Web Dev Assignment

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First Task:-

Check the page load speed and suggest improvements in the development for the website.
I checked the page load speed of the website https://www.misindia.net/ using PageSpeed Insights and found
that its score on mobile is 30 and on desktop its score is 64, both are in mid range. This means that website has
low performance.
The website performance can be improved by these suggestions-
1. Eliminate render-blocking resources. These are scripts or stylesheets that prevent the browser from
rendering the page content as quickly as possible. You can use the async or defer attributes for
JavaScript files, or inline critical CSS and defer non-critical CSS.

2. By minifying the CSS and JavaScript. It means that by removing any unnecessary or repetitive code
from your scrips and stylesheets, such as removing the unused variables, whitespace, comments, etc.
There are various tools, you can use UglifyJS or CSSNano to minify your code.

3. Serve images in next-gen formats. This means using newer image formats like WebP or AVIF that offer
better compression and quality than older formats like JPEG or PNG. You can use tools like ImageOptim
or Squoosh to convert your images to these formats.

4. By properly size images. This means scaling and cropping your images to fit the dimensions of the
display, so that you don’t waste bandwidth and loading time on unnecessary pixels. You can use tools
like Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator or Cloudinary to generate different sizes of your images
for different screen resolutions.

5. By using the External CSS and JS. It means that you can use the external CSS and JS files instead of
using inline CSS. By this you can save the time on loading and wasting the bandwidth which occurs due
to the large size of the source code.

6. By taking a look over the website responsiveness. It means that the website has to view on the various
types of screens or devices but the above website displays images with incorrect aspect ratio and many
other User Interface problems.
Second Task:-

Suggest technical improvements in the page design and functionality.

1. By optimizing your page speed. The website takes too long to load, which can affect the user
experience and SEO.

2. Use attractive calls to action. These are buttons or links that prompt the user to take a desired action,
such as contacting you, requesting a quote, or signing up. You can use contrasting colors, and clear and
compelling language. For example, you can use phrases like “Get Started Today”, “Request for
admission”, or “Join our programs” instead of generic ones like “Apply Now”, “Contact Us”, or “Sign Up”.

3. Use white space. This is the empty space between elements on your page, such as text, images,
buttons, etc. White space can help create a clean and elegant design, improve readability, and highlight
important information. You can use white space to separate different sections of your page, create
visual hierarchy, and guide the user’s attention.

4. Use images wisely. Images can enhance your website by adding visual appeal, conveying your message,
and showcasing your work. However, you should also avoid using too many images, low-quality images,
or irrelevant images that can distract the user or slow down your page load time. Alt text can help
improve accessibility and SEO for your website.

5. Keep your website pages consistent. This means using the same layout, colors, fonts, navigation, and
style across all pages of your website. Consistency can help create a professional and coherent look,
improve usability, and reinforce your brand identity.

6. By adding new graphics to your website. This means that by adding the attractive graphics in the
background of the website. The user will get attracted by the website’s interface.

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