Mathematics in The Modern World Syllabus: Sultan Kudarat State University S.Y. 2020-2021

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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Sultan Kudarat
S.Y. 2020-2021


1st Semester
A.Y 2020 – 2021
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Sultan Kudarat
S.Y. 2020-2021

UNIVERSITY VISION a. Enhance competency development, commitment, professionalism, unity
A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region. and true spirit of service for public accountability, transparency and
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES (PO) delivery of quality services; OBJECTIVES
A graduate ofMISSION
UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering can: a b c d e f g
b. Provide relevant programs and professional trainings that will respond to
a) manage civil engineering operations effectively and efficiently;
The University shall primarily provide advanced instruction and
b) generate research-based information and technologies for sustainable the development needs of the region;
professional training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries, community c.
Strengthen local and international collaborations and partnerships for
c) adopt to various national and international industries standard in the practice of the profession, and;
education and other relevant fields of study. borderless programs;
d) demonstrate high sense of professionalism in the workplaces.
It shall also undertake research and extension services, and provide d. Develop a research culture among faculty and students;
progressive leadership in its areas of specialization. e. Develop and promote environmentally-sound and market-driven
knowledge and technologies at par with international standards;
1. Course GOAL
Code : GE701 5. Course Description:
f. Promote research-based information and technologies for sustainable
produce Title
graduates: with excellence
Mathematics in the
and Modern
dignity World
in arts, science This course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical,
3. Pre-requisite : None development;
intellectual and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in
and technology.
4. Credit : 3 units Enhance resource generation and mobilization to sustain financial
dailyg. life.
viability of the university.
The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an
exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment) and as an application of
Program objectives and its relationship to University Objectives: inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring these topics, students are
encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a
set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example,
and a rich language in itself (and of science) governed by logic and reasoning.

The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool
for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present-day living, such
as managing personal finances, making social choices, appreciating geometric
designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and
dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities for
actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the
various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’
understanding and capacity. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)

6. Course Learning Outcomes and Relationships to program Educational Objectives

Course Learning Outcome Program Objectives

At the end of the semester, the students can: a b c d
a) Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used.
b) Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics.
c) Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concepts.
d) Apply strategies for effective problem solving
e) Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data, and be able to formulate significant decision.
f) Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and security purposes;
g) Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health and medicine, business, graphs, environment, arts and design, and
h) Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
i) Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavor.

7. Course Content

Course Objectives, Topics, Desired Student Learning Outcome-Based Evidence of Course Program Values
Time Allotment Objectives Assessment (OBA) Outcomes Outcomes Objectives Integration

Topic: VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (1.5 hour)

Discuss the VMGO of the Student can be aware of the  Class Discussion Value of
SKSU, classroom policies, SKSU VMGO, classroom Responsibility
scope of the course, course policies, scope of the  Student’s Feed
requirements and grading course, course backing
system. requirements and grading
Section 1: The Nature of Mathematics (22 hours)

Part I. Mathematics in our World (4 hours)

1.1 Discuss the mathematical The students can identify  Video-watching  Group Output a, h, i a, b, c, d Value of Self-
patterns and numbers found in nature that exhibits different  Heads Together: Presentation of confidence, Open-
nature and the World such as patterns and regularities in Small-Group Selected Pattern mindedness and
symmetry in snowflake and the world. Sharing Insightfulness
tessellation in honeycomb;
tiger’s stripes and hyena’s
spots; Fibonacci sequence in Assignment for
the sunflower, snail’s shell, topics (1.2 A & B):
flower petals; Exponential Individual Collage
Growth Model in world’s
population, the weather,
fractals in ferns ,etc.

Value of
1.2 A. Discuss how Mathematics The students can articulate  Individual Responsiveness
helps organize patterns and the importance of  Option 1: Collage Output
regularities and predict mathematics in one’s life. of daily life, new Presentation
behaviour of nature and discoveries,
phenomena and control its technological
occurrences discoveries,

1.2 B. Discuss numerous The students can perform  Group Output

applications of Mathematics in numerous applications of Option 2: Concept Presentation
the world making it Mathematics and express Mapping
indispensable. appreciation for Group 1: daily Life
mathematics as a human Group 2: New
endeavour. Discoveries
Group 4: Natural

Part II. Mathematical Language and Symbols (10 hours)

1.3 Discuss the characteristics of The students can discuss  Heads Together:  Group Output b, h, i a, b, c, d Value of
mathematical language the language, symbols, and Individual or small Activeness and
(precise, concise, powerful), convention of mathematics group exercises Teamwork
formality and convention and explain and appreciate including games
the nature of mathematics
as a language.

1.4 Discuss the proper translation The students can perform  Heads Together-  Group Report Value of
and writing of mathematical operations on mathematical Divergent Participation,
expressions and sentences expressions correctly and Thinking: Concept Teamwork and
acknowledge that it is a Map Unity
useful language
Group Report
Group 1: Sets
Group2: Relations
Group 3: Functions
Group 4: Binary

Value of
1.5 Discuss the four basic concepts: The students can explain  Group Reporting  Group Output Accountability and
sets, functions, relations, and the four basic concepts Teamwork
binary operations such as sets, functions,
relations and binary
1.6 Discuss elementary logic: The students can correctly  Board work  Quiz Value of Self-
connectives, quantifiers, apply connectives, reliance
negation and variables quantifiers, negation and
variables in making valid

Part III. Problem Solving and Reasoning (8 hours)

1.7 Discuss what are arguments The students can use  Group Activity  Group c, d, h, i a, b, c, d Value of
and the two types of reasoning- different types of reasoning (Brainstorming Presentation of Collaboration
inductive and deductive to justify statements and and Argument- Constructed
arguments made about Construction) Arguments
mathematics and
mathematical concepts.

1.8 Discuss basic kinds of The students can write clear  Sticky Notes  Students’ Value of Logical
mathematical statements and and logical proofs. Graph: Organizing Organized Proof Thinking
construction of their logical Statements in
proofs. Forming the Proof
of Mathematical

1.9 Introduce different mathematical The students can solve  Cooperative  Presentation of Value of
and recreational problems and problems involving patterns Learning (Group Group Output Cooperation and
problem solving strategies and recreational problems Effort in Solving
following Polya’s four steps following Polya's four steps. Problems)
The students can organize
one's methods and
approaches for proving and
solving problems.

Section 2: Mathematics as a Tool (27.5 hours)

Part I. Data Management (12 hours)

2.1 Review the basic concepts in The students can use  Practical Activity:  Survey Resul e, h, i a, b, c, d Value of
Descriptive Statistics, and variety of statistical tools to Data Gathering  MS Excel Persistence and
discuss Normal Distribution, process and manage and Data Output Effective
Hypothesis Testing, Regression numerical data. Description/Interpr Communication
and Correlation, Least Squares etation with
Lines and Chi-square Computer

2.2 Discuss planning or conducting The students can plan or Group Action  Group Output Value of Accuracy
an experiment or study conduct their own Research and Exploration
(optional) experiment or study and
make important decisions
with the use of statistical

Part II. Mathematics as a Tool Choose 2-3 topics only. (15.5 hours)


2.3.a Recognize and analyze The students can apply g, h, i a, b, c, d Value of Creativity
geometric shapes geometric concepts in and Hardwork
describing and creating

2.3.bDiscuss about transformations, The students can identify  Create geometric  Output may be
patterns and diagrams, different transformations of designs using in a form of
designs, arts and culture geometric figures and transformations stitching,
contribute to the enrichment drawing or any
of the Filipino culture and form of artwork
arts using the concepts in


Discuss binary codes, integers The students can define bits  Games: Code-  Individual Value of
in computers, logic and and binary systems and Cracking, Student Output Perseverance and
computer addition, text data, decipher binary codes. Cryptography Confidentiality
errors and error correction,
error detecting codes,
repetition and hamming codes
The students can convert
decimal numbers to binary
and vice versa.

The students can use

coding schemes to encode
and decode different types
of information for
identification, privacy, and
security purposes.


Discuss about Linear The students can determine  Boardwork & Quiz Individual Student Value of Self-
Inequalities, Geometry of of linear inequalities and Output Reliance
Linear Programming systems of linear

The students can determine

the optimal solution of a
linear programming problem
using the graphical method
and the simplex method.



Discuss the simple and The students can apply the  Pair-Share  Pair Output Value of
compound interest, credit cards different concepts of Activity (Problem Presentation Teamwork
and consumer loans, stocks, mathematics of finance in Solving)
bonds and mutual funds and making wise decisions
home ownership related to personal finance.

The students can support

the use of Mathematics in
financial aspects and
endeavors in life.

Introduce apportionment and The students can describe  Lecture Value of Self-
voting and discuss weighted the basic notions of  Survey Confidence
voting systems apportionment and voting,
and apply the different
methods of apportionment
and different voting


 Lecture/ Quiz
2.8.a Discuss graphs and basic The students can define  Student Value of Self-
concepts basic terms and concepts in Individual Quiz Reliance
graph theory.

 Pair-Share
2.8.b Discuss connectedness in The students can construct  Pair Output Value of
graph the graph of the given Cooperation
information involving

 Small Group
2.8.c Discuss about Euler’s path The students can apply the Activity  Group Output Value of
and Euler’s circuit in solving concepts of Euler’s path (Seatwork) Dependability
real-world problems and Euler’s circuit in solving
real-world problems.

 Problem Set
2.8.d Discuss weighted graph and The students can find  Group
Hamiltonian circuit Hamiltonian circuit in a Accomplished Value of Diligence
weighted graph. Output and Collaboration

2.8.e Discuss planarity and Euler’s The students can verify

formula planarity in a given graph
and verify Euler’s formula
for the planar graphs

2.8.f Discuss graph coloring The students can use the

concepts of graph to color a
map, determine the
chromatic number of a
graph and apply the
concepts of graph coloring
in making schedules or

The students can recognize

that graph theory has many
varied applications in our


 Small Group  Group Output
2.9.a Discuss modular arithmetic The students can Problem Solving Report
and its applications understand the basics of Value of
modular arithmetic. Cooperation and

The students can recognize

the mathematical systems
as tools which can be used
in real-world contexts.

The students can solve

arithmetic operations using
modular arithmetic rules.

The students can solve

application problems
involving modular

The students can encrypt

and decrypt secret
messages using modular
 Boardwork/Quiz
The students can solve
2.9.b Introduce Group Theory problems relating to  Students’
cryptology. Output Value of
and Diligence
The students can verify the
properties of a group.

The students can perform

operations of a symmetry
The students can perform
an operation in a
permutation group.

 Critiquing
2.10 LOGIC The students can determine
the validity of different
2.10.a Discuss propositions and its propositions  Critiqued Output Value of Critical-
validity thinking

The students can apply the

2.10.b Discuss the applications of concepts of logic in real-life
logic in real-life arguments

TOTAL: 54 hours
Lectures: 51 hours
Examination (Midterm and Final): 3 hours

8. Course Evaluation

Course Requirements:
 Attendance
 Major Exams (Midterm and Final)
 Recorded Problem Sets, Quizzes and all other outputs
 Research Paper (Optional)

Grading System:
1. Quizzes - 30 % 1. Quizzes - 30 %
2. Class Participation/Seatworks/ - 15 % 2. Class Participation/Seatworks/ - 15 %
Assignments Assignments
3. Midterm Exam - 50 % 3. Final Exam - 50 %
4. Attendance - 5% 4. Attendance - 5%
Total - 100% Total - 100%
1. Calingasan, R., et al (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. C & E Publishing Inc.
2. Earnhart, R. & Adina, E. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World (Outcome-Based Module). C & E Publishing Inc.
3. Aufmann, R., et al. (2013). Mathematical Excursions (3rd ed.) USA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning
4. Alejan, R., et al. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. Philippines, Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
5. Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary Statistics: A Step-by-Step Approach (Eighth Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.
6. Capitulo, F.M. & Cruz, C.U., Mathematics of Investment: A Simplified Approach
7. Diaz, E., Lectures on Mathematics of Voting and Apportionment (Midterm
Grade + Final Term 8. Douglas, B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, 2 nd ed. Grade)/2=
Final Grade 9. Gerstein. Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs
10. Hardy, Richman & Walker, Applied Algebra: Code, Ciphers, and Discrete Algorithm
11. Koshy, T. (2007). Elementary Number Theory with Applications. 2nd ed. USA: Elsevier Inc.
12. Levine, Berenson & Stephan (2002). Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel (3rd edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Schedule of Prentice Hall Examination
13. Rosen, K. (2005). Number Theory and Its Application. 5th ed. USA: Pearson Addison Wesley
Midte 14. Walpole. R(1982), Introduction to Statistics (Third Edition), Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. rm
- October 9-12, 2020
Final Term
- December 11-14, 2020

9. References:


1. Hersh, R. What is Mathematics Really?

2. Stewart, Ian, Natures Number
3. Jamison R. E. (2000) Learning the Language of Mathematics, Language and Learning Across the Disciplines
4. Averbach and Chein.Problem Solving through Recreational Mathematics
5. Sundstrom. Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proofs
6. Moser and Chen, Student’s Guide in Coding and Information Theory
7. Paar & Pelzl, Understanding Cryptography
3. The Math Mystery: Mathematics in Nature and Universe (Youtube Video)

Prepared by:


Noted by:

Chair, Civil Engineering

Approved by:

Dean, Engineering

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