CodeClause AI Offer Letter
CodeClause AI Offer Letter
CodeClause AI Offer Letter
We are pleased to offer you an internship with CodeClause Pvt Ltd as Artificial Intelligence Intern.
This is an educational internship. Our goal is for you to learn more about Software Development. As
we discussed, your internship is expected to last from 1 Dec
Aug 2022
2023 to 128 F 2023.
Sep eb 2023. However, at
the sole discretion of the Company, the duration of the internship may be extended or shortened
with or without advance notice.
As an intern, you will not be a Company employee. Therefore, you will not receive a salary, wages,
or other compensation. In addition, you will not be eligible for any benefits that the company offers
its employees. You understand that participation in the internship program is not an offer of
employment, and successful completion of the internship does not entitle you to employment with
the company.
The detailed terms and conditions of your internship are incorporated under Schedule A, which can
be amended with due notice. Kindly login and accept this letter along with the accepting terms of
conditions given in Schedule A, to indicate your acceptance, within 2 days from the receipt of this
We look forward to welcoming you and wish you a successful and rewarding career with us.
Warm Regards,
Upon successful completion of the internship program at CodeClause, you will be awarded
an Internship Certificate and a Letter of Recommendation (LOR). Swags will also be
provided to eligible interns based on specific criteria. Please note that this is an unpaid
internship, and interns are responsible for their own expenses, including maintenance fees
and other charges. We believe this internship offers valuable learning experiences and
hands-on opportunities to enhance your skills in the field. We look forward to your
successful journey with us at CodeClause.
I, Durgesh Prasad
acknowledge that I have read, understood and accept this offer and the terms and
conditions contained in the attached Schedule(s), and agree to be bound by the terms and
conditions of internship as outlined therein.
Name: Durgesh Prasad
Date: 29/07/2023