Q2e ls3 Unit8

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LISTENING listening for examples

UNIT vocabulary
simple past and present perfect
PRONUNCIATION varying intonation to maintain interest
SPEAKING asking for and giving clarification
Behavioral Science NOTE TAKING taking notes with examples

Unit Question

What can we learn from

success and failure?
A Discuss these questions with your classmates.
1. What are some of the different ways a person
can be successful?

2. In what ways do you think you are successful?

3. Look at the photo. What is happening? In what
ways can failure affect people?

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UNIT Listen to a lecture and a speech and gather information
and ideas to discuss successful and unsuccessful
personal experiences and explain what you learned
from them.

B Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer

these questions.

1. What types of success do the students mention?

Do you agree or disagree with their ideas? Why?

2. Marcus thinks we learn more from our failures than

our successes. What explanation does he give for
this opinion? Do you agree?

ONLINE C Go online to watch a video about a race car driver.

Then check your comprehension.

video vocabulary
blown away (adj.) impressed by
someone or something
mayhem (n.) confusion
pit crews (n.) teams of people that work
on race cars
tinker (v.) repair things

ONLINE D Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss the

Unit Question with your classmates.

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E Look at the questionnaire. Check (✓) the three things that are most true
for you. Then write reasons for each of your choices.
Preview the unit

What Does Success

Mean to You?
For Me Success Means … Reasons:

being rich

doing well on exams

having a job I love

enjoying a happy family life

being able to do what I want

having lots of friends

enjoying good health

being famous

having a powerful or
important job

Your idea:

Your idea:

F Discuss your answers in a group. Explain the reasons for your choices.

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listening 1 Chasing Your Dreams

UNIT You are going to listen to the beginning of a lecture by a college professor.
As you listen to the lecture, gather information and ideas about what we
can learn from success and failure.

Preview the LISTENING

A college professor is talking about the importance of success and what it
means to be successful.

A. PREVIEW Which things do you think the college professor will say are
important for success? Check (✓) your answers.
■ being lucky
■ having clear goals
■ never giving up
■ trying hard

B. VOCABULARY Read aloud these words from Listening 1. Check (✓) the
ones you know. Use a dictionary to define any new or unknown words.
Then discuss with a partner how the words will relate to the unit.

achieve (v.) goal (n.)

determination (n.) measure (v.)
downside (n.) realistic (adj.)
frustrating (adj.) ruin (v.)
give up (phr. v.) status (n.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE C. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

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A. LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES Listen to the lecture. Complete the missing
words in the chart, and add notes on any examples the professor gives.

Main points Examples

1. Make sure your goals are .

2. Aiming for success should not cause

none given
or .

3. Success can bring .

4. Our definition of success changes with

B. In what ways does the professor use humor to make her points? Do you
think this is an effective technique? Why or why not?
C. Listen to the lecture again. Circle the answer that best completes each
statement according to what the professor says.

1. We learn that success is good .

a. from an early age
b. as we grow older

2. To be successful, you .
a. need to set achievable goals
b. should never stop trying to achieve your goals

3. Achieving your goals should be .

a. the most important thing in your life
b. one of several important things in your life

4. You should try to focus on .

a. only the positive aspects of success
b. both the positive and the negative aspects of success

5. You need to .
a. keep the same goals throughout your life
b. change your goals to match different stages in your life

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D. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statements to make it true.

1. This is the professor’s first lecture on success to the class.

2. She says that with hard work and determination, it is possible

to achieve anything you want.
3. According to the professor, trying to achieve some dreams
can be a waste of time and effort.
4. The professor says that trying too hard to be successful can
cause problems.
5. She argues that success can also bring failure.

6. She says that people often see success differently as they grow older.

Vocabulary E. VOCABULARY Use the new vocabulary from Listening 1. Read the
Skill Review
sentences. Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each bold
Remember to read
word or phrase.
the whole sentence
and consider the
context. This can 1. It may be difficult to achieve your dreams, but hard work can often help
help you identify you get what you want from life.
the correct word
and meaning. a. reach b. control c. remember

2. Determination is important for success. You have to keep trying even

when it is difficult.
a. force b. willpower c. luck

3. I love my job, but the downside is that the salary is low.

a. mistake b. error c. disadvantage

4. It can be very frustrating to try hard without succeeding.

a. difficult b. boring c. annoying

5. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This saying means “don’t give up”.
a. quit b. fail c. alter

6. Peter is a salesperson now, but his goal is to have his own business someday.
a. argument b. ambition c. challenge

7. There are various ways to measure success. It’s not just about making lots
of money.
a. judge b. enjoy c. discuss

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8. It’s not realistic to expect to be successful at everything you do. No one
can be good at everything.
a. confident b. reasonable c. intelligent

9. Don’t wash that sweater in hot water. You’ll ruin it.

a. break b. injure c. spoil

10. Sarah’s new job gave her a much higher status within the company.
a. position b. activity c. popularity

ONLINE F. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.


Discuss the questions in a group.

1. Do you agree with the points the professor makes about success?
Why or why not?

2. Who is the most successful person you know? In what ways is he or

she successful?

3. What things do you think are more important than success?

There are many different types of success.

Listening Skill Listening for examples

Listening for examples will help you understand a speaker’s main points more
clearly. Speakers often introduce examples with a common phrase that tells you
that an example follows.
For example, such as To give (you) an example,
For instance, Take, for example, To illustrate this,

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A. Listen to the lecture again. List the phrases the professor uses to
introduce examples.

B. Listen to Paul talk about how his view of success has changed. List each
example he gives. You do not need to write full sentences.

1. When he was younger, Paul says he was “money hungry.”


2. He also says he was concerned about status.


3. These days, Paul says being successful for him means being healthy.


4. He also says that having good friends is important to him.


C. Think about one goal you would like to achieve. Write three benefits you
expect from achieving this goal.

Your goal:




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D. Work with a partner. Take turns talking about your goals and their
benefits. Use phrases from the Listening Skill box on page 180 when
you give examples. Take notes below as you listen to your partner. Then
discuss whether or not you agree with the benefits she or he expects.

Your partner’s goal:





ONLINE E. Go online for more practice listening for examples.

listening 2 The Benefits of Failure

UNIT You are going to listen to a short speech by a college student. As you listen
to the speech, gather information and ideas about what we can learn from
success and failure.

Preview the LISTENING

A. PREVIEW Carl Simmons, a college student, is talking about the opposite
of success—failure. In what ways do you think failure can be a positive
experience? Make a list of your ideas, and then compare with a partner.

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B. VOCABULARY Read aloud these words from Listening 2. Check (✓) the
ones you know. Use a dictionary to define any new or unknown words.
Then discuss with a partner how the words will relate to the unit.

develop (v.) lack (v.) top (adj.)

emphasize (v.) permit (v.) turn down (phr. v.)
fear (v.) preparation (n.)
Oxford 3000™ words

ONLINE C. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.


A. LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES Listen to Carl’s speech. Complete the two main
points he makes. Then complete the examples he gives to support his

1. Main point 1: We shouldn’t be of failure. We can

from our mistakes.

2. Main point 2: Don’t let failure you. Never give up!

Examples of people
Akio Morita who failed but went on
to succeed

Stephen King publishers turned down his first book

Michael Jordan from his high school basketball team

John Grisham his first book, A to Kill, was a failure

Akio Morita first product was a that didn’t work

Thomas Edison struggled to make the first work

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B. Listen to the speech again. Match the people with the statements
about them.

1. Stephen King a. threw his first book in the trash

2. Michael Jordan b. failed thousands of times before succeeding

3. John Grisham c. lost a lot of money at first

4. Akio Morita d. was rejected by 16 agents and publishers

5. Thomas Edison e. “lacked skill”

C. Check (✓) the main ideas of the speech.

1. Some people prefer to fail rather than succeed.

2. It is sometimes necessary to fail in order to succeed.

3. Modern society doesn’t accept failure.

4. We can learn from our failures.

5. Many successful people begin by failing.

D. Complete the summary.

Carl Simmons’ view is that failure is something we all

, but in fact it is an important stage on the road
to . He says we can learn a lot more from our
failures than we can from our successes. Failure is something to be
by. It is a good for life. We need
to experience failure, and from it, in order to succeed.

ONLINE E. Go online to listen to The Advantages of Business Failure and check your

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F. VOCABULARY Use the new vocabulary from Listening 2. Circle the
answer that best matches the meaning of each word or phrase in bold.
Tip for Success 1. develop (v.) future changing improve
Making lists of
words with similar 2. emphasize (v.) successful importance stress
meanings, or
synonyms, is a good 3. fear (v.) scare frightening be afraid
way to expand
your vocabulary. 4. lack (v.) missing absence need
Use a dictionary to
study differences 5. permit (v.) allow helpful ability
in meaning.
6. preparation (n.) ready training educate

7. top (adj.) leading famously seriousness

8. turn down (phr. v.) unhelpful acceptance refuse

ONLINE G. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.


A. Discuss the questions in a group.

1. Of the people in Listening 2, who do you think overcame the biggest

difficulties? Who learned the most from their failures?

2. Give an example of a time when you succeeded after failing at first.

What did you learn from your mistakes?

B. Think about the unit video, Listening 1, and Listening 2 as you discuss
the questions.

1. Do you think the examples in Carl Simmons’ speech support the

professor’s ideas about success in Listening 1? Why or why not?

2. In what ways, if any, has your view of success and

failure changed?

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Vocabulary Skill Prefixes
Prefixes are added to the beginning of words to change their meaning.
Understanding prefixes can help you expand your vocabulary and figure out
the meaning of unknown words.
Notice the use of prefixes in these examples from Listening 2.
Being successful is not about being a multimillionaire.
(multi- + millionaire = multimillionaire)
Chasing an impossible dream, one that you can never reach, is a frustrating
waste of time and energy. (im- + possible = impossible)

Many prefixes give the opposite meaning to words.

dis- disagree
im- (before words beginning with m/p) impolite
ir- (before words beginning with r) irrational

These prefixes give other meanings to words.

co- (together) cooperate
re- (again) replace, rewrite
multi- (many) multipurpose
anti- (against) antiwar

A. Add a prefix from the Vocabulary Skill box to complete each word.

1. re view 5. perfect 9. patient

2. responsible 6. social 10. regular

3. like 7. national 11. apply

4. worker 8. honest 12. media

B. Choose three words from Activity A. Write a sentence using each word.




C. Read your sentences to a partner. Write any words you hear from
Activity A in your notebook. Underline the prefixes.
ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with prefixes.

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UNIT At the end of this unit, you will take part in a discussion about success and
failure. Make sure to ask for and give clarification as you discuss the topic.

Grammar Simple past and present perfect

Use the simple past for actions that began and ended in the past. For actions that
began in the past and continue up to the present, use the present perfect.
Simple past
Michael Jordan played basketball.
(He no longer plays basketball.)

Present perfect
John Grisham has written thirty novels.
(He is still writing novels.)

Use the simple past for actions that occurred at a specific time in the past. If the
time an action occurred is not known or not important, use the present perfect.
Simple past
Stephen King published his first book in 1974.

Present perfect
Stephen King has published many books.
(When he published the books is not important.)

Use the present perfect for actions that happened more than once in the
past when the focus is on how often the actions happened rather than when
they happened.
Carl Simmons fails sometimes. He has learned from his mistakes.

Time expressions used with the simple past and present perfect
Last, ago, in, and on are commonly used with the simple past to show that an
action was completed in the past.
For and since are commonly used with the present perfect to show that an action
is connected to the present.
Sara started college two years ago.
She has been a student for two years.

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A. Circle the correct verb forms to complete the conversation. Then practice
the conversation with a partner.

Ashley: Hey, Kevin. Great shot! You know, you’re a pretty good tennis player.
(Did you ever enter / Have you ever entered) any tennis competitions?
Kevin: Yes, I (did / have). Actually, I (came / have come) in second in the
2 3
Senior Tournament at our club last year.

Ashley: Really? That’s great. (Did you enjoy / Have you enjoyed) it?
Kevin: Sure! Especially because it (was / has been) my first attempt. How
about you?

Ashley: Oh, I play in a small local league, but I ( didn’t win / haven’t won) any
competitions or anything. I just play for fun, to keep fit and healthy.

B. Think of a hobby or sport that you enjoy. Note your answers to these
questions. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. What hobby or sport do you enjoy?

2. How long have you done it?

3. Why do you like it?

4. Have you ever entered any competitions?

5. In what ways are you “successful” at your hobby or sport?

C. Complete each statement with your own ideas. Then compare sentences
with a partner.

1. I lately.

2. I since last week.

3. I yet.

4. I a few years ago.

5. I yesterday.

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ONLINE D. Go online for more practice with simple past and present perfect.
E. Go online for the grammar expansion.

Pronunciation Varying intonation to maintain interest

You can help your listeners follow what you are saying more easily, and also help
to keep them interested while you are speaking, by varying your intonation—
making your voice rise and fall—a little more than usual.
Listen to this sentence from Carl Simmons’s speech. You will hear it twice. Notice
how the speaker sounds more interested the second time, and this makes it more
interesting and easier to follow.
Just as success is something we all want, failure is something that we all fear.
Listen to some more examples. Notice how the speaker varies her intonation to
make what she says easier to follow and sound more interesting.
You can learn more from your failures than you can from your successes.
Success for my grandfather is getting out of bed in the morning!
Failing is a good preparation for life.

A. Listen twice to each sentence. Which sounds more interested, Speaker 1

or Speaker 2?

Speaker 1 Speaker 2
1. Failure is an important stage on the road to success. ■ ■
2. We shouldn’t be afraid of failure because we can ■ ■
learn from it.
3. Failure is something to be encouraged by. ■ ■
4. Don’t give up too easily! ■ ■

B. Listen again. Repeat the sentences, using the same intonation you hear.
C. Read the paragraph below. Think about how you can use intonation
to make this sound interesting and easier for listeners to follow. With a
partner, take turns reading the paragraph aloud.
You need to experience failure and learn from it, in order to really succeed.
Failing is a good preparation for life. It makes you stronger and more able to
overcome life’s problems. Don’t be scared of failure! It might sound strange,
but letting go of your fear of failure might help you to succeed.

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D. Listen and check your answers to Activity C. Then listen and repeat,
using the same intonation.
ONLINE E. Go online for more practice varying intonation to maintain interest.

Speaking Skill Asking for and giving clarification

After you listen to a speech or presentation, you can ask questions if you need
clarification or more information about something the speaker said. Asking
questions shows that you are interested and have been paying attention.

Asking for clarification

Sorry, I don’t get what you mean.
What do you mean exactly?
Could you say a bit more about …?
Can you give an example?

After giving a speech or presentation, it is a good idea to ask the audience for
questions. This gives you an opportunity to clarify your most important points
and make sure your audience understood them.

Giving clarification
What I’m trying to say …
To give you an example …
I mean …

A. Listen to the excerpts from a discussion. Complete the excerpts wth the
phrases you hear. Then practice the conversations with a partner.

1. Professor: So you need to make sure the success you’re aiming for is

Student 1: .
Professor: What be realistic with the goals
you set for yourself.

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2. Professor: Success in one area can bring problems in others.

Student 2: ?
Professor: Well, , someone can be at the
top of her career, but her family life might be in crisis as a result.

3. Professor: Keep your desire for success in proportion.

Student 3: ?
Professor: Yes. I mean don’t let your desire for success become greater
than other important areas in your life.

4. Professor: Our definition of success alters with age.

Student 1: ?
Professor: Sure. Someone of 20 might view success as being rich, but at 50
that same person might think of success as a happy family life.

B. Work with a partner. Take turns reading the statements from Listening 1
and Listening 2 aloud and asking for and giving clarification.

1. Failure is an important stage on the road to success.

A: Sorry, I don’t get what you mean.
B: What I mean by that is we learn from our mistakes.

2. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

3. Success for my grandfather is simply getting out of bed in the morning.

4. Failing is a good preparation for life.

ONLINE C. Go online for more practice asking for and giving clarification.

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Note-taking Skill Taking notes with examples
When discussing a topic, you may want to give examples to help support your
opinion. Taking notes with examples is therefore a very useful skill. It allows you
to organize your ideas and support your opinions in a way that is easy to refer to
when you are speaking.
Look at these main points and examples from Listening 1. Notice how the main
points are noted separately, next to the supporting examples.

Main points Examples

1. Make sure your goals are short, 30-year-old male smoker

realistic. shouldn’t quit job to become
basketball player

2. Aiming for success should no example

not cause stress or anxiety.

3. Success can bring problems. • f amous people (TV presenters

and sports stars, etc.) who
have relationship problems

• a high school friend,

successful businessman but is
now divorced

A. Think of different examples to support each main point in the chart

below. Then discuss the topic of success with a partner.

Main points Examples

1. Make sure your goals are realistic.

2. Aiming for success should not

cause stress or anxiety.

3. Success can bring problems.

ONLINE B. Go online for more practice taking notes with examples.

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Unit Assignment Take part in a pair discussion

UNIT In this assignment, you are going to take part in a discussion about
success and failure. As you prepare for the discussion, think about
the Unit Question, “What can we learn from success and failure?” Use
information from Listening 1, Listening 2, the unit video, and your work in
this unit to support your discussion. Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist
on page 196.

Consider the Ideas

Work with a partner. Read the quotes about success and failure. Decide
what the quotes mean, and think of an example for each one. Take notes in
the charts.
Critical Thinking Tip
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what
This activity asks
you to paraphrase. you are doing, you will be successful.”
Paraphrasing, —Albert Schweitzer
or saying the
information in your
own words, helps Meaning Example
you to understand
and remember
ideas better.

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Explain.

“Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. Courage is what counts.”

—Winston Churchill

Meaning Example

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Explain.

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“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success
when they gave up.”
—Thomas Edison

Meaning Example

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Explain.

Prepare and Speak

A. Gather Ideas Think about what success means to you. Complete
the activities.

1. Make a list of things you have been successful at. They can be big things,
such as graduating from high school, or small things, such as cooking a
delicious meal.

2. Now make a list of things you have tried, but were not successful at.
Again, they can be big things, such as applying for a job, or small
things, such as playing a game of tennis.

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B. Organize Ideas Choose one example from each list in Activity A.
Complete the outline to help you prepare to discuss your ideas.

1. Something I was successful at:

What were some of the difficulties you experienced?

How has this experience affected your life?

What have you learned from this experience?

2. Something I was not successful at:

What were some of the difficulties you experienced?

How has this experience affected your life?

What have you learned from this experience?

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C. Speak Complete these steps. Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist
below before you begin.

1. Work with a partner. Take turns telling each other about your experiences.

2. Discuss which experience you learned more from. Do not read directly
from your outline. Just use it to help you remember your ideas. Use
phrases from the Speaking Skill box on page 190 to ask for and give

ONLINE Go online for your alternate Unit Assignment.

Check and Reflect

A. Check Think about the Unit Assignment as you complete the
Self-Assessment checklist.

Yes No
■ ■ I was able to speak easily about the topic.
■ ■ My partner understood me.
■ ■ I used vocabulary from the unit.
■ ■ I used simple past and present perfect.
■ ■ I varied my intonation to maintain interest.
■ ■ I asked for and gave clarification.

B. Reflect Go to the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions.

1. What is something new you learned in this unit?

2. Look back at the Unit Question—What can we learn from success and
failure? Is your answer different now than when you started this unit? If
yes, how is it different? Why?

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Track Your SUCCESS

Circle the words and phrases you have learned in this unit.

Nouns Adjectives Sorry, I don’t get what

determination frustrating you mean.
downside realistic such as
goal top Take, for example,
preparation Phrasal Verbs To give (you) an
status give up example,
Verbs turn down To illustrate this,
achieve What do you mean
develop by …?
Can you give an example?
emphasize What I’m trying to say
Could you say a bit more
fear is …
about …?
lack What I mean by that is …
For example,
measure For instance,

Oxford 3000™ words

Academic Word List

Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to
the page(s) in parentheses.

LISTENING I can listen for examples. (p. 180)

Vocabulary I can use prefixes. (p. 186)
Grammar I can use simple past and present perfect. (p. 187)
PRONUNCIATION I can vary intonation to maintain interest. (p. 189)
SPEAKING I can ask for and give clarification. (p. 190)
NOTE TAKING I can take notes with examples. (p. 192)
I can gather information and ideas to discuss
OBJECTIVE successful and unsuccessful personal experiences
and explain what I learned from them.

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