How Much Do Boycotts Affect A Company's Bottom Line
How Much Do Boycotts Affect A Company's Bottom Line
How Much Do Boycotts Affect A Company's Bottom Line
Jesús Escudero
When a company you like takes a political stance that disagree with—you may feel pressured to join a
you oppose—or the CEO makes a statement you boycott. 1/6
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00:54 27/11/2023 How Much Do Boycotts Affect a Company’s Bottom Line?
out. Only seven percent of American She and colleagues are currently
households were already buying Goya investigating how other companies fare
products regularly and could effectively during boycotts. For example, Tuchman
take part in a boycott. In contrast, any
recently published data showing a boycott
shopper can participate in a buycott. of the audio-streaming-service Spotify did
As for buycotters, the stakes of switching not stop growth in its subscriber base.
grocery-store brands are pretty low: you can
There is one potentially confounding factor
always switch back. Buycotts on higher- that Tuchman and other researchers say
ticket items, where consumers are likely to needs to be examined. When a brand is in
be more risk-averse, may be less effective. the news or trending on social media, the
Finally, grocery-store brands are not highly wave of publicity may act like advertising to
boost sales, meaning people may be more
visible signifiers of political identity. “No
one knows what brand of beans your family likely to buy a product not because they’re
buys,” Tuchman says. Products that are actively participating in the buycott, but
more visible, such as clothes or cars with a because they’ve heard the brand name a lot 4/6
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How Do Activists
Create Change?
TV Advertising Is
Usually Not Worth
It 5/6
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