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Quick Revision Guide Urea t escola MeL Te (ay 426 Chapter 1: Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements + physical quantity isa quantity that canbe measured. t consists ofa numercal magnitude and aurit. + Exch complete to-andro motion sone oscillation. + Theperiod ofa simple pendulum isthe me takenfor one complete oxcilaton. Scalar quantities ae physical quantities tathave rly ‘magnitude. * Vector quantities are physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction. + Spoudisthe distance moved per unttime. + Velocity is therate of chenge of displacement. Velocity =“ time taken Chapter 2: Kinematics [Average speed 2szumes that an object travel at the same speed throughout theertre distance. > Average speed =P Gennes waveled + verage velocity assumes that an object travels atthe ‘same velocity throughout the entire displacement. * Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. change of velocity ‘time taken * Uniform acceleration isa constant rate of change of velocity. b onthe > Acceleration ~ where y= change in velocity is) ime interval between 2nd, ° inal velocity (m/s) al velocity (ms) time at which an objectisat final velocity vs) {uctimeat which on object sat iia velocity (9) + Thegradiont ofa dsplacoment-time graph ofan object ves the velocity ofthe objec + Thegradiont ofa vlocity-time graph ofan object ives the acceleration ofthe object + Thearea under the velocity-time graph cives the: dfsplacementof the object Chapter 3: Dynamics I: Mass and Weight + Mass sa measure ofthe amountofmatterina body. * Weight isthe cravtational force acting on an object that bas mass. > Wemg where W=weight (N) m=mass ka) gravitational field strength (W/kg) + Agravitational field isa region in whicha mass experiences force due to gravitational attraction. * Gravitational field strength gis defined asthe ‘ravitational force per unit mass placed at that point. Chapter 4: Dynamics Il: Forces Newton's First Law of Motion states that every object will Continue nie ate of eter uniform metion i craight Tine unessareatant fore acts on. + The mera ofan object refers tothe reluctance ofthe cbjectto change ts state ofrestor motion, duet its mass. + Nowton's Second Law of Motion sites thet when recuitant ore act on anobjectof constant macs the ‘bject wil accelerate inthe direction ofthe resultant force. > Fema * Newton's Third Law of Motion sates that if body A exerts a force fon body then body B wllxertan equal and opposite force Fon body A. * Friction isthe contactforce that opposes or tends to oppose motion between surfaces in contac. * When theair resistance acting against an object equals its weight the object starts to wavelata constant speed knownas terminal velocty- Chapter 5: Turning Effects of Forces ‘The moment of aforce M, oF torque, abouts pivots the product ofthe forceFand the perpendicular distance d rom the pivot tothe line of action of the force > M=Fd where F=force applied (N) perpendicular dstancefrom the pivot to theline of action ofthe force (rm) * The principle of moments states that when abodyisin equilibrium, the sum of clockwise momentsabout a pivot is equal to the sum of anticlockwise moments about the same pivot Sumoflackwise = Sum of anticlockwise moments momentsabout any pivot about the same pivot +The contre of gravity fn object can imaginary point where the entire weight ofthe object seems to act. + The stability ofan objectis a measure ofits ability to ‘maintain its original position. Chapter 6: Pressure + Pressureisthe force actin per unit area. £ > Pas (9 = Gravitational field strength (Weg) Density is defined as mass per unitvelume. where p= density m=mass (ka) volume (m?) Pascal principle or Pascal's law: Fa pressure is applied to ‘an endosed liquid, the pressure is transmitted toall other parts of the liquid undiminished. un 5 any t piston2 Chapter 7: Energy * Tocalaulate the amount of enargyin the kinatic store of _abody moving at speed weuse th following: > &: my? where &,~ ene-ayin the kinetic tore) m="ass ofthe body (kg) = speed of the body (mi) + To calaulste the amount of enerayin the aravitational potantial store of s body at aheight h bovethe ground, ‘we uae the following: > E.=mgh where £,= energy in the gravitational potential store) m=mace of the body (kg) (7 ~ grvitational ld strength (Ng) ‘height (mm), + Theprinciple of conservation of energy tates that ‘energy cannot ee created or destroyed. tcanbetransfered from one enersy storetoanother duingan event or process. Energy canbe transfered from one tore to ‘enother The total energy ofan fsoleted sytem is constant, * Work done bya constant force onan object isthe product of the force and the distance moved by the object in the rection ofthe force > wears whee W= work done bya constant force F Quick Revision Guide +The efficiency ofa machine can be caleuated using: ‘useful energy output > ettidency ="“‘etatenetey inpat % 100% Chapter 8:Kinetic Particle Model of Matter ‘The kinotic particle model of mattoris made-up of tiny particles tha ae in continuous motion +The random motion of pertcles in afluidis called Brownian motion. * Temperature rises with the average kneticeneray of the particles in 2 body and vice versa, + Atthe particle level pressure isthe average force exerted bby the particles per unit area. Chapter 9: Thermal Processes ‘Thermal equilibrium describes estate in which two or ‘more objects have the same temperature and that there's, ‘no net transfer of eneray between them. * Conduction isa process of eneray transfer where eneray is transferred through the passing on of vibratioral motion from one particle toanother + Convection s a process of energy transfer by means of ‘convection currents ofa fluid fiquid or gas), due toa differencein density. * Radiation isthe process of eneray transfer by cleciromagnetic waves. It does not require a medium. * Internal energy consists ofthe kinetic energy associated with the random motion ofthe particles and the total potential energy between the particles in the system, + Heat eapacity Cof an objects the change of ts internal ‘energy per unit change in its temperature. caB- where q=change in intemal energy J) by ‘energy transfer {49 = change in temperature Kor °C) 427 Quick Revision Guide 428 Spocificheat capacity cofa materials the change ofits intemal energy per unt macs foreach unit change ints tempeature = La(Bp) where c= hneat copay 1K oF 7 G=change ininteral energy (by energy transfer m=massof substance (o) angein temperature hore) “Tneenergy Q wansferedby heating tan object of heat ‘capacity C so that the object has.a temperature change AG, Q=cae Fora substance made ofa uniform material of mass m specific heat capacity c anda temperature change A, the nergy Q transfered by heating =: Q=mcAe Latent heat Lis the energy released of absorbed to change the state Of substance, at constant temperature, Latent heat of fusion, 5 theamount of eneigy transferred ‘to change a substance between the solid and liquid states, at constant temperate Specificlatent heat of fusions the amount of energy {toreferred per unit mess ofa wbatance to change between {the solid and quid states, at constant temperature. Lalm where = latent heat of fusion (1) |] specifc latent heat of fusion (Ika) Im=mass of substance kg) Latent heat of vaporisation ithe amount of eneray transferred to chanae a substance between the iquidand ‘aseours states at constant temperature Specficlatent heat of vaporisation!, isthe amountof ccegy transfered per unitmass of substance to chenge ‘between theliquid and gaseous sates at constant temperature. tale ‘where = latent heat of vapovisation (J) specific latent heat of ‘vaporisation (kg) -m=mass of substance (ka) ‘Theinternal energy ofthe substance increases when itis heated. ‘Theinternal energy ofthe substence deeases whenit is cooled, Chapter 11:General Wave Properti s I: Introduction ‘Awaveisa disturbance that propagates through space, carrying eneray with itbut not matter. The periodic and repetitive motion of any selected point in a waveis known, 25 vibrations cr oscillations + Atransverse wave hasa direction of vibration thats perpendicular tothe direction of wave travel. + Alongitudinal wave hasa direction of vibration thats parallel tothe direction of wave travel. + Displacomant ofary point onthe wave i avector pointing ‘fromits rest postion tothe point. + Amplitude of wave isits maximum magnitude of displacement from its est position. + Crosts are the highest points ofa transverse wave. Troughs are the lowest point of a transverse wave + Inphase describes two points on a wave that abways have the same direction ef motion movingin step). + Wavolength Ais the shortest cistance between two points which arein phase long the wave’ direction. * The poried Tisthe taken by each point on the wave to complete one oscilation. + The frequency fs the number of oscillators each point ‘completes per second. periods) * Wave speady the dstance tavelled by awave per second, there y=wave speed ims) ‘wavelenath (mr) period (s) A wavefront isan imaginary line joining all adjacent points that are in phase. Chapter 12: General Wave Properties |: Sound Soundis longitudinal wave traveling in the air created by 2 vibratina source. + Compressed regions are called compressions and the cextendedregionsare called arefactions * Loudness isreated tothe amplitude of sound wave — ‘the larger the amplitude the louder the sound. * itch isrelated tothe freauency ofa sound wave — the bigher the frequency. the higher the pitch + The audiblerange of humans 20 Het 20 009 Hz. Frequencies below 20 Hzare called infasound and ‘frequencies above 20 C00 Hz are ale ultrasound. + An echo isthe epettion ofa sound due'o the reflection cofseund. + Ethelocation is thelocation of objects using reflected sound. Quick Revision Guide Chapter 13: Electromagnetic Waves ‘rangement of electromagnetic waves orderot ‘Sewonoynete Frequency Wavelength Wave radio waves: lowest longest infrared visible light Ultraviolet Xray gamma rays highest waves arc those with higher frequencies and hence higher energies + Allelectromagneticwaves are transverse Waves. + Allelectromaaneticwaves travel withthe same speed of 310" m/sina vacuum, + Thewave speed eauation,y~ A applies tall ‘ckectromagnetic waves. + When an electromagnetic wave travels from a vacuum to ‘ther medi, the wave speed and wavelenath decrease. ‘Thofraquancy stays the same asat the source when the ‘wave goes into a different medium. + Bectromagnetc waves undergo reflections and refractions. Electromagnetic waves transfor nergy. + Allmateral bodies emit a range of electromagnetic ‘waves. In genera, higher temperature bodiestendto emit more and higher requency electromagnetic waves Chapter 14: Light Thefirst law of reflection states tht the incident ty relectedray andthe normal athe pint ofincaenceliein ‘the same plane. + Thesecondlaw of rfectionstites that the ancleof incidence iv eqnitetheangleofreecton 8, + Theimage of point ebjectin plane irr ish asf tind the mir othe objet in ont ofthe mito * Refraction is the bending of light as light passes from one Gottolmedum tosnethes + Thefietaw af retin tats thatthe incident my riveted ray andthe ronmal a thepent of nescence alle inthe sameplane + Thesecondlaw of reaction tte that fortwo given media, the ratio of thesine of angle of incidence tothe Sie ofthe ange oftefaction ia constant. that + Thevaftctivaindoe»ofamedium isdfined asthe ato ofthe speed ogra vacuum tothe peed ofightin constant. where c~ speed of ight in a vacuum speed of ight in the medium angle ofincidence ina vacuum angle ef refraction in the medium > nae wher: + The prncinle of reversibility oflight ays states that regardless of how mary timer alight ray has been reflected corrected wl llow the same pat when itsdivetion reversed. + Citic angle 0, defined as the angle ofncidence in an cbticaly denser medium for which the anale f refraction inthe lnc dence mediums 90° * Total internal reflection’ the complete reflection ofa Tight in an optically denser medium atthe boundary with an optical less dense medium. where ¢=critical angle ‘n= refractive index ofthe medium * Focal lanath fis the distance between the optical centre and the principal focus point. + Areal image canbe formed on acreen placed st the jimage plane bute virtual imagecannot be formed on a screen placed atits mage plane. Chapter 15: Static Electricity Like charges repel each other while unlike charges attracteach other + loctric fild is recion in which an electric charge ‘experiences anclectricforee. Chapter 16: Current of Electricity + Electric earrent the rate of flow of charge with respect to time “+The direction of flow of positive charges i described asthe convontional curront, + The electromotive force (emf) of anelectiical source isthe work done by the source in driving unit charge around complete circuit. > cx where E=emt ofthe electrical £ source V) We work dore U) Q~ amount of charge (C) + When cells ae aranged in series. the resultant or total ‘emt isthe sum of theindividval emf. ofeach elecrical + When cells ae arranged in parallel the resultant ems is ‘equal to that of asingle electricalsource. + The potential difference pl) acrossa component in a veg where V=potential diference of votage ‘ac035.2compenent(V) W=work done J) amount ef charge (C) 429 Quick Revision Guide 430 + Therosictanes Rofa components the ratio of the potential diferenceV across itto the current Iflowing through it be wheretrsisance othe component) V= pd. actoss the component (V) careening treughihe component (A) + Teresi ofa subsincedependsen what the aural composed of ‘where = resistance of the component (Q) k~constant 1 » Rak When a material exhibits this near relationship between pd Vand current Zit tsa to be ohmic + Theresistances of non-ohmic conductors change as their ‘temperature changes. Chapter 17:D.C. Cire Ina series Great the curentat every points the same. ‘Ind series circuit the total potential difference supplied tothe dre V,isequal tothe sum ofthe individual potential dference across the recon. yaa tly + Inasesiescreit the effective resistance Ri eauslto the sumof the individual resstance, > paar thet, + Inaparalll circuit the total curent fowing into or cutof the paral branches i equal othe sumo the individual current in each parallel branch > tehstys uel, + Inaparalllciruitthe pa acrossthe parallel brarchesis thesame, + Inapaalil cuit the reciprocal ef the efcctve resistance * A potential divider is voltage divider, which makes use of voltage drop across resistors in series to divide voltage. * Transducers convert chengesin the physical condition, such as pressure, temperature orlight into electrical signals so that these physical conditions can be measured. Chapter 18; Practical Electricity + Electric work done Wan be calculated using Chapter 19: Magnetism Induction, «induced magnetism, can take place whena ‘ferromagnetic materials placed dose oa streng magnet orwithin a current-carrying solenoid. + Amagnetic ficldis reaionin which the force of magnetism sets. ‘Temporary magnets are magnets that retain their magnetism in the presence of anelecriccurent ora permanent magnetic fied. + Pormanant magnate donot require the presence ofan electric currentora permanent magnetic field toretain ‘their magnetism. Chapter 20: Electromagnetism ‘The strength of magnetic field incrcsses when currentis increased. * The direction of the magnetic field is reversed when the currents reversed. + The strength of magnetic field in a solenoid can be increasedby. = increasing the current flowing through the solenoid ~ increasing the numberof turns per unitlength of the solenoid and = placing a sftiron core within the solenoid. + Acurent caring conductor willexperience force ifthe magnetic field applied perpendicular or has a component that is perpendicular tothe direction of flow of current. Thisis known 2s the motor effect. +The direction of the force can be determined uxing Fleming’ left-hand rule. +The tuming effect on 2 curent-eanying wire in a de. ‘motor can be increased by: = increasing the numberof turnsin the col, = increasing the current: and adding s2oftiren cyinder +The function ofthe split+ing commutators to reverse the direction of the curentin the cil everyhalf 2 revolution. Quick Revision Guide Chapter 21: Electromagnetic Induction + Blectromagneticinduetion isthe process through which ‘aninduced emfisproduced in a conductor due toa ‘changing magnetic Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction sites that ‘the magnitude ofthe nduced emL in acicutis directly Proportional tothe rate of change of magnetic fuxin the ‘Grctit, Magnotie fluxis the magneticfieldina given area. + Lenz's Law states thatthe direction ofthe induced em. ‘ond hence Uheinduced currentin aclosed cteit is alwoys such thatits magnetic effect opposes the motion or change producing it. + Fleming’ lofthand rule isusedfor electric motors, while Flaming’ right-hand rules used or generators + Atramsformerisa device used in the transmission of ‘Sectricity Itcan change a high alternating voltage (at low ‘crrent) to alow alternating voltage (at high current) or vice + Theveltages ofthe primary and secondary coils ae related by: > Tete ere v,~ secondary (output veltoge(V) noe Yp=Primary input voltage (V) N.=rumber oftumsinsecondary col = number oftumsin primary eo + nan ideal tranaformerallthe energy that isappliedto the primarycll re ransfeted to the secondary cal, J, where V, = primary input votaoe V) primary input current (A) ~ secondary (output) vltoge (V) f= secondary (output) current(A). ‘Teeffcency ofa transformer can becalculatedusing the fallowinc eaustion: c hapter 22: Radioactivity ‘The proton number isthe ruber of protonsinanatom. Itis also known as atomic numbor ‘The nucleon number the total number of neutrons and protons in the nudeusofanatom.Itisalbo known 3s mass umber ‘Number of neutrons in a nucleus nucleon umber A proton number 7 Isotopes 2fe atoms ofthe same element that have the sme numberof protons but different mbes ef neutrons ‘Nuclear decays random processby which an ‘unstable atomic rudeus losesits energy by emission of celectromaanetic radiation or particlets) “There ate thee types of rulcenr emission alpha fa) articles beta (f) parties ond gamma (y)rays- Tenising radiation ‘adiation with high energies that can knock of elections rom atoms to frm ions. Background radiation e's to nuclear ciation in an environment where no radioactive cource hasbeen deliberately introduced, “The halflife ofa radioactive nucide isthe time taken for half the nuclei of that nucde in any sample to decay. ‘Nuclear fission isa processin which thenucleus ofan atom solits (usualy into two parts) and releases a huge amount of nergy. ‘Nuclear fusion isa process in which two light atomic nucle ‘combine to form one heavier atomic nuceus and releases 2 huge amount of energy. 431

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