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The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is one of the methods of maintenance activities, which aim to preserve
and maintain the quality of the equipment or machinery. This research aims to analyze the performance of thresher
machine using OEE method (case study: threshing station in PT.Tri Bakti Sarimas). Thresher is used to separate the
cook fruitless from bunches. The research was carried out on one thresher unit in PT. Tri Bakti Sarimas, which
engaged in palm oil processing industry that produces crude palm oil and kernel. The research method used the Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach to analyze the value of OEE and 5S. Analysis over a period of one month and
grouped by five days were obtained the OEE value for period of 1-5 April of 72.50%, 6-10 April of 62.22%, 11-15 April
of 69.17%, 16-20 April of 57.92%, 21-25 April of 46.60% and 26-30 April of 59.17%. The OEE value of the thresher
machine was still belowed the standard OEE word class, which was over 85 %. The main cause of the low OEE values
of the thresher machine was compared word class value due to requiring a time for the repair and maintenance
processes. Then the idling and minor stoppage losses and set up/adjustment losses factors of the six big losses
contributed significantly in lowering the OEE, an average percentage was 48.23 % and 43.06 % respectively. For 5S
the problems that occur at the station were mostly found on the condition of the production floor that was dirty, un-tidy,
and un-organizer. Therefore, the thresher machine electiveness and productivity may improve by adoption the TPM and
5S methods in the company case study.
Dengan cara yang sama, maka perhitungan
performance Ratio untuk mesin thresher disajikan pada
Tabel 3.
x 100 %
2. Seiton (Rapi)
Seiton (rapi) adalah menempatkan segala sesuatu
peralatan pada tempat yang telah ditentukan. Pada
Gambar 2 Diagram sebab akibat Idling and Minor stasiun penebahan terdapat banyak bahan yang
Stoppage Losses ditumpuk di sembarang tempat seperti tandan kosong
dan tandan buah yang belum sempurna proses
Diagram sebab akibat dari analisa Six Big Losses pemipilannya dan ditambah lagi dengan adanya
untuk Set up Adjustment Losses dapat dilihat pada tumpahan berondolan yang yang berserakan di sekitar
Gambar 3. mesin, berdasarkan analisa seiton (rapi) setiap barang
diletakan pada tempat yang telah ditetapkan, agar hal
itu dapat terlaksana maka setiap jenis bahan dan barang
dikelompokan dan diberi tempat sesuai jenisnya.seperti
yang terlihat pada Gambar 5. Terjadi penumpukan
tandan kosong dibeberapa tempat bukan pada tempat