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Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom
Activity A., p. 2 NOTE-TAKING SKILL
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity A., B., p. 5
1. Yes, I have a job. No, but I’m looking Answers may vary. Possible answers:
for one. I plan to get one in the Key Words Main Ideas
future. Employers Employers are
Students may name jobs with high unhappy with unhappy with job
salaries (engineer), jobs with a lot of recent graduates performance of
responsibility (mayor) or flexibility recent graduate
(freelancer), or jobs that reflect a employees.
particular interest of theirs (poet). Researchers—
2. People find jobs by asking around, universities should Researchers—
by looking for them online, through offer job courses universities need to
friends, through family, through train their students
recommendations, etc. how to enter a full-
3. I see jobs to work for a time job after
congresswoman. I see jobs to work graduation.
at news stations. I see jobs to work
on TV. I see jobs for mental health LISTENING 1
Activity B., p. 2 Activity A., pp. 6–7
Answers will vary. Possible answers: a. employee
1. I think that the best way to find a b. degree
job is a combination of all the ways c. career
the students mentioned. It would d. application
also be a good idea to put up fliers e. requirement
and apply to as many jobs as f. organized
possible. g. interview
2. I got my job by asking my neighbors h. basic
if they knew where I could find a Activity C., p. 7
job. Then I asked around places Students should check:
where I live. Now, I am working my  job requirements
way up to get a better job.  how to get an application


Activity D., p. 4
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
web designer: 1, 2, or 3
server: 3 or 4
salesperson: 3 or 4
teacher: 2, 3, or 4
Activity E., p. 4
Answers will vary.

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Activity A., B., p. 7 Salesperson: one to two years’
Answers may vary. Possible answers: experience; basic computer skills;
Key Words Main Ideas organized; friendly; enjoy working with
Ben—summer job Ben wants a job at people on a team
Braxton Books Braxton books.
Web designer: at least five years’
growing company History of Braxton. experience; excellent computer skills;
college degree in web design
job openings— There are job (preferred); organized; have new and
salespeople, Web openings for sales interesting ideas
designers people and web
requirements— SAY WHAT YOU THINK
computer skills, sales Requirements for Say What You Think, p. 9
experience, applying to the job. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
organized, friendly, 1. must have experience, must be
enjoy people
if interested— Interested in job- 2. Possible answers: Yes, I meet the
application, interview application and requirements for the salesperson
interview process. job because I’m friendly/organized;
Activity C., pp. 7–8, C No, I don’t meet the requirements
Answers may vary. Sample answers: for the Web designer job because I
1. F Ben doesn’t work at Braxton Books; don’t have excellent computer skills.
wants to work there this summer 3. Students may say that a group
2. T over 200 stores and 6,000 member with good computer skills is
employees the best person for the Web
3. T over 200 stores; e-book business designer job or that a group
4. T positions for salespeople, web member who is very friendly is the
designers best person for the salesperson job.
5. T wants to work there this summer
Activity D., p. 8 LISTENING SKILL
1. b Activity A., p. 9
2. c 1. b
3. a 2. a
4. b 3. c
Activity E., p. 8 4. b
1. b Activity B., p. 10
2. d 1. growing, success
3. a 2. job
4. e 3. requirements, years of experience
5. f 4. one of our stores, application
6. c

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

LISTENING 2 1. Tom: degree in design from Chicago

PREVIEW THE LISTENING School of Design; none in
Activity A., pp. 10–11 advertising; design and computer
1. major 2. George: English major in college;
2. assistant summer working for small
3. advertising advertising company; organized,
4. résumé teamwork
5. manager Activity D., p. 12
6. graduate 1. New York
Activity C., p. 11 2. computer skills
Answers will vary. 3. store
Activity A., p. 11 5. busy
Answers may vary. Possible answer: 6. personality
Mark Tom Activity E., p. 12
Tell me about Came to NY from 1. education
yourself. Chicago 2. skills
3. experience
What was your Degree in design. 4. experience
major? 5. education
Activity F., p. 13
Do you have any No Answers for questions 2–3 and 6 may vary.
experience in 1. True
advertising? 2. Probably true
3. Probably not true
Activity B., p. 11 4. Not true
Answers may vary. Possible answer: 5. True
Mark George 6. Probably true
Experience in Assistant in office
advertising SAY WHAT YOU THINK
Activity A., p. 13
study design or No, major was Answers will vary. Possible answers:
computers? English 1. I think George should get the job
because he has experience. I
skills and organized, friendly, disagree. I think Tom should get the
personality? new and different job because he has design and
ideas, enjoys working computer skills.
on team projects 2. Yes I have been on a job interview.
No I have not been on a job
questions? yes interview. Other questions people
can ask: Do you work well with
Activity C., p. 12 others? Can you give an example of
Answers may vary. Sample answers:

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

a time you solved a difficult 6. got

problem? 7. took
Activity B., p. 13 8. wanted
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. strong attention to detail, computer PRONUNCIATION
skills, typing skills, creative problem Activity B., p. 20
solving skills, strong analytical skills /t/ — liked, looked, stopped, walked
2. by going back to school, by earning a /d/ — changed, preferred, required,
degree, by gaining work experience, studied
by attending a seminar /əd/ — completed, needed, waited,
Activity D., p. 14 wanted
Answers will vary. Activity C., p. 20
VOCABULARY SKILL 1. B: Oh, I worked (/t/) at Jim’s Pizza last
Activity A., pp. 14–15 summer. I washed (/t/) dishes there.
1. career It was fun.
2. job A: Really? That’s good. I wanted
3. business (/əd/) to work at Paul’s Café, but they
4. company said I needed (/əd/) more
Activity B., p. 15 experience.
Answers may vary. Possible answers: B: Yeah, they chose someone else for
1. He starts his new job tomorrow. the job.
2. I want a career as a teacher. A: Who?
3. Jim works for a large company. B: Me.
4. It has been a pleasure to do business 2. A: Please sit down, Mr. Smith. Did
with you. you bring your application?
B: I completed (/əd/) it online, and I
GRAMMAR emailed (/d/) it. Is that OK?
PART 1 A: Oh, yes. Here it is. I printed (/əd/)
Activity A., p. 17 it this morning. . . . Now, can you tell
1. needs, have me a little about yourself?
2. is not, want B: Yes, I graduated (/əd/) from
3. have, am Franklin High School in 2010. I
4. accept, prefer wanted (/əd/) to
5. likes, do not get some work experience before
6. is not, enjoys college. So, I joined (/d/) a computer
GRAMMAR training program.
PART 2 A: I see. Did you finish the program?
Activity A., p. 18 B: Yes, I finished (/t/) it last week.
1. came
3. saw Activity A., p. 21, A
4. graduated I didn’t catch that.
5. was Could you say that again, please?

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

Do you mean . . . ?
Activity B., p. 21
1. I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that.
2. I’m sorry. Could you say that again,
3. Could you repeat that?
4. Do you mean an interview?

Activity A., p. 22
1. E
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. F
6. A
Activity B., p. 23
A—college degree in teaching, two
years of experience working in a school
B—friendly and organized; Excellent
speaking skills; Must speak English,
French, and Spanish.
C—excellent computer skills, online
game experience
D—Experience playing soccer, baseball,
and basketball; very friendly
E—organized; excellent computer skills;
One to two years of experience
F—Must enjoy working outdoors on big


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