Ritik Research Paper
Ritik Research Paper
Ritik Research Paper
Abstract – The goal of this study is to do a case study on a website architecture2030.org Nearly 40% of annual global
small number of healthcare facilities. These facilities were CO2 emissions are produced by buildings. Building activities
visited, and it was found that they lack things like thermal account for 28% of those total emissions annually, while
insulation, water collecting systems, and a complete reliance building materials and construction (often referred to as
on fossil fuels, among other things. Due to these drawbacks, embodied carbon) account for an additional 11%. Although it
they are unable to reduce the production of greenhouse gases, could appear as though there is no end to the construction
are less energy efficient, utilise more natural resources, are process and that it cannot be stopped, green buildings offer a
less sustainable, etc. These problems are fixed in this research way to manage the process while also protecting the
project with the aid of particular technologies. These environment.
technologies may be more expensive at first, but they will end
up being more affordable in the long run. These are user- 1.1 Green building
friendly since they will be utilised by the majority of people, A structure that can both have good effects on the climate and
and upkeep is simple and affordable. Green hospitals are the environment and lessen or eliminate negative ones during
created to lessen the impact of hospital construction on the design, construction, or operation. Green buildings improve
environment. Because they are built to operate around the our quality of life while preserving irreplaceable natural
clock, hospitals have a greater impact on the environment. In resources. Currently, there are numerous definitions of green
this study, green hospital-related topics have been covered, building available. The phrase "green building" refers to a
and issues that arise in conventional hospitals have been fixed. multitude of methods and best practises [1]. It is the outcome
of design philosophy, which prioritises efficient resource
utilisation and focuses on optimal resource use [1].
Key Words: green building, energy efficient building, green
hospital, environmental study Resources are used wisely and carefully during all phases of a
structure's existence, including planning, design, construction,
1.INTRODUCTION operation, maintenance, repair, and deconstruction, in the
practise of "green building," also known as "sustainable
The boom in the construction sector is a result of population building." [1]. This approach broadens and enhances the
growth and changes in people's lifestyles. Infrastructure conventional building design factors of affordability,
development takes place in large part through construction. usefulness, durability, and comfort.
After agriculture, the construction sector is India's second-
largest industry. It involves more than just building a The common criteria for green building ratings are
structure; it also involves a number of processes, including
planning, construction, use, maintenance, repair, and a) Site Selection and Planning
demolition. The actions taken to produce the built b) Building Materials
environment have a significant effect on both the local and c) Water Conservation/Management
global environments. Any building has an effect on the d) Energy Efficiency-
neighbourhood through requests for materials for building e) Innovation
construction and maintenance, water supply and waste water
The conceptual drawing of green building is shown below
disposal, solid waste disposal of all types, power supply, etc.
It contributes to environmental deterioration on a global scale
in the form of the climate change phenomenon. The
construction sector has experienced remarkable growth, which
increases greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as a result of
population growth and stricter thermal comfort standards.
Figure 1 conceptual drawing of green building There are no surrounding streams, farms, or wetlands that are
protected on the project's chosen location. The site is already
1.2 Green hospital in use and it does not have much vegetation. The elevation of
In hospitals, a constant supply of power is needed for the land is towards is upwards towards the East direction that
equipment and operations. Even while hospitals are open is mrl 424m and the land is downwards towards the West
24/7, this does not mean that there are fewer opportunities to direction with mrl 422m. The land is owned by my family and
preserve energy. In order to reduce energy waste, hospitals it has total area of approx. of 55,454 sq.ft.. The area is
can adopt a variety of various actions. Adopting methods to inscribed under the longitude of 23° 09’ 10” N, 20° 09’
enhance the air quality within buildings is one of the most 12.79” N, 23° 09’12.54” N and 23° 09’ 12.72” N. The latitude
crucial. Other actions include recycling kitchen waste, cutting of the area are 79° 54’ 18” E, 79° 54’ 18.64” E, 79° 54’
back on the amount of paper used or recycling it. 21.56” E and 79° 54’ 21.31” E. The data is observed from
Google earth pro. Theolygon
Even while hospitals are open 24/7, this does not mean that
there are fewer opportunities to preserve energy. In order to
reduce energy waste, hospitals can adopt a variety of various
actions. Adopting methods to enhance the air quality within
buildings is one of the most crucial. Other actions include
recycling kitchen waste, cutting back on the amount of paper
used, or both.
Figure 2 Site selected (Source-google earth pro)
The hospital runs continuously, and its reliance on energy to
do so is completely reliable. For the hospital to run smoothly,
secondary power supply units are required. Emergencies can
happen at any time and are unpredictable. The hospital
operates all year long, and certain actions must be made to
keep the machinery and building in good condition. Hospitals
are where one can find the most disease-spreading germs.
Effective governance is necessary. Compared to a commercial
facility, a hospital uses a lot more water. The expense of
maintenance is increased by the extensive usage of non-
renewable energy sources. It is necessary to address the trash
produced by each bed, the employees, and the guests.
Hazardous chemicals are used in laboratory research, Figure 3 500 m buffer zone of the selected area (Source-Google
equipment sterilisation, cleaning and disinfection, and the earth pro)
treatment of some ailments. The equipment's and the The observations that can be drawn from the 500 m buffer
structure's lifespans get shorter as a result of continuous use.
zone view is that there is no wetland, environment sensitive
area and forest that will be disturbed by the construction and
the location is within the city which will help in reduction of
transportation cost of the materials and the workers will be
easily available
3.2 Selection of material
Table 1 Environment senstitvity Selection of materials for construction plays a vital role to
reduce the environmental effect. Sustainable means local and
S.No Location Distance(Km) locally available materials are easy to handle and reduce the
transportation distance and cost which intends to reduce the
Madan Mahal emission of Green House gases. Locally available materials
help to conserve energy and if they are efficiently utilized
Nearest Railway Railway Station at they can also improve the occupant health and efficiency.
Station 1.7 km in NE
3.3 Technologies that can be
Nearest Eco
3.3.1 Porotherm bricks
2 Sensitive NA Porotherm Bricks: The IGBC and GRIHA both recognise
these bricks. Both sound and temperature are nicely insulated
by them. The building's interior comfort is significantly
increased thanks to the excellent thermal insulation produced
Ganga Sagar Lake by the thermal transmittance value "U" of 0.6 W/m2K.
0.5 km in NE Buildings can be constructed using Porotherm Vertically
Perforated Clay Hollow Bricks (Porotherm VP) instead of
Nearest Water direction
3 RCC frame structures. They complement Ground + 1-floor
Body structures perfectly.
Taal Lake 0.5 km in
3.3.2 Bio gas plant
SW direction This aids in managing hospital trash, which must be managed
carefully. The cost of LPG for hospital kitchens is subsidised
NH 30 0.1km in W by this facility in part due to rising LPG costs. Urban dwellers
facing an energy crisis have no choice but to produce their
own renewable energy. This might be done by producing
4 Road biogas from kitchen garbage, which would address the lack of
SH 45 0.8 km in LPG and proper solid waste disposal. The kitchen waste is
NE direction. deposited into the second chamber of the tank while the
human waste is fed directly to the tank. Cooking is then done
with the gas that is created.
Balancing Rock 0.5
A hospital in Kathmandu has stopped receiving LPG for its
Historic km in SE direction
tea room and now only runs on biogas. The resulting slurry
5 Monuments can be applied to the garden as manure. Since the plant is
Rani Durgavati Fort small and odourless, sanitation and hygiene concerns are also
0.8 km in SW addressed. Centre for Embassy Health Colombo, Sri Lanka
generates renewable energy that is carbon-neutral and uses
direction. trash from the city's underprivileged districts and hospital
using a high-temperature thermophilic anaerobic digester.
This cutting-edge composting system will generate
biomethane, which will be processed into bio-natural gas
(BNG). The BNG then utilises a cogeneration plant to power
the hospital and water purifying systems. [14]
3.3.5 Window and door sensors
These detects the opening and closing of doors and windows
which help in maintaining temperature. Nowadays, new
sensors also inform the staff for closing the door and windows
of unoccupied rooms
3.3.8 RO Plant
RO reverses the natural tendency of water with dissolved salts
to pass across a membrane from lower to greater salt
concentration. STP with RO wastewater hookup. Nature uses
this mechanism on a regular basis. It helps plants get water
Figure 5 Lighting during night is reduced and Efficient use of and nutrients from the soil. The working ratio of RO is 1:3.
Daylight energy
For one part of drinkable water 3 parts of non-drinkable water
is flushed. This makes it less effective. The idea of connecting
the flushed water outlet to separate tank and the water can be
used for flushing, washing, laundries and for landscaping.
Water used in landscaping shows improvement in plants
growth. The treated water from STP will be stored in a tank 4.1 Result from Google earth pro plan
that will have connection of RO wastewater. The area was visited by me and due to clear reference of the
area google earth pro has been used. The hospital will cover
3.3.9 Green concrete an area of approx. 20,000 sq,ft,
At least one component of green concrete is made from
recycled materials. It is constructed from leftover materials
from several companies. Through the use of a circular design,
it is both affordable and contributes to lowering carbon
emissions. Many other options, including as timber, reclaimed
wood, and plastic, can be used in place of basalt as coarse
aggregate. in place of fine sand You can utilise marble
powder, quarry dust, and aggregate fly ash. Concrete can be
made from glass that has been crushed. When used as a 25%
weight replacement for sand, saw dust provides strength
comparable to that of the mixture without saw dust. Saw dust
cuts costs and contributes to a reduction in saw waste.[35] Figure 9 Selected area
As we can observe from the above graph that the solar 5 Conclusion
readings are maximum on the terrace. In the present scenario • The drawbacks that were observed in the hospitals
there are no shading effect on the building that will effect the
were overcome in this design.
solar efficiency of the building. The total covered area is 1805
metre square. • The cost estimated for this project and the duration
for it’s recovery is 5 years.
• Social, environment and economic benefits have
been generated.
• Awareness among the peers related to green design.
• The requirement of energy and water for non- 05002 (2020) TPACEE-2019
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