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Ijert: Green Building Construction Techniques

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

Green Building Construction Techniques


*P.G. Student – M.E. (Construction & Management)

**Prof. & Head of Civil Engineering Dept.
MAEER‟S Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune-38

Abstract resources. It maximizes the use of efficient

building materials and construction practices;
In today‟s age of urbanization the optimizes the use of on –site sources and sinks by
environment is being ignored by human beings. bio-climatic architectural practices; uses minimum
Environmental imbalance is produced due to energy to power itself; uses efficient equipment to
different activities made by us. Construction meet its lighting, air-conditioning, and other needs;
industry is doing a massive role in this. While maximizes the use of renewable sources of energy;
construction processes and after construction due to uses minimum energy to power itself; uses efficient
faulty planning, pollution is created as well as lots waste and water management practices; and
of natural resources are wasted. Water scarcity is a provides comfortable and hygienic indoor working
major problem in front of society even though conditions. It is evolved through a design process
while using water for construction, gardening and that requires all concerned- the architect and
other domestic purposes proper care is not taken landscape designer and the air conditioning,
and water is wasted. In normal constructions electrical, plumbing, energy consultants –to work
proper care is not taken to save energy and energy as a team to address all aspects of building and
is not efficiently used. As demand of energy is system planning, design, construction and
increasing rapidly therefore there is excessive load operation. They critically evaluate the impacts of
on big thermal power projects, which adds into the each design decision on the environment and arrive
pollution. The water falling on the roof top is not at viable design solutions to minimize the negative
utilized in normal buildings. The waste produced in
impacts and enhance the positive impacts on the
homes is also contributing to pollution and in environment. In sum, the following aspects of the
making unsanitary and unaesthetic atmosphere. A building design are looked into in an integrated
Green Building design provides solutions to all way in a Green Building.

above-mentioned problems and contributes in Global warming and climate changes

keeping the environment clean and green. The have become a major concern for mankind today.
study shows that Green Buildings are only way to a In order to ensure that, development and
sustainable future. environment conservation go hand in hand,
major corporations around the world are
1. Introduction empowering projects to slow down depletion of
Green Building is generally defined as a natural resources.
building, which utilizes less external energy and is We spend 90% of our lives in buildings
capable of producing ample amount of energy for that protect us from the extremes of the nature like
its intended use itself without causing harm to the heat ,cold, rain, wind, snow etc. However, our
environment. Green Building is called energy buildings use enormous amount of energy,
efficient building or eco-friendly building. water, and material throughout their life cycle.
These buildings are called green due to They also create a large amount of waste and have
their similarity with trees…as trees generate their a profound effect on ecosystem.
food only by the use of sun light and air, these The economic, health and
buildings are also capable of producing energy and environmental impact of our homes is apparent
utilizing it properly without damaging the in our society. To meet the challenges of our built
environment. environment, a new way of designing &
A Green Building depletes the natural construction has evolved.
resources to the minimum during its construction It‟s a Green Building, this system follows
and operation. The aim of a Green Building design design and construction practices that significantly
is to minimum during its construction and reduce or eliminate the negative impact of the
operation. The aim of a Green Building design is to building on the environment and the occupants. In
minimize the demand on non-renewable resources, this paper we discuss structural and civil aspects for
maximize the utilization efficiency of these construction of Green Building.
resources, when in use, and maximize the reuse,
recycling, and the utilization of renewable 2. Features of Green Building
 Green building materials

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

 Reduced Energy Use would support better interior environmental quality

 Reduced Waste while improving energy efficiency.

2.1 Building Simulation Analysis 2.1.3. Daylight Analysis: Good design for
Building simulation solutions allow you to address building requires sufficient daylight for tasks
the thermodynamic complexities involved in performed within a space. This is achieved by
construction of a building and undertake integrated providing enough means to let in diffused light
performance appraisals of various options at a from the sky, but keep out direct light from the sun
reasonable cost. For the first time, the construction to prevent heat gain and glare. Daylight analysis is
industry has the computer aided tools to make the process by which the amount of diffused
assessments that are very close to the physically sunlight that enters into the interior of a building is
validated results. Simulation provides a way to estimated. This analysis does not take into account
assess the benefits of particular schemes, improve the direct sunlight entering into the building, but it
life cycle performance, enhance design quality, uses the luminance of the standard overcast sky
appraise climate change mitigation measures, from weather files as the measure of the exterior
undertake scenario based energy planning, link diffused sunlight. It helps us assess the impact of
energy and health and enable inter-organization the exterior surfaces on the entry of this light into
partnerships. The biggest advantage for simulation the interior floor space of the building.
at the design stage is to integrate the different
technical domains and identify the trade-offs to 2.1.4. Location Analysis: The early
arrive at an optimum solution. Building simulation consideration of environmental constraints and
analysis follows a systematic approach to ensure possibilities will help the creative designer to
the most accurate output. It includes a detailed conceive a building whose design draws upon these
study of the following factors: factors. Location analysis enables designers to
i. Energy Analysis exploit climatic conditions in order to maintain
ii. Solar Isolation Analysis comfort, minimizing the need for artificial control
iii. Daylight Analysis or the choice of suited materials. A typical location
analysis covers:
iv. Location Analysis
Wind patterns: Prevailing wind conditions,
v. Light Pollution Analysis seasonal wind and the temperature of wind
vi. Reflection & Glare Analysis Temperature: Average, maximum and minimum

vii. Shadow Analysis rainfall

viii. Visibility Analysis Humidity: Humidity conditions persisting in an
ix. Acoustic Analysis area and in selection of appropriate materials
for facade and building interiors
2.1.1 Energy Analysis: The purpose of energy Climate summary: The micro-climate of a site
simulation is to estimate the total annual energy dictated by topography, altitude and urban
consumption of buildings so as to inform the density
building design process to create energy efficient Rainfall: Average daily rainfall
choices. Energy analysis takes into account variety
of factors involved in the design, including but not
limited to

2.1.2 Solar Isolation Analysis: It is the amount

of electromagnetic energy (solar radiation) incident
on the surface of the earth. Solar isolation
analysis is the study of incident solar radiation
impacting on building. Incident solar radiation
(isolation) refers to the wide spectrum radiant
energy from the Sun which strikes on surface. This
includes both a direct component from the Sun
itself (sunshine) and a diffused component from
the visible sky (skylight). Depending on the site
chosen, it can also contain a reflected component
from other surfaces in the model and the ground.
The objective of the analysis is to determine
the amount of radiation received on the various
surfaces of the building being analysed to identify 2.1.5. Light Pollution Analysis: Light pollution
options for installation of Photovoltaic modules. It is excessive or obtrusive artificial light that disrupts
also helps in selection of facade materials that

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

ecosystems and has adverse health effects. This Building simulation program analyzes the various
analysis aims to quantify the level of light components of the structure at every step, allowing
pollution. It covers the following aspects. practitioners to explore a building‟s life cycle
Light trespass: Luminance values at certain site performance at the design stage, so that problems
physical locations can be identified and corrected before they arise.
Over Illumination: Evaluation of areas exceeding
the suggested lighting power density 2.2 Green Techniques:-
Sky Glow: Brightening of sky caused by outdoor Emphasis of four ‘R’s:-Via sound designing,
lighting and natural atmospheric and celestial construction and building commissioning
factors without compromising structural durability, indoor
pollutant levels, ventilation, building code
2.1.6. Reflection & glare Analysis: Reflection requirements, or marketability includes:-
analysis helps in understanding the glare-pattern on Reduce:- lower quantity of building material,
the site. This helps in designing the facade of the resources, and embodied energy are used.
property with an understanding of its implications Reuse:-construction materials that are practical and
to nearby locations (e.g. pools, parking, roads). structurally sound are reused.
Using reflection analysis, it is possible to calculate Recycle: - recycled materials are used, and home is
and display the effects of reflections in the same designed for recyclables.
way as shadows. Using a sun-path diagram, the Renewable:- energy from natural sources and
entire annual potential for reflections at the selected renewable building materials are emphasized.
focus point on a building can be obtained at any The technique which emphasizes these
given point. four „R‟s are called as Green Techniques.
These Green techniques can be classified as
2.1.7. Shadow Analysis: As shadows and follows:-
reflections are an important aspect of building  Structural or civil techniques.
design, shadow analysis enables an understanding  Electrical techniques
of the extent to which shadows from other local  Conservation
structures affect the specific property that is being techniques

designed. This helps to take the right decisions  Generation Techniques

regarding placement of parking lots, solar panels,  Special systems/ techniques
windows etc. Viewing shadows in this manner

allows the designers to focus on specific objects 2.2.1. Structural Techniques:-

that can hinder or support some of the functional
aspects of the design, or quickly see the location of Insulated wall:-
sun-patches as they travel across the floor and up a All of us pay to heat and cool our homes
wall. and wish we could pay much less than we do. In a
typical home, space conditioning and comfort
2.1.8. Visibility Analysis: Even at a preliminary bills can account for up to one-half of a
design stage, it can be important to know the home's energy bills with the remaining portion
degree of visibility of specific objects from due primarily to water heating, lighting, and
different parts of the building and workspaces. appliances.
Visibility analysis helps in obtaining a useful Installation of the cost-effective level of
assessment of the areas in a room that have insulation is extremely important. Homeowners
adequate views to the outside through windows and can affect their energy usage, save money, and
openings. This analysis involves setting up the help the environment all at the same time.
points over the floor plane of each room of analysis Investing in energy-efficient options, such as
and then selecting the appropriate windows, insulation, will provide a continued payback to the
allowing quick calculation of the exact area of homeowner and a more enjoyable and
unobstructed window visible from the point. comfortable living environment for many years,
as well as a reduction in emission of greenhouse
2.1.9. Acoustic Analysis: Acoustics plays major gases.
role in degrading the environmental quality of Types:-
space which may lead to occupant discomfort. 1. Air gap insulation
Acoustic Analysis deals with analysis of sound 2. Cotton insulation
inside the room, sound transmission through rooms, 3. Mineral wool insulation
speech intelligibility and background noise levels 4. Plastic Fibre insulation
inside the room. The main objective of this analysis
is to reduce reflections of sound inside the room, Green Cement:-
reduce the sound being transmittedfrom outside and Green Cement is a combinations
increasing the quality of speech inside the room. incorporating limestone, fly ash or ground

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

granulated blast-furnace slag can be specified

and, in some exposure conditions, may be more
appropriate. The cement industry is actively
recovering the energy from wastes by increasing
the use of non-fossil fuels such as waste solvents;
refuse derived fuel (RDF), certain non-recyclable
paper and plastics, sewage pellet, and meat and
bone meal. Using these alternative fuels not only
reduces the need for landfill sites or disposal by
incineration but also helps preserve our finite
reserves of fossil fuels. Fly ash brick:-

This is a fine, glass-powder recovered The most sustainable lighting is natural
from the gases of burning coal during the daylight. It is not only a free renewable resource
production of electricity. These micron-sized earth but it also has well-documented health benefits.
elements consist primarily of silica, alumina and Careful architectural design is required to
iron. When mixed with lime and water the fly ash maximize natural light in a building while
forms a cementations compound with properties maintaining indoor temperature regulation and
very similar to that of Portland cement. Because of reducing direct light glare. The strategic placement
this similarity, fly ash can be used to replace a of windows, skylights, light shafts, atriums and
portion of cement in concrete, providing some translucent panels in harmony with other building
distinct quality advantages. components, such that light is reflected evenly
Adding fly ash to stabilized soil bricks or throughout internal spaces, is known as day
ordinary bricks can increase their compressive lighting design
strength. Other benefits include: Green Roofs:-
1) Low water absorption It consists of covering the roof by the
2) Less consumption of mortar plantation of the different types. Other than

3) Economical & eco-friendly enhancing the aesthetic sense it acts as the natural
4) Low energy consumption insulation.
5) No emission of green house gases

Construction:- Transparent roof / sustainable day The basic build up of a green roof is three
lighting layered: - drainage, filter and vegetation layer. Each
Lighting accounts for around 15% of layer needs to fulfill several functions to decrease
the energy bill in most homes, and around the height and the weight of the overall build-up.
25% in commercial buildings.
Type of planting depends on depth of the
growing medium layer as well as other factors.

Growing medium:-
Grain size, water retention, air volume,
and weight and nutrient reserves. The soil needs to
be stable, not prone to settlement, well aerated even
with water saturation and free of weeds.

This layer retains drains water off the
roof, protects the root proof layer from being
mechanically damaged, retains water for times of
drought and provides the substrate with a balanced
supply of water and air.

Warm roof rigid insulation

Root membrane:-
This prevents roots from damaging the
waterproofing. The membranes specification

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

depends on the planned landscape and the slope of operation and overcharge / deep discharge
the roof. prevention cut-off with LED indicators. The solar
street light system comprise of :-74 W Solar PV
Green Paints:- Module 12 V, 75 Ah Tubular plate battery with
According to the EPA, the air inside a battery box Charge Controller cum inverter (20-35
home is, on average, two-to-five-times more kHz)11 Watt CFL Lamp with fixtures 4 meter mild
polluted than the air outside. Paint is a large steel lamp post above ground level with weather
contributing factor to poor indoor air quality proof paint and mounting hardware.
and can emit harmful chemicals, such as VOCs, The SPV modules are reported to have a service
for years after application. There are serious life of 15-20 years. Tubular Batteries provided
health and environmental concerns surrounding with the solar street lighting system require
paint. Using paints that are free of Volatile lower maintenance; have longer life and give
Organic Compounds (VOCs) such as benzene and better performance as compared to pasted plate
toluene, free of heavy metals such as lead or batteries used earlier.
cadmium, and/or made of post-consumer recycled
content can aid in reducing exposure to toxics both
for you and your environment.
Eco Wood:-
Eco wood is the wood produces and
processed by the man himself by recycling. Also
the wood manufactured from baggase of
sugarcane can be classified into this category.
This type of wood can again be recycled and
reused. Thus it helps to keeps to environment
Green Glasses
Green Glass products are used in exterior
applications both for energy generation( glass for

photovoltaic applications) and energy

conservation(tinted glass, solar control reflective .
glass, low-e glass etc.)as well as for interior 1. SPV Module

applications (arsenic-free designer range, 2. Battery Box

environmental friendly copper and lead free 3. Lamp with charge
mirrors etc.) controller
. 4. Lamp Post
2.2.2. Electrical Techniques:- Other Green Techniques in Electrical Techniques Field includes Energy Conservation in the
1. Optimum use of natural light. appliances like Refrigerator, Oven, Air-
2. Replacing incandescent lamps by compact Conditioners etc.
fluorescent lamps (CFL‟s).
3. Replacement of conventional fluorescent Solar-Wind Hybrid:-
lamp by energy efficient fluorescent lamp. Hybrid systems are usually a
4. Replacing of mercury/sodium vapour lamp combination of photovoltaic with wind turbines
by halides lamp. and/or generators running on diesel or biofuels.
5. Replacing HPMV lamps by high pressure Power generated by the PV array during the day
sodium vapour lamps. is stored in the battery bank through an energy
6. Replacement of luminaries by more energy manager, which controls the complete system.
efficient luminaries. Hybrid systems make optimal use of
7. Replacement of conventional ballast by sunlight and wind speeds - the two main
energy efficient ballast. resources readily available in the South Asian
8. Obtain flexibility in light control circuit by sub-continent. When the solar resource is low
using sensors, microprocessors. during the monsoon, the wind is quite strong
and vice versa. The resultant hybrid system Generation Techniques thus offers an optimal solution at a substantially
lower cost. It is ideal for electrification of remote
Solar Lighting:- villages in India.
The system is provided with battery
storage backup sufficient to operate the light for
10-11 hours daily. The system is provided with
automatic ON/OFF time switch for dusk to down

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

or mechanical means. Passive solar heating and cooling

Passive design is design that does not require
mechanical heating or cooling. Homes that are
passively designed take advantage of natural
energy flows to maintain thermal comfort.Your
2.2.3. Special Techniques:- building's windows, walls, and floors can be
designed to collect, store, and distribute solar Grey water Management:- energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject
All household wastewater, except toilet
solar heat in the summer. This is called passive
waste, is called grey water. Grey water from
solar design or climatic design. Unlike active solar
washing dishes, showers, sinks and laundry
heating systems, passive solar design doesn't
comprises the largest part of residential wastewater.
involve the use of mechanical and electrical
This water when Filtered and recycled can be used
devices, such as pumps, fans, or electrical controls
in the toilets, or for irrigation.
to move the solar heat. Passive solar buildings
range from those heated almost entirely by the sun
to those with south-facing windows that provide
some fraction of the heating load. The difference
between a passive solar home and a conventional

home is design. The key is designing a passive

solar building to best take advantage of your local
climate. You can apply passive solar design

techniques most easily when designing a new

commercial building or home. However, existing
buildings can be adapted or "retrofitted" to
passively collect and store solar heat. Afforestation:-
This green technique includes planting of
deciduous trees around /surrounding the building.
This trees have special property that they shade
there leaves in the winter and allow the sun‟s heat
to enter inside the house. While during summer it
has maximum leaves so that the building gets
natural cooling. Rain water harvesting:-
Rain water harvesting is a process of
collecting the rain water that falls on terraces and
roof tops during the monsoons and storing it in
tanks, pits, trenches, bore wells, unused wells etc.
or directing it so that it percolates into the ground
Rain water harvesting includes:-
1.Collecting rain water.
2.Purifying it to an extent.
3.Directing it to subsoil spaces below the
plot where it can be stored, by gravity

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

Incorporating the principles of passive design in 3. Scope of Green Buildings in India

your home: Architects and builders have begun
·Significantly improves comfort. using green principles like water harvesting and
·Reduces or eliminates heating and cooling waste management in their projects. They
bills. emphasize the use of eco friendly building
·Reduces greenhouse gas emissions from materials like fly-ash cement and blocks, steel
heating, cooling, mechanical Ventilation and and tiles, recycled aluminium, bamboo based
lighting products, green roofing products and so on. On
the technology front too, there are a lot of options
available to build green homes. Energy saving air Prevention of soil erosion conditioners, high performance glass windows,
The goal of this strategy is to reduce water saving solutions,composting toilets, and
or eliminate runoff due to impervious efficient building management systems are just
(watertight) surfaces. Minimizing or eliminating some of them.Tapping solar energy is another
impervious surfaces by designing driveways, method used by green homebuilders in India.
walkways, and patios that allow storm water The use of a photovoltaic array on the rooftop is a
runoff to infiltrate into the ground minimizes good source of alternate energy as are solar thermal
the impact on aquatic systems. Uncompacted arrays.
gravel, crushed stone and open or porous paving This way energy can be obtained from
blocks can be used for Walkways and other light the environment, stored and used as required.
traffic areas. A combination of innovative green ideas and high
What kind of paving is required depends technology may be able to address India‟s energy
on the porosity of the soil below the paving. and water needs. Now the Indian Green Building
Runoffs cause serious erosion problems. Wash Council (IGBC) has introduced a system of rating
water from vehicles could contain harmful green homes. This system is India‟s first foray in
elements which can damage water systems below the sector. It will rate a building‟s infrastructure,
the ground. A carefully designed paving system can eco friendly design, waste management, water and
filter off the damaging elements from such wash other natural resource conservation systems, among

water and filter only good water into the ground others. If you conserve natural resources while
water reserves below. While the filtering process building and living in your home, you not only save
happens, micro-organisms in the soil can digest oil money but also lay the foundation for a healthy

s and greases and break into harmless gases. lifestyle. With the increasing number of green
projects, the IGBC sees a great future in going Porous Paving green. Will this give people an opportunity to
build designer homes? In the wake of the recent
rise in oil prices, will green homes be an answer to
India‟s ever increasing demand for energy?
The Confederation of Indian Industry
(CII) works to create and sustain an
environment conducive to the growth of
industry in India, partnering industry and
government alike through advisory and
consultative processes. CII is a non-government,
not-for-profit, industry led and industry managed
organization, playing a proactive role in India's
development process. CII Sohrabji Godrej Green
Business Centre (CII Godrej GBC), a division of
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is India's
premier developmental institution, offering
advisory services to the industry on environmental
aspects and works in the areas of Green
Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Water Management,
Renewable Energy, Green Business Incubation
and Climate Change activities. The Centre
sensitizes key stakeholders to embrace green
Its possible to use green crops amidst practices and facilitates market transformation,
the paving, making it look aesthetically pleasing paving way for India to become one of the global
while also enriching the soil with plants. leaders in green businesses by 2015.

www.ijert.org 7
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

4. Need for `Zero Energy Building` yield 10 times as much over the entire life of the
The government is planning to enact a building. The stigma is between the knowledge of
renewable Energy law that would stipulate up-front cost vs. life-cycle cost. The savings in
mandatory procurement of prescribed minimum money come from more efficient use of utilities
renewable energy in each state. The move is which result in decreased energy bills. Also,
aimed a diversifying the countries energy mix that higher worker or student productivity can be
is dominated by oil, gas & coal as basic fuel feed. factored into savings and cost deductions. Studies
The new legislation is expected to give legal have shown over a 20 year life period, some green
teeth to renewable energy policy that failed to buildings have yielded considerable amount of
get the desired investment in the sector. So, taking money per square foot back on investment. It is
a step ahead of Green Building, „Zero Energy projected that different sectors could save billions
Building ` is the answer to this new step. of rupees on energy bills.

4.1. Introduction to Zero Energy Building 6. Conclusion

A Zero Energy Building (ZEB) In an environmentally stressed world,
combines state-of-the-art, energy-efficient green buildings are moving from an exotic
construction and appliances with commercially curiosity to a necessity. Buildings are perhaps the
available renewable energy systems, such as solar single greatest stress on the environment,
water heating and solar electricity. The accounting for the world's fresh water withdrawals,
combination results in a home that produces its one-quarter of its wood harvest, and two fifths of
own energy as much or more than it needs. Even its material and energy flows. In such a scenario of
though the home might be connected to a utility shortages of clean water and other materials, and
grid, it has net zero energy consumption from the possibility of devastating climate change, the
the utility provider. In other words, a zero greening of buildings constitutes a collective vital.
energy building is a structure that produces Given the political difficulties of obtaining energy,
more electrical or thermal energy, than it uses. and likely future shortages of conventional energy
This can be measured in different sources, we cannot ignore the enormous
ways (relating to cost, energy, or carbon conservation that green buildings make possible.

emissions) and, irrespective of the definition And buildings with natural materials and lighting
used; different views are taken on the relative also create a happier, healthier, more productive
importance of energy generation and energy atmosphere.

conservation to achieve energy balance. In today‟s era Green Buildings are

Although zero energy buildings remain essential as environmental balance is very
uncommon in developed countries, they are gaining important for survival and further development of
in importance and popularity. The zero-energy human beings. Green Buildings are only way to a
approach is promoted as a potential solution to a sustainable future.
range of issues, including reducing carbon
emissions, and reducing dependence on fossil References:-
fuels. Most ZEB definitions do not include the
1. „TERI-GRIHA‟, (TERI–Green Rating for
emissions generated in the construction of the
building and the embodied energy of the structure Integrated Habitat Assessment), March
which would usually invalidate claims of reducing
2. „LEED‟, (Green Building rating system version-
carbon emissions.
A building approaching zero energy use 2, March 2000
may be called a near-zero energy building or ultra-
low energy house. Buildings that produce a
surplus of energy during a portion of the year Wulfinghoff 1999
may be known as energy-plus buildings. An
4. Article on “grey water gardening “,The
energy autarkic house is a building concept where
the balance of the own energy consumption and Horticultural Trades Association,
production can be made on an hourly or even
Horticulture House, 19 High Street, theale,
smaller basis. Energy autarkic houses can be taken
off-the-grid. Reading Berkshire

5. Cost
The most criticized issue about
constructing environmentally friendly buildings
is the price. Photo-voltaic, new appliances and
modern technologies tend to cost more money.
Most green buildings cost a premium of <2%, but

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