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Freescale Semiconductor

Application Note
Document Number: AN3560
Rev. 1, 07/2008
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2008. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
MC9S08J M60 devices form part of the Freescale Flexis
series of microcontrollers. The Flexis
series of
microcontrollers is the connection point of the Freescale
Controller Continuum where 8-bit and 32-bit
compatibility becomes reality.
The 8-bit MC9S08J M60 MCUs are devices with a
full-speed USB module providing best-in-class USB
module performance, system integration, and software
support. The USB module of the J M series MCU has
seven endpoints and 256 bytes RAM for high efficiency
data transfer.
MC9S08J M60 MCUs provide many peripherals, such as
are flexible and can easily be integrated into different
applications such as game pads, security control panels,
printers, and PC peripherals.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 USB Endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 VREG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 USB Transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 USB SIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.5 USB RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5.1 Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5.2 Double Buffer (Ping-Pong Buffer) . . . . . . . . 11
3 USB Device Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1 Hardware Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.1 Clocking Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.2 USB Device Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.3 Pullup Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 USB Firmware Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.1 USB Communication Model . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.2 Main Firmware Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.3 USB State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.4 USB Device Enumeration Process. . . . . . . 20
3.2.5 USB Transactions on EP1-6 . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.6 Suspend and Resume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Appendix AFirmware for HID Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Appendix BEnumeration Process of an HID Mouse . . . . . . . 33
USB Device Development with
the MC9S08JM60
In-depth Understanding of the MC9S08JM60 USB Module
by: Derek Liu
Asia & Pacific Operation Microcontroller Division
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
Freescale Semiconductor 2
More detailed information on the USB module of MC9S08J M60 devices and how to use it in applications
are discussed in this document. In addition, some skills and issues that must be noticed in design have also
been discussed.
2 MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
Figure1 shows the block diagram of the USB module for the MC9S08J M60 MCU. It includes:
On-chip 3.3 V regulator (VREG)
USB transceiver (XCVR)
Serial interface engine (SIE)

Figure 1. USB Module Block Diagram

256 bytes

Serial Interface Engine



Protocol and Rate
48 MHz Reference Clock
24 MHz Clock (bus clk)
USBDP pullup
BVCI: Basic Virtual Component Interface
XCVR: Transceiver

MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
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Figure2 shows the layers of a typical USB device.
Figure 2. USB Protocol Layer
The physical layer involves data signaling, such as J and K signals, start of packet (SOP), and resume
signals. The MC9S08J M60 USB PHY corresponds to the physical layer.
The protocol layer lies above the physical layer. Transactions of a different transfer type are managed by
this layer. The packet in the USB low-level protocol are processed in this layer. In the MC9S08J M60 USB
module they are finished by a SIE.
The command processor and data report handler layer lies between the protocol and application layers.
This layer corresponds to the USB stack firmware described in this document. The USB enumeration and
configuration, the standard class request, or the customized protocol are all processed by this layer.
The top layer is the application layer. It it is based on the USB communication provided in the lower layers.
The program in this layer focuses on the customized application.
2.1 USB Endpoint
One important concept needs to be discussed before explaining the USB module the endpoint. Each
USB logical device consists of a collection of independent endpoints. An endpoint is a uniquely
identifiable portion of a USB device that is the terminus of a communication flow between the host and
device. A USB pipe is an association between an endpoint on a device and software on a host.
The MC9S08J M60 device has seven endpoints that can be used to build seven communication pipes
between the USB host and device.
Application layer
Command processor
Data reports handler
Protocol layer
Physical layer
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
Freescale Semiconductor 4
Endpoint 0 is bidirectional (in and out), mainly used for control transfer. Endpoint 0 is required for all USB
Endpoint 16 are directional, they can be configured to do only in or out direction communication at a
Endpoints 5 and 6 are double buffering (also called ping-pong buffering). Each of these has two buffers.
One buffer can be operated by the CPU, when the other communicates with the host (controlled by SIE).
These two buffers exchange their roles after the current transaction is over. The CPU has the control of one
of the double buffers in turn. With this feature, the communication efficiency improves because the CPU
waiting time is shortened.
Each endpoint can be enabled or disabled by the EPCTLn register. The direction and handshake for all
endpoints are also controlled by the EPCTLn register.
The control transfer, bulk transfer, isochronous transfer, and interrupt transfer are all supported by each
endpoint of MC9S08J M60 series MCU. That matches all kinds of USB data transfer requirements.
2.2 VREG
On-chip regulator (VREG) provides a stable power source to the USB internal transceiver and internal (or
external) pullup resistor. It requires a voltage supply input in the range of 3.9 V to 5.5 V, and its output
voltage range is from 3.0 V to 3.6 V. The VREG shares the same power supply with the MCU, but the
MCU can work with the power voltage from 2.7 V to 5.5 V.
The corresponding pin to regulator output voltage is V
, that

can be used to supply the power for the
external pullup resistor.
The on-chip regulator can be enabled or disabled by USBVREN bit of the USBCTL0 register. If it is
disabled, an external 3.3 V voltage must be provided to USB module via V
Damage to the part may occur if the external 3.3 V power supply is provided while
the internal regulator is enabled.
2.3 USB Transceiver
USB transceiver belongs to the physical layer of the USB standard protocol. It provides a differential
signal for USB communication. The USBDP and USBDN pins are analog input/output lines for full-speed
data communication.
The USB serial interface engine (SIE) is mainly used to implement transferring and receiving of logic.
For the SIE transferring logic, the firmware immediately needs to configure three BD registers and fills
the data into endpoint buffer; then hands over the control to SIE. The SIE will send the data to the host
automatically after the host issues an IN operation. All work required in the USB specification, such as
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 5
coding (NRZI), bit stuffing, CRC, SYNC, etc., are implemented by SIE without firmwares intervention.
The SIE hands over the control to the CPU after the transfer is finished.
As for the receiving logic, the SIE can receive data packets automatically. The receiving logic process
includes decoding, synchronizing, detection, bit stuff removal, EOP detection, CRC validation, PID check,
The data packet is filled into the endpoint buffer, and the BD registers are updated. Then the SIE gives the
control to the CPU for reading data out. Some status and flag bits in the USB registers (INSTAT, STAT,
ERRSTAT, and EPCTLn) for this transaction are refreshed. The SIE owns the control of the BD and
endpoint buffer before the data ends to receive.
The SIE sends the acknowledge (ACK) or non-acknowledge (NAK) handshake to the host. It also stalls
the current transfer (STALL). The handshake is enabled or disabled by the EPHSHK bit in the EPCTLn
register. If it is enabled, ACK is transferred to the host when the transaction is correctly received. The NAK
is sent out by SIE if the OWN bit in BD status and control register is 0. The STALL is issued by setting
the EPSTALL bit in the EPCTL register or the BDTSTALL bit in the BD status and control register.
With the SIE transferring and receiving logic, the work of the firmware is greatly reduced resulting in more
CPU time being saved.
MC9S08J M60 MCU provides 256 bytes RAM space for the USB module, in which the USB BD registers
and endpoint buffer are located. The USB RAM can also be allocated by the system as general purpose
RAM when the USB module is disabled or it still has free space.
The USB RAM runs at 48 MHz, which is twice the speed of the bus clock. It can be accessed by the CPU
system and SIE. This is an area to exchange data and information between the CPU and SIE.
All the USB control and the status registers (BD registers) and USB data buffer must be allocated in the
USB RAM. It is illegal to allocate them in other space.
The USB RAM occupies a separate space instead of a part of the MCU RAM. From the memory map of
MC9S08J M60 in Figure3, the USB RAM address range is from 0x1860 to 0x195F, but the 4K bytes of
MCU RAM starts from 0x00B0, ends at 0x10AF.
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
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Figure 3. USB RAM
Figure3 shows the USB RAM location of MC9S08J M60 in the memory map. The organization of USB
RAM is also illustrated.
2.5.1 Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT)
Buffer descriptor table (BDT) is used to manage USB endpoint communication efficiently. It provides the
status and control for each endpoint.
Figure 4. Buffer Descriptor
59,088 Bytes
4096 BYTES
1872 Bytes
Endpoint 0 IN, BD
Endpoint 0 OUT, BD
Endpoint 1, BD
Endpoint 2, BD
Endpoint 3, BD
Endpoint 4, BD
Endpoint 5 EVEN BD
Endpoint 5 ODD, BD
Endpoint 6 EVEN BD
Endpoint 6 ODD, BD
Endpoint Buffer
JM60 Memory Map
Endpoint 0 BD, IN
Endpoint 0 BD, OUT
Endpoint 1, BD
Endpoint 2, BD
Endpoint 3, BD
Endpoint 4, BD
Endpoint 5 BD, EVEN
Endpoint 5 BD, ODD
Endpoint 6 BD, EVEN
Endpoint 6 BD, ODD
Status & Control Register
Buffer Descriptor (BD)
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
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These registers for each endpoint are called buffer descriptor (BD). Each BD comprises three bytes, in
which the endpoint data buffers location, length, control logic, and status are kept.
The BDT locates at the beginning of USB RAM. The BDs for seven endpoints are organized and placed
one by one from EP0 in to EP6 out. There are 10 BDs in total and 30 bytes are allocated from 0x1860 to
0x187D (offset: 0x000x1D in USB RAM space).
Figure4 shows the BDs for seven endpoints and three BD registers for endpoint 0 (in direction). For
endpoint 0 (bidirectional), 5 and 6 (double buffer), each has two BDs. Endpoint of 14 owns only one BD.
The first byte of the BD is the status and control register (see Figure5). It includes four bits that the CPU
reads or writes for controlling the USB communication. They are OWN (bit 7), DATA0/1(bit 6), DTS (bit
3), and BDTSTALL (bit 2).
BDTSTALL can be set by the CPU to stall the next transaction. A STALL handshake is issued on
its associated endpoint if the BDTSTALL bit is set.
The DTS bit is used to enable or disable the data toggle synchronization.
DATA0/1 bit defines a DATA0 or DATA1 packet to be transmitted or received.
OWN bit is implemented as the semaphore mechanism. Its value determines whether the BD and
endpoint buffer is controlled by the CPU or SIE. When it is set to logic 0, the CPU has the control
of the BD and endpoint buffer, the CPU can modify the contents of the BD registers and the data
in the endpoint buffer. If it is set to logic 1, the SIE has the control of BD and endpoint buffer.
The bit[5:2] are updated by SIE after a new token packet is received. The token packet PID is kept
in these four bits.
The firmware designer must rewrite all bits in the status and control the register in terms of the
configuration for the next transaction. Otherwise all the data packets may not be received or transferred.
The wrong setting for DATA0/1 results in the data being discarded by the SIE or the host. The DTS and
BDTSTALL bits can also result in the data packet not being received or being stalled. The values for these
two bits are replaced by bit 0 and bit 1 of the new packets PID. They must be updated before the next
packet is allocated.
The second byte (BC[7:0]) is the length of the data packet to be transferred or the packet that has been
received. It can be set to zero for some packets (e.g, the transaction in the status stage of control transfer).
The maximum length is 64 for the MC9S08J M60 MCU. The BC register must be set to the actual packet
size to be transferred for the in direction endpoint, but it must be initialized to be greater than or equal to
the packet size that is received for out direction endpoint.
The third byte (EPADD[9:2]) keeps the start address of the endpoint buffer. It must be filled with the bit
92 of the relative address in USB RAM. It can be calculated by shifting two bits of the relative address
to right so the endpoint buffer address is four bytes alignment.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0
Figure 5. Status and Control Register of BD
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
Freescale Semiconductor 8
Figure 6 shows an example for calculating the value of the EPADD register. Provided that the endpoint
buffer locates 0x1880 (absolute address), the address relative to the start address of USB RAM is 0x20.
Thus the value of EPADD for the endpoint can be calculated by shifting the value 0x20 two bits to right
and the result is 0x08.
Figure 6. Example for Calculating the Value of EPADD Register
Setting these registers correctly is the basic requirement for successful endpoint communication. Figure7
is an example of BDT configuration. It shows the content in the BD registers of the endpoints 0 and 1.
In this example, the buffer length is eight bytes for endpoint 0 (in and out) and four bytes for endpoint 1.
The endpoint buffers are allocated continually from 0x1880 (relative address 0x20).
0 x 1860
0 x 1880

= 0x20
Shift two bits to right
Two low bits are always zero
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
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Figure 7. BDT Configuration Example
Endpoint 0 in direction:
If the content of the status and control register is 0x00, the CPU still has the control of BD.
If the BC[7:0] register is filled with 0x08, it means that the packet size transmitted by EP0 in is
eight bytes. This value takes effect when the SIE controls this endpoint.
The maximum packet size for the endpoint is transferred to the host in the USB device enumeration
process. The value for the BC registers can be less than the maximum value the data that exceeds
the maximum length must be divided into several packets. The actual number to be transferred to
the host must be set to the BC register before the OWN bit of the status and control register is set
(hand over the control of BD to SIE).
The value of EPADD[9:2] is 0x08. It can be calculated by the start address allocated for endpoint
0 in direction. Its absolute address is 0x1880. The calculation method is illustrated in Figure6.
Status & Control Bit
Status & Control Bit
EP0 OUT Data Buffer
Status & Control Bit
EP1 Data Buffer
Other Ep Buffer
General purpose RAM
EP0 IN Data Buffer
Registers Contents
0x1860 (0x00)
0x1861 (0x01)
0x1862 (0x02)
0x1863 (0x03)
0x1864 (0x04)
0x1865 (0x05)
0x1866 (0x00)
0x1867 (0x01)
0x1868 (0x02)
Other End Points
0x187E, 0x187F (0x1E,0x1F)
0x1880 (0x20)
0x18A0 (0x40)
0x1890 (0x30)
0x1895 (0x35)
Start Address
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
Freescale Semiconductor 10
Endpoint 0 out direction:
The BD for endpoint 0 out direction is set to receive a DATA0 packet. The content of the status and
control register is 0x88. This means the control for BD and data buffer is handed over to SIE
(OWN =1). Then endpoint 0 receives DATA0 (DATA0/1 =0) packet. When the data toggle has
been enabled (DTS =1), the correct data packet is received (STALL =0).
The SIE changes the OWN bit to 0 for handing over the control to the CPU. When one packet is
finished receiving, the exact data length is updated and written to BC register.
Endpoint 1 in direction:
The endpoint 1 is used for the in direction (transmitting data to the host). It is configured to transfer
only four bytes.
When developing firmware, the programmer must avoid the address overlap
for different endpoint buffers. In addition, the maximum size of the endpoint
buffer must be the same as the length in the USB configuration descriptor.
The start address of the endpoint buffer must be sixteen bytes aligned in
As for the space in USB RAM that is not assigned, the firmware can use
them for another purpose.
The flowchart in Figure8 shows the operation of BD registers used for in and out direction. In out
direction, after the data packet is received from the host, the TOKDNEF bit is set, and the CPU becomes
the control of the BD and endpoint buffer (OWN =0). Firmware can deal with this in an interrupt service
routine or in a polling routine. The program reads the length of the received data from the BC register and
then reads out the data from the endpoint buffer and processes it if necessary. After that, firmware updates
the BD register and hands over the control to SIE for next transaction.
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 11
Figure 8. BDT Operation Example
Before the first packet is received, the firmware initializes the associated BD registers and hands over the
control to SIE. Then the USB module is ready to receive data from the host.
In in direction of control transfer, the USB device receives one data packet that includes one request or
command, then the device begins to prepare the data to be delivered to the host according to some
protocols. The firmware writes the data length to the BC register, writes the data to the endpoint data
buffer, then updates the status and control the register (DATA0/1, OWN, etc.). After that, the USB module
begins to wait for the host to read data (in operation).
The TOKDNEF bit is set after the host finishes reading out the data in the endpoint (the transaction has
finished). The USB interrupt is triggered if it is enabled. The new data for the next transaction can be
prepared in an interrupt service routine or in a polling routine.
2.5.2 Double Buffer (Ping-Pong Buffer)
Endpoints 5 and 6 of the MC9S08J M60 MCU USB module are double-buffering endpoints (seeTable1 on
page 15). Either of them has two sets of BD (even and odd) registers. When one BD and its associated
buffer are being operated by SIE at the same time; the CPU can access or control the other BD and attached
data buffer.
The CPU and SIE exchange the control of the BD registers and endpoint buffer after they finish their work.
The CPU gives the control to SIE as processing takes place for the data operation and the configuration of
the BD registers. The SIE returns the control to the CPU and tries to control the other buffer when it
finishes the current transaction. With the communications going on, the CPU and SIE have the control of
two BDs and their attached data buffers in turn, so the double buffer is also called the ping-pong buffer.
(OWN =0)
Update the control and
status register
( Toggle the DATA0/1,
OWN=1,DTS =0,
Read the length of
the received data
Read the data from
Endpoint buffer
and process data
Update the control and
status register
( Toggle the DATA0/1,
OWN=1,DTS =0,
Wait the USB interrupt
(OWN =0)
Host send data
(OUT operation)
Host receive data
(IN operation)
Wait the USB interrupt
Endpoint IN operation Endpoint OUT operation
Write the data length
to BC register
Write the data to
endpoint buffer
Clear interrupt Flag
Clear interrupt Flag
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
MC9S08JM60 USB Module Introduction
Freescale Semiconductor 12
The mechanism of the double buffer makes the CPU and SIE cooperate well without waiting for each other
for a long time hence the efficiency of communication is improved.
The flowchart in Figure9 shows how to use the ping-pong buffer. Both BDs and their attached buffers are
initialized at first. The double buffer has two sets of BD and data buffers that occupy different space in
USB RAM. They both belong to one endpoint and have same direction (in or out) and share one EPCTLx(5
or 6) register.
The ODD bit in the STAT register reflects the operation completed by SIE. The users program
understands that BD and attached buffer is dealt with in terms of the value expressed in this bit. The ODD
bit can be reset to point to even buffer by setting the OODRST bit in the CTL register.
Figure 9. Operation for Double Buffer (Ping-Pong Buffer)
The operation of a ping-pong buffer for in direction is illustrated in Figure9. After the transaction with in
operation ends, the TOKDNEF bit is set and the MCU becomes the controller of BD. Then the firmware
reads the ODD bit to determine which BD and data buffer must be dealt. After that, the data buffer, the BC
register, and the control register are written or updated. The MCU hands over the control to the SIE at last.
For ping-pong buffer operation, the firmware can set one BD to send or receive the DATA0 packet, and
the other for DATA1 packet without toggle (DTS =0). That is, the even buffer is for DATA0 and the odd
buffer is for DATA1.
Configure the BD registers
(EPADDR, BC, status and
control register)
Set the EPCTLn register
Write the data to even
buffer (DATA0)
Set the EP5 even BD
registers (BC, status and
control registers)
(EP5 )
Write the data to odd
buffer (DATA1)
Set the EP5 odd BD
registers (BC, status and
control registers)
Hand over the control to SIE
In USB module
initialization routine
IN operation
USB Device Development
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
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3 USB Device Development
3.1 Hardware Design
Hardware design for USB device with MC9S08J M60 is simple and flexible. The designer can choose to
use the on-chip regulator or external power supply and to use the internal pullup or external pullup resistor.
You can use the internal pullup or external pullup resistor. The MCU provides many interfaces such as SPI,
SCI, IIC, ADC, KBI, etc. The designers thus have more selections in design. The hardware design of the
USB interface is discussed in the following sections.
3.1.1 Clocking Generation
USB module requires two clock sources. They are the 24 MHz bus clock and 48 MHz reference clock.
According to the MCG features, the MCG must work in PEE mode (PLL engaged external) and an external
clock source is essential for matching this requirement. An oscillator or crystal is used as the external clock
Example 1 shows the MCG initialization routine by using an external 12 MHz crystal. The system clock
is switched from FEI mode to FBE mode and then to PBE mode and finally to PEE mode. The MCG status
register (MCGSC) is checked in each step to ensure that the clock is stable, locked by PLL (or FLL), and
switched successfully.
Example 1. MCG Initialization Routine Using External 12 MHz Crystal
voi d MCG_I ni t ( )
/ * t he MCG i s set t o FEI mode by def aul t , i t shoul d be change t o FBE mode at f i r st */
MCGC2 = 0x36; / *Sel ect hi gh f r equency, hi gh gai n, Osci l l at or r equest ed*/
whi l e( ! ( MCGSC & 0x02) ) ; / *Wai t f or t he st abl e of Osci l l at or */
MCGC1 = 0x9B; / *Ext er nal cl ock i s sel ect ed, RDI V = 0b011 ( t o get 1. 5MHz) */
whi l e( ( MCGSC & 0x1C) ! = 0x08) ;
/ *Check whet her t he ext er nal r ef er ence cl ock i s sel ect ed */
/ * Swi t ch t o PBE mode f r omFBE*/
MCGC3 = 0x48; / *Enabl e PLL, VDI V = 0b1000, mul t i pl y by 32*/
whi l e ( ( MCGSC & 0x48) ! = 0x48) ; / *Wai t f or t he PLL t o be l ocked */
/ *Swi t ch t o PEE mode f r omPBE mode*/
MCGC1 &= 0x3F; / *PLL out put i s sel ect ed*/
whi l e( ( MCGSC & 0x6C) ! = 0x6C) ;
/ *Wai t f or t he PLL out put becomi ng t he syst emcl ock sour ce */
r et ur n;
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
USB Device Development
Freescale Semiconductor 14
3.1.2 USB Device Power
Figure 10. USB Connection Example
The dedicated on-chip regulator powers the USB transceiver. It shares the same power supply with MCU.
The on-chip regulator is enabled or disabled by the USBVREN bit in the USBCTL0 register. When the
on-chip regulator is disabled (USBVREN =0), one external 3.3 V power is connected to V
pin to
provide the power for USB transceiver and pullup resistor.
The nominal input range of this regulator is from 3.9 V to 5.5 V, but the MCU works at lower voltage (2.7
V 5.5 V). When the power supply for MCU is below 3.9 V, an external power supply must be provided
for the USB module and the internal regulator must be disabled.
In addition, it is highly recommended that two capacitors are connected to the V

pin to decrease the
ripple on the output of the regulator. Their recommended values are 0.47 F, and 4.7 F. (refer to
Figure10), and they must be placed as near as possible to the V
USB devices have two power modes self-powered and the bus-powered. Refer to the USB specification
for detailed information.
Bus-powered USB devices are powered from the USB bus. The maximum current drawn from the
host is 500 mA. The USB device is powered when it is attached to USB bus and the connection is
valid, then the host will find it attached.
External power
other control logic
USB module
4.7 uF
0.47 uF
MC9S08J M60
VDD (2.7 V 5.5 V)
(3.9 V 5.5 V)
XTAL (3 V 3.6 V)
1) USB power : VBus
(bus powered)
2) External power
1) C1 and C2 are highly recommended when using an internal regulator.
2) Place R1, R2, C1 and C2 as close as possible to the MCU.
Ferrite bead
Ferrite bead
C5 C6
VDD or
R1 (33 )
R2 (33 )

USB Device Development

USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 15
The self-powered USB device uses an individual power supply to provide the current for all
components, so that its power consumption is limited by the capability of external power supply.
The USB device whose current consumption is more than 500 mA must adopt self-powered mode.
In self-powered applications, the MCU works without the USB connection. The firmware has the
capability to know the status of USB connection (attached or not) for switching its state machine
correctly. One GPIO pin or KBI pin is recommended to help detect the USB power; then the
firmware determines the connection status.
In addition, connect the ferrite bead in series between the power (or ground) of the host and USB
device to help to absorb the high frequency noise coupled in the power system (decrease
electromagnetic interference). The ferrite bead is similar to a high permeability inductance wherein
the high frequency impedance attenuates the high-frequency current, and the DC current passes
3.1.3 Pullup Resistor
USB host uses the pullup resistor to detect the connection of the USB device and identifies the devices
speed (low, full, high). The USB module of MC9S08J M60 choose an internal or external pullup resistor.
The internal pullup resistor is enabled by the USBPU bit of the USBCTL0 register.
When the internal pullup resistor is disabled, one 1.5 k pullup resistor can be connected between the
pin and the USBDP pin. See the connection marked with dash line in Figure8.
The USB device can use internal pullup resistor or external pullup resistor,
but only one pullup resistor is allowed to be connected.
Table1 lists all the combinations USB regulator and pullup resistor. The designers can select one of the
combinations according to actual requirement.
Table 1. USB Regulator and Pullup Resistor Configuration
USBPU USBVREN Pullup Resistor and Regulator
0 0 External pullup resistor, external 3.3 power supply
1 0 Internal pullup resistor, external 3.3 power supply
0 1 External pullup resistor, internal regulator
1 1 Internal pullup resistor, internal regulator
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3.2 USB Firmware Design
3.2.1 USB Communication Model
On the high layer of the USB data flow model, the USB pipe is built for communication between the USB
device and the host. A USB pipe is an association between an endpoint on a device and software on the
host. Pipes represent the ability to move data between software on the host via a memory buffer and an
endpoint on a device.
USB devices must build at least one control pipe to the host. The control pipe (also called default control
pipe) is essential for all USB devices. It is based on endpoint 0, uses control transfer type, and supports
bidirectional data communication. The other pipes can be designed in terms of the applications
requirements. There are seven pipes available (seven endpoints) for MC9S08J M60 to support control,
bulk, interrupt, or isochronous transfer.
The default control pipe is used by the USB system software to determine device identification and
configuration requirements and to configure the device. The default control pipe can also be used by
device-specific software after the device is configured. The USB enumeration and configuration is the first
step to design the firmware of a USB device.
The USB communication consists of transfers. The USB transfer comprises one or more transactions, and
each transaction includes several packets. For MC9S08J M60 USB devices, the firmware immediately
needs to do little work. One transaction is completed by the USB module automatically. The programer
can ignore work related to low level USB protocol, such as CRC calculation, building packet, and
handshake. The programer can spend more effort on high-level protocol and data process.
The firmware design of USB device with MC9S08J M60 is discussed in the following sections. Detailed
information about enumeration and configuration has also been covered.
3.2.2 Main Firmware Structure
Figure 11. Example of the Main Function and USB Module Initialization

USB module reset
Initialize the BD of endpoint 0
(For BD OUT: set buffer
address EPADR, set CNT =8,
DATA0, DTS=1, OWN =1)
Enable USB module
and USB interrupt
Set USB state
Enable EP0
(EPCTL0 =0x0D)
Config USB module
(pullup resistor, regulator, PHY)
System initialization
USB status check
Other tasks
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Figure11 shows two flow charts of a USB firmware example designed with MC9S08J M60 device. One
is the main routine, and the other is the USB module initialization.
After the MCU is powered on the firmware performs system initialization. All modules used in application
are initialized one by one.
The firmware can complete the USB module initialization by following the steps in Figure11. It initializes
the USB BDT according to the USB RAM assignment, then initializes the USB registers, and sets the USB
state to ATTACHED at last.
To set the USB registers, it configures the USB module (pullup resistor, USB regulator in terms of the
hardware design) first, then enables the EP0 and the USB interrupt. For self-powered devices, the USB
module can be enabled when MCU detects the USB bus power, and the USB device initial state is
The EPCTL0 must be set to 0x0D for control transfer on endpoint 0 before
the enumeration starts.
In the main loop of firmware, the program checks the USB status changes, e.g., attached or detached to
USB bus. The other customize tasks are also located in main loop.
The firmware can use the polling or interrupt method to deal with USB events. With the polling method,
all USB status bits in the INTSTAT register are checked, the program will jump to associated service
routine if the flag bits are set. The USB interrupt must be enabled before entering suspend mode if the
MCU needs to work in stop3 mode.
If the polling method is not adopted, the interrupt method is a good choice. All events involved in the USB
communication can be processed in real-time by the USB interrupt service routine, and all unnecessary
polling for the status flag bits when no USB events occurred are avoided.
Figure12 is an example of USB interrupt service routine (ISR). The USB interrupt flags in the INTSTAT
register are checked one by one. When one USB event occurs, the associated interrupt flag is set, then the
program will process these events in ISR if this interrupt is enabled. The program will check the next
interrupt flag.
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Figure 12. Example of USB Interrupt Service Routine
interrupt flag = 1
interrupt flag = 1?
interrupt flag = 1
interrupt flag = 1?
interrupt flag = 1?
interrupt flag = 1?
interrupt flag = 1?
Clear LPRESF bit
SOF interrupt
Error interrupt
is Enabled?
is Enabled?
Reset interrupt
is Enabled?
is Enabled?
Suspend mode
Stall interrupt
is enabled?
is Enabled?
Enable Sleep, clear Resume
flag, disable resume interrupt
Clear SOF interrupt flag
Process the stall from
stall flag
Check error source and
process, clear error flag
Enable resume (USBRESMEN
flag, enter suspend mode
Process USB transaction
Clear TOKDNEF flag
Reset USB, BD registers,
or RESUME bit), clear sleep
is enabled?
different endpoint, clear
USB state to DEFAULT
initialize USB module, set
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When the USB device is in suspend mode, the resume interrupt flag and the resume interrupt processing
differ according to the work mode of MCU (stop3 or user mode). The LPRESF bit in the USBCTL0
register is set for resuming from stop3 mode, and the RESUMEF bit in the INTSTAT register is set for
resuming from the user mode. The processing is listed in Figure12. The designer can select from these
two ways. This is the reason why the processing for RESUMEF is marked with dotted line.
The RESET bit is set when the host sends a reset signal to the device. The program for processing a RESET
must stop all USB involved processes immediately, reset the USB registers (e.g, ADDR=0), and return to
the state before enumeration begins.
The TOKDNEF bit is set when one transaction is complete. The processing of TOKDNEF is the main
entry for all transactions.
The interrupt flag must be cleared after it is serviced. Otherwise the interrupt is executed again and again,
without stopping.
3.2.3 USB State Machine
USB device has the following states:
Powered: USB device is not attached to the USB bus, but the MCU has been powered on.
Attached: USB device is attached to the USB bus, but enumeration has not started
Default: USB device is reset by the host
ADDR_PENDING: USB device receives the Set_Address command from the host
Addressed: The Set_Address command has executed successfully.
Configured: The USB device receives and executes the Set_Configuration command successfully.
Suspend: The USB device enters suspend mode.
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Figure 13. USB Device State Transfer
Figure13 shows the switches of the USB state machine. The suspend and reset modes can be entered from
all states except the powered state.
The bus-powered USB device sets its state to attached directly after it is attached to the USB bus.
The state of ADDR_PENDING is set when USB device receives the Set_Address setup token. It is
changed to ADDRESSED when the Set_Address transfer has finished.
After the USB device is attached to the USB bus, the host starts the enumeration process, the USB device
state changes to configured from attached if the enumeration process succeeds.
3.2.4 USB Device Enumeration Process
In the enumeration process, the host performs the identification and configuration for the USB device. The
following process is an example for enumeration between a USB device and computer with Windows XP
operating system installed.
1. The host detects the connection of a new device via the devices pullup resistors on the data pair.
The host waits for at least 100 ms, allowing for the plug to be inserted fully and for power to be
stable on the device.
2. Host issues a reset to make the device in default state.
System Start
Attached to
Set Address Set Address
Resume or
Remote wakeup
USB bus
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3. The MS Windows host asks for the first 64 bytes of the device descriptor.
4. After receiving the first eight bytes of the device descriptor, host immediately issues another bus
5. The host now issues a Set_Address command to place the device in the addressed state.
6. The host asks for the entire 18 bytes of the device descriptor.
7. The host then asks for nine bytes of the configuration descriptor to determine the overall size.
8. The host asks for 256 bytes of the configuration descriptor.
9. Host asks for any string descriptors specified.
10. Windows will ask for a driver for device. It may request all the descriptors again before it issues a
Set configuration request.
11. Host sets the configuration of device. The USB device state changes to configured.
The enumeration process is similar for all USB devices. The host fetches a lot of descriptors from the
device, such as the devices descriptor, configuration descriptor, interfaces descriptors, endpoint
descriptors, and string descriptors. According to the information in these descriptors, the operating system
finds the driver for the USB device, and the driver sets the configuration of device at last.
The enumeration process is carried on the endpoint 0, which the default control pipe is built in. The control
transfers constitute the enumeration process, so the program about control transfer is the most important
part for USB stack.
The implementation for control transfer on endpoint 0 has been described in the sections that follow. The
setting for the BD registers and the endpoint buffer is also involved. USB RAM Allocation and Access
BDT is located at the beginning of the USB RAM. Because the location of BD assigned for different
endpoint is fixed, you can define the following data structure for BDT access (defined with C language).
Example 2. Data Structure for BDT Access
t ypedef uni on _BD_STAT
byt e _byt e;
st r uct {
unsi gned : 1;
unsi gned : 1;
unsi gned BDTSTALL: 1; / *Buf f er St al l Enabl e*/
unsi gned DTS: 1; / *Dat a Toggl e Synch Enabl e*/
unsi gned : 1; / *Addr ess I ncr ement Di sabl e*/
unsi gned : 1; / *BD Keep Enabl e*/
unsi gned DATA: 1; / *Dat a Toggl e Synch Val ue*/
unsi gned OWN: 1; / *USB Owner shi p*/
}McuCt l Bi t ;
st r uct {
unsi gned : 1;
unsi gned : 1;
unsi gned PI D0: 1;
unsi gned PI D1: 1;
unsi gned PI D2: 1;
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unsi gned PI D3: 1;
unsi gned : 1;
unsi gned OWN: 1;
}Si eCt l Bi t ;
st r uct {
unsi gned : 2;
unsi gned PI D: 4; / *Packet I dent i f i er */
unsi gned : 2;
}RecPi d;
} BD_STAT; / *Buf f er Descr i pt or St at us Regi st er */
t ypedef st r uct _BUFF_DSC
BD_STAT St at ;
byt e Cnt ;
byt e Addr ; / *Buf f er Addr ess*/
} BUFF_DSC; / *Buf f er Descr i pt or Tabl e*/
t ypedef st r uct _BDTMAP
BUFF_DSC ep0Bi ; / *Endpoi nt 0 BD I n*/
BUFF_DSC ep0Bo; / *Endpoi nt 1 BD Out */
BUFF_DSC ep1Bi o; / *Endpoi nt 1 BD I N or OUT*/
BUFF_DSC ep2Bi o; / *Endpoi nt 2 BD I N or OUT*/
BUFF_DSC ep3Bi o; / *Endpoi nt 3 BD I N or OUT*/
BUFF_DSC ep4Bi o; / *Endpoi nt 4 BD I N or OUT*/
BUFF_DSC ep5Bi o_Even; / *Endpoi nt 5 BD I N or OUT Even*/
BUFF_DSC ep5Bi o_Odd; / *Endpoi nt 5 BD I N or OUT Odd*/
BUFF_DSC ep6Bi o_Even; / *Endpoi nt 6 BD I N or OUT Even*/
BUFF_DSC ep6Bi o_Odd; / *Endpoi nt 6 BD I N or OUT Odd*/
WORD Reser ved;
BDTMAP J m60_Bdt @0x1860;
byt e EP0_I n_Buf [ 8] @0x1880;
byt e EP0_Out _Buf [ 8] @0x1888;
byt e EP1_I n_Buf [ 64] @0x1890;
In this example, all bits in the BD registers are declared in the BD_STAT structure. The BDTMAP
structure includes all BDs for seven endpoints. The structure variable J m60_Bdt is declared, and its
address is fixed at 0x1860. According to the memory allocation rules for structure, all the BD registers for
different endpoint points to their location in USB RAM.
Firmware accesses the OWN bit of the BD registers like this,
J m60_Bdt . ep1Bi o. St at . McuCt l Bi t . OWN = 1; / * hand over t he cont r ol t o SI E*/ .
Firmware defines the endpoint buffers and assigns them in USB RAM, that can be accessed directly.
EP0_Out_Buf[8] is defined and fixed to 0x1888.
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Freescale Semiconductor 23 Control Transfer
Control transfer has three stages. They are the setup, data, and status stages. To control transfer, the data
stage can be omitted, e.g, Set_Address.
The data transferring direction in data stage is determined by the request type transferred to the USB device
in the setup stage. The direction in the status stage is different from that in the data stage. If the direction
in data stage is in (out), the direction in the status stage is out (in).
The data packet type for control transfer begins with DATA0, and toggles continuously in the setup and
data stages. The data packet type must be DATA1 in the status stage even if the last data type in data stage
is DATA1.
According to the data transfer direction in different stages, three states describe the control transfer.
WAIT_SETUP_TOKEN: before the beginning of the control transfer
CTL_TRF_DATA_TX: send data to the host (in direction) in current or the next transaction
CTL_TRF_DATA_RX: receive data from the host (out direction) in current or the next transaction
The control transfer begins with a SETUP token issued by the host. Before the SETUP token is received
by device, the state is WAIT_SETUP_TOKEN. The firmware determines the next state is
CTL_TRF_DATA_TX or CTL_TRF_DATA_RX according to the request type in the first transaction. The
state transfer is demonstrated in Figure14.
Figure 14. State Transfer for Data Transfer Direction

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Figure15 is a USB control transfer example. The transfer in this chart is issued by the host to get the device
descriptor. It comprises three transactions. The first transaction belongs to the setup stage. The second and
the third respectively attribute to the data stage and the status stage.
Figure 15. Example Of Control Transfer and its State Changes
The state changes in control transfer are marked on the right of Figure15.
The DATA toggle (DATA0/1) for control transfer can also be found. Its changing sequence is DATA0 (first
transaction, the setup stage) DATA1 (second transaction, the data stage) DATA1 (third transaction, the
status stage).
The SOF packets are hidden in Figure15, so some packets like the 53, 57 and 58 packets cannot be found.
From the image displayed above, the firmware can determine the change from the data stage to the status
stage by detecting the switch of the transaction direction (in/out). The in and out direction are controlled
by the host, the change means the data stage is complete, and the control transfer state is also changed.
The firmware can also trace the state change between CTL_TRF_DATA_TX and CTL_TRF_DATA_RX
by calculating the data length transferred or received. If all bytes have been transferred or received, the
data stage is complete.
However this is not a good way to determine that the data stage is complete. The USB device cannot make
sure that the host has received all those data packets. It is not recommended to use this method to change
the control transfer state.
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Freescale Semiconductor 25 Process of USB Control Transfer
USB control transfer comprises two or more transactions. If an endpoint is correctly set, the transactions
can be automatically controlled and processed by SIE. The TOKDNEF bit is set when one transaction
completes. Figure16 shows the process of one complete transaction carried on endpoint 0, it belongs to
the enumeration process.
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Figure 16. Transaction of TOKDNEF
The TOKDNEF bit in the USB interrupt flag register is set first. The firmware reads the STAT register to
determine whether the transaction occurs on endpoint 0 or not. If it is not on endpoint 0, the firmware will
jump to the associated routine for that endpoint. If it is on endpoint 0, the firmware will check the
transactions direction (in or out).

EP0 ?
Process the
other EPs data
Setup Package?
Class Request
Handle the standard request
(prepare the data length,
pointer etc. which will be
sent or received.
Change USB state, e.g
Address Pending State)
Handle the class request
(prepare the class specified
data length, pointer etc.
which will be send or
Send ?
(Device to host)
Update the EP0 OUT BDT
registers, prepare for
receiving data
(Set EP0 IN to send
DATA1 packet )
Hand over the control
of EP0 BDT to SIE;
TOKEN intterupt bit
Prepare for the next
setup transfer
(set EP0 OUTfor
receiving next packet)
Receive Data
Update the EP0
IN BDT registers
for receiving
Pending State
Modify the USB
device address
Write the data to
Update the EP0
Write data to USB RAM
and update the data
source pointer and BDT
registers (EP0 IN )
(Set EP0 OUT to receive
DATA1 packet )
Note 1
Note 1 : Progr am can prepare to r eceive the next setup packet
in STALL interrupt ISR or at here
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If the transaction is in direction, the program will verify whether the received package is a SETUP package
or not. If yes, the program determines the data source (or object) pointer and length to be transferred (or
received) according to the request type. The request type (USB standard request or class request)
determines the data transfer direction and the address and length of source or object data. After that, the
control transfer state is adjusted to CTL_TRF_DATA_TX (or CTL_TRF_DATA_RX) from
WAIT_SETUP_TOKEN by the data transfer direction bit in the USB request.
If the request is not supported, the firmware will stall the current transfer by setting the STALL bit in the
EPCTL register (EPSTALL) or the BD control and status register (BDTSTALL). The USB module will
then prepare the next control transfer in the STALL interrupt service routine or at the location marked with
dotted line.
After that, if the direction is in, the firmware will write the data to the buffer according to the maximum
length supported by the endpoint. The BD registers are also updated according to the requirements.
At last, the CTL_TSUSPEND bit in the CTL register is cleared for processing the next packet and the
MCU hands over the control to SIE. This routine ends (RETI or RET).
If the transaction is out direction, and it is not for SETUP, the firmware will check if the control transfer
is CTL_TRF_DATA_RX. If the result is true, the firmware will read out the data from the endpoint out
buffer according to the length in the BC register. Then firmware will prepare for the next transaction.
If the control transfer state is CTL_TRF_DATA_TX and this transaction is in the end of the status stage of
current transfer, this transfer has finished. The firmware needs to begin the preparation for the next
If this transaction is for endpoint 0, we add a supplementary check for the USB state. When the USB
Set_Address standard request is issued, the USB state is changed to ADDR_PENDING in the first
transaction of this transfer. An in transaction is issued now.
In the status stage of Set_Address transfer, the new USB device address is written to the USB address
register. If the USB state is not ADDR_PENDING, the firmware will check the current control transfer
state. If it is true, the firmware will write the data to be delivered to the endpoint buffer, then update the
BD registers for transferring. If it is false, this transaction belongs to the status stage, current transfer ends.
The interrupt flag must be cleared in the service routine by writing 1 to TOKDNEF bit.
The program illustrated Figure16 can be implemented with the interrupt method or the polling method. In
both methods, each interrupt flag bit in the INTSTAT register is checked and processed.
3.2.5 USB Transactions on EP1-6
Firmware designer can assign the endpoint direction, buffer size, location, and transfer type according to
the requirements of the application. Some information is included in the endpoint descriptor and reported
to the host in the enumeration process.
When a transaction is complete in any one of the endpoint 1 6, the TOKDNEF bit is set, and the firmware
can process it like the transactions in control transfer. In Figure 16, if the firmware finds the transaction
did not occur on endpoint 0, it jumps to an associated routine for a different endpoint.
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Example 3. Processing for Transaction on Different Endpoints
voi d USB_Tr ansact i on_Handl er ( voi d)
unsi gned char st at = STAT;

i f ( ( st at & 0xF0) == 0x00)
. . . . . . / *t he pr ocessi ng f or t he t r ansact i on on endpoi nt 0*/
el se
i f ( ( st at & 0xF0) == 0x20)
HI D_Rec_Dat a( ) ;
/ *add t he code f or ot her endpoi nt s*/
r et ur n;
In Example3, the firmware processes the transaction on a different endpoint by checking the STAT
register. The code for other endpoints can be inserted like the HID_Rec_Data routine. The HID_Rec_Data
is used to process the received data from the host on endpoint 2.
All endpoints and their operations have similar BD registers and endpoint buffers. The control, interrupt,
and bulk transfer operation on these endpoints are also similar. The isochronous transfer is different. It
does not need to set the EPHSHK bit in the EPCTLx register and toggle the DATA0/1, because low-level
USB protocol does not allow handshakes to be returned to the transmitter of an isochronous pipe. For
isochronous transfers, the protocol is optimized by assuming transfer normally succeeds because
timeliness is more important than correctness/retransmission.
3.2.6 Suspend and Resume
USB host can make the USB device or whole USB bus enter the suspend state at any time. As per the USB
specification, the USB device enters suspend mode when the USB bus is idle for more than 3 ms. This
process must be completed by the MCU in 7 ms, after the first 3 ms have elapsed.
The current consumed by the USB device from the USB bus must be less than 500 A for a low-power
device (2.5 mA for a high-power device). The MC9S08J M60 MCU supports low-power devices. To
achieve the current consumption in suspend mode, the MC9S08J M60 MCU must work in stop3 mode if
it is bus-powered. It is not essential if the USB device is self-powered.
For the bus-powered USB device, the USBRESMEN bit in the USBCTL0 register must be set to 1 before
the MCU enters stop3 mode. This enables an asynchronous interrupt to wake up the MCU from stop3
mode. For the self-powered device, firmware can set REUSME in the INTENB register to enable USB
resume if the MCU does not need to enter stop3 mode.
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There are two kinds of resume methods for the MC9S08J M60 MCU resumed by the host and
The host sends out the resume signal (K state for at least 20 ms), then the RESUMEF flag in the INTSTAT
register is set. The USB interrupt is triggered when the MCU is in work mode and the RESUME is enabled.
The LPRESF bit in the USBCTL0 register is set when USBRESME bit is set and MCU is in stop3 mode.
At the same time, an asynchronous interrupt is triggered and brings the MCU out of stop3 mode.
This interrupt has the same vector as USB interrupt. The USBRESME bit must be cleared immediately in
the interrupt service routine. In addition, the firmware must check whether the resume signal on USB bus
is caused by noise. MCU must enter stop3 mode again if the noise causes this.
The USB module of the MC9S08J M60 MCU supports remote-wakeup. The remote-wakeup signal can be
generated by setting the CRESUME bit in the CTL register. The firmware can set this bit, then clear it after
a delay between 5 to 15 ms. This signal brings the USB bus out of suspend mode.
The following program (next page) is an example of USB suspend and resume (from stop3). The
USB_Suspend routine is called when the suspend is issued by the host. The USBRESUMEN bit in the
USBCTL0 register is set to enable the resume in stop3 mode, then the USB state is changed to
USB_SUSPEND. USB_Suspend routine calls the USB_Wakeup to enter stop3 mode.
In stop3 mode, the MCU power consumption decreases greatly, to approximately 270 A. This value is
tested with 5 V power supply, KBI module enabled, USB in suspend mode, and all other modules are off.
In the USB_Wakeup routine, the USB backs to CONFIGURED state when the MCU is awakened by USB
bus or other interrupt source. If the MCU is awakened by KBI interrupt, the USB_Wakeup routine returns
2 if it supports remote-wakeup. Otherwise it returns 0. The USB_Wakeup routine returns 1 if it is woken
by USB bus resume signal. The delay and check for the RESUMEF bit helps to avoid the pseudo resume
signal introduced by noise, because the RESUMEF has enough time to be set after the MCU is awakened
and the clock is recovered.
The USB_Suspend routine determines to call the Usb_Remote_Wakeup routine, enters stop3 mode, or
continues execution according to the return value of USB_Wakeup.
The other interrupt source can also bring MC9S08J M60 MCU out from stop3 mode. The firmware can use
remote-wakeup to resume the USB bus or return to stop3 mode according to the application requirement.
The RTC interrupt is disabled in Example4 in case the MCU is waken up by RTC interrupt.
Example 4. USB Suspend and Resume Routine
voi d USB_Suspend( voi d)
unsi gned char Resul t ;

/ * I NTENB_RESUME = 1; */ / *MCU r un mode, sel f - power ed*/
USBCTL0_USBRESMEN = 1; / *st op3 mode, Bus- power ed*/
Usb_Devi ce_St at e = USB_SUSPEND; / *USB st at e changes*/
/ *r et ur n at her e, i f i t i s sel f - power ed, and does not enet er i nt o st op3*/
RTC_DI SBALE( ) ; / *di sabl e RTC*/

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Resul t = USB_WakeUp( ) ;
}whi l e( ! Resul t ) ;

i f ( Resul t == 2)
USB_Remot e_Wakeup( ) ;
r et ur n;
unsi gned char USB_WakeUp( voi d)
i nt del ay_count ;

asmSTOP; / *MCU ent er s st op3*/

Usb_Devi ce_St at e = CONFI GURED_STATE;
i f ( ( ! USBCTL0_LPRESF) && ( Kbi _St at ) )
i f ( Usb_St at . Bi t Ct l . Remot eWakeup == 1)
r et ur n 2;
el se
r et ur n 0;
el se
del ay_count = 50;
del ay_count - - ;
}whi l e( del ay_count ) ;
r et ur n 1;
el se
r et ur n 0;
If the USB device does not need to enter stop3 mode, the firmware can set RESUME bit, clear SLEEPF
bit, and change the USB device state to suspend. After this, it can return to the main routine.
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The LPRESF bit in USBCTL0 is checked in the USB interrupt service routine (USB_ISR routine in
Example5). It is set when the USB device is resumed from stop3 mode. The USBRESUMEN bit must be
cleared immediately to clear LPRESF low power resume bit in USB ISR. The SLEEPF bit is set when
the USB bus is idle for more than 3 ms. The firmware sets the Usb_Device_State to WAIT_SUSPEND and
clears the SLEEPF bit in the USB interrupt routine.
The firmware calls USB_Suspend routine to avoid entering stop in the USB interrupt service routine when
the USB state changes to WAIT_SUSPEND. The WAIT_SUSPEND state is a middle state that is switched
to suspend instantaneously, so it does not appear in the USB state machine.
The USB_Remote_Wakeup is called when the remote-wakeup signal is issued by the USB device. It sets
the CRESUME bit in the CTL register to generate the remote-wakeup signal on the USB bus, then clears
this bit in 15 ms.
Example 5. USB Suspend and Resume Processing and Remote Wakeup Routine
voi d i nt er r upt 7 USB_I SR( )
USBCTL0_USBRESMEN = 0; / *cl ear t hi s bi t i mmedi at el y
/ *The pr ocessi ng f or ot her USB i nt er r upt f l ag*/
Usb_Devi ce_St at e = WAI T_SUSPEND;
r et ur n;
voi d USB_Remot e_Wakeup( voi d)
st at i c wor d del ay_count ;
USB_WakeFr om_Suspend( ) ;

CTL_CRESUME = 1; / * St ar t RESUME si gnal */

del ay_count = 8000; / * Set RESUME l i ne f or 1- 15 ms*/
del ay_count - - ;
}when( del ay_count ) ;

CTL_CRESUME = 0; / * Cl ear RESUME si gnal */
r et ur n;
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 32
4 Summary
USB PHY implements the physical layer of USB protocol.
The SIE of the USB module implements the transferring and receiving logic. It can complete most of the
USB low-level protocol automatically. The programer immediately needs to set some registers and read
or write data.
All 256 bytes of USB RAM are separate from MCU RAM. It provides the space for USB BDT and data
buffer of the endpoint. The ping-pong buffer can be used to improve the data throughput.
The USB device designer can use the on-chip or external regulator with the pullup resistor.
Based on all the features described in this document, the MC9S08J M60 USB module provides an easy way
for the USB device development. The designer will spend considerably less time on the low level of USB
protocol. This enables efficient design of the USB stack firmware.
The MC9S08J M60 USB firmware design has also been discussed. The illustration for firmware structure,
USB initialization, USB interrupt processing, the USB device state machine, the implementation of control
transfer for enumeration, and the USB suspend and resume provides a lot of information for USB stack
design. With the HID example attached and detailed information that must be noted during the design
process given in this document, the designers can port the USB stack to their applications and focus on the
application layer.
Appendix A Firmware for HID Mouse
An example project is provided for reference. The project is based on the MC9S08J M60 demo board and
CodeWarrior for HC(S)08 V5.1 with the MC9S08J M60 service pack.
This project demonstrates the firmware design for an HID class device and most of the detailed
information is illustrated in this application note. You can compile the project and download it into the
MC9S08J M60 demo board. Attach it on the USB bus. The windows system (XP) can identify this device.
After that, the demo board can work as a mouse.
USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor 33
Appendix B Enumeration Process of an HID Mouse
The enumeration process of HID mouse is shows as follows. It is captured by Lecroy USB Analyzer.
Document Number: AN3560
Rev. 1
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