Possible - no constituent
Impossible - im-possible
Asocial - a-social Boys - boy-s
Truthfulness - truth-ful-ness
Unfaithfulness - un-faith-ful-ness
Orthographic (written form) and subsequently phonetics realization of a morpheme, i.e it is physically identifiable
However there are words which have two morphemes but only one morph or phonetic realization
Morp - morphemes
Went - go + past morpheme (-ed)
Took - take + past morpheme (-ed)
Liked - like + past morpheme (-ed)
All nouns that don't have plural forms, the morph is technically called ZERO MORPH
Sheep - sheep + zero morph
Deer - deer + zero morph
Since allomorph are also orthographically represented they are all morphs but not all morphs are allomorph.
Fundamental forms of a word in which it appears in a dictionary and works as the source of other forms of the
AFFIXATION - Process of addition of morphemes (affixes) to a words according to the grammatical (inflectional) or
semantic (derivational) requirements in a particular context.
Free Morphemes - root words which always carry the main meaning of a sentence. Dependent
Lexical Free Morphemes - morphemes are open to affixation. You can adda prefic or suffix to the word. Mercy
(ful), Play (ful). Content words in a language, nouns verbs adjectives adverbs. Contain the central meaning in a
Functional Free Morphemes - morphemes which are not open to affixation because they are the function words
and it refers to the words that are required fulfill a certain grammatical function.
Examples: a, an, the - articles and, but, because - conjunctions in, on, by, under over - prepositions i, me, he, she -
Bound Morphemes - Meant to be connected to free morphemes. All prefixes and suffixes. Independent.
Derivational Bound Morphemes - these are prefixes or suffixes that are use in forming a word.
Inflectional Bound Morphemes - realize only to suffixes and doesn't change the classification of word
Inflectional Morphemes
Those which are used to fulfill the grammatical requirements. It is seen that nouns or verbs take different forms
depending on person, number, tense etc. in sentences.
They are used as present tense arker in words like goes, plays, etc., as st tense marker in words like worked, nced,
etc., as present participle rker in words like going, walking, ,and as past participle in words like en, given, etc.
They are used as comparative and superlative degree markers in words like greater, sweeter, greatest sweetest,
It fulfills the grammatical necessity in a sentence. It fulfills the semantic necessity in a sentence.
Doesn't change the class of the root, ie. it is always It change the class of the root, ie. it is always class
class maintaining. maintaining and class changing.
It doesn't alter the meaning of the word. It alters the meaning of the word.
CLASS CHANGING MORPHEMES - those that change the grammatical category of the root after affixation.
CLASS MAINTAINING MORPHEMES - those that do not cause the change of grammatical class of
Two Ante Before
Ex Former
Tri Three
Fore Before
Tentra Four
Pre Before
Penta Five
Post After
Hexa Six
Neo New
Hepta Seven
Re Again
Octa Eight
Nano Nine
Deca Ten
Multi Many
Under Within
Intra Within
Inter Out
Ir Not Co Together
Un Not
Mal Not
STEM - Part of a words which remains after an inflectional suffix is removed from it.
BASE - Form of a words which is open to affixation of any kind, inflectional or derivational.