Positesa 2007 01 014
Positesa 2007 01 014
Positesa 2007 01 014
Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Universidade de São Paulo, P.O. Box 116, CEP 12602-810 Lorena/SP, Brazil
Divisão de Materiais, Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço, Comando Técnico Aeroespacial, Pç Mal do Ar Eduardo Gomes,
50, Vila das Acácias, 12228-904, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Received 28 December 2004; received in revised form 23 November 2006; accepted 14 January 2007
The compression and injection molding processes were performed in order to evaluate the better mixer method for fiber (sugarcane
bagasse, bagasse cellulose and benzylated bagasse) and matrix (polypropylene). The samples (composites and polypropylene plates) were
cut and submitted to mechanical tests in order to measure flexural and tensile properties. The morphological and microstructural anal-
yses of fracture surface and specimens from composites can be easily evaluated by microscopic techniques. The fracture surface was eval-
uated by SEM and selected specimens from composites were analyzed by reflected light in OM. The better tested method for composites
obtainment was the injection molding under vacuum process, by which composites were obtained with homogeneous distribution of
fibers and without blisters. The mechanical properties show that the composites did not have good adhesion between fiber and matrix;
on the other hand, the fiber insertion improved the flexural modulus and the material rigidity.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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films, polymer in powder or granules, utilizing the mecha- composites fracture surfaces, fiber distribution and
nisms of compression molding by heating and injection microstructure.
molding [1,11,12]. In these two mechanisms, the fibers are
placed in intimate contact with the matrix. 2. Experimental
Thermoplastic polymers are materials thoroughly used
in emergent technologies having low processing cost and 2.1. Materials description
density, among other properties, such as transparency
and possibility of recycling [13]. Polypropylene (PP) was Depithed sugarcane bagasse was kindly furnished by
the thermoplastic polymer used in this work, being a Usina São José ZL (Brazil); the bagasse was washed, dried
semi-crystalline polymer and an important engineering and milled at particles <1 mm. Cellulose from sugarcane
thermoplastic with various industrial applications [14], bagasse was obtained by pulping with soda/anthraquinone
but it is also a commodity polymer by the low cost, low as described by Luz and Gonçalves [20]. Benzylated
level of mechanical resistance, processing facility and larger bagasse was obtained from sugarcane bagasse reacted with
production [15]. Therefore, the combination of lignocellu- benzyl chloride during 4 h, as described by Luz and
losic material with thermoplastic matrix can present a con- Gonçalves [21]. Sawdust/PP composites, material utilized
siderable problem: incompatibility between the polar and as intern coating in cars, with 20 wt% sawdust were fur-
hygroscopic fiber and the non-polar and hydrophobic nished by Simoldes Plásticos Ltda. Pinus elliottii is the
matrix. The possible solution for this problem has been wood species of sawdust inserted inside PP. Polypropylene
studied through the chemical modification of fibers due (PP), material presented in granules (H 503), was kindly
to the presence of hydroxyl groups, very reactive and sus- furnished by OPP (Brazil).
ceptible to chemical reactions. Non-polar groups can be
inserted in the fibers, resulting in hydrophobic characteris- 2.2. Compression molding
tics compatibles with thermoplastic matrices [1,16,17].
Other alternative to improve the compatibility between In an uniaxial press, containing heating elements (infe-
fiber and matrix is to modify the matrix, for example, with rior and superior), a molding tool was placed, containing
maleic anhydride [18]. the materials for compression [bagasse (5 wt%)/polypro-
Recent studies in respect to mechanical behavior of rein- pylene, and polypropylene]. The temperature, heating rate
forcement fibers in composites show that these materials and platform time were determinated utilizing the polypro-
can present structural and non-structural applications. pylene. The adjusted parameters were: 205 C, 2 C min1
The synergetic characteristics of composite materials heating rate and 3 h platform time. Both composites and
depend on the initial characteristics of the reinforcement polypropylene plates were obtained with these parameters.
or the matrix [2]. Damage in the composites is associated The bagasse/polypropylene composite and polypropyl-
to matrix crack, failed interfacial bond between fiber and ene plate were cut using a dual-tape saw (Mecânica Europa
matrix, fiber break and delamination. Composites fracture equipment with 1/400 sheet) in the necessary dimensions for
surfaces have been studied by scanning electron micros- the mechanical tests (flexural and tensile) and the material
copy (SEM), due to the great depth of focus exhibited by polishing was made with sandpaper A80 (Acerbi
this technique. Specimens are fractured by normal physical equipment).
testing procedures and SEM is used to evaluate size, distri-
bution and adhesion of the filler fibers or particles. The nat- 2.3. Injection molding
ure of adhesion between the matrix and the reinforcement
and information relating the structure of mechanical prop- Samples of 8.7–10 wt% bagasse, 6.7 wt% cellulose from
erties can be obtained by SEM assessment of the composite bagasse and 10 wt% benzylated bagasse were initially
fracture surface [19]. mixed with polypropylene. The mixture was placed in an
Reflected light microscopy is a typical optical micros- injector camera at 200 C and 2 C min1 heating rate.
copy (OM), which provides an overview of composite Starting from this temperature, the platform time was
microstructure. Specimens are polished and examined in 3 h. The melted material was injected with or without vac-
reflected light, generally at magnifications about 30–500· uum in a pre-warm mold (200 C) with 3.2 · 220 · 230 mm
[19]. The strength of fiber-reinforced composite depends dimensions. Cutting and polishing were performed as
on the fiber length and orientation, on the proportion of described in the compression molding.
fibers in the matrix and on interfacial bond between the
fiber and matrix [19]. 2.4. Tensile tests
This work aimed to evaluate the mechanical characteris-
tics of PP-composites obtained by compression and Composites were analyzed in an ‘‘Instron’’ universal-
injection molding processes utilizing the bagasse, benzy- testing machine (model 4301), equipped with pneumatic
lated bagasse and bagasse cellulose as reinforcement. Some claws at a cross-head speed of 2 mm min1. Five specimens
composites were analyzed by SEM and OM techniques in of composites were analyzed, with dimensions in agreement
order to evaluate the morphological characteristics of with the ASTM D 638 standard [22]: 19 mm width,
S.M. Luz et al. / Composites: Part A 38 (2007) 1455–1461 1457
165 mm length and 3.2 mm thickness. The standard molding showed a homogeneous distribution of the fibers
demands specimens with ‘‘dogbone’’ or ‘‘tie’’ format, how- in the matrix. However, the distribution in the plate was
ever, the specimens were cut in rectangular form; hence, the not uniform. Larger and shorter fibers were found in the
results of the tests will be analyzed only comparatively. superior and inferior parts of the plate, respectively. The
press action is from up to down and the shorter fibers easily
2.5. Flexural tests penetrated into the melted polymer. Other problem found
in the composite was the presence of many blisters also
For these tests, the ‘‘Instron’’ universal-testing machine present in the polypropylene plate.
(model 4301) equipment was also used, where a load was The amount of added reinforcement did not contribute to
applied on the specimen with crosshead motion rate of the variation of the tensile and flexural moduli (Table 1).
1.3 mm.min1. The 5 specimens were analyzed with dimen- The fibers insertion can contribute to the modulus increase,
sions in agreement with the ASTM D 790 standard [23]: because the Young’s modulus of the fibers is higher than the
25 mm width, 76 mm length and 3.2 mm thickness. The thermoplastic modulus. However, to obtain a significant
adopted flexural analysis was four-point at 1/4 points increase, a good interfacial bond between fiber and matrix
method. is necessary [24]. The flexural and tensile strengths exhibited
a poor interaction between fiber and matrix, with decreases
2.6. Scanning electron microscopy of 24.1% and 31.8%, respectively, in relation to the poly-
The samples submitted to tensile tests were cut and the The elongation decrease at break value (tensile test) for
composite intact fracture surface was analyzed in a LEO the composite in comparison to the polypropylene, is
1450 V scanning electron microscopy with tungsten fila- probably due to the defects generated in the material after
ment operating at 20 kV, utilizing low vacuum technique the fibers insertion, which were not well aggregated to the
and work distance of 12 mm. Magnifications of 60· and polypropylene. The rupture of the specimen was probably
4000· were made and a secondary electron detector was originated by the presence of blisters. The blisters are
utilized. empty spaces, caused probably by air entrance in the
mold. This showed that the compression molding is not
2.7. Optical microscopy the adequate method for thermoplastic composites
The selected region of the sample was cut and placed in
molds. Polyester resin and hardeners were mixed, poured 3.2. Injection molding
into the mold and cured to provide support. The samples
grinding was made with sandpaper ranging from 120 to In injection molding, after the optimization of tempera-
1000 grit. The specimens were polished using graded alu- ture, platform time and heating rate conditions, various
mina suspensions in water. After the polishment, the spec- composites from variable reinforcements were obtained:
imens were observed by reflected light in a LEICA optical bagasse, cellulose from bagasse and benzylated bagasse.
microscopy. Sawdust/PP composite, material industrially obtained
was used for comparison.
3. Results and discussion The injected polypropylene did not present blisters
(Fig. 2a and b). In bagasse (8.7 wt%)/PP composite, the
The materials obtained by different methods (compres- fibers distribution was homogeneous and random.
sion and injection molding) were analyzed separately. The composites presented few blisters in the interior of
the plate.
3.1. Compression molding The composite with 10 wt% bagasse, utilizing polypro-
pylene as matrix, did not present visible blisters, because
The uniaxial press has two heating elements (inferior the injection was made under vacuum. The fibers distribu-
and superior). The composites obtained by compression tion was also homogeneous and random.
Table 1
Properties of the materials obtained by compression molding
Samples Elongation at break (tensile) (mm) Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (MPa)
Polypropylene (PP) 7.2 ± 1.2 27.4 ± 1.6 991.6 ± 57.8
Bagasse (5.0%)/PP composite 3.0 ± 0.3 18.7 ± 2.2 1001.9 ± 95.7
Elongation at break (flexural) (mm) Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (MPa)
Polypropylene (PP) 7.9 ± 0.4 25.3 ± 1.0 241.9 ± 18.4
Bagasse (5.0%)/PP composite 6.9 ± 0.5 19.2 ± 3.1 223.8 ± 21.4
Reinforcement in wt%.
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The cellulose from sugarcane bagasse and benzylated Sawdust (20%)/PP Tensile
bagasse was not adequate as reinforcement, since they left Cellulose bagasse (6.7%)/PP
ered: (A) fibers are failed points that can generate a crack, Bagasse (10%)/PP
and (B) there is a sliding of the fibers in relation to the Bagasse (8.7%)/PP
matrix. The elongation at break of the composites in the Polypropylene (PP)
flexural tests is smaller than that in the tensile tests, because 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
in this method the force application is different. Strength (MPa)
the brittle fracture (Figs. 3a–d and 5a–d). The Fig. 2a and b Cellulose bagasse (6.7%)/PP
show the SEM of polypropylene fracture surface and pres- Benzylated bagasse (10%)/PP
ent a brittle fracture in lateral region and ductile fracture in Bagasse (10%)/PP
the border of the sample. Bagasse (8.7%)/PP
The strength properties in Fig. 1 show that the tensile
Polypropylene (PP) Flexural
strength of the composites decreased in relation to the 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
polypropylene. The fibers distribution of the bagasse Modulus (MPa)
(10 wt%)/polypropylene composite was homogeneous
Fig. 1. Mechanical properties of composites materials obtained by
and without presence of blisters and the tensile strength
injection molding. The amount of reinforcement is expressed in weight
decreased only 33%, differently of the composite with percentage.
8.7 wt% of bagasse, which value decreased 38% in rela-
tion to the polypropylene. This is probably due to the the polymer and the adhesion between fiber and matrix
interference of other defects, generated by the presence failed.
of blisters. Fig. 3a shows a bagasse/polypropylene com- The optical micrograph (Fig. 4a) exhibits the shape of
posite region that presents fibers clumps and the fibers bagasse within matrix and a random distribution can be
preservation can be observed by the morphological char- observed. The higher magnified micrograph of bagasse
acteristic of lignocellulosics. The polypropylene (matrix) and polypropylene interface (Fig. 4b) shows a wetting or
presented a brittle fracture around the fibers. Fig. 3b major penetration of polypropylene into the fiber, resulting
shows the bagasse/matrix interface and that the failed in better adhesion between fiber and matrix.
propagation goes into fiber direction. The Fig. 3c and d Due to the agglomeration of reinforcement in some
show the higher magnified micrograph of fiber and points, the tensile strength, respectively for the composites
matrix interface and that the fibers were pulled out of of cellulose from bagasse and benzylated bagasse,
Fig. 2. SEM of fracture surfaces of injected polypropylene: (a) lateral detail exhibits classical brittle fracture, and (b) detail of extremity of specimens
fracture exhibits a ductile fracture.
S.M. Luz et al. / Composites: Part A 38 (2007) 1455–1461 1459
Fig. 3. SEM of fracture surfaces of bagasse/polypropylene composite injected under vacuum. (a) Morphology of composite fracture surfaces towards the
bagasse the presence exhibits of brittle fracture. (b) Morphology of composite fracture surfaces exhibits the limit region between fiber and matrix (brittle
fracture). (c and d) Higher magnification of limit region between fiber and matrix.
Fig. 4. Optical micrograph with reflected light of composite polished surface (bagasse/polypropylene). (a) 50· Magnified micrograph exhibits the bagasse
forms and distribution within the matrix. (b) 100· Magnified micrograph shows the detail of limit region between fiber and matrix.
decreased 50% and 42%, when compared to the polypro- fiber clumps were observed within matrix, resulting in areas
pylene. In the composite with sawdust/polypropylene concentrated with fibers and areas with excessive thermo-
industrially produced, the tensile strength decreased 62.3%. plastic, which ultimately decreases mechanical properties.
The modified fiber (benzylated bagasse)/matrix interface The bagasse cellulose/matrix interface is shown in
is shown in Fig. 5a. The fibers presented circular cross-sec- Fig. 5d. Fibers exhibited poor fiber wetting, as shown by
tion shapes. In a recent work [20], in the chemical modifi- the clumps of fibers with no polypropylene. The fibers pre-
cation process, the lignin (natural fiber component) was sented circular cross-section shapes.
partially removed by NaOH addition and the morphology The formation of clumps in the material is disadvanta-
of benzylated bagasse was different in respect to in natura geous, due to the decrease of tensile strength (reinforcement:
bagasse as shown in Fig. 5b. In Fig. 5a, the fibers are trans- cellulose from bagasse and benzylated bagasse). However,
versally aligned to the fracture. The higher magnified in flexural strength, these materials act differently, resulting
micrograph of fiber and matrix interface (Fig. 5c) exhibits in a smaller decrease of these values. For the composite with
the pulled-out fibers of the matrix by tensile stress. The sawdust, as the particles are very small (about 20 mesh), the
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Fig. 5. SEM composite fracture surface injected under vacuum: (a) benzylated bagasse/polypropylene interface showing the clumping and morphological
fibers; (b) the micrograph shows the shapes of benzylated bagasse; (c) higher magnified micrograph shows the detail of region interface between fiber and
matrix; and (d) bagasse cellulose and matrix interface showing the morphology of their composites.
flexural strength decreased about 54% in respect to the poly- fibers and free of blisters. The flexural and tensile tests show
propylene, due to larger amount of failed points. that the obtained composites did not present good flexural
The tensile and flexural moduli are related to the mate- and tensile strengths. The blisters and/or the non-homoge-
rial rigidity, and as previously mentioned, the Young’s neity of the fibers are defects in the material that directly
modulus was higher for the fibers than for thermoplastics. interfere in the mechanical properties, harming the obtain-
If the fibers are distributed and aggregated to the matrix, a ment of a material with high resistance. The composites did
higher flexural modulus for the material can be resulted. not present, in general, a good interfacial contact between
Comparing the values of tensile modulus between the fiber and matrix. However, the fibers insertion caused an
composites (Fig. 1), bagasse (10 wt%)/PP and sawdust increase in the flexural modulus, turning the materials more
(20 wt%)/PP, the composites presented values very similar rigid. The mechanical properties of the obtained composites
to the neat polypropylene. The tensile modulus values for are comparable to the commercial material with 20 wt%
the bagasse (8.7 wt%)/PP, benzylated bagasse (10 wt%)/ sawdust and PP. The composites utilizing bagasse (treated
PP and cellulose from bagasse composites are smaller due or in natura) can be investigated, seeking a similar applica-
to the disadvantageous presence of defects. tion, for example, in coatings of pieces of automobiles. The
For the composites, the flexural modulus increased in SEM and OM techniques permit the study of the morphol-
relation to that of the neat polypropylene (Fig. 1; except ogy and microstructure of composites.
for the composite with benzylated bagasse). As the flexural
tests were made by the four-points method, the composite Acknowledgements
with random distribution of the fibers had a better perfor-
mance. Better performance of composites with random dis- The authors acknowledge FAPESP, Capes and CNPq
tribution into the matrix is attained due to homogeneous for fellowships and financial support.
distribution of fibers. The stress transference between fiber
and matrix is more effective, affecting positively the References
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