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Microprocessors and Microsystems 83 (2021) 103970

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Energy-saving design of civil engineering buildings based on FPGA and

embedded system
Xianbo Zhang
School of Architectural Engineering, Jinhua Polytechnic, Jinhua, Zhejiang, 321007, China


Keywords: Civil engineers design, construct, operate, and manage public roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges,
Civil engineering water supply and sewage treatment systems engineering construction, and maintenance, including the private
FPGA sectors. The energy civil engineering building design is one of the most catalysts for wealth creation, economic
Embedded system
growth, and social change in all countries. Buildings have a significant share of the total energy consumption
Building design
worldwide; therefore, they profoundly impact the environment (Selects the construction area of these stages,
Construction architectural design, architecture and material selection, Construction, maintenance, disassembly, reuse, recy­
cling, and waste disposal). The power building’s life cycle has been used at all stages based on Field Program­
mable Gate Array (FPGA) and Embedded system. Embedded system is a civil design engineering that is often
optimal for maximum compute output, no timelines, or business drivers. Energy consumption in buildings can be
significantly reduced at every stage of the building lifecycle. The energy-saving method of construction lifecycle.
Information about the building’s life cycle, energy-saving, and explains the guiding principles in civil engi­
neering buildings’ life cycle design.

1. Introduction environmental performance goals to increase decoration construction

activities more sustainable and require appropriate strategies and
Buildings take different levels of energy at each stage of the life cycle. measures. The construction industry should have such a significant
About half of the non-renewable resources (water, energy and raw impact that sustainable construction methods make a valuable contri­
materials) consumed by humans are used in buildings. Modern human bution to developing a high capacity and bearing capacity.
civilization relies on buildings and their continued existence, but the Sustainable development is one of the significant problems in the
current level of resource consumption associated with them on our construction industry, evolving into a broad and complex concept. The
planet is not supported. The building has a significant impact on energy concept of sustainable development involves raising the standard of
consumption and the environment. For example, it is estimated that living to live in a healthy environment with undeveloped social, eco­
building materials account for the bulk of this consumption. Large nomic and environmental conditions. Reuse design, Construction,
quantities of used goods consume a lot of transport energy. decoration, operation, or a sustainable project environment and
The project’s design is the first step to design; it mobilizes all the resource conservation. Reduction and greenhouse gases; Pollution pre­
design elements to connect to the network if the designer has all the vention; Noise reduction; Necessary for improving indoor air quality;
design requirements and critical decision making. Other parameters Efficiency of resource and energy use in an integrated environment: It
based on which the designer to express the building’s shape, space and must meet several specific goals. The best plan is to be cheap to build,
determines the skin. On the one hand, on the other hand, the energy given that when fully returned to Earth, it will eventually show up
consumption of the building elements. Many scholars have discussed the forever and moderately. Artists, designers, engineers, and others
need for the project, including energy saving. The construction industry involved in Construction must have a unique opportunity to achieve
is a critical factor in economic development and has a significant impact development goals relevant to the design and development area of the
on the environment. By its size, a building is one of great energy, ma­ construction project and minimize the impact on the environment.
terial resources and water; it is a potent pollutant. To mitigate these Although current sustainability plans, strategies and processes focus on
impacts, companies have acknowledged and handed over broader global goals and strategic goals, they are significantly weaker in

E-mail address: [email protected].

Received 15 December 2020; Received in revised form 5 January 2021; Accepted 11 January 2021
Available online 12 January 2021
0141-9331/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Zhang Microprocessors and Microsystems 83 (2021) 103970

determining integrated micro (project level) decision making. The hierarchical tree was proposed as the original spatial structure rela­
strange thing is that it is precisely at the micro-level that concrete must tionship model [2].
be transformed into a movement, using a comprehensive approach and The central building automation control system manages all built-in
practical steps to sustainable development target assistance. technical systems and smart home appliances that can control the load,
Although such building research institutes are continually devel­ change the time of loads and control loads one minute and a second, and
oping new technologies such as Building Research Establishment Envi­ obtain a flat map with different types of loads [3]. The author believes
ronmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), Building Environment and that residential/commercial buildings’ proposed system is convenient to
Economic Sustainability (BEES), Leadership and Energy Environmental realize management on the demand side.
Design (LEED), they are continually being developed and supplemented Distribution System Management (DSM) Heating and Cooling Sys­
with current practices. Continuous companies’ general purpose is to tems Smart equipment utilize flexibility and thermal stability by
design buildings to minimize the overall impact of the built environment imposing local and central set point structures based on real-world net
on human health and the natural environment. Also, parametric design load and power generation at a time [4]. Path discovery is a fundamental
is trendy. However, many projects focus on the diversity of the body and problem in many fields, such as robotics, automation, computer systems,
skin unilaterally and exclude multiple functions, energy-saving and and computer graphics. Although exterior way finding is mature, the
environmental protection that violate the internal law’s original intent lack of indoor maps due to indoor searching remains a challenge. Some
and logical parameter design. Therefore, setting low energy consump­ efforts have been made to develop building information modelling or to
tion of building design can be combined with parametric design and use grid-based maps or topographic maps. However, both grid-based
energy-saving exchange fiction client, and parametric design to get a maps and surface maps are sufficient to provide accurate and useful
new direction in parametric design and optimization design, to realize ways of finding services [5]. Natural disasters thereby directly affect the
the building shape, skin and space. safety of the public and affect the construction health of buildings.
The architectural style of the control law. Also, some critical factors Continuous construction monitoring can be achieved by capturing
that significantly affect the building’s performance, such as shape, sensor networks distributed in the occupied buildings grounded in mo­
orientation, facade design, function, etc. are mainly determined by the tion utilization [6].
calculation level. The energy-saving part in the initial design and These sensors can then be used to calculate displacement at each site,
detailed design stages mainly refers to the nozzles design, thermal which can assess building damage after an earthquake event. According
insulation materials, glass selection, and mechanical and electrical to federal Agency standards, the peak value is calculated relative to the
equipment systems. There is little room for improvement of the energy stumble level, directly related to the degree of damage [7]. Along with
EF law for design only. Therefore, at the design stage of the project, I the various requirements for developing modern civil aircraft, a large
realized the need and importance of international educators and engi­ number of new advanced technologies to handle a complex task, and
neering circles to build research and energy efficiency to design simu­ rigorous system integration.
lation device integration. How to closely combine technology and design Focusing on critical issues at the beginning of the design, Jets for
in the design process, redesign florid control rules for performance Citizens should have high-level design requirements identified and
appraisal and design building, and the combination of these environ­ reasonably defined [8]. Based on the engineering system structure, the
mental, energy-saving design concepts and parameters are essential is­ civil aircraft jet high-level design requirements were examined,
sues. Based on the fuel energy efficient forex fiction client scheme, the including the purpose, the primary content of the space demand system,
project and the technical system generation planning phase established the demand verification process, and the work team’s structure. The
in this paper are designed for energy-saving parameters. Trainers in the framework integrates with its model-based specific aircraft dynamo­
construction industry have begun to pay regulatory wages and damage phore design domain a comprehensive Model-based Systems Engineer­
to the environment. Artists, designers, engineers, and others involved in ing (MBSE) model, which integrates an aircraft system development
Construction must have a unique opportunity to achieve development lifecycle process [9,10].
goals relevant to the design and development area of the construction Using this framework, conduct analysis, verification and verification
project and minimize the impact on the environment. Although current for sample-based requirements. The sample parameter package domains
sustainability programs, strategies and processes focus on broad global are both enhanced by a single format. Civil aviation ground dealing
goals and strategic goals, they are significantly weaker in tackling in­ systems and traditional transmission pipes are often used devices
tegrated decision-making at the micro-level. capable of ensuring high-viscosity deciding fluids’ physical and chemi­
The strange thing is that it is precisely at the micro-level that con­ cal properties. The tendency of the traditional transfer pump also causes
crete must be transformed into a movement, using a comprehensive fluctuation [11,12].
approach and practical steps to sustainable development target assis­ A new horizontal space manifold is intended for flux fluctuations to
tance. Buildings are consumed at different levels and can have different suppress shaft compression. Wire transformer connectors connecting
goals at each stage of the life cycle. Materials, transportation, and two lying needles simultaneously: The new type of pump uses a separate
building energy production of the building, with a lifespan of at least 50 transformer [13]. Connect the piston to the distributor shaft distributed
years at least five times per operation level, the amount of energy used on both sides of the rod drive to achieve linear transmission motion.
and the activity level. A large portion of the energy (35–60%) is used for Computer simulation technology is used to solve various engineering
heating, air conditioning, ventilation and artificial lighting at this stage. problems, especially to solve the number of simulation research methods
Energy-saving methods significantly affect the energy economy; most commonly used by people in the new century [14]. However, the
buildings are considered over 50 years if they live a long time. Even complex geographical conditions make the project unique, and other
focusing only on the phases to use and run is very important. projects cannot copy support programs. Also, due to the requirements’
engineering cost, it is unacceptably repetitive to evaluate site support
2. Related work programs [15].
Therefore, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate support program
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the pledge technology for for computer simulation technology. As science and technology in­
constructing informatics. Currently, more and more applications are crease, solving engineering problems’ precision requirements is
using BIM to improve building construction and facility management becoming more stringent than ever before [16]. In civil and mechanical
[1]. In these applications, real-world facilities related to BIM programs engineering, most construction design optimization problems have
are a fundamental and challenging task. Research involves the use of proven to be uncertain stratification issues. The Artificial Bee Colony
physical language to deal with this problem. First, a novel BIM (ABC) method has proven to be a significant design optimization issue.

X. Zhang Microprocessors and Microsystems 83 (2021) 103970

such as solar and wind protection. To protect from the prevailing wind
and sunlight, the building of the land’s orientation must be suitable for
the region’s climatic conditions. In cold climates, the lower overnight
temperature is colder, and dense air recess and valleys accumulate.
Therefore, in cold climates, rather than the slope, building a building on
top of the valley is best. The inclined area is protected from the cold
wind as much as possible from more direct valley and benefits.

3.2. Civil engineering building site design planning

The distance between the architecture, the building is an important

design parameter concerning the influence of the artificial environment
solar, wind direction, and speed. During the design process, the building
must be processed and their overall environment. The height of the
distance between buildings during the use stage will affect the energy
efficiency of buildings. The Construction of the other buildings’ shadow
space still affects sunlight, the fact that the energy consumption is
increased. To take advantage of solar radiation, it must be at least as
high as the tone, the other buildings in its possession, the height of the
space occupied. Also, the location and other buildings from the effects of
speed and direction, the Construction of the wind, affect buildings’ en­
ergy performance.

Fig. 1. Energy-saving design of civil engineering buildings process. 3.3. Selecting energy-saving civil design building materials

Proposes combining an advanced Distribution System Management - In the production stage, all building materials must be equipped with
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (DSM-ABC) with a dual search mecha­ energy-saving features in the use stage. The total energy consumption
nism for levy flight and differential self-interference with three classic structure of local materials and the amount of energy consumption of
construction design issues, including longitudinal beam design, transport construction materials to the construction site are significant.
cogwheel design, and three bar stand design. The proposed autonomous Also, it affects the cost of energy efficiency and economic structure.
system is a unique design because the business app-shelf contains items Construction materials in local materials, if they are as much as possible
integrated into a fully automated system [17,18]. to manufacture a nearby construction site. Thus, transport energy con­
Creation and maintenance costs low, while the design is easy, can be sumption on the Construction to save important ecosystems’ quality is
deployed to different environments, such as nuclear power plants and reduced.
bridges. However, the critical point to be improved is the system’s Many building materials are renewable resources that use a lot of
performance, which significantly increases the time required for the energy production. Instead of reproducing the source material is not a
autonomy study of an existing system and is related to the lower image new process for producing a building material feedstock significant
processing frequency. A new embedded series based on Field Program­ saving, energy-saving, and a significant amount. Renewable building
mable Gate Arrays (FPGA) was developed on board to enhance high materials is essential to reduce the embodied energy in buildings. For
performance and crack detection and image processing board [19,20]. example, a comparison of 40 and 90% of the material used between the
metal may be recovered from natural sources made save significant
3. Materials and methods energy.
These materials are manufactured with less energy and labour costs;
Energy consumption is one of the most critical environmental in general, natural materials’ energy is lower than artificial materials.
problems; to manage its use is not inevitable in any functional society. This type of material is easy to set locally; it is commonly renewable
The building is the primary energy consumption and building operation. resources. Such plant material, structure, wood, bamboo, reed, straw,
It will consume energy and other resources at each construction project used in rye stalks, sunflower stalks, and mushrooms, is a natural sub­
stage from the final dismantling design and Construction. Energy con­ stance obtained from rapidly renewable. In the building of durable
sumption of civil building material is handled differently, and the life materials to make them stronger and more durable against a variety of
cycle affects the flow of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere differently, factors. ageing needs, updated materials, and maintenance of such
from the end of life during the manufacturing process. Its consumption damage are delayed or cancelled. This is the energy from the waste that
reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced by the has been saved for use in the maintenance and update. This is the energy
efficiency of an effective means to slow the depletion of non-renewable from the waste that has been saved for use in the maintenance and
energy resources. update.
Fig. 1 shows the buildings’ specific energy, the total energy, the
energy required for the material’s components, and the indirect archi­ 3.4. Usage of energy resources civil building design using embedded
tecture needed to create a building that includes direct energy used in system
the construction and assembly process.
Energy sources (solar, wind, biomass, biogas, geothermal energy,
hydraulic, trees, ocean thermal, tidal, wave, ocean currents) are used
3.1. The civil building of the site selection and accepted as eternal gratitude of all life forms on Earth. This is their
continuous update of a possible energy resource. Passive solar heating
The distance between the other buildings, creating a website is one of systems are classified by the relationship between the solar power sys­
the most critical design parameters that affect air circulation and the tem and the building. The direct gain system, indirect gain systems, and
building of solar radiation surrounding. For this reason, at the site of individual gain system: There are three passive solar heating systems. In
floor area shall be decided in efficiency and renewable energy resources the passive solar system, blocks (windows, walls, floors, etc.) is

X. Zhang Microprocessors and Microsystems 83 (2021) 103970

Fig. 2. Circuit Diagram.

Fig. 3. FPGA diagram for civil building design.

collected, stored is heated, and then the internal space distribution. The which energy is reduced and air. Evaporation of water, this type of heat,
direct gain passive solar building has a window that admits winter day when it aspirated a large amount of sensible heat from the surrounding
directly to the occupied space. The most direct benefit in buildings, environment, will be converted to the form of water vapour. A solar
(northern hemisphere when) (1) large, south-facing windows in winter thermal system is an active solar thermal system through a current
sub recognized; to reduce the temperature variation of the internal heat collector that collects solar radiation into thermal energy mechanical
mass (2) in an insulating envelope, (3) when the glass South (or another and electronic components. It uses the energy directly in water and air. It
one strategy) corner is sunshade glass when exposed to winter sun is enables, and it or a similar fluid that may be used by the storage
recognized in the summer, the overhang is calculated to reduce the heat evaluation.
loss. Fig. 3 shows the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), a semi­
Establishing radiation absorption of radiant energy, everything dis­ conductor device based on a matrix of configurable logic blocks con­
tributes objects: cooling. In the case of a configuration of object net nected via a programmable interconnect.
outward flow is cooled by radiation. In the evening, much less long-
wave infrared rays emitted from the clear sky buildings and long-wave 4. Result and discussion
infrared radiation. Evaporative cooling: water has been used to
improve the thermal comfort of buildings and cascade. Since Fig. 2 Economic growth is good building design management for providing
shows the water is evaporated, it has been lost from the temperature at short-term and long-term sustainable and comprehensive development

X. Zhang Microprocessors and Microsystems 83 (2021) 103970

4.1. Energy-saving efficiency

Only cost-based analysis to consider new energy-efficient technolo­

gies is limited. For example, it has stood as a window to improve the
comfort of a cold day. The ability to change the colour of the light may
affect consumer preferences, but quantitative analysis.
Fig. 5 and Table 2 shows the construction phase, including the
Construction and use of the building. The construction phase is possible;
prefer to build a technology that consumes a high equipment-used en­
ergy efficiency and less energy.

5. Conclusion

The building has vast energy-saving potential. To obtain a consid­

erable potential, need to adopt measures to improve some of the regu­
lations and Construction. Building energy consumption it will be
displayed in all stages of the building. Therefore, energy-efficient
Fig. 4. Analysis of Economic growth.
building design, particularly in the use stage, should be considered. To
reduce energy consumption at the time of use of the building, fossil
Table 1 energy’s renewable energy should be the first choice.
Analysis of Economic growth.
Declaration of Competing Interest
S. No Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Maintenance 70 2.4 2
We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with
Construction 80 4.4 2
Building design 86 1.8 3
other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our
Category 4 4.5 2.8 5 work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or
kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as
influencing the position presented in, or the review of the manuscript.


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