EE450: High Voltage Engineering: Lecture 20, 21

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EE450: High Voltage Engineering

Lecture 20, 21

Farhan Mahmood, PhD

Department of Electrical Engineering
UET, Lahore

January 25, 2017


Measurement of High Voltages

• Measurement of High Voltages

• Voltage Dividers
• Resistive Voltage Dividers
• Resistive-Capacitive Voltage Dividers
• Capacitive Voltage Dividers
• Damped Capacitive Voltage Dividers

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Measurement of High Voltages

• Different types of high voltages are generated in the laboratory to determine the
breakdown voltage of insulating materials.
• The high voltage equipment have large stray capacitances with respect to the
grounded structures and hence, large voltage gradients are set up.
• The intensity of stray electric fields can be controlled by providing proper clearance
between the equipment and the grounded structures to avoid flashover.
• A person handling these equipment and the measuring devices must be protected
against these over voltages.

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Measurement of High Voltages

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Voltage Dividers

• A potential divider consists of two impedances, Z1 and Z2, connected in series, to

which the voltage to be measured is applied.
• The components that constitute the impedances are referred to as the high- and low-
voltage arms of the divider.
• The connection between the low-voltage arm and the measuring instrument must be
made through a shielded coaxial cable to avoid the adverse effects of stray
capacitance between that connection and the high-voltage arm.
• Thus, a potential divider converts the applied high-voltage into a low-voltage signal
compatible with the electronic measuring equipment.
• The essential requirement is that the wave shape to be measured is correctly
reproduced on the oscillograph with a known voltage reduction ratio.

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Voltage Dividers

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Voltage Dividers

• Measuring system can be represented by a two-port passive (four-terminal) network.

• For the sake of analysis, the response of this two-port network can be determined by
the application of unit-step voltage, or chopped impulse voltage at the input.
• The input voltage of the measuring system is represented by a unit step function,

• If input voltage = Ai u (t), then output voltage = Ao w (t),

where w (t) is the response of the circuit to the step function
• The response w (t) could be slowly rising curve reaching the final value or damped
transient oscillations.

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Voltage Dividers

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Voltage Dividers

• The response behavior is defined in terms of response time that measures how
much the output voltage lags behind the input voltage when the input is a linearly
rising voltage. Mathematically,

• For a well-designed system, the response time should be as small as possible.

• According to IEC publication No. 60060-1, a maximum overshoot of
˗ 3% is allowed for the full impulse wave
˗ 5% for an impulse wave chopped on the front at times shorter than 1 μs

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Voltage Dividers

• In order to fulfil these requirements, the response time of the divider must not
exceed 0.2 μs for full impulse waves 1.2/50 μs or 1.2/5 μs or impulse waves
chopped on the tail.
• If the impulse wave is chopped on the front at time shorter than 1 μs, the response
time must be not greater than 5% of the time to chopping.

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Voltage Dividers

• If the voltage to be measured is V1 and sampled voltage V2, then

• If the impedances are pure resistances, then

• In case pure capacitances are used,

• The voltage V2 is normally only a few hundred volts and hence, the value of Z2 is so
chosen that V2 across it gives sufficient deflection on a CRO.

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Voltage Dividers

• Advantages of potential dividers:

˗ Most accurate and convenient method
˗ Provide a continuous measurement of all the types of applied high voltages i.e.
dc, ac and impulse voltages.
• The suitability of the type of divider depends on the type of voltage as well as the
range of magnitude of the voltage to be measured.
• Accordingly, there are following types of potential dividers:
˗ Pure resistive,
˗ Pure capacitive,
˗ Series/parallel combination of resistance and capacitance.

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Voltage Dividers


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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• Pure resistive arm or divider can be used for the

measurement of dc and ac voltages at power frequency.
• A resistance potential divider with an electrostatic or high
impedance voltmeter is shown in figure.
• The magnitude of high voltage, that is, the dc voltage across
the low voltage arm R2 is given by,

• High voltage magnitude, V is given by,

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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• R1 is usually implemented as a series connection of a plurality of

individual resistors, which are often arranged in the form of a helix.
• R1 has a high ohmic value but should allow a current magnitude of at
least 0.5 mA at rated voltage.
• The resistor chain R1 is housed in a highly insulating tube filled with dry
air or insulating oil, the insulating medium being circulated for better
heat dissipation.
• The lower resistor R2 is generally a parallel connection of a large
number of individual resistors, often housed separately from R1 in a
metal box at the bottom of the voltage divider. This allows an easy
change of the lower resistor R2 to obtain a different division ratio.

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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• In the case of AC voltages,

• The magnitude of the divider ratio is,

• The output voltage V2 will be shifted in phase from the measured voltage V1 by,

• Therefore, for the output voltage V2 to represent V1 faithfully, this phase shift should
vanish. This can be achieved by,

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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• The high-ohmic design and large dimensions of

DC voltage dividers limit their bandwidth, so that
the ripple of the DC voltage cannot be often
measured correctly.
• This is mainly due to the distributed stray
capacitances Ce′ of the voltage divider to
ground, through which the AC component of the
DC voltage flows as shown in Figure.
• The distributed stray capacitances to ground
Equivalent circuit diagram of a high-
causes a non-linear voltage distribution along a
ohmic DC voltage divider with
resistor column and overstresses individual distributed capacitances Ce′ to ground
and parallel capacitances Cp1′ and Cp2′.
elements during breakdown of a test object.

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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• The stray capacitance will vary according to the distance

of a point from earth on the length of the resistor.
• Depending on the dimensions of the voltage divider, the
stray capacitances are in the order of 15–20 pF/m.
• If the parallel capacitances Cp1′ are negligible, a simplified
equivalent circuit diagram of the high-ohmic DC voltage
divider can be developed used in which a capacitance
2/3Ce is connected in parallel to (R1/2 + R2).
• The reason is that since R1 >> R2, approximately ⅔ Ce,
that is, two-third of the total stray capacitance to earth will
Simplified equivalent circuit for
be located approximately at the center of the resistive negligible parallel
column. capacitances Cp1′ and Cp2

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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• The point where the effect of stray capacitance to earth is

averaged, divides the total R1 into two identical
resistances each having a value of R1/2, and the parallel
combination of these resistances gives an equivalent
resistance of R1/4.
• Due to the charged stray capacitances, high transient
voltages can occur in the event of a sudden switch-off or
failure of the DC voltage supply, resulting in damage or
destruction of the resistors, particularly in the upper region
of the voltage divider.

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Resistive Voltage Dividers

• The time constant of the divider becomes,

• Since Cs = ⅔ Ce,

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Resistive-Capacitive Voltage Divider

• In order to improve the transfer behavior, the capacitors

C1′ and C2 are occasionally added in parallel to the
individual resistor stages R1 ′ und R2 of the voltage
• This divider is also called parallel-mixed RC divider.
• In order to reduce the influence of the stray capacitance
Ce, a ratio of C1/Ce ≥ 3 is desirable.
• The parallel capacitor chain of this resistive-capacitive
voltage divider reduces the effect of stray capacitances
and minimize the danger that transient overvoltages
destroy the resistors.

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Resistive-Capacitive Voltage Divider

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

• Resistive potential dividers suffer from two main drawbacks:

˗ Power losses
˗ Stray capacitance to earth
• These factors limit the use of resistive potential dividers to voltages below 100 kV at
50 Hz and even lower voltages at higher frequencies.
• Therefore, capacitive potential dividers are more suitable to use with AC voltage,
particularly at high voltages and high frequencies.
• Capacitive voltage dividers cannot be used for DC voltage measurements, since a
completely undefined resistive divider ratio results from undefined insulation
resistances and from the load impedance.

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

• Capacitive high-voltage dividers generally consist of a number of series-connected

capacitors arranged one above the other.
• The high AC voltage is applied to the top electrode of the divider, and a true-to-scale
reduced voltage is available for measurement at the output terminal, i.e. at the
lowest capacitor.
• The output voltage, which is usually limited to not more than 2 kV, is then evaluated
by an analog or digital measuring device.

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

• The capacitive voltage divider has inductances of the components and high-voltage
leads as well as stray capacitances to ground and to electrodes, e.g. to the torus
electrode on the divider top.
• In the case of capacitive AC voltage dividers, the distributed stray capacitances Ce′
must be taken into account because they affect the division ratio and the frequency
• The current ie′ flowing through Ce′, in particular the higher frequency components,
does not reach the capacitor C2 and is thus lost in the measurement result.
• Therefore, the stray current leads to a division ratio different from the theoretical
value (C1 + C2)/C1 of the simple series connection with C1 and C2.

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

Capacitive voltage divider with distributed stray

capacitances Ce′ to ground

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

• All partial capacitances Ce′ are assumed to be approximately equal.

• In the usual vertical arrangement of the voltage divider, the stray capacitance to
ground is in the range 15–20 pF/m, depending on the diameter of the voltage divider.
• Accordingly, two equivalent circuit diagrams are proposed:

Simple equivalent circuit diagrams of a

capacitive voltage divider taking into
account the stray capacitance Ce.
a. Parallel capacitance 2/3Ce,
b. Reduced high-voltage capacitance C1
− 1/6Ce

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

• In the Figure a, a capacitance 2/3Ce is connected in parallel to half of the high-

voltage capacitance.
• In Figure b, C1 is reduced by a factor of 1/6Ce so that the effective capacitance Ceff in
the high-voltage branch is:

• Both diagrams show that the effective high-voltage capacitance C1 is reduced by a

part of the ground capacitance Ce.
• In other words, the division ratio becomes larger and the output voltage u2 is

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

• Furthermore, both equivalent circuit diagrams show that the transfer behavior of a
capacitive voltage divider for frequencies up to the kHz range can be assumed to be
approximately frequency-independent.
• Due to the stray capacitances, the exact division ratio u1/u2 cannot be calculated
from C1 and C2 but must be determined from measurements.
• The division ratio of voltage dividers is predominantly dimensioned such that the
maximum output voltage u2 (t) at the rated input voltage is usually 1 kV or 2 kV.

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Capacitive Voltage Dividers

Problem 1: Design a resistive voltage divider for 1 MV, 1.2/50 μs impulse voltage
using standard resistors available, for a 2 m high vertical cylindrical divider with a
distributed capacitance to ground of 15 pF/m height, with T = 50 ns.
• Problem 2: Select a capacitor required for the low voltage arm of a capacitive
voltage divider to provide a peak voltage of 200 V on the oscilloscope when the high
voltage arm of the divider has capacitance of 1 nF and the voltage of 1 MV peak is to
be measured. Neglect the surge impedance of the delay cable.
• Problem 3: Design a capacitive voltage divider for a voltage of up to 100 kV (RMS)
to be measured with a conventional low voltage voltmeter to give a full-scale
deflection of 200 V for the maximum RMS voltage to be measured.

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Damped Capacitive Voltage Divider

• The damped capacitive impulse voltage divider, also called universal divider, is
particularly well suited for measuring AC, lightning impulse voltages and other fast
transient voltages up to the UHV range, usually in conjunction with a digital recorder
at the divider output.
• The damped capacitive divider consists of a large number of series connected
resistors and capacitors in the high- and low-voltage parts.
• Figure shows the internal damping resistors R1 ′ in series with the capacitors C1 ′ in
the high-voltage part and R2 ′ in series with C2 ′ in the low-voltage part.
• Due to the distributed damping resistors, the oscillations which occur with rapidly
changing voltages in the purely capacitive voltage divider by the traveling waves are
successfully suppressed.

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Damped Capacitive Voltage Divider

• The damped capacitive impulse voltage divider works as a capacitive divider for low
signal frequencies and as a resistive divider for high frequencies.
Measuring system with damped capacitive
voltage divider and digital recorder.
1. Damped capacitive impulse voltage divider,
2. Coaxial cable with wave impedance Z and
cable capacitance Ck,
3. Digital recorder,
4. Burch termination C3R3 for longer coaxial

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Damped Capacitive Voltage Divider

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Series Ammeter with High Ohmic Resistors

• Ohm’s law provides a method to reduce high voltages to

measurable quantities, i.e. adequate currents or low voltages.
• The simplest method employs a microammeter in series with
a resistor R of sufficiently high value to keep the loading of an
h.v. source as small as possible.
• Thus, for a pure resistance R, the measured quantities are
related to the unknown high voltage by,
Assuming the voltage drop in the meter is negligible, as the
impedance of the meter is only few ohms compared to few
hundred mega-ohms of the series resistance R.

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Series Ammeter with High Ohmic Resistors

• In case the series resistance R fails or flashes over, heavy current will flow through
• To divert this current, a paper gap, a neon glow tube, or a zener diode with a
suitable series resistance is connected across the meter as a protection against high
• The resistance is constructed from a large number of wire wound resistors in series.
• The ohmic value of the series resistance R is chosen such that a current of 1-10 μA
is allowed for full-scale deflection.
• The voltage drop in each resistor element is chosen to avoid surface flashovers and
discharges (5 kV/cm in air and 20 kV/cm in good oil is allowed).

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Series Ammeter with High Ohmic Resistors

• The material for resistive elements is usually a carbon-alloy with temperature

coefficient less than 10-4/ .
• The resistor chain is provided with corona free terminations.
• The limitations in the series resistance design are:
˗ Power dissipation and source loading
˗ Temperature effects and long time stability
˗ Voltage dependence of resistive elements
˗ Sensitivity to mechanical stresses

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