take one Full Action on his turn and cannot take any Half Actions. Grappling an opponent is an example of a Full Action.

Examples of Free Actions include dropping an

item or speaking a few words.

Extended Actions
Some actions take more than a single
round to complete. Once a character commits
to an Extended Action, he is considered to be
working towards completing it for as long as
necessary. If the character abandons the Extended action, or is interrupted, all progress
towards completing the Extended Action is

Action Subtypes
In addition to its type, every action is
also categorized into one or more subtypes.
Action subtypes don't do anything in and of
themselves, but they are used to clarify what a
character is and is not allowed to do in a variety of special circumstances. For example, a
character that is Immobilized cannot perform
any Actions with the movement subtype.

Half Actions
A half action is fairly simple; it requires some effort or concentration, but not so
much that it consumes a character's entire
turn. A character can take two different Half
Actions on his turn instead of taking one full
action. A character cannot take the same half
action twice in the same turn. Readying a
weapon or making a Standard Attack are both
examples of Half Actions.

A Reaction is a special Action made
in response to some event, such as an attack.
A character receives one Reaction each
Round, which may only be used when it is not
his turn. Examples include making a Dodge
Test or parrying an attack.

Free Actions
A free action takes only a moment
and requires no real effort by the character.
Free actions may be performed in addition to
any other Actions on a character's turn, and
there is no formal limit to the number of Free
Actions one character can take. The SM
should use common sense to set reasonable
limits on what can be done in a few seconds.

During his turn, a character may perform one Full Action or two different half actions. A character could, for example, make a
charge attack (Full action) or aim and shoot
(two half actions). It's important to remember
that a round is only a few seconds long, so the
character's turn within that round is but a few
Any action can be combined with
talking, banter, battle cries, and other short
verbal expressions - these are considered free
actions. It is left to the SM to decide what a
player might be able to say in that amount of
time. A wry aside to a companion or a terse insult to an enemy is always reasonable, but recounting the intimate details of one's seven
duels-to-the-death between swings of a
daiklave should probably count as something
more than just a Free Action.
Most actions are started and completed within the active character's same turn.
For example, a character does not begin a
charge one Turn and then finish it on a later
turn; he performs the entire Charge (which is
a full action) at once on his turn. But, there
are two exceptions. Reactions are almost al-



ways performed when it is not the reacting

character's turn, and Extended Actions take
more than one Round to complete.

Half Action
Subtype: Miscellaneous
The character creates an opportunity for another character. By working together with
them, the active character gives them +1k0 to
their next Test. If the Test is to be a skill, the
character must have at least one dot in that
skill or this Aid Another bonus does not apply.
Supernatural template abilities and spells cannot get bonuses via this method. The active
character must be adjacent to the character
performing the Test. The Aid Another bonus
cannot be used on Free Actions, and the
bonus cannot be given on Tests made to resist
disease, poison, Fear, or anything else the SM
deems inappropriate, and no more than two
characters may attempt to assist another on a
single Test.

Half or Full Action
Subtype: Concentration
The active character takes extra time to make
a more precise attack. You may take a half action to get +1k0 on your next attack or a full
action to get +2k0 on your next attack. The
next action the aiming character performs
must be an attack or the benefits of aiming are
lost. Aiming benefits are also lost if the character performs a reaction before making his attack. Aiming can be used with both melee and
ranged attacks.

Full Action
Subtypes: Attack, Melee
The character attacks with everything they've
got, making a melee attack with a +2k0 bonus.
However, the active character loses the ability
to use reactions until their next turn.


Half Action
Subtype: Miscellaneous
Heavy weapons must be braced before firing.
Bracing a heavy weapon can involve using a
stand, propping it up on a windowsill, or simply assuming a wide stance or kneeling. The
firer cannot move after bracing without losing
the benefits, and depending on how it's
braced, may be unable to traverse the weapon
very far. If a heavy weapon is fired without
bracing, the firer takes -3k0 to his attack roll.

Half Action
Subtypes: Attack, Melee, Movement
The character body slams into an opponent
and attempts to move him. The character and
a target in melee range make opposed strength
Tests. If the active character succeeds, she
moves the target 2m, plus 2m for every raise
she gets on this opposed Test.

Full Action
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration, Melee or
The character attempts to attack a specific or
vulnerable area on his target. The attacker declares a location on his target (Head, Body,
Left Arm, Right Arm, Gizzards, Left Leg or
Right Leg), then makes an attack at -2k0. Instead of rolling for a hit location, if the attack
is successful it hits the named location.

Full Action
Subtypes: Attack, Melee, Movement
The character rushes at his target and makes
a single melee attack. The target must be at
least four meters away, and a character may
charge up to twice their Speed in meters. The
movement of the charge must be in a straight
line so the attacker can build speed and line
up with his target. The attacker gains a +1k0
bonus on the attack made at the end of the
charge. If the charging character is unarmed,
he can attempt to grapple his opponent instead of inflicting damage.


Half Action
Subtype: Miscellaneous
Instead of acting immediately, the character
saves an action for later. At any time before
her next turn, she may take any half action. If
the character uses this stored action in response to someone taking an action, this action occurs first.

Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee
The character attempts to disarm an opponent. Both the active character and her target
make opposed Dexterity + Weaponry checks.
If the active character gets two or more raises
on this opposed check, the opponent drops
their weapon.

Reaction Action
Subtype: Movement
Dodge is a Reaction that a character can perform when it is not her turn. After an attack is
declared on the character, the character may
spend a Reaction Action to make a Dodge
Test (Dexterity + Acrobatics). A character
must be aware of the attack in order to make
the Test. Half of the result of this test is added
to the character's Static Defense against the attack they are attempting to dodge.

Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee
The character attempts to use guile and combat training to trick her opponent into a mistake. The character and her target make an
opposed Weaponry Test. If the active character wins, her next melee attack against that
same target cannot be dodged or parried. If
the active character's next action is anything
other than a standard attack, the advantage of
feinting is lost.

Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration, Melee
The character performs a careful attack, making sure she remains well poised to defend herself. The character suffers a -1k0 penalty to
her Weaponry Test, but she gains a +1k0
bonus to all dodge and parry Tests until the
start of her next turn.

Variable Action
Subtype: Varies by power, Provokes
The character casts a spell. The spell will list
the target difficulty and the skill Tested. If the
character succeeds, the spell works. If not, the
spell fails.


Full Action
Subtype: Attack, Ranged, Provokes
The character hurls a roaring burst of fully automatic gunfire at her enemies. The attacker
must be wielding a ranged weapon capable of
fully automatic fire to take this action. If the



character has a pistol in each hand, both capable of fully automatic fire, she mat fire both
with this action.
The attacker makes a Ballistics Test
with a +2k1 bonus. If she succeeds, the attack
scored a hit normally. Furthermore, each raise
on the Ballistics Test means another shot has
hit the target. Each additional hit adds +1k0
to the damage of the attack, up to a maximum
of the weapons Rate of Fire.
A character using this action with a
pistol or basic class weapon may also move up
to his Dexterity in meters. However, if he does
so, he gains no bonus to his Ballistics Test and
instead suffers a -1k0 penalty.

Full Action
Subtype: Concentration, Melee
The character makes no attacks and instead
concentrates entirely on self-defense. Until the
start of her next turn, the character can make
one additional reaction and gains a +10 bonus
to her static defense.

Half or Full Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee
If the character is not in a grapple, she may use
the Grapple action to enter a grapple with target opponent. Make a Brawl Test. If it is successful, she begins grappling the target as the
controller of the grapple.
The controller of a grapple must spend a full
action every turn to maintain this grapple. If
she doesn't, the grapple immediately ends. She
may then make an opposed strength Test. If
she succeeds, she may take one of the following actions:
Attack with Weapon: The controller
of the grapple can attempt to damage the opponent with your fists or a held weapon. The
opponent cannot make any reactions to this
attack. Roll damage normally. You cannot use
weapons that require both hands in a grapple.
Throw Down Opponent: The controller of the grapple can wrestle the Grappled
opponent to the ground. The grappled opponent becomes prone.
Push Opponent: The controller of the


grapple makes a bull rush attempt. The

pushed distance cannot exceed the active
character's half move distance. The active
character must move with her grappled opponent in order to maintain the grapple or she
can choose to let go of her opponent, which
ends the grapple, but allows the active character to keep her ground.
Ready: The controller of the grapple
can ready one of her own items. Or if the SM
allows, she can use the Ready action to grab
an item belonging to her grappled opponent.
Stand: If both grappling participants
are on the ground, the controller of the grapple can regain her feet with this action. She
can also attempt to drag her grappled opponent up with her. If she so desires, both participants stand.
Use item: The controller of the grapple can use a readied item.
If the active character is the target of the grapple the first thing she must do on her turn is
declare Grapple as a half action - this is part
of the penalty for being grappled. After that,
she may choose one of the following options:
Break Free: The grappled target can
attempt to break free of the grapple by making
an Opposed Strength Test with the controller
of the grapple. If the active character wins, she
breaks free and may perform any half action
Slip Free: The grappled target can attempt to wriggle out of the grapple by making
a Dexterity check against TN 15. If she succeeds, she slips free and may perform any half
Take Control: The grappled target
can attempt to take control of the Grapple by
making an opposed strength Test with her
grappling opponent. If the active character
wins, she becomes the controller of the grapple
and her opponent becomes the grappled target. The active character may then immediately perform one of the controller grapple
options, but cannot take any other half action.

Half Action
Subtype: Miscellaneous
While normally a character cannot spend resource points during combat to heal, they do


have the option of using this action to heal

their wounds. They take a half action and
spend Resource points up to their level, healing that many hit points. A character gains +5
to their static defense until their next turn
when they use Healing Surge.

Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee
The attacker smashes her opponent in the
hopes of knocking him off his feet. Make an
Opposed Strength Test. if the attacker wins,
the target is knocked prone and must make a
Stand action on his turn to regain his feet. If
the target wins the opposed strength Test, he
keeps his footing. If the target wins with two
or more raises, the attacker is knocked prone

Half or Full Action
Subtype: Movement, Provokes
The active character can spend a Half Action
to move a number of meters equal to their
Speed. As a Full Action, she may move twice
that distance. If the active character ends her
movement adjacent to an opponent, she may
engage that opponent in melee. If the active

character moves away from an opponent with

whom she is engaged, he provokes Opportunity Attacks.

Full Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee or Ranged
This action allows a character with an appropriate feat to make one or more attacks on his
turn. The character must spend one Reaction
Action for each attack beyond the first. A character must be wielding two weapons or have
an appropriate feat such as Swift Attack or
Lightning Attack in order to use this action.

Free Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee
Whenever an character uses an action with the
provokes keyword while engaged in melee
with an opponent, she provokes an Opportunity Attack. All opponents in melee range of
the Provoking character may use this action in
order to make a Standard Attack against the
Provoking character. This is a special free action that you can use once per turn, during any
character's turn.





Full Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration, Ranged
The active character guards a specific area or
target, poised to shoot at an opportune moment. When Overwatch is declared, the active
character establishes a kill zone, which is any
general area, such as a corridor or tree line,
which encompasses a 45 degree arch in the direction the active character is facing.
The active character then specifies either Full Auto Burst or Suppressing Fire,
along with the conditions under which she will
perform the chosen attack. At any time the
specified conditions are met before the start of
the character's next turn, she can perform that
attack. If a character on Overwatch performs
any actions or reactions, such as dodge, her
overwatch immediately ends. Note this does
not include free actions such as speech.

Subtype: Miscellaneous, Provokes
The active character can reload a ranged
weapon. The amount of time the reload action
takes depends on the weapon.

Reaction Action
Subtype: Defense, Melee
If the character is wielding a melee weaponc
capable of parrying, she can attempt to thwart
an incoming melee attack by making a
Weaponry Test. This test is made just like a
melee attack - roll and keep a number of dice
equal to your Weaponry, and you get a +Xk0
bonus (X being your Level) if you're proficient
with the weapon. Half of the result of this test
is added to the character's static defense
against this attack. A character must be aware
of the attack being made on them in order to
parry it.


Full Action
Subtype: Movement, Provokes
The active character runs, covering a distance
equal to six times their speed. This makes the
character harder to hit with ranged weapons,
but easier prey for melee attacks. Until the beginning of the character's next turn, ranged attacks made against her suffer a -2k0 penalty,
while melee attacks gain a +2k0 bonus.

Half Action
Subtype: Movement
The character moves a distance equal to her
dexterity in meters.

Half Action
Subtype: Movement, Provokes
If the active character is on the ground, she
can stand.

Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Melee or Ranged
The active character makes one melee or
ranged attack.



Half Action
Subtype: Miscellaneous, Provokes
The active character draws a weapon or retrieves an object stowed in a pouch or pocket.
A weapon or item can also be properly stowed
away with this action (but note that simply
dropping an item is considered a free action).
This action can also be used to do things such
as apply a bandage, coat a blade with poison,
and so forth.

Full Action
Subtypes: Attack, Ranged
The active character unleashes a devastating
hail of firepower to force her opponents to take
cover. This action requires a weapon capable
of full automatic fire. When Suppressing Fire
is declared, the active character establishes a
kill zone (or uses one previously established,
such as through overwatch), which is any general area, such as a corridor or tree line, that
encompasses a 45 degree arch in the direction
the active character is facing. Then, the active


character fires a Full Auto Burst and expends

the appropriate ammo.
Targets within the kill zone must
make a Pinning Test or become Pinned. The
active character makes a Ballistics Test against
TN 20 to determine if her wild spray of gunfire hits anyone, friend or foe, within the kill
zone. If the Test succeeds, the SM assigns one
hit to a random target within the kill zone. For
every two raises on the Test, the SM assigns
another hit, up to the weapon's automatic rate
of fire. The active character cannot choose to
fail this Test.

Full Action
Subtype: Concentration, Movement
The active character moves from one position
of cover to another position of cover. In so
doing, she may cover a distance up to her Full
Move. For the duration of the move, she is
considered to benefit from the cover she left,
even though she is in the open for a brief time.

Variable Action
Subtypes: Concentration, Miscellaneous
The active character may use a skill. How long
this takes and what kind of check they need to
make are covered in the descriptions of the individual skills.

Full Action
Subtypes: Concentration, Movement
The active character breaks off from melee
combat and may make a half move.

Other Actions
If a player wants to take some action not covered in the rules, the SM should make a judgement about how long this will take and any
relevant checks. Generally most actions should
be resolved with some sort of Test: Characteristic Test, skill Test, or opposed Test. Keep in
mind that a round is only a few seconds long,
which is a very limited amount of time to accomplish a task.



The Attack
The most common action in combat is the attack - the characters are fighting, after all.
Whether armed with a melee or ranged
weapon, the process is the same. Before an attack is made, the SM should verify that the attack is even possible by checking the basic
requirements for the attack.
Melee attacks require the attacker to
be engaged in melee combat with his target.
Ranged attacks cannot be made if the attacker
is engaged in melee unless he is firing a pistol
class weapon. In either case, the attacker must
be aware of his target.
Assuming the attack is possible, follow these steps
Step One: Apply Modifiers to the Attack Test
Step Two: Attacker Makes a Test
Step Three: Determine Hit Location
Step Four: Attacker Determines Damage
Step Five: Apply Damage to Hit Points

Step One: Apply Modifiers to the Attack Test

Attacks require the character to make
a test using one of the attack skills (Weaponry,
Brawl, or Ballistics). There are many instances
where circumstances and factors will make the
attack easier or more difficult than normal.
For example, using the All Out Attack option
gives +2k0 to the roll.
If a situation calls for two or more
bonuses or penalties, simply combine all modifiers together and apply the total to the appropriate roll.

Step Two: Attacker Makes a Test

After the modifiers have been determined, the attacker makes his Attack Test. Attack Tests are made using the appropriate skill
for the weapon used (Weaponry for melee,
Ballistics for ranged attacks, and Brawl for unarmed). No characteristic is used for this test;
the number of kept dice is equal to the skill
used. If the character is proficient with the
weapon used, they get +Xk0 to this test, where
X is their level.
The TN for this test is the targets


Static Defense. A targets normal Static Defense is equal to 10, plus 3 for every dot he
has in Wisdom and Dexterity. Bigger characters are easier to hit, though, so they take twice
your Size as a penalty to their static defense.
Dodge and Parry Reactions
If a character is hit by an attack, they
have an opportunity to make a Dodge or Parry
reaction as an opposed roll against the attack.
If successful, the attack is negated and no
damage is dealt.

Step Three: Determine Hit Location

On a successful hit, the attacker needs
to determine where the hit landed. Simply roll
on the following chart to determine hit location:

Roll (1d10)


Left Leg

Right Leg




Left Arm

Right Arm



Step Four: Attacker Determines Damage

After the hit location has been determined, the attacker determines the damage
dealt by his attack. Each weapon has a damage
listing, usually a given number of kept and
rolled dice. Melee weapons add the user's
strength as rolled die on the damage roll. Roll
the appropriate dice and apply any indicated
modifiers. The result is the damage total.

Step Five: Target Applies Damage

From the damage total, the target
subtracts any Armor Points that protect the location hit by the attack. If the target is hit by a


spell, Armor Points do not apply, but the target may instead subtract his Aura value from
the spell's damage. If this reduces the damage
to zero or less, the target shrugs off the attack.
Any remaining damage is compared
against the target's resilience. For every multiple of the target's resilience he takes in damage, he loses one hit point. For example, if the
target has a resilience of 4, and he takes 15
points of damage from a sword attack, he loses
3 Hit Points. (15 divided by 4 is 3, with 3 left
over. The left over damage is simply wasted.)
If a targets resilience would be 0 or lower for
some reason, it is considered to be 1 for determining hit points lost from damage.
If the target has run out of Hit Points,
he begins taking Critical Damage, one point
of Critical Damage for every Hit Point hed
otherwise lose.

Not every fight in DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING requires bolters and
daiklaves. Some conflicts can be settled the
old-fashioned way with fists (not to mention
feet and, if you're the bloodthirsty type, teeth).
Unarmed attacks are resolved in the
same way as any other melee attack, with some
differences. Unarmed attacks can be used for
any Melee combat action, but wherever the
normal combat action calls for the use of the
Weaponry Skill, an Unarmed attack uses
Brawl instead.
Unarmed attacks cannot be used to
parry attacks made with weapons except with
a Stunt. Unarmed attacks typically deal 0k1
damage, adding the character's Strength as
rolled dice as normal for melee attacks.
If a target loses at least one hit point
from an unarmed attack, the attack also inflicts one level of Fatigue.



Combat Situations
offers endless potential for gripping, dramatic,
white-knuckle action. Combat is an essential
element for such action, and each combat,
from simple corridor shoot-outs to titanic civilization-crushing battles, should offer unique
experiences. The combat circumstances described in this section offer many ways to help
make every combat exciting, varied, and dangerous.
Combat circumstances can be used to
reflect the effects of terrain, the weather, tactical situations, and a variety of other factors.
Many circumstances alter the difficulty of
tasks by providing bonuses or penalties to
Tests, while others provide opportunities for
characters to leverage good fortune, or exploit
misfortunes that befall their enemies. Adventurers should make as much use of beneficial
circumstances as possible. A good plan, suitable equipment or skillful use of tactics can
often mean the difference between life and
death for a hero. The following circumstances
are some of the most common ones encountered in combat. For situations not covered
here, use these as a guide. Remember, the SM
has the final say about the difficulty of any particular Test or the outcome of any unusual situation.

Combat Advantage

Damaging Cover
Cover is not invulnerable. Attacks can
damage or destroy the protection afforded by
cover. Each successful hit against cover that
deals any amount of damage in excess of the
Armor Points it provides reduces the cover's
Armor Points by 1.

Cover Type


Armor-glas, Pipes, Thin Metal

Storage Crate, Sandbags, Ice

Computer bank, stasis pod


Rockcrete, hatchway, thick iron, stone 16

Armaplas, bulkhead, plasteel



One of the most common attack

modifiers is combat advantage. Combat advantage represents a situation in which the defender can't give full attention to defense. The
defender is pressed by multiple enemies at the
same time, stunned, distracted, or otherwise
caught off guard. When you have combat advantage against a target, you get a free raise to
hit them.

Concealment can be provided by a

variety of sources. Darkness, fog, foliage,
smoke, and harsh weather can all provide concealment for participants. Whenever a character has concealment, his static defense
increases. The default amount of this increase
to a characters static defense is 5, but at the
SMs option, particularly dense concealment
like a blizzard or the like can increase a characters static defense by more.


Difficult Terrain

Cover is a vital part of surviving a firefight and a good Adventurer knows that you
go for cover first and draw your gun second.
There are no penalties to Ballistics Test made
to attack targets standing partly behind cover.
However, there is a chance that the shot may


hit the cover rather than the target. It is up to

the Adventurer to decide which parts of his
body he is exposing when behind cover, but as
a general rule, a character firing around or
over cover will have his body and legs concealed. If the shot would hit a body location
that is concealed behind cover, work out the
damage against the Armor Points of the cover
instead, with any excess being applied to the
target as normal.

Melee attacks and dodge Tests made

while standing in difficult terrain, such as
mud, are made at -1k0. Tests made while
standing on arduous terrain, such as deep
snow or slick ice, are made at -2k0.


Engaged in Melee

Ganging Up

If the attacking character is adjacent

to his target, both the character and his target
are considered to be engaged in melee. Ballistics Tests made to hit a target engaged in
melee combat require two additional raises to
hit. If one or more characters engaged in the
melee is granting combat advantage, this
penalty is ignored.

A character has an advantage when he

and his allies engage the same foe in melee
combat. If a group of characters outnumber
their opponents by two to one, their melee attacks gain an +1k0 to hit. If a group of characters outnumber their opponents by three to
one or more, their melee attacks are at +2k0
to hit instead.

Extreme Range

Higher Ground

Targets that are at a distance of more

than three times the range of a character's
weapon are at Extreme Range. Ballistics Tests
made to hit targets at Extreme range require
three additional raises to hit.

Characters standing on higher

ground, such as standing on a table, hill, or
atop a mound of slain enemies and/or dead
puppies, have an advantage. Melee attacks
made by these characters are at +1k0.


Long Range

Characters can fall off things for any

number of reasons, though the results are usually the same. A character takes one wound for
every two meters they fall - even with a high
resilience, the bigger you are, the harder you
fall. A character may Test Acrobatics against
TN 15 to reduce falling damage. On a success,
they take one fewer wound, and every raise
further reduces damage taken by a wound. If
a character intentionally drops down, they
may fall 2m per dot of their Acrobatics rating
before taking damage.

Targets that are at a distance of more

than double the range of a character's weapon
are at Long Range. Tests made to hit those
characters with attacks require an additional
raise to hit.

Point Blank Range

When a character makes a ranged attack against a target that is two meters away
or closer, that target is at Point Blank Range.
Tests made to hit a character at Point Blank
range are made at +2k1 to hit. This bonus
does not apply when the attacker and the target are engaged in melee combat with each



Short Range
Target that are at a distance of less
than half the range of a character's weapon are
at short range. Tests made to attack targets at
short range are made at +1k0.

A character may combine multiple attacks from a feat like Swift or Lightning Attack
with the extra attack from two weapon fighting. In this case, simply combine any applicable penalties.

Weapon Jams
Two-Weapon Fighting
Many warriors fight with a weapon in
either hand. There are some important advantages and disadvantages to this style of fighting.
A character fighting with two
weapons may attack with either weapon when
making attack actions. If he is able to make
multiple attacks, he may split up his attacks
between the two weapons if they are applicable
(one can't use Lightning attack with a pistol,
for example).
A character wielding two weapons
may use the Multiple Attacks action to attack
once with each weapon, but each attack is
made at -3k0. If the character has Ambidextrous, the penalties are reduced by 1k0. If he
has the Two Weapon Fighting feat, the penalites are further reduced by 2k0. If he has
both, he suffers no penalty with his attacks.


Unfortunately, no weapon is perfect.

Sometimes a weapon will jam, either through
age, neglect, or simply poor design. Whenever
a character rolls more 1s on a roll to hit with
their weapon than their level (2 1s at level 1, 3
at level 2, etc.) than the weapon has jammed.
A Jammed weapon cannot be fired until it is
cleared, though if the Test to hit was successful on the jamming shot, the weapon jams on
the recoil - the shot is good but the weapon is
now fouled. Clearing a Jam is a full action that
requires a TN 15 Tech-Use or Ballistics Test.
If the Test is successful, then the Jam has been
cleared, though the weapon needs to be reloaded and any ammunition in the weapon is
lost. If the Test fails, the weapon is still
jammed and the character may attempt to
unjam the weapon next round.


A natural consequence of pushing
one's luck in far reaches of the Wheel is getting
hurt. Adventurers can get into fights with an
endless array of enemies, machinery can malfunction, pilots can discover exciting new ways
to land that don't involve leaving their craft in
one piece, and careless sorcerers can invite all
sorts of horrors from the Warp to show up and
ruin everyone's day.
Common physical injuries to DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING characters are
represented by Damage and Fatigue. Additionally, characters can also experience several
types of conditions and special damage such
as fire, suffocation, being stunned, and the
amputation of limbs. With all these different
types of punishment waiting to befall characters, it's important to know how much physical
abuse a character can take and a key measurement of this is how many Hit Points he possesses.

Hit Points are a measurement of how
much punishment a character can take before
suffering debilitating effects and, ultimately,
death. Every character in DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING has a specified number of Hit
Points. When you create your character, you
determine his Maximum Hit Points, which is
his Constitution plus his Willpower. There
may be feats, racial abilities, or effects from
your character's template that add to your
maximum hit points as well. Whenever a character loses Hit Points, they are subtracted
from the character's Current Hit Points. Once
a character's current Hit Points drop to zero
or below, he is in real trouble.

Damage is physical trauma dealt to a
character. Characters can suffer damage in
any number of ways - being shot by a boltgun,
lacerated by daemon claws, falling into a lavafilled crevasse, exposure to the vacuum of
space, and worse.
When a character suffers Damage,
compare the damage he takes against his Re-

silience. For every multiple of his resilience,

the character takes one wound. For example,
if a target with resilience 4 takes 18 damage
from an attack, he would lose 4 Hit Points. (18
divided by 4 is 4. The remainder of two is simply wasted.) A target with resilience 3, would
lose 6 Hit Points from the same amount of
Each time a character suffers damage,
there may be an opportunity to reduce it.
Armor Points reduce damage taken from most
sources, but are ineffective against distinctly
magical effects like spells. Aura, on the other
hand, reduces damage from spells but is
worthless against things like, say, bullets.
Some effects, such as fire and falling,
can directly wound a character regardless of
their resilience.

Damage Types
All damage is divided up into four
types: Energy (lasers, fire, plasma), Explosive
(grenades, bolt rounds), Impact (clubs, bullets, falling), and Rending (swords, claws). If
a source of Damage does not specify a type,
treat it as impact. Damage type is usually only
important for determining Critical Effects resulting from Critical Damage.



Whenever a character runs out of Hit
Points, he begins to take critical damage.
Each time a character suffers Critical Damage, he also suffers one or more Critical Effects. These are determined by consulting the
appropriate Critical Effects Table based on
the affected body location (Arm, Body, Gizzards, Head, or Leg) and the type of damage
(Energy, Explosive, Impact, or Rending).
As with normal damage, Critical
Damage is cumulative and remains with the
character until he either heals naturally over
time or receives medical attention. Each critical effect also has its own duration (including
permanent). If a Critically Damaged character loses more Hit Points, the amount is
added to his existing critical damage and a
new set of critical effects are applied based on
his Critical Damage.

A character who has gotten injured
will probably like to get healed at some point.
As a character takes wounds, he progresses
through three different states: Lightly
Wounded, Heavily Wounded, and Critically
Wounded. Characters naturally recover from
wounds at a slow rate that varies depending on
the character's state. Rest, medical attention,
and a few spells can speed up wound recovery.

Lightly Wounded
A character is considered Lightly
Wounded if he has lost Hit Points equal to or
less than his Willpower. A lightly wounded
character recovers 1 hit point per day through
natural healing. If a lightly wounded character
devotes an entire day to bed rest, he recovers
a number of hit points equal to his Constitution.

Heavily Wounded
A character is Heavily Wounded
whenever he has lost Hit Points greater than
his Willpower. A Heavily Wounded character
recovers 1 hit point per week through natural
healing. If a heavily damaged character de-


votes an entire week to complete rest, he recovers an amount of hit points equal to his
Constitution. Once a Heavily Wounded character's hit points are equal to or less than his
Willpower, he becomes Lightly Wounded.

Critically Wounded
A character is Critically Wounded
whenever he has lost Hit Points in excess of
his hit points. Critical Damage does not heal
on its own - it requires medical attention. With
rest and medical attention, a character removes 1 point of Critical Damage per week.
After all Critical Damage has been removed,
a character becomes Heavily Wounded instead.


Energy Critical Effects



Energy Arm

A blast to the arm leaves it numb. All Tests using the arm are made at -2k0 for one round

The attack wreathes the arm in flame, scorching clothing and armor. The target's attack rolls require two additional
raises to hit for one round and the target takes 1d5 levels of fatigue.

Energy sears through the arm at the shoulder, causing the limb to be severed from the body. The target suffers 1d10
levels of fatigue and is inflicted with Blood Loss.

The attack reduces the arm to a cloud of ash and sends the target to the ground where he immediately dies from shock.

The energy leaves the target's arm burned and useless for 1d5 rounds and the character takes one level of fatigue.

Energy Body

The blast takes the breath from his lungs. He can only take a single half action on his next turn.

The target is burned badly, cooking the flesh on his chest and abdomen, and suffers 1d5 levels of fatigue.

Struck by the full force of the attack, the target is sent reeling to the ground, smoke spiralling out of the wound. The
target is knocked prone and stunned for 1d10 rounds.

The attack blackens and burns off the target's skin. The target is stunned for 2d10 rounds, and his Str, Con, and Dex
are halved until the critical damage heals.

The target is completely encased in fire, melting his skin and popping his eyes like superheated eggs. He falls to the
ground a blackened corpse.

Energy Gizzards

Ripples of heat make the character stumble and vomit. The target is stunned for one round.

The target falls to the ground in a heap of burning flesh. Any grenades or missiles on the character's body detonate.
The character is very dead.

The target falls to the ground screaming and suffers 1 level of fatigue.
The intense power of the energy attack scorches the target's heart and lungs. The target is stunned for 2d10 rounds.
The character's flesh and organs are cooked completely through. He falls to the ground, splitting open and steaming.

Energy Head

A grazing blow to the head dazzles the target for one round.

The attack cooks the target's face, melting his features and damaging his eyes. The target is blinded for 1d10 hours
and reduces Fellowship by 1 permanently.

In a gruesome display, the flesh is burned from the target's head, exposing charred bone and muscle underneath. He
does not survive.

Superheated by the attack, the target's brain explodes, tearing apart his skull and sending flaming chunks of meat flying
at those nearby.

All of the target's hair is burned off, and he is blinded for 1d5 rounds.

Energy Legs

A grazing strike against the leg slows the target for a bit. The target's movement is halved for 1 round.

A solid blow to the leg sends electric currents of agony coursing through the target. Target's movement is halved for
1d5 rounds and suffers 1 level of fatigue.

The attack burns the target's foot, charring the flesh. The target must successfully Test Constitution (TN 20) or lose
the foot. On a success, the target's movement is halved until he receives medical attention.

Energy sears through the bone, causing the leg to be severed. The target must Test Constitution (TN 20) or be stunned
for 1 round. The target gains 1d10 levels of fatigue and is suffering from blood loss.

In a terrifying display of power, the leg immolates and fire consumes the target completely. The target dies in a matter
of agonizing seconds.



Explosive Critical Effects



Explosive Arm

The target's arm fractures, making the character's hand spasm in pain. The character drops anything he is holding.

The blast causes the target to scream in agony. The target is stunned for 1 round and the limb is useless until the
critical damage is healed.

Fragments from the explosion tear into the target's hand, ripping away flesh and muscle. He must Test Constitution
(TN 20) or lose the hand. The target takes 1d5 levels of fatigue.

In a violent burst of shattering power, the target's arm is mangled. He must make a TN 20 Constitution Test or else
die from shock. He suffers Blood Loss.

The arm disintegrates into a red mist, taking a good portion of the shoulder and chest with it. The target is sent screaming to the ground, dying in a pool of his own blood and organs.

Explosive Body

The target is blown backwards 1d5 meters and takes 1 level of fatigue per meter travelled. He lands prone.

As above, but if the character was wearing any armor, the armor is breached and no longer protects the body until it
has been repaired.

Chunks of the target's flesh are ripped free by the force of the attack, leaving large weeping wounds. The target is
stunned for one round, takes 1d10 levels of fatigue, and is now suffering blood loss.

Pieces of the target's body fly in all directions as he is torn into giblets by the attack.

As above, and anyone within 1d10 meters of the target is drenched in gore and must make a TN 20 dexterity check or
else become dazzled for one round as blood fouls their sight.

Explosive Gizzards

The target is blown backwards 1d10 meters, taking one level of fatigue for ever meter traveled.

The explosion sends the target sprawling to the ground. He takes 1d5 levels of fatigue and becomes prone.

Concussion from the explosion knocks the target to the ground and tenderizes his innards. The target falls down
Stunned for 1 round, takes 1d10 levels of fatigue and is now suffering Blood Loss.

The target's chest explodes outwards, disgorging a river of cooked organs onto the ground, killing him instantly.

As above, and in addition if the character was carrying any ammunition or explosives, they detonate.

Explosive Head

The flash and noise leaves the target Blinded and Deafened for 1 round.

The detonation knocks the target to the ground and stuns him for one round. The target takes two levels of fatigue.

The target's head explodes under the force of the attack, leaving his headless corpse to spurt blood from the neck for
the next few minutes. The target takes -1k0 to all perception checks for one round and, worse, is killed instantly.

In a series of unpleasant explosions the target's head and torso peel apart, leaving a gory mess on the ground. You
don't get much deader than this except...

As above, except such is the unspeakably appalling manner in which the target was killed that any allies of the target
who are within 2m of where he once stood must Test against Fear 1.

Explosive Legs


A glancing blast sends the character backwards one meter.

The concussion cracks the target's leg, leaving him stunned for one round and halving all movement for 1d5 rounds.
The target takes 1 level of fatigue.

Explosive force removes part of the target's foot and scatters it over a wide area. The target must make a TN 20 Constitution Test or permanently lose the use of his foot, inflicting 1d5 levels of fatigue.

The explosion reduces the target's leg into a hunk of smoking meat. The target must make a TN 20 Constitution Test
or die from shock. On a successful Test, the target is merely stunned for 1d10 rounds, takes 1d10 levels of fatigue, and
suffers Blood Loss. He now has only one leg.

The leg explodes in an eruption of blood, killing the target immediately and sending bloody bits of him in all directions.


Impact Critical Effects



Impact Arm

The attack numbs the target's limb, causing him to drop anything held in that hand.

The impact leaves crushing pain and the target takes one level of fatigue.

The attack pulverizes the target's hand, crushing and breaking 1d5 fingers (a thumb counts as a finger). The target
takes 1 level of fatigue and loses the use of his hand until he gets medical attention.

With a loud snap, the arm bone is shattered and the limb is left hanging limply. The arm is broken and useless until
healed. The target also takes two levels of fatigue.

In a rain of gore, blood, and met, the target's arm is removed from his body. He screams incoherently for a few seconds
before collapsing to the ground and dying.

Impact Body

The target is momentarily knocked off balance by the attack, and can take only a half action on his next turn.

The attack breaks a rib and inflicts two levels of fatigue. The target is also stunned for one round..

A solid blow to the chest winds the target and he momentarily doubles over in pain, clutching himself and crying in
agony. The target takes 1d5 levels of fatigue and is stunned for two rounds.

With an audible crack, 1d5 of the target's ribs break. The target can either lay down and stay still awaiting medical attention or continue to take actions, though if he takes any actions he begins suffering Blood Loss.

The target jerks back from the force of the attack, throwing back his head and spewing out a jet of blood before crumpling to the ground dead.

Impact Gizzards

The impact punches the air from the target's body, inflicting one level of fatigue.

The attack knocks the target to the ground, sending him flying 1d5 meters away and falling prone. The target takes
1d5 levels of fatigue and is stunned for 2 rounds.

The force of the attack ruptures several organs and knocks the target down gasping in wretched pain. The target suffers
Blood Loss and takes 1d10 levels of fatigue.

The target's organs are turned into a fine paste. While this would be great for spreading on crackers, it's not so great
for being alive. The target dies instantly.

The blow batters the target, almost stopping his heart. The target takes 1d5 levels of fatigue and is stunned for 1 round.

Impact Head

The attack causes the target to see stars. The target takes one level of fatigue and becomes dazzled for one round.

The target's head is snapped back by the attack, leaving him staggering around trying to control mind-numbing pain.
The target is stunned for 1d5 rounds and takes 2 levels of fatigue.

Blood pours from the target's nose, mouth, ears, and eyes as the attack pulverizes his brain. He does not survive.

The target's head explodes like an overripe fruit and sprays blood, bone and brains in all directions.

The target's nose explodes in a torrent of blood, blinding him for one round and dealing two levels of fatigue.

Impact Legs

A light blow to the leg leaves the target stumbling. His movement is halved for one round.

The blow breaks the target's leg, leaving him stunned for one round and halving all movement for 1d5 rounds. The
target takes one level of fatigue.

Several if the tiny bones in the target's foot snap like twigs with cracking noises. The target must make an immediate
Constitution Test (TN 20) or permanently lose the use of his foot. On a success, halve all movement until medical attention is received. The target takes two levels of fatigue.

The force of the attack rips the lower half of the leg away in a stream of blood. The target must make a TN 20 Constitution Test or else die from shock. On a success, the target is stunned for 1d10 round, takes 1d5 levels of fatigue
and suffers blood loss. He now only has one leg.

The hit rips apart the flesh of the leg, causing blood to spray out in all directions. Not only does he not even have a leg
to stand on, but he also dies horribly in a spreading pool of gore.



Rending Critical Effects



Rending Arm

The slashing attack tears anything free that was held in this arm.

The blow mangles flesh and muscle as it hacks into the target's hand, liberating 1d5 fingers in the process. The target
takes 3 levels of fatigue and must make a TN 20 Constitution Test or lose the use of his hand.

With an assortment of interesting wet ripping sounds, the arm flies free of the body, trailing blood behind it in a crimson
arc. The target is now missing an arm and suffering blood loss.

The attack slices clean through the arm and into the torso, drenching the ground in gore and killing the target instantly.

The shredding attack sends the target screaming in pain. As above, and the target takes 2 levels of fatigue.

Rending Body

If the target is not wearing armor on this location, he takes 1 level of fatigue from a painful laceration. If he is wearing
armor, there is no effect.

The attack rips a large patch of skin from the target's torso, leaving him gasping in pain. The target is stunned for one
round and takes 2 levels of fatigue.

The blow opens up a long wound in the target's torso, causing him to double over in terrible pain. The target takes
1d5 levels of fatigue.

The target is sent screaming to the ground, clutching at his wounds. He goes prone and takes 1d10 levels of fatigue.

The powerful blow cleaves the target in twain. Unfortunately, he doesn't survive the experience.

Rending Gizzards

The attack hits a weak point on the target's armor, tearing at straps or between joints and reducing its Armor Points
by 1 until it is repaired. The target takes one level of fatigue.

A torrent of blood spills from the deep cuts, making the ground slick with gore. He takes 1d5 levels of fatigue.

The attack cuts open the target's abdomen. The target suffers from blood loss and can either use one arm to hold
himself together or else roll twice for blood loss each turn. He also takes 1d5 levels of fatigue.

The target is rent into several bits. He is now quite dead.

As above, except the area around the target is awash in gore and counts as difficult terrain for the rest of the fight.

Rending Head

The attack tears skin from the target's face dealing 1 level of fatigue. If the target is wearing a helmet, there is no effect.

The attack scoops out one of the target's eyes, inflicting 1d5 levels of fatigue and leaving the target stunned for 1 round.

The attack opens up the target's face, leaving him stunned for 1d5 rounds and inflicting 1d5 levels of fatigue. If the
target is wearing a helmet, the helmet is torn free.

With a sound not unlike a wet sponge being torn in half, the target's head flies free of its body and sails through the air,
landing harmlessly 2d10 meters away. The target is instantly slain.

As above, only blood spews out in a torrent, drenching all those nearby and dazzling them as gore fills their eyes.

Rending Legs


The target's kneecap splits open. He must make a TN 20 Dexterity Test or fall prone. He takes 1 level of fatigue.

The attack rips a length of flesh from the leg, causing blood to gush from the wound. The target takes 1 level of fatigue
and suffers Blood Loss.

The blow slices a couple of centimeters off the end of the target's foot. The target must make a TN 20 Constitution
Test or lose the foot. In either case, movement is halved until the character receives medical attention and takes 1d5
levels of fatigue.

In a single bloody hack the leg is lopped off the target. The target must immediately make a TN 20 Constitution Test
or die from shock. On a success, the target is stunned for 1d10 rounds, takes 1d10 levels of fatigue, and suffers Blood
Loss. He now has only one leg.

With a meaty chop, the leg comes away. The target pitches to the ground howling, before dying moments later.


Common injuries are far from the only forms
of bodily harm facing those who dare to venture into the unknown. Spells, monsters,
traps, and the environment can all afflict your
character with various conditions. A condition
imposes a penalty, a vulnerability, a hindrance,
or a combination of effects.

A character that loses body parts (except for the head, which almost certainly
means death) is also affected by Blood Loss
and must be treated for it quickly. If the character lives, someone with the medicae skill
must be found to ensure that it heals well. If
no medic is available, the character becomes
Diseased. Assuming the character survives the
Blood Loss, he'll also have to cope with the
disagreeable side-effects of the lost limb,
which are explained below.

Lost Hand
The character suffers a -2k1 penalty
on all skill and characteristic Tests that rely on
the use of two hands and she cannot wield
two-handed weapons. A shield can be
strapped to the injured arm, however. Should
this be the character's primary hand, she must
cope with the customary -2k0 penalty to
Weaponry using his secondary hand. For
every 100 xp she spends, she can reduce this
penalty by 1k0.
If a character loses both hands, she
should either secure at least one replacement
or get someone to sharpen her teeth.

Lost Arm
As with a lost hand, but a character
cannot strap a shield to the arm since he no
longer has it. Losing both arms is bad, plus it's
a bit difficult to reach those hard-to-clean
spots. Once again, look into replacement
limbs or consider rolling up a new character.

Lost Eye
Losing one eye permanently halves

the effective range of all ranged attacks the

character makes. In addition, he suffers a -2k1
penalty to all Skill and Characteristics Tests
that rely on sight. Should a character have the
misfortune to lose both eyes, he becomes

Lost Foot
The character permanently reduces
all his movement by half (round up) and suffers a -2k0 penalty to all movement Actions as
well as Skill and Characteristic Tests that rely
on mobility, such as Stealth. Losing both feet
makes it hard to walk. Perhaps the ship's Engineseer has some spare wheels lying around...

Lost Leg
Treat this as a lost foot, but the character cannot use the Dodge action. Losing
both legs renders the character half the person
he was, but the good news is he also becomes
half the target for his enemies.

A blind character automatically fails
all Tests based on vision and automatically
fails all Ballistics Tests. She also suffers a -2k1
penalty to Weaponry Tests and most other
Tests that ordinarily benefit from vision.
Blinded characters grant Combat Advantage.
Needless to say, most heroes find blindness
very inconvenient.

Blood Loss is an effect that can result
from Critical Damage. Characters suffering
from Blood Loss are in danger of death at any
moment. Each round a character is suffering
from blood loss, she rolls 1d10. On a roll of 1,
the character dies. If the suffering character is
conscious, she may attempt a TN 20 Medicae
Test each Round to staunch the bleeding. If
the character is also trying to simultaneously
engage in strenuous activity, such as running
away from whatever caused the blood loss, attempts to staunch the bleeding instead requires a TN 30 Medicae Test. If the suffering
character is not conscious, or doesn't fancy her
chances, another character may attempt the





A Dazzled character has been dazed

and confused. He takes -1k0 to all Tests and
an additional -1k0 to all Tests based on sight.

Exhaustion, combat trauma, or swapping licks with bare fists can all leave a character battered, but more or less intact. Fatigue
measures the amount of non-lethal injury a
character can take over the course of game
play. Characters gain Fatigue from certain
types of attacks, some critical effects, and
some weapons and feats.
Fatigue is measured in levels. A character can take a number of levels of Fatigue
equal to his Constitution score and still function, albeit with some side-effects. Should a
character take a number of levels of fatigue in
excess of his Constitution, he collapses, unconscious, for 10-Constitution hours. After
the character awakens, his levels of fatigue revert to a number equal to his Constitution.
Characters suffering any level of fatigue suffer -1k0 to all Tests. A character recovers one level of fatigue per hour as long as
they can rest and relax.

The character cannot hear at all, or at
least not well enough to communicate with
others. Until the character recovers or has his
disability repaired, he automatically fails any
Skill or Characteristic Test that relies on hearing. Apart from having trouble communicating with his fellow Adventurers, the SM is free
to decide what effects a deaf character will
have on the game.

While Exalts are immune to the vast
majority of diseases, there are some supernatural afflictions that can still knock them on
their arse. While Diseased, a character cannot
recover hit points. Most supernatural diseases
have their own effects in addition to this base

A character suffers damage from fire
each round she is exposed to it. At the beginning of each round after the first in which a
character is exposed to the same source of
flames (or if he is hit by a weapon with the
Flame special quality) she must make a TN 15
Dexterity Test or catch on fire.
Once a character is on fire, she loses
one hit point and gains and one level of fatigue
each round until the fire is extinguished. All
damage from fire is treated as Energy damage
for the purpose of determining Critical effects
- if the location is not otherwise specified, use
the body location.
A character that is on fire may try to
extinguish the flames herself by dropping
prone and making a TN 15 Dexterity Test,
which counts as a full action. The SM can
make this Test easier or harder depending on
environmental conditions and whether the
blazing character is able to receive any help
from nearby allies.


Tests made to hit a sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise helpless target automatically succeed. When rolling damage against
such a target, roll twice and add the results.

Characters who have been Immobilized have some serious problems moving. An
immobilized character cannot use any action
with the Movement subtype.

Being shot at is a terrifying experience
at the best of times, and even the most inexperienced Adventurers know to keep their
heads down when the bullets and bolt shells
start flying. Pinning represents a character's
survival instincts telling him to stay in cover.
When a character is on the receiving end of
suppressive fire, even if he isn't hit, he must
make a Pinning Test. This is a Willpower Test
made at TN 20. On a success, the character
may act normally. On a failure, the character
becomes Pinned.


A Pinned character may only take

Half actions. If a Pinned character is in cover
relative to the attacker that Pinned him, he
may not leave it except to retreat (provided he
can remain in cover while doing so). If he is
not in cover when Pinned, he must use his
next turn to reach cover. If there is no cover
nearby, he must move away from the attacker
that Pinned him.
A character can make a Pinning Test
at the end of his Turn to escape Pinning, in
which case he may act as normal on his next
turn. This Test is made against TN 10 if the
character is no longer under fire. A character
engaged in melee combat automatically escapes Pinning.

A Prone character grants Combat advantage against melee attackers and ranged attackers within point blank range. Ranged
attackers beyond point blank range need an
extra raise to hit his Static Defense. A prone
character suffers -1k0 to all melee attack Tests
and -2k0 penalty to all dodge Tests. A character may drop prone as a free action.

It's easy enough for a character to end
up restrained. Perhaps he's gone and gotten
himself arrested, or he's having to fight off attackers in the middle of something intimate involving fuzzy handcuffs. Either way, a
restrained character grants combat advantage.
If his legs are bound, he's also immobilized.
All attack rolls he makes are at -1k0.

level. If a character is actively trying to conserve oxygen, he can hold his breath for a
number of minutes equal to his Constitution.
If a character is instead engaged in strenuous
activity (combat, swimming, etc) he may hold
his breath for a number of rounds equal to
twice his Constitution.
While holding his breath, a character
must make a TN 10 Con Test each minute (if
conserving oxygen) or each round (if getting
busy). If he fails, he suffers one level of fatigue.
If the character has not gained a fresh source
of oxygen by the end of the allotted time he
automatically falls unconscious regardless of
his levels of Fatigue.
If a character is both unconscious and
deprived of a fresh source of Oxygen, he loses
one Hit Point per round until he dies.

When you're surprised or taken unawares, you grant combat advantage.

Unconsciousness is usually a temporary state that typically results from excessive
levels of fatigue or critical damage. The duration of a state of unconsciousness is usually included in the description of the effect that
caused it, but if no other duration is given, unconsciousness lasts for 10-Constitution hours.
An unconscious character is completely unaware of his surroundings and cannot take any actions. His is also treated as
being Helpless.

In addition to Damage and Fatigue,
characters may also become Stunned. A
stunned character grants combat advantage
and cannot take actions. A stunned character
is not helpless or unaware.

There are many ways to suffocate, including drowning, smoke inhalation, and exposure to certain toxins. The rate of
suffocation depends on the character's activity



In many game situations, it is unnecessary to worry about how fast a character can
run or how long it takes him to walk from his
private quarters to the ship's armory. On the
other hand, there are many situations that
come up during a game, such as combat,
where knowing how far a character can move
over a given period of time becomes very important.

Narrative Moment and Terrain

Terrain conditions affect how fast a
character can cover ground during Narrative
Time. Obviously, slogging through a waistdeep death world swamp is far more laborious
than strolling through the steel corridors of an
orbital space station. If you're moving through
difficult terrain, you can only cover half of the
normal distance in a given amount of time.
The SM has the final decision about what, if
any, modifiers apply to Narrative Time caused
by the environment.
A character may hurry - either because they're running or because they're on a
forced march - and cover more ground. Characters may double their movement during narrative time, but for every hour spent doing this
they must make a TN 10 Constitution Test or
take a level of fatigue, with the TN increasing
by 5 for every hour after the first.
In general, a character may move 20x
their speed per minute, a number of kilometers equal to their Speed per hour, and ten
times that per day.

Climbing an object requires Athletics
rolls. Under most circumstances, as long as a
character has both hands free, has a dot in
Athletics, and isn't being distracted (by, say,
being shot at), a character can automatically
succeed at simple climbing tests like fences,
trees, boulders, and the like.
If he's trying to move quickly or is
being distracted, he needs to make an Athletics Test to climb. On a successful Test, he can
ascend up to half of his Speed. For every raise
on the Test, he can move an additional meter.


If he fails, he falls, and might take damage.

The SM can adjust the difficulty of
the Test based on the nature of the climb, and
can rule that certain surfaces, like sheer surfaces like building faces and cliffs, require
Tests and can't be attempted automatically.
The default difficulty of most climbing Tests
is TN 15.

A jump is, well, you should be familiar with this one. If a character gets a running
start of at least 4m before his jump, he makes
an Acrobatics and Strength Test against TN
10. On a success, he leaps a number of meters
horizontally equal to his Strength, plus another meter for every degree of success. On a
failure, he only leaps a number of meters equal
to half his Strength (round up). He can
achieve a height of one half of this distance
travelled in meters (round down). If he's just
making a vertical leap, make the Test as normal and simply ignore the horizontal distance
travelled. A character can attempt to make the
same jumps from a standing start, but the initial Test is made against TN 15 instead of TN

A character doesn't need to make a
Swim Test (Athletics and Strength) under
ideal circumstances, but hazardous conditions
such as rough waters, hands being tied, or
swimming while fighting all require Swim
Tests to move. A successful swim Test allows
the character to move at half speed through
the water. Normally, swim Tests are made
against TN 10, but difficult conditions might
increase the TN. A failed Test means the character doesn't get to move that turn. Heavy
equipment, especially armor, makes swimming extremely difficult. Swim Tests made
while wearing Medium or heavier armor is
made against TN 20. A character must, normally, hold their breath if they're completely


Social Combat
Of course, Heroes don't always need
to solve problems and differences by punching
each other in the face, launching bolts of
plasma, and accidentally opening a gate to the
Warp because someone rolled *really* badly
on a Perils of the Warp check. There is also
the option to simply talk things over.
Any great heroic epic has heroes who
can motivate a nation through force of personality, making speeches to open up the hardest
heart, wooing the princess, and so forth. While
simple skill checks might be enough to pass for
a lie or two, important debates and social situations with far-reaching implications shouldn't be left to succeed or fail on the basis of a
single roll - or at least no more than combat.
A really serious social situation should
be handled with the same seriousness and
depth as a fight to the death - especially since
death might really be on the line!
For the most part, Social Combat is
handled like real combat. Initiative is rolled,
actions are taken, and then people take turns
until the situation is resolved.

Just like regular combat, social combat is resolved with structured time. Social
combat rounds, however, are considerably
longer than normal rounds - social combat
rounds can be a minute or more long, though

really they just take however long is required

for the actions people are taking. If someone
is making a particularly long speech or monologue, a round might be several minutes or
more. Social combat works in the same way as
normal combat with the following notes:
A character can be just as surprised in
a social situation as anywhere else - someone
might just walk right up to a hero and try to
persuade them to do them a favour or invite
them into the back room. A character who is
surprised loses their first turn in the combat.
A character uses their Fellowship and
Composure to modify their initiative roll
rather than Dexterity and Composure. Being
quick on your feet isn't all that impressive in a
battle of wits.
Social combat can be resolved in a
number of different ways, not just killing
everyone involved. Make sure to read over the
resolution phase to understand how social
combat can end.

Resolve is a character's defense
against social attacks. Resolve is calculated by
adding a character's Willpower and Composure together. Resolve recovers more quickly
than Hit Points. Each morning, the character
may roll her Composure against TN 10. If the
roll succeeds, she regains one point of Resolve,
plus one for every raise on the roll. The character gains a point of resolve if they perform a
stunt that furthers their Alignment (at the
SM's discretion).







Take time to make your next social attack more effective.



Move around the area.

Poker Face

Focus on defending yourself from social attacks.


Negate someone's social attack.

Social Attack

Make a social attack.

Speak Carefully

Make a social attack while preparing a defense.


Provide wingman support for someone.


Catch someone off-guard with tricky words.



Mental Defense
Just as a character's static defense in
normal combat is determined by their Dexterity, a character's Mental Defense is determined by their Composure. A character's base
Mental Defense value is 5 + (5 x Composure).


The list of actions in a social situation
are somewhat different from the actions taken
during normal combat - you'll find a distinct
lack of options that involve stabbing someone.
If a character does decide to use the point of
his sword rather than his argument, then social
combat ends rather abruptly and normal combat takes its place - possibly with one very surprised person who came expecting a debate.

Half Action
The active character takes some time to prepare himself, building a fortress or words or
considering carefully the arguments of another
for flaws. You may take a half action to get
+1k0 on your next social attack or a full action
to get +2k0 on your next social attack. The
next action the monologuing character performs must be a social attack or the benefits of
this study are lost. These benefits are also lost
if the character performs a reaction before
making his attack.

Free Action
Unlike in a normal combat situation where
bullets are going all over the place and cover
is a very nice thing to have, movement during
social combat is more for flavor than anything
else. Unless someone is specifically making a
withdraw action or otherwise fleeing the scene,
movement is a free action that is simply taken
while making other actions.

Poker Face
Full Action
The character makes no social attacks and instead concentrates entirely on self-defense.
Until the start of her next turn, the character
can make one additional reaction and gains a
+10 bonus to her static social defense.


Reaction Action
Refuting a social attack can be done in a number of different ways. The two main methods
of social refutation are as follows, though given
the variety of social situations the SM may
allow a character to use a stunt to Test other
skills and characteristics:
Wisdom and Scrutiny - By Testing
wisdom and scrutiny a Hero is seeing through
the arguments people are making. A wisdom
and scrutiny Test can be made against any social attack.
Intelligence and Lore - The last thing
an adventurer wants to do is debate an expert
on their chosen topic. Whenever a Lore would
be appropriate, an Intelligence and Lore Test
may be used to refute social attacks, and gains
a free raise on his Test (he's got the facts on
his side, after all).

Social Attack
Half Action
Making a Social Attack depends on a number
of factors. A hero must choose exactly which
tactic they'll be using in order to determine
what they'll be rolling. First, the character
must decide if they're using Charisma (for
honest persuasion) or Fellowship (for guile
and seduction). A hero then selects from
Charm (for seduction and simply improving
disposition), Command (for giving orders),
Deceive (for attempting to get their way
through lies), Intimidation (for scaring the hell
out of people), Performer (for influencing
large crowds), and Persuasion (making an
honest attempt to talk to someone).


Speak Carefully
Full Action
The character presents a careful argument,
making sure she remains well poised to defend
herself. The character suffers a -1k0 penalty to
her social attack Test, but she gains a +1k0
bonus to all Refute Tests until the start of her
next turn.

Half Action
The character creates an opportunity for another character. He might support his argument, present more facts, or simply add
another voice. By working together with them,
the active character gives them +1k0 to their
next social skill Test. It cannot be used on any
actions the SM deems inappropriate, and no
more than two characters may attempt to assist another on a single Test.

Half Action
The character attempts to use guile and debate training to trick her opponent into a mistake. The character and her target make an
opposed Test, the active character using Deceive + Fellowship and the defending character using Scrutiny + Wisdom. If the active
character wins, her next social attack against
that same target cannot be refuted. If the active character's next action is anything other
than a social attack, the advantage of wordplay
is lost.

Social attacks don't reduce a target's
Hit Points. At least not under normal circumstances. The effects of a social attack are actually much more subtle, attacking a target's
Resolve. The TN of a social attack is made
against a target's Mental Defense.
Whenever a character is overcome by
a social attack, he has two options: he may
spend a point of Resolve to resist the effects of
the social attack or he may consent to the attack, performing the behavior described in the
initial attack declaration. Keep in mind that
additional raises on the social attack have no
effect - one that hits with ten raises has the
same effect as one with no raises at all.
In a given scene, a character can suffer only two points of Resolve drain from social attacks. Once this has happened, the
character becomes jaded and suspicious. Any
further attempts at persuasion automatically
fail unless the attacker uses a stunt to try a new
approach. Whenever a social attack would
make a character act against their alignment
they must spend a Resolve point in order to
resist. Social attacks can impose a range of
possible effects:
Building/Eroding Dispositions: The
most basic type of social attack effect, building
and eroding dispositions simply makes a character like or dislike a given cause, belief, or
other character. The results of a single social
attack aren't going to win an enemy over as a
lover or turn a patriot against their
nation, though - whenever a character consents to this effect, their disposition only moves one place, and
the change is typically temporary unless the same effect has been used a
number of times equal to the defender's willpower (the average person with Willpower 2 would need to
be subject to this effect twice for it to
become permanent).
Typically characters will
spend resolve to resist having existing
loyalties eroded, but they are less
likely to oppose attacks on a different



front targeting causes and people they don't

have strong feelings for already.
Compelling Behavior: Characters
who don't or can't resist a social attack can be
convinced against their better judgement to
spend the rest of the scene doing any one task,
provided that doing so doesn't violate their
Alignment. Typically a character will resist any
course of action that violates their normal behavior, but they are not required to do so - a
husband may have a loving wife and still accede to the proposition of a beautiful concubine, for instance.
Breaking Alignment: If a character is
reduced to zero Resolve through social attacks
and she is prevented from regaining their full
Resolve for a number of days equal to their
Devotion, her will is broken. In this state
(which lasts until the character has fully recovered their Resolve), successful social attacks
may compel her to take actions betraying her
Alignment. Storytellers should be wary of inflicting such a dire fate on a protagonist.

The disposition of a character determines the general difficulty of influencing their
actions, as well as just what they're likely to do.
A low disposition (like Hostile) is likely to be
less than helpful, whereas a high disposition
might see you getting favors and even some assistance. The following table shows the general
attitudes of disposition as well as the effects
they have on Mental Defense to change these
attitudes and what they mean.


TN Means

Kismesissitude +10




Will take risks to hurt you.



Wishes you ill.


Doesn't much care.


Wishes you well.




+10 and he is our shield and

Will take risks to help you.

There is only the Emperor,



Fear and Insanity

The Great Wheel is a dark and terrible place where billions inhabit a universe
filled with unnumbered horrors and countless
dangers. The rules presented here reflect these
many threats to the mind and soul, and how
the player characters interact with them. They
are separated in two distinct sections: Fear
covers a character's immediate reaction to
frightening events and creatures and Insanity
details the long term effects of trauma on a
character. During combat encounters, the
only rules that will be used from this chapter
are those for fear. The effects of Insanity are
dealt with in the aftermath of a battle rather
than during it.

Fear comes into effect when the characters are confronted with scenes of atrocity or
horror, or when they are called on to battle
against terrifying aliens, insane perversions of
science, and nightmarish entities from the
warp. When a PC is confronted by such a
frightening event or adversary, he must make
a Fear Test. This is a Willpower Test, with the
TN determined by how frightening the thing
is. If the PC passes this Test, then he may continue to act as normal. If he fails, however, he
succumbs to fear.


Severity of Fear

TN Examples

Fear 1 - Disturbing 15

Walking Dead

Fear 2 - Frightening 20

Ebon Wraith

Fear 3 - Horrifying


Incarnate Daemon

Fear 4 - Terrifying


The King in Rags

and Tatters

If a character fails the fear Test in a

combat situation, he must immediately roll on
the Shock Table, adding +1 to the result for
every Check on the Test. The effects listed are
applied immediately to the character. If the
character fails the fear Test in a non-combat
situation, the character becomes unnerved and
suffers a -1k0 penalty to any skill or Test that

requires concentration on his part. This

penalty lasts while the character remains in the
vicinity of the object of his fear. In addition, if
any non-combat fear Test is failed by 10 or
more, the character also gains +1d5 Insanity

Shock and Snapping Out of It

Characters may be able to shake off
some of the effects of fear after the initial shock
has worn off. Where on the Shock Table that
a character may 'snap out of it', a character can
make a Willpower Test (TN equal to the initial fear's TN). If this succeeds, then he regains
his senses, shrugs off the effects, and may act
normally from then on. If he fails this Test, the
effect continues. A character may Test again
at the beginning of each of his subsequent
turns until he succeeds.

Characters in DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING face things in their travels that
most people will forever remain unaware of,
spending prolonged periods in the warp, visiting ancient and terrible worlds, and dealing
with treacherous aliens are just a few of these.
Such are the stresses and horrors of these tasks



that the slow slide into insanity is a constant

threat. No mind, not even one hardened by
the harsh rigors of life in the Great Wheel, is
immune to the slow erosion of sanity by the
horrors of the galaxy, and a party of Heroes is
no exception.
In DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING, these dangers are represented by insanity points. Insanity points represent the
strain put on a character's mind by his experiences; the more Insanity Points a character
has, the more fragile his mind. The cumulative
effects of gaining Insanity Points are divided
into traumas, which represent the short term
after-effects of particularly terrible experiences
and Disorders, which are permanent mental
afflictions that sign-post a character's slide into
total madness.

Mental Trauma
Mental Trauma represents the relatively short-term damage to a character's state
of mind that he suffers after experiencing a
horrific or supernatural event. Each time the
character gains 10 Insanity Points he must
make a Trauma Test. This is a Willpower Test
with a variable difficulty. The Target Number
for this Test is 10, plus one for every five
points of Insanity the character has accumulated (12 at 10 Insanity Points, 20 at 50 Insanity Points, etc). If the Test is failed, roll on the
Trauma table, adding one to the roll for every
Check on the roll.


The character is badly startled. He may only

take a half action on his next turn, but afterwards he may act normally.


The character is gripped by fear, shaking and

trembling. He is dazzled until he can snap
out of it.


Reeling with shock, the character backs away

from the thing that confronts them. The
character cannot willingly approach the object of his fear, but may otherwise act normally until the end of the encounter. He also
gains 1 insanity point.


The character is frozen by terror. The character is Stunned until they snap out of it, and
then act at -1k0 to all Tests until the end of
the encounter. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.

Panic grips the character. He must flee the

source of his fear, if able, as fast as he can,
and if prevented from doing so, he may only
take Half Actions and is at -2k0 to all Tests.
The character gains 1d5 insanity points.
Once away from the danger, he may attempt
to snap out of it to regain control.


Fainting dead away, the character keels over

and remains unconscious for 1d5 rounds.
Once he regains consciousness, he is still
shaken, taking -1k0 to all Tests until the end
of the encounter and gaining 1d5 insanity


Totally overcome, the character screams and

vomits uncontrollably for 1d5 rounds. During this time he is helpless. Afterwards, the
character may only take a half action each
turn until he can rest. The character gains
1d5 insanity points.


The character crumples to the ground weeping. For 1d10 rounds they may do nothing
except sob, babble, and tear at their own
flesh. Even after returning to his senses, the
character is at -2k0 to all Tests for the rest of
the encounter and gains 1d10 insanity


The character's mind snaps. She becomes

catatonic for 1d10 hours and may not be
roused. The character gains 1d10 insanity

Mental disorders reflect the permanent, long-term effects on a character's mind
as a result of exposure to things horrific and
unnatural. A character automatically gains a
new disorder (or a more severe version of an
existing disorder) each time he acquires a certain number of Insanity Points. A character
gains one Minor Disorder when he gains 40
Insanity Points, one Severe Disorder when he
gains 60 IP, and one Acute Disorder when he
gains 80 IP. If a character reaches 100 Insanity
Points, they are removed from play - theyve
completely cracked and are now under the
control of the SM.



Disorders can be selected by the SM,

or the SM can allow the player to select one if
he prefers. Some disorders would be phobia, MENTAL TRAUMAS
obsessions and compulsions, hallucinations,
and horrific nightmares. The exact effects of a Roll
disorder should be decided on by the SM. (1d10)
The character becomes withdrawn and quiet,
Rolls made to resist the effects of a disorder 1-2
suffering -1 to Charisma for 3d10 hours.
depend on their difficulty - Minor Disorders
require a TN 10 roll, Severe Disorders require
The character must compulsively perform an acTN 15, and Acute Disorders require TN 20.
tion such as fevered praying, frantically cleaning

a weapon, reciting verse, and so on, and pays little attention to anything else. All Tests that are
based on Intelligence, Fellowship, or Composure suffer a -1k0 penalty. This effect lasts for
3d10 hours.


The character is constantly fearful, seeing danger everywhere. The character gains a +1k0
bonus to all Perception-based Tests and is at -1
to his Willpower for the next 1d5 days.


The character suffers from a temporary severe

phobia. This effect lasts for 1d5 days.

The character reacts to the slightest stress or

pressure by becoming extremely agitated.
Whenever the character is annoyed or stressed
(such as, for example, by combat), all Tests he
makes are at -1k0. This effect lasts for 1d5 days.


The character suffers vivid and extreme nightmares whenever he tries to sleep. For the next
1d10 days, he is unable to recover Hit Points
through bed rest.


The character is struck dumb is unable to speak.

This effect lasts for 1d5 days.


Extremely distressed and unfocused, the character refuses to eat or drink and looks in a terrible state. The character takes a -1 penalty to all
characteristics for 1d10 days.


The character temporarily becomes hysterically

blind or deaf. The effect lasts for 1d10 days.


The character becomes completely traumatized

and virtually unresponsive. He can't initiate actions but may be gently led. This effect lasts for
1d10 days.


The man walked down the street. In the small town, he cut an imposing
figure, not least because he was an unknown, having ridden out of the dust
storms on a ragged-looking grox. The town had enough troubles already with
the Dark Eldarin raiders that had stripped it to shambles and the regular everyday human raiders that had taken over after the professionals had left. There
wasn't even enough left for anyone to care about stealing.
When he got into town, the man's grox had been run off by a couple of
local thugs with autopistols. He hadn't done anything then. He had just looked
at them, the kind of look that would have given a wise man pause. The thugs
just laughed.
But now he'd had a couple of drinks and learned enough about the town
and its past to get properly angry. He sucked on a Lho-stick and paused near
an old man hammering caskets together. The old man was singing to himself.
"Get three coffins ready," the man said, puffing on his lho-stick. The old
man looked over and nodded, not really understanding. The smoking man
walked away, towards the thugs that had run his grox off. The two strolled over
casually to meet him. Two more watched from behind them.
"Hello, friend," the taller of the two thugs said. "Listen here, didn't you
get the idea? We don't like to see sods like you in town. Why don't you go get
your dirty lizard and..." he sneered and looked around. "What, you let him get
away from you?" The two thugs laughed.
"See, that's what I want to talk to you about," the man said, calmly. "He's
feelin' real bad."
"Huh?" the shorter thug asked, confused.
"My grox. You see, he got all riled up when you went and fired those
shots at his feet." The two thugs looked at each other. The shorter thug narrowed his eyes.
"Hey, you makin' some kinda joke?" the short thug asked. The man
shook his head.
"No. See I understand that you berks were just playin' around. The grox
just doesn't get it." He looked around at the four men. "'Course if you were to
all apologize..." The two watching thugs laughed. The shorter thug joined in.
The tall one, though... he could sense something was wrong.
The man puffed on his lho-stick and opened his dust cloak. He was wearing a gunbelt. He clenched his jaw and looked at the laughing men with a gaze
that could cut stone.
"I don't think it's nice of you, laughin'." They all shut up. That wasn't a
normal look. "See, my grox don't like people laughin'. Gets the crazy idea you're
laughin' at him. Now if you'll apologize like I know you're going to..." the thugs
started slowly going for their guns. "I might be able to convince him that you
didn't really mean it."
The tension in the air was so thick you could almost choke on it. The
thugs were the first ones to lose their nerve. They scrambled for their guns and
in the moment they did, the man drew his gun and fired, fanning the hammer
of his hand cannon and catching all four of them. He waited a moment, then
holstered his gun.
The man turned around and walked back towards the bar. He paused
by the old man making caskets.
"My mistake. Four coffins."


he history of the Great Wheel is a

great sprawling tapestry, embroidered in blood
and steel and gold, stretching from the furthest
reaches of the distant past to the current hour.
Near-immortal wizard kings once shaped the
Wheel to their will and made it a place of
miraculous splendor. Today, men fight with
sword and bolter in the ruins of ancient glory.
The implacable Lady of Pain rules over Sigil
and the Factions that founded themselves
there constantly work to stab each other in the
back. The forces of Law and Chaos make war
on each other, the Warp presses against the
fabric of reality, and newly reborn Heroes
from the ancient past return to save the world
- or doom it.

Long ago, a great race known as the
Syrne emerged, the first race to progress in


magic and technology enough to become part

of the larger universe. They were almost immortal, patient and wise. They are thought to
be directly responsible for the uplifting of most
of the currently active intelligent species in the
Astral Sea, including the Eldarin, the Orks, the
Gnomes, and the Dragons. The Syrne were
potent mages who routinely used the powers
of the warp for a large variety of applications,
constructing the Portal Relays.
Eventually, a great conflict later
known to the Eldarin as the War in Heaven
arose between the C'tan, immensely powerful,
incorporeal beings composed of pure energy
who existed solely in the material universe,
and the Syrne. The Syrne, physically weak and
few in number, uplifted the Eldarin to serve as
their soldiers. In response, the C'tan enslaved
the Modrons, almost elemental creatures of
pure order, bonding them within geometrical
armored shells of a living metal called necrodermis. The C'tan directed the Modrons into
Great Marches of all intelligent life. In response to this threat, the Syrne created the
Orks and, finally, the Dragons to act as their
greatest weapons.
How the war ended isn't known. The
Modrons were forced into stasis in Mechanus
and other forgotten clockwork worlds. The



C'tan were put into hibernation. The Syrne

were rendered completely extinct, the Portal
Network shut down. The only clues left to the
Syrneth mystery are among the most ancient
records of the Eldarin, as much myth as history, speaking of Great Devourers that came
to destroy and consume all life. No evidence
of these so-called "Reapers" actually exists beyond this near-mythological record.

When the Syrne were lost, their creations were left to their own devices. The Orks
immediately turned on themselves, the joy of
combat all they desired in life. Some of the Eldarin escaped their Crystal Spheres and constructed giant worldships, Craftworlds, to sail
through the astral sea. They repaired and
opened many Portal Relays, and found the city
of Sigil. The Lady of Pain was, even then, the
ruler of the city, already sitting on the throne
of blades before the Eldarin arrived.
But the Dragons were not content to
war among themselves, or to play at being
mere caretakers of the Syrneth ruins. The
Dragons spread out into the Astral Sea, their
personal power and their own uplifted soldiers, the Dragonborn, allowing them to conquer many worlds. They forged an empire,
seeking to unite all worlds under the guidance
of their ruler, the god Bahamut.
But nothing lasts forever, and the egos
of the Dragons meant that it wasn't long be-


fore someone rose to challenge Bahamut's

power. In a war known as the Tiamat Heresy,
a warlord named Tiamat waged war on Bahamut, nearly half of the living dragons siding
with her. The two armies clashed, and on the
slopes of Mount Celestia itself, Tiamat was
struck down. But the Draconic empire was
shattered. The only legacy it managed to leave
was spreading Dragons to nearly every Crystal


Few details survive from this era, but
it marked the beginning of the end for the Eldarin. The Dragon Empire was fragmented
and lost, the Eldarin the dominant force in the
universe. They continued their work of reopening Portal Relays until one day they discovered something horrible, something that
had been locked away so long that even the
Syrne had nearly forgotten about them.
At some point in their history, before
the Eldarin had been uplifted, the Syrne had


encountered a race so hostile and dangerous

that they felt the need to seal it off from the
rest of the universe. This crystal sphere that
they sealed off is today known as Pandemonium, a place forbidden entrance by all. The
Portal Relay was not merely shut down, but
completely disabled. It was nearly beyond the
knowledge of the Eldarin to repair it. When it
opened, the Eldarin were not prepared for
what came out, a terrible enslaving race of
abominations known as the Aboleth.
The War of the Monster's Fall was
ended by the creation of the first Aasimar and
Tieflings, supersoldiers moulded like clay by
the Gods and forged in the fires of war. They
were clad in great armor and armed with the
mightiest blades. They were divinely inspired
with tactics, strategies, and artifacts such that
no foe could best them in battle. They were
the bulwark against the terror, the defenders
of all. Knowing no fear, they pushed back the
Aboleth and sealed them back into Pandemonium, deactivating the Portal Relay once
again. It became law that no Portal Relay
should be opened without careful study of the
Crystal Sphere it accessed. The Eldarin were
left with no purpose.


The Eldarin were left the dominant
race in the universe after the fall of the Dragons. With little to challenge them, they descend into decadence. Their extreme
hedonism destroys what little government is

left on their homeworlds. The craftworlds cut

off contact with the homeworlds.
The corruption of the Eldarin became
a religion of its own. After centuries of feeding
the fledgling god with prayers made from extreme experiences and twisted rituals of selfindulgence, the Chaos God Slaanesh was
born. The violence of Slaanesh's birth turned
the Eldarin Homeworlds and their Crystal
Sphere into the terrible rip in reality today
known as the Abyss. Most of the Elven gods
died save Corellon, who either fought off
Slaanesh or hid himself, depending on the
story and who is telling it. Kaela Mensha
Caine was the last of the gods to fall, in a battle
so violent it sent his blood spilling throughout
the cosmos.
The Eldarin were destroyed as a people. Now they are split into three groups. The
'true' Eldarin, who remained in their Craftworlds safe from the corruption and now
travel in great migrant fleets. The Elves, now
so distinct from the Eldarin that the Eldarin
consider them lost, their souls weighed down
by gravity and their powers lost. Finally, there
are the Dark Eldarin, protected by oaths to the
demon spider queen Lolth, striking as raiders
and pirates from their hidden enclaves.


After the Fall of the Eldarin, much
space was left open for other races to flex their
muscles. The Elves, Squats, Dragonborn, and
Eldarin formed a Council, ruling from Sigil,
under the watchful eye of the Lady of Pain.
The Aasimar and Tieflings became enforcers



for the Council, though the disputes of their

gods meant that they were often at each other's
throats more than any potential enemy.
The city of Sigil prospered, and four
representatives became a dozen as Factions organized along philosophical lines became the
ruling forces of Sigil and, thus, the entire universe. Of course, divided as they were, the
Factions accomplished little more than just
countering each other's moves.


The emergence of Humanity into the
Great Wheel is considered the beginning of
the modern era. Humanity escaped their Crystal Sphere on their own. Syrneth ruins on their
home world of Thah gave them the clues to
build their own spelljamming ships. They
emerged from their world into the Great
Wheel. At first, the travels were slow and dangerous, requiring years and often ending in
disaster. Eventually, they learned to activate
the Portal Relays and use the Warp for fast
travel, establishing a small empire for themselves.
The Eldarin encounter humans for
the first time by finding them opening up an
unknown Portal Relay. This led to a short, but
violent war between a splinter fleet of the Eldarin and the humans. The Eldarin splinter
fleet is wiped out by a human counterattack
after occupying only a single Crystal Sphere.
Before the weight of the Eldarin can be
brought to bear on the humans, the Council
learned of the events and humanity was introduced to the wider universe, the true expanse
of the Astral Sea. War was cancelled on account of massive culture shock.
Today, Humans are still finding their
way in the Astral Sea. They are explorers and
risk takers, and the engine of much change in
the universe. Several of the Factions in Sigil
have had humans elected as their leaders, and
the young race holds a very important place in
the Council, something that other races occasionally look on with jealousy.
Many threats to the relative stability
of the Council loom. Ork warbands, Eldarin


pirates, and Dragon attacks have become

minor issues. The Modrons are reported to be
awakening again, prehaps preparing another
Great March against all life. Crystal Spheres
have been lost, all the worlds within stripped
bare. Whispers speak that the planets were so
stripped by the Reapers who destroyed the
Syrne. And as always, the forces of Law and
Chaos wage their eternal Blood War.
In the grim darkness of the great
wheel, there is only war.

The Great Wheel is the galaxy, full of
thousands of Crystal Spheres floating in the
vastness of the Astral Sea. They're arranged in



Thankfully, most are not reliant on
the Astral Sea for their travel. The Portal Network connects many crystal spheres, made of
Portal Relays, giant constructs built by the
Syrne before the dawn of man's civilization allowing fast travel through The Warp. The
Warp is a roiling sea of chaos, a limbo between
states, shaped by stray thoughts and desires, a
swirling storm of earth, air, fire, and water.
Unprotected people and matter quickly dissolve in this storm, torn to pieces.
But despite the danger, Warp travel
reduces travel time between crystal spheres
from years to mere weeks. Sigil serves as a beacon for ships in the Warp, a fixed point even
there that allows navigation. For this reason,
Sigil is considered the hub of the Portal Network.
a spiralling wheel, with Sigil at its hub. The
Great Wheel is the ultimate frontier, a vast sea
of darkness studded with outposts of civilization. There are an almost infinite variety of
stories and peoples to be found, and most of
the Great Wheel lies unexplored, entire Crystal Spheres like vaults - potentially ful of treasure, death, or, in most cases, plenty of both.


The Astral Sea is an empty place, as
still empty and cold as death itself. But it is
studded with bright lights, bubbles of safety
large enough to contain worlds. Some contain
only one or two worlds, others with dozens or
more. These bubbles are known as Crystal
Spheres. They present a formidable barrier to
travel, spelljamming ships crashing into them
if they don't know the safe routes.
Ships crossing the Astral See face
massive, often impenetrable barriers of time.
There are no shortcuts to be had, no quick
route or tailwind to speed your way. There is
only distance, an endless road. The distance
between Crystal Spheres is almost incalculable, taking years in even the fastest ship. But
aside from the sheer emptiness, the Astral Sea
is safe, simply because there is nothing in it to
be deadly.

It would be very difficult to get
around the Great Wheel without Spelljamming ships. Very few beings can simply leave
a gravity well under their own power, much
less crack a crystal sphere or travel through the
warp (true dragons, naturally, being the exception to those rules). A spelljamming ship is a
mix of technology and sorcery, the exact mix
depending on the skills of its builders and the
culture it comes from.
A Spelljammer ship can travel
through the vastness of space under its own
power, but without using a Portal Relay to
enter the Warp, their effective range is extremely low - even travel between two very
closely-spaced Crystal Spheres might take
Each race and culture has its own
style and construction methods for ships.
From the thickly-prowed human vessels of the
warlike human Imperium, to the graceful
skeletal shapes of Eldarin wraithbone ships, to
the bashed-together mess that defines an Ork

The Warp, Limbo, the Immaterium.
It is a co-existing universe that underlines the
physical universe, an endlessly broad and infi-



nitely deep sea of energy

and churning elemental
matter. It carries within it
the random thoughts, unfettered emotions, memories, and unshakable beliefs
of those who live in the material universe.
The Warp is the
source of magic in the universe, providing power to
spells and magic. Some
think that sorcerers, straining the fabric of reality by
casting spells and dragging
the power of the warp into
the real world, are a danger
to the universe itself, and
that the power of sorcery
was what led to the fall of the Syrneth.
The most important thing about the
Warp, to the Wheel, is that it allows ships to
travel from one Crystal Sphere to another in
the span of weeks instead of generations. To
travel through the Warp, a ship uses one of the
Portal Relays to breach a hole into the Immaterium and travel into it. With the help of a
Navigator, a ship in the warp can be directed
nearly anywhere in the Great Wheel. Sigil provides a point of reference, a shining beacon
that can be seen from anywhere in the Warp.
Warp travel is not without its dangers.
It could be considered the most dangerous
thing in the universe, in fact, which is hardly a
title given to something that is safe. The most
obvious danger in the warp is the roiling energy of the Warp itself, which can tear at ships.
More pressingly, anyone looking into the
Warp without protection can be driven insane,
possessed, or worse. If the protective fields of
the ship fail, warp creatures can invade the
ship and corrupt or kill everyone on board.
Without a navigator, Warp travel can
only be attempted in short jumps of five light
years or so - any more than that and the unpredictable currents of the Warp make it impossible to tell where or when a ship will
During a Warp jump, something like
two weeks will pass for the ship and its crew,
but how long this travel takes in the real uni-


verse is quite another matter. Most warp

jumps take months, and a year or so is average
for widely-placed points. With the unpredictable currents of time and space in the
Warp, it is impossible to really predict the time
taken, and travellers have no idea how long
their journey has taken until their ship has finished its jump. Travel through the stars is not
something to be undertaken lightly.

The Umbra is a kind of shallow end
of the warp, an intermediary between the full
chaos of the warp and the real universe. It is
something like a shadow, not really a true
place or thing, just an image of the real universe that exists alongside it, separated by a
thin barrier. The geography of the Umbra is a
dark mirror of the real universe, warped by the
emotions and history of the place, empty of
people and changing to reflect the real world
when no one is looking.
Many supernatural beings and spirits
can cross between the Umbra and the real
world. Ghosts and weaker daemons can use
this shadowland to cause havoc. Damage done
to things in the Umbra does not cause immediate harm to anything in the real world,
though there are some odd parallels - something being destroyed in the warp tends to give
it bad luck in the real world, as an example.


The City of Doors. The Greatest Metropolis. The Hub. Sigil is the center point of
the cosmos. The city itself is a beacon in the
Warp, a bright light that remains as fixed as a
north star, allowing travel through the infinities. Some say the light comes from the Lady
of Pain, the city's silent eternal ruler. The
Lady, naturally, has been mum on the matter.
She does not pass many decrees down through
her servants, the dabus, but when she does her
word is absolute and disobedience is met with
swift death. Even the gods themselves are not
immune - no God may manifest in Sigil. It is
said by the Eldarin that only one has tried in
their living memory, a god of travel whose
name is lost and whose worshippers were all
found flayed with even their souls lost one day.
Sigil is a free-floating space platform,
shaped something like a gigantic floating torus
with tightly-packed structures lining its inner
surface. It is located outside the Crystal
Spheres, just like the portal relays, and shares
a lot of technology with them. It is considered
the greatest creation of the Syrne and acts as

the political, cultural and financial capital of

the Great Wheel. It is, in theory, completely
neutral ground - no wars are waged there and
no armies pass through. However, it's hardly
peaceful. Violence is common, usually befalling the foolhardy, the incautious, or the
Anything can be found in Sigil. Anything. And peace is kept, strictly and absolutely, by the Harmonium, an army
dedicated to law and order. Declared neutral
ground by all, even direst enemies like Aasimar and Tiefling can be found sitting side by
side in taverns and sharing tales. Far from a
bright and shining city, though, Sigil is a study
of barely controlled anarchy, too many different ideologies and peoples coming though for
the city to be anything but a melting pot, confusing and disorienting to outsiders.

The Factions of Sigil are something
like political parties or philosophies, people organized along the lines of their beliefs and allegiances. While the Factions are, in many



ways, the rulers of the

Wheel, it's important to
note that they do not
represent specific races
or governments on their
own. Most governments
are officially unaligned,
donating military men
and equipment to the
Council forces to use as
a whole rather than to
any one faction. The recent appearance of Humans into the general
population of the Wheel
has had a somewhat
destabilizing effect on
things as faction ranks
swell and power bases change.
What most find out, very quickly,
though, is that the Council and the Factions
do not hold true power here. The Lady of Pain
ultimately has control. She would take action
against any real threats to the security of Sigil,
but allows the Factions to handle the day-today running of the place. However, there are
things she just won't tolerate - someone trying
to summon powerful Warp entities, slaughtering the dabus, attempting to tear down the station, or inciting general rebellion against her
rule. People who try those things end up dead,
and quickly. Even the Factions aren't safe - if
they go too far or overstep their bounds, she'd
crush them like ants. And she has, in the past.
There were fifteen factions at one point. Some
of them got a bit too uppity. They're gone
now, each one vanishing overnight with all its
members when it became a threat.
Most of the factions run a particular
part of the station, as it keeps them in the
Lady's good graces. Some are better at it than
others. No faction fully trusts another, no matter how noble or trustworthy their goals might
seem, which makes the station's offices rather

Within the Ranks

The Namers of a Faction are the lowest level of the Faction that's really part of the
group, with a grasp of the philosophy and
ideals that they've been able to embrace as


their own. They serve the faction in an auxillary function most of the time: they usually
have other jobs outside of the faction that conflict with their loyalty to that group. However,
they quite often are hired to do simple, mundane tasks: delivering parcels, asking a few
questions, passing along a message, that sort
of thing. None of these are really mandatory,
but shying away from aiding the faction is a
sure sign that they aren't going to get to the
higher ranks.
Higher up on the ladder are the Factotums. They work full-time for a faction, getting their salary from them and their very way
of life. They deliver the more important messages, contact people of interest to the faction,
serve as guards, and do almost anything that
their faction asks of them. At this rank, their
loyalty is noted and they can easily rise within
the ranks to gain wealth, fame, and other rewards. The life of a Factotum is never dull.
Those that gain enough influence and
prestige throughout their faction rise to the
rank of Factor. These are the highest up of the
highups, right next to only the factol themselves. They have great sway in Sigil and often
represent their faction in a public and official
At the very top of the line is the Factol. Leader and guider of the entire faction,
they set the tone for their members. Factols
are the representatives of their groups: to get
a basic idea about the current nature of a fac-


Godsmen are headquartered in the Great

Foundry, and serve to settle disputes between
people, keeping peace between warring faiths.

Bleak Cabal
The Bleakers believe that there's no
greater meaning to the universe. It doesn't
make sense, and it isn't supposed to, and the
people running around looking for meaning
are just wasting their lives doing it. Things just
are, and whatever meaning there is in the
Wheel is what each being imagines into the
void. Bleakers believe in the hard truth, that
they live in a universe with no 'truth' and that
they're the only ones able to face it. Factol
Lhar keeps them moving, working through the
deep melancholy that most of the members
suffer through. He believes that since there is
no meaning in the universe, no plan, that people have only each other to count on. Under
his leadership, everyone is welcome to join the
Bleak Cabal and the Cabal makes itself useful
running orphanages, charities, soup kitchens,
and sanitariums.

tion, one only has to look at their factol. When
it comes time for factols to be replaced,
whether it is through natural death or some
foul play, a factol is chosen from among the
available factors by a group decision.

Believers of the Source

To these people, all things are godly.
All things can ascend to greater glory - if not
in this life, then in the next. Patience, that's all
it takes. They see the universe as a giant test,
where those who pass ascend and those who
fail get reincarnated to try again. It's a simple
philosophy, and very straightforward. They
haven't figured out exactly what the tests are
or how to beat them (should a person be good,
evil, or what?), but they keep trying. Eventually, they believe everyone will ascend, and the
Wheel will empty out and crumble as it stops
being needed. The leader of the Godsmen is
Factol Ambar. Anyone is welcome to join the
Believers of the Source, though the fact that
they ultimately lack utmost faith means their
Devotion typically never gets very high. The

Everything dies. People, places, and

things. Entropy is a one-way street, and the ultimate fate of everything. They believe the
purpose of the universe is to simply run to its
end. And when it's all over, it will finally be the
end of toil and pain. People who try to fix
things, stop the decay and put things back together, they've got it all wrong. They're fighting the natural goal of the multiverse. It's
important to note they don't just tear down
everything that's built up. Building a house
means quarrying stone, cutting down trees,
and eventually termites get into the beams and
the place comes down on its own. There's a
long view to things. It'll all happen in time.
Factol Pentar runs the faction from Sigil's armory, and she makes sure weapons get where
they can do their work best.

The Dustmen don't believe in life.
Everyone is already dead, even if they don't
know it yet. There wouldn't be such terrible
pain and misery in the universe if it was a place



for living creatures. Some people - the ones

who have gone all stiff and cold - are more
dead than others, but everyone is just as dead.
The thing everyone should strive for is to appreciate Death, to explore one's so-called 'life'
and understand it and all its trials before moving on. Factol Skall is said to be a Vampire, as
close to true Death as anyone can come and
still talk about it. They care for the dead of
Sigil, taking their bodies to their headquarters
in the Mortuary until they're claimed, and disposing of the bodies that aren't.

The universe belongs to those who
can take it. Everyone makes their own fate and
there's no one else to blame for it. People who
whine about their luck are just weaklings - if
they were meant to succeed, they could have.
Everyone has the potential to be great but that
doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It takes sweat and blood for
things to come true, not just a lot
of hoping. Those that work hard
get what they deserve. Nothing's
free in this life or any other. The
Takers handle the most hated
and needed task in the city - they
control the Hall of Records. It's a
vital piece of city administration
that records all the deeds, births,
and deaths in the station. What
makes them hated, though, is that
they're the tax collectors. Duke
Rowan Darkwood is the Factol of
the Fated, and he's had the kind
of hard life that shows he knows
how to rebound from being reduced to nothing.

Fraternity of Order
The universe has laws.
Mankind has laws. Sigil's got
laws. Even the Abyss has laws.
Once someone learns the laws, he
can use them to his advantage,
and learn how to use loopholes in
the laws, how to bend them to get
an edge. If someone could learn
all the laws of the universe, the
power he had would make sor-


cery look like mere parlour tricks. Of course,

that's not easy. The universe keeps its laws
dark, and finding all of the laws isn't an easy
task. It doesn't matter what it all means, just
how it all works. Knowledge is power. It takes
study, searching, and looking for the right answer. Factol Haskar is a man who has held
onto his office for a very long time, after the
last Factol apparently found exactly the loophole he was looking for and vanished without
a trace. The Guvners run the city courts, from
the small courts of the station's wards to the
High Court of the Council. They also have all
the best lawyers.

The Harmonium have a simple philosophy: The Harmonium is always right. The
goal of every enlightened being in the multiverse is to live in perfect harmony with all oth-


ers. Sharing the same views means that people

don't have anything to fight over, and that's the
secret to peace. And the only way to have
peace is to get rid of opposing views. They'd
rather people just followed orders, but they'll
happily crack a few skulls to make things
peaceful. It's all for their own good anyway.
The Harmonium runs Sigil's city watch under
Factol Sarin. They're always happy to crush
crime, but because the Doomguard has control of the Armory, the tools to run the station
the Hardhead way are kept out of the Harmonium's hands. That suits everybody but them
just fine.

Justice is everything, and there is no
one beyond its reach. The reason laws and societies exist is to see that justice is carried out,
to purge the evil in folks and make them better, fit to belong in the multiverse. And once
everything has been made just, once everyone
has been cleansed, the Wheel will be a perfect
place. The only tricky part of justice is making
sure it's correctly applied. A body's got to
know the criminals from the innocent so he
doesn't make a mistake. Mercy's an excuse
created by the weak and criminal, and every
crime must be punished. The Factol, Alisohn
Nilesia, is barely more than a child, and is one
of the cruelest and most bloodthirsty factols
the Mercykillers have ever had. If not for some
of the more level-headed people serving under
her, things could go very badly.

Sign of One
Every person is a unique and special
individual. This is the greatest glory of the
Wheel, that each creature living and dead is
different from all others. It's obvious, then,
that the universe centers arounds the self.
Each person is the most important person in
the universe, because the world only exists because the mind imagines it. Each Signer believes they are the one dreaming the universe,
but of course it's impossible to tell. The Signers' confidence that each person is the center
of their own universe makes them probably the
only folks who can internally govern Sigil, at
least as much as the place can be governed.
They run the Hall of Speakers, where the

high-ups meet to make the laws of the city,

and the settle feuds, handle treaties, and do all
the other little things that keep Sigil running.
Factol Darius is well-respected by other factions for her ability to keep city business on the
table and avoid personal interests.

Society of Sensation
The Sensates are one of the most important and influential Factions, with a massive membership. According to them, the
universe is known only by the senses. Without
experience, without sensation, a thing isn't. A
poem about a rose isn't a rose. Picking a rose,
feeling its thorns, smelling its fragrance, seeing
its color, that's real, and the only way to know
it is to experience it. Until you've experienced
everything, you can never know the secret of
the universe. Factol Erin leads the Society of
Sensation, a recent arrival in Sigil who has experienced a meteoric rise to power. The Sensates don't really have an official role, but the
city would go mad without them. They run
the Civic Festhall, a place where an incredible
variety of experiences can be had, from
Tiefling Ballet to debates between dragons
and dragonslayers. The Sensates ensure that
entertainment and diversion flow into the city.

Transcendent Order
To become one with the universe, one
must stop thinking and act. Action without
thought is the purest form of thought. When
a cutter can know what to do without even
thinking about it, then he has become one
with the universe. It is not enough to act without thinking - anyone can do that, especially
when they're drunk. One must work hard to
learn himself, learn his own mind and instincts
until the right action comes automatically,
training the body and mind to be one - the
hand moves before the thought reaches it.
Factol Rhys is a tiefling who epitomizes action
without thought. No one knows much about
her, and her motivations can only be described
as following the flow of the universe. The Ciphers are the truest diplomats of Sigil, advisors
accepted almost universally, even if not everyone takes their advice.



The Verdant Guild

The wilderness is the foundation of all
life. The wild places have existed for eons, and
should continue to flourish for untold ages.
Without the resources of the wilderness, civilization itself is doomed. Therefore, the
wilderness must be preserved from the forces
of civilization, evil, and destruction. All members of the sect wear some type of animal mask
as a badge of office and sign of their reverence
for nature. The Verdant Guild takes charge of
Sigil's marketplace and customs, making sure
people aren't trading in rare or illegal animals
and plants. The Factol, an elf named Strongbow, feels trapped and rumors say he'd be
happy to leave the leadership to someone else
if there was anyone he trusted to do a good
job. Their headquarters, the Sorting House, is
typically the first place anyone sees of Sigil, as
their luggage and possessions are scanned by
auspexes for contraband.

A Crystal Sphere is a kind of natural
barrier existing between planetary systems and
the void of the Astral Sea. They are thought to
represent barriers between different sets of
physical laws, perhaps arising from some sort
of energy or friction between those different
sets of physics. Others think the Astral Sea itself is somehow alive, and the Crystal Spheres
grew like pearls in an oyster as it protected itself from irritants.
Within a Crystal Sphere, the laws and
physics of the universe itself can change. In
most Crystal Sphere, the changes are too small
and unimportant for all but the most scientifically inclined to notice, but some have wildly
differing physical laws - there have been Crystal Spheres containing light years of fluidic
space that somehow resisted gravitational collapse, Crystal Spheres where the flow of time
was different or reversed, and even a Crystal
Sphere where matter cannot exist, quickly
breaking down into absolute nothingness.
Most Crystal Spheres contain only a
single planetary system, centered on the star
and with a diameter double that of the largest
orbiting planetary body. The barrier of the


Crystal Sphere is dangerous to even attempt

to cross without a proper navigator and spelljamming ship.

While there are countless crystal
spheres in the sky, there are a few that truly
stand out from the rest.

Of all the Crystal Spheres, none is
more recognized than the Abyss. It looms
bright in the sky, a huge blight like a diseased
eye visible in every corner of the Astral Sea.
The Abyss is by far the largest Crystal Sphere,
uncounted, perhaps uncountable, worlds
within the roiling storms of glowing gas and
vapor within. Every world is mutable, horrible,
and different. The natives are the servants of
the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, barely restrained from overrunning the Astral Sea because of a fortress-world known as Cadia built
around the only Portal Relay out of The
Abyss. Some ships still manage to escape from
the Abyss' crystal sphere, but the chaotic currents around it make a journey near-suicidal
for those not blessed by the gods of Chaos.

The Abyss is an extraordinarily hostile
environment. A person would have to be insane to want to go there, but there's always


someone who's just dumb enough to think it

can't be all that bad. Truthfully, it isn't all that
bad. It's worse. The Abyss is much larger inside than outside, as vast as imagination and
as timeless as infinity. Where the Warp overlaps and bridges the real world, the Abyss is
like a vast knot that twists in on itself, a space
that may truly be infinite in size and cruelty.
Unfortunately, it's almost impossible
to predict what any part of the Abyss will be
like. Some parts have been mapped (to some
extent or another), but there is always infinitely more in every direction. The laws of
physics and magic change from place to place,
sometimes over distances so short that a person can walk from one set of physical laws to
another. Still, there's bad and worse. Most
places in the Abyss are desolate and dangerous, but not unlivable to someone with the
power of an Exalt and a bit of magic, no worse
than some normal planets. Trouble is, eventually a person's bound to wander off and find
themselves somewhere they can't survive.
Not every place is hostile in an obvious way; some places steal memories, others
rot bodies from within, and some places (especially near the realms of the Ruinous Powers, but also near some of the more powerful
Daemons) slowly corrupt a person's mind and
turn him towards worship of the residing darkness. Rumors on Cadia and in Sigil tell stories
about planets that are just swarms of hungry
insects, where a person's soul comes on display
for all to see in its beauty or twisted horror, or
where the cold doesn't just steal heat but
freezes your thoughts.
Most of the Abyss could best be described as a thick nebula in riotous colors that
makes it difficult to see just what trouble you'll
get into next. Small stars provide illumination
from all directions, with flows of the often-poisonous nebula vapors making the light inconstant and difficult to navigate by. Most of the
planets in the Abyss orbit these stars, through
a fair number are rogue wanderers that float
through the aether.
Because the Abyss is a giant puddle of
warp energy, there is no real Umbra to speak
of. Any effect that would allow travel to or
from the Umbra doesn't work here. Or more
properly, it does work but simply doesn't seem

to do anything. Incorporeal creatures are

therefore quite solid here, with nowhere to
In the Abyss, the best thing to do is to
act quickly. There's no way to predict what
might happen, and being ready for anything
just leads to being caught unaware by the one
thing you forgot. Anyone in the Abyss has to
be ready to make life-or-death snap decisions
and to trust their gut instinct.

While the mix of creatures that inhabits the abyss is vast beyond understanding,
there are some things that are the same on
most planets. As the Abyss is a twisted realm
that has the very warp itself hemorrhaging into
it, it is effectively entirely within the Umbra.
Ghosts, Elementals, and Daemons are all
quite common, far more easily found than in
any wholesome place. There are no native
mortal sentients. While there are some
Tieflings, they're typically recently born,
changed in a pilgrimage to bathe in the raw
power of the Warp. Most newborn Tieflings
don't survive to escape the Abyss.

There are countless worlds floating in
the Abyss, so trying to name them all would
be foolish. Here are a few of the more important worlds and systems in the Abyss:

Cadia isn't a world, though it's as
large as one. Layer upon layer upon layer of
fortification and armor built right on top of the
only known safe rout out of the Abyss' Crystal
Sphere. Some of the deeper parts of Cadia are
tens of thousands of years old. It has been over
a decade since the last major attempt by warpcreatures to escape the Abyss, the fourteenth
such attempt since the latest ruler, Gerrard
Inkheart, took power. The place is a last resting point before the chaos of the Abyss. Enforcers are on hand at all times to give last
rights to those going into the abyss and to



carefully inspect those coming out. Despite

being a military outpost, the place has a surprising amount of civilian life, an industry and
culture that formed around selling supplies
and comfort to the garrison. Things there are
generally clean, but confusing to outsiders as
the millenia of construction have made the
place a maze in three dimensions.

The Fortress of Khorne

Khorne's realm within the Abyss is a
monument to fury and bloodshed built on
foundations of murder and conflict. The
blood-soaked realm echoes constantly with
Khorne's bellows and the clash of weapons. At
the center of this mighty fortress lies the Brass
Citadel, where Khorne's mighty throne resides. There, on a mountain of skulls in his
castle of pain sits the God of Blood. Around
the citadel flows a moat, and it is filled not
with water but with the boiling blood of those
who have lost their lives to war. Beyond this
moat lies league upon league of cracked land,
littered with the ravaged bones of those who
have fallen in battle. Many champions and aspiring lesser gods of war have journeyed there
to test themselves against Khorne's prowess,
and just as many now lie dead, for he has
never known defeat.

The Battlefield of Malal

Malal's realm is one of stark opposition and paradox, just like the betraying god


himself. What one finds within the battlefield

of Malal is no less than what one brings with
them. The Daemons that reside there take on
the aspects and powers that the intruders most
prize, and even the very worlds shift and
change to become familiar and deceptive.
Everything in Malal's realm exists to destroy
and betray, and the more an intruder cares for
something the more dangerous it becomes.
Worse of all, the more that seek to intrude in
Malal's realm, the stronger each of his servants
becomes. Only by going alone does anyone
have a chance of reaching The Tumor a place
of broken doomsday devices and world-ending
weapons where the God of Destruction waits
for his chance to strike out any anyone and

The Garden of Nurgle

Nurgle's realm within the Abyss is an
unwholesome realm home to every pox and affliction imaginable and alive with the stench of
rot. It is not a barren wasteland, but rather a
macabre paradise of death and pestilence. A
thick sheet of buzzing swarms of black, furry
flies litter the sky, and twisted, rotten boughs
entangled with grasping vines cover the mouldering ground beneath an insect-ravaged
canopy of leaves. Defiled fungi both plain and
extraordinary break through the leaf-strewn
mulch of the forest floor, puffing out vile
clouds of spores. Muddy rivers slither across
the bloated landscape. Nurgle's Mansion of


rotted timbers and broken walls resides at the

heart of the garden, decrepit and ancient, yet
eternally strong at its foundations. It is within
these tumbling walls that Nurgle toils at his
cauldron, a receptacle vast enough to contain

The Palace of Slaanesh

Slannesh's realm takes the form of a
number of worlds which must be visited in a
certain order to proceed, each stop on the
journey posing a greater and greater risk of
leaving the traveller trapped forever. Each of
the six worlds tempts the traveller, first with
greed, then gluttony and carnality. The fourth
world tempts with roars of adulation and the
promise of ultimate power over others. The
penultimate planet is that of vainglory, tempting with an ideal self-image - and even an instant of pride leaves one trapped there for all
eternity. The last circle is the most perilous, a
heavenly place seemingly perfect in every way.
Every second fills the intruder with bliss, but
a moment of rest or enjoyment results in
falling into a coma and eventually dying in idle
bliss. If one is able to successfully pass through
the circles, he comes before the palace and
Slaanesh himself. It is impossible for mortals
to look upon the god without instantly losing
their soul, for all who see her become willing
slaves to the Dark Prince.

The Maze of Tzeentch

The realm of Tzeentch is a maze
woven of portals, magic, space and time. Of
all the realms of the Ruinous Powers, this domain is the most bizarre and incomprehensible. The Maze's presence is felt throughout all
of the infinite space of the Abyss. Hidden
pathways built from lies and schemes lead out
from the maze and weave themselves everywhere in the Abyss, gateways that bend space
connecting them. There are no daemonic defenders in the maze, the realm's own illusory
passages enough of a barrier to any intruder
not possessed of the strongest mind imaginable. Its glittering, everchanging corridors reflect not only light but also hope, misery,
dreams, and nightmares. At the center of the
maze, hidden from those who have not the insane insight to find it, stands the Impossible

Fortress, a constantly changing fortress which

constantly replaces its own architecture with
new and ever more maddening spires, gates,
and walls. Mortals find the fortress impenetrable. Only Tzeentch's most powerful servants
can tread the secret paths that lead to the inner
sanctum of the fortress, the Hidden Library,
where Tzeentch, the puppet master himself resides, eternally plotting.

* There are things, artifacts, coming
out of the Abyss that break every law of
physics and magic, and no one can explain
how they work except with a guess that they're
some form of solidified warp energy. Smugglers have been going into the Abyss to gather
these artifacts and sell them for vast sums. But
is this get-rich-quick scheme merely as dangerous as it sounds or do these artifacts represent something even worse just starting to rear
its ugly head?
* Cultists to one of the major Chaos
gods have kidnapped one of their god's enemies alive and are dragging him through the
abyss to sacrifice directly to their god. If the
heroes can't stop them in time, the poor man
(and probably the cultists as well) will suffer a
fate infinitely worse than death and, worse, the
magical significance of the act will allow the
Warp-entities to launch another attack on
Cadia, one that the fortress is ill-prepared for.
* A second Portal Relay has been discovered near the Abyss. While it is currently
inactive, it is also totally undefended, and it
would be short work for some misguided soul
to bring it online and give the Abyss a back
door hanging wide open.
* One of Cadia's most impressive features are the gigantic black pylons that jut
through it. They are some of the oldest parts
of Cadia, and no two are alike. No one has
ever managed to discover just what they are or
how they work, but they suppress Warp energy
around themselves, making it difficult for
magic to work anywhere near them.



Arborea is a Crystal Sphere that pulls
in an incredible tourist trade. Ossa, once a dismal, rain-soaked and unstable planet, was terraformed with a sophisticated weather control
network that provided nearly constantly desirable weather and seismic regulators to eliminate the geological instability. Today, Arborea
is known for its beautiful tropical resorts, the
abundance of pristine beaches, and the hospitality of its natives.

Arborea is a system that clearly has a
long history of interesting events. The Sphere
contains a planetary system that maintains a
stable, but complicated, orbit between two
stars. The natives name the two stars as Rah
and Risa. Rah is the larger of the two stars, a
pure-white sphere of flame. Risa is much
smaller, burning orange like a hot coal. Spectral analysis has shown beyond a shadow of a
doubt that Risa is billions of years younger
than Rah - impossibly young, in fact. Syrne
ruins and some legends from the Elves and Eldarin bear out the theory that Rah was a gas
giant not too long ago (in cosmological time)
and was ignited into a star by the Syrne.
Many think that the Syrne ignited
Risa to make terraforming three of the planets
in the system an easier task. It's certainly true
that three planets in-system are habitable, but
only the middle planet of the three, Ossa, is
visited by tourists. Its tropical beaches and
islands make it a beautiful place with extremely friendly natives who live to serve
the tourists that come here. The sea over
the planet is rarely more than a meter
deep, though remnants of its geologically
active past have left it with many rifts in the
sea, most of which are dead rock but some
of which have molten magma sizzling in
their depths.
The other two planets are not so
friendly. The first planet, Arvandor, is offlimits even to Elves from other systems. It's
a very private planet that the natives are
not willing to share with anyone. Now


that's not to say that people don't go there anyway, but they're typically sorry once the Elves
catch up with them, and they tend to find out
very quickly. Only those who are specifically
invited to Arvandor are really welcome here,
and the number of people who get invited are
small. The place is a forest grown to impossible scale, everything twice the size or more
that it should be. Even animals grow to surprising size, with trout the size of a man and
wolves standing two meters tall at the shoulder.
The third planet is one that doesn't
really get mentioned much by anyone. It's not
the kind of place that even the curious would
go - the entire planet is swirling dust storms
and thin air. A body can breathe it, but it's dry
as a bone and the dust will leave him choking
for days afterwards and spitting up thin mud.
There's a quarantine around the place, one
that is surprisingly well-enforced. The Elves
have some kind of large settlement here, but
what they do is kept a secret from everyone.
Rumors say it's connected to the reason the
planet's terraforming failed, that they're protecting something of terrible power.
The rest of the system is a place of
beauty. The night sky is dominated by a nebula of multicolored gas that makes the darkness shine like a rainbow of diamonds. The
first planet has a single, large moon that hangs
like an eye above the planet, whereas the other
two inhabited worlds have a multitude of small
moons that only serve to provide something to
look at. The remaining gas giant in the system
has a ring system considered a wonder of nature all on its own.


being outdone all the time. It's rumored that

Corellon is restless, which is why he badgers
the natives from time to time, but some force
or perhaps simply fear keeps him from leaving.


The Elves are the true natives of Arborea, Eldarin who long ago decided to settle
here. Few can blame them for not wanting to
leave again. The worlds are amazingly beautiful, after all. What most don't notice, at least
not at first, is that they're alive with nature
spirits. Faeries and elementals can be found all
over the place in the system. The native elves
make small sacrifices to the nature spirits to
appease the elementals, and many of the ceremonies and parties that take place on the second world exist to keep visitors on the good
side of these creatures - when the natives say
you simply must give the Limbo a go, they really mean it.

Realm of Corellon
Hidden away on the Arvandor, and
one of the reasons the Elves don't allow others
on the planet, is the Realm of Corellon.
There's no proper boundaries or even buildings to show the extent of his domain. Corellon is a wandering god, appearing and
vanishing like the faeries. It's considered very
bad luck to praise anyone's skill too highly on
Arvandor because there's always a chance it'll
draw Corellon's attention and he'll appear just
to show off that he's better than everyone else.
While that sort of thing is really impressive the
first few times, natives have gotten tired of

Aumaan is the most heavily defended

point in Arborea, hidden away on Pelion
among the swirling dust and broken mesas. It
is a military facility, created by the Elves
around a massive Syrne ruin that contained
technology, weapons, and materials that other
races would dearly love to have. The most important thing they've got is raw Metatron ore,
a radical isotope that has psychoactive properties and is used in Portal Relays. The Custodian of Aumaan, Nephythys, is an Elven
woman with a brilliant mind that has been reportedly using the Metatron ore to construct
massive humanoid war machines with capabilities unmatched by anything built since the fall
of the Syrne. The Elves have been keeping
these machines secret, and it's unknown for
what purpose Nephythys' creations will eventually be put.

Gilded Hall
The Gilded Hall is a structure of supernatural beauty on Ossa, a golden palace of
achingly beautiful spires and gracefully curving
halls. Describing the beauty of the place is a
thankless task, an overwhelming, thundering
glory that stops viewers in their tracks and
strikes each heart in a different light, as if it
were magically tailored to appeal to each eye
differently. The Gilded Hall's beauty seems to
bring out the best in everyone, and all are welcome as long as the follow the same rules as
on the rest of Ossa - no compulsions, only persuasion. Some have trouble leaving the Gilded
Hall, and it's said that some visitors find themselves unable to leave, like flies caught in a spider's web spun of beauty and vice.

Tribe of Tribes
On Arvandor, there is a secret society.
Well, secret from outsiders. Everyone on the
planet seems to know about it. Arvandor has
the single largest society of werewolves any-



where in the Wheel, and it's here that they induct new werewolves into the tribes and meet
to resolve situations. The ruler of all werewolves, the Marrok, lives here and spends almost all his time keeping people from tearing
each other's throats out. Pretty much every
werewolf comes to Arvandor to spend time
here learning how to use their power and control their instincts.

Master Weather Control

The Master Weather Control system
is the most important place on Ossa. It is constantly manned by a team of thousands. Nautilla Colchea heads the department of weather,
maintaining constant pleasant conditions all
over the planet, a demanding task that requires
constant small adjustments. Even a few minutes without attention could cause a massive
storm to form, and given that the planet has
no real solid structures aside from a few emergency shelters, this would cause massive destruction. Nautilla has apparently been
growing bored with her position, though - not
surprising considering her mastery of magic.
Rumors say she's considering abdicating her
post and setting out into the wider universe.

* Ossa isn't quite as innocent and nice
as it seems. One of the major species of plant
life, a type of strange flower with an almost
choking scent, is said to have a psychoactive
effect on some, making emotions and passions
run wild. The Elves encourage these plants for
their own reasons, apparently to get blackmail
material or just to have their own kind of fun.
A major meeting of Faction heads is scheduled
on Ossa, and with the influence of the elves,
things might go poorly, or better than expected.
* Somewhere on Arvandor is said to
be a pool of pure glowing gold, a magical
fountain of youth that restores health and life
to all those who drink from it. It is said to reverse the aging process, which makes it worth
a fortune to mortals. The fountain is said to
move around the planet, and finding it is more
than just a matter of knowing the location - rumors say it only appears to the worthy after


they've quested enough for it.

* The Elves have experimented with
various ways to make Ossa more appealing to
boost the tourist trade. One of the most promising methods was to give the visitors exactly
what they wanted, a perfect paradise tailored
to each person. Using holofields and nerve interlinks, they managed to do just that. And for
a while, it seemed like it was working. But
something has gone wrong, and thousands are
trapped in a pleasant hell that kills them upon
awakening. Unless someone can go inside and
resist the temptations therein, they may never
* Some reports from nearby systems
have mentioned attacks from pirates that don't
meet any known criminal organization, using
flying humanoid war machines with weapons
and equipment that are impossibly advanced.
Some fingers are beginning to point to the
Elves, though the government of Arborea is
denying any involvement. Has Nephythys
gone rogue, or have some of her prototypes
been stolen?

Arcadia is one of the most important
breadbasket Crystal Spheres. The two habitable worlds within Arcadia's Crystal Sphere
have both been terraformed to the point that
any original features have been completely
erased and the worlds leveled so that only gentle hills and plains exist where once there were
mountain ranges. Even the seas have been
carefully regulated. The entire land mass of
both worlds have been turned into endless
farms, shipping out grain and produce across
the Great Wheel.

Arcadia is one of the most predictable
and stable crystal spheres. The planets move
in nice predicatable orbits, there aren't any
huge changes to normal physics, and even the
sun is a nice happy yellow color. Even better,
the natives are welcoming and the wildlife is
tame. Of course, there are some small, minor
caveats. They're really no big deal.


a few gentle slopes, shallow seas full

of fish, and happy natives. All so very
happy. And anyone is welcome to
stay, as long as they can follow the
rules. Why, the people here are so
happy they never want to leave! Can't
blame them - the Wheel is a dangerous place.

The main one is that if you step out
of line, you're going to be in more trouble than
you can handle. The planetary militias are extraordinarily strict, with no tolerance for anyone who doesn't fit in. And fitting in isn't just
a matter of getting along with people, it's following every rule, even the ones that don't
seem significant. A native of Arcadia would
never think to disobey a posted sign, leave
marked roads, or overstep their authority.
Well, that last one isn't quite true.
Lately the militia has decided they need to
keep a firmer grasp on things. They've chosen
to go with the firm grasp of an iron fist rather
than a velvet glove. Sorcery, for example, is
frowned upon. And it's very unwise to do anything that is frowned upon on Arcadia.
Physically speaking, the system has
three planets. Had three planets. Of course,
ask a native and they'll tell you there have always only been two planets. The fact that the
third orbit around the star has a debris field
that hasn't even managed to spread out entirely, and is still glowing with residual heat, is
just a strange but perfectly natural event.
Rumors that the third planet was destroyed by some mismanaged working of sorcery designed to make sure no one could even
think out of order... those rumors are of course
simply wrong. The militia ships around the
debris field are merely keeping others safe
from dangerous, but perfectly natural, radioisotopes and micrometors. So no ships may
approach within several light-seconds under
penalty of death.
Besides, the other planets are much
more interesting. They're all flat land with only

There are all sorts on Arcadia. Humans, Elves, Squats, even

Halflings and Aasimar. The people all
work together to support the greater good.
Even the animals seem to do their part for the
benefit of all - the livestock of the farms is always cooperative, with animals actually lining
up on their own to be slaughtered. To an outsider seeing it, it's a horrifying sight, but to the
natives it makes perfect sense - that's what the
animals are for, so of course they're happy to
do it.

Abellio is a vast, flat grassland. Long
ago, it was terraformed to be almost as flat as
a cue ball. It's easily one of the smoothest planetary masses in the Wheel, the difference between the highest and lowest points on the
planet a matter of only a hundred meters or
so. Every tree is part of an orchard. Every field
has grazing livestock. Every centimeter of
Abellio's surface is made purposeful. Even the
oceans hold great stocks of fish, with reefs
keeping schools neatly separate from each
other. The place runs like clockwork, and
from the way the animals act, one gets the impression it would continue to do so for some
time even without the people there.

The second planet in the system,
Buxenus, is more tightly controlled than Abellio. While the first planet is open to visitors (as
long as they follow the rules), to get access to



Official records outside Arcadia have

records showing Nemausus as a trading
post only two centuries ago.


Buxenus requires all sorts of passes and permissions, which makes it a really trying experience for anyone attempting to get there.
Frankly, unless a person is sent an invitation
along with clearance, they'll just be given the
runaround and thrown at so much red tape
that they drown in it until they lose interest
and find something else to do. The militia
keeps its headquarters here, and there are supposedly reeducation camps for troublemakers
that are more like dog kennels, but proving the
stories has been impossible and natives simply
don't care.

Great Mirror
A massive construction with a diameter measured in thousands of kilometers, the
Great Mirror is a framework supporting huge
sheets of a reflective material designed to provide additional sunlight to Abellio. Thanks to
the Great Mirror, there is no real night, just a
second sunrise following a short dusk. Workers are constantly replacing panels in the Great
Mirror as they tear or lose their reflective coating, but the increased crop yields have been

Nemausus was the name of the third
planet in the system. Now it's a slowly expanding cloud of debris tainted with sorcery that
creates dancing shows of violet energy through
the rubble. A militia fleet keeps a full-time cordon around the area and gives people exactly
one chance to turn away before firing on them.
All official records within Arcadia say that the
planet has been like that for billions of years.


* The planets of Arcadia are just a little too regular. Too well-defined and orderly on every level. When people can
actually make detailed observations - and
the militia usually kicks them out for disrupting things - the actions of the people
and animals of Arcadia seem to approximate logic gates. It can't be proven, but
some think the planets of Arcadia are
some kind of massive computer. What they're
computing is anyone's guess.
* The destruction of Nemausus wasn't an accident. It was done very deliberately,
and as a last resort after everything else had
failed. Something terrible happened there and reports say that something terrible was
modrons awakening and deciding to clean the
place up a bit. It's entirely possible that modrons are sleeping in other places as well, and
unless a better way can be found to deal with
them, there might be more asteroid fields in
the future.
* Buxenus is so well protected because the crops they grow there are extraordinarily valuable. There are medicinal herbs
and, well, the other sort of medicinal herbs.
The drug trade may seem like an odd thing to
see in such a law-abiding place, but it seems
that most of the drugs go to the native populations. New settlers sometimes have trouble
adjusting, you see, and they're given certain
medications to calm them and... erase those
emotions and feelings that don't fit well with
the way things are normally done here.
* Maybe the mortal mind can only
take so much law and order before it snaps.
Maybe there's something dreadfully wrong
about Arcadia. Rumors say that once every
season, the farmers of Arcadia get together for
big festivals. Festivals that involve sacrifices
burned to the gods. Farmers offer some of
their crop, an animal, or best of all, someone
who isn't fitting into their perfect order.


A Crystal Sphere that holds an immense Ork empire, Acheron is a place of eternal warfare, Ork tribes fighting each other in
an endless brawl between worlds so close together they occasionally collide and scrape
against one another. While it's incredibly dangerous to visit, many smugglers bring endless
caches of weapons that give one Ork tribe or
another a momentary advantage in the war
that consumes their lives. That said, the natives are content with their lot, Orks enjoying
fighting more than anything except fighting
and winning.

It would be wrong to say Acheron is
unlivable. The place is a huge crystal sphere,
not as large as the Abyss - not that anything
could be - but still larger by an order of magnitude than the average Crystal Sphere. Inside, it isn't filled
with vacuum but instead an airy void
that grows colder
and colder the deeper

Acheron's center. The entire sphere is lit by a

dim grey light like twilight, not enough to read
by but not so dark a man can't see his hand in
front of his face. The source of this illumination has never been found.
The most striking and obvious feature
of Acheron are its many, many worlds, huge
cubes of iron dozens of kilometers across.
Gravity here doesn't draw towards the center
of the cubes, but just perpendicular to their
surfaces. And on almost every cube can be
found Orks. Now, there's only one thing that
can happen when you have a bunch of Orks in
one place, and that's fighting. The Orks spend
almost all of their time forming into warbands
and fighting each other in an endless self-consuming war. Despite the sheer number of soldiers, there are surprisingly few leaders. Any
Ork who really has what it takes to lead typically leaves to find someone more interesting
to fight.
Deeper into Acheron, and the cubes
change, becoming pockmarked blocks like
cubic meteors, the pits in their surfaces leading
kilometers down inside, where they are filled
with the broken scraps of thousands of devices
like some giant's toy box. Great ships
that have been lost to the Warp,
toppled buildings, and weapons
of every kind find their way
here. Everything is inoperative, turning to the same ironlike stone as the rest of the
cubes here over time. There
are few orks here except for
scavengers looking for a bit of
extra dakka or choppy to take
back with them. Deeper yet,
and things get more and more
hostile. Even the Orks don't
go all the way down into
Acheron's depths.
The most obvious danger in
Acheron, aside from the natives, is the threat of collisons
between the cubes. While the
cubes are rarely damaged beyond a few dents and scrapes,
but those dents and scrapes
are in kilometers of solid iron
- anyone caught between two



colliding cubes is as good as dead.

Of course, the cubes aren't always
entirely solid. Some cubes are riddled with tunnels, which make
them favorites for permanent
habitation since cities or structures built on the surface of a cube
will eventually be crushed.
The tunnels are also crucial sources of food and water, for
they support humid, fertile mushroom beds and a strange form of
woody, black, earthy fruit called
provender stones. Provender
stones are edible, barely, and resemble square black blocks that sit
on the iron plains and grow constantly, some reaching the size of
a house or larger. Ice and sleet
from blizzards fall into the tunnels
and pool in caverns, providing a source of
foul-tasting but live-giving water.
The most terrible danger of Acheron
is one that only the most learned scholars
know of - time on the cubes of Acheron simply
stops if they sail through the void without colliding with another cube. While this does keep
someone stranded on a cube from starving to
death, anyone who can will get away before
this happens before centuries pass back home.

Acheron is the home of battalions and
armies constantly at war. To most, this would
be a place of oppressive death and encroaching
horror, but to the native Orks it is nearly a paradise. They care not for glory or honor, just
the sheer excitement of a battle well-fought,
victory or death. Even the sides and comrades
constantly change - an Ork might fight for one
warband one day and against it the next.
When a battle isn't on, the orks can be surprisingly cheerful and even good company. There
are a surprising number of soldiers from other
races as well, most of them dispossessed soldiers with nothing left to fight for. They don't
typically last long, but most of them are just
seeking a place to die anyway. There's no real
native wildlife to speak of.


Istvarhan, the Moving Fortress
Istvarhan is the kind of fortress that
only an Ork would think to build. It's a huge
place made of the only two resources that can
be found in Acheron in vast quantity - iron
and manpower. The walls of Istvarhan are literally made of armor and slaves, and the entire
fortress can be set into motion on their backs.
The jerky, bouncing motion of the fortress
makes anything besides sitting still a difficult
task. The Warboss commanding the fortress is
Grazdeff the Wise, an Ork with a surprising
grasp of tactics and an ability to put people
where they can do the most good. Which is
quite unfortunate for those who can do the
most good bolted into the walls of the fortress.
He allows anyone who wishes to join to become part of his warband, and has assembled
a grand fighting force of blood brothers. It's
said that he'll be the next to escape Acheron
and head out in a WAAAAAGH to fight the
greater foes of the Wheel, and his skill at diplomacy and technology will make him a dangerous foe when he does. For now, his main goal
is to assemble a ship to effect such an escape.


An inward-turned realm of Squats
and ironlike stone, Hammergrim is a dour
realm of grey light, grey stone, and somber
clothing. Even the squat festivals are grim,
with much sonorous chanting and invocations
of protection against the threat of the Orks.
Hammergrim was founded long ago as a
refuge and striking point against the Ork
hordes of Acheron - the Squat's ancient hatred
for the greenskins demanded they have a
foothold against them. It is one of the best
places in the Wheel to have a blade forged,
and the squats there will do so (not happily,
though - they're never happy) for a price. The
ruler of Hammergrim is currently the Living
Ancestor Branka, though no ruler of Hammergrim has ever ruled alone - the Court of Memory, where the ruler resides, is haunted by the
spirits of rulers past. Every ruler of Hammergrim goes insane over time, losing themselves
to the possession of these spirits and becoming
little more than a limp doll when not being
used by them. Branka has only ruled for a
short time, so the ill-tempered squat has not
yet lost herself to the whispering voices.

The Mines of Marsellin

The mines are a treasure-trove of artifacts, magic, and strange jeweled machines.
Heaps of spacefaring ships, enormous
weapons, and steam-driven carriages are scattered everywhere. Unfortunately, most of
them have been fused into lumps of solid black
iron. The mines seem to generate new material daily, though no one has ever learned why.
The mines include hundreds, even thousands
of strip mines and bottomless well-like shafts.
The best kept secrets are which mineshafts
lead to the interior caverns, those echoing hollow spaces filled with the cast-offs of the universe. Most are dead ends, sunk into the black
iron cubes by hopeful prospectors who soon
turned to iron themselves. The area is overseen by an ancient dragon with rust-colored
scales who calls herself Coirosis who hates
thieves and claimjumpers and punishes them
with swift death. Even the threat of the
dragon, though, can't keep people away from
the untold riches of the mine. Wise men do
well to buy a deed from the dragon before at-

tempting to do any mining themselves - there

are enough threats from scavengers and jealous miners, and no one needs an angry dragon
added to that list.

Deep, deep within Acheron, things
start to change. In the area known as Tintibulus, cubes give way to other geometric shapes,
pyramids and prisms and octrahedrons and
shapes that have no name. The shapes here are
much smaller than the iron cubes before, most
scarcely larger than a house. The material of
the bodies here is also different, not the iron
of the first layer of cubes or the ironlike stone
of the second, but dull volcanic rock that fractures when collisions occur, cracking along
natural fault lines. The place is empty, even
sounds hardly carrying at all. It mostly resembles a very thick asteroid belt, with little to recommend it except as a place to hide.

There are very few reports from this
part of Acheron. There are no cubes or shapes
to find here. Instead, there are razor-thin
shards of black ice, some barely a centimeter
across, others kilometers in width. Their collisions break them into progressively smaller
shards, eventually into needles and then dust.
The shards must all come from some single
source, though the night-black space filled
with flying razors doesn't lend itself well to exploration. Rumors speak of some bottom to
Acheron, a central sea of black ice as large as
a sun. The only ones who have claimed to
have gone there and come back are insane and
otherwise untrustworthy - but you'd have to
be insane to want to make the trip in the first
place. Tales of creatures made entirely out of
blades are similarly almost certainly false, and
even if they were true, who would want to go
to Ocanthus to find out?

* The most powerful ship ever constructed, The Emperor's Wrath, has been
found floating in Acheron after thousands of
years lost in the warp. There may be survivors,
but more importantly the ship included an-



cient Syrneth technology that made it invincible in combat. The ship must be recovered before it can fall into the wrong hands or turn
into stone, and it's quickly turning into a race
between the Orks and everyone else in the
* Orks just seem to be everywhere in
Acheron. The rumors say that they aren't
born, but simply seem to come up out of the
tunnels in some of the cubes. Are the cubes of
Acheron some kind of massive farm of the Syrneth designed to produce warriors for their ancient war? And if so, what would happen if
someone managed to get them up to full production - or stopped them in their tracks?
* The Living Ancestor Braska will pay
a high price to anyone who can find a way to
keep her sane despite the spirits haunting her
palace. While it is forbidden in her society to
actually destroy the ghosts, she is more than
willing to look the other way if it will mean
she isn't doomed to insanity. However, the
ruthless ruler isn't beyond selling out the
PCs to her people if they're caught in the
* The ocean at the very center of
Acheron isn't just a rumor - it's a real thing
and it isn't just a puddle of water. It's holding back some horror from ancient times. It
is the reason for the cubes existing in their
current state of disrepair, its power flinging
them out of perfect geometric alignments.
The shards of ice in Ocanthus are symptoms
of its awakening, and it might take more
than all the Orks working together to put it

Nine worlds, each different and
each one sinister yet far from lawless. The
chain of command here is absolute, and discipline is enforced as much to crush the
spirits of those who don't conform as to
maintain order. The natives here plot and
scheme against one another, vying for
power. It is a place of great opportunities to
the ruthless, but the price of failure is absolute.


Baator is a fairly normal-looking place
by most standards. One star, a red giant that
looks like a diseased and dying thing, and nine
planets. It's a dangerous place by anyone's
standards, but compared to some of the really
awful places in the universe, Baator's creeping
evil and sinister tones can seem downright
Baator is safe for ships to travel
through, following the normal laws and
physics of the Wheel at large. Of course, those
ships had best pay very careful attention to the
orders of the local traffic controllers - Baator
attracts a surprising number of visitors from
all parts of the Wheel and so traffic can be
quite thick. Naturally, Baator being what it is,
anyone breaking those orders has more to


worry about than just some minor fender-bender. The might of Baator's armies come down
on those that dare break the law here, though
for the right price it's possible to get them to
look the other way.

Baator attracts all the wrong sort of
people. The natives here have a long history of
sorcery, the dangerous kind. Pacts with daemons are the only way to ascend in society,
testing not only a person's ability to call on the
daemons but also their cunning and ability to
cut deals that leave them ahead (and alive).
The more politically influential people in Baator are effectively immortal, with overlapping
contracts and deals that have left them with
little humanity in body or soul. Mutation and
corruption are common among Baator's inhabitants. Most worlds of Baator have little in
the way of wildlife - almost everything has
been subjugated and planned, used up in
quests for power. What there is was probably
once human but fallen to mutation to become
something less than a man.

Avernus is the world closest to Baator's sun, a parched world of blasted, rockstrewn fields. The atmosphere is a thick haze
that turns the sky into a smear of glaring red.
There is no real water here, just dried up
riverbeds and dust. The greatest danger to
anyone coming here is the ever-present threat
of fireballs - seeping gasses from below waiting
for the slightest spark to erupt into an explosion that can burn a man to ash. One of the
few things to recommend on this world are the
quality of its gemstones, mined in a city of depraved halflings called Draukari. The stones
are all of the highest quality, often in shades
and colors that seem totally unreal. The ruler
of Avernus is a Tiefling named Bel. It's rumored that Bel runs training camps for the
armies of Chaos beneath the haze of Avernus'

sky, though anyone who has learned the truth

of it has ended up dead.

Dis is the second world of Baator, and
the destination that most travellers to Baator
end up. The entire world is more or less a gigantic city, spires of blackened iron thrusting
their way into the ashen skies in the few open
areas surrounding the core of civilization on
this world, the city of Dis, a place so nice they
named it twice. The city is like a hive, crowded
and dirty, made of darkened iron that turns
red hot in the glare of the sun. The city of Dis
is a tightly controlled place, with passes
needed for almost everything and the activities
of visitors being strictly recorded and their
movements controlled. Most never leave the
Port Quarter of the city, though that's where
almost all the services for visitors are located
anyway. At the center of Dis, looking over
every part of the city from a tower so high it
reaches nearly into orbit, is the Iron Tower.
Edicts from the city's ruler, Dispater, come
down from on high like iron slabs hitting concrete.

Minauros is best described as a stinking bog. Polluted acid rain washes down from
a leaden sky like the burning tears of a god.
The atmosphere is so thick and hot that lead
runs like water, and the surface is a bog of acid
muck and misery. Some very, very tough vegetation hangs on to life here, but nothing that
would really resemble life can survive outside
of Minauros' few cities. The most major city
is, perhaps unsurprisingly, both simply called
Minauros and also sinking into the swamp.
Rumors persist that the swamp of Minauros
has no bottom, and that you can sink forever
without ever hitting bedrock. Minauros' ruler,
Mammon, is terribly warped from the bargains he has made. His greed is said to be almost infinite, and he is willing to give up
almost anything to sate his avarice. The fact
that he has already given up his humanity (or
whatever race he was - being that he's thirty
meters tall with the lower body of a snake
means that it's anyone's guess at this point)
speaks volumes.



Phlegethos is, like most
of Baator, a quite unpleasant
place to live. Some quirk of planetary formation left it with a volcanic cycle that causes massive
upheaval of the entire surface
every few thousand years. The
place is currently in the beginning
of another of these cycles, and
the entire surface is cracked and
flooded with rivers of magma and
seas of flame. It may seem like
this would be the last sort of place a
person would want to be, but the
same quirk of planetary formation that created
this cycle of volcanic activity also left the
planet with an incredible mineral wealth that
replenishes itself every cycle. The ruler of
Phlegethos is technically Lady Fierna, though
most in the know are aware that her father,
Lord Belial, runs most of the planet from behind the scenes. Both have little to do with the
mining operations directly, just managing the
managers, and spend their lives in incredible

A place that seems like a refreshing
change from the heat-blasted first few worlds
of Baator, Stygia is a water world, a great
frozen sea, a place of crushing ice floes and
mammoth icebergs. Floating plants of several
types form floating swamps and forests on the
water, places that are fairly hospitable. Constant storms and lightning make the sky a dangerous place to be, though strong currents
create clear paths through the ice for those
willing to risk them. Ice floes are the dominant
surface here, upon which castles and cities are
built. The ruler of this layer is rumored to have
been imprisoned deep in the ice of a massive
iceberg, trapped and unable to die by some
badly-made contract with a daemon. The
planet has reverted to a sort of controlled anarchy, with private armies enforcing the laws
of their masters with an iron fist in the nowfractious city states.


Malebolge is a gas giant, standing out
among the other planets like a festering sore
and looking like a diseased boil. While the
planet itself is uninhabited, there are a number
of small moonlets and stations around it that
draw off valuable gasses from the planet. The
most interesting feature of Malebolge are the
massive corpses that orbit it, remnants of a
species that is likely long dead, space whales
hundreds of kilometers long. Their bone and
ivory are a fair bit of the trade from Malebolge,
the sheer size of the corpses meaning that the
supply is almost inexhaustible. The ruler of
Malebolge, Glasya, has only very recently been
installed, and is said to be the daughter of the
sovereign of Baator itself.

Maladomini is a planet of ruins, a
world of hard labor under a blood-black sky.
Granite and wasted cities scatter the surface of
the planet, polluted canals clogging up and
spilling waste across the scarred surface of the
planet. Everything natural has been defaced or
destroyed. Strip mines, slag heaps, landfills,
and crumbled ruins are the terrain of this
planet. The ruler, Triel, is an Aasimar who has
apparently been driven insane (or worse) by
the pressures of Baator. No one has seen him
in person in decades, and his orders have
grown more and more insane - he demands
perfection from all endeavors, and this is most


evident in the construction of his Capitol city.

He has demanded that workers restart the effort again and again, always displeased. The
entire planet has been torn apart and half-reassembled under his orders.

Where Stygia is a frozen sea, Cania is
a place of ice and land even harsher than that
planet. Here the ice isn't just water, but the air
itself freezing in the almost-perfect cold. The
world has a unique industry, producing some
of the finest plasma weaponry there is. The
ruler of the planet, Mephistopheles, is a man
who displays a facade of charm, civility, and
wit. In reality, he has a terrible temper with
endless ambition. He is a powerful sorcerer,
and has recently developed a way to create a
type of warp plasma with his spells. He has
openly stated he intends to rule the entire system, and no doubt he intends to use this new
power to fuel that ambition.

The final planet of the system, and
one of the best-protected places in the entire
Wheel. An armada of ships prevents anyone
from getting close. It is from here that Baator
is ruled. Nessus is a black planet crisscrossed
by rifts and trenches, some little more than a
few meters deep and others extending hundreds or even thousands of kilometers into the
depths. In the deepest pit, of incalculable and
impossible depth, broods Asmodeus, the ruler
of Baator. He is, from reports, soft-spoken, articulate, chillingly reasonable, and so powerful
as to defy comprehension.

Adventure Hooks
* The ruler of Stygia, Prince Levistus,
is only allowed one day of freedom every year
from his prison of ice. He is willing to give the
heroes almost anything if they can find a way
to free him, a task that may require the slaying
of a Daemon before the more mundane task
of cutting him free can even begin.
* An assassination attempt has recently been aimed at Glasya, and failed. Now
the entire crystal sphere is on lockdown and
martial law is getting worse and worse. Unless
someone can find the assassin soon, the paranoia and twistings of betrayal of the system
will erupt into a real war. Fortunately,
the heroes are beyond suspicion and
have been hired - apparently by Asmodeus himself - to take care of the
problem. Or else.
* A warp storm has been building
around Baator for some time now, and
ships are finding it more and more difficult to get into the crystal sphere and
out again. While this has driven the
prices of Baatoran goods up, it appears
that this may not be a natural warp
storm, but an attack from one of Baator's enemies.
* A man approaches the heroes begging for help - his child has been seduced and lured to Baator by the
promise of wealth, wine, and women.
The rumors suggest that this is a plot
by a high-ranking Baatorian to gather a
huge number of unwitting people to
serve as a sacrifice to ascend to some



higher power. Other rumors say that the offer

is just what it seems, an attempt to boost the
tourism trade.

The Beastlands are a mysterious
Crystal Sphere. There are a number of planets
circling the star that are habitable, each one
covered in wilderness and with astoundingly
deadly wildlife. There are some ruins on the
planets and mysterious power signatures, but
attempts to investigate the ruins or establish a
colony have all met with failure as the fauna and even flora - turned actively hostile,
demonstrating abilities impossible for normal
plant and animal life that only increased in response to resistance.

To a casual observer, the Beastlands
seem like a fairly normal system, if one completely untouched by industry and the trappings of civilization. Someone more observant
might note that the worlds in the Sphere are
unusually flush and full of life, with every single solid surface - and even the system's sole
gas giant - supporting an advanced ecology.
The system has seven planets, and there's little
point in describing each of them in detail they are all nearly the same.
The sameness of the worlds is actually
quite startling. Very nearly the same ecosystems exist in every world, just adapting to survive in the conditions present on each of the
planets. From what few samples scholars have
been able to gather, the native organisms developed an astounding ability to survive in
nearly any environment, possibly thanks to a
massive planetary disaster. There's little evidence to support that theory, though. With the
active ecosystem on each system, finding
craters and other signs of disaster are difficult.
Any kind of active scan is almost inevitably
met with a response from the planet.
Naturally, it's this response that is of
greatest interest to people. Mostly because it's
what ends up killing just about everyone. The


ecosystems are astoundingly deadly to outsiders, functioning almost like a massive defense system at every scale from microscopic
to even defending from orbital threats. The
things that the life forms on these planets can
do border on the supernatural in scope, yet
there doesn't seem to be much actual magic to
it at all, merely biology so incredibly advanced
that it seems impossible, from trees that grow
as armored shells around high-energy hydrocarbons - firing upward as ballistic missiles
that can even achieve orbit - to plants with
leaves with almost perfectly reflective surfaces
that they use to focus ambient light into deadly
beams of heat.
The fauna is even worse than the
flora. Dragons can't even compete with them,
mostly because they all seem to work together
when intruders are around. When observed
from a great distance, the ecology seems to
settle and act like a fairly normal world, the life
forms preying on one another and so forth. It's
only when someone from the outside comes in
and disturbs things that they seem to spontaneously form an army. There doesn't seem to
be any central planning or hivemind effect - all
of the behavior seems to be emergent, developing from their normal behaviors.
Because of the sheer danger of the


life forms from the planet got

onboard. The Mothership has
since become a crumpled wreck
overgrown with tough fungus
and massive vines that have developed thick skins that use
metal drawn from the ship to
form radiation-resisting hulls.
Animals, most of them smaller
and stranger than in the rest of
the system, prowl the warped
hallways which have become
more like caves or the bowels of
some massive beast.

The Sargasso Asteroids

ecologies, settlements are more-or-less impossible. One attempt was made to terraform the
most temperate of the planets. The attempt
ended badly, and the tales the few survivors
told were enough to make sure a second mission was never launched. To date, the Beastlands lie relatively untouched, left to the
dangerous animals within.

The only real inhabitants are the
strange, extremely advanced life forms. Nothing else can really survive for long, either ending up becoming food or being torn apart and
then food. A few (very well armed) scientists
still study the local life forms, but their expeditions have to be very fast and unobtrusive even a slight disturbance can start the wildlife
on a killing spree.

The Mothership
The remains of the first terraforming
attempt are still floating in-system. The massive ship is several kilometers long, and had a
crew numbering in the tens of thousands.
Had. Only a tiny fraction of the crew managed
to escape, and the rest became food and biomass for a growing infection that started after

Supporting the idea that the

life forms here spread through
space via some kind of impact event, asteroids
have become collected in most of the stable
Lagrange points and, over time, life has grown
there. Weedy strings of plant matter and bacteria have joined the asteroids that fall here
into loose nests and webs. They're one of the
few places that are relatively safe to collect
samples from, as there isn't enough biomass to
create anything really dangerous, though occasionally asteroids will break free on suspiciously precise trajectories to hit ships that
approach too closely.

The Great Circle

The Great Circle is the name given to
the only ruins that have ever been discovered
on any of the planets of the Beastlands.
They're the only structures that aren't overgrown or destroyed quickly by invading plants
and animals. The ruins are in the form of a
ring, twenty kilometers around and a kilometer and a half thick. Several expeditions have
tried to explore the ruins, but there doesn't
seem to be a way inside the structure. For
now, it remains one of the greatest mysteries
in the Sphere.

Variable Gravity Well

On one of the moons of the system's
sole gas giant (which itself harbors floating
plants and animals like gliding wings and balloons) is a spot that's unique in the system.



Something buried deep within the moon is

emitting a high amount of warp energy that's
warping space around the moon, the effect
most strongly felt as a, well, variable gravity
well that changes in shape and power over
time. The corpses of many thousands of the
largest variety of predatory native are in a massive pile over the site of the gravity well, their
hardened shells forming a tough barrier that
would take battleship-level weapons to break
through. Even approaching this moon is dangerous - it seems to represent a sore spot or
sensitive zone for the wildlife, always drawing

Adventure Hooks
* Recently, humanoid creatures have
been spotted on one of the planets in-system.
They didn't quite match the description of any
known race, but seem to combine features
from all of them. Are they intelligent life forms
that have somehow escaped detection until
now, a new development that has only recently
evolved, or are they part of a rumored cult of
survivalists that is said to have come to the
Beastlands to escape the sprawl of civilization?
* Some of the scientists returning
from studies of the Beastlands have been vanishing after returning home. At the same time,
there are reports of creatures that resemble the
native life of the Beastlands appearing on their
homeworlds. Is there some new disease or infection that is lying dormant in researchers and
waiting to spread the taint of the bizarre life
here across the Wheel?
* Increasingly, as research efforts become more uncommon and unmanned probes
become the norm, strange malfunctions and
glitches have been occurring. Probes are
recording passages of time that don't match
the time that passes outside the Sphere. It appears as though the longer that the Sphere
goes without being opened, the faster time
passes inside it. Some have suggested that this
time warp might be the cause for why the life
here is so evolved - it's had many more billions
of years without extinction-level events or outsiders becoming involved to become interconnected.
* Reports speak of strange ships being
seen around the Beastlands, both inside and


outside of the Spheres. The ships don't match

any known class or even general design philosophy of the known races. At least one of the
ships was destroyed after firing strange plasma
weapons on a human ship. The debris recovered - and there wasn't much - was almost entirely non-metallic, made of strange polymers
and plastics that seem organic in nature. Are
these ships connected to the reports of space
monsters attacking nearby Crystal Spheres?

Bytopia is a place of intense industry,
a pair of worlds that are covered in forges and
factories, industrial complexes soaring into the
sky and mine workings burrowing deep into
the crust. Bytopia boats the most impressive
factories in known space, its massive production able to supply armies throughout the
Wheel. Entire fleets are devoted to bringing
raw materials to Bytopia and bringing consumer goods away. The very void within the
Crystal Sphere of Bytopia is contaminated
with enough industrial pollution and smoke to
give it a thin atmospheric haze.

Bytopia is an old and used-up system.
There are only two planets left, encrusted with
factories and landing facilities for ships. Space
elevators hang down from artificial, solid, rings
around each planet that serve both as docking
ports for massive freight ships and mass accelerators for launching cargo loads to waiting
nets and waste loads into the sun. The planets
are only barely habitable, wastelands of industrial waste and mining debris. The vast majority of the large population spends their lives
inside, many never seeing the light of day.
Bytopia's system is thankfully free of
magical hazards. The place operates much as
you'd expect a space to, with few surprises in
terms of the actual physical laws. The composition of the plane might surprise a person,
though. As noted above, there's so much pollution and industrial waste floating around in
the sphere that it's actually somewhat pressurized, thicker than a nebula and made entirely


out of pollution.
There's plenty of evidence that there
were a number of other worlds in the system.
The mined-out remnants of no less than three
gas giants and two other rocky planets float in
lazy orbits. There's little left now except ancient scaffolding from when they literally took
the planets apart, too old and in much disrepair, everything of value already taken away.
The only thing left are frameworks of metal
too difficult to work or scrap.
The first planet of Bytopia, Dothion,
is all rust-colored landscapes and tarnished
metal. Most of the natives live in massive arcologies that supply all their needs. Monorails
and moving walkways are the norm - there are
almost no personal transports except for the
very rich. Most live within walking distance of
their jobs, only know their neighbors and
workmates, and never even think about travel
or the outside world. Vacations are spent in
purpose-built recreation zones which offer
some modest simulation
of nature, albeit one
crowded shoulder-toshoulder with other people.
planet, Shurrock, is far
less forgiving. It produces many items that
are restricted or illegal on
other worlds - lockpicks,
weapons, military armor,
and spelljammer components. The natives don't
have the same sort of
freedoms enjoyed on the
first world - because of
the dangerous nature of
many of the items and
the value of them all,
watched, searched, and
screened for dangerous
ideas. Outsiders are
viewed with suspicion
and kept away from the
general population, distracted by areas set aside
for just that purpose.

Going outside these areas carries the threat of

immediate and often deadly police action.
Ships are constantly moving in and
out of the system, making the traffic a hazard
in its own right. Thankfully, the traffic control
agents of Bytopia are excellent - the combination of Virtual Intelligence and extreme skill
they use combines the best aspects of logic and
instinct. The trade in raw materials and ore
has priority over almost all other traffic, fuel
for the furnaces of creation.

The major inhabitants of Bytopia are
Squats and Humans. Halflings are found in
great numbers as well, though they typically
live in the underbelly of the factory-cities, surviving on scraps and cunning. Gnomes can be
found as well, working on the more arcane and
ancient machinery and keeping it running
from day to day. There
is no wildlife to speak of,
though there are some
working animals used in
a few factories, and pets
kept by the affluent.

Ring 0
One of the oldest
parts of the system, Ring
0 is the scaffolding remnant of one of the inner
rocky planets. It was one
of the first planets completely strip mined, an
overbuilt prototype that
was refined as the Bytopians tore the rest of
the system apart. The
scaffolding surrounds a
useless core of slag rock
that no one has (yet)
found a use for. What
remains of Ring 0 is
what they couldn't easy



recycle - the mass driver and damaged parts

that just weren't worth saving. It has become
something of a tradition for the smaller independent traders to stop at Ring 0 at the end of
a successful run. A bar has been built there,
and the ancient Ring 0 docks are more than
sufficient to handle the light traffic. The bar,
Absolute Zero, is an inflatable structure that
looks out into the void with transparent walls.
It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times
now, but the bartender, an Eldarin exile who
goes by Moondog, refuses to make the structure more sturdy or quit. He says he enjoys the
danger and excitement.

The Last Ruby Rays of Dawn

A wrecked ship, the Last Ruby Rays
of Dawn was carrying extremely hazardous
cargo that broke containment and left everyone onboard ship dead. For over a century,
the Dawn has floated in an extremely elliptical
orbit that keeps it away from all other traffic
lanes. No one has tried to salvage the ship the filed reports say that it'll be another hundred centuries before anyone can go aboard
without melting into a puddle of radioactive
ooze. Or that's what the reports say. No one is
willing to chance it. The ship floats with a
hundred thousand kilometer no fly zone
around it, though rumors say that transmissions and even running lights have been seen
coming from the wreck.

GWOTT Headquarters
A government building as large as a
city, the Great Wheel Order of Trade and Tariffs is the organization that polices economic
activity and acts as a kind of police force to
protect the stability of the Wheel's economy
and to curtail trade in illegal goods and services. GWOTT keeps its headquarters separate
from Sigil to keep a distance both politically
and literally from the interests of the Factions.
The chief of GWOTT is a strict and collected
woman named Eclipse who makes few public
appearances. Rumors say that the GWOTT
employs teams of Exalts to take on the most
difficult and sensitive missions, often breaking
or ignoring local laws for a greater good.

Solar Observatory #14

A very plain title for one of the bestkept secrets in the system. For thousands of
years now it has been watching a very strange
object - a station orbiting the sun at extremely
close range. Impossibly close. The station has
been seen passing through arcs of solar plasma
with no change to the structure. Ships haven't
been able to get close enough to actually dock
with it. The assumption among most scholars
is that it's Syrneth in nature, a relic of their
golden age. Of course, it hasn't been proven,
and some of the latest scans have presented
somewhat worrying evidence of growing activity lately. The truth may never be known at all,
as the orbit is slowly decaying and within a
generation or so it is expected to simply drop
into the sun and never be seen again.

* In one of the best protected factories
of Shurrock is a legion of massive war machines, titanic walking tanks called Warstriders. Whoever gets their hands on them can
conquer entire Crystal Spheres, carve out empires among the stars. Next week, the bidding
is due to start. Now, though, they're vulnerable (relatively) and an extremely tempting target. A surprising amount of information on
their location and the security forces has been
leaked to the wrong people, almost as if they're
tempting someone to try taking them...



* The inhabitants of Dothion

are used to excavating geofronts, huge
caverns underground, to house people
and industry. However, in one of the
latest excavations, the miners discovered
a cave complex that was certainly not
natural. Before contact was lost, they reported strange power sources, halls of
black metal staring into them, stasis
banks with sleeping things the refused to
describe, and, towards the end, the
sense that something was awakening,
that the entire place was alive and full of
hate for them, endless ancient hate.
* The GWOTT would like outsiders
to think that it is a perfect organization without any internal troubles and unparalleled authority throughout the Wheel. However,
recently two very important high-ranking operatives went rogue, claiming that the
GWOTT is being controlled by a cabal of
merchants and aristocracy that have some nefarious plan. While the rogues might be right,
unconfirmed internal reports suggest that they
might be high-level exalts, and perfectly capable of doing a lot of damage on their own.
* Shurrock has been experimenting
with something extremely dangerous - a kind
of mind control agent of extreme and subtle
power delivered over multiple means. The
food, water, and entertainment of the planet
are all tainted with this system, and it has been
very effective in keeping worker unrest down
and happiness high. However, it appears longterm use of the drugs and psychological programming has a determental effect. An effect
that drives people to murder everyone around

Carceri is an unusual formation, a
matryoshka doll of Crystal Spheres nested one
inside the other. Each layer contains equipment of incredible age - most assume that it's
Syrneth, but some scholars claim that it seems
even older, though that is of course impossible. The center has never been reached, each
Crystal Sphere proving to be more and more
difficult to breach. But each new Crystal

Sphere opened has also had prizes, technology

that even the most clever looters had been unable to claim. Despite the signs that Carceri
was constructed to contain something terribly
dangerous, the lure of Syrneth technology has
funded countless expeditions.

Carceri is located in the scenic middle
of nowhere. It's not only out of the way, but
the crystal sphere is shrouded in a dark nebula
that makes it invisible until a spelljammer gets
close to it, when it suddenly looms up out of
the gloom. The portal relay that services
Carceri is well outside the nebula, making the
journey to the crystal sphere a trying task. The
outermost crystal sphere is easy to breach from
the outside. From the inside, though, the
once-easy navigation becomes a trying task,
the structure of the crystal sphere serving to
funnel ships inside.
As already mentioned, Carceri is a
unique structure, as far as is known. Inside are
nested crystal spheres - the exact number of
which aren't known. The first open area is the
most well-known, especially by treasure
hunters, as it's their first stop (and often the
last place they're seen alive). The space between the spheres on the first layer is quite
small, only a few kilometers like a shallow sea
of space with crystal spheres above and below.
Even on the first layer of Carceri, the
Sphere's various hazards appear. The two
most obvious are the massive storms and
clouds of floating debris. Because of a kind of
strange extradimensional friction, massive



electrical storms roil across space, strange

lighting striking out in all directions in unpredictable patterns. These bolts have been
known to wreck smaller ships and slag electrical systems on larger ships. The debris is even
worse, everything from ships wrecked by the
storms to clouds of razor-sharp hull fragments
that can cut through void suits (and the people
wearing them) like a sword through butter.
There are other dangers as well, some
of them less obvious. The first few layers have
been relatively well-explored, and it has become quite clear that space is warped here,
compressed so that impossible gulfs of space
span the layers between the spheres. It seems
to grow at an exponential rate, so where only
a few kilometers are in the first layer, there are
hundreds in the next, then tens of thousands.
Always at the center, though, is the next layer
of Carceri's crystal sphere. Exacting measurements have shown only a tiny decrease in the
central sphere's diameter with each layer
down. There might be hundreds of layers.
Syrne ruins are the main attraction for
visitors. And the only visitors are foolish treasure hunters. There's a long history of treasure
hunting here, thousands of years of people
throwing their lives away for Syrne artifacts.
All of the ruins that are easy to get to have
been picked clean, driving the hunters deeper


and deeper in to find anything worth selling.

Still, it's said that even one good find can set a
man up for life, so those looking to get rich
quick typically can't resist.
There are other, less obvious dangers
to Carceri. While there's no atmosphere, there
are occasional rains and snows of a black acid
that can eat through unprotected starship
hulls. Some kind of Warp turbulence makes it
so that no one can manage to get sleep without
having horrible nightmares that stay with them
for the rest of their lives. Worst of all, the compression of space in the lower layers of Carceri
carry with them a compression of time. Not
just time flowing at a different rate, but cause
and effect jumbling together, events being
forced closer together even as perception of
time stays the same and struggles to catch up.

No one sane would call Carceri
home, which means that humans have naturally tried to colonize the place. The attempts
have been universally met with failure. No one
wants to stay here. The creatures that seem
truly native to the place are among the worst,
and toughest, known to exist. Aside from
crawling things like giant bugs that scavenge


wrecked ships for anything they can eat, there

are predators like large flying jellyfish that have
proven resistant to even concentrated attacks
and seem to drain the very life from their victims.

The Vault
Carceri is a place that's hard to get out
of, with no helpful natives and nowhere to really run. It's a great place to build a prison, or
at least so thought some of the Factions. When
someone really, really needs to disappear, this
is where they're sent. It's a structure that resembles nothing so much as a blank sphere of
iron, with just one dock for a ship, no windows, and no lights, guide beacons, or anything else to draw attention. The warden,
named Staccato Thaman, is a man with a hard
head and an iron fist. No one has ever escaped
from the vault. As long as he's in charge, he's
going to make sure no one ever does.

Rostok is one of the very few places in
Carceri that offers travellers any services. It's
a space station bodged together with scrapped
hulls of ships and garbage, giving it a ramshackle and overall dirty appearance. For the
gatecrashers who attempt to penetrate deep
into Carceri's layers, though, it's the place they
come for supplies and the latest information.
While no one is really in charge here,
Sidorovich is an old gatecrasher who has retired here, and has ended up keeping the place
running with repairs and patches. Anyone who
comes here can find things to buy, people willing to buy almost anything even a little useful,
and the occasional artifact brought back by a
lucky adventurer who managed to find a scrap
of Syrneth technology that hadn't been scavenged yet.

Shipyard X-18
Another highly defended point, X-18
is located three layers deep in Carceri, far from
prying eyes. The place is extremely difficult to
approach, as any unauthorized attempts to

close with it end in being fired on. Rumors say

that the shipyard isn't government work, and
that pirates run the place, but that seems unlikely given some of the ships seen there unless
the pirates and government are working together - a theory only a conspiracy theorist
would believe. What is certainly true is that the
shipyard is building prototype ships designed
to penetrate the extremely dangerous Crystal
Spheres of the lowest Carceri layers, complete
with a new and unique type of navigation system.

Agathys is the name scholars have
given to the sixth layer of Carceri, the deepest
one that has been reliably penetrated and
partly mapped. While some gatecrashers tell
stories of navigating through the crystal sphere
at its center and reaching another layer full of
ruins, but this is almost certainly nothing more
than just stories or dumb luck. Current thinking is that no human can actually penetrate the
Crystal Sphere here - the course changes
needed are too much for anything but a computer, but actually building the program that
can manage it and the ship that can fly the
course have proven difficult.

* The unique properties of the plane
have inspired a group of mages to create a
unique form of magic that affects time itself.
They're not willing to just teach these secrets
to anyone, but if someone was persuasive
enough or managed to do some pretty impressive things for them, they might just be willing
to give him a hint or two.
* Beyond Agathys, in the deepest part
of Carceri, is a thing, a monolith or obelisk
that can grant wishes to anyone with what it
takes to get to it. Many have tried to reach it,
and almost all of them have failed. Their ambitions were mountains of artifacts and gold,
and anything else their greedy minds could
think of. Of course, it extracted from them a
price, and some people tell horror stories of
people who got exactly what they wanted.
* In the void between the spheres, impossible music sometimes finds its way to peo-



ple, carrying promises and power in exchange

for terrible sacrifices, always involving the betrayal or murder of someone close to the listener. There aren't many that can resist these
calls, not because of any mind-controlling effects, but just because what they offer is tailored to the person that hears it.
* Some very wild and unconfirmed
rumors say that what the Syrne were protecting deep inside Carceri wasn't some amazing
artifact or powerful weapon but the future of
their race. Some of the more barmy and untrustworthy types have claimed to meet with
real, living Syrne. But that is, of course, totally
impossible. And you'd have to be even barmier
than they are to go looking.

Not a real Crystal Sphere, the city of
Commorragh is a dark parallel to Sigil, a hidden place lying in the Warp itself, a place of
anarchy and terror ruled by the Dark Eldarin
and their dark god, Lolth, a demon spider
queen who protects them from the ravages of
the warp. Their depravity knows no bounds,
and what happens to the slaves and captives
they take is... unspeakable.

Commorragh is a difficult city to find,
existing in the Warp itself. It is built in and on
a massive series of constructs called the Webway, secret invisible passageways that create a
space not unlike the Umbra - not quite the real
world, but not quite the Warp either. It is a
place of shadows, the color drained out of
everything and leaving it black and white.
The Webway itself is akin to a giant
spider's web woven out of a strange material
that is rumored to be the lost souls of those
who have been captured by the Dark Eldarin
and sacrificed to the daemon Lolth. Lolth is
the weaver of the Webway, either having developed the technique herself or learned it in
some ancient time. Some parts of the Webway
seem quite different from the chaotic tangle
that Lolth has created, surprisingly orderly
and structured, hinting at another weaver.


Within the city of Commorragh, it is

much like being inside an immense cavern.
The temperature is mild at all times but never
quite comfortable, ranging from just a little too
hot to just a little too cold. The air is damp
and dank, gray fog rolling through the city
daily. The light is inconstant and dim, though
the bright neon lights of the city provide garish
illumination at street level.
It is difficult to comprehend the sheer
scale of Commorragh. When someone pictures a city, they typically think of some mere
metropolis. Perhaps if they're well-travelled,
they may think of a world entirely covered in
construction like Dis. Commorragh is so
much larger than that. The city is a megastructure that reaches for literally billions of kilometers. In the real universe, such a structure
would collapse in on itself, but in the warp it
hangs like a tumor in the endless expanse,
growing and changing at the behest of Lolth.
The megastructure of Commorragh is
connected and built around the webway like a
particularly tasty morsel trapped in a spider's
web. Because it is located in the Warp, ships
can travel directly to it without ever exiting the
Warp, making it almost impossible to track
those ships or find the city. It's said that only
the Dark Eldarin can truly find the city, their
pact with Lolth giving them an internal compass centered on the Dark City.
The half-reality of Commorragh has
strange effects on people. While the shadowy
reality of the webway is fairly safe, certainly
moreso than the Abyss that it shields from, it
isn't quite the same as normal reality. Light
does not travel as far, liquids seem thicker and
ichorous. Even emotions are affected - within


Daemonweb Pits
The domain of Lolth herself, the Daemonweb pits are said to exist near the very
heart of Commorragh, a tangle of webs in a
space tens of thousands of kilometers wide.
There, Lolth and her most trusted servants
(who rarely last long before they're suspected of betrayal and replaced with new
trusted servants) plot from a massive moving palace of darksteel and mithril shaped
like a vast spider crawling across the web
strands. Lolth herself is rumored to be a
rogue or fallen pattern spider, one of the
weavers of destiny. Lolth, of course, has
anyone killed if they speak of her as less
than a god, so the wise would take care to
keep these rumors to themselves.


the webway not only are lights and flame

dimmed, but also anger, joy, and sadness.
This is something of a boon for the Dark Eldarin, as outside of the webway they are controlled by their powerful emotions - though
some say that their powerful emotional displays are a reaction to the webway itself, overcompensating for the normally muted feelings.

The most common inhabitants of
Commorragh are, of course, the Dark Eldarin.
They are the masters of the city, decadent and
full of terrible lusts. Slaves of all shapes and
sizes can be found everywhere, outnumbering
the Dark Eldarin but broken by the tortures
and horrors they've experienced. Lolth's daemonic minions wander the streets, toying with
the Dark Eldarin as they toy with others. Almost any kind of person or creature could be
found here, especially if one of the cruel mistresses of the Dark Eldarin would find it amusing.

Erelhei-Cinlu is one of the largest Kabals in Commorragh, a self-governing

socio-economic paramilitary organization.
Commorragh is simply too large for any single
government to control it, and so the Kabals
formed out of the old noble families and pleasure cults. Erelhei-Cinlu is... calling it safe
would be improper, but it is slightly less dangerous than some of the other Dark Eldarin
Kabals. The Dark Eldarin here have recently
recovered from one of the civil wars common
to their kind, and have become increasingly
aware that they don't exist in a vacuum, and
that the Great Wheel can offer them more
than just slaves and toys. Outsiders are becoming increasingly common in Erelhei-Cinlu,
merchants and mercenaries who have sworn
blood oaths to obey the Kabal. The survival
rate for outsiders is surprisingly high, and people have actually been known to come back
from Erelhei-Cinlu. Few desire to return to
the Dark City, but the lure of wealth and untold pleasures tempts many.

One of the oldest Dark Eldarin Kabals, Menzoberranzan is an archetypical Dark
Eldarin city-state, with huge numbers of slaves



existing only to serve the needs of their mistresses. The city is a matriarchy where the
most powerful rise to the top through assassination and torture. They say that visitors are
welcome here, and that's certainly true. What
most visitors learn quickly is that they're welcome as tools and playthings. Anyone visiting
Menzoberranzan will quickly become part of
the endless game of politics and death that underlies everything in the city. Because the city
is so old, it is deeper within the megastructure
of Commorragh than other Dark Eldarin Kabals, often finding itself under siege from the
terrors of the Underdark. Menzoberranzan's
ruler is Triel Baenre, a priestess of Lolth who
commands great respect and fear for her pacts
with the Spider Queen. She doesn't rule with
an iron fist but a cloaked blade, her enemies
simply vanishing.

Vast spans of Commorragh are
labyrinths of steel and mist, entire worlds
worth of artificial caverns and illogical constructions that seem almost random in form
and completely without function. They are
often pitch-black, and in the vastness of these
spaces, strange forms of life encouraged by the
underlying taint of the warp and the radiation
of its mutating energies grow into strange
ecologies. There are nameless seas as wide and
deep as entire worlds that no mortal eye has
ever seen, endless twisting passageways
through the dark, forests of fungus and vines,
half-starved cannibalistic monsters descended
from escaped pets and experiments of the
Dark Eldarin, and roaming undead. There are
rumors of grand treasures in the Underdark,
of hordes of gold, weapons, and data that lie
for the taking, abandoned or hidden in some
lost scheme by one of the Dark Eldarin. Lifetimes could be spent wandering the Underdark, meeting no one, seeing nothing, just
alone in the utter darkness and silence.

Adventure Seeds
* The population of an entire Crystal
Sphere has vanished in a single day. Evidence
suggests that the Dark Eldarin have taken
them for some terrible purpose. But what
could the Dark Eldarin need with such a vast


number of slaves, and how were they taken so

easily? To find the answers, the heroes will
need to find a guide who can lead them to the
Dark City - and unless they hurry, there's no
telling just what will happen to the captives.
* A powerful merchant has made contacts in Commorragh. He's accepted their invitation to meet and discuss a trade agreement
to use him as a front to sell their goods and
buy what they want from the outside world.
He is no fool, though, and requires powerful
bodyguards in case this is just an elaborate
plan to betray him. Anyone he hires will have
to be careful not to anger or offend the Dark
Eldarin, lest they decide to turn on the offender and make an example of him.
* A recent slave revolt in ErelheiCinlu has made it clear that there is someone
organizing the slaves to rise up and fight the
Dark Eldarin. The Dark Eldarin have put an


extraordinary price on the head of the instigator. It has become a deadly race to find him,
and the heroes might find themselves on either
side of the conflict.

A small group of worlds, Elysium is a
Crystal Sphere that almost seems an untouched paradise. Each world is blessed with
fertile richness and unsurpassed natural
beauty. However, these worlds are claimed by
the Eldarin, and those who seek to settle there
must take care not to disrupt the land or break
any of the Eldarin's mysterious laws.

There are a half dozen worlds in the
Elysium system, each one beautiful in its own
way. The system is somewhere between a garden and a wild paradise, the ancient Eldarin
allowing it to grow and trimming away undesirable growths. Speaking purely in terms of
natural hazards, Elysium is one of the safest
places in the Wheel. There are no deadly predators here (at least none that will attack people, anyway), no poisonous plants, and no
massive rivers of fire or atmospheres of poison
gas. The void between the planets is clean, free
of all debris both natural and artificial. There
aren't even micrometeorites here to scar a
ship's paint.
However, there is one extremely real
threat here. The Eldarin. While most Eldarin
live their lives aboard world-ships and rarely
even set foot on a
planet, they still
find planets useful
for some things,
and the world-ships
of the Eldarin occasionally need repair. They jealously
against all who
would dare to
enter. There are no
permanent settlements on any of the

planets. The Eldarin do not want to live on the

surface, even here, and space stations and remaining onboard ship are the norm.
The six worlds of Elysium are each
suited to a different climate, though all are easily habitable. The first world is a desert, but
with surprisingly abundant plant and animal
life that makes survival easy for those who
know how to look. It is a place of harsh beauty,
perfect for those seeking a quiet place to meditate. The second world is a lush jungle bursting with life, hot and steaming and filled with
color. Thousands of years of breeding have
turned the animal life here tame - they prey
upon each other as in a normal ecosystem, but
they would never harm the Eldarin (or most
sentients, who don't look terribly different in
their eyes).
The third world is a hilly grassland
with fields of boulders and creeping vines.
There are small trees that dot the landscape,
each one twisted and stunted and shaped into
a pleasing form. Small songbirds and flying insects with glowing wings flitter through the
sky. The fourth world is a broadleaf forest, a
place of flowing rivers, streams, and wide
oceans, with the sound of flowing water cascading everywhere.
The fifth world is much like the
fourth, but where the fourth world is temperate, the fifth is chilled, with light snowfalls and
needle-bearing trees. The temperature varies
just enough to get a freeze and a thaw, allowing for beautiful ice formations and then a
warming spring. The last of the worlds of Elysium is a frozen tundra, windswept fields of
glaciers and pillars of ice like some natural city
carved by erosion.
Just like the first
world, this is a
place of quiet
meditation, with
all the tools of survival easily at



Elysium has a large amount of
wildlife, the Eldarin having chosen only the
most beautiful and interesting animals to place
on their Maiden Worlds. Of course, there are
also the working animals that keep the ecosystem working - earthworms and ants, for example. There are always Eldarin in the system,
and it's one of the few places that Eldarin from
different craftworlds are likely to meet. Visitors
from other races are rare, as the Eldarin discourage other races. Violently. With lasers.
Still, if one is a true ally of the Eldarin, being
allowed to see Elysium is the greatest privilege
they can offer, and so even if it is rare, other
races can be found here (typically being
watched at all times from a polite distance).

The names of most of these locations
have been shortened from their extremely long
and poetic Eldarin names to shorter terms that
have roughly the same meaning.

The World Harbour

The only docking platform large
enough to accommodate a world-ship, this
massive, skeletal space station floats beyond
the sixth planet. While skiffs and smaller vessels are typically used to resupply world-ships,
occasionally one will need refitting or massive
repair work due to some accident or attack.
The Eldarin preform all of their repair work
here, away from prying eyes. The world-ships
are their homes, and so they treat them with
great care. This is also the birthplace of new
world-ships, built here by sorcery and careful
work, growing like a living thing of wraithbone. The process is said to take centuries,
and none have been built in living memory.

The Array
A massive solar array like a net
around the sun, The Array provides power
throughout the system. The main target for
this power grid is to power weather-control devices buried beneath the crust of the six


maiden worlds, keeping them at the same

biome from pole to pole all year long. The
Array is maintained by a special sect of Eldarin
that never leave the system. They are the
youngest and the oldest of their race, those
with much to learn and those who can teach
and have left adventures behind them. Almost
all Eldarin serve here, at least for a short time.

The Axis
A massive space station built out of a
massive asteroid, Axis is the closest thing to a
real government capital of the Eldarin. It is a
meeting place where Eldarin from different
craftworlds come to meet and discuss events,
trade agreements, and plans for the future.
The tone of these meetings is always extremely
formal, something like a ball crossed with a
political debate. These formal meetings are
where many young couples and political alliances are formed. The current commander
of Axis is a young Eldarin named Haman
Karn. She has distinguished herself as a fighter
and a charismatic leader, and rumors say that
she Exalted shortly before assuming leadership. She is a dangerous woman, who has a
very dim view of the other races and would as
soon have them exterminated.

The Cradle
The Eldarin reproduce only slowly
and require time and great care to bear young.
The Cradle is a place they built specifically for
the purpose. It is a large space station that is
extraordinarily well defended. Outsiders are
not allowed in under and circumstances, and
automated systems ensure that even if every


defender should fall, the developing Eldarin

will be taken care of. Rumors say that inside,
The Cradle is just row after row of artificial
wombs, countless millions of them. And despite this, the Eldarin are still slowly declining,
losses from wars too much for them to bear.

* Elysium isn't just where the Eldarin
come to have children, but also where they
come to die. Under the surface of the worlds
are massive catacombs where the bodies and
belongings of the most powerful Eldarin lie. A
graverobber could make a fortune in a day if
he could find his way into these catacombs, if
he could somehow get in and out without getting killed in seconds.
* The Eldarin have been keeping it a
secret even from most of their race, but their
ability to control the six Maiden Worlds has
been slipping. Most recently, a terrible predator spawned on the second world, and has
slain dozens of brave Eldarin warriors and only
grown stronger from the experience. The Eldarin will reward anyone who can destroy this
creature extremely well, though anyone taking
the job had better make sure to get a promise
of safe passage in and out of Elysium.
* The Eldarin desperately need to
bring some fresh blood into the fold. Elves and
Dark Eldarin, though both are distasteful, are
perhaps the only answer. The heroes are going
to have to escort an Elven Prince and a Dark
Eldarin Archon to Elysium and get them both
there alive and happy - while defusing whatever plots they have.

Gehenna is a Crystal Sphere of massive volcanic activity - some obscure change to
the laws of reality have made every planetary
body turn into geothermal furnaces, with four
main planets like twin volcanoes hundreds of
thousands of kilometers tall and joined at the
base. Countless mountain-sized burning rocks
orbit and float with these 'earthbergs'. The
closer the 'earthbergs' are to their central star,
the more intense their geological activity, with

the innermost constantly erupting and the outermost a cold, almost dead place aside from
geothermal vents and cracks.

There's nowhere flat on Gehenna.
That's inevitably the first thing anyone notices
on entering the sphere, because it isn't just the
planets that are affected, even artifical gravity
systems can't compensate. Something about
the place makes it utterly impossible for anything to stay stable and perpendicular to gravity. Most ships seem to 'list' at somewhere
between ten and forty-five degrees, though
some go nearly vertical. This makes getting
around the system annoying, since most ships
are forced to turn off their gravity - and the
ones that can't are stuck with a hill climb just
to get around.
There are four main earthbergs, hundreds of thousands of kilometers tall, far larger
than a normal planet. Each is a hotbed of volcanic turmoil. Each has mostly cleared the
space in its orbit, though it's not uncommon
for smaller rocks to tumble out and smash into
the earthbergs. The dark void between the orbits of these primary earthbergs is dark and almost impenetrable, a minefield of hot rocks
and, away from the central sun, ice. It's impossible to see from one berg to the next, and
even trying to get a glimpse of the central sun
is difficult - not that anyone would want to.
Gehenna's sun is a sickly, half-dead thing that
produces dim red light and smoulders with
dark shadows like a coal.
The first berg is called Chamada, and
is pretty much the most hostile place in
Gehenna. In addition to the heat it gets from
the sun - the only berg to get much heat from
it at all - it also steams with heat from the internal volcanic activity. Though really, little
enough of the geological activity here is internal. Most of it seems ready to escape at any
moment, and very good at it. At any given
time, about half of the surface area of the berg
is molten rock.
The second berg is considered to be
the most gentle of the four. And it surprises
some to think that Khalas would ever be con-



sidered gentle, considering the ground is hot

enough to burn unprotected feet. Even so, it's
one of the few places with running water. Of
course the water runs in great rivers that cut
canyons and ravines into the rock. The third
berg is a place of ice and fire, occasional rivers
of burning rock streaming through glaciers
tainted foul and black with ash. It's always too
hot or too cold on Mungoth, with nothing in
The berg farthest from the sun is
Soltheim, a rough place of ice. The volcanic
activity here is long dead, and any warmth it
had is once gone. It's a brutal, dark place, totally inhospitable to life. Even the tough native
life doesn't extend to this location. It's just an
empty, dead rock.

The main inhabitants of Gehenna are,
surprisingly, Dark Eldarin. Just as the Eldarin
need somewhere in a gravity well to do their
thing, the Dark Eldarin do as well - and Commorragh is in the middle of the warp, making
it less than ideal for quite a few things.
Gehenna isn't well-traveled otherwise, making
it useful for them. The native plant and animal
life here is limited to fungus and insects of surprising size, some of which are dangerously aggressive. There isn't much here that isn't trying
to kill someone.

Vivec is the largest Dark Eldarin settlement, a sprawling complex of small arcologies over roaring rivers, connected with
bridges deliberately unsafe bridges. The Dark
Eldarin decided long ago that safety railings
were a lot less entertaining than making the
edges of the bridges slippery and razor-sharp.
Elite warriors called Mandrakes patrol the arcologies and dispense their own brand of swift
and typically instantly-deadly justice. Of
course, as to what crimes the people actually
were guilty of, well... typically it's merely


catching the interest of the Mandrakes. A massive temple to Lolth dominates Vivec, and it's
said that one of her most powerful servants,
half Eldarin and half Daemon, lives there and
dispenses orders directly from her dark master.

Rura Penthe
Rura Penthe is a prison built on
Soltheim by the human Imperium. The place
has some of the harshest prison conditions in
the Wheel. There are no walls, few guards,
and a lot of cold, ice, and cliffs. Unlike most
prisons, plenty of people have tried to escape
Rura Penthe. The guards don't even give chase
when people leave the perimeter - the cold is
more than enough to take care of all but the
hardiest escapees, and the fact that there's
nothing to eat usually takes care of the rest. A
few prisoners are wise enough to return.
They're beaten, though it's more of a formality
than anything else, and put back in their cells
with no other mention made of the attempt.


the micromachines have surprisingly adept skill at making goods.

While the rumors say that the
replicators consume people,
enough have returned from Nimicri speaking of its wonders and
with goods that they got merely
for information that occasionally
merchants make the trip. And really - considering the number of
Dark Eldarin in the system, it would
be foolish to think that the place is
much more dangerous than anywhere
else in Gehenna.
one is sure why the
Dark Eldarin permit this, though the common
belief is that they're given a suitable number of
prisoners themselves to use as toys.

Tower of the General

One of the few services that can be
had here is mercenaries. There's never a shortage of people willing to hurt other people for
a bit of money. The mercenaries here work for
a mysterious figure known as the General of
Gehenna, and they're some of the best that can
be found anywhere, willing to take any job if
you can meet their price. Of course, the trouble with mercenaries is that they're, well, mercenary. They'll turn against their employer for
the right amount of coin, and they're far too
well informed. For a mercenary band, they
seem to have their eyes and fingers in everything. Some suggest they've been drumming
up their own business and playing both sides.

Nimicri is an extraordinarily strange
place. At some distant time in the past, some
race (possibly the Syrne, though it doesn't resemble any other examples of their technology) developed self-replicating machines
about a centimeter across. What they were
made for has never been proven, but Nimicri
is a planetoid made entirely of them. They've
formed into roads, terrain, buildings and even
crude replications of people made out of small
blocks of metal. The place is safe enough, and

Acererak's Tomb
Acererak makes his realm here on
Gehenna. It is not a place where people are
welcome. Magic - powerful magic - is required
to get around. The place is a dusty tomb, with
many sections sealed off and filled with deadly
guardians. There is no air, water, or food. Just
dry bones and dust, stone and silence. Those
who come seeking knowledge find themselves
faced with test after test, with deadly consequences for those who fail and knowledge gained in the passing of the test - for those who
succeed. Acererak does not meet with people.
He merely tests them, and lets them learn for

* On Mungoth, there is supposedly a
secret temple, a massive structure designed to
entrap a Daemon named Hircine. It's full of
traps, mazes, and lesser daemons - either
Hircine's servants or spawned from his power.
It's said that every hundred years, Hircine has
a chance to escape, but that someone called
by destiny always appears to gain entrance to
his prison and defeat him, sealing him away
again for another century.
* Though it seems impossible, rumors
say that there is someone living on Soltheim a tribe of werewolves that have gone totally
feral, preying on the prisoners of Rura Penthe
like cattle in a pen. The guards either don't
know, don't care, or they have some connection to the wolves that runs even deeper. Prisoners say that the guards *are* the wolves, and



stalk the corridors of the prison every night

looking for food.
* There's something actually worth
having on Chamada, huge veins of raw darksteel ore. Of course, they're extremely difficult
to get to, since the molten surface sometimes
manages to smelt it into its pure form and
leave misshapen, unchangeable messes of
metal. Anyone who could manage to set up a
mine to get at the ore would become rich, but
the Dark Eldarin native to the area don't care
to have people intruding on them, and have already destroyed one expedition sent by the humans.
* Under the Arcologies of Vivec, there
are caverns driven into the rock that provide
direct access to Commorragh, passages
through the webway that a person can simply
walk down them. They're a tempting target to
invaders, especially the Eldarin, since they
would provide an easy way to get to the dark
city. However, the defenses around the webway passages are said to be some of the cruelest and most terrible known to exist, just
deathtrap after deathtrap, designed so there's
always the sense the person can escape, but it's
just an illusion to make their torturous deaths
more painful.

The Grey Waste

The Grey Waste is a large and easilynavigated Crystal Sphere helpfully located
right between Mount Celestia and the Abyss.
It consequently is almost
constantly turned into a
battleground between
the forces of Order and
Chaos. There might
have been life here once,
but all of the planets
blasted into grey rocks
over time, and floating
bands of asteroids provide even more pointless
strategic points to take
and retake in the endless


Blood War, as well as serving as a grim reminder of the forces at work.

The Grey Waste contains three star
systems, though there isn't really much left of
them. Endless war has reduced what planets
there are to shattered husks, gravel and rocks
floating around the three pale white stars of
Oinos, Niflheim, and Pluton. There isn't a
hint of color here - everything is a shade of
grey ranging from charcoal to off-white.
What people learn, very quickly, is
that this isn't a trick of the light or the material
of the system. The physical laws of the Grey
Waste simply don't allow for color. Even the
most vibrant colors are reduced to shades of
Grey. The effect is draining, emotionally and
mentally. Worse, losing the ability to see colors
is very bad on many ships that use colors to
display things like, oh, warnings, damage, engine condition, and so forth. A ship that goes
in unprepared can find itself with a number of
meters and displays that are simply useless.
Worse, the lack of color does something to a person, emotionally. People just
start losing hope, forgetting dreams and goals,
like the Waste is just training them of everything that they ever wished to be. For the most
part, the symptoms of this 'Waste Syndrome'
resemble post-traumatic stress. Which is certainly something else common enough here.
The Grey waste is a battleground, one that has
been fought over again and again.


It's because of this constant

warfare that almost nothing is left of
worth here. The planets have been
blasted to rubble, fortresses built and
taken and lost and destroyed. Ships
come fresh off of the assembly lines to
meet their end here. The place is just an
meatgrinder, turning men and machines
into dust. And yet neither side will stop
fighting, or can stop fighting. The
Blessed Pantheon and the Ruinous
Powers both want this place because the
other also wants it.
Most of the fighting here takes
place on massive floating rocks, some
still bearing the marks of once having been
life-supporting planets. The largest are a few
thousand kilometers across, but most are only
a dozen or so. Armies meet in the colorless
dust, in the silent void, and fight battles that
mean nothing. Untold billions have wasted
their lives here.

There are only two permanent inhabitants of the Grey Waste. The dead, and larvae, and it's hard to know which of the two is
more numerous. Larvae are a type of parasite
that somehow survived the destruction of their
planet and survived on the only kind of food
that was in great supply - the corpses (mostly
Aasimar and Tiefling) of the fools and soldiers
who come here. They're relatively harmless

The Port at the Center
There's a point right at the middle of
the Waste, where the gravitational forces are
mostly stable and the orbits of the outermost
rocks overlap. A massive spaceport was built
there, and the owner and operator, Dandy
Will, has worked hard to keep it as neutral
ground. Mostly he does this by making the
place useful to both sides at once - especially
with medical technology. He's managed to ex-

tract treaties from both sides of the Blood War

to make fighting here illegal, and he doesn't
hold to any particular god worship, though
Vectron seems to have a major following here,
making this sort of an unofficial pilgrimage
stop for Vectron's flock to come and see that
Vectron is the only sane and stable god, or so
they say.

This place is a massive tower, going
right through the middle of an asteroid and
out the other side. It looks like nothing more
than a spine almost eighty kilometers tall. It's
the most important fortress in the entire Crystal Sphere, and has traded hands over and over
again in massive battles. The only ones that
have held the tower for any significant length
of time are mercenaries, though who they were
accepting pay from changes fairly often.

Death of Innocence
The Death of Innocence is a small
town, made of scavenged supplies and emergency shelters joined up together on a middling sized rock (a kilometer or so across)
that's well out of the way of the fighting or anything interesting. Death of Innocence is a
haven for deserters and war criminals. People
who have grown disillusioned of war or simply
so shell-shocked they can't take any more. The
ruler of the town, Viliki Cainor, is a human
who signed up to help one side (she doesn't
say which, and here it doesn't matter much)
and found that it wasn't at all the glorious battle she had been expecting. She keeps the



place holding together, with a kind and gentle

optimism that comforts and makes things

Aeaea is the one remaining intact
planetoid. In most other systems, the former
moon would be an uninteresting lifeless rock,
but here it's one of the most dominating features of the system. Aeaea is never held by
anyone for long. There's always some fighting
here, and more of the craters come from orbital bombardments than asteroid impacts - an
impressive feat considering the Waste is filled
with chaotic orbits.

* There is a strange group that shows
up to the largest and most important battles of
the Blood War and bets on the outcome of the
fighting. And when they fighting isn't interesting enough, the meddle to make things more
exciting. No one is sure just who they are, but
they must be extremely rich and extremely
powerful. And very interested in the ebb and
flow of the war.
* The native Larvae are more dangerous than they look. If they're left alone long
enough, they metamorphize into strange and
unique creatures, beautiful and utterly deadly.
They're hateful things, and rumors say they're
partly made of the anger and wasted lives of
the corpses they feed on, their faces twisted
parodies of the fallen and with wings reflecting
the moments of their lives they regret most.
* The Grey Waste is a place of constant decay and death. Because of the Blood
War, so much death occurs here that it would
have been impossible for there not to have
been some sort of major plague. There's a
wasting sickness going around that completely
destroys a person, body and mind (and, if the
rumors are correct, it even eats the soul). People would pay a lot of money for the man who
can cure the wasting sickness. Even more if,
as the rumors say, it's a weapon that got out of
control and someone could find the one who
made the thing.
* There are some exceptionally creative people in the Wheel, and some of them


are just a little too creative. With all the

corpses in the Grey Waste, it was only a matter
of time before a necromancer showed up to
have some fun. But no one expected him to
build a city out of the undead. Literally, out of
the undead - walls, floors, furnishings, all of it
made from corpses returned to a horrible halflife and melded together. Corpus is a fairly
safe place, but it's said that the mysterious man
who made it has an artifact of extraordinary
power that's letting him do all of this.

The Dead Worlds. Mechanus is ordered and set like clockwork, entire worlds
merely gears within a great machine. It is a
lifeless place of constant machine motion and
cold law. This is not a place for living creatures, all traces of life quickly eradicated by the
Modrons, horrible immortal things of living
metal, nearly mindless, just cogs in the machine themselves. Where once they were just
rumor, the Modrons are awakening from their
great slumber. Some scholars warn of a great
March that will see them eradicating all life
from the Astral Sea, leaving it barren and pristine again.

Almost none have returned to speak
of it, but the inside of the sphere of Mechanus
is one great machine, a Dyson Sphere that
presses against the confines of the Crystal
Sphere. Gears the size of worlds turn in space,
pistons pump, and everything is bathed in terrible green light. The Modrons are not yet
fully awake, and so Mechanus is merely as
dangerous as being inside of an engine while
it's running, rather than actively attempting to
destroy everything that infests it.
Mechanus is a hellish place, beyond
the imaginings of most. It is like a vast clockwork tomb, lifeless and yet full of movement.
Necrodermis forms the bulk of the structures
of the realm, that nightmare metal that somehow lives. Warp energy simply does not function in Mechanus. Spells fail, enchanted


weapons dull, and magical protections vanish.

The deeper one tries to go into Mechanus, the
more powerful this effect. On the outskirts,
only those effects needing the most magical
energy fail, but eventually even the simple
spell becomes too much.
Should someone be foolish enough to
go deep into Mechanus, they will find seas of
black oil, forests of pipes and chimneys, and
arcs of terrible green energy like impossible
lightning. It is an utterly hostile place, where
nothing natural is wanted or permitted to exist
for long. Merely being here can quickly draw
the notice of whatever foul systems run this
Sphere, defense systems coming online with
enough power to destroy anything that stands
against them.
The whirling gears and moving machinery of Mechanus pose their own threat to
anyone hoping to explore the place. The sheer
size and hostility of Mechanus means that no
one has really been able to sit and map out safe
routes through the gears. The smallest, most
maneuverable ships can get quite a long ways
in, though the ones that dare to almost never

Modrons, and nothing else. And the
gods themselves can't help you if you run into
a significant force of Modrons. Turn tail and
run and hope that you're very quiet
or you're with someone you don't
care much for and can easily outrun.
Fighting the Modrons here is a fool's
task - not only will they just come
back almost instantly, but every second a berk fights, more and more of
the damned things will wake up to
kill him.

alive as the rest of the realm, horrible in its

own way, pouring and pooling in ways that
just don't seem natural, waves breaking in
ways that are terribly wrong, and currents and
flows like countless worms slithering around
and over each other. The oil is dangerous on
its own, carrying a terrible disease that destroys living tissue. Rumors say that it can
even convert machines into Modron technology, the metal itself festering and turning to
necrodermis, but no proof has ever been found
to the wild stories.

The Pylon Forest

A perfectly regular forest of identical
and bizarre machines, all standing perfectly
still. The Pylon forest seems like it should be
just a note on a map, but the pylons themselves seem to somehow distort magic around
them, like lightning rods or mirrors. No one
has discovered just what they are for, or how
they are able to achieve this effect, though
some suggest that the pylon's branches might
extend not just through three dimensions but
into the warp or some other higher dimension,
and serve as some kind of beacon for the Modron's unexplained ability to teleport without
using spellcraft.

The Afterlife
It's where you end up if you spend too
bloody long here.

Black Oil Sea
One of the most obvious features in Mechanus are the seas of
glistening black oil. The stuff seems to be as



* A worried scholar thinks that the
Modrons are awakening, very soon. He needs
hard data to back up his theories, though, and
there's only one place he knows to get it. He
needs the heroes to capture a modron alive (or
whatever you call one that's still kicking) and
extract the data from its clockwork shell.
* The black oil of Mechanus is a powerful poison, one that can even fell one of the
Exalted, and this fact is not lost on those who
deal in death. An alchemist is willing to pay
through the nose for raw Mechanus Oil, especially if the heroes can find a large supply for
him. Getting in and out is only half the danger, though. Who knows what it might do, just
sitting around. Or worse, if even a drop got
into the workings of the ship...
* It's a dangerous job, but someone
needs to destroy the Mechanus Portal Relay.
While it could serve as a way to mount an offense against Mechanus, the risk of the machines escaping is simply too great to ignore.
The heroes must find a way to take the Portal
Relay offline forever - no easy task when
they've been running for tens of thousands of
years with no sign of wear.

Mount Celestia
An impossibly giant mountain, larger
than worlds, rising from an ocean that fills half
of a Crystal Sphere, Mount Celestia is the
home turf of the Blessed Pantheon in the same
way The Abyss is to the Ruinous Powers. No
mortal has ascended to the top of the mountain and returned to tell what he found at its
glittering peak. Aasimar call this place home.

Mount Celestia is one of the
more impossible places in the Wheel.
While some other impossible places are
roiling chaos or great machines, Mount
Celestia looks fairly normal at first. It's
simply a mountain rising up out of the
ocean. The problem is that the mountain is the size of a solar system, and


the ocean fills half of a Crystal Sphere. Gravity

here, as you might expect, isn't quite normal.
Gravity, in fact, is the most interesting
thing about Mount Celestia. It seems to vary
not with time or place but with each person,
as if they're weighed down by their guilt.
Scholars have named the phenomenon 'Intelligent Falling'. It seems to be some form of
Warp phenomenon, as anyone with sufficient
magical resistance reduces the effect or even
becomes next to weightless. Objects are all affected as though they were in a normal gravity
well of average strength. The notable exception is that nothing can fly up the mountain.
The only way to ascend Mount Celestia is by
walking the paths or climbing the sheer cliff
faces. Ships can only hover slightly above 'sea
Natives divide the mountain into
seven Traverses, starting at the seashore of
white sand that marks the sea's end. The layers
are like huge terraces the size of planets, yet
the next highest is always just barely visible
and shining brightly. Climbing from one Traverse to another is difficult, and dangerous for
those who are feeling the effects of the
Sphere's gravity. The next Traverse always
looks beautiful and inviting, but the higher a
body goes up the mountain, the farther off and
more difficult they are to reach. Thin mist and
haze prevents anyone from getting a good look
at what lies ahead, though the glimpses and
imagined sights are impressive indeed.
Mount Celestia contains the domains
of the Blessed Pantheon. They make their
homes at the very top of the mount, making
them almost completely inaccessible to mortals. No one has ever conquered the mount
and returned to speak of it. Whatever is up


there is either so beautiful that no one wishes

to return or else so deadly that anyone who
breaks into it is put down before they can escape with the secrets. Those who worship the
Blessed Pantheon will assure you it's the former, but the dark of it is that the latter is more
likely - no matter how much they might present themselves as benevolent, Mount Celestia
is the center of the Pantheon's war effort, and
it's likely they're doing something there that
they don't want anyone to know about. The
wise don't ask questions.
Justice and law here are meted out by
the Aasimar. As servants of the Pantheon, they
rule by divine will and make sure
everyone knows it. Justice
tends to be fair but immediate - the Aasimar here
are ready for action
and take it where
they can find it.
Death isn't the only
though it comes
pretty quickly if the
criminal isn't willing to pay their fine
or get thrown in jail
or exile.
It's a nice
place, really, despite the Aasimar
occasionally taking
a bolter to someone's skull. The
weather is always
pleasant and warm,
with light rains that
are more refreshing
than annoying.

Almost any sentient race can be found
on Mount Celestia. Almost any. Tieflings are
not welcome, and any Tiefling that does happen to find their way here are kindly asked to
leave. Asked once and then exiled. Animals
here are universally tame and small, with nothing larger or more dangerous than the sheep

some of the farmers here raise on the lower

Traverses. Aasimar are born here, and form a
kind of upper class (though they'll deny that
and say everyone is equal).

The Fortress of Sigmar
Sigmar's realm on Celestia is a massive palace the size of a continent, centered on
a golden throne that wouldn't fit in many nations. Sigmar's most trusted servants, the Custodes, are all Aasimar Chosen
with thousands of years of
experience. Sigmar has a
large personal army,
though they're almost always out
Spheres, on one
crusade or another. He isn't
the type to have
an army and not
actively use it.
approaching Sigmar's
finds that every
stream and hill,
every tree and
rock, everything
is purposeful and
planned. There is
nothing here that
is untouched and
made useful, and
that includes the
people. Any heroes entering his realm find that they're directed where they need to go rather than his
fortress, and can only approach if Sigmar allows.

Bahamut's Palace
Bahamut's Palace is a glittering wonder built entirely out of treasure, with windows
of gemstones in settings of gold and silver,
walls of inlaid copper and ivory, and floors of



jade and beaten electrum. It moves from place

to place, and is one of the few realms of the
Blessed Pantheon that mortals have much of
a chance of really seeing, though approaching
it would be foolish. Bahamut has the smallest
personal army of any of the Blessed Pantheon,
but the quality of that army is exceptional, as
he leads a force of dragons, each one worth
dozens of the best soldiers. This is also an exceptional way to discourage thieves. No one
would be so foolish as to steal from Bahamut's
Palace with guards like that. Well, no one who
wasn't sure they could get away with it.

The Soulforge
Moradin's realm is a gigantic forge,
with an anvil forty meters high and a river of
pure divine energy. Moradin creates great
wonders here. The Squats say that the souls of
their race are forged here, each one personally
made by Moradin. It's also said that this is the
place where the Aasimar are born, reforged
from what they were before into their new
forms, like tempering a sword. No one is sure
just what the process entails - the Aasimar lose
almost all their memories of their former lives
and all memory of whatever is done to them.
General concensus is that it's probably better
that they don't remember. The process is likely
a long and painful one, given the massive
changes made to their bodies.

The Unconquered Sun

Pelor's palace sits at the very highest
point of Mount Celestia, providing the light
that shines down over the rest of the Sphere.
The palace shines like the Sun itself, blinding
anyone who looks at it for too long. Most have
to wear blindfolds here, as even a glimpse of
the inside of Pelor's realm will render a man
sightless forever. His servants are so familiar
with the palace that they can guide visitors
around without having to see their path, but
to those who seek to invade the palace becomes a terrible maze that the unworthy cannot navigate. Thieves and spies find that every
step twists and turns, and they soon find the
ground under them changed to soft loam as
they turn a corner and are abruptly outside of
his realm. The entire structure is shaped like
a sphere of orichalcum, glowing with heat and


yet never hot, just comfortably warm. Pelor's

sanctum is said to be at the very center of the
palace, a place of pure light, beauty, and hope,
where he bathes in the light of all the stars of
all the Crystal Spheres.

The Halls of Justice

Cuthbert's Realm is not located on
the seventh Traverse, but on the very first. He
prefers to keep his distance from the other
gods. His realm is a gigantic prison, where he
seeks to 'reform' captives to the worship of
more proper gods and ways of life. There's a
kind of aura about this place that makes it difficult to resist following the orders of the
guards, and most of the countless prisoners
just kind of mill about, confused and lost,
when they're not being told what to do. It's a
peaceful place in its own way, just horribly oppressive and not a very nice place. No one gets
to see Cuthbert. He deals with everyone
through underlings, locked away reading
through his giant book said to contain every
transgression and broken promise.

* There's a man willing to pay a small
fortune to anyone who can get one of his
friends out of Cuthbert's prison. The chap
seems to know the location of some hidden
trove of relics from a massive theft before getting locked up on Mount Celestia for some
minor crime. Getting him out is only going to
be half of the problem - the heroes are going
to have to find some way to deprogram him,
and he doesn't want to return to his old ways.
* One of the Traverses of Mount Celestia has taken to worship of the Grey Council. The Blessed Pantheon is having the entire
Traverse purged, and evidence suggests that
this isn't the first time it has happened. The
heroes are caught in the middle, and must find
a way to escape or somehow stop this purge.
* On the first Traverse, an underground trade in a strange new drug has surfaced. Apparently someone has managed to
get their hands on some of the divine energy
that Moradin uses to forge his wonders, and is
using it as an ingredient in this new, highlyaddictive drug. If they can find the alchemist


mixing it, the heroes could become rich. Or

they could stop him from getting thousands
addicted to his vile poison. Whatever floats
their boat.
* There are countless minor holy sites
scattered throughout Celestia. The stewardship of one of these sites belongs to followers
of Pelor, a small group of female paladins who
are willing to lay down their lives to protect the
shrine. A group of knights from another holy
order has come to challenge their right to the
shrine, as it is an important site to their god as
well. Unless someone intervenes, and quickly,
it will erupt into a holy war.

We don't go to Pandemonium anymore. Not since the reports came out. Endless
screaming tunnels in the blackness. Madness
and death are all that await here. Dont go to

So for some reason you're stupid
enough not to follow my good advice and stay
away. More's the pity. The three things a person has to get used to in Pandemonium are

deafness, madness, and blindness. The very

first thing more people notice about the
Sphere of Pandemonium is the noise. Of
course that's like saying the most noticeable
thing about fire is that it's hot. In most places,
the winds of Pandemonium blast with hurricane force, a deafening roar through the endless black caverns. There are some places
where the wind is just a nerve-wracking moaning, but they're few and far between.
At this point one might wonder how
winds can howl that strongly in space. Pandemonium is one of the stranger Crystal Spheres
in structure. There's no planetary system, no
giant megastructures. Just massive caves, starting as kilometers wide and enough for ships to
find somewhere to dock and eventually narrowing to cracks in the endless black rock,
wind moaning and pouring through them.
And that wind is the most dangerous
thing in the sphere. It doesn't just blow air
about and make noise, there's something
about it that will drive a person completely insane. The constant howling is enough to drive
a person barmy, sure, but everyone who hangs
around the place long enough eventually goes
crazy. Some are lucky and manage to go only
a little insane, but spending any time here is
call for a long session of therapy later.
The next thing most people will notice about the place is that it's dark. Pandemonium is utterly and
completely without
light sources. The
only light anywhere
in the sphere is that
maintained by those
visiting or living
here. Most would
think that the lack
of light would be
the first thing most
people notice, given
that most folks rely
on sight as their
number one sense.
But that just goes to
show you how
Pandemonium is.



around a light source in Pandemonium has its own dangers - it

makes the person carrying it an
obvious target, and in a place full
of crazy people, whatever monsters are lurking in the dark, and
the nameless horrors of the endless caverns, well, being a target
might not be a wise idea. Luckily,
actually traveling the tunnels of
Pandemonium bears some resemblances to actual spelunking.
Gravity here points towards some
unseen center of the sphere. No
one has found their way to the
center (or at least no one has returned sane
enough to talk about it).
Travel through Pandemonium's endless caverns is further complicated by the foul
water flowing here. Most passages have a
stream of one size or another, whether it's a
bare trickle or a raging torrent. If they're moving very fast, these streams can throw up a
spray that fills the air with an oily mist and
makes footing horribly slippery.
The last effect that Pandemonium has
is one that people don't typically notice at first
- lights just won't go as far. They're as bright
as ever, illuminate just as well, but at less than
half the distance they should go... they just
stop, like they're hitting a wall of shadow. The
darkness here is almost a physical force. And
speaking of that, anyone going into the Umbra
here will quickly learn that that's a bad idea.
The Umbra's psychic landscape is not a
friendly place in a sphere that is all darkness
and madness. The number of predators there
is very high, and they are so very hungry.


was so unspeakable that almost all of those

who were sent in on the rescue operation were
lost to the horror as well. Something lurks in
Pandemonium's depths. Something horrible.

The Black Flag


The one thing Pandemonium is really

good for now is as a place to hide from the rest
of the Wheel. There aren't many groups that'd
pursue someone here - a thief would have to
have something damned important for a government to consider the risk worthwhile. The
Black Flag is the name of a huge pirate base,
where pirates and crooked merchants meet to
trade goods, stories, and to hide from the law.
The exact location is a closely kept secret - the
Black Flag is careful about just who is allowed
to dock at their station. The place is built like
an armored space station, airtight and with
baffles and insulation to keep the worst of the
noise out. The owner of the Black Flag is a pirate king named Atomsk, said to have such
amazing skill as to steal entire planets.

Pandemonium isn't some summer resort where people go to spend holiday. There
are not a lot of people who want to come here
and spend any amount of time. It's one of the
least populated Crystal Spheres, especially
after some of the recent events. See, not too
long ago one of the few permanent cities in
Pandemonium was destroyed by something no one knows what - and what was left behind

Ravenholm used to be the largest city

in Pandemonium. Used to be. It was established to act as a mining camp, with some degree of success. The most attractive part of the
city, for most, was that absolutely anyone was
welcome. They would take people in, find
them work, and let them forget about their



past as long as they behaved themselves in the

present. It was the kind of place where a person could redefine themselves and escape the
horrors of their past. But a few years ago,
something terrible happened. No one knows
if it's the result of some daemon infestation or
an artifact that was supposed to be sealed away
or some kind of contagious psychosis, but
every single person living in Ravenholm was
killed in a single night, just a few hours of terrible violence. Or at least it's assumed that
everyone died. The rescue effort turned up
mostly fragmentary bodies, people torn limb
from limb, before the rescue team succumbed
to the same psychosis and contact was lost.

Phlegethon is a region of rare beauty
in Pandemonium. This part of the Sphere is
surprisingly cold, like the composition of the
walls leeches heat away, but the walls are
beautiful, dripping water giving rise to great
columns, stupendous stalactites and stalagmites, and incredible curtains of rock in magnificent variations of color. The colors of this
place make it great for sightseeing, but there
are stories that there's something terrifying
here, spirits of earth and air and cold, phantoms and faeries that lure people deeper into
the tunnels where they're never seen again.

Somewhere close to the core of Pandemonium is an area that explorers call Agathion, where the passages stop, and caverns are
sealed away, bubbles in the endless rock.
Where breaches exist, the wind howls into

miniature tornadoes. Bubbles without a

breach are utterly still. Only about half have
air, the rest merely vacuum. They're obviously
incredibly hard to find, and it's rumored that
the gods themselves use them as vaults to hide
away things they don't want stolen, things they
don't want running loose. It's certainly true
that things are found in the bubbles, things
that couldn't possibly be there.

* The eldest daughter of a royal line,
next in line for their throne, left her home
Crystal Sphere and became a pirate. Unfortunately, her father has just found his way into
the next world thanks to an assassin, and even
if she isn't a fan of the idea she's needed back
at home. Someone is going to have to go to the
Black Flag and find her - before the assassin
* Whatever happened to Ravenholm,
it's spreading. Several other small outposts
have stopped responding after transmitting
messages of such horror and fear that it's been
hard to find anyone to even fly over the sites.
Unless the cause of these disasters can be
stopped, the entire place might become a charnel house. The last thing Pandemonium needs
is to be an even worse place than it is.
* Rumors say that Aboleth and Mind
Flayers have a massive city here, hidden somewhere in some massive underground sea. If
there's truth to these rumors, then this hidden
city represents a grave threat to the Great


Marina Pheonix waited, perfectly still, behind the chest-high wall of reinforced concrete. She
had only noticed the trouble moments after she had entered the room and her sensors picked up the
fresh exhaust fumes. She had only just barely managed to get her light-bending implants active before
the walking tank locked onto her. The thing was just waiting for her to leave cover now.
And she didn't have much choice. Her target was down there, the tank standing over it like a
mountain of steel. She checked her rifle. She wasn't sure why she was checking her lasgun. It'd be as
effective as shining a flashlight at the hulk of metal. She was really starting to wish she'd brought a
bigger gun.
"Marina, can you read me?" came the whisper on her comm implant. It was Chief Anya. Marina touched her chin, a reflex from when she had been merely human and wore a radio instead of
being one.
"Yeah," Marina subvocalized.
"We have your transponder location again. What's the situation?" Marina quickly glanced over
the wall. She was able to look for half a second before a hail of fire from the tank's heavy machine
gun blasted into the concrete of the wall. She ducked down as the bullets tracked up and nearly hit
"He's in the back of a ground transport. There's a spider-tank covering him. It's going to be
hard to get to him like this."
"The ship will be directly overhead in thirty seconds. If you can get it out in the open and give
us a firing solution, we can give you fire support." The sound was nearly drowned out by the thundering impact of the shells against the concrete. Marina wondered how long it would hold out. She
felt it crack. Not long enough.
Marina activated her Veil system, and light bent around her as she channeled warp energy
through her artificial body. She got up and ran for it just as the barrier shattered. The tank must have
had one hell of a sensor suite - the bullets started tracking her motions after just a moment. She'd
have only one chance.
The arcane pyros flowing through her mechanical heart flared, and power surged into her legs.
The promethean jumped down to the lower level of the room, level with the tank, and ran serpentine
for it. A lucky shell bounced into her left arm, shredding her artifical flesh and exposing orichalcum
bones to the air. Marina ignored the warning alerts flashing in her vision and jumped again, cooling
vanes on her body springing out and flaring with discharge as the Pyros surged through her again.
She landed on top of the car, and with another quick motion as the tank scrambled to get a
firing solution that didn't include the thing it was trying to protect, she got on top of it. The tank
stumbled off to the side, confused, and got right under the shattered skylight.
Marina grabbed the hatch with both hands, pulling with all her might. The hatch popped, and
her damaged left arm went with it. She swore, then drove her right hand into her chest, tearing her
transponder free.
"I want you to fire directly on my transponder signal!" Marina shouted, forgetting to subvocalize. She threw the transponder into the tank's hatch, then jumped away, rolling as she hit the
ground. The tank spun to face her. The gun started tracking her. She had landed wrong. She had no
speed. She couldn't run.
"Understood. Firing lance battery." Just as Marina was looking into the black void of a gun
barrel, a blinding red light struck down from the heavens, and a hole was burned right through the
tank. There was a crack as the superheated air expanded. The tank shook like a leaf for a moment as
the VI systems inside it crashed. The beam drifted slightly, cutting the tank in two. Molten steel
dripped to the floor.
"I think you got it."
"Is the target still in one piece?" Marina walked over to the transport, a mixture of machine oil
and blood dribbling from her severed arm. She opened up the back door and unzipped the black bag
there. A blank face stared up at her. She smiled.


his chapter offers guidance for you

to share stories about grand Heroes molding
the fate of the Great Wheel and provides advice for running a game of DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING. You will learn the practicalities of running a DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING game, how to create your own
campaign and how to simplify bookkeeping.
You will also find some rules for character advancement and tips on the tone and themes of
the game. Take what you need, ignore what
you don't, and run the best damn DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING game you and
your players can come up with.

As Story Master, your first goal is to
focus the options for the DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING game. You need to create
some general parameters for your game, and
the players need to do the same for potential
characters. Next, you need to figure out the
style of game you're trying to run and where it
will occur in the Great Wheel. Finally, you
need to work with your players so they can figure out how their characters interact with your


Initial Questions
Before you begin a DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING campaign, you and your
players need to answer some basic questions
about the characters, the setting and the rules.
Story Masters need to figure out the following:
* Are there any elements of the setting
that you want to explicitly avoid? Will you
need to change or ignore any of the rules before you play?
* Who are the direct antagonists and
recurring characters the Heroes will encounter
throughout the campaign? With what allies do
the heroes begin, or what aid can they initially
procure? How far across the Wheel do you expect the game to span?
* Where are the characters from?
How did they arrive at the game's starting location? How do they know one another?
* What areas of knowledge and expertise does each character bring to the party?
Are there any hooks characters should possess
or avoid? Should the characters have vastly different capabilities, or is it okay to overlap?
* Should the characters form a balanced party with healing, skills, fighting, and
magic? Can they possess similar Backgrounds
such as belonging to the same organization or



matching artifact armor?

Use these questions to get started. If
you like to plan ahead, come up with useful
questions of your own for current or future


You are in complete control of your
game and can change any rule you want, at
any time, for any reason. However, DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING rules often interlock with others, so be sure you understand
what the rule affects before making changes.
Players who find their spells and special attacks invalidated by your changes can become
frustrated, particularly if they discover this
during play. Be flexible in each case, and always apply the rules consistently.

It's okay if characters have similar
Characteristics and Skills or have the same
race or Exaltation. If players have character
ideas that overlap, have them work together to
make sure their concepts aren't too similar. As
long as nobody feels her character is overshadowed by another (whether by numbers on a
sheet or involvement in the story), each should
be able to fill her own niche. Character choices
are broad and customizable enough that no
two characters need be alike.

The universe of the Great Wheel, and
game which resides within it, are different
from any other science fiction setting. To better evoke this universe and weave its flavour
and colour into his games, the Story Master
should become familiar with its key themes.
Being able to add these themes to a game will
help to make it undeniably set within the


realms of the Great Wheel, and by extension,

help the players to better sink into the roles of
their characters.

The Ancient and the Forgotten

The Great Wheel's standard calendar
runs from the disappearance of the Syrne over
40,000 years ago. There is an incredible depth
of time, tens of millennia, ages of galactic history that lie forgotten and lost, either destroyed in war or simply forgotten over time.
The Great wheel is filled with mysticism, fear,
and superstition, and people survive huddled
together away from the darkest parts of the
universe. Crystal Spheres lie unexplored, Syrneth ruins dot the stars, and the golden age of
the galaxy is long past.

Into the Unknown

Every hero has their quest, goals for
their gods or their avarice or their own personal moral values. These quests drive them
to become prolific explorers, some of the few
in the Great Wheel willing to take on the dangerous task of charting pathways into Crystal
Spheres and breaking the ancient laws to open
new paths on the Portal network. Such is the
vast scope of the Galaxy that entire empires of
aliens, lost worlds, and never-before-seen ce-


lestial phenomena have all been found hidden

within the folds of the known stars or on their

Points of Light
Civilization is not the norm in the
Great Wheel. Most of the galaxy is unexplored
wilderness and the centers of civilization are
few and far between. There are great empires
and powerful worlds, but the void and the unknown dangers in it separate them by huge
gulfs of time and space. Anything could be
lurking off the beaten path, and any journey
carries with it the inherent dangers of Warp
Travel. Almost anything could happen to a
world without anyone noticing for a long time.

One Minute to Midnight

The galaxy is tottering on the brink of
ruin and disaster. There are enemies around
every corner, from daemons to the ancient
nightmare automatons of the modrons to the
vile aliens that lurk in the shadows. Across the
Great Wheel, there is a constant struggle to
survive. Doom fills the air, and the end is nigh.

Game Styles
There is no one true way to play
there are basic assumptions many players

bring to the table. if you need inspiration, or

if your players want to try something different,
use these style summaries for ideas. Each includes a 'focus' a general recommendation for
building characters to suit that style.

"Vanilla" Dungeons The Dragoning

The most obvious DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING game involves the Heroes returning to the world, confronting their
enemies, establishing a power base, conquering the surrounding regions and becoming
god-kings. Their grand conflict could involve
drawing a line in the sand and fighting anyone
who dares cross it. It could mean working behind the scenes to spy and assassinate. It could
even mean actively seeking to bring down the
Factions, either from within or without.
The players' characters eventually end
up calling the shots in their own empire carved
in the stars, defending their people and the
Great Wheel from all who oppose them. This
style can emphasize rebuilding and restoration
of society from the tragic mess of things made
by the Factions, or it could focus solely on the
long, hard road to seizing Sigil itself.
Focus: No change.

By Your Powers Combined

is usually over-the-top, but this style cranks it
to eleven and pours
enough excess over
it that Slaanesh
would be pleased.
This game might involve Heroes with
color-coded powered armor riding
drop pods down
into a hot battle
zone where they
fight hundreds of
enemies then return
home to be embroiled in melodramatic, soap-opera
relationships with
storyteller characters (or each other).
The players' charac-



ters may sport Lascannons, Null Rays, and the

ability to call down orbital strikes upon their
enemies. Powerful individuals and organizations will have complicated, intricate plots that
might inadvertently destroy the world.
This style of game harks back to how
the Wheel looked back when the Syrne were
in charge, the golden age of the galaxy, but it
can be really fun if you're going for a more extreme vibe. Be sure to throw in a vengeful
Dragon Empire, an enraged behemoth that is
slowly eating Crystal Spheres, and mysterious
dead ship floating between the stars made of
some terrible living metal.
Focus: Artifact Background.

Perhaps the known Crystal Spheres
don't interest you much at all. Whether the call
of the stars has lured the characters to a life of
searching out lost treasure or simply exploring
to see what lies at the second star on the right,
there are alien ways of living and surviving in
the stars that might appeal to the Heroes. An
Outlander game brings the character in close
contact with these foreign elements, letting
them boldly go where no man has gone before.
The Storyteller should concentrate on
the differences between the new expanses the
players are exploring and the familiar places
they come from, highlighting the peculiar
denizens and the strange logic by which they
operate. Remember that the Heroes are powerful on a large scale, so even in these alien
worlds they represent a force to be reckoned
with - don't make them the smallest fish in a
very big pond.
Focus: Lore skills.

The Clans
Similar to a standard
DRAGONING, this style of game
focuses more on a single common
background. Each character belongs to the same race or has the
same Exaltation, allowing them to
focus on the internal politics of
that group.
This style of game can encompass smaller and more focused


problems, and typically allows characters to

come together and focus because of their
shared background. They might be seen as
heroic special agents of their government, a
special team of experts, or members of the
same vampire clan or werewolf tribe. By having one element be the same for all characters,
it gives everyone common ground to work
Focus: Social Backgrounds, Differing

There are many other game styles you
can apply to your DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING game. Here are a few more
Bolter and Chainsword with Daiklave
is a lighthearted, goofy take on the DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING setting. Perhaps the characters are all teenagers in a Sigil
academy or must prove their worth to be a
ruler by finding the Lady of Pain a date for an
exclusive ball. This style doesn't take much of
anything seriously and is mostly played for the
Invasion! presents your standard
with a massive influx of otherworldly beings
bent upon conquering, enslaving, or destroying the Great Wheel. The characters attempt
to fight, delay, or flee from the seemingly unstoppable enemy, be they Daemons, the
armies of the Modrons, terrible beings from
beyond the stars, aliens from a newly-opened
Crystal Sphere, angry ghosts, or anything else.


There are many reasons why a group
of Heroes might form a party. Some of the
most common are these:

The Enemy of my Enemy

The easiest way for characters to encounter one another is when they're working
against a common menace. They might be on
the run from some terribly powerful evil, or
they may simply be out to take down the same
dark overlord or oppressive tyrant. Characters
can come from almost anywhere in the Great
Wheel, and even if they don't necessarily know
each other, by the end of the first adventure
they should decide to stick together for their
own safety, at least for the time being.
Perhaps the characters can stop the invasion
with some form of Syrneth superweapon after
finding allies among those who would normally seek to destroy them.
The Hero Who Came in from the
Cold assumes a game of intrigue and espionage, perhaps with the characters working for
one of the Factions, a powerful Rogue Trader,
a particularly important government, or even
a god. The characters won't always know who
to trust, but they must rely on brains, skills,
and cunning to survive rather than their combat capabilities.
Sorcery & Sorcery is similar to a standard DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING
game, except every character plays a sorcerer.
Should the players wish to emphasize this aspect, the game can take on a life of its own as
the Story Master plays to their sorcerous ambitions.
Walk the Earth is perhaps the simplest form of game, for it follows the characters
as they wander around the Wheel with no
overriding purpose beyond a desire to see the
universe and have unique escapades in new
places. This style of game is a DUNGEONS
THE DRAGONING travelogue, allowing
Story Masters to alter the Wheel as they see fit
to share cool, standalone stories set in a personalized backdrop.

The Gods Will It

If the characters have similar alignments, they may have been thrust together by
the will of the gods themselves. The Ruinous
Powers, the Blessed Pantheon, and the Grey
Council can all exert an otherworldly impetus
to unite the characters. If this pull is not subtle, the Heroes might receive prophetic dreams
full of places they have never been. The Heroes travel to find one another, for their visions
clearly indicate the importance of the other
characters to the accomplishment of their divine task. This backdrop works well in a game
with an emphasis on the more mystic elements
of the setting.

Supernatural Conspiracy
There is no shortage of people looking
to improve their position, and naive Heroes
can make perfect tools if properly controlled.
At least, that's how the ambitious and the arrogant view it, be they one of the Factions of
Sigil, a collection of daemons, an ambitious
government, a cunning Pirate Prince or any
number of supernatural movers and shakers.
While the characters begin the game serving a
power they are told is greater than their own,
they should have many opportunities to disabuse their controllers of this notion.

Beyond the Call to Action

The characters knew one another be-



fore they became Exalted. Perhaps they were

all close friends. Whatever their backgrounds,
they are now Heroes who stick together because of their previous connections. The implications of so close a group all ascending to
become Exalted at the same time could easily
become a major plot point.

is unlike a lot of roleplaying games when it
comes to the level of control provided to the
players. This can be daunting to even the most
experienced Story Masters, to say nothing of
those running a roleplaying game for the first
time. The important thing for both you and
the players to realize is that the characters control the direction of the game. While they regularly react to circumstances you provide
them, you will just as often be the one improvising a response to what they are doing.

The Prelude
You might want to run a short session
called a prelude as the players get a feel for
their characters' personalities. We recommend
you do this with each player individually before the first session. A prelude should be a
short session focused more on roleplaying and
involve few, if any, dice rolls. They provide a
way to explore a character outside of the nor-


mal pressures of the game. These minisessions

are also useful for deciding exactly what characters do during their downtime and as something to do if not everyone can show up for a
full session.

The First Session

The first session of the campaign introduces your players to the game. Do everything you can to start it with a bang. Instead
of the characters meeting in a dive onboard
some space station before leaving to search
through some ancient ruins for an artifact,
have them start the game with the artifact in
hand, escaping from the collapsing ancient
ruins and being chased by beastmen hordes,
then end it with a relaxing tavern visit.
Think of the opening to a James Bond
movie - you see the action-packed culmination
of an exciting adventure that seems unrelated
to what comes next, but later on ties into the
plot. Aim for this by setting an over-the-top
scene and asking your players to describe exactly how they got into this predicament. Cut
them some slack and let them get creative, because you can tie that into the ongoing campaign later.
If this is your first time running
have players who are new to the game, you
should primarily use this session to test out the
limits of the system and show the players' characters exactly how cool they can be. Go lenient
with stunt requirements to get people in the
mood, giving examples of the kinds of things
they can do before letting them
run with it. Encourage them to
focus on the basics, to test out
any rules they don't fully understand and to use any powers
they're itching to try out.
While the characters should
feel threatened in dangerous
circumstances, killing off a
character in the first session is
discouraged. The point is not
to show the players how easily
you can destroy their characters, but for your players to test
out what does and doesn't
work. Should your players be


very timid and hesitant to put themselves into

dangerous situations, you might want to tell
them flat out that if they 'die' in this session
you won't force them to Burn any Hero
Points, but they'll just be incapacitated instead, maybe ending up with a cool scar for
their troubles. Only do this if the characters
are being too timid - DUNGEONS THE
DRAGONING is a game about heroes, and
knowing you're invincible doesn't make you

Reworking the Characters

You might want to allow players who
were unsatisfied with the way their character
performed in the first session to rework their
characters. If any player finds a character fundamentally boring to play or poorly balanced,
now is the time to change it. However, be sure
to take an active role with the player to smooth
out the rough spots. Some players might want
to completely remove non-combat skills in
favor of ass-kicking. If your first session was
mostly action, encourage them to keep any
non-combat skills you forsee coming up in
your game. While combat skills can certainly
tip the balance in a fight, non-combat skills
can sway whole nations.

Beyond the First Session

The first session lays the groundwork
for your first DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING campaign. It is vital to recognize that
the campaign itself is a shared experience. You
are not dictating an unchangeable narrative,
displaying the elaborate schemes of antagonists and extras punctuated by the occasional
interruption of the players' characters. Instead,
you are crafting a fun experience based around
the characters themselves. Talk frankly with
your players about what they want out of the
game, and make sure you get their feedback,
or you'll never be able to give them what they

Character growth is measured with
numerical points provided by the Story Master
to the players, known as Experience Points.
There are two kinds of experience points:

banked and total experience. Banked experience is any experience stored by the player for
future improvement of a character's traits.
Players who spend experience in this manner
reduce their banked experience by the amount
Total experience is the total amount
received from the Story Master and is never
spent or reduced. When the Story Master
awards experience, the player adds this
amount to banked and total experience. Keeping track of total experience gives you a good
idea of the overall power level of your character, and makes sure you have the same amount
as the other characters in the campaign.
There are two main ways for the SM
to award experience to his players: the Abstract Method and the Detailed Method.

Abstract Method
This is the easiest and recommended
(certainly for beginning SMs) way to award
experience. It relies simply on the amount of
time spent gaming and ensures a steady and
smooth rise in power for the characters. For
each game session each player should receive
500 xp. The SM can adjust the reward for
longer or shorter sessions.



Detailed Method
A more detailed method of awarding
experience is also possible, in which each reward is broken down on a case-by-case basis
and players gain experience for completing
specific tasks. For this method to work, however, the SM must assign a value to each encounter. For example, he might have a session
that includes a dangerous journey through the
warp, a space battle against orks, and a tense
negotiation with some hostile natives. In this
case, each of the three encounters would be
worth a set amount of XP that would be
awarded to the players when the encounters
are completed or overcome.
The Encounter Difficulty table gives
examples of encounters based on difficulty. To
work out the difficulty of an encounter, consider how much it taxes the resources of the
group and what it costs them in Hit Points,
equipment, or time.
When using this method, it is important to remember to award experience for only
meaningful encounters and obstacles, lest the
players embark on the wholesale slaughter of
worlds simply for the 'experience'. Likewise, as
the player characters gain in power, some challengers will be so easily overcome as to be
worth little or no experience.

Encounter Difficulty














Very Hard


Spending Experience
Players can spend a character's
banked experience to purchase new traits or
increase existing ones. Increasing a trait costs
banked experience equal to a multiple of its
current rating. This is the value of the trait before it is raised. Players should always bring up


the desired increase with their Story Master.

The rank of some abilities - your Power Stat,
Magic Schools, and Fighting Styles - are
capped by your character's level.
Example: Mistress Scarlet wants to
increase her Charisma from 3 to 4. Charisma
is a characteristic, so it costs (100 x current
rank) to increase. Her current rank is 3, so it
costs (100 x 3), or 300 xp. Should her Story
Master approve, Mistress Scarlet can subtract
300 from her banked Experience and fill in
one more dot of Charisma.

Spending Experience
Improve a Characteristic 100 x Current Rank
Improve Devotion

50 x Current Rank

Improve a Skill

50 x Current Rank

Improve your Power Stat 200 x Current Rank*

Improve a Magic School 100 x Current Rank*
Improve a Sword School 100 x Current Rank*
Buy a Feat


New Skill


New Magic or Sword


* Your Power Stat, Magic Schools, and Fighting

Style ranks are all capped at your current level.

Other Rewards
There are plenty of other rewards that
a player can get aside from raw Experience.
Backgrounds are the most obvious of these - a
character may well be rewarded with a highranking position in some group (gaining Backing), a mystical talisman of power (gaining an
Artifact), or simply a lot of cash (gaining
Wealth). Fame and Status are probably the
easiest to get - an Exalt will naturally get both
as long as they arent trying to keep their activities a secret.
A character can also gain Assets in
this way. They might necessitate some downtime - a promethean might be rebuilt to use
Necrodermis in his construction, or a Chosen
could undergo a ceremony to gain the Mark
of their patron. Similarly, a Vampire or Werewolf can become a member of a clan or tribe.
Some Assets might be rather difficult to get in
this way - theres no simple method for someone to become Large, after all.


he galaxy of the Great Wheel is a

strange and limitless place, filled with horrors
and wonders in equal measure. So too are the
individuals, creatures, and alien races in it.
From the spires of Sigil to the darkest depths
of Pandemonium, Heroes can encounter
countless different fores, from mortal soldiers
to otherworldly beasts and the most hideous
terrors imaginable. The trick, of course, is to
know which one is which...


Amphibious creatures are more suited
for underwater movement than crawling
around on the ground. When moving underwater, Amphibious creatures never need to
make tests to advance through less-than-ideal
conditions like rushing water. They also double their listed speed while swimming.


Skills and Feats represent ability and
knowledge gained over a character's life.
Traits, then, are innate abilities gained by
virtue of birth and racial circumstance. They
may be gained through other means later in
life, but almost never by choice. Racial abilities
are one example of traits, albeit extremely specific ones that are limited just to their given
races. Other characters can have various traits,
features inherited from their particular type of
species or their environment.

Amorphous creatures don't have body

structures that lend themselves to easy understanding. All hits on an amorphous creature
go to the body. An Amorphous creature doubles its hit points.

Armor Plating (X)

Creatures with armor plating have a
natural armor rating because of their tough
skin, bone ridges, scales, or just generally
being a tough bastard. The rating of a creature's armor plating is always listed, and by default protects all parts of a creature's body
unless otherwise listed.



Aura (X)
As armor reduces damage from physical sources, Aura reduces damage from magical ones. Aura always protects all hit
locations. Creatures with this trait typically
have great magical power of their own, or are
warded against spells.

The creature always counts as braced
when firing heavy weapons and may fire on
fully-automatic mode as a half action.

with this trait, they must roll against it as listed

in the Fear and Insanity section.

A creature with this trait has the natural ability to fly, whether with broad leathery
wings, strange Warp energies, or inflatable gas
sacs. This trait typically includes a number to
indicate the Speed it uses while flying. If not
otherwise listed, this Speed is double the creatures normal movement speed.

A creature with the Caster trait can
cast a number of spells. Their effective ranks
in magic schools are listed after caster. They
follow all the normal rules for casting spells. A
creature with Caster always counts as being

Worms, serpents, and similar creatures crawl and slither rather than walk. The
base speed for a creature with this trait is
halved, but they don't take any penalties due
to terrain.

Daemonic creatures are creatures of
the Warp, but can manifest in realspace through sheer strength of will,
hunger, or occult rituals. Creatures
with this trait gain extra hit points
and armor equal to their Constitution score. This armor stacks with
all other sources of armor.

Dark Sight
A creature with this trait
sees normally even in areas of total
darkness, and never takes a penalty
due to lighting conditions.

Creatures with a fear rating
are horrifying things that can inspire
terror in all those who see them.
They gain the listed fear rating.
When a hero encounters a creature


A creature with the machine trait is

fashioned from inorganic materials and is generally more hardy than real people. Machines
do not breathe, are immune to the effects of a
vacuum, extremes of cold, any mind-influencing psychic effect, and they gain a number of
armor points that apply to all of their body locations.

Mindless creatures have no Charisma,
Fellowship, Composure, or Intelligence
scores. They automatically fail all social skill
tests, are immune to social attacks, and are immune to any attempts to control their mind,
since they don't have anything there to control.


A creature with this trait can transform its body into an insubstantial state, passing ghostlike through solid objects or barriers
of any sort. A creature may change to and
from corporeality as a half action. An incorporeal creature gains two extra raises on Stealth
checks when hiding inside an object and are
immune to normal weapons. Magic weapons
and weapons with the Power Field property
can affect them normally.

undead creatures can just stand in one spot

until they rot away. They don't suffer blood
loss and ignore stunning effects.

Unnatural Toughness
Creatures with Unnatural Toughness
are almost impossible to put down. Their hit
points are doubled, including from sources
like Sound Constitution.


Quadrupeds are much quicker over a
distance than their bipedal counterparts. Their
ground speed is doubled as they can use all
four legs to sprint.

Creatures with this trait heal very
quickly. Every round, at the start of its turn,
the creature may regain a number of lost hit
points equal to its regeneration score.

Resource Stat
A creature with a resource stat has a
pool of points to pull from, just as an Exalt
does. These follow all the normal rules for resource stats. The type and number of resource
stats the creature has to spend are listed with
the trait.

There are a lot of berks out there

looking to hurt someone because theyre in a
bad mood, theyre on the wrong side of a fight,
or just because someone slipped them a few
Thrones to do it. Or maybe theyre just hungry. Here are statistics for a few sample enemies to get you started.

General Noncombatant
The Wheel contains countless billions
of men and women, from the hab-workers
trudging to and from factories day after day,
to the ratings that blister their hands working
impossible hours onboard military ships, to
ore miners providing fuel and raw material to
fuel the galaxy's lust for wealth.

Stuff of Nightmares
Some warp entities and bizarre creatures are so terribly powerful that the will perpetuating their bodies in our reality is almost
impossible to break or disrupt. Such entities
are completely immune to the effects of poisons, diseases, the need to breathe, most environmental hazards, bleeding, stunning, and
any critical result other than one that would
destroy them outright unless caused by a
Spell, Power Weapon, or similarly unusual

An undead creature isn't really alive.
They're animated by terrible forces of sorcery
and warp energy. They don't need to breathe,
eat, drink, or really to do anything. Mindless

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Common Lore 1, Perception 1,

Craft 1
Static Defense
Drab garb, a few coins.



Green Troops/Common Outlaws

The lowest of the low, these men represent barely trained conscripts and thieves.
They present little threat to anyone armed or
ready for them, preying upon the weak and
afraid. Every day, wars and hardship drive
more people to these extremes - many are not
even bad people, just hungry and not able to
see any other way out.

Helmet (4 AP; Head)

Attacks Knife (4k2 R; Pen 0), Lasgun (60m; S/3;
3k2 E; Pen 0; Clip 60; Reload Full)
Uniform, Flak Armor, Lasgun, 2 Energy
Packs, Micro-bead, Torch

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Acrobatics 1, Perception 1,
Common Lore 1, Intimidate 2,
Scrutiny 1, Weaponry 1, Ballistics 1.
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Parrying)
Armor Leathers (2 AP; Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Knife (4k2 R; Pen 0),
Autopistol (30m; S/6; 2k2 I; Pen 0; Clip
12; Reload Full)
Threadbare clothing, leathers, 2 autopistol clips, a few coins.

Regular Troops/Rebels
A common, every day soldier, armed
with standard service weapon and armor.
They've gone through basic training, unlike
conscripted soldiers forced into service, and
can present an actual threat if there are enough
of them around to concentrate fire.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Acrobatics 1, Perception 1,
Common Lore 1, Intimidate 2,
Scrutiny 1, Weaponry 2, Ballistics 2.
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Parrying,
Las). Sound Constitution x 2, Jaded, Armor Proficiency (light, medium)
Armor Flak Vest, Gauntlets,(5 AP; Arms, Body)


Elite Soldiers/Raiders
Elite Soldiers are special forces, distinct not just in having somewhat better equipment, but also in having better training and
experience. They tend to not only preform
better in combat than the standard soldier, but
also know when it's time to leave.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Acrobatics 1, Perception 2,
Common Lore 1, Intimidate 2,
Scrutiny 1, Weaponry 2, Ballistics 3.
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Parrying,
Las). Sound Constitution x 2, Jaded, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, Heavy)
Armor Carapace Armor (7 AP; Arms, Body,
Legs, Head)
Attacks Knife (5k2 R; Pen 0), Lasgun (60m; S/3;
3k2 E; Pen 0; Clip 60; Reload Full)
Uniform, Carapace Armor, Lasgun, 2 Energy Packs, Micro-bead, Torch, Rebreather, 2 Frag


Mortal Hero

Sabbat Thug

The mortal hero represents a warrior

near the very peak of mortal
ability, armed with some
of the best equipment
and training that a person can get. To a
newborn exalt, they
present a threat in
one-on-one combat, pure luck and
bloody-mindedness taking the
place of supernatural

The Sabbat is a kind of vampire

mafia, an organization whose tendrils reach
into many major planetary cities and with political influence that stems from simply being
around for over a thousand years and gaining
lots and lots of wealth. The lowest members
of the Sabbat are thugs, soldiers and enforcers
who are at the bottom rung of the organization
with nowhere to go but up.

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Acrobatics 2, Perception 2,
Common Lore 2, Intimidate 2,
Scrutiny 1, Weaponry 3, Ballistics 3.
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Parrying,
Las, Chain). Sound Constitution x 2, Jaded, Armor
Proficiency (light, medium, heavy, extreme,
power), True Grit, Blind Fighting, Luck
Armor Light Power Armor (10 AP; All)
Attacks Chainsword (8k2 R; Pen 4, Tearing), Lasgun (100m; S/4; 2k2 E; Pen 2; Clip 40; Reload
Flashy clothing, Light Power Armor,
Pulse Rifle, 2 Energy Packs, Micro-bead, Torch,
Rebreather, 2 Frag Grenades

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Acrobatics 1, Athletics 1, Ballistics 1,

Brawl 2, Drive 1, Intimidation 1,
Perception 2, Weaponry 2
Static Defense
Sound Constitution, Weapon Proficiency
Armor None
Attacks Bite (4k1 R, Pen 0), Brass Knuckles (3k2,
Pen 0), Hand Cannon (35m; S/-; 3k2 I; Pen 3; Clip
6; Reload 2 Full)
Undead Resilience - As the Vampire power.
Sunlight Weakness - As the Vampire power.
Blood Dependency - As the Vampire power.
Traits Resource Stat (Vitae; 5), Dark Sight
Dark clothing, Brass Knuckles, Hand
Cannon, Chrono, 5 reloads for the Hand Cannon.




Sabbat Prince
A Sabbat Prince is considerably
higher up in the organization than the thugs
they command. They have a huge amount of
personal power, not just from their undead
abilities, but also because they're so well connected with the local political scene. They are
rarely seen alone or in any kind of vulnerable
position, usually accompanied by bodyguards
and hired thugs.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Acrobatics 2, Athletics 3, Ballistics 2,

Brawl 4, Drive 1, Intimidation 3,
Perception 3, Politics 3, Weaponry 4
Static Defense
Sound Constitution x 3, Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary), Quick Draw, Swift Attack, Fearless, Wall of Steel
Armor None
Attacks Bite (6k2 R, Pen 0), Brass Knuckles (5k3,
Pen 0), Hand Cannon (35m; S/-; 3k2 I; Pen 3; Clip
6; Reload 2 Full)
Undead Resilience - As the Vampire power.
Sunlight Weakness - As the Vampire power.
Blood Dependency - As the Vampire power.
Traits Resource Stat (Vitae; 15), Dark Sight,
Fear 1
Sharp black suit, Brass Knuckles, Hand
Cannon, Expensive Chrono, 5 reloads for the Hand

Brawl 2, Perception 3, Intimidate 2,

Weaponry 2
5 [8]
4 / 4 [6 / 5]
Static Defense
12 [8]
6 [8]
Furious Assault, Heightened Senses
(smell), Iron Jaw
Armor None
Attacks [Claws (7k1 R), Bite (8k2 R)]
Shifting - As the Werewolf power. Stats in brackets
are for Warform.
Lycan Resistance - As the Werewolf power.
Silver Bane - As the Werewolf power.
Traits Resource Stat (Rage; 6), Regeneration 1
Torn street clothing.

Zoanoid Thug
Werewolves are a divided group, and
Zoanoids are the worst of the worst, changed
and mutated by the powers of the Warp.
They're barely distinguishable from daemons
in their warforms, and it's entirely possible that
they'll have abilities and traits that aren't listed
here as a consequence of these mutations.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Zoanoid Heavy
More powerful than the standard
Zoanoid, these monsters are deadly, sometimes simply berserk monsters that go wild in
the streets but occasionally one with exceptional power or charisma will form a gang of
mutant monsters and terrorize a city. Most appear as horrible abominations in their warform, a mix of insect and aquatic features that
look unreal and terrible.


Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil




Brawl 4, Perception 3, Intimidate 4,

Weaponry 4
8 [11]
4 / 5 [6 / 6]
Static Defense
17 [13]
11 [13]
Sound Constitution x 2, Furious Assault,
Power Attack, Heightened Senses (smell), Iron Jaw
Armor None
Attacks [Claws (9k1 R), Bite (10k2 R)]
Shifting - As the Werewolf power. Stats in brackets
are for Warform.
Lycan Resistance - As the Werewolf power.
Silver Bane - As the Werewolf power.
Traits Resource Stat (Rage; 10), Regeneration 1
Expendable suit, sunglasses.

ical damage to that location even if they have HP

Frightful Presence - Whenever this creature charges
or makes an all out attack, all creatures within
melee range of it must test against its fear rating.
We'll Be Back - When 'killed', roll 1d10 at the start
at each of its turns. On an 8+, the creature fades
away, teleporting somewhere else. After three
rounds, the creature comes back to life at 0
Traits Armor Plating (4), Aura (4), Crawler,
Fear 2, Mindless, Regeneration 1, Stuff of Nightmares

Monodrone Modron
Modrons. The very name causes
some of the bravest heroes in the Wheel to
shudder in terror. They are immortal things,
battle shells of an unholy living metal. Their
weapons fire beams that tear their targets apart
layer by layer. They slowly and methodically
seek out living things and destroy them, implacable and terrible. Monodrones are the
most common Modron, simple creatures like
metal spheres of skeletal metal with baleful
eyes and long, birdlike legs.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Weaponry 3, Ballistics 3,
Brawl 3, Perception 3
5 /5
Static Defense
True Grit
Armor Armor Plating 4 (All)
Attacks Gauss Flayer (80m; S/-; 2k2 X; Pen 12;
Clip -; Reload -; Tearing), Melee Attachment (8k3
R; Pen 4)
Gauss Weapon - Whenever a creature takes damage
from the Modron's Gauss Flayer, they suffer 1 crit-

Duodrone Modron
Duodrones are more advanced and
powerful than monodrones, capable of not
only destroying life, but seeking out new targets when they have eliminated their targets.
They have even more deadly weapons than
monodrones, and are even tougher and
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Weaponry 4, Ballistics 4, Brawl 4,

Perception 4
Static Defense
True Grit



Armor Armor Plating 6 (All)

Attacks Gauss Blaster (80m; S/3; 2k2 X; Pen 12;
Clip -; Reload -; Tearing), Melee Attachment
(10k3 R; Pen 4)
Gauss Weapon - Whenever a creature takes damage
from the Modron's Gauss Flayer, they suffer 1 critical damage to that location even if they have HP
Frightful Presence - Whenever this creature charges
or makes an all out attack, all creatures within
melee range of it must test against its fear rating.
We'll Be Back - When 'killed', roll 1d10 at the start
at each of its turns. On an 8+, the creature fades
away, teleporting somewhere else. After three
rounds, the creature comes back to life at 0
Traits Armor Plating (6), Aura (6), Crawler,
Fear 2, Mindless, Regeneration 1, Stuff of Nightmares

A dangerous and fanatical champion
of their god, typically the leader of a radical
sect. They might even worship a daemon directly. Regardless of their cause or master,
they are dangerous, not just because they have
magical blessings but because they cannot be
reasoned with.

A cultist is, naturally, a member of
one of the more extreme arms of a religion.
They're not any stronger, faster, or smarter
than the average person, but they've got just
enough crazy to make them really dangerous
and the blessings of their gods mean that they
shouldn't be underestimated.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Academic Lore 2, Forbidden Lore 2,

Arcana 2, Weaponry 2, Persuasion 2
Static Defense
Lucky, Powerful Charge, Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary)
Armor None
Attacks Hand Weapon (5k2 R; Pen 0)
Traits Resource Stat (Favor; 6)
Tattered Robes, Hand Weapon, Heretical
Writings, Charm


Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Academic Lore 2, Forbidden Lore 4,

Arcana 3, Weaponry 3, Persuasion 3,
Ballistics 3
Static Defense
Lucky, Powerful Charge, Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Flail, Flame), Armor Proficiency
(Extreme), Sound Constitution x2, True Grit, Divine Ministration
Armor Plate Armor 8 (Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Dire Flail (6k2 I; Pen 3; Two Hands,
Flexible), Hand Flamer (10m; S/-; 3k2 E; Pen 4;
Clip 3; Reload 2Full, Flame)
Traits Resource Stat (Favor; 8)
Ornate Robes, Dire Flail, Hand Flamer,
extra fuel tank, Plate Armor, Heretical Writings,


A Heretek is a failed promethean, a
being more machine than man and often
driven insane by the bionic upgrades and surgeries that they've suffered in their attempt at
immortality. Some are the poor victims of mad
scientists, others are the mad scientists themselves, men with the will and drive to experiment even on themselves.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Academic Lore 3, Ballistics 2, Drive 2,

Forbidden Lore 3, Pilot 2, Tech-Use 3
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Las, Ordinary)
Armor Subdermal Plating (2, All)
Attacks Laspistol (30m; S/-; 2k2 E; Pen 0; Clip
30; Reload Full; Reliable), Wrench (4k2 I)
Man of Iron - The Heretek ignores critical effects
that would cause death except for effects resulting
from critical damage to the gizzards or head.
Traits Armor Plating (2), Stuff of Nightmares,
Resource Stat (Pyros, 3)

Tattered robes, Combi-tool, Data Slate
filled with illegal data, Chrono, Laspistol, 2 power
packs, Heavy wrench

Dark Mechanius
A powerful and dangerous opponent,
the Dark Mechanius is almost everything the
Heretek wants to
be, merely the
barest traces of
flesh remaining
inside a machine shell.
Nearly every
part of them
has been replaced with
bionics, and
many are little more than
a few scraps
of brain tissue controlling

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Academic Lore 3, Ballistics 2, Drive 2,

Forbidden Lore 3, Pilot 2, Tech-Use 3
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Las, Ordinary,
Plasma), Crack Shot, Sound Constitution x3, Iron
Armor Subdermal Plating (4, All)
Attacks Integrated Plasma Gun (90m; S/2; 3k3 E;
Pen 8; Clip -; Reload -; Recharge), Power Sword
(9k2 R; Pen 4; Power Field)
Man of Iron - The Dark Mechanius ignores critical
effects that would cause death except for effects resulting from critical damage to the gizzards or head.
Mechendrites - The Dark Mechanius has a number



of extra mechanical limbs. These allow him to take

an extra half action on each of his turns that can
only be used for something those extra limbs could
do, such as a ready action or attack.
Traits Armor Plating (4), Stuff of Nightmares,
Resource Stat (Pyros, 9)
Tattered robes, Combi-tool, Data Slate
filled with illegal data, Chrono, Power Sword

Incarnate Lesser Daemon

A daemon brought from the warp and
into the real world, the incarnate daemon
presents a deadly threat. They're almost impossible to kill by normal means, made more
out of warp stuff than any real matter. A lesser
daemon is little more than an animal, clever
and dangerous but not truly intelligent or with
much magical ability.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Perception 1, Arcana 2, Brawl 3
Static Defense
Armor Daemonic Toughness (3, All)
Attacks Claws and Teeth (5k2 R; Tearing)
Traits Daemonic, Dark Sight, Fear 1, Resource
Stat (Essence; 7)

Where the lesser daemon is essentially

a wild animal, the greater daemon is an intelligent opponent that uses its abilities to their
all. With its massive size and sheer toughness,
the Greater Daemon can shrug off all but the
most impressive attacks.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Perception 1, Arcana 2, Brawl 4
Static Defense


Beast of Burden
This stat block represents a great variety of creatures. From oxen to heavy horses
or grox, the Beast of Burden takes as many
shapes as there are worlds. They're hardly dangerous, but they're usually stubborn.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Incarnate Greater Daemon

Frenzy, Swift Attack
Armor Daemonic Toughness (6, All)
Attacks Claws and Teeth (8k3 R; Tearing), Warp
Fire (50m; S/-; 4k3 E; Flame)
Traits Daemonic, Dark Sight, Fear 2, Resource
Stat (Essence; 14)

Perception 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 1
Static Defense
Armor None
Attacks Kick (5k2 I)
Traits Quadruped


Ferocious Creature

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

A predatory creature much more dangerous than the simple beast of burden, the
Ferocious Creature is typically cat- or wolflike. They tend to be much less fearful than
most animals, and many are not afraid to hunt
people for food. Or sport.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Perception 3, Athletics 3, Acrobatics 2,

Stealth 2, Brawl 3
Static Defense
Heightened Senses (Scent), Step Aside
Armor None
Attacks Bite (6k3 R)
Traits Quadruped, Dark Sight

Flying Creature
From large hawks to severely pissed
off swans, there are plenty of things that fly
around that might give a Hero some trouble.
They are more dangerous because their mobility and agility makes them difficult to hit
than because of
t h e i r
l o w


Perception 3, Athletics 2, Acrobatics 1,

Brawl 1
Static Defense
Swift Attack
Armor None
Attacks Claws (3k1 R)
Traits Flyer (14)

Slithering Creature
Most worlds have some form or another of sneaky ambush predator that uses poison and stealth to get to its prey. Snakes are a
surprisingly common type of creature, with
variants throughout the stars. This stat block
represents something like a large rattlesnake or
viper with a dangerous enough bite to prove
toxic even to a Hero.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Static Defense
Armor Machine Toughness (6, All)
Attacks Claw (6k2 I; Snare), Multilas (60m; S/8;
3k2 E; Pen 0; Reliable)
Traits Machine (6)

Perception 2, Stealth 3, Brawl 2
Static Defense
Armor None
Attacks Bite (4k2 R; Toxic)
Traits Crawler

Walking Creature
A primitive humanoid creature like a
gorilla or vegetarian, these beasts are fairly rare
creatures on most worlds, but are sometimes
surprisingly intelligent and capable of learning
limited speech.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Brawl 4
Static Defense
Armor None
Attacks Fist (4k2 I)
Traits Gear

Industrial Servitor

Combat Servitor
A robot designed to kill, the Combat
Servitor is a dangerous machine with an integrated multi-barrel las weapon that can put
down an impressive volley of fire. It isn't a terribly intelligent machine, however, and its programming typically has it do little else but keep
an overwatch over an area and fire at anything
that moves.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Brawl 1, Crafts 1, Tech Use 1,

Ballistics 3


A more modest machine, the industrial servitor is designed to work in environments where people would be put too much
at risk. They have hardened plating designed
to stand up to the difficulties of an industrial
workplace and an arc welder that can be set to
an amazingly dangerous power level if it is programmed or ordered to defend itself.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Brawl 1, Crafts 1, Tech Use 1
Static Defense
Armor Machine Toughness (2, All)
Attacks Claw (6k2 I; Snare), Arc Welder (10m;
S/-; 3k3 E; Flame)
Traits Machine (2)


Giant killing machines made of scales,
wings, and fire. They're also smarter than you
are, centuries old, and with more magic in
their fingernail than the typical wizard has in
his entire body. The stats presented here are
only representative of a fairly small and young
dragon. Ancient wyrms can be far, far more
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Academic Lore 3, Acrobatics 2, Arcana 4,

Athletics 2, Ballistics 3, Brawl 4,
Charm 3, Command 5, Common Lore 2,
Forbidden Lore 2, Intimidation 5,
Perception 3, Politics 2, Scrutiny 4,
Weaponry 3
12 / 10
Static Defense
Danger Sense, Eidetic Memory, Iron Jaw,
Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Strong Minded,
Armor Iron Scales (10, All)
Attacks Claws and Teeth (10k3 R; Tearing),
Dragon Fire (80m; S/-; 6k3 E; Flame)
Frightful Presence - Whenever this creature charges
or makes an all out attack, all creatures within
melee range of it must test against its fear rating.
Traits Flyer (22), Unnatural Toughness, Armor
Plating (10), Dark Sight, Caster (Evocation 3, Divination 4), Fear 2

Not everyone can become an immortal Exalt. That doesn't mean there aren't other
paths to immortality. Well, being a Lich isn't
quite immortality - being an undead horror is
more accurate - but it's a pretty attractive option for a sorcerer getting on in his years and
feeling mortality creeping up on him. Becoming a lich is a terrible process that involves the
death of someone the lich deeply cares about
as a sacrifice.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Academic Lore 3, Acrobatics 2,
Arcana 5,
Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Charm 3,
Command 5, Common Lore 2,
Forbidden Lore 5, Intimidation 2,
Perception 3, Politics 2, Scrutiny 4
Static Defense
Wizard Tradition (All), Spell
Specialization (All), Tested



Phylactery - Every Lich has hidden their death
somewhere safe. They cannot be killed as long as
their Phylactery exists. A lich's phylactery is invariably a constructed and typically valuable item.
Traits Undead, Dark Sight, Caster (Evocation 4,
Illusion 3, Abjuration 3, Conjuration 3)
Musty but expensive robes, staff, ancient
gems and jewelry.


Academic Lore 4, Acrobatics 2, Arcana 4,

Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Command 3,
Common Lore 2, Forbidden Lore 5,
Perception 3, Scrutiny 5
Static Defense
Danger Sense, Eidetic Memory, Strong
Armor None
Attacks Tentacles (2k2 I; Snare)
Mind Blast - The mind flayer may spend a half action to fire a 60' cone of psychic power. All targets
within the cone must make a TN 25 Willpower test
or else become stunned for one round.
Eats Your Goddamn Brain - A mind flayer's attacks
in a grapple always hit the head. While grappling, a
mind flayer's tentacles gain Tearing.
Traits Dark Sight, Caster (Divination 3, Enchantment 3, Illusion 3)
Blasphemous Robes

Aboleths come from the same blasted
and forsaken place as the Mind Flayers.
They're even more powerful and evil than
Mind Flayers, if that's possible. They're
bloated, scaled fish things with bony ridges
and four powerful tentacles. They don't eat
brains with them. They just poison with the
barbs on them, and anyone who dies from this
poison turns into a sludge that the aboleth
consume. They typically have a few slaves on
hand to deal with interlopers.

Mind Flayer
Mind Flayers are some of the most
dangerous creatures in the Wheel. They are
evil, mind-controlling things with only simple
desires. Desires like the subjugation of all living things, brains to eat, and countless slaves.
They're humanoids with slick slimy skin, long
fingers, and tentacles sprouting around a
beaked mouth. They use those tentacles to pry
open skulls from their victims and extract their
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Academic Lore 4, Acrobatics 2, Arcana 4,

Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Command 3,
Common Lore 2, Forbidden Lore 5,
Perception 3, Scrutiny 5
Static Defense
Danger Sense, Eidetic Memory, Strong
Minded, Swift Attack
Armor Bone Ridges (3, All)


in exceptional natural purity. They're typically

not dangerous as long as they're left alone.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Attacks Tentacles (4k2 I; Snare, Toxic)

Mindslaver - An Aboleth can concentrate to maintain Enchantment spells as a free action, and targets
do not get extra dice to resist the effects of those
spells based on the orders given.
Traits Dark Sight, Caster (Divination 4, Enchantment 4, Illusion 4), Crawler, Amphibious,
Armor Plating (3)

Skills Perception 3, Brawl 3

Size/Resilience 6 / 5
Static Defense 13
Feats None
Armor None
Attacks Slam (6k3 I)
Elementals get one of the following, depending on
their composition:
Earth - An earth elemental gains 6 armor to all locations.
Air - An air elemental gains Phasing.
Fire - Fire elementals deal E damage with their attacks and all targets within melee range must test
Constitution against TN 15 every turn or gain a
point of fatigue from waves of heat.
Water - Water elementals gain Regeneration 1.
Traits Amorphous, Stuff of Nightmares

The Walkin' Dead

Zombies. Shamblers. They go around
biting people and eating their flesh. Sometimes they're caused by a plague or curse, but
they're more often the result of evil sorcery and
warp energy. While they only really pose a
threat in huge numbers and to ill-prepared
people, they still manage to cause a lot of trouble on more primitive or run-down worlds.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Elementals are spirit creatures that
create and inhabit bodies made of one of the
four primary primal elements - Earth, Air,
Fire, or Water. They're not really properly life
forms, and are quite common in the Umbra
and places where one of the elements is found

Brawl 2, Perception 2
Static Defense
Armor None
Attacks Claws and Teeth (3k1 R)
Traits Undead, Mindless
Bloody and torn clothing.



Fire Warrior
When someone dies, their spirit can
linger, vengeful and angry. A ghost is just such
a spirit, a warp echo of someone who has died.
They're most commonly seen in the Umbra,
but their influence can extend to the real world
in places where the veil is thin.

Fire Warriors are the Tau's standard

military force, armed with better weapons and
excellent training. They're somewhat shorter
and stockier than the average Tau, and most
are trained from birth for their expected lifetime of fighting for the Greater Good.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Brawl 2, Perception 2, Arcana 3
Static Defense
Armor None
Attacks None
Possession - The Ghost may test Charisma and Arcana to affect a target as the Dominate spell.
Traits Undead, Flyer (10), Phasing, Fear 1


Acrobatics 1, Perception 1, Persuasion 2,
Common Lore 2, Scrutiny 1,
Weaponry 1, Ballistics 3.
4 /4
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Parrying,
Las). Sound Constitution x 1, Armor Proficiency
(light, medium), Deadeye Shot
Armor Flak Vest, Gauntlets,(5 AP; Arms, Body)
Helmet (4 AP; Head)
Attacks Knife (4k2 R; Pen 0), Pulse Rifle (100m;
S/4; 2k2 E; Pen 2; Clip 40; Reload Full; Reliable)
Fall Back - As the Tau racial power.


Uniform, Flak Armor, Pulse Rifle, 2 Energy Packs, Micro-bead, Torch

Attacks Knife (3k2 R; Pen 0), Autopistol (30m;

S/6; 2k2 I; Pen 0; Clip 12; Reload Full)
Shifty - As the Halfling racial power.
Threadbare clothing, leathers, Autopistol,
Knife, 2 autopistol clips, a few coins.

When a Squat does something truly
disgraceful and dishonorable, there is only one
option left for them in their society. They go
to find an honorable death, taking only the
most basic equipment - an Axe, their body
marked with the traditional paint used to bless
those who are already dead, and a grenade to
give them a way out that can take an enemy
with them.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Halflings typically live their life on the
wrong side of the law. They've fallen through
the cracks in modern society, and Ratlings are
just such halfling, thieves and pickpockets that
prey on unsuspecting people to survive in the
slums and gutters of the Wheel.

Athletics 2, Crafts 2, Intimidation 2,

Weaponry 3, Common Lore 2
Static Defense
Iron Jaw
Armor None
Attacks Axe (6k2 R)
Squat Toughness - As the racial ability
Axe, boots, loincloth, body paint, mean
look, Frag Grenade.

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Acrobatics 2, Perception 2,
Common Lore 3, Deceive 2, Scrutiny 1,
Weaponry 1, Larceny 3, Ballistics 1.
Static Defense
Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary, Parrying),
Sneak Attack
Armor Leathers (2 AP; Arms, Body, Legs)




Living Ancestor
A wise and respected member of
Squat society, the title of Living Ancestor is
only given to those with wisdom and ability
that comes only once in a hundred years. All
other Squats try to emulate the Living Ancestors, and whenever a Squat is declared a Living Ancestor, they become the head of a new
noble house founded in their name. While
they have no special political position save as
the head of their noble family, they have great
pull in Squat society thanks to the respect others give them.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Command 2, Weaponry 3,
Intimidation 2, Ballistics 2, Brawl 2,
Athletics 2. Acrobatics 2, Perception 2
Static Defense
Armor Proficiency (Medium), Weapon
Proficiency (Ordinary, Fencing)
Armor Flak Jacket (5; Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Fencing Sword (6k2 R; Balanced), Pump
Shotgun (30m; S/-; 3k2 I Pen 0; Clip 8; Reload
2Full; Scatter)
Dragon Breath - As the Dragonborn racial abilities
Flak Jacket, Pump Shotgun, 24 extra
shells, Fencing Sword, Micro-Bead, Tough clothing


Athletics 3, Crafts 4, Intimidation 2,

Weaponry 4, Common Lore 2,
Command 3, Academic Lore 2
Static Defense
Iron Jaw, Armor Proficiency
Armor Power Armor (12, All)
Attacks Power Axe (8k2 R, Power Field),
Plasma Pistol (30m; S/-; 3k3 E Pen 8; Clip
10; Reload 4Full; Recharge, Overheats).
Squat Toughness - As the racial ability
Power Axe, Power Armor, Plasma Pistol, 2 extra plasma charges, mean look, beard jewelry, embroidered clothing

Talon of Tiamat
Tiamat's followers have never died
out. Some dragonborn carry on in her name,
seeking to destroy Bahamut and avenge their
fallen lord. Some rumor that Tiamat is still
alive, taking a hundred centuries to recover
from her wounds, almost ready to resume her
war against Bahamut and forge a new Draconic Empire in her fivefold image.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Dragonfire Adept
Some Dragonborn focus on the
power within themselves, training themselves
in magic. Especially fire magic. And when that
doesn't work, they carry a really big gun that
they can use to shoot people to death. Typically one or the other will work in any given
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Command 2, Weaponry 3,
Intimidation 2, Ballistics 3, Brawl 2,
Athletics 2. Acrobatics 2, Perception 2,
Arcana 2, Academic Lore 2
Static Defense
Armor Proficiency (Medium), Weapon
Proficiency (Ordinary, Fencing), Spell Focus (Evocation)
Armor Flak Jacket (5; Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Fencing Sword (6k2 R; Balanced), Meltagun (20m; S/-; 4k3 E Pen 12; Clip 5; Reload
Dragon Breath - As the Dragonborn racial ability
Traits Caster (Evocation 3)
Flak Jacket, Meltagun, 2 extra reloads,
Fencing Sword, Micro-Bead, Brightly colored

Gnomes are generally harmless people, more concerned with playing with new
technology (and fixing old technology) than
hurting anyone. Sometimes, though, they have
to defend themselves against thieves or, worse,

Ork Freeboota
Orks love nothing more than a good
fight. An Ork freeboota is a fairly typical ork
warrior with little experience, almost no scars,
and all his own teeth. All of which mark him

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Academic Lore 3, Acrobatics 2, Arcana 2,

Ballistics 1, Common Lore 3, Drive 2,
Perception 2, Pilot 3, Scrutiny 1,
Weaponry 2
Static Defense
Blind Fighting, Evasion, Fearless
Armor Mesh Vest (4, Body)
Attacks Laspistol (30m; S/-; 2k2 E Pen 0; Clip 30;
Reload Full; Reliable), Web Pistol (30m; S/-; Clip
1; Reload Full; Snare), Katar (2k2 R, Pen 3)
Improvise - As the Gnome racial ability
Laspistol, 3 energy packs, Web Pistol, 2
web loads, Katar, Mesh Vest, Auspex, Backpack,
Chrono, Combi-Tool, Data Slate, Torch, Void
Suit, Clothing with a lot of pockets.

as being very low on the totem pole indeed.


Intimidation 2, Scrutiny 2, Ballistics 1,

Weaponry 3, Brawl 2
Static Defense
Cleave, Crushing Blow, Power Attack,
Fearless, Armor Proficiency (Light), Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary)
Armor Heavy Leathers (3, Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Choppa (7k2 R), Autogun (90m; S/10;
2k2 I Pen 0; Clip 30; Reload Full)
WAAAAAGH! - As the Ork racial ability.
Charm, Heavy Leathers, Choppa, Autogun, 3 clips, Patchwork clothing



Ork Nob

Aspect Warrior

An Ork Nob is much larger than a

mere freeboota, with the scars and a few
bionik bitz to prove it. They're good at yellin'
really loud and givin orders to make sure no
one is muckin' about. Most Ork Nobs love
nothing more than gettin' stuck in, and so they
can be found in the very thickest fighting.

Aspect Warriors are Eldarin warriors,

members of one of their great fighting schools.
Many fighting schools have extremely specialized equipment or tactics - the following is a
kind of baseline warrior type with standard
(very deadly) weapons and armor.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil




Intimidation 3, Command 4, Scrutiny 2,

Ballistics 3, Weaponry 4, Brawl 3
Static Defense
Cleave, Crushing Blow, Power Attack,
Fearless, Armor Proficiency (Light), Weapon Proficiency (Ordinary)
Armor Heavy Leathers (3, Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Big Choppa (9k2 R; Pen 4), Autogun
(120m; -/10; 3k2 I Pen 5; Clip 100; Reload Full)
WAAAAAGH! - As the Ork racial ability.
Charm, Heavy Leathers, SAW, Autogun,
3 belts of ammunition, Patchwork clothing

Academic Lore 2, Acrobatics 3,

Arcana 2, Athletics 2, Ballistics 2,
Common Lore 3, Deceive 2,
Perception 3, Scrutiny 2, Weaponry 4
Static Defense
Blademaster, Armor Proficiency (Light),
Blind Fighting, Catfall, Defensive Mobility, Fleet
of Foot, Swift Attack, Weapon Proficiency (Fencing, Syrneth)
Armor Mesh Overcoat (4, All)
Attacks Fencing Sword (5k2 R; Balanced), Lighting Gun (30m; S/2; 4k2 E Pen 4; Clip 6; Reload
2Full; Scatter, Shocking)
Warp Step - As the Eldarin Racial ability.
Lightning Gun, 2 Lighting Charges, 3
Photon Flash Grenades, Fencing Sword, Mesh
Overcoat, silk suit.

Eldarin Farseer
Eldarin Farseers are leaders in their
race, using powerful divinations and other
magics to see through the veil of the warp and
determine the best course of action. They're
really too valuable for the Eldarin to lose, but
because their powers are so useful they end up
in all sorts of dangerous situations. Most Eldarin have the sense to start running once they
see the Farseer absconding.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Academic Lore 1, Acrobatics 3, Arcana 4,

Athletics 2, Ballistics 2, Common Lore 3,


Deceive 2, Forbidden Lore 3,

Perception 3, Scrutiny 3, Weaponry 2
Static Defense
Common Sense, Danger Sense, Defensive
Mobility, Fast Reflexes, Foresight, Spell Might,
Spell Penetration, Strong Minded, Weapon Proficiency (Fencing, Syrneth)
Armor Leathers (2, Arms, Body, Legs)
Attacks Fencing Sword (5k2 R; Balanced),
Warp Step - As the Eldarin Racial ability.
Traits Caster (Divination 4, Enchantment 2, Illusion 3, Evocation 2)
Fencing Sword, Staff, Leathers, Elaborate

Space Marine
Armed with the best weapons, the
thickest armor, knowing no fear and with the
sole purpose of bringing the forces of Chaos
to their knees. These are the Space Marines.
They are Aasimar who are part of the elite
forces of the Blessed Pantheon, going out into
the Wheel to smite the enemies of their gods.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil

Acrobatics 2, Athletics 3, Ballistics 3,

Common Lore 2, Perception 2,
Scrutiny 3, Weaponry 3

Static Defense
Sound Constitution x3, Combat Master,
Armor Proficiency (all), Weapon Proficiency (all)
Armor Power Armor (12, All)
Attacks Chainsword (8k2 R; Pen 4; Tearing),
Boltgun (90m; S/3; 4k2 X Pen 6; Clip 24; Reload
Full; Tearing)
And They Shall Know No Fear - As the Aasimar
racial ability
Power Armor, Chainsword, Boltgun, 2
Bolt clips, Plain clothing, charms

Grey Knight
If the Space Marines are the best of
the best, the Grey Knights are the best of the
best of the best. They are issued relics and
equipment that is of such value that it must
only be given to those who can make the best
use of it. They have training superior even to
that of a Space Marine, and are sent to carry
out missions with nearly no chance of success
but which they cannot afford to fail.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Acrobatics 3, Athletics 4, Ballistics 4,

Common Lore 3, Forbidden Lore 3,
Perception 3, Scrutiny 4, Weaponry 4
Static Defense
Sound Constitution x5, Combat Master,
Armor Proficiency (all), Weapon Proficiency (all),
Blind Fighting, Danger Sense,
Luck, Strong Minded
Armor Power Armor (12, All)
Attacks Power Sword (9k2 R;
Pen 4; Power Field), Boltgun
(90m; S/3; 4k2 X Pen 6; Clip
24; Reload Full; Tearing)
And They Shall Know No Fear
- As the Aasimar racial ability
Power Armor, Power
Sword, Boltgun, 2 Bolt clips,
Plain clothing, charms



Chaos Marine
As the Space Marines serve the forces
of the Blessed Pantheon, the Chaos Marines
serve the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. They are
a more varied lot than the Space Marines,
their armor altered to serve the various mutations each Tiefling gains over time, and covered in spiky bits and garish colors for good

ciency (all), Weapon Proficiency (all), Frenzy

Armor Power Armor (12, All)
Attacks Chainsword (8k2 R; Pen 4; Tearing),
Boltgun (90m; S/3; 4k2 X Pen 6; Clip 24; Reload
Full; Tearing)
Bloody Minded - As the Tiefling racial ability
Power Armor, Chainsword, Boltgun, 2
Bolt clips, Plain clothing, charms

Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Acrobatics 2, Athletics 3, Ballistics 2,

Common Lore 2, Perception 2,
Intimidate 3, Weaponry 4
Static Defense
Sound Constitution x3, Armor Profi-

There is a kind of curse or magic or
virus (or all three) that infects some Chaos
marines. They become one with their weapons
and armor, mutating to become a mass of
weaponry with flesh stretched over gunmetal.
They've almost all been driven insane by the
torment of their condition, but serve well as
engines of death and destruction.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil



Acrobatics 2, Athletics 3, Ballistics 3,

Common Lore 2, Perception 2,
Intimidate 3, Weaponry 3


Static Defense
Sound Constitution x5, Armor Proficiency (all), Weapon Proficiency (all), Frenzy
Armor Armor Plating (10, All)
Attacks MP Lascannon (300m; S/-; 5k4 E Pen 10;
Clip -; Reload -; Recharge), Heavy Bolter (120m; /10; 4k2 X Pen 8; Clip -; Reload -; Tearing),
Crushing Fist (6k3 I).
Bloody Minded - As the Tiefling racial ability
Integrated Weapons Array - The Obliterator can
create nearly any weapon from its body. In addition
to the listed attacks, it can generate nearly any Ordinary, Las, Plasma, Melta, Bolt, or Flame weapon
it needs to. An obliterator has effectively infinite
ammunition with all of its weapons. It requires a
full round action to shift weapons, and can have any
two at a time.
Traits Auto Stabilized, Machine (10)

Static Defense
Blademaster, Armor Proficiency (Light),
Backstab, Catfall, Defensive Mobility, Decadence,
Fleet of Foot, Sneak Attack, Weapon Proficiency
(Fencing, Exotic, Parrying)
Armor Mesh Overcoat (4, All)
Attacks Officer's Cutlass (5k2 R; Shocking), Needle Gun (180m; S/-; 2k2 E Pen 0; Clip 6; Reload
2Full; Accurate, Toxic)
Warp Miasma - As the Dark Eldarin Racial ability.
Needle Gun, 2 Needle Packs, 3 Smoke
Grenades, Officer's Cutlass, Mesh Overcoat, spider
silk suit.

Dark Eldarin Raider

The Dark Eldarin have a culture of
slavery, sacrifice of souls to the Daemon Lolth,
and incredible decadence that would make
even the most jaded whore blush. They often
send raiding parties out to capture fresh prey
to bring, screaming, to their hidden dark city
of Commorragh. Those that they take are typically never seen again.
Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil


Academic Lore 1, Acrobatics 3, Arcana 2,

Athletics 2, Ballistics 2, Common Lore 2,
Deceive 4, Forbidden Lore 2,
Perception 3, Scrutiny 2, Weaponry 4



In a setting Where heroes are expected to be more than human, some people
simply aren't a threat. While there are supplied
statblocks for peasants and the like, in larger
combat areas it can be more fun and easy to
abstract large groups of enemies into Minion
Minions come in groups of up to six,
since it's hard for more people than that to attack a single person at once. These groups are
referred to as "Minion Squads". Minions do
not attack the same way as everything else in
Since they appear in large groups, they use a
simplified version of the combat rules that allows them to act en masse.
Minions have a Threat Rating (from
1 to 5). This represents their general competence and ability. Peasants, hobos, and untrained men would have a threat rating of 1;
Pirates, military men, and so on would be
around a threat rating 3; and Lusty Vampire
Bitches and Ninja Assassins would be a threat
rating 5.


All combat rolls they make use this

Threat Rating as the number of Kept dice they
have, and roll a number of dice equal to the
number of them attempting the action. Remember that you cannot keep more dice than
you roll.
Example: A group of five rowdy
Space Pirates decide to get all up in
Haruhara's face. They have a Threat Rating of
3. If all five decide to attack Haruhara, they
roll 5k3 for their attack test. However, if only
two of them attempt it, they roll 2k2. The
Space Pirates are a lot more dangerous when
they can gang up on someone.
Next, each Minion Squad has its
Static Defense. It is normally equal to their
Threat Rating, multiplied by 5. Whenever a
Minion Squad is hit, one of the minions is removed from the squad (typically to the grave).
For every raise a Hero makes on the attack, an
additional Minion is removed. If Minions are
hit with a Blast weapon, remove a number of
minions equal to the Blast rating of the
Example: Normally, to get rid of one
of these Space Pirates, Haruhara would have


to roll a 15 or higher on her attack test. If she

wants to take out three of them at once, she
must make two Raises, one for each Minion
beyond the first, requiring a 25 or higher.
Finally, Minions have a Damage Rating (from 1 to 4). If a group of Minions hits a
hero, rather than rolling for damage they simply deal 5 points of damage per Damage Rating, plus 5 more for every raise they get on the
roll to hit. The Damage Rating of a Minion
Squad will note the type of damage they do. If
they have a ranged attack, it will be noted
here. The Range of a Minion's ranged attacks
is equal to 10x their Threat Rating.
Example: The Space Pirates attack
Haruhara with their various blades. They need
a 20 to hit her, and they roll a 26. Their damage rating is 3 and they got one raise, so they
deal 20 damage (3 for their rating, +1 for the
raise, all multiplied by 5).
Minions can also team up with Heroes or their enemies instead of acting as a
Minion Squad. A character teamed up with
Minions adds the Treat Rating of the highestthreat minion to every skill roll they make. A
character cannot benefit from more minions
than their Fellowship. Minions teamed up in
this way must be targeted separately from the
character, but multiple Minions may still be
felled for one Raise per Minion beyond the


Kobold Stabbers
Threat Rating: 1
Damage Rating: 1R (Daggers)

Ninja Slayers
Threat Rating: 4
Damage Rating: 2R (Shortswords), Ranged
2R (Shuriken)

Fluffy Bunnies
Threat Rating: 1
Damage Rating: 5R (Sharp pointy teeth)

Space Pirate Crew

Threat Rating: 3
Damage Rating: 3R (Various blades), Ranged
3I (Various guns)



Ai Yamashiro is busy flipping through

pages to last minute memorize rules while
waiting for the others to get here. She anxiously checks the time on her phone, they
must be about to get here.
Ai Yamashiro: They must be about to
get here.
Rei Ayanami: Rei arrives on time, red
eyes looking around as plainly as ever. Note:
It's impossible to tell James no. Why did he
even ask her along? It's hard to really know.
She'll knock or something.
Ai Yamashiro: "Come on in!"
Jane Shepard is rushing, looking at
the clock on her phone. All the medical training and 'practical experience' has seen her run
ragged for months now. And changing into
real clothing took too long. She's going to be
at least a few minutes late.
Rei enters. "Hello.", she says plainly.
She is holding...a folder and clipboard, bottle
of mountain dew and bag of cheetos. "Smith
told me to bring these."
Ai Yamashiro wonders who it is, the
other pilots are used to her mess but maybe
she should have cleaned up a bit before Lucas
showed up even if he's a wreck- what the hell
is she doing here? "...Miss Ayanami. That's
James Arroyo and Anthony are laden
down with bags of takeout japanese because
god knows why and are making their way to
the dorm. Problem is they sort of lack hands,
so its been a little awkward.
Ai Yamashiro: "Thanks for being so
considerate... and... Michael isn't coming is
Rei Ayanami: "He said that he needed
to train some of the others in piloting."
Ai Yamashiro: "I see. Well, sit down.
Theres a pause. "...You're here to participate?"
Rei Ayanami: "I have this.", she hands
over a clipboard and folder, where there is a
character sheet, and an accompanying statistical analysis of success rates.
Ai Yamashiro looks it over and studies that shit hard "Hm." After a while, she
nods "Yes, this works." She looks up. "So tell
me about your character."
Rei Ayanami: Rei looks around, un-


sure on where to sit. "She is a machine-person

who wants to play with animals.", she replies.
"And she lives on a spelljammer. The explanation is rather childish, considering everything.
Jane Shepard frets and is almost running to meet with everyone. She facepalms.
Character sheet! She starts back towards Wait, Tony was holding onto it for her. She
turned around again, surprising a few people
around her, and continued on her path, blushing bright red.
A moment later there is a knock at the
door, James arrives, several plastic bags of
japanese take-out hanging from each arm like
some sort of delicious patagia. It's the only way
to give himself usable hands.
Ai Yamashiro: "Its open!"
James Arroyo turns the knob and enters along with food and Anthony.
Anthony Hartman: "Hey. We got
Ai Yamashiro lies back on the chair
"That sounds nice and simple... hi sweetie!"
she gets up to help him with the food, kiss
him, and greet anthony. Not necessarily in
that order.
James Arroyo: "Hey," he greets Ai,
then "Hey," as he notices Rei and greets her as
Rei Ayanami: "I also brought food.",
she motions to the really stereotypical snacks.
James Arroyo: "More food is good
though, right?" he asks, not suring what the expectations are.
Ai Yamashiro: "Its fine, whatever we
don't use now we can save up for later." She
looks at Tony. "Jane's not with you?"
James Arroyo: "Okay. Um, just a sec,
I got to go grab my sheet from my room," he
says before darting out again.
Anthony Hartman: "No. She had
some work study stuff to do, so she told me to
go on ahead."
James Arroyo: It's not like its far. The
dorms are attached after all.
Ai Yamashiro: "Well, we'll wait for
her anyway. You have the sheets?" Ai taps on
Rei's sitting back down again.
Anthony Hartman: "Yep." he fishes in
his pocket and pulls out two folded bits of


paper. "Mine and hers."

Ai Yamashiro: "Oooh let me see." she
snatches them and reads them while setting up
the GM screen.
Rei Ayanami: Rei sits down, and is
quiet. She stares blankly.
Jane Shepard is almost at the dorms.
She stops for a moment to compose herself,
smooths out her clothing... and frowns. Where
was her ID card? She had just had it a second
ago when she was... wearing... other... clothing.
James Arroyo: "Back!" James pops in
again, sheet in hand.
Ai Yamashiro: "Alright, settle down
and start eating if you want to. Then tell me a
little about your character-" James is back!
"Characters." she says this without looking up
from the sheets.
Jane Shepard frantically checks her
pockets. Gum. Change for the vending machine. Phone. Pills. Pills? She wasn't supposed
to have those!
James Arroyo hands her the sheet and
sits down next to Ai and across from Rei.
"Um. I'm an playing an Aasimar... actually
how are you supposed to pronounce it?" he
runs his hand through his hair in distraction.
Anthony Hartman: "Well...I started
out trying to stat Muad'dib, but he's kind of
hard to get as a level one character, so I just
did the best I could."
Ai Yamashiro nods, flipping to James'
sheet "I just pronounce it Asheemahr."
Jane Shepard takes a deep breath. It
wasn't like she ever handled dangerous pills
anyway. These were just... antibiotics. Probably fine. She'd give everyone an extra dose in
the morning. It'd work out. Now where was
her- Aha! The ID card had been in one of her
pants' nested pockets. She wasn't sure why the
bloody things had nested pockets, but they
James Arroyo: "Okay, I'm playing one
of those. He's got a legendary artifact
greatsword made of darksteel," he says, clearly
fond of it.
Ai Yamashiro: "A Mentor? I... Yes, I
have an idea for this."
Jane Shepard finally enters the dorms,
walking slowly to Ai's room.

Rei Ayanami: Rei decides to open the

bag of cheetos. They are vegetarian. She
checked. She pulls out a single cheeto, and
bites down, making a small, crunching noise.
Ai Yamashiro hands the sheets back
"You're all fine, Jane's is a bit weird though."
Jane Shepard knocks.
Anthony Hartman: "How so?"
Rei Ayanami: "I could probably analyze any oddities in it if you wish."
Ai Yamashiro: "Its mostly a thematic
concern, not a statistical one- Its open Jane!"
Jane Shepard opens the door and
walks in. She plops down next to Tony. "Sorry
for being late..."
Anthony Hartman: "Workin' hard?"
Jane Shepard nods and sighs. "Yeah.
But I'm free for the rest of the day." She smiles
a little.
Ai Yamashiro claps, the party has
gathered "Take a moment to rest, talk a bit,
I'll do some mysterious stuff behind this screen
before we begin." She hides behind the GM
Rei Ayanami pulls another cheeto and
Jane Shepard says "Um... so what is
everyone playing?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Oh yeah introduce
your characters to each other, you're already a
traveling band after all." She jots down stuff.
Rei Ayanami: "I am playing an Eldarin Promethean Peasant/Mercenary. Her
name is Yuzuki. She has three strength, three
dexterity, three constitution, two intelligence,
three wisdom....", is she going to go on like
this for long?
Ai Yamashiro peeks from over the
screen "She likes animals!" Then she goes back
to notes.
James Arroyo: "Um, okay, my character's name is Jacov and he's a..." he double
checks his character sheet, "He's an
Asheemahr Paragon Fighter. He's got a darksteel greatsword." This is all the description he
can really provide.
Ai Yamashiro passes him a note.
Rei Ayanami: "two charm, one animal
ken, with a specialization of farm animals, one
scrutiny. Seven Hit Points, six resolve......six
pyros.", she's not stopping.



Anthony Hartman: "Mine's Peter.

He's a Human Paragon Bard. That's about as
close as I could get to my source material anyway."
James Arroyo: "Source material?"
James asks.
Anthony Hartman: "Yeah. I tried to
make Paul Muad'dib from Dune. It didn't
work so well when I'm only level one."
Jane Shepard: "My character is
named Traya. She's a Tiefling Werewolf who
mostly fights with her bare hands. Oh and...
um... you probably shouldn't be around her if
she gets angry."
Anthony Hartman: "I mean, he's a
fencer, a Mentat, has Bene Gesserit training
and is the Kwisatz Hadderach. That's kind of
hard to stat."
James Arroyo: "Ah..." James displays
his ignorance, "That's the book with the Potato guy, right?"
Rei Ayanami: "A what?", Rei stops
quoting stats long enough to look at Anthony,
confused. Another cheeto is eaten.
Ai Yamashiro folds over a piece of
paper and passes it to Anthony. "You, read
Anthony Hartman: "...Potato guy?"
Ai Yamashiro pokes Anthony to grab
the slip.
Anthony Hartman: "A mentat. Basically a human computer. Highly intelligent
and can do complicated math and strategy in
their own head."
James Arroyo: "Yeah. There was a
guy, he had something to do with potatos.
And he was really important," James tries to
Anthony Hartman picks up the paper
and reads it.
James Arroyo: "No that wasn't why he
was the potato guy." He snaps his fingers with
a smile. "Idaho!"
Anthony Hartman: "Oh! Duncan
Idaho. Yeah."
James Arroyo: "That's it," James
points at him and nods.
Ai Yamashiro looks over the screen
"Hey, Jane."
Rei Ayanami: "This is like....Barrens
chat, yes?" She suddenly pulls a reference that


these kids probably don't understand, considering World of Warcraft pretty much ended
before they were born.
Jane Shepard looks at Ai. "Yeah?"
Ai Yamashiro hands her a slip. She's
blissfully ignoring what everyone is talking
Jane Shepard takes the mysterious
note. Terribly mysterious.
Anthony Hartman: "I should have
made him instead on second thought. He'd be
easier to stat out, even if he did kill nineteen
Sardaukar on his own."
Ai Yamashiro looks at Rei and then
looks at her notes, then looks at Rei again and
then looks at her notes.
Rei Ayanami stares at Ai now, bringing another cheese puff to her mouth.
Ai Yamashiro seems very focused on
her own gazing.
Jane Shepard helps herself to food.
Ai Yamashiro: At some point she
shrugs and continues on with whatever she's
Rei Ayanami: "Is something wrong?"
Ai Yamashiro looks up "No, nothing."
super casual.
Rei Ayanami finally stops eating in a
steady, slow stream, one cheese puff at a time,
to finally comment. "These are good."
Ai Yamashiro grabs her notebook and
fiddles with it just as mysteriously as with her
notes behind the GM screen.
James Arroyo reaches to the bag to try
Ai Yamashiro hits a few keys and then
James Arroyo: "Hm," he eats one.
"These are good," he examines his slightly orange thumb and index finger. "Little messy
though," he licks off the cheese powder.
Ai Yamashiro: "It is done! So... everyone ready?"
James Arroyo: "We got lots of japanese food too," he remembers, standing up so
that he can open the bag and lay it all out on
the table. "I wasn't sure what everyone wanted
so we just got everything."
Rei Ayanami has avoided the problems involved with cheese powder by taking
hold of them as lightly as possible, using her


nails as well as fingertips, and balance to avoid

adding pressure. Very precise.
Anthony Hartman grabs himself some
teriyaki shrimp.
Ai Yamashiro rubs hands, she hasn't
tried the food yet and is reminded to grab a
chopstick and nibble on it a bit.
Anthony Hartman: "'s good too."
Ai Yamashiro: "You got your dice?"
Rei Ayanami: "Is any of that food vegetarian?", Rei asks.
Jane Shepard reaches over to get
Tony's shrimp and pauses mid-snatch. "Dice!
I knew I was forgetting something!"
James Arroyo: "Um, We got onion
soup and miso soup. And these soybean
things. Um, The white rice. The fried rice has
some eggs, is that vegetarian?" he scrambles
looking around, "There's a cucumber roll. It's
got avocado and stuff..."
need....dice? I assumed that you handled all
number parsing."
Ai Yamashiro makes a :I face and protectively embraces her own pool of dice. She
goes no no with an index finger.
James Arroyo: "Um... I thought I
could borrow your dice..." James confesses he
does not have any either.
Anthony Hartman: "Yeah, I got some
dice." he pulls some d6s out of his pocket, "I
had to ransack some old board games though."
Ai Yamashiro states "DtD uses d10s."
Anthony Hartman: "What's a d10?"
Rei Ayanami goes for the cucumber
rolls almost immediately.
Ai Yamashiro: "Dee tens are ten sided
die- Good God did anybody read the introduction in the manual?"
Anthony Hartman: "I kind of
skimmed that part..."
Rei Ayanami: "I did not. Ikari told
me that this is how people played World of
Warcraft after the Impact, so I let him tell me
about World of Warcraft instead."
Ai Yamashiro: "...Well I guess we'll
share them." she looks at her beautiful crystal
dice and then at everyone's greasy cheeto
stained hands.
James Arroyo gets the picture and
licks his fingers more thoroughly.

Ai Yamashiro is ironically moved by

this display and decides that today dice will
roll as few times as possible "Okay then... we'll
start." She clears her throat. "So... a robot, a
knight, a furry and a reference walk into a tavern. That's you, by the way."
Rei Ayanami: "Wait, Michael told me
to do something if you said something like
Ai Yamashiro: "...Like what?"
Rei Ayanami fishes around for the
note, finds it, and then...."I put on my robe
and wizard hat."
Ai Yamashiro smiles.
Rei Ayanami frowns. "I don't have a
robe or wizard hat, though."
Ai Yamashiro: "Anyway..." She looks
over the group. "The name of the place is
'Megillot'. A small tavern for a small Crystal
Sphere, going by the name of Balmar,
nonetheless it is a good place as any to crash
after one's travels and though it is not as
packed or luxurious as those from Sigil but it
is busy enough and offers the usual services. "
James Arroyo begins digging into the
dragon roll as he listens to the narrative.
Rei Ayanami finds a novel use for
chopsticks: cheetos.
Anthony Hartman Mmm shrimps.
Ai Yamashiro: "There's various kinds
of people around, from several races, and it is
just loud enough for you to get into the partyesque atmosphere. If you so desire, what do
you do?"
Jane Shepard looks at what Rei is
doing. She tilts her head. Jane Shepard whispers. "Genius."
Rei Ayanami: "Are there any animals?"
Ai Yamashiro: "You're traveling with
a werewolf."
Jane Shepard looks up and frowns.
"Hey! She's-I'm not an animal."
Ai Yamashiro pokes out her tongue
"Ooother than hybrids such as lycanthropes
and dragonborn, nope." She thinks for a moment. "There's a big bearded fat guy tending
the place though."
Rei Ayanami thinks. "I will pet the
Jane Shepard: "...I don't even know



how to respond to this."

Ai Yamashiro: "Well, what would
your character do?"
Anthony Hartman chuckles to himself.
James Arroyo: "Well... we're supposed
to be traveling companions, so I suppose this
isn't the first time she's done this?" James
points out.
Ai Yamashiro: "Does she have cute
wolf ears?"
Jane Shepard: "She's not in warform,
so she's just an average-looking Tiefling covered in tattoos."
Rei Ayanami: "I ask the werewolf to
turn into a wolf."
Ai Yamashiro: "You should know that
to us, hybrid girls always retain their cute animalistic features in human form."
Jane Shepard: "I'm not going to turn
into a wolf in the middle of a bar."
Rei Ayanami: "Then should we find a
Jane Shepard: "I'm going to go to the
bar and get drinks. All the drinks."
Ai Yamashiro: "You can get all of the
drinks, want some Gan Eden Apple Juice?"
James Arroyo: "I bought one point in
holdings, which is like, a small spelljammer.
Maybe we can run a restaurant out of it like
that chinese guy in Fifth Element?"
Ai Yamashiro: "You're going to sacrifice some dots in wealth to start it off though."
James Arroyo: "I got a dot," James
replies helpfully.
Ai Yamashiro: "That's enough to buy
expensive food, but not to begin a business.
Anyway... I assume you other three are sitting?"
Jane Shepard uses a terrible accent of
some kind that is supposed to be irish? british?
She is not good at accent. "Give me four of
your strongest drinks."
Rei Ayanami looks at James. "I also
have a small spelljammer. Perhaps we could
camp a spawn?" She does not look like she
knows what she's talking about.
Anthony Hartman: "Do we all have
our own private spelljammer or something?"
James Arroyo: "Spawn, you mean like
fish?" he asks.


Ai Yamashiro responds sounding like

a typical japanese would imagine a big american bartender would sound "Of course, sweet
horns. Will you have anything to eat?"
Rei Ayanami: "I don't know. Ikari
told me about camping spawns being important. And raiding. And instanced dungeons.",
and then in the same beat, "I pet the tiefling's
Anthony Hartman: "So...we're supposed to raid dungeons and camp with fish?"
Ai Yamashiro: "I'll give you guys a
quest soon, for now get used to trying to act
in character. Talk to each other."
Jane Shepard smiles, then continues
in her awful accent. "Maybe in a few minutes,
if you have something that still has some moo
to it."
James Arroyo: "So, we just need to
find a dungeon?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "He nods and passes
Jane four jars. I mean Traya."
Rei Ayanami: "Wait, what are your
character's names?"
Jane Shepard: "I thank him and walk
over to the table. 'I got us all some drinks.'"
Anthony Hartman: "I guess. Do we
have a map, or are we supposed to ask someone for directions?"
James Arroyo: "Jacov," James replies.
Jane Shepard: "My character's name
is Traya. Traya Psine Kaos."
James Arroyo: "I think it's supposed
to be pronounced like Jacob," he adds.
Ai Yamashiro: "You're new in town,
resting up after a long trip and open to propositions of odd jobs for adventurers."
Anthony Hartman: "Peter Ignasi."
Rei Ayanami: "Yuzuki."
Ai Yamashiro: "So Traya gets you all
drinks, then a man in a caped, elegant black
outfit approaches your table, face masked in
an ornate white disguise with four eyes that
appear to be part of the mask." She looks
around the table. "'I want to hire you' he says,
a voice that sounds masculine but could be
distorted from under the mask."
James Arroyo looks at the others.
"Which one of us is, like, in charge?" he asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "That's up to you to
decide... BUT."


Anthony Hartman: "Do I have to roll

to see if I get drunk?"
Rei Ayanami: "I don't want to be in
Ai Yamashiro: "The masked man is
looking at You." she points to James. "He's
probably assuming that you are." She sighs at
Tony. "Just drink, Anthony."
James Arroyo: "Is it because my character is really tall?" James muses, "Um. Okay,
'Sure, what's the job?' ...I ask."
Rei Ayanami: "Is the drink good?"
Anthony Hartman: "Ok. I drink the
whatever and let James handle the guy."
Jane Shepard: "I drain the drink in
one go."
Ai Yamashiro: "It tastes like alcohol
mixed with apple juice. Its not going to down
you if you do that but try a few more of these
and it'll have you seeing kachina in the galaxy."
Rei Ayanami: "I don't like it. Does
anyone want my drink?"
Ai Yamashiro: "The man, well he's
rather stoic. And explains that he hails from
the house of Nashim, home of scholars and
diplomats, from where an artifact of value has
been stolen." She pauses. "Although he knows
not of the true purpose of this item, its Abyssal
origins and the nature of those that ransacked
their home leads them to believe it is of a sinister nature."
James Arroyo: "I dunno, that sounds
like a good quest," James says, "Do we want
to take this one?" he asks the other players. He
offers edamame as he does so.
Ai Yamashiro: "Oh and this artifact
goes by the name of... the Tetractys Cross." Ai
then presses a button on her computer. DUN
Jane Shepard: "'That depends on
what the pay is like.'"
Ai Yamashiro looks for two slips of
paper and, after reading them, passes them to
James and Anthony.
Anthony Hartman picks his up and
reads it.
James Arroyo: "Um, should we know
what the Tetracross is?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Nope. It is unknown."
Anthony Hartman: "Oh, um...'I think
we should take it.'"

James Arroyo nods.

Rei Ayanami: "We should take the
quest anyway. Maybe it drops rare loot.", Rei
seems to prefer the cucumber rolls to what
James offers.
Ai Yamashiro: "Well to you, and for
now, if you have Contacts to ask questions
around or you have artifact lores, maybe you
can guess something." She smiles. "Or find
out something."
Jane Shepard: "I have contacts!"
James Arroyo: "Okay. 'Alright. We'll
take the job.' Does he have leads?" he asks Ai.
Ai Yamashiro raises a finger and nods
to Jane, she'll go on on that after she responds
to James "He says that the nihilistic House of
Angelus had an exalt agent operate under the
cover of night, those that saw it speak of a pale
skinned mutant in a colorful costume like a
court jester's, and because of Balmarian court
politics they are impeded from going through
official channels at the moment. So they'll use
hired hands." She makes motions with her
hands for emphasis as she speaks. "Houses are
kind of a big deal here so if you ask around
people will tell you stuff or you can ask people
you know."
James Arroyo: "Um, do I know what
the House of Angelus or Balmar is?"
Jane Shepard: "Hmmm..."
Ai Yamashiro: "Balmar is the Crystal
Sphere you're stopping in. The House of Angelus is, well, a noble house. The name doesn't
ring a bell, this place isn't that well known
where you guys are from."
Anthony Hartman: "A noble house?
So would I know who they are then?"
Ai Yamashiro: "You're from a big
house, you never heard of these guys before,
but maybe people you know did. He says that
while the House of Angelus -is- well guarded,
Lord Angelus will be hosting a ball tomorrow
night providing an opportunity to sneak in.
He'll leave the means of accessing the manor
to you, and will offer a map of the manor and
its surroundings and, as for the reward, he
points to the treasure vault and gives you an
access code to the spell-locked door telling you
that you're free to keep whatever is in there as
long as you also bring the Tetractys Cross.
She pauses to make sure people are getting



this. "The map has several locations marked

out." she waves a piece of paper with a drawn
map "Who wants it?"
James Arroyo: "Whoever has the highest intelligence?" James suggests.
Anthony Hartman: "Ok...I have three
Ai Yamashiro: "I think that'd be
Anth- oh, um anyone has four?"
Jane Shepard: "So how tough is this
vault? Like, can it stand up to explosives?"
James Arroyo: "I only have a two."
Rei Ayanami: "I have two intelligence."
Jane Shepard: "...Traya has a one."
James Arroyo: "Anthony gets it."
Ai Yamashiro passes the map first to
Anthony. The manor has a big and well
guarded main gate, after which there's the
main entrance to the building proper, the
other obvious means of bypassing the main
gates are the unguarded woods behind it. The
rooms marked inside are, in no particular
order, a study, a kitchen, the rooms of some
key nobles inhabiting it, the vault, the ballroom, and a laboratory. "The door may or
may not stand up to explosives but this... is a
sneaking mission. Bombs are kind of loud and
there's lots of guards."
Rei Ayanami: "How many hit points
do the guards have?"
Anthony Hartman: "We 're supposed
to be exalted heroes, right? Why don't we just
charge in?"
Jane Shepard: "And the last thing
they'll expect is an aerial attack!"
Ai Yamashiro: "The guards are
weaker than you guys, but there's a good number of them. Like five to one. Lord Angelus
likely has his own elite guard, they always do."
James Arroyo: "Can't Anthony just
get himself invited? He's a noble right?"
Anthony Hartman: "I'm supposed to
be in hiding though."
Ai Yamashiro: "Maybe he can, you'd
have to investigate the house a bit to know
how to get an invite."
James Arroyo: "Who has... allies or
contacts?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "He'll say that House
Angelus tends to deal with seedier crowds,


dark eldarin pirates, ork mercenaries, the

Jane Shepard: "I've got three dots of
James Arroyo: "Then I guess you
should snoop around?"
Jane Shepard: "Sure. I'll wait until he
guy is done."
Rei Ayanami: "Maybe.....", Rei
thinks, putting a chopstick-held cheeto to her
lips. "If they have fire alarms. My character,
with tech-use and her tool could set them off
and cause everyone to evacuate."
Ai Yamashiro: "They probably do
have fire alarms. And unless you have questions, he'll leave you be."
Jane Shepard: "Well if he's done I'm
going to go and get in touch with some people."
James Arroyo: "I'll drink my applethingy, then," James decides.
Ai Yamashiro: "Sure, who are you
gonna call?"
Jane Shepard thinks for a moment. "I
guess I'll have to find people on the wrong side
of the law."
Ai Yamashiro: "Okay so take a number of dice equal to your contacts and either
charisma or fellowship and roll them."
Jane Shepard rolls some dice.
Rei Ayanami watches the dice roll.
Jane Shepard: "Um... 25! That's
pretty good, right?"
Ai Yamashiro whistles. "Yeah it is,
give me a minute."
Rei Ayanami: "It is 2.5 points above
the statistical average."
Ai Yamashiro passes her a note.
Jane Shepard reads the note. She
smiles. "Well this should be easy."
Ai Yamashiro pokerfaces behind the
GM screen.
Rei Ayanami then asks a question. "I
thought people were supposed to roll behind
that.", she points to the GM screen.
Jane Shepard: "After I go gather information, I come back to the table."
Ai Yamashiro: "Oh that's what I do
when I don't want you guys to see what happens."
Anthony Hartman: "Wait, you're hid-


ing it from us? How do we know whether you

really rolled what you rolled then?"
Jane Shepard resumes her awful accent, which from now on will be denoted by :.
"I've got a way in for me.:"
Ai Yamashiro smiles at Anthony, and
is about to explain when she checks her purse
and draws out her cell phone "Um, go ahead
and talk between yourselves in-character, I
need to get this." she moves away from the
table and to another room but keeps the contents of her screen within sight.
Rei Ayanami: "Just for you?", Rei asks
Jane....er, Yuzuki asks Traya.
Jane Shepard: "They trade with some
locals from my tribe, and on top of that they've
invited members of the Society of Sensation,
which I am also a member of."
Rei Ayanami: "You have a tribe?", Rei
Jane Shepard: "My character is a
Black Spiral Dancer."
Rei Ayanami: "Do they have farms?"
Jane Shepard: "Werewolves really
aren't big on farming, I think."
Rei Ayanami: "That's too bad."
Anthony Hartman: "Not even livestock?"
Jane Shepard smiles a little. "Werewolves prefer to find freerange prey. Unsuspecting prey."
Anthony Hartman: "Never likes to do
things the easy way." shrimp nom nom,
"Sounds like someone I know."
Jane Shepard giggles. "Anyway,
maybe I can get one or two of you in as a personal servant."
James Arroyo: "How common are
weapons in this world?" James asks Ai. "Because I got a really big sword and I'm not sure
whether people would like a 'servant' running
around with one."
Rei Ayanami: "I have weapons that
are hidden on my person."
Ai Yamashiro makes a signal that kind
of says 'you'll have to hide it' from her corner
with the phone.
James Arroyo: "I don't think I can
hide it," James considers.
Jane Shepard: "Just hide it in a long

Anthony Hartman: "Mine are fairly

easily hidable, I think. Just a fencing sword
and a laspistol."
Ai Yamashiro returns and pockets the
talky thingy "Sorry about that. You could pass
off as a guard with the proper attire."
Rei Ayanami: "Or.", Rei considers.
"Pretend you are a musician and hide it in a
Ai Yamashiro: "Maybe Traya has a
bodyguard AND a troubadour AND a maid
Jane Shepard laughs. "If I'm going to
play that part, I might need a more elaborate
Ai Yamashiro rolls a single die. "A
one? Alright, the people that go there aren't
necessarily the most well dressed ones, like the
dark elves, and they often have retainers that
are just as poorly dressed as them."
Jane Shepard: "Well, I guess the disposable leathers I'm wearing should be fine,
then. Werewolves probably don't go much for
clothes anyway."
Rei Ayanami frowns. "Am I very
poorly dressed? It says here my robe is good
Ai Yamashiro: "That's up to how you
describe it, I think. One could argue leather
from a sex shop is of best quality."
James Arroyo ...reacts to that statement.
Anthony Hartman: "...What?"
Jane Shepard blushes a little. "Well."
Ai Yamashiro blinks "What?"
Rei Ayanami then goes glassy-eyed
for a moment, and her cheeks redden slightly,
and a dumb smile comes on her face. "A pretty
blue yukata."
Ai Yamashiro: "The book doesn't go
into much detail but kind of implies that with
the sample character. A blue yukata is fine.
Are you done planning?"
Jane Shepard: "I am."
James Arroyo: "Um, okay."
Rei Ayanami: "I believe so."
Ai Yamashiro: "Well then, you pass
the night uneventfully at the inn or your spelljammers. You have a day to prepare, is there
anything you want to get done before the



Rei Ayanami: "Can I find any animals?"

James Arroyo: "How will we break
into their vault?"
Jane Shepard: "Hmmm... I try and get
a formal invitation from the Sensates."
Ai Yamashiro rolls a die.
Anthony Hartman: "Shmooze with
the nobles."
Ai Yamashiro: "Yuzuki, just outside
your spelljammer there's an abandoned house
full of kittens." She looks at Jane. "Traya?
You're using your backing, right?"
Jane Shepard: "Yes."
Rei Ayanami: "I spend the night befriending them all. I don't need to sleep,
breathe, or eat."
James Arroyo: "Do you own a pet,
Ms. Ayanami?" James asks.
Rei Ayanami: "No."
James Arroyo: "Are you allergic?"
Rei Ayanami: "I have no allergies."
Ai Yamashiro: "Okay, Yuzuki?
They're hungry. Traya, they tell you that to
give you an invitation you will have to act well
in their name. That means no murder that the
host doesn't approve of."
James Arroyo shrugs. "I'm surprised
you don't own one."
Rei Ayanami frowns. "I don't think I
have enough wealth to feed them all."
Ai Yamashiro: "You could find an alternative means."
Rei Ayanami: "Ikari used to care for a
cat. But I do not think it is wise to own a pet
when I am so busy.", Rei says, and then...."Alternative means?"
Jane Shepard: "...None at all? Not
even a *little* murder?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Well for starters, you
were told you could loot the treasure vault as
part of your contract." Ai turns to Jane
"Maybe if you don't get caught."
Jane Shepard: "Well that's fine. Traya
is a *master* at being subtle."
Ai Yamashiro: "Either way, Rei, they
will follow you everywhere the next day. Even
to the Spelljammer. And to the manor. What
do you do?"
Rei Ayanami nods, understanding. "I
tell the kittens to make do until I can get


enough money for them. Then I prepare. I will

lock the spelljammer so that they can not fall
out or anything, and I will instruct the crew to
take care of them. When I get to the manor, I
will follow Traya."
Ai Yamashiro: "Nice, so that's it for
you two. Jame-Jakov and Ignasi Jr.?"
James Arroyo: "I'm acting as their
bodyguard, right?" James asks.
Jane Shepard: "Well I am totally unarmed and vulnerable."
Anthony Hartman: "That's what I
thought as well. If we're bodyguards, that
means we're allowed to carry our weapons
openly, right?"
Ai Yamashiro: "If they're allowed
weapons, yes. They won't let you walk in with
a flamethrower. A sword... you can see to that
when you get there."
Anthony Hartman: "Well, that's all he
has is a sword and pistol. A fencing sword
Ai Yamashiro pokerfaces "It should
be fine." She pauses. "Wanna move on?"
James Arroyo: "I have other weapons
but I don't have proficiency in them. Just the
Ai Yamashiro: "Well then, you're
standing in front of the big and not very pearly
gates leading you inside the territory of House
Angelus, your first obstacle are the two stationed guards that say no greatswords or other
two handed weapons are allowed, including rifles if you have any."
James Arroyo: "Hmm. Ai, I have a
Ai Yamashiro: "What is it?"
James Arroyo: "Other people can use
my greatsword, right?"
Rei Ayanami: "My weapons can't be
Ai Yamashiro: "They can, but they're
not as good as you are with it. You're fine
then, Yuzuki. They don't really seem to know
you can hide them and if they do don't care."
Anthony Hartman: "Mine are all onehanded."
James Arroyo: "Well, a normal person
is Size 4 and I'm Size 5, which means I'm like,
7 feet tall. Can't I just show them I can carry
it in one hand?"


Ai Yamashiro: "...Explain this incharacter to them?"

Jane Shepard: "If it doesn't work I'll
use Traya's feminine wiles."
James Arroyo: "Um, okay. When the
people at the door try to stop me I look at
them and say, 'It's a one handed sword.'"
Ai Yamashiro: "The guys look at each
other and one of them goes 'I'm talking to the
owner, not to the mule'."
Jane Shepard smirks.
Ai Yamashiro: "You can try to hide it,
convince them with a dice roll, slip past them,
or something else."
James Arroyo: "Did he just call my
character a mule?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "Literally."
James Arroyo: "I have a... Charisma
of 3 and a Command of 2."
Ai Yamashiro: "Well, do you want to
do something with that?"
Rei Ayanami: "There's a mule? Can I
befriend him?"
Ai Yamashiro: "They said Jakov was
a mule." She points to James.
James Arroyo: "I want to convince
him to let me through."
Jane Shepard: "I'm sure it's no trouble. It's got... sentimental value for my bodyguard."
Ai Yamashiro: "Who speaks first?"
Jane Shepard: "I'll try first."
James Arroyo: "She's better at it,
Jane Shepard: "Well, I do have Appearance."
Ai Yamashiro: "She is, I think. Give
me a roll then, fellowship and charm." She
considers. "Oh and add Appearance to that."
Then she looks around the table. "In fact, give
me perception rolls, everyone. Wisdom plus
your Perception score."
Jane Shepard rolls some dice. "Um...
James Arroyo checks his sheets for the
Anthony Hartman: "Uh...15."
James Arroyo: "Seventeen," James
says. "I could spend Pressure to raise it to 20,"
he says.
Jane Shepard: "My perception roll is

17 too."
Rei Ayanami: "Thirteen."
Ai Yamashiro: "You sense the smell
of alcohol in their breath, and though one of
them was going to ask for a bribe Traya's request has the other one tell the group to go on
Jane Shepard: "Traya winks at him
and blows him a kiss as we walk in."
Ai Yamashiro: "He gets berated at
and starts to argue with his friend."
Jane Shepard: "See? That was easy
James Arroyo: "They're not going to
get in trouble, are they?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "Maybe!"
Jane Shepard: "Who cares?"
Anthony Hartman: "Getting drunk
and letting in some armed strangers?"
Jane Shepard: "We're not strangers. I
got an *official* invitation."
Rei Ayanami: "They will get over it.",
Rei says. "Moreover, they will likely forget
when a fire alarm goes off. I will follow Traya
and look subservient."
Ai Yamashiro: "Beside the pathway
you follow is a natural labyrinth of wood and
rock. In the distance you can see the figure of
the manor. Do another wisdom and perception test and tell me if it is over 15."
Jane Shepard sighs. "Nope."
Anthony Hartman: "Yep." He rolls
dice. "Well...I got 15 exactly."
James Arroyo: "I got a..." James
rerolls, "a..." James rerolls again, "I got a 33"
he looks up.
Rei Ayanami rolls but doesn't say anything.
Ai Yamashiro: "Anthony, you think
for a moment that you see- huh. Okay, um,
James, you see a big cat watching you guys
walk by from a tree, its eyes flashing in the
James Arroyo: "I tell Ms. Ayanami because she likes cats."
Rei Ayanami: "I can't get distracted.
A cat like that can find its own food."
James Arroyo: "Maybe its dangerous?
I tell everyone."
Anthony Hartman: "Peter gets nervous. 'Did you see what kind of cat it was?'"



James Arroyo: "Well, it was big,

and..." he looks at Ai for more details
Ai Yamashiro: "And black and natural
sized, it jumps down and gets lost in the greenery while you discuss."
Jane Shepard: "Traya almost goes
running after it."
James Arroyo: "Natural sized? So, big
but not huge, like a panther or something."
Ai Yamashiro: "Exactly."
Anthony Hartman: "He relaxes
Ai Yamashiro: "Do you keep going?"
James Arroyo: "Yeah, I guess we go
mingle and then try to find the vault?"
Jane Shepard: "Yeah. We'll go and
talk, mingle, and then tear the vault door free
and steal everything."
Ai Yamashiro: "Alright, you reach the
main garden in front of the entrance. A large
and apparently bottomless pond adorns the
center, its contents provided from the mouth
of a sea serpent rising from the center of the
James Arroyo: "I only have a strength
3, I don't know how much we can carry."
Rei Ayanami: "I'll just...stay with
Traya. And look for fire alarms."
Ai Yamashiro: "Already before entering you can see a heterogeneous gathering of
races: From Dragonborn to Dark Eldarin,
with Humans, Tieflings and the odd Ork in
between. You can make out the music from
the ball room as you close the distance. Reminiscent of classic dragonborn symphonies,
and yet it sounds... broken, dissonant even,
the same looping melody with slight changes
in tone or instruments each time played over
and over, the cacophony becoming louder and
more intense until its abrupt end. Then it begins anew." she hits the enter key of her computer and music starts playing.
Rei Ayanami: "....I wonder if you'd be
able to hear a fire alarm over this."
Jane Shepard: "Huh."
Ai Yamashiro: "It should be loud
enough for that."
James Arroyo: "This sounds like boss
fight music," James observes.
Jane Shepard: "Well, Traya walks in
like she owns the place. Which she doesn't.


Ai Yamashiro: "Relax, you're not
going to fight anyone unless you look for it yet.
Your disguise is solid enough, and Traya does
turn a few heads. A dome-shaped hall the
color of red wine mingled with stone welcomes
you, rows of draconic caryatids are lined up on
all sides around a huge central table full of ornaments and refreshments. Several portraits
hung up on the walls depict dragonborn of
various attire, all well-dressed and of a notable
morbid gaze." she queues another track.
"Some of the attendees are dancing, others are
engorging themselves on food that may or may
not be alive, others are talking and laughing,
most of them with bound retainers at their
side, of origins as varied as their states of well
being." She pauses. "Most of them are a tad
more bruised than the group though."
Jane Shepard: "Well the first thing I
should do is present myself to the host."
James Arroyo: "OH. The guard
thought we were slave?" James asks aloud.
Ai Yamashiro: "Yyyyyep."
Rei Ayanami: "I will follow her. Also,
can I befriend living food?"
James Arroyo: "Okay, that makes a lot
more sense. I've got Law o' the Stars, we really
should do something to free them."
Jane Shepard: "Slavery is probably
perfectly legal here."
James Arroyo: "Legal doesn't mean
good," James says pointedly.
Anthony Hartman: "No, but trying to
free them is a good way for us to get caught."
Ai Yamashiro: "There's an aristocratic
looking red Dragonborn that isn't talking with
anyone and just appears to be looking at the
other guests in general. Yuzuki, most of the
living food are invertebrates. There's worms,
worm looking things with legs and pincers,
things that may not be cockroaches but sure
do look the part, etc."
Rei Ayanami: "We'll free them when
the fire alarms go off and things become
chaotic. I do not think it is ethical to eat stillliving animals."
Jane Shepard thinks. "...So they have
fresh Gagh?"
Anthony Hartman laughs at her comment.


James Arroyo: "That's just cruel,"

James says.
Anthony Hartman: "So Dragonborn
are Klingons?"
Jane Shepard: "Well they are the
Honorable Warrior Race."
Ai Yamashiro: "Not here though. You
spot a human plucking wings off a beetle before rolling it up and crunching on it noisily."
Jane Shepard: "I walk over to the
Dragonborn." She coughs. "Why hello there~
I'm Traya Psine Kaos."
Anthony Hartman: "I follow. I'm supposed to be a bodyguard here, after all."
James Arroyo: "Yeah, me too."
Ai Yamashiro: "He turns to you bemused, owner of a calm and soothing voice"
that she fails to do "He extends a hand to take
in yours. 'Greetings and be welcomed.' he
smiles through serpentine features, 'How
pleasant it is these days to run into someone
that doesn't exploit having advantage of knowing one's identity for amusement, it has been
at the order of the day with the new blood this
evening, I trust you are enjoying yourself.'"
Jane Shepard: "I just arrived. I wanted
to show common courtesy before indulging.."
Ai Yamashiro: "'I am moved by this
display of courtesy. Just because we revel in
our excess it does not mean we have to lose
our manners. I wish more young ones knew of
that these days'. There's guards inside but
they're few and far in between inside this
Jane Shepard: "Traya smiles. There
are a lot of reasons to treat people well, and
few to treat them badly. There's never a reason
to ruin an experience for another."
Ai Yamashiro: "'How true. Well then,
I must concern myself with ensuring that the
experiences of others go unmolested. It was a
Jane Shepard: "Of course: I'm going
to go try the live buffet, then."
Ai Yamashiro: "He disappears into
the darkness beyond the hall. What do you
Jane Shepard: "Well, let's mingle a bit
and then try to look inconspicuous and rob
him blind."
Rei Ayanami: "I'm just going to follow

Traya. And avoid the invertebrates."

James Arroyo: "I guess I keep on following since I'm part of her entourage."
Anthony Hartman: "I don't suppose
anybody's going to be willing to speak to a
slave bodyguard, so I'll follow, and try to
eavesdrop the best I can while looking like I'm
not. Do I need to roll anything?"
Jane Shepard: "I try a little of everything and try to work my way into some conversations."
Ai Yamashiro: "The food is squishy
for the most part, the drinks are volcanic, and
of the more outstanding guests in there are a
lithe, feminine dragonborn dressed in an elegant robe of fine silk that was just now looking
in your direction, a dark eldarin that couldn't
be any paler if he were undead or actually may
be undead and is drinking alone, a butchy
human female that looks like a soldier and a
guy that may or may not be a literal wereshark.
As for getting information? Let me look it up...
uh... Politics or Perception to go along with
Intelligence or Wisdom."
Anthony Hartman: "Ok...rolled 16."
Jane Shepard rolls some dice. She
stares at them for a moment, then just pushes
them away. "...I think other people are going
to have to be observant for now."
Ai Yamashiro smiles "Anthony you
catch wind of a discussion about the rise of the
true draconic deity Tiamat."
Jane Shepard: "I walk over to the feminine dragonborn. I couldn't help but notice
you looking~"
Ai Yamashiro: Eyes roll "Oh I beg of
you, spare me the pleasantries. If you want my
father's favor and are willing to sink that low,
that's your thing but don't try to sweet talk me-'."
Jane Shepard: "Now what's that supposed to mean? I'm just looking for pleasant
Rei Ayanami decides that this is a
wonderful time to continue eating cheetos.
Ai Yamashiro: "Yes you and every
other one that dresses, if that can be called
dressing, like that is only looking for pleasant
company. Look, I don't really care, just keep
me out of it. Tzeentch knows I have enough
trouble just dealing with the people that want



to use me against him.'"

Anthony Hartman: "Hmm...I have a
charm of 2, and 3 persuade. Maybe I could
convince her?"
Jane Shepard: "You just have no appreciation for Tiefling styles."
Ai Yamashiro: "You're free to try, Anthony, she does in fact raise an eyebrow at her
unusual bodyguards. 'I wonder why that could
be. Now, is there anything I can do for you?'"
Anthony Hartman: "Ok. Rolled 33 for
charm." He smiles. "'You'll have to forgive my
employer, madam. She simply mistook you for
an invitation. Not that I blame her in the
Ai Yamashiro: "'You know, the last
trio that tried to barge in at least had the common sense not to go out of their roles.' she
folds arms" Ai imitates her movements "a lip
curls 'Are you thieves and/or assassins after the
Tetractys Cross/My father? And I don't do
mammals so don't even try it.'"
Anthony Hartman: "Huh? I rolled a
33. I thought that was good."
Jane Shepard: "See, we should have
gone with the aerial attack."
Rei Ayanami looks blankly at Ai.
"You're very rude.", she'll say.
Ai Yamashiro: "Just answer her."
Jane Shepard: "Traya sniffs, offended.
You're just being a racist. Not all Tieflings are
Anthony Hartman: "I'm not too sure
implying the host's daughter of racism is such
a good idea right now."
Ai Yamashiro: "'Well if you're not
then I'm sorry, I'll go back to being annoyed
at how fleeting everyone in this manor acts.'"
James Arroyo continues to eat japanese food seeing as he's not the talky guy.
Anthony Hartman: "Huh. She didn't
blow our cover. Guess my charm did work."
Jane Shepard: "Well. Then I'll leave
you alone."She thinks for a moment. "Okay.
So we need to figure out how to get the the
Ai Yamashiro: "You have a map, but
there is security all over."
Jane Shepard: "We need a distraction."
Rei Ayanami: "Is there a secluded


space with a fire alarm?"

Anthony Hartman: "Well, maybe
James gets to free his slaves after all."
Ai Yamashiro: "The fire alarm controls must be somewhere else. You don't see
any in the ball room."
Jane Shepard: "You could just go start
a fire."
Rei Ayanami: "With what?"
Ai Yamashiro: "That would undoubtedly raise the alarm, though they could also
put the fire off if it actually exists."
Jane Shepard: "If she takes a bottle of
whatever they have to drink here, that should
keep a fire burning hot."
Ai Yamashiro clasps hands together
"You're free to try it."
James Arroyo: "If it backfires people
can die, " James points out, "I really don't like
this plan."
Rei Ayanami: "Then let's look for a
fire alarm. Ai said there were some."
Anthony Hartman: "It's just a game,
Ai Yamashiro: "There must be a control for a fire alarm somewhere, you just don't
know where it is."
James Arroyo: "That's not the point,"
James replies.
Jane Shepard: "It'll be fine. Fire is a
great distraction."
Rei Ayanami: "Let's go look. I'll take
Jacov with me since he doesn't want to start a
real fire. Traya and um. Anthony's character
can try and start a real one."
Ai Yamashiro: "Paul?"
James Arroyo: "Alright," James aquiesces.
Jane Shepard: "Sure. Traya walks
over and starts trying things." She shrugs.
"We'll need something strong to make sure it'll
Anthony Hartman: "Peter. And are
you sure? I'm the one with the map."
Ai Yamashiro looks at James and Rei
and hands them the map "Take a look at the
map and tell me where you want to go then..."
the music continues its drilling tunes. "Now
you're not!"
Rei Ayanami moves closer to James,
taking another cucumber roll, so they can look


over the map. "Fire alarms are generally

spaced equally apart, and in high-traffic hallways.", she says. "If we were looking for a control though, it would probably be somewhere
secure, where it is unlikely to burn."
James Arroyo: "Are there any places
where servants and slaves are hanging
around?" James asks, "You know, so their
master's can have some privacy?"
Ai Yamashiro puts a hand to her
mouth and waits for them to finish their discourse, while eyeing Jane and her description
of trying out things.
Jane Shepard: "I'll take a sip of everything."
Ai Yamashiro: "Servants don't get privacy, maybe they lie in the kitchen or outside."
She looks at Jane. "You find a drink that you
can describe as... a firestorm."
James Arroyo raise a hand in
Ayanami's direction. It's worth a shot.
Jane Shepard: "I'll take a bottle of
that, then."
Ai Yamashiro: "You're not the only
one with a bottle in hand so no one minds."
Rei Ayanami blankly stares at James
in confusion.
James Arroyo: "Maybe the kitchen
has fire alarms," he explains.
Ai Yamashiro: "There's plenty of hallways, stairs... and most of this place is
stonework, one of them could have the controls according to Rei's take."
Jane Shepard: "Now I just need to
find a place to start the fire. I grab Paul. Well,
let's go find somewhere we can be alone..."
Rei Ayanami: "Let's look beneath
stairs before going to the kitchen. Which will
probably be crowded. Or filled with invertebrates."
James Arroyo: "You don't like bugs?"
he observes out of game.
Ai Yamashiro: "The ball room is
pretty packed, do you exit the manor? There's
another entrance to it, though it is also patrolled, a terrace nearby the west wing."
Rei Ayanami: "They're dirty.", Rei
Anthony Hartman: "He plays along.
'Good idea.' he says with a grin."
James Arroyo: "I follow Ms.

Ayanami's lead," he says, deciding its as good

idea as any.
Jane Shepard smiles. "I'll just go out
another exit and act a little drunk and clingy
when the guards are looking."
Rei Ayanami points to a few areas on
the map. "These are the most likely places."
Ai Yamashiro: "The stone passageways are decorated with further draconic imagery, the darkness pierced by beaming light
from reptilian mouths in the walls, the flames
in their eyes all appear to be following your
every move. The one bit of technology that
contrasts with the classical architecture is, as
you expected, the fire alarm cablework, to get
to the controls you cross the stone walls of the
very narrow staircase block your view of what
lies beyond... where you can hear footsteps,
what do you do?"
James Arroyo: "Is that for us or for
Jane and Anthony?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "For you two." she
nods at James and Rei. She rolls a die and
notes "Jane you spot a group of... 5 guards
nearby an inviting terrace according to the description, they're drunk and being very loud.
Some of them resting on the grass, even."
Rei Ayanami: "I.", Rei stops, and
thinks. "The people at this party are self-professed hedonists, correct?"
James Arroyo: "I don't have any
stealth," James says, and then hearing Ai's description of the guards.
Ai Yamashiro nods to Rei "Yes."
James Arroyo: "Do the footsteps
sound drunk?" the half formed question tumbles out of his mouth.
Rei Ayanami: "I put Jacov's hand
down my Yukata and start kissing him."
Ai Yamashiro thinks it over and
smiles to James "...Perhaps?"
James Arroyo: "What?" James recoils.
Ai Yamashiro: "Oooh." She leers
"Three guards pass by you and walk by. They
don't seem to care."
Jane Shepard: "Well, that's one way to
keep them from noticing things."
Anthony Hartman: "It's just a game
James Arroyo: "Still, okay, I wasn't expecting that."



Ai Yamashiro is grinning.
Rei Ayanami: "We should keep up the
act until they've passed completely." She is
completely straight-faced.
James Arroyo: "Even Jacov was surprised," he tries to get back in character,
"...and he has flash." He then facepalms when
he realizes how that can be taken.
Ai Yamashiro gives James a folded
Jane Shepard: "Hey, Ai - do we see
like a Gazebo or anything?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Sure, there is a gazebo
near the fountain and another one in the terrace."
Rei Ayanami: "When they're gone, I
want to hack the control to turn all alarms on,
and to not shut off unless destroyed."
James Arroyo reads the note, and then
covers it with his hand and makes a sort of
helpless expression.
Ai Yamashiro: "That's pretty specific,
add together your intelligence and tech use,
you want 20 or more as a result."
James Arroyo: "Are the guards past
yet?" he asks Ai.
Ai Yamashiro: "They're gone, yes."
Jane Shepard: "Perfect. Tony, Atreides has a laspistol, right?"
James Arroyo: "Um, 'Let's go look for
that fire alarm,' Jacov says."
Anthony Hartman: "Uh yeah." he's
pretty much given up trying to correct them.
Rei Ayanami: "I will spend a hero
point to lower the difficulty by five. Also, I will
spend two pyros to gain two rolled dice, which
gives me an extra kept one due to being made
from orichalcum.", Rei then rolls.
Ai Yamashiro nods.
James Arroyo: "Hold on," James
checks his sheet. "Is there any way I can help
her roll?" he asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "You're antithetical to
technology, aren't you?"
Rei Ayanami: "Twenty-two."
Ai Yamashiro: "Rei, make the roll and
we'll pause with you two for a bit to see what
the others are doing."
James Arroyo: "Oh right. Can I like,
use pressure to cheer her on?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Okay, good."


Ai Yamashiro looks over at Jane and

James Arroyo: "Oh, okay," he withdraws his statement when she passes her roll.
Ai Yamashiro: "I think pressure only
works for your own rolls. Or an opponents,
used against you."
Jane Shepard: "We go for the gazebo
near the pond. If anyone is looking, I'll be appropriately decadent with Paul, then I'll spill
the bottle all over and he can shoot it with the
laspistol until it goes up. Easy enough."
James Arroyo: "Can Command be
used to motivate people? I got a bonus to
Command for being an Ashameer."
Ai Yamashiro: "James, that's only if
you are their leader. Jane, roll wisdom and
Anthony Hartman: "Good idea, actually. That way the fire can just be attributed to
some drunken partygoers instead of obvious
James Arroyo: "Ah, Okay."
Jane Shepard: "I got a 23."
Rei Ayanami: "I believe I need to be
watched, because my tell occurs when I spend
this many resource points automatically."
James Arroyo: "What's your tell?"
Ai Yamashiro: "You catch sight of a
luminescent ball the size of your fist arcing in
your direction from one of the manor's windows over your heads. What do you do? Think
James Arroyo: "Uh, Us or Jane and
Anthony?" he asks.
Rei Ayanami: "I look like a robot."
Ai Yamashiro: "Traya."
Jane Shepard: "...I throw myself into
the pond!"
James Arroyo: "Oh. Um. I have a
cloak you could cover yourself with," he offers.
Anthony Hartman: "Me too, or just
Ai Yamashiro: "Only one and going at
Traya, roll your Dodge plus Dex."
Jane Shepard: "Total of 22."
Ai Yamashiro: "Just enough! The ball
of light grazes past... the bottle! as you jump
into the pond and disappears into the water."
Rei Ayanami: "I don't think that tells
can be concealed, though I may be wrong."


Ai Yamashiro: "No one is watching so

it is fine, Rei."
James Arroyo: "If you can't be seen,
they can't see the tell, right?" he turns to Ai for
a ruling.
Anthony Hartman: "That's odd. I go
to check to see if she's ok."
Ai Yamashiro: "Unless the tell is nonvisual in nature, but if she just looks all
mechanoid, it is no problem. There aren't any
piranhas or anything in the pond so it depends
on how well she can swim."
Jane Shepard: "I have a dot in Athletics."
Ai Yamashiro: roll to not lose the bottle
Jane Shepard rolls dice. "Twenty
Ai Yamashiro: "You can swim safely
your way out of it while still keeping the bottle."
Jane Shepard: "I climb out of the
pond. What was that? Did you see it?:"
Anthony Hartman: "'Not very well. It
was some kind of ball of light or something.'"
Ai Yamashiro: "You can tell where it
came from but by the time you'd get there... it
would be too late to catch whomever did that.
The guards don't seem to have noticed anything other than you going for a swim."
Jane Shepard eats some of the cheetos. "I hope it's not who I think it is. Traya
doesn't say anything about that, though. Let's
get the fire started and get back inside. Clearly
I've had far too much to drink."
Ai Yamashiro: "Tell me how you start
up the fire then, does Paul draw out his gun
and clearly shoot at the spilled contents?"
Anthony Hartman: "Well, he has an
int of 3 right? So he's smart enough to make it
at least look accidental, so maybe he sets it off
when he helps her back up, or when they,
erm...resume the show, so to speak."
Ai Yamashiro nods "The blazes go up
almost immediately and... the alarm rings,
right?" she looks inquisitively at Rei.
Jane Shepard: "Only one thing to do
now. Cheese it! Traya takes off. Hope Paul
can keep up."
Rei Ayanami: "If I succeeded, yes."
Anthony Hartman: "Three dex, two

con...I think he's good. He follows."

Ai Yamashiro: "Then everyone starts
to panic and flee. The guards jump up and get
busy real fast. You guys rush for the vault?"
James Arroyo: "Should we wait for the
guards to run past us before we go?" he asks
Ai Yamashiro: "The majority of them
are on their way out, not many are actually
bothering to help the guests."
Rei Ayanami: "Probably. Or if there
are not many guards, we could take advantage
of the confusion and attack them. But if we
are unwatched, we should simply head towards the vault."
Jane Shepard: "Let's make for the
Vault now, before they get it under control."
Ai Yamashiro: "A stout and polished
set of robust doors is where the map marks the
treasure vault should be."
James Arroyo: "Okay then, I'm pretty
exclusively melee so I guess I take point."
Jane Shepard: "I should really take
James Arroyo: "I mean in my group,"
James says. When we link up we can both
take point."
Jane Shepard: "Your funeral."
Anthony Hartman: "I don't suppose
there's an "open huge doors" skill?"
James Arroyo: "Uh, I got a lockpick,"
James says.
Rei Ayanami: "We have the access
codes, don't we?"
Anthony Hartman: "Oh yeah. I forgot
about that."
Ai Yamashiro: "Runes light up over
the air in front of the door, and you read this:"
she rips a page from a notebook and shows it
to the group.
my first's in adventure but isen't in trip,
my second's in river but isen't in ship,
my third is in chalice but isen't in cup,
my fourth's in ascending but isen't in up,
my fifth is in error but isen't in flaw,
my last is in talon but isen't in claw,
my whole is a beast who will eat you for dinner,
unless in this riddle game you are the winner.
Ai Yamashiro: The map says that the
four possible answers for the ever changing
puzzle are: Dragon, Treasure, Eggs or Lair.



Rei Ayanami: "Is the misspelling intentional?"

James Arroyo: "Uh, would a darksteel
sword cut through the door?" James asks helpfully.
Ai Yamashiro looks again at the text
Jane Shepard: "So we're in a house
full of dragon motifs. Run by dragonborn.
Who were talking about Tiamat. And we need
an answer of six letters. Of which there is only
one. Which is 'Dragon'."
Ai Yamashiro: "The door opens."
Rei Ayanami: "It's a spelling puzzle."
Ai Yamashiro winks "Say friend and
Anthony Hartman: "Hah"
Rei Ayanami: "But she said dragon."
Jane Shepard: "Good thing it wasn't
written in draconic."
Ai Yamashiro: "Oh... actually, well
nevermind. Mountains of gold, silver, or otherwise colorful and shiny treasure and artifacts
twinkle and demand the attention of your
eyes. All of it is, of course, well protected behind transparent material."
James Arroyo: "I think its a Lord of
the Rings thing," James says, "The scene with
Ian McClelon."
Jane Shepard: "Shiny?'
Ai Yamashiro: "Atop a pedestal is sitting a strange ivory cross, with two holes that
make it reminiscent of a bird's face, strapped
to an ever-shifting red globe that, no matter
how much you look at it, resembles a pyramid
at a distance."
James Arroyo: "I'm guessing that's it?
Jane Shepard: "Someone try to cut
through the walls."
Ai Yamashiro: "Probably."
Rei Ayanami: "There might be an
alarm. I want to look for an alarm or lock system."
Ai Yamashiro: "Wisdom and Perception."
James Arroyo: "Can we all look?" he
Ai Yamashiro: "Yes."
Rei Ayanami: "Spending a hero point
to lower difficulty by five."
Anthony Hartman: "Ok...17."


James Arroyo: "12."

Jane Shepard pushes her dice away
again, with a sigh. "I failed."
Rei Ayanami: "Seventeen."
Ai Yamashiro: "Rei finds underneath
a chest a camouflaged cable leading to the outside of the room and connected to the doorframe. Upon closer inspection, there are four
holes with metal bars on the doorframe."
Rei Ayanami: "Is there a way for me
to safely figure out what the bars and holes
Ai Yamashiro: "The bars come out of
the holes to trap you in. You can just cut the
Jane Shepard: "Unless the real trap
happens when we cut it."
James Arroyo: "We can worry about
that if it happens," James says, "Cut it."
Rei Ayanami: "I'll cut the cable."
Anthony Hartman: "But wouldn't
cutting the cable trigger a failsafe?"
Jane Shepard: "We don't have enough
time to debate things. We need to snatch and
run. I think we're in trouble already."
Ai Yamashiro: "Cut or not cut?"
Rei Ayanami: "I will cut it."
Ai Yamashiro: "The lights in the
room go out and you hear a loud metallic slam
in the direction of the door What now?"
Rei Ayanami: "Did the door close?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Its barred."
Greatsword," James answers.
Ai Yamashiro: "Or so you can guess.
Try, attack while blinded."
Rei Ayanami: "I did not mean for that
to happen. Anyway, we need to take everything we can."
James Arroyo: "Can anyone create
some light?" James asks.
Jane Shepard: "I'm a Werewolf not a
Rei Ayanami: "I have a torch."
James Arroyo: "Give me a light," he
Rei Ayanami: "And a laser pistol. So
I will...shoot the torch to light it?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Lets say it works."
Rei Ayanami: "I will provide light for


James Arroyo: "Okay, I'm going to

look for the weak point in the door. The
hinges or bars or whatever it is. What's the difficulty to hit a giant door?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Now you can see that
the door is in fact barred, do me strength plus
your weaponry to start knocking the smaller
bars off."
James Arroyo: "Okay," he says. He
rolls. And then rolls again. "Wow, I get good
luck," he says, "35. And my Darksteel
Greatsword has a penetration of 12."
Ai Yamashiro: "You bend, cut into
and finally break enough of them to make a
size 4 hole."
Jane Shepard: "That's a lot of damage."
James Arroyo: "I'm size 5," James
says. "Get the cross out of here, I'll just be a
minute behind you," he says.
Rei Ayanami: "Let's break the glass
and take the money."
Ai Yamashiro: How will you hold all
these coins?
James Arroyo: "Should I make another damage roll to make a hole big enough
for me?" he asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "Continue whacking to
make it easier for you, sure."
Jane Shepard: "I can get through the
hole now if I turn into a wolf."
Rei Ayanami: "I have a bag of fiddly
bits. I will replace the fiddly bits with gold and
diamonds and valuables."
Anthony Hartman: "Knew I should
have bought a bag or something."
Ai Yamashiro: "Get to the salvaging
Jane Shepard: "I'll go on ahead. If you
hear screaming, there's trouble."
James Arroyo: "Who's taking the
cross?" he asks.
Jane Shepard: "I shift into a wolf and
go through the hole."
Rei Ayanami: "I'll put it in the bag,
James Arroyo: "I cut a bigger hole
while everyone else salvages." James says.
Rei Ayanami: "Does anyone only use
one free hand to fight? Because if I need to repair something or fight, I will need both

James Arroyo: "I use two, why?"
James asks.
Rei Ayanami: "Because if anyone only
needs one free hand, they should hold the
Ai Yamashiro: "When Traya gets out
of the room she finds the elegant lord of the
manor is waiting outside, accompanied by a
large feral cat and a shorter than him harlequin
vampire 'Told ya there would be berks comin'
and she flicks hair looking at Traya, to which
the dragon replies 'Truly unfortunate. If I may,
before my two dozen guards come by to apprehend you, why would you ever want to activate the Tetractys Cross? Feel free to return
to your humanoid form to answer.'"
James Arroyo: "Ai, I just rolled 43
damage. With 12 penetration," James reports,
a little surprised himself.
Ai Yamashiro: "The door is completely busted."
James Arroyo: "Awesome," James
Jane Shepard: "Guess I might as well
shift back. Oh, that reminds me - one of you
is going to have to collect my clothing from the
vault and bring it with you. It's nothing personal. We were hired to do a job."
Ai Yamashiro: "No one seems to
mind, though Mond is making an unimpressed face. 'Pbbbht, 'tis burg out of town will
be a fine place for you sods to get lost.' a somewhat incredulous Angelus replies 'And you accepted in ignorance?'" She pauses "'Or are you
accomplices to the people that want to use the
powers of The Tumor?'"
Jane Shepard: "Traya looks at Mond.
Oh shut up you tart. The pay was right for a
simple retrieval job."
Ai Yamashiro: "Tart? I ain't the one
in the birthday suit, dear. A closed mouth
gathers no feet.'Ya'll wish you had a less cuttin'
bone-box when this is over with'."
Jane Shepard smiles. "So, are we
going to do this the easy way, or the hard
way?:" She glances at her sheet. "Can I roll intimidate?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Roll for it, you're at a
-2 for being naked. The rest can arrive anytime
they want. 'To solve this quandary in a diplo-



matic fashion the certainity that the Cross will

remain in my hands will be a priority."
James Arroyo: "We should arrive
quickly," James says.
Jane Shepard: "-2 just for being
naked?" She rolls dice. "Fifteen."
Ai Yamashiro: "Unless you're in warform... Wow, nice. Um, say something intimidating."
Jane Shepard thinks for a moment.
"Um... The easy way is that I tear both of you
apart. The hard way is me holding back and
letting you live."
Ai Yamashiro: "Angelus looks behind
him 'Where are those useless fools!?' it does
not look like they want to enter a fight, but
then... they look at the black cat. 'No matter,
we will not be intimidated, for we have a war
beast of our own.' They don't make any sudden movements."
James Arroyo: "Can we arrive yet?"
James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "Yes."
James Arroyo looks at the other players.
Ai Yamashiro: "You see the scene
that, well, was just happening."
Anthony Hartman: "Ok. He walks up
and speaks to the cat, "And here I was beginning to think you got bored of running away."
James Arroyo: "Wait, do you know
that cat?" James asks Anthony.
Ai Yamashiro: "Luchs growls."
Jane Shepard: "Well if you know the
cat... and I know the tart..."
Anthony Hartman: "Not really. He's
only been trying to kill me for five years."
James Arroyo: "Alright, I show up
bearing my greatsword. 'Please stand down,
and no one will need to get hurt,' Jacov says."
Ai Yamashiro: "Yer damn cub mother
is the tart, psycho."
Rei Ayanami: "Someone take this
bag. I can't use my rifle if I'm holding a bag."
Ai Yamashiro: "There is a pause until
Angelus speaks once more after an ahem, putting a hand to his mouth and everything 'Are
you gentlemen really sure you want to do this?
We really can't afford to let you keep that, for
obvious reasons.'"
Jane Shepard: "I don't see what's so


obvious about it. What is The Tumor?"

Ai Yamashiro: "A pause." She waits
appropriately. "That question could take time
to answer. Do you not possess knowledge of
what The Tumor is, what the purpose of The
Cross is, or both?" She looks at Jane. "Mond
is eyeing you suspiciously, she opens her
mouth but bites her lip in the end."
Jane Shepard: "You have until I get
Ai Yamashiro: "To summarize, The
Tumor is a convergence of doomsday devices
of every existing variety and some varieties that
are believed not to exist yet. The meaning of
the Cross is no more than a containment device for an ancient entity that would devour
worlds whole.'"
Jane Shepard: "...Hm." She thinks.
"Well, that sounds really dangerous.:"
Rei Ayanami: "You know, that
wouldn't be much of a problem if we could
make a lot of spelljammers."
Jane Shepard: "So if it was activated,
this terrible thing would go around eating entire worlds?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Theoretically. One
would have to experiment to find out what
would actually happen and the effectiveness of
Warp travel against such a threat."
Jane Shepard: "Traya looks back at
Yuzuki. Can I see the Cross for a second?"
Rei Ayanami: "I hand the bag to
Jane Shepard: "Traya takes it out,
looks at it for a second, then tries to activate
Anthony Hartman: "Pfffhahaha."
Rei Ayanami: "Won't that kill us?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Okay. Pause for a second."
Jane Shepard: "My character's alignment is Malal! I don't have a choice!"
Ai Yamashiro gives Jane another slip
of paper.
Anthony Hartman: "Oh come on, it
was funny."
Ai Yamashiro continue to write down
stuff "Wait a sec."
Jane Shepard sighs. "Awww..." She
sighs. "I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you."
Ai Yamashiro passes another note to




Jane Shepard: "Traya looks frustrated. It doesn't even work!"

Rei Ayanami reads it. And looks positively crushed, emotionally.
Ai Yamashiro gives something to Anthony too.
James Arroyo raises an eyebrow at all
Anthony Hartman raises an eyebrow.
Then crumples and pockets it.
Rei Ayanami: This may be the first
time you've seen Rei show this level of emotion. "I....draw my sword."
Ai Yamashiro passes a final note to
James Arroyo reads it. "Just that?" he
asks her.
Ai Yamashiro: "Yes. For now. After
Traya tried to make use of the Cross, the harlequin Mond went ballistic 'YOU BITCH' and
literally lobs a fireball at her... Lord Angelus
steps back and starts walking away, with
Luchs turning into a ginormous werecat. Roll
for initiatives."
James Arroyo: "Uh, how do we roll
for initiatives again?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro looks for another song
in foobar and hits enter again "Should be your
dex and composure plus 1d10"
James Arroyo: "I got a 14," he replies.
Jane Shepard: "I got a 14. Now that
we're in combat I should really warn everyone
that, um... Black Spiral Dancers can't tell
friends and foes apart in Warform."
Anthony Hartman: "15."
Rei Ayanami: "Ten. And it doesn't
matter, because I'm going to have to kill
Traya. I think." She suddenly doesn't look like
she's having a good time.
James Arroyo: "Um, I'm also melee,
do you have to attack randomly or whoever is
closest to you?" he asks.
Jane Shepard: "All she did was try to
end the world a little bit!"
Anthony Hartman: "At least it was
only a little bit. Slap on the wrist."
Jane Shepard looks at her sheet.
"Um... It says I get a willpower test. I think it
would be closest target."
James Arroyo gives Rei a searching

Rei Ayanami: "I think I should change

my alignment."
Jane Shepard: "What is your alignment?"
Ai Yamashiro notes down a bunch of
stuff. "The fireball is dramatically dodged and
instead hits the ceiling. Rei, Yuzuki does not
have to do something she wouldn't want to do.
Anthony, it is your turn. You know what you
can do?"
Ai Yamashiro: "Narrate what you attempt to do and roll me some dice, cool descriptions get a bonus."
Rei Ayanami: "I mean that following
Acerak would be irresponsible, knowing what
I know now. I should follow the Raven
Ai Yamashiro: "Your choice,
Yuzuki."She emphasizes the Yuzuki.
Rei Ayanami: "I think I should change
Ai Yamashiro: "So shall it be."
Anthony Hartman: "Alright. Um...he
kicks up off of the wall, landing down in front
of Luchs and shows him his stabs." He rolls a
fistful of dice. "Ok. Rolled a 23 for accuracy."
Ai Yamashiro rolls "It jumps and
hangs to the ceiling to avoid it in the nigh of
James Arroyo: "I'm also going to attack the cat thing," James says, "I run up to it
and hit it with my sword." He rolls his dice.
"Uh, 31 and one free raise?" he checks. "And...
25 pen 12," he rolls damage.
Ai Yamashiro: "Wow. Um, Luchs attempted to get the drop on Paul but ended up
getting stabbed instead as it got swatted away,
fur and blood splattering everywhere." She
checks her initiative list. "Jane?"
James Arroyo: "Oh wow, did I kill it?"
he asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "Nope, it is still standing, you can see some of its wounds are visibly
James Arroyo: "Oh man, Jane, we
should focus fire on it."
Jane Shepard: "Um... hell with it. I'll
charge Mond and attack the tart with



fisticuffs. I don't want to go into warform while

I'm still in arms reach of you people."
Ai Yamashiro: "How noble."
Jane Shepard: "I tried to end the
world once today. I think I can afford to be
nice to people for a bit." she rolls dice. "22 to
James Arroyo: "Wait, when did she
try to end the world?" James asks.
Ai Yamashiro: "That's just with fists?
Okay let's roll and... she ducks under you. She
starts to glow, her palms brimming with light
of different colors each. You get a free attack
of opportunity as this lowers her guard."
Jane Shepard rolls and looks very
closely at her dice. "...22 again."
Ai Yamashiro: "These dice... anyway,
hit her good."
Jane Shepard: "I do 14 damage!"
Ai Yamashiro: "You bitchslap her real
good. In response she..." Ai reads an entry
from the book "A deafening keening sounds
out across the immediate area, shattering glass
and forcing every creature in the area to make
a Constitution Test (TN 15) or be deafened
for 1d10 rounds." a pause "Oh and she
punches you with two magic missiles from one
hand and a fireball from the other for... this
Jane Shepard: "...Ow. I spend a point
of Rage as a free action to heal one of those
lost hit points."
James Arroyo: "18. I pass," James
Anthony Hartman: "Damn it. 14.
Don't suppose you could let that slide? It's
only one off"
Ai Yamashiro: "...Sure. Its not like it
matters much."
Jane Shepard: "I roll 25."
Rei Ayanami: "I'm going to charge the
cat and stab it with my sword. Twenty-five."
Ai Yamashiro: "Nice, damage roll
Rei Ayanami: "19."
Ai Yamashiro: "You pierce its chest
with your sword... but it still moves!" She rolls
"Anthony, you need to roll over... 33 oh wow."
Anthony Hartman: "Ok. 22...I can
spend a point to reroll that, right?" He thinks.
"Wait. No. I can only keep three. Unless I get


an explody die or something, I can't beat that."

Ai Yamashiro: "You can lower TNs
like Rei has been doing."
Anthony Hartman shrugs. "Alright.
Spend two to lower it by 10, and then another
to reroll."
Ai Yamashiro: "It pulls away from the
weapons and swipes at Paul's chest, tearing
bits and pieces of the armor away and leaving
three red marks where the armor was less
plentiful. Angelus is basically turning tail at
this point, but runs into an unexpected
masked guest in black."
Anthony Hartman: "Bah. Um...I
guess I should use my special attack then."
Jane Shepard: "Come on, Tony. Hit
the thing."
Anthony Hartman: "Fine." Tony rolls
him some dice.
Ai Yamashiro: "Its at the brink of
death, and has all out attacked, it cannot
Anthony Hartman: "Ok. I got a 28."
Ai Yamashiro: "Hum... want to narrate dealing the deathblow?"
Anthony Hartman: "Uh...alright...he
bears down on Luchs with his sword, skewering straight through the chest."
Ai Yamashiro: "There's a bloody
scream as the liquid geysers and bathes you."
James Arroyo: "Ugh," James comments on the narration.
Jane Shepard: "Okay. I'm going to
transform, so... everyone just stay the hell
Rei Ayanami: "I'm going to back
Jane Shepard: "Traya goes into warform, growing yet another meter in height and
with even sharper teeth. Also more body hair.
I start tearing into Mond." She thinks for a
moment. "Traya tries to grab her and keep her
grappled so she can't cast spells, then I'll start
biting for her neck."
Ai Yamashiro: "Mond does try to step
back and prepare another spell combo, but she
fails to evade it." Ai actually yells "'YOU
MONSTEEEEER' flailing away."
James Arroyo snorts as he tries to suppress his amusement at the sudden outburst.
Jane Shepard rolls some insane


amount of damage.
James Arroyo: "Uh, who's left?" James
Jane Shepard: "You guys are. For the
next two rounds. Start running." She does a
terrible wolf howl
Rei Ayanami: ".....Did she drop the
James Arroyo: "I'll grab the bag and
run like hell," James says.
Ai Yamashiro: "Angelus, who just
stares between those surrounding him 'Mammon Nashim, what are you planning!? You
will not get away with this!' 'Your security is
busy hallucinating. It is over, and he casts a
stunning spell on Angelus before blinking way
like Eldarin usually do."
Rei Ayanami: "I run, then."
Ai Yamashiro passes Jane yet another
mysterious note.
Anthony Hartman jumps at her howl,
"You sure you're not actually a werewolf?" He
looks at Ai. "Oh, and I run as well."
Jane Shepard: "If I was a werewolf
you'd probably know by now."
Ai Yamashiro: "That was a nice
Jane Shepard reads the note and
Ai Yamashiro: "You have a scared
shitless dragonborn ripe for the, well, ripping."
Jane Shepard: "I'll go and kill him,
since he seems to be holding his ground."
Ai Yamashiro: "Sure, want to describe? You sound like you're having fun." she
Jane Shepard laughs. "Traya bounds
over, running almost on all fours, and leaps at
him, driving him to the ground. She holds him
down, even though he can't move, and her
jaws slowly close like a vice full of teeth on his
throat before twisting and ripping. A fountain
of blood fills the air and coats her fur."
James Arroyo can only run his hair
through his fingers in response to that.
Rei Ayanami looks a bit perturbed.
Ai Yamashiro nods.
Jane Shepard: "She howls as he dies
under her massive form, then shifts back, still
covered in blood. She runs a hand through her
hair and sighs." Jane mimics this. "And looks

at you all. Well, at least dessert was good."

Anthony Hartman just smirks.
James Arroyo: "...Now what?" James
Ai Yamashiro: "A cloak unfolds from
thin air 'If I might have your attention."
Rei Ayanami: "Huh?"
Ai Yamashiro: "The masked man in
black is there once more."
Jane Shepard: "You again."
Ai Yamashiro: "'It appears more than
what was predicted transcurred during this
evening, I certainly did not expect chaos to envelop this household much less a bloodbath to
take place, the houses of Judecca and Vayikra
will certainly be busy making use of this scenario. But still, you performed well and what
matters is that the Cross returns to where it
Rei Ayanami: "...Where does it belong?"
James Arroyo produces the cross and
examines it for reflections.
Jane Shepard: "With me. I call dibs."
Ai Yamashiro: "'In truth, it does not,
we all would be better off without it.'"
James Arroyo: *"Jacov produces the
cross and examines it for reflections." James
Jane Shepard: "Traya walks over to
Jacov and holds out her hand for the Cross."
Rei Ayanami: "I agree."
Ai Yamashiro gives James a final piece
of paper, she's run out of them! "Mammon
steps between Traya and Jakov."
James Arroyo reads the paper for a bit
and then gives Ai a questioning look.
Ai Yamashiro: "'However there is a
final favor I would like to request from you, so
that this artifact may be put to oblivion.
Though I originally only saw Him, it turns out
everyone here has this potential.' his hands go
for his face."
James Arroyo: "Um," James tries to
get her attention.
Jane Shepard: "Traya gives Jacov sad
puppy eyes. Please?:"
Ai Yamashiro: "Underneath the mask
are two small slanted eyes amidst Eldarin features." Ai holds out a hand to James.
James Arroyo: "I..." he double checks



the note, "tap the cross?"

Ai Yamashiro: 'Wait'
James Arroyo has no idea what is
going on. He quietly eats a piece of sushi while
he waits for the other shoe to drop.
Ai Yamashiro stands up and monologues "'Way back in the day of the ancient
Syrneth empire, threats to all of the Wheel existed and difficult were the ways to keep them
at bay. One particularly dreadful abomination
was dubbed Metatron, though psychics would
refer to it as From-Beneath-It-Devours. The
sister of the one I'm a Syrneth descendant of,
Ayin Nashim, was a powerful psychic who surrendered an eternal soul to the form of a
prison that could contain the Devourer of
Crystal Spheres. I refer, of course, to the
Tetractys Cross along with From-Beneath-ItDevours. I seek to summon the creature and
destroy it, to save my sister Ayin Nashim so
she can return in a new body to our mortal
coil. Keys to open this object were made in ancient times, but were destroyed, split into multiple and generally incomplete forms that were
useless without the other. Though rumors of
experiments that allowed children to be programmed with the Keys in their DNA or to be
taught the computational sequences subtly
throughout the years existed, the only known
truth was that the Code and the Form proper
for the Key were split into twin souls and cast
to the Abyss... this turned out to be quite a
handful more than I had predicted.' he admits,
looking at everyone but Jakov 'The truth is,
from the psychic screams of my sister I realized that she was beckoning to one person
whom she had stricken herself an interest in,
and I sought to use the influence of this person
over the Cross to let the control of my sister
over the prison fault so I could strike at my
enemy." He sighs. "What I am saying, is that I
will require one of you to open this Cross and
let me destroy the monster that lies within."
James Arroyo: "Okay," James says,
"Do I tap the cross now?" he asks
Jane Shepard: "Unleash a terrible
monster into the world? That sounds like a job
for Traya. Malal would be pleased, either way
it turns out."
Ai Yamashiro: "Yes. Unlock the
Cross and scramble for safety."


Rei Ayanami frowns. "Um. Wait. I

had this memory. I think I might be...one of
those children."
James Arroyo stops and looks at
Ayanami questioningly.
Ai Yamashiro: "'I do no doubt this.
For I have felt a power in your aura similar to
that of is. And to that of hers' he turns to face
Traya 'Whose identity was far more evident,
and her own counterpart likely was aware of."
Rei Ayanami frowns. "So we're going
to kill this monster?"
Anthony Hartman: "I thought he said
he was gonna do it?"
Rei Ayanami: "Okay."
Ai Yamashiro: "Perhaps the most
bizarre twist was that an enemy of house
Judecca would be within your ranks. My condolences for the fate that was designed for you,
and for what befell your brethren as a result of
this, young man.' he talks to Peter now." She
looks at Tony "'To have one's own father
turned into a monster bent on ending you for
a choice you never made is a destiny I would
not curse any of my enemies with.'"
James Arroyo: "I tap it," James says,
more decisively now.
Ai Yamashiro: "Everything splits, intersects, folds into itself for an instant. You are
met with pure boundless potential, and are
faced with five figures steering it in vague, almost random directions, trying to veer it like
a derelict ship in the Warp. It all returns to
normal, and a portal opens. Mammon steps
through it." She pokerfaces. "What do you
Jane Shepard: "See, if he was *really*
good at planning he'd have a sack full of
grenades and just toss them in."
Rei Ayanami: "Should we help him?"
Jane Shepard: "I'm still low on health,
but I won't run from a fight."
James Arroyo: "Well, it is an evil monster thing, we should kill it so it doesn't hurt
anyone else."
Rei Ayanami: "Okay. Then I'll go
help him."
James Arroyo: "Likewise."
Anthony Hartman: "Sounds good."
Jane Shepard: "Welp. Guess we're all
going to fight the big bad evil monster."


Ai Yamashiro: "You all step in then?"

James Arroyo: "Yeah," James replies.
Rei Ayanami: "Yes."
Anthony Hartman: "yup."
Ai Yamashiro: "Light envelops your
forms and you become pure unmitigated
power, free of the limits of the body. Faced
with an entire crystal sphere, its center a monster the size of a many a crystal sphere itself
and covered in spikes like galaxies, every one
of the lights in the sky is a vile spawn of this
creature. Thus you became shooting stars."
She pauses dramatically. "The end."
Jane Shepard: "...really?"
Rei Ayanami: "What."
Anthony Hartman: "Wait, what?
Ai Yamashiro: "You will battle for
aeons uncountable. But will win, eventually!
James Arroyo: "Huh."
Rei Ayanami: "Well, I don't need to
eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. And I recover one
pyros every hour. I will return a sheet with a
detailed statistical analysis."
Jane Shepard: "...Maybe James
should be the Story Master next time."
James Arroyo: "Wha? No, I'd be terrible."
Rei Ayanami: "I think if I play this
game on a regular basis, I'll get fat."
James Arroyo: "Well, it was nice of
you to join us at least," James says, "But can I
ask, what happened with all the notes and
Ai Yamashiro stretches. "That was tiring! But fun, I think. I hope it was."
Jane Shepard: "I always like getting
together with you guys." She smiles, and leans
into Tony.
James Arroyo: "It was fun, just kinda
confusing," he says, "Thanks for running, Ai."
He smiles.
Rei Ayanami: "Yes, thank you. You
were a good host."
Ai Yamashiro: "Aw, shucks." She
hugs James.
Anthony Hartman puts an arm
around Jane, "Yeah. Never thought playing
pretend was that much fun."
James Arroyo hugs Ai back.
Ai Yamashiro: "Maybe someone else

can do the heavy work next time, I kind of

want to play an eldarin death god myself."
Rei Ayanami: "A death god?"
James Arroyo shrugs.
Ai Yamashiro: "A guy with a scythe
that is an emissary of death."
Rei Ayanami: "Oh."
Ai Yamashiro: "You okay, Rei? I
thought you were conflicted for a moment,
made me a bit worried."
James Arroyo looks her way, his previous question still unanswered.
Rei Ayanami: "I'm fine.", Rei will say.
"Just pretend."
Jane Shepard: "We could roll for it to
see who runs next."
Anthony Hartman: "Why don't you
run one? You're an actual writer."
Ai Yamashiro: "I planted a pretty
vampire for you to talk to and you ignored
him." Ai smiles.
Rei Ayanami: And then her phone
starts ringing like crazy. "Hel-...what? Slow
down.", she rises. "No, it's not my fault, the
simulators were working yesterday when I
checked them.", and then, she starts frowning.
"Well, then get Shou back over there and tell
him I'll be there." She closes her phone. "I'm
sorry, I have to leave.", Rei says, bowing.
"Thank you."
Jane Shepard: "I was on the job! I
couldn't go off talking to vampires."
Rei Ayanami: She then turns to leave.
James Arroyo: "Thanks," James
smiles and waves to her.
Jane Shepard: "Come back some
time, Rei!"
Rei Ayanami: "I will. Perhaps next
time, I'll host.", she'll say quietly, before gathering her things, reaching back for one last
cheeto, before she heads out the door.
Ai Yamashiro waves a bit, content
with these peaceful days that seem to go on


General Guidelines and

Some general rules and simple rules quandaries
are sorted out in this section, along with a glossary, and
a guide to the slang of Sigil.

It bears repeating that this is a game. It's about
having fun. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is broke,
though, don't be afraid to nudge things around to solve
a problem.

In general, if you wind up with a fraction,
round down, even if the fraction is one-half or larger.

If a character's characteristics change because
of magical effects, transformations, or so forth, it can
have an effect on more than just their rolls. For example, a bonus to strength or dexterity will increase a character's speed. More interesting is when a character's
constitution or composure changes, which affects a
character's hit points. If a character's maximum hit
points would increase, they get the additional hit points
right away. If a character's maximum hit points would
decrease, though, things get dangerous for them. The
amount of damage they've taken has *not* decreased,
so they lose hit points immediately. This can put a character into critical damage or even kill him.

Bonuses from different sources stack unless
they specifically say they dont. Bonuses from the same
source dont stack. So two mithril weapons dont stack
their bonus to static defense, but a Get of Fenris ability
to increase their strength stacks with the ability changes
of Warform.

Action: A character activity. Actions are divided into the following categories, according to the
time required to perform them: Full Action, Half Action, Reaction Action, and Free Action.
Adventuring Party: A group of characters who
adventure together. An adventuring party is composed
of player characters plus any followers, familiars, pets,
hirelings, minions, or mercenaries they might have.

Alignment: The character's morality base,

based on which deity is closest to his personal views on
the universe.
Ally: A creature friendly to you. In most cases,
references to 'allies' includes yourself. A character may
freely designate creatures as allies or enemies at will.
Armor Defense Penalty: The penalty wearing
a suit of armor gives to your static defense. Without the
correct proficiencies, the penalty is equal to the armor
points the armor provides.
Armor Points: The amount a suit of armor reduces damage taken. Armor Points are not applied
against purely magical effects like spells.
Artifact: A magical item or weapon. They're of
higher quality or have effects that can't be matched by
standard gear.
Astral Sea: The void of space that lies between
crystal spheres. There is no air, almost infinite room,
and the general kind of unpleasantness that one would
expect from outer space.
Attack: Any of numerous actions intended to
harm, disable, or neutralize and opponent. The outcome of an attack is determined by an attack test.
Attack Test: A test made to determine whether
an attack hits. The test is made with Weaponry, Braw,
or Ballistics. If you're proficient with the weapon you're
using, you add your Level as rolled dice.
Aura: Armor reduces damage from physical attacks, Aura reduces damage taken from magic attacks
like spells but has no effect on physical effects like being
stabbed or shot.
Blinded: Blind characters fail all tests based on
vision and automatically fails all Ballistics tests, suffers
a -2k1 penalty to Weaponry test and most other tests
that benefit from vision. They also grant Combat Advantage.
Blood Loss: When someone's suffering Blood
Loss, they're in great danger of death. They must roll
1d10 every round, and die if they roll a 1 on it. Medicae
tests can be made to staunch the bleeding.
Bonus: A positive modifier to a test, expressed
as +XkY, where X is the number of extra rolled dice the
bonus gives and Y is the number of extra kept dice.
Some bonuses modify the end result of a roll rather than
the number of dice, and are instead expressed as +Z.
Character: A fictional individual within the
confines of the game. The words character and creature
are often used synonymously within these rules, since
almost any creature could be a character and every
character is a creature (as opposed to an object).
Characteristic: One of the nine numerical statistics that define's a character's physical, mental, and
social abilities.
Characteristic Test: A test made that uses only

a character's characteristics, almost always with the

same number of kept and rolled dice.
Charisma (Cha): A character's force of personality and how good they are at making first impressions,
their personal magnetism and persuasiveness.
Check: A check is missing the target number
by 5 points. For every additional 5 points you miss the
target number by, you get another check.
Class: A package of skills, feats, and abilities
that defines what a character is studying and working
towards. Most characters will change class at least once
during their career as a Hero.
Composure (Cmp): A character's ability to
control themselves and their emotions and remain
strong in the face of challenges to their beliefs.
Concealment: Something that prevents an attacker from clearly seeing his or her target. Concealment makes it more difficult to hit a target, increasing
their static defense.
Concentration: Some effects, especially spells,
require that a character spend actions on each of their
turns in order to maintain the effect.
Constitution (Con): A character's sheer toughness and physical health and stamina. It helps determine hit points and resist some deadly effects.
Cover: Cover is what helps you survive a firefight. It's been said that the only way an army can
achieve victory in the modern age is through the use of
chest-high walls.
Creature: A living or otherwise active being, as
opposed to an object. The terms 'creature' and 'character' are sometimes used interchangeably.
Critical Damage: Wounds that have lasting,
sometimes deadly, effects on a character. A character
starts taking critical damage after they've lost all their
hit points and someone is still pounding on them.
Crystal Sphere: A crystal sphere is the barrier
around a star system that makes entry difficult. A ship
must find a way through it like they'd find a way
through a reef at sea. A crystal sphere looks like a kind
of dull hazy glass from outside, and it's difficult to make
anything out on the inside.
Current Hit Points: The number of hit points
a character currently has remaining, as opposed to their
normal full maximum hit points.
Daemon: One of the creatures of the Warp,
made of magic, thoughts, and emotions. They take
many forms and are nearly impossible to understand.
Damage: Hurt incoming on someone. Damage
comes in several forms - Impact, Rending, Energy, and
Explosive. When a character takes damage, their hit
points are reduced. Characters determine just how
many hit points they lose by dividing the damage by
their resilience - larger characters take more to hurt.
Dazzled: Dazzled characters are dazed and

confused. They take -1k0 to all tests and an additional

-1k0 to all tests based on sight.
Dead: A character dies when they take enough
critical damage for the critical damage charts to say he's
dead. Dead characters really can't do much, what with
being corpses, though others might manage to use them
as decorative pieces, doorstops, or interesting furniture.
Deafened: Deafened characters can't heal.
They automatically fail any test based on hearing. They
also have quite a lot of trouble with understanding what
people are trying to tell them.
Dexterity (Dex): Dexterity is the measure of a
character's nimbleness, agility, and reflexes.
Dodge: A defensive action that can be made to
counter any attack, ranged or melee.
Engaged: Characters are engaged once they're
in melee combat with each other characters in melee
combat are kind of stuck there unless they take a withdraw or shift action to end their engagement.
Exalt: One of the Exalted.
Exalted: The champions of destiny, with power
beyond that which any mortal can hold, near limitless
potential, and abilities that make them unmatched. The
most prominent types of Exalted are
Atlanteans - People with the reincarnated souls
of the Syrneth. They have the elder secrets of sorcery
and skill flowing through them.
Chosen - The Chosen are given their power by
the gods, their souls elevated to be divine in their own
Daemonhosts - Daemonhosts were people
that, on the edge of life and death, allowed the powers
of the warp to get a hold on their souls in exchange for
Paragons - Paragons are people who were born
with exceptional ability, that top one percent of one percent of one percent, the one in a million chance.
Prometheans - Prometheans are very expensive
and very powerful cyborgs using the best and newest
technologies to create a perfect being.
Vampires - Vampires are
cursed by the blood of the fallen Eldarin god of war, filled with
blood lust and predatory
Werewolves - Werewolves are those blessed by
Luna to have the ability to
change their form, to become and be whatever they

Experience Points (XP): A nu-

merical measurement of a character's personal achievement and advancement. Characters earn experience
points by overcoming challenges and defeating opponents. At the end of each adventure, the SM assigns XP
to the characters based on what they have accomplished. XP are spent to buy new feats, and improve
skills and characteristics.
Exploding Dice: Whenever a die comes up as
a natural 10, the dice 'explodes'. Roll an additional die
and add it to the first die's result. If this second die also
comes up 10, roll a third. Continue rolling dice until
they come up with something other than 10.
Failure: An unsuccessful result on a check, saving throw, life, or other determination involving a die
Fatigue: Tired to the point of impairment.
Many critical effects, as well as some weapons, can
cause fatigue effects. When a character gets enough fatigue, they call unconscious and become helpless. Even
if they have only one level of fatigue, suffering -1k0 to
all tests.
Fellowship (Fel): The measure of how attractive and expressive a character is, and their power to coerce or manipulate others.
Free Action: A free action is a type of action
that takes almost no time at all. During their turn, a
character may preform any number of free actions, to
reasonable limits of what the SM allows, and no more
than one action of a given type per turn.
Full Action: Full actions take up a character's
full concentration. When a character takes a full action,
it pretty much takes their entire turn aside from free actions.
Half Action: Most common actions are half actions. A character may preform two half actions instead
of one Full Action. A character may not take the same
half action twice in a turn.
Hero: A Hero is a character with heroic traits
like an Exaltation or Hero Points.
Intelligence (Int): The measure of how good a
character's memory, understanding, reasoning and deductive ability.
Kept Dice: How many dice are kept from a
roll. Typically this is equal to the characteristic used in
the roll.
Level: A character's level could be said to be a
measure of his mastery and focus rather than
raw ability or experience. The more a character devotes himself to a single path, the
faster a character's level increases. The very
best characters gain all the levels. All of
them. Yeah!!!!!!!!
Grapple: Engaging in wrestling or some other
form of hand-to-hand struggle with one or more
attackers. Grappling and being grappled

reduces the types of actions you can take.

Great Wheel: The Galaxy. The collection of
crystal spheres spinning together in the Astral Sea like
a big spiral wheel.
Helpless: A helpless character is effectively at
the mercy of his opponents. A helpless target is in great
danger of death.
Hit Points (HP): A measure of a characters
heath, luck, skill and divine favor, all the factors that
combine to protect a character from getting seriously
hurt by an attack (getting seriously hurt would be Critical Damage).
Immobilized: Unable to use movement actions.
Incorporeal: Incorporeal creatures aren't solid.
They can move through and inside objects and can't be
hurt by normal weapons. Only artifact weapons and
weapons with the Power Field property can hurt them.
Initiative: A system for determining the order
of actions in battle. Before the first round of combat,
each participant makes a single initiative check. Each
round, participants act in order from the highest initiative check to the lowest.
Initiative Check: A check used to determine a
creature's place in the initiative order for a combat. An
initiative check is made by rolling 1d10 and adding the
character's Dexterity and Composure scores.
Maximum Hit Points: A character's maximum
hit points is how many hit points they have when they're
fully healed and rested.
Melee: Melee combat consists of physical
blows exchanged by opponents close enough to
threaten one another's space, as opposed to ranged
Melee Weapon: A handheld weapon designed
for close combat.
Natural Weapon: A natural weapon is any
weapon like a claw, bite, sting, or so forth. Natural
weapons have their own damage profiles and use the
Brawl skill when making attacks. Natural weapons cannot be disarmed or broken.
Nonplayer Character: One of the characters
that's controlled by the Story Master.
Opportunity Attack: A single extra melee attack
per round that a combatant can make when an opponent within reach takes an action with the Provokes keyword.
Parry: A defensive action that can be used to
negate a melee attack.
Party: A group of Heroes that adventure together.
Penalty: A negative modifier to a die roll. Typically they're noted as -XkY, where X is the reduced
number of rolled dice and Y is the reduced number of
kept dice. Some penalties apply to the end result of a
roll rather than the number of dice, and are expressed

as -Z.
Perfect Attack: A perfect attack automatically
hits. There is no need to roll. The only way to stop a
perfect attack is with a perfect defense.
Perfect Defense: A perfect defense automatically stops any attack, even a perfect attack. No rolls are
Player Character: A character controlled by
one of the players.
Prone: A prone character has been knocked on
their ass. They have to spend an action to stand up and
until they do, they have a variety of penalties, though it
does make them a bit harder to hit with ranged
Raise: Beating the target number by 5. You get
an additional raise for every 5 you beat the target number by. If an ability says you get an additional raise on
a test, you simply add 5 to the result.
Range: Guns and other ranged weapons have
a given range. Beyond this range, they're less likely to
hit, and past a certain point they simply become ineffective. At short range, it's easier to hit with weapons
and at point blank range you get big bonuses. Of
course, at point blank range you're also more likely to
have the enemy walk up and stab you.
Ranged Attack: Ranged attacks are attacks
made with guns, bows, and missile launchers (among
other things). They're made with the Ballistics skill, and
can't be used in melee range.
Ranged Weapon: Ranged weapons are the
guns, bows, and missile launchers mentioned above,
ideal for putting someone down without getting your
hands dirty.
Reaction Action: A reaction action is the effort
a character keeps in reserve to deal with problems as
they come, their reflexes and reaction time. Typically,
Reaction Actions are made to dodge or parry attacks,
but there are other actions that use up Reaction Actions
as well.
Resilience: Resilience represents just how
tough you are, and how much it takes to truly hurt you.
Resolve: Resolve represents how well a character can resist charms, arguments, and the points of view
of others.
Restrained: A restrained character has managed to get himself tied up, figuratively or literally. They
grant combat advantage and take -1k0 to attack rolls.
If someone has thrown him in leg irons, he's also immobilized.
Result: What you determine by rolling dice. It's
compared against a Target Number to see if you succeeded or failed.
Rogue Trader: One of the insanely rich and
powerful merchants who plies their trade across the

Rolled Dice:
The first number in
the equation, the X in
the XkY that tests are
expressed as. This is
how many dice you
roll during a test,
rather than how many
dice you keep. This is
usually the sum of the
characteristic and skill
used in a test.
Size: How big a creature is, which determines
their resilience.
Skill: One of the many fields in which a character can apply his characteristics. They represent education and training they've acquired.
Skill Test: A test made using a skill and characteristic, the most common type of test a character will
be asked to make.
Sorcerer: A character with the ability to cast
spells. A Sorcerer is viewed with respect, or at least fear,
in most places.
Sorcery: Spellcasting ability. Sorcery is a rare
talent, since not everyone has the ability or talent
needed to rip power out of the Warp and bend it to their
own ends. Most Heroes at least have some ability to
learn the basics.
Speed: How quickly a character moves.
Spell: A one-time magical effect created by a
Sorcerer. A spell is powered by warp energy and controlled by the will of the Sorcerer using it.
Spelljamming: The process of sailing a spelljamming ship through the void. It's more a traditional
name than anything else, as very few ships are purely
driven on spells.
Spelljamming Ship: A ship that moves through
the Astral Sea. Also called starships, voidships, spaceships, and so forth.
Static Defense: How difficult it is to hit someone. A person's static defense is the Target Number
needed to hit them.
Strength (Str): How physically strong a character is, how much they can lift and how much damage
they do when they hit something.
Stunned: A stunned character grants combat
advantage and cannot take actions. They are neither
helpless nor unaware.
Success: The opposite of a failure. The good
kind of opposite! Try to get lots of these.
Syrne: The Syrne were one of the first races in
the Great Wheel, and most of the artifacts and ruins are
attributed to them. While some claim there is evidence
of even earlier civilizations, there is almost no evidence.

Syrneth: The descriptor attached to what's left

of the Syrne's works. Syrneth ruins and artifacts are well
respected and extremely valuable.
Target: The intended recipient of an attack,
spell, supernatural ability, or magical effect.
Target Number: The number that one needs
to reach for a test to be successful. Don't get up to the
target number, and you fail.
Tell: The supernatural appearance or aura that
an Exalt gets when he overextends his power. It's different for each type of Exalt, and even with individual
Test: A roll made to see if a character succeeds
or fails at a given task. Tests are made whenever determining failure is important. Most everyday tasks don't
require tests.
Threaten: To be able to attack in melee without moving from your current space. You
threaten all characters you're engaged in
melee with. You can make opportunity
attacks if people you threaten take actions
with the Provoke keyword.
Throne: A throne is the most
standard currency in the Wheel, issued by
the Council and with the backing of Sigil's
economy behind it.
Turn: The point in the round at
which you take your actions. On your
turn, you may perform one or more actions, as dictated by your current circumstances.
Umbra: A shallow part of the
Warp, existing as a shadow parallel to the
physical universe. Werewolves and many
spiritual creatures can enter this place.
Unarmed Attack: A melee attack made using
fists, kicks, or headbutts instead of weapons. Unarmed
attacks use the Brawl skill instead of Weaponry.
Unconscious: A character who accumulates
enough levels of fatigue falls unconscious. Unconscious
characters are helpless and can't take any actions. Better
than being dead, though.
Warp: The Warp is an alternate dimension of
chaotic raw matter and energy. Because space and time
work differently here, it's the only way known for ships
to get around the Wheel in a reasonable amount of
Willpower (Wil): A character's strength of will
and their ability to resist mental commands and magic.
Wisdom (Wis): Alertness and comprehension,
how well a character notices the world around him and
interprets what he sees and hears.

Knowing the Cant:

A guide to Sigil's slang
Addle-Cove: A not-particularly friendly way to
call someone an idiot. "Did you hear what that addlecoved commissar wanted us to do?"
Bar That: An almost-polite way to say "shut
up" or "don't talk about that." it's quick and to the point,
and it can be used as a warning: "Bar that, Nicodemus,
there's Space Marines over there."
Barmies: The insane folks, especially those in
Sigil, who've been "touched" by the impossible vistas of
the Wheel.
Basher: A neutral reference to a person, usually
a thug or fighter.
Berk: A fool, especially one who got himself
into the mess when he should have known better.
Birdcage: A cell or anything that compares to
Bleaker: A faction, one of those disponent members of the Bleak Cabal.
Blood: Anyone who's an expert, sage,
or a professional at his work. A champion gladiator can be a blood, just like
a practiced sorcerer. Calling someone a
blood is a mark of high respect.
Bob: The business of cheating someone, whether it's of their cash, honor, or
trust. A good guide to Sigil will warn a
cutter when someone's bobbing him.
Thieves boast that they "bobbed some
leatherhead on the street."
Bone-box: The mouth, named because of its teeth, fangs, or whatever.
"Stop rattling your bone-box," is telling a berk to lay off
the threats or bragging.
Bub: Booze, wine, or ale that's usually cheap
and barely drinkable.
Bubber: A drunk, especially if he, she, or it has
fallen on hard times. Bubbers don't get any sympathy
from most folks in Sigil.
Burg: Any town smaller than Sigil, either in size
or spirit - at least that's how folks from Sigil see it. Other
bodies don't always agree.
Cage, the: This is a common nickname for
Sigil, used by locals. It comes from Birdcage, so it's a
pretty harsh judgement on this place.
Case: The house or place where a cutter lives.
Cipher: A faction nickname of the Transcendent Order, because most folks don't know what they're
talking about.
Clueless, the: The folks who just don't get it,
usually someone who's never been off-world. Use this
on an experienced traveller and it's likely there'll be a

Chant, the: An expression that means news,

local gossip, the facts, the moods, or anything else about
what's happening. "What's the chant?" is a ways of asking what's the latest information a basher's heard.
Cross-trade: The business of thieving, or anything else illegal or shady. "A cross-trading scum" is a
thief who's probably angered the Mercykillers.
Cutter: A term that refers to anybody, male or
female, that a person wants. It does suggest a certain
amount of resourcefulness or daring, and so it's a lot
better than calling somebody a berk.
Dark: Anything that's secret is said to be a dark.
"Here's the dark of it," is a way of saying "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you."
Doomguard: One of the factions in Sigil. They
think everything's going to run down and decay, and
want to help it along.
Dustmen: One of the factions of Sigil. They believe everybody's dead.
Fated, the: A faction of Sigil which holds that
if they've got something, it's because it belongs to them.
This doesn't always sit well with others.
Garnish: A bribe, as in "Give the irritating petty
official a little garnish and he'll go away."
Give 'em the Laugh: Escape or slip through the
clutches of someone. Robbing a tiefling's house and not
getting caught is giving him the laugh.
Give the Rope: What happens to condemned
criminals who don't manage to give the law the laugh.
Usually thieves are the only folks who use this term.
Godsmen: A faction of Sigil that believes everybody's got the chance to ascend to godhood.
Greener: A nickname for the Verdant Guild,
one of Sigil's factions. They have very strong views on
the way people treat animals.
Guvner: A faction in Sigil that believes knowing physical laws will give a cutter power over everything. Not the kind of folks to argue logic with.
Harmonium: A faction of sigil. "Do it our way
or no way," could be its slogan.
High-up Man: This is what everybody - man,
woman, and thing - in Sigil wants to be: somebody with
money and influence. It's bad form to call one's self this;
it's a phrase others bestow.
Jink: The goal of the poor; money or coins.
"That's going to take a lot of jink!" for an expensive bit
of garnishing.
Kip: Any place a cutter can put up his feet and
sleep for a night, especially cheap flophouses. Landlords
of good hotels get upset if a fellow calls their place a kip.

Knight of the Post: A thief, cheat, and a liar clearly not a compliment unless, of course, that's what
the basher wants to be.
Long Walk: Being pushed out an airlock, which
is where some berks wind up after they've been
Leatherhead: A dolt, a dull or thick-witted fellow. Use it to call somebody an idiot.
Lost: Dead. "He got lost," means he ain't coming back.
Mercykillers: A faction of Sigil that believes
there is an absolute justice.
Music: The price a cutter usually doesn't want
to pay, but has to anyway. "Pay the music or you'll never
find your way out of here."
Out-of-Touch: Outside of the material universe. A body is said to be "out-of-touch" when he's
traveling through the warp. It derives from the fact that
a spelljammer in the warp can't be contacted by any
normal means.
Out-of-Town: In a different Crystal Sphere.
Peel: A swindle, con, or a trick is the peel. It's
often used as a verb. Peeling a Space Marine is usually
a bad idea.
Pike It: A useful, all-purpose phrase, as in,
"Take a short stick and pike it, bubber."
Put in the Dead-book: Dead. Some people
have others "put in the dead-book."
Scragged: Arrested or caught.
Sensates: Nickname for the Society of Sensation, a faction. It's members believe life's got to be experienced to be understood.
Signers: A faction nickname for the Sign of
One. Its members figure everybody is the center of their
own universe
Sod: A poor, unfortunate soul. Use it to show
sympathy for an unlucky cutter or use it sarcastically for
those who get themselves into their own mess.
Turn Stag: To betray somebody or use treachery. Saying "he's turned stag" is about the worst thing
that can be said about a cutter.

There was a scream. Princess Claudia was used to hearing screams in

the dungeon. That scream sounded different, though. Someone was walking
up to her cell now. The footsteps were light, not at all like the heavy boots of
the guards.
"Princess Claudia?" Asked a voice at the door. A woman's voice. That
wasn't normal. All the guards here were men. And totally resistant to her
charms. She had heard a woman could use feminine wiles to get out of any jail,
but they hadn't helped her one bit.
"Ah... yes?" Claudia said. There was a pause from outside.
"Please stand away from the door and close your eyes." Claudia frowned.
What was that supposed to mean? Before she could ask, there was a blinding
flash of light and the door was punched inwards by a blast from outside. The
princess screamed. The lights flickered as the explosion damaged power leads.
Before the smoke could clear, someone was already stepping into her
room. Claudia coughed on the dust and looked at them. The girl there couldn't
have been any older than she was, though her tone suggested she was athletic.
A sword was strapped to her side and she wore a flak jacket.
Princess Claudia took a step back. She didn't like the person looking at
her. There was something about the way she was staring, like the Princess was
barely a person at all. It was a... very hungry look. Claudia swallowed. There
was a moment when she wasn't sure if the person was going to attack her. The
strange woman held out a hand.
"Come with me if you want to live." Claudia hesitated, then took the
hand. The woman smiled. Claudia saw fangs. Lots of fangs. Just for an instant.
The woman half-dragged her outside, past two dead guards. Claudia tried not
to look at them. The looked like they had been... eaten. They ran out into a
blinding Claudia for an instant. A VTOL swung over them, dust kicking up.
The woman let go of Claudia's hand. As the Princess' eyes adjusted to the light,
she could see Harmonium guards, weapons drawn, in a semicircle around the
"Oh my~" the strange woman said, laughing. "All this for little old me
and a princess?"
PRICE!" The speaker gave the impression that they really, really hoped the
woman would chose the second option. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THIS TIME,










Power Intelligence 5;;;;; Strength
5;;;;; Charisma
Finesse Wisdom
Resistance Willpower




Constitution5;;;;; Composure 5;;;;;



Animal Ken

Fellowship 5;;;;;

Power Stat:







Academic Lore*
Common Lore*
Forbidden Lore*



Advanced skills are marked with *

_____________ ;;;;;
_____________ ;;;;;
_____________ ;;;;;
_____________ ;;;;;
_____________ ;;;;;


Resource Stat:




Static Def: _________

Hit Points: _________
Mental Def: ________
Hero Points: _______






L. Leg

R. Leg



L. Arm

R. Arm


Special Abilities

Allies and Contacts



Class List





Spells and Special Attacks


Characteristics 6/4/2 * Skills 8/6/4 * Backgrounds 7 * (Buying the fifth dot in any area costs two points) * Hit
Points = 2 x (Con + Willpower) * Resolve = Composure + Willpower * Static Defense = 10 + (3 x Dex) +
(3 x Wis) - (2 x Size) * Speed = Strength + Dexterity * Starting Hero Points = 2 * Starting Devotion = 6

Prepare to venture forth with your bold companions into a world of heroic fantasy. Within
these pages, youll discover all the tools and options you need to create characters worthy of
song and legend for the Dungeons the Dragoning game, and how to create adventures to show
them the horrors and wonders of the Great Wheel.
Wars rage over airless moons, in the dark, twisted depths of hive worlds and in the cold waste
of the Astral Sea. From the immaterial realm of the Warp, malicious entities send their unspeakable horrors to corrupt the universe. Terrible beings from the depths of ancient time
awaken to begin their March. The Blood War between the forces of Law and Chaos leaves only
ruin and death in its wake. Even the bastion of galactic civilization, Sigil, isnt safe.
There is no time for peace.
No respite.
No forgiveness.
There is only adventure.

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