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9 Magnetism What You WTR Tay SRS interactions between magnets and between magnets and magnetic Ded Pn ers magnetic field around a Dr Between 1997 and 2004, Singapore made about one-third of the world’s hard disks. That is, on average, about 90 million hard disks every year. Following the computer boom in the 1970s and 1980s, some of the world's largest hard disk companies opened plants in ‘Singapore. Singapore went on to become an important centre for research and development of hard disks. Do you know that hard disks are essentially made of electromagnets and magnetic recording media? How do magnets and magnetic materials interact with each other? 343 Chapter 19 # Electiicity and Magnetism Disciplinary dea Forces help us understand maton Like magnetic poles rppa and ualke magnetic poksatuac. Thisresults In forces that cause acceleration (motion). We can then apply Newton laws of motion to describe the motion that f crested. Figure 19.2 Afreely suspended magnet ‘always points in thenorth-south direction. eR wired rd Between Magnets and Between Magnets and Magnetic Materials? Learning Outcomes + State the properties of magnets. + Describe induced magnetism caused by placing magnetic material close to a strong magnet ‘or within a current-carrying solenoid. + Distinguish between temporary magnets and permanent magnets in terms oftheir properties and uses. Properties of Magnets Like poles repel, unlike poles attract You may have played with toys made of magnets. ‘When you pace two pieces of magnets together, they either attractor repel each other. More precisely the like poles of the magnet repel while the unlike poles attract. These are not the ‘only proparties of a magnet. Magnets have two poles. The magnetic effects ate strongest at the poles. When iron filings are sprinkled onto a bar magnet, most of the iron filings are attracted to the two ends of the magnet. (Figure 19.1) poles of magnet. Rest in North-South Direction {A freely suspended magnet comes to rest in the north-south direction (Figure 19.2). At the ‘equator, the north seaking side of the magnet will point towards Earth’s geographic North Pole. We call this side of the magnet the north pole. Likewise, the opposite end of the ‘magnet, the sauth seaking material is placed close to a strong magnet or within a current-carrying solenoid. awe cipzatthetower > Figure 19.8 Apaperclipatiracted to 2 ‘magnet becomes an induced magnet that attrectother ips, ‘Amagnetic material can be magnetised when itis stroked with a strong ‘magnet (Figure 19). The magnet ‘rust be lifted sufficiently high ‘above ihe bar after each stroke. ‘An apposte pole vill be induced at Anunmagnetised steel bar Issuoked ‘ith one pole of magnet tepeatedly The the end where the same pole mustbe ‘magnet leaves the used throughout. ‘tee! Dat. VC ‘magnetic material with amagnet. Disciplinary Idea Natter and energy make ‘up the Univers. Some forms of mater (Gervomagnetic materials) dave strong magnetic properties. They can be ‘magnetised and altract or ‘repel oneanother. Word Alert Solenoid cal of wire used aan electromagnet Helpful Note “Themovernent ofthe magnet in Figure 198 pall the aomic magnets Tithe sted barino alignment. 347 Chapter 19! Electricity and Magnetism ‘A carrent carrying solenoid produces a magnetic fed similar to thatof a bar magnet (igure 19.10. k > A magnetic field is a region in which the force of magnetism acts. ‘ou earn tat moving Charges carry magnetic ee - fis chapier20 | : », Py ‘ » ja st - Ae 7 Helpful Note i ‘When a magnetic » - pateralis msde solo gnet ‘magnetic field the atomic Figure 19.10 Magnetic field lines of a solenoid is very similar to that ofa bar magnet. mmagetsalign theses inthedrecion of the fy placing a magnetic material, such asan ton rod, inside the curent-carying solenatd the rmaeetic fel The mmognetic materl becomesa magnet. magnetic mater ‘= ‘The direction of the magnetic field produced by a solenoid can be determined using the seri that cn te fighthand grip ule. The righthand grip ule, also known as the corkscrew ru, used to ee Show the relationship between current and magnetic cl. drecaled : ‘To determine the direction of magnetic field when a current flows through a solenoid, imagine aripping the solenoid with our right hand (Figure 19.11). ‘The thumb points in the same irection as the north pole. ‘The Mngers cuttin tne same direction as the ‘current lowing through the solenaid, Figure 19.11 The right-hand grip rule isused to determine the direction of magnetic field of asclenoid. Figure 10.12 How dose magnetloseits ‘magnetism? Magnetism © Chapter 19 Demagnetisation — The magnetism gets transferredevery time attractsa magnec object. Isit possible to demagnetise a magnet (Figure 1912)? The answers yes. This process of demagnetisation can be achieved by: + placing the magnet in the east-west direction; and, + hitting or heating the magnet. Placing the magnet in the east.west direction minimises the influence of the Earth's magnetic field during the demagnetisation process (Figure 19.13). jure 19.12 Hammering the ine magnet placed inthe east west direction can cause itto lose its magnetism. Similarly, dropping a magnet multiple times on a hard surface also causes the ‘magnet to lose its magnetism. Helpful Note 1p demagnatsea magn, trealigned atomic magnets need to return to ther random Postions When beating Orhiting the magne, the atoms vbr Thus, {he atric magnets wil not beallged and they sell back in ilerent srientaions This demagntisesthemagnet 349 Chapter 19" Electicity and Magnetism Helpful Note ‘When demagnetsing ‘magnet using an alternating current the stomuc magnets orientate themsehes: to thefield. However, since the direction of themagnetic field keeps changing, the stomic magnets become randomised, The magnet ‘Sdemagnessed, 350 It is also possible to demagnetise a magnet using a solenoid with an alternating current. Analtemating current is one that changes direction all the time. ‘The magnetic field of the solenoid produced by passing alternating current will change direction every time the current changes ditection. To demagnetise a magnetised object usinga solenoid, we have to: + place the magnet inside the solenoid in the east-west direction, and + then gradually reduce the current to ze10. Alternatively, Instead of reducing the current to zeto, we can also pull the object out of the solenold until it is some distance away. Figure 19.14 shows how to demagnetise a magnet using a solenoid. N @Applyan withdraw (2) with the alternating alternating curent magnet_, current stil fowig, tothe magnet pull the magnet that placed ‘ut f thesolenotd Insigeasclenota slowly unt star Inthe east-west Vac, ‘enough from the direction. om sclenolt Figure 19.14 Procedure to demagnetise a magnet using a solenoid ‘When subjected to long periods of heat or influence of nearby magnetic fields, magnets ‘can become demagnetised. To prevent this from happening, we make use of iron keepers (Figure 19.15). The magnetic field Is retained within the iron keepers to preserve Its strength. Keepers also have a safety function. They reduce stray magnetic fields of stored magnets and prevent unwanted magneticed materials from being attracted to the storad magnets. snaucea potes Figure 19.15 @) Keepers are used to reduce stray magnet fields and help to prevent stored magnets from becoming demagnetised.(b)llstration of magnetic field linesin iron keepers. ‘Amagnet loses its magnetism when the atomic magnets are no longer aligned. This ‘out-of-alignment happens when magnets are subjected to heating or dropping repeatedly. Heating or dropping causes the atomic magnets to vibrate and settle in their preferred ‘orientation. ‘Magnetism does not get used up like charges in a battery, nor does It get transferred when attracted to non-magnetic substances or when placed in contact with another magnet (in the ‘case of induced magnetism). However, magnetism does “leak" over time. A magnet subjected to the influence of external magnetic field and temperature variations may lose its magnetism. ‘gradual Magnetism ™ Chapter 19 Temporary and Permanent Magnets Some magnets are temporary and others are permanent. ‘Temporary magnets are magnets that retain their magnetism inthe presance of an electric current or a permanent magnetic field. Permanent magnets do not require the presence of an electric current or a permanent magnetic field to retain their magnetism. ‘Magnets are temporary or permanent depending on the materials they are made of. Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials ‘There are two types of ferromagnetic materials, soft and hard magnetic ‘materials, The terms “soft” and “hard” do not refer to the hardness of the ‘materials, but to the materials ability to become magnetised and remain ‘magnetised. Iron and stee! are examples of soft and hard magnetic materials, respectively. Table 19.1 compares these two types of materials. ‘Table 19.1 Comparison between soft and hard magnetic materials =a sonal tympani satoncn nd Yomi scons ‘temporary magnets such permanent magnets such ‘asclectromagnetsin as magnetic recording “unkyer media in bard disk drives ‘Soft magnetic materials have stronger induced magnetism compared to hard magnetic materials. This can be illustrated with a simple experiment using an iron bar and a steel bar of the same dimensions (Figure 19.16). +1 A magnet is used to hold up one end of the iron bar and the other end of tthe iron bar is dipped into a dish of paper clips. 2 The magnet is removed and the number of paper clips is counted. 3 Steps 1 and 2 are repeated for steel, using the same magnet. It can be shown that fewer paper clips are attracted to the steel bar in this manner. 351 Chapter 19! Link Workbook ‘Worksheet 198 352 Electricity and Magnetism Iron is not the only magnetic metal. Other elements such as nickal, cobalt, and the rare-Earth metals (notably samarium and neodymium) are also good magnets. Some of the best magnets are alloys (mixtures) of these elements. ‘Other common metals such as copper, gold, silver, and aluminium are non-magnetic. Most non-metals (including papes, wood, plastic, concrete, glass, and textiles such as cotton and ‘wool) are non-magnetic too. Worked Example 19A ‘Suggest some ways to determine the poles of an unmarked magnet. Thought Process ‘To determine the poles of an unmarked magnet, we make use of the propertis of a magnet. Thisis because these properties are only for magnets and distinguish magnets from non- magnets. Answer Method 1:Use.a bar magnet with known poles. Since like poles repel, the north pole of the unmarked magnet repels the north pole of the bar magnet. ‘Method 2: Usea compass. The south pole of the unmarked magnet will attract the north seaking needle of the compass. Method 3: Ifthe direction of the geographic north is known, the ‘unmarked magnet can be suspended freely. The magnet will come to rest in the north-south direction and the pole pointing to the north would be the north pole. Let’s Practise 19.1 1 Ifyouare presented with two identical metal bars and are informed that one of them is a magnet, how do you detarmine which one the magnet is? 2 Assteel bar Is magnetised by two magnets as shown in Figure 19.17. ‘Mark the poles of the magnetised steel bar. Figure 19.17 Magnetism ™ Chapter 19 19.2 How Do We Show the Magnetic Field Around a Magnet? Learning Outcomes + Describe how a bar magnet can be used to determine the direction of magnetic field. = Draw the magnetic field pattern around a bar magnet and between the poles of two bar magnets. If we sprinkle iron filings around the bar magnet, the iron filings will fall into lines (Figure 1916). ‘The lines are closely packed at either poles of the magnet, but are more spaced out on both sides as well as further away from the magnet. These lines also connect the opposite sides ofthe poles and are present within Word Alert ‘the magnet. We call these lines magnetic fleldlines. Magnets create these Spal occupying space A ovis three-dimensional spatlal magnetic fields, and the magnetic field lines are a visual tool used < ‘to represent magnetic fields. Figure 19.18 lon filings tracing the magnetic field lines ofa bar magnet From the observations of the iron filings, some charactenistcs of magnetic field lines are as shown. + The magnetic fiald lines never cross one another. + The magnetic field lines are continuous and they form closed loops. + The distance between the magnetic feld lines represents the strength of magnetic field. The closer the lines, the stronger the magnetic field. Itis common to usea diagram to represent the ‘magnetic field lines (Figure 19.19), By convention, the field lines have arrows that point out from the north pole of the magnet and point into the south pole. Since ‘magnets are stronger at the poles, these field lines are. ‘more concentrated at the poles. - pole to the south pole 353 Chapter 19 # Electiicity and Magnetism Let's Investigate 19& Aim ‘To investigate the magnetic field lines of + magnet using a compass . Procedure Figure 19.20 + Placea bar magnet in the centre of apiece Thenorth (of paper with the north pote pointing to pole ofthe the north (Figure 19.20). ‘magnet points 2 Place a compass near one pole of the fo tencrth magnet. 3 Mark the north and south ends of the ‘compass needle with an Nand an S respectively. 4 Re position the compass such that the south needle is pointing to the N marking gure 19.21 of the previous position (Figure 19.21) Mark the 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 until several traces poles ofthe hrave been drawn. rmagnetzby compussdets, Observation ‘The direction of the field lines is indicated by the direction of the plotting compass needle (igure 1922). ‘Question Will the magnetic field line be the same ifthe magnet is placed with the magnets south le pointing toward the north? Explain your Figure 19.22 , plain you - Nog fet : a » lines round a “ barmagnet (~ Worked Example 198. Draw the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet. Indicate in the same diagram a region where the field is weak and the region where the field is strong. You may ignore the effects of Earth's magnetic field. Thought Process ‘The strength of a magnetic field is indicated by the proximity of the lines. Magnetic field is stronger where the lines are closer together. ‘Magnetic field is weaker where the lines are further apart and further ‘away from the magnet. Answer ‘The density of the field lines indicates the strength of the field. Magnetism © Chapter 19 ‘Auniform magnetic field has field lines (Figure 19.22(a)).The field lines are ‘equally spaced and parallel to one another. A uniform magnetic field exerts constant magnetic force in the region, “The opposites true for a non-uniform magnetic field (Figure 19.23(b))-The field lines are not equally spaced a and hence are also not parallel to ys ce ae ‘one another. At different points, j@untom ()Now-untom —— nonuniform magnetic the magnetic force exerted would gree eld ‘mognetefeld field be aifferent. Fld lines can be used to represent the interaction between two magnets. When two unlike poles are placed next to each othe, fied lines go from the north pole of one magnet to the south pole of the other magnet (Figure 19.28), This is wy unlike poles attract each other. Figure 19.24 When two unlke poles are facing each other, the magnetic field lines ofthe north pole connect with the magnetic field lines of south pole, atracting each other. Conversely, when two lke poles ae placed next to each other, the field lines move away from each other (Figure 19.25)-Ths is the reason why the like poles repel each other. Figure 19.25 When two like poles ae facing each other, magnetic feid nes move away from each other and cancel each other out, creating a repulsive force. Point X in Figure 19.25(a) is called a neutral point because the resultant ‘magnetic field in that region is zero. The magnetic fields at point X from each magnet are equal and opposite — they cancel each other. 355 Chapter 19 # Electiicity and Magnetism Disciplinary Idea Mater interacts through forces and fds ‘A magnetic fildisa tegon in which magnetic imaterals experience a ‘magnetic force. ‘Themagneticfiedis represented by fed Tines. snd the spacing between, thefiddline represent the slrcngth of te magnetic eld. Thedirecon of the maguire by 356 If two bar magnets are placed side by side, the magnetic field lines will Interact with each ‘other, Figure 19.26(a) shows the interaction when the bar magnets are placed side by side, ‘with unlike poles beside each other. The magnetic field lines join together and become denser at the poles. Figure 19.26(b shows the interaction when the like poles of both bar magnets are beside each ‘other. his time, the magnetic field lines bend away from each other. ® © Figure 19.26 Magnetic field pattems between two bar magnets placed side by side. ‘The regions marked °X” are neutral regions where the resultant magnetic field lines are zero, Worked Example 19¢ ‘A magnet is placed on top of a turntable (citcular rotating platform) and a non-uniform magnetic field is then applied (Figure 19.27). How will the magnet react? Figure 19.27 ‘Thought Process Since the non-uniform magnetic field lines point to the right, the direction of the magnetic field is pointing from north (lft) to south (ight). When a magnet is placed ina magnet field, it will experience ‘@ magnetic force. The magnet is free to rotate since its placed ona tumtable and the south pole of the magnet willbe attracted ‘towards the left, whereas the north pole of the magnet will be repelled towards the right. Answer ‘The magnet will rotate clockwise and come to rest in the horizontal position with its south pole pointing to the left and the north pole pointing to the right. Magnetism " Chapter 19 Let's Practise 19.2 11 Two bar magnets are placed near each other. Ifthe directions of the compass needles are as shown in Figure 19.28, deduce the ered 7 Oy? Figure 19.28, ‘2 Four magnetic compasses are placed near an unmarked bar magnet as shown in Figure 19.29. Which compass s faulty? ‘moving the matzral (he disk or tape) witha motor across a reader such asa computer. Racetrack memory sa nev form of dgial data storage. Vhe racetrack s a ferromagnetic nanowire, In racetrack memory, the material Says in placeand the data is mored acres the reader without the need to move mechanical parts. The data is carried by a magnetic cbject called a skyrmion that can be moved by applying an external stimulus, such asa current pulse. The technology could potentially enable handheld devices tostorea few thousand movies. I consumes utralow power and will nt wear ou. Why are dala recorded in 0’ and 187 How does magnetism differentiate Us and 1? Cool Career Geomagnetists (Gaomaphtas ae spaced ype of googie Tey ty the magni proces ‘of geo lune nd Rarh Coomagnedem of arth areal of Earthen ‘shou is eis Themouian range, ocean ences wd shiflingtcencsve n ‘icon the prmagetfeldsl artho cet degree Salyng Ux magotic Figure 1930 Based ontheirstudies fds of rh enables compares nthe ing lan ss nda opt seed s ‘wher rtural sources ca be feund gue 19.30), Sowomeansefoud as 357 Chapter 19! Electricity and Magnetism Peds In nature due to electrons circulating atomic nuclei and spinning about their cownaxes Properties + Like poles repel, unlike poles attract + Magnetism is strongest atts poles + Restin north-south direction Have two poles Altract magnetic materials Magnetic field lines that can be plotted ‘Magnetised through using a compass + stroking + electrical method using direct current cantonn Demagnetised by ‘Magnetic field lines + heating + Never cross one another = hammering + Are continuous and form + dropping closed loops weba ade + electrical method using + Represent strengths ©» alternating current of magnetic field - 358 Magnetism ™ Chapter 19 Pe ang Section A: Multiple-cholce Questions 1. Which diagram correctly shows the ‘magnetic field ines of a U-shaped 2. Aneutral point ina magnetic field is a Point at Which JA the magnetic field is zero IB Earth’s magnetic field is zero }c_the resultant magnetic field is zero QD the magnetic fletds oppose each other 3. Themagnetic field inside a long straight current carrying solenoid IB decreases at the ends increases at the ends Dis the same at all points 4. Apiece of steel is being magnetised by ‘a magnet (Figure 19:31). What are the poles produced at x and at? magnet orth D. south, south 5 Which of the following statement about ‘magnetic field linesis incorrect? ‘hey are visual tools to represent the directional lines present inside and ‘outside the magnetic material that Indicate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic force. Ope the direction ofthe magnetic eld Js the tangent tothe field line at ary point in space. Oc Magnetic field lines do not cross outside the magnet, but they cross ‘one another inside the magnet. db Magnetic field lines are continuous, forming closed loops without beginning or ending, Section B: Structured Questions ‘| Would you use a soft magnetic material ora hard magnetic material to make the needle of a compass? Explain your answer. 2. Figure 19.32 shows three unmarked ting magnets “floating” on top of one ‘another. Identity the poles of each ‘magnet. wooden rod sing Figure 19.32 3. Athin plece of wood separates a magnet and two iron nails (Figure 19.33). Explain why the pointed tip of the nails point away from each other. ‘magnet wood ional Figure 19.33 359 Chapter 19 4 Electricity and Magnetism 4 Abar magnet is resting on a turntable (Figure 19.34) Explain what happens tothe needle of the compass when the ‘magnet is rotated in an anticlockwise direction. Compass tumble Figureis.34 5. Apaper clip was stuck onto a magnet. When the paper clip was removed from the magnet, it was found that the paper clip could deflect the needle of a compass. Explain why. Section C: Free-response Questions 4) Figure 19.35 shows an electromagnetic crane that is used to move scrap metal from one place to another. Figure 1935 (a) Suggest a suitable material for the electromagnet. (b) Explain why the matenal selected in (a) Is suitable (¢) The cross-section of the ‘electromagnet is shown in Figure 19.36. The wires are colled ‘around an iron core. Given the polarity of the induced electromagnet, determine if the Current flowing in the clockwise or anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bottom. “Tinal conection: forelectrc current Figure 19.36 (g) Explain how the direction of current isdetermined. 2. Amagnet is placed on the table in Figure 19.37. Sa Figure 1937 (a) Assuming that the effects of Earth's ‘magnetic field are negligible, Indicate the directions of the nearby plotting compasses. (b) Anall fs placed near the magnet (Figure 19.38). Explain why the nail is, attracted to the magnet. i -— Figure 19:38 (c). Suggest some ways to determine if the nail has been magnetised after ithas been removed from the bar magnet. (a) Suggest how to demagnetise the nail.

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