IMRAD RSTF Template Science Project

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Muntinlupa Science High School

999 Buendia St. Tunasan Muntinlupa City

< Research Title:Type the title here >

Science Investigatory Project

<Type Research Category >

Presented to
MSHS -JHS Science Department

Project Proponents
<First Name M.I. Last Name>

Research Adviser
<Complete Name with Signature >
Research Consultant
<Complete Name with Signature >

Research Statistical Analysis Consultant

<Complete Name with Signature >

<Type the page here>


A short summary of your completed research. It is intended to describe your work

without going into great detail. An abstract should be self-contained and concise,

explaining your work as briefly and clearly as possible.

Write a concise summary of your project that includes the problem, hypothesis, procedures,

principal results, and conclusions. Do not exceed 250 words. <type Here>

Single space , no indention , 1 page , block style

<Type the page here>


Enable you to thank all those who have helped in carrying out the research. Careful

thought needs to be given concerning those whose help should be acknowledged and in

what order. The general advice is to express your appreciation in a concise manner and to

avoid strong emotive language. Credit assistance received from mentors, parents, teachers

and other sources. As directed by the teacher, include statements by mentors that certify the

precise nature of your work. Forms may also be required for human or other vertebrate

experimentation. <Type Here>

<Type the page here>


Title Page



Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction
<Type here>
Chapter II: Methodology

<Type here>

Chapter III: Result

<Type here>

Chapter IV : Discussion
<Type here>

<Type the page here>

 What relevant background information support your research problem questions?
 Explain what is known or has already been done in your research area. Include a
brief review of relevant literature. If this is continuation project, a brief summary
of your prior research is appropriate here. Be sure to distinguish your previous
work from this year’s project.
 Include a brief description on how your project will address an issue, concern or
problem. Explain why this research is important and any societal impact of your

Note: From the review of the literature, summarize information essential for understanding the
research project. Include only critical background information on the independent and
dependent variables and research studies that directly related to the research problem.
Establish a strong rationale for the study by emphasizing unresolved issue or questions.
Conclude by stating the purpose of the study and the research hypothesis.

 What procedures were carried out for the experimentation?
 Explain in detail what you did. What data did you collect and how did you collect
those data? Discuss your control group and the variables you tested.
 Discuss your control group, the variables you tested, and the statistical treatment
used. Handling and disposal of wastes may be included if necessary.
 Do not include a list of materials.

Note: In paragraph form, describe the materials and procedures used to conduct the study. Step
listings are not acceptable/ recipe type. Provide sufficient detail to allow a reader to repeat the
study. Include precise descriptions of the sample, any apparatus that was constructed or
modified for the study, and methods of data collection.

• In research report, it is written in past tense.

• Passive voice is used rather than active voice when describing the procedure.

 What were the result/s of your project?
 Include tables and figures which illustrate your data.
 Include relevant statistical analysis of the data.

Note: Present the data collected in the experiment in tables and graphs; summarize the data in
narrative form. Include statistical analysis of the data. Do not include raw data; if necessary, the
raw data can be placed in the appendix. Include only information collected during the study.
<Type the page here>

Table 1

<Type label here>

<Type discussion of Table 1 here – then discuss how the result agrees or

contradicts with other literature. Justify the contradiction of the experiment result with

other literature>

Table 2

<Type label here>

<Type discussion of Table 1 here – then discuss how the result agrees or

contradicts with other literature. Justify the contradiction of the experiment result with

other literature

Table 3

<Type label here>

<Type discussion of Table 1 here – then discuss how the result agrees or

contradicts with other literature. Justify the contradiction of the experiment result with

other literature>
<Type the page here>

 What is your interpretation of these results?
 What do these results means? Compare your results with theories,
published data, commonly held beliefs, and expected results.
 Discuss possible errors, did any questions or problem arise that you were
not expecting? How did the data vary between repeated observations of
similar events? How were results affected by uncontrolled events?

Restate the purpose of the study, the major findings, and support of the hypothesis by
the data. Focus on interpretation of the results. Compare findings with other research;
propose explanations for discrepancies. Be sure to provide appropriate literature
citations. In addition, make suggestions for procedural improvements and
recommendations for further study.

 What conclusions did you reach?
 What do these results mean in the context of the literature review and
other work being done in your research area? How do the results
address your research questions? Do your results support your
hypothesis/ hypotheses?
 What application/s do you see for your work?

 What are your sources?
 This section should not exceed one page, limit your list to the most
important references.
 List the references/ documentations used which were not of your own
 Your reference list should be written based on the APA style
formatting and citation.
<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Type the page here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Last Name>, <M.I.>, <Last Name, <M.I.> (<year>). <Type title here>. <Type website

title here>. <Type online link here>

<Type the page here>

Appendix A

<Type label here and insert picture or file below>

Appendix B

<Type label here and insert picture or file below>

Appendix C

<Type label here and insert picture or file below>

 Documentation of the Experiment

 Laboratory Results from Regulated Laboratory
 ISEF Forms used.
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