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Unit 18

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18.0 Objectives
1 8.1 Introduction
18.2 What is DFA
18.2.1 ALM in Life insurance.
18.2.2 Objective of DFA
18.2.3 Fixing the Time Period
18.2.4 DFA and Efficient Frontiers
18.2.5 Solvency Testing
18.2.6 Structure of a DFA Model
1 8.3 Stochastically Modelled Variables
18.3.1 Evaluation o f Variables
18.3.2 Short-Term Interest Rate
18.3.3 Term Structure
18.3.4 General Inflation
18.3.5 Change by Line of Business
18.3.6 Stock Returns
18.3.7 Non-Catastrophe Losses
18.3.8 Catastrophes
18.3.9 Underwriting Cycles
18.3.10 Payment Patterns
1 8.4 Corporate Model
18.5 Let Us Sum Up
18.6 Key Words
18.7 Some Usehl Books
18.8 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress
- -

After going through this unit, you will be able to
understand the scope of dynamic financial analysis (DFA) in insurance
industry; and
apply the DFA technique to life and non-life insu&nce problems.

Insurance companies, especially those dealing with non-life insurance, often
witness pricing cycles accompanied by volatile insurance profits and
increasing catastrophe losses. Under such circumstances, shareholders .
is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the economic factors behind such cycles Dynamic Financial Analysis
and to identify their nature and interrelationships.

1 The discussion that follows has three major components, viz.,

I i)
What is DFA,
Stochastically modelled variables and
iii) Corporate model.
The following discussion is based on the work entitled, Introduction to
Dynamic Financial Analysis (see Kaufmann, et a1 (2001)). To facilitate
learner's exposition to formulation of the technical ideas, we have followed
the sequence and notation of the above work borrowing freely. Keeping in
view the introductory requirement of the theme for our course we propose to
use the important portions of the work to help understand the basic
formulations of DFA. However, once we understand the basic concepts, if
will be useful to go through the entire work.


There are two primary techniques available to analyse financial effects of
different business strategies viz., scenario testing and stochastic simulation or
dynamic financial analysis (DFA).
The scenario testing predicts the business results only under deterministic
scenario and when risk associated \vith a specific case can be quantified. The
other technique overcomes such a tlau It I~asthe advantage of generating a
number of scenarios stochastically b! allowing for the full probability
distributions of important variables such as burplus, written premiums or loss

18.2.1 ALM in Life lnsurance

There exist many traditional Asset-Liability Management (ALM) approaches

in life insurance which consider the liabilities as more or less deterministic
due to their low variability. This approach, however, cannot be extended to
nonlife insurance where we are faced with much more volatile liability cash
flows. In nonlife insurance both the date of occurrence and the size of claims
are uncertain. Moreover, claim costs in it are information sensitive in contrast
to life insurance where these are expressed in nominal terms. Thus, it would
be better to deal with nonlife insurance liabilities and assets on stochastic

18.2.2 Objectives of DFA

DFA is a part of the financial management of a firm. Therefore, we analyse

the management of profitability and financial stability (risk control hnction of
DFA) through its results. While the first task aims at maximising shareholder
valuation of the firm, the second serves maintaining customer value. Within
these two parameters DFA tries to explsin strategic management decisions
Non-Life Reserving,and such as asset allocation, capital allocation, performance measurement, market
strategies, business mix, pricing decisions and product design.
The list above suggests that DFA can be used to answer broader issues such !
as, the primary beneficiaries (shareholder and management) objectives of an
individual company. 4I

: return 1


Fig. 18.1: Efficient frontier

(Source: Kaufmann et a1 (2001))

18.2.3 Fixing the Time Period

It is necessary to start with a time horizon that has to be fixed for analysing
the business strategies. On the one hand, we would like to model over a long
time period to see the long-term effects of a chosen strategy. Particularly,
effects concerning long-tail business are realised after a lapse of some years
and can hardly be recognised in the first few years. On the other hand,
simulated values become more unreliable when the projection period is
longer, due to accumulation of process and parameter risk over time.
Therefore projection period of five to ten years seems to be a reasonable
choice. Usually the time period is split into yearly, quarterly or monthly sub-

18.2.4 Analysing DFA and Efficient Frontiers

The most common framework used in DFA is the eficient frontier concept,
which is used in modern portfolio theory. Thus, we have to choose a return
measure (e.g., expected surplus) and a risk measure (e.g., expected
policyholder deficit). Then the measured risk and return of each strategy can
be plotted as shown in Figure 18.1. The figure gives each strategy
representiqg one spot in the risk-return intersection. A strategy is called
efficient if there is no other one with lower risk at the same level of return, or
higher retwm at the same level of risk. For each level of risk there is a
maximal return that cannot be exceeded, giving rise to an efficient frontier.
Thus the efficient frontier serves as a tool to compare different strategies
through the variables risk and return.
Although efficient frontiers are a good means of communicating the results of
DFA, there are criticisms against these. A typical eficient frontier uses risk
Dynamic Financial Anawsis

measures that mix together systematic risk(non-diversifiable by shareholders)
and non-systematic risk, which blurs the shareholder value perspective.
Moreover, efficient frontiers might give misleading insight if they are used to
address investment decisions once the concept of systematic risk has been
plugged into the equation.

18.2.5 Solvency Testing

DFA is used as solvency testing tool where the financial position of the
company is evaluated from the perspective of the customers. It is used to
quantify in probabilistic terms whether the company will be able to meet its
commitments in the hture. In the process, it determines the necessary amount
of capital necessary for a given the level of risk the company is exposed to.

18.2.6 Structure of a DFA Model

It can be seen from Figure 18.2 that (i) the stochastic scenario generator
produces realisations of random variables representing the most important
drivers of business results. A realisation of a random variable in the course of
simulation corresponds to fixing a scenario; (ii) data source consists of
company specific inputs (e.g., mean severity of losses per line of business and
per accident year), assumptions regarding model parameters (e.g., long-term
mean rate in a mean reverting interest rate model), and strategic &sumptions
(e.g., investment strategy); and (iii) the output provided by the DFA model,
can then be analysed to improve the strategy, i.e., to make new strategic
Check Your Progress 1
1) What is ALM approach to life insurance? Why this approach cannot be
relied upo? for nonlife insurance?
2) What is DFA?
Non-Life Reserving and 3) What do mean by efficient frontiers in DFA?

4) Explain the concept of solvency testing.

While building a stochastic model, it is necessary is to identify the key

random variables affecting asset and liability cash flows.
Specifically, the risks affecting the financial position of a lifelnonlife insurer
can be categorised in various ways. For example, we must have groups like
pure asset, pure liability and assedliability risks. A>DFAmodel should at least
address the following risks:

I stochastic senario generator I

-I - strategic assumptions I

analyze output.
revise strategy

Fig. 18.2: Main structure of a DFA model.

(Source: Kaufmann et a1 (2001))
risk of inadequate premiums,
interest rate risk,
risk of insufficient reserves,
investment risk associated with volatile investment returns and capital
vaina and
We would also like to include credit risk related to reinsurer default, currency Dynamic Financial Analysis
risk and exchange rate risks. A critical part of a DFA model is the
interdependencies between different risk categories. Particularly, we have to
take into account risks associated .with the asset side and those belonging to

18.3.1 Evaluation of Variables

Looking at the list of variables given above it will become apparent that these
belong to asset and liability categories of the financial statement of a
company. While evaluating the variables we may follow such a categorisation.
It is necessary to be able to tackle the problem of evaluating interest rate risk.
Since nonlife insurance companies are often exposed to interest rate behaviour
due to large investments in fixed income assets, it will be useful to assume
that interest rates are strongly correlated with inflation. Consequently, the
inflationary influences of the future changes in claim size and claim frequency
must be included. As there is a correlation between interest rates and stock
returns, investment returns are affected. The model should explicitly recognise
such a feature.
Let us turn to the liability side. Four sources of randomness, viz., non-
catastrophe losses, catastrophe losses, underwriting cycles, and payment
patterns may have to be considered from it. We may simulate catastrophes
separately due to their different statistical behaviour from non-catastrophe
losses. Such a separation helps in having more homogeneous data for non-
catastrophe losses, which makes fitting the data by well-known (right skewed)
distributions easier; in case of reinsurance programme evaluation of external
events with severity of claims have also to be treated separately.
Underwriting Cycles: In case of non-life insurance, underwritings reflect
market and macroeconomic conditions, which affect the business results.
Therefore, it would be useful to include these in a DFA model.
Losses influence insurance firms by their size and piecewise payment over
tiqe. Such features increase the uncertainties of the claims process by
introducing the time value of money and future inflation considerations.
Consequently, it is necessary to model claim frequency and severity keeping
in view the uncertainties involved in the settlement process. In order fa alIow
for reserving risk we may use stochastic payment patterns as a means of
estimating loss reserves on a gross and on a net basis.
Note that for each of the DFA components considered, there are numerous
alternatives evaluation methods, which may be more appropriate in particular
situations. We have provided a model framework here that serves as a
suggested reference point that can be adjusted or improved on case-by-case

18.3.2 Short-Term Interest Rate

A specified choice of an interest rate model is not available. A list of some
general features and identified by Kaufmann et a1 (2001) is given below:
Non-Life Reserving and Volatility of yields varies at different maturities
Interest rates are mean-reverting.
Rates at different maturities are positively correlated.
Interest rates should not be allowed to become negative.
The volatility of interest rates should be proportional to the level of the
In addition to these characteristics, the authors specify the practical issues that
may be addressed are:
flexible enough to cover most situations arising in practice,
simple enough that one can compute answers in reasonable time,
well-specified, in that required inputs can be observed or estimated,
realistic, in that the model will not include unsubstantiated elements.
Needless to point out that an interest rate model meeting all the above criteria
does not exist. Therefore, studies often rely on the one-factor Cox - lngersoll
-Ross (CIR) model. CIR is one of the models where the instantaneous rate is
modelled as a special case of an Omstein- Uhlenbeck process. Thus,

By setting y = 0.5, we arrive at CIR also known as the squaie root process

dr, = ~ ( b - ~ ) d t + s & d ~ , (2.2)

where r, = instantaneous short-term interest rate,

b = long-term mean,
a = constant that determines the speed of reversion of the interest rate toward
its long-run mean b,
s = volatility of the interest rate process,

(2,) = standard Brownian motion.

CIR is a mean-reverting process where the short rate stays positive almost
For simulating the short rate dynamics over the projection period we need to
discretise the mean reverting model (2.2). This is done in (2.3) as


r, = the instantaneous short-term interest rate at the beginning of year t,

a, b, s same as in (2.2).
Although the short rate process does not have negative values, in its discrete
version, the last equation's probability is not zero. To meet such a condition
' Equation (2.3) is changed to

q =q-, +a(b-q-,)+s,/q-,+z,.. (2.4)

A generalisation of CIR is given by the following equation, where setting

g = .05 yields again CIR:

This general version is flexible in determining the degree of dependence

P between conditional volatility of interest rate changes and the level of interest
It is important to remember the following points while calibrating the above
i) choice of viluing g is not unique.
,ii) the parameters, a, b, s and g must be determined so as to ensure that
modelled 'spot rates (based on the instantaneous rate) correspond to
empirical term structures derived from traded financial instruments;
iii) building models of in inflation based on historical data may be a feasible
approach. However, it is not certain if the future evolution in action will
follow historical patterns. Therefore, besides historical data, economic
reasoning and actuarial judgment of future development may have to be
18.3.3 Term Structure

Based on equation (2.2) we can calculate the prices F ( t , ~ , ( ~at)time

) t of
zero-coupon bonds which pay 1 .monetary unit at time of maturity t +T. Thus,

Non-Life Reserving and
The continuously compounded spot rates R,,,. at time t derived from

equation (2.6) determine the modelled term structure of zero-coupon yields at

time t :

where T is the time to maturity.

18.3.4 General Inflation

While modelling loss payments, inflation has to be taken into account and we
may use the (annualised) short-term interest rate r, for that purpose. By using
a linear regression model on the short-term interest rate we can have


a' , b i , a ' : parameters that can be estimated by regression, based on

historical data; and index I indicates general inflation.

18.3.5 Change by Line of Business

Lines of business are affected differently by macro economic decision-
making. Costs of claims for specific lines of business are strongly affected by
legislative and court decisions, e.g., product liability. This gives rise to
inflation (due to superimposed exogenous intervention).

To model the change in loss frequency 6; i.e., the ratio of number of losses

divided by number of written exposure units, the change in loss severity 6:,

and the combination of both of these, 6:, the following formulae can be

6; =max(aF +bFi,+oF&:,-I), (2.9)

6: = max(aX +bxil + o X E,X ,-1), (2.10)

Dynamic Financial Analysis

a" ,b1 ,a",a", b x ,ax: parameters that can be estimated by regression,


based on historical data. -. -

In the above variable 6; represents changes in loss trends triggered by

changes in inflation rates. 6: is applied to premium rates as. will be

explained below. Its construction through (2.11) ensures correlation of
C aggregate loss amounts and premium levels that can be attributed to dynamics
of inflation.

1- It is necessary to impose restriction of setting 6; and 6

: to at least -1 so
that number of'losses and loss severities have negative values.
Loss frequency changes due to general inflation. When inflation is high,
policyholders tend to report more claims in certain lines of business.

The corresponding cumulative changes a,';.' and 6r3' are calculated by

where to + 1= first year to be modelled.

18.3.6 Stock Returns

For modelling stocks we consider either stock prices or stock returns. Let us
take into account the insight gained from Capital Asset Pricing Model
In order to apply CAPM we need to model the return of a portfolio. Assuming
a significant correlation between stock and bond prices and taking into
account multi-periodicity of a DFA iinodel, we can have the following linear
model for the stock market return in projection year t conditional on the one-
year spot rate R,,, at time t.


e4.' - 1= risk-free return, see (2.7),

Non-Life Reserving and
Accounts aM,bM = parameters that can be estimated by regression,

based on historical data and economic reasoning.

When modelling sub-periods, usually of length one year is often used by
studies. Note that you don't confuse r,M with the instantaneous short-term

interest rate r, in CIR. Moreover a negative value of bM means that

increasing interest rates signal falling of expected stock prices.
When such considerations are included, you can apply the CAPM formula to
get the donditional expected return on an arbitrary stock S:

where e4.' - 1 = risk-free return,

.;M = return on the market portfolio,

p;' = P - coefficient of stock S

Remember that a geometric Brownian motion for the stock price can be
projected as a lognormal distribution for 1+ r",

I + r,' - lognormal (p, o2) ,riS, r: ,... independent, (2.16)

with p, chosen to yield


m,= l + ~ [ r , 'I R,,,],

see (2.15),

a2= estimated variance of logarithmic historical stock returns .

Again, it may be noted that stock returns can be modelled differently than we
have done above.
Dynamic Financial Analysis
18.3.7 Non-Catastrophe Losses

In non-catastrophe case, loss amounts depend on the age of insurance

contracts. The aging phenomenon describes the fact that the loss ratio - i.e.,
the ratio of (estimated) total loss divided by earned premiums - decreases
when the age of policy increases. For this reason Kaufmann et a1 (2001),
divide the insurance business into three classes, viz.,
new business (superscript 0),
renewal business - first renewal (superscript I), and
renewal business - second and subsequent renewals (superscript 2).
There are two main stochastic factors that affect total claim amount. These
are: number of losses and severity of losses. The choice of a specific claim
number and claim size distribution depends on the line of business and is the
result of fitting distributions to empirical data requiring prior adjustments of
historical loss data. In the following we will use non-catastrophe losses by
referring to a negative binomial (claim number) and a gamma (claim size)

The loss numbers N', and mean loss severities x,! = -c:
x,!( I ) for

period t and renewal category j mean values pF'.J and standard

deviations a l ' * ' , a x . ' of historical data can be used for loss frequencies and
mean loss severities. We also have to take into account inflation and written
exposure units. Because loss frequencies behave more stable than loss
numbers, estimation of loss frequencies instead of relying on estimates of loss
numbers can be resorted to.

We consider the negative binomial distribution with mean m:" and variance

v,'",' where variables m and v represent mean and variance of different factors

for the distribution of the number of N

.!, These factors can be referred by
attaching a superscript (N,X,Y,...) to m or v:

!, - ~ ~ ( a , pj =) O,l,2,
, (2.17)

NJ1,N; ,... independent,

with a and p chosen to yield

Non-Life Reserving and
Accounts where V,~,' = var(N,') = 4 1 - P)

w: = written exposure units; introduced in more detail and modelled in (3.3),

p ~ . j= estimated frequency, based on historical data,

aF-'= estimated standard deviation of frequency, based on historical data,

Sr*' = cumulative change in loss frequency, see (2.12).

Next, we take up claim size distribution for high frequency, low severity

X {. X ;.... independent,

' with a and 8 chosen to yield

m,!.~= E [x:]= a @ ,

x,i =p X . / ~ ; x . ~
m, J

p x . ~= estimated mean.severity, based on historical data,

ox.) = estimated standard deviation, based on historical data,

Jr.' = cumulative change in 103s severity, see (2.13),

a:.' = cumulative change in loss frequency, see (2.12).

When the number of losses is multiplied with the mean severity, the total
(non-catastrophic) loss amount in respect of a certain line of business:
x:=, N/X/ is obtained.
18.3.8 Catastrophes
~ons'ider losses triggered by catastrophic events like windstorm, flood,
hurricane and earthquake. Such events, are modelled through negative
binomial, Poisson, or binomiai distribution with mean mM and variance vM
We assume that there are no trends in the number of catastrophes:

M f NB, Pois, Bin, ...(mean mM, variance vM),


mM = estimated number of catastrophes, based on historical data,

vM = estimated variance, based on historical data.

he total (economic) loss (i.e., not only the part the insurance company in
consideration has to pay) for each catastrophic event i E { I , ..., M,) can be
simulated by taking probability distribution, GPD (generalised Pareto
We have seen GPD in Unit 15 where G5,Pwas considered

as the limit distribution of scaled excesses over high thresholds. In the

following equation ' describes the total economic loss caused- by

catastrophic event i E {I,. .., M, in projection period t.

Y,,,- lognormal, Pareto, GPD, ...(m ean rn; , variance v: ),

,... i.i.d., (2.2 1)


py = estimated loss severity, based on historical data,

oy r .ted standa~ddeviation, based on historical data,

Non-Life Reserving and
Accounts 6r9' = cumulative change in4oss severity, see (2.13).

When q' is generated, we split it into pieces reflecting the loss portions of
different lines of business:

Y,: = a,r,Y,,i, (2.22)

k = line of business,
I = total number of lines considered,

random convex combination, whose probability distribution within

the ( I - I) dimensional test objects can be specified arbitrarily.

18.3.9 Underwriting Cycles

Some of the important factors behind underwriting cycles as documented by

Kaufmann at (2001) are:
time lag effect of the pricing procedure,
a trends, cycles and short-term variations of claims,
a fluctuations in interest rate and market values of assets.
Short-term interest rates are the main factors affecting all other,variables in
the model. For this we have to look at the premium cycles by including
competitive strategies. To see this, take a homogeneous Markov chain model
(in discrete time) and assign one of the following states to each line of
business for each projection year:
i) weak competition,
ii) average competition,
iii) strong competition.
Let state 1 be weak competition and the insurance company demands high
premiums since it knows that its market share cannot be increased. Let state 3
be strong competition and the insurance company accepts low premiums so as
to keep its current market share. If we assume a stable claim'environment,
high premiums are equivalent to high profit margin over pure premium, and
low premiums equal low profit margin. When change occures from one state
to another, premiums undergo change commensurately.

Consider the transition probabilities i,i,j e (1, 2, 31, which denote the

probability of changing from state i to state j from one year to the next and
are assumed to be equal for each projection year. That means, the Markov
chain is homogeneous. p, form a matrix T such that
Dynamic Financial Analysis

The set of transition probabilities p,, i, j E (1, 2, 3) above depicts more than

one possibilities. However, it is possible to model the p,,s depending' on

current market conditions applicable to each line of business separately. If the

company writes I lines of business this will imply 3' states of the world.

d Since the business cycles of different lines of business are strongly

correlated, only few of the 3'states are attainable. As a result, we have to

+- model L cc 3' states, where the transition probabilities p,, i, j E { 1,...,L}

remain constant over time. It is not unreasonable to that some of these are
zero, because there may exist some states that cannot be attained directly from
certain other states. Thus, taking the attainable states, L , the matrix Tcan be
assigned dimension L x L:

.To fix the transition probabilities p, in any of the above mentioned cases,

each state i has to be treated separately and probabilities have to be assigned

to the variables pl,,..., pl, such that E L p,, = 1 V , .
Then the stationary

probability distribution n has to be considered to which the chosen

probability distribution will converge. It is extremely difficult to choose an
estimate of appropriate transition probability and one has to rely both on
f historical data and experience based knowledge.
18.3.10 Payment Patterns

The model deals with uncertainties of the claim settlement process, i.e., to
pay at the random time. It is not difficult to see that a whole loss portfolio
belonging to a specific line of business exists. We need to consider its
aggregate yearly loss payments in different calendar years (or development
periods). The incremental payment of aggregate losses stemming from one
and the same accident year forms a payment pattern. To form a broad idea on
technique related these payments you may see the portion dealing with loss
triangle of Unit 17. If we consider yearly loss payments pertaining to a
specific accident year t then the ifhdevelopment year refers to calendar year
Non-Life Reserving and
Accounts t + i . In the following we will denote accident years by t, and development

years by t, .

Here we need to distinguish two cases: First, we have to explain the modelling
of outstanding loss payments pertaining to previous accident years followed
by a description to model loss payments in respect of future accident years.
For that purpose we use a chain-ladder procedure.
Since a lognormal distribution usually provides a good fit to historical loss
development factors we may use it for outstanding loss payment.
Reserve Estimation
For each accident year tl we have to estimate the ultimate claim amount in
each development year t through:


p, = estimated logarithmic loss development factor for development year t,

based on historical data,

Z,,,,=simulated losses for accident year 1 1 , to be paid in development year t.


Check Your Progress3

1) Point out the main structure of a DFA model.

2) What are the practical issues you may consider for selecting the interest
rate while building a DFA model?.

3) What is CIR model? I

-- --- ~~ -~ ~

.................................................................................... Dynamic Financial Analysis


4) How would you apply CAPM in DFA?


As pointed out earlier, DFA facilitates and helps arrive management
decisions. Let us consider one of the decisions, that is, maximisation of
shareholder's value in the following discussion. That is, we assume that the
stackholders of the company rely on financial reports in making decisions
while valuing the company.

Consider economic surplus U,, which is computed as the difference between

the market value of assets and the market value of liabilities (derived by
discounting loss reserves and unearned premium reserves) of a company. The
amount of available surplus reflects the financial strength of an insurance
company and it in turn serves as a measure for shareholder value.
To see the change in the cash flows write the following equation:

where ;,
I .
.I, .
PI= earned premiums,
I, = market value of assets (including realised capital gains in year t),
C', = equity capital,
Z, = losses paid in cqlendar year t,

X I = (discounted) loss reserves,

Ti = taxes.
Before discussing (3.1), it may be useful to remember that a company
becomes insolvent for U < 0. In (3.1) C, - C,-, gives the net additions to
capital from issuance of new equity capital etc.
To derive the earned premium from written premiums, Like -~ariablessuch as:

each line of business, written premiums 4' for renewal class j change in loss

trends, the position of the underwriting cycle and number of written

Non-Life R e s e w i n g and
Accounts exposures. Putting together in a functional form written premium ?'is
derived as


6," = change in loss trends, see (2.1 1),

m, = market condition in year t,

CA,B = constant that describes how premiums develop when changing from

market condition A to B; CA,B can be estimated from historical data,

wp = written exposure units for new business,

wll = written exposure units for renewal business, first renewal,


IV,' = written exposure units h r renewal business, second and subsequent 1

renewals. '

Studies have concluded that the written premiums given by equation (3.2)
would come close to be adequate if the realisations of all random variables
referring to projection year t ,w
( 6 ,c m m ) were known in advance and

4 , . There is a problem however.

assuming adequacy of current premiums

Premiums to be charged in year t have to be determined prior to the beginning

of year t. As a solution, random variables in (3.2) have to be replaced by 1
estimations in order to model written premiums cJ,which would be charged
in projection year t.

where estimates can ' b e obtained via their expected 1

z:'=[l+aX +b"(al + b l ( a b + ( l - a ) q - t ) ) ] [ l + a " + b "

For these variable see (2.1 I), (2.1 0), (2.9), (2.8) and (2.4).

I@) = number of states for line of business k,

Dynamic Financial Analysis
Pm,-, .m = transition probability,
To get GJ,,
estimate the equation

w,! = ( a J +bJw,!-I + E , ! ) + , j=0,1,2,


a'$, oJ = parameters that can be estimated based on historical data. Thus,

1 Equation, (3.3) gives the expected valae of random variable representing

actually written premiums. Note that the time index t = b refers to the year
prior to the first projection year. By combining (3.2) and (3.3) the initial
values 4; can be calculated via P,' :


=t written premiums charged for the last year and still valid just before
the start of the first projection year.

Taking written premiums 4' (k) from (3.3) where k denotes line of business,
the total earned premiums of all lines and renewal classes will be:


aj (k) = percentage of premiums earned in year written, estimated on the

basis of historical data.
Check Your Progress 3
1) Which economic surplus is used in modelling DFA?
on-~ife Reserving and 2) List the cash flows' that determine the change in surplus in financial


In this unit we have discussed DFA as a tool of financial management in
insurance. It helps in decision-making when variable characterised by random
occurrence are present through an evaluation of their interrelationships. DFA
scores over the deterministic models on this count.
If a DFA model is built taking a time period of about 5 to 10 years, its results
may be able to capture the .movements of the variables better.
Being a part of financial management, DFA's framework is developed on an
efficiency frontier comprising risk and return. Its structure consists of
stochastic scenario generator, data sources and output. The stochastically
modelled variables are selected using the available data sources to evaluate
the financial position of a firm, business line selection strAtegies and economic
surplus geheration potentials.


Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): CAPM is used theoretically to relate
securities to the market as a whole, and practically, as the discount rate in
discounted cash flow calculations to establish the fair value of an investment
Efficient Frontier: Every possible asset combination can be plotted in risk-
return space, and the collection of all such possible portfolios defines a region
in this space. The line along the upper edge of this region is known as the
efficient frontier.
Exposure: Measure of vulnerability to loss, usually expressed in dollars or
Liability: Legally enforceable obligation. The term is most commonly used'in
a pecuniary sense.
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process: A stochastic process used as a theoretical
model for Brownian motion.
Solvency: Having sufficient assets-capital, surplus, reserves-and being able to
satisfy financial requirements-investments, annual reports examinations-to be
eligible to transact insurance business and meet liabilities.
Underwriting: The process of selecting risks for insurance and classifying
them according 10 their degrees of insurability so that the appropriate rates
may be assigned. The process also includes rejection of those risks that do not Dynamic Financial Analysis
Zero Coupon Bond: A bond that sells at a huge discount and pays no .
[See, Units 2 - 4 (Block 1) for more key words]


Bjork T. (1996) Interest Rate Theory, In Financial Mathematics (ed. W .
Runggaldier), Lecture Notes in-Mathematics 1656, 53-122, Springer, Berlin
Cox J. C., Ingersoll J. E. and Ross S. A. (1985), A Theory of the Term
Structure of Interest Rates, Econornetrica 53, 385-407
Embrechts P., Kl u ppelberg C. and Mikosch T. (1997), Modelling Extremal
Events for Insurance and Finance, Springer, Berlin
Kaufmann, R., Andeas Gadmeraved Ralf kalf(2001), Introduction to Dynamic
Financial Analysis, Asian Bulletin, vlo.3 1,No. 1, pp.2 13-249 (see Internet)
Lamberton D. and Lapeyre B. (1996), Introduction to Stochastic Calculus
Applied to Finance, Chapman & Hall, London


Check Your Progress 1
1) See Sub-section 1 8.2.1 and answer.
2) See Section 18.2 and answer.
3) See Sub-section 18.2.4 and answer.
4) See Sub-section 18.2.5 and answer.
Check Your Progress 2
1) See Sub-section 18.2and answer.
2) See Sub-section 18.3.2 and answer.
3) See Sub-section 18.3.2 and answer.
4) See Sub-section 18.3.6 and answer.
Check Your P'rggress 3
1) See Section 18.4and answer.
2) See Section 1 8.4 and.answer.

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