See also Transportation (disambiguation) or Transport helicopters, watercraft, spacecraft and aircraft. Opera-
(disambiguation). tions deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the
Transport or transportation is the movement of procedures set for this purpose including financing, le-
galities and policies. In the transport industry, operations
and ownership of infrastructure can be either public or
private, depending on the country and mode.
Passenger transport may be public, where operators pro-
vide scheduled services, or private. Freight transport has
become focused on containerization, although bulk trans-
port is used for large volumes of durable items. Trans-
port plays an important part in economic growth and
globalization, but most types cause air pollution and use
large amounts of land. While it is heavily subsidized by
governments, good planning of transport is essential to
make traffic flow and restrain urban sprawl.
1.1 Human-powered
French National Police use several modes of transport, each with
their distinct advantages. Main article: Human-powered transport
Human powered transport, a form of sustainable trans-
people, animals and goods from one location to an-
portation, is the transport of people and/or goods us-
other. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, ing human muscle-power, in the form of walking,
cable, pipeline and space. The field can be divided into running and swimming. Modern technology has allowed
infrastructure, vehicles and operations. Transport is im- machines to enhance human power. Human-powered
portant because it enables trade between persons, which transport remains popular for reasons of cost-saving,
is essential for the development of civilizations. leisure, physical exercise, and environmentalism; it is
Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations sometimes the only type available, especially in under-
including roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals and developed or inaccessible regions.
pipelines and terminals such as airports, railway stations,
Although humans are able to walk without infrastructure,
bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling
the transport can be enhanced through the use of roads,
depots (including fueling docks and fuel stations) andespecially when using the human power with vehicles,
seaports. Terminals may be used both for interchange such as bicycles and inline skates. Human-powered vehi-
of passengers and cargo and for maintenance. cles have also been developed for difficult environments,
Vehicles traveling on these networks may include such as snow and water, by watercraft rowing and skiing;
automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks, people, even the air can be entered with human-powered aircraft.
2 1 MODE
1.2 Animal-powered
1.4 Rail
Main article: Animal-powered transport
Main article: Rail transport
Animal-powered transport is the use of working animals Rail transport is where a train runs along a set of two
for the movement of people and goods. Humans may ride
some of the animals directly, use them as pack animals
for carrying goods, or harness them, alone or in teams, to
pull sleds or wheeled vehicles.
1.3 Air
The New York City Subway is the world’s largest rapid transit
system by length of routes and by number of stations.
InterCityExpress, a German high-speed passenger train The Harbor Freeway is often heavily congested at rush hour in
Downtown Los Angeles.
1.5 Road
3 Functions
Relocation of travelers and cargo are the most common
uses of transport. However, other uses exist, such as the
strategic and tactical relocation of armed forces during
warfare, or the civilian mobility construction or emer-
A Fiat Uno in 2008 gency equipment.
Private transport is only subject to the owner of the ve- private transport. Public transport is scheduled services
hicle, who operates the vehicle themselves. For pub- on fixed routes, while private is vehicles that provide ad
way to lay the burden of transport on more powerful crea- were constructed during the 19th century with macadam.
tures, allowing heavier loads to be hauled, or humans to Later, tarmac and concrete became the dominant paving
ride the animals for higher speed and duration. Inventions material. In 1903, the first controllable airplane was
such as the wheel and sled helped make animal transport demonstrated, and after World War I, it became a fast
more efficient through the introduction of vehicles. Also way to transport people and express goods over long
water transport, including rowed and sailed vessels, dates distances.[24]
back to time immemorial, and was the only efficient way After World War II, the automobile and airlines took
to transport large quantities or over large distances prior higher shares of transport, reducing rail and water to
to the Industrial Revolution.
freight and short-haul passenger.[25] Scientific spaceflight
The first forms of road transport were horses, oxen or was launched in the 1950s, with rapid growth until the
even humans carrying goods over dirt tracks that often 1970s, when interest dwindled. In the 1950s, the in-
followed game trails. Paved roads were built by many troduction of containerization gave massive efficiency
early civilizations, including Mesopotamia and the Indus gains in freight transport, permitting globalization.[22] In-
Valley Civilization. The Persian and Roman empires built ternational air travel became much more accessible in
stone-paved roads to allow armies to travel quickly. Deep the 1960s, with the commercialization of the jet engine.
roadbeds of crushed stone underneath ensured that the Along with the growth in automobiles and motorways,
roads kept dry. The medieval Caliphate later built tar- this introduced a decline for rail and water transport.
paved roads. The first watercraft were canoes cut out After the introduction of the Shinkansen in 1964, high-
from tree trunks. Early water transport was accomplished speed rail in Asia and Europe started taking passengers
with ships that were either rowed or used the wind for on long-haul routes from airlines.[25]
propulsion, or a combination of the two. The importance Early in U.S. history, most aqueducts, bridges, canals,
of water has led to most cities, that grew up as sites for railroads, roads, and tunnels were owned by private joint-
trading, being located on rivers or at sea, often at the in- stock corporations. Most such transportation infrastruc-
tersection of two bodies of water. Until the Industrial ture came under government control in the late 19th and
Revolution, transport remained slow and costly, and pro- early 20th centuries, culminating in the nationalization
duction and consumption were located as close to each of inter-city passenger rail service with the creation of
other as feasible. Amtrak. Recently, however, a movement to privatize
roads and other infrastructure has gained some ground
and adherents.[26]
Further information: Timeline of transportation technol-
5 Impact
Main article: Sustainable transport
5.1 Economic
The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century saw a num-
ber of inventions fundamentally change transport. With
telegraphy, communication became instant and indepen-
dent of transport. The invention of the steam engine,
closely followed by its application in rail transport, made
land transport independent of human or animal muscles.
Both speed and capacity increased rapidly, allowing spe-
cialization through manufacturing being located indepen-
dent of natural resources. The 19th century also saw the
development of the steam ship, that sped up global trans-
With the development of the combustion engine and
the automobile at the turn into the 20th century, road
transport became more viable, allowing the introduc- Transport is a key component of growth and globalization, such
tion of mechanical private transport. The first highways as in Seattle, Washington, United States.
Transport is a key necessity for specialization—allowing the flexibility and comfort for the individual deteriorate
production and consumption of products to occur at dif- the natural and urban environment for all. Density of
ferent locations. Transport has throughout history been a development depends on mode of transport, with pub-
spur to expansion; better transport allows more trade and lic transport allowing for better spacial utilization. Good
a greater spread of people. Economic growth has always land use keeps common activities close to people’s homes
been dependent on increasing the capacity and rational- and places higher-density development closer to transport
ity of transport.[27] But the infrastructure and operation oflines and hubs, to minimize the need for transport. There
transport has a great impact on the land and is the largest are economies of agglomeration. Beyond transportation
drainer of energy, making transport sustainability a major some land uses are more efficient when clustered. Trans-
issue. portation facilities consume land, and in cities, pavement
(devoted to streets and parking) can easily exceed 20 per-
Modern society dictates a physical distinction between
home and work, forcing people to transport themselves cent of the total land use. An efficient transport system
can reduce land waste.
to places of work or study, as well as to temporarily relo-
cate for other daily activities. Passenger transport is also Too much infrastructure and too much smoothing for
the essence of tourism, a major part of recreational trans- maximum vehicle throughput means that in many cities
port. Commerce requires the transport of people to con- there is too much traffic and many—if not all—of the
duct business, either to allow face-to-face communication negative impacts that come with it. It is only in recent
for important decisions or to move specialists from their years that traditional practices have started to be ques-
regular place of work to sites where they are needed. tioned in many places, and as a result of new types of
analysis which bring in a much broader range of skills
than those traditionally relied on—spanning such areas
5.2 Planning as environmental impact analysis, public health, sociolo-
gists as well as economists—the viability of the old mo-
Main article: Transport planning bility solutions is increasingly being questioned. Euro-
pean cities are leading this transition.
Transport planning allows for high utilization and less
impact regarding new infrastructure. Using models of
transport forecasting, planners are able to predict future
5.3 Environment
transport patterns. On the operative level, logistics al-
lows owners of cargo to plan transport as part of the
supply chain. Transport as a field is studied through
transport economics, the backbone for the creation of
regulation policy by authorities. Transport engineering, a
sub-discipline of civil engineering, must take into account
trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice and route
assignment, while the operative level is handled through
traffic engineering.
bon emissions of road vehicles considerably have been [12] Cooper et al., 1998: 280
studied.[31][32] Energy use and emissions vary largely be-
tween modes, causing environmentalists to call for a tran- [13] Cooper et al., 1998: 275–76
sition from air and road to rail and human-powered trans- [14] Bent Flyvbjerg, Mette K. Skamris Holm, and Søren L.
port, as well as increased transport electrification and Buhl, “How (In)Accurate Are Demand Forecasts in Pub-
energy efficiency. lic Works Projects”, Journal of the American Planning As-
Other environmental impacts of transport systems in- sociation 71:2, pp. 131–146.
clude traffic congestion and automobile-oriented urban [15] Stopford, 1997: 422
sprawl, which can consume natural habitat and agricul-
tural lands. By reducing transportation emissions glob- [16] Stopford, 1997: 29
ally, it is predicted that there will be significant positive
effects on Earth’s air quality, acid rain, smog and climate [17] Chopra and Meindl, 2007: 3
change.[33] [18] Chopra and Meindl, 2007: 63–64
• Environmental impact of aviation [22] Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006: 211–14
• List of emerging transportation technologies [24] Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006: 158
• Outline of transport [25] Cooper et al., 1998: 277
• Wikipedia Books: Transport [26] Clifford Winston, Last Exit: Privatization and Deregula-
tion of the U.S. Transportation System (Washington, D.C.:
• IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
Brookings Institution, 2010).
• Journal of Transport and Land Use
[27] Stopford, 1997: 2
9 External links
• Transportation from UCB Libraries GovPubs
• Transportation at DMOZ
• America On the Move An online transportation ex-
hibition from the National Museum of American
History, Smithsonian Institution
10.1 Text
• Transport Source: Contributors: Carey Evans, Brion VIBBER, Mav, Robert
Merkel, Tarquin, Koyaanis Qatsi, Ap, Rjstott, Andre Engels, Rmhermen, Subtle Trouble, Qbmessiah, DavidLevinson, Anthere, Hannes
Hirzel, Heron, Hotlorp, Youandme, Hephaestos, Edward, Quintessent, Patrick, RTC, Michael Hardy, Llywrch, Lexor, Norm, Gabbe,
Psi~enwiki, Ixfd64, Arpingstone, Chadloder, Minesweeper, Ellywa, Ahoerstemeier, Stan Shebs, Mac, Setu, Glenn, Kwekubo, An-
dres, Dod1, Quux, DJ Clayworth, Tpbradbury, Grendelkhan, Taxman, JonathanDP81, Warofdreams, Leonariso, Robbot, Altenmann,
Kokiri, Syclop, Stewartadcock, Kneiphof, Michael Snow, Fuelbottle, Tobias Bergemann, Alan Liefting, Giftlite, Fennec, Fudoreaper,
Meursault2004, Tom Radulovich, Everyking, Oleg326756, Alison, LarryGilbert, Duncharris, Leonard Vertighel, Antandrus, Beland,
RainerBlome, Gary D, Neutrality, Shadowlink1014, Bluemask, Freakofnurture, Heegoop, CALR, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Guan-
abot, ESkog, Jnestorius, Violetriga, El C, Art LaPella, Coolcaesar, Causa sui, Bobo192, Dralwik, Longhair, Blargle B Targlebo, Maurreen,
Syd1435, Man vyi, Kjkolb, Nk, Alphax, Mdd, Espoo, Klafubra, Ranveig, Alansohn, Interiot, Swarve, Derumi, Echuck215, Walkerma,
Fawcett5, CJ, Bart133, RainbowOfLight, Bsadowski1, Jguk, SteinbDJ, Netkinetic, Woohookitty, Henrik, Camw, Ae-a, Unixer, Scjessey,
WadeSimMiser, Tabletop, SCEhardt, Eras-mus, Hughcharlesparker, Prashanthns, Palica, Behun, Graham87, BD2412, Kbdank71, Fre-
plySpang, Hydrodrive, Sjö, Sjakkalle, Mayumashu, Koavf, Hulagutten, MZMcBride, Tawker, Vegaswikian, Yamamoto Ichiro, Titoxd,
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Tone, JPD, YurikBot, Wavelength, Sceptre, Gerfriedc, Fabartus, Red Slash, Admiral Roo, Gardar Rurak, D0li0, Chaser, Fabrication-
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alonia, Gtdp, Dspradau, GraemeL, Mokgand, Brz7, Chriswaterguy, LeonardoRob0t, Smurrayinchester, Airodyssey, Curpsbot-unicodify,
SorryGuy, Cjfsyntropy, Nixer, David Biddulph, John Broughton, Asterion, Dkbryant, Yvwv, Veinor, SmackBot, Jokl, Bobet, Bwileyr,
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• File:Airfrance.a318-100.f-guga.arp.jpg Source:
arp.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Adrian Pingstone (Arpingstone)
• File:BW_Fjord_an_Glameyer_Stack_2007-12-15.JPG Source:
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