BTech MNC Brochure
BTech MNC Brochure
BTech MNC Brochure
Service to Society
Academics and
Research at DA-IICT
Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research Oriented Academic Programs
Why a B.Tech
program in MnC?
The past few decades have witnessed large DA-IICT philosophy, vision and MnC
scale technological advancements which have DA-IICT since its inception has been an institute of
facilitated probing at scales that was not accessible interdisciplinarity and contemporary domains.
earlier. No wonder, we have information like never B Tech programs in ICT and ICT honours with minor
before, however, unravelling the mysteries hidden in computational science are testimonials to this. With
in them remains a challenge. Industry, academia its experience and expertise at institutional innovation
and innovators have realized that such problems and knowledge reform, DA-IICT is well-poised to
cannot be looked at through the eyes of any single provide knowledge and training to young minds to
discipline, but rather, requires interdisciplinary provide solutions to the challenges mentioned earlier.
and multidisciplinary approaches. The combined The BTech program in Mathematics and Computing
knowledge area of mathematics and computer (MnC) at DA-IICT, started in 2020, is therefore a
science provides access to many different strong step in this direction.
approaches that can be adopted for the exploration of
such information and thereby creating new pathways MnC embodies the fusion of Mathematics and
for future scientific developments and innovation. Computer Science. It is obtaining wide acceptance
Not surprisingly, graduates with a strong foundation as a distinct discipline dealing with Mathematics
in mathematics and computer science have created as a fundamental intellectual tool in computing
a unique niche for themselves and there has been and with Computing as a primary component of
an increasing requirement of graduates of these mathematical problem solving. The curriculum
disciplines. focuses on expanding mathematical, algorithmic
and computational thinking abilities of the students.
A strong mathematical foundation will enable the
students to study and analyse abstract concepts and
to model many real life problems as mathematical
problems. Algorithmic thinking will enable them to
solve these mathematical problems in an automated
way while computational thinking will enable them
to evaluate the efficiency of these solutions. The
rigour in curriculum’s content will provide an adequate
and solid foundation as well as opportunities for
skill development in MnC. The wide variety of
competence acquired through the curriculum will
make the students eligible to apply for a whole range
of occupations and for research and managerial
careers in later life.
Program Overview
MnC program at DA-IICT has been carefully designed Salient Features of the program
in consultation with leading experts from industry • The program is designed keeping in mind the
and academia from India and abroad. The curriculum emergent areas in modern science and technology.
blends together foundational aspects of mathematics • The program structure is contemporary with blend
and computer science with emerging areas in of courses in traditional as well as new emergent
contemporary science and technology. The core areas.
course component in the first two years aims to build • A rigorous program that also provides flexibility in
a solid foundation in mathematics, computer science learning. It has a strong foundation and at the same
and humanities and social sciences. Emphasis time inculcates interdisciplinary thinking and
here is on both technical and communication and provides the required skill.
creative skills. Core courses in humanities also bring • The program core consists of 42% courses in
in the role and importance of ethics in technological computer science, 36% in mathematics and 22%
developments. Elective courses provide exposure in in humanities and social sciences and combined
several related disciplines and enable the students knowledge areas of math and computing
to choose and pursue the path of their interest. • MnC electives in the broad areas of theoretical
Overall, the curriculum is a syllabus of courses that computer science, applied math and statistics and
ensures competence, quality and adaptability of the data science.
graduates. • Open electives in the areas of engineering arts and
design, humanities, social science & management.
• Independent projects, rural, industrial and research
internships that help the students to expand their
knowledge base and pursue the path of their own
Apart from the available prospects in traditional
computer science and IT, graduates of the BTech
(MnC) program from DA-IICT will be suitably prepared
for jobs in emerging niche areas in data science,
computational finance, mathematical modelling and
large-scale computer simulation. Our graduates
will also be able to pursue career paths in higher
education in areas of applied maths, computer
science and computational sciences.
Program Structure
Mathematical, Algorithmic, & Computational Thinking Mathematical Optimization
Computer Organization and Programming Modelling and Simulation
Discrete Mathematics Algebraic Structures
Digital Logic Design Principles of Economics
Language and Literature MnC Elective-1
MnC Elective-2
Functions of Single Variable and ODEs SEMESTER-6
Object Oriented Programming Machine Learning
Data Structures and Algorithms Open Elective – 1
Linear Algebra MnC Elective – 3
Approaches to Indian Society MnC Elective – 4
MnC Elective – 5
SEMESTER-3 Independent Project – 1/ MnC Elective – 6
Probability and Random Processes
Operating Systems SEMESTER-7
Design and Analysis of Algorithms MnC Elective – 6 / Independent Project – 1
Functions of Several variables and PDEs MnC Elective – 7
Database Management Systems MnC Elective -8
Science, Technology, Society Open Elective – 2
MnC Elective – 9
SEMESTER-4 Independent Project – 2 / MnC Elective – 10 /BTP – 1
Mathematical Statistics
Theory of Computation SEMESTER-8
Parallel, Distributed, and Dynamic Algorithms MnC Elective – 10 / BTP-1
Real and Complex Analysis BTP-2
Numerical and Computational Methods
Environmental Studies
Total Seats: 50
(33% of the seats are reserved under Gujarat Category)
Eligibility Criteria
The minimum academic qualification for admission to the programs is that the candidate must have passed or
appearing in 2023 in the final examination of 10+2 (Class XII) or its equivalent with Mathematics, Physics and
any one of Chemistry/Bio-technology/Computer Science/Biology.
Selection Criteria
Admission to the B. Tech (MnC) program will be based on the All India Rank of Joint Entrance Examination
2023 (JEE-2023) Main, which is conducted by the National Testing Agency, Government of India.
The short-listed candidates will be offered admission (confirmed/waitlisted) in order of their merit (based on the
All India Ranking of JEE 2023).
Fees Structure*
Tuition Fee: Rs. 1,02,500 per Semester
*Subject to revision
DA-IICT Merit and Merit-cum-Means Scholarships:
A few students admitted to the program are awarded merit and
merit-cum-means scholarships equivalent to full tuition fees.
Cybage Scholarships:
This scholarship is granted to students whose parents annual income is
upto Rs. 3.00 lakh. The scholarship is limited to 80% of the semester
tuition fee.
Education Loan:
The Institute will facilitate the students to avail educational loan from
selected banks.
The Faculty
The Placement Cell at DA-IICT works professionally The DA-IICT Alumni Association exists to create and
with the Industry to explore opportunities for DA-IICT maintain a life-long association between the Institute
graduates for placements. The Cell makes its best and its alumni. The Association works to connect
efforts to reach out to all sub-sectors of the industry alumni, support students and build an extraordinary
in order to ensure that DA-IICT graduates spread Institute experience through a diversity of events and
across the industry. DA-IICT has hence contributed celebrated traditions. The mission of the Association
to the industry by successfully delivering fresh recruits is to cultivate strong bonds between alumni, students
who have contributed continuously to the growth and the Institute, to keep alumni acquainted, and
of the industry by being a part of the top-notch create a network enabling them to remain involved
organizations. with their alma mater.
Campus Life
DA-IICT is spread over 50 acres of land in The landscape was planned and developed in a
Gandhinagar, Capital City of Gujarat. The DA-IICT manner that no rainwater is lost. The irrigation for
campus is caringly planned and designed as an campus garden and lawns is carried out with recycled
environmentally conscious campus in the country. water. Its solid waste management system churns out
The architecture of DA-IICT is functional, but what organic fertilizer out of dry leaves, vegetable and food
surrounds it is a fascinating garden. The entire design waste generated from food courts.
is oriented towards preserving the environment. The
campus with trees, lawns and bushes bearing green The campus is a haven for bird-watchers, with a
leaves and exotic flowers surrounding the buildings variety of species of birds being spotted.
and pathways instils environment consciousness
among students and enrich their learning. The DA-IICT can be reached in about 30 minutes from
campus also has a herb garden with species of rare Sardar Vallabhai Patel International Airport and the
medicinal plants. Central Railway Station located in Ahmedabad.