EE 312 PE Lec 1 Intro

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EE312―Power Electronics

Chap―1: Introduction

Dr. Umar Tabrez Shami

Introduction to the Text Book
Main Text Book:
1) Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, and
Applications by Muhammad H. Rashid, 4th
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2015.

Reference Books:
2) Power Electronics by K.R. Varmah and Chikku
Abraham, Elsevier, 2014
3) Fundamental of Power Electronics by Robert W.
Ericson, Second Edition, 2005
4) Power Electronics by Daniel W. Hart MsGraw-
Hill 2010
Slides Prepared from—Chap—1—Introduction
Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, and Applications

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Applications of Power Electronics
1.3 Types of Power Electronic Circuits
1.7 Characteristics and Specifications of Switches
1.7.1 Ideal Characteristics
1.7.2 Characteristics of Practical Devices
1.7.3 Switch Specifications
1.8 Power Semiconductor Devices
1.9 Control Characteristics of Power Devices
1.1 Applications of Power Electronics
Definition―Power electronics may be defined as the application of solid-state
electronics for the control and conversion of electric power.

One could also define power electronics as the art of converting electrical energy
from one form to another in an efficient, clean, compact, and robust manner for the
energy utilization to meet the desired needs.
1.1 Applications of Power Electronics

 Air-conditioning  Fans
 Appliances  Furnaces
 Battery charger  Hand power tools
 Blowers  Heat controls
 Boilers  High-frequency lighting
 Cement kiln  High-voltage dc (HVDC)
 Electric vehicles  Induction heating
 Electromagnets  Locomotives
 Electromechanical electroplating  Motor controls
 Elevators  Motor drives
1.3 Types of Power Electronic Circuits

The power electronics circuits can be classified into six types:

1. Diode rectifiers
2. DC–DC converters (DC choppers)
3. DC–AC converters (inverters)
4. AC–DC converters (controlled rectifiers)
5. AC–AC converters (ac voltage controllers)
6. Static switches
1.7 Characteristics of Different Power Electronics Switches
1.7.1 Ideal Characteristics
1. In the on-state when the switch is on, it must have (a) the ability to carry a high forward current IF.
2. In the off-state when the switch is off, it must have (a) the ability to withstand a high forward or reverse voltage VBR
3. During the turn-on and turn-off process, it must be completely turned on and off instantaneously so that the device
can be operated at high frequencies.
4. For turn-on and turn-off, it must require a low gate-drive power , a low gate-drive voltage &a low gate-drive current.
5. Both turn-on and turn-off must be controllable.
6. For turning on and off, it should require a pulse signal
7. It must have a high dv/dt
8. It must have a high di/dt
9. It requires very low thermal impedance from the internal junction
10. The ability to sustain any fault current for a long time is needed
11. Negative temperature coefficient on the conducted current is required to result in an equal current sharing when
the devices are operated in parallel.
12. Price is a very important consideration
1.7 Characteristics of Different Power Electronics Switches
1.7.2 Characteristics of Practical Devices
1.7 Characteristics of Different Power Electronics Switches
1.7.3 Switch Specifications
• Voltage ratings:
• Current ratings:
• Switching speed or frequency:
• di/dt rating:
• dv/dt rating
• Switching losses
• Gate-drive requirements:
• Safe operating area (SOA)
• I2It for fusing:
• Temperatures:
• Thermal resistance:
1.8 Power Semiconductor Devices

• Power Diodes
• Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET)
• Bipolar -Junction Transistor (BJT)
• Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)
• Thyristors (SCR, GTO, MCT)
1.9 Control Characteristics of Power Devices
The power semiconductor switching devices can be classified on the basis of:
1. Uncontrolled turn-on and turn-off (e.g., diode);
2. Controlled turn-on and uncontrolled turn-off (e.g., SCR);
3. Controlled turn-on and -off characteristics (e.g., BJT, MOSFET, GTO, IGBT);
4. Continuous gate signal requirement (BJT, MOSFET, IGBT);
5. Pulse gate requirement (e.g., SCR, GTO);
6. Bipolar voltage-withstanding capability (SCR, GTO);
7. Unipolar voltage-withstanding capability (BJT, MOSFET, GTO, IGBT);
8. Bidirectional current capability (TRIAC);
9. Unidirectional current capability (SCR, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, diode).
1.9 Control Characteristics of Power Devices

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