Merdeka Belajar

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International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism

IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021


Fachruddin Azmi
State Islamic University of North Sumatera
Email:[email protected]

Juli Iswanto
State Islamic University of North Sumatera
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: This discussion aims to increase knowledge and understanding

of the freedom of learning, which is freedom in determining how to
behave, process, think, apply creatively for the development of each
individual by deciding his destiny. The method in this journal is to use a
literature review. The Literature Review is a description of the theory,
findings and other research materials obtained from reference materials to
be used as the basis for research activities to develop a clear frame of mind
from the formulation of the problem to be studied. The key to
independent learning lies with the driving teacher, and the ambitious
teacher will not be realized when they are not entirely separate. So
realizing this Freedom of Learning must be done fundamentally, not just
through technical matters and changing new policies. Independent
Learning will be recognized when the teacher is genuinely independent,
which can be achieved with several solutions. To realize independent
teachers must also synergize students, families, and communities in
learning. The goal is to facilitate technical knowledge. Mainly in student-
centred learning, experiential learning, and classroom learning.
Independent teachers with the synergy of family and community will
facilitate their role as the driving force of civilization.
Keyword: Freedom, Learning, Education

Along with the development of social, cultural changes, the world
of work, and very rapid technological advances, the Ministry of Education
and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD) prepares students or students to welcome
differences, progress and development of the times, to be required to be

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

able to implement, and design a learning process that is creative and

innovative, to achieve learning outcomes and objectives that include
aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills optimally and of course also
relevant. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, there are challenges
and opportunities for educational institutions to become a prerequisite
point to be more advanced and develop. Educational institutions must
have the power of innovation and can also enforce collaboration; if an
educational institution is not able to collaborate and innovate, it will be
left far behind in time, and vice versa, if the institution can create
resources capable of developing, advancing and realizing ideals nation, is
to teach humans. Being a learner is not an easy thing, like turning the
palm. Therefore, educational institutions must harmonize and balance the
education system with the times. The education system is expected to
realize that students can think critically, solve problems, and have creative
and innovative communication and collaboration skills. At the National
Teacher's Day commemoration event in 2019, the Ministry of Education
and Culture Triggered the concept of "Free Education to learn".
The concept is a response to the needs of the education system in
the industrial revolution 4.0 era; Minister Nadiem Makarim 1 said freedom
of learning is freedom of thought, freedom of thought is determined by
the teacher. In front of the nation. The concept of Free Learning is assumed
to be no longer an idea but rather a policy to be implemented. Freedom to
learn Independence is a word that is often interpreted and described with
freedom in its truest sense. The point of the problem is that there are still
restrictions everywhere, especially in education, educators and students
have not been able to feel sufficient autonomy to determine the direction
of policy in learning and teaching because they are still regulated by
regulations which make the implementation and evaluation process plans
seem limited and tie.
The concept of Independent Learning is an offer in reconstructing
the national education system by rearranging the education system to
meet the progress of change and improvement of the nation that adapts to
changing times.2 With the return of the essence of education, which is
education to humanize humans, and education that liberates learning

1 Mantra Sukabumi, ‘Mengenal Konsep Merdeka Belajar - Mantra Sukabumi’,

2020 [accessed 17 July 2020].
2 ibid.

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

activities, which were originally children's natural activities, are deprived

of being an adult plan forced on students. Educators require where and
when to study, regardless of the child is going through. The teacher
dictates what material and goals the students have to learn, even though it
is not relevant in the students' lives. Even Ki Hajar Dewantoro
emphasized several times the freedom of learning. "...independence
should be imposed on the way children think, that is, do not always take
the lead, or be told to admit the thoughts of others, it will still make it a
habit for children to seek all knowledge by themselves using their own
minds..." (Taman Siswa memorial book 30 years 1922-1952) learning
independence is an important matter, it is a prerequisite for the fulfilment
of point learning achievements without learning Independence, students
cannot enjoy learning. Character education will not be achieved because
all behavior is not based on awareness.
The concept of independent learning between educators and
students is a subject in the learning system, which means that teachers are
no longer used as a source of truth by students. Still, educators and
students collaborate to be movers and seek the truth. The position of
students in the classroom is not to plant or uniform the truth to obey the
teacher but to explore the fact, thinking—critical thinking of students to
see the development of the world and the phenomena that occur. With the
opportunity and development of the internet, information technology has
become a momentum for learning independence. With this, it is possible
to hack a rigid education system and not free the freedom to learn
independently, creatively and innovate, which can be done by all
academic units. Currently, teachers and students have their own
experiences, including in an environment.
The adaptation of the education system in the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0 starts stimulation with a new literacy process. In this era,
having extensive experience with the digital or visual world, it is currently
the task of an educational institution to lead, direct and explore the critical
power and potential of its students in the learning process to build an
educational ecosystem that facilitates the growth of the character of
independence, innovation, expertise. And the convenience of students,
independent learning is expected to be able to form quality and superior
resources to complete educational opportunities in the industrial
revolution 4.0 era, which aims to advance a nation and state based on the

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

description of the background above, an in-depth research is needed on

learning methods in the independent education system study.


In the extensive Indonesian dictionary, the word Merdeka can be
interpreted as being free from slavery, colonialism or can be interpreted as
being independent. In Arabic, the phrase Merdeka is commonly referred
to as hurriyah, which means free from all forms of binding oneself to
anything or istiqla. In this context, being independent is equivalent to
thinking freely and determining one's destiny. While learning is a
relatively permanent behavior change, a life obtained from observation or
According to Moh. Surya learning is an effort that seeks to change
each individual to obtain the overall change received from the experience
process and the response from interaction to the environment to each
individual. While the word learning has a literal meaning that puts
forward changes in mental processes resulting from stimulation of
environmental interactions. In general, it has been stated that learning is a
change in an individual that occurs through experience and not because of
the growth or development of his body or characteristics of a person since
birth. Therefore, independent learning is freedom in determining how to
behave, process, think, and apply creatively for each individual's self-
development by deciding his destiny.3
The National Education System (commonly referred to as
SISDIKNAS) is an acronym that cannot ignore the development of the
world of education in Indonesia. That is because the interests of learning
at the Elementary, Middle and Upper-Vocational education levels are
accommodated by the enactment of Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System. The phrase system implies that national
education in Indonesia has interwoven in a standard, measurable and
stable working mechanism. 4
Furthermore, the dynamics of learning policies in Indonesia have
been accommodated in Article 35 paragraph (1) of Law no. 20 of 2003 that

3 Wina Sanjaya. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan.

(Jakarta : Prenada Media Group, 2010) h.24
Oleh: Nurkholis Doktor Ilmu Pendidikan, Alumnus Universitas Negeri Jakarta Dosen
Luar Biasa Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Purwokerto’, Jurnal Kependidikan, 1.1 (2013), 24–44.

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

"National standards of education consist of standards of content, process,

competency of graduates, education staff, facilities and infrastructure,
management, financing, and assessment of education which must improve
in a planned and periodic manner". 5 The same principle has also been
implemented by several developed countries globally, including Finland
through the Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability. Jyrki Reunamo
and Liisa Suomela revealed that the fundamental basis for implementing
educational development from time to time had been the vision of the
United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. They
formulated the concept of sustainable development in 1992 in Rio De
Janeiro.6 Meanwhile, the meeting in Johannesburg in 2002 concluded that
the agreement in Rio did not go as expected. "Ten years after Rio, the UN
meeting in Johannesburg (UN, 2002) had to admit that the aims of Rio had not
been successful", thus encouraging the UN to declare a decade on Education
for Sustainable Development from 2004 to 2015. Based on the declaration,
"every nation should set out the principles of sustainable development in all
national curriculums (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization [UNESCO], 2005)", which means that every country must
determine the principle of sustainable development in all national
curricula, especially in the education sector. 7
Freedom to learn can be interpreted as providing more space for
students with the opportunity to study comfortably, calmly and freely
without any pressure, taking into account the natural talents of each
student. In his speech on National Teacher's Day, the Minister of
Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, explained a policy regarding
the freedom of learning which consists of four points predicted to bring
significant changes and impacts in education. Nadiem Makarim
straightforwardly explained the privilege of learning with four main
topics first: USBN, UN, RPP, and PPDB.


5DPR-RI, Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Acta Pædiatrica

(Indonesia:, 1982), lxxi, 6–6
6 Jyrki Reunamo and Liisa Suomela, ‘Education for Sustainable Development in
Early Childhood Education in Finland’, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 15.2
(2013), 91–102
7 Ibid

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

Talking about the concept of independent learning, there is some

relevance to constructivism learning theory. In his view, the child instructs
the knowledge obtained from the interaction obtained from the
observations and experiences of the objects that the child faces. In the
process of constructivism learning, children are more likely to have a focal
point on the activity of each individual informing knowledge. Students
are expected to be motivated to learn according to what they want without
any pressure from any party.
Freedom to learn has a critical, creative, innovative, transformative,
relevant, effective and efficient characteristic in the learning process. In
this case, the Ministry of Education and Culture presents this concept in
the world of education in Indonesia. They are emphasizing independent
learning and driving teachers. This means that students have the freedom
to get an education, and teachers become the driving force (motor) to
achieve an independent learning process. The learning process carried out
in a fun way allows students to remember more and longer material; in
other words, the retention rate is more substantial. In Ki Hajar
Dewantara's view above, freedom to learn produces creativity, an
essential element for progress. In this case, the teacher becomes a
facilitator in the learning process.
The Ministry of Education and Culture emphasized that this free
learning breakthrough was characterized by the start of the return of
USBN to the school, the abolition of the National Examination and then
being replaced with a minimum competency assessment process and
character survey. In this case, the Ministry of Education and Culture
wishes no value pressure on students so that students are not fixated on
numerical values. And they are lastly, forming the character of competent,
superior in human resources and have noble character.
In recent decades, the Indonesian Ministry of Education has
designed the concept of independent learning. However, before we enter
the idea, we will discuss what learning means. Freedom to learn is one of
the innovations of the Indonesian Minister of Education, which gives
freedom to an educational institution and its autonomy and is free from
bureaucratization, where teachers get space from complicated

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

bureaucracy and students are given the freedom to choose the field they
The birth of the independent learning program is due to the many
complaints in the education system. One of the complaints is the number
of students targeted with specific values. It is hoped that students and
teachers can be free and innovate in learning with this independent
learning program. Freedom to learn is freedom in thinking; this freedom
of thought must be in the teacher first. Students will not be independent
unless the teacher is independent first.
The view of independence itself is not just obedience or resistance.
Freedom is something to be fought for, not given. An unfortunate fact of
teacher development is when teachers often feel blamed. Not being
listened to, indeed in all conditions, the teacher is the key in education. All
burdens are placed on school teachers who they hope will change in the
Saying teachers are the key to the success of a nation means shifting
responsibility and trapping teachers to fail. Indeed, the teacher has a
critical role in education, but the demands for his significant role will not
be fulfilled when he does not have something essential, namely
independence. The existence of independence for teachers in the long term
will play a central role in fostering student learning independence and
succeeding in the democratic ideals of this country.9 The following are
some of the concepts that the independent learning program will offer:
1) Various places and times.
In carrying out the learning process, it is not only limited by space,
such as only in class. But also outside the classroom can, which can
provide a better atmosphere in receiving lessons.
2) Free choice.
Students can practice learning methods according to what they feel
most comfortable with. So that student are expected to continue to
hone their abilities.
3) Personalized learning.

8 KEMENDIKBUD ,Buku Panduan Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka. Edisi ke-

3. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kemdikbud RI
9 Iwinsah, R. (2020) Menakar Konsep “MERDEKA BELAJAR”, Intens.News.

Available at:

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

Teachers can adapt to students in understanding the material,

solving answers according to students' abilities; this is like playing
a game. If he can solve a challenge, he will quickly level up so that
he no longer uses the system of average student abilities.
4) Project-based.
Students are invited to apply the skills they have learned in various
situations. This experience will be felt to be used in their daily life.
5) Field experience.
Match and Link in the world of work are crucial. At this time, the
material that has been given to students has nothing to do with the
world of work. So the existence of field experience can help
students be more efficient in the world of work.
6) Data interpretation.
Students will get a lot of information. It is hoped that the amount of
information that comes in can solve the problem of needs, can be
used to analyze problems, etc.


In the concept of independent learning, four main educational
policy programs are used as a focal point for improving the quality of
human resources.10
1) A comprehensive USBN Assessment process, namely the
implementation of the USBN (National-Based School
Examination), will be carried out with an exam organized by the
school. In the assessment process. The school can conduct
written or oral exams or use writing papers or portfolio
collection to formulate and have the authority according to
policies that support children's knowledge.
2) The National Examination (UN) will be changed to a Minimum
Competency Assessment and Character Survey consisting of the
ability to reason using language (literacy), the ability to
maintain using mathematics (numbering), and strengthening
character education. The examination process will be carried out
in the middle of the education level; for example, in grade 4 SD,
8 SMP, 10 SMA, this will be the material for evaluating learning

10Kompas Cyber Media, ‘Gebrakan “Merdeka Belajar”, Berikut 4 Penjelasan

Mendikbud Nadiem Halaman all’, [accessed 17 July 2020].

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

at the level of education that teachers or educators will carry

3) Simplification of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), in
preparing the RPP, the Ministry of Education and Culture cut
several components. Therefore, teachers are free to choose,
create, use, and develop lesson plans in this policy. The three
core components of lesson plans consist of learning objectives,
learning activities, and assessments.
4) New Student Admission (PPDB), there is a change in the
composition of PPDB, the zoning path can accept a minimum of
50% students, the affirmation path is at least 15%, and the
transfer path is a maximum of 5%. Then on the achievement
path or the remaining 0-30%, it is adjusted to conditions each
city area. Each region has policy autonomy to determine the
final composition of the zoning so that equity and the quality of
students and teachers are balanced.


Exploring the great potential of school teachers and students to feel
at home to innovate and improve learning independently through the
education bureaucracy and genuinely educational innovation, diversity of
teaching approaches with the support of technology. So that every student
can be thinking critically, innovatively, creatively, transformatively to
become excellent and competent human resources.


With the new policy from the Ministry of Education and Culture or
(KEMENDIKBUD) regarding the Free Learning Concept, it must create a
link and match or link or link the world of learning and the world of work.
The Independent Learning Policy also aims to realize the quality or quality
of sustainable education. As we know with Merdeka Learning, students
have the freedom to learn not only in one segment because according to
Namdie Makariem, children are multi-intelligent, every child must have
intelligence according to their interests in their respective fields, so they
are given freedom in art. learn with his intelligence and according to his
potential, should not be controlled with only one intellect, also understand
thoroughly and holistically, and create a pleasant learning atmosphere

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

from any angle. Therefore, students as learning centres and learning

subjects dimension the main objective. The teacher adjusts the purposes of
students' learning achievement and prepares concepts that are suitable
and relevant to the goals to be achieved, independently learning without
tormenting the educators, students and parents. With this, Merdeka
Learning aims to free students from a system of chasing grades, applying
learning in a fun way, and education not only to pursue graduation or to
get the highest rates, but knowledge can be carried out knowledge outside
the classroom, not only in the classroom but, students expected to have
discussions with the teacher, class outings, and learn many things such as
learning to dare to ask questions, think wise in socializing and be
Applying the policy itself so that the value does not depend on
written grades as before, but can be assignments taken from individual or
group daily assignments. Tasks given can be in the form of written works,
portfolios, and others. First, as explained by the Ministry of Education's
Free Learning Concept, there is the abolition of the National Examination
(UN), which turns into a Minimum Competency Assessment and
Character Survey, so usually the mastery of learning absorption of
students is tested and carried out at the end of the school level by testing
subjects. Mathematics, Indonesian Language, and others, this time the
National Examination is replaced with literacy and numeracy mapping,
which is not the same as Indonesian and Mathematics but also includes
science, social studies and the like, which students are expected to be able
to understand optimally and analyze a reading and being able to apply
the concept of counting in everyday life, strengthening character and
learning applications which later be implemented in the middle of the
school level. Next is the Character Survey, which is different from the test;
usually, the government is judged only to have cognitive data from
students but does not know the actual condition of the ecosystem in
schools. Later, students are given several questions, for example, a survey
on the implementation of cooperation in schools. Whether there is
bullying going on, is the tolerance level healthy and good at school, and
whether students have applied the Pancasila principles in the lives of
students, so students not only learn subjects but also learn to respect one
another, help each other so that students are right really can feel and can
be implemented, and then this Character Survey is expected and used as a

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

benchmark or guide as feedback for schools and the government as

improvements and changes to education policies in the future.11


The independent learning program, which recently was announced
in a speech by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Nadiem Makarim, is
one of the programs that can awaken the Indonesian education system,
which suddenly becomes more passionate and advanced, as the name of
the program, namely Merdeka Learning.
This independent learning program certainly reaps the pros and
cons of various groups because of the advantages and disadvantages of
1) Pros:
a) Students are Free of Expression.
This means that students are free to express themselves in the
sense of being free to learn because they are not regulated by one
lesson; the point is that students learn according to their respective
b) Students are not demanded the same.
The independent learning program has brought changes to the
Indonesian education system because so far, students have been
targeted only by academic grades; the independent learning
program makes students look exceptional because of their
different skills; in the process of recognizing their talents, we as
teachers must always be there so that children do not despair in
the process.
c) Rp. 1 sheet.
Because students learn according to their respective potentials, we
as teachers who guide students only need to adjust the direction;
with the one-sheet lesson plan, the teacher's burden is slightly
reduced because it is expected that the supervising teacher will
focus on directing assisting students.
2) Disadvantages:
a) It takes a lot of time and money.

11 Rosyidi, Merdeka Belajar; Aplikasinya dalam Manajemen Pendidikan

&Pembelajaran di Sekolah. Jakarta: Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Ketua Umum Pengurus
Besar PGRI

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

With the freedom of expression of students in learning, it takes a

lot of time and money because, in the process, students have
different understandings.
b) Lack of independent teacher
To realize students who are independent in learning, of course,
requires teachers who are separated in teaching. Still, the
experience of independent teachers is only a little, mostly seen
from the experience of the teachers during their college days; this
is due to the Lack of expertise of the teachers because the new
independent learning program -recently published.
c) Lack of reference.
To run the independent learning program, of course, requires
references or references such as books as learning tools. The
existing books are considered low; therefore, we need more
efficient books to carry out learning and realize this independent
learning program. Those are the advantages and disadvantages
that are taken in outline.12


The main implication of independent learning is more emphasis on
students. They invite students to be more active and play a significant role
in developing their education; schools and teachers are the only facilitators
who support student learning activities to run smoothly without any
obstacles. Several must be improved educational frameworks to create
independent learning, namely:
a. Improving the framework of teacher competency standards
There is a need to develop competency-based professional
standards for teachers and principals with a more precise and
definite approach to future education development. Teacher
competencies must be more dynamic.
b. Improving PPG curriculum
Improving the PPG curriculum begins with enhancing the clinical
supervision method to run well, providing counselling to tutors
and supervisors so that they focus more on students and focus
more on "how to facilitate students".

12Tim Kompasiana, Merdeka Belajar demi Mewujudkan Indonesia Maju,
99a4aadd2/merdeka-belajar- demi-mewujudkan-indonesia-maju?page=1

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

c. Improve the teacher certification system

There allocating teacher certification funds for effective student
teaching and learning, there must be periodic evaluations to
maximize teacher certification.
d. Visioning world-class teacher education
To inspire all teachers towards a world-class vision that produces
world-class generations.
e. Reviewing the competency model literature review
Reviewing the literature review of advanced competency models by
taking the best things which then become part of the formulation of
the teacher competency model.

Freedom to learn is freedom in determining how to behave,
process, think, and apply creatively for each individual's self-development
by deciding his destiny.
The key to independent Learning lies with the driving teacher, and
the ambitious teacher will not be realized when they are not entirely
separate. So realizing this Freedom of Learning must be done
fundamentally, not just through technical matters and changing new
policies. Independent LearningLearning will be realized when the teacher
is genuinely independent, which can be achieved with several solutions.
First, administrative burdens to make free teachers. The era is fast-
paced, practical, online, but if government regulations are still long-
winded and burden teachers with a myriad of administrations, then
Merdeka Learning will be in vain. In fact, until now, the administration is
still the main task of teachers. While teaching is still the job of the two
Second, shifting additional tasks to education staff. Teachers must
focus on learning according to the main study of the teacher. So far, the
author himself often does other functions at home until late at night; even
being a housewife is neglected because of the unclear mapping of tasks.
Third, increase teacher salaries and equalize teachers with
Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) status to the

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

regions. However, the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding PPPK

Salary and Allowances has not yet been finalized.
Fourth, selecting physically and mentally ready teachers so that
they genuinely become teachers who can be admired and imitated, not
just salary hunters. Fourth, must tidy up the selection pattern and
strengthen must be continuously improved teacher capacity. Fifth, liberate
teachers from the shackles of establishment and "robot souls". Teachers as
role models, transferors of knowledge, character, and morals must be
good examples, "digugu" and "imitated", not wagu and saru.
To realize independent teachers must also synergize the
involvement of students, families, and communities in LearningLearning.
The goal is to facilitate technical LearningLearning. Mainly in student-
centred LearningLearning, experiential LearningLearning, and classroom
learning. Independent teachers with the synergy of family and community
will facilitate their role as the driving force of civilization.
When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were burned to the ground, the
Emperor of Japan only asked how many teachers were killed and still
survived, not how many soldiers or generals were (Joesoef, 2011). This
means that the teacher is the core of life and civilization. So don't let the
government underestimate its principal teachers, "free teachers", and
"master teachers" of society.
No matter how good the system, curriculum, model and method of
LearningLearning, it will be in vain if the teacher does not become a
complete "moving teacher". When teachers are free, they will consciously
move. When the teacher has moved, Merdeka Learning as a solution to
strengthen the quality and quality of education will be achieved by itself.
The essence of Merdeka Learning is in the teacher, and the importance of
the teacher is in their soul, especially the free spirit.

International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism
IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021



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IJIERM: Vol. 3 No. 3 September – December 2021

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